` ScienceNational Conference on A Development and andEnvironment geopoliticsNational Magazine Conference on of Arctic & geography and you Vol. 10, Issue 62, September-October 2010 September-October Issue62, 10, Vol. Antwww.geographyandyou.inarctic

Antarctica invigorates and resuscitates global climate and oceans, which control the very sustenance of human kind on earth. The information so far collected from this icy continent and surrounding oceans yields vital insights on the tectonic history of earth and intricate processes like global warming, sea level rise and ozone depletion, which have a direct bearing on human life and their well being. Scientific data generated in the field of meteorology and atmospheric studies are aimed to understand the complex phenomena of the monsoons and its teleconnections through modelling. Studies on geological sciences are designed to acquire information on geo resources distribution in the context of super continent Gondwanaland of which and Antarctica were once a part. Impetus is being given for the scientific programmes on global issues by suitably strengthening and augmenting them. They include: • Ice-ocean-atmospheric system in Antarctica and global environment • Geological evolution of earth and Gondwanaland reconstruction • Solar terrestrial processes Arctic and Antarctic oceans are generally regarded as the barometer not only • Meteorology and atmospheric sciences of climatic impact but also of the exploration possibilities. The countries having • Ozone research research stations in the polar realms are considered ahead in scientific • Enabling low temperature technologies and satellite remote sensing temperament and prowess at the same time the possible resources in these • Geomagnetism, geodesy, seismics and gravity related studies regions make the presence of different countries geopolitically important. • Cold region engineering and development of alternate green technologies.Despite prolific studies, international consensus on critical dialogue that emerges from the fragile icy realms of Arctic and Antarctica still largely fragmented. The ripples of change in the oceans of Arctic and Antarctica have far reaching implications for populous resource starved nations such as India. As the Polar Regions throw up opportunities of environmentally sound commercial resource exploitation of resources, countries such as India need an active share to ensure the basic needs to its teeming millions. hydropower ■ pricing and energy choice ■ hydro power in the north east ■ dam removals ■ solar power success story ■ cascades of bastar

Supported by MINISTRY OF EARTH SCIENCES Government of India www.dod.nic.in contents GEOGRAPHY AND YOU

VOL. 10  ISSUE 62  SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2010 In recent times, hydropower has received a set back as negative externalities of hydropower are taken into project accounting. However, hydropower companies are not compensated for the positive

externalities.— Page 6 SAROVAR, SARDAR

REPORTS & STUDIES 48 Chhattisgarh Tourism 36 WDR 2010 The Cascades of Bastar World Development Staff Reporter Report Staff Reporter 52 Cultural Geography In Deogarh 38 WTR 2010 Rajesh K Singh World Trade Report 56 Species Protection Staff Reporter The Blackbucks of Vetnai 40 Climate Change Sumit Chakraborty Ozone Report 60 Staff Reporter Traveller’s Diary A Turbulent Devbhumi INDIA OUTDOORS Dr S Srinivasan 44 Eco Impact of Tourism Tourism and Q & A Environment 9 Term Power on Hydropower Kamal Kishore Srivastava 28 The Hydropower Crossword

In Conversation 20 32 In Conversation CHURI BAZAR, HYDERABADCHURI Dr B Jhunjhunwala in an eye The affable Renu Singh, As a nation we have always FEATURES opening conversation with a beacon for the eco- been acutely short of the editor, G’nY unravels the fuel generation, extends 23 electricity. Pragmatic power 4 Editor’s Note International News complexities of the dam- her dynamism through a Hydropower News planning and proper co- removals now underway in succinct conversation with HYDROPOWER Staff Reporter ordination by an apex body has the US.— Page 20 the editor, G’nY. — Page 34 become the need of the hour 6 Water vs Coal 29 Opinion and Indian consumers should Pricing and Energy Choice Planning for Power Editor Correspondence/Editorial Offi ce whole, is prohibited. Sulagna Chattopadhyay be prepared to pay realistically Dr Sanjib Pohit Utpal Moral 1584, B-1, Vasant Kunj, New Printed, published and owned by Delhi-110070 Phone : 011-26122789 Sulagna Chattopadhyay. and judiciously for the energy Special Editor 10 Study Area ENERGY EDUCATION Dr Saraswati Raju For new subscriptions, renewals, they consume. - page 29 Printed at: India Graphic Systems Hydropower Development enquiries please contact 30 Power Saving Circulation Manager E-mail: Pvt. Ltd. F-23, Okhla Industrial Area, in NE India Legal Advisor Education and Energy Krishnendu Datta [email protected] or Phase-I, New Delhi-110020. Dr Sharad Jain [email protected] Conservation Cover Photograph Published at: IRIS Publication Pvt. Dhuandhar Falls on the Narmada, Please visit our site at Ltd. Geography and You does not 16 Dr Mandakini Das NER Decoded , by Prasad www.geographyandyou.com take any responsibility for returning Wither Big Dams, for further information. unsolicited publication material. 32 Renewable Energy IRIS Publication Pvt. Ltd. Long Live Big Dams Lucknow’s Solar Registered Offi ce: 111/9, Aruna Asaf © IRIS Publication Pvt. Ltd. All disputes are subject to the exclusive the debate continues Powered Zoo Ali Marg, Kishangarh, Vasant Kunj, New All rights reserved throughout the world. jurisdiction of competent courts and Delhi-110070 Reproduction in any manner, part or forums in Delhi/New Delhi only. Dr Saraswati Raju Anjali Singh


July-August 2010 I came across your ‘water matters’ issue, recently. Consequently I visited your website. Although on one side I am impressed with the quality and crispness of each article that you have printed, I could not help wonder whether your magazine was some kind of governmental mouth piece. Any magazine of this level should have some really hard hitting reporting especially on issues of water. The lack of safe potable water in what you call the peri- urban and rural areas, even after decades of self rule, reeks of mismanagement. I was looking for some research work or case studies in such aspects. Perhaps, you can incorporate such studies either conducted by you, or by NGOs and civic bodies that expose the lack of governmental commitment towards seeking sustainable solutions. - Dr Bhaskar Mane, Pune. For more details log on our website www.geographyandyou.in

Teaching Aid on Geography Water Governance and Role of with various social issues, and I just I am a regular reader of your Panchayats hope that our decision makers take magazine and I get a lot of Water is life giving and planning for cognizance of it while formulating information on geographical aspects it is a collective responsibility. The policies. which not only help me enrich my article has beautifully explained the Sonam Sethi, New Delhi. knowledge base but also facilitate role of Panchayati Raj Institutions my teaching. I would like to request and decentralised planning through Articles on Kashmir you to publish teaching aids on active participation of community I came to know about G’nY while geography on topics like landforms, members in order to provide some surfi ng on the net. Since then I am a cartography, geo-informatics clues to effective ways of water regular reader of your magazine–the etc. These topics are extremely management. But it is also true articles on different states of India important and one requires help to that Government agencies have are really informative. I would like to make them easily understandable. to pitch in to provide technical suggest to you to cover the State of I hope you will consider my request and logistic support in terms of Jammu & Kashmir which is famous favourably and start a series of encouraging local expertise and all over the world for scenic beauty, Dear readers, teaching aid articles from the provision of informed support and culture, fl ora and fauna, water next issues. cooperation. However, at ground resources etc. Meet Dineshbhai Tadvi and his youngest daughter, Kantiben. The backdrop is Sardar Radhika Sharma, Dehradun, zero the situation is different. There Wasim Ahmad by email. Sarovar parking lot and the prop is a basket full of exceeding sweet custard apples. Uttarakhand. are certain NGOs which are working towards it but the support from GIS Teacher Training Course The play unfolds. Halting their early morning sojourn to the market at my behest, Placement Possibilities the government agencies are not You have been organising many Dineshbhai offers the best fruits from his basket at the most exorbitant price he can I have read your magazine and coming forward. This is where the teacher training programmes all imagine, ` 5 for two, noting that we are not from the area. In a smattering of Gujarati fi nd that you are working towards problem is. I hope to see some more over the country along with the making geography a popular subject articles on the all important issue of NGO LIGHTS. Are you also offering that I speak, we make a deal and he is packing to move on. I ask conversationally, among the new generation and bring water in the next issues of G’nY. any GIS short training course to “Have you interacted with Medhaji?.” Dineshbhai shakes his head both ways, yes back the past glory of the subject. Mohd. Sadaquat Hussain Khan, the senior secondary teachers? I and no. “Yes, we have always supported her, but no, we are not benefitted in any I think now placement possibilities Bengaluru, Karnataka. am interested in undergoing such a for students studying geography training. However, I am unable to go way. We Tadvi’s (tribe) have been left out as our land was not directly affected.” are not many, or if it is then there is Thinking Water Thinking Women to Delhi, or Hyderabad to undertake Not directly affected? He waves his hands in a wide sweep behind him, “This is no awareness about it. Is it possible The article Thinking Water Thinking it. If your organisation does a short Tadvi area where all these offices and colonies have been built. We have moved for G’nY to publish all the possible Women published in July-August training course along with your vocational job opportunities which 2010 issue of G’nY is a refreshing programme, teachers like us would on to rocky and less fertile lands – and to add to it, ironically despite being next to will defi nitely take the subject article. The author has tried to look hugely benefi t. Also if you can Narmada, we have no drinking water, no power, no irrigation system…” The lights forward and may generate interest at the problem in a different way. provide related information through dim, Dineshbhai lumbers on, basket and daughter. in students. The term eco-feminism is a new G’nY it would be very helpful. Shiv Shanker Dass, phrase that I have learnt. The role of Manmahon Kumar, Darbhanga My research in unfinished, my documents need substantiation, yet Dineshbhai Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. gender is very important in dealing Bihar. unsaid plea left a mark. Impoverished and frail, juxtaposed against humongous man made structures, the cliché was apparent. This issue of G’nY is designed to highlight Write, email, fax hydropower, dams and more, with the north east being the area of focus. The classic Write - Editorial Office Geography and You, 1584, B-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070, Tele-Fax 011-26122789, debate of small vs big dams have been put forward, as has been an opposing voice Email [email protected], Website www.geographyandyou.com. Include name, address and demanding dam removals. Enjoy. telephone. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. To contribute an article. Kindly send the abstract of your article in not more than 200 words to [email protected]. The abstract will be reviewed by our guest panelists. Once the abstract is selected we shall respond immediately for the full article. The length of the final article may range from 1500 to 1700 words. Please also mention if you can contribute relevant high resolution photographs. The Editorial Advisor

Sulagna Chattopadhyay


PRICING & ENERGY CHOICE In recent times, the growth of hydropower has received a set back as negative externalities of hydropower are taken into project accounting and companies need to compensate the stakeholders for the same. However, hydropower companies are not compensated for the positive externalities in terms of better environment after completion of the projects. —Dr Sanjib Pohit

t the outset, Integrating Energy policy of unprofitable from the business point of view. Government of India has outlined that coal Moreover if we consider the long gestation period Awould be the dominant source of power of a hydropower station, it makes all the sense for India in the next 30 to 40 years. However, it for the hydropower companies to switch to coal- has also advocated the growth of green energy. In based power. Hydropower may reduce GHG this context, the report has put lots of emphasis emission but in the current context that does on developing hydropower, the potential of which not add to their profitability. It is also an irony is believed to be large. However in recent months, that while negative externality of hydropower (in the growth of hydropower has received set back. terms of environment degradation, rehabilitation, The environment consideration has compelled etc.) are taken into project accounting and the the National Hydroelectric Power Corporation company need to compensate the stake-holders Limited to stop its construction of Loharghat for the same, the hydropower companies are not Hydropower station on Ganga in Uttarakhand compensated for the positive externality in terms despite the considerable expense already borne on of better environment. the project. Ministry of Environment and Forests This is in stark contrast to the case of thermal has put stringent conditions on the construction power. In fact, most of the negative externality of new hydropower stations in Uttarakhand of thermal power arises at the stage of coal and elsewhere. Simultaneously, we find that extraction, which is usually not accounted quite a few of the companies specialising in the anywhere in the whole supply chain. As a result, Companies specialising in production of hydropower have production of hydropower have moved into coal is a relatively inexpensive source of energy, moved to thermal The templespower. The at Deogarhusual argument are of immense put forward is antiquarian and archaeological value and the production of thermal power. The usual as priced by current market conditions. Relative that stringent environment conditions, human rehabilitation, argument put forward by them is that stringent prices provide the incentives that drive the etc.showcase have led theto escalating evolution costsof temple in this architecture sector. In many cases, thesein central have madeIndia inhydropower the early medieval unprofitable period. from the environment conditions, human rehabilitation, choices of users. If relative prices make coal the business point of view and it makes sense for hydropower etc. have led to escalating costs in this sector. best choice for users, coal will inevitably be the BUFFER ZONE OF ACHANAKMAR FORESTS

THE POWERHOUE AT SARDAR SAROVAR, GUJARAT companies to switch to coal-based power. In many cases, these have made hydropower preferred source of electricity.


In fact, most of the negative externalities of thermal power TERM arises at the stage of coal extraction, which are usually SPILLWAY 8 a. The term denotes the dam’s turbine not accounted anywhere in the whole supply chain. position. power b. The term indicates a controlled release of continuous flow. Here is an exercise that is intended to introduce you to c. The term signifies the dam’s safety valve. a gamut of technical terms related to dams, rivers and hydropower that can catch you unawares. Pick the right The important issue is whether market price Table 1 Direct and external cost of coal fuel cycle TAILRACE option and check how you fare. The answers are on reflects all the relevant information and sends a. Tailrace is a channel that stores water at Stage Direct or Indirect Impacts page 47. 9 right signals to the members of the society. lower levels. In reality, this is not so due the inadequacy of 1. Pre-mining land clearing ANABRANCH b. Tailrace is a canal that carries water away lost productivity of land 1 a. A channel of a stream which joins the main from the dam, back to the river. the market price in capturing external costs or lost opportunities for carbon channel in a wide arc. c. Tailrace is a channel that allows water for externalities. In other words, market price very sequestration b. A channel of a stream which leaves the main irrigation.

TERMS HYDROPOWER loss of wildlife habitat channel. often does not capture the social costs imposed increased flooding c. A secondary channel of a stream which leaves STILLING BASIN on society. A divergence exists between private cost of permit and then rejoins the main channel. 10 a. A basin constructed to dissipate the energy of fast-flowing water from an interests and social interests. The divergence is 2. Coal extraction blasting everywhere but in most cases this is not significant property damage FISH GUIDANCE EFFICIENCY (FGE) outlet. enough to warrant intervention. However, the water and air contamination 2 a. The term signifies the percentage of fish b. A basin of deposit that drains a large land noise pollution moving out of a channel. mass of the dams catchment. externalities are often significant enough in the workers’ injury and death b. The term denotes the percentage of fish c. A basin formed naturally from the free- case of environmental resources to warrant further disturbance to aquifers and moving toward a dam’s turbine, diverted by a flowing river. introspection. Coal-fired energy is a prominent hydrologic balance fish guidance device. decreased property values c. The term indicates the percentage of fish AREA-CAPACITY CURVE example in this respect since it involves health ground subsidence or collapse moving out of a conduit. 11 a. A graph showing the relation between volume of the water in a basin and and environmental costs–risks of more death and 3. Processing and sludge and impoundment and dams HYDRAULIC CAPACITY the corresponding area during varied illness, ecosystem damages and risks to species. disposal of coal acid mine drainage 3 a. The term encompasses the minimum amount seasons. For instance, in the U.S. the current tax per ton heavy metal leachates of water that can go through the powerhouse. b. A graph showing the relation between of coal is about 40 per cent of the market price ‘synthetic’ fuels in processing b. The term denotes the maximum amount of the total area of the reservoir and its permitting and regulating costs water that can go through the powerhouse. corresponding area. and estimates of the environmental cost range insurance costs for life of c. The term denotes the total amount of water c. A graph showing the relation between the impoundment that helps in generating power. from 300 to over 650 per cent of the market price. surface area of the water in a reservoir It is clear from the above discussion that the damage to water quality from impoundment PENSTOCK and the corresponding volume. social costs of coal are not reflected in market loss of habitat from impoundment 4 a. This is a pipe leading from the water intake to prices. As a result, the market price sends the hydraulic turbine. SURGE TANK 4. Transportation damage to roads and bridges b. This is a channel allowing river water to pass 12 a. The term signifies a reservoir which wrong incentives for users, which in turn make of coal barge and water transport through it. stores water at lower level. their choices of the selection of energy source railroad construction and c. This is a pipe by which floodwater is diverted b. The term denotes a reservoir at the inconsistent with society’s best interest. To maintenance from the hydraulic turbine. upstream end of a closed aqueduct to enforcement absorb sudden rises of pressure. RUN-OF-THE-RIVER DAM balance individual interests and society’s interest, deaths from accidents c. The term signifies a reservoir which it is necessary to close the gap between the readily 5 a. The term encompasses a diverse group 5. Utilisation (e.g., Air pollution of hydroelectric dams specifically made mitigates pressure variations due to rapid available price of coal and the social cost of coal. combustion) Particulate matter for irrigation. changes in velocity of water. Nox, Sox, CO To do so, one need to estimate the true social cost 2 b. The term denotes hydroelectric dams with POWER HOUSE of coal, which itself is a challenge. Mercury small reservoirs with a limited capacity for Asthma and respiratory ailments water storage. 13 a. The term signifies a sci-fi system Unlike the market price of coal, the Deaths directly related to pollutants c. The term refers to the hydroelectric dams specially created for music. environmental and health cost (i.e., social cost) Impacts of pollutants on fisheries without large reservoirs for water storage. b. The term denotes the electro-magnetic Impacts on viewsheds equipment. of coal production and use are not readily Solid waste (post-combustion) INDIRA SAGAR DAM c. The term denotes a facility for the available. To estimate the social cost of coal, one Workers’ health and safety 6 a. The largest reservoir of India on . generation of electric power. needs to isolate the social damages from the net b. The largest reservoir of India on Krishna river. c. The largest reservoir of India on Kaveri river. private benefits that we derive from coal use. The the existing prices. This needs to be accounted WATT a. Joule / Sec. first step in doing so is to understand the key for, creating level playing field between thermal SLUICEWAY 14 7 a. The term denotes an opening at a high level b. Joule / Minute. elements of the coal cycle, namely, pre-mining, and alternative sources of energy. If this is done, from a reservoir generally used for emptying c. Joule / Hour. extraction, process and disposal, transportation coal may not be too attractive source of energy in water. and utilisation. Table 1 gives a fair exhaustive list the Indian context. b. The term signifies an opening at a low level TEHRI DAM from a reservoir used for emptying or for 15 a. A 1000 mw dam situated on Bhagirathi of key elements of the coal cycle. Note that this scouring sediments. river. long list includes both private costs captured by The author is a professor at National Institute of Science, c. The term indicates an opening at a high level b. A 500 mw dam situated on Alaknanda Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi. from a reservoir for cleaning operations of river. market prices and social costs not accounted by Email: [email protected] the dam. c. A 700 mw dam situated on Padma river.



The North-Eastern Region is a storehouse of immense Development in possibilities for hydropower by virtue of its majestic rivers. However, a carefully drafted plan which is inclusive of concerns for all the stakeholders and cooperation from the NE India neighbouring countries such as China is essential. —Sharad Jain The North Eastern region is a storehouse of immense possibilities for hydropower by virtue of its majestic rivers. However, a carefully drafted plan which is inclusive of concerns for all the stakeholders and cooperation from the neighbouring countries such as China is essential. —Dr Sharad Jain

lectricity is one of the prime requirements to the tune of 78,700 MW is likely to come for rapid economic development and a good from hydropower. To achieve this ambitious Equality of life. With its enormous potential, target, a shelf of hydropower projects with power from water is one of the immediate means aggregate installed capacity of 58,573 MW for securing energy for the country. The total has been identified by the CEA. This article hydropower potential of India is 148,701 MW, examines the perspectives and future plans of of which 44.42 per cent (66,065 MW) lies in the hydropower development in the North East Brahmaputra basin. Arunachal Pradesh alone region (NER) of India. has 76.17 per cent (50328 MW) of the total hydropower potential of the Brahmaputra basin NER: Hydropower centre of India (among states, the largest hydropower potential is NER has two main rivers–Brahmaputra and the also in Arunachal, about 30 per cent of the total Barak. As the 22nd longest river in the world with hydropower potential in the country). According a total length of 2880 km, the Brahmaputra is

BUFFER ZONE OF ACHANAKMAR FORESTS to the Central Electricity Authority (CEA), truly the lifeline of the region. The total drainage 32,078 MW (22.07 per cent) hydropower area of Brahmaputra is around 573,400 sq. km, potential in the country has been developed by enveloping the fertile valleys of China, India, 2010 while 77.93 per cent of the hydro potential Bhutan and Bangladesh. The River originates remains to be developed. at an altitude of 5150 m in the Kailash range A third of envisaged capacity addition by in Tibet. After draining an area of 293,000 sq.

HYDROPOWER TUNNEL UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT KAMENG. PHOTO COURTESY : NEEPCO the end of 12th Plan (2012-2017) which is km in Tibet, it enters India through the north