Essex.] Ovington

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Essex.] Ovington [ESSEX.] OVINGTON. 16S [POST OFFICE Rev. Willimn Stf'ven Thomson, Fobbing PlTBUC EsTABLISHI\fENTs :- Rev. Bixhy Luard, AvPley Union House, Hev. Tl10mas J ameq, chaplain; Rea Corhe~, J. R. Hogarih. esq. H•·unslow, ~ri,!dle~ex sur:;eon; Alfr,..d Henry Hm1t, Homford, clerk to ~ruar­ Clerk tn the lllagistrntes, North :-imri~ge, Romford dians; John Phillips, rPlieving officer; Jam1's Franklin, Petty Sessi.ons are held at Orsett the first friday in the ma'lt<"r; Mrs. Mary Sills, matron; Jolm Cuthhy, school­ mnnth master; M is" L} d:a Wade, schlm11trs.; l\1 ary Davies, nurs~ INSURANCE AGRNTS:- Police Station, John Fret> man, in'lpector Church of England, C. Rowlf':V Anson's Chw·ity ~ National School, Charles RowiPy, General, W. W ooline:~, Bakt>r strePt master; Mrs. An ne Rowley, ruistrees; MibS A lice Sharple~, lmpPrial Life ~ Phamix Fire, Mrs. E. Powell, post infants' mistress office CoNVEYANCE.-Omnihus from the George inn to Gray~ Rt'liance Mutual Life, G. Biddell rHil way station to meet the 9 a.m. & 5.17 p.m. up train~ & tjun, J. Finch 10.39 a.m. S. .') p.m. dnwn trains PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Carter .T ohn, shoe lll'l ker, Ra kPr strt>Pt Powell Elizabeth (Mrs.), grocer, linen "Rrll William Clark Golden, ~rocer & wheelwright, draper & postmistress lUomfidd Rev. Jas. B. D., J,p, [rector] Baker street Reeman Georg·e, bPer rPtailer l3rand Mrs Cole Phillip, King's Arms, Baker st Reevl's John, hricklayer C'orbet Rea f'orhet Rea, sur~eon Ridg·ew .. n John, gardener Cripps Samuel Geor~re, Orsrtt college Cripps Samuel George, Orsett col1ege Roast Joseph, Crown James Rev. Thomas [curatej Dansie Simon, Swan Roberts Richard, earthenware dPaler Talmnsh William Eve Mary (Mrs.), farmPr Sackett Henry, farmer, Baker strePt Wallis John, srn Finch John, whPelwright Snckett William, collector of poor ratPS Wingfield-Bnker Richard Baker, J.P. Ford ham Thomas, market gardener Sanders Samuel, baker & shopkeeper, Orsett hall; & 2 Lownde:> square, Good year Williarn, tail or Baker street London s.w Greenaway Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer Schooling Robert, shoe maker COMMERCIAL. Howard Charles, carpenter Smith Frederick, farmer, Baker street Arrher William, saddler James Richard, farmer Sparrow George, miller Ashford William, farmer Judd Stephen, blacksmith ~pitty Herbert, farmer ~4.ylen Charles, GPorge inn ~ posting Kimming;s Wm. wheelwright, Baker st :-<purgeon James, bricklayer hou.~e Larkin GPorg-e, builder, grocer& draper Rtock William, Cock inn Biddell George, surveyor & superin- Manning Willi11m, farmer Stubbs Joshua, beer rt"tailPr tendent registrar N ewcome S1mnel & Philip, farmers ~utton J a meR, marine store dealer Boatman James, watch mflkPr North Richard, pluiUber Sutton Thomas, market gartle11el· Hray Mary (Mrs.), Greyhound Oakley J ane (Mrs.), shopkef'per Woolling'! Alfred, haker & corn dealer Hridge J ~tmes, butcher Owrrs Henry, shoe maker & shopkeeper, W oollin;z.s Georg-P, farmPr Jlrig-ht Richard, farmer, Faker street Baker street Woollings William, miller & farmer, Jln<'king-ham Eldred, farmer Phillips John, relieving officer Baker street Buckingham Henry, butcher Pigg J oseph John, baker & corn dealer W ordley Georg·e, farmer OVINGTON is a parish, in the Ea~tern division of thfl the Rev. ('harles John Fisher, Ill. A., of .T esuq ColJP'!f>. f'nm­ count\', Hinckford hundl'f'd, Risbridge union, HavPrhill hridge. J.\iles~rs. Humfray and ~packman, who are lords of county court dh.trict, Yddham rural dean~'ry, Colchester the manor, and J. R. Vaizey, esq., form tl1P principal land· nrchdeaconry, and Rochester diocPse, 2 miles south from owners. The soil is clay; suhsoil, elay. 'l'he clud crop i~ Clat·e, and 7 east from Haverhill. The church (St. Mary's) whf'at. The area is 705 acres; g:ro~s f'f'tirwtted renLil, is small and ancient: it has been re-seated with open henche,;, £1,202; rateable value, £1,009; and the population in 1871 the ehancel restored, a painted glass east window inserted, was H2. and !I as wooden tower and spirP. The register dates from the Parish Clerk, - \i\'hiffen. ~ear 1569. The l•ving is a rectory, united with the reetory of 'l'ilbury and the chapelry of Alii rights; joint yearly value Letters from Sudhury tl1rough Clare, which iil the nearest £547, with residence at Ovingwn, in the gift of, and held b.v, money order office Fi..;Jtpr Rev-. Charles John, M.A. Death Samuel King-,farmer,Upperfarm IEwer William, farmer, Odn12ton l1all Rectory Dyer 'Iamar (J.\ilrs.), beer retailer Fox Bertha (Mrs.), farmer, Hole farm PAGLESHAM (or PAKLESHAM) w»s in 10G6 di'Pn by being exporte'l to Flanders, France, and Holland. Willhm lu~ulf to Westminster Abilt':V: it is a pari:.h, in the ~outhern Audrews, esq., who is lord of the manor, James Wiser11an, division of the county, Rochford union, hundred, and county esq., and Sir Georg<~ Samuel Brooke-Pechell, hart., are the court district, Canewdou rural deanery, Es-;ex archdeacon ry, p1 incipal landowners. The soil is mixed; suh .. oil, mixerl. and Roche~ter dioce8e, 5 mile<~ n•mh-east fr.Jrn Rochfi,rd, 9 TIIP chief crops are heans, wheat and barley. The area is 110rtb-east from Southewl, a11d ;,1 from London, on a creek of 1,()78 acres: gross e~timated rental, £4,2-tO; rateable value, the river Crouch, behind Wallasea, aud opposite Hurnham. £3,771; and the population in 1871 was 464. The church ot 8t. Peter has a chancel. nave, and tower, with EAsT END is a hamlet, a mile and a half south-east. A 2 bells. The regio;ter dates from the year 1719. The living part of WaiiHsea Island is in this parish. is a rectory, the tithes are commuted at £5GO, with rectory Parish Clerk, Edward Woolt: house, in the gilt of the Aishop of PetPrborougn, and held by the Hev. J amPs Harris, M .A., of Pembroke College, PosT OFFICE.-Mrs. Sarah Hice, rPceiver. Lf'tters arrivrl Oxford. The charities amount t•J £'27 yearly. lVJ any per~ from Chelmsford, via Rochforrl, at 9.4.) a.m. ; nispatcht>d at sons are engaged here in the oyster fi~hery, large quantities 2.45 p.m. 'l'he nearest money order offiC'e is at Rochiord Harris Rev. J ames, M.A. [rector] Laver Lw•y (Mrs.), farmer, Fast haH Smith C'llarles, !<hoP. maker Smith W alter Overall M aria (Mrs.), J' lough~· Sail ::lmith William Henry, grocer COMMERCIAL. Pettitt Zachary, farmer ~nell William ( l\lrs. ), blacksmith A llen .J obn, farmer Quy Charlotte ( l\'lrs. ), oy~ter merchant Stebbing 'l'homas, fmner, W Pst hall Browning Geo. Fuller, oyster mf'rchant Hice Georg-e, shopl<eeper Whitney James William, farmer, Wal f'Jark Geo. beer retailer & ::.hopkeeper Rohinson David, ('arp~nter lasPa island Coe John, fanue1· Robin~o11 J aue plrs. ), shopkePper &c Wist>man Frederick, oyster mercl1ant Kemp Wiiliam, boat builder Ruffle William, Punch Bowl Wbeman James, oyster merchant PANFIELD is a pari~h. in thP E"stern rlh·ision nf thP formerly a priory, half a mile north, a crll to St. 8tephPn's county, Hin<'kford hundred, llrainttee union and ('Ountv Abbey, in Nurnnmdy: it was seized hy Edwanl Ill. in 1:28."), court district, Hocking rmal deanery, Col cl e:. ter arch·- hut was aftt>rwarrls restored, au d in 1460 it reverted to tlw rlt'aC'onry, and Boclwster diocese, 2 miles north-west from Crown: at the Di~solution it was granted to SirGiles f'aprl. Jlr·aintree station, 4;J from London, ar1d near the river Pa11t. Panfirltl Hall, ereeted in the year 1546, is a fh1e huilding', 'fhp church of :3t. Mar.v has a chancel, nave, and tower, with wirh a quadrangular tower and handsomely clustered cldm· 3 lwlls, and surmouvteci \ly a small spire, Rnri has het>n re- neys: it is now occupied a~ a farm house. 'fhe tru~tef-'S of stored. The regit.h:r 01/esfrom thP VPar l."i69. 'fhe living Uuy's Hosl'itRI, who are lords of the manor, and Captdn j, a rector)', titho>s commuted at £.i02 10". ypnrly, with resi- Hrnderson, are the principal landholders. Tht> soil is loalll; dPr1ce, in the gift of, anti lwlrl hv, t l!e Rt>v. Edwal'd J ames .•uh8oil, clay. The cl j.,f C'rops are wht at, hn rley, oats flllll Hill, M.A., of tit. John's College, Carulriuge. Here 'la.!. ~rass. The area is 1,4,j.3 acres; gross e:.tiwated rtlltdl, .
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