Young Adult Dystopian Novels of the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Dimensions and Reception of S

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Young Adult Dystopian Novels of the Twenty-First Century: Cultural Dimensions and Reception of S FACULTAT DE FILOLOGIA, TRADUCCIÓ I COMUNICACIÓ DEPARTAMENT DE FILOLOGIA ANGLESA I ALEMANYA Programa de Doctorado en Lenguas, Literaturas, Culturas y sus Aplicaciones TESIS DOCTORAL YOUNG ADULT DYSTOPIAN NOVELS OF THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY: CULTURAL DIMENSIONS AND RECEPTION OF S. WESTERFELD'S UGLIES, S. COLLINS’ THE HUNGER GAMES, V. ROTH’S DIVERGENT AND B. REVIS' ACROSS THE UNIVERSE Presentada por: Andrea Burgos Mascarell Dirigida por: Prof. Dr. Miguel Martínez López València, octubre de 2019 2 Acknowledgements/Agradecimientos En general, a tota la meua família, per la seua paciència i suport incondicional. A mi madre, por transmitirme su pasión por la lectura. A mon pare, per ensenyar-me des de xicoteta a qüestionar el perquè de les coses. A Luis, por ser mi pilar en esta última etapa y convencerme de que era capaz. To my supervisor, Professor Miguel Martínez López, for advising me to follow my heart and pursue a Ph.D. in English literature. To the University of Valencia and the School of Philology, Translation and Communication and the wonderful professionals teaching there, for building an institution that has been my home for the past nine years, and a temple of knowledge. 3 4 Table of contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................. 8 Resumen breve ................................................................................................................. 9 Resum breu ..................................................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ................................................................................... 11 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE ......................................................... 17 2.1 Utopian fiction as a literary genre: literary utopia, dystopia and science fiction ................................................................................................................................. 17 2.1.1 Utopia: Eutopos, Outopos. ......................................................................... 17 2.1.2 Dystopia and science fiction ...................................................................... 21 2.2 Young-Adult fiction ............................................................................................ 28 2.3 Dystopian fiction for young adults .................................................................... 30 CHAPTER 3: MATERIALS AND METHODS ............................................................ 37 3.1 Reader response criticism ................................................................................. 37 3.2 Theories of motivation ....................................................................................... 41 3.2.1 Motivation before Maslow ......................................................................... 42 3.2.2 Maslow’s theory, upgrades and contemporary alternatives ....................... 43 3.3 Tagging .............................................................................................................. 47 3.4 Data collection and analysis ............................................................................. 48 CHAPTER 4: HOFSTEDE’S CULTURAL DIMENSIONS ......................................... 51 4.1 Uglies ................................................................................................................. 53 4.2 The Hunger Games: District 12 and The Capitol ............................................. 56 4.3 Across the Universe: Godspeed ........................................................................ 60 4.4 Divergent: Abnegation and Dauntless .............................................................. 64 4.5 Discussion ......................................................................................................... 68 4.5.1 Power distance............................................................................................ 71 4.5.2 Uncertainty avoidance ................................................................................ 76 4.5.3 Individualism vs. collectivism.................................................................... 79 4.5.4 Femininity and masculinity ........................................................................ 82 4.5.5 Long- and short-term orientation ............................................................... 83 4.5.6 Indulgence and restraint ............................................................................. 84 4.6 Final thoughts .................................................................................................... 85 CHAPTER 5: HUMAN NEED SATISFACTION IN YA DYSTOPIAS ...................... 87 5.1 Physiological Needs: Food or Hunger .............................................................. 87 5.1.1 Food and Hunger in utopian and dystopian literature ................................ 87 5.1.2 Results: Uglies............................................................................................ 90 5.1.3 Results: Pretties.......................................................................................... 94 5.1.4 Results: Specials ......................................................................................... 96 5.1.5 Results: The Hunger Games ....................................................................... 97 5.1.6 Results: Catching Fire ............................................................................. 100 5.1.7 Results: Mockingjay ................................................................................. 103 5.1.8 Results: Across the Universe .................................................................... 104 5.1.9 Results: A Million Suns ............................................................................ 105 5.1.10 Results: Shades of Earth ........................................................................ 107 5.1.11 Results: Divergent .................................................................................. 108 5 5.1.12 Results: Insurgent ................................................................................... 109 5.1.13 Results: Allegiant ................................................................................... 111 5.1.14 Discussion .............................................................................................. 112 5.2 Safety ............................................................................................................... 120 5.2.1 Safety in utopian and dystopian fiction .................................................... 122 5.2.2 Results: Uglies.......................................................................................... 125 5.2.3 Results: Pretties........................................................................................ 127 5.2.4 Results: Specials ....................................................................................... 130 5.2.5 Results: The Hunger Games ..................................................................... 132 5.2.6 Results: Catching Fire ............................................................................. 135 5.2.7 Results: Mockingjay ................................................................................. 142 5.2.8 Results: Across the Universe .................................................................... 145 5.2.9 Results: A Million Suns ............................................................................ 147 5.2.10 Results: Shades of Earth ........................................................................ 150 5.2.11 Results: Divergent .................................................................................. 152 5.2.12 Results: Insurgent ................................................................................... 157 5.2.13 Results: Allegiant ................................................................................... 161 5.2.14 Discussion .............................................................................................. 164 5.3 Affiliation ......................................................................................................... 179 5.3.1 Affiliation in utopian and dystopian literature ......................................... 180 5.3.2 Results: Uglies.......................................................................................... 183 5.3.3 Results: Pretties........................................................................................ 188 5.3.4 Results: Specials ....................................................................................... 191 5.3.5 Results: The Hunger Games ..................................................................... 194 5.3.6 Results: Catching Fire ............................................................................. 198 5.3.7 Results: Mockingjay ................................................................................. 206 5.3.8 Results: Across the Universe .................................................................... 209 5.3.9 Results: A Million Suns ............................................................................ 212 5.3.10 Results: Shades of Earth ........................................................................ 214 5.3.11 Results: Divergent .................................................................................. 217 5.3.12 Results: Insurgent ................................................................................... 220 5.3.13
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