¦ i i i Y.Ti.-iO 1040 Mr ; STABLISHED rk ; 1 1 ' ' ' LXIV NO tfOL; . nd t THE GENERAL T)T> ' ' -J~ : I ' ' ! : ^ NEWSPAPER. i JV ¦ ' marriages, ; I : I ' I n ¦3Jrth5i r I I j ' tl - 2)eqths. : , : i ?^.ep^id f^dver^isei j n^rits Snapping Births. ] Marriages ' and Deaths charged SITUATIONS VACANT! li. Bd.jfor five lines. Every addition*! tCPI CULTURE, DAIRY; MARKET (Coilt'd.) line Bd.; ; j I ¦ wtii QARDE N L &e ' ' I^OTXliUY LnboitrtTS ujuntcd f>Jr C:i^t Cijdq Ltd ¦ 1 I ion Pipe foundry. No dSspiili'. Ship^n^ Gompaii: 9 Imporfarif to Fa rmeri i k Others ' ' ' i.i MAKttl.:IA»iKS . \|M> i v l< Huliert MauLurcn and C<. .. i BUTOHEES, Farmers and othere will (' 1 New ' iXXi and 1 I flnl good Market] for Hides, Skins, ana: S n-t»l. South Side, GlasKod , • and Powerful Steamera. r. jJLLY m:\nxi:- -O:, nui ' Excellent ij us^l Accommodatiol. : lectric light THE CITY AND CQUNT W¦ ^ LOAN 00., LIMITED, K.M.Jjiii Holy CrU<iss Cliurvh. Triittmri 4ud all clasMsiof Metal , Rags, Bono, : Steward3 and . ¦ i - i - : i ' ^L.,,., , Stewardesses carried. f 1 ¦ ¦ liy Vj?ry Kovil. (a•anon Cofl'.'v. P.I' . Ropei , JJottles, [Hair and Bags.1 Prompt T \1UU RICUS (Fouhdry) H 17TE lor to ' O'CONNEIiL 'BTRI ET, ; WATEB1 3RD, ¦ ¦: . i wanted l'rc- 1 Cargo knd Live Stock and j ¦ ¦ ¦ ?P ipm all parts of 1 ' : , "( .l , I J u'l'iilily LNGLAENQiAVNDD |pf*^L ; Tcam<My .mieTo oli liricl.-).. a<^Ki.' 1>> ttteiitjton by fxist. Address : M.. Uock^ thosi- aec|islonicd to Fotiudry , SCOTLAND, and- NORTfl OF IRELAND. DCBLTN.- ai d CORK. ¦ ; I.Vv.j il'iorse Ilraui.n.\ St. Mary 's. C!cn lUitiikl Street, IWaterlord : j ttii rk. V... diapu-t*. iApply Works Hake Cfi th . Ad T»noo» daily i to :Ladi« , &eovi*iEoa, ?aimen, 8hop»eep*r», *PI ' ' i - i '. ( , iru-V i Jbrothor ol ' lirJiii'Rrooin)- M HV Maiiii?t»r . .Maufurlahc-!.- Strang and Co. (JOTernman^ Bailie end all re^poiiiihlc T ¦U<l., ma -• ¦¦ ¦ itt. only: daughter ol M y. Miclin.'l Con V&}.VlKS in Irishl Hojieyi at C» Jiiehhum Imriworks, Mdn-hin : FB0M ~ INTENDED SAIUN S TO ' ¦ ¦ •¦ i : ^WM j'J. ojv-pir>iol Ireland, led nolljrj,1 j Park , Kil.°hcoUui. ; s>n« B \fiTiit«! andl Sons LW j, iO'Cotinnll CT I U.S('.OW . I 1 : ;]? : WATERFORD - ; t©AtSi;».'ii.T ^f* Appt&Wr^. Jr Monti- SeouritT—notej oi William, son <*f Mr. A. (.'. Iliiiiu. - Slneo. I pood boctionk clearine at 6(1 bind elan*, aid -witboot ,- pobliom, (ilenji Kilfhi'olan. and 4}d. Jars, 4d. and 1. 7d. OHucli RKPliESKXTATIVE To^VpPOo^^^i-Every Monday, Wed- from r LIVERPOOL—Eve:y Monday, £10 UPWARDS, lUpayzneatd < in jbe made by inetai^neint [ ,>'oun K Man • . liesday, and Saturday, j ! I'Jil ohcipoi| tlian butter. j wnnt.sl by a Iwholqsale firtn for direct Wednesday^ and Friday ; direct. I ai M «E»T be trracted. Those reqwiiiaj l.rpbY. laml FLYNLX—<)nV Satur.hiy; , To GLAJ&OW-ivByery , Monday temporary advances wlil And tbe>bo-rU» inot.i|'at Holy Cr issis; Church, 'J'nijtiw. - tViiitiliv.- Carlow , Kipoennjf, etc. .State (direct) t'rem GLASGOW—Every 1 londay I beei l «c I tOMi Tellable nnacoi«rs 17t(j)l| &!\LE-l-Cubb4«e Hants, b.-*i :i(.f . ..xiUirifnee, galiry xeauired Uox •dvanoinj «a perBonil ««ourity.; OaU orwrtttifot: rnOs and partiouUn¦ , *hiob I'.obcttlJ Luddy, SrSnrin^vaU'. TipiM-nuv ¦10!) and Thursday (direct) ... 2 p.m. : will b« fornW»a on - oeApt. Owb " • :-v Miry (Molly) KKlymi. Ki!Tnao!i-:i _'ut duolity. 7d per 10U ; Os 6d p<-r tli -.u- lOnsoji iVn d Son , Ltd., ipublin. ' I «n» by »oei/ :] \ ' From BBISTOt—Every, Th arsday (cargo ('•- . Watorfonl . bj KI L- V . Fathi-r (VN.'ilV suii•!;] onU'r.-i takehj liroeh's SIIT<-< :"^ ¦ Th.. lir dgo. : I RuliERTSON I!RO^. require a ilnan of I onW ! ; Tp '- \- 1 1 1 ii 1-1. experience for tb'-i r Readymaih- mid ^^K-g^fiSS&^SSL From CARDIFF-«-Everyi alt. ma to Friday, J?OA TO C81OQO LOANS BTWW DJ xESH EGGS all t^ie year round l.y iJIiit Dcpiirtiiient. S Ut From LONDON" (St. Kath trine Dock)— IEISH CIVIL SERVICE dOliiXJpost; Money lent vitbbut »ecur)t/| DK VTHS. , ° Ladies orj Gen lemen can have their own F i sinpr l our, Waterglass. Tin?. -Id.. ¦ a^teGoods alsd ov' ^ ¦ Every Thursday and Sa turday. acceptance!:| c iscounted.; l'.RIEX—At\i 2Sia.2Gi; F.asl 7d.. l;.i and Is: 6d. G. Wiite and Sms WAX' .'E-D—A Young tady for First- . carried to London-by^^ all' : Goods also carried fre m London by : or , post-dated < > lUt ll . Sailings vial Liverpool BUILDB'G SOCIETY cheques ;<ji»he< without any seoariUei). Chien'(;o, on iJ h ult ll'ilU.ok . 4 Ltd., Chemists, Waterford. c-la.i. Bar. Apply Bridge Hotei, , Bristol, and i I all Sailings via Liverpcx 1 and Bristol. (Open to the General -Public),' ' I I i' .i Southampton. | ¦nreties; or int irriew. • . ; i )'.Urioij. son of J r. an»l Mrs . O Ui in) Watorfotfd . From DUBLIN (direct)^-Ev :ry Wed- :j I j 1 1 fiy?J)Uth B vei7 Wedne3day (direct). ! 25 WESTMORELAND 6TREET, Siiiiuiii'lrliilj, Tr;i lion . Di'i-p;< ~ ¦\XT Klo Southampton7 ' - r, I nefday ... 6 p.m. ' ¦ V'ergymen, Hetchanta, Medlcal j FracW •^ret-tiiil. Mi I ' I AN TED—Smart Boy Apprlentiice. Every Satur- | From Belfast (via Dublin- )Every DUBUN.; ; I : |i tioners, Farmejrs,| Shopkeepers, and :«11 I' | ARTICLES¦ FOR SALE. t.VV l^or partuciilars apply J. arroU •To I Tuesday ... 7 p.m. Easponslblo ; P< rurtns. No Fees o»:Bfifore4 SHKLTO X. -Jun.? I i- <if wounils rtH- i-i\ "Oi and Co Quay. Wate;rtordJ Nef\vhaven-fEvery Saturday 4 p.m. i hand i j - j j : .J From Cork—Every Friduy 1 direct) 6 p.m. Established 1804J Incorporated , 1874. Charge* >ro made, and no Bailwtj in iU't.ion. Kdwiinl ShelVm. "Th From Plymouth—Every Si turday Fawa. I . M . |l 1 " > obK I SALEl—Two Billiard Tables las youhg irl 'jto he lp in 1 |i I 1 C.in;UHans . s< iv>jij ><>u of Mr . aw tuU-sized WANTED-^ j^ I (direct) LOANS GRANTED ON. ; THE; MOST 'BonowcTB &i Bjlxg wiUi other firms fcan Mrs.ilUonnt' $ln>lton . liossmnr? Iliwi st JD iood B9 new). One iB a h.iu ;. w»rk and l sleep at home; afjo JB 6|. Apply ^-« rom Southampton—Eve ry Friday, ha/ve tbeir Lo mi paid ofl ox Increased ( '.). Liuu'riek . '¦ table And the other U x fr-iin Hi II 1^. Apply by loiter on y Uiirf To CoTa)LEvkry urs i via Plymouth. FAVOURABLE |TERMS;T0 ENABLE ¦ and thooa who JU» about -!ii : paper. : (cargo only)! f' to bcrroy ahonlt . IMS iffice of this ullu-e. ^ •> n m ' From Newhaven—Every ! II '¦ To f>ub,in - Every " P fonday PERSONS TO BUILD OR PURCHASE write for full ii iformttion to j! 1 I - ' Saturday (vlk I (cargo only). ' rVjI: 5AllE-Or;indfaith..rV Clwk il.>« -- X1TVNTK1) . for unlicensed Gocery. Belfast), cargo only ...12 noon { HOUSES IN TO>VNS OR TO PAY OFF THE BTAHDiiBO PBIVATB F1NAN0B WREATHS.—Tou' get economy: and ¦ ' From Dover—Every Tuesda r (cargo only) "¦ 1 -jA V We). ICa'rpot; Maii^vl ; "Tahl.- Hi V » 'X|)'Ti<'nci'd eouiitor himd. Apply •Direct Service to London and MORTGAGES THEREON. \ \ !; 00. 01 IRELAND, LTD., I punctuality by sending your orders to I I l..n and Newcastle Tea Co., .]Jroad to and from Newhaven meantime suspended. \ H Barronstrand St. Large [stock ol JJcJu Street. PAID UP CAPITAL £124,660. j : . JAMES Ol WAL8HE. Be4 | ' St reet. I of 1 Wreatha, Crosses, etc., from 6a to £5. JL ;. 15 ANGLES 3A STREET. DUBBIN Q. ifiAI-E—Grand iPianoIorte by ( ¦>!- For Bates of Freight. Passenger Fare , Annual income, a Quar^r a Million McGaul, successor to W. Power. | Tele F>R A N'TKU—An A!pr>n>ntio<> t» Gtocery . * and other information ap >ly to ¦ trams :|McCaul , Ironmonger, Waterford . Ill if. I ami Collurd ; guaranti-i'd m \\7 • CLYDE SHIPPING . fijerling. I | : ' • ; T F Unu.ud VV Wi fir and Spirit busbies." . Apjuly ; CO.. LTD.. Custom House Quay, V iterford. m r splendid condition. Apply ' Telegraphic •• RESERVE FUND8 £22,500. anc Quay IKK *> _ tiiisj ofiicv. ' Address : "CTiMnnm (po(. Dcpo5its received at the following ratei ^ ! ¦ SALE—Two good Iron iBodsu-.-i-U. WVN'TKIi—Assistant to G rocery. of interest:— ! : i :| Money to Farmers F3!l 1 1!- . Wfyie iind Sulrtt Bu$inesis. 'Apjjy lent <oiblc and sinpJi . with pa-1 Uit-*-' At Call 2 per Cent, per Annum P1 Y\ l and ^pw-ards^' by - post alsd i Feather'JBed lind Mattress. T» mih retiT. 'iu-e M. SuUivan , iHvjrh ^ ' ; „. '¦' ' oblU j withniit any I security! to Tin- street. CUNA^ For One or Two Years 3 j „ . Atlantic Wireteiss lk- tc'rl ati tliolSeaman't Institute . | LINE AMERICAN LINE For Three Year*. 31 ; „ ;„ ; : Farmers, i Mflrehants, ! Clerffyrnen, Qu; y Wiikorford . TO UNITED 8TATE3. Medical; Practiiioners. 6chool Tdach- WANTKU—Boot iRepnirer*. Hcijii.-toiii- Current Accounts Opened, and interest . ers. apd all trier private Ladies {and SALE—About A Loads , oi Ki-rb «-d I to bost , class ' work . 'W P allowed on the minimum monthly balance. ; ' FOlk | ()' LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK. LIVERPOOL TO PHI LADELPHIA C-pntleinerj. Jfo lees or charges CABLE TELEGRAPH COLLEGE Pibni'K will be wild cheap.
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