Parliamentary Assembly Assemblee parlernentaire


Strasbourg, 23 February 1990 CONFIDENTIAL AS/Loc (41) 31


Proposals for the 1990 Europe Prize, Plaque of Honour, European Diploma and Flag of Honour

Secretariat memorandum prepared by the Office of the Clerk of the Assembly - 2 -

I. 1990 EUROPE PRIZE AND PLAQUES OF HONOUR Although interest in the Flag of Honour remains as great as ever, the Secretariat received fewer candidatures for the Plaque of Honour and the Europe Prize this year, with the exception of the Federal Republic of . Some 80 municipalities submitted reports on their European activities in 1989. The Secretariat attempted to select towns which had already been attributed the Flag of Honour a considerable time ago, and whose commitment to the European ideal, through contacts and exchanges, has not faltered but has rather been intensified. Once again, it was difficult to choose among the many proposals from Germany, priority being given to those municipalities which received the Flag of Honour longest ago. The Secretariat selected 14 candidatures, one of which should be chosen for the Prize and others for the Plaque of Honour. They are as follows: - () - Sint-Niklaas () - Livry-Gargan () - Plouguerneau (France) - District of Bad Godesberg (Bonn) (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Hanau (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Kirchheim-unter-Teck (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Menden (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Mulheim an der Ruhr (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Miinster (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Wetzlar (Fed. Rep. Germany) - Adria () - Alkmaar () - Bursa () - 3 -

1. LINZ (Austria)

The concept of European unity and brotherhood has been strong for many years in Linz, and has never ceased to be expressed in both words and action.

Striking evidence of this is provided by its many twinning associations: not only with towns belonging to member States of the - Le Havre (F), Linz/Rhein (D), Berlin-Chariottenburg (D), (NL) and Southampton (GB) - but also with towns in the countries of Eastern Euope - Halle an der Saale (DDR), Saporoshje (USSR), Budweis (CSR), Rijeka (YU) and Kattowitz (PL) and as far away as China, with Chengdu, Nicaragua with San Carlos, the USA with Kansas City and Egypt with Gizeh. It would be difficult to list all the various exchanges which Linz practises with its twin towns, covering many fields. The Secretariat intends only to mention a few of the most noteworthy: The annual "International Youth Exchanges" represent a major effort to foster understanding between peoples and the establishment of friendly relations betveen the young people of different European countries. These exchanges have taken place since 1960 and are particularly well-developed with Southampton, Le Havre, The Hague and Berlin-Charlottenberg. A large number of university teachers and researchers also take part in inter-university exchange programmes. Mention should be made at this point of the especially intense activity carried out by the Johannes-Kepler university of Linz which has entered into a twinning agreement with the universities of Halle-Wittenberg (DDR), , Paris IV and Fribourg in . Linz has also established a wide range of cultural contacts with other countries : it hosts; many foreign exhibitions (Danish and Hungarian weeks, exhibitions of children's art from other countries); it has for the last 10 yeetrs been organising an annual international competition entitled "Pri>: Ars Electronica" bringing together artists from some 30 countries anc! which is seen as an international forum for art and technology; and ea.ch year up to 100,000 people attend the open-air concerts during the "Linzer Klangwolke", to mention only a few of its cultural events. A number of private associations, including the "Friends of Old Linz", the Austro-Italian and Austro-German associations encourage the study of languages and foster human contacts between individuals from these countries. There is also a highly successful radio programme which contributes to better neighbourly understanding : jointly arranged with Belgian, Dutch and German radio, it accompanies a family visiting a foreign country. In brief, Linz may be considered as lending solid support to the ideal of European union. The attribution of the Flag of Honour in 1972 represented an initial acknowledgement by the Parliamentary Assembly of its merit. The award of the Plaque of Honour would be a second such acknowledgement and would certainly lend additional impetus to the ceremonies celebrating the 500th anniversary of the city of Linz in 1990. - A -

2. SINT-NIKLAAS (Belgium) Very few Belgian towns demonstrated any interest in receiving an award by sending us a summary of their European activities in 1989. Sin.t-Nik.laas, which received the Flag of Honour in 1966, reapplied after several years without news. This renewed interest might perhaps be due to the fact that it is twinned with Lucca (I), which was awarded the 1989 Europe Prize, Located in Eastern Flanders, this industrial and commercial town of 68,000 inhabitants, one of the largest in Belgium, is twinned with 5 European towns, 3 of which have been awarded the Flag of Honour and one the Europe Prize (Lucca): Abingdon (GB), Colmar (F), Schongau (D) and Gorinchem (NL). Contacts have also been made with a view to establishing a twinning arrangement with Hulst (NL) and Brest (USSR), initial exchanges being of a sporting and cultural character. School exchanges, particularly between technical schools, annual youth exchanges with each of the twin towns and cultural, musical and sports exchanges are a regular feature on Sint-Niklaas' programme of European activities, with the 1990 provisional programme including a wide range of encounters. Together with its twin towns, Sint-Niklaas has decided to fund a Third World aid project. Two years ago, the town of Gourcy in Burkina Faso was selected, aid being concentrated on the improvement of the family situation of women and the drilling of wells. An aid programme has also been launched in Senegal, concerning irrigation. - 5 -

3. LIVRY-GARGAN (France) Despite its relatively small size (36,000 inhabitants), Livry-Gargan (Seine-Saint-Denis) has no fewer than four twin towns (Fiirstenfeldbruck in the Federal Republic of Germany, Cerveteri in Italy, Haringey in England and Almunecar in ), two of these twinnings dating back more than ten years. Exchanges cover sport, music and education and are particularly well developed at family level. They are aimed at young people as well as old; public services (police, finance, post office, fire brigade, Red Cross, etc.) as well as private associations (the "Friends of Haringey" group, ex-servicemen and ex-prisoners of war, etc.). Livry-Gargan was awarded the Flag of Honour of the Council of Europe in 1981. The twin towns also meet to exchange experience in economic matters (exhibition at the Paris Food Fair) or take part in international events (conference on water supplies at Abidjan). Technical co-operation with two of the twin municipalities (Almunecar and Fiirstenfeldbruck) led to Livry-Gargan being awarded the Europe Prize of the CEMR (Council of European municipalities and regions) and the Gold Star for European Initiative in 1988. In its efforts to facilitate the integration of foreigners and foster contacts between young people, the municipality has set up two reception centres for foreigners, which can accommodate 30 young people or adults, as well as a Municipal Centre for Youth, Culture and Leisure. Livry-Gargan is thus a good example of a small municipality's dynamism which does not stop at the frontiers of Europe since it has also led to the creation of ties of friendship with a town in Quebec and with two schools, one in Louisiana and the other in the province of Ontario. - 6 -

4. PLOUGUERNEAU (France) The Breton municipality of Plouguerneau has been twinned since 1967 with Neckarhausen (Baden-Uiirttemberg, FRG). Following an amalgamation, Neckerhausen became in 1975 Edingen-Neckarhausen and the links between Plouguerneau and Neckarhausen were transferred to the new municipality in 1977. A very large number of meetings have taken place during this twinning over a period of twenty years as shown by the various volumes of the "Story of the Plouguerneau-Edingen Neckarhausen twinning" published by the town hall of Plouguerneau, the organisation of youth meetings having been one of the pillars of the twinning arrangement from the beginning. Two recent examples should be mentioned : the celebrations of the XXth anniversary of the twinning in 1987 and 1988 provided an opportunity for 362 Germans and 352 French to visit their twin towns. This twinning has often been described as exemplary by the press (in 1979 the French television channel FR3 broadcast a programme called "Europe from Plouguerneau to Neckarhausen") : however, it has never been restricted to an elite, far from it. The very close links between the authorities of the two towns have certainly enabled the maximum number of people to participate in the various encounters, while the work of the twinning committee deserves to be underlined. Moreover, the Council of Europe recognised Edingen-Neckarhausen's merit by awarding it the Flag of Honour in 1980. Plouguerneau received the same honour in 1981. The award of the Plaque of Honour would undoubtedly give new encouragement to its work for the construction of Europe. - 7 -

5. District of BAD GODESBERG (city of Bonn) (FRG) In 1969 the Flag of Honour was attributed to the town of Bad Godesberg which has, as the district of Bad Godesberg absorbed into in the city of Bonn, been applying for the Europe Prize since 1984. This well-established residential area on the outskirts of the federal capital has 68,000 inhabitants and has established excellent twinning arrangements with 5 towns: Frascati (I) in 1957, Saint-Cloud (F) also in 1957, Windsor-Maidenhead (GB) in 1960, Courtrai (B) in 1964 and Berlin-Steglitz (D) in 1962. Initially based on exchanges between schools and young people, these contacts have been taken up by associations and now involve more than 1,200 people every year, through some 50 exchange arrangements. The "mini Olympics", in which the young people of the various twin towns compete, always represents the high point of the annual exchange programme. They were held in Bonn in 1989, on the occasion of the city's 2000th anniversary, with young competitors from all the twin towns attending. The reputation enjoyed by Bonn Bad-Godesberg has also certainly contributed to the organisation of many international events concerning both sport (swimming, tennis, football) and culture (2 exhibitions of painting as part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the twinning with Courtrai, and an exhibition of painting in Saint-Cloud). Together with its twin towns of Saint-Cloud, Windsor-Maidenhead and Courtrai, Bad-Godesberg is supporting a well-drilling project in Sierra-Leone. - 8 -

6. HANAU (Hessen - FRG) The German town of Hanau, in the Hesse Land has for many years promoted the ideal of European unification. It was first twinned in 1964 with Neuilly-sur-Seine and is now twinned with five other municipalities; Dartford (GB), Conflans Ste. Honorine (F), St Nicolas (B) (1), Doom (NL) and Francheville (F). The diversity of its initiatives and the enthusiasm with which it has worked for the European ideal earned it the Council of Europe Flag of Honour in 1978. A table summarising exchanges between 1975 and 1987 provides a positive view of the six twinning arrangements entered into in the town of Hanau. These have essentially been developed by associations and families, following the remarkable work carried out by the three Hanau twinning committees covering the town centre and its two districts of Grossauheim and Steinheim. They co-ordinate action between themselves and work in co-operation with the central municipal services. The list of exchanges reveals that in thirteen years more than 11,000 Hanau residents have visited its twin towns and 10,000 of their inhabitants have been received by the town of Hanau. Sports and musical activities, school exchanges, language courses, company visits, family contacts, meetings between young people and senior citizens, visits to local festivals and many other activities appear each year on the programme for the many exchanges between the twin towns. All of 1989 was designated for celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the twinning with Dartford, and in 1990 Hanau will be celebrating two other twinning anniversaries: 20 years with Doom in the Netherlands and 25 with Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in France.

(1) See page A - St Niklaas is also nominated for the Plaque. - 9 -

7. KIRCHHEIM-UNTER-TECK (Bad-Uurttenmberg - FRG) This little town of 30,000 inhabitants in the Svabian Jura has, since 1967, maintained only one - but highly-developed - twinning arrangement with the French town of Rambouillet which was awarded the Plaque of Honour in 1988. The many annual reports received by the Secretariat indicate the variety of exchanges: schools (more than 150 pupils per year), sports associations, ex-serviceman, dance clubs, coach tours, stays with families in the twin town and exhibitions have enabled more than 1,000 people from the 2 towns to meet every year. Kirchheim also organises a number of annual exchanges, particularly between schools, with one of Rambouillet's twin towns, Yarmouth in Great Britain, Kirchheim has, however, also decided to look Eastwards and plans to conclude a twinning agreement with the Hungarian town of Kalosca on 5 May 1990, Europe Day, representing a further step on the path to European unity. - 10 -

8. MENDEN (Nordrhein-Westfahlen - FRG) Since the municipal re-organisation of 1975, the town of Menden (53,000 inhabitants), situated in the Sauerland, has, thanks to its twinning committee, established excellent relations with its 7 twin towns and municipalities from 3 European countries: Aire-sur-La-Lys, Ardres, Lestrem, Locon and Maroeuil in Northern France, Braine L'Alleud in Belgium - European Prize winner in 1982 - and Delyn in Wales. It is worth noting that each of these twin towns also has a twinning committee making the planning of encounters at the beginning of the year and ensuring smooth execution. The annual financial support provided by the municipality, in the region of 40,000 DM, also goes a long way to explaining the high annual average of 50 meetings involving more than 1,500 people. Menden maintains excellent relations in particular with the towns of Aire-sur-La-Lys (F) and Braine-L'Alleud (B) as is shown by the summary tables drawn up each year by the town. While priority is granted to youth encounters and cultural and sports events, as in all twinning arrangements, it is interesting to note the experiments which Menden has been carrying out with the twin town of Braine-L'Alleud in the economic field, aimed at establishing closer contacts between companies in the two towns. Two advertising agencies have, since 1987, been working together in close co-operation. The award of the Flag of Honour to Menden in 1982 is admittedly relatively recent, but given the regularity with which the town sends in its reports and the varied nature of the exchanges, the Secretariat considered it appropriate to select this candidature for possible award of the Plaque of Honour. - 11 - 9. MULHEIM an der RUHR (Nordrhein-Westfahlen - FRG) Miilheim an der Ruhr, which was shortlisted for the Europe Prize in 1985, 1987, 1988 and 1989, has made outstanding efforts in the field of European activities. The town was awarded the Flag of Honour in 1977. The report on its activities in 1989 illustrates the European commitment of this industrial town in the Ruhr, which has nearly 180.000 inhabitants. Even in the early stages of Miilheim's twinning activities (official twinning agreements were signed with Darlington (UK) in 1953, Tours (France) in 1962, Berlin-Tiergarten in 1965 and Kuusankovski (Finland) in 1965), the town made the necessary financial provision for organising annual international exchanges of young people between the twin towns. This, in addition to the annual subsidies granted by the town (between 1980 and 1987) the municipal budget included an average of DM 50,000 annually for fostering twinning activities, especially exchanges between schoolchildren and sports associations. This budget was more than doubled in 1988, reaching DM 110,000. It should be noted that an additional post was established for organising twinning activities. A series of language courses, as well as courses to prepare the twinned towns' visits, have been organised by the local adult education college. To look after the interests of the 12,400 or so foreign residents in Mulheim, the town council set up a "Foreign Inhabitants' Advisory Comittee", to which representatives of the local foreign community belong. The town council has presented a particularly detailed file, entitled "Stadte schliessen Freundschaft" (Towns create friendship), which bears witness to the joint efforts made to propagate the European spirit. It has also published a booklet giving information about each of the twinned towns. In 1987 Mulheim celebrated its 25th twinning anniversary with Tours and signed a resolution aimed at further expanding twinning activities in the technical, cultural and social fields. In 1988, more than 52 encounters brought together nearly 2,000 people. In 1989, 1,600 people were involved in exchanges spread over some forty encounters. 1989 was also marked by a number of international cultural and sports events: the Polish cultural festival in the Ruhr, songs and dances to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Council of Europe, the International Table Tennis Championship, etc. Miilheim's longest-standing twinning arrangement, with Darlington, dates back 30 years, and the summary of 1988 activities reflects the healthy state of this partnership. The same applies to Berlin-Tiergarten and Kuusankovski. In 1989, Miilheim also signed a co-operation agreement with the Polish town of Opole, immediately followed by several meetings. Mulheim is watching events in Eastern Europe with great interest and plans closer links with the East German town of Freiberg. In order to facilitate economic contacts with its twin towns, a co-ordinator has been appointed whose task it will be to prepare for the 1992 single market. Miilheim's regular reports, presented in the form of illustrated albums, reveal the extent of the whole population's commitment to the idea of European twinning. - 12 -

10. MUNSTER (Nordrhein-Westfahlen -FRG) The town of Miinster, in North-Rhine-Westphalia has, during the course of 1989, implemented a municipal policy resulting in a stepping-up of relations with its twin towns, the conclusion of a new twinning arrangement with the Russian town of Rjasan, an expansion of European and international school twinnings and a number of other European policy initiatives. It has declared itself a "Town Open to Europe", its plan of action being based on the principle that the establishment of the Single Market in 1992 and the opening up of Eastern European countries towards the West present towns like Miinster with a wide range of changes and challenges, for which they must prepare. Contacts and meetings with 3 of the twin towns - York (GB), Orleans (F) and (DK) - have so far been dominated by the many school exchanges. 13 of Miinster's 15 secondary schools are twinned with secondary schools abroad with some 50 twinning arrangements, 28 of which are with England and France. The municipal plan also lends broad support to the placement of trainees in industry and commerce and a large number of contacts between private individuals and associations have sprung up over the years. In order to maximise its chances for development in 1992, Mtinster has decided to forge a transfrontier inter-municipal co-operation policy with the towns of , and Osnabriick. They hope that this will increase their chances of economic and cultural development in the geographic triangle the three towns form. 1989 was also marked by a number of cultural events of a European nature: exchange of musicians between and Miinster, an international jazz festival and an exhibition of paintings by artists from Moscow. It is also worth noting that Miinster is twinned with Fresno (USA), Rishon le Zion (Israel) and Monastir (Tunisia). Sports contacts are particularly intense with the Israeli town, while youth exchanges are the priority item with Fresno. A new twinning which offers great opportunities to the people of Miinster is the recent one with the Russian town of Rjasan. Here again, school exchanges will be given priority. The Council of Europe Flag of Honour was attributed to Miinster in 1970. - 13 -

11. WETZLAR (Federal Republic of Germany) This picturesque town in Hesse, which was part of the Empire and in which Goethe resided, underwent major industrial development a.t the end of the last century. It now has a population of some 50,000. Although the reports forwarded to us by Vetzlar on its European activities in 1986 and 1937 were rather disappointing for a town with so many twinning arrangements ( (F), Schladming (A), Reith (A), Sienna (I), Berlin-Neukolln (D) and Colchester (GB)), two of which have been awarded the Europe prize (Avignon and Berlin-Neukoln), the list of exchanges in 1988 and, even more, in 1989 makes it a serious candidate for the Plaque of Honour, especially since the Flag of Honour was awarded as far back as 1964. Exchanges have been built up principally with Avignon, Sienna and Colchester and 1989 witnessed the ceremonies celebrating twinning anniversaries: 30 years with Berlin-Neukolln, 25 years with Colchester and 15 years with Schladnung. A number of initiatives were launched to lend new vigour to some associations which were running out of steam and, under the banner of Europe Day 1988, the Wetzlar organised a conference together with Europa-Union Deutschland cm the theme "Does twinning live up to our hopes?". The clear conclusion was that while school exchanges benefit most from such 'arrangements, adults between the ages of 25 and 40 seemed to have little interest in twinning. The town has also mace major efforts to integrate foreign workers; Greek, Yugoslav, Turkish, Spanish and Portuguese immigrants have formed associations vhich receive assistance and advice from the municipality. • Like many German towns, Wetzlar has contacts with a number of towns in Eastern Europe; last year it decided to twin with the Russian town of Pskow, developing contacts between companies and schools as a priority. - 14 -

12. ADRIA (Italy) The Italian town of Adria, to the South of Venice in the Rovigo region, together with its twin towns of (F), (D) and Rovinj (YU), organises major twinning festivals, in which the Belgium town of and the Netherlands municipality of Wierden are also involved. The twinning festival, organised in turn by each twinned town, places 25 couples from each town with families in another. In order to strengthen links between the many associations, a festival of associations is also held every year - in a town other than that organising the twinning festival - to which each town sends some 50 participants. For the last 10 years, the municipality of Adria has been holding an International Youth Summer Camp for approximately 20 young people between the ages of 12 and 14 from each twinned town, the basic aim being to strengthen friendships between young people in a truly European spirit. Most encounters and exchanges take place during the major annual twinning festivals, but the municipality is seeking to diversify exchange opportunities; of language courses were set up in 1988, and there are photographic exhibitions on the twinned towns, enabling those not belonging to associations to take full advantage of twinning arrangements. Adria also organises many events of a European nature which are not directly connected to its twinning arrangements; the annual International Women's Tennis Tournament and the International Opera Competition which, for the 10th time, has played host to those from all over the world who wish to make the opera their career, are two examples contributing to Adria's fame, extending far beyond national borders. In order to familiarize young people with the Europe of 1992, a series of lectures was held in 1989 under the aegis of the 35th anniversary of the European Schools Day. For the official European Day celebrations, for three days Adria played host to delegations from all its twinned and associated towns. It might be added, in conclusion, that the town of Adria, which received the Flag of Honour in 1971 and which belongs to the Alpe-Adria working community, has never loosened its contacts with the twinned towns - on the contrary, it has intensified them. - 15 -

13. ALKMAAR (Netherlands) The Netherlands town of Alkmaar, to the north of Amsterdam, has the particular merit of having maintained very close and long-standing relationships with its twin towns, with three of them for more than 30 years. Its oldest twinning arrangement, with Bath (GB), dates back to 1945, the 45th anniversary due to be celebrated in 1990. Twinnings with Troyes (F) and (D), a Europe Prize winner, go back to 1958. The town of Tata in has been added more recently (1985). In view'of Darmstadt's special European commitment, the predominant role of the association with this town in terms of exchanges is hardly surprising. In 1988, more than 107 meetings, (21 with Bath, 67 with Darmstadt, 20 with Troyes and 5 with Tata) have permitted more than 1,500 people to establish personal contacts. This record figure is also explained by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the twinning between Troyes and Darmstadt. A particular effort has been made to develop contacts further with the City of Bath, where distance represents a greater obstacle than for Troyes, which often receives Alkmaar inhabitants when travelling towards the South of France. The municipality is following recent political events in Hungary with great interest. As with Darmstadt, the twinning arrangement was concluded'with the town of Tata five years ago with the aim of opening frontiers and establishing solid links of friendship. Distance, language, the political situation and limited financial resources have of course represented an obstacle to closer contacts, but the normalisation of the political situation in Hungary is inspiring Alkmaar's civic leaders to continue their efforts in favour of this twinning arrangement. - 16 -

14. BURSA (Turkey) When Bursa submitted its application for the Flag of Honour in 1988, the members of the Sub-Committee on the Europe Prize unanimously voted for its award after the first year of application, owing to its outstanding efforts. And now, two years after the presentation of the Flag of Honour, Bursa has submitted an outstanding report which the Secretariat thought worthwhile summarising. This two thousand year old city is also called the "green town" of Turkey. Famous for its exceptional geographical situation in the natural pare of "Ulu Dag" and its numerous thermal baths, it is a very pleasant city to live in despite its large size (800.000 inhabitants). Thanks to the political determination of its local authorities, it has developed five very active twinnings : the oldest with Darmstadt dates back twenty years, with Sarajevo (Yu) 15 years, with Multan (Pakistan) 12 years, with Oulu (Fin) 10 years, with Tiffin (USA) 4 years and Kairouan (Tun) 2 years. The creation, two years ago, of a twinning office contributed to the development and continuity of contacts between the twinned towns, in spite of the distance. If young people are mainly concerned by the numerous events organised by the twinned towns (the Culture and Arts Festival brings together yearly since 1960 more than 1000 young people from thirty countries), one can easily observe when reading the dense reports submitted by Bursa, that all classes of society meet and exchange experiences : sports meetings, youth camps, exchanges between schools and universities, participation to exhibitions, contacts between chambers of commerce, schools of architecture, of engineers, travels by bus organised between the twinned towns with price reductions in the hotels... Bursa also organises many seminars and exhibitions. Faced in 1989 with the difficult problem of refugees from Bulgaria, Bursa welcomed 100.000 of them, despite the many difficulties encountered. In conclusion, an outstanding application, perhaps too recent, but one that should be taken into consideration in one or two years time for the Europe Prize, up till now awarded only to one another Turkish town - . - 17 -


Interest in the Flag of Honour remains lively. More than 180 municipalities or territorial authorities have applied this year but the success achieved by the European Diploma, which was officially awarded to the mayors of the winning towns in September 1989 in Strasbourg, should encourage Committee members to have no hesitation in awarding it where a recent candidature is involved.


Eight candidatures, four of which are nev. It is proposed to award the European Diploma to the two municipalities which renewed their application this year, with further information on their 1989 activities: St Leonard am Forst and Trieben. The municipality of Wels holds the European Diploma and is by far the best Austrian candidate.

Flag of Honour European Diploma tfelsSt Leonard am Forst Trieben.

BELGIUM Six applications, three of which are new. Etterbeek's application carries weight and deserves consideration for the Flag of Honour even though it has not yet received the Diploma. In order to respect a geographical balance between French- and Flemish-speakers, it is suggested that the Diploma be awarded to Essen (province of Antwerp) and to Buy (French-speaking municipality).

Flag of Honour European Diploma Etterbeek Essen Huy - 18 -

FRANCE 39 applications, 13 of which are new. A number of towns showed no signs of life in 1989, although they were all sent a reminding letter. They were not therefore considered this year for any award. Towns which would appear to deserve the Flag of Honour include: Chatellerault (Vienne) which has three twinning arrangements and has carried out a very solid study on exchanges from the outset of the twinnings. It is a town which certainly ought to have a European vocation since its mayor is Madame Edith Cresson, the Minister for European Affairs. La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendee) which is submitting an application for the first time, but whose list of exchanges with its three twinned towns is impressive. Moreover, its candidature was submitted and encouraged by its two twin towns. Saint-Vallier-sur-Rhone (Drome) which initiated a triangular twinning with Witzenhausen and Filton, both of which have recently been awarded the Flag of Honour. Vesoul (Haute-Saone) which has, in particular, maintained and developed its long-standing twinning with Gerlingen, a Flag of Honour winner. A number of other municipalities, somewhat less active, should be encouraged with the award of the European Diploma: Bais (Mayenne) which maintains goods contacts with its small twin municipality of Oy-Mittelberg. Chamalieres (Puy-de-D6me) whose report on 1989 activities with its twin town of Geretsried shows a greater degree of diversity than in 1988. Comines-Europe, the first transfrontier intermunicipal union in Europe, which should be encouraged because of its great enthusiasm. Fumel (Lot-et-Garonne) which in 1990 will celebrate the 15th anniversary of its twinning with Burghausen and has ambitious plans for twinning with Spain and Portugal. Mondeville (Calvados) which has an active tiangular twinning arrangement with Northam (GB) and Buddenstedt (D). Sucy-en-Brie (Val-de-Marne) which in 1990 will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its twinning with Surrey. To summarize: Flag of Honour European Diploma - Chatellerault - Bais - La Roche-sur-Yon - Chamalieres - Saint-Vallier-sur-Rhone - Comines-Europe - Vesoul - Fumel - Mondeville - Sucy-en-Brie - 19 -

FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY While the number of applications from the Federal Republic of Germany fell slightly as against last year (64 compared with 75), it remains the country which shows the greatest interest in this award, and the quality of exchanges with certain towns has led the Secretariat to submit a number of municipalities directly for the Flag of Honour, leap-frogging the prior award of the Diploma. It is proposed to award the Flag of Honour to the following municipalities: Euskirchen (Nordrhein-Westfalen) which received the 1989 European Diploma and has, in particular, developed a large number of school exchanges with Charleville-Mezieres (F). Friedberg (Hesse) which has submitted excellent reports for the last three years. Hochst-im-Odenwald (Elesse) which organises many exchanges with Montmelian (F). Hofheim-am-Taunus (He:sse) with its highly active triangular twinning, but also many other contacts with European municipalities. Linkenheim-Hochstetten (Baden-Wiirttemberg) which has since 1985 regularly submitted an application for the Flag of Honour. Melsungen (Hesse) which has in particular developed its exchanges with Dreux (F) and will in 1990 celebrate its 800th anniversary. Neckargemu'nd (Baden-Wiirttemberg) whose report on its European activities with Evian-les-Bains in 1989 was excellent. Neuwied (Rheinland-Pfalz) which submitted a good 1989 report and would be very disappointed not to receive the Flag of Honour after a five-year wait. <- Ostringen (Baden-Wiirttemberg) which established two new twinning arrangements last year and has been renewing its candidature for the Flag of Honour for five years.> Bezirk Schwaben which,, like the Mayenne Department, with which it is twinned and which received the Flag last year, has developed numerous inter-municipal activities. Warstein (Rheinland-Pfalz) whose twinning with St Pol sur Ternoise is both long-standing and efficient. To some extent, it stands as a memorial to Lucien Pignon, Depute, who was Mayor of St Pol. - 20 -

The following municipalities might be considered for the award of the European Diploma: Bad Kreuznach (Rheinland-Pfalz) Stadtbezirk Bonn-Hardtberg Bonndorf im Schwarzwald (Baden-Wiirttemberg) Gundelfingen a.d. Donau (Bayern) Hamm (Nordrhein-Vestfalen) . Hannover (Niedersachsen) Landkreis Landshut Meerbusch (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Mitterskirchen (Bayern) Raunheim (Hessen) Reinheim (Hessen) .Seligenstadt (Hessen) Steinbach (Hessen) Viersen (Nordrhein-Westfalen) To recapitulate, the Flag of Honour might be awarded to 11 municipalities or territorial authorities: Euskirchen (Nordrhein-Westfalen) Friedberg (Hessen) Hb'chst im Odenwald (Hessen) Hofheim am Taunus (Hessen) Linkenheim-Hochstetten (Baden-Wiirttemberg) Melsungen (Hessen) Neckargemund -(Baden-Wurttemberg) Neuwied (Rheinland-Pfalz) Ostringen (Baden-Wurttemberg) Bezirk Schwaben Warstein (Rheinland-Pfalz)

FINLAND • The first candidature from this country, which has recently joined the Council of Europe, is excellent. Encouragement should be given. Flag of Honour Kajaani

IRELAND As last year, no candidature has been renewed and no new candidature has been communicated to us. - 21 -

ITALY 26 applications, eight of which are new. The examination of Italian candidatures is often difficult; either the Secretariat receives only sketchy information (of the "yes-no" type) or it is flooded with municipal council minutes, from which it must extract the necessary information so as to form an idea of the scope of twin arrangements. The award of the Flag; of Honour is proposed for one town only, Bibbiano, which has been applying since 1987 and has been making measurable progress each year in its contacts with the French town of Panissieres. The European Diploma might be awarded to: Cecina (Province of Livorno) Cogoleto (Province of Geneva) Ferrara The Province of Regio Emilia

NETHERLANDS 12 applications, one of which is new. Only one town seems worthy of consideration for the Flag of Honour: BEEK. It received the 1989 European Diploma. European Diplomas could be awarded to Arcen en Velden (Province of Limberg), Beek en Donk (Province of Noord-Brabant) and Goirle (Province of Noord-Brabant). To summarize: Flag of Honour European Diploma Beek Arcen en Velden Beek en Donk Goirle - 22 -

SPAIN 3 applications, one of which is new. San Sebastian has renewed its candidature following the award of the European Diploma last year, and should be awarded the Flag of Honour since the quality of its European contacts is excellent. The town of Jerez in Andalusia maintains predominantly tourist-oriented contacts with many European towns. It might be considered for the European Diploma. Flag of Honour European Diploma San Sebastian Jerez

SWITZERLAND Two applications, one of which is new. Plaffeien has not renewed its candidature this year following award of the European Diploma last year, while Gerra Gambarogno has submitted a very precise application to the Secretariat.

UNITED KINGDOM 13 applications, five of which are new. Once again, several excellent new British candidatures have been submitted to the Secretariat. It is suggested that four are considered for the Flag of Honour: Dorchester (Dorset) which has a triangular twinning arrangement with Bayeux and Lubeck and contacts at all levels. East Kilbride (Scotland) which, like its twin town in , is a post-war town and has provided us with copious information on its many European contacts. Tonbridge and Mailing (Kent) which submitted an excellent report on its 1989 activities. Wellington (Somerset) with a triangular twinning arrangement with Lillebonne and Immenstadt. The European Diploma might be awarded to: Kenilworth (Warwickshire) Millbrook (Cornwall) Rochdale (North of Manchester) Flag of Honour European Diploma Dorchester Kenilworth East Kilbride Millbrook Tonbridge and Mailing Rochdale Wellington