United States Patent Office Patented May 26, 964 1
3,134,646 United States Patent Office Patented May 26, 964 1. 2 3,134,646 anhydrous lithium peroxide. The rapid drying step PREPARATION 6Fiff UM PEROXIDE. serves not only to effect the removal of water added Ricardo O. Bach, Gastonia, N.C., assignor to Lithium through the water solutions of the reactants and, addi Corporation of America, inc., New York, N.Y., a cor tionally, formed in the course of the reaction, but serves, poration of Minnesota also, and quite surprisingly, to bring about the important No Drawing, Filed Jan. 5, 1962, Set. No. 166,395 function of effecting rapid transfer of the active oxygen 10 Claims. (CI. 23-184) of the hydrogen peroxide to the lithium hydroxide to consummate formation of the desired lithium peroxide. This invention relates to an improved method of pro The lithium hydroxide (which term also includes ducing substantially anhydrous lithium peroxide, and to O lithium hydroxide hydrates such as lithium hydroxide the product produced thereby. monohydrate) is most advantageously used in the form Methods for the production of substantially anhydrous of a strong to substantially saturated aqueous solution, lithium peroxide have long been known in the art. More for instance, from about 8 or 10 to 12% concentration. recently, improvements in such methods have been pro In those instances where the resulting lithium hydroxide posed as disclosed, for instance, in U.S. Patents Nos. 5 solutions contain insoluble impurities as, for instance, 2,448,485 and 2,962,358. However, each of the methods lithium carbonate, it is desirable to filter the solutions disclosed in these patents has certain significant disad to remove said impurities so as to bring about greater vantages, particularly from an economic standpoint, purity of the final substantially anhydrous lithium which make their utilization in commercial operations peroxide.
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