HONOURED: Prime Minister DIESEL POWER: praises ‘UK success story’ 160-tonne generator Page 3 lifted into place Page 7

News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance Issue 8 Winter 2012

LB04 passes under the Forth Bridge

Steady as she goes

LB04 ARRIVES the block to the barge meant the The QE Class’s Lower Block 04 section was ready to begin its jour- ney ahead of schedule. However, The single biggest section of HMS arrives at Rosyth for assembly poor weather conditions in the Queen Elizabeth has been successful- north of Scotland meant the trans- ly transported from Govan to Rosyth. tened to a specialist sea going barge. and although it doesn’t get any less port date was rearranged, and the Weighing in at a massive 11,300 On arrival it was moored by the challenging, or take any less plan- block went south instead, taking it tonnes, Lower Block 04 (LB04) non-tidal basin, before the delicate ning, our teams are getting better around the coast of . makes up around 20 per cent of operation to remove it from the each time. Floating the section off “We need to ensure the condi- the entire ship and is the final hull barge and float it into the dock the barge is technically challenging, tions are right before we set off section to make the journey to the began. but the experience we have had from on the 1,200-mile journey,” said Rosyth assembly site. Aircraft Carrier Alliance trans- each previous successful transporta- Gordon. “So we plan it very carefully At 20 metres high and 80 metres port manager Gordon Burnley said: tion goes in to making the next one and take detailed assessments of long it dwarfed other vessels as it “This was the third major section that little bit smoother.” what the conditions are going to be made its way under the bridges, fas- we have transported in this way, Fast work by the teams fixing at each stage.”

CONSISTING OF 02 News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance News

Contents From the Programme Director [Winter 2012] Ian booth

Pages 04 and 05 How the mission systems are tested to ensure they View from the project office are ready to perform. ACHIEVEMENT Pages 06 and 07 “As these ships de- Work of the heavy velop, so does our lift team and major The last few months have been milestone for HMS both testing and rewarding for this sense of pride in Prince of Wales programme. The assembly of HMS Queen Elizabeth is ramping up and this achievement” Page 08 we have passed some significant Ian Booth, Programme Director Royal visitors see the milestones across the Aircraft ACA’s work Carrier Alliance. We’ve seen several key deliveries with the right tides. This is a hugely to the assembly site, the first Royal dynamic programme and, as we Navy crew joined HMS Queen take into new areas, we are devel- Contact Elizabeth and our missions systems oping and applying new knowledge [for more information] are working through the crucial and lessons learned. testing phases. As these ships develop, so does These missions systems are on an our sense of pride in this remarkable To request further copies unprecedented scale, and while we and collective achievement. or to submit a story for use as much experience as we can ABOVE: Ian Booth These ships are uniquely British. the next issue, please from other programmes, we are still Thousands of people from across contact John Fyall, charting new courses in that area, will come fully into view for the first the UK are pulling together to ACA Communications just as we are in manufacturing and time and ship two – HMS Prince of make them a reality and, just like Manager, at john.fyall@ assembly. Wales – will require more and more the Olympics, they demonstrate the baesystems.com You can read about some of time and effort. very best of British skills, manufac- this work elsewhere in this issue of We have challenges that range turing and ingenuity on a global Carrier Waves is Carrier Waves. from matching a demanding build stage. available online at www. Looking ahead, 2013 is going programme with multiple yards, to I look forward to sharing more aircraftcarrieralliance. to be a crucial year. The first ship ensuring block deliveries coincide of our news with you in 2013. co.uk or contact John Fyall, ACA Communications Manager, at john.fyall@ baesystems.com F-35B heads to Florida after tests


© 2012 Aircraft Carrier The UK’s second F-35B Joint Strike Alliance. The publishers, Fighter has been delivered to Eglin Air authors and printers cannot accept liability for any errors Force Base, Florida. or omissions. Articles or The short take-off and vertical ABOVE: Jim Schofield opinions expressed in this landing aircraft, which will operate publication may not reflect from the Queen Elizabeth Class by USMC Maj Adam Levine. flight, a key part of the initial flight company policy. All rights carriers, was flown to the seaside An F-35B also conducted the first test programme. reserved. On no account may base by the UK’s first operational mid-air refuelling exercise recently Sqn Ldr Jim Schofield said: “It’s any part of this publication F-35 pilot, Royal Air Force Sqn Ldr with a KC-130J Hercules and the another exciting day for the United be reproduced in any form without the written Jim Schofield. It was accompanied aircraft has also proved its ability to Kingdom as we build up the F-35 force. permission of the copyright by a US Marine Corps F-35 flown re-start the propulsion system during The two UK jets will now become the holder, application for which backbone of test and evaluation at should be made to john.fyall@ Edwards Air Force Base and we will be baesystems.com Designed “It’s another exciting day for the United adding a third next year.” and produced by Connect The aircraft is the 15th short take- Communications Ltd. www. Kingdom as we build up the F-35 force” connectcommunications.co.uk Sqn Ldr Jim Schofield off and vertical landing F-35B to be manufactured to date. News News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance 03

David Cameron drops in at Rosyth to check out QE Class progress

PM praises programme Prime Minister David Cameron and explained his pride in the visited Rosyth recently to see for programme. himself the work achieved on He said: “It’s a huge honour the Queen Elizabeth Class to stand in front of this incred- aircraft carriers. ible ship. I get to see some Mr Cameron met with staff pretty impressive things as Prime from Babcock, the Aircraft Car- Minister but I haven’t seen rier Alliance and the Royal Navy anything as impressive as what before taking a tour of the ship. is behind me now. After a look at the progress “This is a success story that of the build, he addressed the whole of the United King- members of the workforce dom can take great pride in.”

First crew join HMS Queen Elizabeth

MAKING HISTORY as many as 1,600 men and women. “My main task will be to set up the routines and procedures that will Leading Hand Claire Butler (29) allow the rest of the crew to do their made history when she became the jobs. We are all well trained and, as first member of crew to join the air- a team, will make sure this warship craft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. becomes operational and helps to Claire was presented with the safeguard the world’s oceans.” first HMS Queen Elizabeth cap tally Ian Booth, Aircraft Carrier by Rear Admiral Steve Brunton at Alliance Programme Director, said: the head of the ships’ assembly “The fact that the Aircraft Carrier dock in Babcock’s Rosyth facility. Alliance has been joined by Royal Claire is one of eight Royal Navy crew shows just how much Navy staff selected as the first this programme has developed. Ship’s Company – crew members – Thanks to the hard work of thou- to join the ship during the sands of people all over the UK, assembly process. HMS Queen Elizabeth is now really Led by Captain Simon Petitt, ABOVE: Claire Butler joins taking shape.” the crew will work alongside the HMS Queen Elizabeth The role of the ship’s company Aircraft Carrier Alliance as is to bring the ship to life. They will HMS Queen Elizabeth – the Royal Navy – takes shape. this cap tally is a fantastic honour. ensure the Royal Navy learns how to first of two 65,000 tonne ships Claire said: “Becoming the first When she is fully operational, HMS maximise the fighting capability of under construction for the member of the Royal Navy to wear Queen Elizabeth will accommodate the ship at sea. 04 News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance

Navigation and Bridge System at New Malden

HMS Collingwood man the phones

It’s all systems go on QE Class

MISSION SYSTEMS So what are mission systems? Ship’s mission “The temptation is to think of mission systems as a collection of top-secret kit the military use Some people call it the brains of the ship. Others systems are more for planning and executing operations,” said say it’s like the ship’s own central nervous Steve. “But, in reality, it means everything that system, or beating heart. than meet the eye helps the people on board do their jobs. That But whatever it’s called, without a top-flight includes telephone networks, communications mission system, the Queen Elizabeth Class air- suite of mission systems we can turn systems, cameras, computer networks, and craft carriers won’t be able to do their duty. HMS Queen Elizabeth into a truly world-class software. “A ship is a vessel,” says Steve Dowdell, piece of military equipment, with the capability “The QE Class has to be a home, an office, Director of Mission Systems for the Aircraft she needs to fulfil her duties for the next an airport and a military headquarters. It’s the Carrier Alliance. “But by adding an integrated 50 years.” mission systems that allow it to achieve all these things simultaneously.” Steve’s team is installing 65,000 separate mis- Communications Integration Facility sion systems parts on both ships. Connecting them together will be almost 2,000 kilometres of fibre-optic cables. Since its official opening Kit ranging from basic will be put through their Each part is designed not only to work with earlier in the year, teams telephone networks to the paces in this new facility all the rest, but with the end user. at Thales’ site in Crawley Tactical Command and over the next two years, “We’re designing the operator into the entire have begun testing elements Control Voice (TC2V) making sure they are process,” said Steve. “The phrase we like to use of the ships’ on-board system and High Frequency ready for installation is ‘equip the crew, don’t crew the equipment’, communications systems. Comms (HFC) equipment on-board. because it is all about putting the people at the very centre of the operation. To do this, we are Mission Systems News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance 05

Mission System Electro-magnetic Environment test facility Electromagnetic Environment Test

The aft island, from five deck and above, is replicated at Cowes on the . Here, teams test the way the transmitters work together and make sure kit such as radios and radar can inter-operate with each other and work smoothly in tandem with other on-board systems. One goal of the mission systems teams is to ensure systems integration happens throughout the build process. They are con- tinually looking for opportunities to test and evaluate the kit at an early stage to ensure there is ample time to address compatibility and performance issues.

Mission System Integration Facility at Portsdown Hill Equipment Interface Testing

The Mission System Integration Facility at Portsdown Hill is where kit such as the command system, the integrated network and the navigation and bridge system are first put through their paces together. Testing Teams there work alongside industry and tactical voice operators to prove system functionality. terminals It’s all systems go on QE Class

taking lessons learned from other programmes in New Malden are testing it at full-scale. and are working to create a class of ships that is “The temptation is to think Steve Dowdell said: “We’re testing all the entirely designed around the people who will be of mission systems as a navigation and bridge systems here, but are living and working on board.” also integrating other systems, like the combat The mission systems are being tested at collection of top-secret kit management system, an internal network custom-designed facilities across the UK. electronics system and a visual surveillance The integrated navigation and bridge system the military use for planning system. is being developed by Northrop Grumman Sperry and executing operations” “These are all crucial elements which have Marine. It is the largest bridge system ever pro- Steve Dowdell, Director of Mission Systems to mesh together seamlessly, so we test them duced by the company and the teams at the site extensively before we install them on-board.”

Large Scale Integration Facility

The Queen Elizabeth Class equipment simultaneously, facility like this one. The scale of Consoles and other elements Large-Scale Integration it takes mission systems testing the aircraft carriers means we of the system through their Facility at the Royal Navy and integration to a new level of need to be able to test on paces in real time. training establishment, thoroughness. an unprecedented scale. At “We need to know how these HMS Collingwood, is the Rear Admiral Steve HMS Collingwood, with the vital systems respond in ‘high load’ first of its kind. Brunton, Deputy Director Ship help of recruits, we can put scenarios. We need to find out With the capability to Acquisition at MOD, said: “There upwards of 250 video cameras, where the challenges lie now, not test hundreds of pieces of has never been a mission systems 34 Combat Management when the ship has put to sea.” 06 News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance Interview Need a lift? Willie’s your man for sure


Since it was first used to move sections of flightdeck into place last year, the 98-metre tall Goliath crane, one of the largest of its kind in the world, has lifted thousands of tonnes of HMS Queen Elizabeth into place. Babcock Heavy Lift supervisor Willie Richards (pictured below) is part of the team MAIN and that manages ABOVE: Carrier the colossal construction crane and looks in full flow after other large-scale lift- ing operations at Rosyth.

Describe your job I’m one of the Heavy Lift Supervisors. I ensure that operations such as Goliath lifts, or moving Island life in sponson units from Appledore to Rosyth, go according to plan. The iconic forward island section Flag and Yardarm stores, a number of of HMS Queen Elizabeth is nearing key mission system compartments and How did you get completion. Over a 70-week build accommodation for the Captain and that position? schedule, workers in Portsmouth have Navigation staff.” In my 30 years at Rosyth I have Island facts created the structure from scratch. To- Both islands – the aft island is under and figures worked on HMS Invincible, HMS day it weighs in at 750 tonnes, with 105 construction at Scotstoun – are designed Illustrious and Ark Royal, so I’ve Time to compartments located across six decks. so that the Goliath crane can lift them got a fair bit of experience – constructn The forward island will be home to into position. However, their odd shape although the scale of this job 70 weeks the bridge, from where all the ship’s makes planning the lift complex. To takes it to another level. Weightn navigation will be co-ordinated. overcome this, engineering teams have 750 tonnes Paul Bowsher, the QEC Integrated designed a special frame that will ensure Decks six Is it dangerous? n Project Leader in Portsmouth, said: “The the island can be lifted smoothly into Windowsn It certainly could be, if it wasn’t 37, weighing forward island actually has two bridges position. The frame itself weighs more done with lots of care and more than eight – the observation bridge on 02 deck and than 70 tonnes. meticulous attention to detail. tonnes, held in the main bridge on 03 deck. Paul said: “It will be a proud moment with 1427 screws There are no second chances “The consoles on the bridge have for us all to see the island leaving know- when lifting hundreds of tonnes, Pipesn 3101 already been installed, ready for the ing that when Queen Elizabeth returns Cablesn more so we assess the risks, plan the than 65kms final installation of the electronics and as a complete ship, the Captain will be lift, then check all the details – screens in Rosyth. The island also con- commanding the ship from the bridge and then check them all again! tains a mess and pantry, chart house, we constructed here.”

What’s the biggest challenge? How many people are requires a team of at least six, Not a chance! We co-ordinate all The schedules are tight and in your team? including banksmen, supervisors the heavy lifts here – and there making sure everyone and Right now there are 24 of us. and slingers. It’s not just about are plenty of them! In fact, we’ve everything is in the right place the person in the driver’s seat. just altered our shift system so we at the right time is demanding, How many Goliath drivers can provide almost 24/7 coverage. but the team works really well are there? So when Goliath isn’t in This job is the biggest any of us together. Safety is always our Right now there are five qualified action, are they just sitting have been involved in and we’re number one priority. drivers, but each Goliath lift about waiting? kept really busy! NEWS News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance 07

BELOW: One of the massive generators

Power facts and figures • Power Genera- tion 2x Rolls-Royce MT30 Gas Turbine Alternator sets • 4x 11,600kw Wartsila diesel generating sets • HV System 11kV • Propulsion 4x GE (Energy) 20,000kw Advanced Induc- tion Motors • 2x shafts • 2x Rolls-Royce propellers • L-3 custom de- signed Integrated Platform Manage- ment System • Each ship will be capable of generating 110 megawatts – the equivalent of 230 Formula One cars Power lifted into place Portsmouth teams lift two 160-tonne generators in place


HMS Prince of Wales took a big step forward when teams in Portsmouth successfully lifted two diesel generator sets into place on Lower ABOVE: Diesel generation team Block 02. Each of the massive generators span two decks. Getting them in- using everything they learned on be entirely sure all the work we were weigh in at more than 160 tonnes. stalled is a huge moment for HMS HMS Queen Elizabeth to ensure the doing was completely accurate. Because of their size and their loca- Prince of Wales because they have process went smoothly. “We made “We wanted no surprises, and all tion in the ship, the installation is a to be in place so we can continue absolutely sure that everything was the planning paid off.” critical milestone. with the build. As ‘lock out’ items, in place and we were ready for the Now the generators are installed, Project Manager Claudia Roberts the rest of the ship will be con- installation. Dimensional control teams in Portsmouth can continue explains: “These diesel generator structed around them!” teams even travelled to the factory working on the engine room, fitting sets are huge pieces of equipment, The huge generators were swiftly to take precise measurements before walkways and pipes, and insulating and their size means they actually lowered into place with the teams the generators arrived, so we could the bulkheads. How the carrier keeps its cool

A complex system of fans, heaters commissioning phase, and is now said: “This milestone required lots and coolant is being developed being tested onboard. The complex of elements to get to this stage, that will keep everyone onboard programme includes over 1000 including Engineering, Operations, HMS Queen Elizabeth at the right pieces of lock-out equipment, Commissioning, Balfour Beatty and temperature. 10,000 minor parts and 40,000m of Imtech; and represents the first of And in a milestone for the vent per ship. Stuart Howie, Major over 2000 fans that form the Phase ship, this system has entered the Subcontract Programme Manager, 1 HVAC Commissioning Scope.” ABOVE: A complex system of fans 08 News from the Aircraft Carrier Alliance News

The Duke of Edinburgh

Navy - became the second member of the Royal family to view the assembly site first hand. Programme Director Ian Booth said: “It was a great honour to host the Duke of By Royal Edinburgh and the Princess Royal. As two of the most senior members of the Royal Navy, they were particularly interested to learn about the build process and what life will be like on board. “The Duke of Edinburgh, who has appointment seen active service, was particularly keen to learn more about the way the ships are Princess Royal and Duke of Edinburgh visit Rosyth being constructed, and how they will operate when they join the fleet. ROYAL VISIT Chief Commandant for “As the work to assemble Women in the Royal Navy, as the first of class progresses, the well as Commodore-in-Chief of scale of these ships is becoming It was all hands on deck at Rosyth when HMNB Portsmouth, was given a more and more apparent, and HMS Queen Elizabeth received some briefing from the Aircraft Carrier we will have more opportu- Royal visitors. Alliance management team and a nities to showcase the tre- The first member of the Royal House- tour of HMS Queen Elizabeth. mendous achievements hold to visit the ship was HRH the RIGHT: HRH Then, just one week later, that are being made Princess Royal. the Princess HRH the Duke of Edinburgh – who across the Aircraft The Princess, who is Admiral and Royal at Rosyth is Lord High Admiral of the Royal Carrier Alliance.”

Health and safety to the fore at SHE Conference As part of the Aircraft Carrier theme was behavioural Forbes, Head of Health, Safety Alliance’s commitment to safety and guest speakers & Security, said: “It was a health and safety, more than included the ACA’s SHE great opportunity to get so 50 managers and team leaders Ambassador Jason Anker and many people from across the took part in the annual Safety, Paul Burns, who were both ACA together to look at how Health and Environment seriously injured in workplace the Health and Safety Executive behavioural safety programmes (SHE) conference in Rosyth. The accidents. David Gartside from also spoke at the event. Andy can help us reduce risks.”