Volume 34, Number 2 May 2020 CHURCHPOST RIDEAU PARK UNITED CHURCH Rideau Park’s website: Minister’s Message www.rideaupark.ca E-mail: o much of life is about doing the best we can in whatever circumstances
[email protected] S life places in our path. That is certainly true in our present situation. We Telephone #: turn on the news and the reality of Covid-19 hits home. Anxiety and fear rise in (613) 733-3156 us as each day brings a higher count of those infected and those who have died. And yet, despite the discouragement, we’re all doing our best to deal with Fax #: (613) 733-1657 life as we know it during a pandemic. “Stay Positive”, advises a sign in the window of a house I pass on my daily walks. I’m trying. Adopting OUR MINISTRY TEAM a positive attitude during a pandemic isn’t easy; on Ministers the other hand, when do we need it more? A posi- Rev. Elizabeth Bryce tive attitude is good for both our emotional and
[email protected] spiritual health. And when you think about it, being Ext. 224 positive – looking to the future with hope – is part Rev. Steve Clifton of a Christian’s DNA. We are, after all, an Easter people.
[email protected] Ext. 225 If we look beyond the negative, we see every day, right alongside the bad of coronavirus, the good of the people working to combat it. Aren’t you prouder Rev. Georgina Fitzgerald
[email protected] than ever to be Canadian? Our political leaders, of every stripe, are working Ext.