An Coiste urn Achomhairc ((ii Foraoiseachta Forestry Appeals Committee 29 October 2020 Our ref: 475/19 Subject: Appeal in relation to felling licence TFL00321919 Dear I refer to your appeal to the Forestry Appeals Committee (FAC) against the decision by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (DAFM) in respect of licence TFL00321919. The FAC established in accordance with Section 14 A (1) of the Agriculture Appeals Act 2001 has now completed an examination of the facts and evidence provided by the parties to the appeal. Background Felling licence TF100321919 was granted by the Department on 06 December 2019, Hearing A hearing of appeal 475/19 was conducted by the FAC on 08 October 2020. FAC Members: Mr Des Johnson (Chairperson), Mr Vincent Upton, Ms Bernadette Murphy and Mr Pat Coman Decision The Forestry Appeals Committee (FAC) considered all of the documentation on the file, Including application details, processing of the application by DAFM, the grounds of appeal, and a consultant's report sought by the Committee, before deciding to affirm the decision in respect of this licence (Reference TFL 00321919). The proposal is for the clear-fell and restocking of 72 parcels of land on a total area of 11.10ha at Meenbog and Croaghonagh, County Donegal. Trees to be felled are predominantly Sltka Spruce, with small amounts of Lodgepole Pine and Alder. The proposed development is stated to be integral to a wind farm development comprising 19 wind turbines, grid connection and associated site works, granted planning approval by An Bard Pleanla under Reference ABP-300460-17, The Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) indicated that existing coniferous trees would be felled to allow for the construction of the wind farm. Most of the plots proposed to be felled are circular and would An Coiste urn Achomhalrc KiImrichy Court, Eon/Telephone 076 106 4418 Foraolseaclita Portloolse, 057 863 1900 Forestry Appeals Committee Co Laois R32 0W15 provide for the construction of wind turbines. The average size of the circular plots is 1470sq.m. The documentation submitted indicates that 2 previous licences were granted, and not appealed, for tree felling to facilitate the construction of a wind farm with 19 wind turbines on the same lands as the current proposed plots (Reference TFL 00321819 & TFL 00317919). The project lands are in an elevated location north-east of the Barnsmore Gap and Barnsmore Mountain, and very close to the border with Northern Ireland. The subject lands are within the catchment of the Mourne River (EPA maps). Forestry and peatlands are the predominant land uses in the area. There Is an existing windfarm at high level to the east of Barnsmore Mountain. The application was referred to Donegal County Council and Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI). The County Council responded stating that the site comprises an area on mature upland commercial coniferous forestry in an area designated Moderate Scenic Amenity in the County Development Plan. There are no defined views and prospects across the site, and no Recorded Monuments or Tree Preservation Orders on the site. The Council raises no objections on grounds of landscape/amenity. There is no response from IFI on file. The DAFM carried out a Stage 1 screening for Appropriate Assessment, examining 13 Natura 2000 sites within a 15km radius of the project lands. It concluded that the proposed development alone or in combination with other plans and projects would give rise to the likelihood of significant effects arising on European sites, namely River Foyle and Tributaries SAC, Pettigo Plateau Nature Reserve SPA, Croaghonagh Bog SAC and River Finn SAC. The DAFM concluded an Appropriate Assessment Determination statement on 27 November 2019 in advance of the issuing of the licence, The DAFM state that the underlying soils on the project lands are 100% peat. The DAFM made a decision to grant the licence subject to 7 standard conditions. The licence issued on 6 1 December 2019 and is exercisable for 2 years from that date. There is a single appeal against the decision to grant the licence. The grounds contend that, based on the information supplied, it was not possible to make a decision in compliance with the requirements of the Habitats and EIA Directives. Reference Is made to several Court judgments. The DAFM identified Natura 2000 sites within a 15km radius and this should be a trigger for Appropriate assessment. The Inspector fails to show evidence to support answers given in respect of Appropriate Assessment screening. The DAFM fails to state which catchment the proposed development is in. Mitigation measures cannot be considered at screening stage for Appropriate Assessment, and safeguards published in Forestry Service guidelines are, in fact, mitigation measures intended to avoid or reduce harmful effects on Natura 2000 sites. It is only necessary to conclude that there is a possibility of significant effect to trigger Appropriate Assessment. In response, the DAFM stated that, having reviewed the details of relevant Natura sites, their qualifying interests and conservation objectives, it was concluded that the possibility of significant effects on rJatura sites could not be ruled out, and the project was screned in for Appropriate Assessment. The DAFM considered the felling licence application details and all planning documentation associated with the windfarm development. The NIS and EIAR submitted with the planning application for the wind farm, and Appropriate Assessment conducted by An Bord Pleanála 27 were reviewed and considered. In an AA Determination Statement dated 1h November 2019 the DAFM states that it is satisfied that, based on objective information, the proposed development will An Coiste urn Achomhairc Foraoiseachta Forestry Appeals Committee accord with Industry best practice as referenced in conditions attached to the felling licence, mitigation prescribed in the NIS, EIAR and planning approval conditions associated with ABP Reference: 300460-17. The DAFM concluded that the proposed felling and replanting, individually or in combination with other plans or projects, would not adversely affect the integrity of any European site. The FAC sought a report by an independent consultant in relation to this proposal and, in particular, a Stage 1 screening for Appropriate Assessment, and Stage 2 Appropriate assessment in accordance with the provisions of Article 6(3) of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC), and an examination of the proposed development in the context of the requirements (if any) of the ElA Directive. The report, dated 121h October 2020, was considered by the FAC in coming to its decision and a copy of the report is contained in the public file. The report notes that the proposed development is not located within a designated Natura 2000 site and is not related to or necessary for the management of any designated Natura site. The report notes that, while the DAFM Stage 1 screening identified 13 Natura sites within a 15km radius of the project lands, the screening carried out by An Bord Pleanála identified 17 such sites. The report lists the 17 designated sites, their separation distances from the project lands, their qualifying interests and conservation objectives. The consultant concludes that the proposed felling and replanting, considered Itself or in combination with other relevant plans and projects, would not be likely to have significant effects on 14 listed Natura 2000 sites, but that 3 sites should be screened in for Stage 2 Appropriate Assessment, namely the River Finn SAC, River Foyle and Tributaries SAC and the Croaghonagh Bog SAC. The report notes that two additional sites, Pettigo Plateau Nature Reserve SPA and Lough Eske and Ardnamona Wood SAC, were screened in for Appropriate Assessment by An Bard Pleanála and proceeded to Stage 2 assessment. In the case of Pettigo Plateau Nature Reserve SPA the consultant's report concludes that there would be no likely significant effects on the Natura site on the basis of separation distance and the fact that mature and semi mature plantation does not provide suitable foraging or roasting for the qualifying Interests, the Greenland White Fronted Geese. In the case of Laugh Eske and Ardnamona Wood SAC, the report reaches a conclusion of no likelihood of significant effects on the Natura site as the proposed felling would have no effect on water flow or quality in the SAC, and because of the separation distance Involved and the absence of hydrological connection or other pathway. The report considers planning permissions granted in the area and concludes that none would have in combination effects with the proposed development. The FAC considers that the Stage 1 screening in the consultant's report complies with the requirements of the Habitats Directive and adopts the assessment and conclusions reached. The consultant's report notes that the proposed tree flling formed part of the preliminary ground preparation works for the wind farm permitted by An Bord Pleanála (Reference: 300460-17) and concludes that adequate information is available In order to carry out a Stage 2 Appropriate assessment. The FAC agrees with this conclusion. The Stage 2 assessment considers three Natura 2000 sites, namely the River Finn SAC in the Republic, the River Foyle and Tributaries SAC in Northern Ireland and Croaghonagh Bog SAC in the Republic. The report notes that there is some overlap of the River Finn SAC and the River Foyle and Tributaries SAC as the Mourne Beg River, which is part of both sites, forms the boundary between the two jurisdictions. In respect of these two SACS, the consultant referred to the EIAR submitted to An Bord Pleanála for the wind farm and noted that no major infrastructural components of the wind farm would be located within 50m of any stream and that a buffer zone of SOm from the main streams would generally be maintained during construction.
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