From the Rector The Straight after the joyful celebration of love on St Valentine’s Day, we are plunged into the season of Lent, beginning on Ash V O I C E Wednesday (Wednesday 18 February). This can be seen as a rather dark and dreary period, the time for giving up all the OF SOUTH LAFFORD enjoyable things of life, like chocolate or bacon sandwiches or fish and chips!

But for the Christian it should be a positive time of prepara‐ tion for Holy Week and Easter, the season when we remem‐ ber Jesus’ death on the cross and his victorious rising again to destroy the forces of darkness, death and evil. We can see February/March 2015 Lent as a journey, a journey of deepening our discipleship. Issue No. 124 for and from the communities of

The ’s vision for 2015 as the Year of Disci‐ Aunsby Scott Willoughby pleship means that we are trying to develop our rhythm of Dembleby Newton Swarby life, which is about loving God and loving our neighbour. We Pickworth Crofton know that we are sinners and we fall short frequently. But if Laughton Walcot Lent means that we do one thing each day for our relation‐ ship with God and one thing for our neighbour, we can start to make the world a better place, filled with more joy and hope. May you enjoy Lent this year! With every blessing, Revd Nick

Happy Valentine’s Day!

St Valentine’s Day is a very odd festival. There were actually two St Valentines. Both of them lived in the third century. One was a Christian priest who was scourged and executed outside Rome on the so‐called Flaminian Way, the main road north, after a life of teaching and healing. The other was a Bishop of Terni, sixty miles further north on the same road, who was imprisoned and beheaded in his own city.

Neither of these seem to have much to do with love and lovers. But the festival coincided with an ancient Roman festival called the Lupercalia, in which boys supposedly drew the names of girls out of a box – although this is almost certainly a modern fabrication. We do know that the festival was in honour of the pagan god Lupercus, god of shepherds. The priests of Lupercus wore goat‐skins and whipped young women, supposedly to make them fertile. Christians probably wanted to celebrate at the same time – though not, of course, in the same way! And the English poet Chaucer suggested that the festival came about because birds mated on 14 February.

Whatever the truth is, it is good to celebrate love, lovers and friendship of every kind. You are specially welcome to join us for our services on Sunday 15 February, our celebration of love for St Valentine’s Day. For God always wants to bring people together in love and trust.

Revd Nick Munday, Rector 1 At a service at Newton recently, Rollo Granger (aged 10) read a wonderful poem/prayer he had written at school, and it had a profound effect on those present. Always Forgive If people did not forgive each other, Be kind and compassionate, There would be no world, One to another, No happiness, Forgiving each other, No heaven. Just as in Jesus Christ forgave you.

Just chaos, May everyone have the courage to say sorry, Like a meteorite hitting earth head on. And to forgive each other, Treat your neighbour, Just like the English and the Germans did after Like you would like him to treat you. the war, Forgiveness will always be true.

By Rollo Granger. So always forgive.

BACK TO CONCEPTION I went to the Care Home last Saturday On our first day at work we’d retire To visit my mother‐in‐law And be given a brand new gold clock She sat in the lounge with the residents From then on we’d get younger and younger In a recliner not far from the door And start dancing the old Roll and Rock

They were watching a flat‐screen television Much later we’d be students and children Well that’s what I thought at first glance And toddlers and babies in arms But when I looked round at their faces What follows ignites the imagination I could see they were all in a trance Which sperm won which egg with its charms?

You just had to feel for them sitting there Just think what might happen when all that is done Their reward for just being old We’d go to the back of beyond I pictured my own birth certificate Right back to the very beginning And shivered a bit and felt cold When we all lived as one in a pond

Perhaps we should start off being buried And as for the peaceful recliners Or cremated or mummified at source My word what would they have to say? We could then have a drink at our funeral By starting their lives at the end – so to speak And everyone shake hands with the corpse They’d be ruling the country – Hooray!! [David E Anderson 2015] SONGS OF PRAISE In Folkingham Village Hall Sunday, 22nd February, at 3 pm Wherever you live in the Parish of South Lafford, we would be delighted if you would come and join us. There will be tea and cakes after the service 2 BETTY’S MEMORIAL BENCH A VERY BIG THANK YOU. Thank you so much for your support in For our Pop In Christmas Fair this year a the fundraising for a Memorial Bench great many people in Folkingham gave for Betty Timmerhues. It started well a huge response to my request for cakes with the cake stall at Pop‐in’s Christ‐ for the cake stall. I had explained that mas Fair donating all their proceeds. this year it had been decided that the Generous donations from Good Companions’ Club, funds raised would go toward raising money to pay Pop‐in Club, Craft Group, staff at the 5 Bells and for a bench, to be placed outside the Village hall, in individuals have made it possible for me to order the memory of a lovely lady, called Betty Timmerhues, bench which will be sited outside the Village Hall in who I believe was instrumental in raising funds when the Spring – probably April. Any monies left over will the hall was originally built. I was completely over‐ go to the Village Hall Fund which is what Betty would whelmed by the number of cakes and biscuits I re‐ have wanted. She worked tirelessly with many others ceived that day and would very much like to use this to help fundraise for it to be built. opportunity to thank all of those generous and kind Many Thanks. people who turned up on the day with their gifts. Eileen Dorr & co‐helpers Within a couple of hours everything was sold and we had raised £110.00 toward the bench. So, p.s. Betty was a founder member of the Good Com‐ to everyone who helped that day, can I please say, panions’ Club in the 1960’s when membership was thank you so, so much ‐ you are just great ! 20‐30. Now sadly we are down to 8! Anyone out June Lark there willing to join us and keep the club afloat? We meet in the Village Hall alternate Wednesday after‐ OSBOURNBY 50:50 CLUB noons 2‐4pm for bingo, table games, refreshments and a good old gossip. Very many thanks to all those who joined in the monthly draw of the 50:50 Club last year. A total of £575 was donated to the Village Church to help with SALES OF CARDS AND NOTELETS the upkeep and running costs. A similar amount was I would like to thank everybody, yet again, for their shared by 30 lucky winners. We will be restarting the support in purchasing greeting cards for the church draw again in March, and hope that you will join in funds. As usual we made a good profit of £1,015. again and continue with your numbers. Thank you I would like to thank Alan Morris and Malcolm Ward‐ once again. law for the notelets they produce from their original The Churchwardens. paintings and Linda Hourigann, Val Power and Janice for helping me make the cards. CAROLS IN THE SQUARE Over the last few years we have made a total of Many thanks to everyone who made The Carols in £4,350 for the fabric fund of St. Andrew’s Church, The Square once again a huge success: the carollers, Folkingham. We will start again in April on the 1st the band, the helpers, John & Yvonne and the Saturday of each month so please support us as usual weather! £230, yes £230, has been sent to once again in order to maintain our beautiful church. Corps of the Salvation Army Anita Wardlaw Bill Power POP‐IN UPDATE We Welcome 2015 with its frosty dawns and sunny days (at least at the time of writing!) Our Christmas Lunch on December 15th was a huge success again. Turkey, veg. and trimmings, followed by a choice of desserts plus coffee, chocolates and mince pies were much appreciated by our 70 members and friends. Carol singing from the South Lafford Choir was very well received after the meal. Thanks to everyone who helped to ensure this annual highlight went smoothly. Between Christmas and New Year members sat down to a lunch of cottage pie followed by locally‐made desserts. Eric Eve provided some very pleasant entertainment to round this occasion off. Members felt that this had been a most enjoyable lunch. When 2015 is a little older we will be arranging to dine out once more – watch this space!

3 Children’s Christmas Party Nearly 50 children with their par‐ The party was a huge success and ents attended the Children's Christ‐ our thanks go to Santa and all the mas Party in Folkingham Village Hall Elves who helped set up, run the on 13th December. The children event, prepare the food and clear were entertained with numerous up afterwards without whom this party games, a disco, plentiful would not be possible. Also a big amounts of party food and of course thank you to Folkingham Parish a visit from Santa. The children were Council, The Brocklesby Trust and all gathered to listen to the sound of Folkingham in Need who fund the sleigh bells before Santa made his event. We hope you all enjoyed appearance with his elves and a the afternoon as much as we did and look forward to sackful of presents. seeing you all again this year. Lucy and Michelle NEWS FROM “THE FIVE BELLS” Christmas seems a long time ago, not just a few needed Christmas wares and managed to raise £200 weeks, and The Five Bells’ Residents were kept very towards The Residents’ Fund. Santa made a welcome entertained during the Festivities, enjoying a Christ‐ appearance for the Children, after they had complet‐ mas Production from Eva Long and Jeremy Hilliard’s ed a Reindeer Trail, so much fun was had by all!! The musical afternoons. We also had a welcome visit Five Bells is bustling with activity at present due to from the St Gilbert’s Choir to get everyone in a lots of staff training but we hope to resume our Christmas mood! A Christmas fayre early December monthly coffee mornings shortly, times and dates to saw Residents and Family alike purchasing much be confirmed.

A NOTE FROM SLEACM St Mary’s and All Saints Swarby We would like to thank all those people who have contacted us with ideas for the disbursement of the Flower Rota. We now have a few volunteers to do SLEACM funds. Many of the ideas have been very Church flowers on a monthly rota. Please contact innovative and we feel sure will benefit from the Nancy on 01529 300362 or Elaine on 01529 455590 if help that the Charity can give. you would like to be included. If we can find one or For those of you who haven’t had chance to express two more volunteers, each would only have to do the your thoughts and ideas please come to our AGM flowers for one month per year. (date yet to be fixed) in March 2015. Many thanks. Jo Withnall & Bob Brookes Joint Chair. Walcot Church Roof Fundraising The repairs to the church roof have now happily been completed but we still need to continue with various fundrais‐ ing projects to rebuild our church funds! A big thank you to everyone that helped collect up all the second hand clothes, shoes etc. for the October collection. There was 460 kg and we raised £184 bringing the grand total that we've raised through 'Bag2Future' to £1,854. There will be another collection soon so please remember to bag up any second hand clothes, shoes (tied together) and handbags. No bric‐a‐brac, duvets, pillows or curtains. Easyfundraising has raised over £467 to date. Please use it whenever you shop online ‐ if you haven't joined already, there are very easy instructions on our website here: Recycle for Charity has raised £240 to date. Please pop any old mobile phones and inkjet cartridges (not laser or ton‐ er cartridges) in the box in the church. All updates are on the website ‐ Yoga has also raised £874 to date which is a huge thank you to Bev at Harmony Yoga. She’s a brilliant teacher. We are in our 9th 10 week course at the moment. There are still a couple of free spaces if anyone would like to come along for a free trial! Bev’s website has all the details: Mondays 7.30‐8.45 pm at The Grange, Walcot 4 SNOWDROP LUNCH


Entrance £6.00 to include homemade soup with roll & butter, pudding and a glass of wine plus an opportunity to stroll around the snowdrops.

In aid of the upgrading of the CHILDREN’S PLAY AREA on the Playing Field.

For catering purposes, please book in with Simon & Annetta Turner on 01529 497215 FOLKINGHAM VILLAGE HALL NEARLY NEW FASHION SHOW IN AID BIG SCREEN RACE NIGHT OF CANCER RESEARCH U.K. SATURDAY 7th MARCH AT 7 pm We are holding our 3rd fashion show in aid of cancer research Tickets £10 to include in October this year and I am supper asking that any of you lovely ladies out there have any won‐ Bar with real ale derful clothes hidden in the back of your wardrobe or in your drawers such as shoes, handbags, coats and Tickets from Yvonne 497598 or Jackie 497222 beautiful evening wear which you are prepared to or from Folkingham Post Office donate to this excellent cause. You all did us very proud last time so can we have the same again Proceeds to the Village Hall. please? Last time we made £1,870.

Hope you will put this in your diaries. Please contact me, Anita Wardlaw on 01529 497628 FOLKINGHAM PAST D.P. Manning Tour Co. AND PRESENT 's West End & Shopper Day Trip HISTORY GROUP Saturday March 21st A talk on First World War Mother’s day vouchers available Memorials of 07970 654356 / 01529 497868 by Michael Credland Email [email protected] Pick up from Folkingham Market Place Folkingham Village Hall 7pm Wednesday April 15th 2015 Adults £22.00 Under 14 £15.00 Coach supplied by PC Coaches of Lincoln Holland and Antiques and Fine Art Society The next lectures are as follows: February 12TH March 12TH NICHOLAS & ALEXANDRA – FAKES & FORGERIES – Tyrants &Martyrs of Imperial Russia The art of deception DOUGLAS SKEGGS MALCOLM KENWOOD Raffle for Heritage Volunteers ll lectures start at 2.30 p.m. In Osbournby Village Hall. Visitors are welcome.

5 The Fen Friday Group Programme of Walks: February/March 2015

Walking is a wonderful form of natural exercise; simple and effective. Our walks are open to everyone and led by friendly, knowledgeable people, specifically trained for the job. Along with fellow walkers, our walk leaders provide all the advice and encourage- ment a new walker needs to build fitness at a pace that’s right for them.

Walks in this programme range from 3 – 4½ miles, walking for approx. 1½ - 2 hours and take place on alternate Fridays, meeting at 10.20 am for a prompt 10.30 am start. Date Walk Miles Meeting Point Feb 13 Folkingham (south circular) 3.7 Folkingham Market Place 27 Toft/Lound 4.1 Toft pub car park Mar 13 Callans Lane Wood/Bulby 3.6 Callans Wood car park 27 Corby Glen/Burton Coggles 4.5 Village square

Walkers contactable by email will be contacted on the Monday of the week of the walk to confirm details of the walk for that week and we will send out an email on the morning of the walk if it has to be cancelled or changed for any reason.

Walk Leader contact details: Val & Nigel Brigginshaw 01775 750479 or 07825 176177 Email: [email protected] D.P. Manning Cleaning Services Folkingham Parish Council 07970 654356 / 01529 497868

Email [email protected] Domestic and Commercial cleaning Carpet / Upholstery cleaning and SKIP Protection guarding Folkingham Parish Council is once more putting a skip behind the village hall, for anyone in the village Pressure washing and Patio cleans to get rid of their rubbish. The skip will be there on Gutter cleaning and minor repairs Saturday 28th March from 8.00 am until 11:00 am. End of tenancy cleans / Builders cleans Executive car valeting Traditional style window cleaning Oven cleaning / Ironing service Snow & Ice salting service / Salt sales ...... 5KG Bags Rock salt £8.00 …...... 10% OFF ALL OVEN CLEANS In January, February & March 6 Victoria Street Before and After School Club for Billingborough School Children Sleaford Monday to Friday Lincolnshire, NG34 0NX 8.00am to 8.45am and Headteacher 3.30pm to 5.50pm. Mrs C Coyle BA PGCE Designated activities provided Tel/Fax (01529) 240437 by qualified staff. Mobile 07981 473380 Web: Excellence inTeaching Enjoyment in Learning

After a very busy autumn term, culminating in a range of wonderful Christmas Activities, school has now returned for the New Year. 2015 promises to bring a whole wealth of new learning starting straight away in January in the lower school with our real life super hero topic, where we are looking forward to meeting all sorts of people who help us. In Year 2 they will be zooming off into space, one small step…. Our eldest children will be enjoying an Oriental Experience as they discover China past and present. We are sure our exciting curriculum adventures will brighten up gloomy winter days as we wait for spring to arrive! Grade 1 “OUTSTANDING” School in all areas, Ofsted Report June 2012


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FIVE BELLS RETIREMENT HOME Friendly & Reliable Service FULL RESIDENTIAL AND DAY CARE Parked every THURSDAY - ALSO in OSBOURNBY SQUARE approx. 8.45-9.25am Extra Care on Tannery Lane outside WALCOT CHURCH approx. 9.30-10.00am & FOLKINGHAM SQUARE approx 10.20-11.30am Home Care Helpline FOLKINGHAM VILLAGE HALL 11.30-12pm Care needs in your own home CarPark We can care for you Paul Vincent Call us on 01529 497412 or 497001 Tel 01469 569773, Mob. 079330 05861 28, Market Place, Folkingham 01529 307878 HANDYMAN/GARDENING Lawns & Orchards mown In House 24 hour Emergency Service All types of hedges trimmed Consultation by Appointment Qualified & Experienced, Fences erected and painted M.J.Fry B.V.Sc(1988)MRCVS Caring Staff Sheds painted and felted LONDON ROAD SLEAFORD LINCS. NG34 8NX Garden clearance and rotovating Licensed waste carrier Full Surgical Facilities Radiography & Ultrasound ALAN GARNER - WALCOT Scanning Tel: 01529 497143 Extensive Undercover Parking 9 Folkingham Flooring, Curtains and Blinds Folkingham Store CARPETS VINYLS WOOD LAMINATES 33 Market Place, Folkingham, NG34 0SE CURTAINS & ALL TYPES OF BLINDS Telephone: 01529 497231 Choose at home Free quotations Expert fitting Over 25 years experience Opening Times: Monday to Saturday: 7.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Phone Angie on - Sunday: 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. 01529 497560/ 07929 113451 Website - Colin & Roxanne Campbell welcome customers old and new More than just a convenience store – LOGS a specialist deli that caters for all tastes and pockets News & Magazines, Off Licence, Tobacco DRY SEASONED HARDWOOD, KINDLING & COAL General Provisions – offering a wide selection of SMALL & LARGE LOADS DELIVERED Groceries, Frozen Foods, Confectionery,Cards, Gifts, Wrap Also: FIREWOOD PROCESSOR HIRE Takeaway Drinks & Snacks, Lottery, Mobile Phone Top Up, CONTACT: DAVID GUY FIREWOOD Payzone, Logs/Coal, Speciality Foods 01476 585775 / 07740 481762 Local Produce, Fresh Fruit & Veg Homemade Cakes & Savouries Delicatessen – stocking specialist Cheeses, Olives, Seafood Salads, Anchovies Also Agents for Laytons Dry Cleaning

PETE BARHAM Bourne Abbey Church Hall Tuesdays 7.30 p.m. ELECTRICIAN Contact Jenny Summers Small Jobs a Speciality 01529 497274 Reliable Service 0844 897 8000 ELECSA REGISTERED All Work Guaranteed Folkingham Based TELE: 01529 497837 MOB: 07767875270/07812560935


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MUSIC LESSONS: SHAUN MORRIS LTD FIDDLE DOMESTIC PLUMBING & HEATING GUITAR UKULELE Boiler installations MANDOLIN Servicing & repairs IRISH BANJO New and refurb bathrooms BUTTON ACCORDION Small or large jobs Landlord Tests Adults - Children Free estimates 01778 571563 01778 440448 Pete Shaw 07768 827167 [email protected] 11 Scissor Sett Dog Grooming Salon at Folkingham EMMA DANCING DOGS Obedience & Fun Dog Training Tuesday evenings at VILLAGE HALL 01529 497015 Dancing dog demos - for fêtes, charity events, fun dogs shows. To book us to attend and perform with our 01529 497015 dancing dogs though the summer months please give us a Ring for an appointment. call. Large or small - we groom them all !! see web AMZ 2 CLEAN Weekly, fortnightly or just occasional COMPUTER PROBLEMS? Full Insured Cleaner Computer repairs Call Amy Garner 01529 497143 ‘THE WORKSHOP’ Picture Framing & Gallery transfer Originals, Prints, Cards, Notelets, Small gifts Over 19 Years of IT experience Photographs of local views Microsoft and Comptia certified Evening and weekend emergency callouts available 3a High Street, Osbournby, Lincs. NG34 0DN Contact Mark on 07980 663635 A wide range of mouldings in stock Plus bespoke hand finished frames to suit all tastes or Billingborough (01529) 240489 Pay us a visit or telephone [email protected] Alan or Denise on 01529 455411 Opening Times: Tues-Fri 9am-1pm Sat 9am-12

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For anyone who does not drive, or who is unable to drive because of Folkingham 100 Club Draw illness December: NSL TRANSPORT £100 No. 13, £20 No. 73 0843 357 1556 provide their own or private volunteer drivers to take patients to January: hospital appointments and return home. £20 No. 87, £10 No. 58, £10 No. 12 13 BILLINGBOROUGH BOWLING CLUB Experienced bowlers and complete SMITH & BRITISH Interiors, Upholstery & Antiques beginners are all welcome. ~Struggling to decide on a paint colour or fabric for curtains? ~Don’t know where to start with enhancing your home? ~Looking for help & inspiration? Phone: We offer friendly advice & a professional service for all your Interior needs Toni on 01529 Call Sara on 01529 497748 or email [email protected] 240778 Barry on 01778 At your service! 421681

Regular Events Event Day Time Venue Holy Communion 3rd Thursday of the month 10.15 a.m. Five Bells, Folkingham

Holy Communion Thursdays 9 a.m. St. Andrews Church, Folkingham

Choir Practice Thursdays 7 - 8 p.m. St. Andrews Church, Folkingham

Pop-In Club Mondays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Folkingham Village Hall

Bingo First Wednesday Of Month 7.15 p.m. Folkingham Village Hall

Good Companions Alternate Wednesdays 2 - 4 p.m. Folkingham Village Hall

Mother & Toddler Group Mondays 10.30 a.m. - 12 noon St. Andrews Church, Folkingham

Folkingham Craft Group Thursdays 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m. Folkingham Village Hall

South Lafford Art Group Wednesdays 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. Folkingham Village Hall 7.30 p.m. - 9 p.m. Bell Ringing Practice Tuesdays St. Andrews Church, Folkingham Learners 6.30 - 7.30 Belly Dance Group 7.30 - 9 p.m. (except Mondays Folkingham Village Hall Tel: Suzan 01529 455558 Bank Holidays) Sleaford & District Model Wednesdays 7.30 - 9 p.m. Osbournby Village Hall Railway Club

Youth Group Wednesdays 6.30 - 8 p.m. Threekingham Church 14 The New Inn Folkingham Telephone 01529 497211

Happy New Year to all

Our newly decorated Dining Room re-opened on Tuesday 20 January starting with our Senior’s Special. This is available every Tuesday Lunchtime. Just £4.95 for the main course, plus pud only £6.50

Why not come and try our renowned Fish and Chip night every Thursday.

Enjoy our Fresh Fish fried in our homemade lager batter, served with homemade mushy peas or garden peas, hand cut chips, bread and butter together with tea or coffee £7.50 normal portion, small portion £5.25 (Bookings advisable) Takeaway service available, just phone your order through

Valentine’s Day, Saturday 14th February, 4 Course Menu and complimentary bottle of wine per couple £22.95 per person (see pub window for menu)

Come and treat you and your family or friends to our Top Quality Sunday Lunch, serving home cooked meats, homemade Yorkshire pudding, and freshly prepared veggies (Bookings advisable)

Book now for Mother’s Day, Sunday 15th March, 4 Course Sunday Lunch £18.00

Lunches served Tuesday - Sunday 12.00 – 2.30 Evening Meals served Tuesday – Saturday 18.30 – 20.30

Looking for a venue for that special event, birthdays, anniversaries, walking groups or shooting parties? Then contact us to discuss your individual requirements. Our Dining Room seats up to 40 people and is available for private parties

During the Six Nations Rugby Tournament all Pints will be on offer at just £3.00 during Internationals. Every six nations game will be shown live so why not come along and join in the fun?

Don’t forget to join us on Sunday Evening to test your knowledge at our Fun Quiz – 8.30 pm

Diary of upcoming events Date Event Venue Page 12th February HKAFAS Lecture Osbournby Village Hall 5 19th February Snowdrop Lunch Willow Holt 5 22nd February Songs of Praise Folkingham Village Hall 2 7th March Big Screen Race Night Folkingham Village Hall 5 12th March HKAFAS Lecture Osbournby Village Hall 5 28th March Parish Council Skip available Behind Folkingham Village Hall 6 15th April Folkingham History Group Lecture Folkingham Village Hall 5 15 Parish Services

February March

Epiphany 4 - Candlemas Lent ll

Holy Communion 1st 11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist THREEKINGHAM 8.00 a.m. DEMBLEBY (BCP) 1st The Blessing of the 6.30 p.m. SCOTT W’BY 11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist SCOTT W’BY Lights

Second Sunday before Lent 6.30 p.m. Choral Evensong FOLKINGHAM

Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. FOLKINGHAM Lent lll (BCP) 8th PICKWORTH 9.30 a.m. All-Age Worship NEWTON8th 9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer CHURCH

11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist AUNSBY 11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist NEWTON

Sunday next before Lent - St. Valentine’s Day Lent lV - Mothering Sunday

Holy Communion 8.00 a.m. DEMBLEBY 9.30 a.m. All-Age Worship THREEKINGHAM (BCP) 15th 15th PICKWORTH Parish Choral 9.30 a.m. Morning Prayer 11.00 a.m. OSBOURNBY VILLAGE HALL Eucharist Parish Choral Service for families 11.00 a.m. FOLKINGHAM 3.00 p.m. FOLKINGHAM Eucharist with young children

Ash Wednesday Lent V - Passion Sunday 18th Parish Choral 7.30 p.m. FOLKINGHAM 9.30 a.m. All-Age Worship SWARBY Eucharist 22nd Parish Choral Lent l 11.00 a.m. FOLKINGHAM Eucharist

9.30 a.m. All-Age Worship OSBOURNBY 5.30 p.m. Evening Prayer ASWARBY

22nd 11.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist ASWARBY Palm Sunday

FOLKINGHAM All-Age Worship followed 3.00 p.m. Songs of Praise 29th 9.00 a.m. ASWARBY VILLAGE HALL by walk to Aunsby Parish Eucharist with 5.30 p.m. Evening Prayer SWARBY 11.00 a.m. AUNSBY Palm Sunday Procession METHODIST CHAPEL North St. Osbournby Services: Sundays at 9.30 a.m. once a month as announced (usually second Sunday of month) Minister: Rev. Martin Amery Tel: 01529 302289 Parish Priest: Rev. Nick Munday (01529) 497519 [email protected] Rural Dean: The Reverend Christine Pennock (01526) 832463 [email protected] Parish Administrator: Mrs. Belinda Osborn (01529) 240132 [email protected]

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