The Toreador
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SNARE THE BEARS WELCOME EXES THE TOREADOR Volume XXI X7142 TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE, LUBBOCK, TEXAS, Friday, October 18, 1946 Number 5 WELCOME TECH HOMECOMERS FWA To Consider Band's Twirlers and Drum Major Fifteen Student Judges Select Largest Celebration Forty-Five Girls in Beauty Race Tech's Request Ventuna has announced the Richt. d tee. Denzil Bgavel Underway for Exes lop 45 beauty nominees selected by Wellborne Willingham, Bob Click, t he fifteen student judges last Sat- Orville Alderson, Roger Flanagan, By MARY LOU SPEN( I. urday. Nominees will be limited to Ray Haskell, Paul Nail, Bill Nu- Two to three thousand Tech Alumni and Es - stuck-nts are ex- For War Surpluses 16 by a committee of 12 outstand- gent, James Robertson, Frank pected on the campus today, for the largest and most colorful ing men in surrounding towns, Oct. Neal and J. C. Bartlett. homecoming in our history. at 2 p. m. in the Journalism Classrooms, Offices 27 "Most of the nominees appeared Kickoff time is at 2:30 for the Red Raider-Baylor game. The huilding. last Saturday," said Miers, beauty business session of the Alumni and Ex-student Association is at Laboratories Sought The student judges who repre- manager. Girls chosen are the fol- , ented the four classes, and eleven lowing: 10 o'clock in the Tech gymnasium. The parade starts at 10:30, Free Or With Discount 1 impus groups were Troy David- Joe Ann Bailey, June Busman, and at I1 o'clock the Alumni luncheon will be held in the gym. Government aid inmovingm nu- 1, Arnold Masker, Gene Hardey, Dor o thy Ray Bivins, Dorothy The traditional Homecoming dance begins at 8:30 tonight in merous surplus buildings to be used Brow n, Bever ly Besancon, Lou o the gym. for purposes other than housing to Burns, Jeanne Stovall Baker, Mary Elmer Tarbox, president of the the campus of Texas Technological Alice Christian, Dorothy Carmack, Alumni President Alumni and Ex-student A.ocia- college appeared nearer this week La Verne Carson, Betty Caldwell, Engineering Show lion, will preside at the business when the United States Office of Peggy Garrison, Lometa Hodge. meeting. This is the first of the Education approved Tech's applica- Dolores Hodges, Mary Mae John- meetings which are to be held at son, Gloria Holtyman; tion for participation In the Fed- each future Homecoming as the eral Works Administration's pro- For 1946 Planned Mary Jane Hinchey, Helve Joyce annual and major meeting of the gram, according to Dr. W. M. Why Halbert, Joan Hughes, June Left- year. wich, Martha Lively, Frances burn, Tech president. Although the Alumni Associa- The appliCation is now being re King, Kate Moore, Patte Jo Mus- To Outdo Others tion has been dormant at times, it ferred to the Bureau of Communi- son, Joanne Mayfield, Betty Nance, has existed continuously. During By HORNE & LEAVERTON Bernice Neugebaur, Jan Riley. ty Facilities. Federal Works Agen- the war due to the fact that all of cy, for further consideration, the Toreador Staff Writers Earlyne Reid, Pat Robinson, John- Exactness—a word that seems to the executive board was either In president said, and the fulfillment nye Mae Smith, Maureen Smith, service or engaged in some part of of the program now hinges on the fit engineers — has characterized Bette Siegel, Pat Smoot, Hogan the Engineering Shows held every the war effort it was necessary to amount of money FWA makes Sneed, Pat Smilie, Betty Seay, Jean be inactive. available for the Tech program and April for the past 17 years. There Stanfield, Martha Terry, Jerry Tay- Student Body President Troy the number of available surplus has been no guess work as to the lor, Virginia Towns, Ellen Wiese, Davidson gives the parade plans buildings. FWA has $100,000,000 to attendance at the 14 annual shows; Alice Woolsey, Betty Belew White- as follows, "It will form on Col- be used formoving and reconvert- the counting clock has clicked 82,- head, Jo Winders, Eugenia Wat- lege Avenue and follow a route of, ing surplus buildings to campuses 717 times since the shows incep- kins. and Nell Young. down BroadWay to Texas avenue, of educational institutions training Pictured above are Billy Gilmer, Seminole, Charles "Pete" Wiley, tion in 1929. turn north on Texas and proceed veterans. Lublmek, and Frank Summers, Kermit, who front the 109 piece Mat- All attendance records were to Ninth street." He says "The pa- Among the items approved by Ole ador marching hand this broken in 1941, when 8403 persons Cooks, Weddles rade will consist of about twehty- United States Office of Education witnessed the Engineering feats of two floats, and that the student for Tech are approximately 32 skill and precision. The shows Boast Eighteen council will present a prize to the classrooms, space for some 12 lab- have been discontinued the last Fish, Pat Becker organization whose float is judged oratories, for general science, me- four years because of the Army's Tech Students It TARBOX the best by student council mem- chanical engineering and electrical Band to March In demand for engineers. Homecoming is particularly sig- bers." engineering, additional ROTC fa- Fatally Injured Jim Wanner. general manager of 0. R. Cook family. At 11:30 the Alumni luncheon cilities, a dispensary, a 600 seat the 1947 Engineering Show, expects nificant to the of Post, and the C. L. Weddle fam- will be in the gym. The Associa- projection room, additional space In Auto Accident this years display to surpass all Parade for Exes ily of Bonham. Collectively the tion of Women Graduates will give for about 32 faculty offices, more Benjamin Dean (Pat/ Beckei, preceeding shows, both in attend- Texas Tech Matador band under Alumni To Vote out cards at this time, and at the families have had eighteen chil- storage space for the bookstore and freshman band major, from Spear- ance and exhibits. He bases this the direction of D. 0 Wiley will business meeting, for the purpose room for a veterans guidance cen- man. died Tuesday morning in the prediction on the many new devel- dren to attend Tech. give a half time marching per- All of the children of both fami- of getting a more complete mailing ter. A quantity of technical and Lubbock Memorial Hospital. opments in the engineering field formance Saturday afternoon at list for the Alunmni association. other equipment for laboratories He entered the hospital October brought about by World War II, lies have attended Tech. There On By-Laws Today the annual Homecoming game be- has been at least one member of ' The "Fish" shirt-tail parade will may also be made available to Tech 8, for treatment of pneumonia and ad the added interest of the public tween Texas Tech and Baylor. the Cook family at Tech since the snake dance down College Avenue by the FVVA, either free or at a 95 pneumothorax lung condition. His in these new discoveries. Besides the forming of the tra- school opened, with the exception to the Stadium at 1:30. At half- per cent discount of a "reasonable" death was due to an embolus, blood Year Attendance Mgr. ditional Double T, and a maneuver of two Spring semesters. Of the At Business Meet time the traditional shoe race will 1929 price. clot or infection. 2100 J. Hewett honoring the visiting team, the eleven Cooks attending Tech, six provide entertainment, followed by Under the program the college Becker ; 17. son of Mr. and Mrs. 1930 . 2600 H. Spencer bawl -ASP pa rtieigAte. in a memor- 1571 hod.. geadustvi and three, Polly, Representatives To Be the Memorial services for ex-stu- will provide building sites and util- B. A.' Becker, giaduated floe, ,F,Y) C'. Ltnial ial service paying tribute to Tech- 1932 Josh, and 0. R. Jr., are attending dents killed during the—Csar.— The ities and the FWA will move in Spearman High school in 1946, and 3601 S. Hopper Chosen From Senatorial sans who were killed during the 1933 now. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have re- Home Economics club is selling the buildings, which are surplus enrolled in the Arts and Sciences 5707 P. Connor war. 1934 ceived five Parent's Day awards corsages on the campus today, and war installations. division this fall. 6200 J. Potts Districts of State The Tech band will give two at the game, said Betty Renner, The body was taken to the Rix 1935 8000 F. Fairley for having had the largest number other performances during Home- of club president. FISH 2.5-ERS ELIGIBLE Funeral home, and was later 1936 8000 J. King of children in Tech. Royal Fel geson, chairman The Homecoming dance in the 'er moved to Spearman for funeral coming. Friday night the band 1937 7200 R. Houston Mr. and Mrs. Weddle have had the constitutional committee of the Freshman men students who dur- gym starts at 8:30 Saturday night. played for the pep rally in Tech 1938 6500 H. Meridith seven children to attend Tech. Six Tech alumni and ex-student .so- ing the Spring semester or Sum- Karl Hansen's band will be play- gym and bonfire. Saturday morn- 1939 8009 B. Mason of them have graduated and one, elation, said that "voting on new mer session made 2.50 scholastic ing. ing the 109 piece marching band, 1940 8197 C. Barnard Bob, is a senior arts and science by-laws will be of major import- average or better, should submit fronted by "Pete" Wiley, drum ma- Celebrations started last night 1991 8403 M. Kelly student this year. Four of the Wed- ance at the business meeting.