Blackworld, V. 02, I. 01

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Blackworld, V. 02, I. 01 LO•NY R•OOK ;VOLUME TWO: NUMBER ONE _ __ ~'~i~----~ ~ __KMARCH.~ 1975 Dr. Brown Denied Tenure Departmental Racism Cited By PAULETTE PERRIER In what seems to be a clear Brown has attended and rank of Associate Professor case of racial discrimination, presented papers at three of the without tenure. Chairman of the John Toll, President of SUNY at last five meetings of the Anatomical Sciences jStony Brook, recently denied American Association of Department, Maynard Dewey promotion and tenure to Dr. Anatomists and served as had however failed to consider LeRoy T. Brown, a Black Co-chairman at the 1974 Dr. Brown's two years prior Professor in the Department of Session. In so doing he has teaching experience at Foothills Anatomical Sciences of the brought national attention and College in California. This School of Basic Health Sciences. recognition to the Anatomical technicality meant that Dr. Groups of black and white Sciences Department at Stony Brown was therefore also to be pople both on and off the Brook. reviewed for tenure. At this tony Brook campus continue After completion of his initial point the issue became more Auarey Wid.Llams a;t. ner oerse. to become increasingly angry term of appointment and complex, for instead ol over what, they conclude to be .reappointment Dr. Brown proceeding to recommend hinr Stony Brook's retreat from the requested review for promotion for tenure the Departmeni Offered Affirmative Action program. to Associate Professor in offered him a modified position, Career Guidance Dr. Brown is the only black in January 1973. In March 1974 in terms of future status, that of By ROBIN BOYD the Anatomical Sciences the Anatomical Sciences Adjunct Research Assoc:late Department. His main research For the beginning or information, Federal Civil Department recommended S graduating student the biggest Service applications, resume topic is the examination of the promotion of Dr. Brown to the (cornt on pare 15 existence of direct neural problem facing them now is writings, and job training advice. be able to tell Sconnections from the cerebral "What do I do? and alone there She might even about cortex to the spinal cord of may be some problem answering you a little something salary. primates and other mammals. that question. You may be your future Job Interviews The importance of his research is unaware of the fact but there is Career Development, indicated by the numerous help. It's called VITAL, a group Through 3 and March national and international of volunteer students, under the during February business and cooperation citations, National -Institute of advisory of Audrey B. Williams 12, Health Awards, and the highly who can and will give advice to employers came to the prestigious Ford Foundation those who are getting degrees in University to interview with Grant he has received. Over a teaching or counseling and don't graduating students : know what to do with them. applicable degrees for certain thousand reprints of his articles VITAL's office have been requested by scientists s located in the -jobs. It is a recruitment period Union, and was originated around the world. Brown has during which all seniors should through the office of Career served as a reviewer and referee participate. So, Mrs. Williams Development. on National Science Foundation wants to know, "Where are all The Office of Career committees which select the brothers and sisters; are we Development, you've heard of it, all going to grad school?" scientists for foundation awards. but you're not sure what it is. Personalized Service Major journals in the field of Well, for those who will soon be Audrey Williams not only Anatomy have published his receiving their degrees it might works behind her desk, she articles; among them the Journal be one of the most important reaches out in an effort to find of Comparative Neurology, and offices on this campus. and help the seniors not aware Experimental Brain Research. Dr. Leroy 1. Brown Career Counselor, Audrey B. of their opportunity. This Williams is a sister, born in the program she calls Out-Reach. Bronx. She has two degrees, a Call her and she will come to B.A. in Psychology Education either your dorm on campus in CIA: "Murderers" and a M.A. in Counseling. She the evening or meet in the Union received her degrees at SUNY at during 'the day. She offers Recent articles in the New CIA m an attempt to overthrow Westbury and C.W. Post, one-to-one consultation or group York Times and Time magazine the Portuguese Government. Grad Stude:nt respectively. consultation. Call her, her have accused the Central The President of the U.S., Career Development is her number is 6-7024. She Intelligence Agency of not only Gerald Ford, has publicly Heads main interest. Her office could represents an office that will plotting to overthrow sovereign defended the use of the CIA to be the most significant tool in a send your teachers' foreign governments, but also of "destabilize" the government of SNAACP college grad's career. "It is the recommendations, your plotting to murder Heads of former President Allende of link between the students and credentials and your resume to State. Chile. African Governments have the world of work," said Mrs. any employer you're interested Time magazine citing' long blamed the U.S. and the Williams. You the students know in. "People are jumping out of "credible sources" said that the CIA for the overthrow of the Samuel K. Anderson Sa what your degree will say but do here without realizing the CIA plotted murder against late Kwame NKRUMAH of graduate student in the S(chool you know what jobs can apply services offered. Don't be one of Fidel Castro of Cuba, Raphael Ghana, an overthrow in which of Social Welfare and a long time to it? Audrey Williams has a them. Opportunity does knock Trujillo former director of black. former Ambassador Suffolk resident and activisShas library with all the necessary Dominica and Francois "Papa Franklyn Williams is alleged to been elected President olf the information to assist you in your but only once. After that it's Doc" Duvalier former' president have played an important role. Patchogue-Brookhaven Chapter decision. She also has graduate hard work," said Mrs. Williams. of Haiti. Although the CIA was of the NAACP. catalogs, employment The attempts on the life of established to gather and analyze Over two hundred blackI and Fidel Castro was confirmed by foreign intelligence, it is known white residents of Sutffolk Adam Walinsky and Peter to have conducted extensive turned out at a dinner he4id at 43 Nations Protest Davis Appt. Edelman both former aides to ,domestic spying notably on the Knights of Columbus H[all in Nathaniel Davis, former Ambassador the late Senator R obert anti-war activists and students.' Patchogue to mark Anderson's to Chile at the time of the CIA inspired over-throw and murder of President Kennedy. Both men recalled The CIA is now being installation ceremonies. Allende, has been named Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs by Kennedy having told them of investigated for these patently In his speech to the gathfering, Kissinger, over the strong protests of Black Congressman Charles CIA links with the Mafia in the illegal acts by a Presidential Anderson, whose term as Diggs, Chairman of the House Sub-Committee of Africa. plot to kill Castro. Four Commission and by committees president runs for two 3years, The naming of Davis has been denounced by the 43 nations of attempts were alleged to have of the House and Senate. said "I intend to be a working the Organization of African Unity, but have been told by been made. president." Castigating what he Within the last week the Kissinger that the appointment is none of their business. In terms the racist "mind-selt" of diplomatic ruling Military Council of language Kissinger said that the appointment "was a the Town of Brooklhaven purely internal Portugal has openly accused the domestic concern." Anderson said "the hatre,d of Diggs, in .a telegram to President Ford U.S. Government of using the calling for the black people and poor people withdrawal of the appointment said "your advisers display an still prevails, and those pclicies incredible combination of ignorance and arrogance .to insist on are still to be practiced." the nomination under these circumstanes." Page 2 wonto x kARCH. BLAc 197, Pae 2 I% IW% WMEN I" d Mawc . ntl uIo Zebra Trials Begin, 4 Muslims Charged uI wI~1 wwetld ~ Four members of the Nation-- Violation of Rights of Islam went on trial March 3 in Over 600 black men were The so-called Zebra killings --- - __ - - San Francisco charged with the harassed until Federal Judge began last November 25, alleged "Zebra" killings of three Alfonso J. Zirpoli ruled that the resulting in 12 deaths and six whites and the wounding of four police had violated their persons wounded, according to Indians Here in C500 BC others last spring. constitutional rights. He issued a police. The victims, all white, Ironically, the word "Zebra" temporary injunction April 25. were gunned down without White Americans are now beginning to admit something they was the radio network code of The four defendants were apparent motive, police said. have resisted for centuries, that civilization predated the advent special police squads working on arrested May 1 at a moving and The black community in San of the white man. the case. storage company called Black Francisco has been increasingly A group of archeologists and scientists have uncovered Last April San Francisco Self-Help. They are Larry Craig *ritical of past and present evidence at the Koster excavations near Kampsville in Illinois police claimed that the pattern Green, 23; Manuel Moore, 30; police practices in that city.
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