STANDARD PRICE CHART: Prices for all towns, subject to occasional, temporary spikes or drops (there's always exactly one Trade Item that's higher or lower than its usual prices; check rumors to verify). I've marked in red some of the high prices, but I have skipped some best-prices at Stormfist, Sol-Falena and Rainwall, since they are inaccessible for significant portions of the game.

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork Sol-Falena 100 120 220 520 1600 1600 2300 1550 3100 5200 2250 14500 54000 78000 7000 12400 28000 45000 200000 Stormfist 95 150 250 600 1400 1500 2400 1600 3300 1000 2350 15000 58000 75000 1000 6000 30000 25000 180000 Haud 60 200 400 590 1950 2200 2200 1550 6000 2000 2800 10000 60000 75000 1 10000 26000 35000 150000 Rainwall 90 300 420 700 1800 2300 2550 1900 4000 4000 3000 9800 59000 80000 3600 12000 27500 40000 175000 Raftfleet 55 100 300 800 2000 1900 2100 1650 100 4500 2500 9500 57000 75000 2500 9000 8000 30000 80000 Estrise 65 130 260 640 1300 1800 2450 3000 4000 6000 2150 8000 55500 70000 4000 13000 18000 31000 130000 Dwarves 85 240 490 1000 1950 2150 2700 2900 4500 5500 100 11000 50000 10000 3000 15000 50 46000 100000 Castle 75 200 350 750 1500 2000 2500 1500 4500 4200 2500 9800 55000 72000 2200 7500 15000 25000 190000 Yashuna 80 230 380 500 1850 2500 2850 1700 3500 4600 3100 5000 52000 50000 5000 13500 10000 28000 90000 Lelcar 90 180 360 950 1400 1950 2600 2750 3000 5800 4000 12000 56000 65000 3000 5000 15000 48000 120000 Sable 50 260 200 630 1100 2350 2050 2500 5200 7000 3450 14000 45000 15000 2000 11000 12000 25000 140000 Beavers 70 270 210 550 1750 2100 2000 2700 1 4800 100 300 4200 1000 6300 500 10 20000 500 Nirva 55 110 450 540 1200 1700 3000 2800 5000 6500 2000 13500 51000 72000 7800 14000 20000 50000 190000 Sauronix 70 280 500 900 1000 2400 2900 2400 5800 4500 3800 14200 20000 20000 8000 8500 15000 44000 160000

SAVVY BUYER'S GUIDE: The following charts show you the BEST PRICE you can get for each item, barring temporary price spikes, for each phase of the game. Always buy at LESS than these amounts, and you'll always be able to sell at a profit at the highest-price trading post! (Tip: When buying, look for items with the biggest difference from the "best price" first.)

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Intro: Sol-Falena and Stormfist Sol-Falena 100 1600 1600 - 2350 ------Stormfist 150 250 600 2400 1600 4000 ------

Staying in Rainwall Haud 6000 10000 60000 26000 Estrise 3000 6000 4000 13000 Rainwall 90 300 420 2300 2550 3000 80000 40000 175000 Raftfleet 800 2000

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Staying in Raftfleet Haud 2200 6000 2800 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 6000 4000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 150000 Dwarves 85 240 490 1000 2700 11000 15000 46000

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Once you reach Yashuna Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 6000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 85 240 490 1000 11000 15000 46000 Yashuna 2500 2850 3100 5000 HQ 190000 WHAT TO SELL WHERE (AND WHEN) Suikoden V

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Once you reach Lelcar Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 6000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 240 490 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 2850 5000 Lelcar 90 4000 12000 48000 HQ 190000

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Once you reach Sable Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 490 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 2850 5000 Lelcar 90 4000 48000 Sable 260 7000 14000 HQ 190000 Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Once the Beavers join as allies Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Beavers 270 6300 Estrise 3000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 490 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 2850 Lelcar 90 4000 48000 Sable 7000 14000 HQ 190000

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

After you reach Nirva Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 Nirva 3000 7800 50000 190000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 490 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 Beavers 270 Lelcar 90 4000 Sable 7000 14000 HQ 190000

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork WHAT TO SELL WHERE (AND WHEN) Suikoden V

After you reach Sauronix Haud 6000 60000 75000 26000 Estrise 3000 Nirva *3000 *50000 190000 Raftfleet 2000 75000 Dwarves 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 Lelcar 90 4000 Sable 7000 Sauronix 280 500 14200 8000 HQ 190000 *note: rice 2900 in Sauronix *48000 in Lelcar

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

After Rainwall and Stormfist are accessible

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork

Stormfist 95 15000 30000 Haud 6000 60000 Rainwall 300 80000 Estrise 3000 Nirva *3000 *50000 190000 Raftfleet 2000 Dwarves 1000 15000 Yashuna 2500 Lelcar 4000 Sable 7000 Sauronix 500 8000 HQ/Castle 190000 *note: rice 2900 in Sauronix *48000 in Lelcar

ALL TRADING POSTS (black = highest SELLING price, italic gray = cheapest PURCHASE price)

Sugar Salt Soybns Veggies Fruit Wheat Rice Hcrafts Coffee Tea Spices Iron Gold/Sil Pearls Miso Beer Wine Sake Goldwork Sol-Falena 100 520 1600 1550 3100 200000 Stormfist 1500 15000 6000 30000 Haud 1550 6000 10000 60000 150000 Rainwall 300 4000 80000 Estrise 3000 2150 8000 70000 Nirva 110 3000 2000 51000 72000 50000 190000 Raftfleet 55 100 2000 2100 Dwarves 1000 50000 15000 100000 Yashuna 500 2500 10000 Beavers 210 2000 20000 Lelcar 3000 4000 15000 48000 Sable 50 200 1100 7000 2000 Sauronix 500 1000 2900 8000 HQ/Castle 1500 4200 2200 7500 25000 190000