¦ i i i Y.Ti.-iO

1040 Mr ; STABLISHED rk ; 1 1 ' ' ' LXIV NO tfOL; . nd t THE GENERAL T)T> ' ' -J~ : I ' ' ! : ^ NEWSPAPER. i JV ¦ ' marriages, ; I : I ' I n ¦3Jrth5i r I I j ' tl - 2)eqths. : , : i ?^.ep^id f^dver^isei j n^rits Snapping Births. ] Marriages ' and Deaths charged SITUATIONS VACANT! li. Bd.jfor five lines. Every addition*! tCPI CULTURE, DAIRY; MARKET (Coilt'd.) line Bd.; ; j I ¦ wtii QARDE N L &e ' ' I^OTXliUY LnboitrtTS ujuntcd f>Jr C:i^t Cijdq Ltd ¦ 1 I ion Pipe foundry. No dSspiili'. Ship^n^ Gompaii: 9 Imporfarif to Fa rmeri i k Others ' ' ' i.i MAKttl.:IA»iKS . \|M> i v l< Huliert MauLurcn and C<. .. i BUTOHEES, Farmers and othere will (' 1 New ' iXXi and 1 I flnl good Market] for Hides, Skins, ana: S n-t»l. South Side, GlasKod , • and Powerful Steamera. r. jJLLY m:\nxi:- -O:, nui ' Excellent ij us^l Accommodatiol. : lectric light THE CITY AND CQUNT W¦ ^ LOAN 00., LIMITED, K.M.Jjiii Holy CrU> ttteiitjton by fxist. Address : M.. Uock^ thosi- aec|islonicd to Fotiudry , SCOTLAND, and- NORTfl OF IRELAND. DCBLTN.- ai d CORK. ¦ ; I.Vv.j il'iorse Ilraui.n.\ St. Mary 's. C!cn lUitiikl Street, IWaterlord : j ttii rk. V... diapu-t*. iApply Works Hake Cfi th . Ad T»noo» daily i to :Ladi« , &eovi*iEoa, ?aimen, 8hop»eep*r», *PI ' ' i - i '. ( , iru-V i Jbrothor ol ' lirJiii'Rrooin)- M HV Maiiii?t»r . .Maufurlahc-!.- Strang and Co. (JOTernman^ Bailie end all re^poiiiihlc T ¦Uiol Ireland, led nolljrj,1 j Park , Kil.°hcoUui. ; s>n« B \fiTiit«! andl Sons LW j, iO'Cotinnll CT I U.S('.OW . I 1 : ;]? : WATERFORD - ; t©AtSi;».'ii.T ^f* Appt&Wr^. Jr Monti- SeouritT—notej oi William, son <*f Mr. A. (.'. Iliiiiu. - Slneo. I pood boctionk clearine at 6(1 bind elan*, aid -witboot ,- pobliom, (ilenji Kilfhi'olan. and 4}d. Jars, 4d. and 1. 7d. OHucli RKPliESKXTATIVE To^VpPOo^^^i-Every Monday, Wed- from r LIVERPOOL—Eve:y Monday, £10 UPWARDS, lUpayzneatd < in jbe made by inetai^neint [ ,>'oun K Man • . liesday, and Saturday, j ! I'Jil ohcipoi| tlian butter. j wnnt.sl by a Iwholqsale firtn for direct Wednesday^ and Friday ; direct. I ai M «E»T be trracted. Those reqwiiiaj l.rpbY. laml FLYNLX—<)nV Satur.hiy; , To GLAJ&OW-ivByery , Monday temporary advances wlil And tbe>bo-rU» inot.i|'at Holy Cr issis; Church, 'J'nijtiw. - tViiitiliv.- Carlow , Kipoennjf, etc. .State (direct) t'rem GLASGOW—Every 1 londay I beei l «c I tOMi Tellable nnacoi«rs 17t(j)l| &!\LE-l-Cubb4«e Hants, b.-*i :i(.f . ..xiUirifnee, galiry xeauired Uox •dvanoinj «a perBonil ««ourity.; OaU orwrtttifot: rnOs and partiouUn¦ , *hiob I'.obcttlJ Luddy, SrSnrin^vaU'. TipiM-nuv ¦10!) and Thursday (direct) ... 2 p.m. : will b« fornW»a on - oeApt. Owb " • :-v Miry (Molly) KKlymi. Ki!Tnao!i-:i _'ut duolity. 7d per 10U ; Os 6d p<-r tli -.u- lOnsoji iVn d Son , Ltd., ipublin. ' I «n» by »oei/ :] \ ' From BBISTOt—Every, Th arsday (cargo ('•- . Watorfonl . bj KI L- V . Fathi-r (VN.'ilV suii•!;] onU'r.-i takehj liroeh's SIIT<-< :"^ ¦ Th.. lir dgo. : I RuliERTSON I!RO^. require a ilnan of I onW ! ; Tp '- \- 1 1 1 ii 1-1. experience for tb'-i r Readymaih- mid ^^K-g^fiSS&^SSL From CARDIFF-«-Everyi alt. ma to Friday, J?OA TO C81OQO LOANS BTWW DJ xESH EGGS all t^ie year round l.y iJIiit Dcpiirtiiient. S Ut From LONDON" (St. Kath trine Dock)— IEISH CIVIL SERVICE dOliiXJpost; Money lent vitbbut »ecur)t/| DK VTHS. , ° Ladies orj Gen lemen can have their own F i sinpr l our, Waterglass. Tin?. -Id.. ¦ a^teGoods alsd ov' ^ ¦ Every Thursday and Sa turday. acceptance!:| c iscounted.; l'.RIEX—At\i 2Sia.2Gi; F.asl 7d.. l;.i and Is: 6d. G. Wiite and Sms WAX' .'E-D—A Young tady for First- . carried to London-by^^ all' : Goods also carried fre m London by : or , post-dated < > lUt ll . Sailings vial Liverpool BUILDB'G SOCIETY cheques ;ro made, and no Bailwtj in iU't.ion. Kdwiinl ShelVm. "Th From Plymouth—Every Si turday Fawa. I . M . |l 1 " > obK I SALEl—Two Billiard Tables las youhg irl 'jto he lp in 1 |i I 1 C.in;UHans . s< iv>jij ><>u of Mr . aw tuU-sized WANTED-^ j^ I (direct) LOANS GRANTED ON. ; THE; MOST 'BonowcTB &i Bjlxg wiUi other firms fcan Mrs.ilUonnt' $ln>lton . liossmnr? Iliwi st JD iood B9 new). One iB a h.iu ;. . w»rk and l sleep at home; afjo JB 6|. Apply ^-« rom Southampton—Eve ry Friday, ha/ve tbeir Lo mi paid ofl ox Increased ( '.). Liuu'riek . '¦ table And the other U x fr-iin Hi II 1^. Apply by loiter on y Uiirf To CoTa)LEvkry urs i via Plymouth. FAVOURABLE |TERMS;T0 ¦ and thooa who JU» about -!ii : paper. : (cargo only)! f' to bcrroy ahonlt . IMS iffice of this ullu-e. ^ •> n m ' From Newhaven—Every ! II '¦ To f>ub,in - Every " P fonday PERSONS TO BUILD OR PURCHASE write for full ii iformttion to j! 1 I - ' Saturday (vlk I (cargo only). ' rVjI: 5AllE-Or;indfaith..rV Clwk il.>« -- X1TVNTK1) . for unlicensed Gocery. Belfast), cargo only ...12 noon { HOUSES IN TO>VNS OR TO PAY OFF THE BTAHDiiBO PBIVATB F1NAN0B WREATHS.—Tou' get economy: and ¦ ' From Dover—Every Tuesda r (cargo only) "¦ 1 -jA V We). ICa'rpot; Maii^vl ; "Tahl.- Hi V » 'X|)'Ti<'nci'd eouiitor himd. Apply •Direct Service to London and MORTGAGES THEREON. \ \ !; 00. 01 IRELAND, LTD., I punctuality by sending your orders to I I l..n and Newcastle Tea Co., .]Jroad to and from Newhaven meantime suspended. \ H Barronstrand St. Large [stock ol JJcJu Street. PAID UP CAPITAL £124,660. j : . JAMES Ol WAL8HE. Be4 | ' St reet. I of 1 Wreatha, Crosses, etc., from 6a to £5. JL ;. 15 ANGLES 3A STREET. DUBBIN Q. ifiAI-E—Grand iPianoIorte by ( ¦>!- For Bates of Freight. Passenger Fare , Annual income, a Quar^r a Million McGaul, successor to W. Power. | Tele F>R A N'TKU—An A!pr>n>ntio<> t» Gtocery . * and other information ap >ly to ¦ trams :|McCaul , Ironmonger, Waterford . Ill if. I ami Collurd ; guaranti-i'd m \\7 • CLYDE SHIPPING . fijerling. I | : ' • ; T F Unu.ud VV Wi fir and Spirit busbies." . Apjuly ; CO.. LTD.. Custom House Quay, V iterford. m r splendid condition. Apply ' Telegraphic •• RESERVE FUND8 £22,500. anc Quay IKK *> _ tiiisj ofiicv. ' Address : "CTiMnnm (po(. Dcpo5its received at the following ratei ^ ! ¦ SALE—Two good Iron iBodsu-.-i-U. WVN'TKIi—Assistant to G rocery. of interest:— ! : i :| Money to Farmers F3!l 1 1!- . Wfyie iind Sulrtt Bu$inesis. 'Apjjy lent hei i , (Vntr;il Boot House, Watwford . For Prospectus arid all information ; 'Whatsoever, otisy repayments !. ar- .\ -.iy i C0xt this ' office. : (DIRECT)-WEDNl SDAYS. apply to ¦ : : ; " ; : fi ranged tc> uit borrowers conyeni- :! WANTED—RcstJecUible Yolunt' G\r\ From Liverpool at 2.30 p m 1 j j CAHIRCIVEEN ¦ ALFRED H. MERCER. Secretary, i |enc« , no perjsonal interview required. to ijiind ehildren and assist, m li'jlit. 'SAXOXLV Sat. . June 111 I All i jbusineRi done 'by post in li..ii-- wurk. Apply bOGl this; office. LIVERPOOL TO WC l i — * . [lOlLDINpi DECORATING, CAMEKOSIA . bat . June 'JO W YORK. !strictest |t>rivi cy, and every ' op- Youth's aged 15 tj. i'. trained foi A. 1.1. 1 (UIRECT)-EVEUY PAT JRDAY . BY plication re ei -es immediate atten- ' REPAIRS. &c. ORDUNA. Sat.. July ;i tion. ; 1JRA?!CHKS of [Telegraph Servi.f. I'.S. MAIL STEA HERS £20 TO £6,000 ADVANCED, I ! I :| I • THE CEA8IDB AND COUNTRY- * Cabin arid Third Class passen^rt. onl y. 1 Apply, I ! li Officially RocoSDised by ' Sailing: under tho 1 Vmerican ' : , ilastes ot Houfe Repairs promptly HOUdES, APARTMENTO, &c. TOj CANADA, By Private Lender on Slmpla i : BOARD ' OF TRA DI -:. I.IVEKI -OOJ .. ASL to. w Flag. ¦ Tbe Brilis ; Discount Co., Ltd ¦ ¦ ¦ attrad.^1 DoorsJ Windows , +'loKD^)N LIVERPOOL. ¦ ' '¦ ' ¦ Kocifs, Shop iFronts. etc. AVJlliuai YnuiiL' ! : 42a. SO TH MALL, CORKj I • ! {"'" ' HflluSE BilU of Sale taken, l and Ab«oIuU: I'.OABD OF ADMIRALTY , LONUON . Pol :berry. : | BAJXi the Pennsjl- ; ' secured. | Golf nnd Churches, ' vania Railroad, which ha 1 the Shortest and intending borrowers are waited upon ¦ vtn tly, VV quantity, ;large or small; supplied absolute ! at Wholesale priceB. |Ouf 'stock exceed combined -with moderate -charges, under Ward* Brbtheri aM Harvey and 8on', W*i and Most Direct Route to a 1 places in the j the personal superviBion oi the Tro- Western States. : . oompleto ' transaction.an terms. inutu*fly! 1-lRSX; ESTABUsJIIED & LAKCrl-^T 3JO.0D0 Irolls: " Write for patterns, stating torford; Mira iMJ v Bolgar. Ballydufl; arranged,' NO; CHARGE ! being mad* MONEY. ADVANOED, from &B require—DcptJ 602, The prietresdi 31 M Tj^y i Ulchasl Foley ind P:.Evans, Duflgirvan; ' Apply to American Li le, Liverpool, 1 i ; IN" IRELAND. whit <4*. (XI ; is here ; unrivalled attrictioni ; two PEJM Y GUIDK Dungarran—James Baly, 1he Square. Htid3on*R. Apply 6050 this office. miles "of promenade piers ; fifteen Graipie—Michael Mnrphy, Grocer. ¦ minutes from Dublin; boatinc. PUBLISHED ..MONTHLY AT New 'Ross—Patrick Hunt, IB Quay, and : i ill! ¦ liahinc, MONEY I ;MOf. ' INIMITABLE colling. etc. Guide free. Depi. Y., THE OFFICE OF THE " WATF.R- W. G. Williams. , MONEY t !: f it in emphatic ford. It indicttei EMPLOYMENT WANTED. Town Clerk. • Tallow—Timothy O'Leary, rational School •omethraj standing by itielf—mttch- FORD NEWS. CONTAINS FULL Thomastown—M. Westermen, Chnrch-st. J| - j li :! leiiT-iuperUtively good—the best of VTO. 2. Richmond Terrace . Tr imon- . PARTICULARS AIIOUT LOCAL Wexford—W. Timpscn, 19 South M»in-eL |oountry ?iri wishes'for small i> to bi> Let, , Kilmacthomas—w. O'Donoghue. iti kind. Since |their - introduction YOUNG furnished for July and STEAMSHIP AND RA I LWAY THE WXTERFORD1 : lijiht place; country preferred ; hit Kilmesden—John C. Smith ! . . ;l JOMPAN •bout three-quarten of ¦ century Auiftist. For particulars apply t» Mr- , ¦ Eom > experience of house work. 'Apply Ho.Id. Ebrincton Terrace, Tramor.' . SERVICF.S. Queensiown—Ja*. Scott amI Co. ' 0, JOHN . i(o, Beechim's Pill* have ! never U055 this office, i °T««T ; |, ! I j r oun I ccaied to grow in: public favour, And slakes CAOH Advances from £5 UPWAl DS on y^tir Approved PER8ONAC the'; knowledge of their excellent ' SECURITY. BEPAYMENTS—Weekly, U onthly, or as m ly be arranged to anlieon. corrective and curative propertiei . MIOCELLANBOUQ. hti now become general. Time triei lloUOEO, &c, FOR OALE OR venience of Borrowers. All; applications wi 1 xeceivejlmmeliate Attention end Will be •11 [things; the inferior go, the best | WANTED. Shanties treated confidentially and with courtesy! f PECUti TERMS ITO FABMER8.: | j luryive. : The wonderful popularity ALJ. shades in the Cottage Dis smper ! I Apply, THE MANAGE: !. B JOaN BTBEET, WATEBFOBDJ ol {Beecham'i Pills ia indubitable for walls, both cheap and TTOUSK to Let. containing 5 J-arao durable. 7 Ib. tins. Is. 6d. Ape it—11. Si : ¦ i i ; testimony to their value and efficacy. Xll Airy iRoorhs, Kitchen, w.c. A|4 r -> Udl . Quay. There - ia nothing better for ! tlie U. f. Plielan. 49 and!43, Quay A Church must be Built in honour correction and cure of indigestion , • I - r 1 priest's Eoad Tru- lloon to Housekeepers. BeJ e Is. ;! ' impaired appetite, biliousness, sick- :TJ!OU-SK |to Let. at . A Bottles of Glacier Varnish Stain of St. Anthony of Padua. Hotels. 1 1 5 suranee. constipation and thcionj JUJ more for m'onth of August; 2 SitUni; headache, , , hot and cold w.itfr makes old furniture, floors , etc. U)ok train of ills that follow digestive Rooms, 5 bedrooms .ike new. 62, Quay. bnttl. p:js , barden, etc-. i Apply 60J4 this TTIATHER GBAT'fl wonderful efforts to plant the " Faith once delivered to the diiturbance. Men and women, : in oQicb. ' ; J? I SainU " in the Non-Catholic Town bf Fakenham, hava been rewarded. The THE ] •ll 'ititions of life, have proved for I A wonderful restorative in all ci sets of luii^arnoan hoc blossomedhlnATItldTIC j.V weakness and exhauntK'A in Wilderness has themselves the advantage ' of baying IALL IFurnished H'buse to Let . qui- t earnestly seeking for Truth.-longlng to be fed with the Bread of Life. (The FOUR COURTS SJ V1T.VFEII, the Tonic Food. UOM{* from t e increasing thii sjinitation perfect; vi 'y. SacrfetyrChurch is now far top email to accommodate ASSU¦ B | hoasehold! remedy always : at place); Temporary ¦: ¦ NCE If. od. each from Goo. White und Sons, Gray prays dally before I God s Hoi; Altar that i . A cq\, hand. You also will benefit from th* App y 6057 this office, i eongregation ; therefore Father HpTEL, ¦ Ltd., W aterford. kind generouB souls may be touched to assist in building a House < f Prayer for FOB LTD |M . wisejuse of | ' Hou.-c, blesBing to Fakenham—a Tabernacle in which me dear Re- tNN'S QUAY, DUBLIN. I rpi3R.EE I STOREY Licensed A brolten Pane q f Glasa replac ed at all people. What a FIRE, AC( [DENT. WOBKMKN'8 ' X - with lartre ; vard, , 2 w.c's, hot nnSons, Ltd. Great II Chairman, f < accommodaticm : mouldings to select|from. Work promptly The Church must now be Built. Special Aocothm(jaatlon tor WeOdist i ( ' iiioh bUsitiess;l ei-feof :;• 0,'CONOR;D01 . H.M.L. .-x<- ij!l.>nt oentr|. -Apply Ham>y ami dono on the premise: . I Fatties. j ! ! LAURENCE W. MARTIN. Esq. \ ; ¦ ¦ Do not begin a VJork and ihen TJoglo5ft it ! . I- . I • .. . . f i I ; r ^ou] (Jlad.^ione j Street. ; : PHILIP H. GKIBBSON,' ksq : BOOK j BARGAINS—A large selection From this little " seedling " fission of St. Anthony of Padua am ther Misiion Smoking Concerts. \ j JOHN SIN0U IB Esq. (Belfast). of Oi. Novels by the best autt ors at mites from Fakenham; a good lite has been . ¦ II! basibeon started at East Derohasni-13 BERNARD H. OIREILL?, Esq.. Tldj WATBEFORD NEWS . ! : Is. each;i also new 2s, Novels at Cd. each one at Fakenham is completed. ] et, still fur- i ,&c obtained for a Church when the j Henry G. Kilbey j ! Managing director. HOHSES.VEHICLE^, HARNE8S at Poole's Stores arid. Library , 134, Quay, Iher good news ! A third Mission ii in contemplation in another portion, of Ttltobone l«8 | Hanging Dliectoe.; ; 1 ' Waterford. | | gifi 3 \TKBE \ Father Gray's huge district. Wires :' "Exoel. Dnhlin.V ! I ! ! Low Rated' of Premium and Prompt lad g\ Have you, dear reader, the Conver.-ion of England really at 1 ;«rtf If so, !| Liberal Settlement of Claims. tEAIl VANS for Sale; also Spr:n-.- DVNCliXG Carnival. Pavilion. Tr;i- Work is Solely Depet ienx on the INSURANCE: B: 'ts of HameaSi all in niorij'. Mirth, and Melody Qive freely and. Generously, for this Great The Poaition of the Company i» Amply ~$ ¦ ¦ IUU' Dray :md !Se Faithful. ;\\ :. . v*Biaa»xxk BT TH« ; j perfect order, Address C057 this ofiic )>>• tlicj Rolling I Sea. Aupr inntcd alms of the i i Becured Independent of CapitaL I Orchestra. All the latest danoe oiifie. If Catholics could only realise for themselves the facts relating 0 this Btrug- COMFORT & CONVENIHfiba I proposal:Fork* and all information! on Ocean Accident and tlOOD I M ARE, , for Kvcrythi jiu clean ami refined. P -ices— «Hng Mission, both for what 13 bsinp do;i|a and what could be done, and what Is CERTAIN. ; M; I application to Company's Agents, or to B Sale lil^o iBeresf qrd Gif, : suitiilil.' (i otits . Ik; Ladies, ! Sd. ; Spi'ftalo' -s. 3d. not i done, it ia certain they would be .-core alive to tho real and irgent neces- WJ COOJTli,. Manager & Becretaiy. Liiie Train Irom Tramoie eveiy Tliiirs- ' Fakechnm. Whether tho Gift bo Gi >&t or Small, I \ f,,r Uif liorse. Apply (JOGO tliisjolfin- . lity of completing the Church in The 'Wicklow' stands for all that tb«M i Guarantee Corporation dn>- «-vening at 11 b.m. X.H. —i ptriiil t«nd it to us before the sun goes down ¦ on your good intention. ! LTB ' llani-es can be arranged for ¦ luring words convey. Standing in the bu»t- i 1 (Emniwaiadb 7 Spedil Act «4 Pajuamjat) F(iR SAIiE, to be teen on prpmi.^s . I Address—FATHER H. W. QRAV . ness centre of Dublin, the Hotel;UI ¦ 1 Waggonette , seat 10 or 12 pa*- .l uiio only. Apply iSilanacer . l'avyion. !|o : : | ; ; frlnclpal OHlce : - .U " 8T. AJNTHONY'S CHURCH, NEAR EVERYWHERE of interest sonars - Family Wagonette, seat. .>: '2 the Travellerl Its table and rootat K RISKS ;3o fi 44, Hoorta|e St., Leadoi, B.C. Sid3 Cars;! Fly, Covered Car, 1 H-ioJ F)R Stomach and Liver Trimbles. FAKENHAM. NORFOLK, EN ¦ LAIJD. d..n 'l forget 's Anlifcilioii s are as good | as training,, care, «UJ «J Busi. Apply 6039 this office. : ^'White IITA w And a Beautiful Pi :1 of the knowledge can make them, Pills isudar-coated).; |6d. and Is. • < -r 1< > X •P.B.—All Donations promptly aektiow lddged. j INS [RANCE Tblr Conpoe Intunoce-Tlckil'l ' ¦ i anal Gen.nl irom Sons , Ltd.. 'Ya. er- Sacred Heart and 8t. Anthony pf Padua ient to each Benefactor. I : - i , HORSE I SHOEING and WlCKtiO\W HO TEL ! tot he ] detached. Ml ' BlacksrnitW WorkJ 23. Bean Stm-t . for.l. i result of my WICKL0W RTREET, DUBLINJ (:ity. June 36th. : 1015. As a " ; LLOYD' LOWEST RATES. adVLrt.is-iuent ih last Week's "hvcninr ni. liXITURE—The public kn.Av us I X^ MAH0N, ManatM. flBQlfilioCBAN ACCtDM %f I nriw|nnd They claim 1858—186B : j |; ; thai they|Cpmc. Phone Numbers ¦ I AND GUARANT Y* yvsin" I hive pleasurd in stahiiR : ¦; : A IIISB ; -luims 1 I ¦ ¦ JTn I II IB CORPORATION , Liall^l. R<1. Murphy, who is wtfll knowri to W ator biiriiiiHis.jhcri' and have t-lio.r ¦ FOR THE LAUNDRY. \Saf mvB Kff Principal Office , Hoi. site at allowed . w> there is ,nb necessity fo clnl)- JAMES WHITTY '-! u Moorjate StreeLLoflaan ford horse [owners, as low employed ¦ HARRINGTON'S i I, . the above eEtnblisii inent. -where tic orat<- a bolder •• iblt Cou^oo-tniurinc».Tldnt Us will LTve his itfost careiuil attention to Fiimisherc . jWatcrford. Cn-- ^QM TpN. ! THE Rt»KIJSSOR OSCAR. Expen Chiro- from Is. Excellent Sit^ Accldont\ and Guarantoo ¦ ¦ Otka fif th« srf'iAartt kj> g|»a(A tlaa PAnnvk MAA 1 Gfij; (' ^" mot ey. Finder rewarded. Apply ! I pmlist , euros orns, Iugr.wii!-^ Tin" tinn Rooms, Coffee. Commercial: (Com- •I Its Principal Oftce , ln London within I*urla«* EVERY VARIETY 1 ; Bar Corporation dsjrs alter It. nocurriaca ; it) ttat madkal MrtJ- tli:- office , ; | N'.iil- 4 Scotch C u(iy TABLETS—2d., 2^d., i d,, H<> fortiililo Smoke Room and Private j , Limited, [ Cciteaand other infannatlciLbi I orslsatd»r tks * iind Supper Room jreccntly added.} ;Cen- jinon clilminj OFFERS TO PROFESSIONAL AND upon! rtqueit (or the aama air tlu •rfST, in Oity, Safety Pin with <>!¦¦'¦ PAINTING—Now is the tinib lor If ymi cannot procure locall y, writo and ia Cartons evi rywhere. tral . Homely. U P-TO-DATE. PERFECT tcrbontlon ; and (d that thli IniurasM ae>t*i ihi- ¦ *aly to persoos overl twelve and under srreatr 1J n centre. Reward;if taken U. Papering andi 'Painting at very Manufacturer* — SANITATION. Nd disEatiEfied clients.¦ BUSINESS| plEN. ; THBdUGH IT8 vein of s{c; U UinltAd U oat Coupoo-InMruoc- ui-vleralcj prices. itodkiuBon. The Mall. in ' ' ¦! Ilclltt /or any odiheldtr.aad ae4is> mid Aceident and Qtiamntee' Company, LtO., meT want-: liri'. . VARNISH WORKS. CORK. '. Act, i»i." K|IIt itj wkni iiij ara B60T Repairers- Tf-o Mail I -trf . l'ern mbulators. etc. Mnrp liys ; DENT I AND BICKNESB-iTO j 'N=.J DUBLIN : ¦ a^ « BATHS' TURKISH ' Ucraipitikl* with thi Ikm Boyd's^ .Waterford. ' First <4a. Wat -M'tird. i ! - < i^clal Madltlosi HsM. a1 ..i.. - \u n.ni. 'er .-. and .Furnishers . Contractors to Admiralty and ' - S^HICB, ALL 1BI rbl ' wor;; highest >vage3. Apply at .- War Office , etc. AIBO Cabinet, Reclining and ! Shower '¦ ¦ ' i , K««««»loa »J thll Coaaaa-liuaram^TMot ¦ ' ¦ £-X Ii admitted to b« the Mjratnt at a praniliui aod« 12. Broad Street, Baths. ! -j :! , : POSED. ,| Section U •I tbtActj A Print af thailct WJinJF/SONS" Cloudy iLavendei Am- »i t»t caaW aaaa Open for Winter Months for LADIES ¦ Pr3wp»l Ofiita Ql thi CartoaUM. i T v . ami in..ma. cleans Clothes, Silver , Pmnl. ' ¦ ¦ feESSMAiCERS—Wanted, Co:it ' CUTLERY.—For snperolr quality Tuesdays and (Fridays. • For GENTLE- :'].!!• -i' | • ¦ . • ' and .louse- ¦ ¦ H(*d Offload ! O ¦Bodice Makers | in Dressmaking etc. InvEtluablc for Toilet of Best Quality stocksd Table Cutlery, Raxors, ¦ Sdtsors, Pock* MEN on other ;days of week. ' j •Ifnatara of taUtr ¦ ¦ . D permaii- hold liurposes. 6d., Is., and" Is. !}1. per GAS MANTLES I. I : i Dep irtment. Good WORCS and O'< onne.U at Walter Walsh and Sons. Bsrronstrand Knives, nj Waller Walsh and Bon* Apppy Heiid Or.—- liottlc from George White. Barroostrand Street. Waterford. Cleanliness guaranteed. Moorga e Street London <-nl iTopIoyinen«. Street Street. Watortord. TTSC l I8, ! -W1,-. ; tTiial.nalvlr, Hearne and Oo. Ltd.. C3, Quay Guarantee undertaken by the Ocean Accident Corporation, Limit ¦ , carries¦ a Free Insurance of £100 and Tliis Plag ! i : ¦ i : MOMDAY porary inanaser _enii)loyed owinj : to being bant ho eaid|he - satisficld. They! sug- John -Douglas stated that-he drove tlie ! : | ' , WATERFORD in lad health , and when the temporary gested one or two j | I Comit} Court .I ndji c fiti- other things t>> buas done- . boat when it was employed- on the river - ; His Honor niai agcr left in August, 1014 , Mr. Howie andjhe said( " No, [ she is ulri ^ht she and the engine always ranj satisfactorily. herald TCPUiui'd the (henrins of tlie busi- : i?ol i imai'i commission as well as £2 10a. iu."! | : i When the boa t was bought Mr. Waller Quarter Sessions; n«ss of the Trinity (Quarter Sessions in per week—2} per cent, on second hand His Honor asked wliere did they go to handed him a new coil, and this with tho 1-lie County C"Urt tllis morning. oar- and 1 per cent, on all new work. as a test, and the -witne-ss said that on battery he alwayb kept in|hi» house at l! jo¦ -f i^ ¦ TO-DAY O YOU^ la.stod~until toward s the tJio lirst ; . CLAIM FOK WROXGFVI Thn! aranpoment occasion ' they ran up to the night. On getting a letter, frpm Me-s.rs h i :- . : : - j : i ! . : ' : |NEE SATURDAY. . mid 11:> of Deceniber when plaintiff said bridge and back again as far n« the Point, Thompson he gave the coil and battery IJISM : SSAI - he nas lciivim;, thut he hud aut an ap- a distance oi about .v:i> - <- 'or dani- four miles. On tilt to thi; storekeeper at their !yard. Hi.-, Honor -Cirtmty Court ludfrb Fitz- T i i> ' a ri .uil * considering about romainin^. Witness back rowing ; ^ M r. I' . A. Murp hy -.Jr.. appeHTed for tiffs, plus material. - I iiml IVJILII , ai I ,\lr. K U Koilly, Regis- told mm he woult1 not accept the re- His Honujr—Wluii w.nt » r. o---Th,- 1 M-elre itVinlmfce plaintiff , ami Mr S Hy. li.L. (instructed Andre w Rogers'," iKishery Cohservato;- trar. i:i . spot sibility of asking him io .-my. bit: iiigiiH! 6top rl('d anQ iio wn> not ab:o K- and Pilot, stated that last summer 1 it- The fo>Howiii£ is a 1st «f the e»*\s <>H by Mr . 0 K.'ane . »i ;r.J appeared for the than he. could .-lav mi his •¦ivn i:- -pf c >in- Replying io further questions by bi. * county anil fuuj in ihi} city; two criminal tifl wa= « :p.il. i nit r:ui!iu' t -uip lovi 'd by - effect of -that would be to rot the hull ' mi.-: ion. Witiuvi de:iio< l tint tl ui i «n- Honor , witness Mr. Curdnei at \.\> 111¦ M • .r said the boat was intrud- Witness had painted his own .boat of 20 case.s iijj lh*» ei iinty and two in the city ; jarase in the a t« elve months' . cii-. 'iigenii.r.t but p lii i- ed for tity hi Maitii . i'.i]4 , |iiu-miff caliu' ovt'r Mr. Jones's use. and the engine fort inside and outside in a dayJ o:ie ;'i i iijinal ii jury application utiUor that mi|ir«>:ioii , wus'a difficult j\j>)io.-iC ;u- uii-lcr the Workmen's from Seothmd i., ili . Cnrdin'r . having one but not lor an exp it His Honor -went V> Inspect (ihe lamiv-h three a and wnen lie thought lie win a fixture His Honor] Compensation \i -t ; lu-'o remitted notions, ii vn ei:j; .'i^i- ii ti.i -' .iili .JI :!,lv|it,i*i -nirnl said the question was bow at Thompson's yardi and after an examin- Ci for wolve month.; hu put hi- hands hil > much was owjng ' one propate ctvii bill .mil lour equity ut^i biiiiiry "i h/-Ja v. - , k. Vfter s.i:ne to lite plaintiffs ation of the launch he decreed for £lu, his lockets and went around "ami left Mr. Power said there was a euuiM r- .-mil dismissed the counter-claim. IKISVS. oi e of .hic.li it- defended . nine ho Wii • about in i. -ave arid a iww UMMM^^i thinp to tlu> apprentices to do . with tin- elaim for ' The a rater uor' !•• •) of the forenoon ariang.-mi'ir. was <- ii •.T .M I i n to by which il-KMoi damage done to the b .at. ;u result that witness was losing his bu-i- by the ; TUESDAY. was 1aJ. a wi' L'k and cer- plaintiffs. jj Tiess, jit- lost sc-mo of his very hct-t cus- Mr. Tlloinpson t-d civil!] bid i a.-i s w'hich contained no tain C>!IIIIII--I<.: I . ail' li« - .::ui a ibcod en ' lii.-ni i.'iied ai>uni t ' ii His Honor County Court .fudge Fitz- tomers. Oil St. Stenneu si Day the plain- triul run .in SAI UCVI Mr. Hi-avne . Mi . Hi>s - ' feal-u vo of iieU-i-oi-t tojtlu- public. ^a-j .vurut tr-.ni : : H - 7th Nov-'inber . )'J14. gerald sat in the City Court n 10 o clock \_ lX ^hkL .; tiff took ono of witness's earn and lirousht loniley. and J " mfc;- .~: The lofrnl '-•¦ itli mei| pre.-ont in court to tin- Ttii Xovembijir . I'JIi. A^ far as hinii.'lt i.)'ik pan Thov yesterday morning. He was accompan- £— \ ^?*}L^ : ¦ \l , ¦ it to Mount Mu'.lemy witlioui any pcr- ^ .liii-in.r id, mi. if 111• _ Were —Messrs. 1' A Jiiaiuliff kiit -w he ^'p.ye rv.-ry satirifaction wont down ak far as the Island -i-ul bad; ied oil tho Bench by Aid. ,11c ckctf, and ' nii-onn. again, li IU' .Mu r))liyi| II I) Kcdiic , I* O'l'onnur t-j Mr. ('oril.nT , n::d ji^ie iait-r never eom- und \lr. Bottuinley oxpr. ™-.- ,l him- Mews A. M. Harper , K.M i J« hn Walsh . ^JM Ur :'lM\ ¥&*&"*- (Dunfoni nnd I 'Connpr); H J Jones Mi. Scaly—Did you hear liim ray ho self .satisfied! with the engine. He said .1.1' ; K. Phelan , J.P., and Th'Jmns Whit- plauied until ne eot| a K-lter diHiiiissin.^ mil the>,.. H (I. Thornton /.ml Soil): 11 J Connolly tlic- had tiiu privileire of tukiiiL' it wus an old obsolete .pattern . ilint they tle, J.P. ! him •>!) 27tii M aj-eh and g iving him car; —I did nut i-ncaj io him as a u'emie- (Kenny Ijiind. Stophcnijon); P R (Buggy, o w -ek' s salary HI lieu of ' hid every thing th.'it ooii 'ai b> - done, GR.IX'D JURY;. - lUL^^fei^Ui. iiinicfl. inan at-lar^'c'. I encraced him ns a work- .fames M.-Coy 'Dobf .vii and Mi-Coyi: imtl Mr. Svuly. for the ilcteu.laiit . siid that and that there might bo more, innm-.y ox- Tli>> following ' the Graivl (i A Noliin. in? mechanic. I could not afford to al- ponded on the boat but it was not worth were sworn ;on| tlh> defence was thntjth'cy eould not keep !¦¦ Jury:—Messrs Francis Graham!{foreman) , tln> >«• that kiiul of thing. while. Witness also explained ..ttli-; re- | man mi any lorjor he worked tio Wi lneS3 added that the plaintiff's visit J. (i. McCaul. Patrick O'Louf;hlin, Thos. j i biidly; he stole soiiit pairs carrioi out .|o tiro b.j at seiii-rolly. | | of ilieir ^opds and y without his K. Shoedy. John Brennan , I Thomas W. .iOMMlTAl, loRDLKS. sent away sume >>f their <-uitombrs to 1 ublin was absolutel and said ttiere were no eompl.iiuls by I| ' i and leav > and he did not know ho waa jroiiiu. Fud;er, Wifliom E. 'Meredith, C. sent away tbeir men . and filially after , Mr. Jones tHat the.Tepairf had nut . been Ho v :»-nt on a Saturday n-d canus back on done satutfaitority. cimwnjuni- O^Mahony. B. F. Phelan, EdgnV H White, three ni.ir:tlis l:iev tl]-m: 1 him The only David Hyland, Thomas P.I In thill cast; ui the-: National Bank His Hiinur — Tin- " the I ollowing Tuesday. He took the tyree cation from I Mr. Jones- was that he 'hail OfMeara . A Mr. N| Con- J1.- f.'iiee ih that you magneto Horn H. Poole, James- Whitty, Thomas Mur- «.qain>t || Thomtts Il^u. di-inisffd him tnr eaii-e tli. off another car and the not tlie. money at present . to pay. Ho siud tliis -n? phy, and W. P. O'Shoa. j | nolly, for the plaintiffs til)"' Mr. SedJy- Y.-, . anotier car also and t)u< mairneto was de- -aid that ev-iry care was taken with the was a Cnmiuit al eivij bit for nfin-pay- J stroj ed. Witness had nover s."en the His Honor informed the. Grand Jury iHii M IMIO - - - l.i t u| h- .-i: tho evidence boat while iji : their possession , and that 1 ment oiji£2, tin Instalment duv- on foot, of tyrei since. when put or! tho mudbank at their 'pro- that (here were two biLl* tu| go before signed now . ij SS- ¦ ~ ; • ^«^^ » • • decrw. ;pii! eon.-idi'r I . ' ' I I ' -^ I ' - .'¦------: Piainliff u:t- exnmiii' - il ny Mr. Murphy. mise* the bejat wai covered with tarpnu- them. ' and it vas on the basis of that p he in- ¦ tyre ?—I did. and ho never t-aid u word. jin. Tlio bill of chiirgos furuUlu-d w.i» I" »¦»« made. A summons He said that h -au ;in ,-i. ivi'rtiseineni m on statoinenj orde ' ' Ho imply k<^pt that eternal grin and reasonable. I the " S.-"l.-iiiau ui Kd:nl»"rt:li I O 1* ii motor LICENSING APPLICATIONS. had lieeri serve- 1 on the defendant' to ap- iiMfl nMllim'. His Honor) (to Mr. Pi.w«r>- \. ,- yon . ¦videnvt- to nianauer mi.l i..i.n,.iti in Murv 'i i.i 1014- pear and give with regard ¦ W tnoss further added that complaints prepar-d lo make an offer in>;. II « Mr. James Dooley, 46 Balb/bneken, iva- He was I-?• k111¦_' tor a) i-ihi itnm then, and a.< o ' ut . his mcurk but ho had- not done so- He wen: on dtiriiiir January. Kobnuiry, nnd through oJl 'pioso iteusr granted transfer o$ an .ordinary license farm ot over SO ac-rt*. the ho received a ti\i-'_'ra]in ff- .in Mr. CordiKT had a luRC him Mar h. TIK- plaintiff took uut a Kurd car Mr . J'owur—Wo say the boat i- ]., fro m Joseph Dooley (Mr. Buggy for ap- R land it offering to • IIL' H I - at .C! 10$. a week to in r- APPLY TO YOIJ I GROCER i vuluatiojt of w licit was C+iS 10s . ^ belu i^inn Dr. Waters Inl y and broke- feolly u.-fle4. plicant/; Mrs. Jt-mima Dunphy, lially- was situate in ahc tou'nianjl of Knouk;i- if he wmiltl in HI onfie ¦:: n mo:ith's trial JI nd witness also found that p laintifi His 1 s; hrickon , was granted transfpr| of an or- ' with a iiinnili ' - notii. 1 en :u r way. Wit- it , Honrrj—I - n-u. go on. 1 tlnu^h" tiimny. n^ux Kiliiiartlioiiinf. ing:to sell a car bel ii)i Mr Vi rilner expressed his . . witness Mr court. Witness lost u lot nf • u.-U"iiei- .-aid hu employed about GO skilled work- Michael J. Phelan, 'Ballybrickcri and Mor- lives apart from his wife. He lets the tiiitisiaetmn . and »itn!' -> ri iiw.ned on and Don't be satisfied vntil yon liave tne wii . tun clnldren ami tlinj i^li p or -is of them through an overhauling w ere employed on this boat. ; ordinary license, from Bridge t O'Ki'gan. rent out: of the grazing money, and * I furniture an.) tm>k a lmu-e After a few plaintiff curried ¦ ¦ months lie I. inid iliaj ts 10s. a iv. of lit. O'r>ullivan 's oar nnd it w.ih by the Mr. Power! isaid he noficccl from the 'Mr. M. .1. Connolly (Kenny and Stei>- :<- OI D I N SIZES TO ¦ ¦ understand he spends tlie rest of it join;; 'ek was ' OP . . I j isuifr kvERYONE j C-IM|HH1 an bill of chargiis honson) behalf of Mr Alfred George } [ ' around public ibusos j in tlie country. ! not -sufljeifnt i.> ii.ee the cost of living inerqst ohanco that tho doctlu that amongst others a ¦ f way tjie wheel was foreman engineer fitter'Ti ' Hollinslioad , Official Afisiijnea , -and Mai- ! Honor n aklej an| order roimiiiltiiif: in Wat. -1'ford . and irl .11; 1 v he' told Mr. accident owing to the . ship s earpon- . /4'{5, 5ff's,-;5Ss |y/a's & I40-lbs. | 'His uf that lit . O'Sul- i.-r , a ship i joiner, tin Fitzgerald applied for transfer of an 2pJ f > j 'three weeks for notv- ContiK-r thai In- •* ». lluin. - I'owi-r, vn tne?' Rsid premises known us the If necessary, V/ ' !ii^ than when Roya l Hotc' rite for Name of the Nearest Dealer to OlonmclJI against Mrs J Mary I.orjersnn. ing or III *- : fie ua- rlisiii.!--ini: him and -how ii defect in repairim; Mr I'.osan- tlioy held on to t.h e hon ; nnt|l I ! ! made an ' they were phid it ererv ,a:,. Mr Connolly said that lhit> was an ap- llallybrickeu. IIH Hon^ r order hi! wanted mine-.- t'jj i.'ike up his di'lie- i|in-t. s and \ld. Qiuulan s tho assignee in iliankrupUy for uon-ivaymerit of itu iustaimont 'lut * j". but Mr . Cordn.'! in iV en^ ine.and the plaiuufl tuuk the on foot a fa decriH" fur C9 Ss.. tht- debt hei'l nut eeitaiii | i ru--| >. s.'t. if rdtnnii-ri.vn whole vnisiuo down fur whirli there wa- y .u alutit tile boat lyons "» i '->- ' inu.j- Dt Patrick Cirlli gati who was adjudicated , bank : Yes and he failed tiemc for potat v> >"ld to di fondsnt by and better |.rn>|i.- .-!- .(very way. ,-»nii wit- :i-^ r iM-t?sity. It. was only a i|iiestt,.n ul - . jMr. Jonc- cam. -in and t- ltl buforn possession of t!ic in-' i; nas no ; acsigrtecs the plaintiff. | no.-* .-aid Ii- w.-iild -.- I i.ii II Hire.! inontiis ' the rng ino beiag lose in the CIUIM-S uml , p-i-ition tu have 'be ln 'li premises was taken up by tho | lying on ¦ 111 BRUNSWICK Mr. Cdhnully uppcarod for the plainti ff tria!. After t i. liu.-i' i i m.mh-.. t 'lat would of (-nurse. Alderman Quinlan v^uiilil not th J mud. Slie would get 11 r :y io renew his license for the previous year ST.| LIVERPOOL uiiil. -riieat li His .Honor—Is there any objection to and explained that the case hatj been bo -lui ut (Kti)b"i . I IIIIL' S diJ not turn pay. and witness hmi to suffer tin- hi-.- ui ind cracked nn the tup Tiio I lls? on al lafjt iQuar .r Sesiiims and a<|j inirn- iiut a> w. -i; i'- Mi ( 'inlaer iiail lu-lJ nil' Hi 1 i> . As to tho evatuophoin-- . \ jtn, . - rcsult| cr t-he. weather?-f poin "d >li- : Defendant "f -' * ajviy. Witness ob- Cr iss-exainined by Mi M ni|.hy. il« fi -n- nvl he (Mi1. Murphy) : Ii5d 'a Tetter frun| uble to appear to-day. tained a j "b in Dublii !«• his yard. | i-aiiotf for o new license. TQerf i< no T!i> wa.- civil bill hroueh bv tlie lor i and was jj oirifr tu dant denied bavins hired out .-n-t. •¦¦ -^ Mr. Horn?, his employer j who .r.av.'rt a' lU'v:- His Honor i^iade order v-om- ?o thote u- -n-iii ». Mr. C.nipor . Malinger h-r Mo- rs lioense existing now ; it expired on tho ' John Snultiy inrid Co., - hj> «a- free fr:.i- mittj il for a fontnis-'ht |is stnted. Ci>rdner. lie t'ave J Thomp-un and Son. stated tlint the l*.at 10th October last year : icit-tt, Du j lin , '-rs pir Gmlner notu tiff Uiat he tui jiht take hi.- wife out (or a Hi^-.Uonqr—That does A pt spc^V. «••;; ' prim- . ctc.j 3?iin>: A similar ooi|iniittnl| order was matli" arid tn ' -l him to <¦ bt a ill ano:lier win tuweil down ti> .the yard un the .'iid His Honor—Did you serve notice for a M.!.f>rs Stt phon. ' l'milars,' n man . and drivi. Jor the olhi|rs (.Saugiitor' ! , j 'on Fairir-i;;. against Mich iu ) Flynn. described as ¦Mr. (Vnliu-r fet abmjt dumjj so Deet-iuhi'r. 1013. Shc^ TTas full of water new lioonse ? I ! Ki!:m.-aJeiiL for tB It. 7d., nan- but did AM this, point his. Honor . inU-rvriiii i!! , His! Hon()r .said that fir the- vie:'. :i.l- ,' ; Unj iu^c.- 'or tcirnict. -fco' BailysHnn^nuovv , for ] ndl sut- i -et'd ui obtamin? a suitabEe and was in la shocking condition. -Wit- Mr. Connolly—Yes. hri- .-icii Of |ontrnct . : : nf 17s man, said he would not trouble them any more [ ant' vifc sake: he would llloW h m on'. I r payi»Vous | of 'ati instalment £1 and after MDUH time nesii de<-crihi|(l the condition of the var- 'His Houor—The objection is on (lie i* \lv jj ii- asked witness to but First Offi'i-.der' ;,i conie. | . . anil's yoaly (iiistruct.il by AI.-. I' . 3d . duo on foot of a iletroe for fc> 14s stay on. That was )would dismiss tlie action .in the ious |Mirtti , aid said that Mr. Jones went grotuid-i that there are too mniiy juib lic- under; ;the ( Ait tf> A. [loni-s. <>j i Saturday, the 5th merits ! if: icalled uphn , :and if. iMnrjilm npji eared for tlio . ;>'«::;..». Cd. ms:| a dellt ]iim after l time to see the boat. They liou.-es thore already? up rdr(er said J he l)o-it hisijwiftor stp-ters-in-laW a''ain iio I (iiutru-. by Air nia^fcr -tailor, O^Connett ttreet- , he would THOM'PSO N AND SON v. FISH.KKY asked liira s< veial tiroes about new bear- Head Constable O'Connor—Tiles ¦ - 'for L'ive witnos j Zit 10i. a. wavk and . gi-t aUmj:". sen- ¦ U.iA. Xofar^ tbe di'fendah;. : j commiision on earn I CON'SKRVATOItS. ings, and finall y he said to put thorn in. His Honor—Is that the only ground of Rould l)*i .bi(oucht itp.aiid ¦ . i; -liifpeors ! that fold only. \Vitness tenci;/lor- t lift. present offen d. I I ' , - • j in.- eoriij -ict va« . L< did nut wan; to newpt the offer This was a civil bill brought by Messrs They look lout tho online and cleaned your objection? . suji'tl y-pg in onl e'rof 0,tr>3 .i >w ' tr. r TR.4M0BE CALL .U.LET. without it i- ^-' r lii's wife 's c iiseiii . M > lie wired her ask- Thompson and Co., Neptune I ron Works , . nnd liubstauently Mr. Jonej was nr«- Head' Constable O'Connor—That is all. : |j \visbOW SMASH KC. | tit [i .i. laehJ and il-e order wu;! given .;fi» agaiast tlic Waterford sent for an hour witching -the engine in ¦ ' ' mi; if he wuuld aeei pt these terms and Hoard ut Fisher>- Head Constable McKay (Lady . I.ane ; J j.v.l to the approval o/ )>roofi>.! , ,' , , Traniorft suix] taki> up a Con-srvators , to recover £.'W ,V ou-t ui the testing block He expressed himscjf Station) endorsed the objections and mid Micrinel Grant plcidt-d guilty :•:) a:-. u- 1 ' f'oronor ndmu ad Po"«r . >>ar > engagement with Mr. . ' witl, h amj i- 1 1)< :o:idan|s' : case was that tlic pf' : o: Ballj'carnane, Tramore. Corilne.r ar lie hail saiil. His wi fe wired repa rs to a motor boat belonging t" Uie pleased withlit . and t.ild thorn to put tho iliat thori: were ton other ipublichousts dictment cliarging him ivinp •w-i-! ::o't- Hppfov.d: of -i|u.;..ij John Wsjiiih. . ciousl broken a jii 'nte ilai s •.r .C|0, the property of y i:i. "M .irv i Main Blroot,. Tr imore. hlacismith, and with Mr. C.irdiier who paid him £3 10* for vrongfully withholdinu of tlie boat. |May Mr. Jones said, "Sho Mr. Connolly—Tho population Wa- ¦His. Honor held tii*t tin- ordtr wa* < MI Queen's street every week fuuii thaj . Hi- then Ml. Jones appeared !ur tin- plaintiff , is r.-ally a wonderful li't '.o tiling . I never torford is large. Hyland. : ! e.-:i .1 rom| ! Nicholas LO'Connor. of . brought T-.votdy also pn»;eduu-d i-.-. .'..is ' foino other¦ motive. ar.4i .u for.CS \ls. Sd.. rerit due llis wife batk and sel up a house and Mr. Power. B.I.. \msUnci.-d by tlioughl -he c-..uld do it." On the 'J7l|i His Honor—The resu't oi re using this Mri ' (li- .'-.v-i'llfor !c«."i. ' : . I -. ! Tramore.jtaitar. asain. case. : , in respoct of the racquet -court at, Tra- and in tin- be'. 'innin-jj :-/ January lie took Mosi rs Dobbyu and .McCoy) for the ib•- May Mr. Jniios toil; ou; the boat, anjl would be to put something out ui the : I a house fi.r a fenrfints vHji"ii !u> i-cMci)?.] :h« Point the ongin't pockets of the creditors. I His Honor—T« this man in hi- ? mud \ taoro. || year irom Thornton and ' , Sifns in omi-iiierutiiiii 1 'ie yuar' Mij. Jones opening the cu.-e ctiid this rtepp.-.l \\[h.>n ti eir mini got into the. Mr. Connolly—Quite si. mindf.i . I j i I MA1.IC101 S INJ U RY. ' •: Mr. Jone* appeared for the plaintiff , "f s en- " ' ' Head Con.-Uble OX'onn >r-}\VM-:i :n> i ¦•• ''' " ' : 1 flaL'emeiit. He paid ijie rent quarterly was a civil bill for recovery ..! C39 ss. boat on its return h, - inimi ili.iteiy ^tarj- His .Honor—There is no doubt there ¦ and Mr. J . A. Murphy on Vhalf [of the in takes ilrink.he is mad. atidlheiis rio; very I ' defendaatk. asked to lyive thrd- for ripairs done to a motor boat , the pn- eil it a:ui ran! up as far as the Tower. Hit- ore too many publichout-es , but tho ipio— T\\- f*a« aiclnim- by John Kifiv. y • > ner -is nwiul. There wer ¦ perty of the defendant*. The boat WAS whuht .liflicuity i hiiut ui<> ••iigine wit's tion is whether we ought to (ill sane at any time. II ' Tl^.yiiiisj aJ for coiniieih-atlou f'l i • journed till Monday with a view: to a no edmplaints on this ' 1 l '' made anil he starlinL- h.-:.l The bint uuf .inly n mitkr. His . Honor—What on e »rtU is . to be ihi-.;o'.i>jd ilwellingliouse ' 'bir. possible Settlement. | t himself jiuU a^ he purchased by the Fishory Conservators - one. \ ' , dairy , tUi best eould ii\ M, ('..' 'tner '- interests. i«w,ijrds the end oi 1913 for tlie purpose -liift ihin? 1 I Aid. Hieket t . J P.—I don 't -think we dmiu rwith Jiim? . \-i>iv house.] barn ; and ¦ cattbJKlied, jir.-l Mr. Jones saifl the - ¦ outside job in Tramc. ! j His Honor—A\ho plny= racquets in this havir'-' it. They purchased the bos; from i-.' ' mil (l-«nc well. They |iut tilu I HI - IHO was granted . Biperi 'l*.;o amojint claimed w.i« £20D 5;. C'ruar-t -xaiiiiii —l b Mr Waller , lioa ". on tho b.mk ind covered i! up. Mr.-! Jiyland's Inisband - .-I C'hi.ir- j \t'. . Soaly court? y | Mr Sen!)'—()n the who was. an a .--si- '.ant engineer ' ' -J. ' (iustiuctcd by Mr.|T.1 ¦ |. next Monday m-.rtun:} to tie bridjii Cro-s.eiamiiir\i- l:y . Mr . I'-iw-r witn.' CITY CRIMINAL Rl SINKSS theJBourd of Ciliar liaf;s; Ir.- pri- t>i -:-;iuor,i iappeart-.i' for tin-' -. Witness—Xob< tly. you went to Messrs ". It was a very uM butt. . -* : | appliej : . Peare '.- .it a is md Hilary?—Ye- Mr. ' Vullor purcliased it ss an oid s..iil;iiL' sjul t 'nat 1t would - ake a omip l.- :.l weeks T'ne Grand Jxiry found true bil'..-« in tile s-Mior went into the jujbli Wise. ;ind Ii- :iuii ,\i.'. J.iF. Williams. Dungarvan, [m <' , on tlint ' -iivk' y His Honor—\\ hy lire these people, hold- Monday iinirniii! : I wii -. employ^ by Mn buat and put a moV-r engine into it and tu paint the boat. I ! two criminal cases. [ ricomed i ." j iio. -Kilmnctljoinas Rura| l)iri- ' < ' ' 1 ( et !:;!• .¦¦ rr Wilncwjj—They tonk it for a ball alley Since. wlit-i leaving Walerforil he sold ii tu the i«omou v.cn. ongaicil Ho limir- pa.nt iiiL' on the 17th 'March last, at 'Gracodieu His iHiinoi—Does lie •' < C(-iin-.:l ami tlie Ctulnty Coimlil , U¦:.' '¦ ' WliHt -iilnry iir. , broad {rnhilthe guardians? ' nnd theylikept i for twelve months and yiki L"i-ltins from Mr . Cuns -rviitoiv . Their Secretary »¦».. Mr . :iie bntil j j Koiid . unlawfully and maliciously wound- wo::) deferidinl tlii -i c 'luim. - I i Piarr?— K thin farm I .< '¦ His Honor ga\ e n decree for the amount tiiat anybi/dyi l/roug/nt it into I hi- ysnJ. O'Rrien. and Johanoa Glcesjoni : ! ¦ ' ¦ J put it t»i you *ir. r»*t;rtrils this ootitracl takefc t'i Thompson's work- Although Mr. Twe,sdy, Sessional Cro'wi( Solicitor , lor). : . : : Iio liyvnil . Tliis .Baliyvnd fa rm \ts>* l.ii sousht-. • I with Mr. CVrdner Patrick Druy, s .nii-t'haiiic in Tboiiu|. 'ble OTonno '—Wisl! -Us < 'i:d alr^ck Kjei'J agu iliat tjii- £3 10s . he ar- ttic Boot was -a vory old one plaintiffs did sou' pruployinent pro- 'cuted , and Mr. P. A. 'Murpny. sorr., Head Cmi'ta 1 "u J' ey soiue years :in<( ranged ti) jive yi.u s . .-aid -thn: when thr nut spend iny of it in fh ii hbu?- -. He r u- -.old t- his brother John. i tit. in- December 1914, was what] they could to her and put it in Ivat wns brou ght the appearod for the prisoner , ;wllo pleaded j it - aT"i>.'i- CLAIM AO.1IXHT LIQUIDATOR. to cover everythin' to ynrd il w:m f.ij l went in to ask! for drink, I thin!;. , •.-.•iiit. liver} body 4;new tiiat Patrick :|»ii ,'?-j-Xn . >ir , it, was not. working order. After snnie. lime it was r>; wntor. He was en the tria '. run '• guilty." ; At the time nf with His Honor Ifuggoitcd thij! a : d'«-: r-- gi .-; tho fur n , ' but it was not .-o .vt- l !j tin- agreement I ^aid tn Keen that it would not be efjixtivc wilh- Mr. Thompson and -xpert Kis Honor— 1 sop lip wounded four of . Mr. Cordnrr thai 1 th<> Tl\. b -sit sli' iiild bo font for tu ex; mine <|. - pri- ti:u',v;i pal ho had .sold it to ,I-)Si nnd Bernard Colli jnn , Fethaij d, Go. , Wex- |wanted £3 lOo. a out iiew beariniM in the engine It «a* ran airiy well and (So eiignii- w.r» ;li tii'-in. . week. sonitjtime before ' soner as tii his sanity, am. tlj e pr ' .-'n u-i ihe nialice v hi'-h they alleged wa* nialV • ford , sued J. C. Kersuson of Jhe flrra of I Mr. Jones coul'l make i,'i»d condition. I Mr. Tweedy—Yes. - "¦ That u'a 3 jii in.ri '0-o ot £1 a week?— up hi< mind to have thai- said " them is no irHanity abcuit ri.- ag.iinst jP.it ick who wus prcBilirsj at Brandon ^n<\ O ., auditors, as liquidator tl\o new bearings His Honor—How did he mil lage givi• - him Yt,. nnrn-tury "f the O .]• Mr Tweedy—It was on Si. I'atrio!; " Mr. TwOi-ily—If your Hqno^j i\t;y Pec'sidi.s about a fortnight hi-mii for Mcwn. O'L ary niwl Co.. for £1 10s. | seTvaio-. - , and * pri:-.e.i !<• •- Now I .-ugyost ih.jt t 'nit £1 increase tria! runs were given, and on (me uf na!s examin^-d stated thw Day. a term nf iinprisorinient the ' < 'Mil- ': burring when the nephew] of a liiun Mr . P. Q'Conn r appearedifor thc ' plnin. tho Fisli. -will hinj ami treat hin< aco-irdiiig ¦liff wns irtoicnd uf cjiiimli.-sion?—Xo, sir. ibex Mr. .T. H. Henrn. a fishery ooiiser- 'ry Conservators in March . 101-1 Honor—Who knows aoyl UIIL- aboui t'-r ji ^T :nn-jcd Wai , who lived within 33 yr»r-J- and Mr. H. D. Kcane for defendant. decided if. motor Hii ' -ul A sum of £1 1 was tendered in satis- Wa.- Mr. O'rdner c'urlptitntly complain- vatn , rosidinR at New Ross, ' and Mr. b^iy a Inuncii hi nil- lo his condition. If lie thinks he is 'n. cil this | far i> a man named j l/>iieij >ti . 'J. in? ui the way you •Ifi's -Honor—.Before you rtoeul.sl Jie will ?oml him to an Asylutn. ! was ohargci bcloie the Bench. . tlie <:laiiii. wvj re duing your work? Bott unloy, «n expert , took part , and so '|> Mr. Murphy—Ho is a laborer wrk- ; ] faction • of : His Honor—I Is JO by the ttl-ft o <• -.sivie. ¦ —J never heard uf ;J cuinplaint. far (s they knew the report uf Mr Hot- buy the motor tauuch ha.l you any (urul. .ng for Mr. Morris, and he lias i wile niid His Horior-J-Wlsit do Uic polic-- i-"> Mr. O'Connor saitl the claim was lor to )>ny for tituiH against him which Ijhavoj .-ioro nj<> ¦?! D tho diflrreni il:vi-inu: . : n ladiivs who -were hurt? ' i; >.vi'. '. s- ' of: expenso« incurred by him through the yi'U -' !¦ : leave It. .. .jo that?—A s liis vato p , was that ho Jiad nn fiiTtlfer ob- nnd .my debt|incurro/J > Iiis ' diiug b- hu got; for beatjng his wif. ) 'iv. ru.vs oilbuUdinss in thevyarJ and liv.y uon-delivury of (he manager 1 during ib. year i'»r Mr. Murphy- Xw: the wife . ' impn'omivnt jjrate. l'lamtif! bought considered it my privilege U) ject i m to the hilt except that he \\u> run --uch an i-xci-Ak'nt •hinpr n mnt.ir t.r . and two sisters-in-law «vn iliiiired. 1 iice him to tlitec months¦ ¦ vi.-T.i all hiirntd,' although Boriarateil >i> the grate hn Sat irday (lie do u* wi'ii hard labour. : a;vv.it t' ¦ ' .: 10th Apr^l. atid that- j abli-jto pay it and had no funds in hand . lsnnch would ho de-erred until th«- n< Hi.- Honor—How old are tbcl oliihlrcii? ] 1$ fo< j j- • i 2Tr. Semj- xjt ' > . ! it was to be del vorcd jo hiin in Dyincan- —Tliat may be Scottish prac- Me. Thompson was then exnmine« l ainl nlioeation of I [»irl is IU. ! l ri.=on<'i-—Tnahk' youi , | .Mr. 'Sfaly made an application to 1M ».- tice but it m funds. I Mr. >!iirphy—The oldest . ¦ " non the -following Tuwdayl He drove not Irisj i . stKiti*l that m November. 1913. Mr June,, He was :n:! .-i.-udunt of, the I claim increa.-^d . ln:i Witne-s—In 1 Then in Maroii when you il- i uled tfi :Iiirik. What happened is tj ii>| from his.| residonce in[ Fctiiard tol Dun- any Ja.-^ that wus paid oamf round to the works nnd asked Inn ¦ t>n tiiis St. Mr. 'McCoy and Mr. William.-! obj.ovi-'l for. buy ihe launch y«m ha.l no (uii'l- a teoiot/illor for two years. WORKMKX-S COMl'ENS.Vl \ns /Jipl cannon—a dista ice of over five miles, to ¦ | if they could store, a motor launch fnr i^i Patrick's Day he took Injer beer and :t-iil ap ilioation was not ' aeocdeo [ :••. On that "ccat-ioii diil y.j ii linnd? to pay fur jt?—This »,is a 'jrj iii: CASE. |. I - meet tbo . Pteami r. but |the Srate did "not remove from him. He said the iaunch wa> in the oil inn hnme and wont tn bed. When Ii" Mr. FiH-'l CIS., wax- o.\»miih-d for j i-.i- turn up.ii He ifrolo to the manager another oar a pair &'. lyres and inner river furthe- fri'in the .Fiiienos ll- 'partm.- .it m !)mJ- :in->;; .lit a \1 ostimatiMl the jl:iiiia'4i ' of up. that it wus m daiv.-r ,. - up on-: oi bed there was jsui u- trouble •juiijn ' ' • the firm oijmpla uini; tljat ho had hud J-is tubes?—Ye*, for ieai Jot a breakdown. of s nking, being water-logged , th.it " ii". I ! " Thi.; -wa<- nn a lpliealion by Jfihn : ho How mucli?—C». ab ml- !ii.- daughter not boing in fie cmii- ' coal poTlct). '. r IVJI - •- '"" L 'I ! 'I journey for not lin;', and asking tq have , Mr. Curlier say» jlie never got these wanVd it taken out of the -river nnd oi liafinoy i Lane, 'Mr. ly ier eyi. the) nf>]>1lc*aiit .| was t .' •• back?—They w- jiiained ..I that, and when \-Ui came in poiLsation for injuries recetved wnii-; in the grate! tent the following Thursday. .rc lateu back with the stonil in their yard , and that there we . - Mr. I' jjwerj-And •; eo-t £3<> i. . ivp«:'r tiii'ii o.\v:irim;unl Wilin—s al-l» t>aiil that on t!io ~ \h Maii -ii Jail-street, stevedore. Ill Mi ".i!»;i,4 n iii snviii'.'lthc fire wn» wnirtonl* accept ohar»e fur his hand with which he was 'after cutting ttibl'lUJi .( .-iuii-.irv . delivery. : He ci me to \Vaterford, tlie customer^ cars tl. al wore iu the.rt;?— stori' ig it. Witness said it (he :i coinmiitee was r»pfhJint.il u» tt^t the It appeared that mc of \bfiii. ' ssj MS- * Murphy, O'lyenrs'V niaiiaaef Is that rirlit'-—It ii the iinual practice wuul 1 not be much. It wns ci-.-ili- ' him to H tvir. Snears who belonged of liianH^rers uf yara^e-. that the launch bp brought up " Wutor:'.jrd to Cauiuiio and back:—ib> tainod ;iniurios by reason] of i .i n: . tin* bi ruing could have been ap ¦ ¦ to tho : and this " they are anxious that ho should no( be bucirre wliicii :, • ' same T Is it usual t.. takej iiiit, eii-toiiiers cars WHS ilone. Into Major .Barrett the hiihdle of (he coal -i.-:i;a;. >ng M>> flnr| as M . Ferguson. He lpst his After n few days Mr. Junes Hamilton . Messrs pimN'icd. He WUK 1C iliij-r. in jai! bi fore -.1 \\ii> . it I way from ¦ for pleasure ' —X->t f^ri 1*. u-»uri.- Andrew R . - in i!i,i)U>i Mr. Spears. Hi > raw Mr. Ferguson who 'j .launch -his man asked him during t!ie opun -i-a-- ' Spears had clu rgo oi the matter. that then arked his man ii he dr-w Mr. having . btisine- tur the Witness.—'He slabbed them uiiii a -Siiir; Ktiral | District N». 2 and the K:! ho broke into the ru.iin where the <;rania- .lunc h 's attention the stole buat he >vent[to Thompson 'si with the ob- i^t por^week i'rohl the lltli-Jaiimry. 'iiai'-Jiomas Mr Kekne said I lint! tq the launch it knife. ' I Jiutral UWt/lct . r\ I . hi*, clientof offered phons were kept hy ^smashing tbu lock. was in , and he ject dt uavin^ stored there tor thr win*, In his rep ly jto the -applicant .- ohii. " to refund plaintiff eost the said ye--. Witness then Mr. Murph y—In the hand*. : ] ¦ :: ¦ th fire He admitteil tb.it lie I .nk a L'r.imaphouu said the fiist time Mr. tor. The boat als-' wanted e-oine repair* tile rct-pondi'iit | denied Iiabi'iii y :o pi.y [ ' ! • •rr-ate, 30t., and that ^ .Tone* called he Mr Tweedy—One uf tliein ' wit- s.tah!>oil tin; Acf h ho refused tb take to Cloda'Jib Uouho. w in. re be was lodging, (witi I?.-SJ would like io iho hull. also wantcl to be paint' f^j iipciisation under . -u :i.' ¦ to see in in. Mr. Jt 'Ii JII the li -g. !LARCENY OK AX ASS. ttiat, to five a demiuisir.-i tiiMi . Jon. Tho work was u grounds that the applicant was :tot i ¦ ' called about an hour afterwards long t-tum in hand?, an i \\\h iHouor road the il«-puoat iTeiuly as --in- umil,) vi.-w the case. ' " "i" fhould bd paid for : Wore you in the Uubjt of . it IKS worth be wanted ill February. "f i the coursj of his ;em pN>ytnti!tl a;i.l t!r; t casu lof Dlkhncl Casey,: an old man , M TIV . the| expense to '•which -ayinp that the repairs , and Mr Jones The wuik uaA Mr. Tweedy read n siafenu-ul inailc l iy ' he was piit ill tweli'e month- thi-ji- twulld 111; Iki firm done in a . lie had;long .-iniie rccuvori?u frJ-u. ii'ol i- .- was indicto l with iliaviii'. Jim tlie 01-- , ami he decreed fur £2 5k. the said it had tft he done , that -the launch desultory kind of way The eiil tin- jiritioiier after arro.-t m whiiii he -aid ' ¦ of W. .1 Cor'lin-r '- A Cvii ' jii '-y alleged to Qiave been rw-eiv-d ! hy , At C asllvtown, «5, ¦ ' amount claimed. I l think 30 wan bought by n committ.se of Coneer- gini- hail bei-o taken out o: th. l>. a 1 am] " i; " Mar^h stolen . an ». <>• Did yon -ny t-. (ieorLi-' pul was ail thruugh the lager lirer. u iul hiin and that he was now wr»il .ilil.j t i property! lierhcrt that a vatou the previous year -ind they were in r.lie lirtina shoi>. i,>r whit In- iinl •'that - ¦ .' . 1 of Tbunias' Murphy/, j I few friends wxre jninv lo ?turt derst->oil was i.ilel Jii-s Honor remarked i* \v KM . mo- ftf.rk and earn ].tho same wagj-s as >c •- Mr. H. 1!. Tweedy, you. and not ' kely to buy -a second une. Witness y cloaningujj ami najii-t| (ruin ilrinkiiiL' German heel . " I Sessiunn: Cru-m Sl.-BP KOU REST. that iu twi.'i\.' muntliJ :'.i. re would be no -aid they itiL.' On one joci'asion he went ihen- -ii.u^lv. I ' i ! S:-lu:ttorl pr.)jociit od, aiid tho ilefenoie' , would do i;n- best they could a;i-J .loiianua Gieesnu n n<- exaimiu 1 iiy Mv. . such firm ol W .1 C M In. i - -I o»nnvt- with it [mmd the mechanic had vakv;n .in- . Mr. P. R. Buigy appeare^i- f<:-r Ji. -j ii;. v.h> . : WR 5 n|)t. pfofessioimlly ijprestu'.- ! rc- . that he did not tlnNk u wns a n* Murphy, and said -lie v. u.- iii he Jiuuse ¦ - ! meinbiT siiyin^ i' . , very -satisfactory gine to p ietek He had no iir.nniiti .-ti piicant,; and Mr. 1' . A. Murpliy f-.i •. • jileadcrl j" guilty."; . : . | ! - Coroner; E. Ni . Powiar ' boat, even when done , i'\\ the night of the occurrence. l'i-?.-nrier ¦ , . Tramorci sued May yuii h.-uv -u' .l :::- -I ( |.,n ' fr in .Me-srs MM s]iuuderit. ! . His -s. -i ¦:> James i know . a--. tln> migine was a very old ono ;ind al- Thompson that all I 'vurk w.is cjinstnntny j Hpn.|—At Iho Ja-t: S. -ion. in Mjixphy, of Tnlbot-gtreet , of that One may sune tune say was nocessarl- compla ining a imit iii* Havrrig heard the evidence <>! tir- n ai- town , thiiii'-i of that most obsolete as far a.« the lypc was . . and .'lo cunsit the jury . . 'carpenter fur [£7 ps. 3d..|ei?ht kind without they having auy o-Hiei , being out Into. She was out piicant nnd of C)rs. Kel!eHer arjn Whiio i' month.s ri>n t of i : si^nifiance. rued also that it hail been fixed in Hhutrid have- mentioned it to Sim. unt il II Pilot night , and wheii'sli ¦ . ill . 'lii .tfld liinil Whali becamu of this d"i»- house let; to defendant | 'But you u.-ro takin:-! 'aine Jlis Jionor granted a luinp SI'I : I . i ¦ ¦ ¦ by plaiht ff on ;¦ tiis money and n very mmateurship ?ore nf way 't of p.' r. fy ? . I [ - j ¦ yearly tenancy. ! savin? this?— I don ' t remember the and that His- Honor-Jl)on you think th. v onp'it he rebuked her. Mrs . O Hrie i inter- I Mr. .fonj .-s,-so] , saying it. eiigine was a makeshift. The repairs to get sometlling for that?—-I do. I >iui Mr. Twecfly—Ui' sold the donkey. ! appearcdlfor thelplain- : Wore you lliinkiny i>f nlarlinsr in W-a- Mr. ordered fered and snid 1110 girl <-mil ' <:- tiff , and Mr. B\ufy, role, for the •Jones were done. Plaintiff s sure wo are oply too willing to pay if v.«i lung as die liked. 1 tluj prisoner)—\Vh*n-, defend- tciford?—Not rierioiisiy I aid n<>t «ee my pointed out that ¦ you come from? ; !¦ ant. ' i it would be bettor to get the boat back in the .same i -ondii-iou . His Honor—What <1 iii y.uu.li :-' ; i : way to start in WaioTford. do -Wine further repairs nnd : : | i I'ri«>ner— I came frorn Castlebar uh>-. Mr. Bu> You uere iivt vpry:>m-ci - put new 1 do ml rotuerutjer i?ay inj that the boat- Wiiness—Nothing. gy m ido au application under -- iiil in Kdin- hearings in the engine, but this was not 1 travelled ibout: 1 '. waj 3U you^I in the Courts Em liu'rL'h?—Xo , I wn" ni't. was iii. wonderful little tiling. I'mcer-din:; His Honor—And arc you one ..1 '.Li e v.-n- 1 Tj i'iicy Actrt to have a 1 doneJ The boat wat« put in the river but Dub'.in. I '' ' -; : i i: stay of Ycu are a UitchiirL'ed witness said jhat after tlie trouble ari^i exccutioi put on the Idecree , plain- bankrupt?— I save she u'as not as .ixiweriul as slio should ' men who were stabbcxl ?—Yes | Hi* Hono —What is tho end of the *--. '• tiff having- riiy properly mtu-ljic liaiul- hu w roio to Thompson s complaining > ' ., ihtK-1 Been slifuvn|out of work Wingi -ji a trustee be . a id it was poinied out that the bear- What were you doi"^' ''— I went ' MT. Tweedy—The | woman whose lu- to the war. but it cuulu nut be realised. ings the way Iw was treating tho boat. The ij to save Mrs. Mnckev. was in Th debt was not denied. ] wore not put in Mr. Jones said , boat wary thrown high and dry on what, band owned! the at- town. I !j^i Mr. O'Brien, igcn *. for Mr. Power, said You are ai\ uncli-elinr^eil Imokrupt?— "Id in 't want to go to Mr. Murphy—This was twelve r. nigiit!1 saw the;a3s under ^ suppi>. expense wltJi this Mr. Tliomp-=nj i calls tho sli p or ininJ- tho carl . and went I that the (jlefend pnt left-j the] house on the I -e I am in Scottish law. boat without consulting Fomebody ! —Yes. W FOR : the police a id they; found it was in |~- Witness furlh- r •rof nnd bank , and- there the boat was left witii- :¦ ,: r^5v! 12th February 1 .H, owijis £7. • —cxainiiifd denied bette leave it' so for the present. Ami dio man was aii'-ry i(> 1 av • the. «? : . , "All vsslon of i man to whom the Mr; ttiat there was ' Tlie "ut any oover|except a little ennvas oven pris"'u Jones—Is tlice riot ahvftys ;i hit of ever nny Complaint reyard- boat remained there from tin- cud of the wholo crowd there?—Yes. sold- it for 1 Os. | | ' ; •work for a ca rp inter iiit Traniore iti? his wurlc . engine exposed to the. clement;. H<( ¦ ndtwith- 1 \ January until tho middle of April boforo had letters calling attention to this and; Witness also said that tho pri: onei v.as His Hono —Did she get hack :hf .i'-i! standing the ' ftL-(- .vamine.l by \l> Murphy he salij ¦ ¦ ' \; r? I l Mr. .tones came again, and he said ¦asrgravatcd by Mrs. Mackey striding him k-y? i I . ' 1 I : lie pa id .M r . t;..r,ln, r M\ His. then stating that t6e boat should be properly Witne's?}—I y er. uld not say that. t.jr She oar lie wanted these, bearings put tn and the with a stick; another wumrm was going j -Mr; Tweed y—Yos. ; | i'. wliic-h hi - took ;.. Dublin. taken care «f r it would hv sp.'it up with ¦ board, put in order - ; - lj His Hon or—T ie whole pl,ace is falling: . They put the bear- •ixpoauro. The bual wat liion hum June t u lih him with a-block of woixt . nil tho ! Hifl Hono-—And the man wh-. bi.ir-j There was n> ¦ii'tin r ev.ilenc. culled ings >n and witness -JMih ' • lo- ' wiV Iers - : ; ' gave women -surrounded iiini. 1 il is! out in. • j ; i , down (iauphtor). for the plaintiff. insiructions to until October. . -. * . have the engine tested before being put Prisoner 's wife wat n. Mr.' Tweed y—Yes.! ! ' Defendant ?a» e evidenen j showing that, The defendant Mr \V .1. Hic .no- a-ki'J what wa.- the ,- .uiit. 'so oxaruincd by | i . Cnnlnor . wa« into tlie boat. Thk was done und H r- Mr. Murphy and - 1 'llii Hcnor—Very woll. I will l v.t* his work had b/ en into'rferqd with owing cxamintn by Mr S.-aly Mr. claiTi said that pri-gner mis ] and said that he Jones expressed himself satisfied with ; ¦i hard working arron . tllis under ^lie First Offender 's Act. i t-> the war and his caijninss reduepd. wajs sixteen yenrs in lui. mini and alway-^ gave her . -iin-fs iii Water- the tast. This teat took place on Mr. Power .-jaid Jirsl for <1-K uti II ' ¦ His Honor de ^recd for £7, and acced- ford and had had liir- the Sth . ami ins wages. She nppeiiled to h)' lluiivr Sir, Til* p:i*--iier wasj then discharged >'• last foreman for 1G May The omjimi wa- put back in secondly un amount of tho nnt to •stilfiing jinto rocoginVj inoos com- U: ing to Mr.| Buggy's application , he put on years Prior to De-ceiiifcur the way 'Jio bout s»-nd him to prison. to . 1914, the plain- boat find' tjiere were several uiul runs. was treated. [The. bo.nf. was now ijscle.sx. Mr Murphy .'. i-.idg nienj when calli d upon, stay of execution, for ttiree months. tiff wa.-* in his rmpl-.yjnent as 1 addn'ssing his .T(onur tor , 'r i 0 a wnrkin- On one of these trials Mr . Jom* wns un and when put into 'jie viml ii wa* a.-I 'lu» prisoner said The Coijrt adjpurncd |tiU Monday, forcman at .C'J 10s. Wittics- had a torn. ' thai the latter wa» board! and when gows awoy [roin tho right, ! -¦r-'btl y aggravated and di They did not (jet An Ivell together? i I I No I . i To His- .Honor she said she wa« always SESSIONS And they are ;»reiri friends .with the e iiildren. They 3UARTER 'ivim: a ( art riojw ?—Y<\<. had notlrnrj to dfl with Che witness ! was uskeU as to .Mr^. he unplea;>ant- .l|o ver's condition of leaith on! this par- ness; th-; only thing41iat had fo do with ticular Xew Year's diy and about it wat that Capt. Power" wer, and when' mo :her. The witness ?ai,d tiialla-s far as she weirt there £rst she ivanted to have : ACTION *i>u SLANDER. ! tho pirl put out ot the r .... i JJ an action for damage.- ;' Ir sin knew defemlai l ' a -' huaband was rriise. She be- ^ ' ' tiv ilin;, ' lieved snt- wa? tellintr U e truth at tho ¦ ¦ ' ajii l ' i-liiuJ'T brought by Aunii- ' her atl rislit. ' : i f¦ ' "Mr. Scaly—T)id he i nt'.believe she «as titttti she wrote \he \t\ii TS , and that ii J ', '„ ' jlonu'.-tu- savant, a minor; V. uioi- l) " byjJohn Nolan. slni mmin|!|and that slie \yns not rearl y in diem was any intimacy etween her hus- i , 'Krhice.- Waterford . the c.ndHion .she band and the servant girj Jier father was " , or .uiil.iioxt frii -iii l . '-sisiiin.-: M-> . aHfo'il ?— He. .fi.l li-l >iie WILS the proper iierson to odd e. . ' Mall. | iiaturaMv linury witli Ii. , int.— God si -- on the sub- , \l O\»T . :V The ' ve Ireland KTi il about ! ject. * this?—Yes. ..[ i\ 4) BcionL li.l.. (ihstriicied M \\y Vml on jthis; new ydu 's evi> $!»¦ »r..t" ¦Mr. O'iBrien—You udi nit wr.ting th-.' ,,. i'lK B UL". '}-) il pj ieared for the p lai <<- tw haters?—T' tlid m latterh?—Yes. ¦ ¦ N.L. (instruO il know, unv i '.mij; ¦<; .- u\l Mr. .1. s.-aly. yd iil« .it the|let<>lrs. Mr." 0 Brimi—Ami jayi ig you repeated ',i- M:i 1. D Kea(iel f»r the. defoiulari i j ' I " you know now "-—Yrs.. the slander t-> several pe >ple. , i j ... ii IJ ; tlie oas>) Mr. O'Hrirti said ;I M . ( lie to lier father and the other :¦¦ her His Honor—Sh e juyu , libel ' and . . omething about • ., - - Jin 'an actinnl inr -land' -' tui u-.vnd?-j-Yes. telling people about his i enerosity. I"..' p li i.iuiff «':is a| servant '-'irl in the ei - Vml tiie, husband tot. hoid n! ! "> Witness said the mirl herself told her i The : . , ¦vn-vi t "t tlcJciitlbl'in and her . huMiaii j . O' ' ¦ ¦ • " ' ' H I I TS :—Y>*. tluit .Commodore Power had giveu her I : ; ., i "! ; . ; ; I I n ; T:. .l]; [c nilaiit was! a 'named¦ woman .it-il Viid lin.ii-ht. tl i iv \le-.-rs. I Ti " God save reland money. ¦;• .(. .¦Mimoilore of t i. 1 ^ Ride a Rudge-Whitworth bicycle and cut your tfavell ng cxpensea !.. iJuf tiaiitl was I...1 his solicitor- ' -Yes . Mr. 0 linen—Do you n ttii'inber writing Ivu -ador 'N:n y iiut «as now residing M l' i. -.ie letters c-ontattied charges .i^- a n-i Stronge^t,fastest and most rcliaoj c of British bicycles. The Riidgc- ' it-Ms to your linshand:- " il told a few \\ .r. -z o d yt.' - Yes| ¦[" ' people of your generosity to your servaw Whitworth will quickly save jt's cost. ! It'k yours on easy-pay- ¦!•• :n fiintiff . Annie N'olatl. wa> r;ii!,, ii ' i.i lief hii$li:ind luivInT lirou. hi tin- in often aiakitiL- lier pi eseritii of those ,. ,.i c :a:iiiii-'d by Mr. O'Hrien. Slip -ai'il i!e:.- ii - - K> Tlmln:<>n 's 11>. y si-.irl.^l an ment term's, and every cyclist knows aiRudte will las^a lifetime¦ ' 'half sovereigns she boast- •d to me she yot ¦ 3 ¦ : ¦ • , ,. .. w iA twenty ytjarr ft a'. -e last Fel.r i- act tin on your behalf for libeJ ai::iin-i When you : ing these words you think ii : - \ \ | I i : if I -j ¦;! I from you. They nfkeij n e \y hy yovi gave ; "Write for a Catalogue and for a free copy b-f tlie Sp«ci;il , I ; Mi ; . Power —NVs. 1915 ¦ j them to her, and in 11 y innocence I ; : issue of a miniature;newspaper,' "Tk* R«J»« t'*'/ Record.*] ; r \|'. ](j'l!ricn—Yi ti were cii™a .L'. ii -.j .iinstjthe ;husbnml fur publish in i.- it. j • ¦ ing after your baby. I shall take this Vud iwlicn you w 'lit to him tir.-t i;.- .< Mr. Sealy ftiid tlnU was qnii<- ruhi separation in court so u » to expo6e the Rudge-Whitworth,|Ltd! j ! j ; : ;|:! ;||, i.vin * !wi:li his tii>li wife?—rYts. ' mitl this \»as iii ui'isl riilicirluui: and ai>- v.'hole conspiracy and o( : ¦ ¦ ¦ en the people : i - . ! Dept. DlO HEUBIETTA I STREBT Vniljtl ioy had tjiiree or four ei:i'di .-tiij i l case.! I of Wnterfurd's eyes to w7i ui was goin;; on . . Mr. SenJ y plroeeedcll to eross-..x«JUii'e But since th< War began, what have you in Sweet Briar Cottage. " IIU !wit> (lipdr-iYi1 : ili' wrtnesp nslto wliyj she weni tu Messrs * ¦ Tlie witness admitted having written \iui bt'fnre she died did she make an,y Tii irnton 's in prett'ieine to |an .v n 'h. r done to hel make them a reality the letter. to ' * ¦ ' p ? t.t|iui^l y-ni ahiMll looking I a!' i-r It * So! eitor and jiskiil tlul she Utjow wlu-n Mr O'Brien—II , a* yo i now gay, you ¦hiMrerj ?—Y<\<. fc>he left me jtb i- li'lu.' sli, went (to Messis. [TlKirnton , tbat ibey are willing to apologise ' ¦ we v ' and you never h.iby M* b» a mother to it i Ct'uiniodore l' owvr's scilifci tor*. ?ht- meant anything against t lk giri why d,d ; . His jlfonor—Shei what? ; j. s.ii I she first )vent to | Messrs.iThornt. .-nV not you rpplv to Thorntt n'-i letter? wkSL BritainVs i Bepi: Bicycle 1 .in Kebru:iry aild that] did U.MVi«f t:r>r,r ¦ ' . 'My.IO|-Brien—Shi asked ihis giri u> itmk she reull^v n >t If you are z I Irishman between 19 . ¦.1., , ' I I 1 . I I I ' I- _ and \Vitnei3—Why should I (laughter), ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ itu-r jhex. childreul There was j no other kn-w Uiat | they were Ccnun^ti.re John Aylward, deierida it's father was I I : • M : : I \ - I : - Vim noinan ill tin 1 .1'oj .M'r .- .-{>liuitors. 1 house. i I : . j 40, physical! fit and not alread next examined, and I sa id he .never re- ¦ Tlit; !witnci-s coillimiiii-. said si:. - '.nj'il H - Honor—(Why did you to Ti¦• ¦vn- y serving I i : ' :P- i i . ' r. :.'6 ceived the lettc wliich his daughter I - !M . >v, in trte house anil looked :after ohildiij ii . i^il —tlid| youj know liny other -.>licitoi - ¦ ; your Countt y as a sailor or a soldier, wrote ¦ • ¦ niiii n^ter twelve inontlis Captain IV>' " i -Ij d d not kno w any other solu-iier ill* Honor—Do you tin lk she intended I , - i v ' i. - ! 1 - J1 i i.i.ri' (• • Di'd yoli know Mr. Jon.-.- - . ..i. . |.- or in the IT? Wion factory, there is but 'I r[; annoy her husband?— 1 tl ink she intend- i.\ most leasing function look place ;it Icu-e \vj liat sort of relations were there i y i :L- — I did no$. cd to steiitl it. :y.een jydu ami Inr—did yon get mi w \\' ! Mr.Jniies—She naforailv sell- - i in one way f ir you to hel the Parochial I I^ouse. Tallow, on j Slou- ¦ ¦ ¦ p to save Witness added that he fir^t saw the .••¦tiije^P—Yes , ] .lid , all the tinv > UL : W eminent llrm. {laupliU'.M day evening whtn a thoroughly represen- HAHBIIOTOI¦: S'S letter when it appeared n the press in s ; j> . Li , : i Se« '' ' ; tiiln Ir. Seiuy askt'tl tiie wiitir-s \\ . .\ > ' ¦ r tative deputation of the parishioner^, ear s Eve. vhich was. the fi!> ' Ireland from the Germans connection with the re tnittin? mot-ion iinderinentioned J .atl -aiiyliiin-:: 1t< say to the woman ; t il.- remitting (notion )n l)ui>i:n r ' i< >!nin. consisting of, ^hei genll*!- i' ¦ Dul)l ¦¦I " - ¦¦ ¦ which was heard in in. His daugh- nien, iva.ite« - liei .soliqitoi- aiul »en - M- ter never said anything I' him about the Y.'iii-;.').; Eve ? ! liii-^y:- 1 Meacher, V.Y\. \o present him •witlr p.n I ¦ plaintiff except that .she 1 ¦ " W ; . - .. ' \s not treating illuininated adilress of congratuHation 'Uitnoss—She M irteil sneiikin'j i.>r > il l- H<-nor-i-ls theft" a IK- I-^: , I her as the doctor orders . He went up on hid elevation to the Canonrv:—Messrs ii n-t .v w ,ine. Jlf. Scaly—there is. to the house and Com ' BLIGHT¦ ' ' 1 ¦ : ; -I nodore Power P F Walsh . |M.C.C; Philip Oleary. I i! His Jvoinir—What aliont?—She -tar&d Jlr O 'Brien said In. ili.i n l . -i: - .- ¦ ' ¦] ¦ I banged the. do->i in hi fac\ nnd his Manager of tho Munster and - Lcinstor . . - I I s|» -:ik a -Ni Kit.- relevpnt. you must ' j¦ ! a very < irty conversaliwi v. | join an Irish daujrhiter spuke out of tl c window and Bank; T O'Uiiry, N.T. ; "John Condon. ¦ ¦ He. j ; . 'Mr. Senly—It «u- Hi- hu-luitnl ;> tii.- . ' told him to go down am get n visiting J.P; Th omas j McCarthy. Fnink T. Hi- J^nntii -—Win t aliout ? Why sl.t-i^.l li- !.t-il this libel. Th. - I oinmi. I : >\ :i - 1 oii ! i. - order fro m n magistrate that she was O'U>nry, X.T: Alfred O. Joyce. Devon- -I"' -.tart ! this snrl ot conversation - ! i't tii^' badly wi;u liis wii." .m-i Regiment and learn to sing starved and badiy trcitet Hliirc Anna HolM ;* Horence McCarthy. C¦ >V f» hip ineans oi plnii.-bi ti-. ' Ii- V\. PREVENTIVE Mr. ¦'Hrieii—Ot New Year 's V.w >'<> II His Honor—A visiting order! Tliat is DcniK Shiltery, J J Walshe, T 'Keniry. m;ilv«- p. i Lhaife a^ain-t * tii— car ! . 1 . 1 w -if > l t? : what they get 10 bee mat pci/'ile (iHiig b- and Alex. Heskin , Clerk of Union.! : i . 11 V[r Hlip>y_l',in - " ¦• Wi; less—Yes: f was down in ?t. .IIM. J I - you Jld lllilk- ..:• 11 | " God ss ve Ireland " with tt'il The addressj encased iin n massive Silt M- . - ¦ CI IMI ). 1 jtbat ni'. 'lu Se:i!y—J admit tliere v., ;, -' . «i . r- W itness continuing sail I that on that frame, wna ' p splendid product ¦ ' ir.ltli- iin.l we>are #orry. Wh iii you came lurk to 'jhc hm;?c Hint ¦ occasion his daughter clii 1 not «ay any- of the rtiluminator's art ., nnd was Higned .. (CBlieri—"ri ien let li.-r a:.. ¦¦ - ¦. FAILS; n:i'_*!it what happt M' . a gun ir your hands. by Messrs P. IF. Walsh . M.C.C; T NEVER1 : 't ed between yon and | ! H ur 1 • thing about her husban 1 . and witness ¦! ; ! • i i .1.-iei: ant?—1 told Mr. Power that t woiii'J a iji l i.ay Ithe ^usts in «.- ar- i i i-n went back in the evening to tell her that .Keniry, Alfred 0. Joyce, John ,1, 1 Con- n.'i i toutl on iMr.- . Power any more. sii|. '.:ie cisej he could not get the visiln ig urder don , J.P; Timothy O'Leary, X.T, aild :- H.Aior-t-They w-.u ' : do Ui.i T:,.j (lauj^li- II ' - H'>nt>r—Did •«, ft ter). iHis daughter told h WHS Fo-ank T. O'Leary. this lady object >'<.u ¦w:i! y ui that she liiiiL' !oiit lute?—^ , -4i\t-jyou i any ain"Utu uf ' .r-"n ' n\ kept from the proper foot Tin.1 deputation was introduced by the o never. | : M I tlmt the doc- ¦ ;ili - -touor—How late was it?—10 o'elooU Oi M cash j tor ordered , and that tihe would not ft2t Revd. -KuLlier Corroil, the popular and H r. Seiily .-aid th;:t !M. -y u'oul.l -i :» •!•• ejiergetic ; Hi >;Houor—Ant you were at but not ' a bottle of soda water vritl an CL ¦CuratoJ ar.d Mr. T. Keniry. ^0 BUILDER S dtvo'.iin.- |would '2 (lau^h- NOTICE a .^<- |.ay eo.st- lln- aetinx as ei^kesman , said—Canon : : : iii :h ehajiel?—Y es. ¦ic i II -i-O'.r.d never 1|IV.» ler). I I : I HI - : II n: [went I' Me.--ri r.'iiirni"!i. .ind Joi i To-day cations made by the del realize tlie honour conferred rjn ine by [ Ills - Honor—AnJl are they Catluii. .-.' :-ii - >iitl ;liaL n WDiiiiin ttil.t lit^r ifwi- -In tMidunt against Building a ' House •¦¦ ¦ ' my fellow-townsmen in making me, the ¦ ¦ ¦ >' • ¦ ii-.- .-. ^-ttihp a nico elmnu ter t'he. plaintiff were merelj flic language ¦ I ! ab"Hi the of a jealous or infuria' medium of presenting you j with ; Hi*;Honor—Very well , then ; you an- j il! tuiiii Lhrotnili !M r«. . Pl-w.ir. and th, n -h. ted 1 nnian wlio was an address on: ith e occasion of | your from Briolca and (*;i! il 1 using terms of abuse , no the saint- fr\iiiL'-pau (laui;!'^!!' '.WIK Ui Messrs Thovnion. It u , t - i>-r believing her- elevation to n | seat in the historic ' eplf in wlmt she was NIJ Cement toj^all vyiiat ditl .-he s.iy to ymiP-Shc did •)" '- JII ii . Mrrj Chea-tj . wh.. >iiL"ji>ied I .¦¦ .rn- in?. However, Chapter of Wutorford and Lismore.' This -V'-iKi at! all to m|? that niirht, j to: :"s she admitted that up to he 10lh M-arch •which:we ask you to accept to- Papip and)r*aint. '()' " tlitl?—That .% n h— I address liiir|'y ii toltl IIU' -lie = lad y>u eVer any com ersir.i. n \\ I :) I she did believe these ini| utfiti'ins which - , nii-ht is a S e|ry inadequate . eipri'S- :i. .-e r wl'ii: ..ut. ! Ci .i in- vlore Posv that i nd iiccorilin-^y pion of the respect and we entertain l' ' s -n-ii.in is tor li' .e! J>- ¦ he gave n decree for 40s. Mr -Si 'aly—Tin . ill- -e letier.- J—Tii.' . m .-riiin^ .i '- . : - .. GOD Si VE THE KING ! She had not , and if n free hand were allowed dune. Lie girl any damage for you BRiQQKSi]"0^*00 ILir.-rflr^-^- ; • •ii eil mii a bad ehaniet.-r [ M , . I ./• over it , and he ¦us , tangible and material I Mr. ,- a far more . (Vjfiien— Ar fl -lander. «• ulil L'oj bacjc of ihit and sjie sa .1 -n, - certified that tliere v ere. sufficient presentation would be our gift to: you. SACKVILLT3 PLACE;. DUBLIN .Mr. Sealy—.And the lihel i). cntair.ed;|;i grounds for brincing the iV' utd in)}, thlit sin lad wriiten -i ;,- UIT action. Trne, you neednrt no extereal manifesta- l wriiten l»y Mrs . GOD SAVELVE ¦: ;¦ .ii e'itr Puwcr to her ml.— ca Mtiir mo that. IRELAND ! Cilr. O'Hrien—And co.-ti . Tliat carries tion of our regard for you , asi you I - r I lit i ; - ti'ii'l.jiwhich , ni course, is ahso i itilK* Hiirli Court BMI S . ¦ ' ' tlis Hnfior sj-.iid he would like !- l->-ur inaw well thef feeling of every -member jirivil.Rvd.. ' ! 1 " : diis Honor— ' j swprn i !nvis-t! I would -we -thw ¦ l -. - . ¦ | toeless, ask I you to accept I . = ¦ ¦ • - : : ' - - i - ' -i •:¦; •: • il: • i Tl : -tlOi—Whai not give you the COM3. slight token of our regard, and- we I '?; * H- l:w-.i::.| lik.- t.. knovr Vore BJood swi ft Clezt-- SUo Mr . 'O'lirii 'iir-Slftuder unj libel. \y>- i- il fc alleged ¦l otlgiiient wns entered nccordinsly. heartily inuri you healih and happiness ; . . th.it t!n- action . - r.-i h ain imposiiblawhen jtbe Liver, yr-r ~ > •'!!•' prnve li"tli. y« .r-? . in tliat uiinidtry ih wheh you are , Mr. Ponly—AYhatj i« the . : «; so bright an ornament. ' ."H Stomach and Kidneys are sbigguh -hinder al!eu'e i-oaitM your -ins (thts to the not .-ay lliji Jury to consider twu bill.i!—MCSSTS Tho.-. Father Carroll,] my faithful Curate, and wit no.-*!. I i i I riiu only thiu;' . i.- ;hat I ;av>- iht- rrjoUte'the t>ili»ry Mcicilam tod ' Wiaiops—\o; I did not . : T- the Witne.-.--—You and y;nr wife W it ^slie .ii ' -il the ;iii bad names Dowley, Ballyknock (foreman); Thomas sentlemcn , my| vjery dear parishioners; I !¦ •: if is to jiny lawyer imd told hihi M ji.-..- prompilj ctkre ; Hckdachs^ tun? Wr-[P'I 5 1"—Wlii-n you i::t\. n-.it been liviruj -on ^ootl tern !•?— No, OUt of tile Wlti'to w Hally, Uallymorrii , John Kiersey, Bally- accept your bpftutaful address ¦with tfra i , "« . went hack nt ti u . - •.- them for ¦ lit- lulu, lit -if the _-irl ,i- . , lo'tligssdw). I U-r- o'floi-k what hapjienod ' 111r u-h her j ;i'in^ i>ut and lister iyir to 'H/is H<-n- "—T l- r. wa- ii -. publication hu.sMv; JoL-eph Waters, Bawnfune; Wal- greatest pleasurtjj and I ret u rn most cor- 1 ; i; between yctir- .-ii ,- .i :is called bad naine-. and tli>-:- - »i-/e .' I i I -¦•li and rapt.;Pci\K-r ami .Mr.s -. aiidal' throu'. 'h thi. ver Witne--- I L- .IV Urumlohan ; John Sheehan, Mothel; worthy, indeed; «:if the .generous and' loyal .-nit iMrs. Power was shoiii.- a I), in her1. ' . it t<. m> lawyer nnd ' , iue .iblhliroii^'li tlj ie window il 'I ••: v.ii- nut in the habit tif d »>#¦ .-.lid ii t ivn- .itij beiu til Ihe 'irl to Nicholas Connors. Park ; John Power, Cathdlics of Tallow but not merited by rallin-' 'li'pi sli.- Honor—It i.- iK't iur ihe. b* n ti - .¦. s I" f- II.1.11-.* j .Tl.af ni''ht 1 went •Hi- Honor remarked tli.i/t if the.dr'tciid- pr> Hliii -e it Kilkoran; Michael Walt-h . Kilcannon; me. I prize very highly the. compliment to my i,« n !ii - crir. to have her nainc upr—T. i.i i j > 1 , and I shall preserve liot'i.{. ajiil . ilien to the c-harwl. .11:'. lu-ed rhe words; complained- •f , a - a 'Mr. S a-y-Tuo/ii i' n-. t!::iri;e .iL-ainst Nicholas Cummin-. Ballyshonock ; Thrw. you have paid nie I t/.l.J niv v.l :ii 1 wanted to t>to i> - ¦Till your handsome presest as a souvenir of iii.' tii A r!Mr.-. - P.iwjr .'Oi -ul gar abust and did nt t iiii an this . MI 1 at -ii . . iind ii «iir thruuu'h Mrs. Doyle, I'orinuhoc , Martin Hickey. Cool- ' was making a di-- "In 1 . witness was uj-ked as to :.!i> .<- the fidelity of my people to tho ilast day u-rne-j of !i. r-M- lf that ni«lit : Ii -n miin the real sense the action iiiled. I'ower' - hu-li.iotl .-ho \\.i> l>r-.u^iit into tin ; and (-In- told ea.i'.'ii when hi: wifi- called u: -i.nt;ff :t «f my Me. Ij feel profoundly- thank- in- niit (o stay there, to «o Mr CO'Brien—I din't think th is i- a the run Mus^tiBABiiEEnr home out oflii ba I i-tri racter, ai) d b-.-re out ;..am:iff.- e 'l-i " TiaXSKKR OF LrCEXSK. ful to his I.ordphip the Bishop .for the I i.er.t back tij . ' ' 'i'I jk-ulciir abuse at all . Mr. O'llr:. :i -Tl.i. -..ni 'i.-mmi l- .-is Mr*. Power .-i nt TO oVicp!; > v ileiiiv |m thiit poiiii. liich honour conferred on me. and I wish and notbiiK' Mr S|.S -ily—AVe inalkc no eriarne- a'. 'iKii ^L ]UWeil Lv\-. -ln.iler- out .-t Ihi- w:tnl 'W .) hapjn-liipd until the follow iiis iii- -Honor—Did sli.- man i:i. - -.I'-rd- l Mrs . M.iry iK'-nnedy, CallHg hane , was him from my !umnost heart "Ad \mullor !Holl6w»7'« Ointment la eon- nwiT.in i i! ~ ¦ t- ei . :ininli n. one would kln.w a iiytiun^ i;f tlii- .Irjiwinj room .c. j sh VISIM I 'or did she (oil y ute; tin-in a- a irrunletl a transfer of liccns tl'-n . -Xiimined late tlitl slj e say ;,i v. .n teini tif abuse^—Well, 1 don 't:ki>"iv »h:i; , name t.f b.^ husband , Nicholas Ken- diocese and an honour to the ij Irish mttcbed ss a Sldn CJure. spredity tint niJln? I ¦ ¦ ¦ Mr O[Krien—-Till-O action i- not brought for ithe p i lint, ff . ,uid said tint the dp- I !•'. meant, but -he rjpri-ad it- abou '. Jinl i.. netly. there beins no - objection on the Kp iscopacy. The |addresa gives me|crens a'. 'aiiiHl part —Tba; nj-ht? I :ie ii-t-J me of bavins r.-lations MII ;i,. - -. ot the t'onsiabularv. for having done sonvlhing for tlie pimple* udiblackh^ids. ItUa Hio to Hcmiir-Tlior rtt nislil or Us1 •J\-\ ill whieli were ah.-ollit.-ly ials--. an.I -aid tempora welfare of my flock. Weil, 1 sura renieHr for Obnrlnste Som in-rnin^ any tlu-, yea: l ' :e clmimt-.'i> . L loffiiie anil pny tl I CO-t« lier neither iui.1 -i .-ti r imprniii^ i.i ' .- st pi- ;i;i Hie habit of k'ivinir ir.e LVT! h-ali Hi- JURORS FINED £10 honestly dedaroj that ^-verj ' tliought. sod Old V/dunds, si' well as (or y. .-IP"e sati.-fic. ¦To Hi- .ll'o- r « IIII .> S '.ied tJ.ai i-he -ir (iau-. 'hier). j : .-.v. re|.i;iiri and sovenli^'j is. - ref word and act of | mine was for the; good Rheumttlsml Lumbago, Ac, white ; Mr SiS alv—We certainiv will a 1 M' .'^lrC did not know »•!• ether di feietai.; believed ! U itr.--.-t~Th|ii. ljijht she cot a l.-i ',-r 'Viin-'ssl relatetl an. inciden 4. » :ii. S ¦>- ¦¦ The Urand Jury ilso found a true bill of the peoplo-rfor the true welfare of iii cases of] ChKt I and Throat ' r'>rn Dr.; K<;nnedy but We went pay any COM.- aM the ilniw.- -In .-ii itl. in tile case of David Maher whu was i i And Troubles it gives almost and slio said tl- >u I cu red . on I New Year's Day. ^Mr. A y;«.inl . l each anil all of Imy parishfoners. magical »:i» sap.m; lier Kep y: ie.' In Mr Sealy. wit n.-ss denied Hie ll-.n .- .to Mi Sea '.y - I think you ch ir^'od with an indecent offence. now tliough list , but not least,! the relief, i Prices i/ij nnd 2/9 per jlist as well a-= her Jn|- d. - eudantfs father , went to 'Jlr ii..ii-e th:i : be ut-nt tbt re lo g !• . han.j 'ian/1 then ' ive «-vie carried on a ilinv Hi '.vamed to v'O in but wit?i:\ and th" Court then adjourned for people. One. of ?he crowning. act« of let him, and defendant slioui. -.i troin ¦van!, ii ui clear Uit cirl 's ehnrai tei and " HiJ Hnnor—Phe parried on a dirty oon- th. window to let her father i.i. ;!i.-n th- in a bad -lui. . i heal : (Luicliter ' iuueti^ Ood's love, to ilrriland ds the Teverencc v.. ' inn I.. uitii.-h hi.' wife. va|ion ; . \VlJHt Was it all about:- i;-^j .-c 'wus as much hi- as wiiu-r- ' - . ?-!'¦ Mr. O 'Urien —Mr. Sealy i- v^-ry uneasy On hi.- Honor returning after liincb it and a0eoti<5n He- infused linto the hearts LEAR N M - 1 i'iiy to SEin_- . ut ai-u scouted Ifroin tly window that h. - mini .-ill i man s wiftj at all (l.-iuui .ter). about proilucim.' her that three of the jurors 1 the Qork : Road. v..is .His Honor—I think the lad y ou^-lit ti were missing. Afte r some delay the priests. The -hiti CardinaJ llanniri(» of kipping a bud character in "lie limi*- Mr S ¦aly—Jt is npt the way te he knbck«- blessed union »aid—"You are on ' God's ni^s—Yes. "h:t tliey were tryiii'' to murder h.-r tl'- nny char.'i- lot her make n her-elf. I see tines and not answering ' tie fines were ,j Tf» FARMRIIS A\D PIO FEKnEIlfi Mr ; | 1 veil rer umber that oci-isioii wh n yon ride when yoa! are at the side of i Holy . St-aiy—Thi< should bp an ac-.ion ;.y pr -vious night, and |the fa'Jii'r Siiid " 1 km-ckec her down? a lady silting there whr.m I am .surei in inipoced and the prisoner |-ent for trial to Jin. hp;Ji;md for slander. i ow.-t the Assizes. Church and when you love and respect ' wi ' murder them 4o>. " The next, day Wiim s*— I may, but we ar- n- i trying 'MVs. I' . and I think -iie oui:hl to t happy con- . " KBLVC—Slie sa d ) \e used be soiiis . ut 1 comi! up iind it her o«n st< ry to me. your priests." ] And in this CHE^VTEST OA'TLE, CALF ASD PJG ¦'¦ «i nest- a^lder lie weiji t for Ur. ' Jaek'iiiin I.Uiit ca: 'll The juror * subsequently turned up anil n fction I deem it .well to quote for you ' ' yprk 'lluad uit i these bad chara<.-:e-r.-. in order to get liis wjife into :ne Inlirin- .., Mr. Senly-I tti.u 't like callin? her i ' ! His' 1 1 . | po.-e you biiiirve !h»- ni"rr y«>u appealed to his Honor to withdraw the the sodden word.*j of one of God's Saints, . Honor—Are the bad characters all (irin . . oneShe I wnwass coiiipituuinponinliiinin;?; un r; ueill*lieiii"^ -teK-d-L ¦ ' (lait^hteT). lines <"i -h» li.a! i wi.man the belter >-in- i •- .Per- , .stating tliat they had gone to lunch Rt. 'Prosper—"The | priest*," says.; the. ' I.CVU R.iad? (laushter). I! HI : 1 accusing -witne.-i of not pivin^ Ii. i a|.- sf lEvcntunll y the defendant v\a > sw>rn. nnd had been delayed ; also that they Mr. lO'ltrivii—Y|s ' ' ilauirtiu-r). hail Saint, "are the| pates of Paradise through , your honor fh'u*-- .'"i d .-iiicl all tliat. .iniJ thii*. Wits in. - >-«.i- ri iHt i- »hat they do in Luca fHis Honor 11-kttl her whether she in- travelled 40 miles to attend the Court. " j ' : ¦ l.r?-I' which the faithful come to Chri»t. i You. '"" •! l ' I ?V>n he wanted to jet her int^ 'h- Intirm im_,-1.i I tended to send this letter Ui her father His HOUOT refused to vrjthdrBTv the people,| aTe tho children oi Mr . lOTHrieu (toj th-> witness)—Did .4:e iirliiy. S'rie .went to tjiu Inti:iur> which .-he bad written. 'She t^iiid Cap- tines, and told the three juror * they could and ¦viil 1 H.'v niiL' were yon in Knea.lcr parents who were ever true to God Jrour naine^?—Not tliat nigh ( - -plying to Mr. Oj lirien , -.vitr..-s -aij " tain Power cinnc m before, .she had time ;. Iiu: A\ i -.nt rS-Am I to BilrBlT till.- t| iii - li'. in , petition lo have the 'dries remitted in ttio to His anointed ministers. Tallow, as tii- 1 itillrjwin:,' moniina she called nu- !, a tint he heard hi- wi'I. tc.l b-.r fath.-r s- to send it. She told him there was a re- u—mil eonrs.. . of old , is Catholic 'to tho core, and her Barley Sediment nur hi n->r» <>ii 'I name. I j : al. nit ho ^witnesti) luiVma a tui r :• ¦-- . innl upstairs and t"ok - roj i "Mr (. "Bneii—'He r"-e t'. i!¦¦ • 1,:¦.¦!,. .-( the glory of Uti'tr forefalhors. Tlie (Jory Loss than one folirtli the price oi Barley, on thi .4!;iiitlei- and Wo put in iiu uded (lauphterj the letter ami jtl-o -Uhe letter she 3md writ- , two|!'?i'...r,i; !.,f slandijr. . I: i-.d down ind was not in lia- .¦: ' ? li ¦> ' time that her hu-baud had .lieen ^oin^ on ; y4 t' e. 'iillio! him iit nil. be ever Catlioffic, wil prevail j for Ifi« Efiiiior-j-Diil she slrind«T y.j.i Si'i - •i was in tlit. iimrniiiL'f—N' - i. J with tint- jri rl hot -he did not believe it all time , and | our humh-V and earnest y ' : Wiuu i»— 1 think I can .-lion v ry -o.;,l Sleepless & THE iBARLEY SEDIMENT AGENCY, what dirt she savf . Vi'd shj- was ti-llinj." her {ai' i. r • • -.- :i- now. because lit- .-wore there wus no in- rn-tition to him to-nicht is, thatj tho - ¦ eharac t ra for the time I was iiw iy . . i 1 . ; Mr. :0i ".Hrii!ii[—Oiir case is that th'::- ' j ...^- :' intter of fael?—Yef. inul li i^ i,. i , timacy between them. With regard tt> sacred bonds of ;F.iith and Fatherland > ¦ ¦ His I [uii'.r—1 don t think inert i ¦ .-my 1 ••"iti'Ijrul this iri'rjl ;o several [>.-or>l'j .- jin t ir; il jillj over the t'lttll -n,- - the la.-l uilnet- Kite Coiiwnv. she hail uniting priests] nnd rn'ople for wvU : nigh «¦¦• n.piiti' i :uii ji .C'ain.-t yk>u. U 5IORRISSON S ILOAD. WATESFOBD are iioin^ produce evidenco u'i> w \- regards. Uie ?e I|-ttvr». ,l: en imay continue for. lever, '" > ¦ M- ; •ill y—The maiincr.- ¦• ' ih- niiahir- centurie* ¦' p-op!e wluil heard the words srit/.;, || - '(-• vi- .n ' etter witien lo V'e.i ¦ ¦>! v -- i - •> i- ¦ tile cii-e except the common report , n^id t uiruin thank you , my detir peoi«!<'| for Ihml ml- I vas speiikind ab«.>ut. Business Man's Testimony to 1 pirtit-s. ' I ! h- idwritiii'. '?—Mr- . , rower ci".i- ' uv. Mrs. (;iini..in. Hit- nurse, wlu> war- attend- your extreme kindness. Hi- . ' ¦ T.. t >• Witness—Vour wife wi.s nf a H.m.ir—TelJ me what the j !ai- er •il -n: -int} o clock at jiiiar.t I wn- >•" !'¦ ¦ ing her in hi r illne .-^ , told her lli.il Mr. The company was subsequently enter- ', 11 _ 11 1 y ¦xcitiibli' nervous ti mpera nentr— Dr. Cassell's Tablets. v '¦* ! : !n : in t-ie Jones --lr.) - tained at a sumptuous supper by tin: • .1' • J : dinin:-'-i"um an-j < .n .ainc S .men t- .vein I.I her hous* to know Mr' O"liri-n—(irdinary slandori tl nil and placed the; n-fl»:.- bft'.-u- n. did si' . - initner-; -ay anythin 1 ' about rhe ( anon , ait.r uhiih tlio usual toaM8 ; wero SI..- I ij bef-n it b^iort- tin- N' 1 1- Year's - [, ?¦>r!""" r— wii-it is that? ; fis Honor—:Had vim cvir- cnvlunr ;^ plainhli ami her hu-iiimd Mr. .lone- •_»~ Mr. - Poo!c n Im-i- proposed and rosponded io in theihait- W.\ BRYANT, 15 1 ¦ ¦ l- v. an in hrd iir .sulne turn '- —She was .tr A. ncsii nun ' . I"- if ' Pi " '11—sl|e accused her of Inrv w: rln -.'.ith this ^irl?—N"o . y..ur '-i • • :¦¦ I i.- w,i j tluii a.-. il could mi-"< r that (laup-li- . "f iiif.^t tunns. and ;a most I'njoyabl c' even- i ¦ in h-'l lirniar>-ro.l'i.-*llftt\'"-l 'Hit e| iiiliinat-y -]¦ - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦t y : Practical Coachbuilder with •herlhiisUiul. . vi.-il that vrirl an niueii-i- ! • U.-r i . ^ 1 in-.' «iL< tlii'ii broiiL'ht to a close. in- lieftirt- thif New \, -m- ¦ I-:»- er- . M V mys: " Dr U»iN> " 'J- '"¦"¦'" a-^Ked the witness ;o - ' ¦ W.i= i- Tal-IIMS have BUM i,l v iVt ,- in -isterj or moth-." - Hi- II ' . ..r—Wb.-it ab .id tin words they /^fl ^ {|v\ . Qlo - V.• - . .- . us- in li'.'d anil -I.i J.- "l -Hit : S* HI I Tho 11, Waterford. , VW "h-it tin; defendant s.i.-l :-I L - Jid y.u ever tnka any ii) "¦ • 'i;li >ay you ."poke out o( the window-'—A ll /'¦ R • * \ \ wofkitKl wontkT* '":oUotvi *i(; in..ruin^, > ¦ " .i h.-ii : rimed her I ;' ' ^\ -^*>*-N I .!l\ me. '} h.-ul bt-cotoi- f-^ ¦ and witness s-.v. .l : • ,,, rr—Xo.| i! 1 said vi i.- ht.n tlar. y.Mi starve me. The * . .ii-!c''>* r*** /• ^ > A eict«iivcly m-ri-ui.- O'SHEK v. COKFEY. ALL KINDS OF OABBIAGEB, OAB, eharae'.^r - ther^ foundation J- : :>. . . '• only f..ml 1 M . I , al : .iwed u-e owinp to ' -; liv K, )i|. t" I :- v \ ' /.:- ^1 and fun-down tliv. 1 This was au ejectment civil , bill ETC., MADE AND BEPAIBBD. Alii ! i . tJiat. isi evidently wh., I, - itii-uy -aid -> wife «a.- n a dc- ¦ : " ' >lV ; ' ' : X- foumlatioii whatevi-r. tin: nature t ir} rilness at the time was l' - "fl k T#HW. '7 would- jump M -i brous-ht Poer O'Sliee, D.I:, as lluuish .oLy iju?—|Ye9. oridi'Kiii "f liealtb. t^ld by >|r. BDBBEB TYKINO ON THK Jid you ever «ive th-' ci-i H ii.- il r ¦on mi'k Hi ui - -^L' .- . imd thir ^irl me that .¦iL'i-nt for bis brother , Major Pocr O'fihec . I • : PHEMI8E8. Miji iHoiiiM-—What did yoi; sa\ - -! Jrl ;¦ ¦ \nl tiitl Ti' .t believe :i - -II t -laek- V3i*» J: [Wit fldpncii in my«.'il. :!"¦! ....iTi.i'. 'iip—^A;. Kister I a-\ - ' i"' - - lie. '.V'.ulJ mi let In-.r take up the milk , r/ ' the alertiit'sw .mil lift kn jw what til say then. iiiau -; I he could not pr-'V.- -i NtS?ii\*V-A*i Cniileniiiorris , UtjainM. John Coffey¦ for . GENERAL 8MITHW0BK. ' -i t of a fsoveroian. I i{i'i ¦>>> • • -- 1 ' i; 1 and that u.uu- all iibeii ii|i down.stnirs, JWJfii'3Tftrfiv/i;r, buplnevrt activity I !-.«. - W-j!l , on refh-t on what did y-,u • • •-¦ ¦• -. ' '" l )"l i- i-ll Hunk slit- «n> -h-inl niiu -. .' — ¦ 'f . i)u». .-c.l non-payment of ,tl3 13.-.. rent due. PF.HRONAT. ATTENTION TO KVF - -. 'i r luit I save the ('liililrtru /). -nt h \l and 1 w.i.- at- itiii weaker nnd weaker. )'.' IV. -rdPjoU' j tormttrly -r- 1 ' . S'l" Lll - E HIO dines- Mr James McCoy appeared ior the t«llu cuun- into tilm .room she tion Wfl.» very ferliti- . plaintiff , and Mr. H. D. Keano for the (> ll I ;e 2ml of Januan- Dr. I ackinau 'd HU tli in . - rind they lovcil her as ^ ui"th. r hil a i:ew 'y u> U '!l me. SIK'II a? ..fit -r i llifro naj i pain and «tnd. unit at nizhi defendant. . ' \n|i j' retiiined i solicitor?—No I Ji.l ' .l|.j. - .V. ¦I b-- - - \ ' f I f-'iu- i- t.h .'ni t his #J. eaeli to . 'ive lif ; i . rcuK'Vni !•• t!ie 1 ntiriii. that the ei-j- were all us.-d for breaking, I u-i .1 i<> irakr up witb a start am! a queer evidence , and eros. not. |j , - . • i.-Ill's . drejtl ThU. h:itl IK'IK1 O » '<'!• Mr. O'Shee jrnye Y.-u .-an fee it from jhis'bo-'k (pp'tluein^ l'\ ^ and tluit In- would not -. -ive tier ni'.ney " ' =- in 'iil.h . . t was itriliiiir more ana moro run- examined by Mr. Kcanc he said the de- Mr | (p.MJrir -n—Did the husband i. .-.- ai aetMiiri t bqoki. l! t'ave her the -am. n- . -ri :' to .buy tin II , n II . \\!ii-n onp day I iva^l PH -*.-' fendant last paid ; rent in 1910. He . held nrivtain it aboiit the children?—Y ' ¦ ¦ - - HJUI t-. !:c a Christlnns for a CliTiktmas box .ii r • . i - kr. I think. Hi.- If-'i:' r --H.iw- i .-u ,ii v chiltlreii ot -. -TJ.1 t'.v Iir. Cv.'eil'n Tnhl^ls. 1 * r.nro I (clt better. Naturally I in yearly tenancy at £2 2*. ; MONEt LEM to'd inO jto have the eliildj en r'-n.c-v. to Mi . (I'llru n -aid Unit the passa-e MI 11:.! mi reiusc; to pay for her ; (ter the -,.! .ilmr.c at ; 11,-i-t- vi TMl . unit IKIW I urn ai well and at an Mr. Keane—Was it not his people my .it .slielr? h'iu=ei th • . i-iter writt- n by defeiulaut to li. -r fi i - - u i-k' — Ye.- , becau.-e tin dot l--r told llnvi' vou j .ru|i- riv oi your own?—A ¦ Th.j -'. Jij isbaii'd and wife were n ' any Til;*.Ii of ni.7 aco." ¦ built this houie?-j-That is not Tisht.; no' Ki -' laim in which she statetl " I tc!il a ' i- was nothing ver\ i\ i' :u w jlii Untie. , !, ¦ ! ¦ " mi Was it your people built it?—Yes; but PRIVATELY, PROMPTLY. uonil ]t^rims ' iijid Hie was bitter .aja M .^ p.-.; . . ..j our -ji -ner-'Si: \ .. MINI ii-i- ¦ i Mr S. - .i!j \ 'i ar- -t.r ii:^ UII - 1 y I: . :iiid 1 did not. M — tii . ^' ¦ ¦ ¦•¦ ¦ ¦'• " " f wns not alive! when it was built. ; '¦ him ariif you?—Yy *. ¦iin .iiiited 1 O an aJ.ni-- "i: ot 1 linppjiy :• LIJBERALLY : |a>u -! I-a . int.' three u'liinMs ii week fir II or there w ith y..nr liu-haiM?—Why Mr. iKeane—He fays his grandfather's 1 ; U .l\ JJtinor-j-Hiil l you anyihin^ t- . 1 . .- i : itl.n^ tin1 li'hel uml ' i : I ial> • it «a.- «h. I: I 'i-ru an* ncii liins »T -II » W ith her. woiil.ln ; I iwv a :i .in like that? (laugh- Dr. Ca&sell s : ' I' uncle, built it (laughter). . i- '.-. ith |''tlie husbanrl?—That is Ah-- :u- ai i'Inii. i 1 anM ' On Gold, 8ilv«r. Jewellery, !Wa.t«hei --:Mii of puhlieuHM. \l, ,r ;it:s letter 1b;\t ymi ^n . I)iil ter). Mr. alsci afked the witYiees did loitatio'hl T siil>ptj lsc. It :- ir.,;i.i •• - ¦ ¦¦ ¦ :¦¦ ¦! K'-ane Gent's Bicycles, IHarneSB, ClothinK, Fu r —She only „„ ,• .;. -II, il.-l us it I" your'uli'f—-1 w.i^ slecJiin'J 'Win.c-.- iui.1. i! Ji.i '. -h. wa- now living ii..I tlefiMiilant tljafch the house . Mine Mr,! ft'Brieil—Tliere is : no su^-a-s-lj .-'i ie - niture, and Valnable Property of eva ; in .p "i his venero!!!!}. < i. . Ii • ' in 1. ' ill I he tliiiins-'room iind she <';u le down .i;>:irl: fro m 1,, -: l ; u-biiud. He was I ivim: T^MetSo tune 'ign at a of £12. and. witness now tHhi shri liali. ; a i H inr.s !;.. i -landrr n - p-nliii>« »nd t»tcd «^cii ci}st d*8cription. I . ' mill I'll It "II the table ill the III irii iir'.. in S-w . -rt ltri ir foliage ai.il -he Wiis living Dr. CISL'U; Tribl-U iro 11 ¦¦ '¦ Hi. witness)—1> tl i-n: to - - 1 nprvi. o! botlll: tnto* ¦" <>U -aid it WII .- .i s uied house, (laughter). {Goods : by Po$t or Rail attended 1 - 1 jjl onor |(to jthe Il"|ilyiri^ Mr. -Sf-i i a-. .. nh tor all ti nil. ft »\ y. -j - -.- - A ii.J !IO Kill ' WOllld have kll", 'n any- on tin- Matl ' I iwu!d tit-t injure the 71.1111,-. lie; ml"1 nl n-tie-ii-i-:..!". :m.l uml. . a decree. • ' nny uvrl'estion that you "Utire e^rrylj ir-' • ¦tries •"¦ ¦ ¦ " His Honor gavi' ; same day as received ! and money fo ' in the piiA-boun - < i « i --- il iii < f it unle-s you tolil t-lie :.'irl?-I jiirl . sin- continued . " but i-he toltl me icilifi^jWy vwi cdicir.. it< y : »t» Int ««' <>n w IM defendant's husband?—No . i. i« - -ni for (l Warded. ' ! . ¦ ' d' fed «v,v- mnde each nw-' i l,,-.,ii-'h t'lie irirl irJo Mr- . I'mvc '- rn-iiil tinil tny hii&bniKl u-ave her a pound to t.ii.iefit l.truf iitwuii- :' \CTIOX \dAiNST THE .S. AND W. inlin e. I ! |: ; ¦¦ ¦ : j Mr (I'Bri.'n said th.-re i.., . • -. . in the iioriim^'. I told her ;ii.-ti , 'H llll.l malic ,i f:i!-e -latemenl lo Mr. Kcane NERVOUS BREAKDOWN KIDNEY. DISEASE BtAHAVAY. ii Old bold and Silver bought. . Ifi.-J;i mor-;I)iil sht! evt|r .su^e.st it?— ie- ;•¦ • » ; HESVt PARALYSIS INDISESTIOX ' «-r>tt.j> i by defending i- III -ell It' i -u-ied ot s iroh a tliiiej :tnt -lie tlc- \.-oli-. i . ai:d al-u that Sir. Jones sent her Mi--r.- McDunrj cll and Co.. jnarpariric \ot i n iij Xewi Year's wl'f-u |h'- ' SPMAI PARALYSIS nOHACH DIIORDER American Mot ey exchanged. mominf. Hi* H&:ior^\Vlm» 5s ¦ '> l J down the M-il 1 manufacturers ,! tilled the O.S. and W. .-i'litl t.lantl she has lieen sayim; it sinue. * lli.'l It to meet me to see if she INrA«TIL£ PARALYSIS MAL-NUTRm0!« ¦ ^¦ ' ' HUXtAVTHENIA WUTIIIII DISEASE! Kuilway lof C3-C-!. lid., lo.-. sustained by O'Urien—It is il ' •¦ .' ¦ > ;> M . M - I ..- Y"ll iri iuuht !' ;e let '.^r t- - y H I -i):ei- wuuid eateli me siiyiny anythinc (lau.crh- -' lliri lJCjntnr—Tlnit you were carryity^.jon \\ r. •" NFRV0U» DEBILITY PALriTATION - ' t"r). I .aJ been warned not to mention . plaintif fd through non-delivery by defend- with jir. Inisliiind iii :in iin)iroper tvayf— tl:.- sa iiiel.words of tbc -ji:'i- ; i . .ii'-'ii- . :or?—(, Ttanrly. I' 8LtIPLt9S.1t3J VITAL SXHAUSTI0M STRICT 2SX SECRECY p * ' ¦¦ U:l - ad- her name to anybody as they were try-ins ant* of a quantity of new milk consigned Y'-s. M: j .. ¦ j : 1'he wil!l««s .-aid Ifj ia . :. i. - . . •:• :r>. 'n And 'on cot Illi- letter veint-h AM/EKIA PREMATURE DECAY ¦ ¦ e, ,. ;.rip irom Chnrlcvi-Jo to AVatcrford. : i Diiij she MiL'L'esti In r hnsbund «.i ' ' di ieiuiaic to her fatVr '..: .1 - i; ; ¦ lr,-iie,j to tier father:- 1 il i :elter citni a mi me. My husband told - ^t.'h««. anil •!>" re v *} ' . i . . I1- . »¦ '(Messrs Thornton> appeared _ " • hi; •it/ I- -I hifll us addrei-srd to r futh ¦r lyiii'. me lie wrote out five" payer- of :i Mate- .. ' I ' rh«nnU*« ••-'I ^'*i Mr. Jones illl? \»nl4— ''! viii'' Vi. n li:ilt sovf-reiiff:-r- - ii >le presumably foi! d • \* • h'- ' ,1 -:i Dr O«• ¦ ' J w; s openl for anyone * ¦* -¦ /t... .. ' .r 1 ¦! :. '¦ - -mail t ble in her room. When > went was not a bit nngry with Annie Nolan -I -- - '-in - *»ldr"- fi . D.\ Ou-- - SH£EDY*S ncj iSr .ditl. [ie ¦¦veil " .. .. r - . ..I \Uni' n«-u-r Mr Jonc- said that tlie nr-.v mi|k wat, Wire no oirtvtions or a ~.y. I¦ :• - :i"i i 1-. IMe Infiimary ! we.nt to h.l r n-iin anil am ii"t .it present. . ' Mr iO'ilSrien—Is tliere any tjuti i uiiji!' 'His 11-uior—Tl e be.-t evidence that you scut from Ciiarwvi'.lr. to Wateriord on «ver ir ' iiidel-ei\t sii- I licked it up and -ai the letter on the tab'ie at d nick- SAWNBBOKBB and JEWELLEB. jany .'^estion ahi>nt ¦ " ¦¦ ¦ ¦ could eive is thai yi.ii were angry. the morning of U)e 2jth January and did ,[ r "i .\ - < " '¦ ,-il it n i and read it. 1 you ard; ' . .Sealy—Shedi 'i ¦ the jlcfe.ndunls : hu.-biirid?—N" :ml i.:r M r. u 'Hrieii - In -rd^r u> avrn£e your- not arrive until the follow-in"lollow:n£,- tnorninn'ornins? STORE8: tnithlh-^atstieyer. i ¦ Either .it Ithe timo Mr ! aiily—It never reactv l h- j - .n at »!:- - Tliat is doubtful , ~,-U y<.ii tlid i!i-- -V , I left it toViotl'i, War and Photography.—In epita <4 when it wa3 sou ; ' Croji-oxnmined i by Mr. Jv'-r-O-- Hi.- Honor—And I s..pi * •">¦' of Mr. John jrie, Manager for Me?STs <'oiniiiod (M- ' tended tel .Mr. iealy—I'f you did no; > ' \ v tlie justice tho hugd advance In prf^e materials, Mal' Ballybtlcken, .Waterford e Po w er is only married \li! ¦ ¦ ¦ McDonnell's, ' Mr. R. Chestnutt, 451 ! 'lns gi!n*.!" '¦ •¦' . -1rl th - 5e letter.- there would I.e IM Rej/aini.' I" '-'1' i-r qiiestiojiii by Mr. we have decided to do alll photograph* at and hi'inthajto' his |iresent wifi-?—Ye' s, th.il I is Mr. S: ii'y—I • • ?• '- ' Chief Clerk in ihe Parcels Drpartnirnt nil. || (i ' J action t'ninst your wife O'Brieii she ^a. -l I'.er husband wns a specially reduced prices during the present Sliowrooma: 88 BALLY ; Uf . I ¦ ut Wtiterford Xorlh Station, having givon Stores ind . Anil }npy 111. O'Brien-I.ueli'il y '¦ " : ' ¦ ¦> Hi- 1 r.nnr—Ther p i s no pub .c: livii bv widiAvrr wh.'it -h n.arried him and bad crisis. A. H. Pool* and Co.. Artist* and hail rutlier an :uohapj>j- ni^i- • • ' four .-videnoe hu< IWDor decreed foT £3. i BEIOKEN. ' i ne/J fliiaP^Ycs, j i .li iir.-i tii find it. Anywic but hirriK'If. ^hilHr^n Photographer*, 04 Mall, W*terford. . ¦ I • , I ¦ : ' i ; ' A oarga I " I ¦ i • ! i . . I • ¦ ¦ li - : l ¦ : ¦ ¦ ; n ! ¦ • ' - ii io- ! - I « i i i - ¦ ¦ MIj I : 1 - \ - \ ' \\ \ ' ¦ \\ i lii ; i' -.i - . V IM Greut Sale of Enamelled j . I I I ! I ' <' i i; j i Ware ln| our Ironmongery , Commences Sat urday, June 26t r». , Depjartment on Saturday.

W« » ki'n* iL-i t Ii^tiil ' urn ftTflrnf. ir»n tliat *r*a tiavn n.Mtnn Imnn :_ n t. n «» n » ..A.ti:«_ _//.._ : ¦ ; * - • i ¦ ¦ ' Jwiee as mucih ds ymx ' ! i '' i ' ' i (IKVTIJXKjlSAKGAI.NS IN DRAPERY. . : ' . ;F.x1ri Largi i Kiisuncl ' MERCHANDISE, AND Kl RN1TURK. : ¦ erl ' I afins. Old. Bargains tliut ciiinot «giiin be duplicatedl Our buying powers bei ig unlimited in . : i ' K HCII , ivorth jls; 3d. !! ¦ ¦; i ; ; ; the (Market}. w<| purchased exttm.-tively before the great advance ii prices; ennse- i ; !,. . JBar 'frains In liost 'luently .Salt- Prices will be 50 Kniiincljeir Buckeis for¦ ¦ 1 por cent. and ' ?i:naine!!fI ' | | PRICE YOU WaJNT TO " i ! ' , .?. 'llcii >ot«. '8nd' 'i : ; • i I it\. Gd. liacli.j i ' "' U \nr TRY . YOI: wir.i. FlND TWICE AS I ill '! ROB ERTSON LEDLIE, FERQUSO & CO., Ltd., j jKnaMe U cd iSjs ,lc 1 ' ; ¦ ¦ . . at¦ Bart'iin¦ ¦ . i Price* . ¦ : i i : . r ¦ I¦ ! WATERFORD. * ; l - j . - —U 1 I " if i ii I I GRAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL ™J_ ; I AND XARDEN FETE ! >ts>V?o« . 6won ]• ¦ d | > *o¦ : I !' |i= ;< j " 1 M T M • «» & 6», Qu«y, Wat rfard. ! ¦ In the Beautiful Gard ens oJ tho ! ¦' ¦ . \ I • i i- ! Sacred! Heart Conyent, Ferrybank Micha r/ Street, \ : i • . i . J - r I. - °*i j ! j SUNDAY, JUNE 20th, RFQRD. Commencing at 4 p.m., ind will be M ^KE A NO E OF IT WATE f Continued until U< p.m. : : \\ Programme! ot musical excellence. ¦ Instrumental aid Vocal , w 11 be rendered I AT CAKR LLS IT W11L BE A DA OF HARGAIN- <;IY1N (. by [well-known Artistes . , THK Kl ST DAY OP OL'K ANNl M. SUMMER SALE. St. Cecilia's Grand | Ore lestra, jSacred Heart Convent , 40 ArtisUa. winners of high musical honours.! \ \l • if I M The popular jBarrack Street Bralss and Reeijl Band will play clioiec selections at inhit-vaUi' | : ' Ve will offer tho Surplus if our Benson 's Songs by wel -known Singers, Humor- -tick at Sweeping Ruthii'tu ns. Every box ous I Sketches by Fahiouls ( Comedians. md fixture Avill bt> turnoll out. Every 1 THEn Scenes iii full getting and .ionumej, from \rticlt > left aftvr the Sn;i: m " Sellinc " ^T JTyp^ ; •• " * Another Qx xnd t " ahd " Coin try Girl . 1! ¦ :f Maritana. Aj Must without regard to rices or roui. , ' t^hibitiori' so ii - OF — I ' or we hav-CE jlPAVILLIOX I 6di Tor fllALF- j..VJ)IES SHOULD NOT 5 ISS SEEING OUR BEAUTIFUL ! ! < ! . . is thei Bes ^.i 1 !| HOUR. , i\RRA Y OK DAJNTY 1U JUSES. STYLISH TA I LORED i CAFE CHANT.' NT. j 1 I'OSTUMES . LOVELY Sl'l IMER ROBICS. AND THE BKfJT T EA S «d. iCEs:-6d. I \ KK i ''>i;XTER WILL UK \ I ?\R(;.MN corxrKH [ ^ELECTION* OF I.AI JlKS' STYLISH MATS IN THE CITY. ROULETTE, WHEEL ' 01* FORTUNE , riKi; WIND ws. ¦ LAR«JK .STOCKS; ||]. ^ Reserved I SeaU , Concerts and Tea. ! IT ' I I i»i ™^~- Tickets ' can hi had from I Miss Walsh: Tobacconist, 14 Quay;| P .M. Doyle, 79 Qasy; P^arcelljS General I Warehouse, Stockow Farmers Barron strain! Street : i i ! J. FREEMAN , Secretary, 12, Gladstone Street, Waterford, i i : 1 Ferrybank. M i I i ; YES WE ARE END CAVOULI 1 ¦ PLEASE NOTE THAT HOUSE and LAN D AGENTS, - ¦I I! i- I T I ING TO CAPTURE YOUR support Home Industry. PATRONA(1E WE WILL i ll • • ' ——! I I i . I THOMPSON'S PATENT "^LL STEEL' EDW ARD O'KEEFE, Ltd., Fire and Life Insurance Agents. KEEPiT BY SER' VI NG YOU ' ' 3RACEDIEU, WA TERFORD, I ! REGULARLY ! WITH A HAY BARNS AND ' BREAD YOU; WILL KEEP Tajs H1CHK T PRICES lor DEAD kl ID DISABLED HORMC.s ,v ' CATTLE HOUSES | removed from any place ON EATING, i \ MADE: IN d)UH OWN WOBKB. CATTLE: sam ' cithin s ri'a

¦ COLLECTED,^J ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ mmm^m r ' All Anim Is immediately removed on receipt of Telrpj .rii- ^* ^^ ^^ ^ ¦' 1 'III LJL HOUSE in Exchange Street , 6 room^, ' ., ! O'l EEFE'S, GRACEDIEU , WATERFORO, . OUR Pj ELIVERV SERVlCfe l>y TELEPHONE No. 89. with or without shop. CseD RecejVed on Deposit o» 0 per wn», Or j on WP^W. (pwctletUj) ^m.nd. HIGHEST I RICK? PAID FOR LIV E HORSES KROrclIT TO HOUSE No. 9 WilUum St™. . i 4- ! Garde.. Coupon, and A merfcn Uone^: Q»h»d. OUR WORKS , AND CASH PAID FOR S.- ME BY OUR MAN *A(iKK ting. 5 Bedrcorus. Batb. j ; OS DELIVEI Y. LARGE STW on OratUn Qua,. 1*> , oR OUSC W.| O KEEKE S 'AY HIGHER PRICES 1 HAN ANY OTIIKK K1UM ¦ BE ^ SOLD_^ and JJ SMITH &Co OfBces. ; Buildin; Ground in Mayor's Walk. I fi SJS^f Supplied on 8peclal i Ji i | THE Bakery Waterford. ' ' or \\ ' Easy Instalmien^Syjstern Cash ] j LYONS'; TEA (SPKCIALLX IILEN Uilb) L\T 2/-j 1/10 & 1/3. .- . jjVrite or Particulars. \ | W PLANSJ AND ESTIMATES FREE. CORDNEB LATEST ¦ CARS Offldjj tetto by th« Medical orcu, ' ' ' ¦ | FOR MC TOR Xho L«noot," pconounoe th» S * i- I *? ¦ yr»- : 'i i f^ I Mdt d»y Qu Fire hygienloilly po» i I;; AND BOH, LTD, CORDNEfi led. Thli TDAT ba Neptuiie Works!¦ " Waterford¦ rs " ¦¦ ' ' • I II : I I ! i i : ! FOR MO TOR BIKES NEWS ¦ MATERIALS DELIVERED BY MOTOB ¦ I il l- I . v ' I - II: T II 1 to naoy who h*ve not trUd th«m, bot All Sizes and Pric s in 9, 18, & 22 Carat CORDNEf •s Telepht FROM RESERVED APARTMENT FOR WEDDING ssfc- HAY BARNS, For the L ading Makes raiiorts ol regular mn ¦ & It It ! rnri i Mtab' in pedal ] ikes—B.jS.A, lift >ed that RING CUSTOMERS ^ , SWIFT, S INGER, Etc. THE We hold ' -owest Prices.i the Largest and Choicest Selection of $ All i Qualities stocked at I • ! ' I ! Qu Fire U In th« ^ . L CORDNEI 'S .•. Gem-Set Engagement Rings in the Soutji of Ireland WE CARRY-A IARGE STOCK OF PAINTS , OILS, JROPES. TWINES * SALMON i .HERRINh NETS, TANNF.D fJA RDEN FRUIT NETTING i ! TOR TE NIS GOODS, « ; n ¦ FRONT MOTE OUR O LY ADDRESS : ' ) ; AND GKNKRAL 1IARBJW lRE - .\' - \ i\ i CRICKE' GOODS, 6c rmAk of Ul TRY OUR DOLPHIN AND SANITARY BRA S'DS 11 IXED PAINTS ! ht*l\ng and ««rmla« ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ i . j : - ¦! ! api)li*noM, which I- . • may be ph«d oa ! ! CORDNEI SWSJS13BS- FuU 'rtI- C Special Cash Price or Easy FOR MOTOR REPAIRS 76, QUAY, Extendled Payments AND BIKE REPAIRS WATERFJORD. i j CORDNKR'S FOR " HIS MASTER'S JEWELLERS. OPTI ¦ IAN8. WATCHMAKERS. I VOICK ' C,RAM(()PUONE AND NOTICE Yelties, '' ¦ - • Cordner's Garage Hidi. Skin 11 . 4 1 II -i I : . Wool and Tallow Merchant i Henrletti ^ Street, Jssass ; *| i keUobW Quktv, ; : . Wateword ; sssu jp TAND RI $«ISS?SS S A ¦ of 1 ::¦ . ! : I i EXtELllENG^ K BiNsby M4 | p b Pleaso Note pjraciicil Watchmake r & Jeweller ^ ID DW A»Address: r w Br si^ WE WOULD LIKE TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT m : "Wsl8h Thom st OW NG T0 DISORGANIZATION OF TRAFFIC fOSSJDERAUifc wfcd» - " «** DIFFICULTY IN OBTAINING G OODS IS 1NKVITAB LK.] ! BEAU S WE WOULD THEREFORE URG E OUR FRIENDS TO PLA( E FREET. THEIR ORDERS ITOR HARVESTING MACHINES WITH US Trabiore. Tramore. Trjantor^. I This \vell-kn< wn and Old W. STREET'S IT W0UT.D HE IN YOUR INTERESTS TO PLACE ORDERS TOR i MACHINES AND ANY PARTS FOR REPAIRS NOW. OTJIER- Established Livery Yard Whaletale and Retail I WISE WE CANNOT GUARANTEE DELIVERY. , r MQWi O I lias been j urch.a6ed by l8h, Game, Poultry BINDER TWINE SHOULD ALSO BE BOOKED EARLY. .If? and Ice THERE IS LIKELY TO BE A SCARCITY." Storoo, i i i ¦ SEAVIEW PRIYATE HOTEL AND br. JOHI KELLY : . . l ZEA U -STREET ¦ * , • : ¦ ! RESTAURANT fi j i I j Unde: taker, ¦ I ! | • 3 i I (One Minute Irom Railway Station and Strand, npx t door to ! WATERFORD. ; j , . : :¦ ¦ ! I'ARNELL STREET , , i .; \Yeston|Marioe :Hot«l) I -j : jj | ; | | Mra. R. S. Kint (Doran> , 110 Quay!, Waterford) his ! pleasure !in announcing the rc-opon5ng of above prpmisei ¦ ¦ i HORSK-SHOEINC J AND (iENERAL Good* of the Choiceat ; I ! : . I us Higb-ClH HS Rustiiuraiit .jCiiiifi 'i-tionerj . «nd I'riVaJc |Hotcl. j ; ' ¦! !- ¦ ¦: SMITH WORK. Quality. jVisitors to Tramore will find the |EBfablisbmeht|mo8t ! : 1 : I - I. - ' I : I |i HY EXPERT WORKMEN. ujMo-date, nnd can :OUNTRV WA TBRF ORB convenient and tely upon bftving| their i ! ORDERS CAREPULL1 ; wants attended to Iproraptly »nd at Moderate Chargt'g, ] ATTENDED j COTTAiGE F^BNITCRE.i-<3ood| rtlni First-Class TO. 'Chocolates an4 Sweets hj Dect Makers and' in perfect i. j to M Ctsea, j ChaiUt Mdtor Car ; G1* of Drawer*, |W»*h- ciegrama~« salmon, AUKNTS ton- condition only alocked. : i : 1 ( i . | | d»cdj. Dressing TtUet, Dteu«iJ Waterford." ' ] asd For Hire woy (!o tho J" I :IIIK.I.- station (?»B«tt.—W«ltwSit Uh and Soot, eleBhone 107. HORNSBY'S. McCORMICK?8. BAMFORD'S, RANSOM'S, ETC. iOn ynur , cull at' II(|, Qoay. ; jy»tej ^ HARVESTING MACHINERY. ALFA-LAVAL, MELOXTE Waterforo^for Luncheon, Tea, or Refreshment. 1 j ¦' TELEPII . ! ¦ ¦ ¦ \ ¦ JNE 191. PIABOLO SEPARAIORS, 1 : : I " • I III . I : I > II " M|. ! ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : : I

' ' ; : •¦ 5 ¦ • ¦!¦ ¦ - '\ - '!i I I ,. . r: i 1 ; =. 46 YEARS' OF PUBLIC SERVICE.; WATERFO W. 1NTER±-ST1NO LECTURE.' j | ¦ " COUNTY B DROUGH OF Mr. Harper has had 40 year*' of public A\"hat promises tovbe an- interesting] lev- CITY PETTY SESSIONS : : ' " TT-1 23 service with . the) - R.I.q. 8nd Resident ture will be delivered in the llarge Room : ' ir '/^^WV i i' 34 and 35 Vic, Cap. 163; 10 luid 11 Vi • . Magistracy. He commenced r : ; i , to-|day's r; ^ Clip. bl. his official of the City Hall »m Wediieadayl mghl hext Cap. 34; 41 and 42 Vic.^ career on appointment to a cadctship|in by [the Rev. Father Gaston BroTiee, a Bel- tho R.I.C.- at thi CIOBB of the year: 1868, giflil priest, on the j subject o( V Belgium Wfe .Telegrams NOTICE TI AT RATEBOOKS.ARE 01 EN " Retirement of Mr A. M. Harper¦ , | .was promoted an officer; in the Force Ion Hud trio "War. " The lecture WJII be tllus- ' ¦/¦' '' ; FOR THE INSPECTION OF the 10th Jan., 1^60 ; 2nd class D.I.. June traWd '.by lantern views. .Father Biyheo i' • RJM. • ; . 'i RATEPAYERS. ; 1875, and promoted to 1st class rank Octr., hai pas^d through 1 many of ihe horr-.up r NOTHItiG? DOING. ' i , - ! ; ' 1882. He eUed several imrortant; posi- of war. aud was ' innde a prisoner ±>y the t I¦ : - i r—I— i NOTICE IS. add to last nigl't' ^t£^^ \* \ *"— \ siti mte promotion as RjM. on the 24th Novemovr, OllvCEUT AT THErTHEATR}-'. about to be made on tie property 1835, k varied and well selected ;prncra'n:ne iHearne', and Messrs Llames Young, Wm. coliniiunique. .'. j . ; ¦ in the above County Borough , except hat after which he was stationed at Kil- ** Rezd. in oldsmiths' Hull, Dublin , J7W kee, Co. Clare ; iKilleshandra , Co. Cavun ; wajs gone thiough at tne vonccrt JuLd oi: Hill . E Phclan , and |A. M. Harper, R.M. I portion of same known HS Ferrybimk. ;he Rjyal B fore the ibusinoss proper of the expand) uro Mallow , and subsequently this city. It Wednesday night in Theatre ! ZEPPELIM i HERO KILLED TUe Ratei are to cover the for] 'benelit ot I I K Ladies'! Red Crjrt coitmienced, I . - . ! j of the Watir Supply of the said Coi.nty will be seen that he had 30 years' service, the Cvivs n.-i R.M.,' and gave 46 years altogether in Botieiy attached to the Waterford LN.V. .Ml-. A. Nelsonj sairf>ird ¦J 'l'he Pre3» Association adds, that it will the .C Jennings. B.E., son of Mr. O.P.O. had Iheir annual excursion lo titat this in the j laflt occasion on which A Statem !nt of the proposed Rate- is J. R. B. Jen- J Mr. A. M. Warper , RM., Is to act wiih be remembered Sub-I.ieutenniit Warncford nings:, late Co. Inspector for Waterford , iDdnoannon yestcniay i-veniii( on the '•-. was tlie hero, of the thrilling exfloit. br now deposited in the Town l'lerk' > Of ice, who DdncRiinon. They were :ici-.;nipatn;.J by ib. .During the periijrl of now quite close ha* just received n commiSMon in the ami on f»w years while ' dropping bombs o« a Zeppelin in! Bel- Town Hall Waterford , and may be in- lloynl Engineers. Thus, of the live IM Postmaster ncads. "f| ; tafl*, :md pe Jios been asso- 'clock on the »aid 6th en- ^ ai the ciated with us in jhis capacity of Resident gium], thelairsiiip being destroyed; . Tho spected ur to 12 o gineers cngsgiid in 1 connection with the they tifwnl a pl^nssiit eveningi sea- forcejof the explosion CHiiscd his maehir.e» day of July, 1915, by any Ratepayer on any construction of Waterfofd siti'!. Sports ¦vpn organife:i and i .fresii- Magistrate it van always a' pleasure , to 1 new bridge— were have niK-h an impartial and capable to turn upside down. Tlie following day intervening day (except Sunday< durin g namely, Messrs. Wuller,'Jennings. ('. Dow- m^uls -sfrved :it the Fort. he was awarded the Victoria Cfusi for office hours 'iiayiM-ra'e taking pilrt in the adiujnisr ¦ the ney, Holland . Sell'ier. and Rice—all , save tration of th? laxx\ Kindly and cousider- brilliant.died. I- . , : ' By Ord sr. the last-inentioiied, have now received ; ¦ -—I ' JA\ ES J. FKEI.Y , Town I !«• k. l..V3PFX)THJu\. ra t»- to H II with xvhojh he had to deal in i . I - • - ' commissions or are othorwi.se serving with ¦Majo r Odlam Riding -M a.sut at the IV- hi; official capacity.|wc feel sure that nuauinn & »Chjau lib - . Haled (hi ; 16th dav of June. I'Jlfi. ' . . he Ii RUSSIAN PRESSURE¦ the Allies. Mr. Sellier ii with the French p.»i, made his annual in-peciio .i of 'lie 'i.is inspired thoie ho had any caee ito i I ; I . ¦; Army. Mr. Holland has joined a volun- >f ,uo:\l liovvtiuncnt (IrtUandl Act . l^W , and men," ! the niouuieil uolic* !<>rc» in Wu. !ay before him , thnti they, had the hen i . I : IPBtROGRAD, Friday. ter corps in the Malay States. Mr. ('. tci fori l txlay guarantee that they Would be fairly aud The followingicouiinuniqne from head- (ioneril Order thereunder dated lbtli Downey holds a commission in the Ord- \VK HAVE KECt'KKD A NUMBER OF BAR UN LOTS . AND AH THKY AKl \pril . 1S99 (The Connty Cmin cils' impartially treated. Thus he has honour- quarter* \X^B published lai-l night at mid- nance, and Mr. Waller was recently pro- ably enrntd the ijst! n connection uith the abcl ye, •li» lol- tinie ho*, tome, to sever his connection rivers l'yr; ifcnica arui.Stryi, the enemy NOTICK [)K INTKNTJOX TO MAI K ANOTHER COMMISSION. lo*in r have been awarded prize* t< the VALUE. RATES. , with tfie adin-iiiiUration of the law . and was thrown ' bacfc it. diaurder. Our: not- We understand that Mr. Richard Ross, Scliool fo Art:—Painting troni still life : thai ££• ia about' to ietire 5»e wiah. him able captures on. the {Dniester above- Jura*- son of Mr. Anthony Ross, Waterfnrd , has Firs tprize, Miss Alice Wh' itty ; aco^d , I jixl 4 V c., Cap. 108: 111 and II .'ic, many years of health and happiness after no- dnnn^..Tnn« l'Jthfand lath included 'UU. t received a commission in the Army, and Mess May Costen . Best defisii for in jn- a lougiperiod of work faithfully, ami laitly officers ,,C Car :H ; 41 and Vi Vie., Cap Ji. ' . S.M+ soldieis icons, 21 mitiail- AND KNICKERS. commenced a course ot training in his new duktrial purpose : Mr. W. Wh itty. hivit pertormod." ' : . ; . . I i. leuses, .cauMOOHi attimunition and" - AIM LOTS OF BOYS' W ASHING TUNICS : ;:q ( otlier i ( duties ott Saturday hist. . Mr Ross was a specillien of woi>rii ;iri'ing iuij lii l .'t- C'on.tiuuing', Mr. Mtdeon •said he woulxl booty. On June the enemy crossed th/> UIMV I l)R()i:(iH OF WATERFt RD. si;J |i: .i. •a ¦ AIN ;LOTS Or (URLS' BLOUSES. member of the staff of tho Bank of Ire- . Miss M. Beggf. Best l vei i• f take the opportunity! of saymg that he Dniester abovp und| below Nizuioffi Th'«> land. Duhlin. euioroidery or luce including design : Miss joined mcut sincerely VTOTK !¦ : in this expression encniy forces whicli) crossed above r wore AIN LOTS PI- LADIES' OVERALLS, Is. 6 . and if. lid. EACH, IS iHF.R KKY (ilVKN Hint Whitty. 'Best purifolio ..[; e'eni.!.n:ary of regret at the j loss \ tin- t'luneil ot the ahove-nanu'd Co. V.\ of their esttHjined , destroyed andithos^ xvlio crossed below . me to CAPT. F. ROBERTSON. drawlncs: Miss Nancy Luinley. Best «¦, worthy, genial and| efficient Resident f about nrnke 115 were uhecked. Figliting continues in thn LOTS WIDE EMBROIDERIF.S 1 i . 6d. A | YARD. IVjruu^h RATES , His numerous friends in Wuterr'nrd will oi .-haded drawings Alw AUc- Whitty. Magistrate, whost; stay amongst then) had im t'tioned below , on the Property sit uate direction of Chotin. Between the Pruth be pleased to learn that Capt. Frank he?n inarmed by tho inost happy and cor- and the Dniester BATHING COSTUMES. | in ibe nbo ,•<• County Borough, rat« ablo 1 we passed the enemy on BARC. Robertson, who. as already nnnouneed , dial re|atlnni» and Jjqod fellowship. He Jnne;17th. , :\ ¦ und'-r the [ rovisical Ooi cm- was wounded in tlie head during the ELECTION OK CHAIRMKS. heartily wished Mr. IHarper gcxx! health J P1.AIXLAIN BLACK CASHMEK ! HOSE. Is. N.3d.. Is UJ.A PAIR ment (Irein nil) Act. 189S . and of the Acts operations at the Dardanelles, is improv- U'!u- annual utatutory muetSu).' •¦ :ne in the ji .'iijuyini'nti o! his well-merited rait RAKO LOTS OF ' in.-orpurHte 1 (herewith. The Rates fo the ¦ ing. Capt. Robertson i.s a brother of the W jUlcrford No. 2 Distrn't (Joutuii :ield in and ha;ppinesr. iu Lh(i mauy years which ! • GERMAN RAGE ' scrviit of IK> year ended the .'list • . y of ' ! MWAI'J LOT OF 1. \ DIES' SILK ANK LE H< SE. If.l Is. 3d . !¦> . lid A PAIR Messrs. Robertson . lli« Quay (Robertson the bouidroom , woiWiovisei. »t VI o clock !ie ho-pied stiil :uy bHora him. He xvas March , 191 5 . chargeable to the Co inty Brothers), and he held nn impnrtunt posi- oil] Monday. Mi. P tirant, IIP . wa- «•- siir." llie people uf AValcrt'ord uniiiii- ! | -AifSTERDAAf , Friday. j Kort.iu:*! o Waterford are at tin 1 (n low- mously regretted Gorman |ragc ovef the Karlsruhe air ¦ : tion with Messrs. Dent , Alleroft. and Co. . elected Chnirman. and Mr_.Ia|ne.= Karr< h . thejloss of his servioes. raid ini; Ktilv> i) the . vi?., — London, tho well-known .J.I'.. Vice-ChairmHii. i and ha iperMOiially fi'lt . that they would continues uhatjated. A\ Berlin tclc- glove 'nunufac- eramj tries.to discredit the French 1; COMrH AND SEE WHAT WE ARK OFFERING 1 VTKS TO LKV1F.I). turer.s. until -(-he outbreak of the win , when ^Vt tlw-subsequent meeting oi' 'ht \Vnte-- ini.v. Mr. Harper's piresfnoe most sadly . airmen/ I mnn (larges m respect ol the deinanu ford Board of Guardians. Mr! David Hy- A'ld. iloarne said ho learned with regret by declaring that ihey xvere doubtless he got a commission in the I2th Worce ster- iixxare ;th»t in the castle of ni.i.l'- mi th.' County llorouj.'h of Watei ford fhiro Regiment , hems attached to the laii'l . T.C, was re-elected C'l&i.-iii.'m . ^1». •>( the loss which they ¦would Fuslain jn the Martravc. usint: IMr. Harjie r . and he was « ¦ill which was considerably damaged , were Uin by the Board of (iuardjans of the \V iter- Royul fusiliers. Ot the >ix office r:- in his .lilii^e ,-, Fun'cll , Vicct haiiinini. t;. l Mr . =ure (irand ford Union , and the extenscs incurred by reword Walsh (Htji h Slierift> Dei.u tne mitrislrnU-s would have tht ' -atiie Duchess Xoiiifo and the Oj ilnn of ur only Address : company who went to the Dardanelles . 'y ¦! Sweden. The tolegr' pnyf ! ihe Cnunci. in meeting the .c aid dcnJand, four wore killed and two (includinz Kini- Yjce-Chairman. fceiiiig, . . am th-.t- ?tvcral .1 .lid. Hackett associated himself . rplintcrs flew into the. room nf the Swedish and in (inn eetion with the .-aid Poor Hate. selfl wounded, ' apt Holcri-an is lit pit- [\ l esiihltion reen'n', ml in-. ' ": S,' (;i;e Ir l-- 1 with I! ' -. -ii « Baroness Hochschel'd , and the ' — •!- .'ill \ "S\ o shilliiU-'H and three p< IH-e) sent, in hospital in Alexandria, nnd his in u' >.f Mr. Hylnn.l i» ihe ( oni'iii-sion '¦: r -nlutinii , and stifd that hcing a new children of the I' - .- • m- mb-ir of the Hench Mr. Nelson had Prince Maix of Badfcn , the roof of Who:',n in tlie 11. friends will join with us in »i-lnii<: hid ellcC WHS IIP Ml i lll'MI-1 V 11 -!• . , • • bedroom was ' rmiiily-iL -l.arce Ciarpes --3i . ldil. (lhree a fj»;'.'dy .vcivory I P . I. h:(u vety litile to suy.tiM r. Haijicr demolished , only narrowly Mail al.vays given a fair and impartial escaped. There iwerk eighty-four civilian* -: . , T'-i'hnii -sil nstruetion Rate.—1« . '_M. [One A meetmr if the Tiibero»l"-i- Coinnnt- Mr. F. White. -x- eri..eant R.I C H-i. '> 'Vid. Ward fully .'iidoisetrcet . Watorioiii . has bc nn dppo 'u!eu)d Hie very iMnely after M» ilarpi-r's tlie Grand: Duke . ol; linden has Fcrlt tho A ^ evening at - nClix-k in the Mayor s office. di'niir'urj following telegra ami >even ru'nci') in the V^ . Th ere v.v-«- nr"«ent The Mayor (in the Cil. Kilkenny, ri'ii'lereit viieun' n\ tin and would miss Ilis ^'eniul m from the Vjnt tVth'o ' d.Kii ' i of his hroliii i ilr. linn. ¦ W inie t. "nl:y presence frooi mnongst them. .He liurptj inaster of The K-ti imte> :ind valuation l.i-t( are eh.'iir) . AU. (r wJvTERFORD d^|ii'> >r the in-pection ut any Uate- Poiilc. Svi.ii..tt Wal-h (H I Slu-riff). 87J!and 88, QUA^ . IS.'! ¦ 9 •¦ '..>•: i-x.'iiing of his davb. j uick>d attack ori beloved KarlsruneJ , : ¦ imi'i in tl offices "f the County lior>ngh O'Neill. Kenny. < a-sin. and O'CUIHIOT (re. 'il.o ' NJ-'.W WATKKKOHD >«>).!( LTDK Mr. .I[!!n-.>s Young [said it was always poor linnocent' jvictlois nmo:ig I '! Ci.nneil in the T.iwn Hall . The Mall , and pteseuiitiK the ( '.¦rfnirationl . Mr s. E . civ^iiann \V-. offer our congrut'ilutioiis i i. \i ¦ ¦¦i p leasure to be with «Mr. Haqier, 1- have: greatly dist shall Ih.-re be open for such inspei'tio l bc- White, Me- r.-,. A .1. Phelan. I! L : Harry h* ressed him." I j ' Edward O'Shauehnessy. Maunr -Tee . . .>n c3u.-<.- lie was bot h -good and jocose, and tui'.n the lour-s of HI f cloek a.m. ;i nd 4 Smith, W' v.' Kitzi.ii ttii k . and Patrick A TtPTO T A t- entbarassed by all the njidnipht says:- . !>:. • -I • ¦ s lGth day (U' .lnn.> . liero| 2on# in the i faw of Tery uh^cription^ r.'^ivud tor the AJ Min i hy. sou of Mr P. A. Mi.rpl... . -" i- ¦w dominating' rosi- F; ¦ apparatus and instruments lor the doctor, Mr. M. l> . Keauc. ' solr., said he ould tion.s; and under an! I M. MURPM Cbal Merchant, iibovi- . th citui . has passeti lhe prt 'liiiiii.ar ^ e .xa.u. inteneo hostile ^ boKi- Hon. Secretary of Mrs. drugs , ete . The Secretary stat.nl tliat. no i-V . p-rtiii--nioii . as h.e did at, St. Tairick's naro rifent. ! Wij have , OUnrii - Committee his inii 'ii'ii of th" Injns < HI Saturday la?t, jtu sent , ««) (>riso|ier3. including 30 1 i 43 & 44, High Stree t, Kilkenny. j luu ni'.: in ; ddition. ' otHc<;-p. ' received fri .ni the l.txal iJnvernincjn Jon in these eviir<'f! (lallowiiy, Annestdun ' so¦ . . il'oals forwarded direct ex :hip o all ' tailfvay Stations . ¦ " which he espPdelJ Mi.lllil be comp leted 111 P' ue sudilt'.i dt'ulh i- uniioiun'eu •¦' Mr \i -r from iimnngst thrm. ;lle did ' r,n Yesterday af(erno6n a \ Ll • -ach Mrs. K X . I'ower Trai; Hungarian batta- •> . . ori-: in a day o' iwn . 'I'tic <|uestion ot opening OjNeill Lane, who-i larger Eiigli-n-lri-i: ' »enal! >i the pn/kwion n hi.s oxvn lion coming from Tlnnina Poljo ? To!ei}ioiie No.: l'i ; PRI :ES| OS APPLICATION. Mri .III-VJI I Widger . ' to Uio j the diftpen-iirv «a-, (hsou.ssed . Mint owing dictionary he hud onl y justvt»d by Mi"s (lallwi v- J ;> 2s. Saturday, violoiit " ' to the fact t 'i'ilt I' .e prono-eil aj !ri> .nellt wjuch is to he published iniiiiediately hy and added* that .'Mr. Harper attack agnhift our portion at ¦ Vr Mr. K . W. Kel l y. " inopt Zakr.tin. It. ! ! - J —. with the I". Rori 'iitfh Insurance ( oiiiiii.t- Mrs-rs. Constable and Cu. T'iltic - . h..!.-:r- cam-' to Watenfprd - under ilisad- xuiyropulypd and in the • L'J'i- SMMru Chopifea. Buenos ' yrea vaiitHg^oas circumstances in that he ¦ counter-attack an- ¦ ~~ Ill ! . tce has not set. Iwi-u functioned by tlie wpilst det>|>ly regretting the lo«-s oi so ar- had nihilated. ! | | • •• • • | i . : i i . i r \ J (pe r tj ii- Mi .->.-os Kelly, Avenue de.- Chi ,let# , I M -OH ;>r 'ceded by one. of the best and i \L j NOTICi: TO d'Ii .\IMAXT> Local Ci-jveii iiui-nt H.,ard . no furthe' dent, a -tiuU'iit . <-unnot but fee' -att^inr- On' the Itouzo out offeniiive is ¦CLYDE FIN .,( [•uriv . nt | cri;.jf . Troops tlie lri^-h |Land Cojnioitdion. 1J> 1 opening the ili*|n-n-iirv . I; WII * ordered , eolui.let. hi-* ma'jli'i MI nt'ii- h" debouching towards 1'lava conquered , Either (INeill . W. F. Wak. haiM . ¦>q. •iii ". ~i nilfinan ibut. he had worn them ! Purcako ; Act.—Record No E.C +5M on the >iro|ii >-itinn '¦' Mr \ I Phelnn. aiter| a long and sAngtiinary action lii- 4+ i I AlNNK QU1N and 7- .himi - Wal.-h . Esq. V'iv Aell du'ing the five years he had tho EstatJ of PRANCES " seconded by I ' liimi Knrloii .' . ihal ;i >lrnng surrounding heightsiand consolidated JVERPpOL S pVATERFO fl trt^-rs County . •- 'I s i. edv . K-II . ' <• \ 11 HI Waterford He wished Mr. Har- f.t.«ir ! ANNIJ .U3SHER 0. UIN , Spi n resolution t)' 1 -<'nt to lin Local tiim-rn- :PR1 SONKRS Ol-' WAK positions in which they repulsed ! Watenford. Take Notice that the Finn I MHI- CT ptmn.-i promisfil m.n.:hh ;<> r many hippy dftya in iiis retirement. ol rep^a^ed SAILINGS ment Hna rd in reference to the matter , 'l he Cominlllee t. -i the kel:.-' ¦ P i- j -tnmte attack s bjMlu- enemv I [Schedule !of 'ilni'ujnbransc s irffi ctinJI; ; Uio tJ. Mi. A. K. (iravel- . | Head- C nstal.h' OTConnor said thai rm | asking them to expedite ihe comf letion of oiters ol War in (ier'iiany «i-h t.i a. ; i . i proceeds 01 uu- caie 01 r^rus . , M . l'i- . -a.-li. -Mr-. Puidon . Mrs. d > iv * :;i. absent of D. ilj Rigg. ho wished on IX'W , the aLTecMii nt Tin. -ei r*'tHry. was also l.-ik-e ¦ .- i ' : | . (Lands of iCooln.inmv . eontaiijuix; Oa 2r Op li.illinaiiK.i a Park. with thanks ihe loll.i»n. - M r- iena!f ¦ f Uie district -iu rce to af-.sociate WORK 0F| THE NAyy I qverhaul,of . steamers " directed |o -.nl II eupy oi tlw resolution Kennedy, 1- . Mr.- . H' .-irne i- ti: M - ' :Oxxin? to necessary Ballyfiamintra U[>pvrr contanvmi; 2.>7:i Ur It may ii ttrest our readers to know that r.niM'.-f mill the expressions of Tegfet. rt- : ' to the Co. It'Ti'iish In-urance Coinniiltei- . McCarthy. Is.: Mrs Dunpny, )- . M- - T~ ¦ be cancel^ Si-iiiira Ch ipitea . who fo lenerousl y con- . ¦arliiii- i!ie impending retirement of Mr. ! i: , .j be follo^g filings ,*ill Wntt . is. i;,| ; Mr- IVme- . ;- \|-. - ^^'^,^inflt?rl ^.^i triliuted £ » for the Belgian refuge ? in ¦'iiiuer. He .vim ve'ry glad to say that The. Ministry ^ ! ¦ ¦ ^ bj irmiy IMERMK1H A I K KXA.MS. Ifenrne. -Is.: Mrs Kcnnedv, 'J- M • • ' oi Marine issii.vs Vha^ol- - ..'„„„ _„. statute measure «nd situate in the Triiini.r -v i; the young nnd ehaniiinj; w i fe " ' .• re :i I ions het'A'eijn i.Mr. H.ir|ier Und Jotving ¦ ; i LIVERPOOL TO WATF.RFORD, Jr RI- ' The Hiiuu.' ii I nl. mediate . \ H ; II .- ar»' tak. (I Brien . 'Js.i.Mr- Kyiin '2- . \l.- . Ua/.-! C'jainmiiiqiiJ:— • . of U( ie!) W hliuia Drum anil; County of of s-imr A In'do Chopittt of Buenos J yrres , . i> jvjlice in their official capacity were Th( £ ing plaoe at Mount sion . \\'at«'r^nrk Col- Ion .vake; Mrs R Vi in. i-nke ¦ . . An^lo-fj-eiioll -.Nawi l forees ,' , wh'i i.-. ot Irish descent on ' . _ Mr.- Heii -:i- • xay* >•« ->¦ friendly and cor.dial, :md ; he i ; 10 tl « DAY «4 JUNE. . "nt, his mot liel s lege, frsulin.. C.'iiv. nl. Fin-y hinik Con- Mediti-rraeouiij arc |o-.irer;lt;n- ,«i t ^ V uZu^-rZ, -nli - Ins i nniediate ancestors ln:ir( •ni. c .' .lv j .»ined in wishing Mr. Harper h the . rs elf vent and I' - I - ' I --' .III; Hull The e.xa-ns. Italian Fleet, wlioJ. intervention ^ the ?'K K I <.| | names jThe tollowinj; p'i-i'ii!¦; *.1 s i^n e i» r |. n ,\ u.i.'iy years oi healtij and hiippinesB. peart* TO LIVERPOO L . M of Pureell and Din phy, arc eonduci ¦*' :inciated himt-elf with the rcsolu- to destroy , '. - : ' not, tlierein in~.-rl<-tl. or oiijocting tln-re- Board. YU < i.-nli- <>i ihe '-xaniinatinns :;o:i. and .'ndor. their petrol , depofa whence the ot 'ii'- h- st ty|M; with ju fs; ;i fnich nf > puu- Daniels. Pi,- . Pain, I, Doy l- Corp l . I* u-K -cd all that had becti said (Terman obtain 1 on account rt ..«; will be a irin.i iiUmt the middle '¦' ' l.v lie previous r-peakers. . siibmHriue.^ their sup-oli.w. 0«h« lailinss as umal a, ,*r filing j««r ish clij friil \ thrown in. The owner nf Ii iinnc. Ptc. M.. Duupliy. P .1.. i' uiii l't< ft- arL'e AllL'llft.. ' i ¦ 1 ' . ! ¦ I ti-Hi-t- Tliom::- Fii/.uer:ild scryt ICIKI Mr ilarp-r . in reply, F.iid he xxas cx-i 1l»» n-iti reportol' ils uno "( I ind and much prO|M-rty ir tho : . , M - ' anv -c iar^o to r 1 tre.'iicly ..bJ:g"d to] the maaUlra: , Ar'. >-niine Republic, he is very prm d of Klynn . Cnrp l .1 U Cosgni. I :.- . I' 's for: liiiii or any cAln-r person nr ff«r any utlier PORT SANITARY .M'THORITY ( t ' l.-ir i-. i'ul ^'ip resiiiou of opinion, und I NORTH to nn hi- Cellje blood , and on the ocr;i-i< h ijrii'ii . Pte. .1.: llarney, Pte . ,| )- ii TIPPERARY! rxvison, i^ xe• two years ngo visited 1 ll.ean..y. Ptc. W . H.arne., !- • M \^ ' police, and' to ¦Jieretb, statini: the piirtlcujara of hi- r< land Ross Port Saiiitnn Anlhorily \cas held on M' '1- ev ly for Uielr kind endorsement: of PARLIAMENTJARY ELECTION SOUTHERN AND-WESTERN for ttie fir t time.. The delicate he auty ¦ Hj earne . Pip. Thorns-; Heiinc-- '. . ]'u PREAT demaiid and | duly verifiodi nith tlic Wednesday \!H Hack'-tt 'Cli.iirninn 1 :ii - :,a' had lieen .-iaitl. He bad and colouring of our old land deli; hted -J.Mm ; Hennessy . I .. - -Corp l T : Mu- . . . . liii^n Result announced, Registrar of [thi- I 'oiirt on or before the. presided , iini then- were also present- : — 1 • i. i'i i'o- live years now and he met wiih to-day as followv- KAIIAYAY CJOMPANY. - appvar on him and 1 is bride nccu.stonied tn I' e. .1.; Mcdrtilh . \' :< .1.. 0'H ien . I - . ' ¦ 3rd day of July. VJli. and tu hi mi Aid. l'uwvr (Mnrnr) . \i.l O'Siillivan. ESMONDK : . : v.'ilrtL' hiit ki-udiiess froui overyJne 16K i : M »ki''s and vider horizons, .md »l»-n \\ 'ii.: O'Connell . P>". P.; <)>Keef.- . !' . .j Mondliy, thel linli day ot July, 19.1S- tliey Messrs. Jo' in Hearne . T.C. : Mnrtin •I' U'istrit -s -jnd all. They srreatly ;asslst-| U-fl for h'liie it was with thr intint ii Putrick ; Peiidcr . Pi. M. I .; Hi:n • ' . 11 o'olocH. b''1"'" "1(1 Judicial1 Coni- HI of Power . .1.1' . las. Muddick. D.C : P. Shor- • I ' 1 ;u aai were Jill most willing GHx ...1 :::::::::::::::::: ' thc i Fou r rt«-vipeo .i '.ly-. i Vf JI>P r C k P. Hisgins. Secrvtary : and Dr. Kellcher. Ward who was! -always the, nani in ' ti."ni| pJr5. ^'* 1 " f uponJtJiel se.ycrul. -Ininis appt'^nuK on Acting Port M.dicul Oflicer The Mayor ' .' -!-. t»p (la::giiter). .| ^ and upon any objl'dioiip VC riO.N AtiAIXST TKrSTKES Ol ' j AVaterford . certainly! the <*he<3ul thereto. Vnd Take Notice, that LORD WA'TIORPORD ' . HIGH WATER tion to rescind a previi.us re-olutiou agree- ¦ -v. - in . f-cecinlly the City of Waterford (j TA An Examination tw[ Male Clerkships m |anyany witii- »• in tract, of tenancy, which \va- a -t.v.i 1 ! i ¦ jis Officer , half -al«r>- while- nway on Wnr ser- •'¦n- rca!!y littli< o:-| nothing to he do -I [• I y I of Dublin iTeehnical Schools, in thOif tijue :iiori sMid. And ' furtluT watsrfc rd. Tramore i' ry one. that the l.in.l'ord or ;i.- ' i :¦• ¦ ':!? ¦A rnan ;named tiie Cit vice, in addition to paying Ms -iibstitnte. H. • IOII IJ say that .the other magistr :. Jddeph Kigiin <\vhV{ljd tower Kevin street.. J)til>lin , on Wednes- !TakeTake Notice Uial I have fixed Thuro- nt'e were entitled lu cm turf, and u d 'Mi;: ¦ ¦ ¦ •' • not appear; ,W as rir^secuted for ' On a division l.h r-v voted fnr the motion 1 of * •>• !• a.-x a yi- only t-rxl willing and anx.ii' assaul'-irij 1915. ' ¦lav . the. 18th nnotJier uon | liamVu day, 21st: July. j I'^y. and three.' iigaiuM. . and the Chairman ac- ¦ /i'U'.'e .' 11111. and 'he was very . 'tftuiul. Jaiiiea Da'.toa on apply to the <, nani ibei.CNo. :t> . ;i t .'S Nassau istrwt . |(l 4 MI. -.W 0.31 n..v. ojt coinnensatiou , a Dublin .-.pe.-:H ' jnry ' SMurday night , 290i nit. ; I I'For . further Dartic ilat> cordingly drvlnrvd the motion lost. The ¦ ' • 11. -' .| •'..- ili-i- kind expressions Kinpsbrids'? Hubli l. at Jl| m-liM-.k ij i tlie forenoon , for ni the King's Bench, imarrl-il \l . ]•¦ ¦ - : «fj IHead •Oora>table ' Secretary-- of the Cor inanv . I usual ({. U pav m^nt- WI IV ]>a--ed i". -i Although this would his O'Connor coii.Iui;t« iippcaranoc amongst ih^ui lie Kingsbridgv Tcrminu ' •i.ai \\[ieklow, JK> ilaiuu-j e- aghin—' \ J ^ree them ngain lat.'r (-r. ; had de- I Junej ; s It"iiO'iuulin:.ir •:? of the 29th ult;.hi had Bdme. hut ¦ : ¦ a vie w ;<. the. fiiiids hein^- during tin rnoiith ¦ v.-«rti» ; with ll'j had the j>atient plained of wni< d' .rir Uy pe:|io:i- :i-i ' ''i • ¦ tlieris with thel defendant' oil tin! .-:tiij 12th of July. removed to lio-j iti!l :uul the disiniee- A-SSAl I-T CASE. : und hi< b'oiner >uted 'iay -hip is .(I by !. NC .IfitnJ.iiiL- to cm ".he . • ¦ .' ! and : struck tho latter Datr . 05 f.rnvi i was t'Jilfi \l- -s- - - l{ \. Meri^' and Co.. riiiuui ined -|on ti;e li-ad. I ¦ ¦ 'Gt-mstit'oV! Morinrty deposed , ' . f r.T i ! IC'nrdi ipr ' Sf n-i-t. Dublin. M -iirt": Long, a jsrvey, for .issiuli atl to- eficiiic _ . ; dtfe i idantj stuke uOalton on the head wiW -. A I'RETTY W l-;r>l>lX<3. S W'ni M. '.1 w> Sunday last.- : I H- IIMY. .ri'N E I- . TT» 1. EYEWITNESS' V I- the triads Icutwde the dcor ..-[ A pretty w.lilini' wu. c-U'tnaieil on Wed- I . K. an.' ;.pne;» ivd fir com:.] rnuntj the puWl.O , .i. i -iim - ' house. Triton lost a fair sliare of b!o-lf Begium nesday at the Church ot the Hol Cro. . . int. t.hrouili the kindness -'Chisj and the y i'¦ • ¦ ¦ . . andjon 'ivittloM'B Advice went to tht u !f- Tnunore. wil' i \upii;il Mu.is, the eon--- . '- he wns tillvwed to tak'.' 1 .-njj l' •ftrinary WATBRFpRD FEIS AND I NARRATIVE rl 'ii: ( .it ¦ :i Siindii^K Last ;itd got . tbu woun d dretsed. tnictiug puitie- he nig Misf May Con- . >.mi j -.y; ]|x- e!v :rrinj li.VRClJ .VV OK A SOLDl l-R'S ¦ _B' SUXPAY. .fiULY 41h. : . ll Ox betll I ' tMU lltnvicilll 'll Ol/ an Ktfl li/'l/uc<5 iin.und »:o'!u-r at [Whitil c-ld aiii) COAT | | I \ j v- of Mr. A. c ll'-ariie , lilen . K iWieehin • J>n|icr (A ¦ Irh PHESENTATIOX- CONVKNT iritli \ .t- J: vi - ii: a *, his ,\ young man named James -Power The inl 'rcst'i].. .en inonv v. ius performed /llv.-'iif G'"" ' « nm rnlive /tulili'luil ¦ . njiv- larceny o! !i ' i Fru Gaston Brohee iuisii M-iisir; i)\x<-- n-j -i ,i- .cy .-.! , drew his car ,-ii. id. ,soMici'i great coa t , tho -Jxr , <:«niiomi*-titaoii^ Triimore (inn le nf the bride). nsMsted by nil tlh! t.' th init., mnrriM lit.i ot thr Bnf irh ¦ ii.y - for Wilr |A BELGIAN I'RIKKT , . ¦ LOCAL AND the Kev. I' ki.e Heiirne. C .C., St. Mary '.-., ' ¦ s Mr j A IK CONCERT fo rrc ni.d Fvtnc/i - ' ,.. ,< > I M I 'hi'uitiiitt! ¦ ¦ .. hi : .i. - i .\:e. Tliey then in.: - 'Head Oon?wnle O'Connor \vho. .prn»1»v G' REAT jdl'KN Clonmcl (brother of l.he bridegroom). .-rt t ieir! cutcd In Aid of the Destitute Bo!pon> in tO'lrl, U'itli il . 1 -- .in.I i.i.e xxonl' l>orro'.v<'d ano'IiCrJ . Mini that ini value of the eoat v/lis ; The brido wns attendco I Murphy. Cloiimcl . and Miss Kate Hearne, .linn- lath, - lii .-l «"•!. en.lou n- • | ¦ t• - ,;, ¦ anxious • L :. - : r.i:i into him when I. .it; :-;" f«a military coat. Ins was ]• • -. ii y KILKENNY v. TIPPERARY tilen, and Mr , Nicholas P. Hearne i*J it hud heunn. :uul "I Jl< -t-i\ity on a ' hr . -e 'i .ick entitled ;o Will jbe iJelivcrod in the i ' \ i * .' -. 1 in t e mouth, i Coinpljin int wint jjet. it .liy cnlistiui;. PromeiVj !•¦ ¦ l.v Ma-s-fJ Bands. 0>rother ot the bridegroom) was best -Jiil- there i- pru. in ally uotliinv !•• r -• •Lanec ti MK ti t-i • Hi ly Cross «na made u 'com- .Corporal James iMc-t.. 'uiro u: t, INTHRESTININT} !! U.OO.VI. IJIBTOKK'AI. liKTIHKMKNT OF MR \. M man. After th,. marriiiL'e. dejeuner wn- pOrt . Tile lili llli- "llt»tltl .'d tlic IIM ' '\-;- Leinster Jlt'giuienll " Large¦ iRoom, Town Hall , ' !>:«i:n io tli. " pi'lkij there. Th.> police stationed at Vic:;J:a ¦ ¦ KXUMilTIOX:! HAUPF.R. R.M. .served lit !he 1. 1 rand Hotel , the -company xi fib artillery .i. - ti'.n ii'-'iunsl tllff. -r.-n;. Barrack? , ; C-)rk , ¦ -U':ip"iJ l.nug on tlie road and tii^> ccm- - d'jpoied 10 ex.- liai;j ;(, ¦• . n; .; . - oi- , . 5plondiiJ Inilunlriul. Mxjiibits '! The :innouneement oj ihe int. ndi I ie- consisting o' uliout iweniv of the iimne- |i0inls and \ulh : i r 111 _• mi .« ciision.il n in.- his -rem ' t-oa't, :>biiia;it charged him then with assault. | witn a private narJS Entriefi u\t)- Jjiuii' 2Snd. ' sipiation Of Mr. A. M. Harpe*, i.M.. diale relative* ,,l the iie\slv-miirried piir- Oil Friday, the llth . >h«iv »;i!-' som- > - i> M- ¦ toiiiertord ou-tlie llth inst. Wednesday,' 23rd June,! 1915- " - 1 ' ' TV.inp hii'tan: .¦jiveI evidence b-nrrin: gMd^<:ed his; lie did -aoi fe iperinti'ii'liiis l-.riL".ne<'t A Omre. magistrates, solicitor*, police ;ind |i ublic spent. Sunday inorinot. near 1 tn - ¦Jiocin • . : |On ' . 1.e Toinpiet. //i::^ : iie front. He had five authorise ! 'Comerfofd. to- .-w ill it nar «.udi at 3 o'clock. I IlivlTind Dlslrict. hi' the districts of \Vaterfoid ami New tireil ,-i n ; brothers life 'iiL'iny . n- niiieh result''.i ii' " He uriiiy at present. . , . • ! I he beiievo he kola it. Tho coat was vall.j Aldli"rs.—tbaii-was the .price -xviln- « fiv years (ir an. It will be {ldmitti d on WALKS. > uipiv iiou.-e siaiiniii<_' iiei.ween ine ici( • xxould have, >OST OKFH'K TKMXJltA PHS. r •sjion.-.i'lj -' for the 'accident and- that! lid to paj { for it if he. lost jt. ' all sides that- Mr. Hatper is an adiui :ibh< On TJiur-ihiy. .linn- Kith, tlic mnrriaze n:id ilis guns.. (In Mr.n.lnyj t.'ie -Oh , .1! ¦ 'Minstnble- 1 "VT rTCE Ls IIKKBBY GIVlvN. pnr- l-i-iii i -jcl his var Ui the extent ai C2 I Minihane deposed-to nrrri' REIV.^ V . O : I > I >!NNKI .I .. IM . . IV"0O re.-ideut mtii'istrate. «hd in his nmyis erial took place at !•'(.•' «>--y-l)rindod . Ysliod J.iri in the ni.irnin'. . 10* ir.j; ; ^ . tin-! I' l- uvwiotiMi Of the Tcle- ' ih" tiennou sapj .ei- >I'-i"!l;i Kitzi:orald| who .'was wit!) coiii- ithe accused |f.or ui'unkeiiiic's-- -n i\ Mian; t'f capacity ho displayed the trn'iit. sL l:U't. Mynaeh. of ("land Frederick e! 1 y ST. PATRlCK-k NV1L I. !MfKK . ' ltf <3 to 19H, Unit Hi* Thomas, se- ploded Hiiother 1 hara- in front of I' ¦>• •_•- •' j iiiii u: 1 ,11 the occasion gave eoirobor- Itrwn' I,a|u;j on Mon'day iiijht la.-t. "-» jL'lT-i^Aplipi Ad4 , Al»iiVs a most eourfeous £rentli »'ii;ii . he cond ton nl l. ii .it. -'ii niit. .('r>lni -I M-rt wooil xviih I; : .-- ' MMiijt-lljt tv 'H I'o. .miistcr Gen<,lrpl ,; liavin? 'iil und Mrs. .••iiiiilly barren it- ,. ':- . .r.i»c ."v idfjce. i | I was Uveannc {he x\>-re < '"iicerni!il. *- »rln-r V.-iinir "Sorgeant O'SuIlivun d.rpo>e :-i obtaiied ' before Flint , and his deci.-'ioris ton Id vei-y Mynaeh , S. Wale- , t , -1 nth to The I Siege o " Liege ! the\)' llody Iiii\ir«.* the control Of the Dorothy Lindsay, our sni ping and artillery fi'e ••>. .-.' .-'tu;i ni'iant cuing \o the Holy Crews the. larceny o! it. (Defendant *aid he -*Li t^'\ svlHoin bejlound fault with. In i-rii linul eldest diuiu'liter .1. .¦Heetiw 1 ' Uar-! ; pulilii riBiil Vl.ve^lwd biilort. inteaids K< Yd ;„„! Mis . Foide. oi , a hou.-e behind the e.iciny « r.:.-ti i mi 'Sunday, and making witli, two;:-oldier.sAt the .station and :rj:t, ca--^i- he recognized tli^ tendem-v nl re- tin 1 Manoi of St .I,,fu , ¦• ¦. ' a statement; The|R etreat of Mons ! • plai-> a Ti:h ?niphic line over and I Waterford . trmit. line lnv:iif 1 I' ., I >• i t,.. I. , -' :is r.Tards ihe a.-sault when one iir|>oUn< . n'mler the powers siirned by the Cover, ,,- -uil i i -|.e .:,-. di J Tun deny tho charge made by Butler tUtad 'Constable O'Connor -aid ;hy ¦ ¦¦- hrolhei-magist rates was always I .IIIH In the licarin'. lonfefrcdloni-onfe liirn l by the s.iid Telepr;iphi<- > and ' "( the cu-e . Thfi.np.-nn v . lijct which has re-'n' ' x In- S:.MJ •.,) - DfiVnJ.intsaid complainant was blucki fr.ndar.t xvai- guilt > | of larceny by iiml. i(; 1. : I the Fishery .. ; AActscts I : u.'ll-dmnded . and his manner of di iling Ho«rd . .il Monday 's Quarter ui Viilcncieiines- /uardini: iiiin en t)io road and ! even if !ji did not- steal thit coat. t ather BrohRroh(t''i! .iii-' < hini.^'lI: p:issed with lifiiranfs made him most Plosions. Mr W. he only ! 'i' Ity cvmroui'd of ihe r<*tm:i*te and Ihe and t hut. I'i-iiery Board in giving ex- Irnl countries r v.i»h thn^ i > i|i.tri- '' « r, < ;>> Jo *,\h the collision , aud they \wr«s pleiiUed-cxiilty he Kas »»-nt"ncc.l w iz W- ! his re.-iuniit.ion will t-alie . fftvt :ili»u pert- evidence, which ' em-Tlitrartitni .'.! to th.: ()l . mni (id of \i ted hv the .I III I' (ii»r Vi-inv 1 ¦ ' TU^.: I- ' HalHalivii vihiUMw. ! l.-t .igiist. !""' le in:' n .::-. ' iLj-satitt. The C'.'t:'! cldjour'ncd. ¦i ] ¦ ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' --- - II ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ T ' I _ I ' : I ' ¦ 8 ¦; : ¦ • ¦ ^ : ' ' 1 T ¦ ¦ i! ^ I \ - !\ . ; I 1 I , - / GOSSIP A LADY^SG OSSIP ^ ^ J I ^ ji GENERAL ii SPORTING BY A - - • )' \ J, :; ! ' | - ; * ; ' THE K.IUST WXXM-AS BU-PERUJTEX.O- I cigeAntiA HA ctAise imome TJiu "ilritli Racing .BNT OF A CIBCfJIT. < . I • Calendar" i. . OUTI.AIK (JK. -i:XIUVALLED j?re At present it i> fasliionalilo ¦ ¦ ; -. unc iit-ireil'latc.. - : . , ¦: ^ preacllCTR ! . I .l . V" of liave ahvays been fairly nunie"-- 1 ' ¦ ' ¦ ' the necessity of protiTvinp the identity Uio ' . • • . ' ? • . «• • ! : i Many wlio gabble about •ous a^ionget lfetliodist», but the j |!: . KinaH nation^. office Of \ \ aving , heard the evidence ' S ^^ to 'irilsp tho meiiuing of the «?- Superintendent olo Circuit has 1 of Mr y them fi»il .so far pnl yi been filled ;CinrK(f line judge), j. Hariy (theindf, , " TJiapmura na Soiltfe ' t> Aifcj«s efstials of true nutionliood. A common by men. The first "TE3RES STAR .t'a,c:n3tinu nay), ,/i I j ¦woinml to S'/i? if Mr. j/jji^rkintS i 4 i luideptia-lce ltinKuayc, 11 common history , a common the oneroud duties " car oottle, •lint owner Of wail tlje charge of six churcnes is Mr*. >ascinaiinto s Fanny;/*" e>:«^ e rwofsnizi- the value of .preacher for Ji;um*kl''1ell ¦ ' ^ ' La •Itouche; l£' e^su p6in nalionn! jiride a* milking f»r (rrcatnei-s anil teri,-)l £uj t>ui o tnnip siicf«''- s in ovory dc| iirtiin-nl of life we financial and bt\t:Inciji ' I • f . ', *' ••?•• I I : 1 liave only to exainin. tliu extraordinary «arraii^eii)ems of 1 i) -'p:te:tlie jaet .. .. . n\6 vo tiuine eile cuo vo t>\ AC ' nw. ciij-'uit.. Be»iaesi''w'hicll, mohvy iU p. thai inanyi proniotm «S proure-s cinnnu'n ioll y and iiit-allectually BT SHIPPER'S ¦ )iav» wen severely] ".bitten wrap Raised for a new .cWrch, and nil EACH AbTTLC OUARANTEED BIONATurfe. i y«i:• " m tKS' m ce*6c t>o 5 of some oi the nival nations ensaKed Hi tlhe deiails of a bazaar or so by K-. V-OI;; bi? guarantei;^ H H* ^"r m6 At, 4W i; r A6Cnf o ,nm niL r Ilin U-rrihlu Kiiropcmi conllift. Tin- flaelif are under licr n r ¦superintendence. I I.I i, Billy U6n u e I- l .oa;.'iii- Ims bi>cii endcavoiiriiiir 1o revive JimW Coffey,W tue ^latest ' ]i«t'«-«i.«'»S.».i .^ T ,.r T ¦• • ¦ Hint pride of ran' , thill strong sense of na- ¦HIIK te- take * . • , -" . <«5ur ce Ji-e an T>uine rrm *iI mXetp- * „ tionality on whirli (l< '|>t'ntie n reo CAlCce our future umii'Hiil ami maU'rinl extensive, manufactures WATEOTORB W«jard 250W l dol-^ t"^ ,1 r * " Durt.auL lU'SS . liy iri'ims of Ihe teai-hing of 1he Irish of frla>.s beads, particularly aXi Venice, BIG G.A.A. MATCHES ! 4541*111 i ' so^^B^iM, the and Uffey the Ail, t>o-connAtc me AS CAIIIC 14 le lani-'iiaif ami history in Ihe schools and city whose maj^iificeirt juiiiqiif bout to take place in the o»« " 1S c iirii m go maiC. tuitne by carrying on an i-ducalimial and indus- : ex-anmlrs oi Italian architecture are now ^ gobnAic nl CiptAig. 'Oo Ot A fiop ' 50 YEAB;^ AGO A conter-t uar4'V' AIJ\.\ pets- trial propiiKiinda aniiii'.'st th > ' adult jiopu- in petij of attack from bomb and shell. : Beats and Is Beaten j betweeu these rneii willVoSd," oon ci cti A5Am 0 ¦AinuptAj' 0 CeAllAtg 50 pAib lation. No iiiiiction urt'.ini.-ed by the The g'itti-'s manufactory a! Murario WH.| ' a b'K ' ^>us<; "^nnif Cpipce jiaiO an : ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ bl > n ' but nihether h p6 Ap CuAiptpc An CigeApnA Agup A (ijielic I. riiaue is i w- th«' public an oppor- once a treat source of revenue to the Re I ! '" [ ' i 1 : :; yiM be . W g enough to warrant JJ?" * cruStnon.* pn it>in a cuis ubAipc mt> Horn p6in tunity of jud^inu ii.- inaiiy->iilctl activities -I>iVbric: |thv class workers receivtxl tpecia| - n.er QUi"tion: With DO [jitfiviltres, 1865). "do? gojgcuippinn 6 .1 gCAOi copp t)ACCAtp for -the nation tluiu the l'"eie. The preserve the srcreU j of the era!!. lUefori; Hhio peicpmc nuiip t>o eipedcAtl pe. ' Limerick and Wexiorrt i-veiiw have been ithp -wa r Austria furnis'hed India witK The Elections—We «.re autlioriaed to when Clare and Wotefrford met ?ia ltti.st 35.003 dohf to brSSt -evi^ " fOo Tli tn6 ,45 Cwj\c &n c-SoUsif ':lar(»e «'tate that Sir Henry Winston Bacron in thi may dKnv- u " An AtcneOc'&d An buAC^tll Og pin preat .-IMVIVSI'* this srason and pn\e evi- quantities af beads, and so far then) ! ^enior hurling ajid junior football. lir,ih j a great deal more, but A U 0 1i fjr^e promoter»i ', " 1 Aplp Dpeicedctj 6 ? llm;i. And 1 think that onr own Jand . a very molle^t affair MoraleyJ proachinp -election and that he recinesw football cuig. ' ; district *. , nnd junior I linrling, and Clare b' * I " Do AiCnedtAinn, A •oome uApAil.*' local l'Vis on * Simday. July 4tli. will 'lindia. Jiawover, is now devoting s trreat <>f his old 'friends to i61U themw.-lve'i >on- bothj matches. Jn ithe in.itrhi>4 }-es- . HerlK-rt, v7,o 2a steered jnan' " Sin e cis Siomomn ui C<$neAni An ' bpuil p6 Atinpo PA 'e. - oufrht- to Riv« him a strong claim on the Clare! won the hurliud . Wtedia's f h. ¦IS 6, <: tfuine u.dil. ACA mum- County Kcis likr th> WiAii.ul <>ni ' . bui I are. distinctively Indian orn&tnentH , and |The raiull of the meetiiif; Yam i in uio.-t of his triumphs^iails gciiiipc . '' ' wncientl Indian craftsmen pave tieni a eonhsfituency, independe it of his ex- of both com:- 1 idi tnonly. £ cip An cigt 50 dn-tnaie Tidni, 50 rndjU wnture U> s-ay that in i lirnnch Fci- . with pt;rience ' of twenty yearB in Paifliameiil :ties in the fouri championships i.s that I - having accepWi a retah. " AcA A -6111116 UA|MU. Sin e limited financial iv-imrc ¦> . it offers the ¦ntistic 7101111112. 'A few years u:,'< ama- * Clare is entitled, to plav e. ' tu ride thoiv Jiert season, j i T: rii(5p| an c( teurs collected beads of a1f kind>. but where he never gave al vote against Irifili . Mun-fer in tho : [ Annpin e le h-Aip inc»t vatied mid iitlrmiivc r ri>;rramme of ' finals of Senior iiml :j jimior hurling .ind i. ,. « • • •' i :¦ " I ' i tiiiopcvip Hiiocp. hi«e u-i India were especially nriztnl. inlercs.ls. 'Mr. Jamed UelaJiunty has liriMidlcr-General I)• • • < cupdn ce i&m g.\vhi! (j Watorfortt if f: \» n.^...<.i. " ADeip cu sup AiCin cu CopbAn been canvassing the electors this week, en- Who fcteered Tho ^igujj ctJ5Jnii flj plop* Feota n«•¦ ¦ ¦iv. All th* doll* uii\de iu France «ince ifne Vp to expectations: - last i-edc. The old 9th Lancer ' le 1\-Aip An I * An uAip pin A CC An . - -Inlini-' value for war hrokc out . as' well as all the Biiiuiale jC:ire mafls- .-i •.Teat Has !*£ tiomi -go gcuipit) "Old An jut tnppi ! Tlu-i>- VM II 1 . effort to capture theja ^ard in the tvlice wounded: ' : i i , beipe ACA ? " ' , he money. I" 'no deartli of «n- sileijt . for no one in the. Ropub|ic ap- Mr Malcomson has boen unanimousl y f.vot- tlleipeAC ! ip mime x>o Oe ocpap ) make* ihe interna l \Yaterford made them! At-ijrd-iuy io The Ifreoclii peigl code he .sht-''iii'- Unit it.ttu m>.' cotnpi'Utions , Ibeliow . jtluit cause the crie- .il the form- kenny, but 1 reyret tp say he has de- pluv all [lie tiine '- papei I ACC Ap An mbeipe TJO here will he a p.ir.n .- i CLARK BEATS WAfKRKfirm •; Libf.-rtc, VCi O-Connor^ the ' " IS eat ) o , " ll'oi-.- w\'ll us nearl y every h;ir non- no doubt whatever exists but li« betw .vn ci iplmvrs of iij cop0in6ip, " ^Cc ]m ii-fc pivAn rc6uL if ileiiionrtnitiui ¦ in hi-t aid. a* would bo Clare and. Wntcrfordi plny c-uniitm^il . Si. Jfumni, of the celcWid nneApA Ann. " ! ilrillni^ ie:i aini tUTurdion in the wor.tl "were niade returned without opposil'-on . all 0! am ,ar_ •x litV . cti ' . ••Ii ' . a> great Tho late member, M r.i M, Sullivan , over the field for the fiirst five minute? 'iH' .iinn, wasja .GennanJ and noi ACA UAtnn An Aon Con. Innir non " by li-r'Oany. Aitfe-mj>t* to compete with ha* 1 ' ' . a rn iR-uaian , en Acc t>tX> p6it)ip 50 PA DAO Aim nirlini: 'imti-h hi-i«i -n Ti JI | MT ? I • >¦ and Kil- resicned , und it he only, candidate «now in when AVaterford. forcitis inutti>rs , i-em returned him the amount Coijxe Cat t)o-Conn^'C nu.Mp 00 ^P ihi! (J. rpiaik- in mechanical and ^'heap ' . u: au ; 1 ' enny. Tl:o Thnrli - ii -mn will represent the field is Mr. Matthew O'Donnell. wide. Clar« got up fTcinilthe dclive.-y. hut til. tees lie had received fromiiiia mAp rm pem. toy» ulwj.'i .vs ended in defeat for tin i;-i Aas J.A5 CU All CIS- " i*i|»pvV;Ky. Ul\*l lh> f;iin^u> Mnom-itin hur- " liarristt-r, who contested jthe seal with yTaterford repulsed , anrl following " s me } st-:irce;y war. though I . it nu j 1 " t)At) y&i-oip pin. Tli ATjeuppainn J-'ieiieh 11 account of Uie cost of | pro- » (f bci-n uiagtiificem. r " .IS bAt gal Horn , A Copoineip, ' LT.-; will do batil' - '<>> ' Kilk iMiny. Tliere Mr. ¦Sullivan in 1859. iMr O'DonneL pood passing HcfTc-rnan ojiened the scor- I . j : pAbAT)Ap ' " i lurl i.iii .Vltli'HUrh (Jennany could si-li ' ;' ¦•••?.•• :; i 50 nA nA pAbAT)Ap. till In* an open an • -¦¦inrri < OMM M iuu' of raid he woulii retiro ff 5Ir. Malcunson ing by a \pottl for Wfiterrfotd. Play on |. t-.ppA . AH c oipiseljC, " nS jruil Aon her tin ioy» ' -fpr ' almost notiliiri ^r the , u:m. Coffey.will not " Agup niop Aicui cu nA ¦o^Dine DO i ns-i'ii i-l i'ir> in in- i>n/.ti -M IIIIUT .- . i-c.in julvanei'd. Mr O'DonneH|ia Etuyiir; at centre .fiajdj followed/ fr'om -which cacli ,bc able Xo box again tfiAiC A A ^ lii-xild; ' '. ir makinii them are verj- (jxpeu- •or >u J , M llJlie „„ . ;i6i C : leigtnctii An fceul no I'llurlcy. lr"laint - I.-Mttm c traditional present at the Club iHouse; he ha* » tide was visited. Clar| cleareu . and > both his lmn(Jlj w^re jo_ ' bi inp An mbdt) peotl •oo-connoic cu ¦ifvi! uld -ed , often eoMSnj; as much as h ho .nnpinc n . Si'!t'i'\ioii> couimtttiv 'formed and I IR resulariy Clancy scored a goal for them. On the '" '*' "' in Newj^otk 'wtii Jia, 1 Ag imceACC AfflAC 0 beul no li-abann live Inm lred poumlo eacn. Tliu fuinllcsi r'lyn- , I niitimial :lir- mil 1-e iilaycd al mt.'r- canvas.-in^-every cUv ; buit.he is trviiii: to delivery, Clare got back to the attack; ¦ ' A pe.gi.' ; TOJ > als ' retiuire an enormous t.paiv in do IK- .-heap ¦ . , ¦ • ¦ I TDA geipeAdc e AH pAt»Apc ag«c ? " al> l>y \)i\) t- .- for their recpedtive seasons : Toy ji poo -cssion, Hannon T . 1 M»- " volp &s ti6 An C15 CimceAU A cuij is said that he has offered £100 towards added a point. AVaterfofd pot up. but { *Niail h:iS mljI 1 to|EseoU to trite CADA UAim. '' i.rt a visit. Lwniiid ailvi-c «.ve -y render online.- require -tits Rrc.alet 1 attention and BuJ ullaWra a j;r». " 1 4th ;\ mi the building of St. JdinV Brid??. Mr. their attack was us?le*s, and - comini: -i re^:. and then prepare ' •oo 6I05. Do Oi m6 Ag imteACc liom > no'*- th^ date .1111v tin.* vciim- tare in (heir construction, and ten 111-¦ of Jl ni for next year' ACA An pAt)ape go An.oipeAriinAC l OlDonni-IPs dfauccs are good till some back, (Hatjjion secured .another major, « s (jrarid^-* " *••** * AiNationarlfl ivillll, ¦ it- !*ri - >; llt:ltii (i (i'ii\i '!il (.rolllul- LJ i mt} skilhsl workmen are employed fiv/n t>ne i ••••••! .,. I gup fcAitug 50 T)ci tompdt) ^n other ri. ; AgAC, A peis, -oo p$tp •oeAllpArii , " ' -inir star will appear. Sir John which performance he epeatol in b.-ss OOCAi p AgUf pAl D pAt>ApC Ap y'It on Saturday. ; i . | i ; | ¦ I tli'l Aon ceipc eile AgAm ie cup AP CIlllDL KXA.MIN kllrtN.- l«»>r rates to any sum the' electors then- ting away^ Heffernan ' .siiored n >:on! ftr ' ' ¦ ]Cib6 jreutAinc tus mfe uo-ConnAic SI'MiI'U AM) ECOXCiMIC'AI. ¦ !•••••• \ An bpATlneio peo, A copdine'ip. 'Cuip The laniiiaiie ci'ini •¦liliun- (.-i-h ool - yeur Mr . Smitliwick , is, aJ.+>!spoken of. and if Kcvcr before; has pop Ap CopbAn Anotp, Agup bAt> itnl will be (•'¦luiut^d m \\\? Fashion? weru never more Murhd than . KewinaAei kiioim liiop An -oo Agup peAp eite •hools ii; Waterturft city and district In- UIM .- on no doubt |tliO 1 examined On Tm-dny mominjf J.vt a crew oi ¦ parties and there iere thou'.-jadj tAbAipc biot) A ' go inbAt> feioip go and HoiHices , yet there L* no era^'erition. ¦iiarrty sc-or;- :— | i ' . . o rcACinp^vt) mApjt)0 PJ here tire pupils are proficient "noi.u'i lo ' and undaunted ;ainuteur uqualic- I ¦ ¦ t| maton.. All the holds and iocfging- jle iDi 4 fior-AgAm ' no diicoivlan t lines. Paris shows three —i\Ic?srs ¦ , ¦'; . ; . liousei nueunpAO p6 T)IostWil vo p6m.' itisfy ilie Irish examine.- . The ex.mj:in- crUtrincrt types oi bodice , and tli. -te ar»r William Dowlcy! and J-ame? . . ' were packed to their uimost DoM- ¦ ¦ Phelan. oarsmen, and1 Kicliard Farrell. 1 ' " : " T>«|\ piat) ! " j»npa TTIiocr, 1 mir will commence on Tucj-day next. Mroru als>i in London ;'they are the Moycn :! OLABK-10 goals and nd4 points. . ^bni ^"^^^ 1he »T8^'! e • f v I ;- line 22n , aii4 ttic pointed bodice. The Utter ^ ' 1 An •nJof Wtpe nA niiip t>o riieAj- me , tiny bad traTCfi^d- » distance of Cftj--ihy ! Svatorforo liurliiig Tedrii—.T. . ' :" * * * ' ¦ "¦ ¦ ¦' ' ' ¦am pn ? '' A ^*A c-otpigeAC. i *6 ii the la,t«et novelty and suits , slim Htffe'- i :-J. - I 'I .T • - ' ' no neACCAp ACA A Tiiile-* ! Their dpstination] \vas Tramon- nan. T. King, T. M'EvovJT. Cuddihr P : «'8S'« xpec'f«l that: odds wouldb* bid ¦ " AC4C po in ArruroJn. figures best It show* tlve old^tashioned B;iy. ' ' r CA Mo t\ ri 6 CimieAU leAt-riiile On at the west side ,j into the L'adyV Carroll . -P. ; il'Kenna , M. Xorrie. John W\ Popmern- for ttie Kevr. DettT 8Ukes, ACO pn SAOppAit) p6 CopbAn tnoiu tid cpoC- puiuted' front com in" below the wajct. , b I Asm* TooBfpBAp ceACndrhA I I'SiOIl HISTORY ( OMPKTiri >N.- 5oant«!iinies , Oove v/hicli they reached, allowing for n Norris , J. Hogan. lB. Heffsrnan, R. Mir- .u to>setr adwho.^ wanted to back him >e» ^ 1 PAiO re 6.'" it has a basque. As a rule . IK ad 17 sl.i uld tlmt r» \;eTy Ion;; is proferred by vonie . J. CrUty. y w«re jointly (a Sin cpi ceAtjiAmnA mite. Af, u >W tl -it tl'.o voun»» -l\t . \n> et%i\- V'livinr.' t<-lcyraph«d to; Wit-eriocd their Clatu 'Hvulins; t 1VMJI 4A. Power. .1. '*™>™\ demind at 10 to 11 each. | ! ipceAC ix>in t>A pilio]\. 'Oq Cuip &n i"l'- w.U niixlHh -Wiranai. The tunic is .-lili in >a;e arriva l at that : : jaitm cu i6T> Asuj* CH An j.wro ln MI .e ¦ attractive seaside re- •Power , M. Flanagan, it Dohertv , J. . ' ' . r il ict«l by oral maiinria i":i t' iy cl hii'h favour, and by its ineaiii- a change - l ' ;•••••• i ! copOmeip in uriiAtl v6 Aon pUt) Atieup- ' i-..re. and indulged in (hu | luxiiry 'of a Clancy. 5. iFos.'J. GuercW. M. Mo'loney. , " . This rule was iniidver .entl y uf divsj may be economicall y pr-.v.ided. Iw'lli they inndiled their i h >«i F«ing . FA« f6 TA gcutpcipin go mbAt) t6foip o nittei i froin the Keis syllabus. The For instit'iKM! the same transparent tunk- . oars a^ain for J. Spcllas.-y. M .Bolton , P.. Hnnnon, K. J 1 suggested by going \o Q» ; " "Oo Ait n mg, A tiuine tuj'Ail; the pull home and arrived here at 10 (Irace , P. , ,F. 1 haW a mile ^rom oe n^ Coinne gcuipc senior 'i- .-idry ciunrietition will he CJII - may be M'Doiiiiell fedailou. ]'. Me- p Jiome.and H"innins ' 50 5c«ippi 6 1 eile \join over two or even thretj- dii- o'clock at nipht Tho diiy ya» scorchina- ' ! • .easily^ by two lenjrths from /AcA mo jTAtwpc seup 1 JbfAV uAim Ap d letcd by written exatiiin.i 'inti i • in. forent /=ktn>. If in black il may b j Worn Iiicmcy. I |! , Let Fljr, who. Cum 6 vo v&on&v , ACC JAt>ubAipc f Iv hot . aiid it is unnecessah" tr> add t'hat !Jn the. jimior footbaH Imatch the first |makii;s a late entry into jthe argumt-iit, /•on so »FH 1 r* i«»s 5° *- e°r saipi'o "A Similar, (ulv 4 I ' I over n'hiiv or vice versa A bine skirt ¦DA ' CopbAn gup cumi letp, go lnneOppAii , tint fact rendered the '(asH all the mon; lijlf.hour'gl piny vius decidedly in favour iW Wssetrda'.e out of second place ' by m. i : jiri'Videt- liinoUicr change for blue and arduous , but it wa. ' I»rA* JenrjOii; : . . . j i( j pfe An plpinne. 'Oo ^ipis otpiseAC nA o'hiek thi yea 1 form a favourite combin- " aoomhjyiishcd in c of. Waferford. who ODene'd thp scorin-r i , C£ II -IA' ) An beipcj ¦oo-Con- f liL'hlv ere-iit^i'blo mnnner. start with feAp bpiliopp Annpin ation. Mce too may be used to arivant - within fivcj minutes of th^ a AIC j Agup vo ceipcig K IMF. INnr.^THIK ^ irom j | :• ' ! iv j ' «> cu ? 1 imp An fIpinne Anotf-'' i aue. and I many other vart iti'itir fiij!;:e«t sooal byWaUb. Clare, al^ueked the . •. »?•• ee. i SumeroH.- prutni-e- , .f support I ¦ -ve 10 • •••»* delivery; but the Waterford backs helosses<; 1 ^ho Jfube ' An cuirhin lejAC An U •oeipeAnnAC h 'en reeeived for the exhibition of I . -n>o lalent fon turnins everything to aci-oiuit. A very profitable businp i in Cl'.o h« !- their position well. , 'jMoscal tested the iStake.s on Wednesday with the hoaie- copAt Agup Sedan b CopbAin An peAn ' irdu^iries -.vhich will consist of u ¦li-;i!ay ¦riiiL ' ftohhiK has just bt?en entered upon Waterford defence .shortly(after , but failed Ibred Black Jester, ha3 four, Oaks winners " •oe n Aibpe^n peo caitce AgAinn ? | Joo Oi |AJ piob , nA tilAiti." ! ni work driiie by tin- pupils (Ii in the vuri- Wlil T F, JtV RAR MORE EXP ENSIVE off OI.M- hartiour by enterprifiinrj owners of to.get through , and Duj-'ban scon - after- Jin jbis|stud, viz.. Our Lassie, Glaw Doll. : " AppA pe. oi- schools of the city . (2) the Technical ¦ fishing vessels from Dublin, Wexford, wards added another coat. In the kick- ,Jclt, and Princess Dorrie. ; . ! j CAt) A ClilC A1H AC nUAip OO OApCAt) j 1 As a -ult of TJK? war. together with >p " ' i-rhool , 'II SC I H H r^. i' I | '; '; : IS cuimin go mAic, AppA CopbAti. ami (. ' I- within a radius of «>arly K:iu.-uii - and other place s, ! who have at put Clare attacked, mid git through for a ' . I : I i An peiip ? I . I - -i\ mil'- the receikt appearance of hot .wea- ' Jimmy Wilde,- the T " "tie Cuip gun cuimin leAC An IA - oi the city. All exhibit? must liher ih. i> something prc-eut about one hundred | craft viv^accd goal per Kinvan. Plhy was fairl y even j ylor.sto-ivn Terror, |.i " tit £'e«.t(Ap tnfr tviAp t&n«5 Ix senl in ohMrr_v o, . 'ije like a dearth of |oti | thii; warpath again, J VA5A- ' ' pi-r-ons appointed hy •Jl/ton and linen fabrics of wn-hablc at Duninore The vessels ore admirably for ithe next few niinines , but Waterford and; if any o.'ilie pn CAp Aon Ui eil).e ? tl i princi jials oi the variou- schools • .ound with nets, soon little men in: the gatn« who bav» bten CAp opm la pcAnnp**, Asup i)u»< p ' 'Ihe iroeks Tjlni elosinp of a !nr?e numli'i-r oi ' and iniail; requirements* afterwards pressed, aiid had the best " IS 'm6 cuip nn." pi ice of each article (if for sale) mu.-t be t<> make them seaworthy l and"conrfort- of (matters {during tlw| re mainder of ti-.i; jthrmrihg out chstflenges ad'.lib resUjminv tAinis m6 6u$Am p6iri nf PAID tiuine Contanenial houses ha-- eontribut.-d u> 1 . ; budinees rlicn no obstacles ¦ " Ci paib cu Sn cpAtnOnA pin tim- -1 itetl . otherwise the article is In l.e shorlilue , abli . The fine weather lof this week ha.« time. Kt the conclusion of v hich tho score.-t | will beplactd jnA •bAonnAige Ap in cpiig ACC OO 01 ¦ 'he with tlio inevitable outconii- ¦proywJ • ¦ ; in {he |wsy a!, inatcbmakin? jartT ceAli^A cuig vo 1^105 ? ' n> irkvd " not .fur sHle ." •lCxhibilors »ii ' ¦.>; a ris— dn prices. N01 only is tliiri the most benefirclal |for| their under- stood— ! by the DAT> re<5il A|C lmCeAiic Avn&C o t>eul w sli tn dispose of uiiy specimen- of 'I.eir of lakiii!.'. imply rewardinj' their labors. A I be.llindj the WeZsh boy. Jjmniy ' traj in Do bi me im pui-oe inp AH mbAO ' ca-e with revard to the i^ost materia l . - Lorjdori on Tuesday, and delighted |the IIA ti-AOAnn. Ii: ndierat i will titut the exhibition iv reml y bin the I'LiindricA announce that all wash- small !-u C4I ,I !, and " point .i. An 5CAU1O." nr 'atis of nbtaininc reinuiierative i rice- liliuui to convey the fidij to this city, ], CLARE-Iv.^.w... „„... ' 'i patwnJ oi the 'Black/riars Kins Whn " <*S in 1,' will >e chaTjed on a hitrher pi'.iJc. . coal. a-atheroH I A11 tus cu j?6 nneApA ce t>o bi PA " ' ' Ail -ales niust be efttHried through niem- wheru Mime of it Is fold, but the larger i l to pay Iromage to that most re- Cu ACA CAO b ue n 5-CAUM * ? ' 1 and like rverytJiing else white snniiiu'r $$ I H r- of the Indu-triil ('(iimnitt ^c . i»chiK;|s " ' '[RTtikiu is packed and sent daily in tin.* Chu. Sholed iinproved -yn, on r ^' " Ap CAOb nA C p*JgA ttioipe." wear ' *i ' cost you more. So »1 MJ will ¦ %°Z $m ^' 1 " X) o iiiendinr. lo lake part in the exhibition stwiiners to England and" jWales.- The mg. Hassett and O Loiii'h m iurcing the , ,. ... . *£?!Z3g $% 6i cj iup n6 ceACpAp peAp Ann " ' li?ht fabric plavos. which in norninl C ilox,1T i«n ttuclf R'rt- An bpACA CJ SAm t)ACCAp AH Tutist lH'tify their ini'Miiinn tu Ihe secri*- tiiiif- iv.me Sierringi lire ol an admijra o'c description pace. Waterford defended well per Con- i>tc t>o Oiot)Ap po pApd uAtm Agup Uri;cly from (iernlany. An.— ami their abundiancc provofj « $$ nrorc ?mPor^nt busing % AT cpiCnOnA pn ? " liiry. Watorforrt (iaelie League. u soal Wedne.^ay, tvhh the welbltnoVn 1 " ' ' int on' wealth wlzich Waterford people , it would Clare attacked from lel.ve.y. and; 4 ^, ^ PM,i^jy- &bi 50 rtiAit, App4 An c-oipiseAC. " 1 •• that the competitive sectinn oi linit then i- no scarcity. In coloured : the rfdd Mr. Teddy J/Cvii (. " 'X>6 An c-Am ' il: • Indu-trial Kxhihition is - >cnn . did not caru to touch. On yesXet- Kirwan ga%* them; oll | in quick time. : .-^ !F. !' nri ' Aon ceipc eile AgAm ie cup open to adult' Miur uav blue, deep (.Te.y, and dark a;s l ol thfe WOnd«:u'J fiouth Wale* " timceAll A c iig vo clog.'' a- n'i'l! a- schocil ehildn.'ii in Waleifurd ¦ri'M^vi! toi es h^ad the wav day the stonm tus brought.|up 120 box<"s After some I even, y-contflstod play C lare , -,,^1 1, he paid vk.it to nf "t"he fi*. one night's" , and they forced a " fifty, ^ i^Mers, a « j>r=¦ - " An pAib AOtnueAC in A focAip ? " w^rk | but . isil.-d to score , biit i-r^ndonTspeciolist to get a true diignw I '" "U lunA DFUIJ L ACI iah. Kveii! prior to I hii plot 1 npiara An pp! eil^ ? apf A Il'diiKtriiil Kxhihilum of tin- Heit object . .picture h.si in its mosft alhirin;. • 1 i ford . Clarejwere.mUtinJMiri a -very ?trons? ' f6. " Ci JWbADAp ? " - ' L'uise I'l XCII. cliampiAiiship matcli with Teddy I.i-e ^thi I " At>ein m6," AppA peigi. of historica l interest , such m old swords , is slow.y |bu! surely mukinp Jieadway. This week's issue of " Purjci " contain- firli.-ili when: the , !ong ¦ vln-tle souud«t.: trouble was apparent, and the terriblt " T)o bfoDAp nA 1 mbitj guns, siieeimens of extinct Result— i i " ,C& »po * T)uic gup Ag pioC 'nA r^ *^ pA Waterford Shape? are particularly becomin? this eartoon-. dealing with the Ainerican Note drabbin" hf received on that iinfort'jat:t peflil ¦oo 0! lem' i.tp." m iniifactures such ns cut glms . histo r icnl year , nt;d even when Uie brim-, an very and with the German threat; to "Punch"' : (torjhiiii) niglft-- in Janiwry reducAl t'iot ¦&i a>o TH|€?" II liiiitfi l-i pt.s : I " C6 h-lAt> lATO } " . etc . livery care will be wide tliey unvariabl y lake an .niistii line , sketches and articles, in prnLse and wrsc, WATERFORD-ti :;o.ils and 0 jmitits. 1r. a payinii.s c'ondition. Attention ?Ma [ " ft pil, nl feAt)Ap mfe, ACC ni T)(5CA tu cell of article.-: sent lor exhibition , and ibut muiv LvpeciaTly is this tlie case where on the Watch Dogs (by a Territorial Offi- CLARE—3 goals am 1 point. tliejrin r w«p | absolutely essential, j wl " tli inneOrA mi i t>uic 6. " tl' ¦ ( 'iiiiiinittee will (iirleavou r ' ; ;iip A5 ptot uJip •06 OiOBAp." to make tin- bhey oi.rvo at flip aidr W show tin o->if - cer at the Front! , a mine-swccper iu tho eff:j'.s wore niadir to bui! i|up :'*j;i:r. ie " Ate cmtpe w t vo imipinc t)Oii Ut -p'.iiy us aMr;u-ti\f i>- p..-sible for the iure. Acriplan;; and tulle are ni"i • hn-- Vi'aterford-P. Walsh, '•] ' • m in '- iMistlluti ' I , j .- j" Cperoim sup pi^n-CAilleAC cu-pA Dardanelles : cover for shirkers; a (Jer- P Whtlau , .1 • '- -n. j i gcoipce. 1 p iipli! nf Ihe city H,s Wor.-hip tli. L-ely employed for these haus than luiy man sni per 's disguise; as| others see us in Dtiggan , T. B. Boyle , 1. Cundi.n , M. -Con ilOr.n JAg CAljAipC peAfA UA1C ? " ' Mliyor ha- kindly i roini^ed to exhibit » other fabrics, they are theruforc paroti- i | l)jel; Mounii . -pA cu C 'P rA ppiopun mi tp velsels In-ill ^- fnnr centime- old. The parem c-ro|wns and brims are often made His Maje.-ty ' O Donahey. O'l/mphlinJ f. Ha-sett, .7 J | Ap innip cu An pceul po x>o AOin- Coin s nnd " Ciamblers All " at >f. : ; i i mAic Itom e. ' F<4- in it tec appeal to Waterfor d oit i- of {fathered tutle , and for -<>lr triiniulnji Wyiidlmm 's; books of tlyo day and otUev CaryiioiW . .1. Kinv.vn. V> ' (,\i lid. > i i ! i- I : . i >eit eiLe AC : TIO HA piuopp ? " aefi.s who may liitve - " ; A . ,iny lu-torii -iil tn-n- a handsome ostrich feather is laid Hat matters of universal WHAT YOU AcA A pop sAm 6 pip, t>uine II -4 interest. " Miop inmp m£,| ACC VO bi p6 AS - t in their pn-.-i^sioii ti> send lJiem In on the brini and cutight liirhtly here »nd UApAil , ACC ACA m<5 pA pjtiopun le 'hi exhibition in t'norc witli] hnndsomo chiffo n ind ve3vrt ; ceuru-uii cfi[ Atm UAm \ Asup DO ; b( A the Presentation C. II " IVIcCAUli " I • cogitigeAp. Agup ni peroip jm'- cup in vent Sellouts cen on the fibp AgAm A( n tjutj t)o bapcpAfoe VA 'I¦ - rr ¦ nroaier mtnrbei of ; STRAIGHT i ¦6 A pplopun Aji An Am ceut>iiA. ' = ri"' liisuirical -. -. (.on -Imnld , m|. th'e newot hat- nnd ¦ TALK plogAipe le ! i-Aip Ati CAIAI-6 ¦lrd--ed to l!ev. plumes, lojir and lovely, are admiribly • ' ¦ " : : go n-eipe- M l)f,»|t1 -\ ;,¦. . ,.,. ASi r i : : ! -Ir mil -lre ; -t. Will rfor.l crp.">upe McC^Ul/S W;.\Ti:n,FOlU) Jronmon^erv id CiM'wIat'- . S.V9H ES I To Commemorate Her Farewell ' Vis it to JJcCA'UL'S- Cliina ajid 'Gla- .s aie J-'ir.-t irirner.il meeting of the Ka.-t WnN-r- I Quality. I 1 1 i 1 j lor i Executivo of the I'nited ]risli League Hells ana saMie.* are tn-ater but rycn McCAUL'S »iljl Barnadette Cutlery is fcvi il.ike. 1«> hold in the Rooms .,f the National n>orc important than last year. And (his -McCAUL'S Wallpapers nrct- SphndidJ and Liler.-iry Club, Watcrfoid on Thurs- i> not surprising for they appropriatel y McCAUI/S Stocks CTW . June Mth I2.;t() (he Mass with arc The Litre*. r' *r da* . at Kepresenta- i.tnn.p'U'tt! An elaborate faikred suji I or l*.-,r levers of Our Lady of Lourdes.-The! Holy Sacrifice ot McC.UJL'S 'I1iow Number is i/J. ! 1 * «» _/^ tni's from all pa r^lie.- ,, | )u, Coii- lend distiiil'tion to an inexoerience , etc.. as suid at U«irdvs , «il ;bcf of en-d up for ¦ ^ « fc (.urueiicy 't- Bosurv l.itanv. and Novena PrKVcrs McCATJL'S; Tel. Address ] *¦ Mrf'jul. ^ are rn|in-st<'i| u, attend Mr u.n fi\x-k iThe old proverb that thenj^ is ,'iO consecutive davs in th<> l'jcabytcrj- Chapel , at HedneMord , m hour • f Our Lad> ¦I Iron nonger. . j \ M. J. Murphy. JIP »iW ,,,|,| to bo ' . n ,s th, uotlmic U KV loathor »ivyin^ find nir of l.onrdes . for the intenUonlot all who sond a donation for h« ne\Y C>»»'^. Mo^VUI"?: Simps iir, - is and 20. llnrrj ii- ni.- 'unt. as Prayars began on THIJIWDA ^ ast .ILNL 1 di-s^mukersl a-s well tuiilors ju-t now in This ureat celebration !of Ifasse? and . | strat (IStreet. . ', ; .. - | # their of bflts sashes unil rdiiiti '1 . the Feast of Our Lady of .M.,m t Carmel- ¦ • ehoiej , -- 17lh . and end on FRIDAY! Jt'LY 10th . ¦ ¦; ' FOR TJHE PEOPLE, Ii i' : ¦ ¦ I Mother hade farewell An c. rth to her . J n&^g Ini'Hiijrruous. a-- it il)ay s.'am crepe fr i!s and the gloriou s day when;(;od'PO-vn dear ! \sk for UK ¦ \M!ien bonnjl with soft black leather lo k I List—Seo S -U-¦ i id favoured child Burnadettol • , , I •]¦ [^Zj> ; The rich a creamy summer milk, 1)K , , , i : i • ! the V^ Til OF MR. T. OXF.1I,L LANK verv w.'ll indeod Tho newe.-t iiatent If. i- An--unworthy, but loving sm of that Immaculate Mother , 1 liny.- re^ilved. ami ___ , ; delicious stewing fruits—goose- S indents of I riidi will learn witJi rc'ret thf- r used for belts -and wshus is p:i ti- , to spend my days in promoting devotion to Our Lady of l.uur, ii^ J^ of ie desire ' r&**JTs. r berries, currants, raspberi-ies, ^r death of Mr. T. O'Neill Lane which cuhiTly bi'illiunl and glistens iikc ; et. purpose to erect a Church in her name. " J.jG. McCAUL ' • ^.-iU'iu It-aif icr is at it* be.-t . althoueii in hy letter dated the Vatican, r-'ebruury 20th. j-'taoiously impiiit- to m. :¦¦ ,1 to all my ithe special recipe le;ifl :t ia wlu occupied for uniny year- a leudhii; n very »>ft-|malco it is usetl al the »vi r-t 0 P' I .- tion in Paris as th, r.-pr.- l>eiK'faetors in this creat vrork , ; every packet of a? .-ent itive of 'ii .-. a -w'.ithiiii; for iiinon and ottloii ertpe several piomiueiit Ko-.-iiih j./urnul- . afieniDon flocks'. iBeltti a.- wt-U as -u.-l c« THK APOSTOLIC BKNEDICTIOX. ; viiry in width. -Black satin is exi.n- This singular favour is to iric the dearest on earth; for , comini; [roin the Apostolic ( blessing of sivdy u-e\ll in this councet.011 :i >" a ni hair of fSt. Peter , it is the sanction and Jesus ChriM Hiiiisolilof the work 1- H'! \\\ IV- in \nvnt ta^ie. thai I have undertaken in ; iiono1ir of His sweel, iVirgin pother. | I OLD COINS Come. then , dear lover of Our Lady, and share wiUi me nil tiwU- bl?->in'.'s and ¦ favours hy providing one brie; at least for Our; Ludy'.s new Churijh , The lovo of ^ppKiiPft ^TKYwerfi. 1 Corn• Flbutr Free.r—7--" Summer Slury Immaculate, which our great National A postle, .St. Patrick; ii)d -Ii) ly stamped y \ «i F]uphitur ^ iviir j hi' paid for satisfactory articles. Send your petitions (seahxl and donations to vours Krutefullv in Chi st ! <& $ lostcarJ Jorit Write only in first place ami givo all KITCHEN tITENSTI-R—HOnPRHOl REV. PATRICK BOYLE, Hedneiford ^ ^ 1 , Staff»f, ErtRland. par' icnlars to Collector , caru of British AND BTABLES BBU8EES—Ererr U I' . - . —(1) 1 will send to all an illustrated book let. 'on Lourden, with Kovena Prayers and Vori'isn Pre-s Association . to good valiio at Waiter Wal«i tad Bo: thus enabling all to join in this great devotion in their own ^ 1 by htimcs! 'J*. . L' ruveu Slreet. Strand. London. aarronatrtnd Bireet. Watecford. (2) Be an apostle of .^his devotion pointing out (his k-tteijitti yciur fiionrls THE I jlWATERFpfeD NEWS> FRIDAY jrUNE 18. 1915. I I !!7 1 1" NOTES FROM j ; v: WATERfORD DISTRICT FARMERS" GAZETTE. ' ' ¦ " : ' ' CAKKICK GUARD IANS MTH i | . ASYLUM. I immediate De iver^f of , ¦ Outgoing chairman: He-Elected i I- ; - > j I I " ' I V p—¦•ir...... LJn Tribes-l] wish to ask jyou if The montiily u eeting o? tho Joint ^ Shor'S-ilv of-SlioUhorns epmmind a Committee of llanaffemon t was hdd Mies, a id if they anj eon- on McndVay.; jiHis Lordship Most Kev. Dr. ¦ "'od*/ f td it The Anti-Conscription : Resolution s°. Vi £\ fancy as the BroadhoWc or Sheeh.in^ Chairaian, presided, and the rm • >- ^ sidi'rW-frN ijj ossoin familiosjl and aro other members present wore:— Very Rev. is!ss5s U>rfl Mr. Thomas F. 3Iorri3°e; •, V.C., pre- '1!u.', -1in' i eood demand?—ifThe Jilt Canord I Purlonp. P.P. V..F; iMi|*rs. Shorthorns Ss of comparatively Edwaid Walsh, T C Vood : ichajrinan) .was unavoidably absent, as "S S 1110 Broatfhook s. BIpssoAi . or Whittle, I CoOJ Dr. Odkshott, B.M.S; Or Ki tzporaJd, he-had to attend a special meeting ot V," frflVUribcs. Ai you suri yffi are iWatcrford Oounty Council, J them \viOi theJ faiiious assistant do'J and; .Mr. T fasev . Clerk. "f Twenty-one t contusinc were in attendance. ' other guardians were preseit. ' ¥# Si# I '<>( Aborheen-AnsiB f-tttUc? GUARANT¦ ¦ EED ANALYSIS! Mr. Thomas Bowers proposed that the ¦L ' . tree -U eir descent I from I • I T Jat vri i ST ATE OF THE INSTITUTION. outgoing Chairniaii , Viee-C'ltuirman, and Krillor bloocl .lthe. firslc.w. Jilt 373 hay- Deputy .Vice-Cliairnian bi re-elected. of the '«M at Kel'Jor, and WJW s<|ld in In tie asylum ltwt Board day. 3Si OAN BE OBTAINED FROM , j t~ been lbi : males, IiO3 feinalo;: total, B.W; dischar?- Mr. Bowers said it would not be possiMt" I liS! and '--he produce 1 such famous |bulls set tliree better guntlij inen ' vhieh was first in ied sinte,: 2 femaJts; died since . 2 males, t4 jto lill jurvnian! .l iulse, , in house this tliese posts. ' , . ! " , and Justice ; fill so I tile 1 female ; remain n^ day, ¦ " ¦• " ; ¦¦ !!- V¦ aris in | l^fS : 335 m iles, 306 females, total , G41; cor- |Mr. J.iDoyle (Hm-ri'town ) seconded Mr T - . t K'fiYl'SSf* .,¦,1011.4 (i>w» Jewel, Jewess aiidjjuno . ; Bowers' proposition , and 9aid Mr. O'Don- Shorthorns uv Aberdeen ' bred , respioi ding 'period last yvar—^charce- (^ 1 It 's "SPILLERS P URITY." ! Tile Jilt' abilitv of patientt —To County of Water- Ja Sb njdJ had ; becn most, attentive jto his duties ami we iiuU'rstand \jrvre produced .(by a a9 Chairman. So too hadit.hj - Vice^Cliair- ' iinijv l Youns, of Aberdeenshire, ford , ?&> males, Iro;ulhook3 i femaJ< s,, total, 20if ; criiainal lunatirs. ¦JI •ive .v i'iit oountj , 7; city, o. O'(lenitell Street K [Messrs. O'DnmuOl , Morrisscyj and - are also- Soijteh . descent from ;, a falnous. UI$ NCE UDon J O j Grady: were .unanimously re-elected. a time when yoi: bull named -I YounR I Broadhooks. Th<$" R.M.5 I5EPO RT . Butterfly itiike takes ! their orifin from ' ANTI-COXSCUIPTIOX RESOL'dTIOX. asked of |"' . ' Dr. Oakshdtt re id his monthly j report, 1 for ai bag th Col. Towni'loy s famous first prize c >w at as fo' last, Mr. Michael V. Power;. Jill ., said at ilu--Roya : ^liow in I.I WOA, in:i$52. iThey .. ows :—8incf report lhe.hi-.ulth J of the inmates hi s Ix-en good tlje guardians' meetini; on last Saturday ¦ F our " LrUl It are of tht»; Booth typeJ The Blossoms are and tlie I : . : genert I ' coriditio i of the instituton week hejproposed a r<.-s>ohtt.ic |ti protesting . : j also of tl» < '| HoOth tyi e, and are > jp.ailo a jout , dants' boots, -wh i :h are not up ] to the Himlity ivi s not as good as usual ; 5l 1M ' much Iin:r 'liau the Shorthorn: Jilti. sampl isubmitU'd. The food , Mr. I. T. Hhipsey. visiting governor, re- tlie Irish Party -when proposing the re- something that isn't SPILIiERS^ supplies sullieient \ otatoes were grown to kee e ported-.—1 visited the asylum on Saturday, solution . wcre. Dub!in-»-lflf>ase were of goodjqual ty. I had to wants of t } iake.1 exception to by lVtalo ( Salesmen in employ :i ii> institution supplied 'r'.>ul the lith of June, accompaiiieil by Dr. some of tho i-^uardiahs , ami becaus.; they tet me know jihe add resses of ifonie; good slater for 'some in ci-ssary work about Un- Anjrust to April. The oat crop was also - unless you insist. < >al£j *lKifct . U.'sident >fu1iwil Superinteu- dfsa^reod witli those remarks they rather s;iiesmen|]to' .lispose c f good iiotauxy.-—¦ roofs jafld walls. [I append, as directed , poor , the s raw very short ; this, 1 be 0 ' the n mea of tradesmen and '"Y ' (lout. I went , through tho male and , f6t ilj ogicaily dissented •froiri the rc-so- ¦ ¦ Try Meslrs-j .Vm. O .tter , Mary s !Lan<\ attendants was a pen ral complaiiit throujrhoii c Jution ¦ against conscription! in . which ; I j- I! • I Dublin. ! j! ; ;l I who. -»iere 31 OJ late- returning ito duty ;t ''" male, wards and dormitories which wero country la year. very j?leun and* tidy and reflect yreat tHere was no mention Tvhatqoever: alxjut j I' ij | durin the montl . ; In cuncl iding, this rejport I have Irish housewives during tlie^ past Breedrnp jfiiom Shires or ij Thopevk'h- Wit regard to the portion "n"' credit on the staff. The food supplies ure, ttlie Irish Party. A short Jetter appear- l of -th« n-- more to ret irn my best thanks to Dr. ' l i Jed in a Dublin n -w- breds—I ' hajjtv a halfjbred Shire hiniv. port referring to the attendants' b^ot--. * ' ''" . in my opinion , very good . The stores ure .-paper contrad icting ei hteen from iij ClydesdaJe mare Herald am the other officers of tin " ¦ : well kept by those iu charge . The supply a I paragraph tha t had appeared in a g years! have got used to bred | by a jShire- it was decided to aeeopt the boot^. linn inr stallion. ;Slufiis four l years oU) , and I th< most satisfactory manner of untie attendunts ' bouts do not nppyiir previous issu.- «f ilie pa)ier Thii letfer have performed their duties and ! >! wish to ireed from her. She ' is wry ANNUAL REPORT. t< ""' . equal to sample. stated that his (Mr. Power's) resolution asking for a bag!of " the best Flour," j ¦ stuff ceiior illy for their assistance. ; had only two supporters out of tlm :*) stronsr and hairy. I was advised by! sdmo Dr. Oakshdtt read bi's annual rrport ¦ • ¦ ¦ ' '"'. I The report ni& ni:irked noted." and ID ;r 1M - J " t.i ten ler you . niy Lord ami jr. ll"e- -\i ''liardians present, at tho mwtinir. The put h |Ui a heavy horse." and by follows:— | r Win. Jones . T.C . nils appointed visit- who were pres.uit knew meaning Sp illerf PURITY Flour! oilier* ,1) a \ Thoroughbred horse. I ! My Lord and Gentlemen—I have tin; men . my s incere thanks for the MI ipurt j n< tor the ^Unrdiaiis Hint j p ^ ifovernoi voiiiiniXr nioutli. ¦vvniild piiefe'r ithe firitmentionrii myself , honour to submit[ the W)tli annual report and a-t.j stt uce >< u have extended t 1 me it| w.iR incornvi to staU; tlu t his resolu dm ins the year. I.AXI) tion had onl y two suppi rters. The They are, however, sometiries iven if I thou ght' it would|suit. Which would of this Asylum fpr the year endinjj I)<- STKWAKU' S KKl'ORT. , (g von advise?! I might add that one man cemMr• 31st ,j 1915j with tlu> usuat statis- .1. A. OAKSHOTT . resolution and ihe oksen'utians ho made ^l r aljout the Irish I'ai-ty were and the .-aid she ,w<)ulil wanu to bo pure-bred to tical find financial tables, and I aJ.->' Ili-i itloitt Medical Superint. ii lent. - '*'• O'C.nruian. laud -Icwji rd . ropur- itwo distinct inferior braiids^ I c hly;s way t*'d as follows:— tilings. "It would have IMVI ) eorreut to breed the: right- sort \>i heavy stock , and append tho reports of the. Inspectors June . I'JU>. have stated therefore ! advised the Thoroughbrod.-—- of Lunatics, tlie 'Visiting Members of the I Since last monthl y Hireling. I he usual that the reniarjis he made to make quite certain of ge tting the As you yish to'-produce a heavy animal Joint Gommlttee nnd me Local .Govern- nr •: ASYI . IM DKMA .SD ; farming operations imve been curried out. alfout the Irish Pnrty were dis.sentml , frpm by a numlx-r of tho t;uardian-s we ilo n<|t !sce why yjou can question' for ment (Aiiditor. I The turnips HT.- sown and all the other I in ii'lloivin" was read :— crops are dnini; present-, "nut hit, '.Mr. Power's) recollec- genuine article is b asking! for and a moment the. advisability of sendins?|the The jadmissions. d-^harses. and Town Clerk (Mice j well .'19 pi were sold y jn.-ire to ; death were follows:—In asylum !)•- * . I for £25S. nnd I bought on tion was that the resolution against d Shire stall on. She jis already (as T..wn Hall ¦¦ Ih p ics 7th inst. conscription had u !ialf-brM|Sliire, and should, eemb4r Gist, aO13. :137 niaJ'es, 305 females, . 1 (fair day). " Xoted " the almost unanimous seeing produce ail Watt-rford. June 12, 1!1 approval nf the guardians the bag!branded in colours e.\felJent|:heavy foal if bred', as yon total. 642 ; admitted in 1914 , :« males. 2U 10. ¦ present. In " Di iir Mr I beg to tend you pay in ', or- fXsrRAKl 'K. irfler that- it might not - go abro.-.il '.hat suu'j est yourself , wit! a Shire.' horse. femaJ-?s,, total, G7l Total. :>7j mak's. X'A the guardians were exactl as sketched above, mepi: es—709. Dl.scharwd. 25 males , tl der i"i tl .fDa . being one nuarter .- ik-i mud agaiiis *. icons, ription y j j M r. M . K Wall , iii hn would u piopose th.: resolution ,' Li-iiinsiii: Labourer] s Cottage—W'i>u2d feirtal 'S, total-, M. Diod . 14 males. 17 Ul siiiiinee .-ii'-n!. Wat.-r- .^'oin fonl wrote -On I' which WII K n.s folhu. - . - ii be mvtssarj- to have a stamped a'^riM1- femal's. total 31.' Total diseharped uml in-:. Yi-ii .- fiuttifully. . bi-half of the IIIOU As- "That £hif b'mi-l ineii: for |the lettinj! qf a houK at 'Is. per diexl .19 males u-nial. -.-t total 117 JAUKS J l- l-'.K.l.Y. siinince Siu ii-ty. I.Id (.•-tiihlihhed lHI-n I ri'iMi'scntinff as «. .i . t!i>- views: and . , %< . . aspirations 01 Hi.- |i. week :o a ^labourer 's family? \V"ul have a witness to I the. J014, XUi' males, }'<< femsrli-s , total . WJ M i l- /.. . -r:ilil-- In cniiiteeiioii with that "f >">"r nurk' .ien under the Woikinen '.s attempt beini; ma.li- :.' inti'oduce «-»nio a'4ret> iiieii .'t in this oasw? The work to be (. 1: «;i> ln.M '. 'l it under my imtu-i- iliat von Coinpunsalion Act. and also for the insur- 9 The i utriber Iresiift-u *.. I>< -< -iulit^r ;tl^: ; "ii ' fopn of eonscr:pt;.in to auirnient. th.i army done wiU he only otfeasionai, s.> I 1914. will Oier.'f(.r.' Iv ^<.-n tu b.' t!i.- nr.it ,• H very -troll;; letter. ance of Hie asylum hoiler- ut '-49 Ids. This the as r.i ; _ of the aqd navy now at v. ar wi'h other ii.itinn«. SIPIffilLUKS: ' ^•oulil ilotj ipvit- lio'isc par), th<- snint us at tht- h. -- -in:tin^ y-\-ii\ Il l O:il>-(ir>tt —I did. is probahly l.-s- than you are pimng ' at ktjowing that, tin- In-!i ppuple have '¦ was«'.-. a.-{; I:heard th.it was said to be a viz i<2 , excop; tluii llmre i> OIK - !<• .-»- M r I' lt'/.eenid- \t tin; In-t uieftin pn-scut. However , )' TmTTTTrs , ^ I v .. ; a a- alread y hold your already quite freel y un.i nmst promptly mvk Safe- I'lan;——You have two alternatives man ind one m.>r< - ii -iiml'- . Tin- num- iinmlier nj th.i Cfrjioration llrc insuviiiiiv , ii would be jmnrar teed be a convenience volunteered for the purpose! We fivl, in this oauise. You -i i"».-> »«s 1) le^s ttum Hint it )' v»i>i other ueijiWl he paid beforn ttie *c •ond '" "" '' . insuianees passed thbrofore ^!- ; ; •!: ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : - an apreeniep:, which] for the rent ofj Is. the. male patient.-^; t!i -- pn-vioii> yt-;ir :lie ' . that nny form oKennscrJ-ptioii ! i : i I ; ! : . . . we,-l; uf .In ne. It 1- very painful ^e tint; Ihrniigh the sain. - hiuids It would eer- «>r| l>er week, hyould only require] a penny feniO'l e admission* »• iv 7 in ex«-.-»s oi it be pressure woiiid not- ouly jlxj unrnves thi^ letl.-i sny ii,^' should piild ^ tliiu '-'inly save you :i irn-tu lot of troulilc in sury. but wholly d.-.a-tions. '' stamp, or yon could arrange for a weekly the male. I 'J4 'inn r- case of claims IF IT'S "SPHilLERS' ' ¦' This alteration oi uw -.-.\M another. I -ent the Workmen ':) so ne truardiniis ii-ss.'nt.yl the hist, «urauei- which was nn fnt'Mr. 'William O Brim and John tion of thii | cotta-e. ilie pile |day. (say The iotal number of admission.!, 67. i< ken - ''"' old j *Ir. BAG OF THE " <>\-en- ;two than in 1913 whi. of it I think, in common courtesy. hey ei diipany. and . he thod i,f the liJdmond on the same level. I am sure t-vprv ifolnday or otlujr mominj: or : ntj oro . , -h Wiis the are ' g H be), tlj c amount lowest number lor .'>0 years. shnuM hjiv, aiku.'U led^ett a recei pt, ^•o .Sun. Tit? question »-m no«- whethi-r they nolle of tilt- ^uanltaiet .lcai:ir*t ttie inS. ns th<; |ciise ini ! l would in-ur.. of weekly rent , naniep of landlord rfnd The .\dmis3ions-[-The number admitt- nntio- v. hat' vi-r n;i« inkt'ii of it . ;iud i, j ^ nndei 'lit- Workmen 's Coni- resolution prop...-*ed to-day by Mr. BEST FLOUR ! ' the e«"union prmtico if the Town ( P'-iisation Ae: with the Power. tenant, tcid ; other par^iculard ooneiden'd ed, tJrpSS males, 29 femaJfs, comprise.-* lerk l) Sun <.r witli the riei'U5snry jln 1 this e;^se see that jho ;first .aldmissidns: X males, 2j females. and the Corporation n n. Mr. O'Graily —They nnl y ilisa^'reed j on to treat thi:, h ?a rd ^ ' li'hant makes a monr^- navmciit cot- ,2 malis and [4 fei lahos had one or rnoro with uttei contempt. 1 luivi written ,v,,r Mr. Fitzgerald -Ar. - y.m effectinc a -tiv- with the manner 'tl »hi.-h he! propo<¦ *!tl it ¦ lll.'V the last, day. I ti:i-,- the- ljent bo.-Jc and key. - : I privioua i attacks. Tho varieties of and over ii^ain . and I was utterl y ¦urn- ••- .— . > ! !)l Mr. Furcetl said Urn only | jbapxr he Ro 'ks oh IFarniinf:—B einjj an. amateur mental disease ww— Mania, ;)0 Ciist» : pelted to take the action I did. Nil frit- - Oak-hutt said it they took it by it- imoJaniJholia, 11; i ?-lusi-ftnnf inscnity. IU: ten re|,lv was el( tt'ould be the Name " Udj ew to be adverti>inif conscrrihtion was a\ iariiiiiWr-j-which I am , jvery. toaid -liven , birtu verlwil one that r. '' as the Sun. but " .(_ , ' eoii^ential mental defieieui-y, 4. ; 1 would yet, it if they took it in fb6 "Independeut. Ht- (Mr. 1' uro.ell) .- . ,iM ji-rju Wl meda book on earile, «.u Saturday niyht. conjunctioh with th« in- hatl never ' ¦lnr?r- -. ¦i:|in-in-^. rnd ! The daily average number resident. Mi W'fiitlie—I certainty -""ranee of the boilers i- sc*n any support !for con- . fanninpt?' - Your say thnt the there oulit Iw- a scription in the •'Freeman"' and he \n»..-r :s :i| CTfn: hi t) me.^j -r-JTliere ire. 642, : was 10 more than in 1913. -On Table >lw<>-r Wii- iHTieilly riijht. As n niei iber sav|ng "' about C3 ¦«» ' a jV. will be~foiind the a«sifned caii <> i irr supposed it was from reading the iiii£ ii iv r. number nf bocks path' **-* MI tin. Imiird . 1 >ay it was not trej itiii - ,,. . Whittle-Alone with 1,,-ins: rt c\u shed Ion the . tl througli "Ipdendent" that Mr l'.»w er cvt 1.v ie larr.ra;; sj ibipcts , sone of tliem 'on ;the insanity of '.lirjsi- admitt^l. pr:n- doiL.r v ith eourte»y 111 all. a local man cipab causes |b«>ini in tlie order of fr, idea that con.seriplion wu* btiing ad- farr. iir.s in {general and others] dealing - Mr . Kitzip-rald — We all know thnt M). Dr. Oakshott- We pay th<- iiiKiiriui tv iquencj—^Hereditary predispositi/ m 2".i voiated. I «i'!i -wciii ] .hranohes. inch as various or . l- .-elv - healt h u not so well. through :> local IK .HI already for the Mr. Power—You .in nut, 'cases; mental str^-- boilers. ,),. knj> w what 1 ¦ !:r.vf|li>i? ! 5t'ii'k . lnir>-lnp, i ptiiltiy. l)r Oak-hott— I know that , but hr ,,.H would he vtrv loathe K, take read or where 1 vi my in-ws 6EASCXN 1915. I 1 ' hodic 'xcess, 111 . and nn-ntal deH;iomy. . and vou ." i . -:"(l tfciiy are pu ul shed at all prices'. vlerk-tlown ' there who could rep l\ i..r ||M| it from the VnlM,, llr.iler Insiiranei. Co. ns hn),-c no r.ijjht to make remarks i.I tnat On. etantiiirc! ;¦ -.v.jrk .6. i ' 1 a |t!ie: Ores-ham Publishi m* Co., Aid llaekett said he wus at th< ' Fin uici- 1)0ller insunuice compaow . Power's resolution nt the. n .' .!tm^ un f.nnji.n . in twelve priset>ri?p.ss UIl4—184—18 malesrn;iU-s . 6 females—recoverefemafos—recoveredd ( voijnnes. at iibout Bs. and I..-iw C»inniittu" w!ien there n.< f nine Tl"' 'lerk •"a id- v Clmjr- Saturday week la-t h.-.au-.' of Mr. ¦! m 7—4 males, 3 females relieved—and 4 . rel''. "'e !»f "w boilers. a I level with Mr. H.'dinond us a Red Chestnut. Height, 16-i2. Breeder, ¦ ii-eiul litae book , much cheaper, as 1 jt ' £5 A f r sonl political leader and an Ir.' sh * . No The Karl of Derby. I Sire, Smith! fiatum ,-osU 47.4 m&lea, 23.7 femal es, b^inp per nmiiey. Whether that consoled Mr F •elv " ' e further di^eusnon. iiaui" «::ly| 7s; 6;!.. is .^Vebb's ;"jVdvan cjed wn s decided . man could do that . (•2G5:J). Dam, P and p <2923) by Oriental AimVnitur|?,|'i cent more than the previous year, Hiid I. tl him iii u mood not to ansvwi the ''• . to giv, the ,,,-„.„,„,. : published by Longmans, i le ln Compm satinn Act —14 males 17 females—w^s 9 IIIOR- tlian Mr. Fi elv was not in good health. o the I n,,,,, AsMinui, -., Co ., hi.. j . -i in 1913. | Di Oriksh'itt said hi; did not ask I01 the I ° '"JlllT "iMiranee « it|, tho present com- : vrry. ariiv amount, of very \iseful ]n- (111V. nearl y all ilie irimrtliai )-, j.r ..v *it were NbPTlTN'E will ! stand on Wednesdays : The mortality rtite . i-aVulated en tlie iiioii> -y until last Fiid.iy week. H. yc 110 * on:intioh.| For its pride rt is prbbablyj as in|fuvour of Mr. 1'CMCI 'S iii:ti-c.>;iwri|i- and fair Days at Robert Grace's Yard, 'daily averajrelmimljer resident , was 4 ^ re|il> uliHt eVi-r and IM CO«H1 a book ] as you (jould gct.i If >;ou he had at I. t. "" tion resolution, but. llins? m- four -. 'iiar- liallybricken , Waterford , and remainder 4.1, males, 5.6 i.-riiiK-s ; Uiis i< IJ P > ! (arc to pay; and mo name of ti e subject .\ii Ul ' Ml ' -'"- r^K»1 . -dlie from tile ' resolution beeaune if retnar-ks TKRMS : — Gentlemen's j Marcs — 3 1 ' below !ho aveiaue deatti rate in tlio nther Cllr th toie M . '-f«";" I-. a.id Co .. I)I1(| if you wi^li w have a book on any par- "!2 -r cent.. ¦; JII. .-> I - > . u,.,. V y ai,d r0 . ma|de by Mr. .Power abou t t]*- • Irish Party Guineiis. Farmers! Mares—2 Pounds. Irish jisyl-umii, via, I>- Pr Oik-limt-Frequently. It 1- ii 1 . submitted cluims ' ticular branch: of farfninir, we shall jbo were from natural >.' - for amount of |o- and Mr. O'Brien and Mr R 'd.'n. n.l. Groom s Fees, 2a. j flu. ' : ' very '¦ Aid the deaths niou i.i-intu ji ,,t to treat our li -tti- r- on contracts owi,"'¦ to ' pleakAi to sugjest one or t ,wo no e iin easy ma. disease of any kinjd. Mi T!nui psi.n. ll.irnn k ¦¦stree t , w oto "!, ," ," ' "' in th«- vear Section File purporting to be of our, manu- ^rill tter alteration.- carried out '.'"- J lie Hoard ,-i to 1 iis« England, ! i : ii the Exposed stoam pipes with ¦ ¦ Ixjagara [Carborunclurn blacktwaJs |v!ould be a comparativeyry coverirjg the price o coffins fro m 9s. to 11.- . 0(1. "" I No. H IOOO: All Genuine hon-oonductinp material, and the I File* bear OUT " Indian Head " 1 Trado - ea-y matter Ifor they cou2d beJ pulIM, eai .i. thv m iea-cd pnee to ?tart from 1 11** 1 . *"¦ * x ».».«. ¦*_. . The. Certificate pf Registration jol . erection of a calWriiier in the laundry. ' Kl- ¦ l>at the jjaiidelions h ive a strpns dee-p 1st June . -NO .TRKAT I !;<.) .M IHJKr Stallion. I ¦ j : i M:ark on the Hand e, and; none other ato (ap These atter work? have, as Ilanticipated, genuine. -: ! ; j root, brid are excocdincly difficult] to con- It v.ii- .!-¦ ided to ndvertisr f.u urn This is to certify that the j Suffolk | |. : . j out resultel in a |turt]ier saving in coali "Remember, there i.» no retivut fiom t'ft otthe eroundJby while d aiisies pro- hav \jx>t . as he. England, as aouh(l | and suitable | fOT ' :«j tonb less c«>nl »¦»• consumed this ¦ saw lh>- Knssiun Army maiehinir (o at- for I .! ' . MAHCME8TER. , r Jrnazing extent. . In regard to the black- There wcie two applicants for the | Breeding purposes end has been placed •v-fir. . , . ,, tiii-k the most vital point in tho British on their Regtete^ Stallions :the neais. yoh j might pdi them up oy {hi; y !'lor ncthiiig stood lif.ween (he British ships nut :Uld white star : i I; 1 ¦ ¦ might be :nWy the latter suitable for ithe position. 1 110 II- ,,[ V;<-.ns lour s\aff ofj tr|idesmen. | in Baluclava and the nufsian suns but Perambulators Signed and sealed oth day of March, M i l . and /[daisies: by I persistently root- : ¦ othe r :i|i|di(jnnt had been a forbier ;il le ' tiikins patieir s. . , some 1 ,1110 Marine^ , ill,- immediiitc ?nr- 1912. ' ! I i! . in^' rp those -weed*, a smafl patcJi for the f.ationt« have flunt HIK I had resigned *ome tittle ;if or"- Wiii'l; by jivjeek and irAani: carefully over , The amusement* ' rison nf the port , 4ept up as usual, viz., bi-weekly pi-iViiie reMfons. ¦Jlit'lihinders. with MHi mvn i nk "ii ,'heir Assistant Secretary. the whole t-TOund. so|us to leave none, and ^.^ Barronstraiut / cultin? will tiol danced, conc>rtb. country walks, Mi- .- llo'i-y was declared elected. way to liu-pitufl . and a battery of litlil The Sire Xepti ne has been re-accepted ibelund. ^f^W? be upsufB- .the summer months ' Fi rlong remarked that fl' « ^ by ifoux times dorina - I iiuoi) •nl'l fii .-fd pieces . ft -,-eni.xl a< it the ari-at and oertjfied for ReeiBtration I for the cient; tlu wijeds musti be pot ri^'hl ! of both eex.es; about would l»- w.- ll to tell Nfi Qninri that . ...uld cu.-ii'ty \L , Street, «?J the root. -A 'useful n an. howover. .is to parties of patienU .-s -he mnss of l{u- .-ian ctiMilry years 1013-1913 , I913-19M , 101-1-1915. i j f I TELIiiYOD isixty at a | tinie. spent ih« day win. ii"t co isidered suitable, .-o that sho brush aside the 11 iw fitnioii > - Thin Red R. C. TAYLOR. M.R.C.V.8, ! pm.^E put on ei'c-hiia fairly laree pinbh of f-ul- in , Tnimore. ..-|O8CO phate of kn' ar d if this is put; on at thei seaside .. would not be lo-inp; her time ennvns.- in is. Line" that, barred its path When Sir Queen Street , Colchester. I Essex. W ,,iM iiiionia, Financial I Stakomentr-Tabio . AA1A ' over the latid- tho cut xur'faop of 'one) of these kvecd«.|«*ii- l)r links lott said lie could not til l e it Colin s voice rani.' out- .Ir.l .Ian., 1913 16th Feb.. 19H; I4tb WTUJ'CURE !"ivos tho account of the, rewipta an-i on lin If 1(. <:iy what the Comtn ttvo scape "KenieniU'r. th. re is no retreat Dee. . 1914. ; | I - I'^l peeiaHy tn! dr>- weatljer, it will almost re for fhe year ending March | GAPEi PIP OB MI e where you certainly jiiil-i the ;we d. Lavlhl saml. ! \\v loxiK'n^litu tn-L-'it ii-- , ;i fuiuic occasion. fro m here, men : yon ,uust. d'. ^ Utlst L915, antl ioC i-<.inp«rative ,nir|iv«- stiiritl." from the killed priv:it<-< came AT THE BACrTELDR'S WALK STDD, !. FpICK.' iinderi-taml . is- sirhplj sulphate of am- . 1 1 ; the cheerful answer . "Ay. ay. Sir X'oljn. THE NATIONALIST ," CI.ONMEL. WATERFORD, ! . Is., 2a., A. 7iionia mlixod .with a certain . iimount of i : | Jr J? 6d., iino «md iir -increase -en- psndea. , . \nl NTI'.KR ATTKXDANT. wu'll itu that. " The tire of the H ipll- ; its bulk ;and ; rontfihiMinr 'lji m u-f li.w- and able it K> kr; '.used m< re readily If this Ilotn the landers rani" out siulden nnd sharp i pai.l in fuU their de-nands b.-(;W Uin . liltinint<> ly the Hussinu linn ««< broken. [' The Nationalist " is pullirhed four ¦is spread nvr-r the pitches of [weeds it 1 : C OHO. hi the fiiiilicia! y.-ar The to tab l'u,-iii.ii: 10 notice 01 motion . Mr . V . tights foi the times every week. It has thi lure.-ft and will generally cradicjiif- them, ! but tl;e 1 wa- , into fni'. -incni.- . In all our lW)EAR, amount rccc veil! fro m aid .t h dandelions WHS a c-eiijt bal- his salary ill °" \ BUY Horse, mLJM Qjl There iVMcaru In allowed half 10- nnd daisies in a!la\ n Cl-< 757 4s ". > b.vn tcstwl with ei|iislly glorious News of all matters of public; interest in I,ady Valentine. ! : ; '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦: ' is a somewlwit mill? ot th« year of his ahseiuv as a vnWi'ntver in eonnei 11011'" I .i ' I -I - : p : I. <'l i Si«uU matter, .nu-!- it the hrsi suits. Let it b. - icuieml)ere(i then that the the Premier and Adjoining Counties. The TKUMS:— Thoroughbred . Marcs. £5; | and that he be reston M 1 MADE BY THE OVELLE SPICB CO wit 'i Hi. inr. " '" food that makes conuuerors in II best possible Advertising Medium in the Gr.. ...ni!>, Fee, 3s.; Gentlemen's Mare9, ¦ ¦ . ¦ : 'l i ! . HX|> n.litur,«f > wnp .U9.40I >. |i• twentieth century is WlnV's Wafer best part of Ireland. Quotations aod all ' ' Mares, I I . (1 ' i 9.; Fanners - -..I -toans t3,(M 1- C3; room s Fee, I 10.1; ^z-Jlcijaym . Mr Kit/.s'.< -c;tl(l said h.i had nothing; tn add meal. The hero- who are fortified by it further information from— £2. (i ri-jm 's Fee.1 «£. Cd. ; Agents :—Waterfdrd, Pooje and Co, Ltd; maniK-n m« L1G.J1J 1U- *i- the itt Cl.. u id •¦'» to the tenjis. which were similar tc sprintr fnrw-trd like hounds unleashed W. .1 MVRJ'HY. Mantcor. Georgo White and Son ; Henry Bell, Quay; The e -was 'a decrease ievion-l jiasrted by the I '"Hi- tint siirht of the fix- »'»«' •¦ y . Robert J. Parker,(Michael street; acd ¦he loins acemmj hut . sn mittee . W. iJ. Jonos.i Qusy. Carrick-on-8nlr—J. «H7 7d on tlie .nmntenancfi ^ount $3 SU| pf. Mr. \V iiltlo soeoudod . Tyrie Turner, Chemist. Dnngarvan—Tb» which) is due to tho «>st of • ' ,llci. ";"' Drug Stores. Lismore-;F. C. 6u««rt, state of aff."" Mr .Ion. , said he wished to movi VIEW HALLpA:, ¦ injj . tc tho unpr.Hfwlont.-d Ch«ml»t. ' ; . I : j . jiwt^row, arid it]'is eviv~t r,f miuntonaiio hull sul.- ir; . Of course, a month Bay Horse by lv ying Fox , dam. : Sea ? 3S b - i IMPOBTANT TO M0THEB3. The important! discovery of will .b 3 stiTl hi?h,.r. Every ••«<•"< ( . ""^ when Mr . "itziterald handed in his n L Air uy is-momyJ ; made to ccoiioinjj -e without lnterferui!. of motion , tiling 's looked brighter «n< "£ COLEMANS' "R T^'V -?'^±^ Thor<.nu-hbrcd Majrcs and Gentlemen'e a sure icure for White Scour with the comfort of r 'ne patent-* or [tolilieii l -i nation hud not sueh a pr!< IN Mares . CS in. Kftrmcrs' Marc?, £•' ! 3B. Every mother vb'o valuef the health »nd excellent news. with the Irrindit-ion ¦* '-ho; insll- iMitlnok. I o tliniiL 'ht they were doing THE NEW VIGOR So accountabilRy for accidents, but cleanliness of her Child shoold use HAK- in Calves is- lution. There i« a en-lit balance <'»r- fair hy hoi linj; the position O|>cii for 11111 ; ATOR every .-ar.i will be jtaken. | BISON'S " RELIABLE " iNTJBSEBY PO-' fx)0 ' Exhilarating, Xo'n-Alcoholic Bevernge. j •Bell'4 White Scour Ppwder' ru-d forward U, next y. nr .)f C1 , 1^ and. MS ( ;i as he understood , that, ^was A Delightful, For further particulars apply ! MADE. One application kills all NiU 1 Hanatogei.. , Wateriord; and Vermin,- beautifies and strengthens inoi' i- than the (iovt-rnnient were d ling-'ing. Contains liio Principal Ingredients used jin the Mannfactiiie of n:u-!i.-].>r 's Wulli Stud ¦ has sa'yed thousands of calves lOd. ¦ ' IniTinsl eo^t per head without maK- When |«'li enien volunteered , he ucder- ' ¦; the Hair. «d.«rid9d. Ho»i, I*. The average Especially to those w Iin fly to the >iu<> 1: • GEO. W. HAnBISON, Chemist. Eeadlne. and gained the! reputation of ing aiy deduction* WHS £30 St. 4d.. a n 111- s-tood. at ln> [iresent time they -I 011I1Iould The use of alcohol is terribly seductive, haud in 1 ieif resignation. He app 'iilaled.-d board tor little sips of alcohol because they are: intensely miserable. lho Bold by Chembrta. I AgenWfor Waterfotd— • the Ikind that never ) fails. creasti of 10.10 p?r head. bovt-iagp, am! at White and eons ltd.; O'ConneU St.; 11. 'ra-ie cost deducting repay- to th.- 1.ibers of tho Board , who f used greatest want of the nge has been n sat isfving non-alcohnlie , , ES C0CKK>ACHE8 , The net av. : BATS MICE MOIJ . Bell 92 Quay; Bl Poole ! and Co.,i Ltd., A fewfbf manyj users say:i ment of loon's, receipts from paymK T^>- a» the rutv j-.iyors' friends, were they I oiiinin"y last we have, it in Colemans' R.T.1J. . Captain;C. It. BLOOHFIUO HowparK, AHD BEETLES ! Ii Mithael-St. | C»rri thod. per year, a fraction over is. cost of the drinks less J. Nupent, Bridpe street; W. J. Nolan ' and •writ08:--','l| havo used yourj .' Scour ei* 4- should. each. It is a powerful nerve stimu- I S-'lnl Hi if Form Barry ; , In fact gire SHDK always and nav< ¦1 weA Ii makint- this ealoulatioti H Co. Litraore—James : i : : ¦ 'Cordial' vn imany occasions and liavo Mr . Wlii tie said with reference lo look- lant, but bus no after depressing effect trouble. I J . I never known It W.DOHERJTr, Cain- must lie rr-in -nitX- red that establishment ¦ to Tall.'] ins ifw t ic ratepayers, he though t tl»-y like alcohol. It exhilarates , invigor- Nam ' .. . Made by. I - :; ' 1 1 ipllc, Co. Woxford, says:—"I oonsltfer your chiir". < of cvfry description , includinc re- 1 ' included ;m this. were floinj their duty not alone tr tin- ates, and stimulates. It stops the THE OVErXE HPICK TOT.. NFWRT ^Vete rlne Scour Cure,' th- bost that ttw p:iVin nt of lr .-ms! ww craving for spirits . It is a maxnifi- KILL THAT iRAT Agents—Witerlctrd—B. Poole and Son ' ' irden Account/ Table 30. ratepayers, but to the whole bod; of Addret? ; •world oah produce." i O -. \ I I'-i rni and O le hy encouraging these men to go eont tonic for those who are " run Tho pniell of Itahne attracts! rats, i its George Whito and So9; Henry Bell ' expenditure enn- peop ' of Paper . I Sold Iri Bottles, 318 pose trooj Smaltor iht,W< thrj re cipts and sue ifico their lives for the prfot-i-c- down ," and not. feeling quite woll. Fut name t-iste pi«asos them.| They cat it greedily, Quay : Robert .1. l'arjter, I Michael 5tt«« and )s. 9<] . pn fails. Utter ;. extermination i amired. Carrlelc-on-Suir. I. TyiJe Turner. 'qure curjd! In calvos <«vmptoms, grlmllng cost of emoluments of cil . 3s.. Ssl ; post 2d.--lTARrjiy, .-u-i<- - : iifl Miniated ratepayers hcrv and contributes 111 t to advantage. ' I bottle. 6d., Is., 2a., teoth, stretching: neok and bofly), sin [steward »nd of the ploughman Cbemist Perth. I Agents:-JH. Bell , Delici&iisness r I We cannot. ir\d I .- . Die Mud inst.itu ion had approved of it. . I'Cuitojr"; ; an exoellent rwtoratlv*. and :Jn oi-timated rent on t-hfl farm tlie . ¦ CtieinLnt. C2, QuayJ Wateitord J. Tyrie juster word : for MACKINTOSH'S , Mr. Fitz rerald's motion was . i->s: .1 by i 9/6 a trottlo, float rrea, Smaller *Ua J/-. tW- is h profit thi" year of £732 SENT FREE I AND POST PAID Turner; ChemiBt. Carrick-OD-Sair. ¦; T»>FFEE DE LUJCE. : , ' ¦• "roiiiKl.-. four votes U) one. ) * *EU.l! L ¦' I. :L , ' U.» . Sel l I ' I I t ¦!*

: EX aiBlTION OF WORK AT THE I ¦: . ¦ - i - • • I ¦ ¦ . i. I • ' " ¦ I LOCAL WILL CASE ; i 1 TECHNICAL SCHOOL¦ u ' 1 ¦ WHERE Dsi " ' i I © r>*——-Oj-w ^-r—>« ^- - _J I so FRANjeE \ . I At ' the \Vaterford i Quarter 'Sessions ¦ " ¦ ¦ a will case ; in ¦ • '!¦ Add ress by ttje Bishop was he^rd which i I ; .!• »?r«N :• • 775 the. plaintiff was Mrs. Catherine (Mahony, jDunhill, and the de- endant, Nano Fonan, Du'nhill, jpinster. ¦ 1 ' It w;i« a probate civil to: ¦! ¦ I'I c ;injn :il .'jriiibition of student* work lillj brou^it e.4- • ™ was npwi. itaWisli tho >vill of PJitrlCk LawleM. dc^ I • |j 'i yesterihiy u< the Technical , i 7: .Sciioul liy Ins I,orilslii|> the Most Rev. ce'ased latej oj Dunhill , labourer, an old |:| ( Dr . .S!iii'):.:n «(re pensioner. The iatwbtB af the :dc- : . and ; "'ill reiiMin open to teafed con-riiit^ of £69 Bui aor UK . s' 8d. which iva* |n'i-iim-n> of . work done l>y the aaaKB \ deposited in €he WolWrfbrd < iiffiTiMit ci i-tst -^ arc on; view, and the ox~- : Saving* ¦ hibi is well iRa nk ,' and £4 in the handB of Mr^ Boljen ^liEEii -ion worth ii visit . < I ;; !. ; J - BREWED ' In io.ma |y dcciaiinii the exhibition (Murphy of Dunhill. By his will tiie ¦&.•.. I S j . - ctfan^d appointed the plaintiff (wlhis* i-olo (ijii'r hi.- l.j rdsj iij ) >nnl| it win-, well tha i : • i 'i I 'xhl'i::: ¦¦ ¦• i kind .«h"tiJ¦ (or Uie s»kv m llie .«tu- * I THOMAS WmM Dunhill. ifte ' directed ; "Sit. Babart Mur- RA Uvi i;- tlicm-clvr*, |*o ds to give an op- M?tPH^&fo. tion inily t. ih.-ir frieiut mid the i *i M . . ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! lit ¦ ¦! ¦ dLoi: ^w 'towards the| funeral expenses. lHo t - .¦!:¦ t!;oii>'nl. H ivu>r tjlimontiy ilet-ir.'iuii! bo- 1 I 1 ; I , - ' "1 " —' ' • ¦ ' ' ' =*: '¦ , • i ¦ - | : • u •.; .- ii . -.. -i ¦ -;> ¦•( i'!). 1 queaWied a Sum of £3 lor Manual (or the : ; 1 sijl i'Ki: thai >uch an \J *> ^ ^ Yf)IT'^ V^ %^ ^^ 4 > ^^ ^. ^ ^^ ^ W 4. www ¦ j TF ON'fJPvTH^ ^^^ v - " w w w^ MURPHY'S^ ^ ^^ B.B. v ^ repx. ol hi>t swiil, and' bequeathed to the ^ OL' \S U.L iti' -ii .- .-loiiid 6e iiffordcd. Tin.' work ' ¦ ^ ALWAYS WANT II .-f ;i <. Im :. ¦: iii. in thi- cininiry ij ilalntiff xl the residua arid reinaindcr ut ¦ ¦ -lnktioij m liis property! ¦' ' ¦ ' ' ¦ii:«i . ini Juy ln , .'iiiviini-ol ciiu>ideivtbly in ' I ' ' |i jpoNnrvDEUiY i . -f^: 1 RV T- TO-DAY j.vi'i I y.:u- l.m ;ii ,-ume time, iMr. OirarlC') Tcrtver, B.I.J (Instrurti'd by ; ' . tiiii there air. P..R. B ipiry) appeared for the plain- i\\ I ¦< - j Jl r. iii iiii t-il a J IM ) ¦ J, .)»Miml to V n svorl; - i - .1 . : ;| ; ' l Mr. l'owcr—On e^-irj- ffround. ] They 1 Prices on Application lo the r;&loi \t '.:i . j I' MH : : v. ry picii-t iciiL'th "f tinik Asei t for Waterford ' l ivlkve undue influence -but / ] d" not District : i i ' 'I'h . y: ii:id ii' 'ii eMil.'avliiiriiiL- us far in -will jio: 'lii.ii. !!¦! ;¦> make lJi« *- work knuwn think Uicy allege that the uon >| ™$m ^i wm-w^ propei'Iy exeijutwl. ' j R iii:i [ Wnteriord, rcivi : ¦ isii, 10^: j iMi- Keanii—,Mo. '¦ \m. ¦ honias s Hi|i l-.« ;|i .ui-lii an exhibiti on w«.« priibably . , • : • ' ' , v'lc oc>- «om Uio ft of iihin'o photo) Komls m- tins pliotograplt " ¦ ' -r ¦ - - ; ¦ pte *yr win wu.« bring idoilc . and Of At- the group:— LavJes/t) waa a tarm labourer und an old . • ; . I :-: ;!h .' • ' ) tiKc psiisloiiej -, and on tilie 10th January QH9 >RDlKl- : . ' : S ¦Irirtiny thi 0 ¦ *>^—:—; - : i ! ir prnctk-ui interrrt in. tlut ¦ 1><*~—rtJ3— " Next tn iii(' on my rij /ilt is a captair i in the JU'lyhin Army. Next In him is Cllptaili ' ^upieron 1 • t ' ,!¦ ' work n[ ihf i-i-li.«j]s . II • referred w the IcKoilZlc. , M.L.U., Wie plaintiff 'came into MrJ Buj.to;V office I , •[ 1 1 , i' -<•"* j— o-« —^ii-L ¦ SiilherlaiifU. N'txt lr> liiin . \V. 0. Kri enn ' n (i'?iiiiii' t wliom 1 lined to jOny cricket At Tooti 1H a ¦ motor 1 wilt vaiii HI u-hic-1i iprK • Next to him Mia Honor—(What was «ne to hirnf • | 't w{.rk mis beiiu; de-patch ino.secnjfei—he owns his own rnr mid has done I'M .{'.. who came fruni Dublin with me (a £cot«mun—un ideal »er- Buauy that her iirst, coutfifi wan lyiugiin .ind said 1H< tlx>u!.'li{' the' e wa.- ii" way M van! out Jierei. . ; • convi'ix-inir | vople M tin value »f schools •• Ktlinucthmnag Union Hospital , and that Wptferford !ancl Dnndunwn i ¦? Three 0 is f Foli?h lady who has lived in lie wanted to seittlo hls affaim.. Mr Huttjry 1 siii'li j.'i.- tlii 'i .-. hull so t'Kxl iir? by letting Kuij land for many years. ¦(lie »Vo|i:e -ee exuctly What b.'inj; went up next day and oak;the man in || ; Steamb6atCo. lM. | *u* " The three in front nre Mr. Va rli-y, ] iirii-ili "t ami Kinii ' « ini s.-en«er l.*eutenant Winjf i Ic (in llto middle) who ca mo the ward. Mrn. Mahony, •witii i \ ! done | then'. It wa£ because the people .... ' ' Wn* him. il Sir I{ W ,* i' i.to.n- ari l Mr. l.i'liev Kiidr 's fUelirfc) motor lUCBBcnscr/' His Honorf-tHow long did the man lire WHOLESALE AM) . of the. Tech- I EJiTAIL : Ii00T nical JSCI K>->;- that, ill tin ninrin . tlie uliglit after thif? i ' "I -I : prcyri*^ wl K \> ihe .-i-iiooW' liere L\lv. Bujzxy-pA week, I Uiink. \ ;j MAKERS AN!) UIJPAIM C(i - / River JExcnrsIons' j and' (Mr. j jj i i&cwh.-n? Ii ul Hindi' w-«s in frrcut pan Pc'A-cri (continuing) jsald Uie miui " : I rfASf i pnxliteed froin under ; ! . ! .8PECIAI.}srs,. e? .lu»\ Then- »\ ii* oik' deiiartment of the ©ur Catbplic Chronicle. J AT THK I'lSOXT WATERFOKD ¦ hi* pillow (i bank work in wh: !i .lames Wiilsh. of Curr.iL'hni..ri-. ArMiun.- Jwok. He had £70. ' . i ">- lie rh 'iiirit fj iecial alteii- ¦' | | lOl (IVJ-l . at^U& V* ?H?BSDATv r,ton j-hould ie dinltwl. In recent timer ORDLVATJUNS. I t [•« it. nritili!; ti.Miie in Si-rL'e.im Fit/.- BOARD OF GUARDIANS ,In reply to air. 'Powir, Dr| J. P. OEORGE'S STBEKT. WATL tt'OHD 045 p.ra Tetu rniue I at •- A nimiber nt student. ¦ complaint* ad be#n lit ered everyivhern - of i ;. JohnV C- \- | ¦:. {. ruhi . 11.1 .t'.. Arthurslinv n . frnm the - tl ul le^e linve hcvn li.ni ¦ ¦ ¦ Jrorecnbin, 6d. | - , , , , - .j ', ; "• ,- r.^aruinf: c want] -killed servants. wh'' jin-pariii!.' for thf t . iliunkin- tin- M'rL'cuiii ii-r t' <• uni At the weekly nifptiiig of the Board ion fTirm dnbhity ; | \Iisir's.-'e- iiad bei'ii o*.mi)l*i>iin^ tlia.t prliMhood. will Ixi ord iiined n; the C'.ithi - njip- which in' -i'.it him . anil nl'ien Ii • Wcdncsdfiy llr. David Hyland, iT.C'., IMr. Power kaid the deceased wanted to NvoVy. : SATURDAY ] to ilriii .by the Mo?t 'Kev. f it She-lian. nif liproc i nlcd i'.1 highly, -tute .- thai h«- give the book to Mrs. : : at Us L a :] ¦i-licy lound i next to im] o^sible revuni w<* diainfiao , presided. . : Mahjony ai*]an nb- NEWEST' GOODS.¦ ¦ beturrj in" at 7 p.m 1 and he her ¦ ! i . Return iFtn-^.. such peop le. A cotd n my effort* li»d BNlk.p of the DiiKv.-e. on '^und.iy m- 'in- nij omiiici «i Jieariit'.' Mas- nearly every ^«jliiti> ?ift. a^.&o ^.ant«d to il > : ' : Salooi, '. ., - ¦ 1 1 DB. BRENDAN RKS1GNB. 1». 1 , ; 1 1 \; hvi ri uuidi: n varii'ii:- plaees to -.uppl y inj; next al - o'clock. fSuml:iy.' mid that tii-y huve « very nil- , - make him out :of the ru>spit>a].! Mr.'Bus>.r ' ; ; UNEXCELLED VALCE. : ' 1 Clerk—pr. Brcnnan , the newly-appoinl- > j i (SH-ragc Ticket* ! fhis vaiit. a id tlie Cnnu littee of the. \V«i- W'lSSION .Vf BVGl.YIJUH Ki:.\ i iul liri'vi pric-t a- chaplain. K:!lln i (Jill , *u.w him andj ifr.". Mahonjj and the doc- not issued on Satu-1 • ¦ " cd Medictil Officer at Mullinavat, write* ' ¦ ¦ lerfonl Tee! lieal The 1i-u -M.-ii f. ¦• tn. « • n- ¦•¦ {¦. in lHlhliu. Thit- prti-l is -.. brave ihn! itor .-aw him , but tie wa.-i too weak :; } ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦!¦•: ' Sehopl hml ivffninly day- mi. ' «.< fiiUowi:— <' to .talce '; LATEST TVI.KS; p n •{ ¦ '[¦ 1 M .i given in .- idi mi in poilunt ni BaM MbiH-keii h cli.-.-d -n W-il- "h only laughs at the bulleL-'. mid he him . I ;- iw h im Ci 'lebrniiii)! M:i.- - with tl"' -n. -1- Would make his will. Mi: . Bujrc}' taid and did not tak.- any ri. | Wth Juno, 1015. : pWUil ol hem aiul lately tlu-y had :ncn opeiieii yes:erd i) i-vc::.nv. Ti'<- m- JIyiri ^r around - very well and he a»ked Mc-s. Mahony !-• . ]' ' Dear Mr. Mackey—I am writing to i i ' 'i ' ¦ ; : ¦ ! liiken a Viep wlinli «hoii)d - {; i ci- of them He hear- euiiv-si.-n- leave TJie will was , |. re.-nlt in , sii]'- Utndiine. dnriiiL' t.b c mi - -um iur l!.e >"¦• IM|III\ y<}u ul my resignation math . iMr, :Buj; fry SoU Watcrford : _iJ :!' I ;. ' - : - j I ' : . iiirini. HI l m a liir^-e n« ('. ;erywheri\ mid y-ui could -ee th- - -"I - ofi the •took the itihthicrtiond and AgenU fo — fcule. dimht. men wit- nii.-t exeniplary . ml he Vii'ii and it was properly, ox. Ml ffoe'iive! niiinner , thi- lieeil . emulate tile woinfn it he .-U ." mid " ¦ tiiuck^voKiie 'euted by the " ¦ ¦ ' •urs tlieir coiitei»M-)ii.* . loiiiir.Uiif.', H i ' Dispensary DiKtricti I l. v.alor in tlie MOCASSINS," THK WORLU^ -J1EST f ij WANTED. ; . They ! had lately! i-riuUislieil ' a |ni,-,l. .r ol t!ie |>Hris|i •ttill ue w. - il p .ta-eil . 'h'all fi rvyiud yon' list of ail instruments, presence ot all the wit- j ij sfl'.ool in wl ieh • !j lay my tee hiiri again M |stnal i.' priest. euie kvoik r. '-rfiula Nie iii. irTiiiit. ' und eveniii-' -i'rvi 4 '. * .- ians in tlieir . ;<>r hiin. H« thought the arrange- " CINDERELLA " B00T6 AND SHOES |Go\' . vniir*. ' i Bug^)' the ¦ thf- ndvant:iL»• of a slj illed instrnetor k •ej) their hearts up, and tlieir heads Jlnrter (rf the iW' l ! •' FOR'LADIKfi. f j and One of Oie mo- suoci-ssjul mi. i- i« -<»- orMiousiJ. wpuId send him ¦ v Pa ticuia ;iny ffirl wl o nttondeu regularly for * (| iwn. so us to ,'ivoid the bullets Such K. D. BRKNNAN . M|D. a message. Mr. noj j , • ; f ™ 1 of secunty; ! qnaatiJr held al N wtown Itvfthi n livinjr ine*n"i> ^Irs. l'4"le—iHow long is here Bucpy h^aid mpre ] ^A tfwi-yfrJv'lviii* IIIOIIIiiioiii is , imidiuii eI'uwrodutlereu with ., anyanv HXiciiuraBciuent would licep up the heart there ? ulj out it until tlie 3?tih'January, tin- hrnu'.'ji-t to n fit.tin>; terininuti. n m - Clerk—Eisrht or jiint a week heart |inio tbe work . Would without ol any soldier. Mass i» wlehratcd at all wceka. ] *tter , anrt on Phut W., Rh 1! P €M ¦ ^oooiaiioa. the lbi> .i II t tl II 1 anil ipanmi!- Parish C'hii'e' i Mr. J date there Wa? a man . J,, Uraven Street; (Londoni ; question. h:i< o obtained i very eonaider- ^j tid« of places. One time in un old punphy—Doe* he give auy| rea- n»tn«l Johu , W.C.¦ I on Sunday nltrht. Opened the piiv. o. sons? ' Onsey, a labourer, and] small ! ^ 1" s ¦ ab!? sjinre of information and a very con- |(( use. another lime in a hut or in a I | ¦fflrmer . went Mr. Bugj ; •' 1 - I ! / - Ii i ¦ • Sunday uninnv: a i/^ - Clerk—No reapon ; he simply resigns. i[nto « office and Send us your Repairs siderable >ha e of praetie; I Uaium;; in Uw ^ iek hill, in {net . any plai-e that i- eon- told him he \vas son-'inJlaiv of the. plain- p iees by the Rev. Fathers Kiekliani .111 I . ; ' Ill was| decided to occult Dr. Brert- lin;e. j The fi es deniandi d for this were i. . nl. Tlii- prL-M not wounded "n the itiff—that- he vas e«n-lin4att of the ¦ Murray "f tin- Vi leeiitian Urder . <'OIK . nun 's, re.-iination and to advertisej toz first ' I CHIMNEY practically m thing, and mt only tlniti but \ : •¦¦uie |:m:' avo . Im; it did ii"t terrif y . ion wills nn pnthu- ^ htoi in tJie unionl 'Mr. I' ¦ ¦ ¦ " His 'ii-'ii m d ; . ¦ T~" T ' :¦: tlierw |sinall -eholar^lii(ia I^irliip ; ui :iil:n;.-e hi- p!uek. C'.iu-ludiuL-. the ASSISTANT >L\ST>:R'S SALARY i5u?jr>- f-aid h<| would not g> - : ' 1 lie teul thit «»? 'be Ii ¦ -.slilyinir und in |," up on that : O. ^:iid itl would a very good thiiii; that iii -v staii-> \\f i- well , and w ill not loo-e f LVCREASED. mc.-'sasc 6Hu went away ' PHELA¦ N i tlw th« n and on the " - ' ¦ ' I matli)!;. The niteu I- SIK - I - nt t'ii .\li:-s- •- :n • ¦ ¦ ¦! ']' be to go to l( ;it -- : .^:rl \ should askeel this sohuo! nine Grnm \rlhnr«lowil at ailV cost. Mr, P. Flynn,- in accordance with no- 3t)th Januarj- Sir. .Bu Uie Assist- JoJin C.'noy to Iciirn. ihcy innuen'e ¦CMiijre?alion-i at A\'er>- III - I'lvachin^ the Cathedral nn nndav iiiforined.diun that Patrick ; FATHER, BROTHER OR DEAR slioiuld. .liter the period ni^'hi " -inl. Mas er as compared with :tliit liiwle?.* wanted (him of tlitir in-truc- i-idcnis to be reini m-lteri 'd «Hh joy an-l tx L-iiiiig the Kev . Michael Duwh-y relerred ' .to caJl ko the Wcrk- tion , be ablt to give a fair amount o; paid to oth r , Assi.^tant 3Iasters| in hoiti-e without!delay, ifr, | Bujr?y ' went ; ONE AT THE FRONT uriik' by every too l Cathoiicnn the ills- In some wry objectionable pictures Hint Kinlilar and e^f*'le&> lip neat <)a 7| ClB£.nHQ Bntiowi : sstisfaetion u those ivho employed tlienjj trice.- und mnrked au;era in the history wi TO exhibited hicull y Inst week. He jvas important w°fk- y «pd I;awle*3 -»«ls d;ad. of tSTliUvSJrt H-3 Ihouphi; ii very desiCBble " Jiouses in Ireland, iogeOier >vith Hi* IIIiinor-iDid he intend : Hogad 1* nov tranjfarred to .lb, ' : «tiat : the; of 1he parish. Jn 11 s oqnncaion a JXTM M re that nlieii attention was called **to Ho alter his ; I If so, remember I that he-is fight- PHEEAN ' 'V< schools siioulrj -be freal.wi iiied by theoili-' ^ ' • . thu liiphl)) crHcj ent . manner iu whicn he will? I : : . - ;• i ing in tho land ifi'Oiir , 27 JOffif-8Xv WAtEBrato.^ .«> word af -praise v» iut> to tlie people 'if Hi • malt?i- the nien ' "' "terford would performed IMr. ,1' Lady of in louiro *tt butloeti ¦ '' v^ns ihalJUiey uiiglit «h> what was KirmacMioma.- foi tlieir eseiuplaiy si tis •••rl tl:<-in>elsos and not toleraf.- Uu-s-e in- 'hn* : the duties of his office oAer—i\Vo have no evidence of Lourdep; Th(m read Father Boyle's • wnnP^nVnftw since ms appointment ¦that. ! ' ! «ho^ll b• *«M»ia«l ^-j¦ ¦;¦' , r ' beins clone tiere. Tl>e e cliibition which.' tendance from first to last thi-nushou! tl;. d. oent pictures ; and he would like to hear ten yeare agoj his letter to ia.ll lovem' of Our Lady of . y ^[ : Uify were opening now wo lid go some tlis-, iiiiypion , , «i!«ry be|incrBased to sueli a sum , j say j iMT. Kc:ine-CI> did. j Lohrdes on' pupe 6 of tliij «Dil tliis notwitlistundiiiu t•»• m ¦re of the activities of the local vigilance X.I per wqek, Mr. I' isauo and lanoe towaTdsleQlightenis;: 1lie citizens on; iaol that a'fhree d; ys mission 'was \i, !¦.¦ ro , as will make it somewhat owei—And why didr|'t he dp it?; :your head and heart will'proiujit yoii | ;j : a PHKVA i| Ii ' iniuittee in putting it stop to thi- evil commensurate with the importance 'Mr. •Bujrjrj- having imatie > I the esient, tlie varierour and Dr. J. P. O'Byrnc, M.O J j ! STREET. WATEBF0BD. \ \ utility lot the Work wjiich was lieinj! done . 'i'lj o weather too w is ide.il—rlnn^n;. m m %r..iU .if the vounz neonle of the respoii- , Kjlmacitlir,ma.-. Uicre. he " ct' sj1de duties which hi has to perform]" ¦vras exanrinedl by IMr.: Pij iwer—Tie re-- jand lioped; the. people would l!n.- holiest dr-'ree- -file sj irin^inB ir.rn ¦ ¦ Mr. Miiddock said he va. Tnumlmred IJawless Ibeing-a |i I ! I ' -I • come inilarei numbers tn see. for them- the iblo.-.-oiiiiu;! ha vthoni . llie fr.-i!;r.'iii: r _ 11: AT KKKKVUANK <.XJNVIO. I -j SjiTry patient in the : he could dot go workhouse iKobital. ¦ ' ¦ selves. | He a to hojred tl at those who meadows, hel piiur ti> .IjrTn.-1 one nearer ¦ Jlie L'rai'il mil >ii <>1 lestivul mid taney the whole way and J^alse i | I I : were pre. ' . the salary1 to £/l per week •Hi:* Honor—'>\5ia.t did ^ie lie .-from ¦ ¦ ¦ ' -enl. now woiild t -II their friends tiod . at- he -went, to and from ctsuivl 1 'efe¦ • held in the Convent (iroiind.- . Ki rr>- The tnnes ' - ' ' auout jthe I) open ' were. har\l aitj he thouf lu Mr. l)uii pliy 'Witnivs—Ohernl break up. . i I I 1 I ' r: . I- -Uii l - eihibitioh in^ to- in thu dewy morni IL .- or a' twili^iu sha- l»lia ik.- . on Siinday . wa- a greui r.:ieee-> .-o * ! | WATERF0RI) . - ij ' K I UIII IH ~ttlt .>r 'it lilrtln n^ u/i.l) riK Hi*. r:itj*. To 'Mr. iPower-^The ' : ;; :U.VIO.V. \ i morrow, and try and ind ce them to at- ilows fell. 'With tl e parishioner' Kathei tut;i a- the t.ilent nian sl inent.il con- tend. Xotwitb. ¦ provided for the anitt.-e- [nayers . Mr. Diinphy was n. (Irs-t-cla^ f the he-t i cmiu-iit . tiiisinpp.-; n faot ;he wa» Vxi poo thn B OTfv thut Mr. Punphy wns compollc i to ll>ili t> I Handbills! dontaind vie*. In '. on keep'n; variHii. - ii.loureil cosiuiiies nf the t"ir se\ . ii'jld it. He ¦Do you think rig partiiuiliirs c;in conclusion , lie formally d"dareil :he ex- holy-the 'Sabbath lDay preaclied by Fntli •> proposed thai thqy t oni- he was suffi liently c.'e.iT -be-had op application to i ' : hibifioil oni'n. sstiille the whole re-einble n .-<¦<• ne fr.>m prom'^e Ute thing a Jittle nnd give Mr. ¦iu ^iviiij ; 'his money to' thi woman?— I ' (Murray on Thursday ni (rht. _Oji the other f«! rvland. ^ :| I - JOHN| JLVCKlvV. i . Dunpliy, uistend of £52 a year. £45. He Imdn t vv converaition with ))im. I | ¦ ¦ hand Father Kiekliani s iennon.- and in- I'ti" iele was O | MI cd ,ii I .. ', 'lnek nr.il :i I j ! Clerk of the Cu:on. striu tions Tivro siloli us appea l to the tvnu 'l.l u-li the board to be inmnln ou's :Mr. Power—Did Hie on the 20th January Board Room, ¦ Workhouse, I »RIZE LIS1 . en i n -very guod incroa.-.- . nti make any intimation to you that be ivishJ ¦ AVatcrford; heart of the insli Catholic. The clu-inv 17th June, 'WIS. oi aniu-eiiients consisted of a -erie. of iuiT(vist cil io make n wfll? ; ¦ -i I aeene w- i«f Coofcerv— meu-e the .k- aye . rind .-onie of the old folk , too— .inujndtncnk. and, no poll bcintt denu raj- reply to 1-.U IHonor that sihe, was] fir.-1 I \' : Mts.1 DLMi, S(laa - ciin^tojatiiiii . renuriuiav."ii •• • i ¦ • - ' i f\ ii .Bread and Cake^-1, tri ijied llie ligh t fantastic. There were ed. deelarftl it lost. cmiiiii of tfie I d«eased wa» . . : I ; the dt-vil and al! lm works and pomp.- He then put the >ri- ,l ^ 10 her WATERFORD USluX , ; i! !; Miss -M Yount; 2, -Mis* t Slaitery. .i'..i mi:iii.iviii4 ^id. - .shiAvs--\i-lif-i->l^il*-for- (rin«I mnt lnn and declared Mie '' Ayn>'' iir.cle''s Mm; the lived lu ^__ ircornl Year iieine u truly iui]>rps.-ive siu-ht. Ti . • . iDunhil) I ; CoHkerj —Meat- Dish , !il i. . . lionp-lii . runletti- . eie ll:e eone.-rl •iad ii . :incl the motion wu.- o-irriisl ivbth- AVIiy didn 't yputake ttbe old Hread and Cake—1. parishioner- iei-i d^ep lv ^rat. |ul ;o the : .ifonUeinaii THE (Board of Guardiiins i»f Uii « I'uinn M:s» 5. Walsh and r "p M'-d !i\- ;i march , consisting out a division. to DunhiU wheji " ' Miss K: t 'jod [ia»i/*^^ L: li lt*iu th«h.*T^l : r. -h «a- wry well rendered by hi- niecn. and the only ktjit Kilmuckevosru© I net l Cuke and Box of Sweets—1 >t. Tht Asylum Committee Meeting him five or; Dispenwiry putr-.t . ut ;i ; |- MANOR ST ILLS | -Miss ¦• ilia '- iD'chcytrn . Sacred Heart Cunv. six days and put him injtojthc) salary of .M ; i j || W Jones: 2, (Miss CBTH V.-MI. THF. CHRISTIAN ' -:it. workh(m.-ej £150 a year n* Mi-dic.al Otficcr • inROTHKRS' ;in | e-.M-idcrilll; Illal nil 111 |,. 'rfnr'lle r < Cro.-M.-xainined by IMr. Keane—Sha had ; nnd £3) 11 year as Medical ¦ Cooks" CliU—I'aitry nml B«x .it SCHOOLS (iEOROES ST. ¦ Officer of • Su<*ts—l . w-b-e yoioi 1 'jirl.— si ,in, , in (lie junior and Letter from a farm at IDunhill of '15 o'r 16: acres and! Health, together with . K«g5-tralfi»ii anil !i WATERFORD ¦ . Mi.4 Julia! Uro ian: •>. Miss The animal exeur-ion fur tho ^ j ;i - '¦ M. (.Vary. ' jmpils ol nr. parjito.ry division - reflect- -ival crt-dil ehu had nliouscj (but there I Was very tittle ' •Viiccjnatfon 'Feej i. i - I ;. i .1 i I the above M-I IOO I- took place on Assistant- Town Clerk. ' • ¦ Day Cookerj Tues- "ll Pie tfiicliins «ivi*Tl by the ::im- tl'e I aecoiumodntion in it; shd had her ''.son;: The. qualifications .arid di ties •> ! >h> ' Classi-Siil [H'i Dish . Iced day The weather :ill that '• ' 1 ¦ oflici; are ii ! - j ' ii i Cake, I TJr ix ol pas could he Sit- -rod Mi-iiri I 'oiivent The oth'-i n-in- Tin- lolloping corrcsrondeiK-e appi-ui- daughter and huslband" living with 'her; prn- Sweets—I . Mi.-s . M de.-ired for n holiday tii p. ¦ ctl jjie vernment Pitr.-eraUI. Aniearly stun ¦: ihe iirncrmiime were zone throuch up m Uie Tefuxed to (take ithe jinan into! her Board and may b4 hud On np- 7 | | | f wa.- made ior Tramtire by " K enine News " . - plication ; I^aimdry—Silk and the HU.45. Mr. to time. To nnine :t11 the performer- in- house: slwu-a-ij speaWng io it-he doctor a i» me. | " IT il.accl—1. Mis* M. ' !' . 1 . Madigan . the court oils V»ard ' Town Clerk s Office. 1 i f:ic<» tli.m rii and tie told Oier he w;is elecfal in is, re->i (l>- in ^ arrangements for tl e bi ;; contingent per- Town Hall . I punly iparaiysud; j- ¦the |di?trict. | I ; - commended . Miss L. iLumlev. Me have al our disposal \\ n'^ini excep- 'hc had h iij bi»ok. (Mta ' fect. Children are ; -sundly seen WakM-ford . Juno 16, l'Jli. Did the. o3d man Applications) for tho pffice lfiLed ty A * County CevncU tf ;; Couoru Linrti and AVooileiis—1, Mifs at their lio i all were perfect go to Ii\fe with! -th e iiL-c^mpani- ' M. best when free to enjoy to the full—away ' llJece?—(He diil 'for five days. | ! ed ];by Diplomas and !"f*timnnialH. ! Wckerfotd forholding of QuorUr)i : KnqwleS; 2. Missf L Ifuiulpy : hiitdily The Hrirrai-k Hn-vl lira.-- ,-m.l fi<^il De.tr -Sir -In vour report of the procek'd- ¦ftiU conimended.-Miss one might say fron rule and compn-— I Sii id ^' AVliat is the -p<>ar nieoe—as slie a inbouT- bo xeoeived by me'up U the hour ol \ 13tkiMifm jjdor ending Ste Mty, ; E iKnowle- and l-Miss phiyi-il duriim tin- intcrviiU iK'twoen iu?s of Monday s meeting of the ComtniU " ' ¦ K. Cantwcll. 1 their own sweet wiV In yesterday's out. cr's /wife?—She. is o labourer^ eleven o'clock ; on the ibow-named Hny, ¦191 - ¦. ;- ": ¦; • ' ¦ ¦ ! j | tin conc^ris. li .v 0' i.Mannpemerit of the District Lu la- I daiicfincr whei» .\. - . .i i i . Bcst.liadeiikirU-J. Missj £. Dnv<)r; 2, jng the youup peop o hud a full measure 1 tie Asylurn l the. following observutiim ipr and has <«it ^a -coDtiwo; I hiren't a jvinny Oundidatcs should be i 11 atu-ii'lynif of such enjoyment, hi' ladies and geutleiueu in eliarye of ¦ at the ¦Workhbune. II ' ;MisPi. M A.' iK4ane: -highly comnieiidcd. basking in .the sun- Hi. day 'ri jaais in reference tH'luti^inf.' ^o Jiim'ecember. I may iimnt.^iut U :m- " patron* of the school s Who jrener- Tin' price- t ure , nor never has HiinU -d lo take it | i Wr-fclan 2. M sA M Glynii. ously supplied tlie -upplementan- of admission |,.,v,. |,v .,.,, r,.. it been my practice, T-> Air. Kcantv-Deceased. (oM Day Classes- JUest ¦GoVtuim—1 fund- ducid. Full particular. iti ' ii' discoiirteons towards public board s him that WATERFORD I UNTON . Mis? <.' have et- v ry reason to feel pleased in hav- - of «lu r lj «j li In- plaintiff refused; to take liini out; he j toM ¦ iKohnp dJr:. 2, Miss 'B Oleui-j - . E.'O; Miss ing fou; id in advertisement wi j tnn ,, or private iniliviilVials.¦ —Y oiir* faithfully, : ; provided sueh a pleasant titn;- for tho - ' u ' 'hiir. tn a.-k .Mr. Buggy coj ildjhe tiianue L i liftl*» rum; I i ciiiini c'l. iii with this rVi . nijuiy p, . . pvrmcK . HKJOiNs. 1" /11- will and ,Mr, OOAUS WANTED. p ie iir- undi'j- IButigy said 3u> could; he Best iuncy Dre.^s—1. Mjss M Jones; "Ol-.K BOYS . the impre->i..i, u,.,, »-lij — i- Assistant Town C' -l k. -aw the deceased two or threej .tline* after y ' nn .i ll :.lie !im- of an i.nlin.n . Mifs M JopL-s; highlv oii;iimeiided \\i\ reader- <.f tin i deiiihi.ful iri-T.t¦ . buzn-ir l.ue niakiiiL « ' ' jUM i-sued. Thi- .}> T-lui everywhere t|u-y »,.nt «- ..ii lil ri!;Ul , l'lsii Dich; Soda Broail , DliiiipVnrr, Cake -is/lit , attracf' v- un.l in.- ' Di;-trict I.uii.-iric A.-}'luiu no to il •'but awked riim if he liked Hupplv of 1500 Tons, or thereabouts, nf elev-«-r,y wntten n ili ppjr, " theii hand- .h.i ;|. ( . ¦t ¦ iind .Kr.liit I'i.J—1 . Miis J eV.->- i ONVM - > leave it to ¦(witnesi,V) wife or 1o , ' ¦ : r-i in ; :i.-:r po,-|.- ,|-- .-i-id llnl . Watcrford , June 17th . mi.-J 'hi* .UESf HOUSE COALS to lot.nta m \\»l ¦;. i MiM K and in.-triK-t M-i- ' pn:i,,, _ |i,,.,, ,, , TS ! | J- -i iriTSi Morribsey ; Hi'.'hlv couuneililed . in every issue h.i- wir ¦ il' if r "M . Mahony, r1;- double ih-hday xe. pt',>o of ih- dai- cin , uin.-' letter I which appeared . Laum ry—Sill and law-f- M i.-'s K Mor- nn i»Vr jwt v< li.iml inn t. ., - in \Vcdiu-s. leave it to you. " | : hbuse or .Fever Hospital Stores, as in- • lurn.-o oul n.-. In.t c .-i more ; i .an ¦ day '.s issue, jig . 1 . . - IQJ S- ?; ; «;.; rlisoy ; 2. Miss M iBaVry. ; . a, it i;. ]n a tli -MHI. . - i .u 1 did not mention the Assistant ¦N'IIU'O F.iran (dnfvndant) st aled -'-2) tin- , ¦ br ' : in Tcply quired (1) direct from tlie Sh;i>. or ' ¦-i H-. name in the discussion lat 11.1 .Mr. Ke.'iiK' that Hie deceased was ' her owner's J^ard, within one month fro.u (ho .K. Nicholson and t-f-f-miiiLT our mectinir on Monday ' ¦; : G, Missj .K Hehir; highly with c :'uc.- literary n, -it:i r last , but, in reply uncle. '" ¦ ' declaration of. tlie Contmct .! | " !»'i in pot-try ' ' : ! # fli H •¦o.T-moimed, Miss J. Sullivan. and prvse. i: is hound lo e,,m. to a membijr of the Committee that t c Hi* Hi'iim— Why did you not keep! the Tho Contrflctor inus;, iiuitir: a new con- II I* mand :i i irye Town Clerk was ¦mailllU II -1 1 Bcsb Kct. oi illand-inade Garments^ -SA •,, j (/ , -oeiire th" pal- unwell nnd unable to 11? • tmet;is declared , supply i\ny (\wU r>'- Tatia-t >.i „ ' ATE8F0RD MARKETS reply lo my 1. MissJ lC MoVrisfey: 2. Miss J O'Sul- mini••- .us an. l adminii • letters , 1 said " he ha, clei ;s Defendant—I hail, no -way of keepinc riMiiired for use in tlie several l)i?pi'ii- cltentfl... j; down there vho livan: highly commended . Miss K. llulnr. wouii . be st,-«i,S(. i|.,|,-..,| could reply for him. " him. I j. : sary I)ej> ots o( tlie Union at Uhe cintriu-t wen.- ,i ..th,. r «j.. . I tuirc Alw^iys received the ; ' ¦ Bi'.*t Sptoimi n of Piitcliihv' and .Mend- . .it i, tiiiu. W |,,.|i i.i' Krnatest cour- To Mr Ke.ine—She knew tje lind ni'mey ; price iiiid cost of carriage. I I B • ev i l.- . .1 the <- li. - ; BUTTER tesy and |J IB? Si in?— I . Miss J OSullivau: '.' MLil \ dri'aoiLl . ' ' ¦I: re IJ--1-M firkin- ami rep- and ithat wa.s s Mi: rrissey. I ami tlie tii.isy .jther f.irti',. . .i 11-3- i - i',i- et Uint 1 should have b.-en mace, to bury him: Mrs. 'Mahony is \o l>c delivered cx-Slii|i . iin |br «l st r-x ll"8|sS-Si s ' low HII I lodei • I ' n. 10—11'.' firkin, to appear, cijnie to her = i' rires for cnt ! .TII I IM I ' ui( workli-' . 'U'J-. i.. p7- even inndvertentl y, tn reflect and t.-iid he fonvanlwl to the understgni'il d!n-ct fi- ..n I' attendance luve been ftavoc ain.in^s tlie •i i n- 17— ;>l 'had no imoney! and she \wit- ¦ .Vil rdNl a.s fo t J ..III,-.- n ,s no small _ firkin- . 112s to \-. <- . on him in ;iny way;—Yours faithfully . ne^.-") .-1 i(Iiinndb'); Miss L health y to !».'if ' up at niffht for him ; she ; irave him; Cs. ; ' I ™* .[ ,. 1 ' Q • C 'f.ury fArt" , S odttwork); [' M A y nml tnleresi ns readins;. nnrt ¦,, !> .- !••". PlniW . .'ill . , r IlKATH OF -MK. MICHAKL ; . JOHN MACKKY. ! ^ 1 1 'Miss doniv so di-nl - to Ki- TOI.EV yniiiL' intresam ikinsf :{rd Year) ; .Mi.ssiM which is alas ' n . nine:: I' I ii:u.-i . IJJ.I. to 7{d. st«.i of patronized. per . ,. believed it showed the in^'ntion the ; W.i terfuni. ' 17th June. 79lj. • i KiU7cru|d ; AlisA |.K I'TK E C\1OU.\T.\['XH Kit. ' GRAIN (Ji e doatli of VI time ihe signed it but he llie ¦• ' \lkhiiel l'"ol >y ot'"- (iraigueriisth , Kilmn didn 't carry his hew Intent >n Into effect . .M<>rri*stiy (Uoi io>s«tictip. Trufff nii-,i^un ,]s ¦' f ' 'Mountninep' 1he aiuiit,r ' -- u - .| '1 (..inn rs price). l." |., ¦ Class).V^V ft >- !kl i.. ... ilioums, wh eh r.l'ciirrcd l-'itst seal- .L-n7,- h xri- iv' T A», y -Mount Mellcra> £Seminary, Ii I I t.i Mr.-. 'J'i- ! Friday la.-t 1 cyoketv—1. Msis K. Hen-* ' i- ciiri'- - . , fi-j . p, - . ~... -:. Uiiivrarvnn a flerji short nessy;-2. ¦ ! 1'L.VCK OK AUDIT. ; jMiss K. Knv.vies; ' ¦ Koley. CO., 1 • a i . Mr. P I' 1 ¦:!. llit-I- 4- ~ ['Ud. liiuiaii . and of Mr. 1' at i u i J I. 1 -'. Miss K. He uesuestyLy.. | Cooks ,t.'• „,<_,.,,c<_]_ . ll.-in i In y. . .S ll. -l Sa.-k. Foley, -\ and iMr % Horril . :.;., v.-hilst the -fronti' (Mes,^ Ileanu: and ('/-> • . Itiit n NOTICE is! HERK-HY GIVKN . i ii;ii. Miss Jill a I)roran;l2. Miss jB. W ilsh. Art ?. I'ISH iii-iins lien- reinnviid tin- Vari. Nil r. •: M \\ essor Tnrli.1 | H «,|. 'f rom - I tin- Audit of tlu> lAceoluil. t il»- needlewo k—1. \U*iHiss) Kl HurleyHur ry ; 2. Miss .1. J. J.avvlle . . per lb. C liure h , Uuuyarvan; at a : ' - " ; 4s in „ ,,; hoi., , ^reo oi-ti- .iii- S:i nmi i (retiiil). . <» cli:'k 1.11 Sin above-named Council for tht- liii iui'-iiil M^ (ilyui. T)rj:ssIssinakik nR, ' 1st yy.-^'-at-i-r-l1., , Th- 'J. . p, r II day Ie -Kili/j . » o 'ii: Enjrlisl. Prize E,>af this C I ,S)I. -isenUy- where the in'.onnei period;ended 'i Nli-.J M. |A. :Kc ineine;;jj 2. Miss hK.i- '.; I¦ zZpRiisIIS . year ;- "ii . per ll> . wok the 31st day of March . I'U- . Genera l Flutler . beh,; tlthe S » .\ pliice ii tin;, family 'burial '. -runm will be Ore.-smakinff, 3r I1 yejir4l-t r MissMl :#< ( .i nry. work of .Mr. \S 1- . Si i . per lb . Tin: fuiu-raj - opened in the County (Vnncil •>" T, ¦"" ?,• J - 'Horrax. obvimulv a h> . b.- 'on-^ed. , BEDSTEADS 1915. at thejhourl ' of Twcl yc Gard e s article on i-X]>eiK-riences \1 :. ekei-el ' O'clock; nnd where -ry (dtuiH'stic tr lining class)—1. '¦ .us in Turkey. . :jil. to -ii. eticl. TU- viik't mourners J when^ objection.* t: iss J. O'Snl ivan; 2 . Vxss The article i'.'oley, C.C : Patrick Foley and Denik on St. ,Rimmard and on I'cn' ¦H- tid . per l'. Hl (or Duck- ;lI ,.l Accounts will be. heard . I Tho K. Hcliirl Pla ii jrweilluwiirVs . (do.V-4l . Benedlei XII. U.-ti- Ki.iley f TUi.rt* than eplir- PI38 : will bo onen durinir office hours to tho in- WATERFQRD-Prlnted and Published !>/ - 2. Miss J. 'SuUIvan. meral intfrc.-t. O'C»inonell' (' Wi'llinm Folity, Mjiurice poley. Patrick sr.k-ial orizi' s visit to !.\I.-!- ii' llej. :r:—Top price Tli- (op lo J^f TB&t, \ 4% ' // spection of all persons intfercHldd for seviMi Waterford News WATfcK > in I >r iBiiiiovenient xnd dili- leray is r^'alled in au Vo-lcy, .T., KifU-y. l.Michael Harnev . and ! : • i . Ltd.. at the i (Tur.c^ ( orr^- li able pieec written ic 3. . Olbs). s 1'efore tho Audit. ' . i FORD NEW8 'JIachine Printing; Book- r tr4iuiii r clas? -JIii 5 3if. in UIR native lancualirrt.i.. This ic tn-i . Patrick ! (hop liews) ; Thowsi J '¦ U\c day ot- ¦Kktr--". * " O04.U &loon & B 1* "^ Z r 0 Dal^l I51h Jum4. 1JU.1. bindln?. and Machino Ruling KnUbli.'b' i nzine. iiilh a Juturc "I- 50s ,cy