COUNTY NEWS Devoted to the Interests and Upbuilding of San Saba County


suit on note judgment by default EDIiOBIAL STOP SHOBTS The tariff bill proposes a big cut Educational State A all along the line Thereduction vs J Avants carrying a pistol trial by jury verdict guiltty silver has taken a decline is estimated about 50000000 per Bur and fined 25 and cost Why do planets rovolvo ou their annum This loss must be made axis L Didyongie thanks Thurday supposed State vs M M Scott thoft of DEALER IN up in some way and it is Why is the principal body of tax or- cattle trial by jury verdictfcuilty The grass i beginning to peep it will be done by an income land in northern Latitudo R iJ by increasing the internnl revenue and sentenced to the penitentiary ont again for 2 A degree of longitude at the About what wo allowed take it off years four Stato equator is reconod at 69J miles The tariff bill is out it is put on another va A J Avants intimida- ¬ of one place and it what is the length of a degi eo at- columns long ting by threats dismissed ¬ tho Arctic circle B Will tho Tariff bill bo a miser Stato vs O L Williams selling must again come into use- fiilrer able makeshift liquor to a minor trial by jury Tho Mutual Fire Insurance Co money s asUadard verdict not guilty insured a building and its stock TARIFF COURT PROCEEDINGS for Still the pension list daily grows Congress will convene llondaj- MbTlCT f State vs George Ray theft of a J of its value charging 1J per cent Tho Union Insurance Co greater Is there no end to it is tho only known iu regular sessiou- pistol dismissed Government CRIMINAL DECKET relieved of to Stato vs George Ray theft of a them J of the risk at 1 aU probability moans of furnishing protection Wo Hardware Congress will in are anxious for CloteIanJs District Court convened Mon- ¬ herse plead guilty per cent The building and stock Queonsware Tinware Glassware nnd life liberty and property A gov ¬ and sentenced sot do jucch before Christmas message day Nov 20th 1S93- being destroyed by fire tho Union Crockery ernment cannot bo maintained toUi J enitentiaiy for five years and fcjtoto vs W HJLedbetter assault lost fortynine thousand dollars woolsgoes on the eejijt withoutincurring oipejjsjgs sgQJhfc iStatev8 Georgo Ray theft of a Mitchel if and battery plead guilty and fined saddle less than the Mutual What Moline and Standard Yagons woolen manufactured goods must expenses of the government must straight goous jko con Foxing Dismissed S25 and cost amount of money did tho owners too bo paid by those governed Well State vs Cyetano Moral theft go there Did you suspicion that ttriff re- ¬ State vs Lee Smith disturbing of the building and stock lose Buggies Hacks Surrays Phaetons established governments clnini tho of a hog trial by jury verdict and Road Carts form meant free raw material for public worship plead guilty and McCormiek HJ e will liv < as a mony metal unquestionable right of iraoosing guilty and sentencad to the peni¬ TEXAS Iteapers Mow ers and Hinder Twine the South lined S25 and cost two till iima changes to eternity Bel taxes for tho purpose of raising tentiary for years PLOWS AND FAKM MACHINERY OK EVERY DESCRIPTION State vs Sam Nolen disturbing ton BeporferJ- sufficient revenue for tho proper Tho Santa Fe will soou ruu- State vs A J Evans dynamiting Texas is in the Southwestern religious plead ¬ worship guilty and fish plead guilty and fined conduct of tho governments Ev- traius from Temple to Sau Ange- 50 part of the U S It is bounded on- V j ere anxious to see some of fined 25 and cost and cost Hidden Wire ery individual should feel uuder lo according to the old cubtora tho north by New Mexico Oklaho- ¬ dollars made State vs Jos H Smith using loud those sice uewsiher propor- ¬ State vs Tom Latham dynamit ¬ obligations to defray his queen of Hawaii ma T and Indian Territory on Corner Rock Building Opposite Dofflemyre Hotel of the seigniorage The deposed and vociferous lauguago near pri- ¬ ing fish plead expenses of the guilty and fined 50 ¬ tional part of the has been reposed and is now her the east by Arkansas and Louisi government vate residence plead guilty and and cost Had you thought of it the U S government and the majesty ana and on the south and west by S and does fined SI nnd cost JOE CLARK alone costs annually orer a should have the right nM When on a isit to Iowa the Gulf of Mexico and Mexico Senate State vs Geo McAnuelly un- ¬ MrK dollars have the right to exact from each The prevailing opinion of Min ¬ Dalton of Luray Russell County It extends through nearly elet en million lawfully selling liquor plead guil- ¬ member governed so much of his ister Blount in his Haw iian inves¬ Kansas called at the labratory of degrees of latitude aud thirteen ty and fined 85 and cost If any one has e surplus of earning wages or property as is tigation is that the aforesaid Chamberlaiu Co Des Moines degrees of longitude has a State vs Hugh Barber theft of to show them his six year old boy It Confidence we would bo Tery necessary for bis proportionate Blouut nmdo an ass of him- ¬ greater extent than France or the Opposite Dofllomjro House SAN SABA TEXAS one hog trial by jury verdict not whose life had beon saved by glad to get a few gallons part of the government expenses self Chamberlains Cough Remedy German Empire The outline of MANUFACTURER DEALER IX ALL KINDS O- m guilty it But under no condition should a having cured him of a very severe the state is very irregular The postmortem examination of An era of prosperitj bus dawn- ¬ State vs Dee Graves assault The libertyloving government exact attack of croup Mr Dalton is longest line that can be drawn FSaddlery Roods railroad commission ed again the clouds of depression with intent to murder dismissed and Harness the defunct either directly or indirectly ouo certain that it saved his boys life from north to south is about 700 yet a Terdict- have rolled away and commercial by tho State and is very enthusiastic in bis has not returned cent more than is absolutely nec- ¬ miles that frem east to west about Hand Made enterprises again run loo o in our State vs Rube Gray disturbing praise of the remedy For sale by Saddles a Specialty essary for the proper maintenance 800 miles Tho stato has nearly We favor for govcror any good land tho fined all druggists ALSO HANDLES No ¬ peace plead guilty and prom- ¬ of that government one ques 500 miles of coast The popula ¬ competent man who took no S > to 25 and cost COMPETITION HACKS BUGGIES SURREYS COOPER WAGOXS- part for either Hogg- tions the right of a government Good books and good piipeis tion of Texas in 1S90 was 2235523 inent public State vs J M Harkey disturb- ¬ tho best of goods aud will not patron- ¬ raise by taxation as there is no are splendid associates for your The first settlement of Texas was Ikeop be undersold Your or Clark ing peace dismissed by state age will be appreciated m other way of raising it sufficient children Wo come humbly knocking nt made at Matagorda Bay in 1GS5 State vs Jas Dailey carrying a ¬ Twenty years of prosperity to funds to meet the necessaries of your door seeking admittance in Texas became a republic in 1836 The U S Senate should at the pistol dismissed by state cry panic has been the history the government when regulated to tho realms of your interesting was annexed 1845 to the Union set ndopt kind of meas- ¬ It the economical prin out 6ome State vs Gao Allison theft loss columns of this country Prepare for upon honest and The annexation of Texas to the M ure whereby they can get down to than 20 trial by jury T Y ELTON C HARPER JCGREEN onward rush ciples One of the modes adopted verdict Oh the rain the glorious rain United States was tho direct cause business We would suggest a guilty a new trial granted fell pretty slow but by our government for tho purpose It sure of the Mexican war Tho most im- ¬ 5o demo- ¬ limit to allow not more than thrte Elsbrjper Gxeean Is there a demand in the of raising reveune is by means of State vs J M Matlock disturb- ¬ Farmers are wearing a pleasant portant battles fought iu Toxas Elton mate- ¬ ou one bill DEALERS IN free raw ¬ mouths debate any ing peace trial bj jury verdict dignified cratic platform for the Tariff So long as the govern and smile during the struggle for independ ¬ of protected o not guilty rial for the benefit ment holds to taxation by tariff Did you suspicion that the A great deal of wheat is being ence were at Gonzales Goliad Groceries manufacturers for revenue only when tho revenue maintenance of both gold and Stato vs Hub Harris theft of sown in this locality San Autonio de Bexar the Alamo Staple and Fancy to be raised is based upon the act-¬ money of horse trial by jury verdict not John Belinger formerly of of Sir Carlisle now says he has no silver as tho standard and San Jacinto The battles Oar aim is to keep a full lino of tint class groceries ttell at a legi t imatr profit for ual and necessary expenses of the discrimi guilty Montana has rented Henry Jones Mexican proper fought country produce when can be done without loss We solicit a liberal to coin the silver seign- ¬ this country and without tho war cashhandle it authority can complain Stato v3 Jake Fenn disturbing farm matter with government no one ting against either metal meant within Texas Fort Brown Resaca share of pnblic patronage believing that wo can cive satisfaction iorage TTiats the ¬ religious and such a mode is not oven ques silver as a mon ¬ worship plead guilyt and J H Lindsey has taken in some ¬ No the Continental Congress and the no further use of delaPalmo and Palo Alto tionable That such a tariff af-¬ fined 25 and cost thing over a hundred acres of new GehovabT ey metal important battlea of the Civil war PROFESSIONAL COLUMN Great in- ¬ Steto vs fords slight protection to home Bin Harkey carrying a land for cultivation next year were fought in Texas Between J H Martin At Seymour Ind a family feud Some of the members of the dustries is another unquestionable pistol dismissed by state School is moving along nicely at lovel plain bordering the Gulf Real Estate Agent the E L RECTOR JOHX XEIXEY- v terminated in tho death of the vs ¬ ways and means committee who fact but n fact of which no one State Jim Vaudiver disturb- this place of Moxico in the southeastern part SAN SABA TEXAS Lawyer Laad Aernl One Clin- ¬ bay or saII lndp in Town or Countj bill have ex-¬ when a gov- ¬ members of a family ing peace plend guilty and fined There is a very interesting ¬ Tlll pj- prepared the tariff can complain But Lit and the mountain plateau region tain fornon rrtidenti Dit do H baatuett con ton who married a- netted with cy Comtftnt- Hector Kelley pressed themselves as being well ernment so increases its expenses Jordan lnd 5 and cost erary and Debating society organ- ¬ west Texas ctnrnllftiid et in tho tho surface of nce solicited Successors to Allison Rector ¬ Miss Foster and with v horn he vs Brow n plensed with the measure by fraud extravagance or other- State Bud rarrying a ized in connection with the school ter-¬ presents three well marked LAND LOAN AGENCY m live happily Tho > had COLLECTING wise beyond the expense absolut did not pistol plend guilty and fined 25 United in the bonds or matrimo ¬ effect races Texas prosonts a great va¬ Special Attentioni gnen to Land and If an income tax is put into of- separated and she had retarund to and ly required for the maintenance cost ny Sunday the ISth inst Mr Joseph riety of climate and is noted for Civil Practice a wooden nut meg that CITY MEAT MARKET Own a complete the well lwt no longer re¬ her father Jordan vieut to tlinir State vs Bud Brown disturbing Abstract of Land a just government it Boliuger and Miss Birdie Cowin beautiful skies Tex ¬ Record of Worth Gazette stops its clear and JOHN SEIDKES Proprietor the Count the Fort be ¬ home and raised a quanel which the peace dismissed by state officiating ¬ mains a true government but Rev Herald May hap fine facilities for agricult- ¬ BANK BlILDING SA2TSABA TEXAS already big and as has TBXAS- blowing about its and extortioner resulted iu his shootmg to death State vs Jim Vaudiver perjury piness and prosperity WMtSW ruUioSil l reSAJf SABA subscrip- comes a usurper attend the ure stockraising and commerce daily growing bigger the his wifo her father mother and trial by jury verdict guilty and couple Ekep fcwsjs on bftuil fr slt mctt satiig et- And when a government under fair through life There is a vast belt of most valua ¬ tion list taxes sister und then killed hia own sentenced to the penitentiary We would oBabbecue Evebv Day m name of protection exacts or for like for Uncle Nod to ble timber the eastern part of Meat in Din II Tnplett Leonard Kouj- noth- ¬ worthless self five years For a sore throat there is revenues from one class of people prophesy again since the market the stats adequate to tho needs of- litjTRIPU3TT bandag Sim DOUGfllT ing better lhun a flannel for the promotion of another it Did you suspicion that the le State ts McLemore thsft- for most everything the farmers tho state for many generation dampened with Chamberlain the bounds of a just of property of less than 20 plead produce has declined We ALGERITA Attorneys Law always superseeds peal of tho Miserable iiitkeehift dont Minerals aro found in various at Pain Balm It will nearly ¬ government and institutes princi < guilty and confined in the county say the passage of the Repeal GOLDTHWAITE TEXAS effect a cure in one nights time known as tho Shermuu law u ant localities already Coal is mined s- jail for 15 days will try to give you tho news This remedy is also a favorite foi pals of slavery and enforces a sj the repeal of jtibt one cl iuse and Bill caused this but is plain to in several parts of tho Stato The I Offer their Servicte to tho Public Anj of tho community Business intrusted rheumatism and has cured nianv tematic scheme of robbery The that clause the only one that gave State vs Coe Suttou carrying a be seen that it did not prevent it- rivers of Toxas belong entirely to to them will rorcir 50 cent bottles for United pistol plead guilty and fined 25- Oh The drouth has been broken at Prompt Attention severe cases Supreme Court of tho silver any existence as a money that serenade Mr Editor the Gulf system The main boun ¬ by all druggists de- 1 by a good rain TVheat sow- ¬ tale States did on a certain occasion metal an cost were you ever there Well it wbb dary rivers nre tho Red river on last bench that CIVIL DOCKET Notwithstanding ing is the order of the day now on govern- ¬ clare frcm the funny the rain tho the Sabine on the east G S Are the expenses of the to north JONES J jr VOTA- hand the pow ¬ The News is ready express its nl J- on Sunday night n company the Creek ment adjusted on an honest and To lay with one Jas Mnsterson et vs T last and the Rio Grande on the south- ¬ of tho government on the prop- ¬ opinion and preference on all most Mr TV P Smith and family leave WJONLS VOTAW economical basis not the tar- ¬ er Broyles et al trial by jury ver-¬ of Regencys courageous west The chief river belonging If the citizens and with the t h Collin County as erty of questions of public iuitre dict for plaintiff for g of land nn- young men uuder the wise leader ¬ the Creek for ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT IAW- iff reforms says they must be upon favored indi ¬ to Texas is the Trinity navigable other bestow it near it is right the readers aie the ship of Capt Jeff Young soon as the weather will permit W1U practice in tts Courts of Sjtt Saba and reductiou in the government to aid private enterprises dfr defendait for J S M Moore marched as far as Liberty throughout the adjoining Counties Also in tho Supreme Court what viduals moved Court of Appeals and Federal Courts of judges ¬ boldly on to meet their fate The Mr C Yarborough has thlsStat- expenses has the tariff reform bill and build up private fortunes is s John Kelley and J H Martiu ap- year Texas is pieeniinently an it- to- stock to Williams Banch after eoaceupUira ia VILLAMS BUILDING proposed none the less a robbery because The silver question will cone to pointed to paitition the land command was given then was agricultural state it raibes more hs Next door to undei the forms of law and be grass Ho moves to Goldthwaite lil is done the front again C W Benton vs J J and E K- heard reverberating through live stock thau any other state SAN SABA TEXAS who the recent finan- ¬ is called taxation this week Our best wishes go Those say Kuykendall for debt on note the hills and across the valleys the such as cattle horses aud sheep depressions were due to the Hence we feel that the expenses Wo would like to see West Tex ¬ with these men wherever they cial 81000 dismissed at cost of plain- ¬ jingling of bells the clanking of Indian corn is the chief cereal but law any other special of our goveonment should be re ¬ as represented ou the next guber- ¬ may go- Sherman or tiff cans together with the shrill echo other grain is grown finely in the know what duced to the absolute necessities natorial ticket Mr Bart Daniels of Wallace legislation either dont G G Walker vs J M York debt of tho commanders voice thrice northern part Sweet potatoes aro D H 1TEEE P JL FAV- they are talking about or they are when honestly and economically they went when Creek moviS into the house vaca- ¬ Await tho action of Congress and attachment dismissed at cost round tho house very largely produced and a good EEMBEKrFAVER trying to gullfozzle somebody administered that tariff should be was The ted by Mr Yarborough and dont get excited of plaintiff all silent bride and article of tobacco is grown All The panic prevailed in other na imposed solely for the purpose of could distinctly Mr Bob Bnssoll has moved from Attorneys at Law State of Texas for tho use of groom be hoad tho fiamitropicnl fruits thrive well SAN SABA TEXAS some nations only and that the taxa- ¬ Eichland Springs i lions and probably in revenue Mr J P Blaize an extensive real San Saba county vs snoring away probably in fairy the Creek up to distributed WJLFielder along the coast Tho present con- ¬ Unsinrsa of every Character intrusted to cs vl where Sherman had never been tion shoudT e equaly ostntcrfrghleriBDfelSIoineb Iowa breach of his liquor bond cause dreamland More next time rtceire rrompt ami Careful AtteatioD to tax stitution of Texas was adopted in heard of yet and that it is wholly wrong narrowly escaped one of the sever W A Smith attended the Teach ¬ Plow Boy while in dismissed 1875 and went into effect April 18 o one class of peoplo for the promo-¬ estattacksof pneumonia ers institute at San Saba Satur- ¬ are a part of that State dur- ¬ J M Locker vs J P Parkorson 1870 A superintendent of Public The clouds of depression tion of any other class the norther day D B THE EDITOR HAPIT Dr A Gregg M D Sat- ¬ trespass to try rolling away those who are up ing a recent blizzard says the title dismissed on Instruction is elected by tho peo ¬ Physician and Surgeon Review Mr Blaize had oc- will catch the moving spirit We nre informed that Prof E L- urday motion of plaintiff at his cost A Million Friends plo at every general election He- One day last week while sad and first to drive beveral miles during the SAX SABA TEXAS success Hagan is a probable candidate for J C Rogan vs James Estepand- A friend in need is a friend indeed and member of the state board of dreary as wo pondered weak and and be led on to greater was so thoroughly less is a Superintendent storm nnd not than nno million people hnve weary across llio nuawopt floor we Office on llih Street just north of Joo- with San Saba the office of State E Christouspn suit on vendor lien found jnst such a Iricud Dr Kings New education and its executive officer Whats the matjer next year chilled that he was unable to get in heard at first a gentle tapping Ilarkeroca buildic much of Public Instruction of utter notes judgemeut DiBCOViry for Consumption Congbs and main is located at getting a xapsa There is of the warm and inside au hour by default Colds you have never nsed this great The University then it became an earest rapping at Prof Hagan is the principal with If etor Tter if she will only go High School and has his return ho was threatened Stato of Texas for the use of Cough Medicine ono trial will couvineo Austin and Medical Department our sanctum door Como in we in Ballinger of or you that it has wonderful curative powers a severe case pneumonia lung vi- ¬ yet we pondered and in Kt is only seventeen miles been for the past four years with San Saba comity vs Ed House in all Lungs at Galveston The State Agricult ¬ said and tlieri forer Mr Blaize sent to the iu ar diteasex of Throat Chest and wondered for us He has had twenty of bond by- Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is Mechanical Collego ¬ silence what ZJrailroad Catch the tide at good success got l of- olation liquor trial ural and is lo N C BROWN ¬ est drug store and a ttle claimed oi money will be refunded Trial could bo iu store then tho door years experience in teaching hav- ¬ low but never wait for its ebb Chombeilains Goufih jnry verdict for defendant bottle free at Montgomery Cunning ¬ cated at Collego Station in Brazos Land Lire Stock and Co- ing taught in Texas for the last Rnn bolt gently turning in ho walked vhieh he had often heard and T H Locker vs J P Parkerson- hams Drnc store Large bottles 0c and county Normal instruction is Our cheek was burning thoughts llecting Agent Iincklm8 Arnica Salre 6even years BannerLeader 100 1 took it number af large dost He ti espass to try title jndgment by provided for white teachers at Sam of gore Aro you the the man The Best halve in the world for Cuts The San Saba News being well effect was wonderful rul- RICHLAND SPRINGS TEXAS gnu Salt EJienm Fever says the default Huston Normal Institute Dallas Sored Ulcew personally acquainted with ho tilling There is a great deal of truth in who does tho writing What jiorc Tetter Chapped Hands Cnilblhins and in a short time vas bit and San Autonio aro the largest and po i know- R VY Gray vs J T White suit the following from the Bartlet will rhyme with this but fighting boras and all SkJo Eruptiom the nforcsaidgentleman nnd quite easily He kept on taking cities Austin is the capital care Pile or no pay required It i Irelj sufficient attain- ¬ tho medicine and the ii n i note dismissal by plaintiff Democrat Tho average boy quickly thought wo o er Sir guaranteed to tfreiperfect satisfaction ing him to be of Lennio Hudson able to come to Des Mom Mi- Co C Tom Somo we we gontly told him nod- ¬ a icoaey rtXusded Price 25 ta per bo ment and of good executive abili- ¬ Wuil Murray it vs needs watching parents are Dr Jos Gree- l r tale by Montgomery Cunningham Blaize regard lti ni iino- t at on note Sll1843 judg- think their ooys almost perfect but The V D Boyce Co of Chicago ding to the bov to hold if he wont ty stands rpady to ttponaa his wouderful V a1 ii rP 33 1 t pnsp lir < if become if tliev iW if T T < IffllTill be state and ic0 it ki 3r Otaoo xi Eeeldenco oa WaUac uomU i t i tAO dollars SAX SABA TEXAS fteikl if i p 1j ilir SAT-¬ uoie I liKe your paper and will to a d iwiwtt winre lid aptmis his ltistire URDAY Blade and the Chicago tokeitis long as you strive be- 1- > Couo- to bo make as good as has been ¬ re uarj- Hi a SIMitlUg Bj rtl i Miigmt et al vsF S hours Human nature is weak Ledger They are sold on it it I u A R = BECKER Kiuj sSr 1isey was killed i oi i f it al suit on notf dismissed aud your boy is about as likely to the streets in shops stores etc fore We jumped he dodged a t yjo j course want Salve and Lt cinc llitftrs jihi lav n ii ii I A mak- ¬ we missed him or we should great handled remedies that m11 m i iuit srins was shot feu ti n Mo uf tu of plaintiff wander off and deceive you as j our Thousands of boys aro now thus Wheelwright Blacksmith lj posted ou all these n- have given such umver il ti Olds was shot twn enm thought J M Harkey vs J C Wilson suit neighbors boy is and you do him ing mouey doing this as it is an havo kissed him no matter if the AT OLD by uoUubcribe for the We do not hrsitate to guiruutei tb m i h WALKERS STAND cry time and wo stand ready to n fund will not recour W t 1 t i m iiite dismissed by plaintiff a great wrong to make him believe easy matter after onco fairly start-¬ boys did roar so seldom aro we WiU dv blacksmith work and repairing of nia- the great political and relig snlla- oluaery of all kinds reasonable rates the purchase price if satisfactory n wo in- ¬ at Olds is fiftu i raucis Hull vs R B Hyde suit you think him perfect Nine out ed 2so expense to bogin Send treated in this manner foel i educational weekly of the do not follow tboir use These remulie- the W i great impntanti purely on of ten will take to above nnd receive to sing hosnnurdi only HorseShocinga Specialty Vf oftVr now until Janu shsie won their wife the other foni hn sbindb on notfl judgmeut by default advantage oi your name address clined it their merit Moptgouifrj A Clnmng uivu mo it liberal tuixM of your patronise were all killed by bum fahot J F Green vs John 0 Wilson cofidenco and deceive you nstractions aud stationery 3thia and nothing more azi ffi tor only yi09 cash baa Dmtb111 El1 I