Compute Mar/Apr 1980 Issue #3

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Compute Mar/Apr 1980 Issue #3 MARCH I APRIL 1980. ISSUE 3. $2.00 II The Journal for Progressive Computing™ Manual Alphabet ~ Tutorial on a PET .SUSAN SEMANCIK. full featured mnemonic assembler-disassembler enter save load hst run hst the secret baSlc RO Ms RIVI ACE ~ * 1:f 2 ACTION PACKED VIDEO GAMES* * ! PET BASIC BREAKTHROUGH i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Softside Soflware j ~ ~ ! presents I ~ ~ ! SYMBOLIC/STRUCTURED BASIC ! ~ t N. last. Symbolic/Structured Basic is ample: LOOP/PRINT "HI": GO TO LOOP. S- iC t available for your PET 8-32K personal com­ Basic program lines can be up to 255 iC puter! S-Basic is a pre-compiler that enhan­ characters long, two-and-one-hali times as t t ces the PET's built-in basic monitor with the long as on standard Basic. S-Basic does not ~ t oddition of extra-control statements found compromise any of PET Basie's existing fea- t ~ only in the most sophisticated computers. tures. All PET Basic commands can be used. ~ ~ WHILE ... GOSUB ... calls a subroutine as S-Basic includes an editor with full text ca- ie : long as a condition is true. UNTIL ... GOSUB pabilities. a translator/pre-compiler with its ~ ~ ... jumps to a subroutine unless the condition own errormessages. and the 5-Basicloader. ~ ~ is true. The IF ... Then ... ELSE statement al­ These programs are recommended for disk- ! ~ lows the programmer to command the based PETs. A printer is optional but sug- ..;: ~ computer to execute instructions if the nor­ gested. Cassette copies are available and t ~ mal IF condition is not met. require two cassette drives. Comprehen- ~ t Forget about line numbers, S-Basic al­ sive instructions are included. Symbolic- ! 't lows you to program naturally only naming /Structured Basic package is available t ~ (nume_rically or alphabetically!) state­ complete for an introductory price of ...,. t ments that you will need to refer to. for ex­ $35.95. t t • WHILE .... GOTO.... A PET • UNTIL .... GOTO ... ~ ~ • IF .... THEN .. .. ELSE PROGRAMMING • SYMBOLIC OPTIONAL ~ t • 255 CHAR . LINES BREAKTHROUGH • LINE NUMBERS t t 305 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10025 t ¥~¥¥¥¥¥¥~¥¥Jf~¥¥¥¥~¥¥~~¥¥~-¥Jl.¥~¥~~~¥¥¥¥¥-¥-¥¥~¥·~~¥-if¥1Pf.¥ MARCH/APRIL. 1980. ISSUE 3 COMPUTE. 11n1 SKyParKCircle,SuiteH, lrv'ine,Ca.(714)557·8501 Available atthebestcomputerctea\ers·ord.iredfromXymec ·Dealers inquiries irwitect. ©1qeoxYMEC 2 COMPUTE. MARCH/APRIL 1980 ISSUE 3 Table of Contents Staff of COMPUTE: Rober! C. Lock. Ediwr/Publishcr Carol Holmquisi Lock. Circula1ion M anager. Larry Isaacs. Sof1ware/H ardware Lab. The Editor's Notes ............ .. .... .. .. .. .. Robert C. Lock, 3 Jorclla Klepfer. Edi1orial As is1ant. Computers and Society .. .. ... .David D. Thornburg mid Betty}. Burr, 7 M .1rl ene Pra110 . Educari onal Assis1an1 . Dr. Chip . 8 Preview ofCommodore's New Disk Basic 4.0 ... .... .. Chuck Stuart, I 0 COMPUTE. receives conlinuing assisrancc fro m 1hc following persons: Enhancing Commodore' s Word Pro II .... .... .. .. .. Larry Isaacs, 15 Harvey B. Herman , Universit y of Nonh Carolina at Greensboro. File Conversions on the Commodore 2040 Drive . Hal Wadleigh, 18 Dept. of Chcmisiry. Edi1orial Assis1ancc. Program list ings for COMPUTE . 20 David Gibbs. The Design Group. Green boro. .C .. An Oireclio nl Design Consuharion . Using the GET S1a1 ement on 1he PET . .. .... .. .Alfred}. Bruey, 23 Jim Bu11crficld, T oroniu. Edito rial Assistance. Proper Diskett e Handling .. ........ ... .•. .. .... Chuck Sluarl, 24 Machine Language .... ... ... .... ... .. ... .. .Jim Bullerjield, 26 Th· fo ll owing wri1crs contribute on a rci.; ul ar basis as ssociatc Review: Synercek Systems KTM-2 . ... ......... Edward D. james, 29 Edi1ors: Gene Beals, 11 5 E. Siump Road. M onr gom cry,·il lc, Pennsyl vania Utinsel: Enabling Utilities . .... ...... .. .... .. .. Larry Isaacs, 34 18936. Identify Your Aiari Colors ...... ... .... ....... .. Le11 lindsay, 39 Len Lindsay. 1929 Nonhpo rt Drive HG. M<1di son, \ isronsin .'i3704. Roy O'Brien. l'c1' t Office Box •n6. Bcaumon1 . California 9222:1. Manual Alphabet Tutorial on a PET ... ..... ..... .Susan Sema 11 cik, 41 Eri Rehnke, # 6 1. 5+0 S. Ra nchview Circle. nal1eim Hills, The Learning Lab .... ............ ... ... ... .Mar/me Pratto, 51 California 92807. Review : The Prestodigi cizer ... .. ... .. .. .. Laura M . Benso11, 56 COMPUTE. is published by mall ysrc 111 Servi c . Inc .. 900-902 pring Garden Sircc1. Greensboro , Nord1 Carolina 27403. Tclepht111c: A Micro for the Teacher .... ... .... ........ Thorwald Esbe11scn, 58 (9 19) 272-4867. Light Pen election on PET/CBM Screen ... .... .. David R. Heise, 60 PET is a 1rademark of Commodore Business Machines, Inc . The Consumer Computer .. ...... .. .. ........... Len li11dsay, 63 Apple is a lradcrnark of Apple Compu1cr Co mpany A1ari is a trademark of Atari. Inc. The Apple Gazette . 68 Naming Apple Casse tt e Fil es ..... ... .. ... ..... ... D. P. Kemp, 68 On Apple ll to Heathkit H-14 .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .Mike Wiplic/1, 69 New Product Feature: Amhors of ma.nuscripls warranl that all materials submincd to 80 Columns and U pper/Lower Case Letters for COMPUTE. a re o riginal ma1crials with full ownership righ1s rcsidcnl in said a 111h o rs. By submitting articles LO C OM P UTE. Apple II ... ..... .. .. .. ... .... .. .Michael S. Tom&z)'k, 70 authors acknowledge tha t such materials. upon actcptanct: fo r Appl e Software ote . .. ... ..... ..... ....... En'c ReJmke, 72 publicatio n . become 1h c exclusive properly of mall Sys1c111 t• rviccs. Inc. Unsoli cit ed ma nuscri pts mu accepted for publica· The Atari Gazette .... .. ...... .. ... ....... .... .. .. 74 1io n by COM P TE. will br rr1urncd if a111hor provid es a self· Notes on Atari ....... ... .. ...... .... ........... Robert Lock, 74 addressed . stamped envelope . Program listings should be pro­ . Star Raid ers Defend the Galaxy ...... ... ........ .jorctta Klepfer, 74 vided in printed form as well as machine readable form . Art ides should be furnished as t)'pcd cop)' with double spacing. Scar Raiden;: The Wizard Behind the Game .... .Michael S. Tomczyk, 75 Each page of yo ur ar1icle shuuld bear 1hc ti tl e o f 1hc article. Review: Atari Basketball Cartridge ...... ... .... ... Le11 Lindsay, 76 date and name of th author . Atari Program Savin g ....... .. ... .. ....... ... .. Len Lindsa)', 76 Address all rna nuscrip1 s a nd correspondence "' COMPUTE. P11s1 Office Box 51 19. Greensboro. N .C . 274 03. Material s R ·view ofAtari' s 810 Disk System . .... .. Ronjejfries a11d Glen Fisher, 78 (advcriisi ng arr work. ha rdware, cit.) sho uld be adclr 'SSccl 10 The PET Gazette .... ........ .. .... .... ...... ...... 81 COMPUTE.. 901) Spring G a rden Sr reel. Greensboro. .C. 27403. Eniire tontcnr s copyrigh1 © 19i9 by Small Sysicm Services, Oops! . .. ............ ...... ..... .. ..... W. M . Bunker, 81 Inc. All righis reserved. '·CO!VIl'UTE. The J o urnal for Progressive ullReturnRevisited ...... ............. EarlH. Wuchler, Bl Computing'' is a 1radcmark of Sm all Sysiem Services, Inc. Cheep Prine , PART I ......... .. _... ... .. .. .... C. A. McCarlhy, 82 ISSN 0 194-357X . Direct Screen lnput . .. .......... ... .. ...... Le11 Lindsay 88 COMPUTE. assu mes no lia bilir y for errors in ariirlc< or advcr1 i:-;f' mcnts. pinions xpresscd b)' a uthors an• nnt necessarily o CB2 ound? . ....... .... .. .. .... ... Larr;1l saacs, 88 those ofC01'.•IP TE. A Versatile Serial Printer lnterface for the PET ... ... .. .... Harve;1B . Hennon and Charles B. Pate, 90 Rambling ..... ............ .. .. ...... ....... Roy O'Brien, 92 Review: MAE, A PET Disk-based Macro Assembler . .James Strasma, 93 Review: The PET Rabbit .. ... .. ... ...... ... .James Strasma, 94 PET Programs on Tape Exchange . ....... ... ..... Gu11e Beals, 95 ADVERTISERS INDEX Memo to Machine Language Programmer . ........ .Jim Bullerjield, 96 IRIDJ ...... ............ 77 The SBC Gazette . 98 Aard\'ark T edinieal Sen ·ices . .. 117 Kobrtek Sys1cms Lid . ... .. .. 86 The Single Board 6502 ..... ... ....... ... ... .. Eni: Relm ke, 99 AB Computers .... ......... 28 Micro Computer Industries . .... 17 i\bncus Software .. .. .. ... ... 97 •Jicro·Ed ........ .. .......50 More about co mpute II .. ..... .. .. ...... .. ... ...Robert Lock, I 04 Automated Si.mulmimu . , ..... 49 Micm Sof1war 'ysic ms .......38 Nucs and Voles .... .... .... ... ..... .... ... GeneZumchak, I 05 CC R Micro1ech . • .. .... 35,115 M icro Tcchnvlogy nhd. 11. 33. IB C M fiwa re . .......... 14 ,87 ~l i c roph)'• . 55 Read PET T apes wich your Al I . ... Mark Reardon and Eni: Relm ke, 11 0 Og nitivt.· Produc.: t!C .• , ..•..•• 2 1,56 NCEI , umpumnrt .. ....... ...9 Review : KIMEX-1 .... .. ... .. .. .. ... .... Harvey Hem1an, 11 3 ommodorc llw1i ncss M arhincs BC NEECO ........ .. ...... 19,79 Fas! T ape Rcad/Wrice Programs for yo ur OSI . .. .Edward fl. Carlson, 115 Co111pc1 itivc Software ... .. .. 6 1 Op1i1nal T echnology . .... ... 34 Computer C cn1 cr ofSouth Bend 11 4 Optimized Data Sys1ems . 38 Applicacions Review: Logic Analyzer for KIM ..... .. ...Roy Fiacco, 118 Compu1cr World .. .... •. 71 P.. 'of1w arc House .... ... 9 1 Try Pseudo Code ... .. ....... ... ... .. ..... Eric Relinke, 120 Co111 pu1hink .................. 22 Perry Pcriphcr,ils . ... 11 2 Connecticut Microcomputer Prug:ra mmn lrncrnalional ... ...65 . .. ... ... .. .. ... 30,31.37,41! ,'19 RAYCAM .... ... .......... ~ rcmivt Compurins ...... ...67 Rch11kc Suf1wnrt• ..... .... 11 3 CURSOR ......... .......57 R NB Enterpri><". .. 100, I OI Daicc, Inc.... ... ........28 Sa,..·yc r Sofc,varc ... .... ......2 1 Di gi 1al EngineerinJ! .
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