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Ma Tau an Scfaiqlbill Vpfotsenaie Vote South River Scuttles Madison

Ma Tau an Scfaiqlbill Vpfotsenaie Vote South River Scuttles Madison

UOUSO^TH. CO. HI3T03i:AL A5.3:;., F855JJ0W. fcJ* • • X


Hunter 91(t YEAR — 47th WEEK MATAWAN, N.Ji, THURSDAY, MAY 19,1960 Novf J»r Single Copy Ten'Cents MaUoutl Edltorlil Allocution Ma tau an ScfaiqlBill Receive^ Boy Scout God Aifid Country Award Shopping Center? Auto Firm Aids 3]iorls For Boys Board Not Told VpFotSenaie Vote Browntpvyn Project Acting UndWjan emergency,suspension of the rules, the News To Planners State Assembly.Monday passed and sent toth«.State5enate ;., a bill by(Assemttljfiiaan Clifton T« Barkalow 'designed to solve An amendment to (he, township « long'irftadlng (controversy over th$ sharing ^school costs toning bullnwav win presontyd to Itvthe jolhfMalaWanr.fournshlp SchooLDiitrict; th». Madison Township PUnntnt! _^ The legislation, which was' pre- • —^ ~ Ub»cU last HIKM^, John J. .Salve t pared at ^e request of the Mata- MiuUton Park, the Matd'n • «tt»r • wan Township Board of Education, .ncy, explained this \vn*,ne«M to ' Township, Committee and Borough Shi£tX>f Pupils ../,; the HroivnU«yn Shopping Ontu can be constructed, . • ' •; Council was'jnovfed up to third and 1 final readlhg on a 53-0 vote of thefrowne, d Upon, Tb« attorney nolciJ the imlinanri ' lowerjiouse. -It finally wasfadopf- now-'iprvinet IJif Iiu5liw»s rone ^•dby a vote-of ISO. ifj. Cliffwood Hat 6wn nlonR Routes 9 And 18 ahull extend Mr. Barkalow reported hi has. back 300 feet from'the hlnhwny, asked State Sen. Richard R. Stout, Woes, bay I* Told but for tho needs til (he multi-mil- Monmouth County Republican, to lion doUnr coaler, Iho IHUIIWKS A proposal by Donald T.'Day.ot *dnt> will lmv«i to bo ..widened to nova for quick action when the the Matawan Committee for Better aver 800 (eel tor AM ted south of bill reaches the Senate. The Sen- Borough Schools, that some classes Rorite W on the west ultlf of Koute ate Is scheduled to convene at an on half session at Matawan Ele- and to 000 feet depth- for ov*r" Interim session today: 1 • mentary School be transported,to 'M tool went of Route 8 on the j Permits Regional Vote CllfMood Memorial'School next inul'h SlilftttHbuto II*. -----V------. The bill, which Mr. Barkalow term to "even up" the half session Mayor John 3. Phillips comment: Said has the approval of both burden between the. grammar !il -thli vvm nil 'very) Intei estliiii A check |«r 1130 li prwnlr-d by Vlncbnl SpakoWskl, rlshl, nremUlont . township* and the borough' officials, schools rather than have it bear but iho hoard knew of no such of Maiawan I'onl Co. lo liarl Doiinla, mnnKuor of Iht) '.Shuly Oiki''-- would permit the district to vote on the borough alone met with a The Rev, Lawrence R. Bailey, pastor ot-tfw First , .. Looking on. In lh« usual toani, reprcscullng flnV Shsdet In Malnwawan Inwnnhlii S-U y«nrs bays' shopping center except ' for pub- imwfball, Mr, UcnnU wan milhorlrwl by Ihf luwnitlilp rcvrewllon com- Itself Into a regional system. If cool reception Monday from' the Baptist Church, Maiawan, pins the Boy Scouts of ordor, ara Stouti Mark t.ntcrllncEntorllnc, ArthursArthur's, mother,, licity., releases from Cantor nnd mwfbal, Mr, UcnnU wan mlhorlrwl by Ihf luwnitlilp accepted by the voters of the twoMatawan Township Board of Edu- America "God and Country Ayiard" on the tunic of Mrsordor. ,Lulls Grace! Scoutmaster .Walter Tolh ami millioii n (a rtwlvl e ll\l o fundf * faf r thihis arilvhyh , , Arthur Toblu Grace, Mill Rd., Matawan, Star Scout Robert F. Kreldler, District Scout F.nccutlve. GffldmntVv-NesK-York, developers ol municipalities, It would' mean that cation.—•' ' . , M Snyro Wimita Smilh, In urea -nows- ' school operating expenses would be The report, of Russell A. G. Stet* papers, . ' . • allocated on. a per-pupll basis ler, superintendent, showed the Buttonwood Cite ', Wnn'li Application rather than on a net valuation South River Scuttles Cliffwood School to-ba in a pre- Clifhvood Aye. Mcrclianis Trijst Tho mayur .said''that until the 1 basis'.'.' '."" -;••--—- ••"• carious position with regard to Jtoy II. Park, edliorln nlietul oi\ fjwriv rumor" . paying more than its Mr share ot when (he pupil load lo come Into to Peterson's Buttonwood Manor, Mimeono was |inln|! to build-A shop' Tiiwiishlp lkmi'tl«( tOdtii'nlluii, liy Hit' South Hlvt'C U»md...ol..,^ (he district school costs. Construc- -Route S4 Matawan,,at the 2Slh that school In l%0-61 Is truly • Problem At Corner t Start Buslnosj May 23 h eivter tnmpwMrtf! The Ixuml Mtlm'titlon' In tlio form;of nn (iliriiRtUldii'of jfi»-,iiKiwiiHM\' t,qf tion costs still would-be levied In known, whether any Cliffwood anniversary Duncan Mines din- Itromutly.. Muiyi;d.in write,I'Aiitor 'iM'i'lvi' Mnillsim 'I'dWDHlilp lil^li m'luinl 'ini|)!ln""iuixi Honl the two-communities on a basis of classes will have to Inpse on half The Maiawan Township Coin- ner In Chicago, III., this week. Mpntmmth County's newfisi Tiiink niul (iolilmim to nsk them to let Iht1 ici1, TIIP Smith IMv«r lloilnlof Kiluoiitluii look Valuation. Tho controversy idejay- sessions. : '.- V mlltee Monday night voted to ask The cllnllon, termed anV'Oi- .dldiiiK will open lit tlooru fur uonrii."li)" on word ol llui «hop i ii'tiiihillim ndiiplrd Iiy thi' Mtidlsnii cd a high school building program the Monmouth Coiinty • Board of car" In tho Industry, It Injrecog- buslnosa on Momlny. ulu'ii tin; l»ln« ;cwntcr.v. rLJ. _ liiini'l 'Iliuuiiluy whcii'by linviuhln 'and recently led the borough !to pe- Tliff decision rnay-tisiVe (o bu Frephblders tia survey Cliffwood nltlon of 20 years ol oiusttindlng Merchants0 Trust Company of Red made . between larger class sizes A major «ubdh'l»T3iV'»f IV loU mplU (.'ulciliiit hi lii'sliinni nl tin. tition the Stgte Education Depart- Ave. at its Intersection with Route service. It Is. presented tnly. lo lltiiik..'opitiw. Its now llolmdi'l lor tin1 J.'"Hi>yil-Wiivi,(m Tlcctmvii It)jtr:(i-Iimil» - Of' Mniiiwnn, Knulli Police Pay Dp ment for permission. to' voje on In certain grades to keep the full 35 to .determine If it can be widen- ihoso estubtlshmcnu flrtl listed llrnnch. l.uruled In ihc benrt of session and going on half sessions, IUI. wus refused I'lnsHlllentloil be- Itlvrr, Sityi-cvllli! uml Kniilh_ Am- f separation of the school district. ed to accommodate Increased traf- In 1910 • editions of the, Duncan pie fusli"'! K'dwlni! nrou In.Mon ci pint ill the loin unit the buy winihl l)t,.vvlthdiii\vn «( llm When the. petition was turned yir. Stetler acknowledged, nnd tofic. Mines Travel Books nnd still list- mouth County,' on Knuto 31 uml ( r\vp. 1 iiialii enlriuirn roml nn' in Mill i.|nil ut llio llltll'lil'• kchiiiil. yfnv Hi attempt {o bring In classes from ed, Irr current.editions.. -...,•; Latirdl Ave, '.1,1 Is Ihc lirnl. and down by a three-member boitrd of David Blnilcr, SouthXoncoursc, liohi Township. Mr. I'loyd wns foini.ilu' Miphniniiiii chuii (if llm review, both aides sought Assem- Matawan only would throw into Mr. Pnrk javo tho principal pnly bunk In liiii aim Towiulilp Employoni complete disorganization the edu-Cliffwood, called the commlUee'n ,(vhl''lo RO ID tlmMnillioio Towoi Miidt.'iiin iovviuihip lllfth .Schmil tn blyman Barkalow's assistant* in address at the Annual dinner-ot 1 cational plan of the school system. attention to the difficulty encount- Kinhndylnji tho.. nuwesl hl|> I'lniinlnii llotuil lor condition- l«' opniliiii nl tlmt tlnii .. Jiiiihiiii Also Got DonoflU 1 devising legislation to solve the tils Duncan Ulna Family In In (cuitonier conyeillunce, 'Iho nuwal appfovol first. nnd hcnlniti nl IhOMi lili'ti m'lioitln problem. j ..:/ No Transportation Aid ered by cars and heavy trucks I'..Hi u mul imnilrl|iiil- - vinplnyot. especially^ negotiating tho turn Chicago, It was altended by somo. blink will dlfer coinplclo aervlcmi, ' .'There aro 11 lots In Minlliuii nor! would I'OIIIIIIIKI In uiiiiluiillinv He- If the legislation it signed into Mr. Stetler added no state aided 3M representatives, of: t|to ttllng, |i»y r'alsi's WITH liiimli'.il In u nlmy from the highway into the narrow Including a snfo ili'ihull tlujnu Imi'iil, four in. Mailbiirii, ,hut Ilia bout d I'OIIIIIIK liillw MnillMtn-lliiiliil l>l»ii, law befort fall, candidate! for thetransportation could jbe Obtained {odglng and vacation places list- iililli'iBtip* Inlrraliifcd by thn MoilU -- : ctrbcji-which Is under county drlvo-ln window and a Inritc pnikhi|i nnlecl thn developer aim) would nnd pupil* lii'iinnlnn IH-LIIIIU-II In proposed nine-member/ regional for such a rnove as the State De- ed In the IMS editions of tlio iircn, for lis custiimeii. lixlend« nun Ti>Vii»hl|) t iniiiiillUM' Moiidny, maintenance. , lu\vof(o Ket lhi< run m liu'»» D| (ho 19111," III CUIIIKI'i WIHllll OIlIlM1 Hid board will -be .up for' election In. partment of Education would hold Duncan Illncs Travel Rooks, This banking hours will ln>'In (nrco mwmhlp iiml county lino shown l'nlillp|»nnlnu In Jimp t,^ The problem Is Increased, ho iiuw'llliih iilioiil . : , February. Tna members would be the district was at /fault fdr not year's dinner celebrated, tho JJlli llarry (irconwood, asKliflmit vlco l tho •uhitlvlMim eertlfle.il Tlni now M'u|,, (a; -t;t,t«r." $tl»(W|i ' allocated to the two municipalities having provided adequato gram' said, by the largo amount of traf- anniversary of tho firm Dunesjj, president, will bo In clmrijo of the MiidUnn Tdwnnlilp W;linit\s.ul rn|itn|n, JUJIIII; Uut |(HHB| fic entering mid leaving a new by Iho proper nlitlmrltldn M on tin basis of tbelr populations. mar school facilities; lor full time l(lnc» OllMt. lip^tjrwc^; , " lio known wlilth ol ilia lol llclaU rti^Hnml r,iimm«Hty«uil0rda< I5TIO thopplhs. «M«r,' at. .th»' corner. ri'tTlprof funiial iiiillllni . Th» «arji*st .a. ragloaat :«lUtrlct sessions and Iht rtforacoul d not OK- * 'ftpen twiti) for public i bn I»KIJ4 l» MoilUoii'im I p y(i»r, pect tb* fiat* to meet tr«n*portl- CommrHecmsn John Mlr« -Jr. re- ill IKr lvry Could begin optraiionj. Is July 1M1, will b« olnervad an opening c) Harding Rd, In Itert jlank two ytiitrs Kopli'tnbur Smilli Klvci winilJ (nko II In II 3.1. 1'nllrx. liii'lilion('llv» lo Apr, I, Madison Granted Miiliiwnn I'D fri'alniK'ii, linyri'Vllln Ili'liunrllvi' Tn. Jan., I for such aid, * Wlllow-Ave. wn» referred to Town- Of Activities Told ler. Konnotir.il. Mc(}uoen Is prosl- 111) nnd Soilh AiuUny up tu 1)0, . ship Engineer /Karl, Ilcuser, Tlie In Jim mud IIIHIIIII'IIHIMT anil Work Contracted The board accepted the resigna- di of (ho liullliilluu. Uvgrl V, Or, Wlllliuii J, finiiiphi, Miiillmm request waj^nudo to servo ap- Dsnlel Stankicwlct, Matawan i.anliniy tions of three teachers and hired Township recreation supervisor, dx.Keyi^rt/li ons of lito vjee Sewer Study Loan »ii|ii'ilii|iMidciil, wiu (iindiiilinn i« $25,633 Progranv proximately 19 fomlll(;«.living on 1 lf six others. outlined plans for a summer rccn - presidents.,- ' plniiiliiiy lalliii wllh Ilia JiiiiiruhiirH the 2000-foot stretch from the high- K'flllii Hupni vleiir, . Fir Nino Stre.chos James 0. "Murphy, elementary atlon protfrom at the regular meet- lm Ited ll»i)k law firm of Dor«- tadoral Agency Iliuinl of l-jhirullim In IIHIIMIIIIIIU way, ,'• •'• itminr njilkflliir, • .$J,ij"'»ll"' special education teacher, Is leav- ing of the Matnwan Township Tux- inua, Rnstoll, Fatsanoand Nicosia, Pays $91,000 If Ilirf hluli in hoiil of (IMII lionnl Holmdel Township's road repair ing to accept a. position In Point Mayor Peter J, Waters explain- payer's Association Tuesday nliilii. general counsel for Hit Morrhnnln I'liiihl Inkn minlii Madlnol'l fii'kliliii'ii nickililvHr.^fl «» limiri traw ed If-the service Is to be installed iniinilii'i#.|i;7(l">« liwii'j prog/im lor 1960 got underway at Pleasantr Mrs. Margaret K. Stoat, lie called for volunteers yo help Trust Company, plan* (a open a A (01,000 loan In ,Mmllion Tuwti H'«I year to ii'lliivn llnHiiiutciniii Thursday's meeting. Bids were re- Clltfwood'Elementsry School Is on a sharo-cost basis, with Iha suporvlae Iho actlvltlri of tlm 1200branch office In tlm Jlolnulnl hunk 'ionllf IIK'PI uml Mnlnwan, Tho 11,(111 »n hour, . • - - townlhlp psylnr, for Installation ship in-plan a nanliury suwcr «y» eelv'od for the work. C. H. Stuphen, moving tb ..J$ed Bank, and Mrs. children In (ha Cliffwood Brid:pok bulhllng In Ills nonr future, (nil lias bri'ii ap|iiuvi>d by (lie liii'i.liiiuiii nrlliin of llm lionili In' IIIK ndinlnliiliiillvii ilftliart* fmchold, wai low bidder. Ills llg- Yvonne Weiss, elementary teacher, and resident) payinii for tho pipe, Shades area who'are expected jli — (j-oiilliiiicd nn pii| IIIKIII, Hi" lowni,hl|] illmk'i »«Uiy water must lie obtalnedirom Mat- '(immunity l-'adUrirs ^dmtnl»lia Ura was «3,533.«. Other bids were Is leaving for maternity reasons. partlclpale In the program. 1 w«< tin ni I'IU'JO mi wm ,H>»t nl awan Borounh whlerr«rvlces the Him, a fi'iii'inl 0(:>-nry. . AlHiiiliifi'i M-U. Stavola, Red Bank, $28,270.- AH are leaving June 30. S Preliminary plans call for nwlin Sunoco Hdnon Three' Illll fllH I'dlfl'l illl, . 16; Fred McDowell, Ncpluno.-128,- Hire Six Teachers area, ini'iit wo I Hindi) by Ken. (!IIKord IT Announco Obiorvcinco mlng twice each week, atl'i nnd BayihoreArea Doalon CaK-, who mid i-oiiilimlliiii nf Ilic 'llm or(1 innin•* |iiiividn« • Ihm4 M4.62. Rcildcnts aril seeking permls-, Hired were John R. Martin Jr., crafts instruction, lx>y«' nnJ"j;tri»- 12,0711,(150 pinjccl In cx|li-i:|/>d In Of Local Poppy Dayi I'W tiiDlliiiiK, (in Imlldiiyu, vnen* The contract covers 3.92 miles Bayonne, high school mathematics, slon'.to.Jmlal| a ZOjOJoo20|{ t ffour- Iwwllng leiiBurs, baiskntbuil, milt- i'liiclion; of Thomas 1>, RPKOI Inn uml »lik luitvn, I'.liiltl liolldnyl gK' l (iiiitcrwny In Jmuinryy IUW, II Of road. Portions of Telegraph Hill $5000: George C. Butts, UncnstciT Inch jjnaln^to^service—tt»«S''area. ball, volley bull, bodmlnlun. borin Home 35 'and .Cliffwood Av*. Clllf- 'll.u; AiiM'iliji.n l.«||lmi Amtllury vitin i(i.Kili-il wlih pny In iMin y will nerve llii< Old lltldi'/, Iniimni Rd., laurel Ave., Middle Kd., Cen-Pa., high . school Industrial i arts, Mr. lleuser will confer wllh Mat- l d dk hflhld lli« oliui'ivi'il In Miilnwmi tint iiuliri! ih'i>^ilMi»nl. 'Ilicy urt'i NMM^ tcrmlnc if (he borouKh can furnish y andK 'Iho rrijui'sl of Hut MnillBiin 'll»it!i Rd,, McCampbell: Rd., Kolmdel- Haven, high school commercial MayoM r I'clcr J, Wuiers, uli announced. *l a inr.clinK "I unl.iy, Mnmliiy mul Im-'ulay Mm liny, WIIIIIIIIIIIIOII'K Illdll* Middletown Rd. and Wlllovibrook subjects, $4200: Mrs! Naomi No- water to additional farnllles in tha Sunnco duiilera at Diillonwooil Mm .[dp f>iWBinJ!(( Omiinlttlon warfiir I'IIIII llmlnr, (Hippy ituy < liniiiiitn luy C;i">11 I i Id;)v, Mi'inii|l|tl liny, township. , .'"• . lng Iho mectiiiK, praised tlm p IIUO.WO. mul nd|uidi!iriiU In iilaim Rd. are.tj be rebuilt. vak, Raritan Township, primary outlined by I in1 nuporvihiir but »r, Malawin, ycttnrdsy, Tlie pur- foi llm AiiKlllmy, «-iy» Iiml 'In* nit- Icriiu I ray, l.uliniC.lJWy^ grades, J3S00; SteplicnR. Dempjey, will liuvn In IHI rnodi' In piiivlun for A contract was signed with Com- Keiurfsclnf Job - - noled the recreation program run- j(MHI AiitiMl«'iii4 V»;ollDiii!_Nti| lll!_._:.:. _ no! be made sriucccsi ovendiilK and .llii). suiuiuiii. ut MiLeil. liw .(<•' IIPThp t Anthony T.Drginok,Bayonro, high under tonsld>ratlon-pl»n*--(o-re- ifid ~ cllled" Off" jisrciil* - lir Isilal 'Siiy-aod- Sunocr»-Tlt«lCT»- tn im wW i1ii<"irSii*iMt,iiOiJ (liliiVro. nf'.il _jto bring "the Master Plan of 1953school science. H200. ' (contlnuciTon paRe twelve) .rccrrollon dlrcdors "si niurh as riivlnjj service lo molorl»l«, i|ur,,t won forwnrili'd In Mnnh nl Ainvtiiiiii'i vvli'f W«t(i' wiiund''ii in (If Hcprfsenllng a combined Inlal «t lhl« your, Up to date In some provisions In. Mrs. Virginia Anderson, Mata- |»sslble." I.IIII.IIII pi' yi'jll ( 74 yi'Sfj ol cordial biitlileu K-hV 'Ilk' lint ili-p vilu'ii (lie f«iloi« preparation for Introducing a hewwan, was hired as secretary at (he Suggests U>0 Ol School Kilos lUvii-ID iinfe^l uyn Vfirulluli, Tb» lloiibhlp In lUprilyliiK pdroli'iiin pro. (und« DID-itnilvri) vllll In- |ii pin | Zoning brdlnance. The Community Cliffwood Elementary, School,., at Harold J. Dolun, president of Jin- rli'llif In* iiiit-.r^mir,. lillt Dinner duels and sorviCds U) -molorlsfi, vldo for a t"Wiin!ilpwldu cn)(liii:ci l imppli'i wlilih mi< iiiml'i \i/ Planner* llrm will ba paid a re- $2800 annually. She ,'WlTf replace Mslawtn Towmhlp Dusrd of rid IOIHI ru»i 'Fanny Stranlero, who if re- Norman Htlhimt, WHIWm Aro« ing tuivi'y of nii'a* whlrll »re tml i'ii vrliifiuu will be woin Imlii tainer fft of J300 and $100 per day ucollon, suitRcsled tlw ncltool p//ip fin « lik'liiotlal I" llui wor d'-dd •ii (III |IUI;II ihliliipii) signing, . ' ' • . . , Jury Association t-rtlfs and facllllles tliould bous'-il nnd Irliomu m Iwgan/ rccnlvod phd wllli MWI'IKUI..Ibis Ilino (or work to the limit of the ap- mul Hi a IIIIHII" HI llm dilulilrd liunV IJeiliiif litfMjJ Awird plai|u« Wlil'.Ji m:((l'W.lh(i wruk Is Iji'ijim li .- • • - - •-'-; •'«- propriation in the budget. .^ Mr, Stetler i announced that oul- to advonlni'o to provide recresiilon | pp p jf-doprs commencement exercises W. M, Ffiodloender outlets to Hie younmliTi In llm from E. T, ,. mmiBKi-r of pl hi lin , iBlnduc* Ordinance In Iblif aitiit .jiiivir IIMIIIU Itiuo Invilatlont f ' An ordinance for the curbing of will be held Juno IS for the high »(|eviev/c Adivitiet (ownshlp. * jinn Oil Camping's Bnuth AtnlwyenKInrriin(! tludy, and tannul 'M il-di|i;d U|«m until n«l«r»l flow For Memorial Parade 'the south side of Bethany Rd. Inschool; June I) for Cliffwood Ele- After CdHcctn was rxpretscd llmt iulfi district. 'iiiinly. mrnta.(y*-,School; June U for the TJe first dinner medlilK of the Mr. Ralhbonn ($enuitys dim popjiy (|tfy livo o "tla« was introduced.. Joseph S«a- Renew Bn» Transponatioo • moulb.,.Counly was hold Tuesday atlon, Andrew Oermak, modcril/iii fl« Its* IMMHI a Sunoco denli-r for l'fi'-»'!iifi t p am u> IT <"• f'l I'fl^ill'f. A [ mm, Long Branch, township engi- Bui transportation with Mfchael night at (ho American Hotel, Free- of'the meeting, ssld imprrivtin'iil* M yors. Mr, Ar»»» ou«nUf lh« ti Dili lp»l» III Hi" Mcinollnl \HV .Included In l'l«m jy>«ll« nl hoiwlllifl llm IIKIIOII'D will • 'neer, estimated (he work will cost P. George,' Mstawsn, was renewed hold, The meeting was opened.by had- to be tnide one at a tlmn arid slsilyn at first and Flrosd |i»mdi. Muy 30. "Ilin parsilo will Joseph A. Howard; Little Silver, Sin. in Keyporl, |l« his teen a ll|l,lud»d III |hit li-IlUtlVU plllllt lend. Vi/liiiiliTf tt(ilk"*n fiiiin-Aiix- nn11 al (I ilUaiii. «( fiul|i|iln Avu,, .. f»SO. The work! on the Raritaa as follows m> ,4Sr per dlt» basis: (nit a s>jund recresllofl llnry Dull 170 Imvn d«iiai<;d;tlil'li (continued on p4ge twelve) chairman of the dinner committee. wsi a step in lbs rjjfhl H (tallekk r llor 2I7 yi>ars. Mr •r» nil |»M« nl tli« Ciwuthip t: u'lju'cm In Mulnwun Ijiiiilmr C»,'| *ld f the street slrtsdy is undfr- lin* Jn wdrr l/i bdlif ihc .annual WitlUm M. Frledlsender, IJailct. Itcgan, hsi Ijeen aiwlaied |il (,'«nir«l l> trV., Knollfrofl nyu.i_. :. ...:_. ^ p/wi stunt flr p«itlon to tfc lowiiihlp'"eontrhni" ic«» am'iVlror1 'rjf/ir li nin, a I Hi* i WUtlara Friedliender, an owner Rumor JAM Whirl Tint 'Ontml I'lfk plaul All fui viewed (he activities of the first asking that tin townihlp !»« In )iy V." e KOM 'IIIIP-tftHinlKiy, Havlno Ur,| "' With 300 feet, long Has opposed active1 year, outlined the program (ld ttwrtvej eluded in a proposed »rwcrop.i New Pott Office h nl ilit-ir '(ifllAVyiin, fifnriiHif'd liy lltn VH« such an ordinance. The owners will The minor mill baa plenty of for I960, km! announced standing study outlined by llui Middlesex >ians ill 1'nrrlf.h W»if»7Mi'Hlv«llnt» b« assessed by th« towniHp for wiad '• kwp H rcvolvlaf la llolro- committees.' i ...., ' . •' Planned In Marlboro I'lufKk i'fjbt 22|s, mid nl Mnnoiltl * 1 Counly Sewerage Aulhorlly, 'I he Now AW Courtei , tht Improvement as [»r* front foot- &) at (Ms time. Aroonl (be eur- Former N. J. Suprem* Court authority Is reported coruldcrinK an Petit Jury Hit J'«/k, llimil «m) Main flu, a I II age. They may contract the" work nat "bntu*" aw. x Justice Ifainry E, Ackersta \<, Key- extension of its collector .i ' A n^Hi'pasI office iHilldintHisi To Start May 26 sin , Iry AiiH'di ml ly|:lnii I'ml 174, •a their own if the to*nih!p en£i- I. Aa tlettreak teatiH-rettiv-' port, Introduced the.kunt speaker. which msy Includo points •urn auihorlted la MsrUwrt) Vmn- Include* Area Naniei •Beer spprows specinc»ii°n» •B<1 teg research Uboratory tor a Justice Hidyn ProctOT ot' the New ship by Poitmsitar Ginrml Ailhut li»wlt, prrtiifenl of Hi' „ n«ril*rt Day »» far cs<( *t Unluti 7wMil/«ri» baytlutrx-*r>a resl, ] will l •uryey deutls. Brers «d- site, Jersey Soprtme CourtAwho review- V. Kummerflfld, (Up, James C Mslswsn I'lrtl AM Mil., B«t»« l-ivril 14 Btatb. '.', rills arm IniluiUtt In |ini M/iiiiii'cdli Iw IHtniU J/nllltl/'rtlnll «l llio m The township comrhi'.tea «p- j. A aatloaafly pronlMsl piper ed the origig n *o44 history of grand hit twxnufnetl, Mr. ...Tbe.as»bdail Ing Monday runlng In Id* ty iha third'Tuesday of esch nronjli, iiii-ln will In rirtwn thitiiiX llm '•Kilij fil, |'<;klnij to, ' ,i • . West Realty Co., Scotch Plains, for a plaal la Uoimdri ri. another rnce betwero pr«sentmnits am) in- tw l/uiK privatelyp , tKit Ussed h««di|uirl«-r», l.tltl> SI, "Ann/Hist* mnidpallrjr ttr ltfg$ seal* ir»- will tiivt Its next session June Ji mtnl wn i'i«'I« lint lh« tiiMHl cti two w™k«. llu>/ Includo Vui The ii«»l iimi'llMd of |h« cominlsi (continued oo page thirteen) dictment*. The speaker also re- .A speaker Is §cl»dul«Ty ef ewnpaalt* to Jbt fleM «<•*« He ssltf that the decision Is recog Of Lake Matawan - Offfc« Bulldlns; In >/r»i Al(f fir« an/J Ki/lwrl 7l«||lirrl i-l (iuiiMn, VnUm lkw.li; MH, , P'rsnk AiMon/aod OilfU taedUUly after tht high school tnl ptak. Justice Procter also-tomjnented Councilwom^n QtnsyMve lx>n R^Uiraffwii will •'••«!• PsrentTMchet Association meet- I. Tbf noMT npnut U a re- on a decision of a libel suit Initiiut- il stuwuotet flat (-*** Mstairsn cyvA py Mr. Uwi», M ( , K yw, I4 V,r,W,; and I'rink Mariii, ing. Bosinos wiU include elecUon tort tamaidptl atttdaf !• Harf- edagalast members of a gnnd is to b* lenrered «o that rtu6tnu Nrw ,yo> k ,.t« . K*pru» I o n * I h # n lf«di(ll/>, m Cirfn, V.ttmUtii; Hl/:b«id /, ri(s la docks, bulk- busrs, hcqvai>t dllly wrvlc* from Kirlsn If,, snd I'rank IflKlit, HwlH, r' ." ' .1 M*t*w*n Vim Aid a rid tblc. activities for the nea year. I* I* • HSMttarsvfaM lost, ths^s/sffi) Jury held to be heads ana clean beaches. Mrs Clio's. vCwniilf« l>uy W |rtoMarlM ' nn Also MM toil* Hull, K»Mtbur«; H«M.u« All residents of tin Matawan Tows- iluwasfrwxrf within Its rljhts sad DO more libel Dotutetl states that the Vowing of Iw/ks and sav«/ K« schodula csil dlld Km U. 1, Utter 1, Kunntiy, HtilKl; Mr». •hip School District are InVIted to n hj a official sastrei as Hstas- to liWW sujjU th»h a a Judt*Jd . TThsh t lh« tak* trill start this wrk andCOttan 4-rnt/-, .V . Omnc^l which llury a|Crnd>d In Y.ry. arolyn 9. Killy,. Union »«<*; ...... ,-j _:. • ttiend ,.••••'" ••••.. M itu snek. ' . (contiasrt on * dtW It will be Umnt^t tm •pprexlmslt por) \ Vnirvity, Wlfllim Unfit, Mn, Illlds KcKh/tUypftrl; Aifrod I Uvmll Wll- %. ClMtaf sms tasl Friaaf m ly Udjyi. .ri slat* pr« |il-»cre Aintrislii (ratt, aft Natie* She urf«* f«*ld

}9 to two companies in the subur- Erosion Battle Patriotism Essay Contest Winners Qted Officers Elected Fourth Time Honors Western Electric "ban Trenton area, Pnncipal items purchased were Area Contracts gasoline and greases, chemicals, To Be Explained By Scout District electronics and electrical equip- .'The constant battle of federal, Ernest Peseur, Hazier, has been The Western Electric Compiny, ment, precious metal contacts, re-elected head of the Chingagora state, county and municipal engr- manufacturing a n.d distributing aluminum, copper, hardware, print- neers to keep tlje state's nationally District of I^onmouth Council, Boy an&'oU the Bell System, bought Scouts of America. The district has ing, blueprint paper, maebina known beachfrontfrorri being swept $101,603,307 worth of materials and into the sea by iidal.currents and a membership of 10G5 Cub Scouts, tools and batteries. ••""' _;.-1 storms will be ijpscrlbed on Satur- Boy Scouts and Explorers and com- supplies last year from 2579 sup- rse Communities in which payments day to a grou^cM Wall'Townshlp prises, the Matawan, Keyport, pliers in 258 different New 4* 5' to companies amounted to more High School YjijHfoits by:Vice Ad- Keansburg, Union Beach, part of communities'. ; than $100,000 were Marlboro, $103,- miral W. Ma™ JAiigus (USN ret.). Marlboro Township and Holmdel During 1959 the total . head of Princeton University's civil ar.cas of tilt- county. • , New Jersey suppliers 349; Matawan. $203,706 and Mor- engineering department. The stu- The election of officers for the In the nation behind thi ganville, J.386,725, . •'•'•• " — dent group is engaged in a system District was held recently at the fornla, New York d The Cannonball Hbuse at 121 "atic study of the changes that taki Ye Cottige Inn, Keyport Guests cf place along a reclaimed section o! the amount of pa Morris Ave., Soringfield, Union honor. Included retired Supreme from Western E County, is the only house remain- the Jersey coast over a period ol Courtyustice Henry E.-Ackerson several months, specifically along The Garden State? ranked third ing of the four which escaped burn- Jr., Keyport, and County Scout ing by the British during the Bat- the Belmar and Avon beachfronts. Executive, J. Fred Biilett, Shrews- nationally in the dumber of' sup- Announcement of Vice Admiral pliers as wellja the number of tle of Springfield on June 23,, 1780. bury. Rev. Henry A. Male.i St. A Cannonball pierced the west wall • Angus' appearance at Wall Town- Mary's Episcopal Church, gave the comraunitiea^tn which suppliers ship High School was made by were located. Payments by West- during .ffie Battle, It has been Invocation, A report of the activi- maintained as.the headguarters of Commissioner Salvatire A. Bon- ties of the district- was given by ern-Electric ranged from. $16,836,- tempo of foe State Department o J238.to.730 suppliers In Newark .to the Springfield^ Historical Society. ' Mr. Peseiw. Conservation and Economic De- Jo-Ann Marie Howard and Vincent 'Kunz, win-1 Knights of Columbus receive awards from James velopment. Commissioner Bontcm- RaymondJChestbn', HoJmdetfWas Frank Fetta, son of Mr. an ners of an"essay,contest!on patriotism sponsored.at Day, chairman of Catholic activities, (left) an presented a plaque of appreciation po expressed,.the/hope that .high St. Joseph's School, Keyport, by Fourth Degree|Charles Dletrlph, Faithful Navigator (right).. MrsTTrank Fetta; Keyport, pianc school students to'other communi- by the district^commltteo for his pupil of Mrs; "Constance Jackson, services a» chairman of camping was successful in winning honors ties along the Jersey coast will The booklet also says, "Cancer emulate the Interest displayed by tidal, currents and storms will ef- and activities. .. for the fourth time in (he piano fect Avon's expanded beachfront is of the reproductive organs an Wall Township High students In Cancer Booklet Other Officers Elected auditions at the New Jersey Music BUY YOUR COAL one to be solved by systematic •beach protection activities^ spear- cancer of the breast account fo ' Also elected by the district were;' Education Council in Newark, on - headed by the. Department's study and contour measurements, Apr. U. He will receive his award Mr. Gannon said. Revision Listed of' an cancer la Vice chalrifienT William Frledlaen- -Bureau of Navigation. Some boy der, Holnidel' and Merrill Wallace, Sunday at the Mosque Theatre, Effective |JA|AI Will Advance women. Cancer' -f the digestive x- Newark. scout troops also have shown an Charles J, O'Hcney, student gui- Is cancer increasing? The an- Keyport; chairman of organization Jul ] 196 dance coordinator of Wall Town- swers to this and 100 other ques- gans and Cancer of the lung ac- • Interest in such' projects. and extension, Wallace Taylor, May 13, 1960 N V YY V ' ° • Vice Admiral Angus will brief the ship High School conc:lvcd the Idea tions are given in a newly pub- count for more than half of. ell of interesting a group of school lished pamphlet which was made cancers in men." Tills pamphlet Is Holmdel;.chairman of camping and Other district members also were students group on the serious ef- activities, Bill Kuchlcr, Holmdel; elected. '. fects of beach erosion from an mathematics and science students available to the public today,' It available at your local office of the -economic standpoint and will com- In assisting Bureau of Navigation wan announced by Oren G. Hunt, American Cancer society or bychairman of leadership and train- Mr. Friedlacnder was chairman At Lowest Spring Cash Price ment on measures taken' thus far engineers nnd surveyors In keeping Glen Ridge, president, New Jersey writing the New Jersey Division, ing, Charles Roesch, Holmdel; of the nominating committee. Of- to combat the pecan's enormous watch on "the Belmar and Avon Division, fnc, Inc., 021 Central Ave., Newark. chairman of advancement, Ed ficers-will serve for the scout year Kelley, Cllffwood; chairman^ "of Starting July 1. Other reports were SIZE CHUTE IN BAGS destructive - power. His remarks beach project. ' < Tho pamphlet points out that the will bo Illustrated with colored health and safety, Dr.. lloushang given by Robert Kriedler, Mata- number of recorded cancer deaths Sefon Hall Receives Hakim, Matawan; chairman of fi-wan, district executive of Mon- Rice $19.00 $20.00 slides, In the United States each year has Rhodies In Bloom . Cancer Research Grant nance, Emanuel Gale, Keyport, mouth Council, Boy Scouts of increased from 41,000 In 1000 to. Jlm.Flynn, Matawan, will continue America, Keansburg's Scout Troop Buck 19.00 20.00 Directs Association At Rutgers Farm about 205,000 In 1950, '" "Vice Admiral Angus Is a director Seton Hall University has Just to serve as district commissioner. 51 received the attendance award. Azaleas in the rhododendron In answering the question fur- Keen awarded an Institutional Re- _Peo 20.00 21.00 - of the American Shore and Beach ther, the publication says, "This i Preservation Association of which garden at Rutgers University's search'Grant of 120,000 from the Experiment Station are at the peak bears a direct relationship to theAmerican Cancer Society. The Nut or Stem ( Peter J. Gannon, chief ol New Jer- Increase in tho tota|,r/ppulatlon and 22.50 23.50 sey's Bureau of Novigntloii Is also of their bloom this week. Most grant is to be effective Irom July plants will-bo rcftdyito put on a the Increase In the number of 1, I960 through June ,30,, 1901. ATTENTION Orders 1 Or More Toos One DeUvery 25c Ton Less :, director. people ovor-tho ago of .45, the age Following his.talk.at the high colorful show, along with many The university Is the-tecond In- rhododendrons during the weekend, when the cancer, death rite rises Matawan \ . school, Vice Admiral Angus will sharply. Lung caWr, which was stitution In New; Jersey to receive accompany tho students' in a bus according to Or. William E. this unique type of grant. A sim- J. S. HOPtA Snyder.'head of the ornamenta a tare disease In 1900, has ahown High School Students provided by' the Wall Township the mostv notable Increase of allilar grant is In' effect • at Rutgers Blue Coal Board of Education on a tour of horticulture section. University. One ot-the purposes types of cancer," > 110 Third St. ~* the New Jersey beachfront from Rhododendrons will be worth a of the Institutional Research Grant Prom - Mayw27 Anbury Park to the southern tip visit until the end of May, Dr. Booklet Is Revised is to encourage new minds and Keyport The publication Is a revision, of new Ideas to, enter cancer re- of Island Beach. Enroute tho stu-gnyder says. All plants In the SPECMfC Include. A dents will see damage Inflicted by garden are plainly labeled, a ha*a booklet Which the American Can- search. . CO 44)791 cer Society had.distributed widely PROM V complete Outfit^ normal erosion and storms and ture that appeals to many new RAT.: corrective measures taken thus far home owners .making landscipe throughout the country over the Now Is the time to advertise AIT latest. Styles. to the limit of funds available. plans who want to see how sped past decade. New questions with those unused articles for sale. A MARTIN & BROWN W. D. SWARTZEL 'Particular attention will be .paid mens look at maturity. up-to-date answers Were selected small, ad In the classified column Old Company Lehlsjh ' OU Company Lehlgh on the trip to the built-up beach- as typical of those most frequent- will turn them into cash for you. The "rhodie" garden Is near the ly asked by the public, W.S.WALLACE 17 Main St. Holmdel Rd. front at Avon which was created Jrls* garden on the Horticultural by trucking several hundred thous- Farm off Ryder's Lane,1 easily In compiling the pamphlet, the MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Matawan . ^ Hoilet and cubic yards of sand from a reached by tho Turnpike or Route American Cancer Society selected LO 6-0281 CO 4-2211 400-foot stretch of wide beach on I, There Is no charge for admis- nine categories of questions which W. FRONT STREET, KEYPORT the Belmar side of Shark River In- sion oij porKlng. Noiris field day ire asked most frequently by the BANGOR.ME. let and depositing It on the Avon IK planned this year, ns bloom will public bout cancer. These concern aide. bo scarce; tho clumps having been ihe nature of cancer, v/ftiU tausfes The (juestlon o! how wave action, Ivldcd last year: it, how cancer can be detected and treated, questions of particular sig- nificance to men and women, and about cancer In children. Ono group of questions and answers i» •;.: TV LEAVY ^ devoted lo vital -Jtatlstics about „ cancer, presenting tuch- informa- **»»* 'J 111 Middlesex Rd., Matawan tion as the geographical relation- LO 6-6210 ship to the disease television Service Calls Answered Day* And Evenings \ ' • , MOTORS AH Service Calls Handled By ~T Tom leetvy Personally ". YOUR AUTHORIZED/ v Ky

BUICK ana OPEL" t say here's wishing you a Bon Voyage DEALER and our planning , '. "Better"Buy" USED CARS' ^ makes II right! SALES and SERVICE "hello" You're sure ol fun on that cruise of ocean Cbjfax 4-4000 voyage .when you Wl >E«O«M IVIRY SUKVICI OFMAtlOM -count-an-us_to make.._ to VOUB CAB Ml NltO ON out NUMISIS all the, arrangements,. Brown Travel Bureau HIGHWAY 35 at BEDIS RD. KEYPORT nrsthC Diy C«IH: V«llty (till — 911 Smith St., Farlh Amfeor 1 llroaawny, Ktyport —tuNUbt oilii CO 4-3031 PLANNIIMX3 VhwM FROM BELOW THE GROUND UP. . .

Let us help you to plan your now home starling with a baseinont designed for I convenient stornge area — a- rumpus room or workshop. Tho first step ij supplement- ing the inside stair with ac- cess

Ask ui about, steel stringers, top, * new BILCO product that greatly reduces the cost of building the stairs under your BILCO.Door! Cell ui f or-f res- literature, or better - - still, stop In any time for a brdnd-neu$compact extension phone that goes anywhert-beautifullyi complete information on these producrf that help you The lovely young lady above is "Miss Janet Warner of «ny iteom in your liome. to enjoy « really useful, safe basement. .\ of the Burlington district, recently chosen "Mia IT liGHTSi A built-in dial Princess Phone" in,a company-wide contest open night light (turns off if you to all New Jersey Bell telephone women. The beatjt-wish) glows softly when - tiful. telephone she's holding ii the exciting new the phone ,U.not; in use— -~jftrinc«a-piione^-~ -!?--—----—^__;.J..:..... lightrnp brightly when the YOUR DAYTON DEALERS .... ITS LITTLE: One-third! smaller than regular phones. receiver's lifted. IN MATAWAN- ' , A real space-saver on kitchen counters, night tables, COMES D( s OOLORSi Order youn note—in white, Colot's Service, Inc. ' end tables—anjtchtrt? . Ma Main St. - LO M$oo beige, pink, blue or new turquoise. The additional INKEYPORt- ' . - ITS LOVELY. The most beautiful phoneever! The cost is low—only pennies a day after a one-time Matawati Lumber Co. Waiting's Service, Inc. pcifea modem extcHiipn to complement the decor charge. Call the Telephone Business Office. ; , J» Broad St. — CO 4-UW ie LOweli 6-4500-4501 Ki CLtfFWOODS- ,; I?' ;:••"?.••' i'Vi NEW JERSEY BELL MATAWANL h-.viii s< VMM! Ht-.i. Tfcuriday/May 19; 19*0 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

Mrs, Herbert Dietrich : ill* for « ichool without coit to Officers Installed By Hebrew Women's' League th« (owashlp, ' ' Practical Nurses Honored At Shower^ Shopping Center? South River He4t<* Over Sidewalk R^UMI (continued tram psg« one) (continued from, rtafte one) A Utter from Cantor and, Gold- A shower was given for Mrs, PI. were approved for Prent'Con- Rlvor Do»rd Tuoilsy throws all man, Sayie Woods South devtlop* ' Elc«t Officers ; Ihesa plans In a turmoil, Ptrtlf,u> Herbert Dietrich. ;Onli» B*«ch, by struclion Co., Perth Amboy, after fl'i, fi«t£t>d on a request tor askls- , r^ew. officers were elected at the Mrs. Thortus Firreft and Mrs. [arly-inYoUfd U Matawan'tM the walk In front of School 16 on Uusli- i barrage of critical questioning , regular, meeting of the Licc-isd itorge Trarapler; both ot Union oilfSiimUy constluiuii receiving dis- mil Rtt. Itio company tstd It woi ^Practical Nurses Association, Di- Beach, at Mrs. FafrelTs home rom nearby rcsldenta In Sayre liifi for the township, as at'.alnst lint uMigatcd to furnish atich • vfiilonJO.. Mpnmouth County, held •Monday night. ; Woods South. The developer h»d live other districts belnR onlycoh- siil.'wslk but would do so If this at the YMCA, Asbufy Paffc Mrs"! Gifts- were placed In » baby's obtained a^yarlanco for two of the s«ut ifcvlvlnjt:dl*lfids In Madi- board would anted to the lutttltiK. / Emma Berry,. Eatontown, was son's setup. bassinet which was decorated in lots on Grar.« IM. having leu than tlon of an ssplmll floor In School named president; Mrs. Mildred orchid. r~" 4 ..VraubV'IiuHrcted 20 In Sayre Woods South. Instead tho lO.OOi-squue-fDQt minimum re- Yost, Keyport, vice president; Other guests fvere Mrs. Joan Indication tlmt troubt^ of somo of thr lile flnor provided* for - In Mrs. Edna Sigler, Port Monmouth, quired. , , • . . ; .' Scott, Mrs. Charles Lambrecht. sort w«s in tho nmkinji cuino til l ii|ierlfli'allons. The company ' secretary, and Mrs. Lois Stoutfer, Mrs. Philip DfSloven, Mrs. Mario lio Sayro Woods ntsldenta

  • - Tluirsday nlBhCa MiutUon inwllng . i Long Branch, treasurer. The in- claimed llm Uifferrm'es In prices Cnpiwlla, Mrs! Marie Caden, Mrs. inled t» know what assurance whi-n Holwrt B, Uliuxt, MUUIleses of Hour malcTlnU h much losn thtin stallation dinner will be held June .'iolet Walsh, Mrs. Pyscy Bothers,1 Ciwnly SuiKTlrtfeiutunt ot Sihonls, 9. Mrs.•Stella Harris, state as- they woulil have tl\6 I'rentlwusi's llw cost of iiifi sldi-wtilk,,.TIui tlrm Mrs. Harry Hreil, Mrs, Mary Cof- nlnwl. llw Slate -PvpatltniMit «f dnnathiK llio SCIIIKII to tho tmard, sociation president and executive fcy, Mrs. MIchaifl'Kaluilciiski, Mrs.. td-contorni to llw valuations I'itucatloii was "must coni'i'rniMl" secretary, will be the installing anil architectural |ilan of their nc«r. Mr, Keir commi'uti'il, "Tlw side- Shirley Davis, Mrs.. Michael Mos- >m' llie .MailiHiii plucoiwnt. allu- . officer. by resijtnees In Sayw Woods walks niu not under Jmanl of edu- wtr Mrs. liftyrrtoiui Blffiiiy Miss J allon niid John" I'aiiililm> "jr., a fatinn jurlsdii-tlon mill IIMIIIPS WO Ann Bothers',' Miss Harriet Uroll. Smith, tiie'toarii decWwl thot : Delegates who will attend the illsgn Ivani miMiilH'r. ivvcalrtl iUI In1 foolish in eator'ttitn sueh - Miss Amelia Ural, all of Union the rosldents would havo lo carry state convention June 1-3 at the that a SI'IUHIUIO submlllod liy Iho' an niiieeiniMii."'Mil's Carol I'M- Beach; Mrs. Barbara Karllk. Key- their protests to the builitinj; in* — Ambassador Hotel, Atlantic Clly, ith Rivar Uuiiul im wUhdi'KWnl Ivo, - Himihor board mi'inlwr, port; Mrs. Frank Cheiiiey and Mrs, spector and tho -township commit- — are"; Mrs. -Jane Fisk, Mrs. Berry, ami |hil»,'.' Chernty, nt lo lti» jHarriiet Millerr Mrs. Rae Bongar- New officers were Installed at the meeting ot the Mrs. Jack Goldberg, new president; Mn, Ralph St«t, Clurh's Auiwlik, ehnlinmn of lhi< | iH Iho ni(i|io»ll(ilV second vice president) Mrs, lrwln RubeMeld, record- inn ebilen. ', . '" ''zone. Miss .Martina Qeatty and Hebrew ^Vomen's League on Thursday evening. Left Gilts were, sent by Mrs. Lois IIIRII ti'hnol biillillng pwt|lnill, • iv- ahralil lu< mntli' to Iho tuWhtltlp '•' Mrs. Josephine Tighe. to right are Mrs. Richard Ackermin, treasurer; Mrs, ing secretary; Mn. Mark Goldman, financial aec- Kneuto and Mrs^Marie Dicker. Tim hiiiior uilHtlvlsUm of I.udvvl|\ |Kiiloil rimMimUoiv 20 |ior rout Bertram! Goldstein, first vice president; Mrs, Paul retary. Mrs. Edward Rothenberg, corresponding coniiiiltleo alnrn Um iwaiil ot edu- "Mrs. Berry, state treasurer," an- llilow for n titiu liy.300 toot I.-sh«|>«l coiiiplolo on the new IIIKII itchiHil cation Imtl nut matin tho r Waffenfeld, outgoing president, handing the gavel (o secretary, was absent when this picture was taken,.-. tract nt finuh Ril, 310 (cot ii\ li nounced that the state picnic will Club Has Dinner Party nml HIP sitet'l work up, A \vhi|i U nor Inn It any niltlinilty"To - p* held-Jtily .19 at *M6Gulre's Installation of new officers took resulting from the combined efforts eservallon chairman for the donor Ronto 18 was approved tt^lti » MI>R riiklicil'io cdiviiiiolion lor Iliu. on Iho |iio|in»nl. • . ' ' place at the meeting of the Hebrew of the Board of Directors and provision of mi-r-am'nirnt foe It .'(!• Si'iiti'inln'1 Mill IU'.IIIIIIW, wlillp'lhn .. - Grove, Middletown. lirmer to (be held Thursday, Juno, At Shoro Point Inn . Sllli MsnHgor C. Women's League of Keyport held every member of the Sisterhood. fiwl tlrlvr-ln for li'ueks ot tlicO rest of tho pltint wttl txi cor^plctcd .v — ;The Association's first country , • Ttie-bu« will leave Keyport nt wan dli'ectod "to at the synagogue Thursday. The Each outgoing executive officer sfy Central l\iwer mul Lluhl Co.' Koint'ituin llml year, Davlil MclliMiiV bazaar will beheld Aug. 25 and A dinner party was held by the ananito lor Ilif ii'iillim of 700 new officers, who were presented was presented with a Star ot David pin. In its new sub-Ktatlon. ananito lor Ilif __2b -••' ' • " Past.-Nnhla^Grnnil Club of the Jcw|>h lit (f, IHI.IHI iiri'sWi'nl t'hali* fur tho Mi'innrlnl .School" corsages, arc Mrs. Jack Goldberg, pendant Inscribed with tlie officer's Mrs. David LcmberR, outRoing ~"-~";tha Installation dinner will be Rebekah l.tHl|;o ot thu Shore Point Kumly lloliliiin Co. \va> filvcn notoil In rmiHH't In mnv construe KiniUinllun nl n |irli'o of IIS per president; Mrs. Bertrand Gold- name and date of service and each recording secretary, rc~s!gnc4 ftbm 1 --.the concluding meeting for the inn, Route 35, Hailct. -• nppiovnl of n nnenno plot minor Him thai IIH thm< lint hnrul lo luuulioil, oml ul»o win tllrei'led V> stein, financial vice president; Mrs, chairman received a white prayer he "Sisterhood because of moving •r "slimmer. Meellngs will resume In AtteiulliiK tins dinner worn Miss HilnlivUlim fur John's lliin;sii\ mnvi' on hulMIni: Iwo junior lilnh HIIVCIIIM- lor an nildltlounl mirvt. Ralph Stat, educational vice-pres- book. Mrs, Waffenfeld has been to./rsciln. Mrs. Waftenfold «* schiwlt nml Iwa nv lhii>o oli-uu-n- September witfi the new officers Amrtio—llnwnifjartiipr, Mrs,: Ken'Store an Kontc S south of h'i'im and | lk " ident; Mrs. Edward Rothenberg,. named wnysuand means chairman 1 presiding. rcsscd the regret of tho Slslcr nelli Smith, Mrs. Holmes Slums,. ltd. Wlllimn- IIWVIT wan (tlvon t«iy >.cl(Ools, Wllllnm Kfir, IOIUUM corresponding secretary; Mrs. Ir- of the Central^Mew Jersey Branch iiood nnd compllmciiteil Mrs. Lcin- Mrs. Victor Denned, ,Mrs, GWVTRO n|»prov,\l of n 2.Q4 acit) Had on Uraiil iirfsiiU'cit, Ilioiinht II vwulil win Rubenlcld, ..recording secre- of tho Hebrew Women's League of bcfB'for her activity since coming l>0itcr,,Mrs.. Kussell Wycknff,.Mf», Klrm l.one for ([Mister, to .Hubert In; a -IVKHI'.IdiM ~lu (t»k..lln»Slnli< 1 ^ BdyshdreGhapter — tary;'"'Mrs. "Mark Goldman, fi- America. lo this area several years ago. Groriv) Krkmnii, Mrs. Donnld Weiss,- llotli iirlarlpAh aro mem l)i'|):tilnu'nl ot I'onsiM vnllon n H d nancial secretary, and Mrs, Rich- New President Speaks Refreshments were servod.by tho Burgess and 'DeWlll Cm hart,' liois ol ihv lownslilp (WIIIIHI fotoe, ttainm.iiiu })oY(<1opmi'iit If Ihnl |»ir- WWW1 Hold Meeting ard Ackcrtnan, treasurer. Mrs. Goldberg spoke briefly say- lostesses. Mrs. Robert Green, Mrs, Afler Iho affnlr a iiu'dini! nnd llnrvey N«chT'IJBr'V'»ii Rrnnloil a linn n| ('lu'osi'iiimlii! Sink' 1'illk fill Bayshore Chapter 18, Widows ol Mrs. Louis Prager officiated as ing, "It is an honor nnd a privilege William' Wolfe, Mrs, A, Goluiii and social hour, WHS I'cimlucled nt tht minor i
      i1lvlshm of a 'Til-fool olf fittin the mnln piuh men l>y to be elected to the presidency of 1 I hi' (ianlt'ii Slnlo I'uikwny nt Mnl , World War J.. held a meeting May installing officer with Mrs. Jules Mrs. Jack Altmark; Tho tables homo ot Mrs. Krkmail, llioail St. front Inn 1 on Dock ltil, n 1 1 1 1 uwiliT'llri.. coulit In dlvi'ilnl lo « • 4. The all-quota, donate^ by Mrs. Sdinger and Mrs. Slat, outgoing the Sisterhood/' fere ctiMjirnted with lilacs. ' Keypmt. 1'heivst'niinlu State Park. Mary Ardlno, was awarded_la.-Mrs. program co-chairmen',- performing ' Songs were sunR by Mrs. Churles —kucy—Fragasstmiia the special In a pageant-like program, V^ith Priigcr, Mrs. Enlanuel Union, Mrs. . .prize, donated by Mrs. Ann Kehoe, lights ditrirned and piano ac- Milton Galii, Mrs. Harvey Uaker- i Was awarded to Mrs. Elizabeth companiment provided by Mrs. Mrs. Louis Prager. Reports wore WANT MORE FOR YOUR MONEY... :..Hubert.. . . . • . Hyman Schwartz, they likened each made nnd a reminwr of UJA •.••-•• There1 was .a-discussion of the executive branch QJ t h o. Sister pledges and money due before Miss Memorial Day parade and the din- hood to the creation of the world. U. Dorothy Cohen Ivans for Israel and a world tour, ner at the Flamingo,- Keansburg. Mrs. Paul Waffenfeld, outgoing KEEP YOUR ON GRANTS Some members Indicated that they president, spoke of her term In Mrs. Milton Krnln, Ilailct. Is "would participate. ' office, recognizing the -fruitful year man, MrsrStanley Kalali, niitl . The next regular meeling will be June 1... , y . Permlttingthe temperature of a All purpose flour is milled from Those present were Mrs. Martha frozen food to rise to 25 or 30 de- hard or soft wheat or a hiixtute . .fiuhman, Mrs. Hubert, Mrs. Ann grees for even one day. does more ot the two. It contains a moderate . Nesbitt, .Mrs. Bernadette Vonllart; damage to Its eating quality and amount of gluten of n. weaker Mrs. Fragasso, Mrs. Margaret nutritional value than holding It at quality tlian bread flour. As its namo implies, It can'bo used tor .t FagleOi Mrs., Ardlno, Mrs. Kchoe, zero for a whole year says Mon- - : Mrs. M»ry. Bouly and Mrs, &i mouth County Home Agent, Mrs. all purposes. *>cccpt-for-tho most delicate cokes. heth Sturm. .' " Lorna K. White. BUY THREE WAYS 1. Cash 2. Credil 3. Layaway '. WEEKEND WEEKEND SPORTS CHAMPS SPECIALS WITH CHROME FENDERS •w


      Ib Play Gyms ?!T950 CK STEAK N«w (rom tin word Go.,. QruAt 20" One Yoar Warranty. WITH SLIDE wtlght bloydei (catura nlook Adroilyiminlo four bar Cantllover frame, llotli loyn' wid Froo Stand WUh Fully Equippsd girls' modils sport doluxo ciiroma •. • In tli« Ib • fondlH, lugjago currlor, rlm», Klnmboynnt Purchaio - Orrt Only {ousting Chickens 31 blut blkti with 'gold' trim whto uddlt*. 77 Cross Rib Roast BONELESS Ib REDWOOD LONDOlAUItAUDDAIN BROIIL H.Q& llfCAVEALl YIICUTLET T CUBED H.99- TRICYCLES HAVE ALL THE TABLE l DASH OP 'BIG-BIKES' ITALIAN SAUSAGE n>69< and • SLICED BACON ib49 I, duMlulilm' BOILED HAM sliced t>W CHOPPED BEEF 3H»*1" I, I>I|M ••• rJmitWMl r»« Bench Set *, lit <«l|« mi vnt Uti* Snow White L I. hti* «mttJI*m btm '•% SUGAR l l -lti'«. |M,M Chase & Sanborn tint look iliouU i!oll»r« mm el lion l)w tlurdy COFFEE U-li«r Imtni, iiuncllird-proof i "Cobkoroo" Welch's Grape Drink oo ..IUI PICNIC Sweet Treat LIGHTWEIGHT INNERSPRING GRILLS CHAISE FOLDS FCAT... C 3J*S Honey Sweet 2V2can „.».,.....»..; uluml- .„.,„. 99 num fnmt opens In t^.u.iUi* Special PurchaiD out motion. Week KI- ' *"*" wf NBC Peanut Cream Patties 29' Sunshine (hwolate Chip 49' Jusll tO (iV4 com* |JkQA fortsbl* poilllom, •••DO CHAISE Hold red 'Orflracrcy JPAIRY • FROZEN FOODS • 8 Ft ~ ' Wnyl tovr. 19 LOUNGE VELVEETA LEMONADE «^»^ 10»or»r PEAS Rivet Valtr 4* 24" BRAZIER HAS $777 OLEO *23' I MORTONNS DINNERDINNES 2 for 89 ROLLER MOTORIZED HOOD ODUCE- Box Of 4 7 1 Head COASTE' R 77 One Only Tomatoes 19< I Lettuce 17 RIDER typ*. Sow) Kuarsrilof.il if «Iurnlii'jmfr«m«| MOWER SHOE IN OLII NEWLY ENLARGE.) STOltJ^ bu'iti-ottl lot 8 ye»r», y«IIow 'O'rim«/« A-W o/ Horns' ttuy*r, $ BELLS MARKET 16ltr,|. JIK7 10A Main Street MATAWAM AIRPORT PLAZA Mo12t6 Tb *ffigffn Fri. 8:15 An,_ 5 N|GHTS A WttK SHOPPING CENTER . Priet Efftrtlte TV*ot» ttdmritf, Ms; U Qwwlriw Thursday, May 19, 1?60 Pag* Four THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

      Communication ' I BEAT rr,10P,lM TQQ-BUSy.STOEIMG UP FOOP/ I To tie Editor,., • '•'..'. , ESTABLISHED ISO / An article appeared in the May COUM 4-MM — 4. MABEL BBOWN, 9, J9«, edition oi The MaUwan sVT- Published «very Thursday at Keypcrt, MonmouUT County, N. Journal, concerning a shakeup pi BY BBOWN PUBLISHING ANB PBIMTINGHCOUPANV- the Local Assistance Beard in Mat- Anaathus—Fer Otj Or Snort J. Mabel Brown, Editor — Geraldlne V, Brown/ Auoclala Editor awan township, This had nothing Ailanthus, the tret, s novelist SubscrlpUon Rates to do' with my resignation as made famous because it grows so CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION . .. Three bayshore fots, Payable In Advance - well In , may be just what OwVtir (within ttste) M.M iprroRiAi chairman of the board. • Dolores Stephens, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephens, - : JhKe Months „„..-,, „ I1.M . At the former chairman of the you need in your home-'landscape Matawan; Francis Waldorf, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Bti Montha ..._»_!_J T.^-_. J2.50 i plan, if you-live in Brooklyn. OIM Year (outside atsle) a__—. |3.00 Local Assistance "Board, I wish to Waldorf, Hazlet and Cheryl Mandeville, daughter of Mr. and .Cn« Vear (oM«ld« U. S.)v. h.OO state at this time, Mayor Peter J. It thrives under city conditions, Mrs. Paul Mandeville, Matawan, will be honored today at Th« Matswan Journal la a newspaper "oJ the people, by the people, Waters did not mention to the Tax- surrounded by sidewalks, paving, -and for the people." It» aim latoaerve IMbeit .Interests pi JJatawail; and payers of, Watawan Township that traffic and Impure air. Also, it's a unique birthday party! '^JJ the youngsters were, bom on fteinlty; to pr«ent-all of tllcf ilewa oJ me w«> wiBimit-Blaa.«f-iPreJlHllM one tree that can stand up. under an a clean, sane, conservative inanner, respeetlnff the Inalienable rlfnia when the! committee went Into of- the Garden State Parkway enroute to hospitals. They belong •I our citizens, and thereby making IKeU worliiy. of their confldeoct. a dowsing ot salt mist near toe fice Jan. 1, IM0, there were 31 to the exclusive. Garden State Parkway Stork Club. Mem- Responsibility lor typographical errors Is llmlieo* to (he coil of the opace ocean. - : cases on relief. Now 1 am proud cupiedvby aucn rrror. . .' . . • -' " • If it'll grow under these condi- bers will meet at the Cheesequake area restaurant... Rari- (o say ftat lip to and including Entered las aecond-clasa matter at till post «'"M at Mstawan, N, J. tions, it'll grow anywhere, but so tan Committeeman Harry P. Seamen, William Cahill, Mag- Wder A-Ycs, It must be filed Within A STORY FOR whatever tho wny chosen, you expect to pay"whatever bills tho wagon was damaged some, but take part In "L'Anglais TelQu'on Wo think tho Middlesex County the automobile escaped Injury, three years, three months and IS your rhovo entails. You don't expect legions of people' you La Parle," a French play to bo ilaya following the end of the year Sewerage Authority. Is- on solid presented In the Little Theatre at » Bowie, 'daughter of Mr. anil Woman* Club of Matawan, Inc., that can be obtained on it donfield. Mr and Mrs Seymour Smith and. \\n, William tlowlcl will becoms on Monday at ButtOnwood Minor Mrs Alvin Hart, soloist, was in Mr. and Mrs. A. Edgar Palm daughter, Margaret, Soinervllle, ha litldo otJoseph Susso jr.; Cliff- Announcement »as made that ihe troduced bj Mrs. Gordon Magee, spent the weekend in-Washington, were weekend gaesti of Mr. and d lleach, Saturday, June 15, at ;." Matawan Club had won ^he f( Howl- who accompanied her at the piano D. -C, >niJ visited-with Mrs!' Mrs. Richard Erdmann. ho rinrMrthorilst Church, Matt- ing-state awards: -Art Depart lent; She sang "Summertime" by George Palm's mother.'- Mrs. Albert H, Charles Ralnaud attended the «n, , . Angcrsttin, Wilmington, Del... ' -first place for mural piinteltiy 'Gershwin: • "No Other Love" by Johnson and Johnson. Finance Con- (lltla were orranised under « Mr». Gertrude Brown, second ilace Rodgcrs and Hammerstein, - a n d Mrs. Robert Erdtnann entertaln- ference held at the Pocono' Manor rlnklltn! ran decorated wtlh while for.best:report,-second ptec for "Thine Alone" by Victor Hubert. tf »t.tunclibOM3fldge on May, 11 Inn,-ML Poconb, Pa.,, thi* past re|ii» pa|>er and pink' lluwers, Tlw ^Madonna In Art scrapbook; Ameri- Mrs. Hart, soloist at the Keyport when the prize winners were Mrs. week. •' , :• •.. '• ' • * (uesl of honor w»« nt'itlml In «. •. Reformed Church, is a graduate can Home , Department, s< cond Everett E. Carlsor* and Mrs. Rol- Mrs. Charles Kurlca, Taylor Rd. hair, ihn deciiinled in while citiio of the University of Delaware and r place in -the miniature room con- tin Richards.. Other guests were entertained on Thursday 'afternoon wr with pink flower*. .K'efrc»ll< ' 1 test for which theclub receti ed'a «Jso hlf'studjed in. New Yorkjand Mrs. Harriet Krpgh. Brownlown; ntii were, served htiff?t «lyU< Miami, Fia., \ .„ ::j . when her guests were Mrs. George silver bowL • •; Mrs, Winston Schalfer, Mrs. Mil-Kurica, Keyport; Mrs. Richard h Iho renierpliH'e n |arn|aii' Jr., Carlson who hayo-just returned to Jjic A. Cushman returned Satur- ,1m, Uunitlil Hlh'ldon, Mia, ,l«liH'H the United Statei after spending day from a week's business trip Howie, Mm. William . tlmvlo, three years In Oklnswa weni huuso to Dallas, Tex,, and Los Angoles •latawtin;' Mm. Connie Ketllite, gue9ts for several days of Mr. and Calif.' • iA SerlUjf, Mm, Ajlnpx S»l.' " Mrs. Everett E./Carlson: ' .mini, Mm.1 .Imeph l.ynien, Mr*, Mrs. Donald w, Robinson cntcr- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ditchett" and ' MIIII'H", Mm, Unity l.iiuU, Ulned at.lunclvton-brld«(! on Maychildren, Louanno, Susan and El- ,lt», MmrU /utntmi, Mr», Mii'ltRoi ,,' 10 when tho /priie winners >vero len. Boston, Mass., were weekend ,l»ii|tl«ie, Mi», Mlt'hnel Cmnaortl, Mrs. Peter"A". Head. Middletown; dinner guests of Mr*.—awJ-'-Mrs.- •!.!», .U.iil|ili... .('(iintiojti,. lilliabelh; i •" Mrs. Frederick-K. Dederlck and Rotert J[. Mdlkmus Jr. to cblebralo itm. Vlnt'ont StiNHi), Mi'iilo Park; Mrs. Russell A. G. SU-tler. Ihe fifth birthdays of their twin ,|i» I'alilck Moreno, Mia. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. John J. Muller, Mr. daughter*,. Julia and Jill.' llt'llevllle; Mra, ,ln*i>|>h and Mrs.. Robert Muller arid Mr.- 'Mrs. Lawronco Lpmalre- enter- llmin, llouitil Hiook; Mrs, Jnxr-ph l »r., CllffmxHl U»«cli; Mm, and Mrs, John O. Elbrecht went tained a.1. bridge on Thursday eve- Models pictured, left Io right, Mra. George Lawrenco'a Church, Laurence llarhur, In Ihe church Mraden, Mm. Jo»fph A. on the bus trip Saturday sponsored ning when tho priie winners were Perchmkl, showing rtdlngote ememhle: Mrs. Mlchaol auditorium Thuraday nl«hl. by the Bayihore Master Plumbers Mrs. Charles Perrlna and Mrs. Al- MIM Dcrnadotlo Hughes was awnntod a |U u nnil Mlaii Onll Mony, Key-' Wayrleh, catual drest; Miss Andrea Wayrlch, play. nut. ". - ' ; Association to the Radio City. Musi; lan J. Morrison. Other R«est» were. wear enicmblo, and Mrs. toldia Reiser, chiffon parly eertltlcBla by Ihe Hyloctle Hhnp, Sayre Wondu, tor •Hall.-. Ne*r York, and had dinner Mrs. nayard Lamborn, Mrs, Arthur droM. look past In the first annual fashion ahow and bolna Iho bent model, The |uitan, all oul-oMnwn Olds wm» »iiH liy Mini Suslo , retldrnU, wero Mn. (irorgo Kline, Mn, Albert at Patricia. Murphy's, Yonkero. C, Hall, Mrs. Rosa tyiaghan, Mr*. card parly attended by more than IH nifill and :aiK-u|leiil, Mra, Gary flaroaaja,-- Arne Kalma and Mra. Johnson Car- L'uraw and Mn. I'rank Sullivan, Mn. Allan lion Art, Wllllnin llrlKlui uni Mm, Miss Nell liamlln, New York, •pon,sorcd by the Altar and Rosary Society at SI. Ml general chairman of the parly, ,.- Mrs. ftertrude Browa, a i lember of the Woman's Club of Matawan was a weekend guest of Miss Carol tan. hatlet JMIIIs. • ( • lac, U shown above with hej mural which,won first place In the atate Mr. and Mr*. Thomas. Slddons, ta the contest sponsored by the Art Department cf the New Jeroey Craig, . ' ' . \ Mr. and Mra. Conrad-Johannsen Mr. and Mr*. Stockton Hopkin*. Coaitaliers Win .', ivukli-Bi' «t Which , Mm. Hilda 'State Federation of Women'i Cluba. Announcement ol the flrtt place Vllhi, luternatliinnl liullltilo ol ••""'Yhlt Laboratory wlarier was made-last week at the Mth Annual' Convention of the have.moved to their new home at Mr, and Mra. Charles Mandevlllo, BpWToHonoi Federation, held at Chalfont 41iddon Hall. Atlantic Cily. The mural 1735 Lakewood Dr., South, St Matawan, and Mr, and Mrs. Her- 4th Plow Trophy Phllndelithla, will Im tho »|>enker, Mlclitel KltTiut, jiavlno pr,,.'M«t< was entered In the creative rt division which wa» to design a mural Petersburg, Fla. bert Cottrcll, Drowntown, attended The Guadalcinal Coatlallora iwan, lixik » UfO»l> of JS Io Fort , - auitable for'* court of Justlc building In the nation'* eapltni. It was 1 the Thursday evening porformanci Mrs. D(uincll iiniunnulh »ein«ic!i, •» tlnvnl»t>- Mr. and Mrs. Harry,Wells wcra Color Guard.won a fourth place Loglon Auxiliary entitled "Jnitlce For All." guests tot several days of Mr. andof "Once Upon. A Mattress" In Mr*. Oennvlovo Donnoll, Main- ni'nt l»lKiiajiii7, 'Hitirsdty, Mil, New York and had dinner at Iho trophy Saturday it the Long Is- Hoad At Meeting '.dwntd llyrnu anil Mm, Kldiu* pointed fall conference cha and spoke briefly. Past presidents Mrs. Charles Hess, Egg Harbor. wan, will be amonn tlm women Bluo Ribbon Restaurant. land Color Guard Chimnlanihlp In tiraiored al a "S»hil« T» Wonien. imt Mm, M«ik, Maiawmi, \vara oi the N. J. Federation, am that of the club In attendance were Mrs Mrs. Frank Wiener, Miss Marie Mri .Imnoi Mmllii, pic«lilon( ill Mra. Jane Anderson, 45 Wyckoff mri of the turnip, At lln> Ulwr- Mils Elaine Cherry, Kcypc Wlegcr and Chris Wleger,-T,rcnton, Babylon, I., I, " of Achliivenient" -lunchnin" to bo' Iho l.mlli'n Aimlllary ul lim Main S. B. Eggleston, Mr>- Arris B. St., Matawan, has returned homo ilmy llii'y werti nlmwn how nyn< ' "member of the. Matawan unlor were Sunday guests of Mr. and .; liielr scoro was M.4 a« compar- held Kalurduy at lim llerkoley- w»n l.t'iilnn Unit 110, tepiMi'iilei Henderson, Mrs. Allan J. Morrison after being a aurRlcal patient al liolto dlanmndi ain matin (runt Woman's Club, had been app intcd Mrs. Edyvard W. Currie. ed Io a scorn of 85 at their tail Carteret Hotel, Anbury l'aik, »» Ihe. local milt nt tho iiicintitlat Mrs. Donald W, Rolilnson and Mrs. Monmoutt) Medical Center.' raplilui. I.nlor ihuy mw * i)tip> jFiflh District Advisor of the Junior Mr,' and Mrs. Russell Prudon competition. pnrt of tho 42iid niiniinl convenllim ci viva • at tint MQIV David M. Bruco. The welcome was and daughter, Jean, Inlerlakcn; Mrs. Norman Tlruce, 152 Jackson lcnln uf ttj«i*'najitlllli>, Vait||utriH Membership Department. „ Ml»i Janet I.cnvey received a of llui N, J, I'Vilerallini of lluslni'st mmiliil fininly l.mllei Auxlllniy F.K given by Mrs. Nealis and the In-Mr. and Mrs. Durmwcs Lambert- St., \v»9 the guest of honor »t ,1r. KliUui HUICN Hint Im plan* — Muiical Program''' K-COIHI place Iropliy lor ln-»t color and Professional Women's Clubs, ecutlvt* rdnitnltleu iiii'ulinit, held nt son, South Amboy,. and ~~ other dinner parly at tho Molly Pitcher o hmtl otlior iiioupi In otlinr ildldi Mrs. Herbert Routh, music khair- vocation by Mrs. Morrison. guard caplnih In the campctltlna Inc., lililiiy tu Sunday, Went Limn llrnmli Dull 411 I'rldny friends were dinner gucsti of M-r. Hotel, Red Bank. Attending wore it mii'1101 liilmlnii In mliiiittiloj/ man, Introduced Clinton C. I cycr, Tliis concluded the activities o which W;IN nponsiircil by tint U- A largt) delegation from tlin Mat- and Mrs. t. Leslie Grace on Sun Mrs. Henry Alilert, Mrs, John l)u- ni pin I ill Ilitvliin Mliii'ialn||U'»l organist and choir master of pirist tho club for the season, with the lU Diiun and BURIQ Cflrpa nwiin Chili, of which "Mra, Dorla Uny. ' '-. ,"' Ran, Mrs. James O'Donnell, M I a tlin nu'iuoilnl Miuount'M (delicti i Episcopal Church, South Anlxry. exception of a board of directors il by llui John Sardlejlo Itnnnon la pri.'HJili'iil.AVIII iitlonil. OJV Peggy Q'Donnell and Mr*. ..Ray Mra.-M'arlln-filBWil u i Mr. Heyer graduated from the meeting to be held. Monday at 1 M.lss flraco Thompson, • Weat- American Legion Post. - .• 1'rlilny at a p'.in, iliaro will Im K mornl Churchman. fluwor In muinnry (if Mr»,- Itllu- Westminster Choir College, F ince- p.m. in Trinity Episcopal Church, field, was a weekend guest of Mr, wdrkshop nn pnrlltininntnry pro- lii-lli (iitli'm, lU'i'i'iuu'd miMiiliiir nl Maiton' Dlnnor All retiring and new .members ol and Mrs.- Franklin S. Thompson. Joseph Guadan.no, Hdiiemcre Dr., Twelve "cn|or RunnU" cnnipeti'il cedure untl by-luwB nlH-i' which a ton, and.Trenton State Toschcrs : tho Mulnwnn AiiHtllaiy: Mia, Mien the board aro asked to-attend. .Mrs. George Allen, I olrllcld has returned from a trip to Cull for tlio ^ It, CliailoD WWIHIII, JH I.,.,..., -College. He maintains a music Tlw \nc,»l color which U lathlim show and roceiulnn ot of- nor Hmltli, pant ptcnlilimt (it Hi Conrt.,'wasa Sunday gueil ot. Mr, fornln, Lus Vegai), AcapuUo, Mexl flcei* aro Kehiululiul. l\ii»liic»« tea Tiiir,, Mniuwmi, nlitniilnrt llw an- tpnionrptl by Ihe - Vnlorana of -Fer- local mill, Wnii iiiiiiiliuiliid. fur Hill and Mra. Eo>|n II. Dtimlnick. co and Mexico City, .'.."• •Inn mid cli'i'llon uf offlrnrn will IIIIK' Jltilijfia Mntlor*' Dinner Not* x Uljin IVurs, (iiiadalraual Post 474.1, vfca |>iv«li|['iit nf llui Minimum Miss Gertrudo Sine and Morris Mrs. Joseph,Guadaiino, Ki Im liold Suliiicluy with llui iuiicli- mdny In llu* f,n uliy illnliio nxiin Malawnn Towiwhlp, w«« delected 1'iiunly Auxlllniy, Named Advisoi Return From Kalllsh, Philadelphia, were Sunday nn-ro I)r,, attended, a reunion con net nl 13:30 pin, / of tjiilvi'i'ully Ciininioiin, N»w" u» tho honor guard Miiy 7 Io lead 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay 1-'.lunclrt-bn itlven by" her Hrnduallni: AniiKuiicuinniil win nintlii Ihn HiiiiiKivli'h, liivllci * Inrlinld CIH- tlm pnimln fur Ittitfti • a Unlvemlly Mm, flurlruilu icllilni; |HI'BI Hosteller. Mrs, Albert B. Kino, clns* of St. Vincent Academy, i; | Unit 34 win llui winner ' itf tin iiint I'liiiilldnlrs Im tlm Mfi Dnnrnen Of Fifth Dfctri Wedding Trip \\t Day In New llninawlck, i puppy (iil>ii||o IIIIIIIMI, - .. t Duncannon, Pa., who has been Newark, lintel' or Hotel .Suburhiin dent, will (irenlilo al lim InMiillulliin In Apiillml niiil MnlhKiiinlli'itl.n't*- Mr. and Mrs. Normart: BruQC The next uppi'mmirfl ol tho Miss Elaine Cherry, Kcyp rt. a vlsltln)! here with her brolhcr-ln "". ' .p.rpagi), Saturday. Later tin liiini|iii!t .SnlliiiliiV nl||lil, at whlr:|i Alto ntli'iiilliiii wcio Mm, Mm lea, nil tluinit who huvn pin 'ni|i» will IM In I lie Memorial, member of the Matawan unlor have returned from; their wedding low. ami ilslcr, returned homo with group visited 'ij'arln In The Sliy' Dr. M. C, MIII'H, TII»(H|IMI«i"M(mdivADoy Scout Troop 7J bum/wr fum, rit'iiotln "W» 'firiM* •meeting wai Mri. Emllle . ;acob- night al" frfi o'clock,' The senior in Jollel, III.', after visiting Mr*, will meet at 5:30.p.m.; tho Spirit .full mainlmultu:* im lim tnnii \yu, »en, noted lecturer, aclreu and choir will meet.at 7-.M p.m. liegeman'* parent*, Col, William utl Life Commli!'\ II a.m. vliltcd JMn lkt»y Thompson ai Ihe Hoard of r>:arotn> will meet president, of the New Jersey State on Tuciwlay al » p.m.; Women's ol batter limn 17 mlli'i per worship service, there will be spe- Itofwmont College, Rotemoat, Pa., lliitcr, them tire our klnil n/ Federation. on Sunday. Bible Clam, 10 a.m. cial mtiiic by the junior and y/Aith ! Tk ilJl(l Entertainment ' st the choir*, and choir auUrd* and' a On Wednesd*y tlw Ciwple'a Club Mr. and Mrs. William Stoddard M wy ri>niii">, Ami w was provided by the "Boaro>alk- Junior sermon wtll. be givHi. The have returned home from * trip will ttlwi at H p.m. at.the Wnnn of era." the Atlantic City rbcr main topic of the pastor will be Io the Virgin l»land«. Mr. and Mm. .Hudtrlpi) ll<-dc-l, 7 m ivri UlMfi'K IIK/III QmmM Slop Quartet. After the rnt< rtaln- "Preparation for Power," the lleinhard Dietrich, Sarawta, rant SI., Malayan, KulA-rt ll'igi; pyi/i m«at. Mri. Walter Trccn, S« them meaning of th# Ascension. From Fia., !• visiting Mr. and Mr*. Jo-(rom Monmouih Colleijo wlfl upcak hg you li/rw (J"'«t llml u«w IVinl//»< Vice President of the ;•>* . :r»ey 2:30 to 4:U pm. a silver tea, »eph Dicirich. . , . ; •„ on "Comtialtinij Delin(|uincy." timing Illdit l«. Il'iw II vinVi up ruad Society"of Crippled Children and sponiortd by the JVomen's Asso- Mil. Richard K«tm««n, Mr*. L«. The Christian' P^ucatlon, Com- \\ i lto f fmgfl* "Aduttsvpresented an (ward (he ciJtiori, will be fiven at the minje. roy Sltkdn, Mr*. (toard Devlin, rniif'.- will met . on Tliurtday y, entire membership tor'.then Adult pnrparauuy class will meet Mrs. Harold L. Doyle, Mr*. Robert at 7:30 prn.; Ete*«rd-hlp Comifilttrej * p.m. , t//i(.,-t fn'.io work Uy. l)i standing work in the. Eastf Seal Id the fellowship hill al 2:30 p.m.Erdmirui, Mr*. Joseph Baler, Mat- «(JMilortiprln^Clmvy tuon. VrVIIirtt campaign, - • and at 7 o'clock. Cttb Pack 19 will awan, add Mr: Frederick J. Noble, uut mm tm |JH»|J out »ld* " " 1 "Tribute wu paid to Klixs Jean present a program (he Holradal, spent Thur«day. at Matawan Woman Hamilton, North Ptainfield ml- wood'School "ladotutowa and had luncheon at , going chairman of the Junk ; Dt Ihe Musconetamje Country Club. Guest Of Honor pattment at Ihe banqoet on >atur- Field Day, fly-Up Patrick J. Devlin, a ftudeot *| Mn, Norrnin Ilrutc, |12 Jnckvw day evening, and Miss Eve rn P St. Amelm'* CoUex«r.Muchetler, St, Matawan, w>< Ihe iHJ"»t of WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROliT 8TURDIBILTTRUCKS Cojgaa, North Aru>gtoa. w* The Girl Scout* Field Pay tad N. H, spent Ibe weekend with hi* honor at a miK*ll»nw«* liri^lil SMled u the new state Cha rman Brownie} FtyVpy p.tor .the parent*. Dr. Gerard Devlin and ttvtwei. held in Ihe Broadway Hir of Juniors. Mitt Colgag a aimc m- SeigUborsood AiwcJiUoa will he MM. Devlin. Housf, South Afnlyjy. ln*» toMMMFi San—right ^-during On Bjiring Ftm Srtling RprfA'alipurheat autJtOfiud-VhmoUt itmitft Out her theme for the no two held it ChefiKqaake Suit Park on Edward W. Currie aad ton, Wil-were Mr*. Richard (tiller, Mrs, year* would be "Look to Thi* Saturday from tvM a.rn. la I p.m. llton. aneo&d.Boyt' Day at Blair MatfcM and Mr«. Jo><1* Day." The troop* partidpat)«K will Is ftJnijr, BteirMpttn, en Sttunlty. , South Amiwy. etude the Brownie laUrmediaW ««6-io«o iion wu opattrbcted h> >7tr ' ' Joaet ' •• •;

      ! i; f •!-. .a ,[ f -•,'.',( i .(' " ' -\:-

      MarM Birfflclay Ai ^ Awarded Scholarship Select MHS Junior Dem© Women Met CDA Receives Attend Meeting Barbecue, Record Hop ' AtCBlSaMay OJVewMeinhers Holds Memorial Mr.'ana; Mrs. Frank Artelli, 30 Tlie regular monthly meeting-i Twenty-one new members wer p The Monmouth County American Gerard Ave.,i Matawan, entertain- the Women's ricmocratio Club < received into the Catholic Daugh- Commander George! Brenon of Legion Auxiliary, held memorial ed at a barbecue and record hop Monmouth County was held Satu ters of America 1 at services' con- Guadalcanal Post 474?, Veteran services Friday at West Long for their daughter, Ann Marif, who of Foreign Ware, Matiwaa Town' day at Crystal Brook Inn,: Eaton: ducted by Court St. Joseph In the Branch Community Center. Coun- was celebrating* her 13th birthday (own, The County Club was the auditorium of St. Joseph's School ship, was a guest.at the meeting ty Chaplain,'Mrs. Harold Cham- on Saturday. \ guest of the Atlantic Highlands Keyport. ( . of the Corps Mothers of the Guad Wonun's Democratic Club of which Mrs. Agnes Armstrong, Sou!] alcanal Coastaliers Junior 'Dru bers, conduced the ceremony. Guests present- were: Sharon Mrs."charles Mangold Is president. Amboy, District Deputy, conductci and Bugle Corps held in the Post The meeting-ol~4he--executive Ross, Sue SweeneyL and jSharon Hourihan, Morganville; Diane Ha- Mrs. Harry Hill, Keansburg, the reception at the regular Ma; Home on Cllffwood'Ave, He was board was conducted by Miss accompanied by post officer gan and Helen Koos." Hajlet; president, conducted the business meeting ol the local court. R< Mary F./Cochrane, Ocean Grove,, session and appointed Mrs. Ru- ceived into.Court St. Joseph weri Theodore Soltys and Raymon Judy Aquayia and BernadV-tte Dra- dolph Kaslher, Leonardo, to fulfill Mrs. Patricia Pandolfa, Mrs. Helei Hammond and James Moffatt and py president Mrs. Anne Rt' peau. Union Beach; Stephanie Hil- .the unexpired term oh the dub's Rowley, Mrs. Margaret Matthacy Joseph Lovero, chairman and as- hear, Port Monmouth, county child derbrant and Mary Malcolm, welfare committee./Mrs. Fran! Mrs. Mary L. Allan, Mrs. Dorothj sistant chairman of the Corps. welfare chairmanr-feported-that-* Cliffwuud-Beachr~MaTy-CoylgrJrK" Horaii, .Highlands,' vice chairrHar BarratI, and the Misses Ruth an Each guest spoke briefly when birthday party was given for seven ann. I>evino and Joanne - Koyi, ef. Monmouth County, gave (lie fi- Helen Vogeler. The other new Introduced by Mrs,, Jpjeph.Loef- children at the Brisbane Child- Keyport; Linda Johnson, Gail fler, president. m'l reading of the revised by-laws members were received Into St. Treatment Center. Mrs. Anna C -per, SKeila Kalieta,.Elaine Cap- They were approved and Ann's Court, Keansburr. and Coun Corning events of the organiza Marus, Keyport, stated that $1060 tanian, - June and Und P p d AVUI be tion were planned by the mem- da- Patty • come effective January 1361361! . Fulgens Corona, New Monmouth. in gifts had, been distributed this Artelli, all of Matawan. 'KTB. A rummage sale will be held year to needy and sick veterans Mrs. John Grodeska, Leonardo, Mrs. John Thaler,-"Grand Regent, May 25, 25, and 27 sl~lhe VFW will be in charge' of,, special con- presided al tho business session by.4inita.jn ihe^courity. '-•-'-- • Now Is the time to advertise I. MICHAEL BLISS JAN POLANOWSKI Post "jfomeT "Mrs; ,'E. H. Phieffer, RO6ERT MlTCHEIX First nomination o( officers was vention hats to be worn at the during which she gave 3. report of general chairman, announces the those unused articles toi sale A N. J. Democratic State Convention J. Michael-Bliss, 5911 of Mrs. the 19th Annual Retreat held Jan Por^Towski, Main St, Mala- Robert Mitchell, a junior at Mat- held and nominated ^.-vtere Mn small ad w the; dasstlied column^ sale.will be held from 10 a.m. to Marus, president; Mrs. VXnnc SIo- Friday arid Saturday at Atlantic Floyd G. Bliss, 47 Little St., Ma Georgian Court College, Lakcwood, wan, has been awarded third prize 5 p.m. each day, Mrs. • Loelllcr, awan High School, has been chosen will turn them into cash lor you City. Violet veiling hats will b cum, Wert Long E.anch, firs\vice nwan, and ihti late Mr. Bliss, ha: and.the Twenty-Seventh Biennial in an essay contest sponsored by 1390 Cliffwood Dr. or, Mrs. Ray- to attend a science-training pro- 'vworn crved-hy..Mrs..Loef--- outstanding' boys..and._girls.^ who. president—. tized to take voter registration at The Installation 61 officers""win icmbers throughout the state. Jan fler, Mrs. Charles Meeker,. Mrs. were nominated'by the schools and her residence. J. Michael has been on a schol >o held at the June 11 meeting, a sophomore at Matawan High Edward Kenny pnd Mrs. Hanson. carefully selected, from several istlc scholarship at the Peddle with Mrs. Charles O'Hare as chair- The guest speaker was Elliot School, and senior patrol leader «f The next meeting will be held Kindred applicants by a special Katz, Lonj! Branch attorney, presi- School, Hightstown, for tho past man of the installation dinner fol- *roop CO, Matawan. , three years nnd Is n member, of lowing Ihe business" session. . Tuesday at the Post Home. iniversity committee. The science Oil Burner Installation dent of (he Young Democrafs, 11/nded students ivill remain on " Monmouth County Chapter. Mr. the graduating class of June 11, On June I the court will hold Its 1M0. While at Pcddlc'hc lias been Clh Annual Banquet at Peterson's St. Benedict's Plans ampus from July 10 to July 29. |. FREE ESTIMATE Katz .mphnslzed the Imporiance ol 1 they will attend lectures, visit lab- voter registrations on the local a member of the Glee Club, Choir, 3uttonwood Manor, Matawan. Mrs . Morganville Girl the Octet, Press Club, basketball arm's Day and Mrs. Gilbert Cos- First Annuaj Dance ratory facilities arid participate in level and pointed, out that one re- arious experiments. quirement for making Monmouth squad and campaign ^manager for /ell ore co-chairmen. Plans for the first annual dance ihe'class president. Feted At ShWcr This selection Is the second honor J a Democratic County was (ho win The next cancer meeting Is to be sponsored by St. Benedict's ^UEPENDABJLITy that Robert, has received In recent ning ol municipal elections. scheduled for Tuesday evening at A surprise; bridal shower w«-« Church,. Hazlct, were completed Mrs, Katharlno E. White, Red ho home off Mrs. Charles Emery, Ivcfi for Miss Arlene,, Opplui, weeks, He •. previously had been Harbor Club Women B8.J1ancheslcr Ave., Keyport, at a meeting of the decorating nominated by'his school to attend Bank, state commlttcewoman and (torganville, on Saturday evening committee held In the home of you can count candidate for Congress from the t tho- home of Mrs, Dorothy Walsh, ersey Boys' State at Rutgers Unl- Attend Convention Mrs, William J. Badccker jr., 3 •ersity and will be sponsored by "third district, commended the n To Participate y her co-workers at Lavoio Lab- eorgclown La., Hazlct. Eleven members of *thb Womon'ir "atorles. Those attending were 'ost 176 of.the American Legion. on our • YCUIIJT Democrats on the; "excel- The first major fund raising af- lent Job they are doing on regis- ub of Laurence Harbor have re- rt Memorial Parade Irs. Lee Turby, Mrs. Helen Alt, The ffljulty of Matawan High Is urned to their homes alter at- -Irs. Pauline Lawspn, Mrs. Mary fair will be held at the Oakcs, at trant, throughout the county." She McGulre's Grove, Mlddlctowri, to- .leased that Its nominations for IHc ako stated the great prldo she felt ending the New Jersey- Stale Fed- Plans to participate in the Me- laitls, Mrs. Anne Smith, Mrs. Sue )pplzzl, Mrs. Vcra Picarlellai'Mrs. morrow, at 0 p.m. Music will be irogram have been accepted each BURNER for Hit film called, "Politics, New eration Convention In Atlantic, pity. lorlal Day parade were made, at /ear. Last summer, William Mil- ic meetings of the Ladies Aux- panne Coodband, Mrs, Mary Slca (iirnishcd by the "Val Tones." Or- Jersey Style,", made with the co- Their schedule Included iillend- ler, a senior, also attended the Sci- nee at workshops, the drama fes- lory to McElvalne-Schanck Post nd Mrs. Mary Pogl. ': " . lando Pagano, chairman of the operation of. the N. J. Democratic dance, announced all the societies ence Institute. - SERVlCf women's Pivljion. She added th£ ival plays and Mrs. Olga Becker, !18, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Gifts were sent by Mrs. Cather- resident of the club, participated ;ld at th<) AmerlcanTieglon Hall ie Zicmiecki, Mrs. Doris Snyder, ot the church are participating In latcit request for the film was arrangements. from Alaska. the processional and attended at week with Mrs. Frank Anson Irs.. Barbara Fltts, Mlss?Patrlci8 Nominate Officers and the finest fuel le presidents' dinner, and round residing. "aber, Mrs. Nina Buss, Mrs, Ruth Attending the meeting and as- Present from the hayshore area iolaner, Mrs. Mildred Skillman. First nomination of officers was were Mrs. Sophie Weinstoln, Mrs. iblc. ' \- Announcement was made that sisting on the decorating commit- emoriul services will be held at decorations, were blue and white tee were Mrs. T.'T. Bnechlci Mrs. held at Ihe regular meeting of oil money can buy Costello and Mrs. Mae Glllls, Mat- Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Robert and on the cake, which was the Star of Bayslde Council No. 106, Martin were the club delegates for lie First Presbyterian Church, The Burt Dubln, Mrs. Fred Kluln, Mrs.- awan; Mrs. Edward Cullen and table centerpiece', it' said "Good Daughters ol -America, Keansburg, Mrs. George Roseter, Hailct. Ihe three-day session and others uxiliary will sell popples several R. E. Bastan and Mrs. Edward attending the one-day conferences days before Memorial Day. Luck Arlene." s Doland, The Rev. Edward Ulaska ridiy night. Initiation of new Martin * Brown Inc. rid workshops were Mrs. Gilbert Plans were made for a rummage is pastor ol tho church. icmbers will be Friday, May 27, Christine Wayrich On Sunday, May 29, the members 17 Main St., Mdtawanl___^ >, Tier, Mrs, vAlllam Weeks, Mrs. ule_on Saturday, June 4, in Mrs. The regular'Morganville First Will Be Crowner L. Blum, Mi;*,....George Jochs, Anson's garage, IS Fountain Ave. Ud Squad meeting was held May This week, whyy don't youy " look will participate In memorial ser- LO 6-0281 4ri. Earl ErlluCT) «r., MM. Rag- vices, at Old Tennent. The next donation was tent to the Salva- 1. About 20 members were pre«- throughh h tthhe windowid s off your MIATING Oil CONTRACTS AVAIlA»lt... Miss Christine' Wayrich,-4aug>; ar Wang, Mrm. Lturence. Holdcn, tion Army. ' :,. •• ^ church .t,,froin regular meeting Till bs May 27. ter of Mrs. and Mrs. Michael Way- Mrs. Georgo Makuk and Mrs. Rolrcshments were; served fol fhe. Au^ill.ry 'railing"of it,e rich, 68 Ravine Ave., Laurence David E. Watson. __ fowlngtthe tforganvllle First Aid Squad Was Harbor, will crown the Blessed f Id Thursday night with 10 mem Mother at the crowning ceremony Coming events of the club Include meeting of the American Homo cra attending. Refreshments were to be held Sunday at 4:30 p.m. In Area Scholar* Are served. 'St. Lawrence's Church, Laurence lepartmcnt this afternoon, at 1 NU Elected To Society Mr, nnd Mrs. R. Coltrell andchll- & WALLPAPER CO. Harbor. • p.m. at Iho home of Mrs, Caslmer Samolyk, Woodbine Way, Laurence Ircn, Smlthburgi visited Mr. and Miss Wayrich, Prefect of Our arbor, and attendance at Vine- Francis^ J. Haughy, Matnwm, ilrs. D. Miller on Sunday. 129 MAIN STREET LO 6-4434 MATAWAN Lady Sodality of St. Lawrence's nd Day. May 25. ; The drama de- ind Donald Feldman, 16 Ledge Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smith Jr. Church, will have the following partment of the club will meet Terr., Old Drldgc, have been elect- nd children visited S/Sgt, Frank MAY - '-ntendants: Miss Gail Ryzlnski, Thursday, May 20, at 1 p.m. at the id to msociato and. full member. Weber vat Ihe; Naval Hospital, LiMfss Dorothy Walton, .Mlis Joan home of Mrs. Martin, 163 Orchard ihlp respectively In, the Rutgers tatcn Island, on Thursday eve- T9fh -^Snndrltter, Miss Veronica Yariftb ive,, Laurence Harbor, Jniveralty Chapter ol Sigma XI, ilng, 20th Fri. , unJ Mrs. Rachacl Bcrubc. allonal honorary scientific soclmy. Mrs. Joseph Lanraro sr., Mrs. " . Richard Huettcmann will be the "heir selection wa» mode known Florenco -Ptrr'e.ll,, Mrs. Holmes 2!|t Sat. page. Attends Dinner . iy Dr. Elton J. Hansons, secretary Lambcrs'on, Mrs. Chester Jameson The reception of new members if the Rutgers Chapter ol, the so- nd Mrs. Marie Frei went to Radio BUY QUALITY MERCHANDISE DONT BUY TRASH into the Sodality and Installation Charles Vreelnnd, M, West Con- iety «nd associate pro[esso;^of en aurse, Cllffwood, attended the an- City Music Hall, New York, and, of officers for coming year 'will be omology. •'.• '•' later had dinner at Patricia Mur- held after tho crowning. ulal dinner ol tho Catholic Lay Sigma XI, a society devoted to Committee of Monmouth Council, phys, Yonkcrs, N. Y,, recently, he encouragement of scientific re- Mr, and Mrs, Harry Konowalow 3oy Scouts of America, Sunday,, at iearch, elects to full membership 7 INCH Dances Cancelled St. Jerome's Parish Hall, West and daughters, Patll and Kntlil, (acuity and stall members who ave returned from a vacation In Patching Plaster "The Friday evening Youth Long Branch, Mr, Vrcelwidwrvod havo shown noteworthy achieve- on the dinner committee. Iparlenburg.-S, C-. PAN AND ROLLER Dances sponsored by the Ladles ment as original investigators In Mri,.E4ward O'Connor iias re- Auxiliary of the Laurence Harbor sorpe branch,of science. urned from a two-week vacation SIT American Legion Unit 332 . have The USS Batfish was the only Associate membership In the so- isiting Mr, and. Mrs. Ronald Oex- Can R«1.1.U — One To A Customer been-cancelled because of the I. S, submarlnt during World War iety tor graduate students is based man, Salem, N, C. building program In progress at tho to sink three Japanese lub- m marked scholastic excellence Now Have; Legion Home. • Pfc. Leonard Lore ol the U. S. marlnes on one patrol.' ~ and evidence of apltltude for re- arine Ci)rps.spenU.h.e .««Hend Paint te«rch In tome scientific lltld.Un- with his parents In Morganville dergraduatet, to he "eligible for se- fter reluming from maneuvers in Mixed By EAGLO lection as associate members, must Puerto Rico. He has returned ID Prescription SEMI Froitlike EAGLO N have completed at least two-and- Camp LeJeune, N. C. NO. 21 on^alf-years ol -study toward, a FIAT GLOSS . Enamel degree und" have shown »chol»it)c 3000 Let Your Check Book ... excellence In two or more fields Shower Given For- / - Colors . OUTSIDE $ it sclent:*, ' ';..; Mil* lolita Aumack Paint Made $095 $395$' WHITE Dr. C. Peter Regan, , A surprise bridal shower was Whit* You given In honor of Miss Lolita Au-. Wait HaxjeV Is Honored mack, Keyport, by Miss Catherine; Bennett, Matawan, Mira Dorotho Vet . Dr./C. Peter Kegait, 44 Bcthiny Aum>ck and Mrs, Elaine Aumack "Dutch Boy" td,, Hutet was awarded a cer- May T at Odd Fallows: flail, fain Unit DUROX FIOOR FINISH EAGLONO. Iflcate of recognition by the it., Keyport. A Full UM In Slook DuraM* Waterprooool tudSnf Council of New York Un- The honored guest will be mar- verslty College of Dentistry at a ried July 3 to George Estell, Key- CEILING Unner held May S in New York port. ... - ONE COAT ity. The-award was presented in Others attending the party were S $135 recognition and appreciation - ot Mrs. Mildred Aumack, Mrs. C. 1 qt COVERS Be Your Pocket Boolr distinguished services rendered to LoKoy Close, Mrs. Joan Klttnian, ROCK SPAR Ihe student body. This is the sec-Mrs. Adeline Kltioian, Mrs, Lucy nd consecutive year that Dr.- Re- LaConte, Mrs. Sylvia LaConte, VARNISH gan has received this award. Mrs. Grace Klpp, Mrs. Gladys and your money is always sale! Dr. Regan is a former Instruc- Irving and daughters. Celeste and (iff. 7.BgaL tor In the Department of Operative Diane, - Mrs. Theresa Rose, Miss FOR RENT You con olwoyt have money whan you carry Dentistry, - New York University Judith Leonardls. Miss Carole Ann a check book. And tho only thing you can College of Dentistry, attending Schanck, Mrs. Kalherlne- Larkln, ALL TYPES OF MACHINES 1 Dvntlst In St. Clare's Hospital, Miss Violet Tlct\ all ot Keyport lost) is tho check book, which con easily b« ; ^ York and Stonrnouth Medlchl »nd Mrs. Elsie Bennett and daugh Paint Sprayer — Waxer - replaced —• cosh connof. >nter, Long Bronchi - ;er, Sutanne, Matawan. Enjoy the safely, convenience ond pride of a Gilts, were sept by Mrs. Connie Floor Sanding Machines ...with new checking account—open one' today at this NewGOPC/ub Grey, Mrs. Jennie Ackermsn, Mrs. wallpapers BkV : ' ; Phoebe J4eldlngor, - Mrs. JVIlmt John Conover, Madison Township L«<4ne, Mrs, Florence Smith, Mrs, Republican leader, yesterday an- Robert Mount, Mrs. Elsie Keglcy, IN STOCK nounced a COP club for residents Mrs. Jayne Baker, Mrj.-Joan Ful< Values >t Sayre Woods South will bo or-Icr, M(Ss Helen .Hcckleinnnn. Mrs. Up To THE MATAAVAIV BANK ted- «t a meeting" scheduli-d \nn Sprlngvlonl, MI55 Hilda Par- DECORATOR LAYTEX $3-95 t.r. ilonday at 8 p.m. in Fred's Turf, cntclder, Miss' Lorraine Reagan, MATAVAN, NEW JERSEY , toute 9. Townsljlp Commltiecman .Irs. Virginia. Barton, Miss Clem- WHITE OR COLORS Sals Priced X>nald Macraonnd former Mayor :ntino .MuntaRmJ. Mrs, Doris Au- 49c «.. rnhn L. Chamberlain, GOP can-pack, Miss Joan O'Sage, Mrs. -MADE TO SELL FOR lidates this year, will assist with :athcrinc' Donahue, Mrs. Hate) 59c t.r. luniack and Mrs.""Elsle',"FVillir.' 69e It yovr liave a deep cabinet at Recreational.facilities olfered at FOR 3 DAYS ONLY . 79e*.r. ie end- ol your, kitchen work ew Jersey's 11 Slate Parks and ipace, you might • make items II State Forests am outlined in Dries In MMlnat«-O(tori«s itorcd In the back cooler 10 rt; ;h free folders mode available by the ittVlfig It small "door built Into Forests and'Parks Section'of'|h* blank side says .Jlorne A ficnt, Thursday, May 19, 1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.. Fag*

      New FHA Rule Is New Staff Manager } Boon To Housing While it is still too soon to as sess fully the impact of the cut in the minimum down jtayment on the. purchase o( homes bought w 11 h Eovemment-i n s u r e d mortgage?, which was announced-by tho fed eral Housinj Administration last week, builders report that several conclusions can be drawn from the direction taken by current buyers' inquiries. Cantor and Goldman, builders of Sayre Woods South, believe that the ruling especially favors the 7- mlddle-lnooffie~grojip."~Dn3he" first J 13,500 of the selling price the dawn- payment is still'3 per cent, as before, J-.bul a considerable reduc- tion in cash requirements will ap- ply to homes in the bracket be- —tween-413^00-«nd J1M0O.- For ex- ample, on an $US#09-h9use only J900 cash ta jieeded Instead of RIBS-BEEF William F. Strang, 132 Osborn > $1400. ^ .._,_ V' •' • St.,/Keyport,,has been promoted to Duz /This opens the door to a new post -ot staff -manager at the z: category of buyers, people with Rell BalpK office ol the Prudenti Short Cut Shortcut steady incomes, but with less cash Imuranqe Co. of America. Mr. Soap Powder (tegular Style in hand. We predict that thehome- Strong has been a Prudential agent OvM'Rutfy building industry will be able to lot the past three years. P«t> Ib. reach this important and sizeable Mr. Strang la married to the for- 69 . segment of the potential home buy- me? Miss Doris Adler, Union Ing public, and we are highly Beach. They have three children, "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY pnuriECC ruiirir gratified by Commissioner Julian Madeline, Linda Jean and William Oxydol Detorgent GRAIN FED BEEF BQNELfSS CHUCK —ZlmmeroiBn's-action." ' . rWysur Inndry Home. Furnishing Stimulated 0 I irt t C By putting some $400 to {500 back as long as tho mortgage markel '".''S5 " l 8l A into the pockets of home buyers, was too tight. — / •Commissioner Zimmerman also pij."* pi,. •• ._ Ib. '"' earned the applause ol another in "The easing of the /mortgage POT ROAST dtistry. It Is anticipated that ths market plus a more literal down- Tido , cash-saving wUl.be used by pur- payment policy provided 'a winning Trylklf ilfliniit UM'ot oklohR! Sha.lwWilEi. Imtliu chasers lo aequireThore and bct- combination for the whole home rw.tlAKllk e -.;-.U::::.;..."...... * AGENCIES,,.;': .•:•...•...... Beef Short Ribs 39 Bottom Round 89 Porterhouse 99 -FORD-COMET-MERCURY - LINCOLN r |O MI |J U k e MOST ACTIVE USED CAR LOT Newport Roast. 99 Rump Roast "' ^89*- Cubed Steaks - " 89 f «trla loftaoat rlntt B C l lM1 ; C IN MONMOUTH COUNTY Chicken Steaks ;:r 99: Eye Round Roast 89 Minute Steaks '"' 89 Monmouth Street, Opposite Carlton Theatre Liverwurst o .2': 49*Crosi Rib Roast'89C Flank Steaks • '•» lk 99* RED BANK • *"* Unit \vSHqdy5ide 7-4545 —1-6000 " . Laundry Starch DEL MONTE ^HE ju.ci 2 75c IABBQN MONOXIDE wmmrn? Mil UL EVAPORATED A «« 77- J VII him WMt(Ho>i»lri^l'PaekCirl«r %J m* f g * t trnrt Inm hntf ttmt •«»••' Have You Had Your Muffler And Tail Pipe Cf,«ked? Paper Napkin* It may rriean the difference between life 0D ^9 11)1 Fresh Atparaguf 39" and depth. See your ''WAIKJR"., Servlee .l«0»«» BEECH-NUTTI 10 95c Dealer. There is no substitute for the best - FOR WALKER MUFFLERS ANDTAIL PIPES ~ 8!aller>- Sweet Corn 4" 25°

      The Quality Product. - r' Juqibo alia YELLOW BANANAS 2 ib. 25' . Your Walker Service Dealer will Install SWEET MIXED llu. nil •• , these Walker Products at a Reasonable Pricel NMiittialriMl Crisp Fret h Carrots Remember: Something for nothing is worth nothing.- . Ivory Soap ^wliSTOihK 19 » Ml Watermelon •-• *'8 Biirt'iDilljIt-Milm 29c Niw Or»»-U.l, Hi, I 0n<« MATTY'S AUTO PARTS DPfCrDllfC STRAWBERRY ,»» Yellow Onions 2 15C Lower Main St., Matawan r HElJEilVW E^ *«fl fine-Pan In LOwell 6-1088 ^ Ivory Soap CM dlihti, Uunjry ol bath WESSON OIL ... * »«i«i "i --. PROWNS Handy Andy , All puipox liquid «ll«Mf tm ****** tf Wllh 10. *f « In. WM« BamSalaiOII I ALUMINUM * DUTCH APPLE PIE 59. COMBINATION Itu firttr Raru SnagjieHI Sauee j DOORS DogMetl Apple Raisin 39* Pound Cake ^ 49* River Brand Brown Rlt5« ;;;17 PIANO HINGE - AlCOA ALUMINUM BlB^ll^V^ . Mi Stta — V \a. WUe to $S la. L—S • Dfl! OWT ATUWnc t, »AaWC,W OixliOaj r*m *«*• »w^ lelleOetHrti w,'•••,• WIDGET TEKW BsfFotf 4 »• MtLY nifm. I AJL to I uper Markets MarealTsIlitTlssift WED. mi f*L I AM. *1 P AW.tCKt J Dtf(MD«ei( /00& MI»(H«KI SIKCI U',1* Brlllo Soil Padt t 1 M> RT.U AT CUfFWOOO AVE., T«w cr. n At WIUONAVE, ron »T.irAT-toaixAVK.,MIIITWrtmfmtt^^rr -: ^^'* ^ ' 'BT, K|!AMI»Uilb #1 Oimi ; f LUMU * f - '. .'.1tNW.-W*4.'>Ha»r«.1.lfaM«rJ^'. •'' rW^itjJ»»4ft- i.--:. , • \;, Pog* Eight TOE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. }. Thursday, May 19, I960 iadtefcneni ittunei (n the North- Emergency Call It County. Recruits are urged to .ga Exercises At Middlesex Rd. Field Gel Garden Club Plants Dogwood Tre^ Inspectors Hit t **Mlt ffi f Jodg« Frank, A. Hooper, b • bhj nearett their boroes. Lgc^tion of Boys Program Underway In Borougl Swindle Racket step fornnrd In tb* AMirdlBated .The State JMvWon' of EmpJoy- the.office may be determined by drive, conducted by the Post Of- ment Security today- issued referring to the classified pages of BBoys' ' recreatioi n basebalbblll pro- An estimated, W.SM.0M 1 fice Department and the Depart' urgent appeal for worker* to help the local telephone directory. tram got underway for anotlier filched from the public, primarily Transportation to the farm area to g Kapushy Ends small businessmen,'In the alleged merit of Justice, aimed at putting New Jersey fanners -with their year in Matawan Sunday when crops. The farm help, Frank T. which the worker is assigned will Es 10 Agent's Course fraudulent activities of the Lenders an end to then vicious 'advance Majpr Ralph R. Dennis tossed o«t Service Corp., 23 of whose officers ! Judge, DES director,' said, is need- be arranged by the employer. lee' rackets." ' . j -• " ed mainly in the southern portion ; the first ball Jn opening day cere- eorge S. Kapushy, a partner and .salesmen were indicted on monies at the Middlesex Rd. ath- in Keypo'rt Esso, Route 35 and Apr. JS, I960, in Atlanta, Ga,, on of the state, where farmers are Auchinclos$ CaJJs ' letic field. Led by .the Matawan Belle Ave., Hazlet, has "complStei 43 counts of- mail fraud and one Two Mark Birthdays harvesting asparagus, strawberries m cesjifuuy an eight-week coursi conspiracy xOunt,' Postmaster-pen- and spinach, while getting ready For Academy Tests . Drum and Bugle Corps, the boys era! Arthur E. Sumrherfield an- On Monday evening Mrs. William to plant tomatoes and other crops. in service ntallon manager™ Congressman James C. Auchin- on the teams-participating In the ducted by Esso Standard, nounced. y> • UrsUdt and James Neidinger, Haz- program marched on the field one Several thousand workers are closs today announced that the slon ot the Humble Oil am "Facts and figures from Postal let, celebrated their respective sought by the Classboro Service Civil Service designating examina- saluted as the flag was raised foi Re inlng Company, at its distri Inspectors investigating this'case, birtlYdSys at a family gathering at Association, in Glassboro, for work tion for appointments to the Mili- _ 4he firstlime-in the-new jearo! ret iiJttaIning-BChoolJn.-PiainBcl ?ftny; that lhl« rftmpany afldl homejJf MtBviJrstadt, Holmdel on farms throughput South Jersey. tary and Naval Academies will be Kapushy has three years en mailed out, during nine months of Rd., Hazlet. Attending were Mr. Minimum pay is 80 cents an hour held qn Monday, July 11, .for ad- Icnce In the service statioi 358 and five months of 1959, some and Mrs. Leon Lambertson, Mr. and ' lodgings In state-approved mission in 1961. ' •:..••' The teams participating in thi d. _ ' 0,000,000 circulat letters," the • program this year arc as follows: and Mrs. Roland Emmons, Mr. and camps, but piece-rates make it All young men who are Interest- . t recent ceremonies, Mr.. Ka- Postmaster General explained. possible for workers to earn con- 8-12 league - Blue Jays, managers Mrs. Cyrus P. Ross, Mr, and Mrs, ed in competing in this examina- Dennis Nlcardo and ' Carmen . De- hy was awarded a diploma The mailings, all made from siderably more, ;•'...-....". tion should conjmunlcate with the Narclo; Red Sox, managers king his graduation from thi Los Angeles," Calif., were, it is al- U/stadt and Mr. and Mrs. Neid- The Farmers* "arid " Gardeners' Honorable James C. Auchincloss, Harris, Jack Calcy;. Terriers ;_ -time course. A graduate ol eged, -ejit on a three times a year inger. Association of Keyport has sent out House of Representatives, Wash- egers Mike Eovino and Moo.se Mc- th River High School, Mr, Ka- jasls to most business firms listed a similar request for field hands ington 25, D. C , for additional in- ''Cormick; Tigers, manogers Irv hy, and his wife reside; al 145 In trie 'yellow' section of telephone needed by fanners in Monmouth orrnatioh. Nusbaum and Dutchie Scalzo. In patatong Ave., Keyport. They books of communities throughout Pack Meeting May 26 e two children, George jr. and the nation." • . ••-;'• the Pony League the manager o Cub Pack 66, Matawab, will hold the Braves is Neil Devino and nli. Advance Fee Swindle newly organized Hawks with Jack is leisure time activities in- _In return for an "advance- fee," he final pack meeting of the sea- le working with a Little League son on Thursday, May 26, at 7:30 Wall to Wall Carpet Triola as manager, .Jack Vount, Itfl, president of the Community Root and Branch the businessmen received assur- m Team in Keyport. At the Garden Club, Is shown above wllh Eugene Stout, president of Harris ances from salesmen representing .m. jn the Clilfwood Grammar 10096 Nylon - Wool Anthony N u c c I o, recreation il school, which Is conducted Chairman, emphasizes the pro- Garden Fire Co., Union B*atb. smoothing out the dirt after the plant- Lenders Service Corporation that School. There will be a Webelqs Uooleim - Vinyl — Rubber . Esso Standard's New Jersey Asphalt — Cork Tiles gram is made possibe through the ing of • dogwood tree on the fire .company grounds 10'-commemorate oans could be obtained. However, ceremony. The public Is Invited a Division, detailed training in Arbor Day.'The Garden Club meets at the Hre house and In apprecia- Investigations show the alleged per- volunteer services of umpires aspects ol the service station ion, dooiled the tret for bcautlficaUon ef the property. to-attend. !—• •• Etranlero, F. Brown, Robertson, centage of loans actually obtained Sandran -Forcast VINYLS 6 ft Wide lujness Is stressed. $ Ingram, Hahna, Garito, Rcmbert To commemorate Arbor Day thewili l be shown at the June meet-. as less than one per cent. Accolon - and Shaw. SluccnU are instructed In the Complaints from businessmen' Birds 1.49 sq.yd. use of modern equipment and immunity Root and Branch Gar Wg. Visits Williamsburg Arrangements for June will con- jrotested| the fact that the advance Expert installation Blue Jays Scalp Terriers bluijy the latest merchandising ten Club planned * •hit* dogwood In the opening doubleheader, the ree on the groultidi of the Harris tain a piece of sculpture or fig- 'ee was not returned, even though Miss Bernardwe Stopkle, daugh- techniques, The training Is part urine as the focal point. Mem- he loans, desperately needed by •r of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Stop- Blue Jays scalped, the Terriers Jic company's constant en- lardens Fire Co., Union Buch, ring their May meeting. The bers were urged to submit a de- any of them, werK never- re- lie, Hazlet, spent-a few- daya in MATAWAN FiooR COVERING! Co. 1-1 and the Red Son, shut out the or to provide customers with Tigers. Willie Armour hurled the re house is the ptrmaoTOt meet- ign for the past president's pin. vived. ' Vllliamsburg and Jamestown, Va,. 141 Main Street op service _ through the best- ig place of the group. Host end hostesses.for-the eve. "The enormlly. ot this alleged ith a Colonial American group Blue Jays to victory. The Jayi trail ed independent businessmen jumped oil to a (lying start by ing were Mr. and Mrs. Simmons wlndle Is not, as yet, fully known," rom Trenton State College, where hi i le gasoline retailing ranks, Eugene Stout; president of the LO 6-4335 ' Matawan LO 6-4335 •.-•coring lour times their first time ire' company, accepted the tree and Mra. Louis Shelbrlck. 1r. Eummerfleld added. "But this le Is now a senior. at bat. Walks and an error loaded jr his associate* and was present the bases against Frankle DcvJuf, nardine Stopkie the planting. William Nefcel the starting pitcher ol the Terriers Buy with CONFIDENCE... Serve with PJRIBE >wer Honor Guest ind Harold Simmons- of the. Club and Al Wilks delivered tho timely veto in charge of arrangements. blow that sent across the rune. Tho Mlsj Bcrnardine Stopkle, Hazlet, Bonzal trees were planted In ce- nearest the Terriers come to gel- imlc containers as the club pro]- ting back In the ball game was in vos [lie guest ot honor at a bridal howcr given for her on May 7 by ct, A plant sale also was con- . the third when their relief pitcher, lucted. Tlie newly complied scrap- Curt Davis, banged out a double icr nunt, Mr«." Michael Kopervas With two aboard for their lone r.,:';Llnda PI., Italic*. 100k wllh clippings and club In- run, A walk loaded the bases but Mlsa Stopklo w|lF become tho rmatlon from 1052 to date.com- Armour managed to get Johnny ride of William J. Welgand, Hnz- efed by Mrs. Harold Bottgcr, Germak on a grounder for the out :t, jpn Juno 25, ubllcity chairman, was on dls- to retire the side. Tho Terriers Gifts were arranged under. a iay.' • . . .-„.. ._,- • • -. • • 'hlle lace umbrella, and later sup- "May Basket" arrangements sever threatened thereafter and r thi Jays rolled It up In the late x'tarts served. • erc Judged by Mrs. Elmer Bah- Innings. '•"'..- G(|esls wero Mrs. Alexander VIg, cnburg and Mrs. Peter Orlasky Irs, Ann Twardy, Miss Jo-Ann Ith first place awarded to Mrs. Jimmy Jones, Red Sox pitcher, wardy, Mrs. Frank Stopkle, Mrs, 'alter Martin, Hazlet; Mn. Har- was-the whole show in the night- 'hlllp Jogodowskl, Fords; Mrs. Kofded, Union Beach, second cap as he net. the Tigera down llclmcl Kopervas sr., Mrs. John with a lone hit. Billy Shortridge lace; Mrs. Bernard Dress, Haz- opfrvas, Mrs. Harold Faust, Mrs. third. : cracked out a "triple with two Jin Ltzar, Perth Amboy; Mrs. J. aboard in the first to give .the Sox Mew members welcomed Into ib. ra k Welgand,,' Mrs. Bernard IO group were Mrs. John Calnn- TOP ROUND ROAST SIRLOIN STEAK all the runs they heeded for vic- toi ilc, Mrs. Patrick Fltzglbbons, tory. ' 1- - - \ ra, Union* Beach, Mrs. Walter Us Patricia Stopkle, Hazlet; Miss ik. The teams went at it again Mon- lazaret Vena/ Cllffwood; Miss arc, Matawan, and Mrs. Charles OROSS RIB ROJiST CALIFORNIA ROAST day and the Red Sox moved out I Carhart, Keyport; Mlsj Hel- Monohan, Port Monmouth. as early leaders in the\ race by eckert, Point Pleasant. iuests were Mrs. H. H, Mclntyre edging tho Blue Jays 3-J. Short- 'UTWeTe sent by Mrs, Peter nd Mrs. .William Whltaker, both RUMP ROAST SHORT RIBS ridge was the winning pitcher. III Mrs. Robert Welgand, Mlsi I Union Beach. Wally McBrlde scored the winning laigaret Welgand, Mlis Julia A holly tree was won by Mrs. —nnrlii ISe filth on hfs hit and ibllla, and Mrs. Edward Welgand. ohn Qorrlne, Morganvlllc!. The ib. 1 tome sharp base running alter the lark ho'rie prlio, an omortment CHUCK ROAST ^Na, FLANKEN RIBS teams had gone Into that frame : In Appreciation . potted plants, v.ns won by Jack lied at 2-all^WnlKs aridVerrOrs r«, Jane Antferson - wishes to. 'ount, Hoxlet. A bus trip ••!« were the downfall of Denny Lnii- in k everyone who thought of her terling Forest Gardens, Tuxedo, NEWPORT ROAST beln, the Jays pitcher. Hits by /hi e the waa a patient at Mon- ,V., Is planned for Sunday, June Armour, Lnnbcln and Richie In- louth Medical Center, The public Is invited to gram accounted.for the Jays runs. idv IS Iclpnte. A iilm ol the gardens TOP SIRLOIN ROAST SHIN BEEF HIS & HER STEAKS rb.' BONELESS SHIN BEEF Ib-i IHICK BONELESS BRISKET CUT TOP ROUND STEAK you get for your money STEWING BEEF TOP SIRLOIN STEAK in a r ewOLDS! STOCK YOUR FREEZER at f»ie«e LOW PRICES! RED RIPE-FLORIDA


      When you step out In a new Olds, you get rtyling that stays in itylfl You get valv ithat hold* while you drive and i«hen you trade! Youjret;ma watrafeatutn not found on other cars in OldamobDe't price dawl Check the value ioore..". Olds gives you morel It'e the finestthe ffledhim-prk* daaa has to offort

      VQtrU DO BMTTKR AT YOUR OLDS Df-ALMR'9 JOHrtfON-GIBB MOTOR CO.J10 Ma« Strwl, WU»w« Thursday, May 19, I960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. JPag* fttra bdudlnj "W)H Ywb. Welcomes Member Keyport High School* Class Of 1945, Celebrates 15lh Reunion Alcohol Accident member" • from "H*y\\m*.* Scents from iwwral operas wlB Mothers Corps actor Discussed ba proseartd- ' 'f MB. Ralph. Mervcta was «d- Orav* coaeara ovtr'th* mount- '-wnal as a new.jnOTber of the ing rate of traffic deaths with al- Turnpike Authorify Uttthers Corps of tbt Matawan cohol at a coo!ribuUn« factor ta Monmouth County was ««prM>ed k Guard Rails - Fire Department Junior Drum and County Traffic Co-ordlnator CuniruiMkmers of the SIsleTurn- Bugle Corps at a meeting conduct- obert" Warwick at a inwtlng of pike Authority today authorised I tS by Mrs. "Charles Zirnmer. ." Ihe traffic safety- commute* or the Ihe ohtalnlnR "of bid* from con- A meeting to cut uniforms for Monmouth County Safety Council held In Shadowbrook Restaurant, tractors for about IS miles of gutird — the members of the Corps was hrewsbury. rail lo be erected In tlio median as held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Reporting a total of 11 deaths to an additional tnftuy provision for ' Jerry Almenas, Grant St.. Msta- dato in the County this year, Mr. molorlntS, 'llila is ons of th« (m* wan. Warwick omphnslietl lhat an alco- portanl wlrty inrasun-a the Au- j Hie corps'wishes to express its hol factor was found in SO per rent tlmrity has hwh tnklnK in recent 'gratitude to Mrs. Anthony NuccloL >nil nine of tho deaths resulted years In prevent cross median a,ccl« trom one-car accldoata, Of itw to- a non-member, who volunteered her dentil.' About.}) miles of the Turnr services for Ihe project. tal ilealhs, four were pedestrians Hike inr tlio nnrlll aru so protected, *' Mrs. Joseph Vaccarella has been ami one, took place at a grada appointed chairman of the flag rasstng. .. ' ' . Tho bids twins t»iiBht for tho a a 1 e being conducted by the He fll«l tlitv month of June »B 75 mill's wimltl wiver Uiti -tonialnlhii' lUothore Corps. it most tr«i;lc AS fur us fntat f.uaid rait work la lie portornind un-tho'TurnpIke-, H >vmild take In '' A report on the activities of the ccldct\ts In'tho county mo WMI- MISS JINK ijMJtilll.lN reran! anil urged that «n intensi- the area from Devpwajor to Wi»d. Drum and Bugle Corps included bUlKit \vtu>nt''ttw Wttl« mndlan, two future marching engagements ed program of stvpiwiluii enforce- Miss -Juno laviRhlin, yi, A dbuer-danc« la mark the lith reunion of Keyport Hlth School, Klavl*, Allrrnatn bi*U will 1)0 ' at the Memorial Day parade in Mrs. Beatrice (Stranlero) More*, Mrs. Lorraine (Stencck) Sagjan and ment be directed priinarlly against will aliin in » benfllt gal* *prlrtfl Oats of 4MS; *M held « Rollo Past House, Keyport, Saturday eve- MW....JMrlw, 0W"»y) Jamil. Standing « Robert Smith, Richard avern hopplnii, a prncllc« ot Ipav- cjn nn all stwl Rulvmilicil rail Malayan, and June 11 in the As- ning. Members of the clast pictured, tested, kit to ri«h(, are; Mrs. lr concrrt In l.img Dranrh on Sntvir- Young, Mrs. Btily (WMtaker) Slant, Mrs, Beatrice (Lambertsan) i Wllky, Mrs. June (Walllni) CahlU, Mrs. Margaret (Younsl Kelly, Kenneth mother munldiuillty whortt the t HUIMIHH |i\md and Is und«r of the current season May 15 when Ihe taking nt bids for three tem- •they marched at the Matawan Mrs. Carol (Carhart) MeCarin, Mrs. Beatrice (McFartand) Sprattan), WUicy, Herbert WaKm, Wllil.ro Couvkf and Mart ™MurJiy. losing hour is later,.lie alto riled Iho direction of Mndamn Itonnlne ipocding as * major factor, in traf- pnrary snack lurs ami equl|)m«nt - tittle League Field during the of- Hotton, vocal teacher «l IUb«ron, ic drutlu in Monmuuth CouMty.tu fenm «el«i't«l IIUMPI «,' 'IIIPIO would ficial opening. Beraice VanPelt, second vice presi- dent, Conducted the business ses- I1» ronnrt will Iw lii-Ul In the Miss Kathleen Merritt Sponsor Car Wash date, \ i! Dratich lllRh School Audi- lie t«l»lill«hcd at llin northnound dent; Mrs. Vivian Carf, Correspond- sion during which thft annul) re- trrvlec area M Aulmm, on* at Mt, ing-secretary: Mrs, Margaret Phil- ••Damagtd-Car" Slicker lurluin. Armed Forces Day, observed this Heads Matawan B.P.W. ports of th« officers and commit- The lloiy Name Society ol St, Laurel am) tho Ihlnl at Wflodbrldjta lips, treasurer, and Mrs. Mary Tlio conimltlca also went on rtc- year on May 21, has as one of its tee chairmen were read. - Lawrence's Church, Laurence Har- Mlwi I.*ughlln Rt-adunkit tronr "UI« ant) purposes an emphasis on the spirt- bor, will sponsor » ear •wash Mty Mnnclalr State Mlege, and |nti- tion, they authnriird obtaining bl were elected Monday evening at ounly pollcu ihlcls' and 'patrol* atual aspects of our national Flans were made for members How about business cards? We 21 at Jimmy's Cities Service-S»». efflty la rinpK>yc4 «s n lMi-h(r In bids lor tW) chortrf bus Itops.' the .meeting ol the. Business-and men's bciwvolriil associations bo -strength. Many military' installa- to attend the 42ml N. J, Federation can supply, them quickly and at tlon, Route 35, Laurmco, Harbor. Keyport IHKII School. Stm h«» np- One will ln> im thn-nnrlh >U1> and iked to study « plan quiring that tions provide an exchange of pul- Professional Women's Club of Mat- of Buiiness and Professional Wom- the right price. Come and try us. Mtmbcrs of the society will start prai«l \l« coucci'ls In' New tlio other on tho south tide. ; "damagcdm»n« io|»lr« wllli- llutlurny," and "Olimnl Si'ltlcdil." Jer«oy-N«v York l»i)rt »lilrlc|i| out a 'MHII^IUHI rar" slicker affix- Shu also will ting hovnul nhow mini riomcmlc |inHnou(;rr irnttlc, ed to the windshield, and which ould havit been Involved In on iccldfrit, ,O«r«u«' opcraliirs nlto win|lj;in! IOIIUIKHI to n'iKirt any cars"brouHlit (or irpalni without he htlckir and In report any cars C&M CLEANERS showlnii liullit Imles, A vehicle lieAiinri A "ilnm6|:>'- fAttml and. (ho Kaiui;o «|wraUir iltTbt^H'tmlUril to prtKMd with Complete Prom Special Din repairs. Such a-plan Is Mng effectively oiHroIrd In Denver, Colo., and In Tampa and Dada TUXEDO $7.00 County,'Fla. lllmer Noll ol lUw) Slaitdird, di- GROUND BEEF 2 85' RIB ROAST vision of Humble Oil ft HHInlim Co,, chalrmon nt lh« Moninuulli County irallli' Safely Commlttcti, SWISS STEAK ^ •^89' CLUB STEAK advised Ilial Ihe plan Iw carefully Sunday, June 5lh studied by-enforcitinenl offlclsls and tlio puullo lie fully Informed SHOULDER STEAK '89 DELMONICO STEAK concernlnR It Wore any leglslnllon •rml Ualt* Up mwm covering Uia subject li prepared, BOZO THE CLOWN o j- : i CLUB STEAK V~* FUNK STEAK -:y MM* |swhla. .htMNM H ht Cub Seoul*. May yuit Chdnnvl 11 — li Coming To && $ n ' ' ' • ••'-", tnm Mom."«•«««. " Main State Jtork McGUIRE S GROVE RIB STEAK mJlOKEN STEAK • O«AIN HO , , . «• Id* flMlt kMl »»•« Cub Scoula of Mnnmnulli' Coun- ROUTE 35, MIDDLETOWN cil iloy Kcnut orflnnlrnlloii linvo • HIOH OUAIITY , , , SKIRT STEAK .89 miltlna OnMl beeii Invllcil by lha Allulrs Blale SANDWICH STEAK Park Cnmmlminiutq' Imld their Jubilee Day nrtlvlllei at Allalrn on Ralunlay, Juno in. GUBE STEAK EYE ROUND ROAST 89 liiomai Hiiward, Allrnwoml, member nf HID Allulro Slalo Paik MERCURY AND COMET "> ROUND STEAK «"o ReBlorallon Mmrnlttoe. end Jiwnv PORTERHOUSE STEAK UND bor of Ilin cxfiullvf iKiaril of Mun- mouth Council, Key fiamls nf * Safe Buy Used Cars * Aimrlrn, sold lhat thn cub scmit BOTTOM ROUND ROAST GROUND CHUCK packs would lx> InvluM to us« thn lnrlllllr» at Allslro ami to IPII DID SCHANCK & SIHLER varlam lnilldlngi and facilities For SPECIAL SERVICE Your Friendly MEAT MANAGER! wlilcli litvn tirrn rcilmeJ. Mr, 10 LafayaMo P|ac«, Freehold Icwnril said that Hill would tin a Highway 34, Matawan wimilfiful time for Ihe ml) acotilH JACK FRQST or DOMINO to holii .thtlr Julillfd stllvllIM Wilth HOpVlm 2-1250- LOwell 6»4239 nin part of III" national Mlh an- nlvrrsary priiKram of tin Hoy (icouls of America, " Scout rxchillve J. PMaVHIIMI' sold thai Ilin sVoiim |>iwlli ipntliiji In Urn liilillrc at llvltlcn Ixilh >l Ai- rHILADElPHIA Isliri and In cwiiniinlly utoufm wnuld Iw i-nlltlcil In vvinr Illfl Nt- Ifmsl Julillen (•iiiMcm, CREAM CHEESE Spring Foilival On ALL VARIETIES At Monmoulh Contar Spring It (ilostomlnK Hilswetk at jhfl M"it|iVMJth filwpplng (^nler, lainnUwn, wl'ilV iiw ri-li/lirall«n uf 127 Main St., Matawan •Itrlay tipilng fnlWat and fhti penln;! nf Monliymwy Ward and I Mhtt »hop»,' • Orcmonlfs In frtoil of M»nt. .unicry Waid diJIcnlttl llw..ftitt. Free Box Storage vsl l<) It" wurii'ii Of Muiimuulli i^iniy, flixtclsl KUMIS w*r« Iho CORNFLAKES 2 45 ilvn of all »l l»« mtymt of I'm Anothar MARTINIZINO Flrifl iwnly plua wv«s,l womrn wlw DUNCAN HINES have diillngul>li«d: tli''m««lv«« In WHITI buaiiitiis, public iiffilri, anil civic duly, vatow !c During IIM wntk limn will tie s SPICED nwsl uprctml tvftils,_ In«Iu(J"l ,i, a imr of ilK< intlt* l>y inmv 100" FREE CAKE MIXES DRrUFOOO llwn W) infrntinri of finriivn tlulw • Munnii/uib Ownly W ld»|i«:i t'w ml »r

      « m. snd I p.m.,; M flflKlml COMfMN VOH DIff AIL* "X •• (tUill lil "HlKlW Wllill'.Ofl'l

      Want Your Cloth Coat Stored? of Om*nn*ihn awl ° Sum,-O>m» i—Ut, . C DfVti'ffHfPflt 1l»v« Hi \tntf. llmnlimt csv#s In y>_ •fh» C*VM ir* Ih*

      MtK H httHtl $50.00 VUkf MM

      . . ..•/•Tt>y,-J,-t;i- Paga Ten THE M/VTAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 19, I960 cause they do cot win,, but with Keyport 842 Player* Start 4 ••&£• Sem^^A'^fiM MHS Relay Teams Keansburg they can* share the BAYSHORE JUNIOR spoilers role this-week playisg : again the teams nervous with the Repeat Champs pennant pressure on them, 7pTiie:U|i;'; B^Rjifee f' HIGH SCHOOL ^landings: ' •~', '•-'kejrpor t tied up: the Shore' Con- Matawan High's sprint relay : Team W L Pc. | ference northern .''B'Vjrace Tiies-" teams easily- defended tfye state Matawan Elementary 5 1 .828, Y^igy, at Runtson, trimming tha PMr- Group II championships tiley won CONFERENCE Raritan Township 5 2 .734 ; ".--vie; Bulldogs. 3-1 to go into a ti$ last year at the Long Branch Re- Extra-inning games of a sensa Union Beach " A J :57l ! for honors "with Matawan. tomor- Middletown < : "I row Is the final day of the race, lays Saturday.- Coach Barry Rlz- tional order marked Bayshore zo's foursome of Matt Jeffcoat, Junior High School Conference Intermediate 11 .500 • witK both- Keyport and;Matawan Keansburg . 2 3 .400 playing athorae,-the Red'Rkiders Billy Mabbitt, Brad Bradach and play as the tense: championship Marlboro Central. 1 6 .145 with South Ambby and the Maroon Richie Bennett scored in (he 440 race moved into its final week. Matawan Elementary (4) and Steel with Rumson. .If both in 44 7 seconds and in (he Coach Tony Benetsky's Raritan win or both lose, a playoff between Township nine kept right on the ; abr b them will be needed. A victory foi 1 jninute, 32.9 seconds. |_ heels of the leading Matawan El- L. Tomasello, 2b 4 0 2.: one and a defeat for the othe; There was a ga...p. o..f two: yards ementary team Monday by going Morrell, p 4 0 2 automatically would make the vi< between Bennett and the Hights- eight innings for a 1-0 victory over J. Walker, c 4 12 tor the "B" champ. ~ Cliffwood Memorial. That games Seibert, lb 3 i'O . 0 town anchor man coming in sec- T. Devino, If 3 11 . The Red anil White's triumph a! Olid in the 440 and of five yards of this, kind with this type of pitch- Rumson could, be- called a. one- ing can be played in the confer- Lee, ri 1)1 sided close ball game. Lew. Welts between Bennett and the j second ence shows the excellence of the Andrews, rf 0 0 place Hlghtstowner in the 880, The league's caliber. ; Schanckycf , 0 1 - KHS southpaw, fanned. 15.:walkcc The Raiders and the Cardinals lined up Sunday for the salute to IB. Wharton, pres of Ihr hi VP- rt 11 ud of I Jiu n oi -at the \d McTague, 3b - Another Ihaltrajser w& the 10- four and allowed a scratch hit. Th the flag marking the opening ceremonies of another seasoo. the tenth) of the picture ' exerclses'at the Atlantic St. fleld while Edwin Marow~MdSlee!~foursome»-bet iCreamens, Jb _ loner, 1» lined up with the two teams. tered their 11959 time of 44.8 sec- Inning contest between"\ Onion Keys belled Lou DeGeorge, Rum for boys baseball In this area.. Mayor Norman J. Currle and Kenneth | Wilson,-lea |.D'Apolita, 2b son pitcher freely, getting 11 of onds in the 440 but were the same Beach and Ciiffwbod Memorial ficial hits., and one unofficial one, in Ihe 880 this year, having been that W«ty t: a 5-3 decision1; for the The one unofficial one was a home Jfef Regatta MHS Cross-Country clocked In I minute, 32.9 seconds Beachers, It put them up YiartKe Matawan Jolts Keyjport Of ffep both years. • ••' - J _.- - . Union Beach far out of the ball park by Punkli The second annual spring tune- i Cross-country will ' take 11 a leaders and made their 'contest Brown in the top of the sixth thai p While the veteran foursome with Matawan Elementary! a cru- Team ^ ,, up Invitational regalia for Jet 14 place as an approved varsity (everybody hopes all four! will go Bpttger, rf Umpire AI Throckmorton called t dais sailboats will be held on Rung ^Wells Fans 19 But Losfes sport at Matawan High School cial one." The.. Matawaners i pulled foul', ball.-This'so enraged KHS to the same college so the com- It out In the •sTxfhTM.,...,,!.., '.. J. Williams, cf •'• Rarllap Bay this weekend, spon- One of the more prized victories over. Bowie came. In and next fall. Matawan Township bination will not be broken up) Lewandowski, 3b • Coach Bob Zampcllo when Rumson sored by the Kcyporl Yacht, Club. in the 50-ycar history of baseball grounded to Wathlngton for a force Board of Education approved the In the Raritan-Cliffwood game, later tied the game at 1-1 that were setting a new mark in re- Robinson, c Tho race committee, headed by as a sport at Matawan High School at seconB to. retire the side. sport at Its meeting Monday. hits by Bradley Powers, and Doug Langjn, p '"" "".' Throckmorton ejected the Keyport peat winners as state champs In Allen in the 10th settled, the issue Bob Kofoed, well-known Jet was recorded Friday when the Gregory was back pitching the This move to make an activity Laroski, ss ' ' mentor from the game, and latci two events tor two years [in In -a pitcher's battle between Rar- sailor and Sid Lambcrtson, an- current 'Maroon and Steel team, bottom of the/fifth. Bill Hogan possible for those students who Beutel, 2b nearly ejected John Mielo, tho r«, row, there were- others running itan's Ronnie Sachs and Cliff- ticipate 20 to 25 Jets to vie In scored an incredible 2-1 win over singled and Punkln Drown walked cannot participate In football was Riccnrdl, 2b placement. for the Maroon and Steel I with wood's Carmen Pizzi equal'to any- this early season test. Keyport. The Incredible part of it with two outln this frame but ihli made possible through the ln- Dailey, if ThB Keys left nine on bases less success but with loyal and thing seen inJilBh school ranks A three-race scrle* It scheduled came from Ihc fact that Lew Wells, time Gregory regained control In lereM of' Harvey LaTourette', a earrfest effort. •! — \ \\" Natacola, If They did get a run In the second this year. Serj©bna) fielding by over a short course along the left handed KHS pitching ace, a- hurry add fanned Pietrewicz fo; faculty member, Barry Rlzio, Won Qualifying Heat! Celipeto, If on a single by Bruce Jackson and could fan 19 Matawan batamen In the final'out. ! both teams curWt repeated scoi- 1 Keyport shoreline.. Trophies and athletic director, reveals. La- Mpsnuceessful of the ' pther 7 B. Williams, lb a double by Pete Rothenberg, .prizes will be presented In the seven Innings, yet could not win Intg threats. . I J. Miller, lb ";.,"...... ,. ,.|.i. 0 0' catching his first varsity ball In the sixth Cummlngs hit safely Tourette was a croji country KOi-ttHy teams Was tf|e fresh- club house following the final his game. with two out and stole second to man In his own student days at man quartet of iRobcrt, Davis, Jinx With Extra Innlnjp - game. Then the Red and White race. The Memorial School's Jinx with squandered chances while Wells Beating tho Huskies would have pose, another Keyport threat. Bu Bethany College, Pa. Pupils In- Deter Wolf, Terry) Crawford, and .,..'. .JW'-3-*- Cat Engle, Island Heights about clinched tho defense of the tho restored Gregory slid a third terested In the sport should sig- John Bunger. They, won .their extra-Inning games was the hard- ' Score by Innings: methodically was striking out the er to take in the'Union'Beach Union Beach 0010 013-1 Rumson side. That is, but for Yacht Club, Is the defending Shore Conference "B" title for Key- strike past Wells to end this one. nify (heir Intent to report to the qualifying heat buf were left be- : Then In the seventh, with one contest for they pulled up from "a . Brown's oddly-ruled long "foul champion, hut will be hard press- port. But their loss to the MH&S| cross-country squad when school hind in the finals, which were won Matawan Elementary 0110 02x—4 ed by a top-flight field which will nino they had beaten 3-2 earlier in out, Jim Wilson mado things tenso reopens In the fall. - by the Freehold Regional team, 34) deficit to tie it and force the Union Beach (5) ball." by cracking out a double, The Key- game into extra : frames; Billy / Pops Hit Into Right Field Include Dennis Farley, Lake he season left the Red Raiders In - A full program In cross-country consisting of Cornelius Cade, Dan abr h, Hopalcong; Dave Slddons, Is- the desperate straits of having to port contingent roared when Greg- Is carried on by both the Shore, Racz, George Ingram and Richie Langan was tho winner bf'This Bottger, rf The Brown matter became vital test for the Beachers against land Heights; BUI Olscn, Mon- beat both Rumson and South Am- ory walked Hogan, Here Deltz Conference and the New Jersey Davis. The Colonial yearlings cov- J, Williams, cf grave one in the bottom of the mouth Boat Club; Waft Zwnrg, pulled the shift again to have Bowie Memorial's Fritzle Hamilton.. : sixth when Don Robards popped boy 10 be even suro of a tie for State fnterschofasllc Athletic As- ered the fl80 yattls In 1 mlnutf, Lewandowski, c Island Heights, and Kofoed. he title. It was the third straight pitch to Brown,j}. right handed bat- 42,2 seconds. Cade, who got- the Trie Beachers got away to an Robinson, p hit into right field. Lou,DeGeorge tcr. Brown lined a long fly foul, sociation. The new Maroon and walked and the pair pulled a double KHS loss. Steel team will compete for both Blue and Gold 'first ySrd : men early lead when Jack. Williams Laroski. ss Dave Gregory, a left handcr, who Bob Jackson gathered it In for the..| away to a good lead ori the first walked, Ed Lewan'dpwski' singled, Stillwell, If '•••• :-T . " ' steal. An infield out scored Robards second out, but the runners movci Iho Conference and Group II to make this most one-sided contest plied the KHS batsmen with on as- fKlei of well BJ In dual meets. leg. Is a 1959 graduatff of Marl- Sam Robinson was hit by a pitched Beutel. 3b , Group III Foes up into scoring position after the boro Central School. The FRHS dWBellevahly a tie. lortment of drifters and spinners p ball and Williams scored after Lan Mafrnowsklr2b was tho main agent for the KHS catch. The Keyport fans ranted and yearlings set a niw mark for the gan's long fly. Richie Bottgor.walk- Natacola, lb In the seventh, the Keys got their pleaded as Pietrewicz took his eVent. first two men on buf they commit- Top KHS Runners reversal. But MHS Coach Deltz re- ed to start the fourth and scored sorted to Paul Richards' methods, place at bat, A single, .would win Six Teams Still The MHS two-mile relay comr on Williams' triple. Lewnndowskl ted base-running hnri-karl-.. .But Keyport trackmen took on Group the game,-But,wilh^a, left harided with two outs, Jim Wilson walked keeping a right handed'pitcher, bfnc of Bob Rankl, Harry Caroth- hit safely to score Williams.- ';: ' rivals In two moots during tho DIII/B/JwIe, In- the available spot batter now up,' Gregory Vns going' ers, ~Ed Hyrne and Bob Condlt and Alex Pietrewicz/and Bill Ho- back on the mound, Pictrcwicz un- Unbea^n In Loop The Memorial players scored In iast week, losing to Toms River s a first baseman, and moving came In.-fifth of a field of eight. Plizl, ss gan followed wlth-"pmch'-'-slngIes 7 2/3 to 30 1/3 May 11 nnd to accountably stepped out of the box the fourth on hits by Hank Epps to send home the winning run. him onto-the mound for "BBOt" SIX teams remain undefeated at Brick Township galloped away Klein, 2b iayrevlllo 84 5/fl to 52 1/fi Mon- on the first pitch and was a strike from the opposition In this one. and Joe Childs.. .Eddie. Hamilton's Frailer, 3b Chuck r^chols replaced DeGeorge pitches when Keyport threatened. the end of the second week of ac- single with Ed Reed-and Epps lay. Both meets were away. Tho down. A ball, a foul, and then . Tho Huskies mile relay team of Holmes, 2b as Rumson pitcher, only to bo And tho Keys left 10 men on bases lazy drifting curve caught an out- tivity In the litcam Rarltan Ath- aboard in the sixth tied up the promptly ditched when ha walked ted and White did better than ex- In a 2-1 game, testament that they Anders Anderson, Jan Cort, John Boniier, rf >ected against tho powerful Toms side corner and the gamo was over, letic Association Softball League. game. But the Beachers pulled it Causby, rf Brown to load the sacks. Lefty threatened and . then threatened Anthony nnd Richie Fierros was out In the 10th when they filled, liver squad, but tho' test with Iho It was strikeout No. '10 for Greg- The police team, Woodland Park, too new a combination to keep Green,- rf Bqrtlett came on and Ray Scuorzo igaln, They even went out of the ory. j •"• • •• the bases on hits by Entente tapped him for,- another KHS run lombers was a disappointment In jail game with tho tying and win- Foxwood and Norgato Manor have anywhere near the leaders In a Z Reed, If lat the Keys could have won It Natacola and Williams and a walk Epps cf before the side was retired. Ing runs marooned on second and Tho MatawanJ players swarmed records of'two wins and no losses race I In which Lconla-outrun Me- Lewandowskt then delivered his iut for three men fouling out on third In the seventh. :uchen's championship foursome. Childs, lb ,- Coach Skcets Appiegate, Rum- over Gregory In, their joy. The un and Hidden Hills', and Upper Rj third hit to score'the winning runs son, sent In, Half-Pint Coleman as ho board In 4he broad Jump. believable had happened, tho Could Not Match Competition E Hamilton, e" War Of Nerves Starts tan each have won one game and F. Hamilton, p a pinch-hltter as a bizarre bit of Chris Healc' and John Pole were The war of nerves started In tho vaunted Keyportors had been set Matawan high hurdles foursome ' Put Behind In Second,. strategy to start-the bottom, of the hojpno KHS first place men In iccond Inning. Bob Rank) led off down and the Maroon and Steel played to a tie in their other out- of Ken Morris, Mike Catherwood, , In their "must" game with Mat- seventh,' but Wells was equal to the heTtieet with the powerful In- Inthe Matawan half of that framo waved, for tho time being at least, Rolllo Peterson and John Conover awan, the Beachcrs were put be- 341:8-' need of fanning, not walking, the Haas,Healo took two events, the iy cracking a double down the atop tho Conference, For Gregory, and the.low hurdles four of Sam hind In the second on hits by Ele- Raritan Township.(1) • . '- Harmony -Park was toppled from mentary School's Tom DeWna and much-understeed batsman. The 140 and the broad Jump. But thcro third base lino. Larry Gnrlto fol- it meant no batted-ln run'had been Kay, Moffli, Catherwood arid Con- . •- • ..-•:•••. .-Mhr% the lint of-unbeaten teams as Bill over were up against Group III Buddy-Crcamens. Tho Beaches Cusane, ss • last two outs were easy, —. - _ vero plenty of Keyport boys com- lowed with n single through tho scored off his'pitching in tho, last ••• •j.-.o-a- ing In for seconds and third's" who Coffcy and.his Hidden Hills team and Group IV school competition tied It in the top of the third .as Clymore, cf ••.-••. 4 Ori Ktyport(S) , ,...-! 'lex and Rnnkl scampered home. 19 Innings. : ind not been ablo to count before) Ed Flynn got a, walk, BI'Jl Xolllns, mates-came out on top ot a 0-3 and could not match. It, . . - Botlger. walked, stole two basts Cacarillo.lb -. ...,.•;•-.« 0. o.,; ' tr 'Jt *i oroun I And'H , :',* aitd scored-on an Infield'out, But Powers, 31] i Ihls ycari sfibwlrig profit tor thef tanned nnuBowIe rapped out a hit, Heors. -louiSulllvan led .the .victors (M-Y»rd — .Won liv Moln-.ioni M«H 3. Wilson, lb - 3 1 ) r . ' " -7 «b r h 1 Jlhiniy'.Wfllkejr promptly puts the : .I'w.ii-JiO-,-1,, Plctrnllcz, It ' . -'-'•". /lHng';th.Q. uas.es wllh.ono put. Those it tho pinto with a lo'hg homo run. Jotfcoal; Din-Mabbltt, Bitfd uriditri. !tan Bakor and Assistant Coach Hariseri, cf Illchle Dcnnf third. •-* ." - Longo, 2b Scuorzo, rf Fred Rothenberg mado his host issurcd, howovo.r, when tho KHS and. .Hlahtitowii; " Uurd. Corterel: '4 0 1 Wathlngton, ss five runs In tho fifth Inning as Jourlh, Middle Towmhlp.:'iHm«: l:M,9. Morlarity, c Ilourahan, 2b 4 0 0 me, a SUIl mile, at Toms River. ice promptly fanned Gregory and Tho battling Beachcrs rallied to Vtlke Hanson.to rctlro the side, Dob Jackson, If Harmony Park-fell qno short of One Mile — Won by Leonla; second. tie It "galn'ln the top of irjo sixth Bruco Jackson, cf 3 1 1 icllnn In top shapo Monday, Rankl, c Motuchen; Uilrd, Edftewpofl IteRtonal; ic settled for a 5:0£ mile at Sayro- Gregory met his first big test In knotting the score. fourth, Pemberton, time: 3:33.0. Jack Williams tripled and scored P. Rojhcnbcrg, o 3 0 2 Gnrlto, 2b Two Mlle-Woo_fey Brie* Towntlilp: on an .error. This left it up to the Clilfweod Memorial (•) Wells, p 3 0 0 Hie, and had to battle off tho ho bottom of (ho second when ho Flynn, rf Karltan Ridge scored two runs Terry Hanfon. Jerry llanlon, Don haliengo of teammate Ed Scullion iad to-fan two men to.retire the In tholrflrst time at bat on a homo Mold, Dean Ayres; lecond, Metuehen; pitchers and George. Morrcll, MES . f- .-:•-. «b Collins, 3h v._. Uilrd, Point JPIeirtni: Jourlli. BW«e- hurler, struck a telling blow Klein, 2b '^ -_a 30 3 11 o keep second to Sayrovlllo's DaVe ildo with KHS runners on third Bowlo, lb, p hiri by Rags Rellly and added a (Kid Park. Time: «:4». > ind sbcbnd. , ' third run In the final Inning against 1 7/D Mil* Kelay — Won By Olen- against his rival, Langan, In the Runuon (1). 'ollard. Scullion and Julius John- Gregory, p nidtfe;'Lonf. rtuechle.-Kline, Anire- I hettom of the sixth'. Allan Mc- EPPS, cf vy 4.:0 I ion, both freshmen, delighted KHS Weils appeared to be faltering Norgate"Manor. In bbtween Nb^ vine; teconS, HlahliniJ .Park; third, Lynch, ss • z ^, • .4.' eb r h 1 gate pounced on a succession of W>os 3 1 1 iupportora with 'their closing igaln tho top of tho third. Charlie IT 2 5 8:10.1. scored the winning run on Frankle Bonner, rf : 3 Do George, p, 2b 1 0 0 kick." Wathlngton boat out (\ hit and Rorltan Ridge pitchers for 24 runs rre«hman SBO — Won liy rreehold, E, Reed, If 4 Keyport (Ij a win their second 20 run plus Hcflonal; aecond, Aabury Park; thlrdj D'Apollta's single. Morrcll then hit tund, rf • Excclls In High Jump :amo around on « stolen baso and abr h Ntnwne: lourlh, Tomi niver. Time: Childs, lb 2 3 00 tame. ••!•" safely to score D'Apollta with tho Nichols, lb, p . • .3 0 0 Best Kcypart performance^of tho wild pitch to. third, Bob Jackson TopoIowsM, Jb 4 0 1:43?3 (n«w record). rur(..to make It safe for Matawan, F. Hamilton, lb 1 Fnllon, 3b • 2 0 0 ay nt Sayrevlllo was by Jim Law- mashed a triple down tho left field J. Wilson, ,1b 4 0 - Kansky Belli Two Homers Frailer, 3b * - -I".. .1 Acqulro, c•" • ion who went up to S ft,, 6 Ins. Ine to scora Wathlngton.. Thoro C, Hogan. si Bill Kansky not only pitched Nor- There was another shutout in the E. Hamilton. • 1 0 0 3 0 Atbury Wrestling league during the week when Mid- Miller, 2b, lb ' . , In tho high Jump, Wally Kennedy, was a KHS confab but It was do- Drown, 3b gate to the victory but blasted two Plui, p '" 3.0 0 3 0 dletown Intermediate blanked Mungor, cf« 3 0 0 ho had to trail .t'ljie- viunted Norm d~l j lolrawlct', rl tremendous-home runs. Mush Scrappy Jack Ostermullcr, the 2 r Marks also homered and Vlnco Marlboro Central 9-0 behind the •;-.» o s Nyc, If 2 0 0 Frank at Toms River, was back other Justified that confidence by Scuorzo; o ; 2 0 Freehold baker boy, will make hfs Bartlett, p 0 0 0 Bruco Jackson, ct Branelforte had a fine day at tho wrestling debut for the; season at slants of Davcy McDowell. Much in tho double-winning sldo at tho annlng tho next thrco battors on 1. 0 unhapplness reigns In the ranks of Coleman, ph. 1 0 0 Bombers track. John Kennedy 1 pitched balls. --' ','•" ~- . Cummlngs, If pinto to help Norgnto's cause. Asbury Park Convention Hall to- 2 P ' The Rarltan -Pollco team, behind morrow night, He will take on the young Centra! school team be-' ireezed to a 2W wlh In tho low Gregory's Troubles Begin Wells, p, 3 6 EATONTOWN ~---^—--r ----- tho splendid pitching of Ed- Spring- 2211 ulrdics. Healo and; Poto both Wells "ever had much to bother Johnny Kace, a neivcofncc' from KEVPORT about after that but Gregory's iteln, trounced Bill McKenna's the Middle West. ought oft tho closing challenges of » - M 1 .3 Cjardcn Parkway team , 13-3. BUI KHS Freshmen trim '»V nyrqvilks runners In the .middle 'troubles worolmly beginning. With n-Struck out for Hanscn In 7tl)." In tho feature match, Chet Wnl- wo out In tho fourth, his control Maflln hurled fine "ball for tte llck, the California Iron Man, will distance events, '-,';. " Matawan - Oil 000.0—2 Parkivay team but was hindered by Christian Brothers Richie Mnzur,. Bomber weight ind covnposurc both vanished sud- Koypo'rt. 000 100 Keys,, was" being shut out'In both btri (K), Scullion (K). Ttrnoi 4 mini:, vlfctory. :. •-,",.. A triple by John Croddlck; for- M.Oaeci. • ' • - . Marine Police Will mer Marlboro Central player, and he polo vault and the broad jump. And to have It nil so unnecessary V high hurdlei — Tlmm (3), Patrol Waterways ; Upper Rarltan edgetliCoralwood. - - a single-by Len Sauter, ex-Rnrltan J, Kenned)' \K),' Lawaon.(k). flmo: toV their.first victory, tyVan M Shore Conference player, gavo tho Academy .team a In tho broad Jump.. l«.a icci. ' • New Jersey's marine pollco will jcorc' Ralph Ceratnl and- Bill •'.. 2-0 lead In the first. But Mike Tho Red and: White trackmen ISO-yArd low hurdlei — J. Kennedy Noonaq bit home runs to give Jack • JKceks hit with' tho bases loaded head for Toms River nnd the Slloro K), Tlmm (SI, Lavion (K), Tlmo.- patrol Iho waterways this .weekend Hnnrahan the vtctory, Foxwood Class B Northern blvlilon 'and sent the yearlings, ahead' In Conference, "B" meet.thls Satur-, MS22.3 taec : • -:' ' and throughout the summer-sea- .'-•--. 'Standing* -• • . • Shui put: -r Maiur (S), Sakln (K), picitc4 up en easy victory "ovet the second. - Ed Vanderbllt. KHS day. Then, on May 29 at KHS field, son, according to^ Salyatbre t'jfi-,.Chestnut Hill, 1(M; Paul Trlpla W L Ave. pitcher, won hfs own game with Is the big dual meet wi^h/Mata- Role (K). DDlilance! : 94-It,, I In, Matawan'.'.-'. •" •..-. •TT7 Dlicua — Maeuf (S), Qeuner (S), Bontempo, C' 'ttils^io'dcr of hurled.:a'-*iur hitter arid Swlnarakl a doublo with the bases loaded in wan, , • •• ' r. Mcper (Kl. Dlitanco: IS] .ft., 8li banged out a homo run far the' Keyport '• ..' •m the fourth and Skip VanPelt follow- 100 yard* Dash — Won- !>y Prank '-»•. ' State Department of Conservat Rumson 9 % ITn): Second w. Kennedy (k): Third jAvrlln — Matur (S). Soktn (K), Foxwood cause.'" • : ,625 ed wlth'a homer with one aboard Snnarcld (TR). Time: 10,9 aces. and' Economic Development. Hoffman 4 5 : Uoohler (Kl. Distance: l?0 II., 7 lm. In the fifth.. ;^ !JO yard Banh — Won by ft Ortiad jump — Patchmwakl IS), Wall Township 1 7 3X1 ,TK); Second w. Kennedy (Jill Third Sasion (S), Wall (S),- Distance: li "T.here scorns to be some con- .Have slldo rule, wlfl travel; Dr. Christian Brothers will play, a! Sonnuftld (TR). Time: 23.3 «eca. «.. Hi tin. fusion on tho part of boat opera- Atlantic Highlands IT 440 yarvand) Hun — Won by Healo (K)....;. Elmer C. Eajton, dean of the Rut- " KHS field again shortly. Illililht lumJump — LawsoLawtonn . IK1(K),, Tie lor tors concerning touting regulations Seconid Ogle (TO);.In(Tnli. Thir' d" ~nudnybk ' ' y cennd ntnonff lleole ("' sera College ol Engineering, spent Keyport Frtshmen (IS) TH). Time* M.» teci. >nd nnmnjt lleale (K), W. Ken- in New Jersey," Commissioner two months In Korea this winter end yard Run — Won by Pale (K ledyy, (K)IK),. PntchiowikPatchnowikll (S). Ilelght: abr h Second ' Kearney (TR) I Third LIU ' II., 0 tin, T Bontempo explained. "Our depart- pteparlng a report for Un Korean Byron Jackson, It 1 TB)...,. Time: ,3 rnlm,_,, 0O1D sees. Pole'v.ull -4 rielrt. (Si. PontiW ment has a greater responsibility Ministry of Education on ticiHtle) Weeks, lb • 3 11 Mill "Ru n - Wo', n b_y. Nasc.iagel (TR)1. S), l'apiM.S). Height: 9 (i., t lm. than ever before to. try to Insure Second r, nolhenberns (K)(Kl: .Third there. tor engineering and science, Hpurahan, ss 4 1 Thtlt (K). Time: 4,mm»., SI.S safety on tho waterways. Marine education. Six yean ago, - Dean VanPelt, ct High llurdlu — Won toy Carr (THi> 4 2 .•cond Morrli (Tn); Tliirtl ctancullU Matawan Flpld To patrols Will serve every,, weekend Eoston assisted In tn* develop- Cacopardo, c, 2b 3 0 ,K). Time: lO.Saeca, ' . tram now through Sept: 10 and ment of tha Royal Technical Col- P. Rothenberg, b " Low uuMlta — Won by C«rr (TR): Be Rebuilt Anew further ^policing will' bo.! scheduled 1 0 Second Caruto (K): nurd T, Pelper lege of East Africa. • Gevas, 2b - •! 2 2 Kl. Time: S3.0 «oci. . • Uso of tho Matawdn High School as the volume of marine traffic Dowd, 2b DUcu? — Won by Lubash (TH): requires.1' • • ••-•,'.> 10 Second T.Palner (k): Third Miller Held for baseball Is out for an. F. Jones, 3b . 2 .1 tKl." Dlitanw 117 tl,, it 3/4 lm. ither summer, Roy S, Malthexvs, Sullivan, rf• • ••- Shot Put -~ Won In- Calrfer tTH): Commissioner Bontempo said 3 0 Second Gannon (TR): TtUrd-Boae (K). chairman of building 'and grounds, the marine police will contthuo to Slusarz, rf -6. O Distance: 43 II., 1 Inn. lra)e (K): atlon,'_specdln£. and other vio- It's AD About iTUN On The Second S\\1llr-lTni: Third Sonnaleld ip rlfiht after graduation and then lations coming under their juris- Family PUa and • Hllarlow. ..-• "• 2«10 TR). Dlataficei IB tl,. H ln>, - rebuilt. It-will be crowned In tho diction. H« added, "Although a Quid* •»'• Slap4U|>w Christian Brothers (4) , . lush Jump — Won by Frank (Tn): center and sewed with a type of second T. Peliwr (Ki| Tie tor Third. 1 Supruno Court decision bu Inval- '•• ' .. Marjrlac*.. . . . • aa r h W. Kennedy )K), Morrlt (Tn) and grass that it Is hoped -wilt have idated the Marine H'vigatlon Denl~~' i (T(THI~-R" . llelfiht-tlclsht:, S It.. 4 In.. Vaull — «ftn by Lanon (TIM: taken such root by the time foot- Court started more than f « yean • , • ' DaVlo fftfcsi - - 'pa Fazio, cf, If Secon.scond Jeller (TR); Tie for Third, ball practlco starts In September ago . and i operated escJi season "PLEASE DONT EAT Special Added Crosbrwwy IVI ,n<1 chenowelh (K). ••'Prodilftk,:**,.; HellhU-lOn. so It will notobe-torn, up. since, marine police stilt have the . THE DAISIES" $auteiy \cf; p, , - Attraction -OUR NEXT ATT1UCTI0N- •Tin tummary: (K) lor Ke Floyd Drown, dtalrmin of ath- pbwer and authority to Initiate •: CloeinaScopt - •• In on ..••-• *;.-***—• ... : Sunday Matinee Only IMyard d««h' — W Kennedy IK I, rejection ot tho application.for use ors. Cases may be brought to lo- Nuito (S). Cocarlllo (Kl. Time: 10.4 : light for Federal GaU! tte*. • • •— - * of the field by the Matawan Pony cal municipal «>i>rts or county Gshut miKiiw 'Tartans Greatest HO-yarHOyard daih - W. KKerrtedy (K). League team* this summer and al- courts:" • ' •, - - Cartl* M«Ulse»s Nurturto |8||8| , Willl (S(S)) . Time uH H0-)'«'«rdt nrtuna — haallllllet (Kl, Patch- so applications,by a number ot "• "11 FIGimNO MEN" -AdventW' tomkl (S)(S i Morsai a (S(S)). TtnuiiM.S, other snorts, groups. One applica- How Is the tlmt! to advertlsa '. . Ctaemajcflpe . •' Ntu «Mk • W«* tkn Sat. 'l^,Pol«-.(K). SaUuel' tion was • granted to a team in those unused articles for sale. A "Oaa« Of KantaW (IC). Tlmti I mli\«,, Cllffwood tort game on Memorial small «d In.th«'clssjlfifd column 1 -'PolUr*,(S). r, Rotten.': Day;, ••'•" ••-•••'•• - ••'' ''•" will turn them Into cash - for yau. ThuruJoy, May 19, 1960 •_*„ THEMATA IWNAL, N. *••:

      >f'r»S**rKlWa» tkowdil, Fliers third and Sun Nallmut jr., Irving- Tho Ktypwt Weekly ton, wax Iwrth. tho roc»w«s halt-- Boxing Show Fans team ol Bill Morris and BUI .Murnma sr. camo within H pin* cd on thu fourth lap by a four> Lively action was provided the "Neptune EBve-JC<7poft'« loutiij «( copping the doubles title In Caf pilciip. • ••;•.-•••, (ans who sat. in on: the can) of the ISh annual Monmouth Coun- Joe SWmpW. Hollis, t. I., ««•.. txjxing bouts at Matawan-High ment ratirij; a surprising Jolt in i ty Bowling Asj«l«tlon chim- :«ned. Injury In th*. modified-; Saturday night Some 61 the local rrljim^am^ between them at KI1S piuishlpa -at - the Howril Lanes • favorites won, others fell by the field May II, *Tho Keys had shuf Sunday. ' - ipoHsmm,. event, lllj fnjlno tuok:' wayside. Freneaa Independent Vol- out the Scarlet Filers In tho «ei»« •Morris and Mumma comblard lire nnd he cleverly manMivired unteer Fire.' Co. sponsored the sen opener, out the shore team NS for a 11TMM total of Hit to tho car oft.lhs.track. Tlw blaje show. All bouts but the iinale were take «ocond place In iho tour- wi! extinguished quickly, ... - three rounds. versed the count last week "44, ney. The team nl Nick Vanetl Kelly wop over Pete FrMet, ••- The card ol bouts opened with Al Nctrewic*;, lost thla third Mid ,Herb BttfWRu llatiet, Rahwayj' 'ftiny ftattle, River Kcfge, a crowd-pleaser when-Ed Wei- game for the Rod and White by crashed Ihrougli to tain rlfst a tight scons, lie was more at place with • total icore »t itw, and ncrt New, Duncilcn, tn a first . stead, Matawan High boxer, gave EnttYed In the team compfth Wat t>lnnktl flnlsti. llomlrlckson Benny Diamond. Elizabeth, a pum- fault this time himself by Walking s the first two l'llers to come to bat tlon. The Matawan Journal ag- took bo aoco'nd Jicai' and D»An* . meling so that the referee had to . BXega'tlan rolled » JW* pin (ot»l |Kh), Stainpfiil niiatiyllh Stun Van- John Chrybinsaki. Elizabeth, 135 Iris, pitcher In the second, but Jim llriliii; Wi>Bt l,on|t lUmuli, m-cond pounds, early, spinning the out-of- Krlnsky coniu on jn relief to k«*p mil Stnn Mnllmui. Itvl,n|itiw, third, town boner with well timed blows (herirTrom -scoring. Then, In the U\m S»»n|>f, HIilm'tlMd I'uik, third, nnothrr-thrimlnif error and Racing At 0. n; --..in the firsts round. Midway-ofv the •oiitM A thillllnn' car IMIIIIII vie- ii slnRlo up|HHl thVSearM Filer Sumljy iilitht riuliut ITIUUH to ;«uy li/tr Wnlly Dniunlmfh,' Koy- - second round Chrybinsaki was in Old Itrliljip SUtdlwm tills wm-kvml, flight from the .punishment he was U'«l ' •' ' noii. In-ijiuilhvr jnwtlllv'd »|Wfl*> n\n);lf;. « I' i.ti-tji'JUS'Ul-u-IMW but> ii'Bii's hottt, f>iil» Vnuiilt, tilc'tt l.'6vt>, jetting and "the referee called a „ - Jljts Homer cesMiin of events »l tlw iiuto vnc- halt.at 1:35. • •'. ' ...,„.... banprtl mil it hunter In I., I.,"win llilvd nn' SljiVivMrllr-'l'if ' Itill tnnet fi>r DID taiiurai'i', Nnl 'tnnfni'd,-Cunn,, (Wtsliwl fmiitlt, Iho sixth to nmke It 32, but IhoIvIWiilli'ld, dlrccluv »t riu'lnn,^»u\' Decision Booed : Johnnie Brown, Cliffwo66\ .. and l liers wldr-ni-i) llio jap ii|!Bln In iiuunrnl. Kilday. It .will lu'.Mwk Tom Bartteil, EiizabetriVTore' Into iho seventh on n walk aiHI twoCJI»; iiiiiiiiilAj-s ilmn ISIIHH (li ' each'Other with, furious, action in It 11 s, Thru Tom Konowltt, tho p.m. Mint) mul NumUiys. inuli;cl». another 112-poundcr.Br^wn'put on •''llers'a'fb hurlcr, Cnnui on tulwar -Jiw Ki'lVv, vvleran Cim^iiiiuwken, a v e t y creditable prtrlcrmance ilown ami fmW |h« Keys snfo for i iirirtHl win. It wwo it bin lilt against a.boxcr.who had httd more ; Ui'tnuir, tlinix'il Iwiima -in the . fights. The decision went against •n tlw l lli'rs,i7 record, • twtn-lcAtiiro utiii'k rtir ' the CHttwoodcr and It was the first I'lrtrcwlrs fnnnnl suven mill |)iin:iuiii nt Old Itrhliio Sin- one of the night that was booed. walked four. Only one Kcypurl lml> dlum Friday. Alan Frederichs: Koyport, 147 tor fanned and four walked, tain- 1 men! In Iho Improvement In tho Kdly wrrsled tin - lend, fitmi pounds, took or) Len .Coley, ^an 'nrlii'i' Dnhii, 1-HH'liolit, (in I lie I Ith Elizabeth welterweight; Frederichs ip ,mul went on tn win tho 3S-lii|i Keyport (1) lacked the finesse of his rival, but .raturo, Jim llendrlcksiin, Mcrrltk, he slldjn enough body punching U I., flnlnbed SUXIIIH t» clinch HOC- toto weaken the Elizabeth-'boy I'vpoluwHkl) Jb > > ).' Wilson, II) ond |iln«i mul Al Pt>An|t> lo,'Qii( i'ns that Colcy declined to answer the Vlllngt', 1.. I., twilj the Ihlnt siml, bell for the.thirtl round. Harry'Qon- I'lclrcwlcz, p ' Holm tuded Imi'k In linlsli Itimili over,. New^Bruiiswlcki had little i". Hrtiwn, 3b _ hntl 1)111 McCnrthy,' Kiimsim, win -- trouble jn' handljng ^oe -Traska, sa '• Illh.'. - •••«'• •-..;.. Fords, In an exhibition contest 1,0 ~ .- Ransoms- ' Sandeas, Elizabeth Hmc» Jnckson, ct. Srcond Noylco Victory • Itecreatiprr, put oh the best boxing Wrils. rl .-, r^rrniA mnikrul up hlH second ^rahlbitipn. J>' the .-night Itftbnnglng Cummlngi, II noviro. vlclnry. In ctmvlnrlnu, fn*h- GcsSrgo yeit, Newark, .down The Inn, flulnliliiK wi>ll In front ill Jny This was the scene Apr. l»whcn the Brlgadeon Village (earn bonled names Cilk, Grandlmttl, Davli, Vaccarcila and Slovcni. Ralph Vac- Slsnotc, lilliaheili, in (lie l'i!it|i -"bout,weri'Ptfc* route, Veit hanging in ABC competition at Toledo, Ohio. The schedule Ot fittlm teama In T cartlla wa« working on a S44 stt when this picture wa> taken. Tho rooklerlit a I n t'vi'iil. Itcrnln Iti'»- on to the; final minute by sheer, at the ABC h such thatthft.Keyport-Matawan bowlers had to go on at Bflgudoon Villago team bowls in the Keynort |lualnci*iiien'l Uague, Neptune («) courage "a ! t.er Sandeas - me- 4 a,m. Their score It tlw second from the lelt, lower tier, showing tho thodically had beaten him into,,a Mlmcr, II ' "limp state. For Bis fine show! of slugged it out so fiercely that they Reid, Sb • » 1. ' handling himself, Sandeas was-re- grew arm-weary midway ot tho Holmdel Mark* Chapman, Jb . • JO - clplent ol the Schuber AUahtic tro- fichuek, p, 0 ALBANY second round and sparred harmless- Sporting Events phy,-donated by Ed Schuber.- Mat- BOWLING SCORES llolfman, si ly for the rest of. that period. But 0 1 •-," away, %..the,ter performer of A Llttlo Lenguo parodo wllli Morgan, lt> , 0 0 . the/ evening, "'"' » • ' '.'• In the t.|rd round, each one made IMi trim ilulttvtelaht nulh a pelf KEY-MAT CHURCH - MONMOUTII CO, CATHOLIC opening day ceremonies and sports Rouch, rt» , • 1 Boxing ExhlblUlio . - a belated bid for victory. Smack. Me(|fll,-it ol iMeiij pldnii a runabout ol May M !, . Final Standings ipeedi to 33 m|iti. Yel, It wlh „ Robert B*ie. New Brunswick; 1 a\*ard nlRlit marked a banner day Ing blows wire. landed and I h e • May 1» Walsh, c and Ben Smith, CUffwood PAL, Team -- ',-••.' ' . /'-W^ t for young athletes In Holmdrl Krlmky, p ; only 64 lbs., lai leu thnn rough Acure found himself flipping T«am . W V t 0 in In power .M. w*?i i',M. JOHN'S BOAT BASIN . The Ilhsl bout -of the night was St. BenedicU No. 1 , 4S 54 port First Aid Squad, the llmltt St. M*ry's NOi J- 49 » Fire Department, II10 llnlnulcl lire Mtllnea Hnlurdsy.-flundiy; Laurol Ave, At Brldga _ light heavyweight-comtsj. be> St. Catherines No, 1 43>4 S5> Gethsemane Lutheran 4* M L>rpnrt;i)rj!i urn) a sound truck jail Holidays lween two Newark battlers, Fred Matawan Methodist NO. 1 47 &3 St. Ann's No. J\ . 42 57 X Admission ,M Woit Keianiburg " Williamson and Bill Arrlngtoti. Wil- St. borothca* • V 40^ Jfii through Cie courlciy of Vlllaija 'IV, NEWS Malawan Methodist No. J 47 &3 liamson put his man down at 1:25 ? St.'Jarrfes . 3J.-JH Koyport, " ~ - Calvary Methodist " « U ot the fifth round af..r having had Oaythore K of C No. \ 31W <7{ for tht bard of (faring the upper hafid all the way. Keyport Reformed No, 1 45 56 (••Series llolnidtl Mayor lumn 'I', Acki r son threw out the first hall, Iho •.Top Award To Ranseme •fisyvlcw John Dellctti 222-222-171—0J3 Greeting Card Racks Dodgers shut out limt ycnV'a FRID Keyport Recreation as physician to check the. boxers Steve Treadway .. . 212 s before they could, enler .the_ ring! eam In the lwy»' le«gua and the MllOII ~-r- -*— Karl Jscotrten •---;•• — _ - ^211 The bouts were N. J. AAU saoc- Stan "BStifi""""" ;-•-•--— --jj| IMM—BtUta . war*.tht victorious tioned with Frank Boyle, Cliff- V. Halleran : $50 lit PRIZE JimMalley 21ft girl*' team, •';'• > wood, the. matchmaker. . ft. Cornflius •'•8(1. SCRATCH EVENT H. Pieper Ctuu. DtPailo • 2M Average weekly tsrnlnits of New The excellence of the bouts put B. Cooper , 290 Ed.D|bble on by the performer* Jia* stirred J2 Jersey 'production workers In m»n- $50 lit PRIZE A.Adt*r Jim McCoy ufacturlng Industries reached sn interest In those »tt««ling to an- 0. Fall m John Hemhauser . W other show, ptrhap* an outdoor all-time hlfth ot tM-4J at the end The NeW And HANDICAP EVENT A. CoMmta "•"•• Ml torn Haralfa . H4 Bearlet May Wla Back Mm coolest thla summer. Boyle la tak- rrf IBM. The average work week R. Cornell US-3M DobBa!lweg ' 2M yrM.40,1 hour*. In the '-jBergtii' Ope* ADrjr* ing some of the local boxer* to an R. tongstreet W Al Estell* - Ml Mat., TsesvFrt, Sat. asrf .ftta. 1 Mbrrls-Paisalc County ar#a, avfr- Delightfully Different amateur show at Lyons Veterans W. Jones 112 Btrnle Marcinlak - • - 2M 4M* weekly Mrnlnga were (931.73; Call CO 4-9886 Hospital June 4 tor farmer mem- :. ' 2MJack McConkNig* »l bers of the armed forces under P. Wright Mercer County, IW.Ill; Middlesex- Por Alley Retervationt there. 7» FRIDAY MTE EARLY BinDS Somerset Counties, JM.JI, RESTAURANT AND MIDDLETOWN MONDAY WTB ;• - nieal JUndlggs COCKTAIL LOUNO1 MIXED LEAGUE TOM W I Teaim . ' • • • L Lorrl's Bir « U Ken-Brad Const, « » FREE HUG STOHACK (ill Sepl. wiiii Exc«llfnt M«alt Temptingly Strvfd PAINT SALE Sute Farm Insurance H 41 Rarltan Roller* ' O 27 by 9. Boye*, RartUn Hay'a only Htig OViniiig I'Jatil Petnick Comtructioo W/, Wh South River Electronic* » 44 In A R«fr«ihln0 Atmoiphftc , Suburban Gulf Servica M 4S Mat-Key Kecrcifion M 44 gi"> • . n '4«. Leilereg'* pell M » • SEAFOOD Lakevlewlnn '«& »V4 Nkk'a lleauty Oiop if" il~ Cambtit Trucking « M Bay Drug Co., Keypbrt, * It- • STEAKS Middletoirn Lane* II *7 Bavirwa'f Dairy 4H» »W ioo% -f§ MCM Four Dnicti . 41 W " • CHOPS V Anthony Psiandraiw • 211 Pour O'» WAWA ttmti •••••wii« *»«* IksV Ckae HohentUIn 3*S mem Luncheon ^ Dinner PURE mkV ' . '• IM*») '\\>tf ••* itfni •• 9, tttft , Alicia) Mahler 817 Mike ToWa . 1 207 Ami »» lt»l m /, Dutch frjy 4» H X*llfr ft OBri'ii «'/, 4^ DELIGHTFUL COFFEE SHOP SfAYS CLEANER LONGER ntinvrt.,. utter Morgan Pharmacy , H to Plwknut • « 43 Tnicttd to rWtst «ttd»» trnxtnafumetMtmurr mcM> " Schanck't Utttcr* «'/, Mf/i . uriroat mam MOOT m Bijl Walton VB Kahle f Reed 45 48 BabOutwxx 21} Certioaet Orwniwuws 44 « 5. Hoyes UKTAURANT AND SWI6Bomuw 3*4 Split Rock 12 It Tom Hart . M COCKTAIL IOUNOE m CM CoNomLuMBER^Co. ** Y««BI» , » MHk Tensanni *5t|>«« Hi? 35 Mi44Ut*wpr - RWM OS 1-2160 '•mm J Page Twelve THE MATAWAN JOURNAL N. J. Thursday, May 19, 1960 Bicyclist, Car Mayor Dennis Takes LEGAL NOTICE Speeder,To Court -,. -««i Rider Injured ' *f«yor Rerfph .RA-flftrtlif tignijd tsqrtplaint .M^y » aftfsst'« yeuth Two persons wete reported li )r\vm he spotted sj)eedt»65>«t Route' lted In actideplj occurring use M»y 9 $e offender, Water BipnctDyaji irid Msrgxrct Bii-nenwaf the Want Ads Matawgn Township this put wee ikiewici, 19 Sutpwn the,', Maia Uus\*tt]4 ant iflle TH(o*yl$ntM Robert Lmd.'lO of 12J7 Seawrxt B/-virtue K I * wtft *>f ratpmHsta wan, was fihW Sio'and ,-$5 costs e abovfe «(«ted «ctl(m Ui jne d Dr, ChKwood,"Beach, w»s /lit b) hy'Magistrate Jarnrs H Martm an auto 4nven by Leo S Serel, Monday .., / ' HOUSES f OR SALE FOR RENT HELPWAMTED FOR SALE FOR SALE the Poroufh «( Freehold ,CtniWy -of }0, Bayonne', Sunday, aqgordfog't Three accident .cases were be- Monmouth NeV lenir. on Monday, ^J?ST' •KEANSBCHG W^arlch. APARTMENT, 2 rooms And batlf, BUS DRIVER, commercial a WALNUT CHINA CLOSET, reaion- report of Patrolman John Me the »ttl aty or June l»w at 11> el" 3 beffice on. J52 Ely Ave, Laurence Harbor, Alt tilt I6flahln£ tract ot parcel ol bath |12,o(JO- Inrfufre Satorday» water and electric supplied; Idea PUC common rarrier experience drawer Call LOwell 6-6457 after he was going west on Seawood D .jad and pretDlses-t MrelnafMr pat-, for couple or single" person..' Call JJEUGHT 8 PM wjlt" was fined $(5 ant) IS costs for op. Ucularly described sj'uate, lying MM or Sundayi, 131 Essex Ave. wjtf helpful, steady work." Apply Rolls at a slow rate ol speed when com. eratmg a motor vehicle in an un- iielng In Hi* Txjwnshju of Marlboro, COIhx 4-7291 wj!9 PARK AVENUE, Belfo>d. 2 bed- Transit Corp, Vi Broadway, Key- YES MR, * MRS SHOPPER MAHOGANY CHESTS, dressers, ing to the intersection of CEiffwood safe-condition and $10 and $5 costs Counly of Molirnouil/ and State port . «rJU Dr The Bayonne driver said a bo; New* Jersey i room* Call L. Karfcqs, KEllogg PLEASANT furnished room In Key- YOU WILL BE 0EUGHTED desk Maple chests, dressers, fo; careless diving He was ac- PEOINNIHG al • stone In Itie 11172 evenings v/jtl on a bicycle appeared suddenly be cused by Trooper J A Raskowskl, >rttmesterly outline bf Uje tract port; near schools, bus Doe, rail EXPERIENCED Chrysler medi WHEN YOU SEE,THE beds full three quarter twin, hind a hedge blocking the view' Keyport State Ppjice, as the driv- rmarl/ conveyed to Thomas Henry road elation. Write Box A in care anlc Raritan Garage, South QUALITY AND COMPARE single, and cribs Dinette set S and near Uie northeasterly edjfft of KEYt»ORT. 7 rodms «nd bath, for ot.this newspaper. . . wjtl Main St, Keyport. Call COlfax PRICES pieces Assorted used rugs, alt Clilfwood Dr. and ran .into tin er who ran into the rear of a coal tlie public road Jeading-fruiii Pleasant <|Uickr sale, V0O0 to settle an a- path of Ills car before he full; truck on Route 79 Apr 23 Mr Valley to rtenclu llienM (11 aoutfi 4-036Lwju sites Pads Open 9 to 9 Shore 47 degrees 00 minutes west as the :ate Call KEansburg «-28M w)19 GARDEN TRACTOR, riding, with AVAILABLE. ON OUR Furniture, Route 35, Laurence could brake it. Cameron was transported by Mata- fieedfe pointed Sail r J837 18 It 31/100 feel to a iKiInt In or near the mid all attachments, also cement mix- LIBERAL CREDIT PLAN Harbor wj» The Lind boy was treated fo wan Pint Aid Squad after the ac •lie of said road thence (2) norm 41 riVE ROOMS, 2 bedrooms, sun- er; gas powered. ; Call COlfax DENTAL assistant, experience un- cident to a hospital The con degrees 55 minutes west* along or porch, automatic gas heat and lacerations of the head and limb; near the middle of the same 81 ft 4-7678 alter 6 p.m. wjtl necessary, Call COlfax 4-2500 or G. E. Filter Flo automatic washer. at the scene and then taken t truck was owned by 1 Osipowltz 73/100 feet thence (3) north M de hot water Screens and storm win South Qrange 2-4833, evenings. WE excellent condition. Call WHiiney 1 Palawan Rrcei 43 minutes west 3711 It 53/100 tfows Near school, trains and GARAGE, approximately 1300 6-4855. wjl» his home so his fattier could (ak< icel thence (4> north 31 degrees 05 buses. Lot 00 K 100. $7200. Call 'him to the family physician. Drivers George J Knox, Norm- mln les vest [is Si 7/10 feet thence square feet, suitable for storage, wJ19 INSTALL & SERVICE (!) north 11 degrees 05 minutes west COlfaic 4-1826, or inquire 534 Cam- mall shop or fleet of four buses; PIANO $35 (needs tuning) TV 17" •A truck driven by Jack A.-Ross, andy Beach,- and Alen SrnuUio, 159 19-4 35/100 feet; thence <6) north RifSPCO PRE PAK Broad St., Matawan, both were 20 degrees ,45 minutes WestJ 07 it bridge Ave., Union Beach. wj!9 near -Malawan Rallrbad Station. WAITRESSES over'21 yean old. console $25, G.E. steam Iron $1, , 37, of 17 Osborri St., Keyport, wa 03/100 feel; thcnce_l7) mirth. 30 de- Call LOwell 6-4313. . wjl9 Call LOwell 6-9218. 'wjlft TUBELESS BOILERS wool rug and pad also fiber: rug standing on Amboy Rd. walling foi fined as a result of a crash between grees 62 mlnutea west still along or :helr cars at.the Route 34 and Main lear the middle ot said .road 80 feet; '5 FOOT stonefroitt Ratich, 29 Coot REGISTERED nurss to relieve for all 9x12 J10. Modern bathtub, the, red light to change at th hence (8) north 59 degrees 08 mfnutes kitchen, 2 bedrooms, garage, BUNGALOW, 3-rooms, Highway 34, BASEBOARD RADIATION white, J20." fail LOwell 6-2705. ' It, ihlereseclion May 6. Chief John last ot right angles to said road vacations for niwith of July, 3 Cliffwood Ave.lntersectlon'May 1 9 . Melna, borough police, believed porch; Tixeji $160. Bay view Matawan. Call LOwell 6-9852. ':.-•• '-•••• •!_:.-••• » * when another truck, headed wesl 1205 feet the center of Gravelly and 4 days a week. Apply Mount HOT AND COLD WATER the accident could have been avoid, "rook, thence (9) southerly tin theMorgan, N. J., (15,900 also Riviera . wjlf Pleasant Manor Nursuig Home, 38 6(i Route 35, suddenly veered of enter ot jpld brook ll'a meandering Beach, Year Round, private beach WINTER AND SUMMER GIRLS' 24" bicycle, good condition; cd by reasonable care on the part rourses.to the northwest corner of UMMER bungalow, {ft) per week, Freneau Ave., Matawan. V Call COlfax 4-1193. ' , wjlJ ' its route, struck the Keyporier's if. either of tho drivers. said Thomas Henry tract and anangte tc., (8500. 'Call FArkway 1-4862. " truck sidewise -and then tprned n the brook near the ore hog, thence utilities included; near bay andSALESLADY In women's and chil- LIVING ROOM suite, dining room A crash between cars operated 10) south,47 degrees 09 minutes west ocean, Ship Bottom. Handy lo 60 MONTHSI TO PAY overt. . • . . . >y< Charles E. Merrill, 55 Broad along ssld Thomas Henry's line 050 dren's wear. Full or part time. suite, refrigerator, dinette set and !ect to the stone, and place' of Bel THREE BEDROOM,ranch, car- •hopping area, aleeps 10, hot water Tar Veers- Jn Path >t, Matawan, and Mary E. Urust. ginning. Some experience preferred. Apply automatic washer. . Call COlfaic port, recreatiori room In full shower. Available July !(U to Veslrejch's, W. Front CU Keyport. .FEEE ESTIMATES V David Guskln, 57, Asbury Park! 12 Freneau Ave, Matawan, at Main Property-located at Nolan's Corner August 6th. Call after 5:30 "p.m., 4-7853. wj!» !t. and Schcnck Ave, May 9 rc- oad, Freneau, Townshlii of Marlboro, basement. Modern kitchen, wall /'7. "'"' "•' — ' wj!9 driver of the truck on the high- bounty of Monmouih,. New Jersey. -. COlfax 4-5868, ... >jl} GrVEUSACAIXAT' WALK-IN Ford milk truck,. .'IMS.. way, told Patrolman James lloyt ullod In Mrs. DruBt being fined jven, full storm).windows and The approximate amount of the icrccns; 1)4 baths. Lof 75x122 TEACHERS wanted 'for summer , body with 1958 engine. . Equips he was entering the intersection, HO and $5 costs for careless driv- udgment to he aallsfleil by said sale HOUSE TRAILER, onv Route 'M, T LOWELL 6r4361 ing and Mr. Merrill being -found s the sum of H.000.W) together with Wded with rote bushes and ever- assignments- demonstrating the ped with coffee urn and steam westbound on the highway when a :he costs of this aale. 'West Keahsburg;.will accommo- Work Book Encyclopedia and Child table, etc. Used for coffee and car coming in the opposite dlrec- ngl "guiiiy, Patrolman William ".- ~: IRA E; WOLCrvrT,-Sheriff, jreeiu. See to bellevo J15,500, In- atril April 2«, 1D00. . ulre Lorenzlrio Vespucci, 55 Clark date two. 'Call LOweII."6.1517. WJ19 Craft.' Set your, dwri' pafce* part THE BARGAIN HOUSE lunch route. Sacrifice $300. Call ' tion suddenly veered Into his path Hauser, borough police, , signed urenson and - Lawley, Attyf, ' ' • -'1 "TENNENT RDJ, ••' 'complaints., , _,y ;. .. ,.' , , :t., Hazlet. i ;', ,- •- '. wJIB time or full time with a guaranteed WHitjjey 6-4571. : • . wJ19 crossing .the westbound lane, of EAST KEANSBURG, ftrrnlBhcd minimum, Call SHadyside 7-344S ; ; MORGANY1LLE large modern 3 room apartment; 600 GALLON septic, tank,' never traffic to ^et to.Amboy Rd; headed •a-374 • •'••" - or KEIIpgg 1-441)2 evetttngs. • y»'jl» >'.-•:.vV::." .'.'.;.• ;:;:,;.;•; -jo. .._.''TT'S SAW. , '•' Available July 1st.. See aay'tlme. used,' metal, .130. Inquire Balers- . for. Keyport. To avoid.cpllislon, Mr:Matawan Couple Has ; ANTIQUE. rockir,- handmade bed- Cuskln said he swerved his truck SUi'ElilOirCOUHT • TALKER & WALKER Adults only.. References required. TRUCK DRIVER over 25 ypan-pld ilorfer, 186-Melroie Way, Cliffwdoi' OF NKW JEHSEV $65 per month, ! Call KCansburg spread, full size/- 6|| heater and geach or cpl| LQwell 6-0815.. \vjl» but could .not avoid hitting the. ve- Accepted Settlement ' - CHAHCEHV DIVISION1 REALTORS fpr Tuesdays and Friday*, all MONMOUTIt COUNTY 8-I48I-R. , ,- -wj» year around, good pay. Call •.yd- pipes.' Call KEansburg 6-2091-M. hicle broatjslde operated by Mr, . Docket No.C lOfl-JD ' , 7 Ross. . .;'.,,.. :' ... Mr, and Mrs, Harry. Potoslty, 172 Emll J, Fllepp and Eugenia Fllepp, Hfghway J3, Hazlrt • ' ~ - well 6-1032. ' •.•win '•': '*•>.-WJtt PORGH ENCLOSURES rackson, St., Matawan, have: ac- a wife, Plalntlffs--va: Patty Rowan, COIrtJt mil - APARTMJENT..J to 0 rri»,' kltcheit ~*v-'.' .';'as'tow'.M .'_•;' ''•'• it als/, Defetidanu : -- > .-., .and -bedroom completely fura. AKC ~, registered . Daehlhlind jiupl ' Albert ~j. Crlqul. 47, Red Da,nk, :cpled (2735 in settlement of their D«yi '' ' BOOKKEEPEjOcopunts.Py»AI?i ; : By virtue of a Judgment for sal*. In shed, living room has rug*only. ;..! 10 weelatpU,:only? 17 left, C«U . and the/rlvers were shaken up by Superior Court suit • for damages ;h« above, stated action' U> me' dl- ' ability, to' type; p'lea»»ht working • '" ;:,":'','per'y/eek; ,'' r..,>V-- jAi crush and turnover, but all de- -ecled, I shall expoio'tvfstleatvtib- Inquire 74. Vf, Front St., Keyport SHadyildo 7-3396 after 5 p.m.week mil personal - Injuries stemming cvendue, at the Court House-In $725 rXWNYPAYMENi, - condlllons,. |lbera| empllyee bene- /4IoiisIe enclosures feive,ypu an ek-, 'dined aid ai the scene, the officer lie. Borough, of freehold,1 County of >r call COlfax 4-7628 after 8 p.m. flLs. . Canterbury" Knitters Ltd.', dajyav all'dajrSaturday and Sunday rom an auto accident Nov. 27, ,1ovca you into thla 1951 Brick * ••'« •.'••-'.••.: " • -' • dLii) tfiTTooirS free? estimates,.. Call forirnouth,. New Jersey, on -Monday, ' • jlO* Locust Sf., Keyport. "'•'- -'- wj!9 reported. The truck operated by 358 at tho circle In New Bruns- he tlh day of June. 11)00, at 1 o'clock, /eneer Cape Cod home. Wall to Prown's AV. Broad St., Red Bank Mr. Ross Is owned by Arthur Gard- wick. ' ..."._ ,'..•...... '.M. Prevailing Time, r~ •_ rail,, rug. : Awnings on window", SHadyslde.. 1-7500 .:.-•":."; wjt All thai certain lot, tract or parcel APARTMENT' 3 • rooms and bath, VOUMO MAN over H years old, COMBINATION ICARRIAGirjltroi. ner, 41 Main St.,"Keypbrt. The couple sued.LeRqy Salter, 'all "treei ahade area «itd pfttlo ler and car bed with pad, perfect •Edward. Kreuger, 37, ol 1027 >t land and premlsea, sltusta, lying heat ..and hot water supplied, ;hlgh- school 'education'tor stock OUTBOARD . MOTOR, Elgin Tf Just Millstone, owner,of tho »ec- md being In tha Township of Atlantic, 11t h'brlck" Bar-B-Que. Closed dults only. Call COlfite 4-7465. condition, hardly tufd, good buy •• Bttverly-Dr;, Cllffwood Beach, re- 'ounty.. of ..ManmDuth and State ,.ut and warehouse.:" Mutt' have own '' '.JL. '-..eBJellent:: condition $125.... md Vfhlclo, and the driver-LcRoy eezoway connectrl car garage. "";'; ••••-••- .-.•.':,:-^ "WJ1B« 115. C«ll COlfax *M47r WJ19 lew Jersey, being more particularly car. -Sleadj-"Work/ Write" BOTM ra>h' tractor. Includes cutlet ported to Sat. John Klnnane Thurs- ). Washington, West Windsor Town- escribed as follows * blocks to buses, School within In care of this newspaper.' wjlD day at 8 p.m. that his vehicle, UEGINNINO at • spike Jn tha Con- LIFFWOOD BEACH, 1 side double tabled hat « h.p,, 1145. Home' bar with ihlp. Mrs, Polosky suffered in- ir of the Matawan to Dtue (tail talking distance,. Read/ for your KITCHEN SET fsrmlca top headed east on Woodmere Dr., was urles while ILJpassenger In -her load • now' known aa tha Montroso ispectlon at all times; FHA ap- house, unfurnished. (M. 4 rooms, GARDENER, I day a week, lawn and 4 chairs $29. Call LOwell accessories for kegged beer US. 1 oad at the most northwest corner Large brass coffee tableai. from hit. by one coming In the opposite lUBbond's outo/S • , ' ' . F a one and twenty eight .hundred- iraUed. Selling Price $15,000. bath, porch, heat and hot water cutting, dependable. Call COlfax 6-0334. . wJ19 direction which skidded Into it. Tho cajo had bccn scheduled for hs acre tract now owned by Joseph tupplled. Call LOwell 6-3B92. wjlO 4-6354 evenings. wjl? India, mahogany legs PS; also H l U Moresu, ana continuing according loot fiberglass - bottom runabout " Robert Thomas, 43, of 1427 Wood- rial before Judge Bernard , Wj :o previous magnetic meridian,* ttmnctf . NEW RANCHES Real Estate For Sale Wanted mere Dr., Cliffwood Beach, said ho /ogel. William F. Mullen, Man > north seventy four degrees fifty EXPERIENCED real estate sales- J185. Call LOH'ffl! 6-4m wjl> : •3 Dedrooms In residential area. person, male or female, wanted WILL.wash and Iron all tjrpt» ol ~was headed west on Woodmere Dr, Illc, was attorney: for tho plain- ilnutes east IN 71° BO' E) along ;HA Mortgage available, 30 years; (EYPORT lot 91x100 on .Theresa IF YOU ARE planning on financ- [O'most northerly aide of the afore, Avenue, near school and allfor Hailet office of Walker t Walk- curtains; also stretch curtains ID at 23-mitcsper-hour when his car ills, while Harold, J. Sklarew, New nentloned 1.2H acre tract four nun- 3W down payment, one block to my owb boms. Prompt service. ing a new or used car and aro suddenly skidded on the wet pave- Elrunswlck, appeared,for the de- ired and thirty ono and twenty six tniJ.cs. S. Lambertson, 31 Myrtle er, Realtors. Call CO 4-5212 for lundredlhs (431.20) fed to a slslto In JUS transportation snd stores, !a- appointment. wJ19 Call PArkway 1-3593. w]U Interested In saving up to $8 a ment and carried him into tha wi- 'endants. ' lio line of ,sn old fence; thenco 12) ipect these homes now, big val.J, Avo., Keyport. Call COlfax 4-4852; month on charges', call Bob prr at orth twelve degrees fitly nine mln- WHO hlclc driven by Mr. Krcugcr. No ilos east (N 12° 5u* E) along the old w price $11,000 and $12,000. EXPERIENCED driver, available COllax 4-5022. ,, _wj8" injuries- were reported In this ;nce line and the westerly edge ot a BUSINESS pfMerty on Highway AUTOS FOR SALE for long or short trips,-anytime. 'ooded section one hundred and-thlr* • •' • -wJ19 crashes according to the officer. !en and forty ono hundredth! I11J.11I 34; 455 foot* frontage, 6'room 1955 CHEVROLET, 2 door Y-8, Call LOwell «-2727. -»--.". wjlf Aluminum Windows Vladison Granted oct to a ctake: tiionro' (3) soutn (contlndcd from pano oho) !EW HOME 1 block from St. Jo-hQu»e, vacant, ' concrete gafagc standard. $793. Morganvllle MIDDLE AGED lady, cooMng and Venetian Blinds i«venty four dsgrcos flfly minutes seph's School, Maple Place, Mat- 22 x 22; also other buildings, Bult- Prof Bumps Gal's Car, perating, tho Knollcroft-Cllffwood vest (S 74o jo' W) four hundred and Garage,''Highway 7». . wjl9 generally;use(urin boarding homo Free EiUmttes. Bcach^ plant nnu lino Is almost Rllty flvo and eighty five hundrodtha >wan. Call LOwell 6-1077. -wJlD* obto for Urge business, motel or for elderly people. Sleep In. Mrs. No Money Down tSS.05) feet to a spike In the center factory. Call LOwell 9-2158. • wllB 953 CHEVROLET Station WagQn. Found Inattentive .... ompleted, and Sayro Woods South Ino at tho Matawnn to Blue Unit Hazel Baldwin (3rd house) on Part- Rat) A. Fraatz, COIfu 44401. Iliad, nav? knuwn us the; Mtttitrtao Special (205. Morganvllle Garage. ridge Road/ off Route IB, Brown- Regnvald Rnndcberg, North Her- mil Southwood at Old Brldgo arc lond| Ihenco HI ao-Jtli llfleth degrees N A CHOICE location In O]a M«>>^ Highway -78.-1 .-.i:':,^ , w]l? •;• ••• ' 'gen, a professor of psychology at :onncctcd la tha Rarfrah' Valley or Estates (IfolmJol Township)' (own. Call tOwetr 64112. WJ20 along llm center Una of the Malnivnn ancli liouso with 3 .bedrooms, 3 MAN on pension desires a furnish- USED refrigerators. $49.85 ut) sp. Monmouth Collego, Tuesday was Trunk Sewer System. There form- :ii Hliio Hull lloail now the Montrosa EXCELLENT BUY-1M9 Mercury; Good condition. Pete's Inc. COl- found guilty ol careless: and Inat- :rly was n plant at Southwood, but Itoud'one llundrod (I1K1.) feet to tho Ilo bathi-(bno with stall shower), 'ed room with privilege to uso hot radio, heater, overdrive, white WANTED TO BUY ilnco of DKOINNINu. Plato,; In Keyport. Rent not over fojc 4-2700 or KEansburg 8-1100. - tontlvo driving for running his car he dovolopmenl outgrew It. CONTAINING ono (1) «cro. modem kllchcii, large living room, wall tires, 2 door, 9 cylinder, (98. STOCKolFarmera & Merchants dining room, cellar, 2 car garage, (40 per month. Must be ovnllablo Into the rear of one- driven by Septic tanks,' source of a great BIDING 1n iinrt.nf tho premises con. Call COlfax 4-5788. , WJ19 'eyed ID . John Dllonnia and Anna overed. patio. Landscaped Plot by Juno 1st. Write Post Office Bank. Bid J18.00. Call CApital TYPEWRITERS, A D DIN G ma- Mary VonBclo on the Garden State eal of annoyapco especially sinco )llennls, husband and vvlfp. to Abpl- 2-4000. , i« ho population boom, now nro out- linsacm llulnml and Mrhnloklit lint- 00 X150, (10,500. • . • Box 261, Keyport. will' 959 FAlRLANE, power steering. chines. All makes, new or used. Parkway, Apr. 22. •'• • " -' iml. huihntid and. wife, by deed wed In all sections ^of the town- GARAGE or shed not attached to radio and heater, 4, new white Guaranteed. Easy terns. "Buy Both cars wao in tha right, lane lahfd-Jimuar/ S, ii«V and recorded WANTED 'em where they f)« 'em." low u of tho three-lane highway at the hip, but thoso in opcrallon will be n .Iho Montnoutli County Clerk'* IANCH HOUSE. (Woodland Park) - a homo ifl. Keyport; Hailet area, walls. Reasonable. Call COl/ax Trice |n Uook 2:iuo ot Deeds, Pajo 70t J25. Serpico't, 101 Monmouth SL, icrmltted until -sewer facilities are 3 bedrooms, 1 tile baths, science with electricity; Call COlfax 4-7294. •2229; "•-- ".-"•: wfl9 RJDEKS wanted for/a car pool to time. Trooper C, W. Callahnn Properly located on the eait tide Llttlo Falls, N. J., Matawsn. Key- Red Bank. Next to theater. SH testified that his Investigation vallablo in that section. ..".'" ( Montroso Itoad, Townshlo of.Atlan- tclicn, living room. 1 y6ar*oldV. . wJ18 Tho sewer question has been re- Is, County ot Monmoath, Now, Jersey. 2200 down. Priced at (H.QOO. 958 EDSEL convertible 26,000 port or Raritan Township residents, 74X85. • W]U showed tho car traveled 790 feet 11IRUA E. WWOLCOTTO , Sheriff. miles A-l condition,. «U power; Call COlfax 4-7230 after S p.m. wjl9 afteritlio Initial Impact, tho driver ived In,, the newer developments latnl April 20, 1000 WE BUY and Sell now And. used lth.tho requirement that dovel- (PPSTJtt A La Muro, Attys, WM, M. FRIEDLAENDER1: •'• If you need printing of any kind, cost (4000 sacrifice (1700. Can be pianos and organs, Hlway Ac- of the struck car was* treated for lfl.83 : seen Saturdays and Sundays only. cuts, bruises and contusions of the ipors furnish suitable assuranco 59 BETHANY ROAD, HAZLET we.aro here to serve you. Our For Sale Or Rent cordion Center, Call COlfax 4-47IM. thejr plans for sowers serving 8-3(1 . COL.PAX 4-120* Call COItax 4-9747. wJI9« right shoulder and ankle. Prof. quick service and reasonable prices HOUSE, 2 apartments, Lloyd Road, •••••• Randeberg was fined $10 and $5 II tho development. . SUPBItlOlrirBt COUItT 1949 CADILLAC 79 llmosine, ex- Marlboro, each. 3H rooms. Har- 4 WHITE WALL TIRES snd tubes, OF NKW J10I1SKV •" —, WJIB costs by Magistrate Luther A. Several/Years ago, tho demand CIIANCEHY DIVISION Win>l6asS.you." cellent running condition. Call ry. Call evenings, KElloW-1-117J 80S x 15, lots of tread left on. Foster, Matawan Township. )r sewers (rom tho- Cllffwood MONMOUTII COUNTY >' . Docket No, F -77M9 .. PAC1OUS older typo homo, 3 bed- COlfax 4-7691, , wf!9 for appointment. .,t • wjtf Will sell complete for K0. Call A complaint of assault against ;cacli area prompted tho township First Suvlnga and I/ian Auoclallon rooms; living room, dining room, CApital 2-0648. wjtf ommffteo to arrange for, a refer- I Jcrsoy Clly, Now Jersey • corpora- ' William Mumma, 59 Wcsf'Prospect Ion. of Iho Slate ot Now Jeraoy, lowing room, kitchen and "bath.' RUGS, 9 x 12, (25, never used; mdiim. Tho measure was defeated •Inlntltf vsl Patrick Fllulmmons, Jr. Priced tor quick snlo; (10,300. St., Cllffwoodi- was • dismissed by nd Roaimary I'tlislmmons, hit \vlf», also matching 9 x 12 to 12 x JO. Magistrate Foster, Tuesdcy. for lack y tho Laurence Harbor section but :arlton Ifrpollng, 38 Highway 36, as endorsed In Cllttwood Beach, I al. Uefentlants . J._ Private home. Call SEa Bright of prosecution when tho complain- Dy vlrluo of a writ or execution In £eyport..Call CUilax 4-W18. wjll) 10S if lowever, sfnee tho two areas wore le above alated action ta 'ino dl- U SI NESS SER VICES ant, Roy Matthews, Amboy Rd., ooled In tho voting, the question tclenV I. shrill extioio for silo at pub- ALMOST NEW modern furniture Clilfwood, d|d not appear to press o vmiuiio, at tho Court Houso in iMTAWAN best location, 3 bed- h defeated. .-.-..-.' : . • .". ' he Borough of Freehold, County of room, full dining room, tlrcpluCc, oad household effects, reason- the charge. An argument resulting lonmouth, New Jeraev, oh Mondav, able. Reason for selling, owner In"a'pushlng was .alleged. irtKjraiiy of June, tow, tt a c'elotk. msonicnt, 2 car garage, sterling McCann, 253 llrouU St.", Koyppft; Top Soil Ctrarnlc Tile Contractor* going abroad. Inquire B, Helgescn, In other action: Calvin Cross, Mt Of Pupils All Iliuf trscl or parcel of land, altii- COlfax' 4-1370. J19 CARPENTER and building contrac- 112 K Middlesex Road, Matawan • Freehold, was fined*$5 and $5 e lying and being In Iho Tuwnshlu tor, J. G, Metsger, Florence Ays.," Of call LOwell 8-44B. wjH* , -.-- costs for fallinr to koop to tho right (continued from page one) Mai-wan, In Uw.'fnuntr ol Mon- •CEYPORT best location, J bed- Kevport. New horac», gsrigts, all Dn'Main" St.; William C. Pauoljf., loulh. In tlla State of Kttreis..-msple chair, 0, 1J3.98, No. J $11.60, Ko..) Numhorett and dlstlnnulshrd » Lota room full dining room, fireplace, 158 Broad St., MatawaJi •Iterations and repairs. 'Call CO! trains on a board; also brooder, 22 Coral Dr., tlnilot, was fined $5 18,90, No. i J9.98, No. B *8.93,'No, 13. 146, HIIIL-K 17, on Iho mart detlg. ncloscd porch, dry baMmontand g«..i..i1.;..?\>$ ^ LOWELL «^»4 ulcrt «s Cllftivsod Seocii In Mutaiyan fax *-415». '' ;""'• wjtl chicken - feeders and - watering and $3 for falling to have his car $8.93, No, 8 $9.98, This represents >)wnshlu, IQelng Jtoctlou No. S, doted :ara[lo. (17,000. Sterling McCaniy Top Soli, ben ,...... :...;. ilS.00 FREE ESTIMATES inspected. Anthony Plpltono, 040 flvo per cent Increase, the first .larch-1034 which.inup harbeen'floti :53 Btoad SC, Keyport, COltux Road Gravel, big'loads .... 13.00 THOMAS KEARNEY troush. Call LOwtU S-5153. WJI9' , Monmouth County Clerk'a Olllco ; . .• wj«/2/6i» Beers St., Hailet, was lined S3 and ,war(fcd Mr. Ccornc «slnco he UMay.a,.IBli In.CaaoMo. ea.|. Rill Dirt ;. ..;.... 7.00 , PLUMBING * HEATING BRIQOS & STRATTON single cylln- , der 4 cycle air oAoled gasoline $5.costs for towing another car on Ujrtcd contracting :ln 1950. John jraox'd* . Urlvo, Cllt'luwil • Bench, Good Fill Dirt.....;,..,.... ».00 Upholstery '388 Maplo Plac* the Garden State Parkway. Eight 'cnvd, taxlman, was offered si con- aw Jersey^'and-deslinatttt aa I/ita SERVICES Sand, Gravel, Blua Stone; drive- engine, 5 h p., J55 firrri. Apartment : S'and 840. niocK 17 on tht.tax mnn RICHARD'S DECORAnNQ , . ' ' Keyport .". ' slio-gas.stotfe.bolile gas, fair con- ' . other driveS-fard'a total of $107 act for. bno route at -54 per diem tha Tiwmhlln of MataMatawanw , Mon MOVING, odd jobs, trees arid ways graveltcd, bulldozing, grad- Freo Estimates ' . *C including court "costs. ind another, at. $|,79 pordlcin, Ulh Countyty.. n«>'•-v- Jersey- , ' ing, lota cleared, Excavtttjor Chair bottoms;-(5; 1011 bottoms, dIUon. |1S. Call COIftX 4-J3S5. Totethtr with all fixtu , shrubbery removed, attics, cel- Pen Rooting Co., Madison Town- with all fixtures, now or Sentlca, Oil Tanks, e.tc/ .' '..' (10:- eipeirtly' 'repaired at your lereafter jattachettachehed to or uaea In lars ond.yurus cleaned. Call LOw- ilp, was.awarded tho contract for Mmnrctlon Mltli tthho tn*enit>hl home. U4 Beers St> HatleL CO) RIS, hardy perennials, Uie bloom- Five Enter Pleas «acrlbed! Int*rprl :116-3122. wJ19 .BACKHOE SERVICfi . EXTERIOR and'interior painting, palr of the room of tho old. see- rlse Claa fax <-\m "poiper hanging, multl color'spray- ing, Urge. selection, 6 for $1. In County Court on of Clilfwood School at ?23O. > ItOOFlNO & SIDING. Delford LiM,.Footings,.Ditching, Pond," ing. Parkway Decorators. PArk- Visitors "welcome." Luetlgens, cor- ! Successful bidders for- athlotle Swimming Pool*, etc ' Slip Cover* ner Hilbdale.and CloverHIU Roads, Five bayshore in.- residents en- Kooting & Siding Co., UO - Stir way 1-76U or ESsen l-Htfr. wjtl iquipment were announced. They IHA B. WOLCOTT, Sherlf/. it., BclfonL Calr-C~Uolicnslcln, •" Ere* Estimate* near Marlboro Slate Hospiul. Call tered pleas to counts Jalad March UiJMO RICHARD'S DECORATING ire: - Camilen Sporting Goods, Clausen, Klein, Kovaca^aV Anderaon, - , Pumps iports, Elizabeth, $339. and Hurry Wa.wlll bot«c«tvo Stats ot Now Jcrewy. Heeffis-. accepted by Angelo J. Rapolla. lft iut the committee- had on fi|6 a />wet Main Street, on Juno I' I* MICHIGAN i»AY LOADER March and September 1959. ictltion signed by 13-residents i »iog P.M., Day\l«ht-S»v(ng IHnc; aolo, rates. , IJi miles.touth oi' DON'S TV SERVICE Main St., Matawan. Call LOwell vectftcAlloiti-Miid forma of bids, tor Mttawan llsllt, Highway 34; opop- 6-98S2. '..,,-' wjll Albert E, Wulmer. North Short) locking'approval of tho project. io proposctt worh. prepaml by Karl For fast efficient radio and tele, Concourse, Cliffwood, Mnlawan Acting on the results of a recent \ ilB.user, Eni|ln.e*r, ami approved •no Viliitu U«o Inn. Call LOwell DIETRICH BROS., INC. vision servlcf call LOweU M»«. NORQE STOVE, good conditioir Township, rjlendcd innocent ta $ Vpk State Highway comVniialnner. (HB1L - Jtl 18 SPRING LAWN'AVE. SAFETY BELTS survey, the committee authorizes iax'Q bten fItcd in the otfic* or the For all make cars. Larry's Upbbl " . ' "' ••,.•', •"•.••»i» fJS Hot Point Irouer, new, 1)5; chars* ol abducting a .11-year-old ho installation of- new street aid engineer , at 411 Mnln Slreel, CARPEMTCJt, homo repairs, alter- MATAWAN' also i piece dining room suite. $25. girl Jan. 5, keeping her at his atawall, New Jersey^ and, ot aalu LOweU «9» - JIM stery Shop, Jl Uttld St., MaUwan. Call KEinsburg 6-3945.' ' w)H amps, at Woodmere -tir., Van- ate> Ilishway Commissioner, Trenton, " lloasi Interior painting oml'llooi Call LOwell t^MlS. w|U TV SERVICE home overnight and tlicro carnally Brokle- Rd. at' Routo 34 arid at aw Jertey. ontl, mm' bo:Impede* • ProiKt'tli'O bldions itunng cuil- ;llo. Call R. Slca, LOwell 6-15H. tOWELL ij-1600 ALTIOMATIC. defrosting relriger- abusing her. Granville Smith, At- hrco locations near tho Township .aa hours, Diddera wtll M furnUhcd Antique* -ator, II cubic foot, top freezer, lantic. St., Keyport, pleaded Inno- Ml,.Lower Main St.",., '" ' , ,vlth II copy ,vt tho aptclticatlima by TEN EYCk KON^QN INC." ho rngineor w 'oropar notice, jind good condition. Can KEaraborj - cent to • charge of embezzling Thaxonimltteo approved « lira, najnwnu or roafol preparation, olds CELLARS, atUcs and yards dcajt TRUCKING pPPORTUNmt SHOP MATAWAN ' •:•- 6-JIJO berore lo:M a.m.. or'after $119 from'customers of Donald's works permit for St. Anthony's nuit lw, m«do on stanaard lumnosat cd. ReatontbJo rates,' Call L0»- ANTiqUES PERSONAL SERVICB » YRS. Wn. ,;.»,.' . .*]»'• , JD« Xujcs; .Laundry. Rc>' 'Bank, orma In thIhao manner designatedtitgnat d ther** AND Socicty^June 6 to' 11 provided, tha n and rtqulrfrt by th» .pecltlcallons, We buy abd saU Antjqoa ForolMR. . •'" , ''• ','-.'• '. . ' \ • /to Wjtf LABAWCO-Sump Pump, used * ' while ha worked (or" tho laundry oclefy posts'a bond to cover Ha- ust be «iicloa«Ot .li»\llhg worthless anlod fay a corUtleaim musd phwat be: foacr - tod teniee on Briggs A Stnttoo, sites, over MJa-«tock: aba re- HnUiuttn M UOI »_.or ott U« antced, easy <>ank terms. • i-'ree Fl» Dirt. $7 Per Load Clinton, Evinrude and, Jotespa. pairs and trade)! accepted. Price 10 various super- Tetcrboro Airport, which Is oper- nmount laclc «i... not be mor«,th»n WOW estimates. F.HA, approved. Call A Load la Appmsteitttly S Cubic Maintenonca Lawn mowers pma«too, jrouad % from $5 to Olio. 10% oil 'if par- Mn»nMw.yp;iiw^lC*yp«rt »na De-itedjqr Tlie Port of New York Au- not bo nor not Liberty Mt91 " jtl r u tthanh , imoo, and be .. nt Yards cut like new. Free pick up am)chafM m Mar aftd June Call jmrlly. is pne or tW busiest nan- 1)10 Waco BlV or- bel« PAINTINO. carpeatry, _ deUvery LChrtU WO3. will airline airports In the world.- It tunwd at»v«.iTht aUnoUni protnsal ROOM Md board. Inquire Cctra's aim It alUehtd la the tusptenwAury ECKEL BROTHERS l«* reptln, »oiap fmnga, n» FUH SIZE v)oUn and c*se, Spinet experienced, an 61 per qeqt, U$ •DKlflcaUons, WWM.M v,W5) wlb M Boarding House, state license, LOWELL «-IMS aonry. Small |ob apaclalbts. trtj^on (»BUIe«lIJ(i to JnaMutr HAS JERSEY SEA SKIFFS pUno. JsT caa sttra, UT,bf» Croat. In-ttilUilUt lSSVtd ruoh room for a lady Inquire It) Main «t, qENEHAl. SERVICES CO.l total ofWfm ' Sfa NUtawan, Call LOjvd(4>«tM. m&fr All fa>«>ad miStiaB. res, tmstximt *mU£ Call COttast «3I7 «Aer •rtnmday, May 19,1960 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. FttQt Thlrticrt

      Plan Ticket Safe Ha«M With H«t£*tcf w -joar.el from the (1st Transportat on such action would require a Con- need to attract' lawyers of outsUaoV ~ Browntown P-TA Re-Elects Officers; Richard X, Hanaa, airman ap- Company In Operation.TarJJtal at stitutional Amendment as.Ills part \*l abllltj to ihl« post, a k«vtt«n« For Entertainment prmti •, USN, son of Mr, aodMrs. Cam* Lejeun*. N. C. NEWS OF AREA of ihe original Constitution and the or Justice- in tht county," Mr. Matthew J. HuiM, 71J Ccntta) ' Operitloo Tarhetl was • logistic Plan School Picnic, Square Dance Commander William Foster con- Ave, Union Beach, is serving with exercise conducted In test aad U» Sto^e ; parish hall during the past week. ville, Fin. His wife, Antonla, Is with decision also Is considered bi 1 tion of Mri Andrew Carver, aux ing's topic will be "Is Your Re A "batty hat" social concluded him In Germany. the country, h« o Your Precious Fur* and Woolens w the. evening and the prize for the Diary poppy "chairman. '". ii\rntc4. ~ )igion Superstitious?" Children's • Seclty la North Carolina Day choir is now practicing each prettiest hat was awarded to Mrs. WraM titti Te Amend Coaitllut WaUon Barber Jr.; the most I). S. Army Pvt, Roland F. See- Justice. Pnxitor pointed nut t Saturday at 10-a.m. with Mrs. Nel- ley, :», son of Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Just Phone And A Roiuled Driver jon~BaU at the church.The hymn original, Mrs. John Baker,' and the Police Pay Up while there haa own »«mo ell M. Si«ley, Routo I, MaUwan, re- ' sing is held every f unjjay evening "creepiest," Mrs. George Miller. (continued from p«Re one) tn certain quarters to rllmlnatt> from 7 to 8 p,m. The Women's Refreshments were served by foreman, each will get three weeks cently partlcliwtcd with other pe^ grand Jury *yMem-ln New Jer Group will meej Wednesday and Mrs. Frederick llcssey and Mrs. of vacation a year. members are making children's James Mcrshon. Other employees on the payrolls 1 jiibs lor Perth Araboy General Hos- as of Jan. 1 will get two weeks. THE HELEN M. RAPPDRESS SHOl pital. • Those hired since then and up tor. Seventy-six adults and children Elect Delegated Apr. 1 will get, one week but those KEYPORT CLEANERS took the test at the Diabetic Clinic after Apr. I get no vacation time 340 Main St., Keyport held at the Browntown School, To Convention this year." —> CO 4-2727 CO 4-1000 - Route IS. Mrs*. Joseph. Cappdii -Vacation llmo-cannorbecariied • fcas chairman of arrangements. George Brcnon, tommuder' of over from year tu your buttick A.1C KOBEKT O. WSBB Dlvlilon and Third St. — 23 E, Front St. The clinic was held under the di- Guadalcanal Post 4745, Veterans of leave, to be earned at thV'rato of BlAUTIFUl DRESSES rection of the Middlesex- Hospital Foreign Wars, Matawan Township, one day a month to a total of Class of 1959, He Is a member of jn conjunction with the,State Board conducted the meeting Monday eve- nine months,rearrbc accumulated. he First Baptist Church, Keyport. INDIVIDUALLY SELECTED MATAWAN BRANCH »1 Health. '•,- . , .-•' ning in the post home,, CJilfwood A physician's certification will -be Ills address is A/JC Rotert O. A% Elected as delegates to 'the ' Plans for «-fashion show of chil- necessary if an employes, is out of Webb, A.F. 12M5SS3, !!*)(. Sq. Cloted Mondays re 3{FW convention to be held work more than three, consecutive 81st T.F.W., APO 7H, New YOtk. dren's clothes from Grjnfs were at Asbury Park June 22-23 were madeat the meeting olthe Mid- days, The sick leave provision Is Y. Theodore Soltys, William Wood, retroactive to Jan. 1. Madison'Woman's Club held at the Michael Jock. Harry Kern, Ronald • Irowntown School, Route 18, May Hoser and Charles Hobby. Alter- Vacate Cratwood Dr. , " 11. The club also discussed start- nates are Vincent Gaunt, Robert The township committee vacated ling a library.. '• Fletcher, Mel Hindle, Charles Can- Ijy, ordinance Crcstwootl Dr., the Mrs. NicKoias Arace, Route 18, i)llbr<),"Willlam'Jcruvin arid Weiton entrance read to Knollcrolt, Cliff- i and Mrs. H. Patterson; Margaret Mundy. • • • ••-••' •""••••"••"•••< <•> ' i wood ._ Beach, .Iwnite of a protest h St., attended the luncheon meeting Edward' O. ''Hurd,' Keansburg; by Thomas Miller, former eom- cf the Middlesex County Extension Edward P. vCarhart, ;• Beltord,'«hd mlttecmin, that' no provision, was ' Council held at the home of Mrs. Edward A, Scolicld,' Cliffwood, being'm'nde against the developers Benjamin_Herbcrt_Thursday at were wejeoroed as new^ members. building now houses Wong the _ Old Bridge. :.-:'::; abandoned street. The entrance' The Guadalcanal Guard will par- way. will be through.Ihe stop-go • . Miss Suzanne Pitney, New York, ticipate In the N. J. State lAe- light.intersection at Ocean Blvd. A " - spent the weekend visiting her pa- morial D«y;ctrtmon3r. Sunday in rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. 'Pitney, Beverly, All', guard me'mberB will Section 5 Grestwood, Sayre Woods 'Frtncau RdV • . meet i at the post home at 10; 30 South, of 104 houses wai? approved James Arace,'a senior at Rut- a.m.' . . • .... , on recommendation of Ihe plan- *gtrs University, spent the weekend To Decorate Graves ning board. Commlttecman Donald •tlsiting his parents, Mr. and-Mis. Plans were completed for the Macrae refrained from voting l>c- Nicholas Arace and ^ his brother, decoration of graves at Midway causc he had not been appraised n "advance of the conditions of the :BU1. ' '• ••••• - • • . Green .Cemetery Memorial Day^ The Jay.Gees 4-H Club met at and. members, were urged, to take* agreement, , " • the home of ;tliclr leader, Mrs. II. part inlhlaservlce. .•' Scgql Construction Co. was order- iPajtero, at which. l(me the iglcls Mcrnbcrs were, asked to allchd ed to begin work-within ,10 days -(•!• entertained their mothers at tea. end support the Little League on repairs to roads In Southwood Mrs. H. Parker, assistant leader, team, sponsored by' the-post. or the township will act agoinit- also was present. • Finnl arrangements for the past the maintenance bond posted. Mer- CHUCK •Mrs- H.' Parker was elected commander and past presidents' rill P a r k i Building Corp., de- .,. jnjsidenU and Mrs, :M. ' Burkett, dinner-dance on May 28 In .the velopers of Central Park, hnd their Vice president, for next year at iho VFW home were discussed by Mr. bond, for (2000 plus o liability " Parent-Teacher Association meet- Jock, chairman. A roast beef din- policy accepted for 000 feet of road tag,,of,S«ire Woods South. ; ner will be served at t prrt. and to,jo down on Athens Dr. and 1 Hermes Dr, , . - ROAST •i.Tho Browhtown Sodhoppers 4-11 rn'uslc fgr dancing from 10 p.m. IJIMB - ;'CIubJieldjraei)Uily butlness meet- tp.2 a.mi,!»(M;O|«.P.wvidcd(Middb y jR)cjR)h V^WIIi.Not "Rttaree^Dispute ; -••ONI! ^ tttg**t ffic'fiomo af lhilr leader,- ofd Pavllk and lUs Sins. Boys fea Mayer John Phillips laid t h e " Fred .Gaub. A practice ball • same turing ".Ray Hammond. »nd his township committee would not • IN h '-preceded-•the' meeting. Mr. Gaub trumpet. Reservations arc limited "referee" IB .dispute between the spoke on_4-H records and helped to 250. Airfacilllles of the poBt Old Bridge First Aid Squad and REO. _ the boys organize plans for their liomc will be dosed that evening Ilic newly renamed Old Orldge Am- gardens. Bill Arace, Junior leader, except to ticket holder! for the bulance a n'd Emergency Squad srvn «rganlzedjhe planning coramittco dlnner-dnncc. , ' over trie similarity of the names Ovon tUady ll> 65« lor the 'dub's exhibits at Middle-. they navel- ; Chuck Steak —*w County Fair; pill AfMe,-Ron An application for permission to Cross Rib •daub and Jerry Moln«r*'*ll! Be Holmdcl Road hojd a block dance on llruce SI, Bolofliiii «"«» ib 59i ^hert atKlrkpatrlck Chapel. Rut- In Sayre Woods South was received Corned Beef Ground Chuck .gera .University, for the *-H Sun- (continued frdni "page one) from block chairman JuYpcs Uverwurst r . 59a day'service. Refreshment* were a subdivision of 59 acres, Tbeltlfr Forbes. It was' granted with the .provided by John Engcrdahl. , division, 10 be called Plcasanlvlew, proviso (hat liability Insurance for Short Ribs Beef 45c ,j Arm Pot Roast ^ 59c I MiiAn will consist of 43 full-acre plots on the protection of persons using pub- Salami Schanck Tldr The custom bitltt lic streets for private pottles be Cllff'S.IJ ei. homes are expected to sell In the obtained, Boneless Brisket .79ep Plate Beef ^19« '' J28-35.000 price' range. Cole Slaw •151 cup N» Oppdlloo . This led Mr. Miller to observe There was no opposition ex- permission had been granted for pressed to the plan either a,t the Memorial Day parades. He ques- planning board hearing early this tioned the poiltion In which lbs month or Thursday night. Prellrnl; township would be placed in cats 1 Mah* Jivery Day a Roman someone should be injured during nary engineering work and the ROMAN cutting of the roads.will start next these events. •• ' . Hawaiian Punch 3 8 month, accdrdlng to the developer. . -Survey For Insurance Warren Baampirtner, Old Man- . Commlllcemsn Harry Messenger - •' ---<^-' or Estates, wanted to know what •aid there never hidden any In- Pizza surants carried on '" roads, and had beconttrof the-project tor ths 1 ROMAN--.--:-: correction of « drslnage problem Mayor . Phillips added a survey for Apricot Nectar 3 » 89c iad Improving of streets in the de- insurance purposes had been con- v«lopment «s aBr.eed to by the ducted. It Jrcvcaled (here are 94.1 Manicotti builders, San Fernando, Inc., Btl- Ifi of!roads tor which ihe town- ford. *Mp~Tl responsible, and 40 laid ROMAN . ' . Commltteeman Alfred C. Peole, down by developers, covered by Peanut Butter : 2 declared setion would be taken maintenance htmdi, he.nakl. within the nex? 30 dsys and a time Mr. Messenger announced the Lasagna 89< limit will be, set for the builders type of equipment to o« furnished to.make the necessary repairs or for local playgrounds'h«» been de- ROMAN the bond will be forfeited. termined. The committee will re- Approval also was granted after ceive bid* June (, and specifica- .Waring on an ordinance by a M tions will be available tomorrow.. Cavatelli SCT. THOMAS OALTON vote to purchase a tractor-shovel Mr. Mesienger also reported ail for u«« of the road department. life guard positions for the Wim- Firesldt Egg-Reg or Drip \t Qf Scventy-slx rnlisled mea of the Commlttccmao Edwin Uebenow mer months hive yet to be filled. Lemonade ..jww 10^1 w ;' •!<•** CAUfORNIA ICttlRO ' „ ' "— sioned officers. Class members Wfdt.-fd«y; Aug. It, in Trenton, ,*:!! receive thei diptonsffrom Commlwiorxr Salvatore A. Bos- MaJ. jGeir. J:Ties P. CaBtwdl, Uw Navy CorfinpndW To tempo of the State Department of Lettuce 2tt,25« Chief of Staff of New Jersey, and Be Guest Of Scoutt . Conservation and Economic De- loutlla V svrom as officers of the New velopment announced - today. Ap- O cam I' Jmcy Army M*Uor.»l Guard and The Sta Scout division of J.Jon- plications most tic. received by merte officers of the 05. A—y mouth Council, Boy Scoula of June 21, Ihe commlMioner'said. Asparagus • SI impressive.ceremonies on the America, h»» mmoooeed that The MrHflcatlon of Tree Experts Parade Ground of Uie Training Commander ^Thomas t. K«wj«, is a'meant of prowctlnr, Irres from , Idosl ; fXTRAfANCfXTRA FANCVY ; Center. USN t««.), will be the guest of mittrestmeat by untkilltd Indi- AD FUvor* H-flai-j'^K honor at the Sea Espiortr Bridge viduals representing thtnwtlvc* sat Ice Cream Among those from-tUs area to Pineapple W graduate t is Set Thomas L of Jlooor, to be beW at U. S. H»vy specialists. A person certified U Depot «t Earl* oo Friday, M«y 27. D*Hon. W Beaconlight Ave., a Tree Exper. has p(ovc' Sgt Dalton was bora hi Jersey first saccestfull S<* Scout program tion that be bat the necessary KKAISUCW _.. . City and mnr;d with hh far.lly i s ththe UattrUttrff S(«es «ad »as ththe qualification!. . ; ,, te- "eawburg In 1ST He attended first Natiariil Director of Sea Scout- A liit of New irrtey, Certtiet Chiffon Cake 49'«.'• Wddktowa TomtfHp High School ing. A» the present (ln« Command- Tne) Eiperls tf maintained by the Provplprie and to MSX enlisted in the U.S. a Keaae U Exeeuiive Commit Department of Conservslioo and v Marine Corj*«. joining the Nation*] nooer d JUia'Jcctbip* for the Boy Economic Development and sup- Coffee Cake Guard after completiag Us scUve Scoot InUrnatjonal Buresa »W) plied to any toUMhoMer who, n- Mnnetmrs; 39 strain ta th* Corps hi I». -Re heaAjoarten fa New Yorii. <|uet(s It After me applicant baa Mozzarella Is marked to C - burner.Wat Joan tout E. Coske. fbtmsaa, Cem- pasted the exaniottloti, be ii pre- CUNDAUOUt . IIIMMI Burgess. Keuttfamg. He is an mt&amu of fte Sea EsptoW Vi- usted with s certificate sbvinag Pineapple Pie tmptoyte of the A * P Coopsay. vtsta ottbe Onsty Samtprpai- that be ha* nwt the «uadard«'«l H the National Guard, Sjt THHm ation a*'***! tf»Bridg««i Honor. the Tree Eipen Butcaa. An sppB- Cheese Spread 2 pit 69- eh• yw S*H Gnu Statist fear semd as • serpent to Ik* tmmaaaaU'the 50* my csnt lor tbe cxamiasUas nwat ha ,4rat-T««t HattaTi. • New Jtmry. mMaat, cm 9 Awr. After traduMav **, ejaUeeycaf tt of'age, ud'a dtiM «f dM Kates. ' ^ ami 36 Menty Of Fre« Parking Thursday, May 19, 1960 Page Fourteen THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J.

      toe parks' and recreation group Prapar* Pre-School Keyport Firm Receives Award Daisy Coloring Contest At Loew'g 35 State Bar Will First County " said, and as soon as title Is clear- tots For Clan Now" ed, the county engineer's office will make engineering surveys of Children who will start school For Service To Handicapped Cite Labrecque Park Readied - the area. Joseph C. Irwin, Free- next September should begin get- In addition to the In Theodore J. Lobrecque,' Red Monmouth County's first park holder Director and chairman of ting used to the Idea right now. • induction o! Uio first commercial Bank, who will be Inducted a> will Include picnic areas, it. wasthe parks and recreation group, Seek Bids For Repair president of the Ntw Jersey Stal reported as the Montnouth County. diamond needle, are to be credited These spring months are the time said it was hoped to have soma . to the Duotone Company, Keyport, Bar Association at its 62nd annual Department of Parks and Recre- Of Two Area Bridges /_ for future ktndergartners to be phases of the county park open for V inamifacturers of a complete line meeting scheduled Saturday, will ation neared closing of. the title an "oriented" to what school will be this summer's use. of phonograph needles and acces The Stats Highway Department be the 62nd president of the as the 24-acre'plot' In Wall Township. sorles" • • "•'" ' " will receive "bids June 1 on con- sociation and the first. Jgwyei like, says Mrs. Anna. Rods, West . The land Is being purchased for Further facilities will be included from Monmouth County to hol< ; 915,009 from the Garden State Park- • TTiis fact was made apparent tracts for" repairs and ' improve- Deptford. ;: in the park area, he said, as soon that office. way Aalhftrlty, which.- determined recently when the Keyport firm ments to state highway bridges. In In her own school, when the as arrangements • can be made. it unnecessary for Parkway use. It However, Mr. Irwin said, the coun- was presented with a Certificate Middlesex County the Route 35 Born in Portland, Ore., his fam- pupils-to-be come fpr their physi- is bounded by the Parkway, School- ty is unable to start until the title • of Appreciation from the MonVictory Bridge which spans the ily moved to Red Bank In 1907.cal check-iip they also visit their ; house Rd., and-the Upper Shark is obtained on the proposed park mouth Workshop, Red Bank, for Rarltan River between Perth Atri- Shortly afterward, the family too future classrooms. Soon after, River brook. Entrance to the park- •area. •, • - •.. boy and Sayreville will rccelve-re- up residence in Keyport where his Mrs, Roos says, three children at •['• "services rendered In the"Held o: ing areas would be from School- ••• rehabilitation." pairs underneath the main struc- father was connected with the Jer- a time are Invited to spend a Neptune Township, which bounds ture. ' • sey. Central Traction Co. In, 191 house Rd. ,; The certlfIcafe signed by Dal( morning with her. present kinder- the park to the north, has offered the family moved to New Mtfn- the county an additional six acres -B. Otto, president of the-'Board o: ; The bridge" fenders which pro'- garten class. By June, a future Charles Pike, Matawan, planning mouth in Mlddletown Townjhip, along the-shores of the brook. Directors of this Workshop foi tect the piers on either side of the student has had an ordinary day director of the -Monmoutb County where he .resided until bis mar- County and Neptune officials are disabled, workers, is evidence o main channel were recently dam- in school. \^ Planning Board, and a member, of riage in 1S31, ; ; . conferring on the offer. The ad- the oft-repeated contention of Stovi aged by ship collision. New treat- Two weeks before September, the parks and recreation group, ditional land would give the coun- Nester, president of Duotone, that ed timber planking and five -Aew Mr. Labrecque attended St. Jo-each pno. will receive a personal and Walter Schoellner, Mlddletown ty's first park a 30-acre expanse. ••" everyone willing and able to work pilings will be required ito repair seph's School In Keyport, the Bet- letter from Mrs. Roos reminding Township, alsp_a member of the in spite of physical handicaps tho-damage. This will-constitute ford Public School and Middletown him of "the fun he had when he group, will survey the area .and should be given the opportunity one. contract. Township High School. He comvisited in the spring." Signing it plan the picnic and parking areas. This week, why don't you look County To Clear Land • and that.manufacturers should feel pleted his high school studies in with "love" is the final Ice-breaker through the windows' of your Another state highway bridge Jfi moral responsibility to award 1920. He subsequently matriculated used by the teacher-autlior In win- County crews will clear the land, church ... from the Inside. will receive new steel grid decks their contracts for outside work at Manhattan College and com-ning "e hearts ol.her future class. in place, of the existing timber in this manner whenever It is poi pleted a year'* courgq of study Last fall, Mrs. Roos reports, plank decks under the second con- If: slble. • • there fltlot to entering upon the "kindergarten orientation" left tract. Work on the bridge will not study of law at Fordham Law only two children who showed any Active For Past Four Years . begin until Sept. 19 when the flow "Save On Meats School, New York. s reluctance upon: entering school That Is precisely what the Duo-of heavy summer traffic has sub- on opening day. Both had been tone Company has been doing sided. This is the Route 30 bridge Graduate Of Fordham Law j'riable to attend the orientation. since 1956 when the Monmouth over the Shrewsbury River in High- He graduated from the Ford' ROASTING CHICKENS n>29< Workshop was organlzed-wlthln a lands. The bascule bridge is 44 ham University School of Law In distance from the Duotono factory 'cct wide, curb to curb, and 04 1924 v/lth the Degree of Bachelor Choice Sirloin Steak lb 69' to make the award ol numerous 'cct long with two eight-foot slde- of Laws and served his clerkship DR.LOUISI.PRAGER contracts for outside work not •alks. In the office of Rellly, Quinn and OPTOMETRIST only practicable but desirable Parsons, Red Bank, ujidecith Choice Round Roast n>79' In the last four years, Duotono Eastern Railroads preceptorshlp of TheodorfTD. Par EYES EXAMINED VEAL CUTLETS ib 89 has depended on tho Workshop sons and the late John J. Quinn. OFHCE HOURS for packaging, collating, and cprd Report Net Receipts All young fry are encouraged lo treat Mom and Pop to a night out He was admitted to the. Bar in , Dally and Saturdays for fun. Color Iho nbovo scene from "Please.Don't Eat the Daisies" ' filing operations and h a 3 foitfld January 1926 and Immediately be- B A.M. to ( P.M. PQRK CHOPS Center Cut Ib 59' Freight revenues of eastern rail- with water colors or crayons and mall to Contest Editor, Loew's 33 Its confidence In the work .to be came associated with the succes- Fridays t A.M. to ft P.M. oatls were $84,009,000 higher in Drive-In Theatre. Box 16a, Ilazlet. The first 20 entries received that done fullillcd In every Instance sor firm of Quinn, Parsons and Closed AU Day Wednesdays RIB LAMB CHOPS ib59' 939 than In 11158but passenger arc colored the best will bo given passe« to Loew'i J5. The contest with deliveries us scheduled and ends at midnight on Wednesday. Dorcmus. He passed the examin- $22,000,000, ac- 30 W. Front St., work completed In a quality man- 'evenues declined If your name Is Daisy, and you want lo have Ihe time of your life, ation and was admitted as a :ordlnj: lo Ihe J9C0 "yearbook of ner, bring ftoot (hat your name Is Daisy on Monday evening, and you and counselor in 1829 at which time KeyrjoVt, , ailroad Information" published by your escort will be admitted to Loew's 35 free to see this year's comedy ho also became a partner in the C04W07M&S MEATS '""According to Mr.. Nester, "Duo- COIfax 4-2020 Eastern'" ftuilroad Presidents Con- laugh riot, "Don't Eat the Daisies," plus "IJ lighting Men." • firm. -• • tone appreciates the work of the erence. \ staff and employees of tho Work- He engaged principally.. In trial : •" 'S»Viust as much I' lot more (han Return on average net Invest- Study Population Lincroff Coy/ Earns and appellate work TihW 1937 _—ihe-Workshop api-icclales assign- ment for roils In tile east increasod when, upon the dissolution of the _ ments from the Duotone Com- rom two per cent In 1958 to 2,27 Tho state's population will al- Rogister Of Merit firm, he joined with Theodore D. >er cent In. 1053:. "Even with this most doubla by 1990, according to Parsons and tho late John F. Bor« Ight increase over tho previous A registered Jersey cow,,MArJu Mary Carter says: a report on long range population Golden Princess, owned by Marlu Ben to' TornVJlSe ^irm-of-Porsbns -—Vour advertisement In this pa- car," tho yearbook points ~ou!7 projections Just released by thoFarm, LIncroft, hasicomplctod an ecgufl, and Borden, which be per will reach prospective pur- 'the rate of ..return for 1859 was Slate Department of,. Conservation official Register of Merit record come successively Parsons, Lab- chasers In every community In thu me of the' worst ever experienced according to Tho American Jersey recque, Canzona, and Combs, and bsy^horo area. eastern railroads." and Economic Development. In Cattle Club, Columbus, Ohio, Parsons, Labrecque, Canzona, and his announcement of tho new pub- Blair, witk offices at 18 Wallace lication Conservation Commissioner This record was 17,78* lbj. milk SI,, Rod Dank. He has been ad- and 1018 lbs. fat. Princess started I KNOW Salyatoro A, Bontempo said, "This mitted to practice before the U. S. MONMOUTH COLLEGE her record at eight years and nine estimate, prepared by the Depart- Supreme Court, the Interstate months of age and was milked for WEST LONG BRANCH ment's Research and Statistics sec- Commcrco Commission, and the 305 days, Princess Is tho eighth Tax Court of the United States. Invites You To Send For A Brochure Describing tion, Is significant to those-work- Excellent daughter of her sire, •; Accredited Undergraduate Ing with problems of tho aging, Favorite Commando, to produce Unit Meets youth groups, housing developers, over 1000 lbs, tat and completed PEOPLE! Slimmer Studies tho seventeenth 1000-lb, record for "I DON'T GO AROUND IN A "SLOPPY JOE' SWEATER and blue school boards, government of- Mombers ol tho Bayshor* Elec. thoso Excellent "Commandos." In Three Credit-Granting Seiilonsi . ficials,' Industrial planners and all trie Association met Tuesday even- dungaresi, but most paople in the paint industry tend to think I'm Pro-Summer Seislon persons Interested In tha potential ing at Magnolia Inn, Matawan, at off-beat at a genuine 'beatnik,' anyway. They pretend to be How about business cards? Wo when regular .business was trans Registration June 9-10j Classes June II • July 1 growth and development ot New can supply (hem quickly and at acted. .-.'•' . distressed because I refuse to go along with the industry's,tired Special Teacher Education Program! Jersey." the right prlco.'Come and try us, old methods of advertising and selling paint. ' : ' Registration July M; Climes July 7-IJ .How. !• the time to advertise "•''•I '•••''"" Surnmer Session .•••-••. '.:••.• those unused artlclei (or sale. A "WHAT'S REA^6BUGGINGy, Regljlrallon July M; Classes July 7 • Augutf II ; PIZZA PIES small atHn tho classified column Is the fact that my company it growing at a faster rate than any will turn them Into cash foryou. Write or Telephone other paint company in the United States, bar none! That means, WAITS TAVERN & RESTAURANT of course, that you are taking your business away from them and , APMISSIONS OFFICE ITALIAN FOOD - SEA FOOO giving it to me. - It means my advertising and merchandising Monmouth College, West Long Branch, CApllil I-MM ORDERS TO TAKE OUT methods are working, while theirs are failing apart at the seams!. WE CATER TO SMALL PARTIES AND BANQUETS PACKAGE GOODS TO TAKE OUT ''MOST IMPORTANTLY, It indicates that 'you, the ,pa!nt-buying Walter J. Jankowskl 22 Lower Main Street public, are Impressed by. the Mary Carter story and by what if . PROPRIETOR Matawan lick up the phone and means to you In terms of high quality paint at realistic prices, vlilc a ftlcnd. Com little with no part of your paint dollar going for outdated, archaic and LO 6-9845 to call tmyvhett. Ooiton, for instance, horn Atbury antiquated operational practices. ' ' . Ut\toa\ftOt. Jmin. •utlon tits after 6 p.m., "NO WONDER THEY'RE UPSET! And, no matter what they say, 10% unroot Included. the one thing about Mary Carittr Paint Factories that upsets my competitors most (beeauie it's Every 2nd Cm BUSES to too costly for them to/copy with their old- ((Express Via N. J. TURNPIKE) KOOS faihioned methods) is the big paint dividend that makes so-many lifelong customers and friends Slipcover for me: at Mary Carter paint stores/you get FREE 1958 PONTIAC'1895 200 ?r DAILY Special good paint and you get Of Extra Cost." Cutallna Sedan, p.S.,iP.B;-A • ^^ m ^ HOWISTHI WHY NOT JUST For Schedule and Rate Call CO 4-2222 CUSTOM-MADE 1958PONTIAC 1995 FREE GALLON POSSIBLE? CHARGE HALF PRICE? SOFA & CHAIR "My Hris «n «M»ty t«k»< kMim tkty Wagon, Hyde., P.S. • '* M M.-4W Buy 10 Trip Books AND Save «« iMnhKtw* f,\mn. MMmli «wt« pw «*IIHI ItlnhMIlM *t MM- Mllntum »» prinli , . , ill *•«•'•.irtllrt wM t«M«Y •»• **!• paMi ay ihtaa Mas aa aanatlrtk In Star Chief, Cat. Coupe, Hyde., P.S., P.O. • • •*••** with tb» inikrl untn.texturl. Ibi «e»V ol eo«l» IIOBnll •wwfl ntoll Mm ... S*WM« |whl fat- IKlaa «•». Ill atvar tlaulfy Mary Cartw For Group's «•'!! pin.(11 in* cut nur .llo- Hrln . . • ttnamlta*4 MfnliaMlhlaf '•OMlt with' ^mu *f 1^» Al^- |M<>M'i» tonn-tUM on your rurnllnn. •tokMk ... My «w« fl*tl •! DI*NI tadn r"™1.wff" ^"y w *^* wt**p miranoiN\ 1954 PONTIAC 495 Offers The Best In Comfort and Experience onrlock itl-riw HIM. nn tin YOU «iln mud «tm it «tf teiH tf oliHltlifl raw «gtwW< ••* Rtwfl arfacfa, aaf wW I iw •owauaa* Dltttl Boliit tftmi, Cat. Coupe, Hyde. .--• —wmmw •f Mtf\n JMIM .. AH «l «m «MM» •y prwlKH by nwt«| rs ariw nd»<- Shoa-ot-Homs Only «ntH?-t«r Utw . typt V8 Hardtop Sodaoi F.O.M., P.S., P.B. " ^^ m ^ Iiiy «• paint on] tiird )• wttr •ff. Anti- Route, 9; Freehold Uiily braiKtd, %pnfi *' »IUd. I 1957 Studebaker 925 SINCE 1949 $3.00 ^t, $8.98 floJ •V Wagon ... , * mmwm 1956 0LDS"88 "1095 YOUR LOCAL SPECIALIST As Advertised la The $«hr*r» Holiday Cpe., Hyde. • T^ M •** BOTTLED 1957 RENAULT 795 Sedan, Heater, Radio," BeaiiWul •+• m' '•* •""* • TERMITES GAS 1956 DESOTO 1195 • '"INSECTS. -• • You Get Clean, Quick 1 Dr. H«rdtop«, Auto,, P.S., P.B. -••.-'"••••• m ^ • RODENTS Heat For Cooking MARYCAIlTai ALKY D HAT 1954 FORD V8 325 OUTSIDE WHIH WALL PAINT Prompt, Efficient Custom 2 Do?r ^T ^™ *••» Aa *H P'tat wltk I DwiUllty f4 wxk.Ullt, • WEEDS jServlai 1953 PONTIAC 295 a». N* "painty" •><::: ' ''••». Ul| Thursday, May 19, i960 MATAWAN Paga Fifton Marie LaRocca Wed In Laurence Harbor. Saturday Couple Married Married At St. Joseph's Miss '".(fotfts Bride Weds F.C Bogart At St Thomas' . OfRCWidmann Mr, aiu. Mrs. Mytort Woodhoijr;-^ Announcement has been made of Miss Veronica Arlene Hansen, Before an altar decorated with 118 Dnwd St., Keyporj, anttbunca \ the marriage of Miss Marie The- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter ivhlto gladioli, snapdragons mid Iho fniiORenient ol their UMhlr resa LaRocca; daughter ot Mr. and Hansen, 21 Madison Ave., Old palms, Miss Dolores, Klltabr-lh Bridge, and Richard A. Kadash. Mrs. James LaRocca, "3 Brown's Cnrdla, daughter of Mr, and.Mrt. son of Mrs. NalaUe Kadash. 750 Ernest D; Cnnlts, JUS Main St,, Lone, West Keansbiirj;, to Francis Stephen Av«, Perth Amboy, a-d Charles Bogart, son of Mr. and the late ."jhn S. Kadash. were mar- \canskur);, became tho jirlile nt luljw C. WUlmann. scm of'Mr, «ml Mrs. Frank Bogart, 70.Field Ave, ried Saturday, May 14, 1960. at 2 Mrs, Christian Wldnmnn. Atlantic Riverside Heights, l^ddletqwa, for- p.m. In St/Thomas' Church, Old ^e. Th- .tcy. ".'c;t«r A. French lllKhlaiuls. Tho Rev. : .rsd^tlck merly of Keypcrt, on Saturday, pastor,'pcVfyrmiHl tho double officiated at twa'double Tins cei*- Apr. 30, 1960, in St. Ann's Church, •liitt lerrmftny In Ihiv O.i-l)yM-m»m> Lutheran Church, Ki'ytxut, t«> Sun- Keansburg. The Rev. Anthony Lui- Given in marrfaRO bj her father, sani officiated. A reception follow- the brido wqrb a gown of French day. May 15, lSWO, nl 3 p.m. Men. ed at the Paddock tounge, Long '.ullewlth tiers of Chanfilly law. William'. Rescurl, Wesl lyeanslnirR, Branch. --,-; a mandarin neckline and a chapel- ivns the soloist ami slio wns »r- length; train. She wore a Wple-tler. vniimnliHt hy Mrs. John ilennelt, Escprted by her lathet the bride fingertip veil of French silk Illusion 'vypml. - w:re a gown 61 while rosebud attached to~a double crown of seed lace, covered^ with a full-length pearls and rhinestonca.'She carried XJIveii in mnnlr.v hy her father, Va hriilii win* . an inlfftnlatiluiv coat of white satin that had a a colonial bouquet of roses, sweet- p«as and. Ivy. , ' gown uf Duplonl illlt,rim-~ ccoop -neckline trimmed with q ported l'reuc' IBOJ uutlln«4 tho ««• .gueen Anne style collar and a ca- The.maid ot honor was Miss 1 litlna iwkldw «if tho fillml IMKNVO Marguerite Terranoba, Old Bridge, 1 thedral-length train. Her full-length cousin of the bride. The brides- I'htch h^d I'M Kleovoii. Mnichlntl IU'I' lilntiiirtl llio turn I tif lltu full veil of tulle fell from a tianwof maids were Miss Shirley Hell, MISS HARtlMlA WOOmiUMSK .seed.pearls and she carried sprays South River, and Miss Barbara kill vyhirii tlowi'O Intu n olii\|ui .'nulh train, llrr tlni)(irtlp''l«ni|tli Lturhm.. Jenn, tn DavUI I'.ul llli»n. . of white Orchids and lilies-of-the-' Hansen,' New Brunswick, cousin of et, Miii «l'Mr, will Mm, F.ilwnril the bride. ,'iMl tit Imported l'ronch Illtislnn valley on a prayer book. '. Wester, Allmwm, n, Brother Is Best Man "rtl Irom ii top of ntnlrhlnii" Uw Mist Rpse Marie Faldelta, The wllh KWHUpcailii nnit nlji; Miss WwulhiiiMi IK II i.irhmto u| The best man wits John S. Ka lie Kcylmii Si'liniiln miii j'lm Trap. Bronx, was maid of honor. Her ih. Slu> Is fmiiloyeil liv tl>r> (3en> woro a matching hat and carried a Roger J, KadasK Perth Amboy. nml |«»H»1UHI Ivy louvcs witn r •cntcri'd -wttlr thrcf ~wh(ic rym (?ulita~-' ?cr|MiHlUml I'ortli Am- : bouquet of pink and white chrys- brother ot the bridegroom, and I*'. boy. . ,. , :..-"•• Jeffrey P. Hansen, Old Bridge, anthemums and daisies. I MR., MRS, PKlEtt TilQVllST MISH AUHMMH Cunlli,luimilmiii. Mr. II I'kl.'i Is it, HI iiiUmln ul the brother of the bride. m lwr HIMIT'S mnlil vi( hnnnr. -J '?•* • Three Bridesmaids Miss Mnrlo I'laln* Cranp, Thrve-ycar-old Clouilla lilmotl, Mloonn Si'lionls nml ullciiileil th» Tho couple left for a Iwc-wock loc Itttt-ruii&NtaiiJtMiftlh i;u\vit i[t, Mtminn I' .pun IVimHInto Ui\l- The bridesmaids were Miss Bon- j trip to Miami Beach, Fla. Mrs.tcr of Mrs. Robert Cummings, 804 liirwixnl llcach, won Hid llowi'r uqun ni(4oi«n win tle il|]nnl with n Central Ave, Union Beach, and n I'liiljy, He ineienlly In nn loovt ale Bogart, Riverside Heights, the; Kadash wore a red suit with white lilri for her aunt, Her llourlciiftth rom'ihii U. 8, f\rnty, after which accessories and a white orchid for Dudley Crane, 269 Rarltan Blvd., bridegroom's sister; Miss Patricia gown ill tlirlmp nylo hiul It'nitth »lecvr«~alul a Imnd ot em- io will be slntliinei) In lf\iro|ii>,\ her traveling ensemble. _• Cliffwnod Bench, became iho bride mililwi) nqwi flowers (v)ilch l»ln- Egsn, The Bronx, and Miss Rose The bride, a graduate ot South of Peter Tflqulst, son ot Mr, anda scoop ni'cVllmi and pull »U'i've». tl tho uliort lltwd IKKIICM wllh 'w. Nn ili\tu has been set for tht --Marie Donisi, UmonY«!e...'L. I River High School1, attended the Mrs. Gustavo Tilqulit, 31 Gordon She woro a Matching bonnet nml prlncMi ityle skltl. Tiny seed ,«d.lln||. . Ave, Morgan, Saturday, May 14,carried n prliu'csa liashul of llglit Their dresses were made of aqua Amerlran Institute of Banking and pcniU IIIHIIIH'JJIHI Hcnlluptul vt>ll Mnelciin-lillloU MRS. EDWARD 3. PAJOR 19p0, at three o'clock In tho alter- blue flowers wllh shrimp net. silk organia. They wore matching Is employed by the First Notional whleh fell over lira miuii Ihiwor noon- ;•" : '~"~r-^h-- - Brother Is Beit Man md» on her mimll Illlrdhnl, «,o Mr, anil Mm. Wllllnm I'awells, Miss Lorraine Ann Krafft, daugh- She wort a gown of pink nylon Dank -[ South River, Her husband, - bats and carried bouquets of aqua a graduala ot Perth Amboy High Tho Rev. Jolin llendrlcki per- Jamci TlU|iilsl, Morgan^ wos heit uri'tei! $ cnacatlc .l4(iiiqi)i>t uf wUlta in AuuiHiK Ave, Union lloaclv and white chrysanthemums and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krafft, chlflon over taffeta, floor-lcn formed tlir dmililo ring ceremony man lor Ma brother anil ushering Illnt'n, puiplii KIBRS""fliui ixillahfil nvn (innnunrNt tlw wiB«(ii)mlm-s liiul iniilchlnn' urallujwil velU was best man. The ushers were an altar decorated with white glad- River; Mrs. Robert LoPresto. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Mociydlow- line trimmed with tequlni and large collar. Mntchtnjj plcturo hut Holmdel; Mrs. Julius Caul, Nixon, irlnimoil will) DI'IMI prill!» ami Ihpy Richard Bogart, RiTertlde Heights, loll. The Rev. Walter Slatt:ry, pas- akl, Deerfleld Rd, Hailet, ar« pa-pearls and long tapering. »le«VM. and nccesioilo mid n while nrchh) I'linli'il cnii'iuln liimi|iii'ln uf purp'.e the bridegroom'! brother; David tor, officiated. Traditional wedding' and Miss Mary Ann Krosnoskl, rents vf a daughter, bom Thura- The back ol the full skirt was carsuga complemented her ensem South River. Their gowns were main, purple rotii-n timl Brown, Keantbiirg, and Edward musie was played by Mrs. Robert day, May 11, 1060, at Rlverview styled wllh Spanish lyp« mlfles bio. ' vy lenves, Ruby, Port Monmouthj Dlmsey, organist. • blue floor-length nylon chiffon over Hospital. ' • which cascaded Into a chtpcl- taffeta, the same style as the honor Tho brlileurnam's malhor thoso Jnlm IJnki .Simih llnni|i|i>n, l'» , The couple have returned from . Givea In. marriage by her father,' Schroll ' length train. Her flngertlp-lcnglh a bsloo silk dreai with lino pleat' cmiNln nl llio lirUlpnnmiti, wan Iho » wedding (rip and ara making attendant's. They also wore bow veil of band-rolled French Million tie' bride wore • floor-length, type headpieces-with short veils to Mr. and Mrt. Francis Schroll, cd hkirt. matching hat and ocras I man, 'I lie inherit wvmt l.mil* their home on Main St., Keaos- chapel sweep gown of hand clip- 849 Poole Ave., Hnilet, are parents fell From a Dutchoss cap of mutch' sorles and a wlillu orchid cm mine Itowti, WasliliiKlnii,. O.-Ci mr.tch and carried bouquets of Ing lace ituddrd with sequins and burg. ped Chanfllly lace over while satin, white gladioli. .••', •..-; '-•" ' of a son,' born Friday, May 19, Atler a reception at Ills Velurona iH!B«, livlnniun, nnil Ijnwnrtl .Thd bride; a _graduate ot Key-styled, with a sabrlna neckline, fit- pearls and iho carried a canctdo of ForelRn Wars' Hall, Cllffwiwil Kclini'ldcr, Iliniiklyn, N.V,, licpliew -John Vlslocky, New -York, was I960, at Rlverview Hospital, bouquet of white rosci. and llly-of- fort High School, is e*mp!oyed by ted bodice and long-sleeves. Her the best man. Ushering were Ken llm couple loft on a motor trip to nt the btlili'Rrmm, " the KJ: Bell Telephone Co, At-Franch silk illusion fingertip veil Rivera tho-valley wllh whito orchid cert' Nlatmra Kails aiul Canada. 1'iir l'nr her itmitihti'r'ii WIMIIIIIIU, Mm neth Drink and Bernard Kseppa, tcr, ' lantic Highlands. The bridegroom was attached to a crown of small New Brunswick; Edward Careccia, Sgt. Raul Rivera and Mrs. Rl- trnvolliiBi tho bride wura a Unli Coriltt CIIIIIM n l)lur liluo tltim b employed-by the Jersey Central pink and white rosebuds and sheHlaleah; Fla.;' Robert LoPresto, vera, 34 Shore Haven Trailer Park, Matron Ol Itonor btli;a walklnu suit with lox collar, ulylwl wlilt'ii-frttii[-the-vaUey. ter, born Thursday, May 11, IBM,lwr, wattha matron ol lionor. Her and brown «cce«»oile» andd n whihit •lnevt'it nml a'ntlk; nklit. H»r Tho , brlde'a rotiher won anIn Pat}erson Army Ijoipltel, Fort Iholr ilnti|tlil«r, Ml«» Aylncn Mary dltfown Township Hig' School' aid Maid Of J!oo« Wears,Pink . lloorlonaih Rown of thrlmp nylon «re.Wd cora»Ki!. nmtrh,ii|\ lint mm lu'i'rniuleu t'lim Klllnll, Io .l»«|ili Miicl.i'iin, mm ol attended Monmouth College, West afternoon' tritijjf "mint Isce and Miss Mary Sutton, 7S1 /venue A, argunia Jiflii a luted tleevehtt The I'rliln ornduaU'd from fiayrr iilniiienleil lior (fiiii'inbln ami sheMr, mid Mr*. Jtwpli MIHUV MAO- crystaletto wiilr matching acces- v Long Branch. Bayonne, was the maid of honor. lltrvey IXKIICO and square mscklliie. She vllle lllith Srhool, Clms of 1093 am wiird ti whllti (irclilil-iDiMiiiii, 'Hu I.I'HII, I'ntiflnlil llil,, I'IITIIDIII, - sories. The hrldegroom'a mother woro "a inntchlflK picture lint olid Is employed an n Laboratory TPCII- IIIII1I'||HIIIIII'» innllinr ni'lrcti chose* a rose beige gown and wore A daughter was born to Mr. and nlclun Oroup Lcniler liy Clineto- Minn IflllnU In i'iti|ili>yi'(l nl liny Mrs, John Harvey, 150 Sunset Ave,, carried a cascade houquct of bluo y |llllk Illl'll llll'»».-wlll| whito accessories. lhl'iiJ , Inc.I , 1'crlh Al y Aniv,'i:ilfiK Ni'ivliiv Kcyiinil, and Old Bridge, In Perth Amboy Hos- mea backed wllh ihrlmp nil. flimer lint, Imljie nwciuinr'fca. nil Alter a reception at the Polish Mrs. William Mahon, Union Thq l-irlitejfrdinn liilrnu|>U'il his. Imf llniii'ii l« m i>iiijifi)y'ftHif Food • National Home, South River, the pital. a:\vlillti unlilil ciirnniiii. tlcach; Mrs, Curl Sloilu, Mlildlu Snyrovlllo Illiili ttclino llreopllon Al ncillnnwpiHl I'll 11 (illlK'K, till',, I'llllllllllWII, couple left for a three weeks wed- town, and Mrs, Miirniiri't in enlist In llm Uhlit'il Smlt'N Air ding trip In Florida, For traveling Ruuo A ii'i:i'|Hl mlf iuii|iliiy,if In Al n» » ini'iiiliiT MI III, jHinca Mr. and Mn, James Hlckcy, 20 at Holy flplrll Church oml Inlur- rents of a daughter, born May IS, 1 Horn In Mew York, Mr. Welier lunlli: Ill0ilmii!», Imirll, Wiiiilhliillii'. Coif Dr ., Hailel, are tho parents her] lived In Went KeannlmrK » nirnl win In Holy Trinity Oinn. I960, In Rlvcr-vlew Hospital, Wl!Ml llliiyHlum fm i Iliiilr wed- Mn In tui.vlvtiil liy hU-wlfn, Mir- of a eon, born Sunday, N'. iy 13, yearn. He was a vl'Tiin iif tl«/ii||(mi!?Jtf, Alterilk Rjaliu ' ' Burvlvlnii ar« hl« wife, Mri. Priira MniKni/ln, llie iiiuiyrur- llii|:ur, I'llflwoil; Mifl.Jim'jili Mfc Leonard Golden, U Church St., I'llrobclh ((Ifoluiiii) Wihcr, three j»k tnil Mien M*rj;rtr.| i|u||ya, Malawjn, In Monmouth Medical A daughter was born In River- old .daujthlvr (if Mr, nml Mm. Jiilm view Hospital (in Saturday, May 14,aims, William Weter, Jitney Cliyi Mult'-Mi'le, 107 l,uiirelliurH l)f, H < 111 it Wixnllii lili'.ii, ml «ix (lond- Center Wednesday, May 11. .1060. O(«r« lit. n fit, Jiiriici Churrli, Inlumml U::ai arraflf^iMnl* wtro un'tcr tind Dwmo; a ItTtl'Tiuil (trnnii- . Nelberllen 14, IBCO, In Rlverview HcupUaL...; Iho dlrfcllon of Did U*y 1'uiiriiil Ilii w»i a vcl'-rmi nl Wmlil War hu |n Our I,tidy (if Mr. and fan. Ruisell Nelberllen, Horn*, K«yp4rt. : . • " inMhf.r, Mn. II (I I ill Vminmi, •nil w«> afflllnM wllh IIIIIIIT Main St., Marlboro Township, are Walktr I'uuKltkei'imk, Njf,, linil lii'r p»- Migf41, I'AAM. . • the parents of a daughter, bom Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Walker, Mrs, CtMra* II. Htrth tinniil Krmi(lj>ori(iil«, Mr, «nd Mrs. fliirVlvlnti are Ills wild, IIN*I«; II » v « ywi rend tin cl««clll*4 Main Str,.K>yport, are the naimu MB., MRS. LOWELL BOWMAN May 10,10W, In Fllkln Hospital. Mrs. Ulllsn M, (Kt >«) «»lh, 417 Jnlm MwKrii/le »r. iiuntttten,_ (wnllnucd- Ixiiiom (IPXI column) of a -on, born Tuesday, May 10,Atlantic 't., Kcyport, died Betur- ( Miss France* Diane- Gorman, pert, was the bridesmaid. Her HoweU I860, In aivervlew 1lo»pltai;'Tlie , Mrt. Kucfikr wan born In I'oUr- CANWD WIP0JN6S A SPECIALTY late J. A. Bowman, Sunday, May She wore a small fitted headpiece Elort tha former Miss Audrey Iiorlan, »M,.f)h4,'liad r*»lit«i InXlifM lor Itloumflcld, tnd f«ur grandchildren. II MAIN KT. TKf„ CO 441M KI'iVI'OHT 15. I860, at 3 p.m.. The.ktY; Jo- of Hue buds and carried a colonial . A daughter was born to Mr. anddt'-Khier of Mr. and Mrs. Inward fivo yc»n. lilm w«< a ineinlwr of Funeral tervleet tvf* h«!d yet- seph G. Fot, pastor, "performed the bouquet o< pink carnations. Mrs. Richard Eturt, 63 Ravine Dr.. E. Ftorlait, Keyport. :.':. the tumr4 nt (Untmwn nt thii !'#«• double ring ceremony in the Holy Mafawtn, a( Pert)) Arnboy General ferdty tlternoot) al I p.m. al the« <'1 »•• Jolio'l Vpb'- Kotk, Va. ' . Terr.,' Old .Bridge, are the parmts . 1st, accompanied htrfclf on the or- May U, IW0, Ini Monmoulh Medi- copal Oiurtli, I'aisalc. , For Our Fabuloui .The bride'* molho tbeme a beige of a son born In Penh Ambey cal Center, Mrt,/oba WwWtr gan.' -... • ;• j: - -.. Mrt. Mary A, Plwckitr, «, «l Al» svivlvlnji *f« a Mtx Wll- «ilk organis sheath dms with Gcnerat HospltaL ILm J,, IMmdil, and thf«* V*rA- Given in marriage by h«r father, BMtcbinjt hat and accessories aod . MHajMWowAI 779 Kobblnt St., P«rlh Amr«oy, the bride wore a floor-length gown : Slumr •"'• •'.' A datighter was torn in Rlvcr- died WedM*d«y, Mty II, 1KC, at dilldrun. ..'-. ' - . . . -.- a conage of yellow roses. The I'unpfsl wrvtoi wf re li*M Sslur< COMMUNION Mr. vand Mm. Chirk* Shaver, designed with a fitted lac* bodice bridegroom's mother selected a vlew Hoiplul m Monday, May II, the liart OraDgeOeneral llotpllali Ml Bayvitw Ave,, Union Beach, Mrs. Pluckier WU » llf'l'>rJK tfs/ tl SI. Mm'% ):|>iu food shoppfmf? of Penh Amboy; eight »!*f*ri, :• - fmmrt mavnet TAKMN , sleeveless book* and sabrina neck- Keypot High Scfaol and the WU-resis of f son. Jbcm Wednesday; A turpfMnfiy ttrpi number- rvf Mr*, - Anns Mellclt, Keaonf/ur*; Mr», Helm Koyminkirw'xt, WtvWi To Hire line. A oaldrfagi Jacket with csjf ted BcjHity Acadanr, -Newark. May 11. «». at Rivtrvlcw Hot- ifptn do ndl. V«t KXWTMIIKI W. 5. WAttACE Coll PA 1^445 sleeves had a Urge double collar She is employed at The Sobutiaa Servke food tnarfcoflng upwUlli's Amhqy; Mn, MarjrjrfI Itofuw/vlc, A ptnk horsehair picture hat andBe»tr 8^ Jftyport The bride- irf. Kutgnv ilniyerttty tty you c*nfVJisw; Hn. Dorothy Vinto, S«- cumittui accessories compwta! her «• groom waa graduated ftom More* atv« lime In. thopptnit if you do. wtten, and Mrs, Julia Patrick; Mm tat * BWJ« *» i enpr ed Mr. and Mrs. Martin You're aba tat apt to buy on Im-M>t. Sayreye Woods0tudia ,at««b.aa4.jhj)..eatrled:« $ktfj 1/K1ATO) .bouquet of pjik carnatioa)*,,^, ,, ty IJfci yp ^(HfcatiY? 'A#v.' ftpm,. . *.l , VnnBnOmgn • <•. on Pooie ibtptrtaU oJ » 6*t('M~tl ixrra it p> tack ht a lorgoUtn as Sixteen' THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday, May 19, I960 Rehearsals Begin Union JC Plans Exams Scheduled j St. Jowph'i Crowner Wills Filed * William Nielsen, president, has Bayshore Church Directory Peter C- Berry announced that the next musical Summer Session For Tkree Posts Peter C. Berry, Keansburg, who presentation by the Monmouth Civ- iR annual fix-week" i u m m • r New examinational for Com- dfed Apr. 21 left his estate to a ic Chorus will be Handel:s "Mes- MBlon ot Union Junior College, First Baptist Church , Calvary Methodist Church Pentecostal Church modity-Industry Analyst, Geodetic sister, Anna i. Berry, executrix. siah.'.' Rehearsals began Tuesday, ranford, will open June 27 and . glala and W. Third SU. . Third St., Keyport Union and Sidney Ave, 'Aid and Geodetic Technician and for the December 11 performance., tin. to Aug. t. It was announced Industrial Hyglenlst have been-an-' • Joan B. Jtnwlch Keyport Rev. H.T. Williams ST0. Union Beach , Rehearsals will-Be held at th*: y Dr. Kenneth V. Iversen, dean, Rev. Maurice W. PhlUlps, Pastor Mrs. Herbert G. Wood, Pastor nounced by the United States Civil Mrs. Joan B. JanwicK Marlboro Township) who died Apr. 23 left her Embury Methodist Church, Churich t will be the first summer session .Pastor •__ Sunday School will be held Worship services are held Sun- Sendee Commission for filling po- : estate to be shared by children. St.. Little Silver, until mid-June - l the college's'new Nomahegah There will be a,deacons',meet 9: JO i a.m. and the morning woi day at H a.m. and 7;45 p.m. Sua- sitions in various federal agencies ullding located on a 28-acre ship service at 10:45 a.m. The sei day School It at i: 45 a.m. in the Washington, D. C, area. A Son, Norman Janwich sr. is the and will resume the first week |a - ampus opposite Nomahegan Park. Ing this evening at 8 p.m. at thi executor.' September. The chorus will again parsonage and the pelta Alphi moa topic will b« "God The Son Bible study group meets Tuesda limited number pi positions also Registration will be conducted June may be filled in other parti of the be directed by W. Gordon Pagdijv Class will meet.at 8 p.m. at th On Wednesday there will be at 7:45 p.m. . Conrad Muth . S, 24 and 27 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. r United States and In foreign coun- Little Silver. ? i,'- AH the classes will be conducted church. . • " Tlalols Class meeting, beginninj Thursday prayer meeting b held tries. •'• .. : " • :" . ', • Conrad Muth, Rant in Township, la the ev.ening. Tomorrow evening there will with a covered dish supper at *:3i at,7;45 p.m.._ who died. Mar.. 27 left' his estate p.m. After a business meeting, a Most of. the Commodity-Industry to a son, Courtney E Muth. John a Father Son banquet at 8:30 \ Fourth Mt Pllcilrn r "Our summer session Is especlal- the church. program has b&n arranged, Mem- Analyst positions are for duty, with J. Ryaa is the executor. -> . Iy helpful to students from other bers may bring a guest. ~ Spiritual Church the United States Tariff CommU<- On Saturday the Monmouth As 208 Shore Rd., Union Beach sion and pay starting salaries-rang- Ethel M. y 7o!lege« who need to make up Thursday, May 26, the Junioi Credits for a variety of reasons," soclatlon Senior Baptist Youth Fel- •Rev, {Catherine Miller, Pastor ing from $5983 to $8330 a year. To Ethel M. Symes, Matawan, who What an the folks do- lowship will Ipld e rally at 3: choif will meet at 8:30 p.m. am Services are held on Sunday and qualify, applicants must nave Had" died Apr. 11 left Jewelry to Amanda ing? Find out faBt.with. , Dr. Iversen said. "They must the intermediate choir, 7 p.m. iubmit a statement of approval p.m. nt Ardcna, Thursday evenings at 8 o'clock technical, professional, marketing, G u t h e 11 Armstrong,' executrix; a friendly phone calL It . —from-their own-lnstltutlon." -Sunday, there wiiiJbe* imtorf _ i Friday, May 27, there wil and pnFrldayjiftemopnjj^2j^ni or, adminlsjratlye experience relat- personal property to Edna Rowe cost* little. A 3 mtnuU r be a geranium gale sponsored by Union Junior College students prayer meeliog at 9:15 a.m.; Su Ing'fo commerce and Industry; In- Robinson; proceeds from the State ~*tsttl«tr£il!dear to. -the,, Mothers' Association with Mrs, Gethscmaoe Lutheran Cburcb MISS JEANNE KANE ffho begin their college careers day School, 9:30 a;m.; mornln cluding specI^fUed experience in of New York Employees" Retire-* Montreal, Canada front Herbert F.' 3rown as chairman. one or more commodities such-os- ment System;to a cousin Dorothy during the spring semester often worship service. 10:45 a.m. Maple PL, Keyport , Miss Jeanne Kane, daughter of Aabury Park coaU only There will be an official bds Rev. Frederick Boos, pastor chemlcals, food, lumber, textiles, or 1 Taylor Gulse^ -Half, of residue to ittend the slimmer session to catch nursery Is available. The -Youl 1 80^after6PM-l0% tax meeting on Wednesday, June 1, al metals, Pertinent college study Mi , and Mrs. John P. Kane, 18. Amanda' Guthell Armstrong; one- up with those who started during Fellowship groups meet 6 p.m. i There are two serviced on Sun- not included^------.'-- 8 p.m. ; may be substituted for part of the Miriam Dr., Matawan, will be the quarter ' shares to - Edna Rows the fall semester, Dr. Iversen point- the church and evening worsh day; Matins at 8:30 a.m. and the 1 is at 7:30 p.m. •> ;r_ regular service at 11 o'clock.,Sun- required experience. - crowner at the Annual May Crown- Robinson and her husband, Harold ed out. Others who find the sum- ! First Church Of Christ, Scientist day School begins at 9:45 a.rnJ. ing-exercises to be held at St. Jo- Robinson. , ' mer session valuable are high The Women's Association Clrc 84 Broad St., Keyport Geodetic Aid and. Technician po- seph's Church, Keyport, on Sunday sitions are for duty matory with school graduates and men return will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Sunday s e r v ice and Sunday St. Benedict'! Church evening at J:30 p.m. Miss Kane is Ing from service who want to get On Tuesday the Eleanor Van School, 11 a.m. Wednesday, test Holmdel School ^-, the Army Map Service and the a senior at Red Bank Catholic ' ^helr college careers off to an early Brakle Girls' Guild will meet mony meeting 8 p.m. Reading room Holmdel Rd., Holmdel Coast and Geodetic.Survey In High School, and plans to attend . Itart. 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Evere! open Wednesday and Saturday from Rey. Edward P.' Blaska, Pastor Washington, J3. C. Salaries' range it. Joseph's College, Emmittsburg, limited To SU Credit flours - Hailelt,. Division. St., Keyport. 2 to i p.m." - *v-:" — Masses are held Sunday at 1, 8, from 13495 to -J7030 a year. No Md." in September;; I960 . On Wednesday there will b< written"test" Is required. "Students are limited to six credit Man's age-old longing for a clear- 9, 10 and 11 a.m. and at U o'clock Miss-Kane, who fs prefect of the hours during the summer session," chapql. choir" fthearsal 6;,30 p.m noon. ' • J Experience Needed Blessed Virgin Mary Sodality, will midweek Bervlce, 7:30 p.m. and er understanding of God and of hli Dr. Iversen said. Among the own Identity Is a central theme o! Confessions ara heard In thi To qualify,"applicants must.have have as her attendant. Miss Fran- ^ fteviie bourses to be offered at the sum- sanctuary choir rehearsal, 8:30 had experience in the mathemati- ces Stefans'1. Keyrjprt. Micky and p.m. the- Lesson-Sermon to. be read al parish homo Saturdays between flier session are: Business organ* Chrlstlarf-Sclence services Sunday. and t R,rn. cal, engineering or physical sci- Sklppy Deitz will act as crown and Presenting Th«3 Stude^|,8 " iiation and 'management, general ences that Involved technical com- train bearers. •-•• Jollege chemistry, principles of Jehovah's Witnesses Scriptural selections In the Les- St. Joseph's Church pulations In such fields as astron- Others in the Court of Honor are •conomlcs, English composition, Keyport Congregation son-Sormon on the subject "Sdul Maple PI., Keyport - omy, engineering, mathematics, Miss Patricia Marcelin, Miss Pa- c r i- English literature, beginning Kingdom Hall, S] Division St. and.Body" will include the follow- Rev. Cornelius J, Kane; Pastor. physlci, surveying and carto- tricia Carlson, MUs Jeanette Sotn- :•:;•• "-..'of ' ^-' •. French. \ . Thursday at 7:30 p.rm tho Minis- ing from Isaiah (99:0): "Seek yi Masses will be- held Sunday graphy. Appropriate education may mers and Miss Kathleen Kane. try School will consider Study the Lord- while he may be found, b* substituted for all or part of Also, Western civilization ilnce morning at 7,8, », 10, 11 and 0 falters School Of l[)ancihg entitled "Hebrew Blblo Composi- call ye upon him while he Is near. 'clock. ; . • : the required experience depending 1500, introductory algebra, college tion," taken from-tho Bible aid, One of the correlative citations on the salary level of the position. ^ 150 FIRST ST., KEYPORT mathematics, plane add solid "Qualified To Be Ministers," The to bo read from "Science and Church Ol Our Saviour Funeral Services Civil service examination an- Inalytlc. geometry, general p«y- first student talk will cover ma Health with Key to the Scriptures" CotlreU Rd.. ••-,.. At ' --..... ; .--•.. nouncements which give full In- ihology, beginning Spanish, prob- torlol In "Your Will Be Done On by Mary Baker Eddy states in part Chwaaquaka Mrs. Charles DUbrow. lems ol economics, Western civil- (428:8): "To divest thought of fnlsi structions on how to apply, and Funeral services " "were held Earth,'! Chapter 13. The sccom I Rov. Henry A. Malo, Rector application forms may' be obtained "isHton to 1500, trigonometry, student will rend from the book rusts and material evidences'In Rev. Clarence A, Lambelet, VIca Thursday at 11a.m. at the Hae- KEYPORT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM mathematics of finance, dlf.br- from many post offices throughout of Psalms,; Chapter 82:1 to 84:12, >rder that the spiritual facts o Sunday services are at 9:30 a.m. berle & Barth Home .for Funerals, , «ntlal calculus and basic .physics. icing may appear, this Is tho great the country or from the Ui.S. Civil The third and fourth,students will The first, third and fifth: Sundays, "crvlco Commission, Washington Irvlngton, for Mrs. Sadie (Poland) -,,•' fn addition, the college expects lttalnment by means of which we 1 FRIDAY, MAY 20th and SATURDAY, MAY 21 «r cover material from the Bible aid thore Is Holy Communion, and tie 25, D. C. A',-to offer general college chemistry, books, "From Paradise Lost To shall sweep away the false and Dlsbrow, 69, of Hazlet, widow of 3H;. ' beginning French, physics and second and fourth Sundays, morn- Charles Dlsbrow, who died May 9, Paradise Regalhqd," and- "Je- give place to the true. Thus we ing prayer. Church ichool meet* " beginning Spanish In mrlntersesslon hovah's Witnesses! In Tho Divine may establish In tenth tho temple, Pre-School Class Set 1060, at Rlvervlew Hospital. rickets AvaUabl* At The from. Aug. 8 to Sept. 2. Additional t 8:30 a.m. .... Child Me Adult Purpose." At 8:30 p.m. there will or body, 'whose builder and maker 1 Mrs. Dlsbrow was born in New- / Information on all courses and Special services will bo held as For Retarded Children be service meeting and the theme Is God,'" ': ' '"."..'.- irk where she lived until moving Other details of the summer session innouncod, ,_-../. , will be from Psalms. This meeting The Golden Text Is from Psalms o Hazlet seven years ago. can be obtained from'Miss Doro- •Mrs. Peter Adams, Wanamassa, Is to help the members In their '84:2): "My soul longcth, yea, even The Women's Guild meets th Surviving are three sons, Ray- thea Wlcrsma, registrar. alnteth for the courts of the Lord: Irrt Tuesday of each month In th. hairman of the prc-school pro- ministry.*' •' •<• .--• gram, Monmouth County Unit, New mond E,r Hiulet;.William L., East . Saturduy the Spanish speaking ,y heart and my flesh crleth out :hurch hall at 8 p.m.' Tho Parent- Jersey Association for; Retarded Brunswick, a nd Frederick E., Reformed Church Names people are Invited to attend the or the living God." , Teachers Association oftho church Children.. has announced that ap- Pennsauken; two daughters, Mrs. ichool moots, the final Tuesday of RENAULT Spanish Bible Study using the Bible plicants, for tho September 1900 pre- Florence R. Frey, West Orange,, Evangelism Minister First Methodist Church iach month at 8 p.m.. •/ study book "You May Survlvu Tit- 147 Main St., Matawan ichool cjass may bo registered un- and M.M. Gladys M. Gchringer, Tho Rev. Herman J. "Rldder, mageddon Into Gad's New World,' Rov. Frank E. Sweeten, Pastor King Ol Kings Lutheran Church I Juno 30 at the Up It Head- Philadelphia; two brothers, Louis Pella, Iowa, has been chosen by "Sunday at 3 p.m. tho public lec- On Sunday worship services are . Bayvlew School quarters,-^ Riverside Ave., Red Poland, Union, and FranlfJPoland, the Board of Domestic Missions of ture Is entitled, "Does the, Bible it 8:45 a.m. and 11 a.m, Music LconardviUo Rd,, MIddletown Bank, Point- Pleasant; elgKt grandchll- the Reformed Church In America, Teach What You Believe?" The vlll bo furnished by the.chnpel and Rey, C. Roger Burktes; J?aBtor,. .The ,pre-school program Is tho dr.m. and church services at 10:43 ially retarded children. Tht pur- take the office formerly held by liefs With tho Bible?" and "Whal lely of Christian Service, will b« m, S8 of th* pre-school class Is to STULTZ'S ' Common Beliefs} Are Not TaughJ Installed. A supervised nursery Is repar» those young retarded for Cr. Jacob Prlns, who has served Emmanuel Assemblies Ol God • the first minister of evangelism By tho Bible?" available.,end a Junior church Is icceptance Into, public education, FlICLKIDf conducted for o'lhor children nine- Middle Rd., North OmtorvlUa 'or many students, the"pre-school l th* Reformed Church, since Tuesday'the'service cehl'arrwili Rev. Timothy Adams,, Pastor M5. Ho plans to begin his work continue their study In the Bible years-old and under, At 9:49 a.m lass li an Introduction to existing KH.Kft.IKC OUR OIL ihurch school Is directed by How- Sunday School Is at 9:45 a.m.; n a group situation. his office' at Lansing, 111., - In aid book,'"Your Will Bo Done On morning worship, 11 o'clock; Evan- AND NKVCRCrMM6C uno. Tha denominational head- Earth," Hie-addresses are as fol- ird A. Henderson with classes for 1 Group and social adjustment un- ivery age' Including a newly form* elistic service, 7 p.m. Tho firs derlies th* entire pro-school pro- uerters art In New York. The lows! F. Anderson, 331 Wilson unday of each month, there Is a Ave., Matawan; J. Gondoly, 0 At- id, class for post high school youth gram. Llttli academlo training, In enoral Synod of tha Roformod Communion service" at 11 a.m. hurch, mooting at Buck Hill Palls, lantic Ave* Matawan; R. Lovolace, md young oclults. th* strict sens* qf (h* term. Is Young Pcoploi servlct will be ivon to. the very young. Rather, 'a., In June, Is expected to ratify Prospect "Ave.j CllffwoodT A. W. On Wednesday thero will be Palmor, Middle Rd., North'Center- eld Thursday, evenings at 6:49 lh» necessities for academlo train- STOP IN AT ill nomination. • urrlor choir rehearsal (it 2:45 p.m ,m., befor* tho regular Thursday vlllo; W. Walte, 8 Monmoulh Ave., rnd prayer meeting, 7:15 p.m. . Ing In the futur* are engendered. Th) greatoit evangelistic need In service, Instead of Tuesday eve- tht Reformed Church at the pros- Port Monmouth; Kingdom Hall: All Thursday at 12:30 pirn, tho week ore welcome. «-• . ings at 7:30 p.m. Thursday «ve- mt time, said Mr. Rlddor In an day Bible study Is held at the par- ilng, Blblt study and prayer Mrs. Roebllng Hailed jitervlcw, Is an Intensive, training sonage; 7: IS p.m., chapel choir rt- lervlce Is at 7:45 o'clock. Frank Van Syckles J the members of tha church In The Faith Reformed Church leinal and 8 p.m senior choir n Current Magazina ursonal evangelism, rather than North Contervllla Fire Houie, eKearsal. Middle Rd., Rarltan Townihlp Announcement Is made'that In Browntown Community Church. As tha only woman head ot * INC. * ,n emphasis on mass meeting major U. S, bank, as the first jvangellsm. He Intends to bring In Rev. Theodore C. Mullcr, Pastor •reparation for the Methodist Browntown Union Sunday School Renault Franchise Dealer • fartt and Senrlct * Confirmation Clais I will meo •Ion's rummage solo, tho Carriage Route 18, Browntown oman governor of a major stock YOU can become a satisfied kay. speakers for special preaching xchanga and as the most mobile customer, too. You will like tnlssloni, In his program tor evan- at tho home of Thomas Serterldos, louse will be open to receive ar. Rov. Francis Cantel, pastor Route 35 Morgan-PA 1-4425 18 Roland PI., Hamlet, today nt 7:30 Icles Saturday, May 28, and Tues Sunday School Is held from 9:45 Female to corn* along sine* the our regular delivery service gelism on the local level. 'ait-flying Eleanor Roosevelt —at reasonable cost. Mr. Rlddor Is a graduato ot Hope p.m. Jay nlght.uMay 31. The sale will o 10:43 a.m. and the church serv- ea from 11 s.tn. until 1} o'clock Mary G. Roebllng Is far and away Drive This New I960 Renaiilt lollege and Western Theological On Sunday at the 11 a.m, morn- so from'June 1-4; Ing worship thcrsSfmon topic will Everyone Is cordially Invited to at- ho moat talked-about woman In emlnary, both In Holland, Mich, tend, '. ' be "The. Signs of tho Times" from Graco Methodist Church ew Jersey today. Up to 43 Miles on a Gallon of GasoliM Us first pastorale, was In the g Union Beach ROul Tunley makes that obser* STULTZJK lomewood Reformed Church," Chl- tho series on "The Bible, The David's Tabernacle The Space Rov. Leon Zlnklcr, Pastor atlon In the current Issue of Tho $ ogo, III., and he has pastored one World Situation, and p Tho merger commlttco will meet Clllfwood aturday Evening Post, In which nf the larger congregations In tho h Age." A nursery Is hold at tho unlght at 8 o'clock at the homo Elder James Moss, Pasior - s also says 'that even her best 4 OJOOJ ••,„.,., ,.,.jt, - No Money Down- 46 Mo. ' i c.iom.natlon, First Reformed home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fall, )t Mr. and Mrs. John Albrccht, Sunday School Is at 10 a.m.; rlends wouldn't pretend that Mrs :liurcli, Pulls, since 1050. 18 Dartmouth Dr. Sunday School Saturday, youth clwlr rehearses nornlng worship,' 11 a^. Hoebllng Is a shrinking violet. See Lettor Magee Or Frank Gabriel meets at 0:30 a.m. at the Middle at l0 a.m.; confirmation class On Wednesday evenings the tarry Mr. Tunley's artlcl*. ,"Tho Gllt- Rd. School., U.S.Y. Members At meets, H a.m. lervlco Is at 8 p.m. orlng Widow of Trenton, N. J., Confirmation Class II meets al Sunday, church school for fourth, elates that the Is .her. own best Regional Conclave the parsonage.cm Monday at 7 p.m. ihrough sixth grades begins at First Spiritual Church publicist, whether making a grand Choir rehearsal also will be held 01 Divine Roso Over 400 young1 people converged l.m.; 7th through 12th grades, 9:30 ntranco at tho Metropolitan Opera on Monday at 8:30 p.m.; at tho i.m.: two-year-olds to third grado IN Main St., Belford n a Dior, original or riding tit the pa Bradley Beach over the week- home of. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Rov. Phoebe Dalloy, Pastor end and staged the most success- 10-a.m. The Fjlth Sunday after [toad ot a local fireman's parade. Parks, 15 Chestnut Dr. Enstcr, tho sermon themo at tho Services ara held Sunday at 8 ful Annual Regional ' Convention ).m. and Tuesday at 3:30 and t held by Jihe Northern New Jersey On Wednesday at 8 p.m, the 11 o'clock morning worship will bo ere held at 5:30 a.m. Sunday under "The Body of Christ," This will Region, which now hit) over SO Board of Christian. Education wll tht direction:of Arthur Bitter, su meet at tha home ot Mr. and Mrs be a sortci ot-iermons on tho chapters and 20M members. Judy . Cllftwood Community jerlntcndent, The morning worship Alpine and Andrea Roscnthal, George Marshall, 11 Bromley Dr. meaning of the church. A nursery ls.t.vallablo for all young children. Methodist Church •..: .. Wlf beheld at 10:« a.m. with tet- V.S.Y. members, both led discus- The Guild tor Christian Service mon by the pastor. A nursery serv- will meet at the- fire house on Mid- Youth - fellowship meets at 8:30 Rov. Les CottpriPnstofX • ions and Linda Watfcnfeld was re- Sunday morning lervlco Will jc ice Is available. Communion serv- galia chalrmo.. ol the conventio- dle Rd, on Thursday -'" p.m. J,m. and evening discussion group is at 7:30 p.m. at 9 a.m.; Sunday School, 10 a.m. ices art held tho first Sunday of Other U.S.Y. member! attending St. Mary's Episcopal Church M.Y.F. will bo In" the evening at Very month. ' Wednesday senior choir rehearsal 7:30 'p.m. were Rena Nisonoff, Donna Gold- , East Front St., Keyport Is at 7:30 p.m. - stein, Laura Lajar. Janice'Goo* There will be a roast beet lup- ' Jfeyport Reformed Church ' Rev. Henry A. Male, Roctor Warren St. KoypoH ' Bui and Nancy Diamond."teroy Boy Scout Troop 64 will meet to- Congregations! Church ter Thursday, May 28, from II to Diamond was leader ot the dele- Rev. Roderick N. DeYoung, night at 7 p.m. and the Scout Com- Central Ave,, Union Beach Pastor gation. Rev. Leon Zlnkler, Pastor mittee at « p.m. St. John's Methodist Church > Chapel choir rehearsal will be Auto Loans Junior choir rehearsal Is Satur- Iteld tonight at 7 o'clock. On Saturday morning, the chil- day at 10 a.m. at Grace Church. South Mala St., Special Speaker At dren's confirmation class will be Raritaa Township Cherub choir rehearses on Sat- Sunday School convenes at 9:30 irday at W «.m. hold at 9 a.nw.ahd the spring par- a.m. with classes for all ages un- Rev. Norman R. Rlley, Pastor Ihore Fellowthlp Meet ish dinner from 9 to 7 p.m. Sunday worship services are si Sunday School meeU at »:J0 ler tho supervision ot Mrs. E. Wag ,m. under OT« dlrtction ot Robert The Rev.. Albert "Testa, pastor ol Sunday thert will be morning ler, superintends!. 8 a.m,,' 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. There's- a rtuon why M zn«ny tutomobllt buyttfl m Church school meets at 8:50 and Vilkenloh.; nursery for pre-school w Assemblies "of God Church, prayer-«t 7; 45 a.m.), Holy Com- Senior choir rehearses ' on financing their cars at The Farmers and Merchant* K»- - lemlngton, and presbyter for thi munion, 8 a.m.; family service 11 i.m; Tho evening service Is aeld children, 10:50 a.m.: morning wor- Wednesday at 7:30 p,nv at Grace ahlp, 10:4s a.m. . ipitol*ectlon ol the.New Joney and church school, 9:30 am.iy tarty Church.- •*---•-- — — itTsJCLo.'slocJfc.In.tiirmcdlatesjaeel UonsJ^BanET Th«y have fqund^that a loan arranged iiwt ilstrtct ot the Aisejnbllu of God, and Holy Communion at 11 a.m. for tht sixth, uventh and eighth gives them the benefit ot minimum fin»nMng oo»U tssl grades at 8:45 p.m.'; Senior Method- United Hebrew Congrcgatta til bt th* guest ipttker Monday •Monday at 7:30 p.m. there will First BaptJH Church Bread », Ktyport the convenience of prompt local tervloa, W« makt dlreol t tha. short fellowship meeting to bt rehsanal ot Intermediate choir JUMalnSt.,Malaw»B ist Youth Fellowship, 7:30 p.m.; Post High School M.Y.F.. 7:30 p.m. Rabbi H, O. a Uvlnt • held at tha Auembllei of Ood and Cub Scout Round Tablo. Rev. Lawrence R. Bailey,' 'A School of Thought,*' tht last loans, without commlsstonj, fees or other extra ehargW hurch, Mlddlt Rd., North Canter- Holy Communion will be at Pastor' a Mries. ot Major Kellglous Ull. The Riv. Timothy Adam) li Morning worship services will be Margaavlllt Methodist Church » a.m. Wednesday and In th» eve- MorganvlDt ' • ovements ID American Judaism, utor ot th* host church, leld tt both 10 and 11 a.m. on will be th* sermon topic at the Ask for lAformatioa about rate*, tann* and oth*» thi achodul* for th* day will bt ning Brownies and Junior choir, f R«v. Fred H. Bowto. Ptstot p.m.; ienlor choir, »Lp.m., Mid iunday; Sunday church school Is Church tarvlcM art held on Sun- Sabbath Era Mrirlc* at »:1I p.m. dttaUa, 1 fcllowM BUSIUMS teulon. 1'N held tt 8:4J a.m. with'classes lor Prlday. KliMuah win bt la charge \ talnUter*' laminar, t pm.; A.A.s, I p.m. dty at I t.m. end Sunday School each agt group. The Junior High meets at II «JB.- tht U.S.Y. and Ones* Shabbat r fcour, I p.m.| W.M.C. m«et- Thursday, May 18, Ascension Baptist Youth Fellowship . ratets rt> will bt Mrv and Mrs. Jules H pjaj tvaolna rally with Day, then will be Holy Com- Sunday at '7 p rn. AI»tM tad Mr. tin Mrs. Herbert. ». Mr. Testa aa main speak- munion tt 1.30 am. and also ->t TrUaty Church (Episcopal) I a.m. Tht mid-week prayer and Blbl* Mahi St, Matiwa* VKotlfiBbtif..VKtlbi"". ' ludyli held on Thursday at 7:30 CamU.B.HtU," tatun&y morning tht Sabbath UakB Beach Full Gospel Church SemWarlanInCharge nrvtet wlU bt t n im.' THE- ., «1 Park Ave,, Ifoltn Beach Sunday services «rtU be held at . Full Gospel Church Tht adult study group ot the Rev, Seth Williams. Pastor a.m. and It a.m. Church scVirot H.C. will meet Sunday at S Church tf (bt Uvlat Gt4 III be held at 9:43 a.m. FARMERS AND MERCHANTS .» -.. -i ... i SSbt*y services ara hell tl ,r*rkt the Some of Mr. and Mrs. Front- St,,i Union 110 39 a m. and 7: JO p m ; Sunday Sundiy school Is from J to « tuart Gar* 101 Ojborn St., Key- Luttwr Memorial ': port. Herbert R. Rotheaberg will NATIONAL BANtf °—*— Monday, School, with closes for all age! t. evening service at 7:30 p.m Tb* • cranGtardi l'1 ** * P^5' I '"*«'» at « 30 a m Young people's 'iuyer meeting Is held Ttietda) discuss the play. "Between Two Mltswtrl Syatd htevesa" . Mrs. "Jultt Alpine will Matawan I ijh.Id at S 30 pm Pray H p,m and Bible Class, on n F«|]s PubOo Sth«ol ting Is at 7'«1 • m > i > review current *vtati and a bush OU«( *M MM* JMn> ft»k Ht SSM* » SIII.MII*I« MH, Asoay tt S pm - '• >><> ' R«v/D*nlel'D. Retnh*lm«; Paitm w» Jnettinti * *iiU toUo*toUo*. EdEdm d tttau* sxnaTKtwm 9m*m - air Saturday-»choor tor'cHn«ren^« I Sunday School W mife'0«Ss t>th«eb*n» ana Dr. lit. Ogenj are ;ld frbm'lt to 11:30 «U. continued bottom nefltolutan) -chairmen.' • ,r ,

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