About the author Garth Andrew Myers is director of the Kansas African Studies Center and professor in the departments of geography and African/ African-American studies at the University of Kansas. He is the author of Verandahs of Power: Colonialism and Space in Urban Africa (Syracuse, !""#) and Disposable Cities: Garbage, Governance and Sustain- able Develop ment in Urban Africa (Ashgate, !""$), and the co-editor (with Martin Murray) of Cities in Contemporary Africa (Palgrave Macmillan, !""%). He has published or co- authored more than forty articles and book chapters, with the vast majority on African urban development topics. His research em- phasizes eastern and southern African cities, primarily. AFRICAN CITIES alternative visions of urban theory and practice Garth Myers Zed Books &'()'( · (*+ ,'-. African Cities: Alternative visions of urban theory and practice was first published in !"## by Zed Books Ltd, $ Cynthia Street, London %# &'(, )*, and Room +"", #$, Fifth Avenue, New York, %- #""#", )./ www.zedbooks.co.uk Copyright © Garth Myers !"## The right of Garth Myers to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, #&00 Set in Monotype Sabon and Gill Sans Heavy by Ewan Smith, London Index:
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