ER uel ich ‘Tum68, Oetoner 21, Toes, Bouthero Tdition, os FOR OCTOBER 23rd—29th.



AgeOre,Hee a Guoheseen (aio bed ae i Porevec oo a al NEWCASTLE ——s at a =,

L@fas- 624 oF AP age ver SG ine a (rea mW (isvenene af ecafrrie to tzoo he eaeSe theca gor riNcHaM , ee en AE EETRENT a ini. Aye Gaiaoa 10 3 SWAnay anneal il . The Journal of ithe B r i t i s h Broadcasting‘Corporation.

= eel i dime ines eu) a Lae OCTOBER21 ai, 1927. _Every Friday, Two Pence. No.212, LPO me ii Ae peer —- a ee ————_— The‘Regional Scheme. Il. Distribution by Higher Power.

The second ry iz He Series af Shore articles | interference. It would not, however, clo recently instituted service from 5673. But re ea Jer dali with hd Propose new schon af what 15 just as necessary: ame; -allew the main object of the new scheme 1s to oe istrubifee file ft tperemental fap Areas a ‘range of public taste. in relation to. the provide two contrasted programmes. cither 7 I revere + Leds the atening, «i Ase! ash apf matter which 15 .broadeast. It i obviously of which would be available to the usérs- of Daveniry Exberrmestat. fhe firsk sayledte ee to please every. listener all, the simple and ine xy osive sets, as well as fo deat with “the -andernational: ‘aspects -of the i timewithout perovidding an almost indefinite those POssessing more elaborate sets: schenie as afield by the ailetation-of wate- numberof alternative. programmes, But a One of the first problems to be met. ts fem gels. great deal canbe done to satisfy ditterent how to ensure that: liateners. will be able to T explained ast week-that the present receive ¢ither-of the two. programmes. pro- wide withdut interference “Between the | System of BBG. - Statens was > not prewiding a ‘service: free from: inter- two. Without foing deeply inte the: techini- frrence prondniy because it had -become eal problems involved,.it- may be -said_ that rie the first ‘essential in this connection is to necessary Ly | number of stations in Ieurepe, including several ~British -stations. sendout the two Jroprammes at the same to ‘Share Eraquenctes (Wavelengths). Ii was stre ngth anil from the same place, [f-this alse 7p nied cut that owing to the increase’ 1S done the one transmission will be: jésg in strength foreign stations* after dark, tke +ikely to.) scturate- the eimpler types cre service range of ail Our relay Stations except erates thereby preventing thereception Edinburgh Was rechiced vie n to approxi-" of the cther..transmission, This is the con- mately three mules. On the other’ hand. dition which is met when a listener living those ‘stations which use exchsive.. fre- close" to-a ‘local ‘station wishes “to feceiye " quencies—that is tosay, those which do not tlirect' somie distant Britishor. foreign station. share a frequency with: any other station— Thus an order’ to give an equal cistributian grenot subject to mterference ‘of this kind of the two programmes over the whole af

when: things are working smoothly. the area te-be served, the two'stations must

Arising out-of this ‘state of affairs, it is bé together. At the same time the wave- | obvious that future development should lengths on which. the two programmes are ed be transmitted must be separated by a proceed ‘along the lines of comparatively J. MeTAWISA new Stations, each wsing an exchisive fre- sufficient amount to allow cither programme The Orkneys to be sélected at will.

quency, ancl with higherpower, Serving -a mach larger area than does the” average UNRECOGNIZED’ HEROES. It is fortunate that British exclusive fre- station at present. 2. ‘The Cryestal-User who came to complain af quencies are so placed in relation to cach In determ‘iningthe prapose d new scheme of the quality of 5GB, other that they can be arranged: in pairs distriution, the BoBC. has to do more than moods and tastes by providing two alterna- to give ample separation between the two merely to increase the power of the statrons tives-of equal signal-strength over as -darge sa otted to any Ont Statin, When the allot ——hine in: oll. not counting. 5XX—which ah area as passitde, The Regional Scheme ment of frequencies was unter consideration work oon exclusive frequencies, Increase has this aim: in -view, at the meetings ‘of the Union Internationale ol: power atone world undiubtedly inn preive It: may be argued that, to some extent, de Radiophonie, it. was, realized by the theservice from a technical. poitt of view listeners who possess sensitive nvulti-valve B.B.C. delegates: thet the provision. of that is to sav, a preater. number of lis- sets are already in possession of a choice alternative programmes would be a develop- keners would reecive a service free from ef several programmes, apdrt from the ment of the future. rd ti _ == eeeee—- RADIO [Oerams: 2). per a ‘The Man Behind the . = it

Franz Liszt—Born October 22, ESLE,

My the. tight of Oeiober 21-22, in the playing, and was the world's Pred peat year JR), «a Jorge und brilliant Pianiét in his day, He waz received every- come wae Visible in the sky; @ fact where: kines - ul éemiperara treaberd hit which caused a certnin amount: of ex- a4 ont Of their owy. His advice Tis: Gon= Gtement at. the time Rome saicl thet Btantly sought, h i s jodement s t i l l more only: porl, #eula ot the earth Were born eonstanthy crutrhe|, Streleky tells an Under a iced. Tt therefore seemed extellent story of a young woman who advisable for all babies desirous of making came front Chicago to ony te Lieet. She fheir appearance in the month of October waa aooompanihd Wy her * Mor" a k she of that year to contrive to avoid post termed her mother, und evidently {n- poning theiractivities later than the early tencledd ta impress the master, * Meg" houra of the twenty-second. In a amadl tek him that. “her. Mamie conkd knock villa inthe pleasant town of Raiding, in apts off a» pi-anner,’ Liast did not a (rerman-speaking part of Hungary, one, at understand thia reniurk, and torned ta — tll events, just managed +in time—crently Strelezki, who foond a dicnd- to the delight of his parents Pram Litt waa thai’ | conterte: Lhe eriwd-intimidiates me; ite breath vintage in not knowing the-French forthe torm aly, All the same, his hurry. wae apparently to suffnektes me: uikoowna fooet anake me dumb, ‘knocking spots.” Momio nsked Liskt what she his detriment, for he was do tiny that he was not Butyou are destined for 1t, for when you do not ahnwald play. Lisrt said: tt waa: all-the aanie te hen, tapected to live out the day. Furthermore, for the win your publia you have tho power to overwhelm She then ine juired if he knew Mendelesihin's ( V g a Ea, first six years of his life he was eubject to fainting it. Berhog oomponed:-the-teo in moch the same ' A l i t t l e , ” be-snid, perhopa thinking of that G Mines fita of such w character ss to throw: him into o mannerHe apoke of Chopin os heing the refined, C o n c e r t o . “Then I w i l l play-you the Bees" Wed- oondition -a0 oLowel yr resendbling death tliat cn one delionte weesof amall gotherines or props rik ding.” ‘Dent do that, ead Liszt. *D would mech oocasion he was actually certified as being dead inftmate tricia, but of Liszt as being at hia. best rather have the “Spiders Divorce.”" That he arid wosMeasured for hia coffin. But he mune with two thousand hearers to conquer. E-ven so, was impatient of anything other than the best ia to live to be seventy-five in spite of ft, which says Loewneeced the friendship of other imeem, ane, evident from the [act that he atopped o young g i r l something for being born under a comet. It is frequently sought the company of Chopin, Berlias, who was playing a Benata of Sterndals Bennett. doubtful if he would have heen the educated must- and Wagner. Of the first and last-named of thoes * Kindly name the piece you perform, niademoiselle,’ cian he was had he dependedupon his father for threo he wrote lives—both works characterized by he said, pobttely, ‘The Maid of: Orleans”? WS. his education. Adam Liszt, a splendid amateur eTiraripaunice cit excpresaici. He knew Metulelssohin the reply, *° Hm! eal Liszt. * What « pity the musician, was anything but a rich man: Ent the quite well, butthey do not seom to have got on. mansseript did nob soffer the aane fate of the Hongirian nobles who heard of the extraordinary At-all evonta, itis upon record that Mendelssohn Maid.” On the other hand, Lisst. wae alwava kine alilities of young Frank were. decideaily meh, and (who waso first-rate painter) dtew i life-like sketch and helpfal to those who needed Leta, Ever aleo decidedly generous; consequently the cost: of of Tadevt playing the piano, his hands having five i hard worker himeelf, he encouriged thore who hie education, both in Paris ‘and Vienna, ‘wae «a hammers instead of five fingers. “The truth of that aieworked hard. A young pianist onen asked tim matter which tinsod no anxiety, appears to have been that Liszt plaged Mendels- how Jong he practised to attain such technical Tt was clearly evident-long before he finished his sohn'é G Minor Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, powers, * Carl,” he replied, “1 never took edlocation that Listt was intended for a preat poblic and that he elaborated some passages which he count of the hours practised, but T knew that career, and that he was carrying out what he had enidl he thought were rather thm. ‘This: anmoyerdd for some years it was-never leat than ten bourse a intended to do in his early childhood. —A friend of Mendekeohn, and the «ketch was probebly-an day.” A’ strange. personality) with « a universal his father had patted his-curly head and said to expression Of his opinion of Liset’s virile method of mind, the Abbé Liszt did everything tharoughly— him: * Well, tthe man,andwhat are you going playing fortiasine, Asa matter of fact. Mendels- whether merely giving. r e c i t a l s or orehesteating to be when you grow up?" ‘Jat Tike him," enid sohm was right: Liszt constantly used to smash his own or someone else's work. It Was a l l Fring. He pointed «a sticky finger at a picture of both hammers and wires, the latter of which appear the same to him. He gave sixty-two veo Beethoven. Which thought brings ua to the very tbo hiave had. geome. sruvienr valoe mm the form of of hia l i f e to public work, and. as Rubinstein basis- of Lisette outinok. He knew that the soul braceleta for lady-admirere. It is amazing that it said o o f him, there wos nothing in mnéia of music is of ve kinds—the intimate and personal, waa a0 in ao great a player, because: it is quite un- he did not know, and certainly nothing he and the universal: his waa the univereal. Chopin pardimable to break anything. ButLisxt certainly could not play. ones daid to him; “Tam not at all fittedfor giving C. Woiraker Wirgow, laid down some excellent epee in ee

— a A Musical Jubilee. A Note on the Peepss Concert matey: my Sir Henry Hadow.

‘HE People’s Concert Society was founded by would hue achieved two objecfa = Oe, bo bring. Lo the Hon. Norman Grosvenor in 1878 with bs Sr Henry Hadow, Vice-Chancellor of Shefheld a great deal of moble pleasure mto lives wher ‘object ofbringing the best music within reach of Uniersty, is Chairman of the People's Concert pleasure ia not too frequent, and the other tosh dweller in the. poorest. parta of London. The Society. The jubilee concert of the iby, whoch that the public, when it is not deceived of rhidaiieed, expericnce of St. dude's, Whitechapel, showed dn. was founded in 1478 and has done so much’ to ig on the side of good art and not aginst, th; bring nua: into the lives of those who might The attainment of its fiftieth year 14 a real ‘landd- early tli ‘ye that such an experiment was hopeful. otherwise never have had the chance of hearing it. mark in the progress of the Society, It hag every The Bockety started under good AREPECDA ; Ws ts te bebroadcast frem: Landen = Laventry on renson to lonk hack with eqtisiaction on its peat direction was soon saésumed by Sir Hubert Parry and the evening of Sunday, October 3. ‘The concert itt career has been one of almost onbrokensucess, is beng held nt the Battersen Town Hall, under work, Tt appeals to the generosity of -all music Tn ite early dava-there Were some doubters who the conductorship of Mr, Charles Woodhouse, Lowers thit. they will this work bia Conte, feared thet’ classical mustc wed bevond the com- and in these days. When Music is returning ones dehension of. the public, and openly advised the where net with a most appreciat ive Treaponsc. more to its proper place m the life of the nation, inty thet it: musth never rise above dance music The experience ‘of oor concert givers has been when it ia no longer 4 costlyexotic or apassing and comic_opera. Fortunately, from the beginning on the whole very similar to that of the Broad- fashion, but a necessity of civilized existence, [ winer: counsels prevailed; the: moto progressive cacting Corporation : nimely, that the higher you cannot doubt that thé appeal will be met with the ‘aemboers of the committee recognized from the pitch your standanl the more certain is it to be generosity which England gives te all good canses + outset that almost all people like good music generally accepted. J] have’ been to «a concert and that the Sovtety will be aupplied with the ne unless they ape told beforehond that. they must, in Oxford where the frontseats cost sixpence and quisite resources for the continuance and extensiim and our concert parties went out confidently into the packed sandience cncored a Gach Concerto. of ite activities: Tie object is’ not: to inculcate a the poorest quarters of the city with Bachand T have heard coneert goors, so inexperienced that particular doctrine or to represent a L ; Recthoven and Brahma, anda certain anticipation they have not learnt how to be bored, discussing point of view ; it gathers tte gifts of beautywithout of the welcome which they received. Later on withevident enjoyment as they left the tS distinction of clase or school oh esnee; anditsoes eonoerts_of the same kind wero, given in prisons point of interest in. Beethoven or Brbma a of endurance: lies largely. in the breadth amdaf Borstal institutions, andtheyhavo. every|. ‘People’sConcertSocietyhad done nothingelseitit !foundationonwhich ihieUnset aahea a

INTERFERENCE By ‘ Torps.’ aN fl A Naval Occasion. A Hamorous Story of the ‘Silent’ Navy by a well -known nay al officer who recently contributed an article to The Radio Timeson ‘The Radio Way in the Navy.’ The drawings are by Aubrey Hammond. HIS is not as some might suppose from eentleman in the aeroplane when this officer nature. Mr.. Muggles, like the Gunnery its title a technical article on the had junched in the Mess — Lieutenant, has an obsession and a fierce relationship (if any) between atmos- 'L rely entirely on you to give me the fall passion, but in his cask it must also He phenes and the temperature of sea water of shot!’ described as undoubtedly a minor’ vices. at “a harometric pressure of 30", [ am no And the flying officer had replied :-— He backs horses, and he longs above all “Til pump the stuff out at you all neht, back the winner of the St. Leger,. He technician, Betterbrains Shinming wrestle with that side of the wireless business. but try and let me down hefore five o'clock, has had a tip as straight as a corkscrew from In this article T am using the pa inter- I've got a date that evening.’ the canteen manager's assistant, whose ference in the sense Jaid down in the Concise Leaving the acroplane circling in the sky brother's sister married a man who sels and the Gannery Licutenant sitting. as near oats at Newmarket, and acting upon this Oxford Dictionary, where on pape Ase at | to heaven as any Gunnery Lieutenantcan information, Mr. Muggles has plunged is written :— reasonably hope. to get, we will penetrate heavily. Lf it comes off he will cuta dash Interfere, v.1..f0t things) come into collision | or opposition (with); (of persons) meddle (with). into what the Daily Press calis ‘the bowels on Weymouth front in the near future: of the. ship. Here we see Ordinary Tele- if it fails he will notbe going ashore for It is my purpose to descnbe how a man standing on a grandstand at Doncaster graphistMuggles. He is on wireless watch, some months, interfered {in the, dictionary sense) with headphones upon hus head, pencil in hand, Meanwhile the great ship has put her helm both persons and things in the North >ea. wireless. log open in front of him. ft. is over and is describing a majestic curve ; The curious and pedantic may, care to know plain that he is in a highly excited state + she leaves a glassy expanse of sea on her port he ficgets on his chair, he scribbles with his quarter as she tums to the firing course. that the exact scene of the interference was in “Lat. .37° 208.Long.00° 30'W., Her turret guns move round,

and the time 25.00 L.s.T.,. sep their muzzles ‘are cocked up ex- tember 7, 1927, for at that in- aunithy as if, like the war horse gentleman who was in. the Book of Job, theysmelt stant the standing in the grandstand at the battl from afar. The Gun- Doncaster ejaculated into a micro- nery Licutenant settles himself

phone the information that Book- in bis seat aloft and the flying Law had won the &t. Leger. officer ceases to disport himself

Whilst the nultttude cisported. at 7,000 feet and dives steeply towards the target themselves at Doncaster a con- siderable portion of the British In each turret, m the gun- Navy entertained itself off the house,the working chamber, the North-East coast of Scotlindwith magazines, and the sheil-rooms,

gunnery arid forpade @NETCISES, a hundred men are waitingin 2 A certain great ship at 2.50 shghtly nervous excitement for pan. on September 9) advanced the order to open fire.. In the proudly across the sea in the transmitting station, surrounded direction of an inottensive target by instruments which

which was being dragged across elick and squeak and flash lamps the ocean. Hundreds. of men in and draw lines on moving paper

thatship surveyed the distant with more than human skill, a target with hostile imtent. It closely packed gang of men speak a strange was their hope and ambition that jargon into a dozen

the great guns of theirship should suddenly a look of amazed horror appeared and vemained as 1/ telephones. This is the gunnery demolish that target, A worthy jrozen on the Guanery Ltentenant's face. brain of the ship, and the pale. ambition. Moreover, as most young heutenant who spends most

people who have been shot at will agree; pencil, his head is thrust forward, and it 15 of his life analyzing gunnery records and in- there is a° peculiar satis‘faction im firing at evident that he is straining. everynerve venting sititable explanations for inexplic- something that cannot shootback, in. order. not to miss the faintest signal, able occutrences is the controller of this There was no one in that great ship who Deubtless, you will say to yourself, this brain. Squeezed into corners are sh cherished the ambition of strafing that target rallant tar, whose set is tuned to the wave- faced looking individuals in blue overall more ardently than the Gunnery Lieutenant, length of the aeroplane set, realizes the im- suits, with screwdrivers, earth Jamps and

With him, the desire to hit that target was portance of his task. He knows-that every bits of wire protruding from their pockets. an obsession, a fierce passion, almosta vice, word he speaks into.that ordinary telephone These are torpedo-men, representatives of He sat in his control position high'up the in front of him will go straight to the ears the department responsible for the electrical mast, and he shifted-his gaze from the target of the Gunnery Lieutenant. ‘He knowsthat efficiency of the ship. Should anything faal toa speck in the blue sky and back to. the he is a vital link in the all-important chain they will instinctively proclaim, Well, target. That speck in the sky was an aero- ot =etalon: and he is anxious and any'ow, the juice was all right, sir! Tested plane and at was the duty of this machine nervous lest he should let down his beloved ten minutes before firing !' to circle four thousand feet above the target officer who. is up the mast and also bring Leave the transmitting station as "the and, report. by wireless certain information discredit on the fine shooting reputation of navigator on the bridge steadies the ship

to. the: Gunnery Lieutenant... The. number the ship...

of times he. hit. the target, would. depend Telegraphist. Muggles! Honour where honour leit to indicate: that: the range -1s:-clear; ae upon the reliability and frequency of the i die! and let us have one last look at Mr. Muggles ph

r aoe:irom the ‘plane, He had satd to the But alas for the frailty of homan (Continued on page 137.) i gO Til RADIO TIMES -—


=! ane A New Feature. The Truth about the English. ane Teally bed one (for the right t o : purforn HE face of journalism, Jike the face ‘of. the HE series of. talke ‘entitled * Ourselves aa which 167 German and foreion theatres have comtryside, ia constantly changing. Tho OthersFee Us," bas been mentioned before clamoured). In the play that) has heen so much disappearance of o- feature from o magazine or in. these pages. One cannot. help wondering whut | performed, I allowed a misinke to oocur inthe newkpaper if like’ the vanishing of a familiar all these distinguished foreigners will have to any names of the characters, with the result thut forty-one lines of the phuy were mark—both are the vietima of development shout ua and our way of life. When we: travel entirely mean. and there will always be someone to mourn their abroad ‘we find foreign costomsa anid behaviour ing less. [hese l i n e s , in the course of 3.448 pissing. Those who were familiar with the news qeneer.” Haw do ar oT Appear io nn outside periormances, were given by 107 actors without of*soming “programmed whieh have for the paat oherver at another nationality 7 Are these critica the mistake being noticed by a manager, producer, Womthe been ehronicled in Fhe Rodis Times oneler from abroad going to admimiater a nasty jolt to prompter.or ony , o f t h e . million anda half of the heading of * Coming ta the Microphone," will one Tun coneeit—or will they tell us how AHLenoo, find this in future. over. the signature of * The pleasiotwereally are? The opportanityof hearing | Portrait ofan Author. Announcer, who willeach week. have two pages of the worst (or the beet) ts too good to be missed— the paper to himself He will give in essence all and I, for one, mean to listen this coming Wednes- ‘sit HAVE: received 2.185 THATApS Frente yoru that weed ta be found on the * Coming to the Micro- day evening to whol Madame Kallas, the novelist writers: for. oonsieration.: 7.1681 questa for pheine ‘pape, and more, forthe heitor feels that, in wile of the: Esthonian Minister: hea to aihy abort my aitegraph-—and 826 ladies have naked to be addition to pews of forthcomme events, there is England and the English. allowed to become my eecretary. J have been much information aid snemletea connected with acrid eleven times of plagiarism and have received brondeasting which’ will beof interest to listeners. £0 letters from indignant readers pointing out that I had stelon such and auch « remark from ther. * The Announcer.’ [have been called up HS times on the telephone hy E aim of * Tho Announcer” i4 to provide ‘x anonymons callers who called mea dirty Jow,” backcramd to the programmes. With and 132 peaple have made me telephonic offers ol eves and enara disereetly open he will view the | Pricelest Persian carpets. T have beeninterviewed whole field of broadeasting and note upon his 127 ines and bare ne repped to 1.000 circulars. tableta anything and everything which may,help [have twenty-seven teeth, stand 1.60 metres if rim to: fulfil this ambition. .And ke will remain eight, and weigh eight stone ten. T can tum out ap étrictly anonymous, for he dedires to uvoid exposure, to aeven aheets an hoor on: this By TA riter—thioweh pattination, excl ostracism, politienl martyr. lean only compose four lines af eae the Bae dom, challenges to duela, invitations to borrow time, 1 lose 325 grammes of weight per bour of money ‘oponno security whatsoever "—in fact, poetic cimposition. Tsleap six hours a day, like the hondred and one'anneyanees to which « public my bath very hot, relish marine pimaly of every character may be at any moment subjected. Who kind, cannot bear faringercus’ fools os a Doctor find whut be ie will rennin & secret. of Philosophy and a member of the BHorlin Analytical Mod-m Music. Department for Rubbish and Dirt’ There seeme ho Te Ferry lithe of the- German plulnaaph abhor this [f the lettera of various correspondents are to author of ‘Jew Sues '—and- more than a touch of be taken as an indication of the general Bernard Shaw. The tick which he admits having a inkon, the pece ryt aly rt recital af richer Mua played on the theatre-world hasShavian ring to it, given from London and Daventry by the Vienna String Quartet: met with a very mixed reception November |}, 1978-1927. from listeners. ‘Why do you wrste such artists oe nine years havepone past sme a ga the V.A0Q. on-sach stuff?" asks one listener. conference ina failway carriage put an cid “Wehadlistened for five minutes before we realized to the long exhaustion of War, Armistice Day and thatthey were playing—not tuning up!" Bays the Two Minutes’ Sience have loet none of their another, ‘The B.B.C. i# to be congratulated on * Blimey !° énlemnity and beauty. The Two Minutes’ Silence ia making ua acquainted with the work of the brilliant “Strings enor, thorgh wa are oe a rece ofiinguleta, wa the most truly and completely noligious service of Moderna!” Ono fins meat is proverbially aro thr oly pelo whe ave biskabeed igen Sela ig ftorrimn the year. In those few moments the world takes a nother mans poison—and ecarly-Schonborg, it mele Wiley fa Gee ordinal por, 5 Listaner's Letter, Kedio Times, Eeptember 40.) step nearer to God, This year, i# every yeor, must be Admitted, is etrongish meat for muosical Armistice Day will find its appropriate place in the Veretarians fo swallow. Those of poor digestion The Man Who Wrote ‘Jew Suss.” programmes, beginning with @ service doring. the could, however, #éek refuge in tho alternative ATER. in the season, on November 30, T chall morning of November 11, inthe course of which the programme. There must have been many anxious Silence will be observed. How inipresive thore to get to gripa with and understand the now listen to Herr Lion Feuchtwanger—not. only on neaount of the interest attaching to the inmpres. two minute: can be when they foll in the midst of a tendencies in music who listened with interest to broadcast servier will be recalled by all those whi’ the whole recital. Igor Stravinsky, the great sions Gf England gathered by o distinguished Russian composer and musical godfather of the erman novelist of the post-war. school, but Hstened Iaat year to the Armistion Day servite relayed from Canterbury Cathedral, and the thrillin ir” Thiaghile Ballet, was an interested: listener at because Feuchtwanger's book, * Jew Sues,” has made me curious to discover something about theoutlook mournfulsonnding of the Last Post with which the Savoy Hill thet evening. He is over in London at Silence closed, weacnt making musie-rdlls for the Duo-Art piano. and personality of tta anthor, What a strangely included? in compelling book it is, with ita brilliant treatment of Eonic af Stravinaky's works are to be A Reading by Lord Balfour. the next of the series of modern recitals when the sombre wickedness of the aighteenth-century ' German courte and the dramatic quietness of its end- ae reat of the evening’a programme will! be Marcelle, Meyer, most. brilliant of modern: Frenclr occupied by the fourth of this season's pinnists, i¢ to make her reappearance at the ing. Jam ale highly intrigaed by the letter which Herr Fenchiwanger sent mc in response to my Te- National Symphony Concerta. Tho programme, Jmicrophone in this country. quest for aome information about himself and his which will be relayed from Cmeen's Hall, has been SF A Radio Revical. work. Noteven the fact. that be unkindly sent it at specially chosen for the occasion, It will include We WAY OF AN EAGLES, Ethel M. Dell's the same time to severs! other newspapers in this Chopin's: Funeral March, Stanford's The Laat Poat, popular story which enjoyed phenomenal | country whe have already printed it m part shall and Parry's The Gloriesof our Blood and State {both snterks as a stage play, has olko been given on the prevent ‘me from quoting if her. ‘1 have spent for chorus and orchestra); and tha last movement Tees ether (Juno 14, 1826). On Wednesday, Novem- fourteen months at school,’ he writes, “seventeen of Beethoven's great Ninth Symphony, In keeping ber 2. a radio revival of this will be booacleast from days aa prisoner of war, five anda half months in with the aolemn ond: national chargeter of the ‘Daventry Experimental, with Cathleen Nesbitt the Army, ¢loven years in Muonich—and the rest of cocasion will bo the reading during the concart by) digain in the part of Muriel Roscoe. Those who my dayzin comparative freedom. 1 have written Lord Balfour and General Sir lan Hamilten-of- like o full-length play with a strong story w i l l do ‘eleven plays, of which three ure good, one very Pericles’ Funeral Oration aml La wi now prac tostay at home that evening. mediocre (which has. been performed 2,346 times}, faineus men. j fs yi ‘ CP ay well fds Nal Ser = teen a ‘ dea i aed

Chonan:eT) =m RADIO ‘TIMES. —


“King David" Again, The Foice. of the Listener. ’ Borbastes .Furioso, | A’ ‘OMPOSER whe thinks and dreams of railway HE Wireless Organizationa Advisory Com- ATURDAY, November 5, looks like providing i engines, aml loves to ride at seventy-live mother, which came into being at the begin- an entertaining evening for Bournemouth tiles an hor upon their footplates—that is Arthur ming of this year, has just iasoed an interim report listeners. The evening. programme opens with @ | Honegger, whoa great Symphonic Psalm was of its first six months” work, The Conimitter is performance of Offenbach’s light opera The Blind given by the BBC; at the Atbert Hall earlier this composed of reprosentatives from all the principal Heggers (Ler Deve sirengles}). Then follows fom-= ae vear. This work, Aung Derid, in response to the listeners’ and experimenters. societies, under the btetea Farias, “a burlesque tragic opera in ome request of many disteners; will be broadoest a chairmanship -of Captain Ian Fraser, C.B.E.. MP. act aml five scenes, by William. Barnes hoes," second time during the London evening programme lite object isto establish an etfective liaison between Thi piece, whieh was prodwoed at the Theatine on Wednesday, November 2 Gn this eceasian it listeners and the B.B.C. inooll matters of mutual | Reval, Haymarket, in 1810, created a sensation will be given with an orchestra of wind instruments interest. During the period, January—June, 1927, atthe time of ite first presentation, for it waa & only,, in the form of its original conception. the Conmimittes met eight times, and considered n satirical attack on contemporary theatrical methods, Honesgget's of the strength and apecd of the wide range of subjects, making a number of sug- In the early nineteenth century the theatre was in modern locomotive i expressed in his Symphonic peations to the BBA. which either confirmed a parlous condition. The magniloquence of the play- Movement, Pacific 23) (which takes ita tithe from existing prackice or were subsequently adopted. bills strove to conceal the poverty of the prodnc- one of the nomet powertal railwayengines of today). One of ita frst avtivities waa the preparation of tions—in the way that Vincent Crommies’s much- In his workroom o picture of this engine faces analytical summaries: of the views of members off announced * Brilliant Display of Fireworks’ turned 7 upon the well a portrait of Mozart, cut to be ‘nine people at the with a aquib in each hamd—all the closen: ancl a holt pecanselt 1 Eugene O'Neill to be Broadcast. at once——awinl from the front, quite awfnls in the : 4 HE Welsh love of drama is reflected | design of Cardiff Station's programmes, which Those that H’alh in Darkness. “ include a large proportion of plays. On Tuesaday, [—D° you remember Millais’ picture of ‘The Blind November §, Cardiff listeners are to hear 1 play by Girl,” of a girl with ‘Titian red hair sitting on Eugene O'Neill, one of the leacing cdromatists of a stone by the roadside, her lips curled in a amile of enchantment aa she listens to horsister's deseription the modern Amercin achool and author of the oelelirated Ane (hers, This ja entitled fo fhe of the minbow ? One day there is another wonder: fone, Tt isn play of the sea in- war-time, and the i fu! picture to be painted. Tt wall show'a blind hoy fears amd jealousies of men in the danger fone. wilh earphones, intently listening —and, perha In addition to the O'Neill play, Cardiff is, the same that same slow smile of sheer delight will hover evening, miving another ahort poor, The Ae fing | round his ips. How much broadcasting means to

Silenca, The caste of bobh will omebucde Murray the blind. the blind alone can tell, It meane ro Lairrington, lyver Maddox, andDonald Dayies, much thet it shoul) be our cnde:your to see that ne blind person goes unprovided with a set of some Ernst: Dohnanyi. kind. A year ago the Manchester Station inavgw BEE that Bournemouth hos srranged to broad- rated, with «a concert held at the Free Trade Hail, its Wireless for the Blind Fond, dinoe then the cust Dolimanyi's Aonzerateck in 2) Major on ‘Thursday, Nowember 3. The composer of this results achieved by the fund have been magnificent. “concert pleoe ” is one of the omost dolebrated of More than 20) sete have been provided, sume to moder UEbmegarian: miisicians, Ernest Dohnunyi blind people living far away from any station, is pianistaa well as composer, and in the former whith had meant the installation of expensive talve- seta, More fonds arenow. required—and it is ' réle hos made several appearances in thie conntry, He does not find it easy, though, to make an ox- hoped te raise these by a second concert, to be held thie time in the City Hall on Toewday evening, tensive tour, on account, of his duties as President November 1, during the forthcoming Wireless aod: cemductor of tee Bourdn-Pesth Philharmonic Dear Old Lady (writing to the BBC): '. . . And Exhibition, The artists will all be radio fayvourres, Sockety. ‘; wall Wer please gend ie thie pamphlet telling me be to osculate. Morlelmans of the Black Beard. A Pennyworth of Good Music. LiLthe world loves a pirate; af least, it THkes A CONCERT for a penny—almost twenty the stcieties represented with regard to the com- to hear about him, and from the safety of years befor the Proms were dreamed of, position ‘of broadcast programmes. The results its armchair to take vicarious part in his deeds of : and Gilty years before brondcasting, this was the Rhowed that in the main ‘the distribution of pro- pore. And it is not necessary to goback bo peek fee which the People’s Concert Soctety, charged for Fromme material aq arranged by the B.E.C. was ages, to the days of Morgan and Blackbeard and siimission to tUwear concerts, In U87#—in -the satisfactory to listeners, Kidd, to come across pirates. Inst twenty years hevday of thy Golden Age of Penny Readings ‘The Man who Watched the Zeppelins. ago of black-bearded,: Herculean rufian called -. (from which perhaps they took their cue in the Mortelmans, waa tried for piracy in Fiji, convicted, j roatter of price)—a band of enthusiasts with.some eo many listener who heard his talk on * The and sentenced to penal servitude for life. The story experience of presenting goo music to mudiences Funny Side of Doelling,” Monsieur .}. Joseph of hie erties will form the subject of a tolk whieh “east of Aldgate Pump,’ inaugurated thie society, Renaud may be no more than a name and a voioe, Mr. Gilchrist Alexander, who wes present at hii

= Che People’s Concert Society's work has been a But that name—-and the voice. which speaks trial, will broadeast from London and Daventry on.

labour of love ond has heen invaluablein fostering remarkably good English—conceas one of the-most Satitday, November 6, : i the growth of murical appreciation, energetic ond versaitily men in Prance—ond one who has a preat love and respect for the E nyglish, From the B.B.C.'s Postbag. The Jubilee of the P.C.S. This tall, blond Frenchman, who was until recently XTRACTS fram leMers recently received: by — Auhime the People's Concert Bopiety champion awordaman of Europe, protagonist in many the BBC: from listeners : celebrates its jubilee with «a. Symphony duels,the author of sone of the mat ingenious ‘We know we ore not the oause of the inter: Concert ai Batteface Town Hall on Sunday evening, detective stories] have ever read, (ne of them, ference na we have o private earth,’ i October 30, Part of thie concert is to be broadcast I remember, desorites the murder of a journnlist * Picase send mo a copy of the Wireleas Act as

——and the broadcast will include a short speech. by ina Toom with locked door ancl barred: window To have a wireless imainiled and should dike all Sir Waltond Dnvies on the work of the Society. while a reception is being held in the adjoining inflammation.” The orchestra will be conducted by Charles Wood- room. ‘Monsieur Jozph Renaud spent a good cieal Oppras ia alegbht for eyebrows,” fronkt, and the programme is to include Schubort's of the war in-a Swiss pension, He was acting the 4 ‘Please come and take oway a. Frenchman's eeent and |=e2 ee certo part of a retice? and invalid army officer, while at two-valye act what has been upertling ol fiear Te 1 oP aie sure: ho ar aairhuret nights bis job was to wateh the movenents of Ze The Five Bella Poblic these four montha" _violinand.‘preci Woodhouse (laritone}. peling out of Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance. ‘THE ANNOUNCER.’

ee -

126 -—-- SADIO “Ties [Otrorern 21. sacle THE CHILDREN’S a yankee en BROADCASTING G IS FOR GOOD NIGHT, EVERYBODY! 10 nigpit, olrybody| ALPHABET. Y tn Ther ane ald, The phy if OVER,

And the tale isa told, Thea danee ta ended, And the dong is sped— Gdcd nioght, overybody, io to fect 1

H IS FOR HOSPITALS ! () LISren 1 tn the Hopitule The Voie deross this Wirel1°35 falls Forget your pein a little while, Poor sutferera, aml learn to mile. We to your bedaide music bring, To you the golden voice shall:une, To you the violin shall play For a short while your pain away.

For you we'll fill the heavyhours With fancy’a-unmeen bindsand flowers, For you we'll range acroge the acas To cateh the sounds shall bring you esse. = Verses te Farjeon. Forget, forget ! the Wireless calla To Liethenwra in Hospitals 3 Drawings by T.:C: Derrick, Forget why you have ceated to smile, Forget or ped th ia Littles while f

Gertie Grunter’s Riddle. A Hepzibah Story. By Olwen Bowen.

Hi Farmyard was interested —more,- the foe Peenieenes —— Chirabelle Chicken guessed, andGwendolen Ganse . Farmyard waa excited. Gertie Granter, | mooet, unl so did Duleima Duck, and epan the price pig, had fourm] a large and juicy carrot, "Hepzibah Hen" and the Farmyard Taraxicum Turkey—but theyall roceed wrong, and, io everyone's surprise, che had very Family to. which she belongs are widely Benerously offered it ae a prize to anybody who known, because of the many stories could guess a riddle, broadcast about them. We are glad to | ' Beech a atrange thing for Gertie Granter to be able to present here a *Hepzibah‘ do!’ aid Hepzibah Hen,ina puzzled voice, * Bach Adventure written specially for The Radio | & beautiful carrot, too! Amybody would be proad io OWN HL Times. The illustrations appear by kind | “Quite unlike Gertie Gronter,’ commented permission of Mesers. Ernest Benn, Ltd. Dalcima Dock. -°2E can't ‘understand -it- at all. aanlenieain Tt tant aa if there was anything wrong with the carrat !" "7 know the answer,’ said Cathbert Cockerel, in “Wo,” «ald Kathleen Cow, sleepily, "IT saw it A pompous voice, .“ You others had better come and myself in Gertie Granter’s mouth aa sheleant Bee. me win the carrot !* over the pate of Sty House, waiting for people to come and pues the answer. They all went aorces to Sty Howse. On the way “What ia the riddle ?* asked Chirabelle Chicken. they met Alphonso Ass and Dorcas Donkey, both ‘*.When does. tho sun flower? "" murmured looking very depressed, Kathleen Cow, mournfully, ‘I didn't know it did; ‘It's no good trying to win that carrot,’ aiid but that's the riddle, so T suppose it's all right." Dorcas, sudly. "We've tried every answer we can think of, and ‘A prise for anybody who can guess nry theyre all wrong! * said Alphonsa Ass. riddle f* ‘Dear, dear—what'a shame!’ said Hepribah, * But, never mind, I'msure Cuthbert will let you “ft know!" cried Hepsibah, turning round aa have a bite oat of the carrot, Ho saya ho knows last: ‘Sure 1 know: The onewer is “ When it the wngswer, doen”! Gertie Grunter greeted them very civilly, and But it wasn't, and Gertie Gromter langhed still counted aver the two acorna which each person louder, and asked if they'd all agree to give it up. had to pay asentrance fee for guessing the riddle. ‘ Thort ien't an answer,’ she said at last, * How “When does the sun. flower?" asked Gertio comld there be, betaine the son deen t flower >* Gronter. And a8 soon aa ehe had done kioghing sho settled ‘Twelve o'clock, midday,” said Cuthbert Cockerel, down and ate the carrot herself, and followed it and Keld owt his chow for the earrit, up with the acorns that the Farmyard folk hed ‘ot at all,” saul Gertie, with a chockhs. * That's paid. shining, not flowering.’ ‘Such a pigyish thing to do!” eaid TWepzibah, ‘Surely. that'a not wrong!’ cried Hepsibsh, as she hurried back to the Cast Lodge with Chira-: quite disireaxed. The ehe torned her: back on belle Chicken. “But [2 sure it wasn't ot all a “Such a piggish thing todo!” Gertie Grunter, aod thought hard for a fow minutes, nice carrot really. Only euitable-for a pig?” . = + r a: i iia, _ ie i os ce eel, ta a ure ed| —— RADIO. TIMES _— Y e l l i n g England _# Big icht byBohun Lynch Bx

Be bboe ie beh Webober 6 BTM “ELT | time, ‘The referee's giving the men their final in- goes on. Baldockis badly beaten and mast dinowib, P: if To may pat it fike that, touchel mi Very structions—nh, the bell,’ Yet he goes on trying his beat, There's: plick for vor! Aman who is badiy-hurt but has.a chance neers linea the honeor to align with my And themthey were at-it, these twobrilliant little Old friend. Mr. Botene Corr, the task of browning tien, fighting lke tiger-oats, blow following blow af winning is brave when he picks hanself up from

ronnd-by-reund commentary on an important the foor, How much braver is the fellow whois with bewildering epecd, Leading and countering, boxing mateh—or reilly hip fight with a world’s blocking mid ‘slipping. closing and breaking, round just tired out, and knows that nothing short of np Champion inone of the comers, before a crowd that and round the-ring, We tried to describe what was miracle can let him win, who pore on. fighting, on and on, We told. them that—thoee listening packed the Albert Hall, :] knew thatthis was bering happening, talking to each other naturally enough, fone for the fire Gime in England, itd, ae one at though we were aware that our words were being thonsands. We trio to tinke them see ibs we the fichitere the winner, nai Ha ppened- -Wist 8 miraculousl; fling to far distant corners of tho arwit—two lads, trained to a byir, full of plock ane Aouth Afthican. L was enllexl Upor, te attract: the earth, hosing akill, wading into each other, with perfect attention of listeners in that far country and to good humour, each ‘trying te render the other un-"= express the hope that they could hear ac distinctly, Conscious, TEN T remembered o disconcerting. snd awful In the event, Pheard on the following dav that they * Baldock’s up against the ropes. Smith'sjot had heard wand were thrilled by what Mr, Corti fath. When we talk together,Tom, Dick him: he's got him,’ Np. The Londoner is away and Harry, in ordinary converse, without any told them, yust na the actual witchers in the: Albert again. Can we make the people understand—thase intention! rudeness, our obdervations overlap. ‘Halt were thrilled: Far more thrilled am Ito think people who are pot there f | Without actually “interrupting Dick will answer of that extraordinary, octasion. Words, too, troubled me. Lam fairly accustomed a question, perbape, before Tomhsfinished -asking to words. IT get myliving (such as it is} by writing We sat there in i comfortable box, with a direct it. On ordinary occasions, over a dinner-toble and and uninterrupted view of the ring,. each with & them (suchas they are) on. bits of paper. My chief at OF. We dren mest je this breaking in of One man's microphone before ya on the ledge while Teddy pleasure is in reading them, when. they have been words upon another, unless it i an actually ill- written by other people, in books, Ordinarily ‘Baldock, bantamieight champion. of ‘the world, mannered interrmption, which i quite a ‘different Climbed inte the ring lit by blaxing arc-lnmps, ond speaking, words don't bother me mych. Now and = thing. But ion the microphone ?- How will it seem once atain we get ool the thrill that atways comes again T look ene of themup in # dictionary, ond to listeners ? Will they ako hear the roared en- ‘to me at the eight of the familiar paraphernalia of from time I have to think hard in order to thusiasm of the crowd ? That thrilling shout that dresing-pown and bandages mml seconds sand find the right one to serve a special purpose, Ent fock up when the crowd is on its feet with excite- towela ond sponges and ‘nmr gloves. Rbortly he generally speaking, | should be horribly ashamed of ment and boxing history is on the point of being was followed ty Willic Smith, the Park Horse of myself if I found that T had said sixteen times in one made, Will that not drown cur (comparatively) Bouth Afrien (for he waa a dark horee : te one over paragraph that something of someone ‘wns amall voices ? My friends tell me that it did not, * splendid.’ ’ here acemed to now how pote he wash. D could not that what we snid was clear as in ordinary speech. help reflecting that a quarter of a century apo, T, Sut this we did not know at the time, and the As a voung umateur, had.chimbord likewise into oa Ht With what retrospective shame D remember responsibility of making « good job of it made me, Ting—but bow different a rimg!—in the: Com I told the world the other night that Smith's for one, acutely uncomfortable, Exchange at Cartridge to fight three panting and lefts were splendid, that Baldock’s plock. wae aplen- nnskilful roands as Oxford's middlewemht,and Boone was torn by differeat emotions : the lamps did, and kept on aaying itagain and again pnd agnin! that there nt the ringside, one of the judges, Mr. above the ring showed ua the boxersdancing in and Nerves—no time to think—thowe are verypoor out, hitting and retreating, aucking and dodging Corti hid tat in judgment-on me, looking mach the exondes, 7 seem toe remember hearing something and hitting again, all in white brillinnee. Around rather similar on the inst. occasionthat I vistted Amt thier) AS ow, them: in the great ball, well lit ‘but by contrast the Strangera’ Gallery at the Hose of Commons, Bot at the Albert Hall there was. littl time for shadowed, sat row upontow of eager and excited But Dahould be the last person to shelter behind a the sentimental reflections of middle-aged middle- spectators. Light feet: patter on the canvas- ent seb even by members. of that ouput weights, covered boards. . . Listeners would hear body, and I only hope the excitement of the next ‘There's orl Tweedmonuth,”. com- that. Bang com Baldock’s left foot—a distinct boxing match D witness will not paralyze my verbal panion, * What.a house, what a crowd | * hollow sounl—as he flashes in his left lead. Will varicty: Still, to make sure, | ahall take with meu . ‘And therge James Pryde,’ say I, ‘what a listeners know that sound for what. it is. or will they neatly: typed list of adjectives und epithets appro-

pointer {* think that is o terrific blow ? (Very hard blows, priate to the oceasion. Let us trust that T do not The prelnninarics aro over; the ring i4, cleared, eapecially on the face, are. nenally silent. The get these badly mixed up. What wouldthe listening and.’ Round One’ hae been ammounced. The stage punches that mark a man’s face and che his eyes world sey if I remarked that the Bermondsey ia eet, and the audience is all alert. pass unregistered by the microphone.) The fight Battler had been disqualified for « ‘ eplendia foul * t i" —— ma = ——— — sd

(Continued from paye 125.) themselves up upon the horizon beyond the target. js the words “"Ot Night second..." reached in hia lonely and secluded position of responsibility. The flying officer made a quick estimation and then hie brain the infuriated Gunnery Officer poured a His body is there ot its post of doty, tat his mind is tapped out ° Over—ik} yards," torrent of abus: down the dumb and innocent away to the weston Dumeaster Heath. In a fearful The Gonnery Lieutenant waited to hear the rites mouthpicccs of half a dozen voicepipes, Then ~ ecatasy be is watching them come rouril the bend, of Mr. Muggles give him the aeroplanes correction. clawing at his head, with one superb gesture of what was that the bloke said ’—something By his side four lamps told him that the next Famsonic race, he cast his healphone from bin and

about Book Law‘is running mght away f ae broadside was panting tobe firod. The gentleman. | severed hia involuntary connection with the first of Law!... The tor of the crowd filled’ his hend- in the acroplane wondered why they were so long the notomn"clyssies." piece, mechanically he slighth adjusted his ware- firing ont the second salvo, Tt must be thirty ft a cd a Becomids since he had-sent that correction of ° Over length inclica bor, Notwithetanding this--success on the turf, Mr: —Ainh,’ Muggles has not vet been seen ashore by his friends Tis pounter is nt 1,800 metres: a little to the right Suddenly a Took of smnged horror appenred and is another-merk on theivory scale against which the in Weymouth, nor-will they bave that pleasure for reinkined asf fronen on the. Gunnery Linitenant’s some weeks bo oon. Petty Officer ‘Telegraphist bas pavted the w ores ‘ Aircraft Reception." face, The words Book Law’) Jhtobb Joon fo ower In these cays of economy and frugally designed deafening his ears and bewildermgy vhis menses: practices aman cannot completely min an import CT a] a a *Hoory ! Hooray! Dve backed him—Ive backed ant gunnery cxercike with impunity. However, There was'n dull thud, and the great ship. shook him! ... Meaningless sentences and exclama- Mr. Moggles, as be surveys the shore from a distance

from keel to tenok. os four 15-inch projectiles, each tions filled: the Gunnery Liciténant’s. headphones and watehts. bis more, fortunate ComMAMeer weighing a: tom, left the ship. Which connected him to. Mr, Muggles, Ordinary reepontling. to the pipe, “Liberty men fall jn," The Gunnery. Licktenant stered throwth his Telegrephist. successful backer of the St.- Leger conaolesd hamerll.with the reflection: that: he dias . glmdeure ind. caw four ininens white eplashes reer Witter. ee roral- ahbeokobe omniainiies- forthe ese iteh,

4% ‘ ‘

| ia ==

2 a=ADIO _TIME5 [A vestinies CayBornilie FRESH -EYES—ANDBRIGHTER BRAINS. | Lord Walsingham’s Views. Wonderful Results Produced By Course in Modern ~ HAVE read and studied the baoks pro Psychology. vided by the Felman Institute, and IT can

truly any that they havo Mee need Vou. Foe friends, witli fresheyes, A Draughisman writes: “ After Beli-Rewhanm- deeply impressed me, The {ict one the oxtahishment of “” Lhe diniitey capable of secing the simple elemental conclusion | hare COT things, ready to try new trails, fo run riska and dire Aim, Ihave reapect all och: » benatiiacleineed | fot the GCoures, eoeh dis Concentmation, Wyull- tom that if every person the unknown.” Power, amd’ Mbemory, Liv préatest. main 44 in the country was «a Thesewords of Thr, Nansen have stirred a re- Self.Contidenes,”' (8B S213.) Pelmanct—thai is, bad aponee in the hearts func evi of thanaamcle al men gone thiragh the Pel A Shop Assistant writes: “1thas piven me a and womet. main oowme and opplied crvetal-clear purpose in bie, From i mere ite principles and AWE bas felt, the horrible. pressure of drifter it has tronaforme| me “into # pro- Everyone tem to his or her daily monotony. Everyone has experienced the ten- gressive youn miu My Seli-Confidence has hten iImeragsed ten-fold," (P aes: } life, we shenid” he o dency, which must at all costa be resieted, to fall 7 thoroughly well-educated into therut of routine. Everyone who has remthed | A Doctor writes: “Tam Pome tine ny pro. atiat e iee and well-organised tice, ‘ * ot | it Certain age knows how the “fresh eves" fessiotial powers of (heervation have Dp ved. Lord Walsingham. “™ hepood maeaniee wouth aro apt io- become clouded and nnobeervant To-day hag been an exceedingly heavy tshee— : superior to what we are in 6o that opportunities which micht mean advarnce- Cheeta 0hb to T30 pa. with. 60 minutee for keeping our pesitionand influence in the world.” ment pass byunacen and are lost. rinala : vob Loam mot halfso tired aa umial, And thousands of men and women who feel | pttribute thi te efee in Coneentration on In the above statement Lord Walsingham «x- aise afbor case. My hearing has ales improved like this, who realise that they are getting into the presses o truth which is of the utmost importanes from ibeence of etrain. T consider your Course to everyone who wishes to Ieresse his or her dutchey of the machine of custom and routine, simply invaluable, and wash o great many and losing their Initiative, their Daring and their pete T know could take it.” {T S2302,) efficiency and to play a worthy part in the work Sel-Contidenss, arc writing to the Pelman Inati- of the world. tute for advice amd finding » certain remedy in Hundreds of similar cases will be found in “* The Thin truth ia being Tecopmiserd by the thonaaneda that wonderful system. of Soientific Mind-Training | Effivient. Mind,” a litth: book which everyone ought to get and ‘read. af men und wore oof all ranks, profiesions aril known to the world ns Pelmaniam. ecoupations who are practising Pelmaniem at the A Railway Clerk writes: “Sines taking -vour Strengthening Seli-Confidence. preacot time, (Soren [ have ore Confidenéa mn. myself | Thia book shows you how Pelnianiem eliminates Mr. E. F. Geneon fy —" Pélmeniam ia dis- L have a definite Aina am life, Auto-Bugeestion tinguished primarily by ite aiaptntitity to in-~ haehelped ine a promt deal,” (B 82449.) envinemees, Pear, Boredom, Laseituds, Timidity, Forgetininess,; Blacker, Lat Conticence, Wrestle: dividual needs and TI ean conceive of no mind, A Business Man writes: “ T- have: been pro- nese of Will, and other Hanrnlul and Depressing unless it he that of the |mper-man, which will not motel to the. position of General Manager. find in the Peiman System the tonic to cure ite When IT took up the Pelmwan Courage 1 know Moods, Tendenries.and States of Mind, and howin T had the abilities to-eneceed, but truly you ther place it develops Courage ond Initiative, peurbic tlar: ailments, oth af ia an apt heceia. af alicwesl i. bow."" iF Sai} | Self-Confidence and Crwramisrnnss Power, mid litte commonsense. and T know of no higher praise than that.” A Health Visiter writes: “The Pelman Course Our where, mind to a higher level of achiewerent. hiea ment o mew lifea verrtalde: reacfror Pélmonism tiaine your mind Write drift) and déepondemy, Doody wish IT had on schertific’ Lines. Ik gives for Free Book To-day. known of Ft before.” re S1aG6.) you fresh eyes ond a brighter The revised Pelman Course embodies the resulta A Scllelior writes: “IT anuat thank, the In- | brain. dt mikes “yor mind of the latest discoveries in Psychology, and is based stitute for the grost bonefite I have roceivod keer, alert anid resourceful. on the experienee gained by the Institute in the from the Pelman Course. My only regret: ia eo \ It doubles your efficiency, cours Of training the minds of over 500,00) men that I did not takit voora ngo-—pt wold | frracopy ret li pi vies yikh thee OC aes bch and women. The Courseis quite simple and oeaby have saved me o iat of worry, J mounsider oftiisBock5. to follow. It i4 extremely the emall foes for the Course cone of thea beat strike ont for yourself on new interesting and it only To-DAay takes up o few minutes of your time: every day, investinenta I have ever mode. The Course lines, It fits you for promotion certainky dees overything which je chimed intl eb bles GH t-te Carn im hig bias c Lae, Readers will find « full deseription of the re- for 76 in the advertisementa.” (P a2) The revised Felman Course ia now ready. It vised Courae uno little bookentitled * The Ritcient A Shop Assistant writea: “The fea I paid is fully explained in “The E f f i c i e n t ’ Mind.” Write Mind.” A copy of this book will be sent gratia for the Pelman Course waa the beat invest- or c a l l for a free copy of this book today, Tt will and post free, to everyone who applies for it— ment J aver made [am in a meh: better be sent you by return, g r a t i s , and post free, on ming the coupon printed below. With thia book finincinl position, having had severitl increisis writing for it now, t o -day, to the Pelman Institute, will be sent partioulara showing haw you can en- insalary. Dano ken Observer: mit Memory a Pelman Houte, Bloomebury Street, London, rol for the revised Pelman Course on the meet je 4a pood-na 1 can wieh for; above all, 1 have RCI. learnt how to get the most enjoyment cut of convenient terms, Write to-day to the Pelman life, Tl this I attribute to DPolmariam.” Titedera irka oon call at ite Teetitute will te Institute, 95, Pebman House, Bloomshury Street, (G 2620,) ermal meleomed, The. Chlef Civdulpand London, W.CA, and thie book will be sent. to you Beit dé delighted to. dyire @ bale peddh facra, ibtd A Student writes: “Afterfwo years: on tha oO JO ii Beare for Aaalpiee, by return, free af eos, | eames ayllatie for the same examination I waa very tined, very bored and fiat petting inte o& rut oof drowsy lazinesa ond despair. POST THIS FREE COUPON TO-DAY. Pelmanicin bie gotome ont of that rut, for which 1 thank you heartily. I have now o Ukdeep ep reed id SRLS great interest in my work, oy old ambitions, To the PELMAN INSTITUTE, hapes and tilitant spirit have returned in- 95, Pelman House, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1.

Vioiracbed, Both mentally irul. physioally I gee e feel strong and very much alive.” (H W412.) ares Sit,— Please send. me, pratte and. post free, am copy of “THE EFFICIENT MIND.” with full A Passport Offiee: writes: “Tt has improved my jure icnlara showing me iow can corel for the revised Pelman Courseon the moat convirnent terms thinking, increased. my powers of observation, witened my gutlook, hnoproved my Memory iid Powers of Concentration.” (Fi 32682.) A Writer saya; “I managed to scours a good post at-my own berins& week ao Without ary question. IT believe if is the confident sand ATSGRESS.... toental alortoeas: born of Pelmanign which cnobled me to tackhy @ managerand permunde hiv thot I wae the men ho neodel, 1 cannot thavk Peimanam too much for ennbling All Correspondence ia Confidential, me to conquer my wbsent-mindedness, and the olel habit of petting nervous ind forgetting retPers re erated rin tsefeet 2 et ieeeee half J wanted to say, my old careless slipa all Crerneia Bearneier-: Pa RIS SOG; Rie Holealegiild NeW FORKS Th). Wat) bth “Sire, day-long.” ° (T. 23180.) ADB0AGis Ml, J tiasfere Lave, BVHBAN: Suto Hank Chimera JRE& 08h lien oped me Se Oespowrn Bb Tae| RADIO TIMES . PROGRAMMES for SUNDAY,OcOctober 23

10.30 thin: LGamotey { 2L0 LONDON and ee. DAYENTRY fhe Gathenne of the Hans, cried "The StenchA | (snus 830 ko.) (1,604.0 m. 187 ko) a brave apne tach that ie CRE 2 Ve earn i wart fortinite ong bo

Fommast —— SEE ——————S Witness at Blair Athol. 3.30 A LIGHT ORCHESTRAL CONCERT | §.20-5.30 Tanes From THe Onn TesraMent Ncw DEESScVey A Peophet's Prehbetion TRE Wier 54 CORCHESTRA, comoiched hy 1 Rings, 3h, werses 2-43, and xn, 134 donk Axeery 5.0 A RELIGIOUS SERVICE ih Ly ey RORTHCOTE (Tener Sd Aa Rey ok 4 Paanoberiees Avéicirees lay thie Very Rey, 6. LL, Warn, Dean ok LIRCH EST RA the Thistle and Chapel Royal Liverture to."Fark Ttlas : Si, from Bdininergh Metrncal Psalm 61 (Tune, Kilmarnook} 24 Sronrr Norracon Wikh Girchbestr Prayer Hest | Ve peomic, n¢nid your hearts Prose Peale 1 HAL, " Li with ml] your fs arte : Leseort, I Corinhiatie, Chapter xiii a 45 BLA wracae FE Labs Prayer Réhersa in EK Manes Anthem, * 1) Lowe: the Lord: * a SPREE ona Prelude nnd Fiigue in - 2 Minor, Op ise Achcirese Short Prayer 2.56 ORCHESTRA Hymn," TL heard the Voice of desis say (Ney alo, boat hig re ron AL Abs arrekiee Night's Dhrenire: * Church Hymnary, Reve) Edition} The Were Rey CL. WARR, Benediction id. 10 hhatmniokn Cote, with Orehestru Voeper, * 0%Saviour, ore owe Part” Pinnotorte Concerta in CG Minor who broadcast sermon from Edinburgh. will be relayed by London. and Daventry tonight. \ EN DELSSOBA'S Ttnlinn andl Swrss. teve in 6.45 Teu Weer's Goon Cavan: Appeal br the _ TENT, whit he wae twenty-bwe, dehihtod Rt: Hon. Wisstos Carmen. on behalf of tie h in, Wl fl Aue Royal Infant Orphanage, Wanstead worlsoowhich he wrote-scoon alber his 452. O8CBESTRA He Cee. mee ye —, 1 o be on oxpression of Ins hiph “Sireotoh | oh Tony Pe ib} the Contenary year of the Orphanage, ap Vt, foe ivesth in rnjoving the piesa res Phu whith isn school for tatherdes: ehpclren al too biaubifal side nnd fe wee bring him, ( LACK responsivencts the middle classes, and is almost canis oie ) anatiihe is a Chatachoristat of the fine artist, There-are three Mivornienite it tadea bore ind girls of o few. ononthe,old, if B reaomee he sath) ahmulus often lL. (Vory Grint ahery. | Montlelssclin pines "The HtCliT) nectesiry, to help the mother, Baginning in the fd petting down his ioopressiconas whieh wt mney Tbe hae Firett Main Time, which takes the fort ehiursery. they pass throuch. the wartechook it waa with Mondelashn when, the Fiano has by ttanlf. in mimeis. = > his tell they reach Muatriculatin @elandard et tbe The molars tand- (itchestrn for a while toss a fie OE eden ot twisty, he paid his first visit ape of seyvontienn, nicl spent ark cheabehtiul ane = nonmversitiomll ball to mad fre, mnthen the cqerrtet: to thie country, Cantriinitions Showld be eet to the Secretary, Beconed Moin Tans ereepe in, weeka in touring the Aighlands of Beotlanc. Royal Infant Orphinage, Wanttead, 1.71, Theap tinct are developed in vigorous fazhion, His Hebrides Overtire sand the AteSim. fd after their recaprtutation, a: Trumpet ond phony both reflect the experiences of that happy 6.50 Wrarner ForetastT, GarknaLt News Bri Horn Pree ET hera Ts toreehie av for the Text tne. Levis: Local Announcements. (Daventry onty; Movermink whieh follows without a beep The Emer MovEsest- bering in A fottenbe Shipping Forest LI. (Rathersiow.) One Main Tune, a PREBLE ant toelanchely ephit andes on to treat fre nal testiol, softies here [tas Piven tet bw the well-oontresbed I tums; working thenap into a 9.5 ALBERT SANDLER Lain. te whieh Mendelesshn weefool of civime abormny: oLinmax tind finashing with the sack meleky and the themes, The Mavement torneista of delionte, heard atthe commencement. CRAND HOTEL, .BASTRODASE. varie! repetitions of this, by either the Soloast In the Becown MoveEMnae foonmected with thy

+1 ORCHESTRA of the Oitrelestra, First by two plucked String chords), the High- landers foot ta ¢ hie nolive heath and Earn Fronwepoer (ontralto} TT. Asher inteolactory section (Vers quick) Relaved from the Grand Hotel, Kasthiurnor leds te the brilliant Firet Main Tune, 2 gallop hia step is light and. free. for the Piann. Hermia the essence of youthful The Taino (Slow) Moveaesg has iret Main ORCHESTRA : Vitneltiy, that ju Mendelachn wae never tinged Tine dull of feeling, ond o Second that is polemn Belection on famous songs by Landon Bonalit with Yilearity, but ahroye had in if something Andi todureh-hke. "In the Last MoveMestT we: haven. vivicl pic- Lorre FF vaca high-ftonoed are Lith, hire of Roottish. leriisom diel strife in “old; wine © Lovefrom thy power (° Samoon ind Delilah Alter the opening Tome tomes 4 second idea, Movernent,. we Sinl-Saiya hOOTECOROn- of arpeggios, Toh asec Phoroarh- happy. far-off dava.’ Inte this may take it t lve: Composer wove! his-memones of ut thee Miotericnnts. Flower Song: (" Fatist “) a... a ee Geer A third motive ist pitas for Flutes, consisting ALBERT AAS DLE of on repented four-nete fimute, the soconcdl note Violin Solo; Andante and Finale from the Viol trilted. Comet rhc a Wie aria ad wa . Af ale Laer Ul FINE thas tiauberials with brilliayut Bponbnrieits nnd handing ie rehestry (epacially the Wood. Biren Foroepor : wind) with dahehtfol ease aod certainty, Mendels. The ‘Carat tof three “birds Popeeee aaa aohn works wp the. Movement, age rounding ib off Abide with-ime (by request) iT T ees erent with o final irresistible outbures. ORCHESTRA 44g OoYOoARY KoRTHOOTE Election on ol Eneticsh Bons, "The Bose’

——— Death Bonu of the Boyar or,yditictos a tin Wines of Bong 10.30 EPILOGUE We nuikarne ets Love



The Reyal Infant Orphanage, Woneteod, for which the Ghancellor of the ExchequerMr. Winston Churchill (above) will appeal from London ond a Daventry tonight.

lal RAa TIMES A Tae PoetORE m2], 198, a t e

Sunday’s- Programmes continued (October 23)


2o0-530 SLB. from Leno = | 8.08.5. from Evlinburgi 3.30 A MILITARY BAND CONCERT Tre Wrreenssa Moorrany Basin, condmoted: by 6.45-10.30 S28. frons Londo 5.0 GL, Watton ODossra, HGcinniierewonbsh

Mainte Wineos (Yinlm]) Tar SarrMate Vow Caom, conducted SWA CARDIFF. eek352A, by Ae, Anrnirk Barren

Gasp a.ed EVENSONG Turkish March from * The Bonne of Adan Relagerd fren thie CATHEDRAL, ‘ars, Heethocen Overture, “AHonin- Cormival’: 2... 6... Bertie Are ink Bie for thes Toachine pfreengien. rt Bratal anil Distr == Pe RNS OF ATHENS was ao inditterent Ornlor of Service play Ley Koteobue. written for thi Oper Prevessioral: *terupmlem:” 5. f A. Parry of &- theatre, for whieh Becthaven wae caked RI te at SELLE) aad DC Cee Ea ees ewhentl muse, Wie het aoorcely Thos Leer anything if thie nowidive, oxeepih this Terthoushs Macnificet-and Nune: Damittia imPlat shreres, Thotoybe renarced that the chic work | OC) Wood Ol Thoniiiean in Athens, tha dimmer to the Parthenon, waa wrought not by a ‘Turkieh, but Anthes And Josue entered inte the Ternple Miss MARIE WILSON Walfent aes bya Venetian explosive. fl ver some violin soles: in ithe Miltary Band Concert Address by Der. Oven, Nonwoop, Hoacmaater | BRLIGSAhad «a white-hel lavagerand ian nlwaa's from HOB thin alternoon. of Harry fehoal ropa hy Lick Pact ¢oot briliantees in thie Treiest Hori," Prates, ay aon), line King of Heaven” ruditiergiaeent war, “Add to that tha fact that he 9.0 A LIGHT SYMPHONY CONCERT (4, ane ML, Ao, S08) hadi at his tager-tips on smasing krowledga of Oren Voluntary: bantesia im Gh Minor orelesttalion, tte] VWouwnay will expect that in Fron. Gort ‘ inteLF h Ata Grrrriy this pictureafl A foment Cornéorl, in the sixteenth lor EresCHAM 4Toh Ay MiOY. Osc ELESS TA A. century, hecwill make you sen the porgequ¢ affair i] bry Tia. (ierittvecrt1 MaOIL Saagey et 4.45 THE CENTENARY OF A GREAT WORK. me ovividhy 8 he clad when te owrete the Dyertores Anraurk Craswmr ij Gariteng| ‘Tato th B Puatr, (3p, 09 .. Rossivc (Schubert) 3.45. Manme Wioso7 Che riarre: “Doh ‘The Barber of Sevilla’ Vernon Ceasar acd Oeehestina Written in Onotohber, [S27 Nochime (Op. 72)... I a. Ghepin, arr. shee Air, * Laiclios Are £1) henge ede © (ies fan | Periormel by the Srarion Taio. Fnawk Trow4a Hunparion Dance (Na, 4, in F) Tuts) Mozart (Violin), Hox AL ELAS ECG iVWiolonertios, Srefena, arr, Joochie Huser Pexcepny (Pianolorte) Brilliant Polonales (Op. #) 4. o. 565 Wientowabi OaecnksTnhs The" Leonelo no Symphony (se 1 DOA on) Ehoegetn OCHUMANN once, with choracterietic enthu- aiaam, wrote of thia Trio by Selubert: 255 Wasa Antratuk (raha The Phrook Sehubert One planct-ot it, and this poor world of ours Pour Ghd eagltelt Demet ise es » ote Dream in tho Tw iligelit Hiehery Serene appears freehand brigiyt” Stately. Bence; Rustic Dance; Graceful Hroedliction Theory fica ‘the fret oof Schubartstwo Piano Trias dance; Count ry Dances iwhieh wore owribien in clog auecess(on), and is URCHEATHA in four separate Moverionts. Vulostte . Sargent @15 Crom Pins MovemMes? (Moderately quick). Schubert Palist Fa 1-1 oak: ; . Ohebrier aria cut atone with a splendid exultinc: tune, ag Tart Sori, The Wanderer : : Elgar Anthtch CRAN MEE mul On bret rth Phied: ba Violin ariel 'Collo i octaves, Pree ntly at Anthem, * Jlesn, Tbover of my etal" aba: Husslicd) [ta ie ot Ps ma ce ; .» Beathoren | Piane takes up the The: Areeompanierl hy a BoE, Part Bonga. (ECHESTERA » Waa Dowell rapertod Chord in the Vihelio, aan oa few lew Crodle Anne oe Second Sint a from" Teea Hib toy poaa a Oe Haro betores a ten Wilford Dapied | plucked notes im the-"Gello, “Then ‘all three get

a 10.30 EPILOGTE {From Birnwghay) busy with frogments of if,

= Hake) RDB. ec eee ie a Wier oA while, the music qutetens down, “Cello pauses on 430 Bano A uch note, then, Starting with i Buleetion from ‘I Pagliacci’ that note, begina the tendo (*The Viay-Actora *) Beco Main “Tune, Leoncanalia A Third Tone - j a owsedt fo romnd off this sect; then a3

= Marie Wir.sox 430 dong -* ewe Lop ries nt”. stetion Arva (Dainty: Walts) follows, in whieh the too Mam Paul. Jinan Tunes are | mato ori * (hep hens: iro Velody: (irom noel. combracd, Finally, this fuck, are. Kreialar firet seetinn is repented: with

— of Lois “HIT 'g tirie and = Bong only alight alterations, We ohperi, arr. Kircisler SeookD. Movement (Ato _ steady pave). Tt is noticeably

a $.6 Harn in Hits Moyerncint Chat thie “Gellio Symphonic Poom,.°* Dance of janis continually playme in Eheth ” (anes Miaeahens ita highly pootic upper range, Sqt-Sarias TH MoveMint, Souris La Cinqoauntaine Gabriel Maria i Past}, The Dtalian were Spanah Bnenie, " Bovilleana ’ “SCHETZO 6 © 6 MER ak Joke, but Elgar i if ” re, aa frequentiy, tare & theta ok: Pree whic 5.20-5.30 TALES Frou THE. Winn i general, ory hvely anid TESTAMENT full af goer epirite, (See Lenton) Fourth Movers, Bospo (Quick andlively). This Ronco S.0 4A RELIGIOUS SERVICE a: fh long Movernent, and iain (Sea Leoretone) roality, rather camplirated, But, in effect, itis wry. light and oven frivoigus, $45 Tar Wree's Goon Caves (Fron Aieeeingher): Appel 5.20-5.30 §.28. from London

im bohalf of the ipmminghan $8.0 S.A. from Edinkorgh Students’ Hospital Carnival by Sir CHaniie Ayo AN AERIAL VIEW OF BRISTOL CATHEDRAL, 645 SB. from TLonmton (9.0 Loeul Annoumocnients) from which a = ial service. for the teaching profession, with an address by the B50 Weatsre: Forecast, Headmaster of arrow, Dr, Cyril erwood (inset), will be relayed by Cardiff Station 10.40-11.0 THE GeykeaL News Borner this afternoon, SILENT FELLOWSHIP

bg ze E =a


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ave a—ee,ESoan . _LOeromme EL, 1937,

-PROGRAMMES for MONDA Y,October 24

SSS = Bia cin iawendes | 2L0 LONDON and sXX DAVENTRY je= rile—_$—<—— ——__ = | Baso Hy) Pia. §restan, | (36.4 mM. 830 ko) (6048 Mm. 187 ke) GHEENWICH ; WEATHER in : | Thieme. and Vartatione Fornecast = =. — Se Se —————S==——— —_——SS SS Waktow OF Doriatt 1.0 (Daventry only) Tae Davextexy. Qrarter 645 Toe Davewray Quarter eee Crtunrnr Sacra 1 Hazen, Dawes (Bonne tid : ; bone Circ fe ee ee ek Tee ve oe : we et 100 Mr. ‘Deewoxp MacCanrey: Literary Buckland revi : = : Mens " 1 12.0 A MORNING CONCERT ; eae! Resi)ove wise desani = eetiie. Prank SenneBridge fag. Davestay Quarrec ond Mone. Runmrr 7.45 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC a, ane te (Pianoforts) : Monnaw Morais (Baritone } Havos Frsc Sowaras a 42 Bisn = eee 4 : Flaved ty El. Kaexpan.-Tavion : 1.0-2.0 AN ORGAN RECITAL erie eee nae Tealan Capeioe...1 eda tay) Toherideoeal:iy By E,. Ty Cook Teo ME. MO BrePHAN tf French Reading TN 1880 Tehaikoveky paid a visit to Ttaly, Htolayed freia Southwark Cethedra 946. Mir. WA) Ducuanarex - "The Baahantea I itu was pleased with the popular tures be Orga Sonata, Do, 2 i. pa. ca Ss _ Stanford “Wir ; y hae: Se ee Sete eS heared people einging there: Some of them ha ES = pills te. i" ; ] CEnid up sii ae eee{os he catia 3s , ott a 8.0THE WIRELESS MILITARY HAND De ee ee ee ee Wiolin Sonata ined Minot os. ois ve ee ew dodel Cinidocted by Bo Wiest "Deses mf the musain the Composer hoard when ho stayed ierae Fe : ocean nent o& barracks im Home, “Then various: folk- ELT. Coon fs COTHERRT SMITH (Buritone} songs are brought im, { AND ‘Surstim Corda (Lift ap cyour hearts!) 0... Ager The last section of thiq work is in. the style Ls Overture ta ' The Flying Dutchman '.... Wagner UL Gch acne isles bees a 20 ce veiw area il the lively Tarantells cece. Miss Nonanw Brows DUTCH sailor-captain swears he will sail | d round the ©apr, in thi teeth af Palea, even $0 Weatrner Forecast, Skooxp GrveraL NEWS Air for the G String... eine eee sees ves eh though he should sail till Doomeday., The Devil GOLLETIN: LET. Cop takes him ot his word, and he ie condemnal to aaa] until (in Wagner's version) he finds a women ‘Choral Prelude on the * Old iosth? 2.62. Parry 9.15. Mr. Dowenas Woopnerr: ‘On. being hewrd willing to share his. unendinip travele, ‘After and mob geen" * Sonate ENEi EN eI a ge rede 3 Ye Aiernberger many years, he finda such o. self-aserificing woman, but wishing, in hia love for her, to eave M* WOODRDFE, o former President of tho | 2.20Mies Raoni Power: ‘Hoyaand Girls of Her from in doom such aa hie) he ledvesdt- her. ~ She; - Oxford Union Society, will be remembered the Middle Agesa—The Friara in the School however, throws berself into. the water to- join forhie witty speech “in the teoont debate tn

Honas * him ; the spellia broken by ber renunciation, and c Sport (es Hy Tees” in death they find reat theuther, N the thirteenth .centory, whilst St. Franets The Overture is practically on. epitome of the $39 Local. Announcem wits. (Dacentry onty) of Avaiki waa still alive, tho first friars of Oper. Acdoniitiating motive is that of the Shipping Forecast the Order that he founded came to England Curse, heard in s strenuous call againat o teaching, preaching and ministenng to the quivering, starry -backernind, Phere is: acon: . St. Brancawie one of the moétattractive trasting, prayer-like tune; ‘ond also a pay 8.35 CHAMBER MUSIC

of the. medinwial saints, and the-. Prunciscome aniior-eong, Theew “are all repeated with in- Etsm Suopagy (Soprano), were gront spreaders of learning aud sincere cngkang force towards the end,

fdenda of the people. In thistale - we shall . Tne Bu DaArEsT Taio : hear oftherm sa teachers and preachers, and of 8.30 CerWREST MTT r Nicorks Rorn iyicin} : orcs Horn ( Gello) i their founder and hie wornderhal life, Bir’ Egtars PH Nye ota ': As DHeAS PRE (Pianotorte) lid frien, Eh WwW Lredcitt, ee ee eae al oF Moments Ht 3.6 Great Storica told by J.C. Sronanr and Many la my tem flonghing t .i...... itienberth Tae) Otriresr Tar T SommnviiLe—V, ‘The Story of Odyeneua’ Loves Philosophy 3.5... (iucitor Tria-in. D for Violin, Cello andl Fiano (Op, 70, ;

HEstory that will be re-told today ia one that Ko. Ly. pe tale a A a eee! os “thantay - har given ite namie to al] ators of wander: pee fnaurth- of Beethoven’6 “Triins. for" Piana, ing and adventure ever eince Homer's 0 ‘yescy, y potina, atte elowe owritbed im the eounbiey, d which tells of the strange happenings that befeaM the Bite Sumner (1803)-in-which he finkeherdhia the eraftiest of the Greekson his ten-years’ greatFifth Syrptiony, the Pastoral Symphony, ~ journey beck to hig island kingdom of Thhace atid’ the Chéral Fantasia, He waa thirty-seven niter the fall of Trov. years old, and hie virile forcefulness. and. high aypainite were at there highest. Ho bud athained 3.15 THE DANSANT ull mastery ot-expreesion, amd the music he waa Ton Loxsnon Ranio Dance Baxp, then writing has tremondows’ clinetiness, Directed by Sroexny Firman This Fourth Trio, and ane other; together forna hia Opa .70.>:The Fourth ia written in three i winel separate Movements, Dows ond Ersm Warten Hh (Bonge-at the Piano) 10.0 PEveare &0pparr With Kioses (Entertainer) WirtSeorr (Mouth Organ) The ‘Mother's. Sone (Wiegenlied, OWp. HIG, Now 2) pa cee eed peer ee es Sat 1 (Lachern und Sehubiert | 5.0. Misa L, My Yar + SA Glimpes oF a Sent ly Langhing and Weeping las | ‘Ajrican Hons , WPELTION swe mie ea ee (eee Games MP Fics PCT ial ye ae enw ey Hohe ate eee and melon cubes amd jam iver's atlas nso eg Meboa"und all -thoay Detteh honiyte that livo Jong in tho memory ‘of all. who have | 10.15. Tae Bunaresr Tew 4 aken of South Afriean hospitality, will be danonget tha features| of housekeeping im the Trio for Violin, ‘Cella and Piano Fernand Lalous Tranavael that’ Miss Yates will deseribe. (First Performance)

§.15° Taw Cmipgen's Hove: Piano Solos by 10.30-11.0 Ao PI4AsOrorre HEecrraLn ay S@ecil Thixen.--Songafrom: ‘Teddy Eear* (H, Iniv&pe Merk Proscr-Somson) aang byDale Smith. The Story. i i, of ' The Grent Bronk Tulip’ (H. de. Vere Siac. Bomatw iO Coieeee ee Mgsari a poole}, “A Wrong Turn "(writ Fallow) Nine old Huonganan Danco Songs ...... Aartak g oe ca eae ce aera wie r Weta eae

60 Tne Davester Qvanrer Allewrn. .. oni mane og nai Ya ae i ee | Koctaty :

ST. FRANCIS ANDTHE BIRDS. Rhapsody in © fore ees Dah nye .: 6:20 Girls and Gove’ Chiba Bulletin One of the most charming stories of St, Francis af Assis: 1 thot of the *ertion he preached to the birds, 11.0-12.0 (Derentry o n l y ) DANCE MUSIC? Kertser’s Five, directed by Srorrney GELDER,

6.90. Tiwk Sten. Gaeeswich; Watarn Forr- = The coming of his friare to England will be the subject | oan, Finer GervitaLNews BuLLeTin fram oetiner's Restaurant of Miga Rhoda Power's talk this afternoon. # ft = SS a ee es ie

Uitroeen £2), }eeT — &ADIO TIMES | 24) | } =.Monday’s PrograMIMES cont'd (October 5GB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL | | (4315 MM. #10 ke.) ao Ta VYorcrorn's BRivepnt "TRatre OncHEes- | 6.45 rH, ¥ it TOE LEE BEAT el TRA. from the Riveli: Theatre WY EE. Trask (lenari

4.10 A: MILITARY BASTUNCER Citerigne ‘bo 7 Oleron Ha ree Fy Fite Aiea Powe Petite Sa Pe , om Fri aay Tre Ciry or Bremieonanm J ATi [+4 AE F"[CRRER Laomineted be TiCnARD Vy) Assit 7.10 W.E From iba Lari of the Sky Blue Water Cin dhord Torch March... oy SEE » Perr Retford th eae |o VERE? .. A Lda BF Pree F is better with Uverture bo he Sharkenn Der PF regachinie *) | Wisdaree’s Night Borg Kerei Aorne iferiin Neher | Nichifall det asp a Montague Phot pe plenty of Peney Masvitesrice (Ten) BESTE! Wool Mari Shank ] Albieliriw ALOE | by ile eLELLA ae city Ferelyn Shear py Len Ar “lla I lio. happy, nose. i aford | Barca Wnt itt or Bluebell Wood Banteck Handel ih te bar TATE « ow Geren 735° WE TURNER Se 425 Wirt Ganowe (Pnterianer) Part Priueri. influding ‘The Wethding im Fairy- Bowe TD oo noe mor f-roVvinr Wt. Whe Lam ~~ gurpal Uther Bids: . . Gardrer Thy Beaming Fvos. . Afr Pinel Hakn Madonmn Liahiges:: wor at Cheney CMeuria thers ond Prone thom the Foortly Symphony 7:45 Sexrer Paha rar iy, ore, Godfrey Fantasinen Biseia’ Carmei are iWaodiniueac |

sfCOLATE x oO Made by

The firm with, 100 years reputation

fe The 20 Best Valve Sets Hamu. A NEW DANCE TUNE COMING FROM KETINERS FIVE Circuits, diagrams and specifications. Thi pri ilar Cance archertra, directed bay Geoffrey Gelder [amet fl the ceplre ol the miclure above, | will aan be on the ae teniht, when SCH relays them mugic between [hLES and 11.15, | A 32-page

| Magechy Panmure (Contralts) 5.0 POPULAR CHAMBER MUSIC Frag Bremiaghany |. Booklet, fully Whe Livers Cer. es - | Hivghea l tener where 2 Or eu o-es es Toe PremBC STR Ci LRTET i Pal (eo froma winelow, Bean (let Violin}, Haroun Minis: (2nd Violin), PeerE fi illustrated with | Gathering Latocils Frank 7ENTOR (Viola) Hktterear STerEN (Violorecelia) Ba 5.0tiny , AEA [CHESTER Oriarte: in ceoe Aayitn photographs th Kuinedam } A the See. 4 AeELC Pee tf 8.35 LEETIEAS The Lanes i (irl. . baeratone faobel |... ae = . Pronk Firwige rereee and diagrams, T dee Aller ‘ oinherer :; . Aa ric Sen When thy Lal ages rh Via i . Hoesen Rome rittet Le Sail Stanford M-tiaaride om thw Wood’. . . Chel: Pax Yarmouth Fair <; rr. Wertocr The Balls of San Nias is ee ohPRL Wiilee., Rmastcrehon Awrtpet's Lite |) climes FREE A 35 QUARTET Sahin Sarorude: | oe es Chenin eerie, B.C) Tonk Vaniateone iron the = oper” Qhiarbeb: (ype 78, Nei eee ee Hope| 3-25. Marcrey: Pairs Luneoa Muandalatohn with this week’s lie: err ie | Young lave eu. Slow Movement from Quartet in F Dara Con ben beer Alernnr Bthers Cm Quartel in D Miner... vee auderrrmce fird of Bhiw Cerin 9.0 VARIETY | AMATEUR | Wrur Le ARR ER TaLeor (VFannnet A din! hmrl Real Pornsate ond Staspeny (in Harmony) The Taxi Accent Cire HEATRICE bE I fonraonn: (Charact=r ioate } est) del" MMareuriy Crarnam aod Dwrie (A Spot of Bother) WIRELESS Hawi 14.6 Wrarnen Poencssr, Srcosp ClLexEnAn isgiue fret Much Ada About AoHing | bre rerio rad hews AVierrin Now on sale. Usual price, 3d. 10.15-11.15 DARCE BECSIC +: Kerrser's 5.45 Lar (Ct Liohkkes A Boon (fron hy rg | Five. directed by Gtorreey GELDER, from |. Get yours early 6.30 Tite Sos At tiReeswicn ; Wrarnne Fore- hetiner b Hestar ITETE DAT. eee Th ThMews BEnaeres i Mi CCEA Progronmined contenced on page LH.)

—- RADIO TIMES — = = ChernSar:

Mfonday’s Programmes continued ( C c t o d e r 24)

a 326.1 MM, 10.30-11.0 A DISTURBER OF 66M BOURNEMOUTH. $.0 KC. 6.9 London Progranime alee from Daventry TRAFFIC 6.30 Su from Landon A Play in Three Act by ‘17-0-1.0 Grim oplione Rowsorcts Heiotker SveaKs 7.45 CONCERT INAUGTRATING THR ZH Landon Progenine relayed irom Raven bry Adapted for the-Alicraphane Fovarn Maxciesren Wore: Bess ESUBrTios

5.0 Miss A. K, Loxarren, * Trish Sea Porte in the Mra. Hugh Warrington, better known as Betty Daventry, an netress who is popular Relayed froin. the tity Hall Fifteonth and Sixteenth Centuries” kith interviewers anc ain uneribiGal pubhie, bat BewwsA Bainiae (Soprend) (Pictore on page: 195.) sho etenes: dhiseetisfierdd wrth hee. Tinaihabiores MAGEE Giysae (Tenor) 6.15 Tur Cirmpnex’s Hover Ad. lenge bohe a reet ariet. Cyn ahe ride be ‘LAR AQawkstTEp Bratrics OrcuesrH as pu Her hishane, novell ard rite, dae Comdiocted by T. A. Moriarsion not Tonesily think she ean, but the * disturber 6.0 London Programm relayed Pecerek Daventry QRCHESTRA of tentiie,” by bringing thea first shadow of 6.30 oe from fanden (2S. Loval Annamer domestic disverd imto Betty's life gives her- Overton to" Paton diary oe nes PF aeuprice monte) tnwithinelhy—the experience she nests, Bumbe, "lve Pao Pigeons * isc.cboce: Messages =o f TE he LA Bai =: 9.35 FRENCH BALLET MUSIC Betty Daventry fan-Actress:: in private life, Mra OQ come, donot delay (° Figaro")...... Mozart 9 THE STATION Ucrer Bough Warrington} Ass Briand ORCHESTRA 7 Bulhet Moetrod" Fait oye. - . Gone Mra. Amyat (fanoug under the stage fame of | hha Phillipa Glyn). Ditka GiwpEeN First Hongerian Rhapsody in Fo...c.... Det SS Gacy Vain (aoprang) Lady Mattaverr s.. , Derotay Hotow sar WALTER GLYSNE Maciel ys epee ete te ee Rayner {a Parlourmaid) J), Aor Ror Bieri. (ety ere eee aa aera ee Phan(ole Clonnda Ee ee i aeea ee ee Chrdepgurte Afargumn Ellon {a Heusemaid) , Vera Sairros i! Taovely Nighe Lamon Fouad Voisinage (Newghboure). 2.2.22... ORCHESTRA 10.3 Ocrer Introduction to Act TIL." Lohenzrim’ .. Wagadr : Ballet: Muse from." Dehites 90-110 4.8. from London (9.30 Local 10.15 apy. VALLE Auncutee ents} Paysage. (Lanladap) oi ete

une pris (From a prion) si... i. Hatin May 6KH HULL. 4,020 hCG.

Th23 Ocrer 12.0-1.6 London Programme -relayed from Ballet Music to “The Two Pigeons’ .. Meainger Daventry 10.35. Ganvy VALLE 230 London Pragramnie relayed from Daventry Misa Gaby Valle sinats in the concert of French Ballet | Blegy (with: Cello Obhgito} vou... Music that will be broadcast from Bournemouth te 5.0 Mra: RW. tt fUSaTox, Chrietrnids, Cakes Ove tes ¥oux bles (Open thy blic) tase night, and Mr, Cyl Shields gives hes magic and ‘ eyes) hele ar sat eters wave nl arate eee aed §.15 Toe Cire’ s Hoo humour ‘inthe evening programme from Nottmgham,’

10.43-11.0 Octer 6.0 Leon Moresr anil the Araasn Critics

Qorstecnt - I Ballet Muaie to" Aletodiaae so.eee i «heel Hugh Warrington (a Novelist and Draniatist) x, (eonen Honnwar Fox-trot, * Big’ Anode * ..... Hey Jac. (frié The Musical Biwi BOR vic iwesens +. aylikolgierncy - a . Lester Forwitk [Lessee tind -Matiager of the SWA CARDIFF. aha Me Mirror Theatre) Hct, Peamencss Violin Salo," Ay’ Ay’ Ay’ *:.. Oemnan Per = Preire fede pits hai yeni ye aoa Eifion Hagedale oodadan Mr. Cambus (of the Jandy Aecord | In a Monastery Garden Ketelinny 1320-16 London Programme relayed from [ran Kyte: FLeErcwEe® Daventry Pater Garth jai Jourmahset and, Drametist) 6.20 London Programme relayed fram Daventry T. Hass as-CLARK 27.30 TBroapessr ro Scuoors: The Rev. F. W, Act L- The Watrnigton'’s house in. Both 6.30-11.0 SB. from Toate Fone 19.30 Local Moxnay, “The Land: of. the Maple Leaf— Avo rbeeyth- iba}

‘ee hensiigion, A whnhy morning Jourieving Week ; Acr. 11.—Tlim Wwarringtons’ collage nt Goning-on- Uharnes. Anguat 277.8 64. a CONCERT 7L8 LEEDS-BRADFORD. 3.0 AN AFTERKOON.- 252.1 Ma. Tae Srarios Oncrrsrra, conducted hy Act TIT.—The Warrnngtons kone ain Bauth LOGO kt. & 1100 ko. Kocnsington. September. om the. clay niter the Warrick HRartiwaltre fret sight ofie beatess aa ing 12.0-1L.0 Gramophone: Hevords Overtire, ‘Jo n and Sam Saree ices : Ansell Incidental Music by Tar Statioxs Trio Poyvius Newsas (Mozxo-Soprano) 73) Londen Programme relayed from Daventry

. Drink to nie only with thine eyes) arr. $15 Light Music Begone; doll arn... pee eee ed Polteniahne OZY MANCHESTER. 28362" Bc oe ry Mootle batoh THe pee eer 4.30 Deoapcase to Remoong : Mes. FE. Cons cay, QOHESTRA 12.9-1.0 Crinaphones Pedorils ‘Child Lite: in Chinn * 240 London Programme rohiiael from: Dainty 4.0 Tue Scand Sveeaosy Onceesrna, rebainard

“SOBtLenn ca ra iawn. Pree na from the Beale, Thowtre, Leeda Pav.Newstin 3.0 Britian “at Pol ESnnooLa ’ Bing, break into pong ws. ace eee es lon Bir. BE. 2 F, Fini Mae, : Ex porimch te with Plies §.0 Mrs. A. Srouart, “Phe “Women's: Tistitutes Beyond the Son —YV, Howthe Plant obiaing water * awd Agriculture ' The -Braanhble shes (er | ait ey Rootham 3.20 Sreecies AY THe Oresixg Ceaewony §45 Ter Comiaen’s Hope: * By Train to ithe of tha Clouds.’ Bonga by J. Woods South Ttalian SVRccs eek ean , oe dcowlelesolin KOU RTH MANCHESTER WIRELESS 6.0 THe Station Trio Puritm™ Newawin : EXHIBITION 6.90-11.0 -F.8.-. from Eondton (9.40 Local - " Charming Chdlaky fs Spas Mat ee er eral Gorn Crgenized by the Monniester Boon tng Chronicle MyLove 4he's bot o Laaeiey syiit ie Bons af Boat- and Provincial Exhibitions: Ltd. Annotncemnenite) a" Tandi*) Copt, Lan Faasen,; MP; ' * Tho Song of the Palanquin Bearers Aarti. Shaw Who will datlare the Exhabrtion open 6LV LIVERPOOL. 2874.ToT MM. = ORCHESTRA Councillor W. Davy (Lond Mayor Elvet) inthe Chair 1 2.01.0 Grawornoxe Recrrar by. Moses Banres: | Beleetion- from * Lohengrin * fic ene tarde George Reloyved from theCity Hall (himpaes of Great) Composers—V1, 445° Mr. F. zi Bannies, “Thomas Bowdlor and Frederék- Handel" 4.0. Oneuestaan Mvsre, from the Pioedilly Swans" | ieturo Theatre 4 . 0 . Reece's Darce Barn, directed b y Rowarp 5.0 Onciesrins Mellroom 5.0 Mr. Roperr Roses, Producing a Pliny * West, from the Parker Street Café Salection from “The Quaker thirk* , Moncrron $15 Tur Cumpges’s Hore:

=! ‘Sie J iil eh aes Pyeh ieee Bid ge ea 200 aele be oA ,i)ee is hil) isle ie Le aie 3 —s ————— a) pe ne

RADIO TIMES — nine aaa: | a ae ——— = = $$ ———— = —

O Moniayt‘Programmes continued (October24) Se 275.2 M. 272.7 MA. 7.45 WELSH DRAMA AND MUSIC ING NOTTINGHAM. Ooo Cc. GFL SHEFFIELD. hi ne. Toe Statios Tain

Urrerbaure te." Bhoadwer ° Josph Parry 12.0-1.0 London Progradsms telaycd from 12.6-10 | nrohentia Reeards Marre Davies (Contralta) Dayentrs Mirasth WoCMrd ees Scduutoort 230 Lonlon Procramme relayed from Daventry 230 Londo n Progrummoe relayed from Davontrs ¥r Hen Gerddor ... aoe Page:Beas HaALrounr 445° Misi fle_ Tolk : Miss * Mieveterious "Pet 1 . Morac." EL Beer {Tefear} 3.15 A Serorm BReecrran by Crain. Cas Trent. (Pinneforte) and Mane Baker (Soprano) Invocation, “Cambria” .....4 Josep Pure

wie Jan Ontores s Horr i the Fianna, Greosce. J errER=ON Matire Davies 6.15 And Khicnannsos [Pinndforie) Oder War ocaseiseieee es)he Se 215 Oeowes Tha reluved trot the Grand ‘Hotel Aaviongerdd: Sul y Blodea,.., Goya ioe 6.30 3.48. from Londen 7.45 Cnack Bawurens (Pidnoforte) 8 1orden Progarinie relis cl FreonDayvienies B15 ' CROERSO 3"

Wintiast Tree's Laces’ Frick Com CC’ VWeeloore: * *) 5.15 Tae CanmrERs's “Ivanhoe —LH. A Dinmacimn Une Act by Jase: Taomas onduchor, Woast Dens Hewes: Rhaof the tea” |. Af foaencrety Prsicnted for broadoastiag boy Cre. Famios (Conjurer) Eaxeetr Hroasks and THE Swaxsea Wire hice Aw Ls 6.0 liekical Forbert Draws SocteTy PLA Theme onal Variations aan dies be Ta ge (ia onner Cymeriadau—(Charncters 2 (OTH 6.20 London Programa eeleved from Daventry Joho Davies (an elderly Welsh peasant terns) A Mia Boren ge ac a ye Dons i, PS Wacrees 6.30-11.9 8.8. from Londow (9.90 Loos] An- Prabab eek Srey ari els erence esrperen a ea a ee te yg 48 Aenacheal Jane Davies (his wife); Assig Lewis-Samt nownTenen ts | Fall on me like « silent dow. .Uoleriage-Taslor De. Edgar Davies (their aon—a anccesaial young Qoanrer: Miso EF. ferar, CC. Sreenter, &. medical practitioner). ,.....4 yoy Whos

Guss and. Garon Ifor Jones, BA. (a Secondary Schoolmeaster)

how ie the month of mnving .... . ericy 6ST STOKE. oan Ke. Crm. Tee Gomer Evana (Barristor-at-Law) Ciao Herpeet Moraan The Bann soe eigar | 12.6-1.0 Londen Programme relayed from College contemporaries wud. intimate friends of

CYRSHIELDS Dn i centr Dr. Dari Mrs. Williamea (Dr, Davies's landlady} din aries ind Aumetir 2.0 London Programme relayed fram. Daventry Aowes Jowns Care Golygin: Yetafoll Eistedd y Dr, Davies Night of stuce and night of Jovi 5 _ Offenbach §.0 Foonexck M. jAtsrix From, Black to Scena: A oomiforta tly furumhed sitting.Pooriy Annie Dawrie ...6esses.gess,007, Kivic Horne Dr. Davies'sbachelor quarters . White’ Solo, Miss Mary Monier Love's: Old Sweet “Some... as. ove sree stoloy 815 THe Cmmnres'’ Hoo &.45 Tato CAO Belection on Welsh Aies, “The Leek" . Demk to om i onbywith thine ever 6.0 Londen Programme relaved from- Daventry arr. Jdganna or. Turner and Stillings 6£.30-11.0 8.8. from Eoendow (9.30 Loal An- er Te banks 90-110 S.8. from London (4,30 Local An- ond braes ...... arr, Percy Fteteher LOUTH eS | TCLneersBs } Lack Faviinos

Romance in G Flat cec.essee cui. Fork Bowen a J DAE ie a eee see pees yrs ry we ee ere ToL M. 35K SWANSEA. 1020 ke.

aq AO Northern Programmes.

Part Pechibete. + The Holly Avglesey Folk Song, arr. FE. T'. Davies 12.0-1.0 Gramophone Record: 5NO NEWCASTLE, Boo

2: The clomt-capp'd lowera... 2... .-.-.-. Sievers L1L0-2.0 :—Loodon, 2B: ~Broadcast fe Soboodls. 0 i-— Spring. the aweet spring .:.....+.. Holiroyl 2.30 London Programme relayed from Daventry Londen. 40;—Mieete from Coxon’: New diallery Restaura 3) 5.6 i—logdon, 6-19 i—hildren’s Kour, €9 Sinton Det. Consecration Hymn {Jade} 6.20:—Hedio Balletin. 6.30-116:—Loodon, ae, for Ladies’ Vedtea by TTwrner gel Siifioge 5.0 Mr. 3. C. GrowrirraJoxre, * Thal Mesrclavy’ Moriine Feeling * 90-110 <.F. from Jendon (9.30 Local An- GLASGOW. faba HOWEtien hs] 1h.-14: 5.15 Tar Catnoren's Horn Records, 3.15 :—Danee Mate from the Pian. a ineless Quintet. Jean Knox [ G o n t r a l t a ) : 5.0 - — - M l l i a n E. i. Paiste, * - P o p o i u r EAriggi oit 5PY PLYMOUTH Ton Ee 6.0 A Piaxoroate Reorrar bs Liven Darr: Up Chadnn.”6.18:—Chihiren'’s Hoar. 5 . 5 8 :—Wee Forecisi, for Faruers. 6.6 ;—Say fay (Sopnuo), ianet 7.4o-— 6.26 Lendon Programmer relavedl from Daventry ‘The Ohish tod the Chik,” a One Aci fownded on the story by Thomas Eborke Walford 12.0-1.6 Londen Programme relayed from Hrécu 9.0 :—Lomlon. §.35- 1 1 - 0 -—Siation x 6.39 5.28. from London Orchetm, condected by Herbert Daventry A. oC i - Fartiigtin (Bariteser). Parry Joa 23) London Programme re» QPesor). Willim Anaerena ( Mase), lave From Daventry

§.15 Tux Canonks’s Hove: B00 i. teading, “A School for Little 2BD ABERDEEN. $3: Fishenneo i (fromm * Worl 12.1.6 :- Hramophone Movie Folk at Rehool ") (Long) Ee :—Lontion =|. Deere Sm. 4.6:—Stalion ‘Octet. Lanuell 6.0 ‘Tee-Starios Opceeerra Peden (Teor), §.6:—ieuerketd Falk. §:15-—Chidern’s Dou, Selection from ' The Bohemian Stathon (otet. 6.30 :—=Lonton, ao ierl", . Balle. arr: Henman Glasgow, §-9:—1.c0don, $.35:—Station tring Guiotet. 10.8 i—Freon Wihite-. Selection from * Cnr” iMnk heed (fae), “The RetaAPlay by Gertrodt Tobie, Preaceted: ip te 6.20 ..London Tropramie ni ricci Taito Movers, I [email protected] layed from Daventry Reg tall Whitehead. 6.30 A.A. fron. Dowden (9.30 Local Announcments)

ee 16.30-11.0 ISKSAY SCHLAEN 2BE BELFAST. #21 A. Wore ecrrar 12:0-1.02—Londoo © 249 j—ondon! 4.30 (—Pianoferte Spex by Fred Bogie. Logend >. Wrientatpahi Stathen Jkance apd, $a —iinoiae, ‘guage Licheirend (Loves Joy) 6.15: libres Hour. 84 :—Leoiien,: Acrenaler 6.30 1—Logden, 25 i —baelon, Cin bp demeen of Meaprs. P. dbadgreral their. Leven ane Obie {Radtettainers). Ballad and Polonaise $45 j—Sonnan Long to Bong, & Shory_ Pienattiompw A SEAPORT OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY. nid os. Plane, Be: den. &.35:— Bchereo Tarantella Wiemainaks This oo scene shows « fleet putting to sea in the time of Henry VIII. Miss Greeters. 8:47 1-— “The Heed in tbe Woe.” A Busnance by Balwin Lewis. Hebrew: Lulla Lon describe ‘some Irah seaports in the fifteenth and sixteenth centurtes in. 16.7:—Orechentta, 18.1.8: — Achron err, Auer her talk from Bournemouth today. Leddon. ae a= a Bie ae

+_BADIC _ TIMES —— iverpewsen @i, 1027 PROGRAMMES for TUESDAY, October as ——— 2L0 LONDON and «XX DAVENTRY | 10.30a.m. { nay Hy ory) me 8.0 VARIETY ‘Tia Sian AT, CREE: (26.4 MM. 830 bit.) {1,504.2 -M, 187 ke.) | Mirza ame Moos Witt: Weoo Fore. (Deets on Two Pianos) CART i i ais } FLORES OLDHAM 1.6 (Daceniry only) ‘Tar Davestay Qcarrer (Syria pabes Rtgs and May Jasiis {Pianoforte) Mate Dano (impersonations) LET SATELbS: (Conjurer) 102.0 Conn Wispearrs Basn ond Alea SAO Rovian (Reoteh Comet) Woopikan (Seprane), J, Caanconern Hares 6-0-8309 (Daventry only) (ie: Fantone), Pisa Torkyneopatec Pinte Mew G.- BE. Wiinrssox: ~ Adventure : : Solos | in Literatuns —V¥, Some Literary Drovellers,” oS 9 . - from J j c e t s - 2.00, fir -H. WaLtronp Davin : lemeniary AVERY publisher's ee noweclags. 1 4 heavily Mines * i! buirdencd ‘with travel-beoks, inricl it Shetal ts to ba heconing impmble foranvans to tale a $15 M M . E F . Mo Srémaxs: Flementary French? heolictey, EVCH En aueh donnasthie I [eee ne Frenee and: Spawn, na teehbratine the oncasion wrih B45 Mieical Interhada fe bench. But the ht rature of bra) ceed tract lice Sie peel notable books, mine ii hits’ talk My. Wilkinson will describe aoms of tho master. 4.6 Winitam. Honegsox'’s pric ca of the nineteenth century im this sphere. MARBLE. ARCH PAVILION .ORCH BATRA Front the Merble- Arch Pavilion 9.0. WraTHER Forecast, Secoxp Grexenat News SIR FREDER IC COWEN, BULLETIN the: OOM pHAser of:Songs for My Loith: Ones "which hye Asor Sener: (A Bookshelf of Od 5.0 Mise will himself Accompany whereyil ae sibhe this $8.15: Sir HW: Wanrorn Davies: Music ed ts “ Favourite:—UT, -*Crinford " nod * Wives* ane evereng-at 7.45, Ordinagity Listener * Daughters,” by Mra, Gaskell AS boogke of Mra. Gaskell arenot so nouch faa Local Announeonientis, i Dad en ir OH Ai reid now aa-they week to he, but o ponors- and in Shipping Forecast ING dines of descent in specibe* tian age her name renked with those of the drigh TeIndiyidiaie ta a cotiplex matte In “thia 2.40 THE priesth of fintion—Dickens and Thackeray, ane talk Professor Swinnerton will disentangle eqione VicloR OLOF SEXTET

Trollope and Charles Reade. There has been o of the threads of chonge in emgle features, Fionexce Hoteine (Sepranc) — revival of interest in her reconthy, and" Cranford,’ showman how the cifternnae- between ono bine of SEXTED descent and another Hes in the rate of change m particular, 14 coming into ite own genin aa Fantasia a reE Mehodics. paraadrr. Urheeh Cliwic these raphe ct life to -an Evnitliah Conniry of individual parte. town in the middla of last eenbury, It wae firet 9.50. IFionksoce. Honora 45 ‘Sade Foe My Loree Uees Published in Leh. ifnomy Janes) Whe tl Foua'y? Ti lavender Brea a ae fie PAR CEM Dhsirdra'a Farewell to Sciead litideare, “Reespened. PF reea $15 Tae Campnex's Hovn: ‘Daring on the Com pasecd ancl neocon red hy lo People who have Gardens arr, Kennedy Eyaser Vilugo Green” ‘Country Dances! played by bir FReeneria Cowns the Dhiventiry Quartet dnd Elie Avel. A Simple Bung by: Dons Lanerrre 10.0. exter Talk on * Morrie Danees,” ileetnitie! Wy ‘traci. 7s Edonge that are einige sunt tonight mark the Licheslied pis SOURi.e wale: aay. Aeveialer tidal times, arranged in conjunction with tho TapPAL he a ooopoer of Bir Predera EAT Pith i a icig hep on ee os ace = wit oui A clgheiieaeilla Englith Folk Dance Society Comen, witer a silence of aome venus. “They have Coloniol Borg yes pee cee ee eee ba) Grethiger jurt. been published in. book tonm, and ain his 6) Tue Loxpox Kapro Dance Baxp, directed prefaes to the Book tha composer exphaine thet 1.10 Fiosexsce Hocormea | by SmsEY FreMans he haa* endeayoured to bene tuneful and simple L cniimet loss thee fora day.:., az posible, and to fired littl melkicdies that Violate es Paesen \ AY. Herbert 6.30 Timt Grin, GREENWICH; WEATHNE FoRE- might make a direst appeal to. young: pecple;* Ay Birroo aoe | ot f eher Cast, Finer GESERAL AuWs BULLETIN antl for thot reason he hee eechewecdl “thie So Slumber Bong ws... oe ee ee eo Quilter prevalont modem style, with ite offen strange 10.18 BESTED 645 ., ae 7.0 Capt. the Hom. A. Exror: “ How a Revue ts tonivut, aro oll tha work af verso contributors to ee aa cde ee eee t e ! ee m4 Air Macla* Pinch, and Finale {* Manon Beata R e a a t d Mica. 10.30-12.0 EARLY. as any an DANCR Bt tribabore, 84 ome MUSIC: Herara® Daem. DARA ben end rutting sel anil hia HaNp from ame, pewsPRa are) tala thes Raval Opera Hotee, ing, jo to the making on Covent Garden. meer revue ds “of 2B (JoxRNE GARDEN has modemnewepl per. Laplan Bagel all porta oo Eliot. knows ail about the shows ti tia-time, nol pow process, for jie hms Teen th dine seisone hw he. concerned in the production come. i “feature of the ai severnl of the mont Covent (Garden year, "Tha er Hintehdul tees Of recent preat) ame “Pedr oan shere years, and in thia talk te {ron Lhe iHomes, op will deseribe gl) that geko the buried stills id hee on behind the aacnce belore back of the sage: and ine Sa gt leat the curtain is ring ean tenli¢e ‘the Onornogs Wy Hige o o f ihn Stage. when One dance, ip it): ame hires 7.15 THE it Reeais deen a s : the front: “FOUNDATIONS OF ai the hose: They ara wery "jolly occas fgce MUSIC wns, these poplar danee n a g h i t s i Havin Praso Bon atas and the cred enhpysS

— 3 iself -oniete : Played by Ob rMUse, it Tob eye E. Respatrt-Taynon Sere py than the opera crowdsdo. One of the pti reasons for 7.95 Prof. H. H. Swissee- wieic “en jyik. of =a Oy thirty) af Pore pon) re oy TON: An Evolotiomet eouree, Ahern” Dre:

Lan “and among the Rocks THE RAW MATERIAL OF A REVUE. Beis: evhilarat ing. lend, . _ = Foaails-—V, Singles Threads A glimpse ot Ont of the many resheargale Ghat take place helore . revue finally eryutallizes inte the which divhentin will heme of Ceselors Change.” 3.8, form in which thie public aéea toon the first nigh, Captain Eliat wall describe the making ef a rewire an fei themselves in tha > from Neitinghomn his talk from London this evening. ab 7,0, lvtadeast to-night.

Octo: 20. Ta2T RADIO TIMES

5s ProPTramMmMeES cont’d (October 25)| it Tu eS day’ Those Little Slips I 5GB DAVENTRY LAPEER IMENTAL | (40.8 MM. 610° ho.) | in English. You are Judged by the Way | 0 Lerecois Picrumn Hormee Cas \5 eet FSTHA fier Airmtmarban eWpreseerk piri Foliah J der Rubingein You Speak and Write.

Enh Freaxe SewMuas (Urean) : ; RVeri Sete 2. eee Ss oe CESS In alent every walk of [fe js pepenckent Overture to Remiranys 6.45 Tae Camprex s Horr (ire Girminghane): 8 Leven ihe ability fo Gee ple Fight core) et Che right * ALP Hoerwen | Berton ‘The Story ol Ray Sol, Beq i ig Siarpare't frie. Hove vou ever realised that friend ond cmploper bop Ay CHL ibrar 7 (vehi Madeley Eri tin Waldron {Soprano}, A bere ike art influenced 1 Yo Veur Gn ol apa aaa, ‘ureleratin (Tenor), Friencl oo Aline Vourhean (Copa tiralio), Leectines Deru Wrline Liat fom: for werk. or pace shameEt FRANK Jame: Hotel) (Bassi, im rede L POEL ol Poe SLph, (Mee coma; emia enoonfoooerabls cerriabon Valse Tisstiegrhat: sev belons to me Aa from ' Adie: in Wonderland (Lehman). * Dorel H Com get far ddeead mi. lite wolhout A mastery fate hel t o the Cow’(The Story of o Border Balled) by Baleetion | Fiatant ffoclear ooterseexpression, for thal worrlotk gives the At FRET? Marz are! Ranney anprcenon that be oc she is commonplace Lhe Bina orF rn dai Charly 6.30 ‘Trost 1 Ts Pe Tie GikREsS wit WRaTHhE Four: Be a Master of English ! Faakk Nuwntax OAS T F mer OEvehaL KEWS HELLETIS Balut d)Amoor (Love's Balitation oe Seger ‘| Regent Imetituie fins. evel! A sarstoen of deigtris- 6.45 DAKE MUS id bien hey presae oC which wien of entloary dotel Speman Seromnnr fe heduulaert tan be faighi to eipres larity Amel form. FP ox-trol * ible Jtarr ie Losnom Tania Dance [Ants ire bert by Tok wint to splarge jour: vocabulary, to write com- Bates Frees pelling ther, te dinvalep ocr Sonera etal caine,

4.0 ‘8 ORCHESTRAL 450 NCE ma ol to t ne Oo more |efect personality, fn tlie oA ed aal ridluetedt. by lo-pidortiggd peeta)ebarce yin will fod inst thi Tun Wines OncesTia, -« Epanish suid EFngvhsh Music) i ine Cig Weatb insavr. tie 1 Way means oly i Jon ASE PMnors” | Burdpare: Telnsip ies alee ee Elgar 6.0 ‘LA TRAVIATA. ee fie preery Liverbore te" Mich Ade oboant othe Opin iy Thires Auct ir LalisEePre VERDI Ag from, Manele ster 1 ‘Lia finite, ~ Na i) Eerarress i iP feteher Sareea Hefayeed FREE (Fo LD APee ee ey 420 Toa nb (Rlioprane ae PERS SSS PPPOER 1a) iri {pa a7y chal aetenieocn mane 14a) Phe La 7 tree I Haagnres rite Lay Hahert Pari 18.0 Werearuge Fonecastr, BeeivpORS ERAT THE REGENT INSTITUTE: Mit ry aS helsaew hiews Bi TLLETiM (Dept, S580), -13, Victoria 5t., London, 5.W, : 1 tpl 5, Sa MW farce ened 10.15-11.15 A BALLAD COWCERT | " i

£30 Orcs ‘ From. Ay retnpepliers i | ee fntermcs sd . f r 1 ry ray Ean Wat Lay (opr! ALM V AUTGHAS Ar the Madd ane Titer Herbert ;' CEOFFREY 1AxMs L herent 5 AMES (Civorhure Ay uyla ata ALyieer Howni. [bins Seleetian- trans “Phe Bing Five on) Groin * Ayer (eurrnky Dawa 450 FReasic Foavecte fTenct lowill go with my father a-plowcliine (hurliey }ce eae Fitbort Parry L aball be wii TEL? i i A eich Aine yet I heared voc we tn Fiaitel Wood AULT LATA

PHT nee lly My cents child ead wee eee Hel Feiean A Boecy tat Sec Woodfords. Frndk

Caer 18.25 Esco Wanoron, < A n i c k Vavcran, Lave In (lovyerianel Leo Pater { zap} ih E Dane, awe Howie cir [ueisrn A ek Song Lat le} Lien Leder 1 ow Coorer Mover Hive ; ae Henschel 11.6: Ean WALDRON thet if Wert HO. sl sek eae Pink ead Mesearulier ul Pafaa eee eas ae ae Ober Barthes: well. eben Hagemann Child's Evening Pryor .... See CS REPEL ames Hoewron 2) Fraxn FLA TELLE The Bewiut Lever... 6s: Bint inti ‘Teal : uy White Kune Charles ..,. E gritids mv lonely aaravAn ait right. rit (pertita ) Sole Mic (im Eli) ae weeeee ih { pe (Tues Lays Programmes eee. on Tae 138.) by Nauinton’sNational Music System

ee 7 = T giakes po difterenen wipiker gau tawe |ad prerioge lemons fF oo, Shetliey yo ore FOUN OH LD, WE OU ARANTER

that pen cap play the pisses tetiay ty this wermdertal ‘sod almple-ayetem. There ere oo sharps, Leis or theoretical Jifficul- ten to wet yom and ne Minette cr woarisone: waergleps ge abt (4 be bert Yau Play prnntly bokh Bape at fiFAILUREKo difcaliy of dradecrrwhaievetIMPOSSIBLE

POU hare te ako Binh With mF

ihm fetid pny it Bl tH Songs; Danses, Hage, (Caurskes, my: ij hi tay Oper oo people No one mie? @rer Le! to tell gow wl ar Cplfay ok, rop again " [-aneh pheogl @ige wenger fd ore. piagliag EO toed. oplty "2 fol... atime cetel Berlretly DF hep Perrys orn eo tf Field eythem, na «de o9f : one foal erie, Take pivaotage ‘of the offer we mak tht coupas deplew, abd by Tetum of post Foo Wall Few oight ines which we POR Ye tin Play) oe reen pee er lige, he ee £ * ST ebe Boo. Lib orey of: pA ena. Fie ae Will open wp bos wehehes of ie. ree realm muesli od gee pe me es of Ponplese A. papell Writes; “S think pour pute ip eee, Befora F fe qin on the eoepae Ff oid pe Rnoreinipe bf Mie.” Non 7 can opieg awprinie.2t-desche qotiked! ane einer wap ux ane coah try


eiesaa “Patents” Ghee, Plat, Lae? Toi the Manager, eiclapaieee HAUNTOMS MATIONAL MUSIC SYSTEM, OT, High Strooi, Mew Oaford Btrest, London, W.o.8, fated Rerewith. postal JipAaer for ONE: SHILLING AND ATK BRACE, por eich pleas dead me iirc Speceval Pasiepetion nok, 0 ontomning foal pérter of Mate, tnd eters ateiedn 1 nape

ig ofn boat oO fhoroigh minions 7 — I WAM ATE...

= Sasa

| THE MUSiC OF SPAT eee AT TRESS 1 pilsehsanadis as performed by two of ite most charoune of Ter Santa ond Barbara will reinforce the dance music Sotn.--Flone Gl). la fitel order fepably fo Reunions Baetinnal utr Syetent, To Colonial and Foren revidera : British KMopry ol the Lendon RadioDance and in 38's programme thia ovening aft 6.45, Gd Postel GOnieri ooly acoipled

RADIO TIMES — Le TOBER Bi, La27. e Tuesday’5 _Progreammes continued(October2 5 ) _——————— nt

Dents ONem, 2h. a. 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. 62020ko.ket. Mother in Iretarid-...-.. “ies fara ray | (KH HULL. 1LO320 be.

AMlitkey- Rooney's Rag ‘Time Hand (with. Ore ine 2.20 Leadon Progenmnrin relays él fren Daventry tral aoeompanminnrert } 290 Loudon Programme relayed from Daventry ££) Tea Tine Mes by POG, Bacon's Crowes, ORcHESTIA 5.15 Tar Cittphin’s Hote relayed from WH. Smith wok Son's Restaurant, Aar from County Derry wc... sa.) ree sea 6.0 London Prograniines relays 1 FromDyan hairy The aquaro Molly on tha Shore ccofe 6.15 BoweFey tind. District Boo Keepers’ Astovia- 8.0 Londen Programme relayed from Daventry Son, from London (9.35 Local Announee- 9.9 tion's! MirLehiValk B15 Tur Crmoure'’s Horn rmoerite) 6.30 (Aun: from Lowion 6.0 London Programme rela fram Davwnlry 2.40 AN ORCHESTRAL PROGRAMME 7.0 Mr. GC. . Gonm, “What shall I do THe STATION OUCHESTRA with my 6.30 38.8. Jroam Lomton boy 7 '—TV Grverbira to! Iphigenia in Tauris...... Gluael: 7.0. 6. Gee Nase, * Wanderings in tho Baltic 215) S08. from Condon Antate Fran (Baritone) with Orchestra LT, The Town that Swins in the Water' Dh Proven) Mar 65 pete i es ~ Ferdi 7.25 3.8. from Nottingham 715) (A.B. from Lonton ORCHESTRA 7.45 8.8. from London 7.25 SLR. jrom Nottinghiass Prohade, ‘The Afternoon of a Faun’... -Debunry 5.0 OLD FAVOURITES 7a SLB. from Doman ARTHUR FEAR THe Station Qvarrer, directed by Woo thou thy snowflake .., » Sullfran: | 60. Tue Srarion Tie: -Recmaro: &)° Morar EoWwaARn Sronies {Violin}, Mozanr Auras {'Cello), Eavesr Losn Bee Moms. ero paras Pak » Carferd Onaway, Awuke, Holoved ..,. . Goten | Sarda, Ne: Tl MMfich ded (Pinnio) B.5 Grnson Yours (Baritone) Trio tm1) Bima i peace eee ewe ee Mendatanin URCHESTRA Spanish Caprice... .cesseecw ss Runsky-Aorsekor Onaway, @Wake, Helowed 2... 660i ee ews Coern 8.30 ON THE WINGS OF SONG Thea Yeoman's Wedding Sing 2.) 03 Poniaioinsks TY, Cranes. VIELCeES STANFORD 10.40-12.0 8.8. fromLondon Bono" Mine Waiaee Sincer—Dace Sucre (Baritone) 6.15 Yverre Song. Cyole : Yvette visite the shopein Hull. . o. Mallia Artie SCISTES DALE,” (Words by John Stevenson) £25 Quanrer Treland Fantasy on Saunt-Seaena, “EHETLAOTEanil Balilah ; Pid you ever f Alder famhendall B35 Orsay VYouxs TheOrow Simon: the; Cellarer...oaidve ete we ae Huatioen Dacidy-Long-Lege The Yeonen of England . A eee (fA rrr ‘How thes the wind blow 7 Tea eel Cie age hire ty hcyae cen arate ieneoan Hatton Might Mathie O'PIymn . io. eee eine arr, Stanford 9.0 aE. from London (9:35 Local Announce- 6.45) Yverre * ‘peitie) are Dies foes in a Cringline and: insta apo PO)aare eece JM oncictcnt 8.40 A COMMUNITY CONCERT Selections by tha Srarion Ocret £55 Quarter Dosoray Eire (Boprano) Popular Neapolitan Melodies + ‘GQuanto-a Bellin. sic a eee es Honmcontre Pamir Tavior, leading Community Singing, unin! Fiorbat ec ei liweas ce Denar aeaiabed by Mewmens of the Burren Loin MISS DOROTHY ELLIS is the salo soprane in the Community Singing Concert 9.0-12.0 8.1. from London (9.35 Local Announce: 11.0-12.0 3.3. from Tondon that Bournemouth Station will broadcast tonight. micnta)

353M. 277.8 My, & 5WA CARDIFF. #50 KO. ao4.6 M. 2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD. 2Z¥ MANCHESTER. Tao ke. 263.1 MM.

THO ho. & 1We,

2) London Programm relayed from Daventry 1.15-2.0 Turspay Mimppay Soctery’s Coxcreer 2.30 London Programmer relayed from Davetry 445 Mra. D. Portway Dneson : Houses y.c.— Relayved from the Houldsworth Hall «Egyptian Homes * Violin Recital by Dr, Aporra Daopsky 40 Tee Gover Hote. Oncarsrea, relayed fran the Golf Hotel, Grange--over- finds. 5.0 “Tat Dassant relayed from the Carlton Rea- 2.30 London Programme relayed from Daventry §.0 Tuk aur 3.45 Music by the Station QUARTET §.15 Tue Comorex's Horn 5.15 Tor Campres's Bown Joux P F , Biaacock (Bartene) 6.0 Tee Sratrios Tro 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry 5.0 Mr. Taomas H. Crossiey, ‘ Barefoot Daya’ 630 &:.8. fromLomion 6.30 SH, from London 6.15 Toe Cmitonrs'’s Horn 7.250 SH. from Wottinghom 20 MrT. W. Peoger: ‘The Diamond Jubilee 7.45 3.8.from London of the Cardiff? Naturalists’ Society ' 6.0 London Programme reloyed from Theventry £0 Mr. G. EF. Wrerimsox, * Adventure in Literg. =: 7.15 SB. fromLondon 6.30 8.7. from London ture—¥;, Some Literary ‘Travellers * 725 «|S. from Nottingham 7.0 Mr. J. E. Parpe-Hoenues, ‘Wild Hlorsemen $.30-12.0 of the Puseta ' 8.8, from London ( 9 . 9 5 Local Announce. 145 S.A. fromLondon rere} 2.15 8.8. from Dondon 80 NORMAN LONG SS ao A Song, a Story ond o- Piano 7.25 8.8. from Nottingham 6LV LIVERPOOL. 227™_ ay as *ERIN-GO-BRAGH*" 7.45 ' Mancurceren Evento Caronrcie * PROGRAMME 2,30-2.15 London Programme relayed from THe ‘STaTion OncHesrha, conducted by Relayed from Daventry ; Warwick HikarrnwaAITe THE WIRELESS EXHIBITION Overture toon Trish Comedy .... 6.005604fnasell 4.9 London Programme relayed from Daventry atthe CityHall Des0NED (Irish Entertainer) 5.15 Tre CHitines Ss Horn My own Littles Colleen .. Kattileen Heron-AMfaxwell $.0 2.8. from London (3.35 Local Announce. Mies O'Hara and her Eroorald Tiara (with ments) 6.6 London Programme relayed from Daventry .- Orchestral accompaniment) ...... Wreateria 9.40 ‘“Maxcursren Evesisa Crnomrete ’ Pro: 6.30 5.2. from Lomion AQRCHESTHA GCRAMME (continued) ~ ‘Beloction of: Trish lots The: Shamrock-* 7.0.- Mr, Exwest Enwanns{* Bee ');WeeklySport:

AM yddidleton 10.20-12.0° 8.8. from Loimdfon Tatk ji | 2 a i Y _ i Zz <= ee 5 Sy Heat et tow - Chae eeee ee aD nal =se et * : nal ee - ba tom phia

Boren: 20, Der — RADIO TIMES — 130

Tuesday's Programmes continued( O c t o b e r 25) -


LisPR, from bovrdou £3) “77, from London Joy Rorenrs History of Annabelle Lee. 1 1 H. Leslie (1822-0) 7.0 L i e u t . F P . &.:C. O'Doxwers. ' The My Charming Celia... Geers Muito. (1680-1904) 7.25 «SR. from. Notlinghae Military Bans "IT Tom Brecn 145) 8B rat ; i Bondan 7.18 &.0. from Bondon | Drink to me only....., |. th Cenery feo ub, fron obtain Vicar oF Bray sca sc. ae pee Century 8.0 FROM THE LESSER-KNOWN OFERAS Lerelon io. Local | Wang Ryriaxce and Doge Ber.ey Tor Sratiox Ononberea. direrted by T45-12.6 Sv, fron Annirmineonvents) ' Row , rr. Alfred Muffat Freperick Brews The Koel

Uveriure io” The Ring of ¥s". -- Kata Than(Ge rrrrris dic Trom &onate "I Dons CAEL. {Soorano) 6FL SHEFFIELD. iidove | B Fiat... Reatin Poors (‘ Locrezia Borgia ” . Dem tet i Hoan Gobel’ (1000-1723) Einglinh Hornpipe ... : Waliy Rone froin * Mirella! aeerteciet 2.30 London Progrummes rélaved from Daventry Ss gee ke ‘ae Acne TILA 15.15 Tue Comones’s Horn Mauce Fanasce, Dots Baouey: dons BioeRere: Prelude ty * Dysresd cepa Fi ebay b ae Sr hee 6.0 Musical interiods ind Tot Beece Ballet Music from * "Che Chooen of Sheha" Un the Boinks of Aton Water mr Spcpcer Cheren (Coeldmork 630 a. from Boton Bankisaraxs Hooren (Tenar) $0-12.0 4.8. from ULerntan ($8.35 Local 7.0) Perhosivs: “Tho Hetvest ofa Quiet Rye— Auerrincietnents | | When the teurs af joy are flowing {* "Tie Remuelio ") Pootry : iMazerrt Donton | Flow pur: the air (* Don Pasquale *) Doricetei 7.15 SUfom 5524. SWANSEA. a a: Dearie A 250 ALA. from Nottingham Fantasia trom ‘The Loreley*...... (adainin 7-45 ROUND THE STATIONS 2.30 London Programme relayed “from Daventry 5.0 oe fron Tavitaey (9.95 Loon Auneuince- 3.30 SHEFFIELD UNSIVERBITY FLAG 5.15 Tar. Coronas § Hook eerie |b Oo Poona: 6.0 London Programme telayed from Daventry 9.40 MUSICAL GOMEDNY By the Stormers of the Sarrvrieid Usrverserry 6.30 & Bo from Dordon ORCHESTRA Presented by Tor SERARSIE Section from * A Night (Ghoti 7.0 Mr, D. Revs Paucrs, * Uston Valley and ita 66-120 8.8. . from Landon to. 35 Laval Cromwellinn Asati © Bankmisorox Hooren Anrouncnmernte) 215) 2 8 fre Banton Lend of heart's cesire-(* Lady of the Rose’) oy 206.1 mM. FrasersSynaon 7-25 8.8, from Nottingham 6ST STOKE. 1020 hC. My cern ot dite {" Deal lar Princess ry aa Lao Fal The April a ry Heart (* Young England *4 7.45 ACR. Jrom Londen . 2.30 London Programme relayed from Daventry i CYetecn £0 5B, from Cardiff Oncnrsiaa §.15 ‘Tan Cutmres's Hore Punch ond Judy Ballet (“The Punch Bowl") §.4-12.0 8.8, from London (9.35 Local Norman O'Neill 6.0 London Progam relayed from Daventry Amerrye its)

6.308.2. from Gonion Dons GAnsELL andl Banmixoron Hoorenr Lhove you po [7 Lady Of ithe Foose aFI leeert 7.0 * Sosan’:* John o° Groats to Lond'’s Kod "—I The kingdomMl build-you (* Our Nell") Northern Programmes. 7.15 (S.A. from London leer Navetia SNO NEWCASTLE. ee (ORCHESTRA 7290 SLB. from Nofhnghom Selection from ‘Going Up’ ..... Kecy hind nieee Acern 2.30 :—Lonilon. 40 :—Stallon Octet. 490 >—Onean Becialk 6.8 :—Loodon, §.15 :—Ohbdren's Hon, 6.0 :—Atation Orict, 7.45 OLD ENGLISH NIGHT 6.30 :—Landon, 7.6t-=" The Managemest ofa tipeat (ity, by 10.40-12.0 4.8. from Londen Mr. BH) J. Thempeon, 7.18 :—London. 7.25 :—Nothughan, . Desonibed by E. Sims-Hiiprren of the Piano 1.45 )—Lomton, 6.8 :—Hebbor Colbery Price Gand,‘oondicted Mapcr RYnarcr (Soprang), Dosm Berter hy &. Lemia: Willan ‘Henetry fharltome) $a) t=] ariabney, f 2 Ma. 10.30: —Dhance Mire: Perey Boas Molian Band... J146— SNG NOTTINGHAM. jisa xc. (Coniralto), Tous Ronestre (Tenor), Tos Beeca Hi—Lonidion. (Baritone), Doris Garrritas (Viaim) 55C GLASGOW, 220 London Programmes relayed from Daventry Thore was a Jolly Million. . _. er, Baton Fanning Jory Roar 3.15 -~Broadeest to Sahoo, 3.55 ---eoee. Moale, Feclial of Chiral Verse, §-16 :-—Oildren’s Hour, §.58 eS 5.15 Tue Canonex’s Horr Early one morning (with Soprano Dearant) Woather: Forerast Jor Farmers. 6.0 -—Musien} arr. Geoffrey Show 6.30 :-—Loendon, T.0:—Me. Jobo Resa: In Liier Ven* 6.15. Ana Ricnanpsow (Pianoforte)- 1.48 :—lLondon. 723/—E¢inbirch, 745 :—Landon. T attempt from love's sickness to fly Dance Sunit from the Plata Eisner Balin 6.30 SR from London Purcell (1658-95) (Farrell. @.4:-London. @§.40:—Seote Vari a Vian); Willem Mactaliach { Knbertainers Dons Beruy Stewart (S0prmin. 10.30—£2.0 :—Looden, 7-6 Rev,-F..A. Jansas, * Experiences in London's Golden Alumbers sia ces eas oe 17th Century Uaceryworld * Cherry Tepe: ivacee es E> Horn (1796-1845) 2BD ABERDEEN, Tom Bree 2.:0:—London. 3.45 - — P e g e y Wallare (Pianoforie); Baten ee 7.15 S.. from Londen Melniesh HSTBOFoot .cin eg tees ae! -} ChiBen Siar, (Aoprage). 4.9 -—Londen. pe Hol

i $.15:—-Chilldren's Hour. 6.0 3-London, °6.30:—London,, 7.8:— 725. Prof. H. H. Swrxstearon. “An Evolutionist What shall wa do-owith the rr, Claagew, 7.08 —London, 7:25:—Edinburgh. 7.49 :—London, Among the Rocks and Fossils —V, Single Threads drunken sailor? y.s+. e+.) $3 Richard Terry $.8:—Stalion Qhoiet; Noel Eadie (Soprine); Mautied ‘Wright Spt (Flote). $.01—Londos, 94§:—Variety. Bernard Woes (Bari: cf Ceaselecs Change Mande Av iascr Eve); ui Dintieomds (Eobertalneer): Deore Harbley (Synenparted: = Where thebee au0ks oo. eee adArne (1710-78) Soi with Banja); The Bade Pence S i x , Joptter Mars —_. 7-45-12.0 2.8. from Londen (9.35 Local (Entertainer), 00.30-12.0 :—Londan : ATperit | Dons GRIFFITHR Minwet' ce fa: Comers: crc alaska ees Arne 2BE BELFAST. BODM

Gavotio ss aiss Fase dae seid ue Boyoe (1710-79) 2.38Tandon, 3.16: —iroaiicesl!. to Achook, 3,90: veace. Miical Intetlade. 4.390--—The Carthon Chehete. 5.0:= | oPY PLYMOUTH. Manor Rytance, Ders Berurr:, Joa Roperra Losdon, 6.15 —Children’s Hoar, 60/—loodon, £2:——_ and Tou Bereon Landon. Fie—Pret. E. Corters TS -Lotim, £2 i— Nottinghum. J45-—London, @.0:—Iopular Concert, Shithen 2.30 ‘London Programme ralafed from Daventry The Cheshire Cheese (Old Bong) Orchetm: May Huser (soproo!. Demo Rordy (Viohoncetios, arr. doer C, itridge eet 6.403—Concert (emntinaed) 10-30-12.0 ;— §.15 ‘Tee Cooeen's Horn Dons Ger.ey aoa. 6.0 Peeoeniok Antex (Thurilorie) Barbara Allen... ew Ole Brgiiah When dunes pied; ieee awe ee lrg A Cyele of Pour Songs, * Fes and Gold * The Pianos in use in the various : : Sanderson cones R OneiTs jerel ‘Tom Brece Haymale oo Damen; Shepherds {aay 3 Russet The Golden Vanity (with Tenor Descant) stations of the British Broadcastin Maile; Come, dance af cor Wedding arr, Ge Sia Corporation are by Chappell, The Chapel in the Woods... 01.0...... Gonper Manck HrYLaAnce Weber, Challen, Bechstein, and In the Sitent Night .. 22.05.22... fechmiananest Pretiy Polly Olivet ss 000002 ss ae0es Old English RO OOS. ae ene os aed Arratems Grotrian-Steinweg. baipon mine, Iithle berth. a ee eee Niven. Dees (recrrrris

Three Old Eneolich Tames ...... cer, Somervell The Kniclt of Gethiciom:.. Cleylorn Thomscat —

\ -

-—_ RADIO ES —. [Ocrom,| 21, 1987.

Se _PROGRAMMES for WEDNESDAY, October26 ceo:abate SS 2LO LONDON and sXX DAVENTRY E> akg eee fonly) ‘Trae Si¢war, (361.4 MM. £30 ko.) (1604.0 MM. 187 ko.) | FOUNDATIONS OF LEREENWICN ;Wy EAST Forecast SS ALSO 110 .(Daeeniry oniy) Tan Daventay QUARTET Havow. PianoSONATAS nid Jesse BLeasbALEe (Soprand) Played by FE. Respant-Taynor 26 Tae Loxspox Rani Dance Gann, directed 1.25. Dr W. A. Ports: ‘Development of Mind _ by Simwer Fimwax and Character—V, The Nervius Adoleicent ' 16-2.0 €iuitce Coprreties’s Oncnesraa, from From Dirmingham | ‘Restaumint Prasciti MHE last-two tallies in ite series will be. piven 240 Mr. A, Liore James: English Language ty Ee, Potts, who id Paychological Expert : to the Birminghoon Justices, Hon, Physician 5H Musienl Tnterlide tothe ‘Tavistock Clinte, and ‘joint author of 30 Mr. Avaser oe Seumcorar:* Three Plays ‘Mentally Deticiant Children." This evening. be at Bhakespeare— Twelfth Night," Aet LI, will ‘dismiss how far tho tervous miolecent ia Bate |b the nervous child a stage: later,-and hew ‘he con 330° Tor Davestar Qcarrer ba betpod. 245 5c W. Heact Taowsa: ‘Familiar Birds 1.45. Hewes Hesscrer.: (Boprains) amd Beasts of the Countryside—YV, Bata 4 Bergerettes ; . Connecting Links ' Martinis Minget ; 4H bat ia an uncanny creature, Tt jaa hybrid AOD, ie th Wiel plus ft bore {Sho T shall 200o fore BRIG.-GEN. P. R. C. GROVES, between bird and beast; ft fliea by might, to the woul) and if can sleep aa soundly and aa lengthaly who gives a talk, under the auspices of theAir League, Petronas I “(mid-dutumn to late spring) ie ony creature from Leneblon this WET, Je ednniia un berger diseret (I know a prudent

alive. From the bat, Sir William Beach Thomas Bhrephend) i will go on to the other Idbernating animals, 6.45 Ongay Recirat by Reaixatp Foour (Con- Mrs sabots (Aly Shoes) ; a inclining hedgehogs, ddrmice, “sywirrela, and - tinibed ) WASH. 8.0 *LA TRAVIATA* 20. General Po ROC, Graves, See.-Genernl of the 40 A LIGHT ‘CLASSICAL CONCERT Air League of the British Empire: * What. of (See aetatle Below: and artiele.on page 143) THe DavextTey STRING QUARTET the Air?” 6.0 Wrernkn Forecast: Secoxp GrxenaL News Anya Finrpova (Soprana) ‘HUBLICinterest in aviation hea reachial unex- BULLETIN Enwanp- Mircuen. {Pianoforte) ampied heights this year, andthe Belmedder 8.15 * Ourselves os Others sea na =~], Madama 6.15 Tae Campren’s Hova: Songs atthe Pinno Cop -vietory duspbred creat hopes for Britain's Amo Kauags byRonald Gourley. The Story of * The Great pesition aa. an sir. mation, Muth, enter,

eeCombine * irom * According to Brown rernhirke io. be dove hefare: flying in this country 9.30. Leeal Announcements, (Daventry orby] Minar re Afadath), * Seaplanes and Flying can be considered to be established on a modern Shipping Forecast Boats,’Pioneer acale. ‘Brigadier-Geneml- Po Bo, Groves, who éo * ORGAN RECITAL gives Hhis-tnlk, weetRepulur officer at the out. 9.35 CA TRAVIATA" brea: of Thr, whet har: poured tho Royal Flying {(Centingedt| By ReGinaLo Foorr Core. us it was then, Caving the war he served Relayitdfrom the New Gallery Kineina Jn France, the Eyurdanelies, inl -the Middle Raat, 10:30-11.0 VARIETY nid he beeame Director of Fiving Operations 6.20 The Week's Work in the Garden, by othe attha Air Mimigtry in Ajml, To1S." Sinte then Iris: Ross (Hebrew Conmodian) Roval Horticultural Soctety he has been Ginitigh Air HRepresétitative ab the ‘Tae Four AtaraAns |

6.30 ‘Time Schwan, Greexwice ; WeEaTHKR Forer- Peace Conference anc oon the “Permanent” Ad- 11.0-12.0 (Dareeiry only) DANCE MUSIC: i winory Comunitter of ihe League of Nations. BuLeeny cast, Fimst Gexeran News ‘Tae Ceenaasa, trom the Aoiel Cecil

— ——— _— = ee = = _——————

4.0 “LA TRAVIATA " An Gpera in Three Acts, by Uivserre Vent St, from Jfonefesfor : The action of. the Opera. takes place in Paris and ita environs. Period about 170)

Chaat Violett: Valéty i GEETRUDE Jonseos Alfred Germant ...... -.4- Panny Joxrs [A TRAVIATA moans The Frat One, The Aer ‘Il. P| George Cermont (his Finther) Tn the Seeond Ach, Violetta lwé mada lie —. | Opera was produced when Verdi waa forty. Ler THrsrLerawaite bono with He had already had great suecesa with Ermani, Alfred. He, however, learfrom her Gaston (Viscount de Letoridres) matd, Agnina (MeroSeprimne), that in Rigaletia, aud ft Travafere, Yet, woiling to a onder Witrnen Hiroe to keep up the home, Violetthasacid her jewels, “rend alter the opening night of La Travinie, BaronDowphol .. He goes to Paris to mise money to pay her-back, he liad th gay: ht wast failure. Waa the fut Marquis. d'Obigny > Heaskar Roopock In lite absenceshia father, old Germont-(Maritene) “aniCae tha Bingers',! Time will dette," Dioretor Giemeible. . Crs Violett, tin beg her to give up Alfred), Onsthe- whee, time bas been fairly kind to Flora Borvoix ‘| Violetta sacrifices her now happiness, Til iho Treva, Annina | Violetta'aser-- GLanyvs Panaer though chw is, she writes'a note for Alfred to teil The Operawas famitiar to a former penemibion ED io bb oarn slates’ him she is neturning to her old life. al play-foors if ite form ae oo apoken: play, Alfred ecmes-inj amd phe conceals tho letter, Comille, Thay based ‘on Diumas* * La Dame aux THRE STATION Coos: Chorus Master, HH, WHirraken eemtling it to hum, imsterad, later,key Tiesseniner.. % “Cameling.’ THe Atcwewreo Bratiox, OncwesTaa He eemehodes thet she is perfectly heartless, For these who live tot the B.EACSs Libretto and porsuce her toa banquet. At the banquet here jg a short Conducted by T.. H. Mlonaisow of the Opera in their hands, Alfred publichy insolte, Violette, -Rbe°is: bréken:

je of what we shall fear ‘deseription hearted: but carries, out her bargain with. his * Ae Tr IL. fether, aval will not divulge her real sootives.,

a The chief cliuracters: in. the -order in jwhich He himeecli: protests his love, and sho sings The Act ends with Violktta’s sad protesta- they sing ore Violetta Valdéry, the heroine the famous air, "Ah, fora’ &: lui” (cranalwted as tion ta Alfred ‘that His will show how ‘he -has (Soprano); Gaaton, the hero's friend. (Tenor) ; “Ah, woe it him my heart foretold, When in the wronged har. . ardPaved Gannont, the hero (Tener). Other throng of pleasure, Oft have IT joy'd to shadow Act TIT,

woiess heard. ace thaka of ¥inlotte’s friends, ta forth G@ne whom alone I'd treasure’). In this, the Inst Act, Violetia ia dying. Her Whom ot the cpening of the Opera she te giving Butshe decides that there is no hope of lasting Doctor (Gass)cheers ber, but knows she cannot ih gay entertisininucnt. lowe for her, ond her mood changes to one of live,’ Then Alfred comrgin, His father hae told Alfred is inbtrivlkiced to her, and hin frend recklessness, of Wioletta’s euerifice of her happmeds, ADP ie Gaston tells her that Adfred sa im Jove with her, The Act ends with -her brilliant second air, forgotten but their lowe, Old Germont comes‘to “TH fold] the round of pleasure, joymg, toying give hia blessing, but-it te ton late.” Vieletta Bho seems to think little of vhe news, but in dics in her lover's arma, ‘reality she ig touched by Alfred's sincenty. frani flower to Gower."

ge cl,Tey, — RADIO TIMES— —=— W“ednesday”s Programmes cont'd ( O c t . 26) sGB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL | | (oLe M. oo ko.) | = cf! 1 os = — . 7 Sf 3.0 CHAMBER MUSE 7.35 ALAwis. RENE! ' j : =| oom | Sel j < Pra hie Grn rele dat ie Capinust iThe Fbn k-Capi trite Obl ry ha I Tun Dons St. Pomaurs Tao: Miss ee ith | Wanrce Eireann)pes. eas indict | (Viedin|) Misa 0, Brey (Violoncello), M or M. Al)peufk Rex, Wh ehh Bihan, mri’. “Ra fohfintrh ay yl |) aaae Pacis { Pinnatirte) Bil We clea Sik ee ee eee ee alba wares “Ni, a ref ele Tric in G weve ce. Ao a fiookentaly qujek « how Hit tt ane ne ae be Corrs pind Cin HES TRA = =H Meat Wal

oo, ms = ah APN a) I rie Peireejai In Hainer i Bele Choral Flataehi on Benedict's "The lady of

Ba Killarney * Estien:Copewan (i cmt) itan six short months you -could-add piano Sapphic Ole. >. a agree eed rte playing to. your accomplishments what Vs rotlaliciess philsartes al Vai | Serenalp Hl Boho Ff 8.0 THE CASANO OCTET | | new joys would be opened up! Vet this isa 2m die Mik: (Ti Mae) ss sc Fie4 Kanew (Panoforte) tuition achievement. through the "From ; : } Sel plier Pgaee ee Posen AiaTree (PFhates Brinn to KRevboant” Sestem- of Pino tuitiet, leh khann'’s nicht -fassen (2 cannot concerve 2) Tt is a fascinating, inexpensive system that Sealy every ve THE Gherret Climinates the out-of-date methods of soales; Pi Waliz, "On the Gentil Bho Dri lee | | arpeggios, and heart-broaking " practice." Andinte gravicao feat Trio in Minor, Op. Tl JohnAas ] Decide now, that before another Summer comes, rendre | you will beable to express your love of music, Tre in A Mingr. Noo 8. ose een C faranenards 6.11 JosernAnater (PF loie) to charm your friends, and ensure the lifelong Miodenddly quick ; Slow ; Quiehe mech energie Fomiuainee ee eee eat oeeee | pleasure ike f plango-mastery brings, PE en i. Fe ab Grit 3 haat PUL 4.0 DAXCE MUSIC 21,00 SUCCESSFUL PUPILS The Loses Ramo Dasce Bann, fimetied hy Boxe y FreMan 8.20 Bray TaAnes SEND TO-DAY for my Wustrated brokiet “Light an 1 CoanMerwe? (Entertainer | Miayzarlen =... =-.,, Bee Re ees fe a PURER oe tectne ne nyt eee late ey ; "lietoforte Bonere Sacspers (Light Baritone) Vnlsn a [ae eee 6.45. Tar Cinconex’s Hove (From Brremraglin): Two Btuties ‘The W why pag in Londen, bey 0. FE. Farnw. 1 whtog be sire Bong hy Flsiiraded Linsey {Baritone} and. Esther 6.30 Reading br Med. Brogandfrom? Trivim,: 1 Pon shy whether yoo pre Coleroan (Controlte), * On the Borders of Fairs bar Logan Mrs ll SSrnitil ae dcteeee or Adcanted> Player or a Brginger, ‘The bookiet will be pen: fan —o Childten’s Play by dd Overton freeof charge ant post tree from Ff. A MACDORALD SMITH, 14, Bisombary Sq... London, WC] 6.30. Trwe Stewan, nhsWhO: Wy ATER ETL Poker, rresT et HAL ABWH 1 Gercerix From Brain to Keyboard ‘eciinah?! Smits Spice of Pionoforte Flopping GaAs HISHOF AND BENEDICT

ren Bermnintvin

T (Hess 6Oars ras Condicted: by. Josten Lewis Oyvertore to Che Milter anil tiie Son a Steal d cr HENRY ROWLEY BISHOP (1756 18S2), Oe ery popular ferro English Crosra, now remembered by little BISHOP /AND BENEDICT, i. sive a few songs from his -oxtromely The two composers ciel work 1 to form the peng rns NMtiiecrags works. One song plone hae eid SGB will) browdenst this ey Pre at 6.45— Si befeave'y malty Fieri, Anime! Homie, a hits veo im Bishop (left), and ‘Sir Julias Benedict. whieh comes fren a work named Cari, Prethuced om bet, Hany Brreonwe (Bess) ond Orelostes §.39 (hornet a! Air, * Rage, thou. anery, ator” Phy as Carve ae Do eee kiaada eee ce Waring. cciipeuciicsonaciate lee tats ESA TAGES fy V1? a feBE VE DUCT 2a Chern whe 8.51 iollawe i the atope of Banded leyspending Tareltiith Rhinpacidy: 4. Agrodt deal of bie fife an Teghind, Like Hane L,

hot, Ki wis fa Rene ly popular here for nearly §.2 {hr a i fifix: ners, from Deas ntl lm ooath. Diirker Meditation ( TVRs ke ce Late of, ap Afekedel | in life he had the cool luck to. impress Weber, Ww Ali of Soctrices (Vader “Frishs}; . if whi: Tee sovoril rears treated him, ‘as. Benerlict himself said, ‘Not onty as pupil, but aaa san.” 9.18 Rotdme by Sie... Stanarnr from: He is romombered iow by very few works, Driv i,* by Leagan’ Penrenlt Sith chief anong thém being The Lily of Killarney. lt eee air, Haye, Hon ongey alonn, oie Thom 8.27 ChcoTET lus first KEnwlish opera, The Gipey's Warning, Belloca trom," La Pelee.” whieh, wis [®incalucedl im JAR, (By Teeqinest) This{ is. one oftherae range af ‘ 740 Coors go ORCSTRA J0ShrHROATEL Ja0nT Leip oer moosedell oe eee ao 9.38 Tri-an The slicuaek od nee a Ts Mr Moore y Fishop SI VRIES ire eee fb aba ketene ithe alone Little eTbe ee ed ae eee ‘eon ee Syoin-Durnk Mavis Bexsnrr (Soprano) ond Orchestra Liabeille (ibe. ee) Voriniions on * The Carnival of Venico" PF. Selonhert tof De ute 7 ener, Stan Fr Benedicl, arr. Sheefor! Dodineos Keep her happy fed ont of doors with one of these beaotifal dolla’ prams Tike, Oh! tale those lips away | #47 Ocrter The seve iden. Velie nine In antae way Bishon, arr. Sinnfore Kolinson 1 as bith elas moter curs. Handasnie bead ine Carnival, Part Ei 4 esa iaisly mh oF PE praeed iniegrl whth side junek, whieh 7.18 Warnny ERISoee ate-ot alivor ete: Cahtiot warp or erwek, Pee Tred eho celal work, detiehit colours, *Tis whon to sleep piel Cees Ppa dP Tg | ; 10.0 WrATHER Fomecast, Sktovn lexan NEWS big White rubiser TV TES. Th Pirin ma ele. -. alee ae Fiskep BuLtrrns In five sitet from. 15/0 te 40/6 Ol, no, we never mention Qf alT Toyah pe, Shot aad Pro Dealers,

10. 15-11,15 DANCE MUSIC: Tur Crem, #iptics ining by , PHeRre Tass trom the Hotel Ceri LINES BROS.LTD, Morden Rd. Lendon, 5.8.15, Might Baap aieh eee ese + eee Sethe os Monde fo Bate fell, Orval Flr, el Le, New Dal! Calipers, of die Cais ‘Hirkdittlen, ‘yl Bisho Pe} { Weitnesdoy's Programmes contraned on page 148.) Sleep, gentle Jaciy ‘ri, Dia Waer, B

_ aay SF —— cea 645: aH 65M Ec 6.35 BO 6.20 BE: o 12.0-1.0 Wednesday’ 49 10-30-11.0 Ff 5.0 630 6:20 6.15 6.5 815 £0. 40 2.50 SWA

0 3 6 0 2 . 6 16.30-11.0 60 6.15 6.0 5.t 730 12.06-1.9 2ZY 12.0-1.0

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TRAVIATA" relayed Records 14 Aste ("4


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Lito 2]. 1927 || — RADIO TIMES — 143 Se a Ee Se = ———: == Music From Manchester This Week.

—=——_—— SSa ——— Manchester is famous throughout England and the Continent as acentre of musical_appreciation and achievement,with « population which, year by year, ts helping to scotchthe still prevalent notion that the English cannot appreciate good muni, "Two important mutica 1 hroadeastaiihe |bre Manchester f this week—the first concert of the Hallé Season on Thursday, and performances of La Traviata on Tuesday and Wednesday. The articles on this page, which form on appropriate ihireduction to these broadcasts, are by Mr. J. A. Forecth, a former Secretary of the Hallé Society, and Mr, Moses Bartz, the well-known lecturer on Opera.

a = The Halle Orchestra. ‘La Traviata.’ EE Hi Halle Orchestra made its first appearance as long ago aa 1957. ye tanks as the greatest of all Italian composers. He typifies the The Committee of the Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester engaged development of opera, forming the connecting link between the early oir Charkes (then Mr.) Hallé to give some orchestral concerts, and their euecess eighteenth-contury composers and the modern school of music drama. He wee so great that the conductor was encouraged to make his permanent composed his first opera in 1839, and the last in 1803, when he bad reached residence in Manchester, and thus there came into being an institution destined the advanced age of eighty! His mental faculties did not decline with the to play a vitally important part in the musical life of England. The proht yeara, but on the contrary, increased in brilliance and fertility. It was after Of the first season was half a crown, presented to Hallé by his manager in ten the production of Aida in 187] that the world realized Verdi was a profound brand new threepenny bits—one for himself, one for his wife and one for master of orchestration. In the prelude to Act I of that opera he first used cach of his children: hut ever since those for-oif dave the Hallé Orchestra the classical form in composition. By that time twenty-five operas had his contineed, with Manchester os ite headquarters, to give forsix montha been composed! Most of them are unknown in this country. Aigolelto, Inthe eur orchestra concerts in the Northool England,Scotland and Deeb. fl Trecatere, and tonight's opera retain their popularity on account of the Prom ite inception two outstanding features hive rendered the work of the uncnding series of melodies they contain. Though we deplore the poverty ormnization remearkeble-—the personnel of the orchestra and the programmes of orchestration, we are amazed at the rich, unceasing flow of melody, “ithe concerts, ‘The former has consistently been distinguished in the main Tt may not. be generally known that fa Treriafa was written concurrently by virtuosdof ‘their particular instruments, and the latter have never trucklod with f! Jrevaiere, ond produced six weeks Ister—March 6, 1853, at the bo what i commonly ‘called the popular taste, Fonice Opera Howse, Venice, And what a foilwre if proved / The story was Sir Charles Pallé died suddenly in October, 185,and after an interregnum derived from Alexandre Dumaa’s novel ‘La Dame aux Camelias.’ In tho seaton of proat conductors, Sir Frederic Cowen took command for thee cloaing scene, Vieletta, the heroine, is supposed to be wasting from consump- years, In 1800 began the second great epoch in the history of the Hallé tion. ‘The doctor intimates her speedy demise, This pathetic news aroused Orchestra, when Dr. Hane Richter settled in Manchester and became its the audience to on outburst of uncontrollable laughter, The lady playing condnetor, Orchestral playing and orchestral conducting had by thie time the part of the ‘dyingconsumptive’ was exceedingly well-nourished, of made enormons etrides, not only artistically, but aleo in the favour of the elephantine proportions, and weighing over fourteen stone! ‘The ridiculows public, and the appointment of auch « world-wide celebrity as Richter, with spectacle was too mmnch for the audience—hence the fiasco! Verdi was his genine for getting all that was beat out of hia players, enhanced the ganguine about it4 nltimate success, With slight revision it was presented reputation.of the Hallé Orchestra until it too boeame of world-wiie im- at another theatre in Venioe a vear later, achieving ‘an immediate ancoess, portaned. BKiehbers réginie insted for thirteen years, oral during that time The opera is 4 remarkable amalgamation of choice arias, duets, and concerted be tutrodiced the works of many Britich composers, notably thoae of Elenr— pieces. A superabundance of warmth is apparent in the muaic. A most infeed, Elgar's First Symphonyreceived its first performance under Richter intercating feature ia that such 4 high melodic standard is attained by. a in the Free Trade Hall, Hons Richter wae in every senee af the word a big Fimple process of expression, This is exemplified in the prelude to Act. man, and be-did tig things for music in England doring fils stay in Manchester ; Verdi's orchestration had net then reached matarity. Throughout fa anil, lke many big men, he had a big and kindly heart. When. foll. of Treciata the orchestral accompaniment is vapid and redundant. Thesé years, Hons Richter retired, his place waa taken by Michael Balling, the defects but serve to enhance the beauty of the joyous outpouring of melody. well-koown Bayrenth conductor, and although hitTeign, owing to the We are gripped by the wondrous manipulation of sound, though varietyin outbreak of war in 1914, lasted only two years, 1t-oin at least be said accompaniment is lacking. The simplicity of the tunes renders memorizing that be left the orchestra aa well equipped as when be took charge. easy. Throughout the war Sir Thomas Beecham was the principal condactor ; dhe prel ule opend ina reflective mood, At the eighteenth bar an exquisite in fact, if it had not been for himand his enthusiveam there would have been theme is anniuneced by the first violins, violas, and ‘cellos, with oa sinsple no Hallé Orehestra to relieve the gloom and depression of those black daya, Arimming accompanimentfrom the remaining instruments. Thistune is nl thee North cit England owes this ere roius gens fit imeddev ha lite dcht oF taken from Act I], where Violetta makes a passionate appeal to her lover, gratitude. In the song, Verdi marked the theme to be rendered ‘with passion nyd The third epoch sawite dawnin the autumn of 1920, with the appointment force.” The inclusion of the melody in the prelude prognosticates the entire of Sir HamiltonHarty as the permanent Hallé conductor. Of there is one emotional development of the opera. This conclusion is strengthened by tho thing in which anorchestra should exeel it is in iteensemble, Perfect ensemble repetition of the theme,on thia occasion, in-unison, by the ‘cellos, clarinet, plavine is bmpossible if a new conductor endeavours to impress his identity and besoon, withan entrancing embellishment from the first violins. The at every concert. Briefly, guest conductors, while having their uses, have alen following brief survey will assist ina keen appreciation. very distinctly their misnsea. Harty, with his Celtic imagination, his fervent Act. Drinking song, “Where beauty and mirth are beckoning.’ “A lively enthusiasm and musical genius, his firm but pliant hand, combined with the eae rendered by the tenor, then taken up by soprano and chorus, Thiet, calient fact that he and his orchestra play ot between sixty and seventy * Ab, day for ever remembered." A charming and detightful reminiscence of concerts exch winter, has raised the artistic statas-of the Hallé Orchestra wiht the lovers’ firat meeting. Solo, ‘ Ab, was it him my heart fovetold,” Most it i4 pecomd to nome in this or any other country. Harty ie still o young popular aria in the opera. Bright. Flourishing voralization, Show, thea man, ond has the energy and enterprise of the youthinl. Not content to brilliant and fast. conduct a big sericea of symphony concerts in Manchester and ecleewhere, lw Act I. ‘Tenor solo, * Fever'd and wild my dream of-youth.’ Contempla- has persunded the Corporation of Manchester to give Municipal Concerts tive and soothing. Baritone solo, * Hath my home in fair Provence.” Eifec- in the Free Trade Hall. It will be weleome news to the great-and growing tive and appealing. Finale. One of the greatest choral acenes-in oper. Tbe pulbtie to knerr that a mumber ol the Hallé PrOeraninigs ate to be Act I, Prelude opens as Act [, but in lower key. Soprano-eolo, * For brmadeast thisowinter, Jt éan be eure of having great music finely given. ever ] must leave thee.” Pathetic and emotional. Duet, ‘Far from the J. A:' Fonsvin. buay throng.’ Meclodious and fascinating. Mosks Banire.

THREE HALLE CONDUCTORS SINGING IN ‘LA TRAVIATA: (Left to right) Hans Richter (1899-1912), Michae! Balling (1912-1914) and (lett ta right) Herbert Roddock (Dr, Douphol, Gertrude Johnson Sir Hamilton Harty, the present conductar.of the famous orchestra (Violetta) andLee Thistlethwaite (Germont). acer

RADIO ‘TIMES —— EOénomen. 28, ise. : Wednesday’:sProgrammes cont'd (Oct. 26) In the Near Funice News from the Southern Stations. 754.1 MM. if ‘adedded. front page 42) 6ST STOKE. Hewes Liverpool,

Wednesday, Novena «=, elo ined paged 276.2 MM. oNG NOTTINGHAM. 12.0-1.0 London Programmes. relayed fron recital of worka’ by Rachimininoff, Stephen TOO KE. Dhawan bir

Wearing (pianist), {25 pm. Lhe Aanng. of

12.0- 1.0 Lomelon Proagearninre relia ve rl (Pere 2.30 London Pirie Inve tao: Dareniey Marriage, a comedy by Charles Les, performed bey thie Liver hea Plavers andl Deir Rciths, Ehevecetiy 215 Tae Camones’s Horr Lhuirsday, November 3, 0.35 ta | 1 nom, 2.30 Lenden Pragrimie rel ed from Daventry 6-0 London Programa relayed from Doventry Entertainment by the Duda Concert Pari : . 6.30 ‘i, fram Focrpertaa pe 5.15 THE CAILOREN Ss Hove Manchester. B.0 Auda from Wfayieteatcr Sunday, Qotober 90, 9,30sins. Chaynbar tusks 6.10 Ana Ticino iPaaatortic) mud songs by the British ‘Trio, Dora Labbotte 2.0 &.A. Fran Landaa rolayed from (eOprami}, anid Rey Hendepaon i harihons’. London Programme DareiEVt ments) 6.20 4.0) Th. me Rand niuaie and hymn tunes : -lrwoll 9.55 3H, jram MWanhelester Springs Band end the Central 6.00 SUR, from Cowton Hall Chair. 10.30-11.0 S08, Prova Loopaniyl Thursday, November 3. Two short plays. 6.0 Fm. from Manchester mark Sugg 2, the fifth of ‘The. Browna of

Owdham* series hy Edwin: Lewis, and Boris, 20. S29. fron London (8.30 Local ALTO 55K SWANSEA. ‘020ko. a TH play hyy Diaaphne tia nieita} Bournemouth, SLB. from Manchesler 20-10 Landon Provrenin relayad Train 9.35 Sunday, Octoher 30. Appeal on behalf Gf the Daventry new Jellicoe Sailors’ Fest af 16.30-11.0 uo. fro borion Sonthannobon, bee 2.00 London Prmormins relayed from- Daventry Mr, G. Stanley Pond. Tuesaday, November 1, First of three talks 4.0 JN AFTERNOON CONCERT on Sicily by M,C. Sharpe. r SPY PLYMOUTH. 750ke. Barra Cares (eoprana) jal, Cnarros THATCHER Wednesday, November 2 Winter afubleris { Fare] concert—Warner programme, David Evans 12.0-1.0 London Programme relayei Pron THe tration Tro: T. D. Joxes (Pianofdete), (baritone); Liza Lehmann song e v e l e ; Tda Tae ILM Tons (Violin), Daventry Mohd Asx nt Cooper (soprano), Ghiiye Palmer / o o n t r a l t e ) , Pollo) John Turner (tenor), imal Kenneth Filis i aise. 220 London Programme relayed from Daventry hy ihe shat bork 815° Tan -Umepres’a Hove: Muse Plymouth. 615 Tae Carorex'’s Hota: Songs by George Tea Sunday, Oetober 30, 8 pom. Stadia serves pad | Baritone) 6.0 For Weat Wales Girl Guides with address by the Rey. i. By Nicholle: thom 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry 6.70 Londen Provtainme folayed ton Daventry ef St. Philip's Mission Church, Plymouth. Pueslay, November },6 pm. Programme by 6.30 8.8. fron een 6.30 Wo. fron London * Tha Micromnomer, acl beerbit, lumrupcky One-aiti

£0 #7}, fran That ethic et play, Mr Smith Wake Up, by Vivian Tidmiaxch: £0 SB. from Manchester #00 SB from Lenden (640° Local Annexmoe Friday, ovember 4. “3,40) nom, Tatlke to 9.0 8.5. from Lonion (6.30 Local Annaimer inents| schools by Mr, Jobo Murray, Principal of the

—_— Lniwersity Callers of the Sianth =wee. mits} 9.35 fu Bi Fira AMianeheater Saturday, November 4, tannin ee 635 Sue. from AManehester 10.30-11.0 A rom Bartok mentary hy Mr. E.G. Roteher on the Phemouth Albiopy as Devonport Services Hate, te layecd 10.30-11.0 A.B from Leadon Park; Northern Programmes. from Beacon Cardiff. = 272.7 MA. 6FL SHEFFIELD. 1,100 he, 5N0 NEWCASTLE. aaa Bumday, Noved) ber b. Lidgcert by Station

t e p e r t o r y : Choir’ ind Orehes Solomt, Harry 120-10 t—Cromophe Recomle,. 239:—Lendon Tine Moats Eanita: (Gramophone Leeture- tran? Telayed from Deventer. «Lo:— Meth relaqesl: fro Brindte. : 12.0-1.0 Fenwith's: Terrace Ted Ton. §.0t--Heuling—. Monday afternoon, November 7. Recital 6.08 -—Chlkdcen"s Heur, €:6¢—Statlen ete: Comedy reer. Lacerta ture,"Vanity Kale.” (Fletchers; fulte ~Pantisthjae, Op, 72 natore themes, Soloist, Winters. Ercims from Daventry {Foulds}. 6.20: —iteval forticniigral:fackety'a’ “Hultetin. 2.20 London Programme relayed 6.320 ;—80, fred Devinn. 26:20, iro Ueinedieetes recital by Kathleen Beer dopraie), and Gaweneth Bbonoden., $45 -—S.0. from Manchester, O22, : — -frou 8 . 1 . . f r o m : Landon... Aine (harpiat), Vinw tania (ATI) Fir var here 4 5.15 Tee (#er.oRes 3 Hown.: * The Little Dresa- 10-30-91.8 Grace Daniel, Toho hooks afd Teor Madde, ronicen | (fi. Farjesk) aC G05 24 i, Wednegday, November &, Welbh Hie Pe AW Tad ie. 3 Gl Eddie Parry, Dorothy Harty (Harpist), Uriel 6.0 Pirres Howarno (Baritone) 20 a —inmeplone Records, 15 i—-Etoadcaeh ta Hr hisals, 455 concert, WirthQuintet, Gener Lees Rees (tenor), Doreen Heal (viokwist) ; and Ethel May a Mouil-of The Tend: 8.0 :—PFanmiitar Birds and Eeacis of ter Conniryede, by Gomer: Lewin (mero supeUNe), From cut my teara .. | Schanneinn | Slr Wo. Bese Thoinee. §6-—Children's Hour, §.581-— Thow'rt like a lovely flower ....., | Wenther Forcensh for Farmer. §:0:—Lonion Preemie Saturday, Novenber 1 Treacel tlk—"in relayed fren. Deteniyv, &2s-Mr. Bodlevy Vo Hawells-: Shh: PROGaed ce en Peele ee Imipreasen of Lourdes,” hy Alderuan Deacon, Horiculiin. €90:—A.n. from Londen. §:45>—Jovenile Or We warndared. . uke ae ; Liu aswel \ Mavor of Bridowater. reeline Guiilkation Eeillethn, 7-8:—S.H, from Ley, 7 i—Seotiieh Minnolied (Love Song). Humour Sees (4 BOER. fran Manchester. §.6°:—3.h, bong of Pan {iran Phogpa ‘end obPaHi ys . Bach from Lowen... -9.30—Cabaeiar of Gta See Eanes: Kale. Daventry Expermental. 6:92 :—-Lacal Anpounetments, 835-87 fren Manchester. Sunday, October dO, Fa0-5.30 pm. Chamber 16.30-11.0'°—Lintt otractes. Station Urehietre. elie creas 6.20 Horticultural Bulli ata the Meadaws (Roetethey ih: Reverie (MionDael) = Aileen “vealed mide, Apo. Service relayed frm a Ward of

(Ameciite) > Deaise: Mowdarhie (Finck); Cale haotant | Fletchech, the General Hospital, Bit mings ~ with tndddress f 630 8.8. from: London ' ZBD ABERDEEN. Si) MM. by Archdeacon of Aston, Canon J. H. Richards, LH0 t, 10.90 p.m. Sandler and his arPt Denia ! £6 8B. from Manchester 12.0-1.6 :—Gramcphone Mueic. 5.56: :—Hiradbenst to Bobs. ' 346 —Landon Prigrnimme telaped from Levante. Es i— Noble (haritdne) | SPRECH BY-LORD JELLICOR Onikiren's Hour. Bii—DLoeien Preise pela fron Thuraday, Nirroniber 3, Convert: fram i 9.0 Daventry, ERis— Mr. Geotpy Eo ipeciiowes: Herticntire, | Qn the cmasion of the 299th £39 4B, ftom Looeton, 6.50 °—Juveniio 4 rdasiiention Lovells Picture Howse: Frank Newnan [rea Bailie. 703-8iron “London, 801. from Man Dara hy Showell (sopranmah. 8+1) jin, Musical Corian" Frast theier, -—8:—s. 8. itm Lehn, 8: —e BB: from llinsrow, 2:95. °—5B: feiManchester, 12.30-—Sotnan Line [a Zor, comedies : The Waterman, hy Charles Dibdin,

BRelayed from tho (Gotlers’ Hall, Sheffield * a Shore, aad a Piano}, 146-10. >-—8.8. froLanden, and. The Blue Peter, by Armstrong Gibbs ; Mavia 6.20 Wearvte PorRmROAST SECOND Cent 2BE BELFAST. atROG SLie.Mt, Bennett, Vivienne Chatterton, Herbert Thorpe, RRWs: BULLETS Tran Firth and tAnbrey Milhvard. 12.6-1.0--—London =Progmnm teayed from. Daventry,

2.30 :—Liiion Programe relayed from Deyentey, &.30i— Saturday, November 5. Dance Musie- and 9.35 alts frat Manel: cate Dyvonk Procnimme bythe Stathon Onihestrn. 6.0 —AMika A, Varicty.. 8-10 p.m. London Radio Dunce Band + Dy, ‘Oration, ° The Saevernever Land." §.95 -—Ohildren =: Hor. Randall and Leigh, Tom Farrell, Dmdley Rolph. 1030 8.8. from London 6.6 2-—London Programme relayed trom. Baveniry, 6)30-:— SA, from Landi. 7.45°—Talhot 0)! Farrell. 02-807. fron O15 pam. Beote programme + Station Orchestra Manictiester. 6.0" —,H. from London... $35 5-58.91. from Man 11.0-11.5 Leenl Annee SEALE & chetter, T030-11.0 8.8 irom Lomein, mt "Form Konniburgh,.



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ROGRAMMES for THURSDAY, October 27 foe ain. | Wiise n c e s set 2LQO LONDON and sXX DAVENTRY lj aasecreTn GameswrcnsWexemt [__e eeoe

you are te d e p i c t = -—- te aiid ll in m i u d i e Forecast = ——— i a hors wpa wk downs 11.6 i Deveniry only) Tur Daventry Chaar I | atall realistically, you are bound to showhim and Pmcie-Rarre (Tenor) in het water sometime—and that means uring 122.0 Tue Daviewrey Quarter,and Puyiiis prettyatrong discards! Carnky Foster (Soprano), Ingwe Browse and ah scenes of imodenta ara clearlyta be das- Heves THonr (Dwete for two Prenos) Cinguistedd int thyes weeerke, Finst Scosn. Wo havea portrait of the Here, 16-20 The Week's Concert of New Gramoplicne mul some indiontion of. his qualities—hia pride, Rereorila his imaginative tabure, and his strength of will. BECOND RoegnE. The Hero's Eaamies (Wanl- 2.30 Mr, Enic Pasir, ‘Out of Doors—-The Fall wind) snarling as they flock rowne him, of the Leaf, the Work of the Eacthworn * THikn Scere, The Aero'y Helpimate. She ja 3.0 EVESSONG represented in her varying moods by a Solo Violin Relayod from Westminster Abbey malin y, A trimpet call brings ua to the 3.45 Misa. E. BR. Hasmoeninooe, “How to makeoa Founra Scexe. The Ratigfeld, Here cama (Girl's Behoo!) Outht the toughest test for the sensitive ears of |i, (See cola 2, pegged 151) Note the powerful and persistent dram rhythm, Firra Scexe. The Hero'a Worke of Peace, 4.0 THE ASTORIA ORCHESTRA Here Strauss quotes largely from hiaown worka, Under the direction of Feen Karcees, from the SIR ISAAC NEWTON, ALkTH SCENE. The Hera Fight from the World, Agtoru Cinna, Charing. Cross Road ont Cention, Aftéersa moment of dejertion, the great astronomer, of whose work Sir Oliver Lodge the Héro finds serenity anel pee of mamel— 15 Mr B.S. Lawnenst, ' Special Talk to Sacon- will talk today, dary Schoola: * Jnyplements and Ideas’ perhaps ina pastoral life, asthe meod of the music STs bo suet, 42:0 Tae AstronOncwgsta (Continued) Two books that Ste Oliver Ladea Wishos to He has to face one more sterm, but it ta brie, recommen] to listenera to his talks, in addition The ‘end enmea in a crest climax. thet rods 5.0 Gwes Kstenr (Eopranc) to these mentioned in the booklet dealing with Off the Hero's life-work im chompletennsa of jov Selected] Sona his series, aro Frofesece Brodeteky's * Sir Teano 6.30 Local Aninorneements, (Deveatry only) $15 Tre Camonex’s Hor: Seleciiong by Newton, His Lafe-and Work," published ih ooOn- Shipping. Forecast nection with tha bicentenary, and *The ‘Torch- The Olof Baxtet.. The Story of ‘ Mouflon’ 635 “Men and (iia '—-TTT, —Mr: EVELYS beiréra,” a sories of poems illustrative of the (tisha), The #2oca New Home foe hare Wiresen: ° Helkingfora: and the propragive difieulties and achievements of the astronomical Birds "—niore true Zoo Storiea, by L. G, Mainland Republe of Finland? noneers,hy Mr. Alined Moyea, 6.0 Ministry of AvriculiureFortnightly Bulletin 9.50 PLANTATION SONGS 7.45. AN QORCHESTEAL CONCERT ETHEL Festos (Contralte) 6.15 Market Prices for Fannera hy ihe Tom Kisxininan {Hass} 6.20 Tre Loxpow Rant Daxce Bann, directed HALLE ORCHESTRA THe Wirevess CHorvs, and byStosey Fieaas Conducted by Sit Hasairon Bantry a ainall Srtaixg OecwestTra, conducted by STANFORD Howeson 6:30 Tie Stosar, Garkewicn : Wrirnke Fone. Releyed from the Free Trade Hall, Manchester cast, Finest Gesenan News. BoLcero: Tas RosserooChora So. from foitehester Pieti ao She aes 645 Foxacp Crrvens (Baritone) Norhok Rhapeady tierce Peon Willian Far away ober dora. .a0.. 4. fh 6. SeokGalty (Firat time in Manchester) ar Daraise ptkcee ve acdc ees ir 7.0 Mr. Fraxcis Tore, * Mize in the Theatrs * Piniecd (Sheriieee ated ed ate era Broknve Ethan FRxTos 7.15 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC Bab app. Wearhen Forecast, Srconp GESERAL So fa Db ee eae gba a Alerutan Cardo Hayos Prayo foxwaTas NewsDcuerty Chiagnipoan (egy icy vice bee e bed vais ow ile Preyne Played by E. Kexpars.-Tayvton 9.0 app. HALLE CONCERT Tou Kissmuroeiod Chorua (Comtisiied | Camptown Races... ., | 7.25 SIR OLIVER LODGE Sa fron Wanehester Who's that 4-calling 1 ..}arr, Stanford Rohinson ‘Pioneers of Astronomy—Y, Newton ' (Continued) Polly-wolly-doodie ..... TenePéen,*A Heros Life" .... Aihara sins \ ITH his fifth talk, Sir Oliver Lodge comes Eran. Peston and Chorus to” Nowton (bbd2-1727),. the: father of (OME of Ww aro old onourh to temember that Doni yo ory, Mahoney ss kw es Albert Nall modem satronomy, of applied acience, and of 1 there wasa greet quurrel about this work Frialie PD hi ee Weve ewes Milton Wellings the. mechanistic explanation of tha universe when, ttowie first playgd in England, a quarter Canons (onky) This weekhe will deal with the general ganect of» century ago. Tt waa supposed to be tre- of: Newton's contribution: te scienés, ond next menilorehy alveredd,” oxerucmtingly * modern,’ Oli Kentucky Homo ,... Siphon ©. Foster Thuraday he will conclude.tia series of talka with And part of it wae declared to be horribly caco- 16.30-12.0 DANCE MUSIC: THE Baroy a discussion of hia paomecr work in thewee of phonous. ORPHEANS ond Tim Savoy HAYANA BasD, jretruments in astronomy. Hist. (in thosedays, at any. rate) Btraasa did fram the Savoy Hotel

calla = i= = =



Three views of Helamgfors, the capital of Finland, of which Mr. Evelyn Wrench will talk tonight. In thecontre 15 oy general view showing the South Harbour and the Nicholas Church; og the lett the fountain in the Market Square, andon the nght the Central Railway Station, a notable example of modern Northern European architecture, fe

t | SER HLH a. Let, i bois cae TIMES

Thursday?s Programmes eont’d ( O c t o b e r 27) sGB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL | For around (491.5 Ba. fio ko.) i

, aaa’ 0 A SYMPHONY CONCERT | 8.30 MUSIC—SONG—PLAY Relnyod from io Winter Gat i bisnis, oriniocnoiuth Frigg Jorn ei (No, 4 of the Dhitty-thind Winter Series} THE HoMINGHAM Bittpio, Jano WHITEY

i Tux Bortesrwatrra KOSICTRAR OSV MPHORY i Leaaaerber. FRANK CANTELE You (LETH buy it i Oneonta (Performer conducted by Cyrerture ta * The ¥éllew “Princess '. peti eae Bu LAN Gurr loud speaker for ‘FOUR BELLIS * | around £3 which, i A Bor LE 18 Chie CUT awe wcece daca ce lhe a 4 Py tone Ach by Hn Geen i iF imal Perfortigince sat theee onports| lt your receiving r THE Composer of. this Overture spent much (hirrtetars | Collins, the Third AT gd el ua Als set will work at ; Of his chilhioad wt pos. and paissedl big jeoutl Fetors, the First Mate ,,...... DwTraske loud speaker i LE ship free SCHIieE TH: Vie are tobcd thd: i yoo Morgair occ... WoaetLey Acues i work thew bea yy ete STO rather thing Lh Srv, Captain strenith at all, "Ain at s§ ie Woda Hrese wun ie ID Ae Taare A teihnrts Cas Chrpe? yeurts: tiki * Btond-By. WaInaos will absolutely aps company, of happy memory.’ Tt * owe Thee Cheer Loriieler co. eA “Look oot" Alain Hees Morro Something to their eourage, qaoorl humour, anel ensure the most love of sentiment,’ anc at the close there ian The scene is the bridge of the es. Dunkel perfect repro- metmery of their prllnndt death, mo the war. at ahout-throd belle in the middle watel, The duction obtam- } The Overture brats fi Tew bor of fh BOs Daniel, bemeward bound from. Montreal, ts ! the hallinnds shanty Afew fie wer foe fon shonin alowly through a thick fog off the abletherefrom. the Horns, ae the second tune of the piece), the Thinks of Newfoundland, The air i ver can It is the speaker forpaheet shanty Ao! are, woe [Voollte in tod Peters mol ollins, whe fre Studie thei Ohne, oon miter thi, a teachiiveenl pew pong, middle watch together, are-clad in oilkkins ancl whichmakesa ey The Matt of sbmateriom (Oboe and other Waoodl- ok 1 Lj wits. poor set pood Wind, very eotthy),, then eimtral Gentoo 9.0 GQoisrier and a good set Hors), and the well-kqown Sienndanh (Calling) Pantego on “i Pogtiacc "(The Play Actors”) | After thi cle velerparnit Tit ot Lise ithe, the nie better — it hasa i CO,IT MEY | bakes Go nob of forebedioo pack thet riers: §o 8 °, ao world-renowned Desai Nose i hairnitine) menact, The lsst mood-is that of a requocm, name and a won- iri | the work encia- with «a foet hint of &Arnca frags, LSAfee ale ea a a a ara eae eR vahipiter "Shymphoriy 7.esis ce veces vated The Three. UoredBA eatin sed ee Hana ffs topengiit derful reputation Ah! eeort a See ya oStera aaa acetate Afcicah Ean It is known as B45) Bvtivia pe Gay (Violin) And) Orehesirn QUINTET WW Wnrtents iron Byars Svio} hut ATW os elt . feone Pita et * “Three Tris NE Ans fl Lado, worote this pico Frenei: Composer, iSLEfor the fanodite Apert ily Windiniet, Seriete, §.35 ‘THE REEDS THE Witrol’ ; Whom aor etengers Wall teoolleet diewrimigy, for ACs ELA Tces ry Bowis Lew, Pret duc) bey / he weed to boa creat fourite hore feenty¥.year STUART ViNtieN

: locidéntal Mimic hay Tar BaaeAM repo The Spanieh Semphony (which is really o Soite hak hr INTEL | tak piece1, Tek syurijal ny in the Weal iat : 1 4 Cathleen Cormetta JHkLEN 3, exon ot tl 1 term | is Spndeh TREES? ECP ere ia Prench- Naomi Lepolawux its eeMao | indn's evee—pasy. debonnir, polished! and piquant roan cernie ec ayes arb erie eee Wd. AroawEs heard its name ! There aire m the conplete work fite seperate amon Robina... Lowi Tihs hit Movements, well contrasted in spirit and style, of course—NHOW feel NGG By dieters cpecct ene ocean aes STUART Visti i OF Whe we ane fa hear fomr—ah ening cet HEAR IT. Wewill The Seone is gipsy encampment in a wood- Movement, a Aceh, a Slow Aowvniinent aed a demonstrateitatany "Teo hulf-bell tens of canes. are in the shelter Ronda, of the trees. din othe roo, before the termta, time ot our show- : ORO eTin A # rel fire (burs, over which, on a brig, roam 15, BEDFORD Beottigh Rhapaedy, * Borns 4 vee dbiloe Benga i eepeiied a pot.fond onda log onenr the fine ST... STRAND, i. site a tmddbo-aged woman. of the bra cipsy LONDON, W.C., i 2 Loses Previeee: Howse (raas Asn types Tho oiight aa wan fit. bbteathi boss, oroif you will write LOST RA = antl preseitiy, alter staring into the fire, she sto Blackheath we Piroaa Erar enn cravra a cleuming kniake. will orranke @ oe. THe OncHestita. conducted lie Pawn Hirai Monstration with Overture, * Fines Cay fe nrlebssotin Intermezzo, “The Whispering of the Flowers * your local dealer, HitnaNira (Cootnilto| Fordion Heeompornst i 5 gaara bree erg fees iF all Fan 10:0 Wreatorne Forecast, Secona Geserar News | hia Task ie ee la ae a Lalifard 4 LLL is | Frask Niewaas (Organ) 10.15-11.15 AN HOVE WITH MASSENET biawe eee cee hy [ Li a Momastery Ganken pe Prom htirinonghom Valse, * Moonlight ancl Yor has BieGHAM. TTDlo Ores a, omit iacotie ina * Moen ene é Prana): (Aa cee ON CorALE by loser Lewis Over une to * Pera * | AitonNine Myer eR Se eee ee eatin ee geet i fie er Dcssts AGGLe (Boritowe) and Orelestir Air, * Vision Fugitive * i" Fleeting isa n, from Oncieerek ‘Herons *} Puite, Fin Derbind’ 5 ofeevewes Aah Wilts,“ The ‘Gronacers * TFake tte whet | 10.25 ORCHESTRA ples bees tion iron “The. Cid Batbedt Al asia Bas Tare CHoLorEke Fievt B (Pan Treen} *Sicky's Fine,” by Marjane Witton, Songs by exw Nonnr fral Oreliest rn r Norah Tarrant i ‘antral teOl, ancl Lents | feat Agr," Aifine, endent’ (* Swe, eh led.! Tro Flug *y * Biteuie and Peecumi "} we Welsh Takes, by T. Davy Boberts. atesisk Two Piatids by 10,45. OnveEesTRA ot Margoret: Abbot here ond Nine) Dalinwiy Two Interluades fro “Dot Quixote.” Bertie 7; Duleines’s Boilinces 6.30 Tre fier ar, Gres with: VWonarign Fore east, -Finsy GENERAL News Boers Dies Wont ond Clrehest ra Aur, * Voila, lone, la terri bbe ene’ DANCE MUSIC (* Soe, the terriftsle "os 6.45 cits » Drop! “Pha *) Tun Lospox Rani DPaxsce Basn Bitected by Binser Fram ax LIRCHESTHA BLACKHEATH Belettion frei Snite, “Alsatian Scenes ' LONDSNH, 5-E.4 an Scored, KELLEY. | haterTine} HELES ALgros: (bk 1itert newer | ee Fi vnA Pane (fe LPs PCa rib t (ii Pera tas. | oe


Léa R.ADIO ee fama = ee =

Thursday’:s Programmes continued (October 37)

a.G.1 MM. o94.5 MM. Seer («BM BOURNEMOUTH. 2eY MANCHESTER. In iter: you are to. despeek a here’,aupe and downs aio he. 730 bC. at all realistically, you are heunl ta shaw him t I in hot water same time—and that ' LHLLe rer 250 L soridlaees Programme relayed frou n Dhontny 12-6-1.0 iraimophone Meoctda pretiy atrong digeapels |

a 51 Torr Caron3s Hour ] 4.30 Migsio by Tie: Srarios QaRree Converning thé * programme" of the work the Composer, at tha first performances, Rhiel toa Pierre rehired from Davednt 5.0 Haoi taf i iL Cairtaehool Chrbtit," by Misra friend: ‘Tt is endigh to: know that there ia‘s 6.0 Lor chon ate BR Bambridee

hero fighting his emennies,’— A detailed: analysis, Sf 6.39 , iT. ji L a s F l Lajatin however, has been. pubs hake «l, with: hig consent 2-15 Tre (onions 4 Hote: Rerpiesh Day andapproval. Six scenes of incidents are clearly 745 Pope ee fron fa ruth arr | 68 Lariat Pr age TELE relayed fron Daventry to has dishingutahert: Miurst Scexe. Wehove a portrait of the He: $45 Wratnne Formcaar, News | 6.30 S20. fron bonion ane 2ome inclication of his qua lities—his yraha: his imaginative nature, ane hia steen:ath of will 90. SRSFrevizal Vie hater 7.45 AN ORCHESTRAL CONCERT ShoOokD SCENE,The Hera a Jona CATeed bey tha HLA: CERciearra, $390 ‘Local Announeeneants wind) snapping and snarling az they Boek round Conducted by Sir Hasniuton Harry hin. 9.35 SUB. from London Relayod from the Pree Trade Hall Titan Bcenm.The Hero's Helpmate. Shi ia Relayed to Loudon-and Daventry rapresented in her varyite moods by a Salis 10.20 PALGOTY (Y¥FARREEL Violin melody. : Norfolk Rhapsody ...sciisPowyhans Willies A trom pet call behind the seence brings ua to the 1.45-17.0 55: fron: Kondow (Firat time in Atiichaater) Poucrrea Scexk, The Bediifetd, Pore tame

Thite: Heraniicniy besa ees: anced ela EPR the toughest test for the sensitive era of Li! 3523 MM. Note the powerful and. persistent drum ehythm, SWA CARDIFF. B60 ko. | ete in rricictte age didatiniuh hegin to write Symphonies: Thia ia a ‘work af his: full Firti Scere.Fhe Hero's Works of Peary maturity, written when hea. wna Atty, [fe first Here Strauss cpa Largely from: hia own works, 2-30 Eo4 Dor" Lae | Sho Le F Prot: WW, 3. performance waa yiven in Vienna, under Richter SIXTH Stewr. The Hero's Flight from the Haittecacn, * Animals andWinter Sleep jafterwaida so well known in this ecuritry), and Werld, and Completion. Aiter a moment of da each Alovement. ovded, there aroée excited dejection, tha Hera finda barenity and peace of $0 Lowdon Programme relayed from Daventry applause amd alo hissaric. Very acon the work mind —pe thape in‘a pastoral life, aa the mood of settled i aa & Soli) suceess, and for forty the nvasic sesme to qagpost. 215 Tar Stratton Taro: Fraive Tass (Viel, Yer ib has been ome of fhe sibitaating delights He has totes one: more storm, however, ut it i bela RAS ALD, HARDING: )Vanioneslio), Honmir Pies oe oka eahderh rodm—t work of trad power, BELLY (Pianoaforee) depth, and sweolness, the precuot a a noble Ths cine comes ina greet climax that rounds om tl io Hero's life-work in completeness of joy. Pelee PORE iy hieaE te bin ace clgrals rahe obs Briga raid, Thersare four Movenentsa—a quick, big-apirifed Deap iint the heart ofatose ...... Landon Ronald 9.30 Local Announcements Walte, Mind a Gether oii cee eae Coe one, rentia song-hke one, romantically Fidea ifrom ” Penth and Hits Sea acd kg ara) GROMER malancholy onc, and snether quick and Vigorous ) 9995-120 mB from Lomeion Buorte." Lavbus Laswl * ooyseee cette ses. Merl One,

Violin: Solo, “Andante (Slow prerieen) fron 8.45 app. Westin Forecast, Naws Spanish Sytnphony. tee Recherfrom‘Trio, in D Mitior:i Fi ve Monilelasolie 2.0 app, ORCHESTRAL CONCERT oRE HULL.

Four Aroerican Todian Boe eee ee SD (Uontangecd | Tone Poem, * Bin Hellenleben"” i Aeros Tite 7} 2.30 Londen Programme relayed from: Daceniry 6.15 Tee Cmipress Hoecn Bishan Straw gon of ue-are old. mough to remember that §.15 Tan Comonkn's Hove 6.0 London Programe relayed irom Daventry there waa a great quarrel about this work When toes fret played: in Englind, a quarter 6.0 London Programme reliéyed'fram Daventry Oo. fren ie keflon 6.30 af a contury ooo. It was suppoged ta be tre- 6.30 Sa. from Jankelon 7.45 DOWN MEMORY LANE needlowel y * dad,” exeructatingly * modern," ariel part al tt was aledlarec bo bg horribly taphy. Sometimes there ate ghosta in Memory Lane, But. fin those: dasa, any rate) Strauss tld 7.45 S3. from Manchester hart they. face imetanthy: when! musi conmesy— not make noises merely far noiges sake, And if whether it bethe sound of a fuleroracock-coow 8.45 WEATHER Forecast, News —anless they con live again in the. musi: then," Fond Memory brings the ght of other 9.0 ©.8, feem Manchester 7. cava.” THIS WEEK'S VARIETY ‘STAR." rs

9.30 Local ADMeonicenertta = Tae Station ORCHESTRA Belettion from-* The Merry Widew *, . 9.35- 12.6 Soh. fron London

. Deher = Grace Dasien (Soprano)

The Girl with a Brogu (° The Arcadian "| Afomebtou ILS LEEDS-BRADFORD. tin; 0* Romewhert a void ts cnllinge jo. os. ALU) Tate 1080 ko, & ijt We. ORCHESTRA

March, * The Sobkiiars in tha Parl’ ., Menehiari 2.40 Broapoaer to Evemestanty Scnoons: Mp, sm Hons Hours (Licht Garitone} W. Po Wrirruns, ‘The story el Cn irig wl Measuring * They all lowe Jack (ii ei: Aer ge

When T Ieet-aou, 36 London Programme relayod from. Daventry - Oecnishk Light Muste

Dp hts MO pe ease ee eis Fineak ; 3.45 te mack DANTE 40 Toe Scana SyMetony Oncwrerna, relayed attest ia: eg ee ale wae Sk tof from theScale Theatro, Geeta ual Oech NORMAN LONG. £0 Voll Two-atep, * Yip-T-Addy-I-A aren Codd We ‘Flynn |

Figs Frena clerkshipim aninsurance office to stardom Jonk Foe §.15 Tae: Compres’s Hove: Strange Visitors at B Royal Variety Performance is a lon atep— My littl Porasin. Nasco and thot is the stery of the career of Norman aE APPLET We all went marching hone again Long—Songs at the Piano. hire Leone, oe wea || Wusie CHOnRSTHA one of the hret artwta to broadcast from the old. |} 6.0 Light LExee Fpea from * San Toy ' Janes Marconi House Studio. - now -an estabhahed |} 6.30 SB. froEoiilon fayourte of radia listeners and mutic-hall audi- | $45 Wiarnen Fonecass, Nn z ences, -He is appearing at. six Stations this 645 For!Bequte zral WR, Ons, * Bird: Lits:in week 26fallowes— J 3.0 Safrom Wanelieetrr Autumn ' Monday, Belfast; Tuesday, Cardi; 9.90 Local Annooniiementa Wednesday, Aberdeen: Thursday, Glasgow : To 4.8. fron Fotis Friday, Manchester: Saturday, Bournemouth.

9.35-12.0 4.8. from London = — ( Leeds-Bracdtord Prograniie contend. on gage Lab,” ae

i las Nl i

—— —— SF <—— — = ee —— =

La —- RADIO TIMES-—- Ocrosen 21, 1027.)

JHE new B.B.C. Alternative programmes demand a new standard ir i n ’ Recetver performance. Only the Receiving Set which is ‘ Razor-sharp’ in tuning w i l l be enfhicintly selectiv e to hime out is required, the unwanted local slation In favour of the one whith Appreciating t h i s the makers of Cossor Valves have madeit easy for to everyone to dwn a Receiving Set whieh has been’ specially designed meet these new conditions o f Radio. The wondertul) new Cossor ‘Melody Maker’ is not only highly elective but, as its name unplies,

‘t gives amazingly clear and true to l i f e reproduction. It is a r e a l ‘alternative programme” Receiver, for if its owner15 dissatishied with BBC. programmes a large n u m b e rof onlinental Slations in France, Halland, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland are always available al full loud speaker strength. : : 1 : : : H ft i 3 ft = F i : i . : H 1 + ft | ' I t i : H simple as a Meccano Not a Booklet As toe 8iden only those technically iiclimed hive a Blueprint to baild Receiving Sels Dut when loiter Not been oble Coasor Ltd. designed the Cossor “ Melody Muker™ iict 4,C, wonderful BUT icover “Ay wierty The Pret they determined: lo make eee ag l e e a the man who knew nol jing alont an amazingly eimole that-even Cossor “Melody Maker eee Radio would Ie a b l e to b u i l d itand get r e s u l t s a s BE AUTIFULLYdesisned—everystepas simple system. p e r f e c t a s with a factory-hurlt Set. is impossible, Cossor system absolutely guarantees c l e a r as A.1AG.—failure The new Set you'll he proud to own, of Set-building cuicese—a child can build t h e . “Melody -Maker-. Here is the Gives you all the best programmes from srs abolished—all” the difficullics ae Galdering has een couniry and abroad. Baatd- it im have heen removed—ils construction is as simple as Ubi building a Meccano toy. one evening at the cost only of a few Ine PENSE COMME, which ae stocked ny every wireless dealer, Get your copy from your Dealer or post the coupon now


Lid. Highbury Grove, Landon, i. 3. Advt, of A.C. Coazor ss

—-- RADIO TIMES — [ OeEOBER - ————— — neta etl John ang Joan

“What have you doneto our set John? it’s simply wonderful tonight, * so clear andlife-like, Leonard Gowings might be singing in the room.” “I wondered whether you’d notice the difference, I only put in those Cosmos Valves your brother was talking about.” “Oh John, were theyvery expensive? Just the same price? Why haven’t we had them before?” “Well you know whatit is Joan, I thought we were doing pretty well before and never knewthey’d make such a difference.” “Tohn, do Met-Vick make a receiving set for their own Valves?” “Oh yes darling, the Met-Vick 5, but we can’t scrap the old one just yet, not nowit’s so different, we might get the Met-Vick 5 later on.”

The Cosmos 5.P. (Shortpath) Valves, fully oaare the only Valves of really original construction, marking a definite advance in scientific Valve manufacture. Ask your dealer for the little Black and Gold booklet, 4117/3 which gives all their characteristics and tells you where they canbe used to the best advantage, or drop a line to the makers. Cosmos Valves are manufactured by the Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., whose Research Laboratories have an international reputation.


aa t ti Md ‘LVES ‘COMPONENTS: a i




j Thursday’s Pro yvammes continued ¢ October 27)

iE emp y FE Veal hoya Procrunn fibe Cubhahintt 13 et OO Cat i | 48) (Slette jet Progra five cenenis the ra ron fale L.}

— C45 SLB fron Mernehester A Schoolgirl’s Outfit. | 5.15 THe Comoees's Hore: My Prociamme: by Win Ansten 8451 Wearure Forecast, News ; : | d he fifth talk iti Dressmakang will be ven al F 6.0 Londen Procramme Talayed froin That hiry 3.9 ALB. from Manchester 3.45 today, by Miss E, BR. Hambridge, 630 # pei Ee as ao. fro. nen $30 Logal Announcements bor Paper Pattemes Coupon, in connection with 70° Mr. St + yy 2 ape z _ 935-12.0 S08. from Loadon the palterns, see page 12. MY, HESSEN J. USS tlie Sarees | ' r a \ 71S Suet, from Joel These llr ats oaee= sand these which will Appear ‘ 6LY LIVERPOOL. aais | next week—chew. details in making’ A welt” | 7.45 SB. frown Manchester 4 ocket, (For hitighed EPPearance, Sef Cosy * a 1" Ww F

at oon pattern-lentet: | a RATHER FORECAST, NEWS ie 2.0 London. Programme: rolayed- from Daventry ; patterneleallet:) | ee ! , F j i Aw. from Afaacdaeter I 4.0 Eatin SotreREy (Roprina) f ha The Consin’® Little Thing (frora Two Songs of 8.30 Local Announcements I (hillhonel: . "4 ' eee of eedeo S A Bpirit Flower. ...3. 4. . Camptell Tipton 9.8.5i — . ‘os -B,.peoee2 f LeeLonden a Es Eric, Cpates Piollt. yicccvae aePr10Of Gln:Te OOLittia0k oe eck toe arr, Quer i A Hinthday Cee eee ee ee eee aay aie terete 6ST STOKE. Spcorancd

415. Tae Srartos Prusoront: QuaAnrer 5 rt zag, 1 2endoni P Programmes relayed1 if fram DDaventry $15 Tat Cunpnes’s Hore C16 fee Carpe. oe ! : ; (MLOREN's Hore Lew 6.0 Landon Programow relayed from Daventry | @6 London Programme relayed fron Dayentey ,

6.30 " fH, Jrom Lainie 6.30 BR: fren Roncdan

146 SB from, Majiehester 1.45 SB. from Manchester B45 Wratnim Forecast, News 6:45 Wearnen Forecast, Niwa 9.0 3.8. from Manchester $8.0 SLB. from Manchester

: : : i 9.30. Loval Aninetincements i 930 Lecala Announcements: Fig. I is the suzht-hand aida coat front (with , ; 935-120 <:R. from London burnings marked by tackinga), right side out, 9.35-12.0 4.8, Jrom Tavpior [ a a, Poe Ah Fig. Il te the sane piece, rong side ia . !

i : |I . A prs3 mark att theBye placeawhere : the i« Be ; oO 254.1 MM. 5SNG NOTTINGHAM. py har the facirig wall come, Consider this, and Cte wide | 55X SWAWNSE A. 1,020 kc.

| a carers taming, wher eetiline thee pombhon ol pocket- | L “Re ] : } : 240 Eeoapcast. ro ScHoors; Mr, A. HH. re thy “| 230 London Programe relayed from Daventry WHirrre, * Nature Study * dins. wide. a 8.15 Tae Cmrpnex's Hove 50 M pai Teviciig: teenie Note the VOWUEGARED ALE | cH ran uu if ight 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry Hy 215 TanaeCrmpres'’sete Hookon | tackseReat the 6.30 8.8.‘ from London

6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry Fig. I & 7.450 SoA. from Manchester : “shay ot " inary oar ati

i 6.30 9.8, Jrom London anae | 845° Wrarnen Fonecisr, Netra _ piahibhl —sel vedge 145 SH. from meee heater . way across 9.0 4.8. from Manchester a4 845 Wearner Fonreast, News —9 backer Line i se Hear tal behind thee 9.30 oneal Aunnoumermentsy

oo” T= ue positionfor S.35-12.0 2oB. from Dendon 8.30 Local Anneincementa pocket= | meth, ———— : —=— Sa SER TAO AE. Seon bonaan For preparation of w e l t see Fig. IS. The depth k of finished welt is here taken as lin. Cot welt Northern Prosrammes i d e p t h , plus j i n . {ie., flins.), a v e c l oPY PLYMOUTH. soo Mm. twice the final coe eee lin. longer than pocket-ma r k ( i c . j i n s . } . Fold 5NO NEWCASTLE right side inside, Figs DL, and machine the ends ep al 968 ke, | 2.30 Londen Poprenires riled TPG. Daventry —e5° at * BA —exacily the size of the ue eee he eae habe, Ihelag ed frum thie

hale ra rn = : A ae é i s a i i iy 5.15. Tar Cnrmpres's Hoon: Play,: *-Robin Hood orea et dacei ere 3.0:—London, §.45:—Childrn's Hour, §:--For0 Farmer:rivers Tie off machine ends; Be. FW. Whaldan, * Vorlations: ii the Composltiin of Mile" cd-the Butcher. Musit-hy Wie bakes Sere 'B," = a and& 4trim tarnings HeneA.= Sesfs taniate =:bi,SbsooweeentLeidenHilerm, 0.45 — 6.0 London Progmamme relayed from Daventry down, C,’ Cut-off the ee Daehart heehee bt One GLASGOW, i 6.30 ns Ei. jronm Londatt Turn well night si a . - : oisTS) wat,

145 88, ron Adanchesinr aide out and tack the a 86 TheWiretes ‘Quintet. wae Peetrogetine ea g 45 W 7 i Sa Pwo @nGs, flat, nisa } “ChBelena hot hes,” Boy Wiss 1 Re Harbriden, 5.45 a EATHERi FORECAST, AEWS top fold (marked | dren's Hour, §.8¢:—Weather Forecast’ for Faruig. (:— Pip Mtieie Lecture ' Py. aa pocket-well). Recital by Sehon cacdon, w i l h Uke 20 Sh. from Mavpehester : ope | ty Pipe-Major Itedd, 6)30:—Lenidoan;iy (645 i—Naniets eeLa Put a tacking, h, (i. Song, a Slory, anal oa Plage; F@ -— Babies: eyae fran 920 Loreal Announcements per abraght, hin. dawn Mourhester, $45 —Newd.” f01—Mlayeheder, 8-To 8 35-19.0 S$. from Eanilan from the fold (leave London. # s 8 tk. Pe ee PD are ‘i endsd i hangingon off).fr} . ERT echale ae:

Wrae aa Press: See Fig. IV, 28D ABERDEEN. G0) kr " 6FL SHEFFIELD. i100 ke. whate tne. edges OF | AierinrsRothe Geek Maes cantarars tone Take eee i eg act ne eee Station Ontet, 6.0 2— London. 2.45 -—Mumliestdr gs i - 2.30-3.0 Lendaon Programe reln ved froin re - Se toy i a = | ows, $:02—Maneheder, §:35-13.6 ‘\—Tondon,

Davontey > P| : Sh oe | a E. RFI £6 6M ; ace one, night se JRE “LFAST. netM 315° Breoaneast to Scunois : Mr. By. B. scrwitTH, 3 . ; down, above poclect= 220° Timdon.. &.38i—laines Mos? Tie Warvanl Tan, il ‘English Literature —V, Shialeeapeare'’s Mict- mark. Machine ae aTarn 7 6 “i + mek ia ye §.15 -— Chitatren's Henar, Hi tyt firmer: ie Night's:er A es Dream’baie | (Actn 11) Tas+onebeatif vel. watith ends of pocket-mark,re FarewellATMEL, Pesfornuatiewl —Landen,af Che7abeanAHOM.SeeryLat HeelBin, ThoPrice:titans tr ae alia wr _ a 4 r ra jght infawiey.: Sane Sel Tlarlgne!, Mit Moleaphoy iin 3.45. London Procranmme relaved from Daventry (Pocket—to. be contimied) Cid Been Man ab News, 90 Comeert: (onaliimed) =

ELf isiSedeifflelel PrsarcmineTCERA conhnuedCaS Eee in Colcolumn 3.)= Y (2) i 1098-12033-123.0 +—Louden,tend (Danny Bay a ae =ees, Fe ee ce

+ ie i

RADIOTIMES © = : TIME Bie : eit atic ee |e 4nd eh, 1837. PROGRAMMES for FRIDA Y, October28 aaahtovaey| 2L0 LONDONand 5XX DAVENTRY Es= Tree CO Beier sieean (261.4 mM, 830 ke.) (1604.3 M. 187 ko) | ata Alinte ee ieee

Fostcast a = —= = = —— | News Gorieris

11.0 (Decentonly) Toe Daventray Qvanter e215 Mr, Basi. WaAtnte: “Nex Woek's Broad and LawnHanroey (Ths) Ost My 10

Rosran. (Violin) ond Hesny Brown. 9.30 Leasul ra Tee por he, { fkerrecniry en iy 20 Joutws Bhipping Forecast HUBS? ( Pianoforte) f Bonita in He cake ecccw eevee rene cree ye DOGO 9.35 BEA BHANTIES Bung ty Meus of tre Sevex 12.30 AN ORGAN: RECITAL Bias Coun Ly? Relayed from Anderton's Hite Leokarno HH. VeABMER Blow the Mun q howyi “4 Holand! Shanaties The two protagonists in the debate that London ond High PhirTanood as ek j Tielay a trom Sty Dotolph's, Gishopapate ; Daventry will relay from the Kangsway Hall tonight— Roving oe eee ee Woy :: Coanstan Adapteran a Tocthia and Furie in Dorian Mode... a Beach Mr. George Bernard Shaw and Mr G K. Chesterton, Fire down hatoe paral Le eel Ia Inienneeno im A Fiat oie. fae ees | a Ww ha are to thresh oul ance For all the long disapated Tranquillo (Calm end Flow. — Ginitrndne fuestion, De We Agree 2 MA BHAMibE Are A popular form: of music Alloeretto nowadays, and many of us have heard them CO iee ee oe sung by professional singera and by geal@ire Lapiusnls (Spogahiwo) 22... Fags, arti Laomeare Imperial March’ ...... :: Z e i g e r , arr. Alartin amateurs, but tonight's show will be a very auf 8.0 DO WE. AGREE ? ferent affair, Sea shanties sungby geafarin; A Desate between men in a really appropriate ecdiana ke Ander: 1.6-2.0 Ganch-fHme Musi by THRE OBCHESTRA ton's Hotel is a vory appropriate setting, alte Cotompo (Leader, A. ManNTovAsT), from ‘the G. BERNARD SHAW fo dinner of the Seven Seas Club, all of whaone Hotel Metropale orl Members ane men of the Ben, anid taany of then G. E. CHESTERTON Viterans Of esil—have # full-throated quslits 30 Tue HENEY SENSICLE QUovre? Th the Chair Mr. Ainarme Penne that you can never hear clsewhere, and a heurti- MansourBoora (Contraite) Rolayved from the BKingeway- Hall mess that more than natones for any cdeiciency In phrasing or lock of subtlety in tone. Chances ‘Tree (Baritone) (By arrangement with ff. K.'x Weebly.) Bearence SxeLt (Pianoforte) 9.50 A SCOTTISH PROGRAMME OLE: tinemgrMr, Us. EK. Chesterton helda h public debate wath Lady Rhondda, Ee SB. from 2lberdetn 6.0 Miss E. M. Goris: Jack and Ji! meet Pierre which Mr. Berard Shaw was in the chair. In antl Gretchen his concluding speech, Mr. Shaw mentioned Koseer Bouxert aeme); ManiSUTHER- that he was not impartial, as he and Mr. Chester- LARD (Pianoforte); THe ration Ocrer 6.15 Tar Compres's Hour: Duets on Harp and ton .sgreed in their outlook—a factthat Flute by Sidonie Goossens and Frank Almgill. Mr. Chesterton was understood to deny, This Ocrer ‘The Coming of the King" and "The Wheat- evening's debate (part of the proceeds of which Belection of Beotiish Aire, “Privee Charlic' field," from ‘The Golden Windows’ (Lowers will go to help the King Edward's Howital Veh Hiebert) told by Elsie Fogerty4 , Stare oof Fund for London) should help to ehacidate the Roster Borvert “ Tust-ebout-now,' "by Captain Maurice Ainstic point. Do they apgres—the medimvaliat ond the foturist,. the Englishman and the Irishman, Oivinal Arrangements of Scottish Songs the Distributist and the Socialist, the Catholic Oncnrstaa, from the Manin SUTHERLAND 6.0 Freask Weetrmiis and the prophet of the Life Force } One thing Lewisham Printe of Wales Playhouse, at any rate that they have in common is the Concert Arrangements of Scottish Dances ancl inubility bo talk in public without being both Aedes ; Wearner Fore- 6.50 Tim Stonwan, Gewenwicr pmiising arc himinkting, aa this evening's The Gries oO Tullymet (Strathspey) .. Matihay cast, Finest Gieweran News Be LGETIN debate ia certain to be interesting to everybody. The Marquis of Huntly’s Welcome (Quirk-step) Aunier Mae Milan 6.45 Fuane Weerrieco’s Oecumerna (Continued) Ye banks and Joraca . 24... eves Morrell The Deil among the Tailors (Reel)

heen ae ee . the BBA), Bua4oritis 7.0 Me. Peaty one | 19.20 ‘THE TREASURE HUNT‘ 7.15 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC A Farecieal Comedy by 4C Btevnuar AiacK Harps Puso Soxnaras Presented by Tam Anenpees Rabo PLavirs Played by E, Kenpane-Tavior Kirsty Cameron {an elderly moiden lady) GeEracon Meeron 7.35 Mr. Awraony Asquith; “The Art of the ab eae Cher niente| eieswaee ena ee DOR “Eos Cinema—YV,. The Comera—The Sete—-The End- Comicliag AlaoPhersod (thie villace law es | ing * VORA Mesto = Lachie Thomeon (the postmasior) ronda: Dewar — (AMERA, work snd sofs are two of the most i i important factors in the taking of w film, The Stene is-Miss Cpimeron'a parlour, corm" and Mr. Asquith will disouss the two contrasted plete with oll the adornments of the wox theories about them, as exemplitied in the work Hower and anhinainnasar perk, ef euch first-rate directors as Charlie Chaplin Kirsty, a: prim. ald lady, with o woollen and Paul Leni, Bhoukl’ the-comera have o tippet round her shoulders, and a lace cay on personality of its own, ao that the spectator is hor ailvered hair, is -eouted in an orm-chait conecions of the camera-man's .work—ae he by the fireplace. The ald lady hea been reaching, certainly is in, for instance, Woex-works and The but her book Ja now turned faee dowiayurda Cat-amd the Cancey, two of. Leni’s notable filme: on her lap, and her hands are folded ontop = of should it be teed fe Charlie Chaplin uecsé it of it. Bheis staring vacanth in front of her.

in Tie Gold Rusi—mereivy oa perfect peep-hole Jessie, who is stanmting beside ber wunt’s chair, as through which one views the scone? BpOeKE. 4. .

The same clash of theories ocours in the ee attitude of directors towards the sete, which in Roper Hvaexert omall come moder German. filme are almost ns. sip- ATodern Arrangements of Beottish Sones eee nificant of the acting. Mr. Asquith will disduas fll) these quostiona ind also the final-cutfing, KEEPING AN EYE ON THE FILMS, 10.55 Oerer nrmanging and piecing together of the filme on Which tte snceeda ao often cdopends. An impression (specially drawn, by Sheriffs, for peotiish Ld: eecree ia Saint Sanes The Radio Times) of Mr. Anthony Asquith who ia giving a series of broadcast talks on The Art of the 11.0-12.0 (Dorentry oniy) DANCE MOESEC ; 7.45 BoLity and Bir Draroy: Boones Cros Uno Dason Biagn, Cinema, His tubjects this evening wall be the cameras, (The Trresistibles) the sets, and ‘the final assemblage of a- fle from Ciro'a Chul 1

Thine tk, ET | RADIO Tis ——

Prosrammes for Friday | | sGBDAVENTRY | Either of the works Send no money but described below sent fill in the coupons at EXPERIMENTAL | the bottom of this | 401.8 M, 610 Ke. carriagepaid to your with order page and get full par- home on payment of ae firat a0 AN ORGAN RECITAL subscriphon ticulars FREE. by Lensvwnp H. Wars |

Relayod from St. Botoalph's, Bishoapaat BLAS ALLIES (Soper ine) Health brings See the World Leoxanp H, Warxtn | Happiness Fifth Symphony ( F i r a t Movement) . . < . . Wetes and its Wonders Bianco At END forthe FREE Illustrated Booklet at Home hey Teervel a r i minim. wee . | } | deser thing thie she wonder ful volumes that in the seven fascinating volumes of BE EH Site er ‘5 toe will help you to health. In themyou will Phe Secon Minuet | fined all that YOu need to know about the tunic. Sone my nithor aang, f Grin PEOPLES The Bivulet (22... - joheg Se alae tions of your body and how best to treat it in sickness and in health, OF ALL 224 Leowano H. Wancen lwo Preludea on-Themes hy Qriando- Gibbors Harmsworth’s NATIONS (1433 AMP mas Miia Stanford (Tt) Song a3 (3) Bong 34 Edited hy J. A. HAMMERTON, Intenierse fail Betivioua March from Somiita HOME DOCTOR Ne. 6, i 1 Flat Miner . » Rheinberger | ROWDED with 5,000 photos.from life BiaAscHR. ALLEN and Encyclopedia of Good Health and other pictures, including many in Ye banka-wriel raed oye pe ee ee ee OR The last word in medical knowledge is ern- i natural colours, PEOPLES OF ALL, (lo from niy window, pi , ter. Honiton NATIONS will prove a never-ending source L thin net Row sea . J rorers bodied in these simply-written, plain spoken | olf entertainment—and education—for all the WARMER Lmox inn LH. and beautifully ilhustrated volumes. Written ‘ihaliah i family. Whether grown-up or growing-up, i Erisets. ican | Wi gr Miorieky ie tl byskilled Physicians, Surgeons and Specialists, | arr, here all are entranced by the wonderful ~ life” Te f aly Leaohia, these volumes constitute a real Library of photons (many in gorgeous colours and Healt h, DANCE MEAIC Tf you bave Children superb photogravure) and stories of all races Lee Lowpos Rani Dasce Bann, directed 6, of mankind, and their homes, lives and rou will find these volumes worth theer wi ih n pol. SDSEY Pras With them im the hoase the aronous mother wall know manners of living. | Winndam Beorr | Mouth Orean) that-in any childish. alment of accident -she hasthe Rickaros avo Steves (Entertainers) verybeat advice iittrtbedsatel y ivailable, [he remarkable 5,000 EXTRAORDINARY Shspage Keaty-Kelerence [nde yall enable ter tn find PHOTOS FROM LIFE 5.45 Tar Comores Hove (From Birmingham) : cxactly what ¢he wants to know without waste of Eyer, "The Hewardl _ Richard Rock,’ by Dorothy { eT, orn hy Isabel Tebbs (Sopranai. Young Married People See the Strange Photos from Life The Hunter's; Ran.” a Congo bt ory by * Trekker,’ woll Bod oll ther problema aympathetically and clearly and read all about— Musical items hy the Birmingham Studio | dealt with, -Dhe> volumes. contain within them, easily Pianotorte Quintet arranved for reference, a complete cmanual of Sex How wild rubber re gathered by the nalives, bc Where the natives live in hemes built on salts, yeiene, while the fullest formation: is given on the Where“ muse “is played on areed papewith the nose, 630 Tran Sionan, Gareswien : Wrath boRe- coitions. necessary to secure the healthy and happy Cast,Frist GESSins BULLETS The weird facal and bodily tattooof cifferent faces. arrival ot the frat baby, Where natives make ther bread from poizonous pulp,

a The wild forest tibes of the jungle. G.4.5) LIGHT MUSIC ) Firat Aid—Hoeme Narsing Children of the Peoples af All Nations and thee lives, ee From fiirmiagham This knowledge, cszential in cvery heme, hos never The male and female “ fashuona” of different races, before been 20 completely presented, The marvellous fae Binsixonan Atri Licnt ORCHESTRA, photographic ihusitations, each prepared! titer the AnArmy of Explorers and Travellers Ae veuiven“feel bray Jie EPH LAW supper vikion of a surgeon to secure accuracy, make every hes-gothered all these wonderful photes and infomation, a = Ainbeaneé Theneas a Uyertorm tt * Raye acl point abeolutely clear. As and when you please, you can explore forests, jungles,

Owes Baysawys (Baritone) mountains, plainof desertn, of voyage to islands of the oa 1 I atheyf ORD, . a pow oARETH Forel An Unrivalled Health Investment lakes; seas and oceans, Schoo! chile tren amet students “Old Engl ‘ah ler can make their geography lessons“ livein their mmernaries. yi Drink to ma only re for every Man and Woman by reading about the peoples and customs in PEOPLES

i To Anthea ‘ i aNi Hatian OF ALL NATIONS, i Simon the Cellaree 7 SIX LARGE VOLUMES POST THIS COUPON TO. DAY il 7.0 Onenestrea 4,784 Pages—4,945 Illustrations and Lullaby for a Modders a ase the FP tus specimens of the inlets ei ee ale dia cee ewe ee Poe Bon hundreds a, Caleead Phaksesains Plates SEND TO-DAY FOR THE FREE ILLUSTRATED and Maps, etc, and find out how emily you Fear. Pesrays {impressions} BOOKLET giving specimen pages and foll details can secure immediate delivery of “The World's and particulars of this marvellous work. . Leceonbor (Cockrey DoaneSE| a 408 , ly Mest Fascinating Volumes," Three Amertiwn Siomoloeues .. : Cane. WaBaee |= eS Mo, too.; Whon you corsa ibe a-girl ; Just plain le 4 ser | Paws “RADIO TIMES” COUPON “RADIO TIMES” COUPON

ee FOR FREE. BOOKLET FOR FREE. BOOKLET | Teo ORCWBeTRA t The Educational Book €o., Led, Ths Eduewtional Book Ca,, Lack, (Chaconne. . 5 a arise vere Durand | eS li New BridgesStreet, London, E.C4 i? New Bridge Street, London, E.C.4 HBarruinalle, wo .. Pelathovaby: | Wa, ef Sint) accep yout Aer of n Proo [ustraped Preapectcs t| UwEe Hersey or oenc — in 4 volomes, ‘cbtamabbe Dear Sire woulel hike tose FREE DESCRIPTIVE a PROSPECTUS of the 7 Volumes of “PEOPLES OF eS ait tely. and cant bateah my heame, an yout aocepLanca Wome to the Fait. a Haathopr Aartin of tot scheint td he a ALL NATIONS.” obtemabde janredistely med carriage pao on Four atte planes ad fer ioksarption ef 4. rhidy, ia lo Mary. : Nites ws hier eee Y, White r Trottin® sh the: Fair iM dal wnat roe Stiri fered Ur cet ela atgawe i ral ch a Lie atate th Fioy PREXBHYS When a nomic TOrrlen as. . Vaughan Farry NOMEN ode eva fe Men (ta French Stody). . othe (icHEesTEhA Second Children’s |Bute... « whnecl EE Programe Contos GH Lxparimental ! . : (Dumininy jouge EO.)

—— RA DIO" TIMES LO Kone Th, 1027

{ Eheruney hry Barbe ric ibifeat Preqriunechee wed || KATHILBEN Ww TLL OfCH ESTE A Prone pays Loc, | (ie English Aire = Suite, * Kgyption Ballet * Liegrennt &.0 A CONCERT OF FRENCH MUSIC The Bailiff’: Diagelater of Lalinipris iF Dexces Moen Tue Wineness SysMraosy ORceEsTea Oh, the Qak and the Ash [ [earite VTE hy With Grchesira T piteh my lonely Leuiler, BL AS EAL KELLEY Barbara “Allen CAPAVATL fb night piel... Moafes Homing. , el RB here Conducted by Prerne Seomiant OncHRAaTAA Hirloeouain Ta i 3 ij eae Sandeypann CMCHESTERA Symphony; Frat thin New World * Scheran ORciresrn a and Finale oie overs Overture to:" The Bung of ¥s so. » Lalo | i= Fore ae, eee Choral Symphonic Interlude (* Redemption”) .. Franek Karoiers Wins fy hit, cf thie Bumble Bae te Fisinaky Area Triumbild (Dream Picture) ...... iter Basqie KBhapeody of Ramuntcho, .....) Pern Old Seotely Aira: ..... Reareel Dance of the ‘Pur blera poss. Aimaty-Korsien Pavane for o dead Princesa Afb a Caller Herrin’ Hvaeer Pexornsy (Pianoforte) Astra Desmonp (Contralto) Ye benks and braas Belected Bong John Anderson, my Jo Polonaias (Op. 26, Nol 2)... , ot ‘Rgagey : OncoesTra GRORESTEA Jonn Continsen, with Orchesten ae Moleoreel Tha pros naaENT)... Walia irom The Bleeping Brevaaaty ‘Pela Lieaeshay Life and Death ...... Coloritepe- "Tea t p l ea Ennpe Hy La Fores ‘dh Gavicr oes. ee eer Overture to Con Fan Tutte" (* They all co it *y PROF sia juiy ravi ieodieni invictirs ., HG Symphonic Poem, * The Youith of Hercules Moeczart a oe ia sale gil Laps oe ffmhy Sapaseis ORCHESTRA Bbapeody, Spain iis cese se sicee Seas Chabrier | Ballet Suite from Cay Poke bbe 1.00 Wearaes Forecast, Seoonn Geskeal NEWS Dexsts Nope A CLETIN | Night bat abides for a RPM. 4 fant tra 10.15-11,15 DAxXCE MUSIC: Derproy PARTE DY ais ols oye ha ees Bilaipenrei Et. Pureeti Somers’ Crao's Comm Danck Bast, from Ciro's ll Belyia, nowur Scorn Civ Over pa. Pirrcell Club ORCHESTRA

March, " Penny nrel Che Winstaie, "ho. bana dD 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. O26. BA. $20 ke. ily i

12.0-1.0 Cirammophone Records oh4..6 Aa. 3.6 London Programme relayed from Daren tea 2ZY MANCHESTER. THO KE.

5. Miss L.-F. RAMBAY, “aroewing (yan Switzer. 20 Musi by the Bravos Quarrer fared * Overture hen apaa aerate pace 3 £15 Tae CmLores's Horn Waltz,* Lysiskratas * See a Reames a = Pepage

68 London Precramm: relaved from Daventry a Basket 01 fr ped i ‘The Huguenots + Afeyerbrs

6.30 SG froin Londen {930 Local Annmimee rb rita) §.40 An ‘Liito-Pinne Recital by Madame Ber

395 WINE, WOMAN, AND SONG 3.55 Reading of Captain { ‘ook 'z yor I, Wisk Discovery © Tee &taTIs Ocrer Po AOAST To Sn OeLS 4 Releotion) “ Boenchoralis 3. eat ieee Prat. TS e, ean. * Haw: ta Biiacdly V1, Aine fi 9.45 Kavveere Ecom (Bass) forin Biavdly Aiahits Ha, celle Jenkin i. Dae) ee Se eet tee eavl a:20 GH Ante Captain Stratton's Panucy ... Marines: Two Country Gaui a aon och imo the Cellearer: , Aleit “30 OwEsnoreEr Cives (MierFy Tero| §.55 Ocrer SLye side hp Pheriile for! Fie Frio Piura Beauty Muriel Herter} Drink to me only with thine eves .. Orr, ee ier 4 TALBOT O'FARRELL, | Little Hater ef Lire: Anis ' Dhorel ley ie 10.0 ; I VW Oatas moet genial of entertoiners, will be very: much on Piesding oo cae eae apy yea ae ada Mary Bosis (Soprane) the air this week, On Monday he hroadcaste frore Anril fz L ihé ae ifeniaave Filth ia larolot the se bhi Waler .. 4. (clan 5C.B. Oth I ieee ay from Glasgow, on Wednesday From the 44) QARTET Thies Piper spe. ee ee ae AfeLen! btee! trom Belfast, on Thoreday from Bournemouth, «on Friday ‘trom Cardiff, winding up with o return te Baereewsn (Crucile Bona, :: iraefelt Ob! Ewould livein ee: Lire f angered Seleetion from * The Gi teh iine WE yo. Gilers London and Daventry on Saturdoy night. 10.7 Heves a BinwAts of Gold: GO. Ww. TE. ‘The Lieres Our Lassie on ‘Wine: Worean, and fone" 6.6 Reve 10.22 LiL. Bono a5 od, MannaxX Worker: F ki tired Comrnariky 5.15 Tre CUILDRES 4 Horn: * Vour. Morning (oie ls Devalopang R lista and Paper,’ a clad ine‘ Piotr Reberts, Twa Falli OcTrEet raita © Bonga, Ber Irs Hires Hopewell) * Poce el Belection of Haye Woorl's sa HERE | Horse” and * The Gallant. Hirer.” Children’s 132 Kiuexsere Ecos 5.0} QRecHesTrea Butte by Ansoll, played by the Sunshinié Trio The vara ene the Benge... eee Cee ne Seleetion fron * The Valkyete | WFeteriae r DD Nicer eee tele ieert 6.0 London Proeramime relayed from Daventry 5.15 Tor CHILDRESS & Hour The Waseca '’s ViectMegs Bont. ise Poriatoncals 6.30 S.A. from Loneion {9.30 Local Annona: M42 Many GBoxrs 6.0 ee EGAN RRCET AT. bey Anrnion. i. Saas Toents } Bing ‘a Bong. of Sixpe “Hee {Parody on the Murer + Relayorl fren the Conteal Hall. ew port, Avs 9.35 NORSLAN LONG EAT | ena a el cated a ceeae a dda eae H, Anges Tronpet Nine cas Be ca ae aes Cenry fi Silay, arid a Pine Bing, pow: bard 2c a JA ontanyien Philip Air frei * Sanson an Beliah? oie aan fe Seti A oe, 1048-114 Gerer Allegretto: {° Haan: of Praise : Evmphony| Mrndtlscohy 9.50-11.0 A BAND CONCERT Ted etal “Be arlgr * Fenecripia OSbepraes EBamocr Bap, conducted by Waltz, * Wine, Wy Toternmes20 Lye alten Alara Tan Titeres Wintiaskt HALLIWEE Postlice oe ha Paaka ehethoda fortheaved TL otra 5WA CARDIFF. B50 ke. | Bohortlom of Covticdl's Worle 6.39 4. 1. front Lomein Canmen Hunt (Mexso-foprann) 17.0-1.0 Lendon FProtramme' relayed from ; 7.45 TALBOT O'FARBRELL Down by the Bally Gorthens’ Daventry aiow wher Pon gon: rer. Hi Flue ft Ffegira a0 Tre Stratics ORCHESTRA 3.6 S28. feom-Londan (9.39 Local Announcements) The Lover's Curae .oi55.

Conducted by Warwics Brarrawarrk sl 9.35-11.0 A BALLAD CONCERT Hast = Third * Leonora " Chverture ., , Beethoren Te Sarion CnC EATEEA, ecechetenl l Fi Cornet Bolu, Silver Showinmar Barickes Wirt(Contralto) Woanwick BRAITHW ArT Selection Pron’ Ttose bare tera rill AL May Morning of Mea Lnta ee ere seaM ls etal re Veh a Dene Coverite The Merry Wives of WW init Trea Carsesx How De not go, my love ea Edvaepesrevarei ca a eee eared a c e ac nba Pasa tr, Gennes rowed Ae Carmuncita vas. Poteet de ee dons CoLiixsox fTenor) i The Bonny a ay ob ee pa ce ee WRC ERATE A SOW, () now, [repels Tevet” jaar AMiretuareli Thy Blaming Eyed or Concerto Grosso, No. 25, in F, for Five Strings, Dearly, cr. Hoaiter Bax ‘Two Fhotes, Two Oboes, Bassoon. Two Horna, Prawer bo oti. Lady a Pend Selection fron “The Amicon Ma’ oe AMeinulws F Two Troompete (Water Mueie rs .s oo. i finolel Love we ae richineg: pg? a ge pe a oPrad: Hist {git Ff

— ail

thi TuineEtt “I,1 a2.\ - Racsicnantd TEMES —_— 155

Friiday’s Programmes continuwed (October 28)

eae e | = r » 4 4 7 11 i 6KH HULL. 208. Kate Batowes : “saucer Making

:a Toe Cmiones’s Hook 12-0-1.0 London Progra miaved from 6.0 Mr. F. RK. Starsrox: Fortmghtly Sports Hoaveitry Try rey 3.0 London Progniemime relayed from Daventry 6.15 Hanny Jves's Daxsce Basp 6.0 A London Letter—Mainly Feminine—T 6.30. S.B. from London (9:30 Local Announce- 5.15) Teer= Aoce Tita)

6.0 Lenddn Programe relyyas : LM Ly B50-11.0 3.8, ran Ahaetnan

6.15 Football Talk a Mi 630 (8A. Laden (9Lok ‘oT 6ST STOKE. re Ke.

TdT 4

$32 Ho pital Sunda m Aunt mat ty ile LADY ASTOR: mee _ Lond i] Pinan ru relnved Trem etd Mayor of Hull Member of Parliament for the Sutten Division OGTR 35. S.B. from. dodo of Plemouth, talks fom the local dtatian this ofter- 4.0 London Programme relayed iron: Darantry $5011.68 8.8. from Ahenien noon on” Playing the Game, $0 Mater, Frawce: ‘Aunt Morin ond her es ee “ Aimitoor ““Dininurtica "

2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD. Te277.8 Mi. oPY PLYMOUTH . TBO400 kC.MM. 5.15 LecheaidTaeehoCarona: tesa. Horr:Hove: The‘ Ww StationAtti, Tris43: 1,080 KC, & 1,190 40.

12.0-1:0 Lerdon Programme relayed from 6-0 London Programme releyed from Dayentry 12-0-1.0 Moses Banrre: Gramophone Recital Daventry ,| Ba SLA, fro Londen (8290 Local Arimauneer- | 3.39 London Progranme colayed from Daventry 3.0 Lorisdon Procrammoe: relayed from Dayontry mesiith} 3.45 ‘Light Musi« 3.30 -HrospcasrTroscnoots: Viscountess Aston; 950-110: 8.0. from Aberdcon . © Flavin ee fa be ' f 40 Broancast ro Secospany Senoors + Mr, A, © a ; . _— ce , Banouert: * Elgar's Enigma Varietions q aa eat x ropranime releyed Hi i hig 5SX SWANSEA. outke. 490 Piawororre Taro, directed by-Crcm. Moon 5 i De Cronies 's Horn: Reading, Porous Manav BRAT EY (Contralta) Voryupres rh yok Pris a to the ovorth Dole 12.4-1.0 Gramophone Hever 5.15 Tre Cumpren's Hour: “On My Own,” 60 01 eeaes ea ee ee 3.0 London Programe relayed freon Daventry Bn Adventure in Fight Scenes for ans aid Vere Palivde if A Baboon ess ee a ees Arjivtel + : ‘ by Gerrard ieee und Redmey Bennett. Caprice (in! the style of Searlathi) .. i odercuah: 6.15 Tue Criones’s Hove i Mugeteton ae Match,’ from * Piclewink Navalette. moss ites Pe Scary 6.0 London Programme relayed Soon Daventry Papers’ (Dickens, ane 0.2. Hodges) Study, in F Ghia Uap bec eeew oa ane Hien i f | i i ; 6.30 8, Jhon Larrlalare 6.0 I it his Wu F Scherzo, it B ¥ int Minor: .. "I 1. reds : Pua deme t Berita WHITER peears ok eed eek ace eee 7.45 A.B, from Corin . Aadele from Cordiyy 6:30 A.B frenk London 9.320 Low Annwince- Oetave Study. (9.30 Local TEPtA £0 8B. from: London Anaiunied: 6.30 8.8) from Lorton (9.30 Lines! Amctnice = ments) 9.50-11.6 SuB, frou Abeorteon nmeribhs} #.35-11-0 4.8, from Corday 207 MM. BS0-11.0. SB. from Adrien 6LV LIVERPOOL. 11d ko. 6FL SHEFFIELD. Northern Programmes. 12.0-1.0 Lendon Programme relayed taoke.

Daventry 5NO NEWCASTLE, 127.0-1.0 Gramophone Records $8000 Fo,EO. 3.15 Peoanoaar To SCHOOL | Prof, &. Verner, 12.6-1.0 -—lrainopliee: Records, 34:—Loeelon Price “Early English Histery—IV, Life: in Aired s 20 Loridon Programme relayed from Daventry Ttayed from Davesoy. &:— msMarguret Baek ilies 8 Honda Years of Eritieh Frnma—IL, Gabklemith. 525 — Envhind * Children's Hour. €0:—The Station Octet. 6.30 :—#_1b. fran Pianeforte Recital ly (LADS Landen, 8.0 :—A Popular amet in ald al ie. aval Victoria 2.45 A Short Infiroary, Helnyed feo ie Towa Hall. Matis Benjett Soontiex. Compositions by HavEL (aap), Dav Kenooly (Violin, Joeoeh Farrhictan (ine), Pooleldeett (Peanolortes), LOsupp, i— News.Sedo eee 4.0 CHAMBER. MUSIC Frnt Aberdeen. Strame Quarrer, with GLADYS THe Svarres a5C GLASGOW. 605.4 Wf * RGconnicik ces) Ta0 wt, 12.0-1.0 :—--rimoapbens..- erards. 215 "—Prdadeqet ta Puntire String Quartet in. E, Op, P21. ey Soho: Mr. Hobort McLeod, Mus, Har, "The Foundations if Pianoforta Qhriiibot. i w a r e see's Franch Mua,” 3.45 -—Matlea! Tntertinde:, €.f ‘Concert: Te Wireess Quintet, Pent Laerwsky (Wiolin|, 5.0 ;—Rereiey §.0 CHasces W. Boones: * Tone of Oden Days * Hotness: * Aukiing oo Ben Coachan” §.15 Children's: Hoor, 5.58Weather Forecast for Farmer, -§.0-—Song Reeltal by 5.15 Ca.ees ‘as Hove Jemty Farreetor (soprica), 6.15 —Mangatet McMillan + thie AL uresSeb.’ 6.20: —s. 0. fen Lends. 6 Dow GVAMBELL Sapranic) ss 5.56 from. Edintargh. 71 —S A. from Gapdlen, 6.35 :—Chambice Rolweig's ei tt ee ee ee ‘i i a Muse. De Pabeoer String Quartet < Wee Darkko {Crrtentterh, poate 10.35-11.8 2—Quartet : Quartetin ff, Op. 77, 8o,S{Aagdt, D torte thee op. etal = Bolyvaig's Crile Sang +. i ZBD ABERDEEN, GtrSoewi, 6.9 Learn issAwa Pee esPond Daventcy 120-1.0:— London, -Progranime ‘relayed fron Daventry. Lonion (9.30 Io Lamon 2:0:—nedeaast tn Seloole: Mine, Cant Advanced Prenet 6.30 8.8. from oo, 988 The Cavaritrvebde- "Phe Attlon: Chelet, ag, Henita } Violin aid Pikiniotireecha ote, dlisiree Aarkina (¥ bokinn').. tivnirgia Huot (Piiotorie). 60s Miet BreslinTrail?’ What is Hajipeniine 9.50-11.0 S.B, from A b u r d e c n nt. EHitienike aod Abrood,”. 5.95 -— hikes4 Hee, go) tm den,

Frogrimm: relayed trom Davediry, 6.09 Jor Farmers, by a7 5.2 Mt. Mic Thon Mn 826Agricultiiral ~ Kies, 39 — 5NG NOTTINGHAM. joo xe. Si, from, Labo, 645 5-4-0, tram Binboreh. Fea, from London, $9.80 :—cottleh Programme, Relqyiel to- hoon ond Trayedtry, 90020:—" The. ‘Treaenre ut” ok Paredeal 3.0 Lonion Prernune relayed tram Dave airy Condy hy CO. Stewart Hack. Pieented by the Aberdeen Haat io Players. finhert Kurtis tigioaand Traditions! Arriungomente 2.30 The HaLiowing SERVICE inf Roatts ati Sones! Sy Nauinkys Awa, Uonndy Wee Thing, Faamig of Derby Cathedral Karl o Motuy. 10-58-1178 ie? Beri Teh fanint: Fria), 430 app. London Programme relayed from 2BE BELFAST. ee Daventry (2.6-1:8 >— Landon Programinet Telit fru Daventry. Enwann 1; JRELASD? Mieta and: 3.30 —Danes Mosc; The Harvacd Baud dirtctet ‘by fon 56 -Mr. Daokels, relayed trom “the Flay, 4.350-:-—A Poplar Pacer. History * The Hace Cuiartet. 5.0: Londen Propping rebated: trot Daventry. 8.15:—Childteo na Hour. 6.0 °—-Peter *ralgmny le£ §.15 Tun CHiinnes's- Hote A. Evia Foothall Topi, 6.38 -=8.1, from. London. -80-f==tfoncorh A Rraoen: Now Books hy the Beliaest, Philharmanie Soehety, Relist fen: the Weer 6.15 DER BY CATHEDRAL, Hall, Hate Wintor (foprana): Therothy.gers (Onatraltial + al Anno 63) 4B. fro mi adidas (9.30 Loe where the HallowingService will be performed today. Hehe Nash (Tenor); Thocpa Thetes (Harltowe). 8.6 -—loterval: Hem B15 ¢—Ceneert (eoaths, leap app.lara! Ane miarids} Part of the service will he broadcast from Nottingh nin eotint. 1 3S- 1 Dene: Sei: The ParvaVand, directed Station thid alternioon, ine oe Dele, relayed fein Che Ph aay 5H. fret fherscr 9.60-11-0

— RADIO TIMES ry ___ {Oem 21.07 _PROGRAMMES for SATURDAY,Gehober”29 ——

| 2LO LONDON and 5XX DAVENTee ||| sGB DAVENTRY | | (361.4 MA. #40 £0.) Ci604.3 Aa. 1aT kG.) | EXPERIMENTAL

10.30 a.m. LOuaventey emt) Tit RIONvan, GREEN Leees WICH; WeEATHIEE Forkovset o.0 A MILITARY BAND CONCERT 1.0 7.0 “ne: Las hares EADIE LDakce EAs Eis directed] by BinkeY FREAK, ind ToMMy Tae Witenes Musrany. Bann, conducted by AasDiey (Convedian) Bo WALON OY DAS SEL Plonetbine-Mampeb o.00 DANCE MUSIC AND VARIETY F jneitt Overtare t o * Fra Dimvolo'..... Laaty Tim Lospow TRanw Daxce Baxn Directed by Simxevy Friwan 215 Evsm Wrs~ (Contrelte) Mont ond Slay (Ryneopated Daettiats) The Bucharitress Sint g i See da. Abies Prep Liwis Uinipersoiator) A - t r t e e m Gorfeld:,...... Mithar! Heauwd Haney Ronoins (Aviophane) Gird of Blue... - o r g i e F Ealpenat Girne

5.15 THE. Cmipkes's Horwk: A Coneort Party. | 225° Warren Gryenxi (Tenor) ine which Eva Neale, Margery Pheltips,. Dale PAUL LINCKE. Ch, had We bro Were Prk Toye; erin Bruth, Hare Rimberley, Samuel Dyson, the cantfirst T sew sour face Dayentry Qhiartet, aml certain. others will’ take who will conduct the Wireless Orchestra ini a Career part. of bis awn light ivudic: tonight. T Agee Fant, rr, Aoerceda “Tihe Gontthe Maiden gies ees frre, osbedimeniadl 6.0 Sa MUSIC ‘Tae: Wineiess (Gi arrer 6:30 Loeal Arneauneemenia: Bport a4 Hualletin | 3:93 Bax Toa Wile Roana ee ee Mae Dowell (Oerenicy cla) Blopping Fororast Suite of Beremacles fo. ie es ooeaee gcc: Hebert Killoren B.35 LIGHT MUSE BY PAUL LISCkE Parnick Gvast (arione) 2:45 Berrt Wowey (Pianoforte Tre Wires Omoesti a, eomeloctedd bi pobre Seles eg cee peices a 4 FT, Serpe Klves a REL ache Hit Courrier Af entiveeray As ver TD Baw sack escwes mas i Peter. WVariock Dee Lice Ming eke ae 5 oo. Se “runt ChicaneeT EA Ar) 6o TD imoade oa Vallanelle ...... ) oe es Toccata, gt Sept aite mesial Ws pcg Reh ca The Unforeseati 06.0.6 5.00. 025 J Cyril Boots Overture Opercttia Lysistrata Aruna, Egyptien Serenade 2.54 Basu QOvARTET Anrave Ries (Taritone) Vales” Amotireuse » berger ad Lasi=t ii im Ercerea®’' I ueet Cinder Withinyour blaeeves AC DuenueO ee ae . Frint 415 Roratm Gacnrnn CMmCHESTRA Trim Arenal , LRE swith; WEATHER Fie 6.30 Lara, Wades Will Eavtertuaim CAST: Fim LEER RIAL News Jonesy Overture to the Operetta + in I hep icra ol 4.27 Hann 6.45 Tie Wikktess Oranter liidra * nasa se as ath a Pi ile eee ee Sine tree: bo Blew jc recta) aaa . Green Doren, Besserapr! By OPA Sri » Veoh Divaat Tr bell omar” Aap Carecpner vite ee ee ees At are The Glow. Worm : firey Partnick: hyYRyweE ORCRESTEA Loarantella , {favre Con ot Mari en ce te ee eee Police Berpere March Miiry of Alloudiuls.. oS. ree oe AP ilicon 16.30-12.0 DANCEMUSH: Tar Savi 4.42 Berry Hrary Oc ARTET Bier dine TE os Se DEMieass aml the Saye Fave, ant, fran ee : Lr Dc Ma aa eae EE ace ay ee the Savoy Hotel Beberso iin Ey Mince ‘ 5 penepne 7.0 Mr t. L-CrAneun * at Week 4451 Baxn —

MAE. rat, who haa in past agea brought ALisipe Make the plague send cholér to oor shores, from" The Merchant inf Went 4. ee ; ae ora San vi] pe eecELL ah very pckive anid iTnews AIT in our prokperity’, und or health. In £10 Ewen Wie thic talk theaniniel campaagn agent hte will be expliined by ong -of the LHeact- Bibs et ie ee + quitiers. experts whe has clone mpch Five Faved... eae pn } Aristrong (ithe ryt 1 reeserch work iite lis habits ond hewunite, What's in the Ait | CPULELS, ? Robert Eden 15 THE FOUNDATIONS OF MUSIC 5.20) Waren: Gove! Havorw Praxwo BowATas Clarinda 5s... 2°. | Oyiamdn Afoewa Played by EF, Kespar.-Tayion Ningitia. . pea at rhs aC be lp rear 7.25: Me, RB. WaAtrciEa: The Cyelo and Motor-Cyoke how" 6.3) Basso “APELE Cyele and Motor-Cycle Show apensa Foyphion Ballet eye eis ee eaeign on Mistinext reel, and, as usual, 5.45 Tar Comen's Boor EFhogy. By it i nn iniportant omeonsion both for mingham): ~The Picture, hy Cretu prospective punthasers and: for the British Costin. Diets by “Marjorie Horercd industry whoae products it dimplavs. Me (Seapranece |) are Ethel Wolbanis (Contra ic). Wathng, who pives this talk, is: Dirertir ‘The Everlasting Why—tIl, Why ao et the British Cycle nk AMfater Cycle “Helly refiiges to ly down,” by *Manifactimrs and ‘Traders’Vinten, the Nicoina Twigg. Songs by Dan Jones promoters of the Show, (Tenor) 7.45 VARIETY 63) Trar SMa, GEREENWIOCN = Tanuor O'Fannicca Warnes Fomecasr ; Finest GAS ERAL HeLrss Minar the Actress Entortainor) News. EeLieren Charaas and Dever (A Spot of Bother) Tor Nesnirr: Brorners 6.45 A TOrULAR FROGRAIIIK From Birmeinghim £6 Wratarh Porevast ; ShOoxD GESERAL ‘News BULLETIN THe Braosocnam Bremo Oncweerea, conducted be Joeman Lewis 615 Writers of ‘Totla ¥: Mua, Crosark Overtiora to " MisanielG”.. ... a. Abner GiAnSTIN rending “Alchemy *. antl WW ear eS Vegetation * Mancarer WiLkrssex j[oprana) ane

WS tbe leire mcnen leo a toot ebrena- Bp cetiricay of Nicer #,F, Beater Orehestru ons life anon horse-breaker, lonoker- Air, "Ali? fore od-jet”-«jAh, prerhope mui, miner, manger, cattleman and soldier, THE RAT-CATCHER. Mr. Crosbie Garstin hes found time to ‘ha he), from * La Tinta ne Ferd A éettury ago the rot-catcher, with dis ferret (though in the Bantuza'a Air Cavalleria Rosticona "} write several booke; inchoding ‘The Owls picture it looks mere like a stoat), her dog and his cage, was o Moscngna Howse" and" Bigh Noon, ond a. vers familiar frgure in England, The more scientific methods now jpopulor series of sketohes, “The Mudlarks,’ ets to stamp oat the destructve rodent will be described JDarenty Baperimental Progrannce continnced fhichappeired in Pane! coring the War, n Mr. Claremont’: talk on * Rat Week ' todov. on pene VG.)


BReferepoe List for hie, When number No. ordering Power.

Resistance HLF. LF. Resistance HF. LF. H.F. LF. Fower, Power. Resistance 347, of


and acd and Reference

T¥p2 please Valve, Detector. Detector.

Detector. Valves Capacity.

Capacity, Capacity. of

mention and No. so f Voltage. Gift

2 on.

Volt. = “ *

— ee RADIO

PI ToThe PAR (Dept. CALY TIMES pais amie Please ONE ee BLACK ties 106), ag OF id sead _— setiotehecn eee tg Gifts THESE a CAT me Free Dept., ye SIGHED CIGARETTE Booklet hed a duction, your CIGARETTE. perfect accompaniment requires. and ings enjoy whatever fully “NEUTRON” You 12, pdr COUPONS Bath truly and Five your se CO.

Street, it with WILL coupons Free your LONDON, can volume BE GOepCn guaranteed BLACK “ City harmonious voltage ACCEPTED, BLACK Perfect your I Road, ee winter Start E.C.1.

Rhave VALVE now and ee wireless your to CATS.”

saving repro- even- CAT tone, i 4 i 5 —

and the set in — a


156 - RADIO TIMES : = _-:

PUBLIC NOTICE. Supreme i im Teoeivinp quite aA f letters: from people who say performance— | they have seenour advertisements in warious: median in which Her free advice. These letters frequentiy embody an | BES wy for talking mp my valuable time utter Now | wish the pablic to clearly understand that oo LOlESSATY We hari aeTt tortor for every Departime nt. simplicity— SotMy: Spetied DUSINess Ts fo prve advice as to how people Gin better themselwes either mm technical trades or commercial lite LiCTe ATE 60 Many people whee are in the mot,ocor think they aren the rot, semply because they cannot see the way to beauty further prosperity, Ot se my business to show them anil to put | hieton the tight path where they can achieve their. ambition | they have 10 ambition I cannot help sim, [can onky iMhar wore can | pity them, but to anyone who has ay amiition limay be able to five valuable advice, if not, J will day so bone hut-if I the gnodern listener an help them, then IT will @cplain exactly bai 1 will pomt the road clearly. No matter-whatyour present position may demand ? | be, df you wish to improve it write to meat this address, tell me bow vou are employed, what is your ambition, 1 eal then reply to you by return and you will not be under any ob- | ligation whatever, Weteach all the professions and trades by post in all parts of the world, and specialise in preparation tor the examinations. !

Note Addrem, The Bennett College, Dept, 7. Shetheld. Mechanical perfection 1s concealed in the statelylines of the spacious and beautiful cabinet: simplicity is in the con- venience of a self-contained installation *; the completeness Srat- of this mew receiver; in the method of operation.* Supreme performance ts obvious from the moment you FESA., M.I.Mar.E AS Srnce Ede, -6bC,, switch on. ‘(Greater yolume—longer distance—controlled Governor of . THE BENNETT COLLEGE, Ltd. with ease by one tuning control. And tone, through the marvellous medium of the new Marconiphone Cone | SHEFFIELD. | a Speaker is finer—more true than anything you have ever heard.

THE-MARGCONIPHONE --vealve Cabinet BRecener Model Th with Broadcast and Daventey Units, Built-in Matceniphone Speaker, and spacious power anit conpiriment | oy alts pci 3 c oe re ste £35 im 2 Complete Equipments Irom i f #30 16 oO THE CRUCIAL TEST | ofa wrist watch ig its ability th Kee "THE NEW RADIO SIMPLICITY tine tespite jolts and. jars. The tro erecctal Toeeredll, 9 ALDENgiecdets her Woo just snitch it on—simiple as that. Once plugged bce are specially banal At trailed bo Lito ano electric socket it tarts on emactly fike your ive the noourale set viee that active oofdecr folk oman Tight. There ts no beatter¥, oo aoreinalmtor, nothing THE to repair or renew.Vet ioaes os negligible supply el current, lasts indelinitely and gives magnificent rz Lic. Send fom for oor Bobklet “The Kew Rudi Sinrpiicliy." The D.C) Mains Deive Unit dor operating direct from IEN the ‘hotite electricity supply tote 6 tos, or for ALC, Esoulsite workmanship, in rolled mold vith. mins, iitluding yolve teyelty, 24. adbolite Dials. Coshiei TS, Crblosg Bef, Sala ently by fnerreall Accredited agri Ingerenl Watches B- to Libs, DEPLERED TERMS ast! oy bite nat ja: jar lngeiiotl Albafen Gieks ye bi dle, Ali Marconiphone apparatus costing {fre or more is supplied an deferred 6/. fngercol * Cree ald ‘terins (RGERSOLL WATCH COTO, Ringoway, W023, Thenew sinplifiea eteih involves: oily aah aniial payment bo secure TPT ca delivery. The bolonee. is spread aver a2 mionihs, a Ha

MARCONIPHONE Veeuu idaateigelUABeayee pee —join ourService!

THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY LTD. {anp REDUCED) It your epcu@elniors ate eervirenblic, [eto oorvegtly perhere thee. 2 ool, bare outa, igh wand Low Teo 1 ond bah pericct evezig TOTTESHAM COURT ROAD IshieeeFee, Welkiy, fortnigptig or monihiy deliveris knywhire within 12 m LON, Whoa cil Charing (rasa, Parilcwors. fri apices Hom RARIOSERVICE (London) LTD. 106, Torriane Awaerita, Camden Baad, H.W, Por KceLa DEAS,0628, OGLE. fal 4h! a a

eee Tose2i 1927. sare TIMES =

Saturday’§s Programmes contoiegeate je29)

S26,1 MM. (iia PO Err pe rimcnhyt creuEL Eee from. pg | 5BM BOURNEMOUTH. S20 kc. mene rns COUGHS Fron li Sine a ee ll eee LD dl Foulds | 40 “Dance Mvere by the Kixc’s Hart Hannon | King 4 Hil Hooms af the 120° Rictano Miennistas (Cornet)and Orchestra BRolayed fram the Dinette “dl hiy ALEX Walnk- Raval Hath Hate}. By Dimaoy ie eaett lawn Tosti ASTHMA WRIGET Waktanicr Wraps T Orpheus with hie Bute Sonhea 515) Tor: Cannan 's Hore and all complaints Valley a Loeaghter Acnderten from Daventry ofthe chestthroat 70 OnCRESTILN 6.0 London Programme relayed Fanticia on Trish Ars," Erin? wa ter Baadutt 632) &.E. fea Fil Lowlan and lungs MARGARET Woinkiesaw

Sabey Lf Gardaninge— Wiiter a h Pe tir ee tyr Fleaf 7.0 Mr. Geonce Bante,

a per ot Las rg e a d “Mal h y . Charen Fieworingr Plante tr ming, Jovors Bird : Montague Paige 7.15 SA. froms London. (9.30 Letal Armoire mente: Sports Gulletin)

| 9 . 3 5 NORMAN LONG A Song, o Story, anda Piano 9.50-12.0 5.8. from Domo


Two of the principal perlorters 10 "Dancing Time,” 3.30 London Programme relayed from Daventry 2GB's Variety show tonight—Florence Oldham and H ary Robyhiria. 6.0 Tat--Daxsast relayed from Cows Cai, Music by the Botn Dance Barp

745) Oncuveras 6.15 Tae Carnonenx'’s Hove Firat‘ Maid of Arlea’ Suite (" L'Ariésienne")..Bizet 6.0 London Provromme relayed from, Davontry 5.0 DANCING TIME Tue Loxpos Banw Dasce Haxp 6.30 S58: from London Lightning Directed by Siosey Firatan COUGH CURE 645. EByo- Witness Account: Cannirr b. SwWANsea Wate sod Dawsor (Bynes jpated Duets at the Pinna} 74 Mr. Norwas: Naso: * On tha Foor an Mes | Firorescre OLonam (Syncapated Bong) —lmnpressions of the Motor-Show' Haney Hoses (Xylophoue) TIS) 8.6. from Loteton GETTING THINNER 10:0 Wratuen FORECAST + SEcoxn “GEN EEAL EwWe Boer T2500 Mery LE. Witte, ' The Football Whir. DAY BY DAY. 10.15-11.15 AN HOUR OF yy OLD MEMORIES 7.40 FIRST CONCERT OF THE BRISTOL Hollows in Cheeks, Neck and From Jhrimingham Chest Growin eens Every THe BuaisGnam Sitna ORCHEATRA CHORAL SOCIETY Conducted by Joseen Lewis Boason: 1027-1926 eek, ' Potted Overturss" arr, Englemann ene Pot. Pourri, Relayed fram ithe Caiston Hall: Bristol Dax JoxER {Tenor} “THE. FLYING DUTVHMAN " Someone Ought to Tell Him How — iaSr ere aie tedcde ae le Pe etateks ne Opera in Three Acts by WacHEn to Gain Pounds of Solid Flesh Tho Loat Wcick Feats Bent cagPiet An eecce cee els Per} . Clay Cast : and Look Like Songs of Araby. oc. a Real Man. Mangarker WiLEIKSo# The Flying Dotehman Drexsis SOnLE Deland, «a Morwegian Soa Captain Tens On tho Hanks of Allan Water ..... Traditional o f thousands of thin, run-down men She wandered down the mountain ide .. Clay " Brivakt EonenTson —yes, and women, too—are Senta, his--Daughtor ...... ++. Canniz Tone getting dis- Miiy Mornitig: oo. ieee ceed ee bee re we ae Dena couraged—are Erik, a Himtamnan, piving up a l l hope of ever being “+ | dows ADAMB able 145 Cecersrna : Sieeraman of Deliand’s arena to take on flesh and look healthy and strong. Bolestion, * Melodions Memorieg" 14+... Finek Mary .... ee Mioaicker Risseun l Phil Tur CHonts of the Barero: Coonan Socuery All such people can stop worrying and start. ja ag Dan Jowes : t o smile and enjoy life, for McCoy's Cod Liv ! as Tie Toe Darton SysMrtory OCHTRA Ail — PES CeO. a eee eee Blunrcitial Extract Tablets, which any PUR eh eee gee cee ea Athans Conducted by Sir Himpeer Barwer Chemist will tell you a l l about, are putting Aesh on T hear you calling mie.) chee. cay ee eee‘Marshall AGNER more than once, in some form or hests ot very thin people every day. OeceesrnA other, treated dramatically the idew of the redemption of man from evil forees by the ne woman, tired, weak and discouraged, Selection of Popular English Molodies, * The put on 1 5 Ibs. in five weeks and recovered >a eee cca) AMfyddleton wifying influenco and swcrifica of wonmnlined, Rite) Cue here wae much in his own attitude to life that completely. il put bim in sympathy with. thia idoa. We all know that Cod Liver_Oi is full of: He became interested in the legend of the vitalising, flesh-producing vitamins, butmany,. 4ie Dutch ‘sailor capiain, who, swearing that he people can't take tt because of. its horrible:

would round the Lape if he hid to sail for evar, sinell and fishy taste, and because it oftet, was beard big theFoil One, whe condemned hin upsets the stomach. ot = 1 to snil the seas until hecould-tind a woman faithful ta death. The composer had astormy sea: voyage McCoy's Cod Liver Extract ‘Tablets are’

to Londen, in 1439, on which he experienced sugar-coated and as easyto take as sweets’ _ —- ea and af any thin person ddesnn't gainat leaston ft Kardsiip and danger. --The \erend waa much in hia mind, und soon afterwarda he began to a lbs. with 30 days’ treatment as prescribed, all put his ideas of the Opera on pauper, writing both the makers will return “your money. Only i libretto and music. Lhe Operawoe produced in 1/3 and 3/- the box at any chemist. a Teas, Wallis andDawson, with their syecogeee, ducts at In case of difficulty aend direct to McCoy's 9 feature 1in’ Dancing t o n i g h t , (Cardiff Programme continued on page 160.) Laboratories, Norwich. : (plano,

ie i

160 RADIO TIMES» = Toy PF a, are

Saturdélay‘s Programmes continued (October29) a: | —— —= —E Tn the Overtare we can hear the corteaat | 384.8 M. ona t between the storm ‘thal depivie the, tate of ZY MANCHESTER. 7eo ke. 6KH HULL. O20 ko.

the Dutch captain, and the bender, roment Je melady of the wonmn who ix-villing-to s a c r i f i c e | Mest by Par Ryan's Oncarstaa, relayed | 3.30 London Programme r e l a y e d from Deventer hereslf for him—» melody which is. a basie ole |? fue the Wireless Exhibition nt the (ity Hall | a a e* 4 ee ey ee ee moenh of the whole wrork, WA sailor's song is also l a ; B15. Tar Compies’s Hove i ATEICE Fuctanne (baritone ‘ Tsang ’ _— ul ABO: (5 ee) 6.4. Londen Progranme relayed in Dawentey . : : : Acr I Port ‘i ror | he Sianeli) 5:30 ‘ jwrhops you'll think ofame ., i SB, from London We are to knowthat the Dutchman its allowed a a i + isa . Fs ue Leirvenecs Wrigtt = Eee LJ to dand once every seven voars, bo Bonk a Woman It made vou happy when you made ce ory ve witAg = Pransen, ‘ T h e Humber in His- “he ae eet. him. Minny mess terns Toe Teeelioon wy. Angle and Viking (egfiled, Aid now js comeanchor arein th e : u bay of Norway. Here is lying the v e s s e l o f 4 . 1 5 Must by Par Ryan's GacnesTra (Continued) ee Sad ser a (8.30 Local A n n o u n c e - Captain Talnned ( Base}, vvhree home is near, , ' TENS, SCs ESE}

The Dutechmori |orifone)esks that he may geek 5.0. Cissue Locke (Flute) the hand of Dalancd's danghter, Senta, to whem, Dn, G8: hoistJon ES LEEDS-BRADFORD. OTT.8 A. & he-saye, he will give hie riches, He atill clings Fiona| Go Shey oi ceca c pees ceer ‘ ae Ayiy 252.1 M M . to the hope that he may find a woman whoee The Syiph . pratiiefe. . Leelatre feist

love will free him from the corse, Dolan tho match, and they go to his 2.30 Eomlon Programm relayed from agrars. to hare. Daventry Act If atv TE CHLonEN 8 Hope The sence os a roam in Dalamil’s lini. ' “Fak: Renta (Soperna) sits with her nurse, Mary ps 6-9 faght Music (Cimntraltos, med her spinning maidens, who = ‘ : Hing oa charming song, She is pisanp pon % 630-120 8.8, from London (9,99 Local ih porbrait of the Datehmman, nl is affected ATO uncenenie 7 Sports Bulletin)

by hie unmboppy history. The girls chaft her r

*ehout her obsorption in the dale of, the te mysterious Diotchman, and baet that her = . ew ooT M. hiteman lover, Erik, will net Breck 2 rival. Ag ‘ge 6LV LIVERPOOL. 1,010 be.

Santa sings the ballad of the Fivying Doutehnvin=-—te song onawhieh the drumatic ee tc a $30 Lonion Programe relayed from nnd merce) meotife of the Opera centre. i : F Danentey Bhn prays that athe mean be the Dhitehman’s ees ‘ , salvation, eee a CarLones's Hin othe her lover, Eaoik Seeo rs, telling aac ce | ae 5.30 rURNING THE TABLES? of h e r father’s coming. The o t h e r s go +i ay — «Cees ee An Onginel- F a o r y : Plies aod Erik: ainge of hia love. Ae lee Pp } Se: hned 6 dram of the mecting of Daland ims i . Presented by Eowann PB, Gaswx owith the Datetunan. Senta declares her taal = oonviolion that she mmcd the wanderer auray seeking pach other, and Erik, beart-broken Bir Huponde Brave (a Woomng Tinight} fengur A. Harare ‘and “hotrified, leaves her, Lady vette Chie lite Sister) Hor ‘feather, and the Dutchman cnter, RerTy Laseuey | atl the Act close with @ acenc. betwoen Oh Mites (thet faithful rehinoer) the two thor broaght torether, in which Waitt Some fhe rows to be Crinis, an go bo save! nn. | Faris Gruber fa Wilbeda4 J, Tt. Lanne ‘Y bela (the Witch's Diatigthtes) LAYS Dover 9.15 Wrearnen Porreasy , Secarp Oexeeral

Rews Boutrrms {9.20 Local Annmince- Scams |. Inthe witeli's moh bee, iments ; Sports Bulletin) ‘THE FLYING. DUTCHMAN.’ Scent 2. Bir Hugo's castle. Wagner's opera, ag giveti. al the Bristol Choral Society's Rome 3. To the witoh’s cottapy-. 8.55 ‘THE FLYING DUTCHMAK ° first concert of the season, will be broadcast from Cardifl this Tntidenbed Alibi by thie SrATLON (Continue) EVONINE: Two of the principals in this performance are (HILDHES Ss (Tec BESTA Miss Carrie Tubb (Senta) andMr. Stuart Robertson (Daland), Acr TIE whose portraits are inset above, Conducted by Hanvey 2. Diwicrener HE seene iso rocky bay, in which the Ships of Dalim amd the Dutchman are 6.9 A Programme of Music ber the fnehorel Deland’ .erilors. om earcusing. 5.15° Tar .Camores’s Howe: “Lesaons rope CHas Cac esTiA ‘bub the Ditehonn's ‘ship ist cory silent, Girls oasy’ (Treditiond!), “The Wonderful Piper” Mast ployed at. the Banquet in ‘The Faire come from Dnlend’s house and dhoil the (dhe), aang: byHarry Hopewell. Clarinet Solos Prine Se Te Ee Arne Prrtchman's crew, but there is no mapolre. by. Pat} Beyfan. ‘Invecation " {Cari BaF yn) Drink te mis ‘only eben eet arr, Qhriller “AD storm aries about the strange ship, and played by Eric’ Fogg. Bix London —Suneary Intermerzo, “In Lilac Thine” 425 .05..5 } ited Shure pring from ita Snngts, thaogh: chen Rhymes Cf, Fortes), sung br Betty Wheatley+ Inthe Firctight . 64.045. +0+- Ack enet bic it all fs calm. The saan upon it sing 6 *Commbull," " Bloomsbury, tmhew Cheer” ‘ Patti. Woes famed Boot” Pour Foaneies (2... 0. Somerihie d chorus, Adter sa time, the tamult ‘ceases: eoat Lane," * Whitechapel,’ * Whitehall * 6.30-124 4.8. from London (9.30 Local Announde- ta pote from, fie house, Erik inllowing and 60 Par Ryan's Oncwestra relayed fram the mente, Sports Bailbetind i ope desperately to persundy-bhor againat her Wireless Exhibition at the Cite Hull ‘design. 6.30 S&B. from London 275.7 M. The Dutehbman dears the lover reminding 645 Par Kyas’s Oncurerea (Continue!) 5NG NOTTINGHAM. 2752,™: Bente of ther plighted troth, wind fears that 7.4 Mr. Gornos: Paowuerrs (* Lucio “of the aJan- his hope ie vole, that she is lost to fim, He chester Crinedien) : ~The Pleasures of Winter roprodches ler, and in agitation haaberns ip 1LN-12.90 Gramophone Records Taave ber, afierteting her of the only way in which 715 8. from London (8.30 Local Annonoce: 2.30 Lotion Programme relared from Daventry he een be freed from the core:.. He goes aboord Mmetitea-: Sports Bulletin hit Vessel, which swiftly: sails out to nen. Bona §.35 REQUESTS 6.15 Tar Ceamnoees'’s Hoo ‘tishes away. Erik, her fnther,. and the ures by Tae Stratos Oncearsres 6.0 London Programm trelaved from Davenicy ‘eeék to roésbrain her, but sho fume ton rocky promt Pageant Moreh. b biggig id a eae ala ers as) ond. throws berself into the ean, The Fling 6.30 5.8. from Lendon Overture ta ‘The Barber ‘of Beeville’. ...oanad Dutchman's ship sinks, the midst of the Mazurka, ‘The Gipay oe SE 7.0 Mr. E. LL. Goivromn, The-Legend of Robin waters is Aeen the apotheosis of Seria aud the A Dervish: (hark in hie ‘ialele yp ie Fleece! * wanderer, trinsfiguredd’ in glory, soaring to Dhatior of the Tumblers-. 4.4.5. Armekyitorsaber Henven. 7.15-12.0 8.8, from Londen (6.39 Local annoumnee- Blawinic Bbapeoty oc a oceans ss .» /riedemann ments, Sports Bulletin) Overture to" LightiCawalry §.... 20000005. Suppe 10.0-12.0 SH. fren London 1 10.90-12.0 5.8. from London (Saturday's Programmes tonftixwed on gage 102.)

Onrogen 21, 1927,



Send now for our fully deseriptroe book- fet * Marcomphone Cone Speakers.’

Years of patient a research Musickeeps the home bright: here’s a wire- and then less set that brings the finest bands and artistsinto any room you choose. The the MPLA. is absolutely s e l l f - con! ained. You can carry it about. while it's playing! Ne outside wires at a l l . gaa loud- speaker, giving true-as-li'e music from front and. back. Write f o r coloured leaflet giving f u l l details. MARCONIPHONE M.P.A. Wireless (Dept. 4) 6? Conduit Street, London, Wl. MP.A. TRANSPORTABLE RADIO SETS. CONE SPEAKERS | UMBRELLA YEARSofpatient research ; of active experiment and then—the evolution of the new Marconi- phone Cone Speakers. Nothing so strikingly distinguished, so perfect in performance, has ever appeared in loud speaker design. Never before has the acute sensitivity of the horn type ee speaker been combined with the greater attrac— tiveness of the cone. For the first time, a loud speaker has been created, near enough to perfec— * tion, to honour it with the name Marconiphone. Fomnes for o v e rtt Tears tor. srreneth an the fra oe ee Marconiphone Model 75 Marconiphone Model 105 ~ Cone Speaker Cabinet Cone <

A WONDERFUL 3 ‘Presents a sensitivity as acute Stands oul event Fs the SET as amy Aornt tvpe speaker, as list of triumpis achieve by the —— 3 VALVE LOUD SPEAKER well as a design of wnusual vast /Marcontphone organisa- T h e t a aot aoe ritagee all ihe atest omprevaments for 1958 and ton. Sound emission is from ol Cont-oectal station’ ‘ot | all eo| Ycceives @ distinchon, A feature of no : Usequalled f a r Volume, seectivity, reoge, parity ood both sides, and whichever way: the l oad saunkor. little value ts. the ease with Compact des co at, ot anywhere Bear the Price. NO DRILLING. the cone is turned, the entire. RO COILS TO CHANGE—NO SOLDERING — sahich at may be Reptfree from musical scale 1s heard to per=- bering mie tus oot in two boar. dust - - =| 75. fection: _ +, = 105/-—, Fu! Oeiaaa, wiring Técriiea "pant [ree for thres pene; ® stamp.

SAXON RADIO CO. (Dept. R.T.), South Shore. BLACKPOOL,

THE MARCONIPHONE COMPANY LTD. - H FirBoia mg. Aa 2, 1 ee eo pons tat, ace (AND REDUCED).- i “KRISCKOS” CO..NECTORS. = Ke dle yeeSport abn. Fiend Badin | lea Par enype tor bird dey terrpl aa Head Office :_ 210-212 Tottenham Court Road, W.1. . —Bedla ttrep Po. EB ally ebplesioums pelt

Of bet ote bo evety sion meh Folaet¢ @ ibm Reed. Office: Marconi House, Strand, W.G2. 9 fete and Bee’ ir oe Beer i pert bor, fen fe ermal; Ly the sites, cic. ADToOpe et SL et ee ei eeeoe,

Bist thee everett dor wipeAmeboum abd Ba ges imcenl ee. Bead potefo Pte tpewi dees: or 1) fer ase pled wibo Jomtrued iene, tyrlucing portage, 0 THE SUPERSENSITIVE CONE

Koa Ca. 80, Star's Den Dl. Damion, WEL.

— _RADIO TIMES -— | Orrin 21. Ls27

== a = Se —— Ld ‘Saturday's Programmescontinued (October 29) a ——— ——eee Se Se eT * Charles Dackers wii | 035 6.8. from Codi foment Sa et biPlaasixa E Sra Hitoron,

SPY PLYMOUTH. 780400 ko.MM, 7-15-12.0 S.8. from Landon (9.30 Loca! Annygneo 190-12.0 8.6. otfrom Lotion tifite, Sports Bulletin) —~ = > ————i 315 app. PLYMOUTH ALBION v. U.C5. OLD a Ny J

BOYS a 4.1 MA. Avorthern. Programmes = A Bunning Commentary by Mr. BG. Boreter ! SSX SWANSEA. 120 ko. &

on the Rugthy Football BiLawia- th ’ 1} = 31Li6 uM Relayed from Beacon Park 2.90 London Procramoe relayed fron Doventry SNO NEWCASTLE. B60 bo : a = areal f eee Ie ‘ et 3.8 :—Londen 7 Te ibe ret IPP. a5 App. London. Programne relared Prot 6.15 Tae Criunittes Hore Music ens mt eeeetc megte att seeee Daventry ’ a= . 55: —Childrens Biteur Falry ‘Tales pad Faire Music by Mi. ——— oa I es bi 6.0 Lanitlan. | CTA CEA relayed Lrirré 2 Weniry urn oe ta Mr. Apditew Frat 6.0 '—Londow Fro- 515 Tae Comones’s Hore 2 lec ane Shantibs ' eg eeeavery, a: —S 8. ILodo. ork * ; na 7 SR fram London —Mr, Willinm &: Nisket: ‘Cossin) Bavigation—TO by the Bt. Gabriel Quarict 6.90 Fin: ae au tay Landa, aneee — : 68 Tan Srancx Orcersrea 6.45 6 . 4 9 . from Caniff om: tttkina March of the Tin Soldiora ...... - rae ——4-—

Galliwog as Thaiseas eee veces = . Ae ile nag Dackney Bates... ..6 ae teen eee te etetbey rt i IC GLASGOW. eae : | i 4-15—Banee Muslin relayed fron the (630-120 5.8. from London (9.30 Local | “ j Dane 41s: -Ameriewnn., "Te Staton WireleaeT i s g e PalaisQuietde Announcements; Bports Bulletin} i 3 2 } She, ~ Arnie icant7 Thirian). Ann Kitkham (Sopra) | Fron& he bund of the sky bide wouter, wal Far off bear i rl ; [ - ee ibe ft Limits}. Quinict-; Page Ameritnan-l nbn eatin a7T2L7 M. 5 : f donWtoiee: — on . Birthrey 6FL SHEFFIELD. 100 x e .an a es erTa| a a a el ral cecal a r n Ss Seoae Quintet: Plntetlonnist, LongeSoe t eVote) l u t s a u iasearma R i nWEL n e : 3 i . ; : } tonefs ie eo Jonian (irr, Pour le ighi: T e e e p Miver 5 . a tf Siser | cI d — ee | ’ : ren for Rerivens ry ‘0 4.1E Orcas,ROGAN, relavedPeli from the Albert Hall E3 i E ; So. fron Londen, $952 Meie nl a Pia. he Habion : : 2 4 6 é | Orchestra. Three Dances (Nell Geyn! (German); Unter- 6.15 ‘Tae Cmioren’s Hove: Gladys Heath i mori 2 ‘Hoecrete* (Andie). “4 Man of I d e a s , ’ A oe “will s i n g , A l l v i n e Allen will p l a y the | | OneAct by b i t e r Maiiean, Ondhestea? B u l t e , +s jano, Gladva Tryo the manioline, and : 10.30 12D: ah, twa “Loada Pek DRE one Oslox (Gill.cela willWCE reoiteJ j J ;

ee a 60 Can, Dece'’schyCaniner= BAND; Plymouth fistencrs should use thie plan when listening: ZBD ABERDEEN.: =O hl io0foo ke,M, I ys to the aaFootball broadcast ri , a this afternnan. $45 The Stationtalicn Wetet(ete ino Bee r r r . P i e t e h e r ’ s Music, A il 6. a -12. i] eB, ee con il (3.38 Load a Tiotert Wilson {Sopramik Apdrew Campbell (Hartione), me . Annmincoments ; Sports Bulietin} Lilian ‘Thompaon (Contnalte), 6.15 :—Chilidren’s Heo, a4 De. Teooy Mogeaw; Welsh Rughy Foothall etos relayed trom Daventry, #0 = pas . ‘ Ta 465T STOKE. er 7.15 SB. fran Landay 2BE BELFAST. ooeon 7.25 SB. from Cardiff 936:-—(oletridge Taylot. The Statlon Orchestra. Horakhy | Crake (Contralte), 4:20 :—Itaiomeqtal Soho by VWicber Fawonbl from Daventry 96 Werteer Forteast, Secoso tC rset News (boris Eilon J. Alaa (Cloriiuet}. 38 -—4d Fovenneites 3.80 ‘London Programme relayed Orde. 6.15 :—Chideens Hor. 6.0 :— Loaelkin Pragraatitin ‘ Bonoseris (9.30 Locul Announcements ; Sorts Teayed from Daventry. 8.39 °—5.08. from London, 8.35 = Bulletin} A Maagee Frocrmme. 10.390-12.0:—5.8: trom London, 6.15 ‘Tur Carponen'’s Hove NEO ——__ : 60 London Provramme relayed from Daventry —S = — Ee SS ——e ne = ——— «20 iS, RB. fron ! London THE NEW RADIO OPERA SEASON.

‘The musical annofations in the pro- “PENELOPE,” the third in the series of this season's Operas, will be broadcast on November 22 and 25. | gramme paces of “The Radio Times" are Listeners who wish to obtain a copy of theoe apthig uns weaisarb which as arr 1 prepared under the direction of the Music that applicants may obtain Sther (1)single tTOVATORE'the Librettoand * ofTANNHAUSER:NELOPE," atwhack2d. ‘heseeach; cheat Editor, Mr. Percy A. Scholes. complete series of twelve for 2s, (including * been broadcast bat which wall be af ¥alye on fubare’bentotah) the remaining ten of the series (including Rates of Subscription to “The Radio *PENELOPE,” but excluding © IL ‘TROVATORE* SER") for 1s. 8. Times’ (including postage): twelve months m o n t h s |. Apphcation for copies of “PENELOPE ' only, o r e i g n ) , 15s, 8d.; twelve ar | (British), 1 3 s . 6d. Please send me copy (copies) of the Libretto of “Penelope.” I etichose pldny stampa in payment at the rate of 2d. per copy post free,

2. Application for the complete series of twelve [bret ti. Please seed oe copy (copies) af each of the ra Labret ox published. enclose FO.

i APPLICATION FORM FOR | No. or cheque, value in payment at fhe rate of 2.- Hor, the whole series port free. : PAPER PATTERN. : 3. Application for the remaining ten of the Series (including * Penelope *) Please send me copies (at Od, | Please send me copy (copies) of each of the remaining ten Labretti. f enclose PO. No, OF cherue value im payment at the rate ill fa, Ad. cach teq copy) of the set of paper patterns Labret, post free, for the Schoolgirl's Outfit referred to PLEASE. WRITE {N BLOCK LETTERS. ft ‘on page [51 of this issue,for which YL jenclos: stamps to the valuz of PAs ach pwn a Vaaw es ey rikakdedae on ai ab he'd ee pak

PLEASE WRITE IN BLOCK CAPITALS ADDRESS: a. si es Oe ee a ee et sd k Name SCSSS RST PERRO EERE eREee Pod da bah

wer Ps STEPPES EPR PSREh Apphcations must be marked" Labretti” on the envelope and sent, togetherwith the remittance, to "Opera PA besheeeas -s bee ane Librett, BBC. Savoy Hill, London, W.C2.

1 Magdizerioce’ vical ue"edehenkond io The B.B.C. Savcy Hill, London, Wit2, and | Additions! names and addresses mayoe written on a separate shect of paper, but ear for the additienal subscriptions rust, of course, be sent with the order, The Libretti will be sent singly as published to reach tach waucked ‘Pattern in “the top ee| _ Sptner of the envelope. gubseriber & few days before each Opera is broadest,

a ieee

aaa nee NSN

6 —- TIMES = —_—eet — RADIO’ = = = = ———$

re "The

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act Put voltmeter firvcl thie Just glance at the Ball-floats wolts upwards an di you ‘ w i l l probably Then test from 40 Because only ; have p l e n t y of “* punch4") Why?) and you can see how thejuice higher voltages still And yet y o u have to whole of the battery: or the last valen uses the stands—charged, half-charged, +e the while bat berry away, aoe ALT throw . ‘ HONE u s i n g the common-sense GECal nearly run-out. Stop wasting good valts by ordinary apecially mode for radio m Interchangeable HT, B a t t e r y , and super-capacity sich. That i s n ' t all about this battery, PRICES either It has all the features a 115-volts Standard G6-volts Super : : GG-voltsts Standard12/6 Units 22/6 Capacity Units 22/~ P. & R.| Battery always has. Paste Units 1 2 / aeIN ENGLAND.

MADE eT keyed-in to p l a t e s ; l u g s burned-on:; tested separators; extra heavy Leroi, = Co, Lid, Magnet Howse, Kingeiey. Ade. of fhe tora tal Elertelc rids sludge ducts it's guaranteed oe six months: i n brief, i t s a WANT. leaves no THE BOOK EVERY LISTENER WILL P. & R, Battery. Which from inside. more t o be said. The story of broadcasting told I f you would like all the details, a post-card for our Leaflet send to Peto & Radford, 50, Grosvenor SS S.W.1. Gardens, London, P..R

PETO & RADFORD a “ACCUMULATORS [ h e beginning and t h e end in

PoweR Indicarling Alte made in Ace me ile tor res ams, oan-apHl beee to fir all well hours sctool. knawy. port iyo tht able sets. Price 14,

fourth of November. Ready on the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW.

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HE purchase of aHigh Tension Battery is blindfold buying. When the little box of mystéry is handed to you, you “take it on teusi. You can’t see insitle ; you hope for long life, but of its conrents you know nothing. You connect it to your s e t , and in a little while you maybefull of complaints. Crackling noises, distortion, weak reception ! You wonder ifyour acrial is O.K,, if your valves are giving out. You consult your expert friends—all to no purpose. It never occurs to you that your dry battery maybe suffering-from anaemia. Dry batteries are often quite unsatisfactory. “Their life begins the moment they are made. ‘They are working continuously. On the dealer's shelf, at home when your set is not in use-—-they give out their energy all the time; obviously they are short-lived and expensive.

The Cldham High Tension Accumulatoris the correct solution to ie the H.T. problem. It gives that constant, smooth output so essential to satisfactory reception. When you buy an Oldham H.T. Accumulator you see what you're getting. The sturdy plates, made under the Oldham Special Activation Process, do not suffer from sulphation and the clear glass cells allow of their instantinspection. The Oldham H.T. Accumm- - lator is supplied in 20 Volt units. Tt can be assemb!led to any voltage on expanding bookcase principles. It is a perfect reservoir of power for our radio; cheap to buy, cheap to maintain, and requires no attention yond re-charging about four times a year. Best of allan Oldham HLT. Accumulator will last for years. ANNO.—Sr

Aun Odin 60 Volts H.T, Accumulator made up Fad par Vols by ceng tires 20 Voit whits - foVols - 37/6 100) Volts 62/6 80Vole - §@/= 120 Volts 75/- Oldham & Sen, Led., Denton; Manchester. Telephone: Denion 127. Solid (Quik Fase, any voltage 3/6 excra London Office: 6; Eccleston Place. ieleptone 2 Sloane 2707 Lad and Handles; any voltage 4/6 exer. Glasgow: 75, Robertson Street, C.2. Telephone? Central 2105. #

a TOMER fay LT]

Again Mullard takes the lead—'075 Valves Bs, and the New Model ESpeaker This new } series ofvalves with thewonderful Mullard P.M. Filament consuming only ‘O7Sampere makes all valves consuming 1/10 ampere extravagant. All the advantages of the wonderful Mullard P.M. Filament, # eat streneth, long hfe, and copious emission are retained forthe lowest available run- > ning 4st, )) ‘The Mullard Pure Music Speaker Model E -has. solvedthe problem of Pure Music froma speaker of moderate price. Hear it and realise what amazing value it offers. Mullard MASTER: RADIO Srice,


b | — RADIO T I M E S _ = = a

= EE

Absolutely complete, in- cluding Marconi Royalty, Loud Speaker, Faleces, Aatteries, Fall lostrections, Alerial Equipment—rvery- thing except the wireless rial,

Al f a l l Catalogue o f all our prodycis com be obtained free on application,


7a Cabinet ae ” : ee a loud speaker that is different. You cannot mistake ic for a flower 82-6 bowl oran ink well. Ic is not geudy iN appeatance or fantastic in Shape, Just because ic is quiet dignified—tich and looking—the Grown Cabinet Loud Speaker Every day that passes adds to the reputation stands out from the multitude of horn and cone instruments on the marker. of Little Giant Sets. Cheap sets exist in plenty, Ir will wild claims are made by the score, Above look well in your home, And just as its beautiful cabinet will please your and through it all, the true, unrivalled value of eye, so will its pure, true reproduction please your ear. Fellows sets stands out~clearer and clearér. The Brown Cabinet does just what a loud Beautiful in appearance, powerlul and clear mn speaker should. It gives you a l l c h a t you reception, simplicity possibly could itsell both to instal and wish for, Your Wireless Dealer wants to operate, Fellows Little Giants are without t o demonstrate i t to you. Price £6. 6 s . a fival in price, performance and popularity. Cash Price, of 12 manthly mymenis of: Cabinet LitthGiant 2-Valvee £B:2:6 18:6 , 2-Vale £9:4:6 17:6 i; gi » 4FPale 211728:0 £1:1:3 Table Model Little Giant 2-Valee 2G:10:0 12:6

S me ar J » 3-Fale £T2t12:0 14:6 - os » #*-Falee 2O216:0 18:6 ALL SETS ON 7 DAYS’ APPROVAL ON RECEIPTOF CASH PRICE OR FIRST INSTALMENT, ORDER YOURS VOW, FELLO ~ CABINET LOUD SPEAKER Freese §. G, Brown, Ltd., Western Avenue, North Acton, London, W. 3 , PARK Retail ROYAL, LONDON, NUW,10. Showmome: 19, Mortimer strect, WL. 715, Mosorfie'ds, Liverpool: 67, High Strect, Southampton, = Wholesale Depots thrvegivnat the Counter. For full list of branches a c e page [7'3. pong cay)

at oer ‘TIMES —- _ Cherceineny 2 1 , - 1027, ]-

ELIABLE valves must be perfect in every part. However long and strong a filament may be, it is not of much use if, owing to some defect in the electrode system or an imperfect vacuum, it does not function properly. B.T.H. 2-volt Valves are good in every part, meticu- lous care having been exercised in the design and placing of filament, grid and anode. Equally close attention has been paid tothe vacuum whichin B.T.H. Valvesis as perfect as it can possibly be made. B.T.H.2-volt eee havea filament second to none "in length, efficiency, longlife and low current con- sumption, andit can be ‘ s t a t e d quite definitely that there i s no f i l a m e n t which l a s t s longer. There are no weak links in these valves—every point isa “strong point.’ Whatever valves you may be using at the momentit is highly probable that the new B.T H. 2-volt Valves are an improvement on them. ‘Theygive instant and constant satisfaction. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THE NEW &.T.H, 2-VOLT VALVES

Purposes | Fil, Anops H. T. Bott. Walts Ampl. Factor linpedance | Price

HF, O4 40-10 150 16.0 32,000 ohms. 10 & GP. 0 . 1 48 to 1 0 0 75 14,000. ohms, oc Power Amp. 02 4 ) to 100 6.0 4,000 ohms, i2 6 Res, Coup. 0.1 100 to 150 50,0 180,000 ohms. 3106

Theolowe pricsare aptlicaiic ie Great Dia and Norttera f r e d u n a ’ pny

i w

= RADIO“ TIMES LOirogee. 2h. ee

Dike “i ffFL EEVERYTHINGesOT 6G. &.C.)ELECTRICAL adoaal= aonylas eri Eee

Tyrpe CZ L.T. Battery

7 roel elheélent ancl mbna Low Teosson bats ety Cire nlsashute r-linbility at the enw et Prise. (nae ee weit a. fired ee Linvies pol t an Ve Tig le comparatively heavy currents for bong periods Capacities from. 20 ta 6) amp. br Prices from [fs to 20f- per Zwolt. cel For the Winter Programmes The long dark evenings are fast approaching when you will get the maximum pleasure fromm your wire- less set only if your balferies are of first class make and in first class condition.

If they are not, no matter how good your receiver may he you can never knowthe real purity of the B.B.C. transmissions. By calling at your local Exide Service Station now, you can be sure ol getting wireless reception as il should be.

Cat. Me, ELC. 1694, The GECaPHONE Suilper Cone. Cabinet Laud Spoor ripresents the neartal opprooch to phe desl over-ottoined. 1 Te Ve fittee with i. large cere of comedelal fount EHPne trom a Exide “Mass” Type High Tension Batteries deltcately balanced armaturc: Che cotdnet, of goalie mahurney.,> 1 a trioeph- of the cabimet meker's crait PRICE, EIGHT GUINEAS T¥pe Trpe WJ. 1O-welt WH 24-volt Cat, No. Bic1G0. A most desirable food speaker seerruteth The famous Exide Thies (ALL. beatiery, quality of reproduction ond fine oppearance ashe cone iso tthe new WJ HOT. battery is having, twice the conmidnl tye and ba fibeed weth a baleen armuatuse, while the catkne rear aipmiced mh itl capacity of tha Wy, ta of goalid frualhogany. moreaad ele fh ful yeeisTk Nea a¢€ feckmineind ed oo Feared aemet,- navel wherever othe total PRICE, £6.:0:0. neon recincece! price. consumptian of HF 2560 milli-amp currtot caopeeds 20 SSEe heures mvilli- manger Gh Price; “biere ia a pode pe taping wt |i-volta 1a:Sols GATE ‘wate Pria ge: Em eat Sjf- Ua per ‘ealh ) A-eolt mort -wirh- | fa Gra Tne on au ALE, 20- volt in word connie. out crate. reduced q2/6 fram da. bho fs, SABIAIET Soa LOUD SPEAKERS MADE IN ENGLAND. Sold by all Wireless Dealers and Stores. GbCoPHOVE RADIO RECEIVERS ond GCRAMOPHONE .REPRODUCHARS, LOUD SPEAKERS "—DESCRIPTIVE BROCHURE, ff you arefooling for a THE LONG LIFE BATTERY better set with o novel new feature, write for a copy of the beavttfally illustrated brochure, B.C.4524 sentpost free on Obtainable from your l o c a l dealer or Exide Service S t a t i o n request, Adveriiwement of The Chloride Electrical Sierage On, » Did, Oliften fonetion, Manchener, Adet. of The Gosere! Elscire Co., Dt, Afogeet our, Aiignsey, Gosden, HOC 2,

—_. RADIO TIMES Cerrinen: 21,5 1527.) = =r etneh na —- -- mol ——_— 2-73 : ; . + we ; =


Clear, unspoiled, the voice of the singer comes to you in rich full measure with the aid of this new wonder- valve. Forget all preconceived ideas of valves and filaments, costs and c u r r e n t consumptien, and be prepared to judge t h e Beriton by what it does. Place this, the latest achievement in radio realism, on test beside any valve you like, mo m a t t e r what ts c o s t , and you will do what thousands have already dcne—leave the Beritons in your set and p o c k e t t h e saving. Never before were such clarity, such volume and long life, cembined with current economy, found in a valve s o easily within reach of all. That is the simple s t o r y of the Beriton. Of course, it is the procuct of long and patient research. Obviously, its materials must be the best that can be got; n a t u r a l l yit is t e s t e d exhaustively before you g e t it; but the real reason for your buying and sticking to 3 R e r i t o n s 1 s that you cannot do better. ; | | | ONLY | 1 BERITON VALVES ARE 7]AND LF. | | yeok 9) = a 5UPPLIED DIRECT BY POST | G G creat end i i 6 - v o l t 6-palt

ny are sold on a full non-guibWe: money- Valve HcgacibeaAheb . ; special design the rie ce. Ou ore mit s a t i s f i e d w i t h our Owing to i ehok haa Sik GH poe aeee i obtainedi in al ses characteristicssti never previously in rotation, bat there t e na delays, any Orders are deipa'ched and never equalled ie name o f Company on all PO a n d aay dull-emutter valve 6Fill in ee yee STAL ORDERS valve of any type- See table below. VALVES , CHARACTERISTICS OFBERITON ae Anode “ | eal "Gompliien: PES ty aie ficCa= Ce: Laerecrut titers M ieee ‘ ivan iad tion F a c t o r Type ine oe eo) fi 2 = I ; ; Eta] Ts S e e | pee = |LE o-roaae-s 5 7 . 0 0 9 7 POWER a « = ‘ | wo “ a s : 3 neo ra se a o [ . * 2 [jogo — ia Mg) P e eros ath 75 6,250 ? i ee ae aa | ogee poalgd-F38 5 Regs re POWER 4 = A * “5 aae Tay, 1b-q "bs i eo “5 5aoa a Lie Fa 2 too4-14 5 fo POWER 6 b e s

B u i l d i n g s , Holborn Circus, E.C.1 MERCHANT MANUFACTURERS CO., LTD., 20 B a r u l e t t ’ s

= RADIO TIMES -.— -Qermn~en 21.1927.

Je LAA"P i e . fits E V E R Y T H I N G ( &. &.C.

= or a oe ELECTRICAL Perfect at Every Point ew

with the New Vilament The P e r f e c t . Anode THE CABINET LOUD-SPEAKER AT 357 a hea Selling faster than we ¢an make them. FIM “ A new, better, purer floud-speaker. Not just “another cone model.” A Fellows invention produced after two years research, The shape of the diaphragm is unique, and gives unique results. lt gives absolutely even distribution of sound in all directions. It eliminates all ‘‘dramming.” It ensures exact purity The OSRAM anode is large of speech and music. Every letter, every note clear, enough te collect every clectron powerful and true. that leaves the filament, It totally encloses the active You know, of course, that you can have this loud- portion of the filament, re- speaker for seven days on approval against cash. docing walve resistance and Increasing the undistorted IMPORTANT, Suchienormmours demand, has followed the appearance volume of output given to ‘of this new lodd-spesker, thal af present ote Aave foiled fo beep pare as your loud speaker, regards the mahogony mode! Afew days’delay must be expected before delivery of this therefore, The other models are,af present, oftill ordilable fron’ atocka, Firm & Rigid

Fine Leatherette Finish - - - 35]- The anodews ribbed to increase ita strength. A new and Polished Oak or Mahogany - 42)- patented design incorporating Packing free, postage |! 3, Th projecting fin ifpttéases the area of the weld between the The Fellows Junior, The Folutone, ode end ite sopport awire. The: famous -horn-type «loud: Horn-type. loudspeaker This makes for a much firmer MADE IN speaker, 19 ina high, power- for large balls, dantinmg, contact, and for greater rigidity ENGLAND. ful and clear as a-bell 13/6 etc, .- . “ = #4R/. than if the round edge of the Parking Jree. oostage | it, Packing free, corriore farina, anede were used,


OSRAM!] 2 volt 4 wolt 6 wolt ; per 25 DEP. 0 Bee. big Pree 1/6 each F : DEP, 240 DE. 5A Price 2O!- each

Made ot the factory with the creates. experierice in-vales manulacture in the British Erapire. PFRELESS Manufactured fron raw material to finished product by the same British Orponisation. PARK ROYAL, LONDON, NWO. . For full lst of tranches see page [79 ee Bt, 6 Adetof The Gener! Electeie Oa, font. Magnet: Mone, Kingooey, Gaedune Wels, f


RADIO TIMES ——- Ocrome 21, 1927.) a Cs gets ince en ———— ei plat — ——— Ir2 See et eee ie lt neall | —increase in Volume G i f t Another 2 / - and Clarity surprising | POPULAR WIRELESS * * with to-day’s —far superior to H.T. Batteries, nrdes W i r , PS, Weereunnter Dra, | TS te: tedieal of the ee Westcli/-on-Sea, Essex, | SePLATt i t y i n glettersia € FOUR ceived avery chav. ‘ Goltene Eliminators ™-are | satisfactorily replacing old | fashioned HLT. hultertes, ase PRINTS witli a Sone queens lar BLUE in yohuie and purity, Bat- . Lary replacement conta ant a thing of the past. Piteel Gurren wecdels lei 1 obi. FREE | Altera thing Gurrent iiResSa7 5 t |1 frum £5 10s. Od. Sets make the following efficient | Full perfiewlars sent on to 1 popes, Refuse pull ifutes —insist on the genuine. “tral: tow Elininafar,” “{NIFE-EDGE”CRYSTAL { DOES 5GB INTER- receiver. Avery sharply tune d crystal station and FERE WITH YOU? Designed to receive local 5 G.B, Or is-it-your local statien (hat forms abackipagia’ for | your Teeeptiom ower ob aide rea? Cutit out, with: the Gal H.F. and DETECTOR | tone Selecia Wavetrap.” neutralised. with tuned trans- Note, hownew ancl stant former coupling. A simple stations come in om ihe recerver for long distance head- ecile at points that pre- phone work. virsly drew blanks,

SE Marvellous celectivity. Pit- ied in a few Tmomenis—no

alteration to eet, Pricnihy. = ae THE “UNIVERSAL”

. = THHEE VALVER SS LF. &) * © Detector and two RC, stages. For distortiontess ; reception. ‘Goltone Negrolac Aerial’ ———— loudspeaker ————_=__—+

ey A Sensational advance in efficiency. tad Addis-25" bo your volume. “Brings up stations hitherto uniihtaina bbe. “SPANSPACE FOUR" Replace your old: inefficient acrial Set A sensitive and selective with the" GOLTONE NEGROLAC.”= Wen for long range loudspeaker recepriann *| Per length of So ft, 15)= Pet length of 100 ft. 4. 18) Write for expert's reports and ae full part Poularss be Here are Sets for every purpose, all of which can efhciency prices. So clear and built at rock-bottom PRINTS that even GOLTONE RADIO complete are the FOUR BLUE wired up a Set before, success 1s METERS if you have never at the f i r s t attempt. Wiring diagrams,lists A high-grade British- assured circurts of components required, € xplanatory pictorial made instrument in in- notes, are given on each Blue sulatecd case, reading and constructional g i f t buy your Print. To make sure of this g r e a t high and low tension AT ONCE, copy of POPULAR WIRELESS vollazes, Side reading 8/6. Centre zero reading 10/6 (as illustrated). La Genuine “Goltone’’ In- struments have trade Pyinetess mark on dial. | bem in & ira t : Alcried & att | 13 hernd, Daly ah Tig & baa Pl Jeewnfany Gites 3 j Mudie Steres, Sale at all Booksellers and Bookstalls, Ciao med frat y 1 i bieetreted: Liat On >pe Serer: tlt T.. put,free i tong Spree. Dw Fegucal Led, : Wd, t dedPeerseee P r c h l i c h i a by The Aialdwmated Press, of Ta =

FM - Wh . — RADFO TIMES. -— Curiae: teh O27 aie A ee eee ee

ae ii = SPECIALISTS IN LOW FREQUENCY a Every problem has at least two different aides, The ticm who has studied both sites of a question has obvicusly.a big advantage. This ic the fortunate position in which eee RK. T. & Varley, Lid, find themselves, Prior to the amalgamatioa which has already done so muon for Radio Science— vide all the leading Wireless Journals of the day—R. I, Lid. had spent years in SS perfecting L. F. ‘Transiormers, and the Bnecees achieved by the famous Varley Bi-duplaxs Wire-wound Anode Resistaneds had made itself known in almost every corner of the world. The pooling of the resources of thease tuo terms, both from a technical and manufactoring standpoint hie resntted in the production of two of the honest Radio compo.ents ever known, aod there is now m0 oxcowse for ‘the oex- itenoe of distortion in your reproduction, Not worn out but choked to death | That is how H.T. Batteries die. That's why you The New Straight Line discard your battery. It is. choked by In- Super Transformer. ternal Resistance — dead while it. still had This iraostormer proved to be one of the hizgeat achievements at the National Radin weeks end months of useful life-inside it, Exhibition, Olympia, The Nation! Fiysi- tal Laboratory curve shows that tts ampli- fention is practieally coustant fromlub Now Fellows Chemists have at last defeated to 6/0) creies, and thet exceptioanlly Batteries. Now m goog resolts cig be obtaloed even at Bo this great enemy of H.T. evcles, “oe iron cooteat ofthis transformer the Regenerator internal resistance Is con- ip comsiderahly greater toain other models, ad, turer, tos rod is of & spec grads tinuously fought dewn couwiderably higher in permeabilicy, aod lower ta core losger that nas Hitherto ob- tainebie: io bet, some-iden of wheat Leas ee And so t h e Regenerator Battery l i v e s a f u l l beta achieved can be gauged irom tha Tact tot AT i CYCLES THE IADUC- life ; tts current flows unimpeded. Taitet Id Led HeEagrES, AND AT SS) CYCLES 123 Henle, a more power and a The Regeneratoz has Price 25/- longer. life. The New Bi-duplex

i BA Voit with had for grid bias. «». +... (Post 6d.) 6/ = Wire-wound Resistance

i CO). abs tanks ee Fe scence (Post De.) 6/3. Capacity Couplers. The National Physical Laboratory Core of

0 ROG vate tensed try Co esis; (Post 11), 1/- these romirkable componects, shown for the test time at the Wirckess Exhibition, ria rinse) soe (Pow 34.) 1 / 3 proved! beybod dookt the extraordinary eliciency of resistance capacity coupling when the high reswigace? are wound on send for a copy of our new Catalogue. the Bi-duplex system with the special alloy wire usedonly by this company. PERFECT STRAI.HT: LINE AmPLI- FICaTION AT ALL FREQUENCIES FRO * to 6M) is mesnred, aod for the first time it is now possible to get tremondoas amplifi¢ation and volume consistent with almost unbelisvable fntthinlness of re- ERRELESS preluction., Park Royal, London, N.W.10 Try A. Suitable for wae after valor with VLC. KResiiener (Pimpedanre) ‘of 74 000-—40,000 GRR: aa as f m

Type 8, Suitable for nae after valves ah For greater power and longer life A.C. Resistance (fimpedance) af ao,008 * Tc oti clas ae # If po! dre seriously, deterested- in LP. ampli: foties oral in petirng- the parcel re uty eae son led vpraker,. #r new Bookled "Lew Frevaeneo Ampliseeiion’) (Peter Sf -! Sarin FernFietiess in aiingl? Inogeage fhe ofalien dete of ee forme. Devisionce Gapocity ot Choke Compiiaig. The (olor tio fe. pholadely reliable, nel fondemed dip orenendter fea mince fy fhe "Neg Aotieral Pipricdl fatborstary. A — Soe THE MARK OF BETTER RADIO

A * = Angsay Homie, 103, Kinges ET's oe Obtainable by post from Head Office or from any Telephomr = Holbein (RAK, Fellows Branch,(See page 173.) uit

' Orton 2t. 1077-4 _—. RADIO TIMES — “Wireless \. without worry:

1s Mr. Robinson's motto a

Fe’s got a Set that works a loud speaker without valves or accumulator

“PPOUND at Robinson's the ofher nrht | fonnd everyone astir with excile- ment, belt quite flattered—until | found that wasn't the couse of the flatter. but it was only a wretched Wireless Set. Now |

would viel have given ul hirass farthing lar al Wireless Set—until then. Mere botherthanthey were worth, with their valves and accumulators and things ! | teld Robinson sa, am! he laughed. Then he told me that his Sct.was a Brown Ideal

W rreless Syl —ihe wonderful receiver whieh works a loud speaker and yel hasn't gota ee single valve of acenmmiulator, It made mie gasp and change my idea of Wireless, a —— im going to geba row Ideal Wireless Set Bright Emitters, 5.5 v , myself now. A Set which gives me good 3/6 loud speaker reproduction without the worry Dull and expense of accuntulator recharging gives Emitters, 2, 4, 6v. 6/ 65 me the laugh over my ValveSet friends. Branches + TheBraven dnd Wireless Sei conics im three mrss. Freie rosie nf | nates Dall Emitter Power 8/ iroes o FLEAS. Station, rice £12 Dk Krathe aerialneeded CF males range) LONDON: 2, 5 5 ; vee 2 1G. Joglor model (7 miles range) price £9. Prices decid Brown Tottenham (Ce, Ran ve 4 and 6 volls . Lod Spruker. Sothing more to buy. BIRMINGHAM : 248, Gor Porahas Siteet. Gright and dull emitters made specially BRIGHTON: 3. Queen's howe for HLF. amplification, grid leak or BRISTOL: 34, Narrow Wine anode bene defection, EF. franzformer Strect or ‘pesisfence capaci omplifedtion, CARDIFF: Dearninitena Ae Power valves for transformer or -resiai- cade, QGoeen Street. aace capacity amplifreation, GLASGOW: 4, Wellington Sheol Postage and Packing: f vale 4a, 2 LEEDS = 65, Park I Ane, or paldes ba, 4. a ar hi totcles, Od. LIVERPOOL + a. Moorliedas MANCHESTER: 33. Joka SET Delon Stroet IDEAL WIRELESS NEWCASTLE: 34 Grey Sire NOTTINGHAM: 3 Brida. is Mr. Robinson's Set gmith Gorm PORTSMOUTH: Pearl & GC BROWN, Led; Weert Avenue, North Acton, W.3 Buildings, Commdrecinl Reuil Showrooms: 19, Motrimer Screct, Wi; 15, Merorielta TH werpacl, Road aAER 67, Mich Streer, southammon, Wholewle Depots throughoor che Country, SHEFFIELO; i, W atngate TONBRIDGE: 34, Qanarry PARK ROYAL, LONDON, NWO MLA

14 — RADIO. TIMES...—

The “Ideal,” as you may for 12 months to be free from know, h a s been proved up to mechanical breakdown, a 99.998", certainty tobe Three excellent reasons f o r * distortionless throughout its inclusion in the next the musical range.” And it receiver you b u i l d , gives this crystal-clear repro- duction w i t h most astonish- farcoleeac ue Lon ing volume and vitality. THE MARCONIPHONE CO LTD. : LARD REDUCED Then further it is guaranteed 210-212 Tottenham Court Road, Wer

Ths “STARDARD" Wet iT. Battier?eitl fobve pl ‘the Sboolbes ey eperiedeed lawl winker, sod will WONDERFUL WIRELESS OFFER end ihe averlaniag oigcae GF aa- Pome potimjeeiing (2 Bool a bebier bablery. ye ‘HO CHARGING REQUIRED HOME WANTING ASSEMELISG IMPROVED REVEP- “ ‘T's Graves Two-Valve Loud Speaker Wireless Set TION SLLESCE PRERAREACT Ps oF offered ta you on Fosy Payment Terma will com: Are a few Of iho im Bf teatoes of CRITE SEP nare for VALUE and EFFICIENCY with any £10 H.T. (his WORDERSOL BATTERY, OO a CORPOAPET Wireless Set offered by any otherfirm in the orld, eee1s a i oere beemn ak {lia os wae br ving to eeeoraltely lostraleor evan de Of Peeve BEPIerecht Pricgt of Popular Modele Of ee WET HLT. scribe the Greaves Seton mall advertisoment. bit ay eet Ao 2) ell fa militar pa) Fist - A postcard will bring you 06 (lustrabed deacriptive tery, will dteterkalbh: termine cotaloe oe worchewed you exact & truthful detallla, Eis! ™) oe He reli Ra © Bee Pachiry SPECIFICATION: The Cabinet |s of p o t - q14 milllampet; with Ortachable BRIEF Lerroteade ; ELT Bhed Oak sind all ope anne Ba onli ab yall bi 0 Bar Ha bhery monerte c l bithesl qeiclely (90 inlilinmpah, with walechslte Mi LF Ln Enuittes bevaedn. ala ELRa ul ig Wilh Valve fife for there, vie bsal inc, BCE H Tf. Bal Pres advire bre to io. feet hpdbere for peer Sol on beeingmachen gel fer y. 2Vole Aue cunaitbao Lp of vibe. me mil Sle Abera’ Qeat+ THIS —_ - -soprd sic fi: Loud Speaker of ot ts of over, Thefarred. (ose @tchisive dteaian to mach Pree the Cabinel, with minke WIN E ER Wki HT, BATTERY Co., matwebo-eystens aid Eoeaih aE Ege Mover, lnproyodd 4 . 17 * 6 divobragmne& ' TERE 1— Dor Margen Prige is for Res Terra Berl 168 now, anid conn plele purchries tm od muadthly payne abe |The Mechanical Memory!

at Pia Puilent a Apparel bo poor awn horg Catelocue Free, ELESTONE Coshallacgaakle

Tiluce ie opel a date Fiesleo tele OGRAbE SELECTOS

J, G. GRAVES Lid. Pires: Fou oc it aod relisbld ees: =

SHEFFIELD. a = oven _pyilches off between eeleol iden, ELECTONE willl never fell Fost fb thas brengibeaitig tha te of Fadi meh Bac ioelipe. i re a eGAR |

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