GENSOU Jump Chain CYOA (WIP) By: KarmaFalcon

In the beginning, there was only "darkness." Then, out of loneliness, the "darkness" shed a "tear." From that "tear," the brothers Sword and Shield were born. Sword bragged that he could slice through anything. Shield claimed that he could defend against any attack. Then the brothers began a legendary battle that lasted seven days and seven nights. At the end, Sword cut Shield and Shield smashed Sword. Sword became the sky, Shield became the earth, and the sparks from the battle became the stars. As for the jewels that adorned both, they fell to the ground and became the True Runes­­The runes that all other runes were born from.

Simple though it may be, that is the origin story to the world you now find yourself in, Jumper. A world where these 27 True Runes work with and against each other to ever keep the balance of the world... for without even one of them, the balance would shatter and the world would fall to nothingness. It is a world where, in times of strife, the 108 Stars of Destiny will shine in the sky and bless their chosen avatars, and when all are brought together great miracles can happen and a new chapter of History is made!

Ah, but where are my manners? I am called Schtolteheim Reinbach XIII, a historian and minor noble of the Island Nations. I have been chosen by your benefactor to teach you of my world and help you get started. But before we do, I have something for you. Please, take these with my blessing, a gift between newly made friends!

+1000 CP

And now, without further ado, let us begin! As they say, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, so let this journey of ten years begin with one as well.

ERA: Roll 1d6 to see where in Time and Space you end up. You always begin two years prior ​ to the beginning of events, giving you ample time to set yourself up for the coming war. Alternatively, you may pay 100 CP to choose.

1: Island Liberation War (Suikoden IV): Circa 300, Island Nations. One of the earliest known ​ instances of the 108 Stars gathering, this war involved the True Rune of Punishment and began a new era for the Island Nations. (Also a personal favorite of mine, due to my Honored Ancestor joining in said war, but I digress.) You begin in the town of Razril, home of the Gaean Knights.

2: Sun Rune War (Suikoden V): Circa 447, Queendom of Falena. You arrive just as Queen ​ Arshtat unleashes her judgment upon the town of Lordlake, kicking off a series of events that lead into the Sun Rune War. Oddly enough, several names of those involved seem to tie heavily in later wars to come. Truly, the 108 Stars of Destiny have a tendency to play favorites. It is entirely possible to involve yourself in the Gate Rune War as well, if you so choose. You begin in the capitol city of the Queendom, Sol­Falena.

3: Gate Rune War (Suikoden I): Circa 451, Scarlet Moon Empire. Also known as the Toran ​ Liberation War, this was a civil war within the Scarlet Moon Empire and its territories, where both sides were backed by one who wielded half of the True Gate Rune. As well, the leader figures of both sides held True Runes of their own. Tir McDohl, with his True Rune of Life and Death, and Emperor Barbarossa with his True Sovereign Rune. One of the first known wars where several True Runes came into play on either side, as well as one where several key players would show up in the wars to follow. It is entirely possible to involve yourself in the Dunan Unification War as well, if you so choose. You begin in Gregminster, the seat of the Scarlet Moon Empire.

4: Dunan Unification War (Suikoden II): Circa 458, City­States of Jowston (Later coined the ​ Dunan Republic). A fierce war involving the later named Dunan Republic and the Highland Army, this war not only held multiple True Runes on either side, but was also one where several key players from the Gate Rune War stepped back into the history books to assist. Even the former hero, Tir McDohl, had been rumored to assist the Dunan Army in their fight against the True Beast Rune wielder, Prince Luca Blight. You begin the game in the Highland city of Kyaro.

5: Second Fire Bringer War (Suikoden III): Circa 473, Grasslands. A war in which history tried ​ to repeat itself, but the 108 Stars of Destiny were able to guide their forces to breaking a vicious cycle. The Elemental True Runes, building blocks of our world, played prominently in this war as their leader, bearing the True Fire Rune, took up the name Flame Champion to unite not just the Grassland Clans, but the neighboring kingdom of Zexen as well against the encroaching forces of Holy Harmonia. Many seem unsure as to the true identity of the Flame Champion or who actually lead the forces to victory, curiously enough. You begin in a rundown castle on the Grasslands overlooking a great lake.

6: Your Choice! Choose which Era you would like to be embroiled in! ​

BACKGROUNDS: Roll 2d8+14 to determine your age and keep your current gender. ​ Alternatively, pay 50 CP each to choose both.

RACE: The world of Suikoden is blessed with a diverse selection of races, from the common ​ humans to the curious Nay­Kobolds. Roll 1d12 to choose your race, or you may simply opt out of rolling to be a simple human. Alternatively, you may pay 50 CP in order to choose without rolling. Humans do not get a free racial Perk. Racial perks may only be taken by the designated Race.

1: Elf ­ Traditionally, elves want nothing to do with the affairs of humans, since getting involved ​ usually means preparing for war. You are one of the few who have left the world of traditions and isolationism behind to seek out your own destiny, but do not be surprised if others of your kind are sent out to talk sense into you. Free Racial Perk: Treeborne: You have a strong tie to all things green and growing. ​ You hear the voice of nature, as such animals and plants are a lot more willing to treat you kindly. If they are sentient/sapient, then you have your foot in the door when it comes to good relations... so long as you didn't shoot first and ask questions later. The downside? You know if natural creatures and plants have been harmed or hurt the moment it happens within your sphere of influence (30 feet), so try to avoid logging camps or popular hunting spots unless you have to be there.

2: Dwarf ­ Miners and craftsmen unlike most have ever seen, they are also great engineers and ​ sturdy warriors. Many are those who travel the world to seek out their own fortune, so none would really bat their eye at you. Be prepared for a stiff neck from looking up at everyone though. Free Racial Perk: Child of Stone: As elves are with all things green and growing, you ​ are tied to the earth's skin and bones. Stone and metal in all it's forms and permutations whispers to you, allowing you to find weaknesses, hidden doors, as well as ideal spots to mine for precious ore and gems. This means yes, you CAN critique that ancient castle on it's stonework... and dig a tunnel from one end of the continent to the other with little problems.

3: Kobold ­ Canine warriors of great strength and capability, their animalistic features and ​ speech tend to make many think they are either savages or simply dim. Of course, those who underestimate a kobold warrior usually finds themselves on the wrong side of a sword. Sneaking up on one is quite difficult due to their enhanced senses of hearing and smell. Free Racial Perk: Warhowl: A proper kobold warrior knows that way to fight an ​ enemy is striking fear in their heart and bolstering your allies. You do this with an awe­inspiring howl that strikes a primal fear of wild beasts into the hearts of your foes and inspires your allies to strike with the swiftness and cunning of a good pack.

4: Winged Horde ­ With great, bat­like wings and clawed feet, the winged horde, or wingers, ​ have had a long history of mistreatment at the hands of humans. Yet when they were forced from their mountain homes due to heavy mining, a human hero named Genkaku granted them a place to call their own. Capable of flight and great speed, many are those who have turned to thievery or assassin arts as their mark on the world. Free Racial Perk: Aerial Superiority: Basically the power to FLY. Short, sweet, to the ​ point. What? You were expecting more? Well... fine. You fly WELL. Aerial superiority means you are a superior flyer, despite the bulky look of your wings you can fly with surprising speed and grace. And yes, you can do a barrel roll. Stop listening to talking rabbits.

5: Lizard ­ Humanoid lizard men who live in the Grasslands, these are proud warriors who have ​ no difficulty navigating their labyrinthine cavern home. Traditionally, they wield pinwheel­like spears which can be used to pierce, slash or even pin an opponent due to the unique way the blades spin. This makes the weapon ideal for both war and hunting, things the lizards know all too well. Free Racial Perk: Reptilian Vision: Lizards have superior eyesight over all others. Not ​ only can they see in extreme low­light conditions, their vision telescopes to see farther as well, to the point where binoculars are now useless to you. You also have a wider range of vision, making it difficult to sneak up on you or escape your notice.

6: Duck ­ That's right. Walking, talking, human­sized ducks. Perfectly capable of fighting on land ​ and in the water, the ducks have a fondness for halberds as their weapons of choice. They live on a lake in the Grasslands and are a major trading hub, which is why those who do not train as warriors easily follow the path of the merchant. A vast majority have a high affinity for water runes. Free Racial Perk: Water Off Your Back: Water's in your blood and in your blade. In ​ ways that might have even water elementals look at you in awe, so long as you have access to a decent water source you can enshroud your weapons of choice in high pressured water, giving melee attacks extra range and oomph. If it's magic you wield, then water magic is always more powerful and easier to learn, though fire and lightning magicks are difficult if not impossible to learn. Water abilities and attacks used against you do less damage.

7: Beaver ­ Sapient beavers from the Queendom of Falena, larger than the animals that share ​ their name and lacking paddle­like tails, they are master craftsmen when it comes to making things from wood. While slightly clumsy on land, they are excellent swimmers, and a majority wield long hammers to make up for their short reach as well as to help them with construction. If there is ever a battle on the water, beware beaver warriors, for they can easily decimate any wooden craft before the enemy realizes it. Free Racial Perk: Nature's Carpenter: Some might say you are not unlike furry, ​ aquatic dwarves. And they'd basically be correct! In an odd amalgamation of treeborne and child of stone, you gain the ability to tell which trees would be ideal for carpentry, the best places to strike to knock them down as well as the ability to find flaws and weak­points in wooden structures. This helps in any woodcraft you yourself do and insures that the only flaws in a structure you create are those you place intentionally.

8: Mermaid ­ A peaceful race with a talent for crafting things out of shells, coral and other ​ treasures of the sea, mermaids rarely leave their ocean home. They have two legs instead of the large fish tail as stories would suggest, and are rather adept spell casters should they require it. Long ago, they were hunted for their skins, but nowadays they live happily on and around Lazlo Island, named after the Prince and Hero of the Island Liberation War when he and his friends were stranded there. Free Racial Perk: Tooth, Shell and Scale: You have a talent not just for crafting ​ accessories, but utilizing all natural parts of creatures, plants and minerals to create supernatural accessories. Armlets, rings, necklaces, belts, anything and everything can be utilized to make any number of accessories with special properties. What those properties are ​ are generally based on the creature it came from and the quality of the materials. Stronger creatures have a stronger spirit, thus endowing their materials with greater strength. Higher purity gems, higher quality stone and wood, and even rarity all fall under things that dictate what power they bestow. Just know that the amount of work you put into it also has bearing on item strength, so a simple fang and leather cord necklace will be weaker than a necklace with carefully threaded shells.

9: Lycanthrope ­ Thought to have been mostly killed off by Windy, the sorceress from the Gate ​ Rune War, there are still a small number of lycanthropes traveling the world. Appearing as humans thanks to the Rabid Fang Runes they are given at birth, lycanthropes can change to their true half­beastial form whenever they wish. This form is largely mammalian, with the majority being werewolves, though other types of lycanthrope also exist. You may choose any kind of mammal, from the smallest rat, the traditional wolf or the largest of elephants to be your were form and plan accordingly. During a full moon, you cannot take on your human form. Free Racial Perk: Animal Attribute: Whatever beast you transform into leaves it's mark ​ in your humanoid form. Pick a trait of your animal and it will reflect on your human body. Be it an enhanced sense, heightened strength, speed or agility, or even a sensitivity to the supernatural. You also have an animal tail, elongated canines and fur­tufted ears.

10: Vampire ­ Nocturnal beings of great power and longevity, they can barely tolerate sunlight ​ and have a weakness to holy weapons. They appear as normal humans, save perhaps for having pale skin. You, however, are amongst the cream of the crop, a Rune Vampire, blessed by the True Blue Moon Rune itself. You only get lethargic in sunlight, can transform into a bat, and holy weapons are an inconvenience at best. You bear upon you a small shard of the True Blue Moon Rune, simply called the Moon Rune, which helps control your thirst for blood. Though you still find it rather tasty. Just be careful who you reveal this nature to, since vampire hunters are a thing. Free Racial Perk: Moon's Blessing: At night, you are superhuman. Greater strength, ​ greater speed, enhanced reflexes and heightened senses. Even your magic and supernatural abilities are stronger at night. Sadly, this means that during the day, your abilities and strength are almost halved and you are still rather lethargic. If in the presence of the True Night Rune or any of its children, this downside can be countered, but just know that all things have a time and place. And your time starts when the sun goes down.

11: Nay­Kobold ­ Just as kobolds are canine, nay­kobolds are feline. Merchants, thieves, ​ gamblers, they all hail from the Island of Nay in the Island Nations, having a great love for mice, fish, catnip, and cheese. Traditionally, they use claw weapons that fit over their paws, and there are a few who have turned this into a particularly potent martial art. Free Racial Perk: Padfoot: You are quiet when you move. Almost eerily so. If you ​ choose to sneak about, few will be able to spot you unless you wish them to or they are supernaturally aware. This is ideal for everything from stealing shinies to running away. This even extends to you when moving quickly, allowing you to dash with nary a sound. Just beware of dry twigs or other such noisemakers in your path.

12: Your Choice ­ You may choose any of the above. The world is vast, and while you may ​ draw stares, people will ultimately judge you on your deeds and not your appearance. Unless they happen to be dicks.

ORIGIN: Your start in this world. All heroes have a beginning, let us hear what yours is! ​

Drop­In (Free): No memories of this world. No connections. No one knows you from Adam, and ​ that's fine by you! Just expect everyone to look at you funny if you ask obvious questions... like 'What's a True Rune?' or 'What's a Rune?'. In all eras, you are fresh off a merchant tradeship or caravan with 5,000 potch, your tools of the trade and appropriate papers.

Craftsman (Free): You are someone with a talent. Perhaps you are a smith, or maybe you are ​ a merchant. Perhaps you are a bard, a dancer, an innkeeper, a chef, a farmer or maybe you just make windows. Whatever the case, you ply your trade and do it well! Just hope you don't have to see the battlefield. If you DO fight, your weapon is usually the tool(s) of your trade. In all eras, you are apprenticed to a local craftsman of the same trade as you, living in their home and building up your repertoire of skills.

Soldier (50 CP): You are a member of your area's military! You have trained since you were ​ quite young and know the basics of fighting with your weapon of choice as well as a basic knowledge of Runes. Of course, depending on where you start, this can be military in the proper sense, or simply mean you are a warrior of your tribe. Any single weapon, even your own fists or feet, can be your weapon of choice. In all eras, you are part of the local militia, and you have the sinking sensation war will come soon...

Rune Mage (50 CP): Swinging a weapon is grunt work. You are one who is trained in the arts of ​ Rune Magic, able to gain greater usage and utility out of your runes, your greatest goal in life is to be even half as powerful as the great Magi known as Crowley or his rival Mazus. Your weapon of choice is generally some kind of magic focus, be it a staff, a crystal ball, a book or what have you. In all eras, you are apprenticed under the local Rune Sage, learning the esoteric craft of rune magic while helping with their shop as they place runes upon customers. You have talent and may attract a stronger local magus to learn from if you make yourself known.

Noble (100 CP): You come from a long line of blue bloods. While not part of the RULING family, ​ you are still nobility and have a place at their table during parties. Your family is a staunch supporter of the crown and has served faithfully, though when nobles and royals are involved, the great game of politics is never far behind. As a noble, you seek to uphold the values and authority your name holds, perhaps even to gain greater honor for your family through your deeds. In all eras, you begin in your ancestral family home, with talk of betrothal on your honored parent’s lips... though word amongst the servants says that other noble houses have been approached by strangers and your planned betrothed might have more on their mind than a simple merging of houses.

Rune Warrior (200 CP): One who is both adept at using Rune Magic as well as combining it ​ with a strong fighting style, these warriors, once properly experienced, are a terror on the battlefield. While not as physically strong as a Soldier or as magically talented as a pure Rune Mage, Rune Warriors are still able to cover either role with ease since they do not truly rely on one or the other. Your weapon of choice is generally a one handed weapon. You are a ranking officer in the local militia, regularly taking your squad out for exercises against monsters. Ill tidings are on the wind, and you have been told to keep yourself ready for anything.

PERKS: Perks listed under each origin are discounted for that origin. Aside from Drop­In, the ​ first listed skill for your origin is free. Rune Warriors do not have their own perks, but gain discounts from both Soldier and Rune Mage trees. Yes, this means Rune Warriors get the initial perk of both trees for free.


Escape Route (100 CP): Let's face it, the moment you step out of town, you'll get mobbed by ​ Blade Bunnies when you least expect it. You'll likely find yourself surrounded by groups of monsters that, singularly, you can take on. Sadly, monsters around here tend to travel in full mobs, so when you find yourself in over your head with no one around to help you, the best thing for you to do is get the hell out of dodge. This perk gives you a burst of speed whenever you need to run away from something, automagically running away from your foes! If you have allies with you, you also gain a burst of strength, picking all of them up in your arms before they can react and bolting before the monsters so much as sniff at you. Discretion, Valor, blah blah blah.

Thief (200 CP): Everything you fight against, even monsters, seems to have some kind of wallet ​ on them. As one who lacks a proper role in this world you need all the potch, this world’s name for money, you can get your hands on and with this perk every successful melee attack automagically steals a small percentage of whatever money that opponent might have. After a good fight, a glance at your wallet will show you having more coins than before! Just beware that this only works with melee strikes, ranged attacks and magic will not make you any richer.

Treasure Hunter (400 CP): Monsters are rather interesting beings. Despite not having pockets ​ or storage devices, they always seem to have money and items on them, and in rare occurrences, Runes! Your average adventurer can spend hours hunting down certain monsters to gather what rare loot they might drop, but for you monsters may as well be dangerous pinatas! Items are guaranteed to fall, and rare items have a higher chance of dropping! With human opponents, this generally means you have great skill in divesting them of armor and weapons they likely won't be needing anymore.

Beast Master (600 CP): You speak, Monsters and Animals listen. You command, they obey. ​ Well.. not ALL Monsters.. Any monster you defeat without outright killing can be tamed to fight by your side. You may have a party’s worth (Six) of Monsters at your side at any given time. Large Monsters and Bosses require more effort, and take up two ‘slots’ worth, meaning that a full party of Large monsters numbers only three. On the up side, a full party of the same monster will usually mean they have a powerful combination attack. On the downside, expect a LOT of stares if you waltz through town with several Blade Bunnies as your entourage. Note, this only works on monsters you defeat yourself. It’s an honor/pecking order thing.


Anytime, Anywhere (100 CP: You are a true master of your craft! It doesn't matter if you are in ​ your workshop or in the middle of an open field, you are able to ply your trade anywhere using only what you have on hand, and still achieve the same level of quality you could achieve back at your workshop! When you choose this perk, choose either merchant, blacksmith, chef, ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ appraiser or doctor. ​ ​ ​ Merchant not only allows you to ply your wares without the need for a shop, but gives you an ​ ​ in with other merchants, who lower their sale prices and purchase things from you closer to their actual value. Blacksmith allows you to forge and improve weapons with only your trusty hammer and your ​ ​ will, though how well you do is based entirely on your skill and the magic of your hammer. Chef allows you to turn ingredients and monster meat into culinary masterpieces using only ​ ​ your knives and the heat of your passion, and your dishes will have magical properties as well from healing to removing disease and poisons to even granting buffs to any who eat it. Appraiser allows you to easily identify anything and everything you find, telling the difference ​ ​ between weeds and healing herbs to knowing whether or not that random pot you grabbed from a monster is simple trash or a rare antique. Also useful for learning magical enchantments on weapons and accessories and the usefulness one can get out of a a Holly Sprite's wing. Doctor not only allows you to craft medicines on the fly wherever you go, but gives you the ​ ​ ability to perform emergency procedures even in the grimiest dungeon with little to no risk to the patient. You may take this perk multiple times and the Craftsman Origin gets discounts on purchases after the first.

Craft of War (200 CP): Whatever craft you chose to represent yourself, pick an item that best ​ represents your craft, and that is not only usable as a weapon, but as an exceptional one! Perhaps as an armorer, you wield a shield as a weapon and pull a Captain America shield charge with it, or as an innkeeper you double as a barkeep, and thus use a large beer­keg to bash your enemies repeatedly. This can be as serious or as silly as you want it to be, but through mystical means even a fluffy pillow can fell large groups of enemies once properly improved. Just expect people to underestimate you when you wield your chosen weapon into battle. Note, even if you take the perk ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ several times you can only pick one craft to take your chosen weapon from unless you are dual­wielding, in which case go nuts!

Demand Supplies (400 CP): Who has the time to forage for materials when there is work to be ​ done and a war to be fought? Certainly not you! Whatever your chosen profession, you will find a steady supply of... well.. supplies.. is never hard to find. This takes the form of a large steel chest. Anything kept within it is perfectly preserved. Should you take anything out of it, upon closing the lid and reopening it, you will find more of said item inside in the exact amount it had when you first put it in! Example, you place 100 iron ore ingots inside and close the lid. Opening it again, you take 20 out and close the lid again. Upon opening it, there are still 100 ingots inside! While you can put any number of items inside, just know three things. They have to be mundane, they cannot be alive, and make sure you keep food items separate from rocks and the like. Just because it copies items, doesn’t mean you don't have to worry about getting coal dust all over your chicken legs if you store both inside willy nilly. The chest also cannot be used to store anything that normally cannot fit in a chest that is 8 feet long, 5 feet wide and 6 feet tall. If you have the Shop, the Chest can easily rest in there, if not then I certainly hope you've invested in some kind of vehicle to carry it. Only you can open the chest, and should anything destroy it, a new one will appear in your Shop or Warehouse the next day, though sadly it will be empty. Magical items placed within are never copied, and if any living being is inside, the Chest will refuse to close.

(600 CP):


Tempered For Battle (100 CP): Choose a weapon and/or fighting style. You are now a master ​ of fighting with said weapon and style. Comes complete with a masterwork, named weapon of your choice unless you are importing your own.

(200 CP): not sure…

It's Time To... (400 CP): Fighting monsters is fine, fighting in groups is fine, but you specialize ​ in one on one duels. You have a sixth sense for seeing into an opponent's strengths and weaknesses, able to see little tells to discern whether they will be focusing on attempting to attack with all their might or buckling down to defend. This applies to any other kind of one on one confrontation as well, from debates, negotiations, interrogations... to yes, even children's card games.

Squad Tactics (600 CP): As a strong warrior, you lead by example! Due to your martial ​ prowess, your name is fairly well known, and as such you can expect people to call on you for mercenary contracts. More importantly, you can expect mercenaries to vie for your attention or willingly march under your banner. As such, you have no trouble getting a strong squad together that would follow you to Hell and back if the pay was good! And after a few years, they would do the same even if there was no pay. Of course, expect to be drawn into major conflicts... but what's a warrior without a good war now and again? Squads do not follow you post jump, though you DO summon spiritual copies of previous Squads with each use. Discount exclusive to Soldiers.


Magical Growth (100 CP): Tapping into the runic energy of the world around you, you are able ​ to draw more power from your runes than others. Due to this, you are able to use their abilities more than others. At first, this may simply be one or two more castings of tier 1 magic, but over time you could spam the spells several times and still have energy for more. This also translates to using skill and weapon runes more often as well.

Extra Rune Slots (200 CP): A good mage uses powerful magic, a GREAT mage uses several! ​ Everyone begins with three of these already, but you have the potential to have several runes placed upon your body! This perk basically allows you to put as many Runes as you want upon your body. Just keep in mind that it’s usually someone ELSE who is placing the runes upon you. Even with his great age and experience, the great magus Crowley was still embarrassed from having a friend place runes on his rear end.

It Can Blend! (400 CP): A rare form of sympathetic magic called 'Unite Magic' exists in the ​ world that requires two mages to use certain elemental runes at the same time to create a powerful effect. Of course, there are a rare few who can utilize several runic magics simultaneously, and you have joined their fold! This perk gives you the ability to discern which runes work best together as well as gives you the ability to use these Unite Magics without the need for anyone else. As time goes on and you get used to the runic energies, you may discover ways to fuse more than two runic spells together for devastating effect. Who knows? You might even find ways to combine runes that usually won't work together since they are using your body as a medium.

Crowley Who? (600 CP): Crowley and his rival Mazus spent lifetimes mastering the runic arts, ​ powerful runic energies coursing through their veins to the point where they could almost rival True Runes in terms of sheer power and ability. You have now entered that tier of sheer magical strength. You now have the ability to cast runic magic nigh infinitely, your magical energies restoring themselves as fast as you can spend it. Rain destruction, bring new life to the land, summon powerful entities from beyond the veil by the hundreds! If there’s a rune for it, you can cast it in great quantities and with great quality. You also gain great control over your runic magic, able to regulate them to the point that even the most sensitive magus couldn’t sense your power. Or release all restraint and cause various beings to point their attention right at you.


A Noble’s Demeanor (100 CP): You are the cream of the crop when it comes to Nobility. At least, that’s how others perceive you. Something about you screams charm and class, so when you speak, others are willing to listen and believe. From asking for investments to garnering support for a Faction, and if they happen to be Antagonistic to you they’ll at LEAST give you a few precious seconds to listen to your final words.

(200 CP) Throwing name around to gain favor with others, even if you are not of that country

(400 CP)

(600 CP) Royal Boon: Due to your family’s reputation, your own actions, or even by simply ​ being in the right place at the right time, you have earned the favor of the local Royalty and can proudly be called a kinsman. As such, you have been granted a special icon that is recognized by all as a symbol of the Royalty, and your word is as good as theirs. With this, you could order a knight’s militia to fight under your banner, have a town cede their valuables or even borrow the Royal Yacht for a pleasure cruise. Need weapons to help your cause? Done. Mounts? Easy! Just remember that the Royal Family will allow these things so long as it’s within reason. Go too far with it, and consequences may abound. Luckily, they will forgive most anything short of rebellion, stealing state secrets or anything else that might cause them harm. In future Jumps, this icon will always allow you to represent any local royalty or ruling body.


Rune Sage (100 CP): You gain the ability to place runes upon someone's body, even your own, ​ or remove them and turn them into a crystal to be used on someone else later. This can be done anytime, anywhere, even through clothes, hair and fur. The person you are placing the rune on must be willing, or else the rune will be rejected. The only runes you cannot remove are True Runes, since they choose their wielders personally. Over time, you can also fuse rune pieces into whole runes, or crack rune crystals into pieces to be placed into weapons. You can also turn runes into scrolls, making several one shot spell scrolls that can be used in an emergency.

United We Stand! (100 CP): A single warrior in this world can handle many things on their own, ​ but the greatest strength can be found in working in unison with one's allies to unlock techniques of great power! Choose up to five companions to perform a Unison Attack with. Not only will this technique be perfect for wiping out huge swaths of enemies, but it will allow your team to work better together. You may purchase this perk at discount as many times as you wish to create several squads or even have several different kinds of unison attacks with a set group. The only restriction is that the combination attack must involve all members properly, even if it means turning a couple of them into human missiles.

I'm Not Angry, I'm MAD! (100 CP): In this wide world, there are those called Rune Engineers, ​ though they also have other names associated to them. Inventors, Eccentrics... Mad Scientists. They fuse runic energy with gears, springs and barrels to create weapons and items that beggar belief. Just as blacksmiths can graft pieces of rune crystals onto weapons and mages can graft rune crystals upon living beings, so to can you graft runes into machinery. This can allow a crossbow to fire several times in succession, or allow you to control a mechanical limb as if it were your own. Over time, you may even learn the secrets of granting sentience and sapience to an automaton, and even allow them to use runic magic themselves. This ability can work on any technology in future jumps as well.

Makeshift Tools (200 CP): Not every Rune Engineer on the go has easy access to a workshop, ​ or even proper tools, when inspiration strikes. Thus, they would benefit greatly from the ability to jury rig tools from anything handy. From simple household items like a juice glass, a bedspring, a candle snuffer, a recently cannibalized pocket watch and some string, you can create a fully functional and accurate telescope. Or, you know, use that lovely dagger you are carrying as a makeshift screwdriver, but I digress. No matter where in the world you are, you can expect to be able to jury rig something together for quick repairs or anything else to suit your emergency building needs. Just don’t question the quality too much. Three tree branches and a bit of ABC Gum can make a lovely catapult, just don’t think it'll last past the altercation without a bit more work.

Silverberg School of Strategy (200 CP): You learned from the best, and by that I mean you ​ learned under a Silverberg. Taught in the ways of strategy, both the needed mentality and the best way to get desired results, you could literally win a battle in your sleep. So long as you wrote easy to understand instructions ahead of time for people to follow. Soldiers are your pawns, and it is only based on your personality that you either sacrifice them for the greater good, or do your best to ensure no piece is ever lost.


(100 CP Gear Free for Discounted Origins)

Cold, Hard Potch (50 CP): 100,000 Potch (aka: money.) Buy as many times as your greedy ​ little heart desires. Craftsmen get 200,000 Potch free. Nobles get 500,000 Potch for free.

Go! Go! Gadget Minion! (100 CP): Congratulations! You are the proud owner/inventor of a little ​ wooden robot! About the size of a young child and going by the name 'Gadget J', they start off initially as a repurposed wooden barrel with three wheels for mobility, an obedient if sassy attitude, and two strong arms and hands good for manipulating tools or pummelling your foes. Over time, you can upgrade Gadget J's body so he looks more impressive, but for now be content with what amounts to discount R2­D2 that actually speaks instead of beeping at you. When in sleep mode or deactivated, Gadget J folds in on himself, to the point that he resembles your average wooden barrel. He can also do this willingly.

Interdimensional Shop (­400 CP, Discount Craftsman) This is a Warehouse attachment that ​ basically turns a 60 x 60 sq. ft area of your Warehouse into a place of business in which you can ply your trade. It has a door, a large front facing window to place items to attract customers and ample space to place to display tables or dummies. If your trade isn't sale oriented, this instead becomes an ideal workshop for you to make things, or a quaint little tavern or inn. When not in use, the window looks out into your Warehouse and you can alter its design however you wish, though the most important part of this walled off section of your Warehouse is a golden doorknob that fits in your pocket. Should you attach this doorknob to any upright, flat surface and put in your Warehouse Key, you will summon the front door of the Interdimensional Shop, and the surface you attached your Doorknob to will transform into the Shop’s front. Furniture, tools and everything within the shop shall only be of basic quality to begin with, so everything will look rather 'cheap'. An extra 100 CP will increase the quality of furniture and tools, while an additional 150 CP will add another floor. Both of these additions may be taken twice. Any changes and items left within the space will still be there when you access it again, though you cannot leave living beings inside the space. Any attempt to do so will prevent the Warehouse Key from leaving the Shop Doorknob. No matter what design your shop has, there is always a marked employee entrance door that only you and your companions may access to reach your Warehouse. Temporary help, customers and intruders will find the door both unbreakable and unopenable no matter how hard they try. Please note that all that appears on the flat surface you use this on is the door and the shop front. If you use this item on a free­ standing wall, it does NOT create an entire building. Also note that any disadvantage that prevents you from accessing your Cosmic Warehouse will prevent you from accessing your Shop, since the Shop Doorknob requires the Cosmic Warehouse Key to work. If you opted for Portals instead of the Key, then the Doorknob will require you to open a portal directly on it's keyhole. If you somehow misplace the Doorknob, it will be found in your pocket within a few minutes, much like the Warehouse Key. You are also the only person who can activate the Doorknob, even if someone else had access to your Key.


Runes are the keystones of this world. They control nature, allow monsters and various races to exist on the same plane of existence, and give mortals the ability to wield Nature’s fury at their fingertips. All spell­based runes have ‘levels’ to the powers they wield, the stronger the spell the more energy it takes to cast. In order to utilize a rune’s power, it must be grafted onto your body through a Rune Sage. All Origins have all three rune slots unlocked and available, the left hand, the right hand and the forehead. Lycanthropes and Vampires already have a Rune on their non­dominant hand that cannot be removed without dire consequences.

Basic Runes (100 CP, First Free For Rune Mage/Rune Warrior)

Elemental Runes: Water Rune. Lvl 1 Spell:: Kindness Drops: Status removed, and small healing to one target. Lvl 2 Spell: Breath of Ice, a normal ice attack of magical strength Lvl 3 Spell: Kindness Rain Heals any allies close by with healing rain. Lvl 4 Spell: Silent Lake: Chance of blocking/silencing magic in an area.

Fire Rune Lvl 1 Spell: Flaming Arrows: Small Fire damage; 1 target Lvl 2 Spell Dancing Flames: small fire damage to an area and any targets Lvl 3 Spell Blazing Wall: Moderate fire damage to an area and any targets Lvl 4 Spell Explosion: Heavy Fire damage to an area and any targets within it

Lightning Rune: Lvl 1 Spell Berserk Blow: Light Electrical Damage to enemies in an area Lvl 2 Spell Thunder Runner: Moderate damage to a single enemy. Lvl 3 Spell Soaring Bolt Heavy Damage to a single enemy Lvl 4 Spell Furious Blow: Severe damage to any enemies in it’s path

Earth Rune: Lvl 1 Spell Clay Guardian: Moderate physical and Magical Defense boost 1 target Lvl 2 Spell Vengeful Child One time defense for opposing a magical attack, Single target. Lvl 3 Spell:Guardian Earth: Status removal for all allies in a sizeable area Lvl 4 Spell Earthquake: A localized earthquake in a sizable area

Wind Rune Lvl1 Spell Wind of Sleep moderate chance of magical sleep on targets in area Lvl 2 Spell Healing Wind light healing to target Lvl 3 Spell The Shredding Moderate wind damage to one target. Lvl 4 Spell Funeral Wind Moderate wind damage and chance of death (50%) Medium sized area. Multiple targets.

Greater Runes (300 CP, Discounted for Rune Mage and Rune Warrior)

Thunder Rune:

Mother Earth Rune:

Cyclone Rune:

Rune Of Condemnation:

Pale Gate Rune:

Technique Runes (200 CP, Discount Soldier/Rune Warrior)

(Any weapon based rune)

Miscellaneous Runes

Medicine Rune (100 CP): A rune that connects itself to your personal storage, able to bring out any handheld, one use item you have in it. From medicines to spell scrolls to throwing daggers, this little rune has a lot of utility on the field.

Godspeed Rune (200 CP):

True Darkness Rune (1000 CP) You bear on your dominant hand a True Rune which should not exist. In this world, there are only 27 True Runes… and you seem to bear the 28th. Representing the empty void, the darkness which birthed Sword and Shield, which in turn birthed the sky, earth and the 27 True Runes, yours is a power that can save the world… or end it in equal measure. It whispers to you, friend, like a mother longing for its children. It seeks to take them into itself, since its children war against each other needlessly. Its children use mortals for their games, not knowing that to do so would invite a future where they cease to exist. Yet despite how grand it is, how longing its whispers, it initially only has a few powers… the ability to hide from the senses of all other True Runes, the ability to sense the location of other True Runes, and the ability to nullify any runic magic used against you. By taking this, you automatically take the ‘All Returns to Darkness’ scenario, in which you can possibly unlock more of it’s power… for a price.




Athena Silverberg (300 CP, Discount Drop­In): From the prestigious Silverberg Family, Athena is the great­granddaughter of Caesar and Apple Silverberg. Like her ancestors before her, she is a great tactical genius and as much a student of history as myself. She also has skill with throwing knives and wind­based runes. She will be both a staunch ally and guide as you go through the Eras, though she does tend to… ‘fangirl’ when it comes to her honored ancestors and their allies. Understandable, really, though since her goal involves getting their autograph in her special book, this may make future meetings slightly awkward.

Craftsman companion

Soldier Companion

Rune Mage Companion Rune Warrior Companion

Schtolteheim Reinbach XIII (300 CP, Discount Noble): Me? You wish to take ME, friend? Oh, we shall be the BEST of friends! I offer you this Rose Brooch, as a sign of our eternal friendship! My rapier, LeBlanc, shall cut down all who stand in our way! Worry not, friend, for I shall not steer you wrong! As I have stated, I am a student of history, and know all the best places to go if you wish to shine the light of Justice down upon our enemies! Oh, and the parties! Those ancient nobles always knew how to throw the BEST parties! We shall also have to stock up on some proper attire as well…. (You have chosen a Noble Historian as your new best friend. While he has a good head on his shoulders, he tends to view things a bit naively due to never having actually gone out from the relative safety of high society. Still, in dealing with nobility, fast talking past soldiers and in sheer utter loyalty, you cannot find a better companion. He also swings a mean rapier. I just hope you like rose petals getting everywhere)


Incompatible (+300 CP, cannot be taken by Rune Mage or Rune Warrior): You are certainly ​ an oddity in this world. Runes are the lifeblood of the world, but you are such an outsider that you cannot utilize them in any way shape or form. Even the most talented Rune Sage cannot imbue a rune onto you without the rune itself either fizzling, or causing a rather powerful explosion. The only exception are True Runes, and even then you cannot bring out their true potential.

Charmless (+600 CP) What did you do, friend? WHAT DID YOU DO?! Whether due to your ​ otherworldly nature or simply because you said something you shouldn’t have, the Rune Sage Jeane is now out to end you in any way she can. There are no excuses, and there is no quarter. This buxom beauty will bring every drop of Runic Energy at her disposal down upon your head the very moment you cross paths. And what’s worse? She has convinced her friends and admirers to do the same. And with someone of her beauty and charm, that basically means you are fighting all 108 Stars of Destiny. You poor, pathetic fool, I wish you luck.


ACHOO! Wafuuu~: TL;DR you wake up in Viki’s little mirror dimension and accompany her and Little Viki throughout time and experience all the wars of each era as she did. Beware, your actions have consequences, and as each era goes on you’ll learn about them in turn. As you go through time, one particular individual will be there to meet you at your destination, which may be a good or a bad thing…. A Rune Sage by the name of Jeane. If you comment on any previous relationship you have with her, she will be quite upset… and the fact that the normally emotionless Little Viki is frightened out of her wits at the idea, you should consider that a Bad Thing. If Viki or Little Viki die, you lose. Gain 300 CP, Viki and Little Viki as companions as well as your very own Blink Rune.

All Returns to Darkness: TL;DR you find yourself on a literal ghost ship, the True Rune on your hand whispering to you, begging you to find its children. The Captain of the ship, a mysterious being called the Fog Ship Guide, says he has the ability to remove True Runes from others and will assist you on your journey, somehow subservient to the True Darkness Rune. It isn’t long before you find the first Rune, belonging to a young archer lad by the name of Ted. (to be continued) At some point the Fog Ship Guide will attempt to betray you in order to become the True Darkness Rune’s wielder, only to be banished and allowing YOU to be instated as the captain of the ship. Zerase will also join at some point if you hadn’t purchased her already. End of Scenario: You gather all 27 True Runes and their wielders on the Fog Ship and are left with a choice. Remove the True Runes from the wielders, by coercion or force, and allow the True Darkness Rune to absorb them, thus dooming the world to an Eternal Void, OR convince the True Darkness Rune that it is no longer alone, let children be children and give the Bearers some clue as to how to prevent the coming Eternal Void that their actions are already bringing about.

If you choose the first, you must fight an Avatar of the True Darkness Rune, which has all the powers of the 27 True Runes alongside its own and it knows all your tricks. On the upside, if you can distract or somehow weaken it, the 27 True Runes will break free and their own Avatars will fight alongside you begrudgingly. Should you win, you get your choice of which True Rune will join with you. If it’s a True Rune that has previously been split, such as the Gate, Beginning or Sun Runes, then you gain it in it’s full, restored glory. On top of that, the Zodiac Sword, empty now that the True Night Rune has returned to its former glory, is now used to house the True Rune of Darkness, allowing you to bear the blade at your side. While it’s power is lessened in this form, it still conveys its protection from Runic Magic and Stealth abilities. It also now talks aloud instead of whispering in your head, in the voice of a rather irate woman with ungrateful children. She also can fly and move of her own volition if you leave her be. I’m sure you can work things out over the next few decades.

If you choose the second, the Fog Ship Guide returns, having hidden away until this very moment. Stealing the 27 True Runes from their Bearers, it becomes a greater force to be reckoned with, reclaiming control of his ship and turning it against you, summoning the avatars of each True Rune in order to overwhelm you. Angered at this manipulation of its children, the True Darkness Rune unlocks its full power, (whatever it is, haven’t fully hashed it out)