Congressional Record-House
572 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DEOEMBER.18, TO BE LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GR.A.DE), The SPEAKER. The question is, Shall the bill be engrossed From the 17th day of April, 1899. for a third reading? . The bill was ordered to be ent;ro3Sed for a third reauing, and it John P. J. Ryan. was accordingly engrossed and read the third time. John R. Morris. The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the bill. Chester Wells. Mr. OVERSTREET. Mr. Speaker, on that question I ask for Prom the 1st day of July, 1899. the yeas and nays. ~ The yeas and nays were ordered. Irvin V. Gillis. The question was taken; and there were-yeas, 190, nays 150, Ridley McLean. not voting 14; as follows: . Raymond Stone. David Sellers. YEAS-190. F. Acheson, Dick, Lacey, Reeves, Charles Webster. Adams, Dolliver, Landis, R-oberts, Mass. John T. Tompkins. Alexander, Dovener, Lane, Rodenberg, John M. Hudgins. Allen, Me. Driggs, Lawrence, Ruppert, Babcock, Driscoll, Levy, Russell, · Provoost Babin. BaileYi Kans. Eddy, Linney, Scudder, Simon P. Fullinwider. Baker, Emerson, Littauer, Shattuc, Lewis B. Jones. Barham, Esch, Littlefield, Shelden Barney, Faris, Long, Sherman, Boling K. McMorris. Bartholdt, Fitzgerald, N. Y. Lori.mer, Showalter, Stephen V. Graham. Bingham, Fletcher, Loud, Srriith, ill. Alfred W. Hinds. Bore~g, Fordney, Loudenslager, Smith, H. C. Boutell, ill. Foss, Lovering, Smith, Samuel W. Ernest L. Bennett. Boutelle, Me. Fowler, Lybrand, Smith, Wm. Alden Roscoe C. Moody. Bowersock, Freer, McAleer, Southard, Fritz L. Sandoz. Brick, Gamble, McCall, Spalding, Bromwell, Gardner, Mich. McCleary, Sperry, Leland F. James. Brosius, Gardner, N. J. McPherson, Sp'rague, John McC.
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