1,1SU ARClilVES · · .·· . 9 \A;).Q. ~3 +.19-1.LJ . MSU Clip_ Sheet A aampU.., of recent ardda of lnterat to Morehead State Unlvcnlty . MEDIA RELATIONS • MOREHEA_O. STATE UNIVERSITY • UPO BOX 1100 • MOREHEAD, KY 40351-1689 • 606-783°2030 THE COURIER-JOl,J_RNA!,,_SUNDAY, j)ECEMBER 1, 1991. i'Nori~traditional', . ·students:-:.. l . -poost cbllege e¼
[email protected] :By RICHARD WILSON tional students, but acknowledge · ton, dean of academic services at Staff Writer that current and future state budget Western Kentucky Uniyersity. : cutbacks for. higher education could · ·Another facet of the enrollment ; MOR)':HEAD, Ky. ~ Clarence Brown· complicate the situation. picture, Sutton said, is that more · dropped out of Morehead State University "One .of the decisions we may women thari men.are attending col in 1978 because he was tired -of school, and have to make is limiting enroll- _lege. Women now constitute 60 per ·got a job "making real good: monef' as a . ment," .said David Jorens, Northern cent of Western's enrollment, com railroad signalman in his native Floyd Kentucky . University's vice presi- pared with only about 50 percent a .County. But this fall he's pursuing the col- dent for academic affairs. Jorens decade ago, Sutton said. He and of Jege education he walked !\Way from years also fears that NKU may have to ficials at other schools attribute the ·ago. .• use more part-time faculty mem- rise · to increased employment op : Brown, 38, lost his railro_ad job and began bers, who are less expensive .to hire· portunities for women that require '.working in electronics.