Brisport October 2017

Benarkin done…and very dusty!

What’s in this month’s edition?  Loads of great stories!

Brisport October 2017


This will be a short and sweet report this month, because well mostly I am not in the country. Been watching from afar as I travel on business for a few weeks. Highs and lows it seems abound with BSCC and for the motorsport community in Queensland.

September saw the third running of the P3 Solution Benarkin Rally on what looked to be a sunny and dusty day based at the Benarkin School. The School community pushed their support and hospitality to another level. I was a bit miffed at missing the event proper as I had entered the previous two and enjoyed them both. Cast your minds back not that many years ago and we had not been to the area for some many years. Beforehand, the last events I can remember there, people were debuting their then ‘new’ Evo 3’s. So, we can not underestimate the effort and persistence that has been applied to get this event and this rally area back up and running. From all reports everyone had a ball, and it looks to me as if the event has now matured well. There is a full report elsewhere in this issue and so I won’t pretend to say very much based on a few conversations and reading Facebook posts. But I offer my congratulations to Ian Gorski and his team who faced some serious challenges and overcame. There was a time early the week before where it was very, very much in the balance as to whether the event would run due to fire danger. But some creative thinking and that word persistence again kicked in and a way was found. I also draw inspiration that each event gets better, as issues are evaluated and improvements made. It is the way we must be always. So well done.

Also on the good side of the ledger, we had a very pleasing response to our call last magazine to help sponsor a protective box for the new GPS start clocks. From many viewpoints these are a major step forward in capability, but they do come with requirements. We need to protect them and we also need to do our utmost to make it easy for our officials to lug some serious bulk to the stages. So as to put on the best show possible. We asked for 5 donations of $200 to pay for the boxes we needed to create. We were over-subscribed

Brisport October 2017

on this front and so we ended up with enough money to also get some reliable, lightweight batteries to power the things. A big thank you to the following generous members who made these happen:

 Tony Arbon  Rod and Belinda Reid  Mick McMillan from AR Developments  Mike Mitchell for 2  Jason Keane for 2  Michael Dwyer

Thanks for your prompt and generous responses. With that kick start we got them all done and ready for Benarkin.

But of course, all was not all sweetness and light in September. There have been two events cancelled and one that did not attract the numbers it should have. So BSCC had to cancel the Off Road, GCTMC had to cancel the Yowie Country Rally and Benarkin suffered a decline on the previous year. This is on top of the lower than I would have expected entries at Imbil in June. So, is this a temporary thing or a worrying trend? Short story without reasonable entries it makes continuing to stage events stressful. We must also feel for the volunteers who organise these events. Deciding to be a Clerk of Course and event organiser means putting your hands in your pocket to the tune of hundreds if not thousands of dollars. Plus, it means devoting many hours and weekends to pulling it all together. So, it is obviously personally disappointing to those involved. I have also spoken often enough about the club’s equipment needs so this is a concern to be addressed. Healthy entry levels help contain costs and provide the critical mass to both make events exciting to be part of and keep the club healthy. So, my simple mantra is something like this.

We need to be able to manage the club from a sustainable financial perspective. Sad hard fact of life their folks. This gives the resources to enable us to continue to stage events and invest in new equipment and in people.

 Rule #1, we need to be considering every possible way to attract maximum entries within the rules and within reason.  Rule #2, we strive to give people what they pay for and make each event a great experience. But only expect what you pay for.

What does that all mean? Well rule #1 is a two-way street. Organisers have an element of discretion as to what can happen. So, if there is an issue that might affect you entering an event talk to us and we’ll see what discretion can be applied? Going forward there will be much discussion about how to maximise entries no doubt.

As for value, I believe BSCC is doing its absolute best to keep costs down and still provide great events ; runs are on the board there. We will continue to look at categories that may expand entry. But some will come at a cost and equally, if you do want to enter a lesser level of an event, expect to not get what the people up front are enjoying.

Brisport October 2017

It’s always easy to see the doom and gloom, but I choose to be optimistic. BSCC is rounding out the competition year with the third KCF short course event at Imbil. Entries are open so I encourage maximum turnout to what should be a great day of close competition and some serious fun at Imbil. Once again through the assistance of Ryan and John, we have safety notes to help with those who need it (like me) to see how to develop their own pace notes. Then in December we will be staging the Christmas party again at Willowbank for a great fun day of car related activity where maximum interaction between competitors and officials is encouraged.

Of course in the middle of that we will have a strategic planning session again. Hoping to weigh up the meaty issues discussed above amongst others. We seek maximum involvement to make 2018 and beyond sing.

Don’t forget, no one is getting paid to do any of this – we are a volunteer community. We welcome ideas but when they start with ‘somebody should……’ be prepared to be asked who is ‘somebody’. Like I said, I choose to be optimistic. When we asked for ‘somebody’ to help last month with our clock boxes. Several ‘somebodies’ stood up. We need lots more ‘somebodies’.

Peter Flynn [email protected] 0423 204849

Photos courtesy Australian Motorsport Photography

Brisport October 2017

Top row from left to right : Richard Collingwood, Brian Everitt, Larry Littlewood

Bottom Row from left to right: Peter Whalley, Craig Porter, Errol Bailey

Brisport October 2017

In last month’s magazine, we put out a call for Club Members to help sponsor a clock box.

We’re very grateful to the following Sponsors:

Tony Arbon

Belinda and Rodney Reid from Huxton Motorsports

Mick McMillan from AR Developments

Mike Mitchell for sponsoring 2 Clock Boxes

Michael Dwyer for sponsoring Batteries/chargers for the clocks

Jason Keane for sponsoring Batteries/chargers for the clocks

All clock boxes are now completed and had their first outing at Benarkin.

Brisport October 2017

Join us on Saturday 25th November for our annual Strategic Planning meeting.

Where: Sporting Car Club 16/23 Ashtan Place, Banyo

When: 2pm – 4pm

Who : Everyone’s welcome – club members and non-club members. Rally, Off-Road, whatever discipline you’re into!

Have your say on all things motorsport and help shape our club & events.

And make a difference Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017

After some discussion with the CAMS Qld State Council Executive, Paul Woodward nominated for a position on the State Council Executive and as Chairman for 2018.

At the Qld State Council meeting on 19th September, Queensland State Council approved that he be elected as Chairman of the Qld State Council for 2018.

In Paul’s words “This is an honour and I look forward to doing my best for Queensland motorsport. I believe that it reflects the efforts of BSCC and its members over many years and it will help to give rallying a higher profile in the Queensland motorsport arena.”

Paul’s term commences from 1 January 2018 and is for one year. I’m sure all Club member will join in congratulating Paul on his appointment and wish him all the best in this role.

Paul crosses many disciplines in life, as well as

motorsport and I’m sure there’ll be a glass or two raised

to celebrate his appointment! Brisport October 2017

In 1998 Sony Entertainment became the naming rights sponsor for the 14th Round Trial. The first in 1953 was the Redex Trial - Redex being a fuel additive and promoted by no other than Reg Shepherd father of one of our very senior club members George Shepherd, a well renowned competitor in our clubs events. George of course had a significant involvement in managing teams winning the 1979 and 1995 Round Australia Trials.

To put the event in perspective the 1998 event was 18,500kms in length of which approx. 4000kms was of a competitive nature taking competitors from a start in around the coastline of Australia over 22 days finally completing the event back in Adelaide.

Bob Carpenter was appointed to the role of Clerk of Course ably supported by our own Jim Reddiex as Deputy well known to long distance endurance events. Jim was a member of the Aussie team that won the 10000km London to Munich World Cup Rally in a Citroen in 1974.

Bob Carpenter cut his teeth on endurance events having controlled many of the Australian Safaris with the first event - the Wynns Safari starting from in 1986. Bob and Jim spent 6wks in October 1997 carrying out the initial survey. This was followed by 2 more trips to bed down the event travelling some 90000ms in total with just 9 punctures.

To make such an event run a huge number of officials need to be at the front of the event. Not only course cars but the many control officials who must leap frog each day looking after several stages run during the day. One must realise that we were expected to cover over l000kms each day of the event.

The event required set up teams and approached were made to the Brisbane Sporting Car Club. Suitably experienced people were approached and the team became the late Richard Collingwood, Errol Bailey, Larry Littlewood, Peter Whalley, Brian Everitt and Craig Porter.

Brisport October 2017

Effectively Set Up A and Set Up B.

We prepared our vehicles in Brisbane {see photo) and set off to Adelaide several days prior to the 5th September the start date. Whilst on our way in southern NSW one chilly morning we were enjoying a cup of tea beside the road - as one does when we heard a frog croaking, Richard immediately with a very straight face identified the frog as the Silver Throated and Crested Frog - well known to the region. We all stood around and laughed our heads off - that bloody frog followed us all the way around Australia!!

Brisport October 2017

Our job was to prepare the stages each day for competition and have them ready for the zero car to green the stages. As one can imagine necessary signage including cautions were essential - just a bit light on with the bunting - an absolute need only. Then there were yellow gates always dosed and blue gates to be left open during competition. Quite often we had to chop down trees, remove and carry out work on creek crossings and embankments etc.

Our day began from our motel room at 11.00pm with breakfast under the strict control of Peter Whalley, our quartermaster with Weet Bix, Sultanas, toast and Capilano Honey – big licks of this!!!

On that note we were ably kitted out for the event by Capilano Honey our personal sponsor of Shirts and our very distinctive lime green jacket - just the best and travel bag. Errol Bailey working for Capilano at that time was able to support the team. We also carried many bottles of Capilano Honey well received by the many control team officials we saw each day on our travels.

The event began well with 65 competitors leaving Adelaide on the Sunday 5th Sept competing across 4 stages 90kms competitive arriving at Port Augusta that evening.

Day 2 left from Port Augusta we travelled to Eucla some 1130 kms in distance with 397 kms competitive. Set Up A and Set Up B as we were now called looked after the preparation of alternate stages - in effect leap frogging across the days event. The last stage of the day Stage 4 some 120kms was to be run over the Old Eyre Highway used for many years prior to the new Highway 1 further South. Unfortunately, a funeral on a reserve west of Ceduna and with local cars on the competitive stage the stage was cancelled. The photo shows Richard Collingwood and Brian Everitt

Brisport October 2017

pondering the next move. Competitors liaised through the stage with an early mark at Eucla.

Typically each day began in a similar way as we leap frogged around Australia seeing most of it during night time. Each day we changed around in the vehicle and every 2 hours or so we changed roles within the vehicle. I can tell you when we got back to Adelaide we were very happy to be not jumping out of a vehicle a hundred times a day the strain on hips was noticeable.

Photo of Colin Hunter competing in the event.

Brisport October 2017

Day 3 left Eucla for Esperance in Western Australia we had a bit of a problem with our honey supplies here but were able to sort that one out at the border. It was early in the morning on the highway towards Norseman in the middle of nowhere when Brian Everitt Driver and Richard Collingwood Co Driver saw a highway patrol car parked on the side of the road - Richard immediately jumped on the 2 way to let us know in the following car that a "Brown Bogey Man" was parked on the side of the road. We got the message and kept to the speed limit only to hear almost immediately a reply from the highway patrolman in clear concise English say "That is the first time I have been called a bogey man" We laughed about that later until we say a similar car in Esperance at the days end. We kept a low profile.

As mentioned each day became the same as the last as we moved forward of the competitors around Australia. As we were so far in front of the event we only picked up sketchy results from the days competition and we stayed pretty much to ourselves other than to let Jim know all was ok on the day.

Bob Carpenter is blessed with a photographic memory and on two occasions in WA around bores etc we lost the road directions and had to ring him at some ungodly hour to get an idea of the directions. He was always on the mark and a true credit of his capabilities to know exactly where we were and sort out the issues.

There were several competitors known to club members and they include Mark Griffith and Dell Garbett, Keith Callinan and Paul Cooper, Colin Hunter and Guy Basile, and Peter Glennie from Moree an old competitor in our events during the 90's.

The memories are still many and vivid however this short tale gives you a taste of the event. It was hard work and we were always short of sleep however we had the most wonderful time on what is probably the last event of its kind to be run in Australia.

Brisport October 2017

Day t7

September 1998 START Adelaide -START IN Sunday 6 Day 1 Port Augusta IN Sunday 6 Day 2 Eucla IN Monday 7 Day 3 Esperance IN Tuesday 8 Day4 Bunbury IN Wednesday 9 · Day 5 Geraldton IN Thursday 10 Day 6 Carnarvon IN Friday 11 Day 7 Port Hedland IN Saturday 12 Day 8 Near Derby IN Sunday 13 Day9 Kununurra IN Monday 14 Day 10 Darwin IN Tuesday 15 Day 11 Tennant Creek IN Wednesday 16 Day 12 Cloncurry IN Thursday 17 Day 13 Greenvale IN Friday 18 Day 14 IN Saturday 19 Day 15 Cairns • Rest Day IN Sunday 20 Day 16 Mackay IN Monday 21 Day 17 Maryborough IN Tuesday 22 Day 18 Coffs Harbour IN Wednesday 23 Day 19 Sydney IN Thursday 24 Day20 Albury IN Friday 25 Day 21 Horsham IN Saturday 26 Day22 Adelaide - FINISH IN Sunday 27

Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017

P3 Solutions Benarkin Rally Rally Wrap-up

Run, won and very dusted for 2017!

We received 30 entries for this year’s event but unfortunately only 27 fronted up at TC0 due to last minute mechanical issues leading to late withdrawals.

The hot weather in the week prior to the event also raised the temperatures of the organising team. There was a very great danger that the event would have to be cancelled due to the fire danger and the risk to timber assets and the lives of everyone in the forest. BSCC’s reputation for professionalism and the contingency measures that we put into place that we were able to go ahead. Huge thanks to Jeff Ihle and Lester Jarrick for your support.

Heading into Benarkin from any direction, you could not help but notice there was a rally on that weekend thanks to the amazing efforts and support by the Benarkin State School.

The event itself run without hitch. The battle for the lead was fierce and ran into the evening until Car 1 of Ian Menzies retired with an electrical issue giving the event to Wayne Moreton. Todd Webster kept them both honest until an off cost him time and his chance of victory.

We had a total of 6 retirements, all of which were due to mechanical issues. All but one entry chose to run the complete distance including the 2 night stages.

Medical was kept a little busy. One co-driver was transported to Kingaroy hospital for observation and released later in the night after a heavy landing off a hump in a night stage. Fortunately, all is well.

Our little event is gaining in stature with Ms Deb Frecklington, Member for Nanango, her husband Jason and Councillor Gavin “Spud” Jones attending the morning briefing. They

Brisport October 2017

also stayed to flag competitors away from TC0 along with Kerry, BSS Principle. Spud is a past member of BSS.

Feedback received from everyone has been very positive. Most crews liked the changes to the stages. We recognised that dust would be a problem in the night stages and set 3 minute gaps in our planning. Dust was an issue all day though due to the extraordinary dry spell. Who would have thought after the flood of 3 years ago conditions would be so different. HQ Plantations did great work in repairing bridges and smoothing out some of humps. Their work program seems to follow our proposed course. Nice!

Again, the school improved on last year with their catering and entertainment after presentations. When I left and headed to bed the ladies and some competitors were dancing away. And they fronted up to provide breakfast for us. I can’t thank them enough for their support.

To all our officials, thank you very much for giving up your time. It was hot and dusty, but you battled on and completed every task.

To all our competitors, thank you again for coming along for the 3rd year. Each year it gets better. Thank you for your support. As much fun as it is to plan the event, it would all be pointless if no one came to play.

Believe it or not, the conversation has already turned to 2018. The school have some ideas already. Councillor Jones in his support, all we have to do is ask. On to 2018!

Ian Gorski

Clerk of Course

Brisport October 2017

Thanks to the continuing support from Keith Fackrell of KCF Rallysport, BSCC is pleased to bring the next exciting instalment of the 2017 KCF Rallysport Short Course Challenge to all you dedicated rallyists on Saturday 28 October 2017.

This event offers a range of rallying delights and will be conducted as a pace- noted Special Stage Club Rally from its base in the southern end of the Imbil Showgrounds on Saturday 28 October 2017.

For an entry fee of $295, each crew will enjoy 2 reconnaissance runs from 8.15am to 10.30am, three competitive runs over 2 stages for a total of 65 Kms of Special Stages with a compact 64 kms of liaison to get you there and back. Service and refuel is available after each competitive loop. The first car will start at 12.00 noon and finish by 4.30pm, so the presentation can be done by 6.00pm and crews can either stay on and celebrate into the night or make their way home at a reasonable hour.

Scrutiny will be held at KCF Rallysport’s workshop at Robart Crescent, Narangba on Sunday 22 October 2017 to save you a rushed drive after work during the week.

Our favourite caterers from the Mary Valley Show Society will be looking after us and the Canteen will be open from 6.30 am on Saturday until the presentation.

Brisport October 2017

The Rattler Café and the Imbil Pub also offer food and refreshment for Friday and Saturday nights.

Camping for crews and officials is available in the southern end of the Showgrounds on Friday and Saturday nights and clean Showers and Toilets are available within this area.

Entries are already open and are filling well so go to the BSCC website to get your entry in and secure a place in this exciting event. Entries close at midnight on 16 October. Supplementary Regulations are available at

Officials are still required for the two stage teams, roadblocks, SOS and Regroups and you can register for these roles at officials-registration/

As Clerk of the Course, I promise a testing and varied route from the 2 stages. The roads are dry and hard packed but some promised rain will settle the dust and make things even better. Ryan Smart and John McCarthy have done Safety Notes to assist new crews with their recce and both Ryan and John will be available to explain and discuss before and after recce.

Assistant Clerk of the Course, Kent Lawrence will also be able to offer assistance and guidance to new players and the old hands alike.

Don’t miss BSCC’s last rally of the year. Get you entry in now and have a great Saturday in the Imbil Forests.


Paul Woodward

Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017

Want to know about set-up of your road, rally, off-road or drift

car? Josh & Murray Coote will join us for an informative evening of all things suspension .

Wednesday 31st January 2018 at 7pm.

Yes, we know it’s a long way off but Josh & Murray have a crazy schedule over the next few months.

It will be just in time to help you with your set-up for the new racing season!!

Brisport October 2017

It’s on again – our

Christmas Family Fun Day

at Willowbank Dirt Circuit

Stacks of fun for all – Spit Roast Lunch and all-day action on the track!

Brisport October 2017







Across 1. Who was the first Australian to win a Formula One World Championship 2. Where was born? 4. How many consecutive times did Sebastian Loeb win the WRC? 5. What brand of car does Craig Lowndes drive? 6. Who's the President of BSCC? 7. What BSCC event won 2016 CAMS State Event of the Year?

Down 3. What is Sebastian Loeb's nationality? 8. Where is the Mount Panorama Circuit located? 9. What month was Bathurst 12 Hour held in 2016? 10. What's the name of one of the most famous 24-hour races in the world?

If you look at the numbers upside down, they read 86, __, 88, 89, 90, 91. The number that fits this pattern is, of course, 87.

Brisport October 2017

Date Event Venue Clerk of Course Oct 28 KCF Rallysport Short Course Imbil Paul Woodward Challenge Pace noted event, Round 3

Watch for details or follow us on Facebook.

Any enquiries to BSCC at [email protected] or 3267 7647 Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Or contact the President, Peter Flynn on [email protected] or 0423 204849.

*It was noted in the September magazine in an article on P3 Solutions Benarkin rally that it was the last round of the Championship. This information was incorrect and the last round is at Rally Australia in November 2017. Apologies for any inconvenience.

In previous magazines we noted Night Run for 4th October – unfortunately this has been postponed due to time constraints on the organiser. Tony Kabel was organising the event however Tony was also course checker for multiple events this year. In simple terms Tony ran out of man hours to organise the event. We will endeavour to come up with a replacement club night so stay tuned for more details as we finalise something.

Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017


Volunteer for these dates to help the club:

Tuesday 3rd October

Saturday 11th November

Email: [email protected]


Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017

If you’re on Twitter you can search for us


Find us and follow us for all the latest info and motorsport tweet, tweets!

Brisport October 2017

Brisport October 2017 The Business Card Page

Specialising in classic & custom cars,

motorsport & 4X4 from minor repairs to full rewires.

Brisport October 2017

Brisbane Sporting Car Club Honorary Board

President ...... Peter Flynn

Vice President ...... Paul Woodward

Secretary ...... Margot Knowles

Treasurer ...... Rod Sams

Club Captain ...... Ryan Preston

Immediate Past President ... Barry Neuendorff

Board Members ...... Barry Neuendorff, Rod Sams, Peter Flynn, Tony Kabel,

Paul Woodward, Margot Knowles, Craig Porter, Russell Hewett, John Black, David Bannister, John Coleman

CAMS Delegate ...... Paul Woodward

Magazine Editor ...... Margot Knowles

Membership Officer ...... Margaret Mackay (0412 553 186)

Officials Liaison Officer………..Brian Gavin

Social Media………………Adrian Clark


All correspondence to: Brisbane Sporting Car Club Unit 16 - 23 Ashtan Place Banyo QLD 4014

Phone: (07) 3267 7647

Email- Club: [email protected] Magazine: [email protected] Website:

If you’ve got something to contribute to the magazine we’d love to hear from you.

Brisport October 2017

Did you know you can advertise in the Magazine?

And it’s as cheap as chips!

Advertising Rates are:

Full Page Colour: $220.00 per year

Half Page Colour: $110.00 per year

Quarter Page Colour: $55.00 per year

Magazine advertising is due for renewal on the 1st January each year.

Club Pol o Shirts

Click on the Link to order online

Or go to the BSCC website and under Resources you’ll find the order form.

Brisport October 2017

Shirt is $30 ea. plus $4.50 for optional pocket.

SIZES MEN Garment Measurements Measurement: S M L XL 2XL 3XL 5XL Garment Half Chest 52 55 58 62 65 71 79 LADIES Measurement: 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 Garment Half Chest 46.5 49 51.5 54 56.5 59 62 65 68

We’re sure you’ve seen lots of Club Members in these great looking shirts –

get yours now!