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Acta Sci. Pol. Architectura 19 (4) 2020, 5–14 content.sciendo.com/aspa ISSN 1644-0633 eISSN 2544-1760 DOI: 10.22630/ASPA.2020.19.4.33 ORIGINAL PAPER Received: 05.10.2020 Accepted: 04.12.2020 TECHNOLOGIES OF CONSTRUCTING WARSAW’S GREEN ELEVATIONS IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL AND POLISH REALIZATIONS Anna Nowak Faculty of Architecture, Warsaw University of Technology ABSTRACT Green elevations are one of the elements of modern and technologically advanced pro-ecological architecture. As a result of this phenomenon, greenery has become a material modifying the character of the architectural object, constituting a new quality element in the urban landscape of Polish cities. The development of techni- cal possibilities of shaping vegetation systems allowed for various applications of greenery in architecture also in more difficult climate conditions, such as a cold, dry winter and a hot, dry summer like those found in Poland. The use of greenery on the facade has many positive aspects, which are obtained as a result of the synergy of nature, technology and art. Key words: green elevations, vertical gardens, Warsaw, construction technology, architecture INTRODUCTION facade solutions using greenery as a material shaping the architectural expression of the object allows to Shaping green walls is an important element of de- indicate the trends in their development, in terms of signing pro-ecological architecture. In order to realize technical and construction possibilities, urban plan- the idea of sustainable development, it is particularly ning and aesthetic or ecological values. important to select appropriate technologies, so that the free development of plants in given climatic con- INFLUENCE OF GREENERY ON ARCHITECTURAL ditions is possible. Only then the green facades will be OBJECTS, URBAN SPACE AND ENVIRONMENT able to perform their functions. Vertical gardens are of interest to architects because of the possibilities of Green elevations are multifunctional elements of par- shaping attractive urban spaces with a unique charac- ticular value both for the architectural design as well ter. The development of modern technology has made as urban spaces or the environment. Green elevations it possible to introduce greenery into the intensely can be defined as elements or technologies that allow built-up urban fabric and improve the quality of life to apply greenery on vertical surfaces and which have in the city. Integration of vegetation with architectural an impact on the view of the elevations and superim- solutions through green infrastructure is an important posed sections. There are basic aspects in which green element of the urban system and its interdependence elevations play an important role: technical-energetic, (Grochulska-Salak, Zielonko-Jung & Zinowiec-Ciep- ecological, aesthetic, or urban planning, landscape and lik, 2018). The possibility of classifying contemporary psychological. Anna Nowak https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2952-904X [email protected] © Copyright by Wydawnictwo SGGW Nowak, A. (2020). Technologies of constructing Warsaw’s green elevations in the context of global and Polish realizations. Acta Sci. Pol. Architectura, 19 (4), 5–14. doi: 10.22630/ASPA.2020.19.4.33 Among the basic technical aspects, it is worth noting Additionally, vegetation improves the aesthetics that the use of greenery on the facade helps to protect and shapes as well as the specificity of the place. The the facade against atmospheric factors (precipitation, greenery used on the elevation, with some assump- wind, temperature, pollution), thus contributing to the tions, can be considered as an ornament (Tymkie- increase of energy gains in winter, reducing the loss of wicz, 2012b), shaping the expression of the eleva- energy needed to cool the building in summer (savings tion. Not without significance is also the dynamic, of 15–30% per year) (Związek Szkółkarzy Polskich, time-changing character of the facade obtained in 2017). Moreover, they allow to obtain smaller changes this way. of air humidity in the nearest environment and allow Moreover, it is desirable to create landscape and to reduce the daily amplitude of the wall temperature scenic connections within the humanization of space, (Związek Szkółkarzy Polskich, 2017). Green eleva- in which the greenery used both inside and outside tions do not adversely affect the materials used, and the buildings plays a significant role. Not without even similarly as in the case of green roofs, they may significance is also the context related to biophilia, constitute a protective barrier for the building’s suc- in which greenery plays a significant role in shaping cessive layers and may increase the possible lifetime human mental and physical health. The ideas of bi- of elevation and insulation materials. On the basis of ophilic design (Kellert & Calabrese, 2015) and Shirin research carried out at the Building Research Institute, Yoku unanimously prove the significant influence of it has been shown that vascular adhesions, which are greenery on human living space by reducing stress biologically active, are inert to building materials and and stimulating spiritual balance. The traditional only at significant magnification are visible microcubes Japanese art of immersion in greenery requires large of slurry in the adhesions’ contact layer with plaster green areas, such as forests, where one can benefit (Związek Szkółkarzy Polskich, 2017). Moreover, it from a unique microclimate, rich in essential oils and was shown that, in many cases, the adhesion of the silence. Introducing green urban spaces can often be product to the plaster filler was better on walls over- difficult in highly urbanized areas where the cost of grown with climbers, which may suggest a beneficial, the land is high and the investors use every allowed protective effect of this form of greenery on the facade area for development. However, it seems reasonable to (Związek Szkółkarzy Polskich, 2017). Green walls are have constellations in various world cities, where the also an important acoustic barrier, especially in mas- basic assumption is to allow the inhabitants to access sive technologies. In addition, climbing plants growing greenery in a form conceived within a 5-minute walk in the ground near the foundations of the building may from the place of residence and a maximum of 15 min become attached to the drying area around the founda- for larger green areas (squares, parks). In this context, tions (Związek Szkółkarzy Polskich, 2017). the possibilities of introducing greenery on the facade Among the ecological aspects, it should be em- play an important role. phasized that green facades, as one of the elements of In order to optimize profits associated with the use greenery in the city, affect the reduction of the phe- of green facades, it becomes important to choose the nomenon of heat islands in urban areas. Moreover, right technology. The consequences of a wrong choice they allow to stop and absorb air pollution, including of system solutions may significantly adversely affect smog. Vegetation also contributes to improving air the technical properties of materials used to build ex- quality by producing oxygen and absorbing carbon ternal walls (mechanical damage, moisture) and cause dioxide (Dover, 2015). Green facades and roofs also other complications. The proper selection and arrange- enable rainwater retention in highly urbanized areas, ment of plants are also important, taking into account where it is hindered by too much accumulation of such elements and parameters as appropriate sunlight, hardened surfaces. Green facades also have a positive protection against excessive wind, thickness and qual- impact on the biodiversity of fauna and flora in the ity of the substrate, irrigation methods used, as well as urban environment, as they are a convenient place for resistance and strength, especially to difficult climatic insects and birds to live (Dover, 2015). conditions of vegetation. 6 architectura.actapol.net Nowak, A. (2020). Technologies of constructing Warsaw’s green elevations in the context of global and Polish realizations. Acta Sci. Pol. Architectura, 19 (4), 5–14. doi: 10.22630/ASPA.2020.19.4.33 APPLIED GREEN ELEVATION TECHNOLOGIES architects Ooi Tee Lee, Loh Hock Jin, Ong Eng Huat, IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBAL, POLISH or the Caag Tower in London by project K. Yeang, AND WARSAW SOLUTIONS R. Fathan, K. Chung. The Acros Fukuoka office building in Fukuoka City, Japan, designed by Emilio Technical development has a very instinctive influence Ambasz & Associates, is also an example of this trend. on green elevation solutions. Over the years, a variety of This example was chosen because of its importance technologies and measures for implementing greenery and innovative way of thinking. The main idea of have emerged in architectural objects. One of the most the project was to leave a maximum large area of the basic methods is the arrangement of terrace greenery park and accumulate all necessary public functions in facade solutions and architectural objects. This type (museum, exhibitions, conferences, etc.) and offices of application does not involve a significant increase in one 14-storey building. The southern elevation of in costs in the case of low vegetation placed in mobile the building was shaped in cascade. This form of the pots. The impact on technical solutions is visible in building made it possible to introduce a green facade the case of choosing plants of considerable weight or and a green roof. Individual terraces