1953 , July 15, 1953 Combo Directory News DOWN BEAT 29

I.AIRIE ROBBINS ( ABC) : Perl brunette

ROGERS AND LORD (FA): Two girla; Combos On West Coast EDDIE SOUTH TRIO (ABC): 3; Instru­ in-irumental and vocal. mental. Famed “Dark Angel of the ** and his unit have played cafe society »pot» (Jumped from Page 27) forms, may rise and fall in popu ADRIAN ROLLIN! TRIO (GAC): instru­ throughout U.S. and Europe. mental, with accent on some fine vibe* work Charleston kick with their Monday larity but it will live as long as bs the leader. T SPANIER (ABC): 6; Dixieland; night series at the Mocambo. there are authentic exponents to HOSS AND TRENT (ABC): 2: In st rumen- beniden Mugguy, there'« Barrett Group Dissohed play it. And it will always be tal-vueal-cumedy. Tubb* Row«, one-arm pi- The FHFPT dissolved last year, small-band or combo style music. play. only because leader Ward Kimball and some of the other principal Human Interest Story members, high-salaried film studio In this category, and from Hol­ Horace (ADA): 11 inMirumental, doubling on about artists, became too busy (or too lywood, came one of the greatest RHYTHMIC ISLANDERS (ABC): bored) to accept even very large human interest stories in music WALTER SPEELMAN DUO (JKA): piano sums (up to $1,000 a night) for when, back in 1944, Oison Welles, r , electric «teel guitar, and for a radio series, rounded up Kid feature* Evaline, vocalist-dancer; or­ playing private parties here. tho commercial ; has been playing Dixie, or whatever one wishes to Ory, Jimmy Noone, and other not­ label the more traditional jazz able jazz men long SPORTSMAN DIO (FA): in*trumental in obscurity and brought about the MEL SANDLER (GAC): 4; instrumental und vocal; comedy, vpeciul material. Or and vocal. Double in the dance sets. va nixed 12 year«. HARD-WORKING Muggsy Span with Roy Kral on re-birth of Kid Ory and His Creole ier leads on, of the best und most Jazz Band. TONY SAVONNE (MUTUAL): piano and BILL STANTON TRIO (JKA): mudevo- Noone has gone, as have three «ong». caLcomedy. in-demand Dixie combo- in the LITTLE WALTER (SAC) : Blues; >r, Don country. Currently the driving unit other original members of that und up GEORGE SHEARING (SAC): 5; Jazz; md Off the U all. band—Papa Mutt Carey, Bud Scott, Miami MGM. Benide» lhe «parkling piano work of is making its annual stand at Nick’s, in Greenwich Village. and Buster Wilson—but Ory, head­ MIMI WARREN TRIO (ABC): gal take. ing a band with the same ripe, JACK STEPHENS (ABC): Organist with utnrntal from Europe, doubles on guitar and liar* authentic flavor, is still marching own Hammond equipment, now in fourth on in the tradition, and is virtually year at Club Zarante, Calumet City, III instrumental and vocals with good com- MILT WASBURN TRIO ( JKA) : 4« with DON ( ABC) : Pianini boanting a fixture at L. A.’s Beverly Cavern. GALE) ; THREE CHARMS (FA): Girl trio; dance Nichols’ Comeback En Kose. with (*ene Ammons. tnusie and vocal*. HOWARD WAYMAN (SAC): Blue»; At­ lantic. Combo is starling off well. And there’s Red Nichols, a great THE MLHOI ETTES JOE SULLIVAN (ABC): jazz pianist. THREE TWINS (MUTUAL): name during the “Golden Era of JACK WEICK TRIO (ABC): 3; Intrumen- Jazz,” but practically forgotten by BOB si MMERS QIINTETTE (JKA): all but collectors when he emerged NAT TOWLES OlINTEI (NOS): S: in record pantomime work, hail» from Detroit, from the shipyards after the war. THE si XSET SERENADEHS (MAC) Mtrumental-vorul ; Decca. Dance unit for ha» been playing the midwent. Still playing great, and with a eMern and popular music; 2 boy» and j WHITSELL'S (JKA): 2; Man and woman, band that is a distinctive descend­ DEL SIMMONS (ABC): instrumental and doubling on instrument», plus vocals. ent of his “Five Pennies” days, vocal with girl voculiHt; dunce unit. Cur­ Red just recently returned to Mike rently al London Chop House, Detroit. ART TATUM TRIO (GALE): ja«x pianist, GEORGE WILLIAMS (SAC): 6; Capitol. Young instrumental group 1» »coring on Lyman’s Playroom on Vine St., HARRY SKAN (MUTUAL): Piano and their date». “home spot” foi the latter day TRAVELAIRES (ADA): 3; instrumental “Five Pennies” (Nichols still uses and vocals with girl and two boy». PAUL WILLIAMS (SAC): 6; Rhythm; EMITT SLAY TRIO (GALE): rÄb; Vic- BELL TOBIN (MUTUAL): organ, piano the tag), to remain for the balance BILL TRO ITER TRIO (FA): instrumen­ of 1953. tal and comedy, vocals. BILLY W ILSON TRIO ( JBC) : 3; InMru* With the band business still in a FATMAN SMITH AND THE BAYOU BOYS THREE BROWN BIDDIES (ABC): mental-vocal-comedy ; Columbine; Organised (ABC): 3; Instrumental-vocal : Peacork. Pi VARIETONES TRIO (JKA): instrumental lull (the West Coast never has ano-guitar-basa trio features Falman Smith been the best part of the U. S. for dance bands, or not since the late III ARLIE VENTI RA (ABC): 5: progrès* TEDDY One of the ’20s) the big market here—-and it’s ■ still growing market—is for small combos, especially trios and FRANKIE DUO quartets, combining music with en­ mental and vocal; dance music. tertainment. With the advent of club, YOUNG TV, this trend became a real boom. tones. Recent Click LESTER YOUNG (GALE): 5; cool Most recent of this type to regis­ with Young, ex-Ba»ie man on tenor ter solidly is the Chuck Miller Trio. Miller is not only an excellent pianist (he carries bass and gui­ tar), but does a better turn as a singer and comic (imitations, etc.) turning than most such performers who do Coast Unions nothing else. The Chuck Miller Trio rumen- is currently a $l,500-a-week-attrac- tion in Palm Springs, and Miller has just signed a contract with Hear that Leblanr/landurfn In TV Hassel Capitol. sound in Huddy*x recording of **Song fro\ The story is topped off well with Rouge"—W-G-W Hollywood—The long-smoldering a note on the Mary Kaye Trio, a sparks generated by jurisdictional group which switched from straight friction between Jimmy Petrillo’s music and vocals to music plus AFM (represented hen by Local entertainment and clicked easily 4") and the American Federation last year at the Mocambo. The of Television and Radio Artists ap­ earning power of the Mary Kaye peared all set to break out into a Trio, which was set for a return to aot scrap at this deadline. the Mocambo June 23, is now high­ Many musicians here, working in er than that of many dance bands bands on TV shows, double as en­ —and it doesn’t have to be split so tertainers, in one capacity or an­ many ways. other. This includes not only the That’s the story of combos on leaders, but many musicians in the West Coast. such units as chose of Harry Owens, Spade Cooley, Ina Ray Hutton. It’s understood that many of these have become members of Borge To Repeat AFTRA. Whether they were “forced” or 1-Man Show Tour felt it desirable is open to question. But it doesn’t matter to Petrillo, New York—Victor Borge, who who has ordered them to resign. cleaned up with his one-man piano AFTRA has refused to accept such concerts in legit theaters for the resignations, and officials of the last several months, will repeat the radio and TV entertainers’ union formula next fall. Pianist-humorist, promised a “fight to the finish” to who started his tour in January, retain jurisdiction over all per­ will start next season at the For­ formers who act, sing, emcee, or rest theater, Philadelphia, Sept. 21 perform any other activity of this for one week. He opens on Broad­ nature. way Oct. 2 for an indefinite run. “A BETTER SOVM) .. . easier, surer control into the high register, plus an amazing freedom from reed problems—that's trhat changing to I andoren has meant to me. The Leblanc Symphonie clarinet, a Vandoren mouthpiece and a I andoren reed—these are nn idea of the perfect Sid Dawson's combination.”—BUDDY DE FRANCO RIVERBOAT RAMBLERS Dixieland at its test"

From tho heart of tho Missis­ VANDOREN sippi to tho Heart of America Exclusive Management: Distributed by G. Leblanc Company, Kenosha. Wisconsin MUTUAL ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY, INC 203 No. Wabash Ave. Chicago I, III.