Inspectors Report (HA0/RHA0009.Pdf, PDF Format
05. HA0009/KA0007 Donegal County Council An Bord Pleanála INSPECTOR’S REPORT File reference : 05.HA0009/KA0007 DONEGAL COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT : N15/N13 Ballybofey Stranorlar Bypass Dates of Site Inspection : 7,8 ,19 and 20th May, 2008, 9 th June, 2008. Inspector : Vincent Hussey June, 2009 05.HA0009/KA0007 An Bord Pleanálá Page 1 05. HA0009/KA0007 Donegal County Council TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION COMPULSORY PURCHASE ORDER STRATEGIC INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT PLANNING FRAMEWORK ORAL HEARING ASSESSMENT OF ISSUES COSTS RECOMMENDATION – CPO RECOMMENDATION – PROPOSED ROAD DEVELOPMENT APPENDICES 05.HA0009/KA0007 An Bord Pleanálá Page 2 05. HA0009/KA0007 Donegal County Council INTRODUCTION 1.1 The proposal is for the construction of about 14.9 kilometres of the N15/N13 to bypass the twin towns of Ballybofey/Stranorlar. It includes the following key components. Approximately 0.4km standard single carriageway on line improvement adjacent to Lough Mourne, followed by 14.2 km of Type 2 Dual Carriageway, followed by 0.3km wide single carriageway forming a 14.9 long southern bypass for the N13/N15, around the Twin Towns of Ballybofey and Stranorlar. Two grade separated junctions at Meencrumlin and Navenny. A major bridge crossing of the River Finn. An additional five road bridges at minor road crossings and two accommodation bridges. Two roundabout junctions, at the N15, east of Stranorlar and at the N13, at Kilcross. A 1.2 km reduced single carriageway link road (the Ballybofey Link Road) joining the proposed bypass to the existing N15 in Ballybofey at a new traffic signal junction. The Ballybofey Link Road includes a bridge crossing at the Burn Daurnett and traffic signal junctions with Creamery Road and Trusk Road.
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