International Logistics and Trade

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International Logistics and Trade JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE CONTENTS Papers 3 Determinants For Assigning Value-added Logistics Services To Logistics Centers Within A Supply Chain Configuration Lu Chen, Theo Notteboom 43 GIS Exploitation For New Facility Location Decisions- A Logistics Perspective Afzal Mohammad Khaled, Yong Jin Kim 63 Efficient Train Operation for Sustainable Freight Transportation: Optimizing Frequency with Fleet Size Constraints Dong-Kyu Kim, Minyoung Park 85 Future Strategic Directions for TSR and TCR from the Perspective of the Northeast Asian Logistics Network Yoon Jin Huh, Solkey Lee, and Jung Ung Min 109 The Effects of Innovation and Market Orientation on Customer Service for Customs Clearance Firms in the International Logistics Processes: the Analyses of Direct, Indirect, Causal Effects and Moderating Effects between Variables Heesung Bae, Yangkee Lee, and Wooyoung Lee JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LOGISTICS AND TRADE 3 Volume 10, Number 1, April 2012, pp.3~41 Determinants ForAssigning Value-added Logistics Services To Logistics Centers Within A Supply Chain Configuration Lu Chen*, Theo Notteboom** Abstract A number of literature contributions have underlined the importance of developing value-added logistics activities or VALS in order to help improve customers’ satisfaction. However, there is usually very little attention given regarding where to perform these VALS. This study aims to: (1) identify a comprehensive set of factors which may influence the location of VALS, (2) to analyze to what extent those factors influence location decisions, and (3) to distinguish the determinants behind the location choices for distribution centers and for the kind of VALS that will be developed in these distribution centers. In this paper, we will present a conceptual framework on the locations of VALS in view of the identifying determinants for assigning VALS to logistical centers. We argue that the optimal location of VALS is determined by complex interactions between the determinants at the level of the choice of a distribution system, distribution center location factors, and different logistical characteristics regarding products. Keywords : distribution center, value-added logistics, location analysis, product logistics characteristics, distribution system Submisson Date : 12/02/2011 Revision Date : 03/06/2012 Acceptance Date : 03/06/2012 *Corresponding author, ITMMA – University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium E-mail: [email protected] ** Professor, ITMMA – University of Antwerp and Antwerp Maritime Academy, Belgium. E-mail: [email protected] 4 Lu Chen, Theo Notteboom 1. Conceptual Framework The scope of logistics has been extended beyond its traditional coverage of transportation and warehousing activities to include packaging, labeling, assembly, purchasing, distribution, manufacturing, finance, customs clearance, and other forms of customer service. These logistics activities, often called ‘low end’ and ‘high end’ value- added logistics services or VALS, are a prime source for revenue generation and add value to distribution centers and warehousing facilities. A key issue for logistics service providers is to decide on where to perform these value-added logistics services. For example, should these activities be performed at the source in the country of export (e.g. in a Chinese warehouse), an intermediate location (e.g. a distribution center near a major hub port) or somewhere close to the consumer markets (e.g. close to an inland terminal). While extensive literature exists on location analysis for the placement of distribution centers, there are very few studies regarding the critical factors which influence the decision of where in the network to perform value-added logistics activities. Although value-added logistics activities often take place in distribution centers and warehouses, the factors which influence the locations of the distribution centers are not necessarily identical to the determinants that guide the location of value-added logistics services. In this paper, we argue that the decision on where to perform value-added logistics activities is determined by a complex interaction between the selection of a distribution system, the location of the distribution centres and the logistics characteristics for the associated product or products. These three levels of interaction are presented in Figure 1. Figure 1. Value-added logistics location analysis framework Determinants For Assigning Value-added Logistics Services To Logistics Centers 5 Within A Supply Chain Configuration This paper will mainly focus on logistics flows for export products from Asia to Europe. The paper structure is as follows. We will first discuss the framework for the analysis of value-added logistics locations as depicted in Figure 1, starting from the bottom of the pyramid by discussing the selection of the European distribution network configurations which range from a highly centralized EDC system to a decentralized distribution system. Port and inland distribution centers will also be discussed in this section. After that, the drivers which determine the locations of the distribution centers as well as the popular distribution locations in Europe will be discussed. Finally, we will reach the top of the pyramid by identifying the determinants for VALS location selection. The three levels in Figure 1 are linked to each other. On one hand, companies select the type of distribution network, and then decide on where to perform VALS based on distribution location factors and VALS location factors. On the other hand, the type of VALS which is performed can have a significant impact on the selection of the distribution type and the location of the distribution center(s). The linkages between the three levels of the VALS location framework will be illustrated by analyzing product characteristics and their relationships with the framework. In addition, we will present a case study related to sportswear and a case study on fashion logistics before finishing up with our conclusions. 2. Level 1: Distribution Network Configuration in Europe 2.1 Typology Supply chains are being redesigned in order to better respond to varying customer and product service level requirements. When it comes to the distribution of overseas goods, a general European distribution structure does not exist (Notteboom, 2009; Rodrigue and Notteboom, 2010). Companies can opt for direct delivery without going through a group of NDCs, (National Distribution Centers) RDCs, (Regional Distribution Centers) or a tiered structure in which one EDC (European Distribution Center) and several NDCs/RDCs are combined to form a European distribution network (Figure 2). 6 Lu Chen, Theo Notteboom Figure 2. Distribution network configurations for containerized import cargo in Europe Source: Notteboom (2009) Rodrigue and Notteboom (2010) illustrated how distribution network configurations in Europe were transformed. The establishment of the European internal market in 1993 gave companies a chance to consolidate their distribution operations into one central European Distribution Center covering all European Union countries instead of having national distribution centers in the countries they present. The rise of EDCs meant increased distances to the final consumers and in some market segments, local market demand has led companies to opt for regional distribution centers. Recently, a certain degree of decentralization within the European distribution structure has also taken place. Presently, the tiered structure which consists of one EDC in combination with some smaller local warehouses, ‘merge in transit’ concepts or ‘cross docking’ offer a good mix to guarantee frequency of delivery and distribution cost control. Companies these days often opt for this(refer to earlier tiered structure of distribution system) hybrid distribution structure of centralized and local distribution facilities. For instance, they use an EDC for medium and slow-moving products and RDCs for fast-moving products. These RDCs typically function as rapid fulfillment centers rather than simply holding inventories. The increasing focus on logistics service providers and shippers to deliver goods across Europe in only 24h to 48h supports a shift from the EDC based distribution networks (top right in Figure 2) to more tiered structures (bottom left). Companies might even opt to upgrade one or more RDCs in their network to an EDC status, leading to a double or triple EDC configuration. At the other extreme of the spectrum, goods might be directly delivered Determinants For Assigning Value-added Logistics Services To Logistics Centers 7 Within A Supply Chain Configuration to the logistics platforms of wholesalers or supermarket chains in a practice commonly known as DC bypass. 2.2 Centralized and decentralized distribution centers The choice determinants for a centralized DC vs. several decentralized DCs have been highly discussed over the years. According to Kuipers and Eenhuizen (2004), “On one hand, the number of distribution centers serving regional markets are increasing, favoring inland locations which are close to markets. On the other hand the number of centers which serve global markets are also growing, favoring locations close to large international seaports or airports.” Notteboom (2009) indicates that the choice between the various distribution formulas depends on among other things, such as the type of product and the frequency of deliveries. In the fresh food industry for example, worldwide or European
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