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Laser Frostbite Fall Week 9 12/4/2005 11:55AM

Laser Add The Ce d a r Po int La se r Fle e t runs a program of summer racing and winter frostbiting. As many sailors, and all of our Results Link Frostbiters, already know, Lasers are terrific boats for everyone from beginners, to hotshot juniors, to Olympic racers, to graying grandmasters.

This The Laser has an extremely strong one design class association with over 180,000 Lasers worldwide and standing as an Olymp ic Week's Results Cla ss. For many people, the Laser is truly the perfect single-handed one design. These factors along with the Laser's low cost, ease of rigging, excitement of the , and the close competition and comraderie in our fleet are why many of our club members who own and Fall 2005 race other boats still find much of their best racing is in Lasers.

Series Fro stb iting begins the second Sunday in October and runs through the middle of December; it resumes the second Sunday in March Standings and continues through to middle of May. With over 100 boats registered for frostbiting, 35 to 55 Lasers, a mix of both standard and Radial rigs, race on a typical Sunday. Racing is open to all; winter membership is available at a relatively low fee without any lengthy Fall 2005 application process. Just come down and sign up! And getting to know and sail with us in the winter is a great way to see if Cedar Point is Regatta the right club for you for the summer too.

Spring CPYC also has Laser racing in the summer on the three holiday weekends and CPYC Laser fleet members are regularly traveling to Laser regattas at venues near and far with our 6-boat fleet trailer. 2005 Series

Combined 04-05 Season Announcements Add New Announcement Results Fall Frostbiting Week 8: Good weather and good courses make for an exciting day of racing Laser Add NORs and Link SIs

http://www.cedarpointyc.org/uploads/CPYC-Laser-2005-12-02.htm 1/4 8/19/2014 Cedar Point Yacht Club Fall Series Alex Weiksnar won the day with four bullets. There was plenty of competition on the line start of the reach leg with 43 boats. Some notable faces were Jacobi, Meireles, Hughes, Marriner, Jackson, 2005 NOR & McGrath... Entry The day started off with light winds (2-5 knots) and then started to build (6-10 knots)after Fall Regatta the second race. In the first two races, starting in the middle and tacking ASAP seemed NOR & Entry to be the plan of choicce for the ! top-5 around the weather . After the breeze came in a bit and the course was moved up that quickly changed. It seemed like starting Sailing middle-left and then chasing the boats to leeward out to the favored end was now the most efficient strategy. Although there was often 1-2 boats who would punch-out at the Instructions pin, they were not always able to tack and take the first shift to the weather mark.

RC Downwind was very interesting. It was an easy place to pass 5-10 boats with the proper strategy. Sailing to the right side of the course Guidelines for looking downwind paid greatly. There was a stronger breeze and much larger waves over there. Another advantage was avoiding the Laser large packs of boats. It seemed like alot of people would get stuck in a large group of boats for a good portion of the downwind. Frostbiting Tom Lawton, who was helping out on RC with Amnon, got some great pictures which are up in our gallery thanks to our newest photo poster Sarah Hatsell. - Alex Weiksnar Laser Add Links Link Fall Frostbiting Week 7: 47 boats, 7 races, and great courses too. Scrivan has deja vu Nov 21 - Sunday revealed 54 degree temps and 9-14 kts of breeze, and just incase you were not completely satisfied, surfing and Fleet plaining conditions. Although we only had a “meagerâ€​ 47 boats on the line, plenty of competition was to be found with our Junior Captain - Andy contingency of Weiksnar, Furnary, and Barry (returning from RC duty last week), along with Jacobi, Johanessen, Duke, Himler and the Hoffman British force Peter Stratton applying pressure in every race. Click the photo below to view the day's image gallery or you can read more… CPYC Laser Photo Gallery - Be sure to try the slideshow option

JDE Marine - Rooster Sailing

CPYC Club Weather and Weather Links

CPYC photo by Sarah Hatsell read more... Laser Fleet Archive Page

North American Laser Class Assn

International Laser Class Association

Laser District 7 Fall Frostbiting Week 6 - Sun, wind and waves = 53 big smiles. Scrivan produces a few aces and wins The Boat The weather Gods blessed us again with 60+ degrees, 11-16 kts, and long surfs down wind leaving all 53 racers grinning ear to ear. Locker (local Sunday was a perfect example of how Laser racing changes with surfing conditions, and somehow it all becomes worth it. Laser dealer) read more...

Regatta Ted Himler Takes the CPYC Fall Regatta and Week 5 Series to School Diaries Taking a little time off from his Saturday academic schedule at Hotchkiss, Teddy Himler came down to Southern CT to hand out a few lessons. Saturday revealed 70+ degree temps and 3-11kts of breeze for the 57 competitors. The racing was very exciting with the race committee trying to tame us all with the Zed Flag and the Round-the-End rule in effect for the first start. LaserFleet.com (UK based) In speaking with Ted after racing, I found that his consistent results lay in great part to where he started on the line. Although he thought an end might be favored for the start of a particular race, he opted not to try to win the end but simply start closer to it. This allowed him to take advantage of the often unpredictable shifts on the first beats. By not committing too far towards an end he was http://www.cedarpointyc.org/uploads/CPYC-Laser-2005-12-02.htm 2/4 8/19/2014 Cedar Point Yacht Club able to either tack away on a favorable shift or extend on his current tack and leverage the fleet even more.

This week we were also visited by several Massachusetts and Rhode Island contingents that made the racing and after party all that much more enjoyable. Many thanks to Andy Hoffman and all the others who organized the food, drinks and awards. - Andrew Scrivan

1st - Teddy Himler 2nd - Andrew Scrivan 3rd - Charles Stanley 4th - Marc Jacobi 5th - Scott Furnary

Top Woman - Elizabeth Barry Top Junior - Alex Weiksnar Top Great Grand Master - Peter Seidenberg Top Grand Master - Lindsay Hewitt Top Master - Peter Stratton Top Apprentice Master - Jay Lurie Top Radial - Christian Cremer

Scrivan Wins Week 4 in Record 59-Boat Fleet This week we saw the pinnacle 60-boat mark almost reached (funny thing, two years ago we were talking about the pinnacle 50-boat mark! -cj) The day was a tricky one for all competitors as most races saw the leaders come out of different sides on almost every leg. The breeze was very random and quite strong in the earlier races causing some good auto-tacks, flips and a few unplanned swims. Short course racing is never easy but when you compound it with 59 other boats and strong and seemingly random puffs, you get very exciting conditions. Everyone came out of the day with the experience of at one point in a race looking like a genius and only moments later getting a cold taste of reality. Sometimes you got the elevator, sometimes you got the shaft. Consistency came from heads-up sailing, hard hiking and a bit of luck, all of which did wonders for the final results. – Andrew Scrivan

Fall Frostbiting Week 3 - Larry McGrath sails consistently to the top 34 Laser sailors answered the call for week 3 with the promise of a nice Northerly breeze and crisp fall temps. The forecast called for the breeze to be in the upper teens with higher gusts all day. As we rigged up, there were numerous discussions of rig choice (Full, Radial or 4.7) and clothing choice (wetsuit vs drysuit). With Ched Proctor and his team handling RC duty, everyone headed out, ready for lots of racing. read more... photos are up in our photo gallery and more are located here

Fall Frostbiting Week 2 - Blown Out The weather gurus got it right, a huge pressure gradient between an outgoing low and incoming high caused some big wind to show up this past Sunday. As I got ready to leave the house around 10am, I made a quick check of the LIS Mid Sound bouy. The analog gust needle was pegged @ 50, the digital showed 55! A number of people showed up, but by 11:15 the RC had decided to call it a day. Tom Lawton and Sarah Hatsell rigged up and went for a few high speed runs in the harbor, while the returning Masters from Brazil put their boats together. Anticipation is high for next week, will we break the 60 boat mark ? C'mon down and be a part of history. Lastly, a reminder if you haven't signed up for RC duty yet, please check the RC Schedule below in the library, and get your name and date to Eric or Tim Millhiser asap. Oh if you were curious, by 2:00 the wind had died down-see the -> read more...

Fall Frostbiting Week 1 - Big Fleet kicks off 2005-2006 season The 2005 Fall series got off to a great start when 48 boats showed up for the first day of racing. You could feel the excitement in the air as everyone registered, rigged and got ready to battle it out in the water. On the weather side of things, we had a cold front go thru the night before, finally chasing away those awful warm summer temps, replacing them with a more moderate 60 degrees. read more...

Coaching Comments Andrew Scrivan observed and coached during the Hangover Bowl. Here are his comments. read more...

Laser Library/Race Results Add New Document

Title Owner Area Last Updated RC Schedule [email protected] list 11/29/2005 Fall 2005 Series Standings [email protected] results 11/28/2005 Fall 2005 Week 8 (11/27) Results [email protected] results 11/28/2005 Fall 2005 Week 7 (11/20/05) Report by Andrew Scrivan cpwebmaster 11/22/2005 Fall 2005 Week 7 (11/20) Results [email protected] results 11/21/2005 DEADBEAT LIST [email protected] list 11/21/2005 Fall 2005 Week 6 (11/13/05) Results [email protected] results 11/15/2005 Laser Week 6 (11/13/05) Report by Andrew Scrivan cpwebmaster 11/15/2005 Fall 2005 Regatta Results [email protected] results 11/13/2005 Fall 2005 Week4 (10/30/05) Results [email protected] results 10/31/2005 Laser Fleet Jobs [email protected] Lists 10/28/2005 Fall 2005 Week 3 Report [email protected] report 10/26/2005 http://www.cedarpointyc.org/uploads/CPYC-Laser-2005-12-02.htm 3/4 8/19/2014 Cedar Point Yacht Club Fall 2005 Week3 (10/23) Results [email protected] results 10/26/2005 Fall 2005 Regatta Notice of Race [email protected] notice 10/19/2005 Fall 2005 Week1 (10/9/05) Results [email protected] results 10/17/2005 Fall 2005 Week 1 Report [email protected] report 10/13/2005 Fall Series 2005 Notice of Race & Entry Form [email protected] notice 10/13/2005 Combined Season 04-05 Standings - FINAL [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Spring 2005 Series Standings - FINAL [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Spring 2005 Regatta Results [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Hangover Bowl 2005 Results [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Fall Regatta 2004 Results [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Combined Fall03-Spring04 Season Results [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Spring Series 2004 Results [email protected] results 10/13/2005 Spring 2004 Regatta Results [email protected] 10/13/2005 Combined Fall02-Spring03 Season Standings - FINAL [email protected] Results 10/13/2005 Spring 2003 Series Standings - FINAL [email protected] Results 10/13/2005 Fall 2003 Series Standings - FINAL [email protected] Results 10/13/2005 Rear Commodore's Cup 2005 [email protected] results 9/4/2005 Commodore's Cup 2005 [email protected] results 7/6/2005 Awards Dinner Pictures andyhoffman 6/7/2005 Vice Commodore's Cup 2005 [email protected] results 5/30/2005 SI's (NEW Spring '05) [email protected] 3/16/2005 RC Guidelines for Laser Frostbiting cpwebmaster 3/4/2005 Hangover Bowl Coaching Comments cpwebmaster anaylsis 3/4/2005 Hangover Bowl Regatta Report cpwebmaster 3/4/2005 Aoki Family [email protected] picture 1/13/2005 Letter from Hide Aoki [email protected] latter 1/13/2005

http://www.cedarpointyc.org/uploads/CPYC-Laser-2005-12-02.htm 4/4