Ii Foraoiseachta Forestry Appeals Committee
An Coiste urn Achomhairc ((ii Foraoiseachta Forestry Appeals Committee 29 October 2020 Our ref: 475/19 Subject: Appeal in relation to felling licence TFL00321919 Dear I refer to your appeal to the Forestry Appeals Committee (FAC) against the decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) in respect of licence TFL00321919. The FAC established in accordance with Section 14 A (1) of the Agriculture Appeals Act 2001 has now completed an examination of the facts and evidence provided by the parties to the appeal. Background Felling licence TF100321919 was granted by the Department on 06 December 2019, Hearing A hearing of appeal 475/19 was conducted by the FAC on 08 October 2020. FAC Members: Mr Des Johnson (Chairperson), Mr Vincent Upton, Ms Bernadette Murphy and Mr Pat Coman Decision The Forestry Appeals Committee (FAC) considered all of the documentation on the file, Including application details, processing of the application by DAFM, the grounds of appeal, and a consultant's report sought by the Committee, before deciding to affirm the decision in respect of this licence (Reference TFL 00321919). The proposal is for the clear-fell and restocking of 72 parcels of land on a total area of 11.10ha at Meenbog and Croaghonagh, County Donegal. Trees to be felled are predominantly Sltka Spruce, with small amounts of Lodgepole Pine and Alder. The proposed development is stated to be integral to a wind farm development comprising 19 wind turbines, grid connection and associated site works, granted planning approval by An Bard Pleanla under Reference ABP-300460-17, The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) indicated that existing coniferous trees would be felled to allow for the construction of the wind farm.
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