Mr. Nicholas. He took b.s " ins officer* exclusivelyfrom mm of his oim,,,i most intimate terms with " though he formerly thought otherwise - and from a conviction of the of the pnnci- seat as President of the Senate within fifteen minutes opinions, TilU»Sh..., TW magnitude Mere thi> ruk is assorted une <*t tit** .,t Russell* SU»ly, SW"«, involved. He d.d not say thaUhe had made after the conversation alluded to had passed. It it had by great parti.-* L.^r,o, Xs they the on tin- Hour of Congress, t<» be tin- ru!o. i COXGKKSS. 1st SKSSION. bull, Joseph as to the of the complaint, he been considered in other hy Mr. Nicholas, country TWENTY-SIXTH So the lull wait pawed. up a^'pinion justice any light exclusion;'and the other party, in the wnic nothing; for, he desired still to than a Mr. Jefferson would certainly have heard: iloor, then the House adjourned. deBirlto prejudge joke, the nublie ear, and printed belore the public > « 22, lt>40.[ Session.] And retain the same he had always entertained of and would have withheld those evi¬ Friday, May ES. hi«li opinion it, certainly wils amirs ami the rule, as consistent v HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIV Monday, May 2-">, 1*40. i. to the officer accused. He forbore to move dences of hm confidence and regard which I received jushjifs the House to order at 4 regard for he the lull of administration. wisdom and integrity. To this nvght be add, -1 th- When the Speaker called IN SENATE. even the reading of the memorial: had from him during the whole course his < number ot members rpi to the Se- stances of the removal of Gardiner, oxe end o'clock, there was not a sufficient vipp PRESIDENT communicated est confidence in the Judiciary Committee, and was sir, said Mr. Harrison, mv opposition to the Alien the of a House ot Re¬ this But, lor but this would be unnecessan. present to give even a]>)naranee all nate a J'v. ¦l'ro'.J>-«..flh- persuaded that a subject of grave import- and Sedition Laws was so well known in the territory,; opinions'sake, on the of the Speaker, ,s o|- tjie I.,aun «>« Muscat, entirely in the of War (Mr. Henry) writing tin- v presentatives, so, suggestion ance would receive from them the fullest and fairest ihat a was extorted from me by my friends Secretary lor a briet promise declared that lie would make n - mors were suspended space. investigation; and, from experience he distrusted his the which 1 was elected, that 1 would the Kxeeutive, proceed which hud Coin- legislature, by in the "but of rit , After which, the bills passed through own He did not know that the commit ee no in which were in the ..ointments provincial army, ,p and which had been judgment. express opinions and that ami known char;:. .. luittee ofthe Whole in the morning, would even deem it to call upon the to defeat the with disafleeted, prominent and the amendments were se¬ necessary Judge least calculated important objects the of the amended, were taken up, to answer to the but if, in their opinion, the I was As I had no vote, I was not call¬ must certify principles applicants in. cl.argc; which charged. that was in being when old John concurred case was such as called for further action, they would ed to sentiments in the House. 1 lie same army verally the hills which had been ordered to a .art upon express my certain citizens of li tlh f tnat And then all tore that move for the printing of the documents, and take such 1H40. were all in favor of the measures 1 informed ounly, were read a third tune their titles and lays muke. The President also RICHMOND, Va-> FRIDAY, MAY 21), Republican party was a in \\hod< served to be hi.inb!.-.! f third reading by position us it mayprojuj»'si i other steps as might he requisite and proper. wished to have adopted. But the were the party Virginia m legislative provision, was received and referred to Views of tlu- Presidential Klectioiw and to dust and ashes before the indignant frown* of then i, passed. re¬ The memorial thereupon I majority. Prudence, therefore, my duty my On motion of Mr. RUSSELL, the House again out the which they may proper the on the .Iddress to the People oj irginia..[«?..- J it that I should refrain jured and insulted country. Committee Judiciary. . . rendered Whole pointing future instances t ellow-t ilr/.> n ., constituents, proper exclusive rule avowed t. solved itself into Committee of the (Mr. Briggs UU> lllirHUe in anv Ecciung Session. The ereat question before you, >*, from sentiments which would injuriously Here we see the by I".. out expressing - in the on the calendar a like kuHi -ay be made to the Execu- leave to otter a resolution in¬ is Gen. \V. H. Harrison to carry y«'"r could not have lal E.cecutire,c.harged and admitted by both parti- S chair) private generally. whereI Sw Mr PFTR1K1N asked qualified !,ri""to affect their interests; and it expressed, . aside to be of the Government or tlie li'ost the most taithtul of announced too at tint t. . ?ere laid reported. branches Committee on the Public Buildings to in¬ ciples5 Is he tli*-- capable, the least influence the dec -inns of the floor Congress; du Yarn^fcills the a reft, struct'.!.-''the Is he the candidate who the upo.i Congress." and confirmed him on the Of committee. into the of erecting a plain brick your Constitution? by Here the is made Mr. Mr Jefferson, by lgili jtff and Attended to remark, alrifntsabroad*:under quire expediency civil the of '"^ po¬ cherge directly by Randolph, in his letter to a committee of the y sauUtf^iad circuinstanws^precluding fin-proof connected with the War Depart- Extent of his qualifications, purity that he was the of Mr. 's admi¬ July leSOl, nier (being building, and the force of circumstances, is best supporter Haven. This rule so assured to whit IM fB^flCTconsideration, SUThe'1Senate^ook*up the bSl making appropriations ilit*iit for the use of the several bureaus therein named, litical opinions, nistration.and Gen. Harrison admits it to be true, with chants of New tha^^o. that the increase of its the of the and exclusion ot :i a bill foMWrtliefJUlicbael Scitzinger,) tardy r , i» !i?>nt (Mlice.part for the library, and for the safe-keeping of the records thereof. Object- calculated to support principles Republican the of the Alien and Sedition ;icts. Indeed, was the absolute unqualified pn oome too late to be en¬ . «." c.....rv<,rs,o,., exception sect of from all office Mr. justiA qAhe GoAunigt'brJ this 1)3 the General himself admits, that he entertained senti¬ lar politics public Jers departed asked the and on the mo- We shall not at this time discuss the military talents declares that Mr. Adams and the part)- then in joyed bj^s inletrafl^flpielHp^A^-flP11 winch sliould bruiigitt C<1.rVlr. BRIGG& yeas nays .n ments to that Jihninistrution.sentiments, p.,*,-, & few matter from the Committer to the orders of the and services of Gen. Harrison. We are not search Jacorable " excluded front otlice every shade of for the benefit On 'r"s-l"llANCiE, tinn that the HoW pl*bcoed day; Go¬ which were not entertained by any man irho />ru- opinion the t|,c resolution for the distribu- of a but of a statesman, to administer the surely " was not theirs; to which lie added Ins sincere r. r *5>e kn«vn£ ikflPRj* to on ^K)) which were and being taken, were.yeas 0!», soldier, to to the party. AVi such man V' applied f was reduced to We that lour years ago, the f'essed belong llrjiublicitn u should have lueu :> "*t>f the d<*ndaMP*hjSBivl(hjktliat ti°n of fore.f ^,7'sceds .§1,00(1. ordered, vernment. know, indeed, or ever reciirt.l at it.- t|iat unessential opinions and that aiuj Mr. CALHOUN him as their lor no such thought favorably of it, any office » the from the am; ^ Jhe Commissioned©! B^wons tjp wf^won, opposed ¦To the to proceed to the orders of the Federalists adopted champion hands..But the on this evidence has been so to interdict half society rights "¦ was too this nouse*efu£d no for his civil argument » him .the supppilitiqMiat i . on the that had quali¬ of and t» ¦ it w|s denied-to Jp the r«°,ut,t ' ci.ieflv ground $1,000 consideration. They respect well in the Nashville that we shall in"S self-government, proscribe a* of the the and constitutional The men who the selection put together Union, « trust. It would have vodffe ft> h«v%been aclti^n»t)j<^Wugg!es appropriation ¦*<*bevond proper* ^The SPEAKER?continued the call of the committees fications. very reprobated content ourselves with it: unworthy of every been to who had |U r as worse than adopting Subsequently, hoifev'i^'pqjsons of the yen1 ati ni J;ls ,);ill of being for reports. of a "Military Chiettain," "war, pesti¬ he from "a circumstance .Je'UO) it is very probable that he might have gv, thdi^ipr(}3#'tilHftirs of;">vhich "Si £d for ie execution of such duty; gested bv Lieut. Hunter, and that the sum of $;>0,000 sons of Pennsylvania, name of Federal are too well known r- sci- heard me express sentiments favorable to the then admi¬ principles, to. ^ the ot the arts and same is for that and , had not protested against Mr. Clay, commentary. Their were to crush Suv .greod com¬ Vw.dccidedly promotion be and the hereby, appropriated pur¬ nistration.I CKKTAIM.V i ki.t Tit km. And he says quire objects And on motion of Mr. PETRIKIN, the those of winch stands in the not and insisted the selection of General Damson.- subdue the freedom ot .in then, House. encciTparticularly agriculture, pose, payable out of any money Treasury upon further: 'For Mr. Adams I entertained, at that time, and sovereignty, and to. op.- n to the . lie made mittee rose and those bills at of them all; that the object was, therefore, on motion of Mr. . They thought also that some capital might and and I th i- reported on ot the'head otherwise appropriated; which, have ever since entertained the 1 be¬ Their means, gags, chains, Mr. TURNEY some discussion the point the view ot the Constitution , of the Whole on the out of his= The very last thing, greatest respect. a annv. a (after the St least within general was referred to the Committee military position. lieved him to be an honest man and a peualties and prisons, standing pr. moved to reconsider the vote by whir* these seeds of course, fat , which would recommend the no¬ pure patriot, order) and though inanv of would, slate of the Union. indeed, present and his conduct that session him to be army, and thirty-seven thousand "presn.eutia. tia. to commit the bill had bet" reject¬ sons to render the of the Federal is his talents and qua¬ during proved : motion pre-emption vet others would succeed, probably And, at (i o'clock, the House adjourned. minee Party, such!' admission of the that he (as the Democratic party then called tin in. ed. compared with the small lifications for the affairs of Government. In these What, stronger charge stationed above the I alU <> all s State; guided to make this admission bccausv it was true, and three in Massachusetts-all rallying p. The SPEAKER th'p*, by general consent, nitivpd bv nays as follows : the United question being his own and whose had vindicated the pelled ru- suggested ° veasand State, tongue for "the of well atii-cU-d s:. t business of the I->»r should he Critten¬ substitute for the bill. of the 1 "10" . the witnesses were present to prove it if denied, presidential the morning dispensed Ve«iv.Messrs. Benton, Brown, Calhoun, . measures of that party in the Senate living crather around at the sound ot the l ril«T.i! : with in order to to ,fle disposition of the busi¬ I 1 res- Mr. the bill at gri at Ins letter ot the .Kb. seems to have been sensible that President Adams and proceed den, Grundy, Hubbard, Merrick, Phelps, .erce, BENTON, opposed original As Mr. Senator Lumpkin says (in we behold the doctrines of the "s-ct, ami ness on the tabV, of which there was a heavy Indiana !.>. as unconsitutional, in the his administration had become and attempt¬ Tlere Speaker's tr»n Iloane. Sevier. Smith ot length, totally wholly "ne;*' inst. to the People of Georgia) "the difference unpopular, seen incontrovertible and then various bills were acted on and to the debtor to rid himself ofall his ol two indi¬ ed to bolster and sustain, if not excused himself for the have bv' irretragab'e pr load. And Anderson, Clayton, Davis, and'-rivin.' power general character and qualifications these was the rule that laid down Xtiys.Messrs. at his own He characterized the he entertained of to the what which party adopted. Linn, Lumpkin, Monton, Norve l, Porter, obligations pleasure. viduals for the station under consideration is tmmru- opinions him, by referring opi¬ were to be of that sect, none Kni.'iit, . IKM All takm" otlice The bilfto refupJ a fine imposed on the late Matthew of measure as a to get the votes of rtO Van Buren's nions of other distinguished Federalists. And to whom Prentiss, Robinson, Smith Connecticut, Spence, political game at ruble. Mr. talents, character, deport¬ were none others could be admitted.-It - under the sedition law, to his heirs and legal re¬ W \ debtors in the Presidential election. He argued ment and will secure to him the did lie refer? "This opinion (of John Adams) I know, appointed; Lyon, Strange, Sturgwn, Tappan, Walker, ill.ams, oung com¬ qualifications, highest coincidence, that the comm... up in its order, and the question in favor of the substitute, oi its in official station what¬ said Mr. H , was enter ined those two able and up¬ very extraordinary presentatives, coming length especially respect and consideration, any by William lleiirv Harrison as and a< i.n^ <, on i»s to a and State can statesmen, John Marshal! and James A Secretary, being engrossment. as amended, was then ordered pulsory' corporation provisions. ever. On the contrary, Gen. Harrison sustain right Bayard!' the a! .-t. moved to amend the bill ~~Tlie resolution, the Senate The reference is a most if vernor of the* North-western Territory, Mr. RUSSELL by striking 11 On motion of Mr. TAP1'AN, adjourned. himself no irltere, in high official station." The one is an important one.and, possible, and the law tor the isioiiai out the words heirs," and of TOO deci¬ still more and identifies Gen. Har¬ the sedition law, pro\ "legal inserting "personal for the distribution copies and able in his views, closely indissolubly - The'lofnt'Resolution one of his experienced politician-clear were all and John Adam- m I. was taken on motion Globe that "Mr. Benton made who thinks for and rison with the Federal men and party. And who were signed approved by representatives." to of the "Digest of Patents," up, (The says, ded in his actions, himself, express- in the same month; and the same ink irtvi Mr. TILLINGHAST asked if this was not a bill ablest on the Bill. ) and reserve. I In: Marshall and J as. A. but the distinguish¬ might of Mr. TAPPAN; and, after being explained by Jum, speeches, Bankrupt es his opinions without equivocation Judge Bayard, wet on them all. And all under that nn'. ur -. refund a fine in 171)0, and if tl.e petition of the per¬ KS. to ed leaders of the old Federal It is a matter oi g paid was ordered to be engrossed. HOUSE OF REPRESENTAT1\ other is afraid to answer any questions; disclose any party? whose baleful was the and tlie son who paid it had not, in his life-time, been repeat- SYSTEM OF BAMvKl I lO. to ofhis has thrown notorious history, never denied and undeniable, that ray ligh', guid. in the Monday F.truing. opinion.-, offend any partisans.but: test of Federalism; am1, it very < before Congress, and rejected; if it had not, The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill to that a thev were the two of Federalism.. may properly ly Mr ADAMS submitted resolutions, declaring himself into the arms of "Confidential Committee, great champions within that same month too, in which the rule :. course of forty years, undergone repeated discussions establish a uniform of throughout to detain the seal his 1 he one Judge Marshall was John Adams to be system bankruptcy the President has no lawful authority who keep his conscience and lips. appointed by for office irits il'diiml .>,, all ham, ,, < in both Houses without success? If so, he would move I'. States. The on Mr. \> all s sub¬ Ac. But i<- the ChiefJustice of the Court of the I'nited State? touchstone the question being Africans captured in the Amistad, Arc., thinks and n^ts for himself.the other would put Supreme "f« ruinrtill lift icith thi I to the subject on the table. for the bill. the on the .Jiitli of which lie held ,rrcss l>c of opinion lay stitute to the and receive into and to tin* office, " , Ilouse refused suspend rule, Executive Office commission, yield January, initirr." the debate, Icth 11. In'., Mr. TURNEY asked Mr. T. to withdraw his motion, Mr. HUBBARD at against the origi¬ and ot \ until the of his death. In 162(j, when General (See July, argued length motion. controlling councils of Webster Clay, right day Harrison came to Con-res. a-a and before he sat down he woulu move the previous nal bill as unconstitutional, because it would operate on Harrison made the reference, and in all the following vear, Capt Tuesday Morning. and of Sergeant. subsequent that whose u. i.- all while the Constitution, he insisted, did not to en¬ time of his Marshall was as the d, le-rate°from people, political op question. classes, Mr. G1DD1NGS moved to suspend the rules, We dismiss, however, the talents of the can¬ life, Judge regarded of the United in Kv Mr. TILLINGH AST said, if any explanation was its on others than those who live by head of the Federal in the U. S..Mr. told 1he Senate States, March. allow operation any able him to offer a resolution calling on the President didates.and come to another question, still more im¬ party Bayard concurrent with those ot Mr. desired, he would withdraw the motion to lay on the burin* and And, should the tribunals decide, I cont'""e° Is was a member of the House of in Con¬ were«, ami, selling. to inform the House, whether Amos kenda portant in its results, and more easy of solution. Representatives evidence of he referred to their address to that table. as,' in his they ought to do, that the law was of on the -1st W faithful to the doctrines of the gress from the State of Delaware in 17!>8, and voted it, the of the re¬ opinion, to exercise the duties Postmaster-General H Harrison Repub¬ s him of their I Mr. TURNEY then asked for reading instead of the debtor, it would a tor the sedition law, Journal of the H.of re¬ >na