PS Ref: 6151 24 September 2019 Chief Executive Officer City of Bunbury 4 Stephen Street Bunbury WA 6230 Attention: Planning Services PO 6850 Square Cloisters 2709 GPO Box (08) 9227 7970 WA Perth Tce, 251 St Georges 1, Level Dear Sir, PROPOSED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN LOTS 1, 13, 18, 19 (15) HOLYWELL STREET, LOT 213 (21) HOLYWELL STREET AND LOT 20 (30) & 180 (180) JARVIS STREET, SOUTH BUNBURY Planning Solutions acts on behalf of Croft Developments Pty Ltd in support of a proposed Local Development Plan (LDP) for Lots 1, 13, 18, 19 (15) Holywell Street, Lot 213 (21) Holywell Street Planning Solutions (Aust) Pty Ltd 184 184 ABN 23 143 573 143 573 ACN
[email protected] and Lot 20 (30) & Lot 180 (180) Jarvis Street, South Bunbury, excepting those portions of Lots 19 and 213 on the western side of the Five Mile Brook drain (subject site). This application is made in accordance with Part 6 of Schedule 2 (Deemed Provisions) of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. This application was originally lodged with the City on 27 August 2019. Following feedback from the City’s officers, the LDP has been amended. This submission incorporates the justification provided in the original application, modified to reflect the amendments made to the LDP. The following information sets out the background, details of the site, a description of the proposed LDP and a brief description of the proposed LDP and associated provisions. 1 BACKGROUND The subject site is located within the municipality of the City.