Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:IX Issue No:239 Price: Afs.15 SATURDAY . APRIL 04 . 2015 -Hamal 15, 1394 HS www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes ACCI, Tajikistan Chamber agree NUG will never take sides TO HOLD JOINT TRADE FAIRS on Yemen war: Abdullah AT Monitoring Desk therefore the Afghan government urges Saudi Arabia, Yemen and KABUL: A high-level delegation in the Middle East. Under the other countries to overcome their of the Afghanistan Chamber of framework, Iran agreed to sharply differences through political ne- Commerce and Industries (ACCI) curtail its nuclear programme in re- gotiations. The Presidential Pal- called on office-bearers of the turn for the lifting of sanctions that ace recently issued a statement Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce have crippled the country s econ- that Afghanistan will back Saudi and Industries (TCCI) in Dush- omy. Hundreds of Iranians took to Arabia in Yemen war, adding that anbe, and discussed ways to im- the streets of Tehran in celebration the decision was taken after con- prove bilateral trade and econom- after the agreement was announced, sultations with ulema religious ic ties. According to media re- with drivers sounding their horns scholars, former jihadi leaders, ports, the ACCI and TCCI have in approval along the capital s long- security officials, analysts and el- reached an agreement regarding est street, Val-e-Asr Avenue. But ders. A number of Afghan critics holding joint trade exhibitions in Iran s arch-foe Israel said it would warn that Kabul s support to Sau- Tajikistan s capital Dushanbe this increase the risks of nuclear prolif- di Arabia against Yemen will year in August.