

INDEX TO NOTES AND RECORDS, vols. 21 to 30 (1966 TO 1975) ry-iH IS is an index of authors and titles of articles and o f substantial mentions I in the articles of Fellows of the Society and others. The titles are entered under the first word, excluding the article and with die exception of forenames, and also under any other key-word appearing in the title. In title entries the author's name is given in round brackets after the title. Additionally, any substantial mention of a person in the text of an article is indexed under the name followed by the title in italic type. Proper names at the beginning of author or title entries are printed in bold type. Illustrations and particularly portraits are noted. Where the subject o f portraits included in an article are not named in the title, the names are given in square brackets after the reference to ports. There is no heading for the Royal Society, it being understood that this is the subject of the index as a whole. Appropriate headings will be found under the Society's activities and associa­ tions, e.g. Anniversary Dinner, Fellows, etc.

Academie des Sciences de , Les origines de 1’ (E. Faure-Fremiet), . port. [Mersenne], 21, 20-31 Adams, J. B. Four generations of nuclear , illus., port., 27, 75-94 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Frederick Bawden, Treas. R.S. at the Church of St James, on 16 March 1972 (Sir ), port., 27, 177-180 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Henry Dale, O.M., G.B.E., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey on n October 1968 (Lord Adrian), 24, 145 Address at the Memorial Service for Lord Fleck, of Saltcoats, K.B.E., Treas. R.S., at St Columba's Church of , , on 23 September 1968 (Lord Todd), 23, 127-128 Address at the Memorial Service for Lord Florey, o f Adelaide and Marston, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 28 March 1968 (Lord Adrian), 23, 29-30 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 17 October 1972 (R. V. Jones), 27, 181-184 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, O.M., F.R.S., at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, London, on 20 November 1967 (Sir Harold Hartley), 23, 21-22 Address at the Memorial Service o f Sir Robert Robinson, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 29 April 1975 (Lord Todd), 30, 1-4 324 Address at the Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving for Sir John Cockcroft, O.M., K.C.B., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 17 October 1967 (R. Spence), 23, 31-32 Address at Westminster Abbey, on the occasion of the tercentenary of the Royal Observatory (Sir Bernard Lovell), 30, 127-132 Adrian, Lord. Address at the Memorial Service for Lord Florey, o f Adelaide and Marston, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 28 March 1968, 23, 29-30 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Henry Dale, O.M., G.B.E., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 11 October 1968, 24, 145 Aether hypothesis, Newton’s revival of, and the explanation o f gravitational attraction (Joan L. Hawes), 23, 200-212 Airy, Sir George, Sir , F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the discovery and correction of astigmatism. (J. R. Levene), illus. port., 21, 180-199 Sir G. B. Airy, F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the symptamology of migraine (J. R. Levene), 30, 15-24 In Victorian physicists and speed , regulation 26, 206-212 In The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, port., 30, 13 3-140 Aldabra Research Station (D. J. H. Griffin), illus., 29, m -1 2 0 Allibone, T. E. The Club of the Royal College of , the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers and their relationship to the Royal Society Club, 22, 186-192 The Thursday’s Club called the Club o f the Royal Philosophers, and its relation to the Royal Society Club, 26, 73-80 and the Clubs o f the Royal Society, 28, 195-206 Amaldi, E. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1966, 22, 1-7 Andrade, E. N. da C. The preservation of scientific manuscripts and records, 21, 102-107 Some reminiscences of Ernest Marsden’s days with Rutherford at Man­ chester, 23, 247-250 Animal Club; Assistant Society to the Royal Society (N. G. Coley), 22, 173-185 Anniversary Dinner, (1965)* 21, 1-11; (1966), 22, 1-11; (1967), 23, 14-20; (1968), 24, 136-144; (1969), 25, 1-8; (1970), 26, 5-14; (1971), 27, 95-102; (1972), 28, 1-10; (1973), 29, 1-10; (1974), 30, 5-14 Arkwright, Sir Richard. Sir Richard Arkwright and his patent granted in 1769 (R. L. Hills), illus. port., 24, 254-260 Arundel House. In Former homes of the Royal Society, illus., 22, 12 325 Assistant Editor to the Society, Mr J. C. Graddon, Retirement of, 27, 325- 326 Association of Thomas Beddoes, M.D., with James Watt, F.R.S. (F. F. Cart­ wright), illus., port. 22, 131-143 Astigmatism, Sir George Biddell Airy, F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the discovery and correction of(J. R. Levene), illus.y ., 21, 180-199 Astronomer Royal, first, The library of the Rev. (E. G. Forbes), 28, 119-144 Aubrey, J. John Aubrey, F.R.S., John Lydall, and science at Commonwealth (R. G. Frank, Jr), Ulus., port., 27, 193-218 The Books presented to the Royal Society by John Aubrey, F.R.S., (J. Buchanan-Brown), 28, 167-194 Autobiography of , F.R.S. (C. J. Scriba), illus.y 25, 17-46 Automatic rain-gauge of Sir , F.R.S. (A. K. Biswas), illus.y 22, 94-104 Auzout-Hevelius controversy (N. S. Hetherington), 27, 103-106 Award of the to (M. J. Bartholomew), 30, 209- 218

Babbage, C. In Three drawings of Fellows by William Brockedony , port.f 26, 183-184 Background to the Joule-Mayer controversy (J. T. Lloyd), ports. [Tyndall, Tait], 25, 211-226 Bacon, F. In Experimentum Crucis, 2 3 ,173-174 Baker, H. Henry Baker, F.R.S.; Founder of the Bakerian Lecture (G. L’E. Turner), illus.y port., 29, 53-80 Bakerian Lecture. Henry Baker, F.R.S.; Founder of the (G. L’E Turner), Ulus., port., 29, 53-80 Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1853-1940 (E. J. Bowen), illus., 25, 227-236 Banks, Sir Joseph. A Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in th e Endea in 1768-1771 and its botanical results (W. T. Stearn), illus. , 24, 64-90 Sir , F.R.S., and the naming of the Kangaroo (Sir Raphael Cilento), 26, 157-162 Joseph Banks, at Skara Brae and Stennis, Orkney, 1772 (Averil M. Lysaght), Ulus., 28, 221-234 Some early letters from Joseph Banks (1743-1820), to William Phelp Perrin (1742-1820) (Averil M. Lysaght), 29, 91-100 326 Sir Joseph Banks, Sir William Jones and the Royal Society (G. Cannon), illus., 29, 205-230 In The Thursday's Club called the Club of the Royal and its relation to the Royal Society Club, 26, 73-80 Barometry, William Prout and (W. H. Brock), 24, 281-294 Bartholomew, M. J. The award of the Copley Medal to Charles Darwin, 30, 209-218 Bawden, Sir Frederick. Address at the memorial service for, Sir Frederick Bawden, Treas. R.S., at the Church of St James, Piccadilly on 16 March 1972 (Sir Alan Hodgkin), port., 27, 177-180 Bayes, T. Some manuscripts on electrical and other subjects attributed to Thomas Bayes, F.R.S. (R. W. Home) 29, 81-90 Beddoes, T. The association of Thomas Beddoes M.D. with James Watt, F.R.S. (F. F. Cartwright), Ulus., ports., 22,131-143 Beer, Sir Gavin de. See de Beer Bence-Jones, H. Henry Bence-Jones, M.D. F.R.S. (1813-1873) (N. G. Coley) 28, 31-56 Bennett, J. A. W ren’s last building? illus., 27, 107-118 Bibliography of recent books and articles dealing with the history o f the Royal Society or its Fellows, 21, 86-94, 207-211; 22, 198-206; 23, 109- 118, 253-259; 24, 175-180, 324-329; 25, 127-134, 245-250; 26, 119-124, 249-254; 27, 173-176, 329-334; 28, 151-156, 335-340; 29, 127-134, 279-284; 30, m-115, 263-266 , , F.R.S., Sir Joshua Reynolds, F.R.S., P.R.A., Benjamin West, P.R.A. and the invention of, (J. R. Levene), illus., ports., 27, 141-164 Birch, T. The History of the Royal Society, (London, 1756-1757), An index of proper names in, (Gail E. Scala), 28, 263-330 Biswas, A. K. The automatic rain-gauge of Sir Christopher Wren, F.R.S., illus., 22, 94-104 Edmond Halley, F.R.S., hydrologist extraordinary, 25, 47-58 Blackett, P. M. S. (later Lord Blackett). Speeches at Anniversary Dinners, (1965), 21, 7-11; (1966), 22, 7-11; (1967), 23, 16-20; (1968), 24, 141-144; (1969), 25, 4-8 Opening of the Cook Gallery at the National Maritime , Greenwich, on 17 July 1968, 24, 1-4 Rutherford, 27, 57-60 Memorial Meeting for Lord Blackett, O.M., C.H., F.R.S., at the Royal Society, on 31 October 1974 , 29,ports., 135-162 327 Bolam, Jeanne. The botanical works of , F.R.S. (1641-1712), illus., 27,219-232 Books presented to the Royal Society by John Aubrey, F.R.S. (J. Buchanan- Brown), 28, 167-194 Botanical works of Nehemiah Grew, F.R.S. (1641-1712) (Jeanne Bolam), illus., 27, 219-232 Boulton, M. In The ‘ Plain Story ofJames , 24, 207-209 Bowen, E. J. The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford, 1853-1940, 25, 227-236 Boyd, Sirjohn. Sleeping Sickness.TheCastellani-Bruce Controversy, 28,93-110 Boyle, Lord. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1970, 26, 5-11 Boyle, R . The libraries of Newton, Hooke, and Boyle, (H. A. Feisenberger), 21, 42-55 Boyle, R. In The intellectual origins of the Royal Society, 23, 13 4-13 5 Bradley, R. Richard Bradley’s relationship with Sir (F. N. Egerton), 25, 59-78 Bridge-building, Contributions to the science of, in the nineteenth century by Henry Moseley, Hon.Ll.D., F.R.S. and William Pole, D.Mus., F.R.S. (T. M. Charlton), 30, 169-180 Bridgewater Treatises, Selection of the authors of the. (W. H. Brock), . [Bridgewater, Gilbert, Roget, Buckland], 21, 162-179 Brimelow, Sir Thomas, Speech at Anniversary Dinner, 1974, 30, 5-10 Britain’s heritage of scientific and technological records and manuscripts and of historic scientific instruments. (Sir Harold Hartley), 22, 37-39 Brock, W. H. The selection of the authors of the Bridgewater Treatises, ports. [Bridgewater, Gilbert, Roget, Buckland], 21, 162-179 Brock, W. H., William Prout and Barometry, 24, 281-294 Brockedon, W. William Brockedon, F.R.S. (1787-1854) (Lise Wilkinson), illus., ports., 26, 65-72 Three drawings of Fellows by William Brockedon, F.R.S., ports. [Babbage, Dalton & Faraday] (Lise Wilkinson), 26, 183-188 Brown, Joyce & Skempton, A. W. John and Edward Troughton, mathe­ matical instrument makers, illus., 27, 233-262 Bruce, Sir David. In Sleeping Sickness. The Castellani-Bruce Controversy (Sir John Boyd), 28, 93-110 Bryden, D. J. Note on a further portrait of James Short, F.R.S., illus., 24, 109-112 The Jamaican Observatories of Colin Campbell, F.R.S. and Alexander Macfarlane, F.R.S., illus., 24, 261-272 328 Buchanan-Brown, J. The books presented to the Royal Society by John Aubrey, F.R.S., 28, 167-194 Buckland, W. , F.R.S. (1784-1856) and an Oxford Geo­ logical Lecture, 1823 (J. M. Edmonds & J. A. Douglas), ., 30, 141-168 In The selection of the authors of the Bridgewater port., 21, 162-179 Bullock, Sir Alan. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1973, 29, 1-5 . In Former homes of the Royal , illus., 22, 17-19 Busts, The Society’s Portraits and (Gillian Hammill), 24, 156-168 Butler, C. C. Lord Blackett, 29, 153-155

Campbell, C. The Jamaican Observatories of Colin Campbell, F.R.S. and Alexander Macfarlane, F.R.S. (D. J. Bryden), illus., 24, 261-272 Cannizzaro, S. Stanislao Cannizzaro, F.R.S. (1826-1910) and the first Inter­ national Chemical Conference at Karlsruhe in i860. (Sir Harold Hartley), illus.,21, 56-63 Cannon, G. Sir William Jones, Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society, illus., 29, 205-230 Cantor, G. N. Thomas Young’s lectures at the Royal Institution, illus., 25, 87-112 Carlton House Terrace. Carlton House Terrace (Sir John Summerson), illus., 22, 20-22 The new home of the Royal Society (Lord Holford), illus., 22, 23-26 The Formal Opening of the Society’s new home by Her Majesty The Queen, Patron, on 21 November 1967, illus., 23, 1-10 Notes on the decoration of the main features of Carlton House Terrace (Lord Holford), illus., 23, 11-13 Carnot, S. W att’s expansive principle in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicolas Clement (R. Fox), illus., 24, 233-253 Cartwright, F. F. The association of Thomas Beddoes, M.D. with Tames Watt, F.R.S., illus., ports., 22, 131-143 Casimir, H. B. G. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1969, 25, 1-4 Castellani-Bruce Controversy. Sleeping Sickness (Sir John Boyd), 28, 93-110 Cathode rays, Hertz and the of. An unfortunate experiment (G. P. Thomson), 25, 237-242 Celebration of the quincentenary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, 28, 11-14 Central , From electrical to chemical transmission in the, (Sir John Eccles), port., 30, 219-230 Chaldecott, J. A. Contributions o f Fellows o f the Royal Society to the 329 fabrication of platinum vessels: some unpublished manuscripts, ports. [Hall, Wollaston, Marcet], 22, 15 5-172 Cromwell Mortimer, F.R.S. (c. 1698-1752) and the invention of the metalline thermometer for measuring high temperatures, 24, 113-13 5 Chandrasekhar, S., Verifying the theory of relativity, 30, 249-260 Chapman, S. In The Royal Observatory and the study of port., 30, 133-140 Charlton, T. M. Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the theory of statically- indeterminate structures, 26, 233-246 Professor Bertram Hopkinson, C.M.G., M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S. (1874-1918), 29, 101-110 Contributions to the science of bridge-building in the nineteenth century by Henry Moseley, Hon.Ll.D., F.R.S. and William Pole, D.Mus., F.R.S., 30, 169-180 Chemical essay of James Watt, An unpublished (D. F. Larder), 25, 193- 210 Cilento, Sir Raphael. Sir Joseph Banks, F.R.S. and the naming of the Kan­ garoo, 26, 157-162 Clement, N. Watt’s expansive principle in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicolas Clement (R. Fox), illus., 24, 233-253 Club of the Royal College of Physicians, the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers and their relationship to the Royal Society Club. (T. E. Allibone), 22, 186-192 Club of the Royal Philosophers, The Thursday’s Club called . . . and its relation to the Royal Society Club (T. E. Allibone), 26, 73-80 Club of the Royal Society, Edmond Halley and the, (T. E. Allibone), 28, 195-206 Cockcroft, Sir John. Address at the Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving for Sir John Cockcroft, O.M., K.C.B., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 17 October 1967 (R. Spence), 23, 31-32 Coleridge, S. T. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the appointment of J. F. Daniell, F.R.S., as Professor of Chemistry at King’s College, London (V. Gold), 28, 25-30 Coley, N. G. The Animal Chemistry Club; Assistant Society to the Royal Society, 22, 173-185 Henry Bence-Jones, M.D., F.R.S. (1813-1873), 28, 31-56 Commonwealth Oxford, John Aubrey, F.R.S., John Lydall, and science at, (R. G. Frank, Jr.), illus., port., 27, 193-218 Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrication of platinum 330 vessels: some unpublished manuscripts. (J. A. Chaldecott), ports. [Hall, Wollaston, Marcet], 22, 15 5-172 Conversaziones Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal , Hooke’s , and Evelyn’s Sylva port., [Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother], 21, 12-19 (1966), 21, 95-101; (1968), 2 3 ,119-126; (1969), 2 4 ,181-186; (1970), 2 5 ,135— 142; (1971), 2 6 ,125-134; (1972), 2 7 ,185-192; (1973), 28, 157-166; (i974)> 29, 163-172; (1975), 30, 117-126 Cook, J. Cook Gallery at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, Opening, on 17 July 1968 (P. M. S. Blackett), 24, 1-4 Cook bicentenary commemorative presentations, 24, 5-6 Cook and the Royal Society (I. Kaye), port., 24, 7-18 Cook and the transit of Venus of 1769 (Sir Richard Woolley), illus., 2 4 ,19-32 Cook as a navigator (G. E. R. Deacon & Margaret Deacon), 24, 33-42 Cook and scurvy (E. H. Kodicek & F. G. Young), 24, 43-63 A Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results (W. T. Stearn), illus., 24, 64-90 Cook, Captain James, R.N., F.R.S., Reception in honour of the memory of, 24, 187-188 Cook bicentenary celebrations in New Zealand (C. A. Fleming), 2 4 ,189-193 Copeman, W. S. C. William Prout, M.D., F.R.S., and chemist, port., 24, 273-280 Copernicus, N. Celebrations of the quincentenary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, 28,11-14 Copley Medal, The award of, to Charles Darwin (M. J. Bartholomew), 30, 209-218 Cotes, R. In Newton and his editors, port., 29, 29-52 Cotterill, J. H. Cotterill, Maxwell and Jenkin and the theory of statically- indeterminate structures (T. M. Charlton), 26, 233-246 Crane Court. In Former homes of the Royal Society, illus., 22, 14-15 Cuckoo, Edward Jenner, F.R.S. and the, (E. L. Scott), 28, 235-240

Dale, Sir Henry. Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Henry Dale, O.M., G.B.E., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 11 October 1968 (Lord Adrian), 24, 145 Sir Henry Dale (1875-1968). Some letters and papers (W. D. M. Paton), port., 30, 231-248 33i In From electrical to chemical transmission in the central nervous port., 30, 219-230 Dalton, J. Dalton Bicentenary Celebrations, 1966- ‘In praise of famous men’. (A. Thackray), 22, 40-44 In Three drawings of Fellows by William Brockedon, F.R.S., port., 2 184-185 Daniell, J. F. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the appointment ofj. F. Daniell, F.R.S. as Professor of Chemistry at King’s College London (V. Gold), 28, 25-30 Darwin, C. Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher: addendum. (Sir ), 21, 64-71 Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School (edited by Sir Gavin de Beer), 23, 68-85 Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School (A. E. Gunther), 30, 25-44 The award of the Copley Medal to Charles Darwin (M. J. Bartholomew), 30, 209-218 Davy, H. In Thomas Young's lectures at the Royal Institution 25, 88-97 Deacon, G. E. R. & Deacon, Margaret. Captain Cook as a navigator illus. 24, 33-42 de Beer, Sir Gavin. Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher: addendum. 21, 64-71 The Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School, 23, 68-85 De Corpore Satumi, Christopher Wren’s (A. Van Helden), 23, 213-229 De Luc, J. A. Jean Andre De Luc, F.R.S. (1727-1817) (P. A. Tunbridge), port., 15-34 26, de Morveau. See Guyton de Morveau Denning, Lord. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1971, 27, 95-97 Desaguliers, J. T. In ExperimentumCrucis, 23, 189-191 Design of the triboelectric generators of Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. A case history of the interaction between and Holland in the field of instrument design in the eighteenth century (W. D. Hackman), illus., 26, 163-182 Desormes, C. B. In Watt’s expansive principle in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicolas Clement, 24, 235-246 Douglas, J. A. & Edmonds, J. M. William Buckland, F.R.S. (1784-1856) and an Oxford Geological Lecture, 1823, illus., 30, 141-168 Dyson, Sir Frank. In The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, port., 30, 133-140

Eales, Nellie B. A satire on the Royal Society, dated 1743, attributed to Henry Fielding, illus., 23, 65-67 332 Eccles, Sir John. Two hitherto unrecognized publications by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., F.R.S., 23, 86-100 Letters from C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S. to Angelo RufFrni between 1896 and 1903, 30, 69-88 From electrical to chemical transmission in the central nervous system, port. [Dale], 30, 219-230 Eddington, Sir Arthur. In The Royal Observatory and the study of , port., 30, 133-140 In Verifying the theory of , relativity 30, 249-260 Editorial, 27, 1-6 Editorial policy, 26, 3-4 Editorship of Notes and Records. Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S. An appreciation on his retirement from, port., 26, 1-2 Edmonds, J. M. & Douglas, J. A. William Buckland, F.R.S. (1784-1856) and an Oxford Geological Lecture, illus., 30, 141-168 Egerton, F. H., Earl of Bridgewater. In The selection of the authors of the Bridgewater Treatises, port., 21, 162-179 Egerton, F. N. Richard Bradley’s relationship with Sir Hans Sloane 25, 59-78 Eighteenth-century pioneer, Richard Price, D.D., F.R.S. (1723-1791) (J. D. Holland), port., 23, 43-64 Einstein, A. In Verifying the theory of relativity, 30, 249-260 Election of Fellows. See Fellows, Election of Election of Foreign Members. See Foreign Members, Election of Electron, George Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S. and the concept of the, (J. G. O ’Hara), port., 29, 265-276 Elizabeth II, Her Majesty The Queen, Patron, The Formal Opening of the Society’s new home at 6 Carlton House Terrace by, illus. 23, 1-10 Elizabeth, Queen, the Queen Mother. In Conversazione to mark the 300 anniversary of the publication of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society port., 21, 12-19 In Conversaziones 1970 port., 25, 138 Endeavour. A Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage o f Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results (W. T. Stearn) illus., 24, 64-90 Equatorial mounting , The friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S. with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the develop­ ment of, (J. R. M. Setchell), 25, 79-86 Evelyn’s Sylva, Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publica­ tion of, 21, 12-19 333 Exchange of delegations between the Royal Society and the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, 1965, illus., 21, 72-79 Exhibition of Sir Cyril Hinshelwood’s paintings at Goldsmiths’ Hall on 20 March 1968 (Sir Harold Hartley), 23, 23-28 Expansive principle, Watt’s, in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicolas Clement (R. Fox), 24, 233-253 Experimentum Crucis (J. A. Lohne), 23, 189-199

Faraday, M. Faraday’s Genevese friends (P. A. Tunbridge), ports. [Auguste and Gaspard de la Rive], 27, 263-298 In Three drawings of Fellows by William port., 26, 185-187 In Rutherford-Faraday-Newton, illus., 27, 45-56 Farrar, W . V. Andrew Ure, F.R.S. and the philosophy of manufacturers, 27, 299-324 Farrar, W . V., & Gibson, A. Robert Angus Smith, F.R.S. and ‘Sanitary Science’, port., 28, 241-262 Faure-Fremiet, E. Les origines de l’Academie des Sciences de Paris, illus., port. [Mersenne], 21, 20-31 Feather, N. Rutherford-Faraday-Newton, illus., 27, 45-56 Feisenberger, H. A. The libraries of Newton, Hooke, and Boyle, 21, 42-55 Fellows, Election of (1966), 21, 81-84; (1967), 22, 194-197; (1968), 23, 105-108; (Statute 12), 23, 251; (1969), 24, 170-173; (Statute 12), 24, 323; (1970), 25, 122-125; (Statute 12), 25, 243; (1971), 2 6 ,114-118; (Statute 12), 26, 247; (1972), 27, 168-171; (Statute 12), 27, 327; (1973), 28, 146-149; (Statute 12), 28, 333; (1974), 29, 121-125; (Statute 12), 29, 125; (1975), 30, 106-109 Fielding, H. A satire on the Royal Society, dated 1743, attributed to Henry Fielding (Nellie B. Eales), illus., 23, 65-67 Fisher, Sir Ronald. Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher: addendum. (Sir Gavin de Beer), 21,64-71 Flamsteed, J. The library of Rev. John Flamsteed, F.R.S., first Astronomer Royal (E. G. Forbes), 28, 119-144 In The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, port., 30, 13 3-140 Fleck, Lord. Address at the Memorial Service at St Columba’s Church of Scotland, London, on 23 September 1968 for, Lord Fleck of Saltcoats, K.B.E., Treas., R.S. (Lord Todd), 23, 127-128 Fleming, C. A. James Cook bicentenary celebrations in New Zealand, 24, 189-193 Florey, Lord. Address at the Memorial Service for Lord Florey of Adelaide 334 and Marston, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 28 March 1968 (Lord Adrian), 23, 29-30 Forbes, E. G. The library of Rev. John Flamsteed, F.R.S., first Astronomer Royal, 28, 119-144 Forbes, J. D. In The theory of glaciers, 26, 189-204 Foreign Members, Election of, (1966), 21, 84-85; (1967), 22, 197; (1968), 23, 251-252; (1969), 24, 173-174; (1970), 25, 243; (1971), 26, 247; (1972), 27, 327; (1973), 28, 333-334; (i974), 29, 124-125; (1975), 30, 261 Formal Opening of the Society’s new home at 6 Carlton House Terrace by Her Majesty The Queen, Patron, on 21 November 1967, 23, 1-10 Former Homes of the Royal Society. (D. C. Martin), illus., 22, 12-19 Foucault, L. In Victorian physicists and speed regulation, 6, 213-215 Four generations of nuclear physicists (J. B. Adams), illus., port. [Rutherford], 27, 75-94 Fox, R. Watt’s expansive principle in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicolas Clement, illus., 24, 233-253 Frank, R. G. John Aubrey, F.R.S., John Lydall, and science at Common­ wealth Oxford, illus., port., 27, 193-218 Franklin, B. Benjamin Franklin, F.R.S., Sir Joshua Reynolds, F.R.S., P.R.A., Benjamin West, P.R.A., and the invention of bifocals (J. R. Levene), illus., ports., 27, 141-164 Franklin’s pointed lightning conductor (P. A. Tunbridge), 28, 207-220 Friendship and influence Martinus Van Marum F.R.S. (T. H. Levere) illus., port., 25, 113-120 Friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S., with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of equatorial mounting tele­ scopes (J. R. M. Setchell), 25, 79-86 From electrical to chemical transmission in the central nervous system (Sir John Eccles), port. [Sir Henry Dale], 30, 219-230 Further information on the telescopes of Hindley of York (J. R. M. Setchell), illus., 25, 189-192 Further notes on Henry Oldenburg (A. R. Hall & Marie Boas Hall), 23, 33- 42

Geological Lecture, Oxford, William Buckland, F.R.S. (1784-1856) and, (J. M. Edmonds & J. A. Douglas), illus., 30, 141-168 Gibbs, J. W . In Victorian physicists and speed regulation, 26, 219-221 Gibson, A ., & Farrar, W . V ., Robert Angus Smith, F.R.S. and ‘Sanitary Science, port., 28, 241-262 335 Gilbert, D. In The selection of the authors of the Bridgewater port., 21, 162-179 Glaciers, The theory of, (J. S. Rowlinson), 26, 189-204 Glaisber, J. In The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, port., 30,133- 140 Goethe, J. W . Luke Howard, F.R.S. (1772-1864) and his relations with Goethe (A. W. Slater), port., 27, 119-140 Gold, V. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the appointment of J. F. Daniell, F.R.S., as Professor of Chemistry at King’s College, London, 28, 25-30 Graddon, J. C. Retirement of Mr. J. C. Graddon, Assistant Editor to the Society, 27, 325-326 Grattan-Guinness, I. The Royal Society’s financial support of the publication of Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica, 30, 89-104 Gravitation, The Royal Observatory and the study of (W. H. McCrea), illus., ports., [Airy, Chapman, Dyson, Eddington, Glaisher, Maskelyne] 30, 133— 140 Gravitational attraction, the explanation of, and Newton’s revival of the aether hypothesis (Joan L. Hawes), 23, 200-212 Gregory, D. David Gregory’s inaugural lecture at Oxford (P. D. Lawrence & A. G. Molland), illus., 25, 143-178 . In Former homes of the Royal Society, illus., 22, 12-14 Grew, N . The botanical works of Nehemiah Grew, F.R.S., (1641-1712) (Jeanne Bolam), illus., 27, 219-232 Grey, Viscount. Viscount Grey of Fallodon, K.G., F.R.S. (Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S.), illus., 26, 1 07-m Griffin, D. J. H. The Aldabra Research Station, illus., 29, m -1 2 0 Grimaldi, F. M. In Experimentum Crucis, 23, 176-179 Gunther, A. In The Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School, 30, 25-43 Guerlac, H. Newton’s optical aether: his draft of a proposed addition to his Opticks, 22, 45-57 Gunther, A. E. The Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School, 30, 25-43 Guy, H. L. Henry Lewis Guy, F.R.S. (1887-1956). Turbine designer and engineering administrator. (D. M. Smith), 21, 200-206 Guyton de Morveau, L. B. Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau, F.R.S. (1 73 7-1 816) and his relations with British scientists. (W. A. Smeaton), 22, 113-130

Hackman, W. D. The design of the triboelectric generators of Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. A case history of the interaction between England and 33<5 Holland in the field of instrument design in the eighteenth century, illus., 26, 163-182 Haistwell, E. Edward Haistwell, F.R.S. (T. L. Underwood), illus., 25, 179- 188 Hall, A. R. Newton and his editors. The Wilkins Lecture, I973» ports. [Halley, Cotes], 29, 29-52 Hall, A. R. & Hall, Marie Boas. Further notes on Henry Oldenburg, illus., 23, 33-42 The intellectual origins of the Royal Society, London and Oxford, 23, 157- 168 Hall, Sir James. In Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrication of platinum vessels, port., 22, 155-172 Hall, Marie Boas. The Royal Society’s role in the diffusion of information in the seventeenth century, 29, 173-192 Halley, E. Edmond Halley, F.R.S., hydrologist extraordinary (A. K. Biswas), 25, 47-58 Edmond Halley and the Clubs of the Royal Society (T. E. Allibone), 28,195- 207 hi Newton and his editors, port., 29, 29-52 Hammill, Gillian. The Society’s portraits and busts, 24, 156-168 Hartley, Sir Harold. Stanislao Cannizzaro, F.R.S. (1826-1910) and the first International Chemical Conference at Karlsruhe in i860, illus., 21, 56-63 Britain’s heritage of scientific and technological records and manuscripts and of historic scientific instruments, 22, 37-39 Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, O.M., F.R.S., at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, London, on 20 November 1967, 23, 21-22 The exhibition of Sir Cyril Hinshelwood’s paintings at Goldsmiths’ Hall, on 20 March 1968, 23, 23-28 Professor Douglas McKie, F.R.S.E., port., 23, 101-103 The Royal Society Club Dinner on 14 November 1968 in celebration of the 90th Birthday of Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., 24, 146-155 An appreciation on his retirement from the editorship of Notes and Records, port., 26, 1-2 Viscount Grey of Fallodon, K.G., F.R.S., illus., 26, 107-110 Address at the memorial service for Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., at West­ minster Abbey, on 17 October 1972 (R. V. Jones), 27, 181-184 Hartley lecture delivered at the Royal Society, 21 May 1974. Research and prediction (H.R.H. Prince Philip), illus., 29, 11-27 337 Hawes, Joan L. Newton’s revival of the aether hypothesis and the explanation of gravitational attraction, 23, 200-212 Helden, A. Van. Christopher Wren’s De Corpore Satumi, 23, 213-229 Hertz, H. R. Hertz and the nature of cathode rays. An unfortunate experi­ ment (G. P. Thomson), 25, 237-242 Hetherington, N. S. The Hevelius-Auzout controversy, 27, 103-106 Hevelius, J. Hevelius-Auzout controversy (N. S. Hetherington), 27, 103-106 Hill, A. V. Jewels in my acquaintance with C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S., 30, 65- 68 Hill, C. The intellectual origins of the Royal Society, London or Oxford?, 23, 144-156 Hills, R. L. Sir Richard Arkwright and his patent granted in 1769, port., 24, 254-260 Hindley, H. The friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S., with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of equatorial mounting telescopes (J. R. M. Setchell), 25, 79-86 Further information on the telescopes of Henry Hindley (J. R. M. Setchell), illus., 25, 189-192 Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril. Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, O.M., F.R.S., at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, London, on 20 November 1967 (Sir Harold Hartley), 23, 21-22 The exhibition of Sir Cyril Hinshelwood’s paintings at Goldsmiths’ Hall, on 20 March 1968 (Sir Harold Hartley), 23, 23-28 Hirohito, Emperor, o f Japan, ports., 27, 168-169 History of the Royal Society, , An index of proper names in, (London, 1756-1757) (GailE. Scala), 28, 263-330 Hodgkin, A. L. (later Sir Alan Hodgkin), Speeches at Anniversary Dinners, (1970) 26, 11-14; (1971) 27, 98-102; (1972) 28, 5-10; (1973) 29, 5-10; (1974) 30, 10-14 Address at the memorial service for Sir Frederick Bawden, Treas. R.S. at the Church of St James, Piccadilly, on 16 March 1972, port., 27, 177-180 Lord Blackett, 29, 135-138 Holfbrd, Lord. The New Home of the Royal Society, illus., 22, 23-36 Notes on the decoration of the main features of 6 to 9 Carlton House Terrace, illus., 23, 11-13 Holland, J. D. An eighteenth-century pioneer, Richard Price, D.D., F.R.S., (1723-1791), port., 23, 43-64 Home, R. W. Some manuscripts on electrical and other subjects attributed to Thomas Bayes, F.R.S., 29, 81-90 338 Hooke, R. Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of Hooke’s , 21, 12-19 The libraries of Newton, Hooke, and Boyle (H. A. Feisenberger), 21, 42-55 In David Gregory s inaugural lecture at 25, 147-154 Hopkinson, B. Professor Bertram Hopkinson, C.M.G., M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S. (1874-1918) (T. M. Charlton), 29, 101-110 Howard, L. Luke Howard, F.R.S. (1772-1864) and his relations with Goethe (A. W. Slater), port., 27, 119-140 Huxley, T. H. , his baptism into oratory (J. V. Jensen), 30, 181-208

Index of proper names in Thomas Birch, The History of the Royal Society (London, 1756-1757) (GailE. Scala), 28, 263-330 Index o f the correspondence of John Wallis, F.R.S. (C. J. Scriba), 22, 58-93 ‘In praise of famous men’—The Bicentenary Celebrations, 1966. (A. Thackray), 22, 40-44 Instrument design in the eighteenth century, A case history of the interaction between England and Holland in the field of. The design of the triboelectric generators of Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. (W. D. Hackman), illus., 26, 163-182 Instrument makers, Mathematical, John and Edward Troughton (A. W. Skempton & Joyce Brown), illus., 27, 233-262 Intellectual origins of the Royal Society (P. M. Rattansi), 23, 129-143 Intellectual origins of the Royal Society, London and Oxford (A. R. Hall & Marie Boas Hall), 23, 157-168 Intellectual origins of the Royal Society, London or Oxford? (C. Hill), 23, 144-157 International Chemical Conference, Karlsruhe i860. (Sir Harold Hartley), illus., 21, 56—63

Japan. Visit of a scientific delegation from, illus., 26, m -1 1 2 Jenkin, F. Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the theory of statically-indeter- minate structures (T. M. Charlton), 26, 233-246 Jensen, J. V. Thomas Henry Huxley’s baptism into oratory, 30, 181-208 Jenner, E. Edward Jenner, F.R.S. and the cuckoo (E. L. Scott), 28, 235-240 Jewels in my acquaintance with C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S. (A. V. Hill), 30,65-68 Johnson, S. , as antiscientist (J. R. Philip), 29, 193-204 Jones, R. V. The ‘Plain Story’ of James Watt. The Wilkins Lecture, 1969, illus., port., 24, 194-220 339 Address at the memorial service for Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S. at West­ minster Abbey, on 17 October 1972, 27, 177-180 James Clerk Maxwell at Aberdeen, 1856-1860, 28, 57-83 Jones, Sir William. Sir William Jones, Sir Joseph Banks and the Royal Society (G. Cannon), illus., 29, 205-231 Joule, J. P. Background to the Joule-Mayer controversy (J. T. Lloyd), ports. [Tyndall, Tait], 25, 211-226

Kangaroo, Sir Joseph Banks, F.R.S. and the naming of the, (Sir Raphael Cilento), 26, 157-162 Kaye, I., Captain James Cook and the Royal Society, illus., port., 24, 7-18 The retirement of Mr I. Kaye, Librarian to the Society, port., 27, 165-166 Keir, J. James Keir of the Lunar Society. (Barbara M. D. Smith & J. C. Moilliet), port., 22, 144-154 In The Lunar Society of Birmingham, port., 21, 144-161 Kelvin, Lord. See Thomson, W. Kodicek, E. H. & Young, F. G., Captain Cook and scurvy, 24, 43-63 Krebs, Sir Hans. Two letters by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen, 28, 83-92

Larder, D. F. Thomas Thomson’s activities in Edinburgh, 1791-1811, 24, 295-304 An unpublished chemical essay of James Watt, 25, 193-210 Lawrence, P. D. & Molland, A. G. David Gregory’s inaugural lecture at Oxford, illus., 25, 143-178 Layton, D. Lord Wrottesley, F.R.S., pioneer statesman of science, illus., port., 23, 230-246 Letter by William Thomson, F.R.S. on the ‘Thomson Effect’ (P. A. Tunbridge), 26,229-232 Letters from C. S. Sherrington, F.R.S. to Angelo Ruffini between 1896 and 1903 (Sir John Eccles), 30, 69-88 Levene, J. R. Sir George Biddell Airy, F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the discovery and correction of astigmatism, illus., port., 21, 180-199 Benjamin Franklin, F.R.S., Sir Joshua Reynolds, F.R.S., P.R.A., Benjamin West, P.R.A. and the invention of bifocals, illus., ports., 27, 141-164 Sir G. B. Airy, F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the symptamology of migraine, 30, 15-24 Levere, T. H. Friendship and influence, Martinus van Marum, F.R.S., illus., port., 25, 113-120 Lewis, W. B. Some recollections and reflections on Rutherford, 27, 61-64 340 Librarian to the Society, Mr I. Kaye, Retirement of, port., 27, 165-166 Libraries of Newton, Hooke, and Boyle. (H. A. Feisenberger), 21, 42-55 Library of the Rev. John Flamsteed, F.R.S., first Astronomer Royal (E. G. Forbes), 28, 119-144 Lightning conductor, Franklin’s pointed, (P. A. Tunbridge), 28, 207-220 Lloyd, J. T. Background to the Joule-Mayer controversy, 25, 211-226 Loewi, Otto. In Sir Henry Dale (1875-1968), some letters and papers, 30, 237-239 Lohne, J. A. Experimentum Crucis, 23, 169-199 Lovell, Sir Bernard. Lord Blackett, 29, 146-147 Address at Westminster Abbey, on the occasion of the tercentenary of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, 30, 127-13 2 Luc, J. A. de. See de Luc Lunar Society. Lunar Society of Birmingham; a bicentenary appraisal (R. E. Schofield), ports. [Whitehurst, Keir], 21, 144-161 James Keir of the Lunar Society. (Barbara M. D. Smith & J. L. Moilliet), port., 22, 144-154 Lush, G. Lt Cdr George Lush, M.B.E., R.N., port., 28, 331-332 Lydall, J. John Aubrey, F.R.S., John Lydall and science at Commonwealth Oxford (R. G. Frank, Jr), illus., port.,27, 193-218 Lyell, C. , F.R.S. (1797-1875) and his London lectures on geology, 1823-1833 (M. Rudwick), 29, 231-264 In The award of the Copley medal to Charles Darwin, 30, 213-217 Lysaght, Averil M. Joseph Banks at Skara Brae and Stennis, Orkney, 1772, illus., 28, 221-234 Some early letters from Joseph Banks (1743-1820), to William Phelp Perrin (1742-1820), 29, 91-100

McCrea, W. H. The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, illus., ports., [Airy, Chapman, Dyson, Eddington, Glaisher, Maskelyne] 30, 133 McDougall, A. In Robert Angus Smith, and‘ ’, 2 8 ,257- 258 Macfarlane, A. The Jamaican Observatories of Colin Campbell, F.R.S. and Alexander Macfarlane, F.R.S. (D. J. Bryden), illus., 24, 261-272 McGuire, J. E. & Rattansi, P. M. Newton and the ‘Pipes o f Pan’, 21, 108- 143 McKie, D . Professor Douglas McKie, F.R.S.E. (Sir Harold Hartley), port., 23, 101-103 MacLeod, R. M. The X-Club, a social network of science in late-Victorian England, 24, 305-322 341 O f medals and men: a reward system in Victorian science, 1826-1914, 26, 81-106 Marcet, A. J. G. In Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrication of platinum vessels, port, 22, 15 5-172 Marci, M. In Experimentum , Crucis 23, 174-176 Marsden, E. Some reminiscences of Ernest Marsden’s days with Rutherford at (E. N. da C. Andrade), 23, 247-250 Martin,B. BenjaminMartin and the Royal Society(J. R. Millburn),port.,2^, 15-24 Martin, D. C. {later Sir David Martin). Former Homes of the Royal Society, illus,, 22, 12-19 Speech at the Royal Society Club Dinner on 14 November 1968 in celebra­ tion of the 90th birthday of Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., 24, 152-155 Lord Blackett, 29, 140-144 Marum, M. van. Friendship and influence, Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. (T. H. Levere), illus., port., 25, 113-120 Design of the triboelectric generators of Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. A case history of the interaction between England and Holland in the field of instrument design in the eighteenth century (W. D. Hackman), illus., 2 163-182 Maskelyne, N. In The Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation, port., 30, 133-140 Massey, Sir Harrie. Nuclear today and in Rutherford's day, illus., 27, 25-44 Lord Blackett, 29, 138-140 Maxwell, J. C. Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the theory of statically- indeterminate structures (T. M. Charlton), 26, 233-246 James Clerk Maxwell at Aberdeen, 1856-1860 (R. V. Jones), illus., port., 28, 57-82 In Victorian physicists and speed regulation, 26, 217-219 Mayer, J. R. Background to the Joule-Mayer controversy (J. T. Lloyd), ports. [Tyndall, Tait], 25, 211-226 Mayr, O. Victorian physicists and speed regulation: an encounter between science and technology, illus., 26, 205-228 Medal, Copley, The award of, to Charles Darwin (M. J. Bartholomew), 30, 209-218 Medallists, (1965), illus., 21, 80; (1966), illus., 22, 193-194; (1967), illus., 23, 104-105; (1968), illus., 2 4 ,169; (1969), Ulus., 2 5 ,121-122; (1970), illus., 26, 113-114; (1971), illus. , 27, 167-168; (1972), Ulus., 28, 145-146; (i973), illus., 29, 121; (1974), illus., 30, 105-106 342 Medals. O f medals and men: a reward system in Victorian science, 1826-1914 (R. M. MacLeod), illus., 26, 81-106 Mendel, B. Mendel, Darwin, and Fisher: addendum. (Sir Gavin de Beer), 21, 64-71 Menon, M. G. K. Lord Blackett, 29, 158-162 Mersenne, M. In Les Origines de I’Academie des Sciences de port., 21, 21-25 Metalline thermometer for measuring high temperatures. Cromwell Mortimer, F.R.S. (c. 1698-1752) and the invention of (J. A. Chaldecott), illus., 24, II3-I35 Micrographia (Hooke), Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of, 21, 12-19 Migraine, Sir G. B. Airy, F.R.S. (1801-1892) and the symptamology of, (J. R. Levene), 30, 15-24 Millbum, J. R. Benjamin Martin and the Royal Society, port., 2 8 ,15-24 Moilliet, J. L. & Smith, Barbara. James Keir of the Lunar Society, port., 22, 144-154 Molland, A. G., & Lawrence, P. D. David Gregory’s inaugural lecture at Oxford, illus., 25, 143-178 Morrell, J. B. Professors Robison and Playfair, and the Theophobia Gallica; Natural philosophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815, 26, 43-64 Mortimer, C. Cromwell Mortimer, F.R.S. (c. 1698-1752) and the invention of the metalline thermometer for measuring high temperatures (J. A. Chaldecott), 24, 113-125 Moseley, H. Contributions to the science of bridge-building in the nineteenth century by Henry Moseley, Hon.Ll.D., F.R.S. and William Pole, D.Mus., F.R.S., (T. M. Charlton), 30, 169-180 Mott, Sir Nevill. Rutherford, 27, 65-66

National Maritime Museum. Opening of the Cook Gallery at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, on 17 July 1968 (P. M. S. Blackett), 2 4 ,1-4 Natural philosophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815. Professors Robison and Playfair, and the Theophobia Gallica; (J. B. Morrell), 26,43-64 Nature Centenary Dinner, 25, 9-16 New Home of the Royal Society. (Lord Holford), illus., 22, 23-36 Newton, I. Newton’s marvellous year: 1666 and all that. (D. T. Whiteside), 21, 32-41 Newton, I. The libraries of Newton, Hooke, and Boyle (H. A. Feisenberger), 21, 42-55 343 Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan’. (McGuire, J. E. & Rattansi, P. M.), 21,108-143 Newton’s optical aether: his draft of a proposed addition to his Op ticks. (FL Guerlac), 22, 45-57 Experimentum Crucis (J. A. Lohne), 23, 169-199 Newton’s revival of the aether hypothesis and the explanation of gravitational attraction (Joan L. Hawes), 23, 200-212 Rutherford-Faraday-Newton (N. Feather), 27, 45-56 Newton and his editors. The Wilkins Lecture, 1973 (A. R. Hall), illus., ports. [Halley, Cotes], 29, 29-52 Note on a further portrait of James Short, F.R.S. (D. J. Bryden), port., 2 4 ,109- 112 Notes on the decoration of the main features of 6 to 9 Carlton House Terrace (Lord Holford), 23, 11-13 Notes, Royal Society’s, 21, 80-85, 207; 22, 193-197; 23, 104-108, 251-252; 24, 169-174, 323; 25, 121-126, 243-244; 26, 113-118, 247-248; 27, 167- 172, 327-328; 28, 145-150, 333-334; 29, 121-126, 277-278; 30, 105-110, 261-262 Nuclear physicists, Four generations of, (J. B. Adams), illus., port., 27, 75-94 Nuclear physics today and in Rutherford’s day (Sir Harrie Massey), illus., 27, 25-44

Obituary, (1966), 21, 80, 207; (1967), 2 2 ,193; (1968), 2 3 ,104, 251; (1969-1970), 2 4 ,169, 323; (1970), 2 5 ,121,243; (1971), 2 6 ,113, 247; (1972), 2 7 ,167, 327; (1973-1974), 28, 145, 333; (1974-1975), 29, 121, 277; (1975), 30, 105, 261 Observatories, The Jamaican, of Colin Campbell, F.R.S. and Alexander Macfarlane, F.R.S. (D. J. Bryden), 24, 261-272 Occhialini, G. P. S. Lord Blackett, 29, 144-146 Officers of the Royal Society, (1965), illus., 21, 80; (1968), illus., 24, 168; (1969), illus., 25, 120; (1970), illus., 26, 115; (1971), illus., 27, 169 O f medals and men: a reward system in Victorian science, 1826-1914 (R. M. MacLeod), illus., 26, 81-106 O’Hara, J. G. George Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S. and the concept of the electron, port., 29, 265-276 Oldenburg, H. Further notes on Henry Oldenburg (A. R. Hall & Marie Boas Hall), illus., 23, 33-42 In The Royal Society s role in the diffusion of information in the seventeenth century, 29, 173-192 Oliphant, Sir Mark. Some personal recollections of Rutherford, the man, 27, 7-24 344 Opening of the Cook Gallery at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, on 17 July 1968 (P. M. S. Blackett), 24, 1-4 Opticks, Newton’s optical aether: his draft of a proposed addition to his (H. Guerlac), 22, 45-57 Origines de l’Academie des Sciences de Paris. (E. Faure-Fremiet), port. [Mersenne], 21, 20-31 Orkney, Skara Brae and Stennis, 1772, Joseph Banks at, (Averil M. Lysaght), illus., 28, 221-234 O’Shea, P. P. . His honours and distinctions, 27, 67-74

Paton, W. D. M. Sir Henry Dale (1875-1968). Some letters and papers, port., 30, 231-248 Paton, W. D. M. & Phillips, C. G. E. H. J. Schuster (1879-1969), illus., 28, m -1 1 8 Paul, L. In Sir Richard Arkwright and his patent granted in 1769, 24, 254-257 Pemberton, H. In Newton and his editors, 29, 29-52 Perrin, W. P. Some early letters from Joseph Banks (1743-1820) to William Phelp Perrin (1742-1820) (Averil M. Lysaght), 29, 91-100 Petty, W . In The intellectual origins of the Royal Society, 23, 130-131 Philip, H.R.H. Prince. Research and Prediction. The inaugural Hartley lecture delivered at the Royal Society, 21 May 1974, illus., 29, 11-27 Philip, J. R. Samuel Johnson as antiscientist, 29, 193-204 Phillips, C. G. & Paton, W. D. M. E. H. J. Schuster (1879-1969), illus., 28, 111-118 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publication of, port. [Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother], 21, 12-19 ‘Plain Story’ of James Watt. The Wilkins Lecture, 1969 (R. V. Jones), illus., port., 24, 194-220 Platinum vessels, Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrica­ tion of. (J. A. Chaldecott), ports. [Hall, Wollaston, Marcet], 22, 15 5-172 Playfair, J. Professors Playfair and Robison, and the Theophohia Gallica; Natural philosophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815 (J. B. Morrell), 26, 43-64 Pole, W . Contributions to the science of bridge-building in the nineteenth century by William Pole, D.Mus., F.R.S. and Henry Moseley, Hon.Ll.D., F.R.S. (T. M. Charlton), 30, 169-180 Portrait of James Short, F.R.S., attributable to Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. (G. L’E. Turner), 22, 105-112 345 Portraits and busts, The Society’s (Gillian Hammill), 24, 156-168 Preservation of scientific manuscripts and records. (E. N. da C. Andrade), 21, 102-107 Price, R. Richard Price, D.D., F.R.S. (1723-1791), an eighteenth-century pioneer (J. D. Holland), port., 23, 43-64 Prittcipia Mathematica, Whitehead and Russell’s, The Royal Society’s financial support of the, (I. Grattan-Guinness), 30, 89-104 Prout, W . William Prout, M.D., F.R.S. physician and chemist (1785-1850) (W. S. C. Copeman), port., 24, 273-280 William Prout and Barometry (W. H. Brock), 24, 281-294 Publication of Smeaton’s reports (A. W. Skempton), illus., port., 26, 135—156

Rattansi, P. M., The intellectual origins of the Royal Society, 23, 129-143 Rattansi, P. M. & McGuire, J. E. Newton and the ‘Pipes of Pan’, 21, 108- 143 Reception in honour of the memory of Captain James Cook, R.N., F.R.S., 24, 187-188 Reflecting telescopes, James Short, F.R.S. and his contribution to the con­ struction of (G. L’E. Turner), illus., 24, 91-108 Relativity, Verifying the theory of, (S. Chandrasekhar), 30, 249-260 Research and Prediction. The inaugural Hartley lecture delivered at the Royal Society, 21 May 1974 (H.R.H. Prince Philip), illus., 29, 11-27 Retirement from die editorship of Notes and Records, Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., port., 26, 1-2 Retirement of Mr I. Kaye, Librarian to the Society, port., 27, 165-166 Retirement of Mr J. C. Graddon, Assistant Editor to the Society, port., 27, 325-326 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Sir Joshua Reynolds, F.R.S., P.R.A., Benjamin Frank­ lin, F.R.S., Benjamin West, P.R.A. and the invention of bifocals (J. R. Levene), illus., ports., 27, 141-164 Rive, A. de la. In Faraday s Genevese friends, port., 27, 263-298 Rive, G. de la. In Faraday s Genevese friends, port., 27, 263-298 Robinson, E. James Watt, engineer and man of science, port., 24, 221-232 Robinson, Sir Robert. Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Robert Robinson, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 29 April 1975 (Lord Todd), 30, 1-4 Robison, J. Professors Robison and Playfair and the Theophobia Gallica; Natural philosophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815 (J. B. Morrell), 26, 43-64 346 Rontgen, W. C. Two letters by William Conrad. Rontgen (Sir ), 28, 83-92 Roget, P. M. In The selection of the authors of the Bridgewater Treatises, port., 21, 162-179 Rowlinson, J. S. The theory of glaciers, 26, 189-204 Royal Greenwich Observatory. Address at Westminster Abbey, on the occasion of the tercentenary of the Royal Greenwich Observatory (Sir Bernard Lovell), 30, 127—132 Royal Observatory and the study of gravitation (W. H. McCrea), illus., ports., [Airy, Chapman, Dyson, Eddington, Glaisher, Maskelyne] 30, 133-140 Royal Institution. Thomas Young’s lectures at the Royal Institution (G. N. Cantor), illus., 25, 87-112 Royal Observatory see Royal Greenwich Observatory Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results (W. T. Stearn), illus., 24, 64-90 Royal Society Club. Royal Society Club, its relationship to the Club of the Royal College of Physicians and the Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers (T. E. Allibone), 22, 186-192 Royal Society Club Diimer on 14 November 1968 in celebration of the 90th Birthday of Sir Harold Hartley, F.R.S., 24, 146-155 The Thursday’s Club called the Club of the Royal Philosophers, and its relation to the Royal Society Club. (T. E. Allibone), 26, 73-80 Royal Society’s role in the diffusion of information in the seventeenth century (Marie Boas Hall), 29, 173-192 Rudwick, M. Charles Lyell, F.R.S. (1797-1875) and his London lectures on geology, 1832-1833, 29, 231-264 Ruffini, A. Letters from C. S. Sherrington to Angelo Ruflini, between 1896 and 1903 (Sir John Eccles), 30, 69-88 Runcorn, S. K. Lord Blackett, 29, 156-158 Russell, B. The Royal Society’s financial support of the publication of Russell and Whitehead’s Principia , Mathematica (I. Grattan-Guinness), 30, 89-104 Rutherford, E. Some reminiscences ofErnest Marsden’s days with Rutherford at Manchester (E. N. da C. Andrade), 23, 247-250 Rutherford Centenary Celebrations, port., 27, 5 Some personal recollections of Rutherford, the man (Sir Mark Oliphant), 27, 7-24 Nuclear physics today and in Rutherford’s day (Sir Harrie Massey), illus., 27, 25-44 347 Rutherford-Faraday-Newton (N. Feather), 27, 45-56 Rutherford (Lord Blackett), 27, 57-60 Some recollections and reflections on Rutherford (W. B. Lewis), 27, 61-64 Rutherford (Sir Nevill Mott), 27, 65-66 Ernest Rutherford. His honours and distinctions (P. P. O ’Shea), 27, 67- 74

‘Sanitary Science’, Robert Angus Smith, F.R.S. and, (A. Gibson & W . V. Farrar), port., 28, 241-262 Satire on the Royal Society, dated 1743, attributed to Henry Fielding (Nellie B. Eales), illus., 23, 65-67 Scala, Gail E. An index of proper names in Thomas Birch, The History of the Royal Society (London, 1756-1757), 28, 263-330 Schofield, R. E. The Lunar Society of Birmingham; a bicentenary appraisal, ports. [Whitehurst, Keir], 21, 144-161 Schuster, E. H. J. E. H. J. Schuster (1879-1969) (W. D. M. Paton & C. G. Phillips), illus., 28, m -1 1 8 Scientific delegation from Japan, Visit of, 26, m -1 1 2 Scientific instruments—Britain’s heritage of scientific and technological records and manuscripts and of historic scientific instruments, (Sir Harold Hartley), 22, 37-39 Scientific manuscripts and records—Britain’s heritage of scientific and techno­ logical records and manuscripts and of historic scientific instruments (Sir Harold Hartley), 22, 37-39 Scientific manuscripts and records, Preservation of (E. N. da C. Andrade), 21, 102-107 Scott, E. L. Edward Jenner, F.R.S. and the cuckoo, 28, 235-240 Scriba, C. J. A tentative index of the correspondence of John Wallis, F.R.S., 22, 58-93 The autobiography of John Wallis, F.R.S., illus., 25, 17-46 Scurvy, Captain Cook and (E. H. Kodicek & F. G. Young), 24, 43-63 Selection of the authors of the Bridgewater Treatises, (W. H. Brock), ports. [Bridgewater, Gilbert, Roget, Buckland], 21, 162-179 Setchell, J. R. M. The friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S., with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of equatorial mounting telescopes, 25, 79-86 Further information on the telescopes of Henry Hindley of York, illus., 25, 189-192 Sherrington, C. E. R. Charles Scott Sherrington (1857-1952), 30, 45-64 348 Sherrington, Sir Charles. Two hitherto unrecognized publications by Sir Charles Sherrington (Sir John Eccles), 23, 86-100 Charles Scott Sherrington (1857-1952) (C. E. R. Sherrington), 30, 45-64 Jewels in my acquaintance with C. S. Sherrington, (A. V. Hill), 30, 65-68 Letters from C. S. Sherrington to Angelo Ruffini between 1896 and 1903 (Sir John Eccles), 30, 69-88 Short, J. Portrait of James Short, F.R.S., attributable to Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. (G. L’E. Turner), port., 22, 105-112 James Short, F.R.S. and his contribution to the construction of reflecting telescopes (G. L’E. Turner), illus., 24, 91-108 Note on a further portrait of James Short, F.R.S. (D. J. Bryden), illus., 24, 109-112 Short, E. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1968, 24, 136-141 Shrewsbury School. The Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School, (edited by Sir Gavin de Beer), 23, 68-85 Darwin letters at Shrewsbury School (A. E. Gunther), 30, 25-44 Siemens, C. W. In Victorian physicists and speed , 26, 206-212 Skara Brae and Stennis, Orkney, 1772, Joseph Banks at, (Averil M. Lysaght), illus., 28, 221-234 Skempton, A. W. The publication of Smeaton’s reports, illus., port., 26, 135- 156 Skempton, A. W. & Brown, Joyce. John and Edward Troughton, mathe­ matical instrument makers, illus., 27, 233-262 Slater, A. W . Luke Howard, F.R.S. (1772-1864) and his relations with Goethe, port., 27, 119-140 Sleeping Sickness. The Castellani-Bruce Controversy (Sir John Boyd), 28, 93- n o Sloane, Sir Hans. Richard Bradley’s relationship with Sir Hans Sloane, (F. N. Egerton), 25, 59-78 Smeaton, J. John Smeaton’s friendship with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of equatorial mounting telescopes (J. R. M. Setchell), 25, 79-86 The publication of Smeaton’s reports, (A. W. Skemton), illus., port., 26, 135-156 Smeatonian Society of Civil Engineers, the Club of the Royal College of Physicians and their relationship to the Royal Society Club, (T. E. Allibone), 22, 186-192 Smeaton, W . A. Louis Bernard Guyton de Morveau, F.R.S. (1737-1816) and his relations with British scientists, 22, 113-130 349 Some comments on James W att’s published account of his work on steam and steam engines, 26, 35-42 Smith, Barbara M. D. & Molliet, J. L. James Keir of the Lunar Society, port., 22, 144-154 Smith, D. M. Henry Lewis Guy, F.R.S. (1887-1956), turbine designer and engineering administrator, 21, 200-206 Smith, R. A. Robert Angus Smith, F.R.S. and ‘Sanitary Science’ (A Gibson & W. V. Farrar), port., 28, 241-262 Some comments 011 James W att’s published account of his work on steam and steam engines (W. A. Smeaton), 26, 35-42 Some early letters from Joseph Banks (1743-1820) to William Phelp Perrin (1742-1820) (Averil M. Lysaght), 29, 91-100 Some manuscripts on electrical and other subjects attributed to Thomas Bayes, F.R.S. (R. W. Home), 29, 81-90 Some personal recollections of Rutherford, the man (Sir Mark Oliphant), 27, 7-24 Some recollections and reflections on Rutherford (W. B. Lewis), 27, 61-64 Some reminiscences of Ernest Marsden’s days with Rutherford at Manchester, (E. N. da C. Andrade), 23, 247-250 , hi Former homes of the Royal 22, 16-17 Speed regulation, Victorian physicists and: an encounter between science and technology (O. Mayr), 26, 205-228 Spence, R. Address at the Service of Memorial and Thanksgiving for Sir John Cockcroft, O.M., K.C.B., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey on 17 October 1967, 23,31-32 Statically-indeterminate structures, Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the theory of, (T. M. Charlton), 26, 233-246 Steam and steam engines, Some comments on James W att’s published account of his work on (W. A. Smeaton), 26, 35-42 Stearn, W . T. A Royal Society appointment with Venus in 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results, illus., 24, 64-90 Stennis and Skara Brae, Orkney, 1772, Joseph Banks at, (Averil M. Lysaght), illus., 28, 221-234 Stoney, G. J. George Johnstone Stoney, F.R.S., and the concept of the electron (J. G. O ’Hara), port., 29, 265-276 Summerson, Sir John. Carlton House Terrace, 22, 20-22 Sylva (Evelyn), Conversazione to mark the 300th anniversary of the publica­ tion of, 21, 12-19 350 Tait, P. G. In Background to the Joule-Mayer 25, 211-225 Telescopes, equatorial mounting, The friendship of John Smeaton, F.R.S., with Henry Hindley, instrument and clockmaker of York, and the development of(J. R. M. Setchell), 25, 79-86 Telescopes ofHenry Hindley of York, Further information on (J. R. M. Setchell), illus., 25, 189-192 Telescopes, reflecting, James Short, F.R.S., and his contribution to the con­ struction of (G. L’E. Turner), illus., 24, 91-108 Tentative index of the correspondence of John Wallis, F.R.S. (C. J. Scriba), 22, 58-93 Thackray, A. ‘In praise of famous men’—The John Dalton Bicentenary Celebrations, 1966, 22, 40-44 Thatcher, Margaret. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1972, 28, 1-5 Theophohia Gallica, Professors Robison and Playfair and the; Natural philo­ sophy, religion and politics in Edinburgh, 1789-1815 (J. B. Morrell), 26, 43-64 Theory of glaciers (J. S. Rowlinson), 26, 189-204 Theory of statically-indeterminate structures, Maxwell, Jenkin and Cotterill and the (T. M. Charlton), 26, 233-246 Thermometer, metalline, for measuring high temperatures, Cromwell Mortimer F.R.S. (c. 1698-1752) and the invention of (J. A. Chaldecott), illus., 24, II3-I35 Thompson-Yates Laboratories. In Two hitherto unrecognized publications by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., F.R.S.,23, 88-100 Thomson, G. P. An unfortunate experiment. Hertz and the nature of cathode rays, 25, 237-242 Thomson, T. Thomas Thomson’s activities in Edinburgh, 1791-1811 (D. F. Larder), 24, 295-304 Thomson, W., Lord Kelvin. A letter by William Thomson, F.R.S. on the, ‘Thomson Effect’ (P. A. Tunbridge), 26, 229-232 In Background to the Joule-Mayer controversy, 25, 211-225 In Victorian physicists and speed regulations, 26, 215-217 Three drawings of Fellows by William Brockedon, F.R.S. ports. [Babbage, Dalton & Faraday] (Lise Wilkinson), 26, 183-188 Thursday’s Club called the Club of the Royal Philosophers, and its relation to the Royal Society Club (T. E. Allibone), 26, 73-80 Todd, Lord. Address at the Memorial Service for Lord Fleck, of Saltcoats, K.B.E., Treas. R.S., at St Columba’s Church of Scotland, London, on 23 September 1968, 23, 127-128 35i Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Robert Robinson, O.M., F.R.S., at Westminster Abbey, on 29 April, 1975, 30, 1-4 Transit of Venus of 1769, Captain Cook and the (Sir Richard Woolley), 24, 19-32 Triboelectric generators of Martinus van Marum, F.R.S. The design of, A case history of the interaction between England and Holland in the field of instrument design in the eighteenth century (W. D. Hackman), illus., 2 6, 163-182 Troughton, J. & E. John and Edward Troughton, mathematical instrument makers (A. W. Skempton & Joyce Brown), illus., 27, 233-262 Tunbridge, P. A. Jean Andre De Luc, F.R.S. (1727-1817), port., 26, 15-34 A letter by William Thomson, F.R.S. on the ‘Thomson effect’, 26, 229-232 Faraday’s Genevese friends, ports. [Auguste and Gaspard de la Rive], 27, 263-298 Franklin’s pointed lightning conductor, 28, 207-220 Turner, G. L’E. A portrait of James Short, F.R.S., attributable to Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S., port., 22, 105-112 James Short, F.R.S. and his contribution to the construction of reflecting telescopes, illus., 24, 91-108 Henry Baker, F.R.S.: Founder of the Bakerian Lecture, illus., port., 29, 53-80 Two hitherto unrecognized publications by Sir Charles Sherrington, O.M., F.R.S. (Sir John Eccles), 23, 86-100 Two letters by Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen (Sir Hans Krebs), 28, 83-92 Tyndall, J. In Background to the Joule-Mayercontroversy, port., 25, 211-225 In The theory of glaciers, 26, 189-204

Underwood, T. L. Edward Haistwell, F.R.S., illus., 25, 179-188 Unfortunate experiment. Hertz and the nature of cathode rays (G. P. Thomson), 25, 237-242 Unpublished chemical essay of James W att (D. F. Larder), 25, 193-210 Ure, A. Andrew Ure, F.R.S. and the philosophy of manufacturers (W. V. Farrar), port., 27, 299-324 U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences. Exchange of delegations between the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society, 1965, illus., 21, 72-79

Van Helden, A. Christopher Wren’s De Corpore Saturni, 23, 213-229 Van Marum, M. Martinus Van Marum. Friendship and influence (T. H. Levere), illus., port., 25, 113-120 352 Design of the triboelectric generators of Martinus Van Marum, F.R.S. A case history of the interaction between England and Holland in the field of instrument design in the eighteenth century (W. D. Hackman), 26, 163-182 Venus, A Royal Society appointment with, 1769: The voyage of Cook and Banks in the Endeavour in 1768-1771 and its botanical results (W. T. Stearn), illus., 24, 64-90 Venus, Captain Cook and the transit of, 1769 (Sir Richard Woolley), illus., 24, 19-32 Verifying the theory of relativity (S. Chandrasekhar), 30, 249-60 Victorian physicists and speed regulation: an encounter between science and technology (O. Mayr), illus., 26, 205-228 Visit of a scientific delegation from Japan, illus., 26, m -1 1 2

Waddington, C. H. Lord Blackett, 29, 147-152 Wallis, J. Tentative index of the correspondence of John Wallis, F.R.S. (C. J. Scriba), 22, 58-93 The Autobiography of John Wallis (C. J. Scriba), illus., 25, 17-46 Watt, J. The association of Thomas Beddoes, M.D. with James Watt, F.R.S. (F. F. Cartwright), illus., ports., 22, 131-143 The ‘Plain Story’ of James Watt. The Wilkins Lecture, 1969 (R. V. Jones), illus., port., 24, 194-220 James Watt, engineer and man of science (E. Robinson), port., 24, 221-232 W att’s expansive principle in the work of Sadi Carnot and Nicholas Clement (R. Fox), illus., 24, 233-253 An unpublished chemical essay of James W att (D. F. Larder), 25, 193-210 Some comments on James W att’s published account of his work on steam and steam engines (W. A. Smeaton), 26, 35-42 W est, B. Benjamin West. P.R.A., Benjamin Franklin, F.R.S., Sir Joshua Reynolds, F.R.S., P.R.A. and the invention of bifocals (J. R. Levene), illus., ports., 27, 141-164 Wheare, Sir Kenneth. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1967, 23, 14-16 Whitehead, A. N. The Royal Society’s financial support of the publication of Whitehead and Russell’s Principia Mathematica (I. Grattan-Guinness), 30, 89-104 Whitehurst, J. In The Lunar Society of Birmingham, port., 21, 144-161 Whiteside, D. T. Newton’s marvellous year: 1666 and all that, 21, 32-41 Wilkins Lecture. 1969. The ‘Plain Story’ of James Watt (R. V. Jones), illus., port., 24, 194-220 353 1973- Newton and his editors (A. R. Hall), ports. [Halley, Cotes], 29, 29-52 Wilkinson, Lise. William Brockedon, F.R.S. (1787-1854), illus., ports., 26, 65-72 Three drawings of Fellows by William Brockedon, F.R.S. [Babbage, Dalton & Faraday], ports., 26, 183-188 Wilson, B. Portrait of James Short, F.R.S. attributable to Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. (G. L’E. Turner), port.,22, 105-112 Wilson, H. Speech at the Anniversary Dinner, 1965, 21, 1-7 Wollaston, W. H. In Contributions of Fellows of the Royal Society to the fabrica­ tion of platinum vessels, port., 22, 15 5-172 Woolley, Sir Richard. Captain Cook and the transit of Venus of 1769, illus., 24, 19-32 Wren, Sir Christopher. Automatic rain-gauge of Sir Christopher Wren, F.R.S. (A. K. Biswas), illus., 22, 94-104 Wren’s De Corpore Saturni (A. Van Helden), illus., 23, 213-229 Wren’s last building? (J. A. Bennett), illus., 27, 107-118 In David Gregory’s inaugural lecture at Oxford, 25, 147-154 Wrottesley, Lord. Lord Wrottesley, F.R.S. Pioneer statesman of science (D. Layton), illus., port., 23, 230-246 W yatt, J. In Sir Richard Arkwright and his patent granted in 1769, 24, 254-257

X-Club, a social network of science in late-Victorian England (R. M. MacLeod), 24, 305-322

Young, F. G. & Kodicek, E. H. Captain Cook and scurvy, 24, 43-63 Young, T. Thomas Young’s lectures at the Royal Institution (G. N. Cantor), illus., 25, 87-112 355


America and Britain—the cultural tradition (J. H. Plumb), 227 Anniversary Dinner 1975, 1 Bailyn, B. 1776: The British Dimension, 179 Beckett, J. V., Dr William Brownrigg, F.R.S.: physician, chemist and country gentleman, 255 Bibliography of recent books and articles dealing with the history of the Royal Society, 169, 313 Britain and America—the cultural tradition (J. H. Plumb), 227 British Dimension, The, 1776 (B. Bailyn), 179 Brownrigg, Dr William, F.R.S.: physician, chemist and country gentleman (J. V. Beckett), 255 Compass, The Royal Society and the deviation of the, (C. H. Cotter), 297 Conversaziones, 1976, 245 Cotter, C. H. The Royal Society and the deviation of the compass, 297 Farrar, W. V. , F.R.S. A pioneer of natural-product chemistry, 273 Fisher, R. A/s 1918 paper ‘On the correlation between relatives on the suppo­ sition of Mendelian inheritance’. A note on the background to, and referee­ ing of, (B. Norton &E. S. Pearson), 151 Franklin, Benjamin (R. V. Jones), 201 Hooke, Robert, on memory, association and time perception (B. R. Singer), 115 Hunter, M. The social basis and changing fortunes of an early scientific institution: an analysis of the membership of the Royal Society, 1660- 1685,9 Index to Notes and , Records Volumes 21 to 30 (1966 to 1975), 323 Jones, R. V. Benjamin Franklin, 201 Membership of the Royal Society, 1660-1685, An analysis of the. The social basis and changing fortunes of an early scientific institution (M. Hunter), 9 Memory, association and time perception, on, (B. R. Singer), 115 Mendelian inheritance’, ‘On the correlation between relatives on the supposi­ tion of. A note on the background to, and refereeing of, R. A. Fisher’s 1918 paper (B. Norton &E. S. Pearson)’, 151 Norton, B. & Pearson, E. S. A note on the background to, and refereeing of, R. A. Fisher’s 1918 paper ‘On the correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelian inheritance’, 151 356 Note on the background to, and refereeing of, R. A. Fisher’s 1918 paper ‘On the correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelian in­ heritance’ (B. Norton &E. S. Pearson), 151 Notes, The Society’s, 163, 311 Pearson, E. S. & Norton, B. A note on the background to and refereeing of, R. A. Fisher’s 1918 paper ‘On the correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelian inheritance’, 151 Plumb, J. H. Britain and America—the cultural tradition, 227 and the Royal Society of London in the seventeenth century (T. L. Underwood), 133 Royal Society and the deviation of the compass (C. H. Cotter), 297 Schunck, Edward, F.R.S., A pioneer of natural-product chemistry (W. V. Farrar), 273 1776. The British Dimension (B. Bailyn), 179 Singer, B. R. Robert Hooke on memory, association and time perception, 115 Social basis and changing fortunes of an early scientific institution: an analysis of the membership of the Royal Society, 1660-1685 (M. Hunter), 9 Underwood, T. L. Quakers and the Royal Society of London in the seven­ teenth century, 133 Notes and Records


Volume 31 1976-7


LONDON THE ROYAL SOCIETY 1976-7 Published by The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London, SWiY 5AG

Issued January 1977

Printed in England by Staples Printers Limited, at The Stanhope Press, Rochester, Kent. CONTENTS

V olume 31

No. i,July

PAGE Anniversary Dinner 1975 ...... 1

The social basis and changing fortunes of an early scientific institution: an analysis of die membership of the Royal Society, 1660-1685 . . . • . 9 By M ichael H unter

Robert Hooke on memory, association and time perception. . • . .115 By B. R . Singer

Quakers and the Royal Society of London in the seventeenth century . . . 133 By T. L. U nderwood

A note on the background to, and refereeing of, R. A. Fisher’s 1918 paper ‘On the correlation between relatives on the supposition of Mendelian inheritance’ . 151 By B ernard N orton & E. S. Pearson, F.R.S.

The Society’s Notes (Plates 1-2) ...... 163

Bibliography of recent books and articles dealing with the history of the Royal Society ...... 169 CONTENTS

V olume 31

No. 2, January 1977


E d i t o r i a l ...... 177

1776: The British Dimension . . . • • • • • • .179 B y B ernard B ailyn

Benjamin Franklin [Plates 3 and 4) ....201 By R. V. J ones, F.R.S.

Britain and America—the cultural tradition ...... 227 By J. H. Plumb, F.B.A.

Conversaziones, 1976 ...... 245

Dr William Brownrigg, F.R.S.: physician, chemist and country gentleman . . 255 ByJ. V. B eckett

Edward Schunck, F.R.S. A pioneer of natural-product chemistry [Plate 5) . . 273 B y W. V. Farrar

The Royal Society and the deviation of the compass ..... 297 By C harles H. C otter

The Society’s Notes ...... 311

Bibliography of recent books and articles dealing with the history of the Royal Society 313

Index to Notes and Records, Vols. 21 to 30 (1966 to 1975) ..... 323

Index to Volume 31 ...... 355 LIST OF PLATES

PLATE 3. Mezzotint by James McArdell of portrait of Franklin, painted by Benjamin Wilson, F.R.S. . Facing page 215 4. The Balloon Ascension of Charles and Robert, Paris, December 1, 1783...... Facing page 222 5. Edward Schunck, F.R.S. (1820-1903) .... Facing page 274 Printed in England by Staples Printers Limited, at The Stanhope Press, Rochester, Kent.