Established VOL. XVI 1901 Entered as PORTLAND, , Second-Cass Mail Matter Aujr 18 1902 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1916 and June 23, 1915, at the PostoSlce at Portland. Maine PRICE 5 CENTS DROWNED AT THUNDER HOLE CHILD'S RESTAURANT MISS GRACE TYLER PRATT LOSES BUSTIN'S ISLAND SUMMER LIFE WHILE WATCHING SURF COL- ONY HOLD UNIQUE AFFAIR. Washed from Footing at Bailey Is- The One of the Summer land's Social Activi- Tourist Not Natural Wonder Last Sat- Principal Preserve ties. Why urday. Mss Grace Tyler Pratt, authoress Monday nfternoon marked another will find our store The and teacher at the full of attractive of Summer Girls' High school milestone in Bustin's social activi- good things at Boston, Mass., was drowned in the ties, when a replica of Child's Res- surf at the Thunder merchandise to take to use next Winter? Hole, Bailey Is- taurant was opened at "Midwood," home. land, at noon. Miss Saturday The accident MacDonald's home. The en- occurred when no one was within vironment was not exactly Child's sight, but at first cries, thought to be setting, for the tables were set on sea gulls finally attracted the atten- her broad Souvenir Metal and Fir Be piazzas, but the signs were Novelties Sugar But tion of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. South- in May High, accordance: "Watch your hat," worth of who Ware, Mass., ran for "Not {responsible for umbrellas not and Blueberries do not the nearest boat at the Kodaks, need much sugar. Fruit Paton cottage checked," "Check your Developing jars over coat," "Be- a quarter of a mile war at away. By of pickpockets," etc. Miss Kath- less than the wholesale the time could price. they launch this from Barnett was head Printing the arineij waitress and beach below the Homestead ho- we understand her efficiency so im- Tennis and Golf Outfits Quarts . 6c each or 72c a dozen Fine Leather Goods Pints . 5c each or 60c a dozen Stationery and Famous Large Mouth Style—"Ball's Sure Seal" Make Engraving Books and Magazines Waterman Fountain Pens R. S. DAVIS CO. The Complete Homefurnishers Cor. Exchange and Federal Streets Loring, Short & Harmon F. E. HASKELL, Treasurer Monument Sq.


tei ana row back to the at Jleaka 3alan& : : : (Eaarn spot least pressed some customers that she has Sag. £Hattte With twenty minutes had elapsed. a high salaried position for the fu- Miss Pratt could not swim and was ture. She was assisted by the fol- found unconscious, but still NOW OPEN floating, lowing waitresses: The Misses Ful- about fifty feet from the rocks of the ZINOLIN ler, Hosmer, Twiss, Ha- Thunder Hole. Her still form French, proved worth, Mrs. Byram, Mrs. Fischer. too great a load for the small boat around salt water will Miss Miller, Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Dol- last and by advice of Capt. Bib- Famous for Woodbury liver. Mrs. Twiss was an years who had also able and ho'.d ber, reached the The longer a s^ne menu consisted of *or its liberal man- brighter m small boat, no Kitempl c:>^pr. uaLiiked, a cup of coffee and a than lead and oil. It's to lift her, but she was drawn through dougbnut for fifteen cents, and be- agement, the water to the beach where heroic superb cause of the high class chefs and guaranteed. efforts were made to resuscitate her. location and cooks in the most fine Doctor J. G. with kitchen, people Gehring, Doctors had a second. Joseph Lang and P. shore dinners. Ev- George Landers, The kitchen was all summer residents from New York presided over by "Alphonse" (Mr. "Gaston" modern. and New Jersey, assisted by a dozen Twiss), erything (Mr. Brainard), "Julie" (Miss Mac- others, kept up the work for over two Accommodates Donald), who mixed-gallons of 500. (non poironour) hours without success. bat-_| ter, and "Marie" (Mrs. White.) Miss Pratt had been the The Rates, booklets and occupying affair provided much amuse-'1 "Arnold-izecTZinc paint cottage of Miss M. A. Estabrook near ment, while $18 was added to floor on' the rocks where the nearly plans ap- accident happen- the B. I. C. A. treasury. ed and was accompanied by her moth- The old Bustin's was er and a spirit fur- plication. sister, Miss Lucy Pratt, also ther evidenced a writer. She had spent her summers Monday evening, W. when about fifteen old F. Paint Ca at West summer resi- Bragdon Deerfield, Mass., and at Na- dents serenaded many of the Is- Me., where a a The Yellow Front ples,' brother, clergy- landers with old-time Mail Ordars Given Cartful Paint Store resides. She songs. man, had her winter and Prompt Attention home with Mrs. Wm. H. Gage of 1G 47 EXCHANGE.STREET. PORTLAND Oxford street, Cambridge, Mass. She'had been in the habit-of spend- PEAKS Cut Prices on all for & on some ISUNdTkOUSE Agents Page to hours each the your way and from the boat day watching Sha scene Drugs and Patent ■, Fish, Apollo at the Thunder Hole, where MANY, LECTURES AND ENTER- and uutch Daintier waves and rocks form an unusually TAINMENTS ARE BEING GIVEN (Medicines interesting combination. On Satur- HERE. Candies day she donned a bathing suit in or- der to reach a spot nearer the spray Social Items of Interest To Guests Brownie Cameras and eet wet with it Thp hpiipf nf KODAKS I Staying Here. {\lmost everyone is that a larger wave $1.25 up than usual washed her frail form from This $6 up year's certainly has been a her on Before You hold the slippery ledges and most successful one for the hotel. Decide on she was immediately for her So or fighting many people have come here this Brine send your films to us for Developing, Printing or life in the seas between as Enlarging huge foaming year to make it necessary to use rock the the sheer walls and in water Union House as an overflow for or twenty to thirty feet in depth. A those who wished The Liquor Drug Treatment to stay here. Much Simmons & Hammond Store swimmer extri- is Consider strong could hardly being done tor the comfort and carefully Into whose hands you place yourself. Serious SUMNER C. DAVIS, Jr., Prop., Pharmacist investigation by phyaicians and prospective patients results in Invariably (Contlnued on page 7.) (Continued on selecting the KEJEJLJBY—the Original, Scientific, Ra- page 7.) 633 Congress Street tional Treatment. Soda Briefly here's why: 36 years' success, skilled Koddks physicians, kindly treatment, natural health building, reasonable no charges, restraints, no drastic methods, no publicity. We treat both men and women. No nausea or bad after effects— we do not use emetics or Hyoscine, "knock-outs." Established 38 years. Interesting booklet mailed in plain, sealed wrapper. Write today. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE 523 CUMBERLAND AVENUE, COR. MELLEN STREET

■ P"I FINAL CUEARAN6E 1 \/y 5o!f£nce

Miss Harriet Khunhart ana Her brother, Mr. Khunhart, who were both the See Our guests of Miss Mary Ballard Showing of all last week, returned to their home in Philadelphia last Sunday after- noon. Miss Sallie Pickard has as a guest ser Miss Grace of St. Silk Dyer Louis Mis- souri. Mrs. Pickard is Kay entertaining Hosiery Mrs. William E. Fowler of Westboro,: For Mass. Mrs. Fowler and her those completing articles of your vaca- husband, | Judge Fowler, have spent previous tion wardrobe call on us. summers at and that the West End colony. Underwear Everything Mrs. men and wear. A line George Pickard is also a guest boys large of sporting here. A* apparel ttj* A* Last Sunday afternoon the KAYSER christen- SILK HOSIERY KAYSER SILK UNDERWEAR ing of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ballard's Pure Thread Silk FRANK M. LOW C& CO. daughter occurred at the church here. Hosiery, with Italian Silk Union Suits, French Dr. Durgee, M'3. Ernest Ballard's with fine lisle garter tops, top, plain and embroidered, NOW in BENOITS father, performed the ceremony. The high spliced heel, reinforced white or flesh color, at 272-278 Middle young miss, who is and 8t., Monument Me eight weeks old, sole and toe at $3.50 $4.03 Sq., Portland, was named Susan Rankin $1.00 Ballard. Italian Silk Union Suits, with Mr. Pure Thread Silk William Hill, crack shot for the Hosiery, full silk top and jersey silk lisle extra Remington Metallic length, high spliced pant, flesh tion on the important Cartridge Co., reinforced, color subject of the entertained the members of Ladies' gave an exhibition of heel and toe, at $1.50 at day, woman shooting for only, $2.00 and $2.25 suffrage. During the past Circle of the Mr. and } Chestnut Street church Ballard guests on the tennis Italian Silk full Itrlirn Silk Vests, with French winter Mrs. Kelley has delivered her in Hosiery, length, Portland. All present a court. Mr. Hill shot at or lecture on enjoyed various arti- extra heavy and fine, double t*p fancy beading, plain Civics before many of the cles thrown in thoroughly pleasurable day -and re- the air. He broke heel, sole and toe or embroidered, in white or women's clubs of the country. Mr. five $1.50 gretfully left the island on the late eggs in succession that were flesh $1.69, $2 00 and $2.50 Kelley is a prominent barrister in afternoon thrown Pure Thread Silk boat. Those present were high in the air. Stockings, Italian Silk Knickers, rein- Boston, Mass. Mrs. T. E. Dr. James T. with both reinforced and Summit House. McDonald, Mrs. Hattie Albion, a summer forced, in wh'te, flesh or Mr. Jack Lambert will resident of spliced sole toe The hotel has over fifty tourists accompany Brozier, Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. the island and minister of heel, and $2.00 black $2.50 and his the $3.00 and every day new arrivals regis- parents to the island. George Buxton, Miss Ruth Boynton, Congress Square Church in Port- Mr. Miss Carrie land, will tered. The greater part of the peo- and Mrs. M. L. Phillips of Wor- Cole, Miss Nettie Cole, preach at the M. E. church "Mrs. here next ple at this hotel are planning to re- cester, Mass., are occupying the Rob- George Lord, Miss Flora Lord, Sunday. i Mrs. Dr. main until after Labor Day and some inson cottage at the East End. Mrs. Frank Barrowes, Mrs. Clarence Duryee of Garrison, New York, a of are looked for the middle of next Harry L. Robinson, who has been Cook, Mrs. Jessie Purrington, Mrs. guest Mr. E. A. Ballard, supplied Jessie the pulpit at month. September is getting to be spending the greater part of the sum- Orr, Mrs. Will Minot, Mrs. the church last Sunday. He R. Co. a popular month with many tourists mer here, has returned to her home Potter, Mrs. Clinton Minot, Mrs. preached a powerful and helpful sermon from J. and the in the "Cast D!psarr ideal days that Worcester. Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Mrs. text, your net Libby usually Robinson will Seavey, York, Mrs. M. J. on the right side and CONGRESS, FREE AND OAK prevail then is the best part of the not come to the island again this Hawkes, Mrs. Cynthia Dean, ye sha:: find." STS., PORTLAND Mrs. Dr. is the season to see the island at its best. season. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, who Frank Baldwin, Mrs. Crockett, Duryee minister of the Miss Dutch Reform in There are several New York families are at the cottage now, will remain Lillian Murdock, Mrs. Fish, Mrs. church Garrison and works without here and they are among those that here until after Labor Day. Harry Hamilton, Miss Harmon, Miss salary. Mrs. Dr. will this Ward Thompson of New York a beau- enjoy privilege. Boating Another jolly picnic took Evelyn and Miss Julia Larra- sang and place last bee. bathing are still the principal when Saturday some mem'bers of the Mr. and AUCOCISCO forms of amusement and the new The Ladies' Aid Mrs. Oliver who East End went on a Society of the Meth* Komlosy, Colony picnic have been Mrs. bathing raft placed on the waters of to Jewell's odist Episcopal church wish to con- visiting Julia Kom- Island in Captain Brew- have now the south shore the vey their thanks to all who losy returned to their home and by Improvement er's boat. Those included in the assisted is par- by contribution in New York. Mrs. Cottages Society greatly appreciated by the ty were Miss Julia or patronage to their Ralph Raymond Ash, Miss Eliza- of N. bathers. recent fair at Hillcrest Hall. It Watertown, Y., arrived last beth Ash, Miss Margaret Miss is CLIPP ISLAND, MAINE Mr. G. Errisson Newell, now estimated Tuesday a week ago for a month's Faucett of Stam- Mary Newell, Mr. that the sum of $170 is George Watkins, was visit. Mr. Raymond will come ford, Conn., at the hotel for his Miss Harriet realized. later. Sweeney, Miss Edith He is at present summer outing. Mr. Fawcett has The Red Dragon Gift Shop and Tea motoring through Hawkins, Mr. Harris Newell. Miss the White References—Special rates for Deen coming here since his Room is a Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. early tiiizaDeth Knowles, Mr. John receiving large patronage July and September. childhood and he has hosts of Morgan this season and at all Harvey Pulford of Ottawa, Canada, friends Ash, Professor and hours of the on Mrs. Harmon and were guests here last the island and among the guests day it is thronged with patrons. De- week. Mr. Pul- MRS. K. B. BATCHELOP. daughter Margaret, and Mr. Thomas ford is a famous at the hotel. veloping work of all kinds will Canadian hockey Crosby. All enjoyed a receive Dr. Charles W. splendid pic- prompt attention. player and oarsman. He was the McPherson, wife nic lunch on the and rocks and so en- winner of the children of Medford, Mass., reg- There are few people on the island Stanley cup for several joyed themselves that it was not un- who years in succession and a istered at the hotel last week for a realize what a fine baseball team member of til late afternoon that j the two weeks' they returned «,«»c champion crew of at the sojourn. The family were I lumr worn is not re- America here. only time of among the guests of last season. markable for an island team out if King George's coronation. Miss Margaret Hamilton is The were visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Pinkus of For Your following the recent ar- Miss playing semi-professional ball tbey Summer Julia Stenhouse for a week at I Wilton are in Jim's Home rivals G. Errisson Faucett, would be doing excellent work. Last Camp for the rest MAPLEWARE LUNCH PAPER Stamford, the cottage of her of SETS, DRINKING CUPS, NAPKINS Edward J. parents, Mr. and Saturday afternoon the summer. ICE CREAM Conn., Fischel, N. Y., Mrs. T. B. perhaps brought PLATES, DISHES. PAPERS OF ALL KINDS. Lena O. H. Stenhouse. Miss Ham- out the fact Miss Louise Gibbons of Trenton. Benjamin, Central Falls, as to just how good our is ilton is summering with her New is There nothing better for roofs than Mrs. T. C. Carlin, Miss family at team is, when it defeated the Jersey, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Pawtucket, Crr's Maine. Wood- E. Irene D. Carlin Island, fords Athletic Club E. Bates for a stay of short dura- ! Pawtucket, Fedora A. Miss by the s?t,re of 9 GENASCO TRINIDAD LAKE March, who has been the to 0. tion. ASPHALT ROOFING Benjamin, Central Falls, The Woodfords club has one Josephine guest of Mrs. John Mr. Write for S. Morgan Ash for of the and and Mrs. Charles A. Hamilton Samples Reardon, Lowell, Henry Poole, a strongest best teams in the month at her cottage on Artist's have as at the Albert Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Poole, state, they themselves having been guests Gran- Point, left the island a week nell house Miss Passaic, N. J., Mathilda H. Ellis, ago beaten only twice before last Satur- Mary Fowler of Rum- C. Friday for her home in ford and Mr. M. RICE PAPER Phila., Mrs. Clinton H. Philadelphia. day. This was Frank Perkins of Bux- COMPANY Bishop, Port- Mr. victory due to the General Arthur John Morgan Ash joined his fam- ton. Me. Paper Dealers land, A. Benjamin, Central good batting of the Chebeague nine 8 TO 16 ily the latter part of the and Miss Clara Beals EXCHANGE STREET Falls, Miss Z. T. Voorhees, Detroit, week for to the fine pitching of E. Dolan of Woodfords, PORTLAND, MAINE his vacation, which will extend into who Me is Mrs. G. O. Hamilton Florence M. Smith, Detroit, Mr. and held the Athletics to three hits, visiting September. This is the at her summer Mrs. G. A. Waters, Dr. first time all of which were singles. No home here. Holyoke, Mr. Wood- Charles Ash has been on the island this fords man Mrs. William Mildram and W. McPherson, Medford. during the whole game suc- daugh- season. His ter Mr. Ayers of the family will return with ceeded in Helen and son Russell have re- Mr. Fred who has been commercial de- getting beyond second base, Demarest, week's visit with Mr. and him when he returns to resume while cently arrived at their cottage which his Mrs. J. H. partment of the New England Tele- his only one reached as far as that. visiting parents here for two Bibo at the Chase business in McGoon thev will for two cottage. phone & Telegraph company was Philadelphia. and Driscoll were excellent occupy weeks. They weeks, returned to his business in Mr. and will then New Miss Clara Munroe of here on the island two Mrs. owners of in their each one return to their home in York city last days last Cooper, fielding making a Saturday. is Cambridge. Tarrymore near MeJrose, Mass. Mr. Mass., the guest of Mrs. week and in company with Postmas- cottage Eastern spectacular catch. The summary: Clarence Driscoll of Maiden, W. L. are here Rev. Fred R. Banister and has Chaloner at the Bacon for ter Henry W. Bowen a complete can- Landing, for a two weeks' family Mass., been the guest for about cottage tea stay on the CHEBEAGUE of Cornish. Me.. a week of Mr. days. vass of Chebeague, Cousins and Little- island. Mr. and Mrs. were_the guests last Woodbury, Boston, are AB R BH tt cca ui ncv. *J. rI. rvtfiniUK Hi who is Mr. and Mrs. john's islands was made relating to Cooper entertaining as a house PO A E me summering here. Wm. Heaid and Mr. the guest Miss J. Dolan, cf 4 3 2 1 0 0 pastorate. ?£r. Banister la the min- A R. H. Sueatt of installing of telephone service on Elizabeth Knowles, who delightful porch dance was held Lawrence, Mass., were will remain with McGoon, If 4 2 110 0 ister of church in on Dr. Hale's the guests of Mr. these islands. The company have them throughout Congregational spacious veranda one and Mrs. Albert their visit on the Driscoll, 3b '4 3 2 0 3 0 Cornish. He the Sun- Heald for a week at made a careful survey of the pro- island. supplied pulpit evening recently. An impromptu mu- the Curtis cottage Mr. R. 2b 4 0 day before last for Mr. sical after which posed route etc., and to completely George Watkins, who has been Heuer, 2 1 2 0 Remick. program and ensemble were en- Mr. and Mrs. Albert a two Wilkes, rf 5 0 0 1 0 0 George E. the the Heald and son install a system it will cost approx- spending weeks' vacation on Leonard, enterpris- j joyed. During course of the eve- William moved intp the Sweeney, ss 4 110 2 1 ing grocer of the has delicious Miss Gould's imately $9000. The expenses to island, returned to Springfield, island, recently ning refreshments were cottage, the Ledges. «i Howell, 1b 3 0 1 12 purchased a new Ford runabout j served. operate the service will cost at least Mass., last Sunday afternoon. Mr. 0 0 ; Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. H. c 4 0 which will be Evans of $1800 a year. The canvass Sweeney wilj resume his Heuer, 1 11 1 0 converted into a deliv- the Misses Hale, Miss Miriam Wheel- Jamaica made last business E. Plain, Mass., have arrived week was to see with the Strathmore Dolan, p 4 0 0 0 2 1 ery wagon. With this addition Mr. right, Ruth for a how many would Paper company Driscoll, Dorothy Driscoll visit to Mrs. H. B. Soule at in Leonard will have two automobile tha subscribe for telephones and the re- Springfield. Mr. Watkins has and Messrs. Jack, Roger and Leo House in the Pines. Totals 36 9 10 trucks and therefore will sults obtained to date are not too never before been on the island but 27 10 2 delivery be Driscoll. Miss Grace Hall of he able to give much better service to Maiden, Mass., bright to say the least. The com- has made many friends and had WOODFORDS Bates Hut wa3 the scene of a is at Mrs. Reynold's for ATHLETICS. his jolly two weeks. pany desire a three lease from a most enjoyable two weeks patrons. card party on Mr. and Mrs. A. year here. AB R BH PO A E Monday evening when C. Burdick of Man- each On last Rev. and Mrs. James T. Albion have i Miss subscriber at the rental $18.00 Monday afternoon Miss 3b Pearl Bates entertained a num- chester, N. H., have returned •Cady, 4 0 0 1 2 0 entertained home af- for residents and $21.00 for Harriet left the recently Mr. and Mrs.! ber of her friends. A ter a pleasant hotels Sweeney island for Lombard, 2b 4 0 0 3 0 0 dainty colla- stay with Mrs. Rej- and stores. The her home in William Kingsbury of Derby Line, N. tion was served. nolds. patrons are offered Newton. Mass. Miss Cook, If 4 0 110 0 Around the tables H. Mrs. George Hunt is a guest Miss daily continuous service for the small Sweeney has been on the island dur- lb 4 nut the Misses Estelle Lilia and Hattie Frost of Corey, 0 0 13 0 1 here for an extended Newtonville, amount of one dollar and a ing many stay. Miss Pauline Miss Mass., has been half per previous summers. She Springer, cf 4 0 1 0 0 1 Hale, Pearl Bates, Miss spending a few day* month. At the has a great Barbara Arnold returned to her home Miriam with MiBs present writing only many friends here. Waterman, ss 3 0 0 0 3 1 Wheelwright, Miss Perdita Marie Palmer. half of the in Passaic, N. J., last week after a guarantee has been se- The Chebeague Baseball team was c Huston, the Misses Bustin's has once more Kelley, 3 0 0 5 4 1 visit of two Driscoll, Messrs. been hon- cured. The island again victorious in weeks. Jack ored by the residents should their game with Shea, rf 3 0 110 0 F., Roger and Leo Driscoll anc annual visit of the see to it that the Mare Mr. and Mrs. Sargent Flint Eaton, Camp project is made a Point. The game was full of G. St. 3 0 0 Mr. Frederick Boothbay boys, from their on John, p 0 5 1 summer residents of this Wheelwright. camp success. Now is the time for all to co- good plays and at no time formerly Mrs. Florence V. Thome Island, in the was it slow island Webber, wife of Kennebec river. operate for it is or but at present members of the As usual two of only by co-operation uninteresting. The score was 32 0 3 24 14 Edw. C. Webber and of the island's that 5 summer at Great Diamond daughter young the plan will succeed. Postmas- Chebeague 7, Mare Point colony Mrs. nnd ladies have gone into 5. Batter- Innings: Island have Lucy Hamilton, the late raptures over ter Henry W. Bowen has ies for recently welcomed a their worked Chebeague R. Heuer, R. Chebeague 1 02 00 4 2 x—9 Solomon F. Hamilton, died at Augus- coming. Wednesday evening for the Driscoll daughter to their home. The young Miss untiringly success of the and Roger Howell. ta Monday afternoon after a short i Eugster gave a dance in their Hits, off E. Dolan 3, G. St. John 8. miss is named Elizabeth Choate movement, for with the writer he Dr. Allan Cooke of illness with honor and Thursday night Mr. Great Diamond Stolen bases, J. Dolan 2, Eaton. pneumonia, at the age Cole lenuzes wnat it means to the Island is on McGoon, did the same. iBianu to the island for a stav of Driscoll R. of 40 years. She was greatly loved They left regretfullj have the fail 2, Howell. Left on bases, Mr. Henry T>ovejoy of West. Med- project at this time. iwo weeks. Mr. Cooke has by all the people here and her Friday afternoon. spent Chebeague 14, W. A. 3. First base ford, Mass., was the week-end guest death | Chebeague residents should see to it many previous summers on to Commissioner J. W. the island on balls, G. St. John 5. of Mr. and brings sadness many. Besides her Paxton of that the number of contracts by Struck Mrs. Fred Ford at their D. needed and is well known as a E. husband she is survived her moth- Washington, C., is two to baseball out, Dolan 10. G. St. John 5. cottage the Fordette at the West End. by weeks spending pay the guarantee is secured. player of Time, Mrs. with Dr. and Mrs. merit. He will probably 2.00. Umpire. Collins. A er, Lucy Hamilton; two broth- Louis W. Mr. Leslie son delightful musical was given by Eugster a their Littlefleld, of Mr. play with the Chebeague team Mrs. M. J. ers, Herman and Clarence Hamilton, cottage, Chalet Alloel. and Mrs. W. during Hawkes and Miss Jessie Miss Bates at her cottaee, Idylhurst. Miss Helen George Littlefleld, of this his visit. Mr. Cooke is and one Hutchinson of captain of Hawkes, the guests last week of members of the sister, Georgia Hamilton. Trenton. island and Miss Alice the Many West End col- N. J., is the rest Dunning of Choate School Baseball team for Mrs. L. C. Funeral services were held nt the spending of the sea- Portland are to be Ooddard, returned to their ony being present. M.'ss Bates played j son with Mrs. married next the coming year. home in home of her mother Clement. month. Mr. Portland last Saturday after- several piano solos as well as render- Wednesday at Miss Sarah Littlefleld is manager of Miss noon 1 Bower and Mr'as Ethel Hart-Lester Harris, who is after having spent a most some most p. m., followed by services at the the Larabee & Bates Goods de- ing pleasing vocal solos G. Clarke of Dry summering with her parents at their lightful and Methodist Episcopal church at 2 Bnnchberry Lodge have Store at enjoyable week here. The concert of victrola music showed p. been on a to Farmington, Maine, where attractive m. These were trip Monliegan. he is cottage, Noddle-Head, has The recent guest of Miss Elizabeth Miss Bates to be a connoisseur of largely attended and Mr. meeting with fine success. as a her the Clinton A. Ricker of guest friend, Miss Margaret Passant, Miss Katherlne Starr, wiin good she floral tributes were beautiful. Bu- Boston. Many of the summer music, choosing much of Mass., is the rest colony are Bebee of has been a rial was in the fcpending of the sum- Springfield, Mass. Miss guest at Lone Ash the world's best music for family lot in the spending a delightful afternoon while cottage operatic mer with Miss Jane Ricker at Oalc Bebee will here for a for over Iwo Island T tro in town at stay week or weeks, returned to Tier her program. cemetery. r»rl B. F. Keith's more Theatre, before returning to home in Winchester last week. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Herbert and where The Eternal is Springfield. Lynde Miss Lucy Wilson of Magdalene now those who are Starr visited Waban, Mass.. Among expected to here last summer and daughter Dorothy and Mrs. Mackin- spent a few playing. The steamer service makes arrive (Java us the guest of th® on the island soon is Dr. Ar- therefore has many friends tosh left, it very convenient for among the {stand the tatter pari Misses Mary and Ethel Silver. people wishing thur of the West End of to go to the Llewellyn Hughes Rice Insti- colony who regretted last week for Silver Lake, where Mrs. F. E. Snell theatre to attend. her and son Edward of The tute, Houston, Texas, who will be the departure. they will remain in Mr. cot- many friends of Horace B. Lynde's Brockton, Mass., were the geusts or guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Professor and Mrs. of Hamilton will be Wilson. Llbbey Mrs. H. F. White for a few pleased to hear he Dr. and Mrs. days. is Paterson Smyth and Prinreton University are among the and Mrs. Lvnde and came improving from his recent illness. family Thursday Mrs. and Miss Hosmer family will not leave their recent arrivals on the island. here from West cottage, They Medford for a two gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Olive Lodge, until around the of have rented the Haskell weeks' The first cottage visit. They occupied one or Monday evening found a party of Elizabeth whose to Chebeague Improvement Asso will Fuller, wedding September. They will then return which they occupy for the rest of thp Seward cottages at the Went Knd young on near elation are to a people the rccke In- Mr. Charles MacDonald takes have dancing to their home in the summer season. floth place at party Canada. Miss Jes- are new- Mr. Fred Ford, Jr.. of Medford dian Spring at a Bacon Bat. There September second. Hill Crest Hall sie About thirty of Saturday evening, Smyth will not go to comers to the Island, but have Hillside spent the Was a August the Canada, many week-end with his great wealth of bacon, "hot Miss Fuller's friends had assembled 26th, proceeds of which but will spend the winter friends who are here. narenta at. will with her summering their cottage on the Went dogs" cocoa, sandwiches, pickles, before she came and go towards paying for the fine Dr. N. D. greeted her with sister, Mrs. H. A. Wllnon, in Johnson has now Joined End. olives, cake and which were a shower of large raft and Houston, candy confetti. Mrs. Hosmer floating diving board Texas, where Dr. Wilson Is his family at their attractive Mrs. A. R. Cobb which affiliated cottage, and her two daugh- enjoyed by all. Afterwards Mr. Les- read an original poem to Elizabeth they have recently had built with the Rice Lvndhurst, near Eastern ter and Institute. Landing. Dr. of Cambridge. Mann., arrived re- ter Dunning accompanied the singing which was much is now anchored on Johnson will appreciated by alL' the south Mr. Frank L. Olbbs, who, with his' spend his vacation of cently at their cottage Reat-a-WhUe. of with hlB Then shore at popular songs mandolin. followed the giving of the glfl* landing the bathing beach. wife, has been two weeks' duration here and will which will Miss The visiting Mr. C. H. they remain in until the Katherlne Schloer chaperoned. which were many and varied and raft, which Is for the use then return to of Thayer, left here last a Waltham to reBume his last of September. The party consisted of the Misses showed the everyone, cost to Wednesday popularity of the bride- complete over $50. week ago for his home In practice there. Mr. and Mra. H. Stall It Springfield, Tv. and chil- Elizabeth Eugster, Mary Collins, Hel- elect. Mrs. Hosmer served Is hoped that all will Mass. Mr. Coolbroth "orange co-operate Mr. Glbbs went to Springfield Clyde and family of dren. who have been occupying the en Redfleld, Anna Wrye, Barbara and delicious" and by purchasing tickets and South cakea. Those Invited interesting by automobile, making the of Portland, Maine. In occupying Rhode cottage for two week*, re Bralnard, Catherine Twlss their to trip Carolyn Included Mrs. Cheney, Miss frient's make the party a over two the 81nkinson cottage for the remain- turned to in the Cooloy, hundred miles In one day. tholr home Berlin, N. Messrs. Fredericks White, Jack Mcs. and Miss Rus- financial success. der of the summer Richardson, Mrs. Refreshments will Mr. C. H. Thayer is expected to ar- season. H.. last Monday afternoon. I>avers. Edwin lis- Miss be served and the Mile. O. I.adley, Blrdsall, sell, Braekett, Mrs. Lancaster, Kearney orches- rive some time this week Mrs. Nellson, who has been at H'ss Father and Mian Mav Ford o' ter and and Miss tra will furnish by Kew Edgar Dunning Harold MacDonald, Mrs. Ridge, Mr*. delightful music. The Thayer. Mr. Thayer will his cottage for the nast few weeks Medford Hillside, Max*., both arrived Rnlffln. is spend Tuesday evening Miss Helen Pratt, Mrs. Coan, Mrs. Kelsey, Mr*. society also disposing of member- whole vacation has returned to her home in Phila- on the ialand last Redfleld here before returning Saturday. They entertained the same crowd Tuttle. Mrs. Jaynes, Mrs. Bralnard. ship buttons for the j delphia. Mile. Nellson Is a will price of twenty- to Springfield. French remain at the Fordette for a at her house "Rock Haven" on the Mrs. Twlss, Miss Twigs, Miss five cents each. The fund teacher of prominence In Chestnut month Weller. received Mrs. Phillip Hawkins, who is spend- before returning to Massachu- main road. Her expert piano play- Mrs. Harding, Miss Harding, Miss Ro- from this is to be used for Hill. Philadelphia. setts. the Field ing the summer In the cottage of her ing enabled the party to dance while berta Hardlnsr, Mra. Mrs. Day expenses of 1917. Mrs. William Smith of Mr. Mr. Darling, Everyone should father, Mr. Hy^e, has as guests this Campeilo. William Paine Smith of Bev- lister Dunning accompanied with White, Miss Barnett, Miss Mr*. be a member of the and her Clark, association. week Miss Nora Brown and Miss Mass., grandson, Oeor*e erly, Maaa., arrived here last week his mandolin. Refreshments of Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. Ross, who has been visiting her In for a viait of short duration. Joseph Kelley, late Louise Hyde, both of Springfield, fudge, peppermints and fancy crack- The last fsland sewing partv wa* of Dover, but now Massachusetts, are both the Miaa Ad^llm* of Salem. ers were Mass., residing at Mass. Both will remain here for the gneats Preacott served. held at the Inn wltb Mrs. Cole and on for a short stay of Mr. William Ross Mrs. Miaa Mrs. Cambridge, Mass., arrived the isl- rest of the season. Miss Katherlne W. P. Libhv and Martha Bdwln Darling of Providence, Miss Paine as hostesses. A* usual It and for an Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Olldden nnd Ste-wnrt all Ipft R. and today extended sojourn. Stuart, th«> recent guest of Miss have the 'aland for I., Miss Elizabeth Darling of brought out manv of the women who are daughter Mart la ar<* again on the thHr homAs In Arnold's They occupying the Barnacle Hawkins, has returned to 8cafboro Sk^whegnn. Maine. Mills, R. I., are guests of surely enjoyed the afternoon. Th* on Beach Island. They are at their Mr. and W. Davis Bel- Mrs. H. E. cottage avenue. Mrs. Kel- Beach, where she Is spending the staying Mrs. 8. of White at the "Mudjekee- refreshments consisted of raspberry is best cottage for a week and are helri* ooened their cottage wls" for ley known as Marian Booth summer. mont, Mass., three weeks. sundae and fancy cakes. It Is hope* welcomed >»v th#»'r rafcr* friends of last. week. Thev intend to remain Rev. Rowland M. Kelley ^ speaker of national reputa- Last Thursday Mrs. L. C. Goddard Cloud of Wood- the West End colony. will re- here for the rest of the season. N. has They bury, J.f returned home after a (Continued on Page 8.) secretary. People that were voted to be new members upon payment of dues were Miss Mary Wood, Miss Marjorie Smith, Miss Winifred Smith, and Mrs. Merrill. Mr. Rob- ert Barton was voted an honorary W. NEW BOOTS member. Although the honorary S. JORDAN & CO. Aucocisco House. membership gives no rights as to PORTLAND This season has undoubtedly been votes, etc., men may become suc. one of the most successful summers a member upon being voted in and lhat this popular hotel has had of upon the payment of five dollars a late years. Not only have many of year dues. Complete Fall arriv- ihe old guests who had been here in Another decided improvement to Groceries-Provisions previous years and had skipped last the library is the having it open Fishing Tackle, Anchors, Oars, als in Latest Novelties year on account of the bad weath- every day except Sunday. From now Cordage, er, returned. but also many people on the library will be open to take Oiled Clothing, Dories, Skiffs new to the island and the Bay have out and return books, on Mondays, including Tans, Sepia, come here to spend their vacation. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays Many people at the hotel have re- from 10.30 a. m. to 11.30 p. m. On Kid and] Black leath- marked upon the beautiful situation Wednesday and Saturdays, from 3 p. of the house. It is situated among m. to 6 p. m. This change has been pines near the shore, and faces the members ers. All widths AAA Hope greatly appreciated by MERRICONEAG , having a broad view and mar- of the club, who can now get a book velous ocean scenes from the front or return one any day of the week. So. Harpswell, Me. to EE. verandas. The suiT prctures and In our last issue we btated that ARTHUR B. scenes are especially beautiful from children of summer residents could DICKEY, Mgr. here as *on a windy day when they obtain books free. We wish to re- Ideal Location on Casco Bay. Un- dash and break on the shores tract that statement, because it was rocky >bstructed water view on all sides. nearby. an error. Summer children may ob- Private Bath Houses. Good Boating Last week the tain books by paying the guests here were regular ind Fishing. Excellent Table Ser- entertained by Mrs. Batchelor a charges of five cents a book and two by vice with Shore Dinnels a Specialty. splendid afternoon cents a day when overdue. bridge party, all Tennis Court. Clock Golf. House the hotel guests taking part. The Miss Grace Coyle, a well known low open. Booklets. afternoon was most admirably spent friend of many people on the is- in the diversion, which ia ever popu- land, was very suddenly operated on lar. for Her '"*»« MAM« l(( appendicitis. mother, who Mr. Harold Whittaker and Mr. lecently arrived at her cottage here, HOTEL Russell Whittaker have SCR GABLES returned to left for Kingston, Penna., where she 24TH YEAR SAME MANAGEMENT. their homes in Baltimore, Md., and will remain with her daughter until SOUTH HARPSWELL, MAINE Richmond, Virginia. They were she has completely recovered. Miss Decided price reductions on White Shoes for here guests for their vacation, which Coyle is said to be doing as well as Stands Directly on the Beautiful Casco Men and Women. Some kinds half price. extended over two weeks. Roth expected and to be making rapid Bay. men were Excellent boating, young newcomers to the strides to a complete recovery. Mr. fishing: private bathing beach and houses: fresh eggs, island, but had such a and David were they delight- Mrs. Coyle, who in butter, milk and vegetables from the ful time here that it was with great Kingston with Miss Coyle at the farm every day; fish, clams and lob- sters direct reluctance that they left the island. lime of her operation, are expected from the water; the rooms are large, light and airy, sun parlor, Walk-Over Boot They especially seemed to enjoy the to arrive here with their little etc. Shop Booklets sent. Free use of Boats many walks through the pine-clad daughter sometime this week. They to Guests. 544 forests and L. H. Congress Street to the Bluffs on the op- will occupy Mrs. Coyles* cottage for MERROW, Proprietor posite side of the island. Portland the remainder of the season. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Duck- I Miss Blanche Payne of Boston, worth of New York City, are among Mass., arrived on the island last Fri- The Best in the Market Quick Delivery Telephone iliese who have arrived at We Supply You With Connection recently day afternoon, Miss Payne is a dear Everything for the Table Under ONE Account the hotel. Although they have never friend of Mrs. O. P. Stone. She will before been on the island they have stay at the Auccisco House through- made FRANK L. many friends and are thor- out her stay here, which will prob- PINKHAM oughly pleased with their entertain- ably be over the duration of a week. ment. Complete lines in collage furnish- South Harpswell Market N. T. Jr. ings and house furnishings at R. S WORTHLEY, Native and \Ve3tern etc. The Beeches. Davis corner Lamb, Veal, Co., of Exchange and Fine The number of Native T ou'.try, Egsr^, etc. Freah Wes.ern Maine's Leading Optometrist and Optician people who have Middle streets, Portland.—Adv. Bief ani Pork; come to this boarding house are On Sunday, at eleven o'clock in -478 1-2 CONGRESS ST., CORNER CENTER ST. alone the proof of its great worth and the morning the regular church ser- I va'ue as a home Opp. Preble House, Portland. for a few summer vice for the summer residents and visitors who do not wish to have the all others who wish to in wor- join "*'• Established 25 years. 16 years at this location cares of housekeeping and still have will be held. For the two Sun- Telephone Your Wants *3 cars at our ship, .j, Quick Service to Our Customers Tel. 2174-W. All stop door ilie of a home pleasure and of good days previous to the last one, Rev. EYES EXAMINED AND ACCURATELY FITTED. honte cooking. Mrs. Charles Petten- Mr. Plack of San Antonio, Texas, has | DUNN BROTHERS LENSES GROUND PROMPTLY. MAIL ORDERS RETURNED the gill, proprietress of the house, is preached two excellent and helpful SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. ever on the watch to see that her sermons. These services are in : are Groceries, Provisions & General Mdse. KRYPTOK INVISIBLE LENSES guests well entertained and that charge of Mrs. Kemp Batchelor, who | Your trade in first TORIC i*ND THE NEW CROOKES everything, as far as is possible, is sees that some minister conducts class Groceries, Meats & Provisions is solcited done for the || {j LENSES comfort of her guests. the service each week. * Mail and telephone oiders tilled AND SHURON EYE- the house promptly «j KEELOCK However, has not the at- The regular afternoon tea was Market at West of a t Harpswell all over South 4 GLASSES mosphere hotel, but of one big held at the library, Wednesday af- * Deliverv Harpswell

FILLED in a home. a a »i« »t. .t. j. »t. .t. j- -*• -■ GOLD EYEGLASSES, ?1 family big ternoon. Many of the island resi- 'I* 'I**1+*X4 *1+*?♦ »£ »T« .«•%4«»!«rf« »t. j. -»—*■ Those who are and up. at the house now dents attended this delightful affair. are Mr. and COLORED GLASSES, 50c and up. Mrs. Beecroft, who have These teas are given by various been here CONSULTATION FREE. TELE- several weeks; Miss M. E. members of the Cliff Island Library AND Miss PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 3'neehan, Chicago; M. A. Burke, club on every Wednesday to promote SAVE TIME. Chicago; Mr .and Mrs. McMans, of good feeling and fellowship amon^ A. C. PINKHAH We have the finest lens grinding ma- Maiden, Mass.; Miss Maude Kimball, the people of the island colony. They SO. HARPSWELL, ME. and Mrs. chinery in Maine and can guarantee Marslialtown, E. M. Wool- are a unique institution among the absolute accuracy. gar, Washington, D. C. Many of the islands of the Bay, no other islands people who to planned stay here on- doing any such thing. Horse & Auto Livery ly for a few days have uur siames are tremendously Mr. Kemp Batchelor returned to equipped to handle all the business of this place and elongated their stay. One 'In- his we are to furnish automobiles gue^i business in Bridgeport, Conn., in prepared and teams with, careful drivers at any tended to stay a week. Sh'e^has hour of the or only the early part of the week. He has day night. Expressing and moving of all kinds receive prompt been here four weeks and careful already and is spent his entire two weeks' vacation attention Have all your baggage checked in care of A. E. Pink- KENDALL & WHITNEY still a guest at the house. visiting his mother at the Auccisco liam, Soutb Harpswell, Maine. DEALERS IN SEEDS House. Mr. Batchelor is a student Soil, Loam, etc., Grading and Excavating, Cellar Work, etc. The Wells, annual meeting of the Cliff at the Locomobile factory, where he Island AGRICULTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, FERTILI- Library club was held last is affiliated with the mechanics' de- a week his POULTRY AND DAIRY WOODEN GAL- Wednesday morning, ago. At partment. vacation of a month with hi^ a of uie ZERS, SUPPLIES, WARE, this large part summer visiting meeting the same trustees were The friends of li.s vacatio nof a month with his VANIZED IRON ETC. many Miss Dorothy his mother, Mrs. A. F. Black. WARE, BROOMS, BRUSHES, CORDAGE, elected as last these as wife at year, being P. C. Armstrong, who was a visitor their cottage, Breezee-Bluffs. Mr. John Stone of follows: Boston, Mass., Mrs. K. B. Batchelor, Mrs. here last will to Mrs. Solomons has re- Also specialties in SUMMER COMFORTS, such as Ice Cream summer, regret completely was the guest of his mother for over Edward Heydecker, Miss Elizabeth covered from her recent learn that she will not come here illness and Wednesday night of last week. Mrs. Freezers, Refrigerators, Lawn Swings, Croquet Sets, Window Screens McKeen, Mrs. Hamilton is now Gilkerson, this summer. Miss Armstrong is receiving her many friends. O. P. Stone is Miss agnin spending the and Screen Doors. Call and see us. Nellie Frances Mrs. this season Bennett, spending at a resort near Mr. Paul Patton left the island summer in her cottage near the James McKeen, Mrs. O. P. Stone, Philadelphia, Penna. Tuesday for his summer home in Beeches. COR. FEDERAL AND TEMPLE Miss Laura E. Bennett, Miss Eliza- STS., PORTLAND, ME. The Cliff Island baseball team Bristol, Pa. Mr. Patton has been the Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Spear and beth Griffiths and Miss Anna L. Mc- again suffered defeat at the hands of recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert daughter, Ailene of Springfield. Keen. After the election of the the Champs, the East End team of Nealey at their charming cottage, Mass.. have returned to tlioir home trustees they held the election of Chebeague. Although the score was Craig Noor, on the Soutli Shore. Mr. after spent a month on the their officers for the having following year. 5 to 1, the game was interesHns Nealey left the island recently for his island. Their guests i'or the month, Mrs. Kemp B. Batchelor was elected throughout its nine innings. Cliff home in Philadelphia, where his Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Munyan, left last AMERICAN DAIRY LUNCH president; Mrs. Edward L. D. J. Heydeck- played a strong and gooa game of business is located. Thursday for their home, which is MacDONALD, Prop. er, Miss vice-president; Elizabeth baseball and only was defeated by Mr. G. O. Whitney left the island also in Springfield. Mr. Spear 121 Commercial St., nearly opposite Island Steamers and South Portland Ferry McKeen, 2nd Irving vice-president; JMrs. air-tight baseball. The batteries for Inst week tor Canada, where he will returned last Saturday, having spent 180 Middle Street, nearly opposite Postoffice. Hamilton 3rd Gilkerson, Cliff Island were D. Griffen and E. go to one of the Canadian his two weeks' vacation with his Milk, cream, etc., fresh from dairy farm dally. Best of ser- O. P. vice-pfesi- training foods, quickest dent; Mrs. Stone, treasurer, MacFarland. after which he here. reasonable Finest camps, will enlist in family vice, charges. equipment in the East. and Miss Nellie Frances E. A. Bennett, Mr. Solomons of Brooklyn,' the service. Mr. Whitney has spent Mrs. James McKeen was the charming hostess at her cottage on Jewell's Island, when she served af- ternoon tea to a few invited friends and guests. Those of Mrs. McKeen's friends on the island who were there were Mrs. Kemp Batchelor, the Miss- es Bennett, Miss Elizabeth Gritfiths, Mrs. Griffiths and Mrs. O. P. Stone. They all went to Jewell's Island and -* MAP or*- hack in Mrs. McKeen's boat, the Hil- da. * Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Black started on their annual summer cruise last CASCO BAY Wednesday. They had on board as their guests for the first day's trip, the Misses Smith and Mr. Kemp Batchelor. They sailed as fr.r as MAINE Boothbay Harbor, where all stayed overnight. Mr. and Mrs. Black then proceeded on their cruise while the Smiths and Mr. Batchelor returned by rail to Portland and arrived on Cliff late Friday acrenencti afternoon. In all, the Blacks will • ATLAn0O«f v_AAl Oi^O> spend two weeks cruising, making »U*b«C »O*0$ their terminus at Bar Harbor, where they will visit friends ror a few days. Mr. Grlffen Bates returned to his home in Brooklyn, New York. A picnic for the younger children of the hotel was given a week ago Wednesday by Misa Mary Carye ~ — -1 1 * a^MWtaviV* nilU I1CI II ICIlVin, lilt; ill fair took place at Kennedy's Beach, and was a source of much pleasure to all present. Those of the party were Miss Betsy Haynes, Miss Fran- ces Cailuhnn, Miss Kathleen Calla- han, Miss Arleen Callahan, Mr. Oeorge Callahan, Miss Dorothy Batehelor, MisS Margaret Sellman, Miss Mary Cnrye Batehelor, Miss Dorothy Batehelor, Mrs. William Haynes, and Mr. Kemp Batehelor. A Jolly party from the Knickerbock- er Hotel, Peaks Island, enjoyed a most delicious shore dinner prepared and served by Mrs. A. C. Griffin at the Willows on Cliff Island on Thursday, August 10th. The affair was in cel- ebration of the birthday of Mr. Leon- ard Oliver of Hackensack, New Jer- sey, whose presence unlike most Jer- sey mosquitoes, is not only welcome but greeted with Joy. Those present were Lynda C. Anderson, Katharine Moutner, I^eonard E. Oliver, Herman Rufle, John F. Monahan, Bdlth L. Ramsey. a military camp at Long Island, dur- liston, Locke, Toronto. Canada; Mr. ing the greater part of the summer, C. H. Pearson, New York city;* Mrs. has returned to Harpswell. E. Rollins and son, New \or«; Air. Mr. Paul Harriman, who has been j. korllisch, Irvington, N. J.; Mr. A. SUMMER with NECESSITIES stopping his family at Haskell's L. Wright, Natick, Mass.; Mrs.. A. H. has White Mountains Excursions island, gone on the citizens' Linscott, Rochester, N. H.; Mrs. H. naval training cruise. He will have a G. Foss, Auburn, Me.; Mr. T. E. Screen Doors chance to learn all the ropes of a Mason, New Haven, Conn.; Miss Flor- battleship, see torpedos fired, take ence E. Whittier, Boston, Mass.; Miss in Adjustable Window Screens From Portland part sham battles and in fact Francis W. Wheeler, Boston, Mass.; learn all the maneuvers which a Mr. Fred Davis and wife. Franklin, vessel Screen would be likely to take in Mass.; Mr. Lewis E. Hill, Frames time Boston, & of war. Mass.; Miss Louise E. Hill, Boston, Sundays Miss Wednesdays Virginia Beresford of Green- Mass.; Mr. C. W. Spencer, Rutland, Wire Screen Cloth wich, Conn., who is visiting Margaret Vermont: Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. F" are: and Helen Neal at the Neal Camp, Watson, Montreal, Canada; Mr. and Fly Killers $2.00 Xrlpnd visited friends at Bailey's. iU.O. H aiueii, fniladelphia, Penn.; Mr. Harold Mr. Cooper of Auburn, and Mrs. J. H. Witherell, Oak- Sold by TO CRAWPORDS, BRETTON WOODS OR PABYANS Maine, is expected shortly as a land; Mr. Russell A. Hoke, Harris- guest of Mr. W. N. Watson at the burg, Pa.; Mr. K. J. Ingles, Paterson. Watson cottage on Hurricane Ridge. N. J.; Mr. and M.'s. R. E. Jones and Miss Annie Packard is The Sundays Leave Union Station 9 A. li. Wednesdays 9.35 A. M. entertain- family, Paterson, N. J.; Mrs. Thomas Emery-Waterhouse ing her Miss of A. Company cousin, Washburn, Poole, Washington, D. C.; Miss Hardware, Medford, Mass. Jane Poole, Washington, D. C.; Mr. Paints, Oils, Varnishes Mrs. M. L. Moffltt gave a E. G. Hudson, Time in the Mountains for Dinner and Rest big sup- Boston; Mr. W. G. Corner Pearl and Ample per party to about 30 of the young Keatyen, Philadelphia, Penn.; Miss Middle Streets 4 minutes' walk from people from the colony. After en- Gertrude M. Winter, New York city; Custom Houw joying the supper a dance was held, Miss Miriam Raphael, New York which gave all present a real good city, and Miss Dorothy Jonas, Boston, time. Mass. Mr. W. K. Dana took all his family for a DROWNED very pleasant picnic at Stover's AT THUNDER HOLE. AbTOR CAFE & To Harrison and return Grove, where both sea and woods (Continued from Page l.j PRIVATE DINING ROOMS Naples, Bridgton, through Sebago Maine's Finest and Lake, Songo River, Bay of Naples and Long Lake. made a beautiful scenic combination i Most Sanitary Restaurant and added to the pleasure enjoyed. ! cate himself from this maelstrom and Everything the Market Affords A la Carte SEA Miss Louise Dana took a the bruises on Miss Pratt's large side FOODS—LOBSTERS, CLAMS, FISH, ETC., SERVED IN ANY crowa 01 tne colony young people for | showed that she had been in forcible STYLE PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT a clambake on Bailey's Island. Fish- ■ contact with the rocks. The fact that 25c.—Regular Dinners and Combination Breakfasts and Suppers—25c. ing was enjoyed from the rocks by she was found unconscious, but float- 18, 20 and 22 TEMPLE j STREET, MAINE seme, while others watched the surf ; ing, is not exactly clear and leaves a HOTEL TEMPLE PORTLAND, Maine Central Maine as it played about the ledges. question as to whether she was stun- Railroad, Portland, JOHN A. CLARITY, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Jones took on j ned by the blow, or her heart was un- 18, 20 and 22 Street a cruise in their boat the Tramp, able to stand the shock. The latter Temple Rocms: 75c. and Mr. and Mrs. Legate of Newbury- I theory is not- considered improbable 50c., $1.00 Per Day. port. by at least one of the doctors who Miss Little of were ningham, Framingliam, Mass., Mr. H. Nancy Newbury- present. port, has arrived and will Tt is that Miss G. Ward, Chelsea, Mass., Mr. Joseph stop with j especially regretted her family on Haskell's Island. Pratt had been on the island but a few Ivnapp, Everett, Mass., Mr. J. Healy. Miss L. Carleton and not I South I Framingham, Mass., Mr. J. M. Hur- M. is spending j days probably did realize the Harpswell her vacation at Dr. Littlefields. danger of her and also that BIG ley, Brookline, Mr. P. A. Hammond, position, MONEY SAVINGS After a so little was available. No life Everett, Mass., Miss Anna A. Dordis, very enjoyable vacation, help Mrs. Jackson and her nor are at for Watertown, Mass., Mr. J. Yamagindi, family have buoys, boats, ropes kept and you if you buy at the returned to Mass. this and until such Is Heating MERRICONEAG HOUSE. N. Y. city, Mr. and Mrs. A. H Hyde Park, spot protection Miss Helen Emerson is I afforded should be warned The custom of serving complemen- Schaltenk, Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. a guest of everyone Mrs. L. H. Harrinian in her i to use crre when the tary shore dinners to the guests on A. H. Wood, Melrose, Mass., Mr. and cottage strolling along on Haskell's rocKs or the Thunder Hole, Fridays was varied last week by a C. A. Wood, Melrose, Mass., Mr. and Island, where the j visiting Plumbing August Clearance Sales quietude and make a which sas been a scenic won- real old fashioned clam bake. A Rose Gately, Roxbury, Mass., Miss scenery pleas- ] always ant combination for the der to summer visitors in Casco fire was built a short distance from Marguerite Gately, Roxbury, Mass., vacationist j Bay. who comes to these The deceased was a of the hotel and after the rocks had E. C. Babbit, R. F. Chalk, parts of the graduate Engineers Fitchburg, Smith and had received the been sufficiently heated the ingredi- York. country during the summer. College STOVES, RANGES, TINWARE degree of A. M. from Brown Univer- ants packed with sea-weed were Many parades accompanied by a j band made up of the people from the sity. She was the author of "The placed on the heated rocks. The On I Ship Stoves. Lanterns and Tuesday evening an interesting See Gables have met one of the most menu which consisted ot clam bul- the steamer and I Bainbridge Mystery," Galley Furnishings lecture on the "Uprisal in China in a successful stories last lion steamed steamed gay time enjoyed. mystery of the clams, eggs, 1900" was | given by General Aaron Miss Jean has decade in American fiction. Her lobsters, green corn, watermelon, Pendlebury gone for Gasoline Engines and Eagget of the United States army. a visit to latest book has been crackers and coffee provided a feast Cape Elizabeth with Miss just accepted by Water Systems The Baptist Church, where the lec- a New York house. that will never be forgotten by the Margaret Embery. Miss Emberv and : publishing ture was held, was packed, people Miss partakers. The entire arrangement Dorothy Lovett of Philadelphia, coming to the lecture from all over j were under the of the effi- have just enjoyed a visit at Miss TO GIVE DANCE. charge Harpswell. Since General F. & C. B. cient chef of the hotel Albert W. Dagget, Pendlebury's. NASH CG. took part in relieving the American 384-390 FORE ST. Ham. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Courtney The crew of the stmr. Aucocisco legation he was able to give an ac- and Mr. Courtney's aunt Mrs. Am- will give a dance at Red Men's Hall, Columbia Prof. Edward A. Thompson of curate account of his experiences and. brose Potter of New York city, were j Orr's Island, Friday evening., Music Graphophones i Lawrence, Mass., entertained the also to give a history of the Have the up- entertained by Mr. and Mrs. H. A. will be furnished by the St. Angelo wonderful rcunded comer tone guests of the house on the evening risal. The lecture was given prim- Free at the Freecroft Cottage. orchestra and refreshments will be chamber, producing the most perfect of Aug. 7, with a program of miscel- arily to obtain for the Prout money Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conant of served. A special boat will leave tone inus c, laneous readings and vocal solos. who have been from family suffering Auburn and and for as His were Mary Roger Con- the landing far as Cliff Island efforts received with a gen- diphtheria. It was a great privilege ant are occupying the Conant cot- after the ball. $15.OO and erous applause. for the people of Harpswell to hear Griffin Up tage with Mr. and Mrs. Teel of Med- Engraving Co. A accident was the famous and drowning narrowly general everyone ap- ford. Mr. and Mrs. Ara Cushman averted from the wharf of the Merri- preciated it. Mrs. Harrison of Gales- TAKES HUSBAND'S JOB of Auburn are expected later as NOW ON SALE boat house on John burg worked hard to make it coneag Friday. very guests. HaiMone and Line Engraving 'Pamell, the son of Mr. and a success. young Mrs. Laura Speck of St. Louis NEW SEPTEMBER RECORDS Mrs. Nelson Pamell was sailing a Mr. Albert Jordon and and a Designing and family spent few days at Harps^ell. illustrating All Double Records boat from the wharf and dropping Miss Mildred Jordon have enjoyed Mr. Arthur Cooper of Urbane, 111., the string attached to it leaned over a two weeks' vacation in the Jor- enjoyed the change from vast stetch- to far enough to lose his balance and don 75c, $ 1.00, $ 1.25, $1.50 $3.00 Cottage. es of prairies to hilly Maine for two 45 Me. fall in. He was unable to swim and Exchange St., Portland, Over sixty guests at the Old Fort weeks. was reported to have gone under Homestead were happily busy dur- Miss Ellen Rothe of Baltimore, the second time when rescued Phone 1019 by ing the past week preparing for the Maryland, has been the Ernest Walton of Af- spending Oren Sons Philadelphia. charity entertainment which they summer here. Hooper's ter a change of clothing, he was soon gave. On Thursday night they ap- After spending a few days at the as lively as ever with no apparent peared on the main road marshalled Haskell cottage, Mrs. F. Ginn and ill results. by Miss Abbie Stover, who was rid- Gretchen Ginn have gone to Bar WE MAKE A SPECIALTY Sail boats and motor botas have ing on horseback dressed in full un- Harbor. OF been kept busy during the last iform. She was followed by the Mr. Herman H. Grebe plans to stay weeks conveying guests of the house children's flower team, which was out the month here with his sisters. to points of interest in the and Souvenir Spoons bay decorated with red and white crepe Mrs. R. J. Matheson and Miss parties made for up fishing trips paper, evergreen boughs and flowers. Mary K. Mason of Brooches have been rewarded with Philadelphia, spent good catch- IXext came a two-horse a few days here. es. hayrack loaded with young people who were Novelties, etc. The latest arrivals:— dressed in costumes representing Eustis' I Telephones I Stnnd 1858 N'Bht C. M. Field and wife, Millinery, 439 Congress St. Springfield, horribles of most every discription, ieiepnones| ReBidence28ig Service Mass., Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Grandison, Summer Sport Hats, 98c up, "Eustis." the most popular of which was the GEO. T. SPRINGER Public Hyde Park, Mass., Mrs. J. S. Grandi- —Adv. Automobile clown. Music was furnished with Packard son, Hyde Park, Miss Lillias Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, 7-Passenger Touring Car Mass., tambourines, drums, horns, bells and a. s. Silverware HOUR, DAY OR WEEK vsranaison, Hyae rarK, Mass., nn pans. SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Beyer, Port- 515 CONGRESS L. W. THOMPSON Friday night the grounds near the ST., PORTLAND, land. Me., Mr. and Mrs. A. H. PEAKS ISLAND HOUSE 254 Danfcrth Street Coop- log cabin at the Old Fort Homestead Portland, Me. er, Harold Cooper, L. A. Cooper, Cor. and were tastily decorated wiui ever- (Continued from Pa^e 1) Stand, Brown Congress Sta. Auburn, Maine, H. R. Gross, New Will green, flowers and Japanese lanterns. meet steamers at Caseo Bay Wharf York, Mrs. C. Patch, Boston, S. on An improved platform in front of the request. H. Shackley, Boston, Massachusetts, amusement of log cabin was used for t"he occasion. all the guests here. On J. Weiss, N. Clara Newark. J., Witle, Monday evening Mr. EdwarJ A'oner The was en- Newark, N. J., Mr. Heagan, Orange, following program a OPTOMETRISTS : Thompson, prominet lecturer, gave COMMONWEALTH HOTEL OPTICIANS N. J.. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. joyed an Burhwart, entertainment a short (Incorporated) W. Miss by giving Newton, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Thom- Solo, Robinson, Reading, Miss lecture with the Abbie title, "Sketches from as, Hintrham, Mass., Gertrude Nolan, Stover, Minstrels, A. End men, life." Opp State House BOSTON, MASS. tyes Examined John Tonight, August 24th, Rev. Philadelphia, A. M. Orrell, Philadel- Petit, Edwin Shehan, Joseph Frank E. Baldwin of Portland gave H. W. Flashman and Petit, John Day, B. Interlocutor, E. Glasses phia, family, a very interesting talk on his Reoaired F. H. Abbott and K. Rogers, C. soloists, Miss Robinson experi- We do our own family, T. E. ences while the grinding and duplicate and Miss tramping through broken lenses from the pieces. Griggs, Brunswick, J. W. Colbert. Andrews, D. chorus girls, Rocky Mountains. Boston, Edward J. Miss Sullivan, Miss Miss SMITH-SOMES Sullivan, Boston. Choate, Last night the annual church auc- CO. "F. Stover and Mrs. Petit. 578 CONGRESS LWalton, Philadelphia, Mr. and tion took place in the hotel office. ST., PORTLAND, ME. Mrs. J. Dana. St. Richard Pantomine—'Wanted a Wife. Louis, Dana This auction causes much amuse- ■St. Characters: The Husband, Celia Louis, Payson Dana, St. Louis, ment because the hotel gueBts and Mrs. W. A. Choate, stately lady, Miss M. Dietz. Hazleton, Pa., R. Douglas, summer residents present bid on P. dancing girl, Miss Abbie Batchelder, Baltimore, Mrs. R. P. Stover, packages of unknown contents which Batchelder, Nelson S. Clark, singing girl, Miss Alice Card, sleepy CORbES' CAPE Dorothy previously have been wrapped and Offers rooms with hot and cold Clark, Madaline N. lady, Imogene the wife Miss This woman Is but one of the First-class in Every Particular Clark, Y„ Kellogg Kimball, donated to the sale. The proceeds of ninny water for $1.00 and up, which In- Ada Card. thousands of cludes free use of Private Dining Rooms Castle, Willard, Me., Gertrude Laflin, this sale go to the Methodist Episco- Englishwomen who are shower baths. family 566 1-2—667 1-2 St. Willard, M^., Mr. and Mrs. C. Bel- Album, swimming girl, pal church on the island. today doing every kind of Inhor ow- Nothing to Equal Thl» In Newt Congress Westfleld. Miss Staniels, Indian England larren, Mass., Mrs. E. L. boy, Herbert The dances which are eiven every ing to the absence of their men folk PORTLAND, MAINE Rogers, Grecian Marlon Rooms with private baths for Smith, Springfield, Mass., J. Murphy, lady, Auten, and are still who Tuesday Friday night hove joined the nrmy nnd nre $1.50 per day up; suites of two Kansas City, Mr. and Mrs. ancient lady, Miss tennis Mo., F. Hyslop, girl, very popular all the on rooms and bath for H. Miss practically fighting foreign soil. $4.00 per day Potter, We-bster, Mass., F. Har- Barker, puritan maiden, Miss guests and summer and up. many people at- All the of a Established 1892 AUCTIONEERS old Peak, basketball Miss Barker. employees Peterborough Potter, Webster, Mass., Mrs. Lucv girl, tending. Boating parties are being Dining Room and Cafe First- The woman who blacksmith having joined the W. r. JPerkins, Berlin, N. H., Mrs. J. B. lived in a shoe: while and army Class, European Plan. DRESSER & SONS daily gotten up, bathing ! nnd It Perkins, Berlin, N. Mrs. D. W. Mrs. Auten. The children; Julia being Impossible to secure any ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. H., fishing are also popular forms of j REAL ESTATE Newman, Keene, N. Mr. and Mrs. Auten, George Herbert local assistance, the lady of the Stone floors, wood but H„ Auten, Rog- amusement. house, nothing 80 EXCHANGE ST., ME. O. W. ers and Miriam Stover. the the doors. PORTLAND, Oliver, Washington, D. C., Miss Last a large party of i blacksmith's wife, aids her hus- Telephone connection. After the Wednesday Equipped with its own •Horogate, D. C. program dancing was en- hotel band In his work nnd fits a Sanitary Special attention given to Farms, Tim- Washington, guests spent the day at New shoe to n Vacuum Plant. ber joyed on the lawn while the Cleaning Lands and Bftnshore Property. Prop- Harps- Meadows Inn, spendfng the whole day nicety. The shows a well band photograph Mrs. Strictly Temperance Hotel. erty Bought, Sold and Appraised. Loana Sea played on the piazza of the in the on Gable*. making trip. The Alpine run I'ogson, wife of the shoe- SEND FOR BOOKLET. Mortgages. cabin. The entertainment was blacksmith, very by Captain Kennedy was chartered ing a horse. With the arrival of many new 8TORER F. CRAFTS, General Mgr. successful, about $00 being raised for for the The affair to be gueata the aeaaon at the Sea the day. proved Oablea benefit of the Prout family. a haa reached its great success. HOTEL BRUNSWICK height and one of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. the Free, spent Among the recent arrivals are: Q. V. largeat reglatera the houpe haa a few at their in CUTAWAY COAT TO BE MODE 8EEMAYER, Prop. days home Lewis- Hot and in ever known, has been recorded. ton. Miss Elizabeth Weiss, East Orange, Cold Water Rvery Room N. Miss Private Bath* Dancea are enjoyed on the hotel Mrs. J.; Ina B. Weiss, East Or- Convention HENRY LEVIN Willard Hayden Jr., of Lex- Alto Decide* on Modified European Plan fl day up, with bath, fl.ML t>iazza beneath lanterna. ange, N. J.; Miss Came M. Weiss, Japaneae ington and Miss Ellsworth a form Garment® for Cafe connected and nelce, East Orange; Mr. O. E. Pat- Fitting Men Flahlng Balling parties are an are guests of Miss Burr. Burke, Merchant Tailor Comblnat'on Meals 26c, 35c, GOc erson, N. L. R. —Few Other every day occurrence and the Mr. J.; Mr. Starrs, Hyde Change*. Special Chicken Dinner every gueata Edgar R. Rullson of Muscokee, ©2 Cxohangt St., Portland, M». day Me are all thoroughly them- Park, M-'Sb.; Miss B. L. Raymond, 21-23 Preble St., Portland, Maine enjoying Oklahoma, who has been a guest of Cedar aelvea at thin Roslindale, Mass.; Mr. A. Van Allan, Point, O.—The cont popular houae. Mrs. William in her on Hur- cutaway cottage Mr. W-. Jeffords and wife. In to a ft a An automobile party to Poland ricane has George stage comeback, according to Cleansing, Pressing Repairing Specialty Ridge, returned to his New York Mr. Thomas Springa waa taken by some of the home. city; Casey, delegates to the annual convention of -IDEAL LUNCH Portland, Me.; Mrs. Thomas the gueata. An ball Casey, International Custom Cutters' as- B. exciting game was held at Amra Duniec, Prop. The recent arrlvala are. Mr. and the Auburn Portland; Miss Casey, Port- sociation here. Colony between the mar- This fall and winter 118 CENTRE Mra. E. H. land; Mr. John F. Miller, Brooklyn, 8T., PORTLAND Young, Boaton, Maaa., ried men and the men nre to fall back on single men in N. Mr. M. N. this old stand- Mlaa Alice L. White Mr. which the Y.; E. King, Brooklyn, Mealfl a-la-carte and Comblnatkm Portland, single men squeezed out by for general wear, "M. C. Y.; Mr. M. C. Devine, Brooklyn, N. according to the Breakfantfl. Brown, Portland, Mr. R. K. an 11 to 8 of FALMOUTH victory. Miss decree the association, which sets HOTEL Brown Portland, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. Y.; Mary E. Bardon, Paterson, Regular Dinners and Suppers, 26 Joseph Dahlgren returned N. Mr. J. the styles for men's MAINE W. Sampaon Weymouth, Maaa., Mr. from J.; T. Reed, Sherbrooke, garments. PORTLAND, cents. Marblehead, Mass., where he Quebec; Mrs. J. T. Sherbrooke. Fat men nnd Thomaa J. Froley, Lowell, Maaa., Mr. has watehed the boat | Reed, bow-legged men will races as guest Miss Jean Sherbrooke, find little and Mra. H. G. Kane, Dorcheatfer, of friends. Quebec; Reed, comfort In the outlook for European and American Plan Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. E. Maaa., Mjr. O. M. Klch, I>r. Mrs, J. Murray, style changes for fall and winter. The Boaton, tyr. aqd Robert Hale of Prov- Mr. William H. iRlch. Mr. atid Cleveland; W. C. Prouty, Boston, pinch-back Boaton, idence, Rhode Island, are of design will predominate 47 BROWN guests Mass.; Mr. F. W. Williams, Boston; in Moot Centrally Located ST., PORTLAND,~ME. Mra. C. P. Merrill, Hopedale, Maaa.. Dr. and Mrs. W,. W. coats for outdoor wear. Coats Lunch Spencer In their Mr. M. Martin, Milton, Mass.; Mr. gen- room, home cooking. Spe- Mr. George McKanney, Lisbon Falla, cottage on Hurricane erally will remain the Hotel In Portland cial dinner* Ridge. Charles O. Qulmby; Mr. Oliver A. modified form served every day. W« MTa. H, B. Wasaenback* Boaton Mlaa Rev. H. R. Rose has fitting do not advertise gone to Po- Qulmby, Miss Mabel J. Elasse, Man- style. Trousers, too, will be the bent, but th« J. A. Wlaalnkoker, Boaton, Maaa., land to form J. J. bent for* the Springs spend a few days. chester, N. H.; Mr. and Mrs. fitting. POOLER, Proprietor money. European plan. E. V. Wengerolt, Boaton, Mr. H. Cun- Mr, Ulrin George Rooms In Dahlgren, who wan In H. Locke, Toronto, Canada; Mfr, Al- There will be no radical changes. connection. C. D. DRESSER, Prop. CASCO BAY AND HARPSWELL LINES. order that no time might be lost. A YORK & JACKSON CO. little rain fell the Tim* Table Effective 2, 1910. dur'ng trip up July river, but not WEEK DAYS enough to spoil our Homes Furnished pleasure. We From Portland (Custom Houee Complete landed at Camp Elliott Wharf) at 10.25 and Ts Peaks Island (Forest BUNGALOW OR CAMP SUPPLIES hung around until dinner City Landing)— time. 6.45. «.45, 7.45, 8.45, 10.30 a. m.. 12.16. They only half expected us so 1.00, 2.16. 4.16, 6.16. 6.15, 7.30, 8.15, 9.30 232 MIDDLE STREET. Look (or the Red Sign what was lacking in the meat line AUGUST was made with To Cushlng Island—6.46, 7.45. 8.45, 10.30 up potatoes. How- SALE] a. ever, each was nu. 12.16. 2.15, 6.15. 6.15, 8.15 p. m. given a "Russell por- OF To Little and *, tion." ] Trefethen and Evergreen Landings After (Pe&kB ENGLISH TEA dinner another shower came Island)—7.00, 8.00, 10.00 a. m.. ROOM 2.00. 4.15. up and Et. and 12.16. 5.15. 6.15. a7.30 p. m. 609 Congress St., Me. Breakfast 8. Percy went out to fix To Ponce and Portland, after the Doughty Landings (Long doors east Public boat. Shower wa? over by the Island)—7.00. 8.00, 10.00 a. m., (2 Library). Luncheon 11 to 3. 12.15, time the feat was Went 2.00. 4.15. 5.15. 6.15. af.30 p. m. Afternoon Tea until 7 p. m. accomplished,. To Cleaves over to Bath and Landing (Long Island)—8.00 TEL. 3484 had ice cream, also a. m.. ra. ROOMS SINGLE AND EN SUITE SUMMER 2.00. 5.15, 6.1o p. bought ice. FURNITURE To Little Chebeague—8.00 a. m., 2.00, Next on 5.16 p. m. the program was the trip To Western Landing (Great Chebeague) up to Boothbay Camp. Robb e, the reduction in —10.16 a. m., 1.3d, 6.15 p. m. "goldarn -godunk" gave us his usual Sweeping prices To Cliff Island, Central Landing (Great cordial welcome. After Chebeague) South Harpswell, Bailey inspecting Island and DOW the we to close out stock on Orrs Island—7.00, 10.15 a. PINKHAM camp, went over to the girls' hand. ni_. 1.30. 5.15 m. p. camp. After the the To Sunset and Eastern giving g'rls Landings (Great Fire once over, we returned to Chebeague), Cousin, Llttlejohn and Insurance Boothbay We sell Bustln Islands, Mere Point, Birch 35 St. Camp for supper. After supper there complete outfits for Island and Exchange Portland, Me. Harpswell Centre—8.15 a. was a short service in the club house m.. 6.15 p. m. Dwellings, Cottages, Hotels and Seaside Property. H. N. PINKHAM r5*f insured in the which consisted of the of the RETURN fW«M»tr T>oTr=\ leading companies. H. W. SUSSKRAUT, F. C. HUSSEY singing cottage and camp. "T« Portland hymns and a story which Mr. Robin- son after From Peaks Island (Forest City Land- read, which we were shown to ing)—<.15. 7.20. 8.15, 9.15, 11.00 a. m.. Mr. Webster's cabin where wp» FIVE 12J&. 1.20, 2.35, 4.35, FLOORS RIGHT GOODS RIGHT PRICES 5.35, 6.35, 7.50, were to be guests for the We 1.35, 10.15 p. m. night. retired as From Cushlng Island—7.00, 8.00, 9.00. early every one felt sleepy. a. NOVELTY RUG COMPANY 10.«5 m.. 12.45, 2.45, 5.45, 6.45, 8.45 "Pa" slept in the boat and the rest of p. m. 25 Lancaster St. Me. us froze to as From Little Diamond Portland, death, someone left Island—6.20. 7.20. RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS all the doors 3^0. 9.50. 11.25 a. m., 1.40, 3.45, 5.40. open and the wind be- m. We have jUBt the Rug for the or 7.00 p. Cottage Bungalow. Call and see our ing unusually strong from the west, T. From F. Great different Our Foss Diamond styles. will & Island—6.15, 7.15, prices please you. Reference Portland Nat. we were nearly blown out of bed. Sons! 3.15, 9.45, 11.20 a. m., 1.35, 3.40, 5.35, Bank. m. M. l&S p. Monday A. After breakfast House Furnishers < From Complete Trefethen Landing (Peaks Island) with the camp boys, we took a tr p to —t.10. 7.10, 8.10, 9.40, 11.15 a. m., 1.30. Bath taking "Robbie" and one of the 3.35, 5.30, 6.50 p. m. From camp boys with us. /fter and Evergreen Landing (Peaks Island) shopping Congress Preble Sts., Portland 5 —€.05. 7.05. 8.05, 9.35; 11.10 a. m., 1.25, in Bath and giving the town the 6.45 m. THE 3.20. 5.25. p. THOS. LAUGH LIN CO. once we FRwn Ponce over, returned to the camp Landing (Long Island)—5.55. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN and C.55, 7.55, 9.25, 11.00 a. m., 1.15, 3.45. immediately started on our way 5.15, 6.35 p. m. to Augusta. On the way up the From Yacht and Motor-Boat Doughty Landing (Long Island)— Supplies river we anchored and prepared 5.45, 6.45, 7.45, 9.15, 10.50 a. m., 1.05, dinner, which was REGULAR DINNER 3.15. 5.05. 6.25 p. m. Public Landing in rear retail store 184-186 COMMERCIAL ST. enjoyed by all. 35 CENTS From Cleaves Landing (Long Island)— Dinner finished we resumed our 9.00 a. 5.40, 6.35, 7.35, m., 3.00, 6.10 p. m. journey. that some of From Little 9.05 Learning Chebeague—6.30, 7.30, the had been Restaurant а. m.. 3.05, 6.15 p. m. Clearance Sale of Baseball bouys misplaced by a Empire From of we Cliff Island—7.15, 10.45 a. m., 3.20, Goods, jam logs decided to go only as FIRST CLASS 5.00 m. SERVICE p. Tennis Racquets and far as Richmond. We reached Gard- From Western Landing (Great Che- CroquetiSets Ladies' and Gents' ner at three o'clock and went Private Dining Rooms beague)—5.20, 10.30 a. m., 3.05 p. m. up From town to Central Landing (Great Che- SULKOWITCH HARDWARE & PAINT CO. buy postals and a can open- Telephone 6341 Station beague)—6.55, 10.20 a. m., 2.55, 4.40 er. Pay 85910 p. m. 377 FORE STREET On our way back to the From South 9.55 a. Wilanet Harpswell—6.30. m., Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hoben and 2.30, 4.15 p. m. Between we asked the name of the town From Exchange and Market Sts. evenings Near sons, J. Culins Hoben and Bailey Island (York Landing)— Island Steamers across the river. Were told it was Hubert б.15. 9.40 a. m., 4.00 p. m. G. Hoben of 2.15, Randolph and also found that Springfield, Mass., came The From Orrs 9.30 a. Rich- Most Remarkable Year Island—6.00, m., 2.00, to the hotel for their sum- Play t°'e 3.45 p. m. JP PA Workmen's Compensation mond was ten miles down river and Sunday From • mer vacation. The Sunset Landing (Great Chebeague) EpVx. JvJnlliiJ (x vVJ. Fire and Marine Insurance that we were within six miles of family are well —6.55 a. m., 12.10 noon. known taiimiiuillillllliillUlIlillllUIHIllllllllllliuilllltliillitiilll 41 Augusta. Some class to us! to all the people here as they From Cousin Island—6.40. 11.55 a. m. Exchange St., Portland, Me. have spent many seasons at the ho- The From Llttlejohn Island—6.35, 11.50 a. m. We left Gardner at 3.35 P. M. for Eternal From Eastern tel. have taken an Landing (Great Che- Dwellings, Hotels, Cottages and Seashore a Camp Boothbay. Were trailed They always beague—6.20. 11.35 m. Property by p. the steamer of active part in the social life at the From Bustln Island—6.00. 11.15 a. m. Specialty. Losses City Bangor and were Promptly Adjusted. hotel. Last season the occu- From Mere Point—5.35. 10.50 a. m. passed 'by her just as afternoon tea family From Birch a. m. the Hill near Magdalen Island—5.30, 10.45 pied homestead East- and sandwiches, made by our steward Julia From Harpswell Centre—5.15, 10.30 a. m. ern Arthur's Dramatic were being served. Landing where they entertained SUNDAYS. Triumph of the Past We reached many of their friends. Spring Krom Portland GEORGE E. Camp Eoothbay in To Peaks Island (Forest r LEONARD time for supper. Supper over we kill- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Howes and "With an purpose as City Landing)— (Next door to underlying 7.00. 8.00, 9.00, 10.30 a. m.. 12.20, Postoffice) GREAT MAINE time until bed We sons, Allen P., Oliver P. and as 'The Servant in the 1.15, Our CHEBEAGUE, time. had covered Ashley 2.00, 3.00. 4.00, 8.00 m. stock of Groceries, Meats and or 'Tae 4.45, 5.45, 7.00, p. Provisions is the best obtainable and we 50 E. of New New Erofoundlouse,' Parsing of the To to supply you with aim miles against 45 miles the first Rochelle, York, reg- Cushlng Island—9.00, 10.30 a. m., the best. Ice Cream by plate or measure. Third Floor Back.'"—New York We solicit uay. istered for an of 12.20, 3.00, 4.45, 7.00 d. m. your patronage and assure you of courteous Wednesday outing \N Feb. 21. To Little of orders. treatment and prompt orld, and Great Diamond Islands, delivery Tuesday A .M. After a I two weeks. The family have been at Trerfethen and good night's Evergreen Landings rest, Donald and the hotel other seasons and are A VITAL < Peaks Island)—7.00, 8.00, 9.30, 10.30 Percy got up at 6 they DRAMA | with a. m., 12.20, 1.15, 2.30, 3.30, 5.00, 6.00, o'clock and played tennis until break- delighted the islnad. OF MODERN LIFE a7.30 m. p. fast time. After breakfast we start- Among those to register To Ponce Landing (Long Island)—7.00, recently COMEDY-SATIRE ed fbr Boothbay Harbor. Mr. Rob- were Florence E. 8.00. 9.30, 10.30 a. m., 12.20, 1.15, 2.30, All Sorts of Vacation Footwear and Waier, N. Y.; May WITH A PUNCH J.30, 5.00, 6.00, a7.30 d. m. Shoes inson is our guest for the day. We E. Farrell, New York; Esther Ma- To Doughty Landing (Long Island)—8.00, put in at Bath for gasoline, ice and gee, Dorchester, Mrs. Clara 9.30, 10.30 a. m., 12.20, 1.15, 2.30, 3.30, Mass.; That Cure Foot Troubles milk. We passed S.00. 6.10, a7.30 p. m. close to the torpe- Madden, Hartford; Grace Frawley, do To Cleaves Landing (Long Island)—9.30 boat which is to be launched this South Weymouth; Bertha C. Quin- a. m.. 1.15, 3.30, 5.00 tn. p. afternoon. Steamer Southport passed nam, Boston; Mrs. Ada F. To Little Chebeague—9.30 a. m., DEAN BROTHERS Gibson, 1.15, Monument us after we KEITH'S 3.20 p. m. just had gone through Somerville; J. H. Williams, P;2.IB Square Boston, TWICE DAILY 8.15 To Cliff Island, Western and Central the drawbridge, which connects the Mass.; Hilda Bergstrom, (Great Worcester; Mats. 10c. 20c. SOe. Landings Chebeague) South towns of Woolwich and Arrowsic. Mr. and Mrs. C. Howes Harpswell, and Orrs Islands— E. and fam- Bailey down back Eves.20c,20c,50c. 10.00 a. m., a5.30 p. m. Trip the river was de- ily, New Rochelle, N. Y.; Mr. and To •• Sunset and Eastern Landings (Great WILLIAM SENTER & lightful and thanks to Robbie, the Mrs. F. O. Belding, Boston; Mrs. P. Chebeague). and COMPANY Next Week THE WHITE Cousin, Littlejohn trip was made in the shortest time E. Bustln Islands, Mere Point, Birch McKenna, Boston; Miss Helen G. FEATHER Island and Harpswell Centre—10.00 a. possible, notwithstanding we had to McKenna, Boston; Mrs. H. R. Wol- m.. p. m. ...JEWELERS... buck a very swift current. We reach- cott, Springfield; Miss Dorothy C. RETURN 51 EXCHANGE ed (Sundays). STREET, POR1LAND. MAINE Boothbay Harbor about noon. Tied Wolcott, Springfield; Mariam C. Wol- LOST. To Portland up for a half hour while dinner was cott, Springfield; Albert R. From Peaks Island (Forest City Land- Charts, Compasses, Souvenir Spoons, Views of Portland & Daloz, Vicinity prepared. Dinner was eaten on Mabel iog>—8.25, 9.30, 10.50 a. m.. 12.35, 1.35, the Boston; G. Loomis, Norris- $5.00 reward for the return of a •• boat while on 2.20, J.20. 4.30, 5.20, 6.20. 7.30, 8.30 p. m. our way back to Bath, town. Pa.; Anna M. Simon, Phila- grey shag cat, wearing red collar, From Island—9.15, 11.00 a. m., a. m., 3.15 p. m. ? which was Cushlng reached at 2 P. M. in time delphia, Pa.; Mrs. B. .bell and tag with name "Tip" en- I».45. 9.30. 5.00. 7.15 p. m. From Orrs Island—7.00 a. 3.00 m. Hiekenlooper„ m., p. to see'the torpedo boat Bertha to AT. From —8.15, 9.35, From Sunset Landing (Great Chebeague) "Davis," slip Bray, William T. Van Culin, graved, Lounsbery, hotel Ham- into 11.16, 11.55 a. m.. 1.45, 3.00, 4.00, 5.15, —8.40 a. m., 4.15 p. m. the water. After circling around Philadelphia, Pa.; Mrs. Frederick G. ilton, Chebeague.' •.♦0, 7.35 p. m. From Cousin Island—8.30 a. m. the m., 4.05 p. "Davis" and taking several pic- Coy, Quincy; Miss Barbara H. From Great Diamond Island—8.10, 9.30, From Littlejohn Island—8.25 a. 4.00 Bustin's Coy, m., Island tures, we left Robbie at the FOR 11.10. 11.50 a. m., 1.40, 2.56, 3.55, 5,10, P. m. city Quincy; Harold A. McKenna, Boston; SALE. C.3S. 7.30 p. m. From Eastern Landing (Great Che* landing and started down the Back P. A. McKenna, Boston; Gertrude A. Motor boat, Betty B. Grand sea- Front. be ague)—8.10 a. m., 3.45 m. Li river once Tr?f»thCQ (Peaks Island) p. more on our to suitable for 25 • Landing way Rock- Strout, Newtonville, Mass; Alice 'boat, parties, etc., — 11.06, 11.45 a. m.. 1.35, 2.50, From Bustln Island—7.55 a. m., 3.25 m. p. land. When we were the Marshfield feet over all—15 H. P. motor—Re- * SO. 5.05, 6.30, 7.25 p. m. From Mere Point—7.35 a. m., 3.05 p. m. (Continued from Page nearing Sampson, Hills, Mass.; 6.) we saw verse From Evergreen Landing (Peaks Island) From Birch Island—7.30 a. m., 3.00 p.m. ocean, signs of fog so de- Grace C. Clapp, Easton, Mass.; Jose- clutch, etc. Has not been run 11.40 a From Centre—7.16 a. 2.45 cided —«.00, 9.20, 11.00, m., 1.30, 2.45, Harpswell m., to put In at Squirrel Island. As pnine m. uougiass, Ailston, over 500 miles, will sacrifice for a X45, 5.00, 6.25, 7.20 p. m. p. m. Mass.; that another summer will the seemed to be no sale. Can seen From Ponce (Long Islan4>—7.50, Additional bring more fog thicker we Lester E. Archibald, Everett, quick be at Birch Is- Landing Trip—Saturdays Only—10.00 of these Mass.; ».10, 10.50, 11.30 a. m., 1.20, 2.35. 3.35, p. m. From Portland to Little and popular parties. kept on and put in at Christmas Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hoben, Hubert land, Casco Bay. Inquire C. M. Barr.- 4.50, 6.15, 7.10 p. m. Great Diamond Islands, Trefethen and where we Everyone of the hundred and Cove, spent the night. We G. Hoben, J. Culins ley. From Doughty (Long Island)— Evergreen Landings (Peaks Island) fifty Hoben, Spring- Landing who landed before sent cards and ».«0, 10.40, 11.20 a- m., 1.10, 2.25, 3.25,1 and Ponce Landings (Long Island). Re- guests attended the musicale at supper, field; Miss L.illie Campbell, Miss *- 4.40. 4.05. 7.00 p. m. turn—Leare Ponce- Landing, 10.40 p. Mrs. Lancaster's last Friday evening inspected the place and liked the Kimball, Miss F. Livingstone, New WM. H. ROHR From Cleaves (Long Island)— m.. Evergreen Landing, 10.45 p. m., felt looks. was v Landing that the event was a rare treat. Supper served on the York; Miss Mary Van Matta- S.JS, 10.25 a. m.. 2.10, 4.35, 6.00 p. m. Trefethen landing, 10.50 p. m.. Great Rees, The a boat, after which all Pa went Mrs. From Little Chebeague—8.30, 10.30 a. m., Diamond Island, 10.55 p. m.. Little opening number, piano solo, except pan; Sarah M. Wheeler, Bos- Eagle'Marine Engines m. The ashore. We I.lSt 4.30 p. Diamond Island, 11.00 p. m. Nation's Defence March, was spent the evening walk- ton; Irving Frost, Newton Highlands; STANLEY MARINE MOTORS From Cliff fsland—8.15 a. m., 4.25 m. "References. p. played by the Miss ing around about three miles dis- David New Perfex From Western Landing (Great Che- a Stops on notice to Purser to land composer, Edith Hunter, York. Waterproof Ignition. suppUes, re- Jacobson. The the (Too beague)—8.05 a. m., 4.10 p. m. pasaengers only. x Express, Schedule stirring march is a tance, watching dancers. pairing, overhauling. Gasolene for sale. From Central Landing (Great Che- subject to change without notice. favorite composition, especially in bad we were not acquainted, as there 14 COMMERCIAL WHARF PORTLAND a. 4.00 m. Unavoidable ncic beague)—7.55 m., p. delays excepted and sub- military circles. The in- cAtcyuuiittiiy ime dancers Telephone From South a. m., 9.30 ject to change without notice. masterly Harpswell—7.aO on from p. m. E. B. W1NSLOW, Pres. terpretation the violin of "The Air there.) Feeling tired our trip we Brom Bailey Island (York Landing—7.15 C. W, T. GODING, Gen. Mgr. for the G String," by Bach and "Tam- decided to retire early and so went Gertrude Walker-Crowley RED DRAGON GIFT SHOP AND ourin" by Kreisler, by Mr. Donald aboard the boat about 10.30. Pa was TEA ROOM Hosmer was thoroughly appreciated nsleep, but he soon woke up. We Soloist and GREAT CHBBEAOUB, MB. as were also the two obligatos which settled ourselves for the night. Don- Soprano Gifts to please all. Open day and he Miss Miriam was ald and Et. on deck under the played. Hosmer slept Vocal Teacher evening. Lunches, Ice-cream, Box can- as tent always, an accurate and sympa- fly. Percy curled up on the seat dles, etc. Special parties can be ac- commodated on order. thetic accompanist. The major In the stern and Pa and Walter part Eastern Frank L». Pettlngell, Prop. of the program was a recital bunked in the cabin. The others Landing, Great Ctiebeague Souvenirs given by Miss Ethel Fogg, Mgr. Mrs. Lillian Homesley, who is spend- thought the cabin was too hot but it ing the summer on the island. Mrs. did not prove to be so