Texas Floodplain Management Association
2021 Annual Meeting Abstracts Many thanks to the Zone X Sponsors TUESDAY – APRIL 13, 2021 7:30 am – Virtual Room opens 8:00 am – 8:30 am PLENARY SESSION Speaker: The Honorable Charles Perry Texas State Senator, District 28 Presentation: Update from the State Legislature 8:45 am – 9:40 am Speakers: Tyler Payne, PMP; Colleen Jones Texas General Land Office Presentation: Regional Flood Studies and Interagency Grants The Texas General Land Office Community Development and Revitalization (GLO-CDR) Planning team designs and oversees planning studies to collect, analyze, and communicate disaster-related data to assist decision makers to better protect Texans from future disasters. GLO-CDR recently implemented the Combined River Basin Flood Studies, detailing flood risk information and mitigation strategies for disaster-impacted counties impacted by Hurricane Harvey. Additional funding is being directed toward interagency grants with the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and US Geological Survey (USGS) for the creation of a team of industry experts to assess and develop potential flood models that will build a comprehensive framework for evaluating flood risks. Finally, through an additional interagency grant, Texas University A&M Systems (TAMUS) is developing a system capable of housing, securing, and displaying the state’s disaster data needs. Learn how these interrelated initiatives will help inform communities to mitigate against future disasters. 1 of 25 9:55 am – 10:50 am Speakers: Saul Nuccitelli, PE, CFM; Reem Zoun, PE, CFM Texas Water Development Board Presentation: TWDB Flood Rish Reduction Effort Update The 86th Texas Legislature passed, and Governor Abbott signed, Senate Bill 500 which appropriated $47,000,000 from the floodplain management account in the Texas infrastructure resiliency fund to the TWDB for developing or updating flood risk maps in the state to support development of a state flood plan.
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