• The following pages have some identification markers for each of the Flycatchers found in

• To know more on these you can visit http://ogaclicks.com/flycatcher/

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• You can also call me on (91)9840119078 , (91) 9445219078 (91) 6369815812 List of Flycatchers found in India

Sno. Name Binomial Name 1 Asian Brown Flycatcher dauurica 2 Asian Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone paradisi 3 Black & Orange Flycatcher nigrorufa 4 Black-naped Monarch Hypothymis azurea 5 Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher Cynoris rubeculoides 6 Brown-breasted Flycatcher Muscicapa muttui 7 Dark-sided Flycatcher Muscicapa sibirica 8 Ferruginous Flycatcher Muscicapa ferruginea 9 Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher Culicicapa ceylonensis 10 Hill Blue Flycatcher Cyornis banyumas 11 Ficedula subrubra 12 Cyornis magnirostris 13 Little Pied Flycatcher Ficedula westermanni 14 Nicobar Jungle Flycatcher Rhinomyias nicobaricus 15 Nilgiri Flycatcher Eumyias albicaudatus 16 Cyornis unicolor 17 Pale-chinned Flycatcher Cyornis poliogenys 18 Pygmy Blue Flycatcher Muscicapella hodgsoni 19 Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva 20 Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher Ficedula strophiata 21 Rusty-tailed Flycatcher Muscicapa ruficauda 22 Sapphire Flycatcher Ficedula sapphira 23 Slaty-backed Flycatcher Ficedula hodgsonii 24 Slaty-blue Flycatcher Ficedula tricolor 25 Snowy-browed Flycatcher Ficedula hyperythra 26 Muscicapa striata 27 Ficedula albicilla 28 Tickell's Blue Flycatcher Cyornis tickelliae 29 Ultramarine Flycatcher Ficedula superciliaris 30 Verditer Flycatcher Eumyias thalassinus 31 White-bellied Blue Flycatcher Cyronis pallipes 32 White-gorgeted Flycatcher Anthipes monileger 33 White-tailed Flycatcher Cyornis concretus ©www.ogaclicks.com 34 Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Ficedula zanthopygia Asian Brown Flycatcher Identification Tips Asian Brown Flycatcher : Muscicapa dauurica poonensis: Himalayan foothills to , also Central & South India (Vindhya and Satpura Ranges, Western Ghats, Eastern Ghats); non-breeding peninsular India (principally South of Vindhya Range), , Andaman Is and Nicobar Is Ashy brown or grey-brown head Whitish line on lores Whitish eyering Upper mandible dark horn-coloured, lower mandible yellowish or yellowish- Upperparts are ashy brown horn with extreme tip horn-coloured or grey-brown

White Chin & throat

Short dark moustachial stripe Flight-feathers sooty brown, narrowly edged ash-brown Breast suffused grey-brown

Tail is sooty brown, narrowly tipped White underparts whitish

Legs are blackish

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Asian Paradise Flycatcher Identification Tips Asian Paradise Flycatcher : Terpsiphone paradisi: Widespread Resident in India Glossy black head Eyelid wattle bright blue Glossy black Crest Bill greyish blue with blackish tip Black chin & Throat Rufous mantle Shorter crest Greyish breast Rufous Upperparts White Underparts Female

Legs are greyish blue Rufous Tail Grey chin & throat White Upperparts Male

Shorter square-ended Morph tail without elongated Elongated Central central feathers rectrices

Difference from Male

Difference from Nominate Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Black & Orange Flycatcher Identification Tips Black & Orange Flycatcher : Ficedula nigrorufa: Resident of Western Ghats in India

Black head

Black face Bill is dark horn or blackish-brown

Upperparts are rufous orange Rufous orange Chin & throat Upperwing-coverts and flight- feathers black Breast is Rufous orange

Rufous orange underparts Tail is rufous orange

Legs are greyish-pink or grey-brown

Overall paler than Male

Dark olive-blackish head and face

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent Inskipp and Grimmett ©www.ogaclicks.com Important id point www.HBW.com Black-naped Monarch Identification Tips Black-naped Monarch : Hypothymis azurea : Widespread resident of India ( except North India) Cobalt blue eyering Azure-blue head black nuchal tuft Upperparts are Azure-blue

Azure-blue face Black feathering at base of bill

Bill is blue with black tip Male Black Collar Breast is Blue No black nuchal tuft Whitish underparts

Legs greyish to purplish blue, Upperparts brownish grey soles yellow


No black collar

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent Blue is duller than Male Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point ©www.ogaclicks.com www.HBW.com Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher : Cynoris rubeculoides : Summers in , resident of North East India, winters in Easter Himalayan foothills and South West India Black lores Paler shining blue or cerulean-blue Forehead

Bill is black

Bright orange-rufous Upperparts are dark blue on centre of lower throat & breast Breast-side dark blue Female Head is olive brown

Whitish underparts Male Upperparts are olive brown

Olive brown wings

Rufous-brown tail Legs are pink, purplish pink or dusky bluish Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point ©www.ogaclicks.com www.HBW.com Brown-breasted Flycatcher Identification Tips Brown-breasted Flycatcher : Muscicapa muttui: Breeds in North East India., winters in South west India

Whitish line on lores Dark Olive –brown head Upper mandible dark brown with Broad buffish to whitish eyering pale horn tip, culmen curved, lower mandible pale yellow, dark tip

White submoustachial stripe Cheek greyish White Chin & throat Upperparts are olive-brown

Narrow dark malar stripe Breast buffish-brown

Flanks buffish-brown Flight-feathers Dark brown

White underparts

Legs are pale yellowish-pink

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Dark-sided Flycatcher Identification Tips Dark-sided Flycatcher : Muscicapa sibirica : Breeds in Himalayas & North East India

Whitish line on lores Dark ash-grey head Whitish-eyering restricted to back of eye Bill is black

White submoustachial stripe Cheek greyish White Chin & throat

Narrow dark malar stripe

Breast grey-brown, streaked darker Upperparts are dark Ash-grey

Flanks grey-brown, streaked darker Flight-feathers blackish-brown

White underparts

Legs are black

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Ferruginous Flycatcher Identification Tips Ferruginous Flycatcher : Muscicapa ferruginea : Breeds in East Himalayas & North East India

Whitish line on lores Grey head Bill is blackish, base of lower Distinct whitish eyering mandible yellow, pinkish-yellow or fleshy-orange

White submoustachial stripe Cheek greyish White Chin & throat

Dark malar stripe

Breast rufous orange , mottled or Upperparts are dark rust-brown streaked greyish Rufous-chestnut tips of Flanks rufous orange greater upperwing-coverts

Flight-feathers blackish-brown White underparts

Legs are pale pinkish to pinkish-brown

Tail has rufous orange sides Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher Identification Tips Grey-headed Canary Flycatcher : Culicicapa ceylonensis : Breeds in Himalayas ,resident of Western Ghats & North East India, winter visitor to North, Central and East India

Plain smoky grey Forehead Plain smoky grey head & crown

Bill is black, pinkish base of lower mandible Distinct whitish eyering

Cheek greyish

Smoky grey Chin & throat Upperparts are greenish or yellowish olive-green Upper breast plain smoky grey Greenish with black Lower breast Bright Yellow markings on coverts

Flight-feathers with black Bright yellow underparts markings

Legs are light brown to yellowish or pinkish-brown

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Hill Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Hill Blue Flycatcher : Cyornis banyumas : Resident of North East India () Crown and head are dark Blue Bright pale blue Forehead

Bill is black, dull purplish base Lores to eye, cheeks are black of mandible Ear-coverts are dark blue Blue areas of male replaced by plain brown

Bright orange-rufous Breast-side dark blue Female on throat & breast Upperparts are dark blue Head is brown Orange on Flanks

No black on face Lesser upperwing- coverts bright blue Upperparts are brown

Whitish Brown wings underparts

Rufous-brown tail Male Legs are brownish grey to greyish pink Difference from Male or pale flesh-coloured

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Kashmir Flycatcher Identification Tips Kashmir Flycatcher: Ficedula subrubra: Breeds in North West Himalayas, winters in Western Ghats Crown and Head Umber brown

Lores to eye, cheeks, ear- Upper mandible brown, lower mandible coverts are Dark Grey yellowish Black line from base of bill to breast Bright orange on throat side & breast Female Upperparts are Umber brown Upperparts Chin & throat are paler are white brown No black line on upper body

Rufous moulting on breast

Off white Belly Whitish underparts Legs are dark brown Male

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Large Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Large Blue Flycatcher: Cyornis magnirostris: Summer visitor to Eastern Himalayas Forehead is pale blue Black lores Crown is deep blue

Bill is black Supercilium is pale blue Cheeks and Ear-coverts are Black orange-rufous on chin & throat

Female orange-rufous on breast Upperparts are dark blue Head is slaty brown with purplish tinge

Buffish eyering

Upperparts are brown Tail feathers black with deep blue Buff chin and edges throat

Rufous-brown tail Faded orange Male underparts Legs are pale flesh-pink to pale pinkish grey or Difference from Male light horn-brown Blue areas of male replaced by plain brown Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Little Pied Flycatcher Identification Tips Little Pied Flycatcher : Ficedula westermanni: Resident of Himalayas, and North East India

Black crown Black lores Male Long white supercilium Bill is black Upperparts are Black White on chin & throat White patch on coverts Female Head is dark slaty bluish-grey White breast Buffish eyering

Upperparts brown

White chin Rufous-brown tail and throat White Underparts Legs are black No White patch on coverts

Difference from Male Black areas of male replaced by plain brown Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Nicobar Flycatcher Identification Tips Nicobar Flycatcher: Rhinomyias nicobaricus: Resident of Nicobar Islands, Vagrant to Andaman islands

Plain brown head & crown Plain smoky grey Forehead

Bill is blackish, mandible yellowish Buffish or tawny eyering Cheek is fulvous-brown White chin & throat Upperparts are brown Breast is brown with darker barring

Flanks are brown Flight-feathers are dark White underparts brown

Legs are Pinkish

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Nilgiri Flycatcher Identification Tips Nilgiri Flycatcher: Eumyias albicaudatus: Resident of Western Ghats in Kerala

Forehead is pale blue Black lores Crown is Indigo Blue Male Bill is black Cheeks and Ear-coverts are Blue on chin & throat Indigo blue

Female Blue on breast Head is slaty brown Upperparts are Indigo blue

Upperparts are dull brownish Tail feathers black with deep blue Tinged blue-grey on wings edges

Tinged blue-grey on tail Legs are black Faded blue Grey Underparts underparts

Blue areas of male replaced by plain Difference from Male Brown/Grey Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Pale Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Pale Blue Flycatcher : Cyornis unicolor: Resident of North east India and Summer visitor to Himalayas Forehead is pale blue Crown is Cobalt Blue Black lores Male Bill is black Cheeks and Ear-coverts are Paler Blue on chin & throat Cobalt blue

Female Pale Blue on breast Upperparts are cobalt Head is brownish-grey blue

White eyering Faded blue underparts Upperparts are brownish-grey

Tail is rufous-chestnut Legs are brown to dark grey Grey Underparts

Blue edges to Long Blue areas of male replaced by plain Difference from Male sooty tail Brown/Grey Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Pale-chinned Flycatcher Identification Tips Pale-chinned Flycatcher : Cyornis poliogenys : Resident of Himalayan foothills ,North East and East India

Greyish head & crown Pale buff Lores

Bill is black Buffish eyering Cheek is fulvous-brown White chin & throat Upperparts are olive-brown

Breast is washed light orange

Flanks are washed light orange Flight-feathers are olive- brown White underparts

Tail rich rufous-brown Legs are pale greyish-pink or pinkish-brown

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Pygmy Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Pygmy Blue Flycatcher : Muscicapella hodgsoni : Resident of Himalayas & North East India

Forehead is pale blue Ultramarine-blue crown Black lores Male Bill is black Cheeks and Ear-coverts are Bill is black with Orange on chin & throat slate-grey base dark blue of lower mandible Orange on breast Upperparts are cobalt Head is Olive brown blue Blue rump Buff eyering

Upperparts are Olive brown Faded orange underparts Rump is warmer Female

Tail is dull brown

Whitish undertail-coverts Legs are bluish or Rufous-tinged orange-buff purplish-grey Underparts Difference from Male Blue areas of male replaced by plain Brown/Grey Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Red-breasted Flycatcher Identification Tips Red-breasted Flycatcher : Muscicapella hodgsoni : Widespread winter & Passage migrant in North , West, Central & East India. Also in some parts of Kerala and Tamilnadu Ashy grey Ear-coverts Forehead is grey Grey crown Ashy grey lores Upperparts are brown Maxilla is blackish horn, mandible yellowish / flesh-pink, dark tip

Orange -red on chin & throat

Head is brown Orange red breast Buff eyering Male

Upperparts are brown Wings are brown Sides of Chin ,throat & Breast grey breast are Whitish underparts Creamy

Legs are dark brown. Female

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher Identification Tips Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher : Ficedula strophiata: Resident of Himalayas and North East India

Deep grey crown White patch on forehead Male

Upperparts are Olive brown Bill is black Black chin & throat Wings are olive brown centre of upper breast bright rufous Uppertail-coverts dark grey /blackish

Smaller white patch Grey on breast side

Whitish underparts

Legs are dark brown. Female Dull orange patch on upper breast Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Rusty-tailed Flycatcher Identification Tips Rusty-tailed Flycatcher : Muscicapa ruficauda: Breeds in Himalayas, winter visitor to South West India Grey-brown head & crown Pale buff Lores upper mandible dark horn, lower mandible pale yellowish Buffish eyering

White chin & throat

Upperparts are Grey-brown

Breast is washed buffish Flight-feathers are brown Flanks are washed buffish

Dull white underparts Bright rufous rump

Legs are dark grey or blackish Tail bright rufous, tip of tail usually browner

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Sapphire Flycatcher Identification Tips Sapphire Flycatcher: Ficedula sapphira: Resident of Eastern Himalayas and North East India Crown is Brown Head is ultramarine-blue Mantle is Brown Male Breeding Black bill

Orange on chin & throat Orange breast Upperparts are Deep Blue Blue breast sides Coverts are deep Non-breeding blue

Head is brown Buff eyering Upperparts are Olive brown White Female underparts

Pale orange Blackish upper wings Chin & throat Legs are bluish grey.

Breast-sides Difference from Male brownish

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Slaty-backed Flycatcher Identification Tips Slaty-backed Flycatcher : Ficedula hodgsonii: Winter visitor to Himalayas and North East India Head is deep slate blue

Face is deep slate blue

Orange chin & throat Upperparts are deep slate Head is olive brown blue

Buff eyering Orange breast Male

Upperparts are olive brown

Chin ,throat & breast greyish- buff Legs are dark brown

Female Whitish underparts Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Slaty-blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Slaty-blue Flycatcher : Ficedula tricolor : Summer Visitor to Kashmir eastwards to Nepal Paler blue forehead Head is dark blue Black lores

Black bill

White chin & throat Upperparts are dark blue Head is buff brown Diffuse blue-grey band extending Upperparts are across breast buff brown Male Chestnut tail

Blackish upperwing

Buffish breast

Legs are black Female Greyish-white underparts Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Slaty-blue Flycatcher Identification Tips- F. t. cerviniventris Slaty-blue Flycatcher : Ficedula tricolor cerviniventris : Resident North East India (, East and South East to Mizoram) Paler blue forehead Black lores Head is dark blue

Black bill

Warm buff chin & throat

Upperparts are dark blue

Blue Breast Sides Male

Warm buff underparts Blackish upperwing

Legs are black

Difference from Male

Difference from BreedingNominate plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Snowy-browed Flycatcher Identification Tips Snowy-browed Flycatcher : Ficedula hyperythra : Resident of Himalayas and North East India Prominent short white stripe over upper lores Head is deep slate blue

Black bill Face is deep slate blue

Blue areas of male replaced by olive brown Orange chin & throat Upperparts are deep slate White stripe replaced by Buff Orange blue

Buff eyering Orange breast Edges of flight- feathers warm brown or dull Upperparts are olive brown rufous-brown Male

Chin ,throat & breast orange- buff Legs are dull purplish to pale grey or pinkish Off white underparts

Difference from Male Female Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Spotted Flycatcher Identification Tips Spotted Flycatcher : Muscicapa striata: Passage migrant in North West India ( )

Forehead to nape are brown streaked brown-black Whitish lores Bill brown-black, base of lower mandible pinkish to Ear–coverts are grey-brown horn-coloured Whitish chin & throat streaked mousey grey-brown Upperparts are brown Pale grey-buff wash on breast streaked mousey grey-brown

Whitish underparts Dark brown upperwing

Legs are brown-black

Difference from Male

Difference from BreedingNominate plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Taiga Flycatcher Identification Tips Taiga Flycatcher : Ficedula albicilla: Winter visitor to ,, Central, East and North East India Grey crown White eyering Ashy grey Ear-coverts Grey lores Upperparts are brown Maxilla is blackish horn, mandible yellowish / flesh-pink, dark tip

Orange -red on chin & throat Off-white Head is brown breast Buff eyering Male

Brown Upperparts Wings are brown Sides of Breast grey Chin ,throat Whitish underparts have white patch

Legs are dark brown. Greyish-buff Underparts

Difference from Male Female Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Tickell's Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips Tickell's Blue Flycatcher : Cyornis tickelliae: Resident of Peninsular India Azure blue Forehead Head is deep slate blue Black lores

Black bill White stripe replaced by Buff Orange Ear-coverts are deep blue Orange chin Buff eyering & throat Upperparts are deep blue Orange breast

Upperparts are Paler Blue flight-feathers Blue Sharp demarcation at belly Male Chin ,throat Legs are bluish & breast brown to violet- orange-buff grey

White Underparts

White underparts more than orange parts

Difference from Male Female Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Ultramarine Flycatcher Identification Tips Ultramarine Flycatcher : Ficedula superciliaris : Resident of North East India & summer visitor to Himalayas

Black lores White supercilium from back of eye Head is deep slate blue Black bill Ear-coverts are deep blue Blue areas of male replaced by Greyish brown White chin & throat Upperparts are deep blue Blue patch on sides of breast

Upperparts are greyish-brown

Sharp demarcation at belly Male Legs are deep Breast is brown with grey, greyish- flight-feathers brown bluish or purplish tinge Blue White Underparts

Difference from Male Female Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Verditer Flycatcher Identification Tips Verditer Flycatcher : Eumyias thalassinus : Summer visitor to Himalayas & North East India

Black lores Head is verditer-blue

Black bill Ear-coverts are verditer-blue

Blue chin & throat Upperparts are verditer- Paler Blue than Male blue Blue breast Paler Lore

Light Blue belly Male

Legs are dark flight-feathers Chin and upper throat grey or blackish. verditer-blue finely barred greyish Bluish Underparts

Difference from Male Female Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com White-bellied Blue Flycatcher Identification Tips White-bellied Blue Flycatcher : Cyronis pallipes : Resident of Western Ghats and west Tamil Nadu hills in India Light Blue Supercilium Head is Indigo blue Black lores

Black bill Ear-coverts are Indigo blue Blue areas of male replaced by Dark Blue Olive brown/Grey chin & throat Upperparts are Indigo Head is Grey blue Blue breast Flight-feathers Blue Upperparts are Olive-brown

Sharp demarcation Male at belly Chin, throat & breast are Orange Tail is Chestnut Legs are pinkish- White Underparts flesh to grey

Female Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com White-gorgeted Flycatcher Identification Tips White-gorgeted Flycatcher : Anthipes monileger: Resident of Himalayas & North East India

Buffish Supercilium in front of eye Head is Dull olive Black lores

Bill is dark horn or Ear-coverts are olive blackish White chin & throat with Upperparts are Dull olive narrow black border

Dull olive Flight-feathers breast brown

Male Whitish belly centre Dull olive Underparts

Legs are pink or pinkish-brown

Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com White-tailed Flycatcher Identification Tips White-tailed Flycatcher : Cyornis concretus : Breeds in East Arunachal Pradesh, East Meghalaya & Mizoram Light Blue Supercilium Black lores Head is cobalt blue

Black bill Ear-coverts are cobalt blue Blue areas of male replaced by Dark Blue Brown chin & throat Upperparts are cobalt blue Lores pale buff Head is deep brown Blue breast Flight-feathers Buff Eyering cobalt blue

Male White Upperparts are deep brown patch on throat Sharp demarcation Brown at belly breast

Legs are pink, pinkish- White Underparts brown to dark lavender grey.

Female Difference from Male Tail dark grey-blue, outer rectrices have extensive white panels Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Tail is Chestnut Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Yellow-rumped Flycatcher Identification Tips Yellow-rumped Flycatcher : Ficedula zanthopygia: Vagrant in India

White Supercilium Head is black Black lores

Black bill Ear-coverts are black

Yellow chin & Upperparts are black throat Yellowish buff Head is Greyish olive Yellow Rump

Greyish-white Eyering Yellow breast

Upperparts are greyish olive Male Pale Yellow Underparts yellow throat & breast Broad white stripe formed Legs are black to lead- by inner greater coverts & grey or purplish-grey tertials

Wing bars on Coverts Female Difference from Male

Difference from Breeding plumage Reference : Birds of Indian Subcontinent ©www.ogaclicks.com Inskipp and Grimmett Important id point www.HBW.com Comparison of Blue & Orange Flycatchers - Male

Blue-throated Blue Hill -Blue Large blue

Tickell's Pygmy Blue Sapphire Comparison of Brown & Orange Flycatchers -female

Large blue Blue-throated Blue Hill -Blue

Snowy browed

Pygmy Blue White-bellied Blue