ED 371 185 CE 066 658

AUTHOR Graves, Pat R., Ed.; And Others TITLE Business Education Index 1993. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Complied from a Selected List of Periodicals and Yearbooks Published during the Year 1993. INSTITUTION Delta Pi Epsilon Society, Little Rock, AR. REPORT NO ISSN-0068-4414 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 155p.; For the 1992 index, see ED 359 336. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - General (130) -- Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Business Education Index; v54 1993

EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Accreditation (Institutions); *Business Administration Education; *Business Education; Citations (References); Communication Skills; Curriculum; Educational Legislation; Educational Research; Marketing; Microcomputers; Minority Groups; *Office Gccupations Education; Postsecondary Education; Professional Development; Research Methodology; Research Reports; School Guidance; Secondary Education; Special.Needs Students; *Teacher Education; Taaching Methods; Typewriting; Word Processing

.ABSTHACT This publication contains approximately 3,800 entries on business education topics indexed from business education publications and those related to business education. Priority in indexing was given to journals that are essential to researchand teaching in the broad business education spectrum with emphasison information systems (including business communications), business teacher education, and vocational education (primarily marketing education). All entries include the title, author(s), journal (with volume and number if applicable), inclusivepages, month, and year. Subjects ate arranged in alphabetical order by maincategory and then subcategories. The main categories indexed are the following: accreditation; administration and supervision; basic business; business education; communications; curriculum; document designand processing; educational institutions; employment; general education; guidance and counseling; human relations; information managementand processing; international business; keyboarding/typewriting; legislative issues; microcomputers; minoritygroups; office management; professional development; research methodology/issues; shorthand; special needs; standards; teaching; testing and evaluation; and training and development. An author listing in alphabetical order follows the subject section. (KC)

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Business Education Index 1993

Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled From a Selected List of Periodicals and Yearbooks Published During the Year 1993

Volume 54

Pat R. Graves, Ed.D. Editor

Cheryl L. Noll, Ph.D. Associate Edior

Laurie Myers, James E. Helsdingen, and David M. Sphar Student Assistants

Eastern Illinois

Published by Delta Pi Epsilon National Honorary Professional Graduate Society in Business Education

3 .


Copynght 1994 by Delta Pi Epsilon Society. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the of AmericaThis book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission


Additional copies of the Index may be obtained from Robert 13. Mitchell, Executive Director, Delta Pi Epsilon P.O. Box 4340, Little Rock, AR 72214

4 Editorial Policy

Publications indexed in theBusiness Education Indexwill be limited to specific business education publications and those related to business education. Prior- ity will be given to journals that are essential to research and teaching in the broad business education spectrum with emphasis on information systems (including business communications), business teacher education, and vocational education (primarily marketing education).

The publications in theIndexmust provide sufficient information to be of sig- nificant use to researchers. Also, the ability to locate journals and magazines from library sources is essential to the research process. Therefore, state and regional business education publications will be indexed if they meet the; follow- ing requirements:

1.Publications that are a minimum of 10 pages in length.

2. Publications containing at least three substantive articles, preferably research- based.

3. Publications that are distributed to NABTE institution libraries or to NABTE institution departments in which business education is located.

4. Publications that are provided without charge to the editor.

Any orsanization or editor who wishes to have a publication included in the Index should contact the 1994Indexeditor.

Dr. Pat R. Graves, Editor Dr. Cheryl L. Noll, Editor 1993 Business Education Index 1994 Business Education Index Dept. of Business Education and Dept. of Business Education and Administrative Information Systems Administrative Information Systems Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 Charleston, IL 61920 217-581-2627 217-581-2627 Suggestions For Using The Index

All entries have the title, author(s), journal, (volume and number if applicable), inclusive pages, nRInth, and year. An explanation of the abbreviations for the names of the indexed publications is shown in the "Publications Indexed" section in the back of this index. Other commonly used abbreviations are:

Key to Abbreviations

Aug August Mr March Ap April My May bul bulletin Nov November co company no number Dec December Oct October dept department pp pages ed edition, editor rev revised, revision Feb February Sep Ja January vol volume Ju June yrbk yearbook JI July

Subject Entries

Subjects are arranged in alphabetical order by main category and then subcategories. Main categories will contain miscellaneous entries related to that topic; subcategories will contain more specific entries. Each article is indexed undcr at least one and no more than four subjects.

The following list shows the subjccts and the page number on which the entries begin. Major category headings are in bold. 1993 Subject List

Accreditation 1 Consumer Education 9 Cooperative Education 10 Administration and Supervision 1 Program Assessment 11 Technical Preparation Education 11 Basic Business 1 Vocational Education 11 Accounting 2 Business Law 3 Communications 12 Business Mathcmatics 3 Business English 15 Economics 3 Computer-based Communication, Entrepreneurship 5 Electronic Mail 15 Finance/Investments 5 Computer-based Communications, Marketing 6 Facsimile 15 Computer-based Communications, Budness Education 7 Graphics 16 Mu lt Education 9 Computer-based Communications, Career Education 9 Presentations 16

6 Computer-based Communications, Micrographics .43 Telecommunications 16 Networks 44 Listening 17 Optical Disk 44 Multicultural 17 Records Management 44 Reading 18 Writing 18 International Business 46

Curriculum 19 Keyboarding/Typewriting 49 and 21 Teaching Techniques 50 Elementary Graduate 21 Legislative Issues 50 Junior High/Middle School 22 Postsecondary/Community Microcomputers 50 22 Hardware 51 Secondary/High School Microcomputer Education 51 Software 52 Document Design and Processing 24 Desktop Publishing Applications24 Minority Groups 53 Graphics Ethnic 53 Page Design 25 Gender 53 Reprographics Race 54 Typography 27 Word Processing Applications 27 Office Management 54 Equipment and Supplies 55 Educational Institutions 29 Ergonomics and Facility Management 57 Employment 30 Mail Management 57 Job Satisfaction 31 Office Automation 58 Occupational Information 31 Office Security/Safety 58 Pcrformance Evaluation 32 Personnel Management 58 Public Relations 59 General Education 32 Secretarial Procedures 59 At-Risk Students 34 Temporary Help Services 59 Time Management 60 Guidance and Counseling 34 Professional Development 60 Human Relations 34 Associations 61 Ethics and Law 35 Certification 61 Wolk Behavior 36 Research Methodology/Issues 62 Information Management/ Processing 37 Shorthand 63 Data Processing 41 Court Reporting 63 Data Security 41 Dictation 64 Database Management 41 Transcription 64 Decision Support Systems 42 lectronic Imaging Special Needs 64 Expert Systems 43 Classroom 65 Forms Management 43 Workplace 65 Standards 65 Teacher Performance 73 Policies Commission 65 Testing and Evaluation 74 Teaching 65 Classroom Management 68 Training and Development 74 Instructional Strategies 68 Needs Assessment . 75 Media 71 Performance Improvement 75 Student Recruitment 73 Program Evaluation 76 leacher Education 73 Workplace Impact 76 Author Entries

An author listing in alphabetical order follows the subject section.

For multiple author entries, each author is listed first one time. For three or more authors, the term "et al." follows the author name.

8 Business Education Index


Subject Entries

Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- Accreditation pals. Myrna Matranga, Mary Pat Homer and George Hill. Clearinghs Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Sep/Oct 93 Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSB- accredited business schools. Stuart Van Auken, Chester Supervisory behavior and worker satisfaction in the C. Cotton and John F. McKenna..1.23 Vol. 68, No. 5: United States, Mexico, and Spain. Norman R. Page 261-265 My/Ju 93 and Richard L. Wiseman. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 161-180 93 National accreditation standards impact teacher prepa- ration. Lajeane G. Thomas, Harriet G. Taylor and Teacher collegial groups: a culture-building strategy Donald G. Knezek. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 62-64 Ju for department chairs. John L. Keedy and Alan Dale 93 Robbins. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 185-188 Ja/Feb 93

The overlooked position of subject area and supervi- Administration sor. Saundra J. Tracy. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 25- and Supervision 30 Sep/Oct 93 The quest for quality. Susan Hardy Brooks. Voc Ed 3, A profile of accounting chair professorships in 1992. Vol. 68, No. 6: 42-44 Sep 93 Roger Y. W. Tang. JEP. Vol. 68, No. 3: 133-138 Ja/ Feb 93 Total quality management in a college of business: operations and administration. Charles F. Falk, Peggy Administrative computing trends and issues. Bettye D. Brewer and Virgil L Brewer. Mid-Amer .1 Bus, Vol. Robinson and Robert Robinson. MBEA I, Vol. 20: 3 1- 8, No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 35 93

Compliance-gaining techniques of Type-A managers. Kevin G. Lamude and Joseph Scudder. J Bus Com. Basic Business Vol. 30, No. 1: 63-79 93 An analysis of the high school banking curriculum in Components of an effective substitute teacher program. a selected public school system in the metropolitan Johnny R. Purvis and Ruth C. Garvey. Clearinghs, Vol. Washington D.C. area. Edith B. Ward. Virginia Poly- 66, No. 6: 370-373 JI/Aug 93 technic Institute and State University, Doctoral disser- tation 1992 Effects ofculture and gender on principal-teacher com- munication in school. Thomas D. Gougeon and Susan Book review: Crisis in organizations: managing and I. Hutton. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 277-290 Fall 93 communicating in the heat of chaos by Laurence Barton. Lisa Tyler. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 47-48 Ju Facilitating disagreement. Edward J. Mentell. 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 165-166 Jaifeb 93 Book review: Managing business transactions: control- Faculty perceptions of College of Business recruitment ling the cost of coordinating, conununicating, and de- practices. Roger L. Lull, Terry D. Lundgren and Ted cision making by Paul 11. Rubin. Donald P. Rogers. J ivarie. SBR. Vol. 3 No. 1: 41-52 Spring 93 Bus Coin, Vol. 30, No. I: 84-85 93

Project success: outstanding principals speak out. Book review: Managing the total quality transfonna- Frederick C. Wendel, Fred A. Hoke and Ronald 0. tion by Thomas II. Berry. Grainne A. Matthews. J Org Jock& Clearinghs, Vol. 67. No. 1: 52-54 Sep/Oct 93 Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 71-74 93

Sexual harassment in the schools. Susan Strauss. Voc Businessts and universities: Similar challengm, shared Ed J, Vol. 68. No. 3: 28-31 Mr 93 solutions. Anne L. Christensen and Donna Philbrick. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 6-9 Sep-Oct 93 9 2 Business Education Index Characteristics and perceived competencies of plant Accounting managers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Charles T. Krueger. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 193-217 Fall 93 A comparison of acopunting for pensions versus other postretirement benefits. Dennis M. Bline and Tat D. Conflict and divided loyalty: a fundamental leadership Skekel. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 127-140 Spring 93 dilemma. Lane Tracy. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 21-28 Fall 93 A curriculum guide for electronic spreadsheet appli- cations in a secondary accounting course. Jack Knopp. Executive development programs: insights for plan- University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 ners and administrators. William H. Murphy and Sidney Sin-Lai Tang, JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 184-189 A profile of accounting chair professorships in 1992. Ja/Feb 93 Roger Y. W. Tang. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 133-138 Ja/ Feb 93 Forces affecting American industrycurriculur impli- cations. Gerald Hershey, Georgia Miller and Marilyn A study to determine the integration of microcomputer Parker. OSRA Proc, 190-193 Mr 93 accounting into the curriculum in public high schools in New Jersey. Linda F. Miske. Montclair State Col- Inability to adapt: the hidden flaw of managerial in- lege, Master's thesis 1992 eptness. Sarni M. Abbasi and Kenneth W. Holtman. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 22-25, 37 Jan 93 A study to determine the integration of microcomput- ers into the accounting curriculum in public high Project-focused library instruction in businms strategy schools in New Jersey. Linda F. Miske. NJ BE Obs, courses. William W. Prince, Marilyn M. Helms and Vol. 65: 37-44 92-93 Paula L. Haynes. JEB Vol. 68, No. 3: 179-183 Ja/Feb 93 Accounting for nonpension postretirement beitefits: analysis of lobby activites. Jerry G. Kreuze, Sheldon Rating of instructional films in management. B. S. A. Langsam and Gale E. Newell. Mid-Amer 1 Bus, Sridhar and Sandhya Sridhar. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 267- Vol. 8, No. 1: 25-32 Spring 93 272 My/Ju 93 Accounting students meet real world via partnering Real estate brokers view the college curriculum. Grant project. Benny R. Zachry and Anna R. Trexler. THE J. Wells and Numan A. Williams. 1E11. Vol. 68, No. 4: J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 70-73 Mr 93 237-242 Mr/Ap 93 Accounting: a diamond in ttre secondary curriculum. Recent developments in per capita pricing in discount William B. Hoyt. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 39- movie theaters. Anthony J. Greco. Mid-Amer J Bus, 41 Feb 93 Vol. 8, No. 2: 53-58 Fall 93 Accounts payable without the paperwork. Terry Scale economies of expenses in the United States medi- Monteiro. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 11-12 Mr/Ap 93 cal malpractice industry. Peter M. Ellis. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 53-62 Spring 93 Alternative assessment in accounting. F. Barry Haber. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 23-25 Dec 93 Teaching for transfer in secondary introductory busi- ness courses. Frederick J. Bartelheim. Clearinghs, Vol. An assessment of the cognitive levels of the uniform 66, No. 3: 163-164 Ja/Feb 93 certified public accountant examination and the certi- fied management accountant examination. Anne Smith. The challenge of the Canadian Confederation. Paul A. Northern Illinois University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Herbig and Ken Day. SBR, Vol. 3, No. I: 73-9 I Spring 93 An empirical typology of approaches to the teaching of organization theory. Steven K. Paulson and H. Eu- Total quality management in a college of business: gene Baker 111..1E13, Vol. 69. No. 1: 18-22 Sep-Oct 93 operations and administration. Charles F. Falk, Peggy D. Brewer and Virgil L. Brewer. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. An expert system for accounting education. Timothy 8, No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 J. Fogarty and Paul M. Goldwater. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 89-91 Oct 93 Viewpoint: Diversity curricula in the business school. Rae Andre. 1E13. Vol. 68, No. 5: 313-315 My/Ju 93 An integrated approach to teaching the statement of cash flow. Joseph G. Donelan. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 4: Why do they do it? Nancy Coleman. MI3EA Today, 234-236 Mr/Ap 93 Vol. 58, No. 5: 10-11 Dec 93 An operational audit of the engineering function of a Will the revised business statistics course mect the public electricity utility. Gouranga Ganguli. Mid-Amer needs of the business faculty? Timothy C. Krehbiel and J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 59-62 Fall 93 Richard II. McClure. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 174-178 Ja/Feb 93 Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance decisions: a theoretical paradigm. Scott Turner, 1 0 Business Education Index 3

Richard Aukerman and Kent Walstrom. SBR, Vol. 3 The introductory accounting course: educating majors No. I: 113-126 Spring 93 and nonmajors. Steven M. Mintz and Alan A Cheny. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 276-280 My/lu 93 Computerized accounting. Emma Jo Spiegelberg. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 39-40 Ap 93 The level ofknowledge needed for entry-level employ- ees in accounting-related positions. Bonnie L Heckard. Curriculum for an accounting II class. Connie R. Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 1992 Zimmerman. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 User information satisfaction for maintained account- ing systems: the validity and reliability of the short- Developing critical thinking skills in accounting stu- form measure. Steve D. White and Timothy Paul dents. Lloyd D. Doney, Noreen E. Lephardt and James Cronan. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 2-10 Spring 93 P. Trebby. JEB Vol. 68, No. 5: 297-300 My/Ju 93 Using international financial databases in teaching in- Educators: qualifying for rhe home-office deduction. ternational accounting courses Abdel M. Agami. J T Radie Bunn and Barry Lewis. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 103-113 93 231-233 Mr/Ap 93 Why microcomputers may increase the cost of doing Elements of accounting: a curriculum guide for busi- business. Gary Adna Ames. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 12- ness education. Valerie McCook. University of Min- 17 Fall 93 nesota, Master's thesis 1992 Expert systems, artificial intelligence, and accounting. Business Law David Malone. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 222-226 Mr/Ap 93 Business and law respondents: What is ethical behav- ior? George E. Stevens. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 348-352 Expert systems in accounting: applications and inte- Jl/Aug 93 grating framework. Akhilesh Chandra and Prashant C. Palvia. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 13-22 Summer 93 Recordkeeping requirements to promote public inter- Factors distinguishing exceptional performance estsa balance between govatunent needs and burdens. on the Donald S. Skupsky. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 36, 40, uniform CPA exam. Donald L. Ashbaugh and A. Frank 42-43, 59 Oct 93 Thompson. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 334-337 JI/Aug 93

Gender roles in transition: career and family expecta- The limited liability company: an analysis. Wayne tions ofaccountingstudents. Rebdcah J. Maupin. Mid- Wells and Gary Yoshimoto. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. I: 33-37 Spring 93 No. 2: 37-44 Fall 93

How to rcfocus accounting content and methodology. John Graham. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 30-33 Business Mathematics Oct 93 Mathematics: an integration of views. Henry S. Kepner, Improving students' performance in accounting prin- Jr. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 19-21 Winter 93 a ciples with mastery learning techniques. Richard H. Fern. KBEA J, 16-19 Spring 93 Personal budget form. Luther M. Maddy III. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 33-35 Aug 93 Information systems content in the CPA examination. Lloyd D. Doney and Michael D. Akers. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 81-88 Fall 93 Economics

Letters of credit in the accounting curriculum. J. Lowell A country report project for an international econom- Mooney and Mark S. Blodgett. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: ics class. Adil E. A. Abdalla. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 343-347 II/Aug 93 3: 231-236 Summer 93

Object-oriented cost accounting system design. John A free rider experiment for the large class. Jane H. Gessford. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 17-25 Summer 93 Leuthold. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 4: 353-363 Fall 93

Preparing accountants for an international assignme0. An analysis of contributions and contributors ineco- Steven Golen, Arnita Bowman and Wun lam Olin nomic education research. James W. Marlin Jr. and ABEA J, Vol. 12 No. 1: 23-30 Spring 93 Garey C. Durden. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24 No. 2: 171-186 Spring 93 Teacher popularity and teaching effectiveness: view- point of accounting students. Rubik Atamian and Another look at the study of regulatory forms and out- Gouranga Ganguli. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 163-169 Ja./ comes. Rodney Fort and Robert Rosenman. J Econ Ed, Feb 93 Vol. 24, No. 1: 39-52 Winter 93

'the CPA of the future: the role of higher education. Attitudes towards economics: Uni- or multidimen- Lawrence A. Klein and Elliott S Levy. JEB, Vol. 68, sional? Barbara J. Phillips and James E. Clark. I Econ No. 4: 227-230 Mr/Ap 93 Ed, Vol. 24, No, 3: 195-212 Summer 93 11 4 Business Education Index

Book review: A guide to economics by Peter Kennedy. Introductory economics textbooks and the treatment William Greene. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 371-373 of issues relating to women and minorities, 1984 and Fall 93 1991. Susan F. Feiner. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 145- 162 Spring 93 Book review: Introduction to dynamic macroeconomic thoory: an overlapping generations approach by George Joint profit maximization, and the deteminacy ofprice McCandless and Neil Wallace. Bruce D. Smith lEoon in bilateral monopoly. Dale B. Truett and Lila J. Truett. Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 89-91 Winter 93 J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 260-270 Summer 93

Book review: The economic ideas of ordinary people: Linear probability models of undergraduate student from preferencm to trade by David M. Levy. W. Keith attitudes toward economic regulation. Franklin G. Bryant. i Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 427-429 Winter Mixon, Jr. and Sandra K. Johnson. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 93 5: 293-296 My/Ju 93

Book review: The economics of American higher edu- Stock returns, inflation, and business cycle. Gary S. cation by William E. Becker and Darrell R. Lewis. Moore and Sue L Visscher. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, James G. Mulligan. .1 Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 188- No. 1: 45-50 Spring 93 192 Spring 93 Teaching a writing intensive course in economics. W. Book review: The economics of prohibition by Mark Lee Hansen. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 213-218 Sum- Thornton. Mark Lino. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 433- rner 93 436 Winter 93 The dissemination of research agendas among young Canputerized laboratory exercises for microeconomics economists. Arthur M. Diamond Jr. and Donald R. education: three applications motivated by experimen- Haurin. J Econ F4 Vol. 24, No. 1: 53-61 Winter 93 tal economics. Arlington W. Williams and James M. Walker. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 291-315 Fall 93 The impact of high school economics on the college principles of economics course. David W. Brasfield, Economic education and a generative model of Dannie E. Harrison and James P. McCoy. J Econ Ed, mislearning and recovery. Marilyn Kourilsky. J Econ Vol. 24, No. 2: 99-111 Spring 93 Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 23-33 Winter 93 The kinked demand curve when demand shifts. Gregg Economic education in Southern Illinois high schools. P. Frasco..1 Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 137-143 Spring Antonin Houngbedji. Southern Illinois University at 93 Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 The new microcomputer development technology: Economic thinking in China: economic knowledge and implications for the economics instructor and software attitudes of high school students. Ruth Shen and T. Y. author. David W. Boyd. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: Shen. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 70-84 Winter 93 113-125 Spring 93

Economics indoctrination or selection? Some empiri- The overmathematicization of economics: lessons for cal results. Bruno S. Frey, Werner W. Pommcrehne and business disciplines. Munir Quddus and Salim Rashid. Beat Gygi. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 271-281 Sum- JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 288-292 My/Ju 93 mer 93 The Perry framework and tactics for teaching critical Economics through business education. David W. thinking in economics. George A. Thoma. J Econ Ed, Leapard. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 35-37 Dec Vol. 24, No. 2: 128-136 Spring 93 93 The short- and long-run marginal cost curve: a peda- Effects of problem set assignments on ari economics gogical note. Robert L. Sexton, Philip E. Graves and principles class. Charles L. Skoro and Richard D. Dwight R. Lee. J Econ Ed Vol. 24, No. 1: 34-37 Win- Payne. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 243-246 Mr/Ap 93 ter 93

Eight decades of contributing authors and institutions This is what I do, and I like it. Rendigs Fels. J Econ to the American Economic Review: a historical sum- Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 365-370 Fall 93 mary. Jean Louis Beck. I Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 163-170 Spring 93 Traditional or intensive course lengths? A compari- son of outcomes in economics learning. Lee J. Van Fiscal and monetary policy reco»sidered, again: basic Scyoc and Joyce Gleason. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: lessons. Robert Eisner. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 245- 15-22 Wintcr 93 259 Summer 93 Using the competitive edge. Donald A. Coffin. .1 Econ Gender difference in performance of students in be- Ed. Vol. 24, No. 1: 62-69 Winter 93 ginning economicsclasses.Anthoniswamy Obagarasamy. Southern Illinois University at Writing to learn in a business economics class. Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 Lawrence S. Davichon and Elisabeth C. Guntnoir. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 237-243 Summer 93 1 2 ..BEST COPY AVAILABLE Business Education Index

Entrepreneurship Writing a business plan. the total term assignment. Joan F. Vesper and Karl P. Vesper. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. Teaching entrepreneurship and economics in the busi- 2: 29-32 Ju 93 ness elti,ntion curriculum. Clarence J. Redman. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 47, No. 1: 2 Fall 93 Finance/Investments A comparative analysis of vocational teachers' knowl- edge of entreprenetnship. Robert G. Berns and Inge A computerized performance analysis of dynamic stock M. Klopping. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 218-232 Fall 93 market strategies from 1870 to 1989. James Leon. Northern Illinois University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 A study to determine southwest Missouri business teachers' perceptions of entrpreneurship education. A noncomputerized version ofthe Williams and Walker Beverly J. Pettit. Southwest Missouri State University, stock market experiment in a finance course. Christo- Master's thesis 1992 pher R. Bell. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 317-323 Fall 93 Alliances and networks: cooperative strategies for snail businesses Inga S. Baird, Marjorie A. Lyles and J. B. An exploratory study for a model of personal financial Orris. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 17-23 Spring management style. Kathy Prochaska-Cue. Fin. C & P. 93 Vot. 4: 111-134 93

Black entrepreneurs and the small business curricu- Change in household financial ratios between 1983 lum. Stephen Hogan, Steve Robinson and Douglas and 1986: were American households improving their Schell. JEB, Vol. 68 No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 financial status? Sharon DeVaney. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 31-46 93 Entrepreneurial leadership. Nan B. Erickson. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 69-77 1993 Development of a new scale for mastering compulsive bt.ying behavior. Elizabeth A. Edwards. Fin. C & P, Individualizing entrepreneurship instruction. Bruce Voi. 4: 67-84 93 Herbert. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 7-10 Feb 93 Economic well-being of disabled elderly living in the Planning curriculum for entrepreneurship education. community. Marlene S. Sturn, Jean W. Bauer and Paula Cheryl L. Noll. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 3-5 J. Delaney. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 199-216 93 Feb 93 Expectation of thture financial condition: are men and Small business client satisfaction with outside assis- women different? Vicki Schram Fitzsimmons and tance. W. Calvin Fields. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. Satonsi Wakita. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 165-180 93 2: 45-51 Fall 93 Factors related to the risk of household income vari- Teaching interpersonal skills in entrepreneurship. Wil- ability. Y. Regina Chang and Suzanne Lindamoocl. Fin. liam Stull and Dennis LaBonty. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. C & P. Vol. 4: 47-66 93 47, No. 3: 10-12 Feb 93 Factors relating to spousal financial arguments. Frances The applicability of Nolan's state theca), in small busi- C. Lawrence, Renee H Thomasson and Patricia J. ness environment. Jack Teh. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 65- Wozniak. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 85-94 93 71 Sununer 93 Factors that contribute to job stress among stockbro- The importance of business management compelIn- kers. Kay L. Labelle. Central Michigan University, cies in preparing students for small business owner- Master's thesis 1992 ship. Zaidatol A. Lope Pihie. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Financial counselors: thc need has never been greater. Jeny Mason. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 5-10 93 'Third world entrepreneurial education: a case approach to role modeling. John 1'. Masten, Steve Brown and Financial satisfaction and assessment of financial Susan Skull-Carvallio. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 139-143 progress: importance of money attitudes. Mari S. Ja/Feb 93 Wilhelm Karen Varcoe and Angela Huebner Fridrich. Fin C & P, Vol. 4: 181-198 93 Using innovative information technology architecture for entrepreneurial success: the case of "YCH" logis- Fraudulent financial reporting: education's response tics company. Shailendra C. Palvia and Boon Siong to a national problem. Paul E. Bayes. Gary G. Berg Neo, J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 26-33 Summer 93 and Robert G. Morgan. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 338-342 11/Aug 93 Women entrepreneurs and enterprise support in Brit- ain. Patricia Richardson. SIEC Rev, No. 121: 16-27 Hone your financial management skills. Charlie J. Apr 93 Trimble and Dixie C. Trimble. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 9: 12-13 Nov/Dec 93 Women entrepreneurs. Catherine Turner. SIEC Rev, No. 121: 4-15 Apr 93

13 6 Business Education Index

Household money management: recognizing nontra- Okimoto. Mark Speece. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: ditional couples. Diane M. McConocha, Shirlee A. 132-136 93 Tully and Carl H. Walther. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 258-283 Winter 93 Book review: Buy now pay later: advertising, credit, and consumer durables in the 1920s by Martha L Housing fmanceagemy allocations. Gerald E. Smolen, Olney. Tahira K. Hira...1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 196- Michael T. Bond and James R. Webb. Mid-Amer J Bus, 199 Summer 93 Vol. 8, No. 1: 39-44 Spring 93 Book review: Export development and promotion: the Notes & Comments: the stock market reaction to plant role of public organizations by F. H. Rolf Seringhaus closings. Raymond A. K. Cox, Robert T. Kleiman and and Philip J. Rosson. Atilla Yaprak. J Global M, Vol. John B. Mitchell. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 57- 6, No. 4: 143-144 93 60 Spring 93 Book review: Globalizing the GATT, the Soviet Patterns of overspending ir U.S. households. Union's successor states, eastern Europe, and the in- MiKyeong Bae, Sherman Hanna and Suzanne ternational trading system by Leah A. Haus. Jean Lindamood. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 11-30 93 Kinsey. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 424-426 Winter 93

Shared meaning as a sales inducement strategy: bank Book review: Internationalization, market power and teller responses to frames, reinforcements, and quotas. consumer welfare by Yves Bourdet. Peter Alexander James R. DiSanza. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 133- and Alice Simon. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 418-421 160 93 Winter 93

Stock returns, inflation, and business cycle. Gary S. Book review: Reform in eastern Europe by Olivier Moore and Sue L. Visscher. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, Blanchard Rudiger Dornbush, Paul Krugman, Rich- No. 1: 45-50 Spring 93 ard Layard. Nejdet Delener. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 109-111 93 Survey of bank sales training practice. R. Stephan Parker, Charles E. Pettijohn and William Canter. HRD Book review: The rise of the Korean economy by Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 171-183 Summer 93 Byung-Nak Song. Anthony M. Tang. J Global M, Vol. 6. No. 4: 136-143 93 Testing a conceptual model of financial well-being. Nancy M. Porter and E. Thomas Garman. Fin. C & P. Book review: The official guide to the American mar- Vol. 4: 135-164 93 ketplace by Margaret K. Ambry and Cheryl Russell. Robin A. Douthitt. J Cons AIL Vol. 27, No. 1: 189- The effect of education on participation in flexible 191 Summer 93 spending accounts. Vickie L. Hampton, Karrol A. Kitt and Sue Alexander Greninger. Fin. C & P, Vol.4: 95- Canadian economy and international trade. Paul S. H. 110 93 Lau. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 18-19 Nov 93

Workshop topic: financial reporting standards in the Development of a new scale for mastering compulsive EC. J. Antoine. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 40-43 Nov 93 buying behavior. Elizabeth A. Edwards. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 67-84 93 Marketing Doing business in global markets: perspectives of in- ternational freight forwarders. Paul R. Murphy, James A review of the screening process within the context of NI. Daley and Douglas R. Dalenberg. J Global NI, Vol. the global assessment process. Lloyd C. Russow and 6, No. 4: 53-68 93 Andrew Solocha. J Global Ihl. Vol. 7. No. 3: 65-86 93 Education in business etiquette: attitudes of market- An early critical examination of using simulation in big Burton F. Schaffer, Craig A. Kelly the teaching of international marketing: An evaluation and Mary Ann Goette. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 330-333 of " Export to win!" George V. Priovolos. J T Int Bus. .11/Aug 93 Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 39-54 93 Export promotion in developing countries: status and An exploration of factors influencing inward technol- prospects. F. H. Rolf Scringhaus. J Global M, Vol. 6, ogy licensing perfonnance. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima. J No. 4: 7-32 93 Global 1M. Vol. 7, No. 3: 25-46 93 Implications of firm controllable factors on export An integration of countertrade research and practice. growth. Naveen Dontlm and Sang Hyeon Kim. J Glo- Sam C. Okoroafo. J Global NI, Vol. 6, No. 4: 113-128 bal INI, Vol. 7, No. 3: 47-64 93 93 Market exchange and wealth distribution: a classroom Barriers to entry in international markets. Fahri simulation. Robert B. Williams. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, Karakaya. J Global IN, Vol. 7, No. 3: 7-24 93 No. 4: 325-334 Fall 93

Book review: Between Miti and the market: Japanese Niarket experiments: the laboratory versus the class- industrial policy for high technology by Daniel I. room. Robert DeYoung. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 335-351 Fall 93 14- 4 Business Education Index 7

Marketing impact of trade block formation on third The relevance of firm size and international business country firms: the case of Singapore versus the US- experience to market entry strategies. Abbas J. Ali and Canada FTA. Chou Hou Wee, Siak Ching Chong and Robert C. Camp. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 91-112 93 Gilbert Y. W. Tan. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 1 1 1 - 134 93 The use of management and marketing textbook mul- tiple-choice questions: a case study. David R. Hamp- Marketing implications of the value difference between ton, Kathleen A. Krentler and Aleza B. Martin. JEB, Soviet and American students. John Mager and W. R. Vol. 69, No. 1: 40-43 Sep-Oct 93 Wynd. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 87-108 93 Trade, approach and penetration in the markets needs Marketing in motion. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. of infonnation. Esther Subira. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 35- 10: 16-20 Oct 93 38 Apr 93

Perceptual-based student outcomes assossment process Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- in the marketing curriculum. Karen A. Glynn, K. N. ment: implications for marketing. Rajshekhar G. Rajendran and Steven B. Corbin. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: Javalgi, Duane Kujawa and Frances E. Vernon. J Glo- 11-17 Sep-Oct 93 bal M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 33-52 93

Personal values, demographics and consumption be- Use of performance standards and skills in marketing havior: a study of Taiwanese consumers. Kau Ah Keng education. Phyllis Bunn. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. and Charles Yang. J Global 1M, Vol. 6, No. 1: 27-48 2: 38-40 Dec 93 93 Using coupon incentives in recycling aluminum: a Port of Vancouver. Peter Smith. SEIC Rev, No. 122: market approach to energy conservation policy. Jeff 22-25 Nov 93 Allen, Duane Davis and Mark Soskin..1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27 No. 2: 300-318 Winter 93 Product differentiation and positioning: confused con- cepts. Shaheen Boma and Joseph Chapman. Mid-Amer Using international financial databases in teaching in- J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 51-56 Spring 93 ternational accounting courses. Abdel M. Agami. J T hit Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 103-113 93 Product trial and country-of-origin: an analysis of per- ceived risk effects. Dana L. Alden. J Global IM, Vol. Workshop topic: marketing in eastern European coun- 6, No. 1: 7-26 93 tries. Goran Wikstrom. SEIC Rev, No. 122:39-40 Nov 93 Public policy iss= in the marketing of seals of ap- proval for food. James T. Bennett and Kevin F. McCrohan. J Cons Aft Vol. 27, No. 2: 397-415 Win- ter 93 Business Education

Purchase involvement of new car buyers: a descrip- A call to responsibility. Walter A. Brower. NJ BE Obs, tive study. Joseph Abramson and Suzanne Desai. Mid- Vol. 65: 6-11 92-93 Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 13-20 Fall 93 A correlation between professional advancement and Rating of marketing publications: impact of accredi- mentoring in business education and other profetsions. tation and publication history. Kenneth A. Heischmidt Donna Holmquist. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 20-30 93 and Peter Gen don. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 152-158 Ja/ Feb 93 A profile of leadership in business education. Donna Holnr,uist. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No. 1: 11-17 Spring 93 Relationship between export strategy variables and export performance for Brazil-based manufacturers. A study of English as a second language (ESL) and its Michael De Luz. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 87-110 effect on the business education achievement of the 93 Hispanic high school student. Enrique Gonzales. Southwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis Seminar topic: trade evolution Canada--EC trade. 1992 Esther Subira and Anna Ronqui I lo. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 49-51 Nov 93 A study of the integration of international business eoncepts and materials in the state of Washington into Southeast Asian consumer perceptions of American secondary business educatic: courses. Frances Ann and Japanese imports: the influence of country-of- Kelly. Central Washington University, Master's thesis origin effects. David Strutton and Lou E. Paton. J Glo- 1992 bal IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 67-86 93 A survey of Kansas high schools: business education The chain advantage: an empirical study of video rental courses as graduation requirements. Barbara stores. Gary J. Castrogiovanni and Robert T. Justis. Railsback. N & Q, Vol. 18. No. 1: 9-11 Spring 93 SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 93-112 Spring 93 Business educstion 2000. Janet M. Treichel. MBEA The innovation matrix. Paul A. I lerbig and Cynthia Today, Vol. 58, No. 1: 9-11 Jan 93 0 McCarty. I Global M. Vol. 6, No. 4: 69-90 93 15 8 Business Education Index

Business education curriculum guides for the 1990s. Major actions influencing business education. James Betty A. Kleen. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. I: 64-71 93 Calvert Scott and Dennis LaBonty. LBEJ, Vol. 2, No. 1: 96-102 93 Business education in the school libraty: laboratory for the information age. Sandra C. Duling and Angele Making visions for leadership a reality. Susan Brill. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 54-63 93 Jaderstrom and Gary Thompson. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 111-118 1993 Business education in the United States: tenth NABTE survey results (1991-92). Sharon Lund O'Neil. Marketing quality programs: the key to program sur- NABTE Rev, No. 20: 5-15 93 vival. Joyce P. Logan and A. C. Krizen. KBEA J, 14- 16 Spring 93 Business teacher educ...ion for the 21st century. Wanda L. Stitt-Gohdes. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. I : 72-83 93 Multimedia and business education. V. Wayne Klemin. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 27-30 Oct 93 Business teacher educators' perceptions of licensing requirements for secondary school business teachers Multimedia. Ahni Dale Foley. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, in the United States. Rodney Davis and Robert No. 3: 31-33 Feb 93 Underwood. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 13-19 93 New trends in tourism, influence in business and edu- Critical thinking skills: challenge for business educa- cation. Anna Ronquillo. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 32-34 tion. Carolee Sormunen. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 21-24 Apr 93 93 Nontechnical competencies instruction in Illinois sec- Do business educators need to be politically active9 ondary and postsecondary business education classes. Susan Maxam. MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: 1-6 Mr Mary Coffinan. Southern Illinois University at 92 Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 Document origination and factors contributing to se- Practices used to accommodate at-risk students in high lection of orgination method: implications for business school business education programs. Betty J. Roderick. curriculum. Linda Wiggs. Southern Illinois University Southwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 1992

Economic education in Southern Illinois high schools. Preparing business students: can we market them suc- Antonin Houngbedji. Southern Illinois University at cessfully? Leland V. Gustafson, Jack E. Johnson and Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 David H. Hovey. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 23- 26 Ap 93 Embrace them or chase them. Elizabeth A. Dillmann. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 1-5 92-93 Preparing graduates for the workforce: the role of busi- ness education. Mary Anne Raymond, David E. Faculty evaluation: perceptions and preferences of McNabb and C. Frederick Matthaei. JEB, Vol. 68, No. business educators in NABTE research universities. 4: 202-206 Mr/Ap 93 Edward A. Perkins Jr. and Robert H. Perkins. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 50-53 93 Putting business education programs back on track. Kim Simmons. MBEA J, Vol. 20: 10-15 93 Gender equity issues in business teacher education. John C. Schafer, Jo Behymer and Lonnie Echternacht. Reflections on business education from the Arizona NABTE Rev No. 20: 47-49 93 Business Education Journal: 1982-1992. Robert Gryder. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No.: 1-10 Spring 93 Going international: business education in Swaziland. Carol Larson Jones. ISBE News, Vol. 24, No. 1: 1, 4- Secondary business educators' attitudes toward stu- 7 Fall 93 dents from special populations: a factor analytic in- vestigation. Constance Pollard, Richard Pollard and How computers are being used in the business educa- Jay Rojewski. NA13TE Rev No. 20: 42-46 93 tion curriculum. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 22-28 92-93 Strategies that reinforce acadcmics across the business Legislative leadership. Patricia G. Moody. NI3EA curriculum. Helen Parcell Taylor and Deborah Osen Yrbk, No. 31: 78-91 1993 Hancock. DPE Instr Vol. 9, No. 4: 1-4 Sep 93

Let's promote business education with an exciting new Student outcomes assessment in business education. courseinternational business. Lynn Matthews. NJ BE Ginny Richerson, Robert Seay and Don Chamberlain. Obs, Vol. 65: 15-21 92-93 NABTE Rev, No. 20: 16-20 93

Lifelong learninç skills needed by Michigan's proftz- Teaching problem solving in business classes. Laura sional and technical workers as perceived by human MacLeod and Sandra J. Nelson. DPE Ins% Vol. 9, No. resource managers. Karen L. Norman. MBEA Today, 3: 1-4 May 93 Vol. 58, No. 5: 5, 9 Dee 93

1 6 Bushsess Education Index 9

The changing profile of business education at NABTE The law office team. Alice W. Callum. MBEA Today, institutions. Roger L Luft and Cheryl L Noll. Bus Ed Vol. 57, No. 1: 1, 5, 6 Jan 92 Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 8-11 Ap 93

The trait sheet. Ann M. Douglas. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 45-47 Ap 93 Consumer Education A consumer behavior perspective on choice of univer- This Are believe about the role of business education sity. Joseph A. Maglio, Jr. University of Minnesota, in technology. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 11-12 Oct 93 Doctoral dissertation 1992 Book review: Buy now pay later: advertising, credit, Views, beliefs, and opinions of secondary business edu- and consumer durables in the 1920s by Martha L cation by state employment service managers and sec- Olney. Tahira K. Hira. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 196- ondary principals in the Pacific Northwest. Debbie 199 Summer 93 Brumley, Constance Pollard and Martha C. Yopp. DPE J, vol. 35, No. 1: 39-50 Winter 93 Book review: Food trends and the changing consumer by Ben Senauer, Elaine Asp and Jean Kinsey. Georgia Will "America 2000" unleash our potential as busi- L. Stevens. J Cons Aft; Vol. 27, No. 1: 202-205 Sum- ness educators? Pattie Odgers. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No. mer 93 1: 18-22 Spring 93 Book review: Internationalization, market power and consumer welfare by Yves Bourdet. Peter Alexander Adult Education and Alice Simon.) Cons Aff; Vol. 27, No. 2: 418-421 Winter 93 Cooperative learning strategies for teaching adult busi- ness English. Barbara C. Cole and Dennie L Smith. Book review: Order without law: how neighbors settle JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 170-173 ia/Feb 93 disputes by Robert C. Ellickson. Alice Mills Morrow. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 422-423 Winter 93 Encourage student input for adult education programs through involvement with the A-team. Ann Marie Book review: Political approaches to injury control at Peake. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 4: 10-11 Aug 93 the state level by Abraham B. Bergman. Karen F. Stein. J Cons Alf, Vol. 27, No. 2: 416-418 Winter 93 Learn from experience. Bany L Reece. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 28-29 Oct 93 Book review: The livelihood of kin by Rhoda H. Halperin. Raymond E. Forgue. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, Online education: issues and some answers. Chad T. No. 1: 191-194 Summer 93 Lewis. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 68-71 Ap 93 Book review: The official guide to the American mar- ketplace by Margaret K. Ambry and Cheryl Russell. Career Education Robin A. Douthitt. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 189- 191 Summer 93 A summer of learning. Barbara Railsback. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 47, No. I: 4-5, 18 Fall 93 Book review: Valuing life by John Kleinig. Suzanne M. Tucker. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 194-196 Sum- CareerWorks: A career development program for mer 93 Hazeldon Corporation. Anne Hughson. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Book review: Video kids: making sense of Nintendo by Eugene Provenzo. Robert J. Kroll...1 Cons Aff, Vol. Factors influencing students' career decision to enter 27, No. 1: 199-202 Summer 93 a two-year information processing program. Barbara Morgan. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Book review: Who cares for the elderly? Public policy Doctoral dissertation 1992 and the experiences of adult daughters by Emily Abel. Shelley I. White-Means. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: Preparing graduates for the transition to work: a tax- 187-189 Summer 93 onomy of critical skills. Elwood F. Holton,111. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 36-52 93 Book review: Women, men and time: gender differ- ences in paid work, housework and leisure by Beth Preparing students for their carzers. Jim Rucker. Kan Anne Shelton. Jane McCullough. iCons Air, Vol. 27, Bus Tchr, Vol. 47, No. 1: 15, 18 Fall 93 No. 2: 430-432 Winter 93

Somewhere out there. Howard Splete and Jeff Davis. Consumer views of the need for government interven- Voc Ed .1, Vol. 68, No. 7: 26-27 60 Oct 93 tion in the airline market. Jolm R. Burton, Cathleen D. Zick and Robert N. Mayer. .1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: Student assessment of career "professionalism": course 1-22 Summer 93 profile differences. Bob Kimball. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 29-35 Sep-Oct 93 Cost of recycling municipal solid wastc with and with- out a concurrent beverage container deposit law. 17

I. 10 Business Education Index Harvey Alter. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. I: 166-186 Product trial and country-of-origin: an analysis of per- Summer 93 ceived risk effects. Dana L. Alden. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 7-26 93 Cross-cultural generalizability of a scale for profiling consumers' decision-making styles. Srinivas Public policy issues in the marketing of seals of ap- Durvasula, Steven Lysonski and J. Craig Andrews. J proval for food. James T. Bennett and Kevin F. Cons Aft', Vol. 27, No. 1: 55-65 Summer 93 McCrohan. I Cons Afl; Vol. 27, No. 2: 397-415 Win- ter 93 Cross-national comparison of consumer attitudes to- ward consumerism in four developing countries. Wil- Quantity surcharges on groceries. Jagdish Agrawal, liam K. Darley and Denise M. Johnson. J Cons Aff, Pamela E. Grimm and Narasimhan Srinivasan. J Cons Vol. 27, No. 1: 37-54 Summer 93 All; Vol. 27, No. 2: 335-356 Winter 93

Denominational affiliation change: application of the Ricardian land: the forgotten piece of the economic consumer decision model. Brent G. Goff and Manton development puzzle. John A. Laither. J Cons Aff, Vol. C. Gibbs. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 227-257 Winter 27, No. 2: 212-226 Winter 93 93 Simultaneous-equation model for estimating consurner Effect ofthermal improvements in housing on residen- risk perceptions. attitudes, and willingness-to-pay for tial energy demand. Li-Min fisueh and Jennifer L. residue-free products. Chung L. Huang. J Cons Aft; Gemer. J Cons Aff; Vol. 27, No. 1: 87-105 Summer Vol. 27, No. 2: 377-396 Winter 93 93 Sources of information, consumer attitudes on nutri- Gifl-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: tion, and consumption of dairy products. H. H. Jensen a personal values perspective. Sharon E. Beatty, Lynn and T. Kesavan. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27. No. 2: 357-376 R. Kahle and Marjorie Utsey. J Global IM Vol. 6, No. Winter 93 1: 49-66 93 Southeast Asian consumer perceptions of American Household money management: recognizing nontra- and Japanese imports: the influence of country-of- ditional couples. Diane M. McConocha, Shirlee A origin effects. David Strutton and Lou E. Pelton. I Tully and Carl H. Walther. J Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 2: Global IM, Vol. 6, No. I: 67-86 93 258-283 Winter 93 Using coupon incentives in recycling aluminum: a Marketing implications of the value difference between market approach to energy conservation policy. Jeff Soviet and American students. Jolm Mager and W. R. Allen. Duna: Davis and Mark Soskin. J Cons All; Vol. Wynd. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 87-108 93 27 No. 2: 300-318 Winter 93

Media advocacy: a case study of Philip Sokolof's cho- Utility averaging policies--impact on consumer's en- lesterol awareness campaigns. Ronald J. Adams and ergy usage. Mikyoung Ha, Sue E. Williams and Mar- Kenneth M. Jennings. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27 No. 1: 145- garet J. Weber. J Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 2: 284-299 165 Summer 93 Winter 93 Patterns of overspending in U.S. households. Warranties: continued readability problems afler the MiKyeong Bae Sherman Fianna and Suzanne 1975 Nlagnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Ellen NI. Moore Lindamood. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 11-30 93 and F. Kelly Shuptrine. J Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 1: 23- 36 Sununer 93 Perceived time pressure and recommended dietary practices: the moderating effect of knowledge of nutri- Women and the demand for alcohol: estimating par- tion. David L. Mothersbaugh, Robert 0. Ilemnann and ticipation and consumptim. J. R. Blaylock and W. N. Rex H. Warland. .1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. I: 106-126 Blisard. J Cons All; Vol. 27, No. 2: 319-334 Winter Summer 93 93

Personal values, demographics and consumption be- havior: a study of Taiwanese consumers. Kau Ali Keng Cooperative Education and Charles Yang. .1 Global 1M, Vol. 6, No. 1: 27-48 93 Accounting students meet real world via partnering project. Benny R. Zachry and Anna R. Trexler. THE Preliminary assessment of changes in labels required .1, Vol. 20, No. 8: 70-73 Mr 93 by the Nutrition Libeling and Education Act of 1990. Scot Burton and Abhijit Biswas. J ConS Aff Vol. 27, Building student self-esteem through work experience. No. 1: 127-144 Summer 93 Morton Tener. NJ FIE Ohs, Vol. 65: 12-14 92-93

Probabilities of small claims judgment satisfaction and Developinb a global perspecti.: through cooperative factors influencing success. Patricia A. Bonner and learning. Jean Dennee. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 367- Edward J. Metzen. J Cons Aft; Vol. 27, No. 1: 66-86 369 Jl'Aug 93 Summer 93 Business Education Index Program Assessment Vocational Education Instructor classroom behaviors and student academic A comparative analysis of vocational teachers' knowl- success. Ewuuk Lomo-David and Jack Hulbert. Bus edge of entrepreneurship. Robert G. Berns and Inge Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 12-15 Ap 93 M. Klopping. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 218-232 Fall 93

Making the grade. Jeffrey A. Scybert. Voc Ed J, Vol. Anew qt.:Rude. Carol Whitney Darling and Steven E. 68, No. 2: 22-23, 49 Feb 93 Sorg. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 18-21 Mr 93

A new source for teachers. Susan J. Olson. Voc Ed 5, Technical Preparation Education Vol. 68, No. 6: 36-37 Sep 93

An analysis of selected tech-prep programs to deter- A tale of two cities. Karlene Darby. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, mine how various communities develop partnerships No. 6: 40-41 Sep 93 to deliver occupational programs. LaMorr C. Gibson. Lehman College, Master's thesis 1992 A world-class affair. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 17-23 Jo 93 Answering the call for school reform. Willard R. Daggett. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 2-3 Winter 93 All things being equal: in the classroom, speciLl needs shouldn't mean special treatment. Rich Dubrul. Voc Applied academics: re-establishing relevance. June St. Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 28-29 Nov-Dec 93 Clair Atkinson, James W. Lunsford and Debora Hollingsworth. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 9-11 Winter An analysis of selected characteristics of students en- 93 hu-ing nontraditional and traditional occupational train- ing. Lynne Malloy. Temple University, Doctoral dis- Applied communication: skills needed, skills taught. sertation 1992 Christine La Rocco. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 12-14 Winter 93 Debunking the myths. Jim Stone. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 26-27, 56 Ja 93 Applied science/technology and the restructured cur- riculum. Larry Bond. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 23-25 Demographic study of home economics students in Winter 93 Stanley High School related to home environment. Maureen Enget. University of North Dakota, Master's Creating a place in history. Anita K. Decker. Bus Ed thesis 1992 Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 3-5 Ap 93 Earning to learn. Susie Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. Does tech-prep work? Janet Hennsen Schoenebeck. 4: 34-35, 47 Ap 93 Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 21-23 Feb 93 Gateway to careers. Michael Vernezze and Marjorie Integrating academic and vocational education. W. Henkel. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, ls.P.). 4: 26-27 Ap 93 Norton Grubb. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 26-27 Win- ter 93 Image control. Deede Sharpe. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 24-25, 55 Ja 93 Mathematics: an integration of views. Henry S. Kepner, Jr. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 19-21 Winter 93 In Wisconsin, Uniroyal workers face new reality. Jim Mortwedt. Voc Ed I, Vol. 68, No. 7: 24, 58 Oct 93 MBEA develops tech prep model. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 3: 1, 7 My 93 It takes two: mainstreaming is easier whcn special edu- cators and vocational teachers team up. Richard C. Tech prep at Atlantic Conununity College--a success Lombard and Michael N. Hazelkorn. Voc Ed J, Vol. story Patricia Learn Conn. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 53- 68, No. 8: 32-33 NoV-Dec 93 56 92-93 Making the giade. Jeffrey A. Seybert. Voc Ed J, Vol. Tech prep for business and marketing technology. 68, No. 2: 22-23, 49 Feb 93 Tommie L. Butler. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 5-6 Ap 93 Marketing vocational education. Aim Dykman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 28-32. 56 la 93 This we believe about the role of business education in tech prep. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 13-14 Oct New beginnings after Andrew. Michelle Tate. Voc Ed 93 J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 23 Oct 93

What is the och prepiassociate degree program? Dale No funding? No support? No problem! Exemplary Parnell. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74. No. 2: 6-8 Winter 93 programs for disabled students find creative solutions. Carolyn Maddy-Bernstein and Zipura Burac Matias. What tech prep nu.ah...or business education. Diane Voc Ed J, Vol. 68. No. 8: 25-27 Nov-Dec 93 P. Hogan and Anne L. Matthews. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 29-30, 32 Winter 93 Not just 'seed and feed'. Ann Dykman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 33 Ap 93 19 12 Business Education Index

On their own: preparing disabled students for indepen- Workshop topic: does a person have to be able to do dent living and productive careers. Gary Meets. Voc everything? Leo Heimerer. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 43-44 Ed), Vol. 68, No. 8: 30-31 Nov-Dec 93 Nov 93

Out of the frying pan ... and into the 90's. Ann Workshop topic: vocaticnal education and training Dykman. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 3: 24-25 Mr 93 developments in England. C. Chapman, H. Orchard and Y. C. Stewart-Smith. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 35-37 Perceptions and practices of vocational educators in Nov 93 North Dakota related to public relations. Robbie McGurran. University of North Dakota, Master's the- sis 1992 Communications Shirt or drift. Gary Hannah. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 21-25 Ap 93 A communication-rich systems design project. Marvin E. Dal-ter and Katherine T. Hoff. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, Start making sense. Patricia C. Duttweiler and Linda No. 4: 32-37 Dec 93 Shirley. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 22-25 My 93 A letter to editor: relevance versus significance in Starting over. Naima Mateen. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. business communication research. Mohan R. Limaye. 7: 22, 59 Oct 93 J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: 463-471 Oct 93

Status of curriculum and microcomputer usage in A new spin on the news. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. marketing education in secondary and area vocational- 3: 30-34, 36 Mr 93 technical schools in Kentucky. Brenda Scruggs. South- ern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis A professional profile ofbusiness communication edu- 1992 cators and their research preferences: survey results. John D. Beard and David L. Williams. J Bus Com, The ADA and vocational education. Patricia A. Vol. 30, No. 3: 269-295 J193 Morrissey. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 22-24 Nov-Dec 93 Addressing American and Iranian manifestations of contexting and face-saving in business communications The development of an individualized course in phi- involving unpleasant news. James Calvert Scott and losophy of vocational education third edition. Mary Mehdi Jantshidian. ABA Int Proc, 103-110 93 K. Hanson. University of North Dakota, Master's the- sis 1992 Applied communication: skills needed, skills taught. Christine LaRucco. Bal She2t, Vol. 74, No. 2: 12-14 The quest for quality. Susan Hardy Brooks. Voc Ed J, Winter 93 Vol. 68, No. 6: 42-44 Sep 93 Author and citation patterns for The Journal of Busi- The standard approach. Dale Hudelson. Voc Ed J, Vol. ness Communication, 1978-1992. N. L. Reinsch Jr. 68, No. 2: 32-34, 51 Feb 93 and Phillip V. Lewis. I Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 435- 462 Oct 93 The state of certification. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: 30- 35 Sep 93 Book review: Business communication today by Courtland L. Boyce and John V. Thill. Joanne G. The thrill of victory. Matt Coleman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, Cortese. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 51-53 Mr 93 No. 4: 30-32 Ap 93 Book review: Business communication: toward 2000 Thriving with A.L.I.V.E. John Porter. Voc Ed J, Vol. by Arthur H. Bell. Jeanne G. Cortese. ABC Bul, Vol. 68, No. 1: 33-35 Ja 93 56, No. 4: 65 Dec 93

UK colleges--growth in developing links with Europe. Book review: Business communications by William Janet Elliott. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 40-42 Apr 93 C. Hilmstreet. Frederick K. Moss. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 45-46 Sep 93 VICA gms to college. Tom Hall. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 28-29 Ap 93 Book review: Businms communications: with contem- porary issues and microcomputer applications by M. Washington timber workers retrain for technical jobs. H. Rader and Linda Kurth. Joanne G. Cortese. ABC Jewell Manspeaker and Jon Krug. Voc Ed .1, Vol. 68, Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 65-66 Dec 93 No. 7: 25, 58 Oct 93 Book review: Case studies in organizational conunu- We the pupils ... Ronald W. Stadt and John S. nication by Beverly Davenport Sypher. Donald P. Washburn. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 36 Ap 93 Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. I: 81-82 93

Who will teach the teachers? Ann Dykman. Voc Ed 3, Book review: Communicating in business: key to suc- Vol. 68, No. 6: 23-27, 53 Scp 93 ccss by William II. Bonner. Joanne G. Cortese. ABC 20 Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 53-54 Mr 93

BEST COPY AVAILABLE Business Education Index 13

Book review: Company image & reality: a critique of Creating and using interactive computer quizzes to corporate communications by David Bernstein. Donald develop business communication skills. Janet P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 210-211 93 Hildebrand. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 1-9 Sep 93

Book review: Contemporary business oducation by Demystifying communications technologies. Lgslie P. Scot Ober. Joanne G. Cortese. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. Hitch. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 92-95 Oct 93 1: 49-50 Mr 93 Don't leave home. Jean L. Jones. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: Book review: Democracy in an age of corporate colo- 7-9 Ju/J193 nization by Stanley A. Deetz. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 207-210 93 Editorial: Negotiating the field of business communi- cation. Kathryn Rentz. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 3: 233- Book review: Design c 'business communications by 238 3193 Elizabeth Tebeaux. Joanne G. Cortese. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. I: 50-51 Mr 93 Emergi Ng questions and research paradigms in busi- ness ccmunication research. Larry R. Smeltzer. J Bus Book review: Management is a new key: communi- Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 181-198 93 cating in the modern organization by Alan Jay Zaremba. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. Employee perceptions ofthe relationship bdween can- 1: 85-86 93 munication and productivity: a field study. Phillip G. Clampitt and Cal W. Downs. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. Book review: Managing business transactions: control- 1: 5-28 93 ling the cost of coordinating, communicating, and de- cision making by Paul H. Rubin. Donald P. Rogers. J Ethical issues in business communication. Iris I. Varner. Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 1: 84-85 93 ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 30-31 Sep 93

Business education in the school library: laboratory Foreign language teaching: preparing for interpersonal for the information age. Sandra C. Duling and Angele communication. Guenter G. Pfister. Clearinghs, Vol. Brill. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 54-63 93 67, No. 2: 71-72 Nov/Dec 93

Communicate assertively with your children. Joan II. Gaining access to a research and development laboran Linder. Scc, Vol. 53, No. 9: 25 Nov/Dec 93 wry. Vincent J. Brown. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 42- 44 Mr 93 Communicating with groups: prompt, purposeful, pro- ductive meetings. Nelda Spinks and Barron Wells. Gaining access to a software development company. ABA Nat Proc, 210-217 93 Jane M. Perkins. ABC 13u1, Vol. 56, No. 1: 46-47 Mr 93 Communicating with the opposite sex. Joan H. Linder. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 40-41 Aug/Scp 93 Gaining access to a state agency and to a factory. Kitty 0. Locker. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 45-46 Mr 93 Communication across the curriculum at Colorado State. Karen Sterkel Powell and Jackie Jankovich. Gaining access to an insurance company. Geoffrey A ABA Nat Proc, 111-115 93 Cross. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 44 Mr 93

Communication-related strategics that facilitate the How DVI infonnation processing technology will af- mainstreaming of limited-English-proficient-Japanese fect business communication. William G. Perry. ABC students: the Webcr State University experience. Diana Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 21-22 Sep 93 J. Green. ABA Nat Proc, 228-235 93 How national and managerial cultures impact com- Communication skills in employment ads of major munication styles in western Europe. Maud Tixier. United States newspapers. Mona Casady and F. ABA Int Proc, 111-121 93 Stanford Wayne. SBR, Vol. 35, No. 2: 86-99 Spring 93 How to get gues1 speakers without really trying. Deborah Britt Roebuck. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 34- Compliance-gaining techniques of Type-A managers. 35 Ju 93 Kevin G. Lamude and Joseph Scudder. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 63-79 93 Innovative pedagogics for outcomes-based teaching in the core MIS course. L. Wayne Shell and Betty A. Computer augmented collaborative literature review. Kleen. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 3-7 Winter 92-93 Alice Ahmed, Judy Caoctte and Paulette Majestic. OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 Languages for international business purposes: view- points from the business communities ofthree English- Consensus versus devil's advocacy: the influence of speaking countries. James Calvert Scott. ABA Nat decision process and task structure on strategic deci- Proc, 757-766 93 sion making. Audrey J. Murrell, Alice C. Stewart and Brent T. Engel. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 399-414 Managing a communication internship program. Oct 93 Nancy M. Somerick. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 10-14 Sep 93 21 14 Business Educafion Index

Meeting communication allenges at BF Goodrich. Teaching with group decision support systems. Milam John D. Ong. ABC Bul, V.A. 56, No. 4: 5-9 Dec 93 Aiken. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 21-23 Ap 93

Models ofdevelopiment: business schools and business Technology as part of business communication. Mona communication. Ronald E. Dulek. J Bus Corn, Vol. Cassady. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 36-38 Sep 93 30, No. 3: 315-331 J193 The "business" of conflict: "like no business I know." Organizational, business, management, and corporate Thomas R. Blue, Sanford B. Halperin and Catrina communication: an analysis of boundaries and rela- Oliszewski Mayo. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 38-44 tionships. Annette Nevin Shelby. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, Dec 93 No. 3: 241-267 3193 The case of the busy consultant. Linda Driskill. ABC PaNrless tigers. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 49- Bul. Vol. 16, No. 3: 32 Sep 93 50. 52 Mr 93 The case study approadt. Ruth Ellen Greenwood ABC Providing management assistance to clients of a small Bul, Vol. 56. No. 4: 46-48 Dec 93 business development center while helping to prepare students for business. Deborah Britt Roebuck. ABC The content ofbusiness ethics Barron Wells and Nelda Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 32-33 Mr 93 Spinks. ABA Nat Proc. 202-209 93 Put your stock in a pictogram. J. William Murphy The influence of technology on traditional communi- ABC Sul. Vol. 16, No. 3: 23-24 Sep 93 cations systems: an evolutionary process. Linda S. Munilla and Lloyd N. Dosier. ABA Nat Proc. 250- Reading the crystal ball: what to expect in business 254 93 communications textbooks in the future. Nancie Fimble. ABA Nat Proc, 243-249 93 The opportunity ofqualitative research. JoAnne Yates. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 2: 199-200 93 Relevance is the issue. Larry R. Smeltzer. J Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 4: 477-478 Oct 93 The shape of our field: business communication as a hybrid discipline. Gary Shaw. J Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. Response to Mohan Lirnaye: the need for contextually 3: 297-313 J193 based research. Jim Suchan. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: 473-476 Oct 93 Tbe state of the Journal in 1992: a report from the edi- tor. N. L. Reinsch, Jr. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 87- Secret taping by employees: a few words about a new 89 93 dilemma for employers. Jon D. Bible. SBR, Vol. 3. No. 1: 13-21 Spring 93 The value of a flexible, cautionary approach to data gathering in qualitative research. Rachel Spilka. ABC Selected data about business communication courses Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 40-41 Sep 93 in AACSB schools. Judy C. Nixon and Judy F. West. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 6-9 Ju 93 The what, the whom, and the hows of survey research. John C. Sherblom, Claire F. Sullivan and Elizabeth C. Shared meaning as a sales inducement strategy: bank Sherblorn. ABC Bul. Vol. 56, No. 4: 58-61 Dec 93 teller responses to frames, reinforcements, and quotas. James R. DiSanza. J Bus Com, Vol. 30. No. 2: 133- Three 'personal' approaches to organizational com- 160 93 munication. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 479-485 Oct 93 Should we teach computer software in business com- munication courses? Marilyn A Dyrud. ABC Bul, Vol. Using conference calls to bring an expert into your 16, No. 3: 35-36 Sep 93 classroom. Nan B. Erickson. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 35-36 Ju 93 Should we teach software use in business communica- tions? Thomas Dukes. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 34- Using qualitative research to generate theory. Jone 35 Sep 93 Rymer. ABC Bul, Vol. 16. No. 3: 42-44 Sep 93

Successful project presentations. Paul R. Saunders. R Using the portfolio approach in teaching business com- M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 26-28 Jan 93 munication. Janet K. Winter and Esther J. Winter. ABA Nat Proc. 295-299 93 Teaching business communication on the production line: a case study. Richard W. Moore. ABC Bul, Vol. Using triangulation effectively in qualitative research. 56, No. 1: 38-41 Mr 93 Elizabeth Huettman. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 42 Sep 93 Teaching persuasion as consensus in business commu- nication. Nancy Roundy Blyler. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, Utilization of business conununication skills by col- No. 1: 26-31 Mr 93 lege of business administration giaduates. Richard D. Featheringham, Susan K. Switzer and Larry L. Tho- Teaching purpose in a business communication course. mas. ABA Nat Proc. 268-280 93 Nancy Roundy Blyler. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 15- 20 Sep 93 Business Education Inder 15

What is a researcher? Priscella S. Rogers. J Bus Corn,Linking east-west schools via tekcornputing. Boris Vol. 30, No. 2: 204-206 93 Berenfeld. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 6: 59-62 Jo 93

Why don't we do better research? N. L. Reinsch, Jr. New media for your messages. John Grove. Sec, Vol. Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 2: 200-202 93 53, No. 3: 6-8 Mr 93

Why we do irrevelant research. Jim Suchan. S Bus Research dtign issues for the study of electronic dis- Corn, Vol. 30. No. 2: 202-203 93 cussions. Patricia Sullivan. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 43-45 Ju 93

Business English Technology/book review sect ion. Eli Cohen. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 91 Summer 93

CAI vs. textbook for grammar and punctuation skills. The impact of e-mail in today's organization. Robert Robert M. Schramm and Grace E. Rich. Bus Ed Fo- rum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 48-52 Ap 93 M. Schramm and Marcia L. James. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 3-13 Fall 92 Cooperative learning strategies for teaching adult busi- ness English. Barbara C. Cole and Dennie L. Smith. The office buyer's guide to voice processing. Office, JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 170-173 Jo/Feb 93 Vol. 118. No. 2: 33-35 Aug 93

Iiow do you spell friendship? an intergenerational spell- The property issue in e-mail research. Tharon Howard. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 2: 40-41 Ju 93 ing bee. Michael R. Connolly, Jr. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 5: 267-268 My/.1u 93 Using e-mail in business communication classes. Betty S. Johnson and Marsha L. Bayless. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, How so. Sarah Montoya. Sec, Vol. 5,1, No. 9: 24 Nov/ Dec 93 No. 2: 37-39 Ju 93

Taking the "GR" out of grammar. Linda Comerford. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 12-15 Mr 93 Computer-based Communication, Facsimile The effects of grammar knowledge on the writing skills of business English students in Puerto Rico. Blanca E. Buyers' guide to facsimile systems. Office. Vol. 117, Concepcion. Univemity, Doctoral disserta- No. 1: 54-56 Ja 93 tion 1992 Buyers' guide to facsimile systems. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 34, 36. 38 My 93 Computer-based Communication, Electronic Mail Computer fax the nexi move in office automation. Pe- ter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 12-14, 16 My Create higher profits with voice messaging. Douglas 93 Finlay. Office, Vol. 118. No. 2: 32. 34 Aug 93 Fax on demand. David Durkin. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. Cyberspace, the constitution, and the electronic fron- 1: 32, 34 Ja 93 tier foundation. David Farber. Ed Tech Exchange. Vol. 1, No. 2: 22-27 Summer 93 Faxing by computer. John T. Phillips. Jr. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 4: 44. 46, 48. 49 Oct 93 E-mail and variables of rhetorical fonn. James E. Por- ter. ABC Elul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 41-42 Ju 93 Making smart decisions about buying fax machines. Mark Rowh. OlF Sys, Vol. 10. No. 5: 18, 20. 22-23 Empowerment by technology James L. Morrison. Bus My 93 Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 1345 Feb 93 New Ilix devices and functions emerge. Judy Pirani. End user attitudes and practices: a study of voice mail Office, Vol. 117. No. 1: 52 Ja 93 implementation. Carol Okolica. OSRA Proc. 148-159 Mr 93 PC/fax features are filtering dottn-home. Patti Feldman and William Feldman. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 2: 43-45 Facilitating communication in classroom. Minoo S. Feb 93 Amini. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 4: 34-38 Summer 93 Ready for a fax upgrade? Julie LaGallee. Office, Vol. Incorporating graphics into student presentations. Kim 117, No. 2: 16. 20, 44, 53 Feb 93 Novak. MI3EA Today, Vol. 57, No. 1: 3-5 Jan 92 Bigger than a fax. Frank G. Cannata. Off Sys, Vol. 10, Is it really jut like a fancy answering machine? Com- No. 11: 52. 54. 56 Nov 93 paring sematic networks of different types of voit.: mail users. Ronald E. Rice and James A. Danowski. J Bus Fax tips. Mark Rowh. 011'Sys, Vol. 10. No. 9: 47-48, Com, Vol. 30. No. 4: 369-397 Oct 93 51-52 Sep 93

3ES1 COPY AVAILAILL 23 16 Business Education Index

The well-connected fax machine: quick, efficient, & Multimedia authoring: business tools help education. high-tech. Sandra Sopko. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 42- Elizabeth Greenfield. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 10, 12- 43 J1 93 15 Aug 93 Unleash your fax machine's sales & marketing poten- Multimedia. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 44, 46, 48-50, tial. Peter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 32, 34, 52-53 May 93 37-39 .11 93 Photo CD turns pro. Bill Crider. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 7: 52, 54, 56 J1 93 Computer-based Communication, Pitching the pros. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 34- Graphics 39 Feb 93

The big picture. Stuart Silverstone. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: Praentations that pack a punch. Tom Moran. Sec, Vol. 34-39 31 93 53, No. 4: 15-17 Ap 93

Visuals: a communication enhancement. A. C. Krizan Shop class for academia. Linda Belcher MeElwrath. and Joyce P. Logan. ABA Nat Proc, 255-262 93 THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 41-45 Dec 93

Staged right. Jeff Burger. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 44, 46, Computer-based Communication, 48 Oct 93 Presentations The application of Harvard Graphics 3.0 to interna- 10 tips for making effective presentations. Lin tional domestic appliances inc.:a business graphics Grensing. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 2: 40-42 Feb 93 presentation practice set. Patricia A. McLaughlin. University of Minnesota. Master's thesis 1992 A study of the impact of the graduate course profes- sional presentations using technology. Kristin Dee The big picture. Stuart Silverstone. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: Carter. DPE 3, Vol. 35, No. 3: 160-174 Summer 93 34-39 .11 93

Center turns multimedia inspiration into reality'. TI1E The SPICE project: comparing passive to interactive J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 49-55 Aug 93 approaches in a videodisc-based course. J. Jerome Smith. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 62-66 Aug 93 Clips on the move. Tony Reveaux. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 48, 50 My 93 Video teleconferencing. G. Gordon Long. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 35-36, 38-39 Feb 93 Computer projection panels: technology for the class- room of the 1990s. Ted J. Strickland, Jr. and Ronald Visual presentation tools sharpen communication style. E. Shiftier. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 23-28 Sep-Oet 93 Ellen Braun. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 33-34 Ju 93

Designing for the future. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 40, 42, 44 Ju 93 Computer-based Communication, Designing instructional multimedia pmentations: a Telecommunications seven-step process. Les Bowles and Connie Pettengill. Baud building. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 46, THE J. Vol. 20. No. 11: 58-61 Ju 93 49, 50 Ju 93 Distinguished panels. Ben Calica. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: Book review: Global telecommunications: layered 60, 62 Mr 93 networks' layered services by Robert K. Heldman. Edward J. Szewczak. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 1: 43-44 Great visuals can sell products and ideas. Kermit Winter 93 Metzner. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 46-48 Feb 93 Buyers' guide to telephone systems. Office, Vol. 117, Influence of Myers-Briggs type on preference for data presentation format. Donald A. Carpenter, Jeffrey No. 1: 70-72 Ja 93 Anders and Alan Anderson. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 4: 85- Card sharks: 10 ways to slash phone fraud. Alon 90 Summer 93 Aginsky. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 12-15 Nov 93

Interactive videodisc instruction product introduction Cellular phones reach out for office use. G. Gordon in a high-technology company. Kathleen Warner. Uni- Long. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 20-22, 24 Sep 93 versity of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Companies find bargains in secondary phone market. Large screen spices up oncampus conferences. THE J, John Raymond. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 44-45 .11 93 Vol. 21, No. 1: 58-61 Aug 93 Computers and phones: a merging technology. Office, MCPS--the multimedia computing presentation sys- Vol. 117. No. 2: 30-31 Feb 93 tem. Sorel Reisman. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 5-16 Sum- mer 93 24 Business Education Index 17

Do-it-yourself phone systems. S. Tressa Brophy. Sec, Book review: Cultures and organizations: software of Vol. 53, No. 3: 9-11 Mr 93 the mind by Geert Hofstede. Roger Langley. HRDQt1y, Vol. 4, No. 3: 319-325 Fall 93 Educating artists to work with telecommunications. Stephan Wilson. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 59-61 Dec 93 Canada looks towards Asia. David M. Graham. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 8-12 Nov 93 Factors affecting implementation of voice mail: end user practices and attitudes. Carol Okolica. New York Effects of culture and gender on principal-teacher com- University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 munication in school. Thomas D. Gougeon and Susan I. Hutton. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 277-290 Fall 93 Flexible phone systems are key to business success. Christopher Sheehan. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 42-43 Exploring problems in international communications. My 93 Nancy A. Dittman. ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 1-3 Spring 93 Global telecommunications services: strategies of ma- jor carriers. Jerry McCreary, William Boulton and Gift-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: Chetan Sankar. J Global 1M, Vol. 1, No. 2: 6-18 Spring a personal values perspective. Sharon E. Beatty, Lynn 93 R. Kahle and Mr.ijorie Utsey. J Global 1M Vol. 6, No. I: 49-66 93 How your telephone system can help your sales staff. G. Gordon Long. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 19-20, 22 Ja Implications oflapanese total quality control for west- 93 ern organizations: dimensions of an intercultural hy- brid. Alan Goldman. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 29- Impact North Carolina: 2Ist century education. Rich- 47 93 ard Riedl and Shannon Carroll. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 85-88 Oct 93 Incorporating multicultural awareness into the busi- ness communication curriculum. Mary Jean Evers- Program brings education to working professionals. Lush and Phyllis A. King. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 12-25 THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 20, 24-27, 30-31 Aug 93 93 Telecommunications competencies for clerical office Intercultural business communication: building a professionals. Valerie T. Akeyo and Constance Pollard. course from the ground up. James S. O'Rourke IV. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 21-26 Fall 92 ABC Bul, Vol. 36, No. 4: 22-27 Dec 93

Telecommunications for inservice training of high Multicultural multimedia across the curriculum: a pi- school math teachers. Robert Mayes. THE J, Vol. 20, lot project. Kathryn A. Murphy-Judy and Chantal F. No. 9: 72-74 Ap 93 Cornuejols. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 77-80 Feb 93

Telecommunications, integration, competition and Preparing business correspondence the British way. customer service. Dugal E. Easton. Office, Vol. 117, James Calvert Scott. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 10-17 No. 1: 69 Ja 93 Ju 93

The key-phone state. G. Gordon Long. Off Sys, Vol. Teaching cultural language through writing. Patricia 10, No. 10: 45, 47-48, 50 Oct 93 Munro. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 209-210 Mr/Ap 93 Toward an understanding of telecommunications. Nancy Frost. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 50 Sep 93 Teaching international topics in the business commu- nication course: a survey of ABC members beyond the United States. 13ev Gatenby and Margaret C. McLaren. Listening ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 10-15 Dec 93

Can listening skills be taught in business communica- The interpreted executive: theory, models, and impli- tion classes? Robert M. Schramm and F. Stanford cations. Lyle Sussman and Denise M. Jc'on. J Bus Wayne. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 25-32 93 Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 415-434 Oct 93 Teaching listening skills via interactive videodisc. U.S. experts' perceptions on international business Michael W. Cronin. TIIE 1, Vol. 21, No. 5: 62-68 Dec communication action statements. James Calved Scott 93 and Diana J. Green. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 281-287 My/ Ju 93 Multicultural Using a simulation to teach intercultural communica- tion in business communication courses. Daphne A. Abstract at the least. Anne Bednar. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: Jameson. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 3-11 Mr 93 68-70 93

25 ta Business Education Index Reading Grant writing techniques for K-12 funding. Ellen Zimet. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 109-111 Nov 93 Content reading assessment: a rethinking of method- ology. Jane Meeks Hager and Robert A. Gable. How to incorporate the topic of ethics into the reorga- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 269-272 My/Ju 93 nized business communication course. Paula Brown. ABA Nat Proc, 195-201 93 Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas. G. Thomas Baer and Barbara L Nourie. Clearinghs, Vol. How to teach business letter writing maximizing 67, No. 2: 121-122 Nov/Dec 93 student's involvement and motivation. Ma Garcia de Oteyza. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 28-30 Apr 93 Writing How we should be teaching business communication according to findings of writing research. Zane K. A comparison of the business correspondence of Hong Kong and Ohio business students. Valerie S. Perotti Quible. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 25-27 Sep 93 and Carl Remus Bridges. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 16-21 Dec 93 Motivating students to improve business writing: a comparison between goal-based and punishment-based A descriptive study of perceived and assessed business grading systems. Ritch L. Sorenson, Grant T. Savage letter writing problems of bankers in branch locations. and Larry D. Hartman. J Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 2: 113-132 93 Ellis A. Hayes. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, , Doctoral dissertation 1992 Performance and readability: a comparison of annual A model for evaluating business letter writing. Robert reports of profitable and unprofitable corporations. S. Kline and Edna C. Ward. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, Ram Subramanian, Robert G. Insley and Rodney D. No. 2: 8-9 Mr 93 Blackwell. j Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 1: 49-61 93

A study of the effects of basic skills readiness, attitudes Preparing business correspondence the British way. toward writing, software writing programs, and per- James Calvert Scott. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 10-17 sonal characteristics on business writing. Marguerite Ju 93 P. Shane Joyce and Carol Blaszczynski. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 33-36 93 Project SPARC: kindling writing in science. Jean L. Pottle. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 107-108 Nov/Dec Are preferences ofsmal I companies likely to agree with 92 those of large corporations concerning resumes and application letters? Nelda Spinks and Barron Wells. Radical writing: a reengagement of reluctant writers. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 28-29 Sep 93 Jay A. Heath and Jack Kreitzer. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 245-249 Mr/Ap 93 Book review: Writing strategies: reaching diverse au- diences by Laurel Richardson. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Reach out and write someone. Vanessa D. Arnold and Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 211-213 93 Terry D. Roach. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 25-27 Feb 93 Book review: Writing up qua:native mearch by Harry Recognizing and avoiding some bothersome expres- F. Wolcott. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 213-215 93 sions. Michael R. Wunsch. ABA Nat Proc, 137-148 93 Business communication and composition: the writ- ing connection and beyond. Janis Fonnan. J Bus Com, Reinventing writing in the virtual age. Paul J. Leblanc. Vol. 30, No. 3: 333-352 JI 93 Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 6-16 Winter 93 Development of cases for business report writing Research on written composition: implications for busi- classes: the analytical report. Sandra J. Nelson and ness communication. Kevin E Mulcahy. ABC Bul, Vol. Laura MacLeod. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 36- 56, No. 1: 22-25 Mr 93 38 Oct 93 Returning to writing basics. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Do your Audents write to learn? Patsy Nichols. KBEA Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 46, 48-49 Ap 93 J, 6-7 Spring 93 Revision and business writing: checking the numbers. Document origination and factors contributing to se- Joseph A. Cirincione. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 16-'41 lection of origination methyd: implications for busi- Mr 93 ness curricula. Linda Henson Wiggs. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 3: 100-119 Spring 93 Spruce up your reports with desktop publishing. Scott Ober. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 11-13 Oct 93 Grading techniques that help eliminate instructor burn- out. Zane K. Quible. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: Structure student success in indirect writing. Helen NI. 32-34 Dec 93 Sharp. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 49-50 Dec 93

2 6 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Business Education Index 19

Surveying the writing assigned in functional areas. You-attitude and positive emphasis: testing received Paula J. Pomerenke. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 28-31 v In in business communication. Elizabeth Dec 93 Bi.ekbum Brockman and Kelly Belanget ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 1-5 Ju 93 Teaching a writing intensive course in economics. W. Lee Hansen. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 213-218 Sum- mer 93 Curriculum Teaching cultural language through writing. Patricia Munro. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 209-210 Mr/Ap An analysis of selected characteristics of students en- 93 tering nontraditional and traditional occupational train- ing. Lynne Malloy. Temple University, Doctoral dis- The audience made real: hypertext and the teaching of sertation 1992 writing. J. Yellowlees Douglas. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 17-23 Winter 93 A comparative study of multimedia personal comput- ing and traditional instruction in a business school cur- The case of the missing apostrophe. Harty Teitelbaurn. riculum. Sorel Reisman. 1RM J, Vol. 6, No. 4: 15-21 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 23-24 Sep/Oct 93 Fall 93

The daedalus integrated writing environment. Fred A study to determine entry-level legal secretarial re- Kemp. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: Win- quirements of Morris County law firms. Clotilde G. ter 93 Szajda. Montclair State College, Master's thesis 1992 The effects of grammar knowledge on the writing skills A survey of employer concerning secretari' use of of business English students in Puerto Rico. Blanca E. shorthand/fast note-taking skills. Darlene Wallace. Concepcion. New York University, Doctoral disserta- Mississippi State University, Specialist thesis 1992 tion 1992 Alternative program evaluation: ready program at The ethics of plagiarism: how genre affects writers' Windorn school. Teresa Erdrich. University of Minne- use ofsource materials. Daphne A. Jameson. ABC Bul, sota, Master's thesis 1992 Vol. 56, No. 2: 18-28 Ju 93 An educator's brief on dangerous plants. Donald E. The importance of writing competencies as perceived Ricchard. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 151-153 Ja/Feb by college of business alumni and students. Alfred 93 Patrick and Donald Carr. 1 CIS, Vol. 34, No. I: 73-76 Fall 93 Applied academics: re-establishing relevance. June St. Clair Atkinson, James W. Lunsford and Debora Using c-qualities in communications. Florence B. Hollingsworth. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 9-11 Winter Grunkemeyer. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 247-251 Mr/Ap 93 93 Applied science/technology and the restructured cur- Using collaborative business writing groups to riculum. Larry Bond. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 23-25 strengthen students' writing skills. Della L. Cooper and Winter 93 Shelia C. Porterfield. MBEA J, Vol. 20: 22-26 93 Business education curriculum guides for the 1990's. Using good qualitative research to generate questions Betty A. Kleen. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 64-71 93 and contextualize writing. Dorothy A. Winsor. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 39-40 Sep 93 CAI vs. textbook for granunar and punctuation skills. Robert M. Schramm and Grace E. Rich. Bus Ed Fo- Using writing across the curriculum in economics: is rum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 48-52 Ap 93 taking the plunge worth it? Avi J. Cohen and John Spencer. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No 3: 219-230 Summer Computerized accounting. Emma Jo Spiegelberg. Bus 93 Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 39-40 Ap 93

Writing a business plan: the total term assignment. Joan Current status of office equipment and employer ex- F. Vesper and Karl H. Vesper. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. pectations in business within the' Morehead State Uni- 2: 29-32 Ju 93 versity region. Hillary 0. lwu. KBEA J, 12-14 Spring 93 Writing an effective resume. Robert A. Funk. Sec, Vol. 53, No. I: 20-21 Ja 93 Curriculum for an accounting II class. Connie R. Zimmerman. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis Writing to learn in a business economics class. 1992 Lawrence S. Davidson and Elisabeth C. Guinnoir. Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 237-243 Summer 93 Curriculum wholeness through synergistic teaching. Charles W. Bonds, Charles C. Cox Ill and Leila Gantt- Writing to learn in a content area. Julie Johnson, Bonds. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 252-254 Mr/Ap Melinda Holcombe, Gloria Simms and David Wilson. 93 Clearinghs Vol. 66, No, 3: 155-158 Jaffeb 93 27 20 Business Education Index

Define and teach employability skills to guarantee stu- riculum. Kandy L Bauer. Central Michigan Univer- dent success. Vicki A. Poole and Donald K. Zahn. sity, Master's thesis 1992 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 55-59 Sep/Oct 93 It's time to teach business etiquette. Annette Vincent Demystifying communications technologies. Leslie P. and Melanie Meche. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: Hitch. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 92-95 Oct 93 39-41 Oct 93

Developing effective university and public school part- Keyboarding: what is it's future? Linda Henson Wiggs. nerships. Annette D. Digby, Barbara C. Gartin and Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 29-31 Dec 93 Nikki L Murdick. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 37-39 Sep/Oct 93 Marketing quality programs: the key to program sur- vival. Joyce P. Logan and A C. Krizen. KBEA J, 14- Development of cases for business report writing 16 Spring 93 classes: the analytical report. Sandra J. Nelson and Laura MacLeod. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 36- Multimedia and business education. V. Wayne Klemin. 38 Oct 93 Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 27-30 Oct 93

Directed reading-thinking activities to promote learn- Multimedia manifesto. William H. Graves. Ed Tech ing through reading in mathematics. Margaret E. McIn- Exchange, Vol. 1. No. 1: 9-13 Spring 93 tosh and Donald R. Bear. Clearinghs, Vol. 67 No. 1: 40-44 Sep/Oct 93 Partners in education: a university-middle school mentorship program. Pamela Russ. Clearinghs, Vol. Document origination and factors contributing to se- 66, No. 5: 285-287 My/Ju 93 lection of orgination methcd: implications for business curriculum. Linda Wiggs. Southern Illinois University Preparing business students: can we market them suc- at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 cessfully? Leland V. Gustafson, Jack E. Johnson and David H. Hovey. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 23- Don't lose control! Inge M. Klopping. Bus Ed Forum, 26 Ap 93 Vol. 47, No. 4: 41-42 Ap 93 Preparing for change in computer education for busi- Economics through business education. David W. ness. Kimball P. Marshall. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 6: 376- Leapard. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 35-37 Dec 380 Jl/Aug 93 93 Quality is not a quick fix. Kenneth R. Freeston. Elements of acccunting: a curriculum guide for busi- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 344-348 .11/Aug 93 ness education. Valerie McCook. University of Min- nesota, Master's thesis 1992 Rx for pedagogical correctness: professional correct- nm. Thomas J. Lasley. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: Enterprise ambassador program: a link between busi- 77-79 Nov/Dec 93 ness and the schools. Katherine A. Blasik, Pamela Masters and Robert Parks. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: School/business partnerships: a conununity account- 35-36 Sep/Oct 93 ability program. Barbara Stock Nielson and Ellen Tollison Hayden. Clearinghs Vol. 67, No. 2: 75-76 Executive support systems. C. Bruce Kavan and Leona Nov/Dec 93 M. Gallion. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 26-28 Dec 93 Teaching desktop publishing in a Windows environ- ment. Joyce H. Lapsley and Pamela L. McLeod. Bus Facilitating holistic curriculum planning in schools. Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 43-44 Ap 93 William J. Stewart. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 112- 115 Nov/Dec 93 Teclmical/mechanical skill areas and related tasks and cognitive/afrective competencies essential for entry- Forces afrecting American industrycurriculur impli- level olliw workers in the Gratiot county area of Michi- cations. Gerald I lershey, Georgia Miller and Marilyn gan. Barbara J. Prikasky. Central Michigan Univer- Parker. OSRA Proc, 190-193 Mr 93 sity, Master's thesis 1992

How DV1 information processing technology will af- Technology strategically planned: a dismal or bright fect business communication. William G. Perry. ABC future? Rod Farrell and Stephen Gring. THE .1, Vol. Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 21-22 Sep 93 21, No. 4: 119-122 Nov 93

Identification and validation of competencies essential The impact of high school economics on the college for clerical/secretarial occupations with implications principles of economics course. David W. Brasfield, for competency based curriculum development. Wayne Dannie E. Harrison and James P. McCoy. J Econ Ed, Moore. Temple University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Vol. 24, No. 2: 99-111 Spring 93

Identification of current and future entry-level office The level ofknowledge needed for entry-level employ- equipment skills to detennine if training on automated ez in accounting-related positions. Bonnie L. Heckard. equipment plays a major role for entry-level employ- Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 1992 ment in office occupations with implications for cur- 28 Business Education Index 21

The trait sheet. Ann M. Douglas. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. Bringing the business school into the 21st century. 47, No. 4: 45-47 Ap 93 Kathleen Sampey and James A. Haggard. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 9-14 Summer 93 Untracking through the use of cooperative learning. Daniel D. Drake and Rosemarie Mucci. Clearinghs, Businesses and universities: Similar challenges, shared Vol. 67, No. 2: 123-126 Nov/Dec 93 solutions. Anne L. Christensen and Donna Philbrick. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 6-9 Sep-Oct 93 Use of performance standards and skills in marketing education. Phyllis Bunn. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. Characteristics of training and human resource devel- 2: 38-40 Dec 93 opment degree programs in the United States. Cynthia Gaudet and Annette Vincent. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 3: Using Microsoft Word 4.0: a curriculum guide. Jody 138-159 Summer 93 Peper. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Collaboration: a link between the high school and the Utilization of business communication skills by col- university. M. P. Cavanaugh. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. lege of business administration graduates. Richard D. 6: 335-338 11/Aug 93 Featheringham, Susan K. Switzer and Larry L. Tho- mas. ABA Nat Proc, 268-280 93 Communication across the curriculum at Colorado State. Karen Sterkel Powell and Jackie Jankovich. What's being done in the international businesscur- ABA Nat Proe, 111-115 93 riculum. Nancy Zeliff and Shawna Heldenbrand. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 23-25 Oct 93 Computing use in international business courses. Diane Lockwood, Verne Redman and Patrick Fleenor. J CIS, Workshop topic: recognition of diplomas within and Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 outside the EC. Josef Schelling. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 30-32 Nov 93 Educating artists to work with telecommunications. Stephan Wilson. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 59-61 Dec 93

Colleges and Universities Ensuring end user productivity: an academic minor in information technology. T. J. Surynt and F. K. Augus- A business graphics course for information systems tine Jr.. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 82-84 Summer 93 curriculum. Behrooz K. Seyed-Abbassi and Yap Siong Chua. OSRA Proc, 176-181 Mr 93 Information systems education: comparison of views from Australian and southeast Asian academics. A Y. A comparison of information systems topic expecta- Ang and G. K. Winley. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 30-36 tions of executive M.B.A. graduates and their firms' Fall 93 top computer executives. Richard G. . CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 51-57 Spring 93 Integrating global concepts into the businas curricu- lum: a U.K. perspective. Alan P. Wunsch and Ron A critical analysis of the ACM and DPMA curricu- Schlattman. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 367-371 JI/Aug 93 lum models. Tony Fabbri and Ronald A. Mann. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 77-80 Fall 93 Integration of ethical issues into the MIS curriculum. James A. Hall and Diane M. Hamilton. J CIS, Vol. 33, A pilot study of information systems curriculum in No. 2: 32-37 Winter 92-93 foreign educational institutions. Martin D. Goslar and P. Candace Deans. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 8-17 Fall 93 Internationalizing the business curriculum: a survey of collegiate business schools. Maureen J. Fleming, An interdisciplinary approach to art and design educa- Nader H. Shooshtari and Susan Selig Wallwork. J tion: computational design. Paul Brown. THE J, Vol. Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 77-99 93 21, No. 5: 72-76 Dec 93 Managing a communication internshipprogram. Applying total quality management to business edu- Nancy M. Somerick. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 10-14 cation. Nniel F. Brown and Harold F. Koenig. JE13, Sep 93 Vol. 68, No. 6: 325-329 11/Aug 93 Models of development: business schools and business Assessment ofcompetencies for computa information communication. Ronald E. Dulek. J Bus Corn, Vol. systems curricula. Myra N. Womble. DPE J, Vol. 35, 30, No. 3: 315-331 JI 93 No. 2: 69-85 Spring 93 Needs assessment of business majors for the introduc- Automating university teaching by theyear 2000. tory MIS course. Chung S. Kim and Dane Peterson. J Gerald Smith and Jerry Debenham. THE I, Vol. 21, CIS. Vol. 33. No. 2: 51-53 Winter 92-93 No. 1: 71-75 Aug 93 Office infonnation systems as a field of study andre- Bridging higher education's technologygap in Africa. search. Elizabeth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 1- John Hayman. THE J. Vol. 20. No. 6: 63-68 Ja 93 17 Winter 93

Bringing office systems into focus projoct rTort. Eliza- Office information systems: resources fora growing beth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 18-39Winter field of study. Heidi R. Perreault and C. Steven Hunt. 93 OSR I, Vol. 11, No. 3: 45-56 Spring 93 22 Business Education Index

Office systems curriculum development: impetus, pro- Spencer. J ECOil Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 219-230 Summer cess, results. James Godell, Carol Johnson and Claudia 93 Orr. OSRA Proc, 194-206 Mr 93 Variables affecting the planning and implementation Partnerships reborn: new collaboration between indus- of office information systems curricula within college/ try and higher education. Georgia B. Miller. OSRA university setting& C. Steven Hunt and Heidi Perreault. Proc, 207-218 Mr 93 J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 77-81 Spring 93

Perceptual-based student outcomes assessment process Will the revised businas statistics course meet the in the marketing curriculum. Karen A. Glynn, K. N. needs ofthe business faculty? Timothy C. Krehbiel and Rajendran and Steven B. Corbin. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: Richard H. McClure. jEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 174-178 11-17 Sep-Oct 93 Ja/Feb 93

Real estate brokers view the college curriculum. Grant J. Wells and Numan A. Williams. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: Elementary 237-242 Mr/Ap 93 Network for a school of the future. Rocco Malfitano Seminar topic: assessment of quality management sys- and Phil Cincotta. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 70-74 May tems in education. Eileen Broughton, Andrew Moore 93 and Joe McLaughlin. SE1C Rev, No. 122: 46-48 Nov 93 Working with elemeinary students in keyboarding. Lila Prigge and Sandy 13raathen. Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 48, Successful planning for a changing MIS education. No. 1: 33-35 Oct 93 Robert Behling and Wallace Wood. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 353-357 JI/Aug 93 Graduate Surveying the writing assigned in functional areas Paula J. Pomerenke. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 28-31 A study of the impact of the graduate course profes- Dec 93 sional presentations using technology. Kristin Dee Carter. DPE I, Vol. 35, No. 3: 160-174 Summer 93 Teaching from tragixly: an interdisciplinary module on the space shuttle Challenger. Mark Maier. The J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 91-94 Sep 93 Junior High/Middle School Teaching international business in the information age: state of the art. Fahri Karakaya. J T hit Bus, Vol. 4, Collaboration and teacher change in the middle school. No. 3/4: 9-16 93 Rebecca Farris Mills and Judy P. Pollak. Clearinghs, Vol. 66 No. 5: 302-304 My/Ju 93 The CPA of the future: the role of higher education. Lawrence A. Klein and Elliott S. Levy. JEB, Vol. 68, Community service: a middle school success story. Robert W. Kiner. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 139-140 No. 4: 227-230 Mr/Ap 93 Ja/Feb 93 The need for better educating prospective knowledge engineers on knowledge acquisition. Jay Liebowitz. J Learning through experience: a workshop for middle school science teachers. Jean L. Pottle. Clearinghs, Vol. CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 37-41 Fall 93 66, No. 6: 339-340 ll/Aug 93 the undergraduate MIS cturiculum: a sampling of AACSB schools. Justin Stolen. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: Middle school computer applications. Sharon Andelora. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 45-52 92-93 54-57 Winter 92-93

The utililization of a SQL team project in a database course. Behrooz K. Seyed-Abbassi. OSRA Proc, 182- Postsccondary/ 189 Mr 93 A follow-up study of Little Hoop Community College Total quality management in a college of business: graduates for the years 1977-1991. Kathy M. Yager. design and curriculum issues. Charles F. Falk, Peggy University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 D. Brewer and Virgil L. Brewer. Mid-Amer] Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 3-9 Spring 93 A follow-up study of the legal assistant program gradu- ates of Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove U.S. business schools' reaction to the total quality Heights, Minnesota-1977 through 1992. Marguerite management movement. Bruce L. Stem and Douglas A. Baker. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis P. Tseng. JED, Vol. 69, No. 1: 44-48 Sep-Oct 93 1992

UK collegesgrowth in developing links with Europe. A postsecondary program in information management. Janet Elliott. SE1C Rev, No. 121: 40-42 Apr 93 Shirley L. Blair and Norman P. Uhl. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 27-35 Fall 92 Using writing across the curriculum in economics: is taking the plunge worth it? Avi J. Cohen and John

3 0 it Business Education Index 23

Building bridges. W. Norton Grubb and Eileen Applied communication: skills needed, skills taught. Kraskouskas. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 2: 24-25, 50 Feb Christine LaRocco. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 12-14 93 Winter 93

Speaking the language. Susie Brown. Voc Ed J, Vol. Collaboration: a link between the high school and the 68, No. 2: 20-21 Feb 93 university. M. P. Cavanaugh. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 335-338 J1/Aug 93 Strategies for the improvement of office occupations training and the integration ofJTPA programs in com- Factors, including cuniculum, that relate to test anxi- munity colleges. Jeanne M. Kruger. Southwest Mis- tr.? experienced by secondary school students. Mary souri State University, Master's thesis 1992 Jean Evers-Lush. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Tech prep at Atlantic Community Collegea success story. Patricia Learn Conn. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 53- How computers are being used in the business educa- 56 92-93 tion curriculum. NJ BE Ohs, Vol. 65: 22-28 92-93

What is the tech prep/ program? Dale How to refocus accounting content and methodology. Parnell. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 6-8 Winter 93 John Graham. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 30-33 Oct 93 Work to school transition. Larry Cline. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 2: 26-27, 49 Feb 93 Integrating academic and vocational education. W. Norton Grubb. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 26-27 Win- ter 93 Secondary/High School Introducing artificial intelligence into a high school's Should a full-year course of keyboarding by required computer curriculum. Richard W. Dillon. TIIE J, Vol. of all ninth grade students? Christine Van Boozer. 20, No. 8: 74-75 Mr 93 Northwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis 91 1,4's promote business education with an exeting new courseinternational business, Lynn Matthews. NJ BE A curriculum guide for electronic spreadsheet appli- Obs, Vol. 65: 15-21 92-93 cations in a secondary accounting course. Jack Knopp. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 Mathematics: an integration of views. Henry S. Kepner, Jr. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 19-21 Winter 93 A study of the integjation of international business concepts and materials in the state of Washington into Planning curriculum for entrepreneurship education. secondary business education courses. Frances Ann Cheryl L. Noll. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 3-5 Kelly. Central Washington University, Master's thesis Feb 93 1992 Secondary education in Brazil. Ilaroldo Albuquerque. A study to determine the integration of microcomput- 1SBE News, Vol. 24, No. 1: 7-9 Fall 93 ers into the accounting curriculum in public high schools in New Jersey. Linda F. Miske. NJ BE Obs, Status of curriculum and microcomputer usage in Vol. 65: 37-44 92-93 marketing education in secondary and arca vocational- technical schools in Kentucky. Brenda Scruggs. South- A study to determine the integration of microcomputer ern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis accounting into the curriculum in public high schools 1992 in New Jersey. Linda F. Miske. Montclair State Col- lege, Master's thesis 1992 'reaching ethics in high school. J. Markell Funiiss. Ckaringhs. Vol. 66, No. 6: 327-328 .11/Aug 93 A survey of Kansas high schools: business education courses as graduation requirements. Barbara Teaching for transfer in secondary introductory busi- Railsback. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 9-11 Spring 93 ness courses. Frederick J. 13artelheim. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 163-164 JafFeb 93 Accounting: a diamond in the secondary curriculum. William B. Hoyt. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 39- Views, beliefs, and opinions of secondary business edu- 41 Feb 93 cation by state employment service managers and sec- ondary principals in the Pacific Northwest. Debbie An analysis of the high school banking curriculum in Brumley, Constance Pollard and Martha C. Yopp. DPE a selected public school system in the metropolitan J, Vol. 35, No. 1: 39-50 Winter 93 Washington D.C. arca. Edith B. Ward. Virginia Poly- tecl iic Institute and State University, Doctoral disser- What tech prep means for business education. Diane tation 1992 P. Hogan and Anne L. Matthews. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 29-30, 32 Winter 93

31 24 Business Education Index Making sense of color management systems. Thad Document Design and Mellroy. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 8: 44-46, 48 Aug 93 Processing More ways to get rid of unsightly film. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 30 My 93 A touch of gray. Robin Levine. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 31-39 Dec 93 Paper chase. Gail Koffman. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 46, 48, 50, 52 Feb 93 An interdisciplinary approach to art and design educa- tion: computational design. Paul Brown. THE J, Vol. Paperless tigers. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 49- 21, No. 5: 72-76 Dec 93 50, 52 Mr 93

Better than the real thing. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, Recipe for homemade CD-ROMs. Terry Schussler. No. 4: 28-31 Ap 93 Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 44-46 Ja 93

Binding and lettering systems give the look of success. Second annual readers choice winners. Paul Maloy. Fiora Seaffi. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 52, 54, 56 My 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 53-59 Ju 93

Changing with the times. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Selecting paper shapes and sizes. Gayle G. Humpherys. 5: 18-23 My 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 57-58, 60 My 93 Color by numbers. Hans Hartman. Pub, Vol. 8. No. Teaching desktop publishing in a Windows environ- 11: 46, 49, 51 Nov 93 ment. Joyce H. Lapsley and Pamela L. McLeod. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 43-44 Ap 93 Color in the fast lane. Dan Doerner. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: 61-62 Nov 93 The fine art of trapping. Hans Hartman. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 14-19 Ja 93 Computers in design training: how much is enough? Joe Hutsko. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 48, 50, 52 Sep 93 Why 16 million copies aren't enough. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 38, 40, 42 Sep 93 Cooking up your own CD-ROMs. Daniel Todd and Rick Reynolds. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 62, 64, 66-67 Feb Word proc:ssing. desktop publishing share features. 93 Ellen 13raun. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 9, 11, 39 My 93

Creative-looking documents are key to business suc- cess. Gloria M. Curry. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 36-37 Desktop Publishing Applications Ju 93 Anew spin on the news. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Data based pages. Darcy DiNucci. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 4: 3: 30-34, 36 Mr 93 22-26 Ap 93 All the news that FITS. Aileen Abernathy. Pub, Vol. 8, Desktop publishing capabilities grow while prices No. 12: 42-44 Dec 93 shrink. Lynn Walford. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 30, 68 Ap 93 Anything but dull. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 18-24 Feb 93 Distinguished panels. Ben Calica. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 60, 62 Mr 93 Automatic invoicing. Kirk Strickland. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 111-114 Feb 93 Dee in the box. Peter Jerrarn. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: 52,55,57,59 Nov 93 Big, bigger, biggest. Connie Guglielmo. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 4: 46, 48, 50 Ap 93 Document origination and factors contributing to se- lection of orgination method: implications for business Building a framework for success. Gene Gable. Pub, curriculum. Linda Wiggs. Southern Illinois University Vol. 8, No. 4: 34-38 Ap 93 at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Built for speed. Aileen Abernathy. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 4: Electronic cruise control. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 42-44 Ap 93 1: 22-27 Ja 93 Creating slides in WordPerfect. Lisa Downs Bearnson. Graphic arts, digital imaging and technology educa- WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 47-49, 51 Mr 93 tion. Mike Reed. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 69-71 Dec 93 Digital photography takes flight. Gail Koffman. Pub, It's not easy being green. Serena Herr. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Vol. 8, No. 7: 26-30 J193 7: 18-23 J193 Electronic publishing the Japanese way. Stuart Lifting the burden of proof. Susan Shields. Pub, Vol. Silverstone. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 30-34, 36 Oct 93 8, No. 5: 26-29 My 93 32 Business Education Index 25

Greetings with graphics. Tracye Faulkner. WP Mag, Clip art close up. Jeff Hadfield. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. Vol. 5, No. 4: 34-36, 40-43 Ap 93 4: 45, 47-49 Ap 93

Jump shots. Robin Levine. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 28-31 Clips on the move. Tony Reveaux. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: Feb 93 48, 50 My 93

Marketing in motion. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Combining clip art. Ron Whitaker. WP Mag, Vol. 5, 10: 16-20 Oct 93 No. 6: 34-37 Ju 93

Model scanning techniques. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, Computer graphics take the stand. Gail Koffman. Pub, No. 3: 39-44 44 Mr 93 Vol. 8, No. 10: 39-40, 42 Oct 93

Painting with pixels. Stuart Silverstone. Pub, Vol. 8, Designing for the future. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. No. 1: 40-43 Ja 93 6: 40, 42, 44 Ju 93

Plate full of promise? Don Monkerud. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Effects of graphical versus textual representation of 1: 48, 50, 52 J3 93 database structure on query performance. Wesley Jamison and James T. C. Teng. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: Playing the numbers game. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, 16-23 Winter 93 No. 12: 23-27 Dec 93 Graphic arts, digital imaging and technology educa- Prepress artistry. Robin Levine. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 18- tion. Mike Reed. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 69-71 Dec 93 23 Ju 93 Graphics at a glance. Roger Gagon. WP Mag, Vol. 5, Set in stone. Gene Gable. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 9: 32-36 No. 3: 34-37, 40-41 Mr 93 Sep 93 Graphics basics II. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, Slide scanners: show your true colors. Richard Jantz. No. 5: 51-52, 54 My 93 Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 58-60 Oct 93 Graphics to go. Stuart Silverstone. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 8: Spruce up your reports with desktop publishing. Scott 50, 53, 55. 57 Aug 93 Ober. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 11-13 Oct 93 Influence of Myers-Briggs type on preference for data The new language ofdesktop publishing. Jill Robbins presentation format. Donald A. Carpenter, Jeffrey Israel. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 40-43 Mr 93 Anders and Alan Anderson. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 4: 85- 90 Summer 93 Traffic controls the xpress way. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: 36-41 Nov 93 Infonnation display modes and user cognitive profiles: interaction effects on the decision making process. Hulya Yazici and Raymond Kluczny. J CIS, Vol. 33, Graphics No. 4: 41-54 Summer 93

6.0's great new graphics features. Angda D. Ash. WP Photo CD turns pro. Bill Crider. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 40-43 Oct 93 52, 54, 56 31 93

6th annual design awards. Elizabeth Leahy. Pub, Vol. Splendid blends. Hans Hartman. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 8, No. 6: 26-35 Ju 93 37-38. 44 Ju 93

7 tips for faster graphics printing. Roger Gagon. WP Station identification. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 61-64 My 93 5: 32-36 My 93

A business graphics course for inlbnnation systems Talkin"bout acceleration. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Vol. curriculum. I3ehrooz K. Seyed-Abbassi and Yap Siong 8, No. 5: 72 My 93 Chua. OSRA Proc, 176-181 Mr 93 The fine art of filters. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: An introduction to graphics. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, 39-41 My 93 Vol. 5, No. 4: 51-54 Ap 93

Assumed identities. Robin Levine. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: Page Design 18-23 Sep 93 A page-numbering primer. Becky J. Beek. WP Mag, Blinded by the light. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 7: Vol. 5. No. 7: 73-74, 76 .11 93 48, 50 31 93 Best news-letter. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. Book review: Programming principles in computer 1: 45-47 Ja 93 graphics by Leendert Ammeraal. Milam W. Aiken. 3 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 33 Spring 93 Personalized greeting cards. Elden Nelson. WI' Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 63-66 Dec 93 33 26 Business Education Index

Prefab pages. James Felici. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 42-44 Ink again: the facts about cartridge recycling. Mark Feb 93 Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 28, 30, 32 Nov 93

The ultimate border macro. David Kosorok. WP Mag, Is now the time to buy a laser printer? Kermit Metzner. Vol. 5, No. 10: 52-55 Oct 93 Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 32, 38 Sep 93

Winning make-over. Gayle G. Humpherys. WP Mag, Laser sharp. Karen Wormald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. Vol. 5, No. 12: 47-53 Dec 93 12: 28-30 Dec 93

Wraparound text borders. David Kosorok. WP Mag, Lasers can lead small business to success. Patti Vol. 5, No. 7: 54-55, 57-59 JI 93 Feldman and William Feldman. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 56,58, 60 Ju 93 Reprographics Multifunction copiers are gaining in popularity. John Raymond. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 42, 44 11 93 7 tips for faster graphics printing. Roger Gagon. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 61-64 My 93 New technologies: key to regenerating copier sales. Douglas Finlay. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 24-26 Oct 93 A printer for all networks. Mike Hurwicz. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 53-54 Dec 93 New! Color printing in 6.0. Warren Brunson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 77-80 Oct 93 Anything but dull. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 18-24 Feb 93 Office copiers now offer standard features at top speeds. Karen Wormald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 20-22 Mr 93 At your service. Thad Mcllroy. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 53- 54 My 93 Paper chase. Gail Koffman. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 46, 48, 50, 52 Feb 93 Big, bigger, biggest. Connie Guglielmo. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 4: 46, 48, 50 Ap 93 Paper less? Karen Wormald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 36, 39-40 Oct 93 Buyers' guide to copying equipment. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 62-64 Ja 93 Personal laser printers under 51,100. Paul Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 43-44, 46-48 Ju 93 Buyers' guide to full-color copiers. Office, Vol 117, No. 1: 65 la 93 Plate full of promise? Don Monkerud. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 48, 50, 52 Ja 93 Closing the color gap. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 4: 63 Ap 93 Postscript thermal wax printers. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 54, 56, 58 Sep 93 Color to dye for. Gene Gable. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 6: 53, 56 Ju 93 Print four pages per sheet. Mark Colen. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 7: 77-79, 81 11 93 Copier controls cut costs. Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 66 Ja 93 Quick fixes for common printing problems. Scott Larsen. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 77-80 Nov 93 Copier technology improves with new features and uses. Julie LeGalle. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 38, 40 Ap Reduce, reuse and recycle: office conservation pro- 93 grams. Lin Grensing-Pophal. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 56-58 Sep 93 Copier trends. Nonnan L. Lankford. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 60 Ja 93 Review 9 printer-sharing devices. Warren Brunson. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 7: 63-64, 66-67 .11 93 Four mistakes to avoid with copiers and supplies. Mark Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 14-16 JI 93 Royal prints. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 50- 51 Dec 93 HiFi color. Bruce Fraser. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 42, 44, 46 My 93 The color of copiers. Carl A. Lindquist. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 20-24 Nov 93 High on fiber. Paul Worthington. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 54, 56, 58 Mr 93 The office buyer's guide to full-color copiers. Office, Vol. 118. No. I : 52 11 93 How to choose a copier. Brian Merriman. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 3: 14-15 Mr 93 The office buyer's guide to copying equipment. Of- fice, Vol. 118, No. I : 46. 48, 50 .11 93 In search of the perfect copier. Frank Hill. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 18, 20, 22, 24-25 .11 93 Toner a critical supply item for copiers and printers. Michael Finley. otr Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 36, 38 Ap 93 34 Business Education Index 27

Uncontrolled use of:photocopies breeds inefficiency. 40 fresh tips. Kelly Paul Merrill. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. Cindra Morgan. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 20 Mr 93 8: 36-38, 41 Aug 93 What can your printer do? Roger Gagon. WP Mag, 6.0's top 30. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: Vol. 5, No. 1: 63-66, 68 Ja 93 42-45 Sep 93 A hard look at soft fonts. Paul Maloy. WP Mag. Vol. Typography 5, No. 8: 93-97 Aug 93 50 cents vs. $50 typefaces. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, A jiffy job form. S. Scott Zimmerman. WP Mag, Vol. No. 4: 54, 56, 58-59 Ap 93 5, No. 4: 22-29 Ap 93 A review of 4 postscript upgrade cartridges. Paul A look at alternative reference manuals. Paul Maloy. Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 45-50 My 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 57-62 Nov 93 Bridge the gap with kerning and leading. S. Scott A look at six online services. Robert L Wright. WP Zimmerman. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 65-66, 68 Mr Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 59-61 Dec 93 93 A macro to find overused words. Elden Nelson. WP Building a framework for success. Gene Gable. Pub, Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 20, 22-25 Ju 93 Vol. 8, No. 4: 34-38 Ap 93 A page-numbering primer. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Compose characters automatically. Debra White. WP Vol. 5, No. 7: 73-74, 76 J193 Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 44-46 Oct 93 A WP crossword puzzle. Susan K. Hird. WP Mag, Vol. Easy drop caps. Gayle G. Humpherys and William J. 5. No. 2: 33 Feb 93 Schultz. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 47-49 Oct 93 ABCs of tabbing. Camille Soderquist. WP Mag, Vol. Font-switching styles. Edie Rockwood. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 63-66 Ju 93 5, No. 2: 84-87 Feb 93 An easy employee information form. Becky J. Beck I arge type with equation editor. Robin Jenkins. WP and Charlotte Noriega. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 33-34 Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 117-119 Feb 93 1193 Simultaneous font attributes add bold, italics, under- Bar charts with tables. Ralph Blodgett. WP Mag, Vol. line, etc. to the same text. Calvin H. Chipman and Rick 5, No. 3: 30, 32-33 Mr 93 Kidman. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 48-52 J193 Barcoding envelopes with 5.1 and 6.0. Roger Gagon. Step up to 6.0 scalable fonts. Gayle G. Humpherys. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 69-73 Sep 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 75-78 Dec 93 Best macro. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. I: The shape of things to come. David Berlow. Pub, Vol. 38-44 Ja 93 8, No. 1: 34, 36, 38 Jo 93 Best news-letter. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. To every thing, kern, kern, kern. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 1: 45-47 la 93 8, No. 12: 46-49 Dec 93 Better letter macros. Denise Vega-Perkins. WP Mag, Type troubleshooting in Windows. Skye Lininger. Pub, Vol. 5, No. 2: 48-51 Feb 93 Vol. 8, No. 9: 44, 46, 53 Sep 93 Button bar mania. Roger Gagon. \VP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 65-67 Nov 93

Word Processing Applications Clean up your hard disk. Kelly Paul Merrill. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 11: 73-76 Nov 93 10 things every computer novice should know. David Kosorok. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 9: 63-64, 66 Sep 93 Clients at your fingertips. Calvin H. Chipman and Renee Davis. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 42-46 Mr 93 13 new pointing devices to make WP 6.0 fly! Robert L. Wright and Paul Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: Columns made easy. Camil:e Soderquist. WP Mag, 61-65 Oct 93 Vol. 5, No. 9: 59-61 Sep 9") 20 questions macro quiz. Edie Rockwood. WP Mag, Converting macros from 3.1 to 6.0. David Kosorok. Vol. 5. No. 6: 61-62 Ju 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 27-31 Oct 93

3 formatting tools. Camille Soderquist. WP Mag, Vol. Copycat labels duplicate them in a flash. Steve Spen- 5. No. 10: 69, 71-72 Oct 93 cer. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 62-65, 68 Feb 93 4 sly/es to help dress up your documents. Lisa Downs Create your own phone book. Becky J. Beck and Beamson, WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 44-46 Feb 93 Raelpm.Klafke. WP Mag, Vol. No. 10: 37-39 Oct 93 35 28 Business Education Index

Creating a daily planner. Todd Christensen. WP Mag, Importing and linking in 5.1 and 6.0 spreadsheets: Vol. 5, No. 12: 33-35 Dec 93 making the WP connection. Luther Maddy Ill. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 54-58 Dec 93 Creating soft keyboards. Kelly Paul Menill. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 67-69 Dec 93 Learning the basics of variables. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 19-23 My 93 Crossword challenge. Camille Soderquist. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 48-49 Aug 93 Learning to make for each loops. Elden Nelson. WP M.ig, Vol. 5, No. 9: 21-24 Sep 93 Customize your WP dictionary. Charles L. Swift. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 58-61 Feb 93 Letterheads you'll love. Scott Jon McHardy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 32-35 My 93 Customized coupons. Angela D. Ash. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 67-70 Aug 93 List files pop quiz. Bob Friedman. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 63-64 Mr 93 Cut bulk mail costs. Marcus J. Smith. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 51-54 Sep 93 Liven up your page numbers. Hirsten Frysinger. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 38-42 Feb 93 Decision-making macros. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 20, 22-24 J193 Macros 101: Elden Nelson. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 1: 21-25 Ja 93 Designer name tags. Steve Erwin. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 5: 38-43 My 93 Macros that make a choice. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 17, 19, 20-22 Aug 93 Double documents. Gayle G. Humpherys. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 98, 100-101 Aug 93 Making booklets in 5.1 and 6.0. Gayle G. Humpherys. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 34-39 Sep 93 Exercise log. Doreen Hurd. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 27-29 My 93 Mastering keyboard merge. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 73-74. 76 Oct 93 Expandable rolLs with tables and merge. 13

Quick quiz. Edie Rockwood. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: Word search. Gayle G. Humpherys and John Burque 31-33 Ja 93 Pratt. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 70-74 Feb 93

Revealing codes. Camille Soderquist. WP Mag, Vol. WordPerfect 6.0: 10 new things it does for you. Elden 5, No. 11: 69-71 Nov 93 Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 36-38, 40, 42-43 J1 93 Review 7 electronic dictionaries. Paul Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 53-57 Mr 93 WordPerfect's workgroup solution. Jeff Hadfield and Allen Biehl. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 54-57 Aug 93 Search and replace magic tricks. Stephen Nebel. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 59, 61-62 Mr 93 WP*s labels macro. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 40-44 Nov 93 Secondary files in seconds. Cathy Eakle. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 66-68 Oct 93 WP's printer control menu. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 69-71 Ju 93 Solving common table problems. Lori Quinn. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 29-30 Sep 93 Wraparound text borders. David Kosorok. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 54-55, 57-59 J193 Sunscreen for your computer. Roger Gagon. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 52-56 Feb 93

Table of contents made easy. Angela D. Ash and Jerry Educational Institutions L. Stem. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 62-6:1) Aug 93 A legal update on sexual harassment in the public Table top billboards. Lucie Rivoire. WP Mag, Vol. 5, schools. Bernadette Marczely. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. No. 6: 38-42 Ju 93 6: 329-331 31/Aug 93

Tackling Tourette's syndrome. Robert L. Wright. WP A paradigm for user acceptability of expert advisory Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 55-56 Nov 93 systems. Eva M. Phillips and Eve Rosenthal. OSRA Proc, 132-147 M ?3 The ultimate border macro. David Kosorol, WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 52-55 Oct 93 A pilot study of information systems curriculum in foreign educational institutions. Martin D. Goslar and Three test-making macros. Gina Uranich. WP Mag, P. Candace Deans. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 8-17 Fall 93 Vol. 5, No. 8: 58-61 Aug 93 A public school superintendent's case for choice. Wil- Tricks for starting macros quick. Elden Nelson. WP liam J. Moloney. Clearingbs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 87-89 Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 19-22 Mr 93 Nov/Dec 92

Trim your fax form. Elden Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, Ancillary programs: the appimrance ofchange. Michael No. 2: 21-22, 24-26 Feb 93 Koehler. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 21-22 Sep/Oct 93 Type special characters. Read Gilgen. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 50-53 Aug 93 Applications of control chart% to an educational sys- tem. CharltN A. Melvin. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 74-85 Using Microsoft Word 4.0: a curriculum guide. Jody Special 93 Peper. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Book review: The economics of American higher edu- Using the FOR command. Elden C. Nelson. WP Mag, cation by William E. Becker and Darrell R. Lewis. Vol. 5, No. 10: 23-26 Oct 93 James G. Mulligan. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 188- 192 Spring 93 W?..ste ... not! message pads. Ray Myers. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 59-62 la 93 Businesses and universities: Similar challenges, shared solutions. Anne L. Christensen and Dos= Philbrick. When writers block (Alt-F4). Angela D. Ash. WP Mag, JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 6-9 Sep-Oct 93 Vol. 5, No. 8: 103-105 Aug 93 Charter schools: choices for parents, chances for chil- Winning forum. Gayle G. Humpherys. WP Mag, Vol. dren. Stephen C. Tracy. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 5, No. 12: 38-42 Dec 93 90-91 Nov/Dec 92

Winning macro. Becky J. Beck. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. Faculty perceptions of college of business recruitment 12: 43-45 Dec 93 practices. Roger L. Lufl, Terry D. Lundgren and Ted Ivarie. SBR, Vol. 3 No. 1: 41-52 Spring 93 Winning make-over. Gaylc G. Ilumpherys. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 47-53 Dec 93 Leadership in the proprietary school environment. Shirley C. Lowery. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 137-144 Winning tickets. Brian Peabody. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1993 11: 46-50 Nov 93 37 30 Business Education Index

Magnet schools and issues of education quality. Rolf application letters? Nelda Spinks and Barron Wells. K. Blank and Douglas A. Archbald. Clearinghs, Vol. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 28-29 Sep 93 66, No. 2: 81-86 Nov/Dec 92 Beyond the nest egg. Denise Loftus. See, Vol. 53, No. More on a nation at risk: have the recommendations 9: 7-9 Nov/Dec 93 been implemented? Clifford H. Edwards and Wallace E. Allred. Clearinghs, Vol. 67 No. 2: 85-87 Nov/Dec Book review: In search of excess: the overcompensa- 93 tion of American executives by Graef S. Crystal. Henry H. Beam. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 65-66 Spring Promote school renewal: plan a retreat. Mary Ann 93 Blank and Cheryl Kershaw. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 4: 206-208 Mr/Ap 93 CareerWorks: a career development program for Hazeldon Corporation. Anne Hughson. University of Providing institutional support for educational tech- Minnesota, Master% thesis 1992 nologies: a case study. C. Joseph Williams and Charles R. Crowell, THE 3, Vol. 21, No. 4: 114-118 Nov 93 Classroom 2000: a room with a view to the ftiture. Howard M. Brown and Patricia Gold Minton. THE J, Research productivity, peroeived ttmchingeffixtiveness Vol. 20, No. 8: 65-69 Mr 93 and management faculty opinions: a survey. Daniel Hotard, Herman Manakyan and John Tanner. SBR, Define and teach employability skills to guarantee stu- Vol. 3, No. 1: 23-39 Spring 93 dent success. Vicki A. Poole and Donald K. Zahn. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. I: 55-59 Sep/Oct 93 Scab! Crossing the picket line in a teacher strike. Carol Righi. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 332-334 .11/Aug 93 Developing emplopnent skills in the affective domain. Joyce A. Jenson. NIBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 2: 4 Mr Seminar topic: assessment of quality management sys- 93 tems in education. Eileen Broughton, Andrew Moore and Joe McLaughlin. SE1C Rev, No. 122: 46-48 Nov Employee perceptions of the relationship between 93 communication and productivity: a field study. Phillip G. Clampitt and Cal W. Downs. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- No. 1: 5-28 93 pals. Myrna Matranga, Mary Pat Horner and George Clearinghs Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Sep/Oct 93 Employers' perceptions of the importance of various skills in the employinent of high school graduates in Total quality management in a college of business: entry-level positions. Anthony Santiago. Jr.. Master's operations and administration. Charles F. Falk, Peggy thesis 1992 D. Brewer and Virgil L. Brewer. Mid-AinerJ Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 How collegiate placement offices can assist job seek- ers. Daryl L. Kerr. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 5: 309-312 My/ U.S. business sdlools' reaction to the total quality man- Ju 93 agement movement. Bruce L. Stern and Douglas P. Tseng. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 44-48 Sep-Oct 93 Occupational education: equity issues. Eunice M. Foldesy and George Foldesy. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. Using the "grapevine" to effect change in schools. Tho- 2: 69-70 Nov/Dee 93 mas A. Rakes and Glenda C. Cox. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 17-20 Sep/Oct 93 Preparing graduates for the transition to work: a tax- onomy of critical skills. Elwood F. Ilolton, Ill. LBEJ. Why schools fail and what we can do about it. Edward Vol. 3. No. I : 36-52 93 L. Vockell. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 4: 200-205 Mr Ap 93 Preparing graduates for the workforce: the role of busi- ness education. Mary Anne Raymond. David E. Workshop topic: recomition of diplomas is ithin and McNabb and C. Frederick Matthaei. JEB, Vol. 68, No. outside the EC. Josef Schelling. SE1C Rev. No. 122: 4: 202-206 Mr/Ap 93 30-32 Nov 93 Secret taping by employees: a few words about a new dilemma for employers. Jon D. Bible. SBR. Vol. 3, Employment No. 1: 13-21 Spring 93 self-esteem of working women in business and A 4GL based executive search system. Ruediger academia. Carol A. Lundgren. DPE J. Vol. 35. No. 1: Mueller. J EUC. Vol. 5, No. 2: 5-16 Spring 93 14-25 Winter 93

A retirement dream. Linda Daily. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 9: Small companies, big dividends. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, 10-11 Nov/Dec 93 Vol. 53, No. 9: 18-19 Nov Dec 93

Are preferences of small companies likely to agree with Technical'mechanical skill areas and related tasks and those of large corporations concerning resumes and cognitive/alnetive competencies essential for entry-

38 BEST COPY nAILABLE Business Education Index 31

level office workers in the Gratiot county area of Michi- Bringing office systems into focus project report. Eliza- gan. Barbara J. Prikasky. Central Michigan Univer- beth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 18-39 Winter sity, Master's thesis 1992 93

The law office team. Alice W. Callum. MBEA Today, Business issues: "then" and "now" perspectives. Chris- Vol. 57, No. 1: 1, 5, 6 Jan 92 tine Monica Irvine. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 12-13 Spring 93 The southwest director's column. Marilyn Ewing. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 8-9 Spring 93 Characteristics and perceived competernies of plant managers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Charles T. Usingthe Myers-Briggs type indicator to compare per- Kmeger. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 193-217 Fall 93 sonality types of business teachers who teach office occupations with personality types of office profession- Characteristics of career achievement: perceptions of als. Karen Waner and Lonnie Echternacht. DPEJ, Vol. African-American corporate executives. Carl Remus 35, No. 2: 53-68 Spring 93 Bridges and Valerie S. Perotti. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 61-64 Spring 93 Variable-pay plans, a reflection of compensation in the '90s. Sherry Lee. University of Minnesota, Master's Communication skills in employment ads of major thesis 1992 United States newspapers. Mona Casady and F. Stanford Wayne. SBR, Vol. 35, No. 2: 86-99 Spring What does the future hold for office occupations? 93 Donna J. Keenan. LBEJ, Vol. 3. No. 1: 84-94 93 Computer literacy: competencies expected by large Who is today's professional secretary? Sec, Vol. 53, corporations. J. Ellis Blanton and Thomas P. No. 4: 18-22 Ap 93 Schambach. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 58-62 Winter 92- 93 \Vorkshop topic: does a person have to be able to do everything? Leo Heimerer. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 43-44 Conference reporting: a career worth considering! Su- Nov 93 san Switzer and Richard D. Featheringham. MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: I, 3, 4 Mr 92 Writing an effective resume. Robert A. Funk. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 1: 20-21 Ja 93 Court reporting in the year 2000. Jerry Kelley. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 32-33 Dec 93 Job Satisfaction From layoff to payoff. Ann Dykrnan. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 20-21 Oct 93 Another call from home: the work and family conflict by Dartnell. Marilyn Martin Rossmann. Qtly, Her life's work. Tracy Fellin Savidge. Sec, Vol. 53, Vol. 4, No. 2: 212-217 Summer 93 No. 8: 8-10 Oct 93

Factors that contribute to job stress among stockbro- Home alone: technology lets people work at home. Clif kers. Kay L. Labelle. Central Michigan University, Garboden. OfT Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 16-17, 19-20 Feb Master's thesis 1992 93

Supervisory behavior and worker satisfaction in the How to be a value-added secretary. Jackie Perrett. Sec, United States, Mexico, and Span,. Norman R. Page Vol. 53, No. 7: 13-15 Aug/Sep 93 and Richard L. Wiseman. J Bus Com, Vol. 30. No. 2: 161-180 93 Information technology and job characteristics: a changing mix for administrative support personnel. Pamela Marino. OSRA Proc, 25-40 Mr 93

Occupational Information Job design and skill level in using information tech- nology: perceptions of administrative support person- A new game plan for American workers. Phyllis Eisen. nel in financial organizations. Pamela Marino. DPE J, Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 18-19, 57 Oct 93 Vol. 35, No. 3: 121-137 Summer 93

A study to determine skills and competencies needed Office information systems as a field of study and re- for office employment as reported by selected employ- search. Elizabeth A. Regan. OSR J. Vol. 11, No. 2: 1- ers in northwest Arkansas. Janet C. Butts. University 17 Winter 93 of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Doctoral dissertation 1993 Office support employment in the John A. Logan Col- An analysis of the reasons students drop out of court lege district in Southern Illinois. Marilyn Haywood. reporting and how they could be influenced to remain. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's Marcella J. Kocar. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 123-128 Dec thesis 1992 93 Results from a national survey of court reporters. Joyce An ounce of prevention. Julie McCashin. Sec, Vol. 53, P. Jacobsen. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 42-47 Ju 93 No. 5: 6-8 My 93 39 32 Business Education Index Should you try temping? Robert Lyons. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 2: 10-12 Feb 93 General Education

Somewhere out there. Howard Sp lete and Jeff Davis. A blueprint to revolutionize America's schools. Jeff Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 7: 26-27 60 Oct 93 Bingaman, Edward M. Kennedy and Thad Cochran. THE 3, Vol. 21, No. 1: 4, 6, 8 Aug 93 Teacher employment in Tennessee: a comparison. Bertee Adkins and Ralph David Begley. KBEA J, 9- A consumer behavior perspective on choice of univer- 11 Spring 93 sity. Joseph A. Maglio, Jr.. University of Minnesota, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Telecommunications competencies for clerical office professionals. Valerie T. Akeyo and Constance Pollard. A follow-up study of Little Hoop Community College OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 21-26 Fall 92 graduates for the years 1977-1991. Kathy M. Yager. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 The 21st-century secretary. Linda Daily. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 12-14 My 93 A playful environment in a cooperative physics class- room. Deborah Court. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 295- The career development and aspirations of women in 298 My/Ju 93 middle level management positions in business tinns. Rose Mary Wentling. OSRA Proc, 41-57 Mr 93 A public school superintendent's case for choice. Wil- liam J. Moloney. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 87-89 The relationship of skill level and job characteristics Nov/Dec 92 as perceived by administrative support personnel us- ing information processing technologies. Pamela A realistic approach to teaching American government. Marino. New York University, Doctoral dissertation Alvin Wolf. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 211-212 Mr/ 1992 Ap 93

The use of information technology and its relationship American school 2000: Westfield's technology initia- to job characteristics of administrative support person- tive. Jeffrey L. Beier, Van Cooley and Raymond Reitz. nel. Pamela Marino. OSR 3, Vol. 11, No. 3: 1-14 Spring THE 3, Vol. 20 No. 10: 83-86 May 93 93 An educational challenge: working through a philo- Utilization of business communication skills by col- sophical contradiction. Barry Kanpol. Clearinghs, Vol. lege of business administration graduates. Richard D. 66, No. 4: 241-244 Mr/Ap 93 Featheringham, Susan K. Switzer and Larry L Tho- mas. ABA Nat Proc, 268-280 93 An interpretive study of non-traditional education and training setting. Jeffrey Taxdahl. University of Minne- Women's work no more. Jeannette McBride-Bass. Voc sota, Master's thesis 1992 Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 22-23, 46 Mr 93 Answering the call for school reform. Willard R. Performance Evaluation Daggett. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 2-3 Winter 93 Aviation career education: an exciting option. James Assessment of end-user computing from an organiza- McGerald, John A. Nidds and Mary Ann Turney. tional perspective. Francois Bergeron, Suzanne Rivard Clearinghs Vol. 67, No. 2: 103-104 Nov/Dec 93 and Louis Raymccid. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 14-25 Win- ter 93 Book review: Video kids: making sense of Nintendo by Eugene Provenzo. Robert J. Kroll. !Cons Aff Vol. Computer information satisfaction: a longitudinal 27, No. 1: 199-202 Summer 93 study of computing systems and EUC in a publicor- ganization. Kristy D. Glorfeld and Timothy Paul Can a hands-on, middle grades science workshop have Cronan. 3 EUC, Vol. 5, No. I : 27-36 Winter 93 staying power? Oakley D. Hadfield and Fred Lillibridge. Clearinghs, Vol. 66 No. 4: 213-217 Mr/ Implementing a microcomputer-based work reporting Ap 93 and monitoring system for government services:a case study. L. Douglas Kiel. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 18-25 Charter schools: choices for parents, chances for chil- Winter 93 dren. Stephen C. Tracy. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 90-91 Nov/Dee 92 Organizational factors affecting the evaluation of in- formation systems performance. Carol Saunders and Choice as a vehicle for urban educational change in Jack Williams Jones. 1RM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 5-21 Fall the 1990s. Stephanie R. Counts and Beverly 92 Lavergneau. Clearinghs, Vol. 66 No. 2: 79-80 Nov/ Dec 92

4 0 110

Business Education Index 33

Classroom 2000: a room with a view to the future. Promote school renewal: plan a retreat. Mary Ann Howard M. Brown and Patricia Gold Minton. THE 3, Blank and Cheryl Kershaw. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. Vol. 20, No. 8: 65-69 Mr 93 4: 206-208 Mr/Ap 93 Cooperative learning in seventh-grade literature Quality is not a quick fix. Kenneth R. Freeston. groups. Sandra L. Renegar and Velda Haertling. Clearinglis, Vol. 66, No. 6: 344-348 ..11/Aug 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 218-222 Mr/Ap 93 "Real talk": enhancing critical thinking skills through Crafts, commitments and computer connections. L D. conversation in the classroom. Charles S. Bacon and Montgomery. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 79-82 May 93 Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 181-184 Ja/Feb 93 Distance learning options available in western Ne- braska. Roger G. Wess. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 62-67 School-family partnerships: Minneapolis public Ap 93 schools model for success. Robyn Cousin. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Eight myths about school choice. Joe Nathan. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 71-74 Nov/Dec 92 Science or aesthetics: a joumey through chemistry class. Robert P. Craig and Ruth Kravetz. Clearinghs, Examining school choice issues. Thomas M. Corwin. Vol. 66, No. 6: 363-365 JI/Aug 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 68-70 Nov/Dec 92 See no evil. Thomas R. McDaniel. Clearinghs, Vol. Fostering moral growth through teaching literature. 66, No. 2: 100 Nov/Dec 92 Michael J. Marnane and James R. K. Heinen. Clearinghs, Vol. 67 No. 2: 80-82 Nov/Dec 93 Sex education in the English classroom Ramona Young. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 341-343 J1/Aug "Frontiers in science: an in-service for science teach- 93 ers. Judith A. Hazier. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 281- 284 1.,./Ju 93 Sophomore retention at UND-Lake Region. Doug Darling. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis Harvey Mudd College: technology integration offers 1992 unique opportunities for undergraduates. John Barna and Jim Winstead. The J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 105-108 Sep Student teachers' mathematical backgrounds and at- 93 tainment of their secondary students. D. James Tooke. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 273-277 My/Ju 93 Involving veteran teachen in a state induction program. Joan M. Hofmann and Harriet Feldlaufer. Clearinghs, Students solve real problems for business via Vol. 66, No. 2: 101-103 Nov/Dec 92 TECHNET. Ray M. Haynes. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 62-64 Mr 93 Is there a relationship between attendance and grade point average at Northwest Missouri Community Col- Teaching history using the short story. Rodney M. lege? L. Renee Gorman and Debra Webb. Northwest White. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 305-306 My/Ju 93 Missouri State University, Master's thesis 1992 Teaching problem-solving strategies. Karen A. Bosch K-12's online future: looking for Mr. Goodnet. Fred and Katharine Kersey. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 228- S. Goldberg. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 10: 75-78 May 93 230 Mr/Ap 93

Magnet schools and issues of education quality. Rolf Teaching science: the dissection dilenuna. Donald E. K. Blank and Dou3las A. Archbald. Clearinghs, Vol. Ricchard. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 4-5 Sep/Oct 93 66, No. 2: 81-86 Nov/Dec 92 Teaching social studies: the standards movement. Network for a school of the future. Rocco Malfitano Donald Schneider. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 5-7 Sep/ and Phil Cincotta. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 70-74 May Oct 93 93 Teen sexual activity and the need for the development Outcomes based education. Ralph Stutzman. Kan Bus of the moral imagination. Robert P. Craig. Clearinghs, Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 12-13 Spring 93 Vol. 66, No. 4: 225-227 Mr/Ap 93

Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- The constitutionality ofchoice under the establishment grade class. Margaretl. Nand, Mary Driscoll, Maurice clause. Stephen H. Freid. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: J. Elias and Joseph A. lerardi. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 92-95 Nov/Dec 92 3: 177-180 Ja/Feb 93 The Indy 500 and physics: how a partnership brought Project SPARC: kindling writing in science. Jean L. them together. Nancy B. Carlson and C. Aviva Mintz. Pottle. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 107-108 Nov/Dec THE J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 101-104 Scp 93 92

41 34 Business Education Index

The U.S. challenge to be NI: opportunity amidst per- Seven essentials of effective at-risk programs. M. Lee ils. Walter E. Massey. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 6: 69-71 Ja Manning. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 135-138 Ja/Feb 93 93 To be or not to be: what students think about drama. Start making sense. Patricia C. Duttweiler and Linda Pamela J. Farris and Joanne Parke. Clearinghs, Vol. Shirley. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 22-25 My 93 66, No. 4: 231-234 Mr/Ap 93 Teach the parent reach the child. Carolyn Brink and Transition into adult life: the New Zealand experience. Kathy Chandler. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 26-27, 48 Beverly Ashton. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 171-173 My 93 Ja/Feb 93 Ten innovative uses of video with at-risk students. Using multicultural novels in the classroom. Kerri J. Barbara K McKenzie. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 238- Rjchard and Gisela Ernst. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 240 Mr/Ap 93 88-90 Nov/Dec 93 What's really at stake in the school choice debate? Charles L Glenn. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 75-78 Guidance and Counseling Nov/Dec 92 School counseling: establishing a professional defini- Which choice? whose choice? Ann Bastian. Clearinghs, tion. Thomas C. Harrison, Jr. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. Vol. 66, No. 2: 96-99 Nov/Dec 92 6: 325-326 JI/Aug 93 Why schools fail and what we can do about it. Edward School-family partnerships: Minneapolis public L. Vockell. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 200-205 Mr/ schools model for success. Robyn Cousin. University Ap 93 of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992

Will schools become families of the future? Nancy Somewhere out there. Howard Splete and Jeff Davis. Belck and Jerry Jinks. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 146- Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 26-27 60 Oct 93 150 Ja/Feb 93 Writing to learn in a content area. Julie Johnson, Melinda Holcombe, Gloria Simms and David Wilson. Human Relations Clearinghs Vol. 66, No. 3: 155-158 Ja/Feb 93 Addressing sensitive social issues with interactive tech- nology. Robert A. Vogel. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, it-Risk Students No. 1: 21-26 Spring 93 A place in the sun. Carolyn DeM aria. Voc Ed J. Vol. Book review: Crucial decisions: leadership in 68, No. 4: 32-34 My 93 policymaking and crisis management by Irving L. Janis. Donald P. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. I: "Count me in, too" math instructional stategies for the 82-84 93 discouraged learner. Karen A. Bosch and Rebecca S. Bowers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 104-106 Nov/Dec Career boosters. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 92 16-18 Aug/Sep 93

From lone star to the big sky. Camille Moody Jennings. Conflict and divided loyalty: a fundamental leadership THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 67-70 Aug 93 dilemma. Lane Tracy. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 21-28 Fall 93 Gotta have it. Carla M. Punsalan. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 28-31 My 93 Conflict versus consensus: processes and their effect on team decision making. Timothy S. Kochery. HRD Internships build confidence, skills. Doris Harper. Voc Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 185-191 Summer 93 Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 35 My 93 Corporate culture: preliminary data from a major sur- Lessons of the heart. Christine B. LaRocco. Voc Ed J, vey or North American organizations. Ray Terlaga. Vol. 68, No. 1: 37-38 Ja 93 OSRA Proc, 82-92 Mr 93

Motivating students. Sharon S. Redick and C. Michael Effects of culture and gender on principal-teacher com- Lloyd. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 36 My 93 munication in school. Thomas D. Gougeon and Susan I. I lutton. I IRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 277-290 Fall 93 Practices used to accommodate at-risk students in high school business education programs. Betty J. Roderick. Efkcts of selfesteem and perceived goal difficulty on Southwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis goal setting, certainty, task performance, and attribu- 1992 tions. Thomas Li-Ping Tang mid David B. Reynolds. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 153-170 Summer 93

4 2 Business Education Index 35

Gift-giving has its own etiquette. Richard B. Elsheny. Cyberspace, the constitution, and the electronic fron- Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 26, 28, 30 Sep 93 tier foundation. David Farber. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 22-27 Summer 93 1 Invited ruction: the quality revoluticti and research- a need for more examination of teamwork. Phillip J. Defining ethics. John H. Lea. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 24- Decker HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 149-151 Summer 26 Ju 93 93 Ethical decision-making in organization development: Loyalty, value congruency, and affective organizational current theory and practice. Susan Devogel. Univer- commitment: an empirical study. Isaiah 0. Ugboro. sity of Minnota, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 29-36 Fall 93 Ethical issues in business oommunication. Iris!. Varner. Predicting organizational orientation toward tenns. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 30-31 Sep 93 Darlene Russ-Eft. HAD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 125-134 Summer 93 How to incorporate the topic of ethics into the reorga- nized business communication course. Paula Brown. Using the work group as a laboratory for learning: in- ABA Nat Proc, 195-201 93 creasing leadership and team effectiveness through feedback. Harriet V. Lawrence and Albert K. Wiswell. Implementation of a process for the design of an epi- HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 135-148 Summer 93 sodic ethics assessment instrument. Debbie D. DuFrene, Larry G. Daniel and Florence E. Elliott- Strategic management of emerging human resource Howard. DPE I, Vol. 35, No. 4: 245-257 Fall 93 issues. Newman S. Peery, Jr. and Mahmoud Salem. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 81-95 Spring 93 Implementing ADA in court and other public places. Judith II. Brentano. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 24-25 11 93 The effectiveness of employee of employee assistance program supervisor training: a rejoinder (IIRDQ 3:4). Integration of ethical issues into the MIS curriculum. Phillip D. Johnson. I1RD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 193-195 James A. Hall and Diane M. Hamilton. J CIS, Vol. 33, Summer 93 No. 2: 32-37 Winter 92-93

The impact of Deming quality management of inter- Legal firsts. Taylor Reese. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 36-37 departmental cooperation. Eileen F. N. Collard. IIRD Dee 93 Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 71-79 Spring 93 Lill:long learning skills needed by Michigan's profes- sional and teclmical workers as perceived by human Ethics and Law resource managers. Karen L. Norman. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 5: 5, 9 Dec 93 A legal update on sexual haras.sment in the public schools. Bernadette Marczdy. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. NCRA code of professional ethics. I CR. Vol. 54, No. 6: 329-331 11/Aug 93 8: 28-30 in 93 \A, Adoption of what? inlbnnation policy for records of NCR/Vs rule 30 testimony. William K. Slate, II. J CR, adoption (of people) in the U.S. Susan K. Goodman. It Vol. $4. No. 10: 28-29 Aug/Oct 93 M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 3, 4. 6-8, 10, 11 Apr 93 Recent NCRA public advisory opinions. J CR, Vol. Book review: Ethical issues in information systems by 54. No. 8: 31-34 Ju 93 Roy Dejoie. George Fowler. and David Paradice. Joan Pierson. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 77-78 Winter 92-93 Rccordkeeping requirements to promote public inter- ests-a balanee between government needs and burdens. Boot, review: Taking sides: clashing views on contro- Donald S. Skupsky. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 36, 40, versial issues in business ethics and society by Lisa II. 42-43. 59 Oct 93 Newton & Maureen M. Ford. James S. O'Rourke, IV ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 46-47 Ju 93 Secret taping by employees: a few tvortis about a new dilemma for employers. Jon D. Bible. S13R, Vol. 3, Business and law respondents: What is ethical behav- No. 1: 13-21 Spring 93 ior? George E Stevens.JEll. Vol. 68. No. 6: 348-352 11/Aug 93 Sexual harassment in the sclw,is. Susan Strauss. Voc Ed 1, Vol. 68. No. 3: 28-31 Mr 93 Computer graphics take the stand Gail Kollinan. Pub. Vol 8, No. 10: 39-40. 42 Oct 93 Stop thief'. Phillip Barnhart. Orr Sys. Vol. 10, No. 10: 52. 54 Oct 93 Computing ethics and years of computer use. Wallace A. Wood. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 23-27 Summer 93 Teaching Hhics in high school. J. Markel! Funiiss. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, No 6: 327-328 fi/Aug 93 Computing ethics perceptions: business administration students, business administration educators, and coin- The case dike busy consultant. Linda Driskill. ABC puling professionals. Amola C. Ownby and Duane R. Bul. Vol. 16. No. 3: 32 Sep 93 Moses OSRA Proc, 11-24 Mr 93 4 3 36 Business Education Index

The content ofbusiness ethics. Barron Wells and Nelda Inability to adapt: the hidden flaw of managerial in- Spinks. ABA Nat Proc, 202-209 93 eptness. Sami M. Abbasi and Kenneth W. Holtman. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 22-25, 37 Jan 93 The ethical issues of automated information process- ing. David Malone. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 82-84 Spring Invited reaction: intellectual izing should not rel ieve the 93 need to act. Patricia A. McLagan. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 33-37 Spring 93 The ethics of plagiarism: how genre affeets writers' use of source materials. Daphne A Jameson. ABC Bul, It's time to teach business etiquette. Annette Vincent Vol. 56, No. 2: 18-28 lu 93 and Melanie Meche. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 39-41 Oct 93 The relationship between academic dishonesty and unethical business practices. Randi L. Sims. JEB. Vol. Leadership profiles. Betty C. Fry and Joe Anna Hibler. 68, No. 4: 207-211 Mr/Ap 93 NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 10-24 1993 Leadership: from the classroom to the boardroom. Jan Work Behavior Felton. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 25-36 1993 Behavioral aspects of data production and their im- Make your company family-friendly. Patricia Schiff pact on data quality. Dov Te'eni. 5DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: Estess. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 30-32, 34 Feb 93 30-38 Spring 93 Office etiquette. Cannen D. Browne. Bus Ed Forum, Behind the scenes leadership. Donna Holmquist. Vol. 47, No. 3: 41-43 Feb 93 NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 119-128 1993 Organiziltional behavior modification go4x to Russia: Book review: Businm partnering for continuous im- replicating an experimental analysis across cultures and provement: how to forge enduring alliances among tasks. Dianne H. B. Welsh, Fred Luthans and Steven employees, suppliers & customers by Charles C. Poi rier M. Sommer..I Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 15-35 93 and William E Houser. Thomas C. Mawbinney. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 80-85 93 Paradigms for high-tech leadership. Sharon Lund O'Neil and June St. Clair Atkinson. NBEA Yrbk, No. Book review: Danger in the comfort zone: from board- 31: 59-68 1993 room to mailroomhow to break the entitlement habit that's killing American business by Judith M. Promoting the potential of people. Bill Scott. J CR, Bardwick. Judy L. Agnew. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, Vol. 54, No. 7: 28-29 5193 No. 2: 75-79 93 Reducing absenteeism in a human service setting: a Climbing your own Everest. John Alma. Sec, Vol. 53, low cost alternative. Charles A. Boudreau, Walter P. No. 7: 26-27 Aug/Sep 93 Christian and Susan F. Thibadeau. S Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13. No. 2: 37-49 93 Criticizing your peers. Dianna Booher. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 3: 12-13 Mr 93 Reviews: Leadership for the twenty-first century by Joseph C. Rost. Alan H. Church. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Defining stress as ethical conflict. Bruce \V. Speck. No. 2: 197-206 Summer 93 ABC But, Vol. 56, No. 1: 34-37 Mr 93 The accelerating pace of change. Daniel Stamp. Sec, Developing efficient workplace safety programs: ob- Vol. 53, No. 7: 28-29 Aug/Sep 93 servations of response covariation. Frederick M. Streff, Michael J. Kalsher and E. Scott Geller. J Org Bell Mgt, The challenge ofbuilding character. Patricia H. Phelps. Vol. 13, No. 2: 3-14 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 353-355 51/Aug 93

Developing employment skills in the affective domain. The computer and the meaning of work: arc we creat- Joyce A Jenson. MBEA Today. Vol. 58, No. 2: 4 Mr ing the factories of the past? Virginia Sullivan. JEB, 93 Vol. 68. tqo. 4: 197-201 Mr/Ap 93

Diversity without performance is a ticket to medioc- The effectiveness of the executive mentoring program rity: a rejoinder (HRDQ 3:4). Christopher L. Wash- in the United Stata postal service. Betty DeWitt. ington. ERD Qtly, Vol. 4. No. 3: 291-293 Fall 93 Lehman College, Master's thesis 1992

Education in business etiquette: attitudes of market- The impact of a change in an attendance control sys- ing professionals. Burton F. Schaffer, Craig A. Kelly tem on absenteeism and tardiness. Jacqueline C. and Mary Ann Goette. JEB, VoL 68. No. 6: 330-333 Landau. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13. No. 2: 51-70 93 51/Aug 93 The roles of leader influence tactics, gender, and lead- Eliminating sexual harassment. Robert J. Shoop and ership style in leader-subordinate relationships. Gary Debra L. Edwards. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 8: 19-23 Oct 93 Ernst. Northern Illinois University. Doctoral disserta- tion 1992 4 4 Business Education Index 37

The who, how, what, and when of sexual harassment: An agenda for research linking information systems teaching tips for business educators. John P. Kohl and and international business: theory, methodology and Paul S. Greenlaw. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 358-361 ..11/ application. P. Candace Deans and David A. Ricks. J Aug 93 Global 1M, Vol. I, No. 1: 6-19 Winter 93

Transforming the practice of management. Peter M. An architecture for a heterogeneous information envi- Senge. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 5-32 Spring 93 ronment. William Leigh, James Ragusa and Michas: Gilliam. J CIS, Vol. 34 No. 1: 42-49 Fall 93 What does business have to say about leadership? Frank Reynolds. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 50-58 1993 An end-user data access control framework. Mark L Gillenson..1 CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 63-66 Fall 93 Working in the gray zone. Sylvia Ann Blishak. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 58-63 Nov 93 An examination of sources of support preferred by end- user computing personnel. Brent Bowman, Fritz H. Gnme and Daulatram Lund. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 4- Information Management/ 11 Fall 93 Processing An organizational context for CASE innovation. Arun Rai and Geoffry S. Howard. IRMJ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 21- 12 tips to speed up WP. Jonell Francis and Lori Quinn. 34 Summer 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 4: 30-33 Ap 93 Analysis of student teaming outcomes in BVED 217: A case study of General Electric's multimedia train- fundamentals of management information systems. ing systems. Janice C. Sipior and John Townsend. IRM Brenda Finkenbinder. University of North Dakota, J, Vol. 6, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 93 Master's thesis 1992

A communication-rich systems design project. Marvin Anywhere, anytime: the wireless office of today. Rick E. Darter and Katherine T. Hoff. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 8-9, 52 Aug 93 No. 4: 32-37 Dec 93 Assessment ofcompetencies for computer information A comparative study of multimedia personal comput- systems curricula. Myra N. Womble. DPE J, Vol. 35, ing and traditional instruction in a business school cur- No. 2: 69-85 Spring 93 riculum. Sorel Reisman. 1RM J, Vol. 6, No. 4: 15-21 Fall 93 Assessment of end-user computing from an organiza- tional perspective. Francois Bergeron, Suzanne Rivard A comparison of Dutch methodologies for informa- and Louis Raymond.1RM .1, Vol. 6, No. 1: 14-25 Win- tion planning and policy. Robert A. Stegwee, Ernst W. ter 93 L. Berkhout and Marleen M. Keet. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 3: 36-44 Summer 93 Baud building. Daniel Tynan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 46, 49, 50 Ju 93 A comparison of information systems topic expecta- tions of executive M.B.A. graduates and their firms' Book review: Ethical issues in information systems by top computer executives. Richard G. Born. J CIS, Vol. Roy Dejoie, George Fowler, and David Paradice. Joan 33, No. 3: 51-57 Spring 93 K. Pierson. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 77-78 Winter 92-93

A critical analysis of the ACM and DPMA curricu- Book review: Interrational dimensions of information lum models. Tony Fabbri and Ronald A. Mann. 1 CIS, systems arA tech iology by P. Candace Dean and Vol. 34. No. 1: 77-80 Fall 93 Michael J. Kaz:::. Coral Snodgrass. IRM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 42-43 Fall 92 A pilot study of information systems curriculum in foreign educational institutions. Martin D. Goslar and Book review: Management information systems by P. Candace Deans. 1 CIS, Vol. 34, No. I: 8-17 Fall 93 Vladmir Zwass. Mohammed Dadashzadeli. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 3: 47 Summer 93 A postsecondary program in infonnation management. Shirley L. Blair and Norman P. IN. OSR .1, Vol. 11, Book review: Managing information technology in No. 1: 27-35 Fall 92 multinational corporations by Edward M. Roche. Esther Guthery. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 45 Spring A ROM with a view. Jim Haynes. Off Sys, Vol. 10, 93 No. 10: 24, 27-30 Oct 93 Book review: The global issucs of information tech- A structured prototyping approach. Charles Necco and nology management by Shailendra Palvia, Prashant Nancy Tsai. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 38-43 Spring 93 Palvia, and Ronald M. Zigli. Candace Deans J Glo- bal IM, Vol. 1, No. 1: 47-48 Winter 93 Administrative computing trends and issues. Bettye Robinson and Robert Robinson. MBEA J, Vol. 20: 31- Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance 35 93 decisions: a theoretical paradigm. Scott Turner, Rich- ard Aukennan and Kent Walstrom, SBR, Vol. 3 No. 1: 113-126 Spring 93 45 38 Business Education Index

Bridging higher education's technology gap in Africa. Emerging technologies review. Jan Travers. J EUC, John Hayman. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 6: 63-68 Jo 93 Vol. 5, No. 1: 40 Winter 93

Bringing office systems into focus project report Eliza- End user attitudes and practices: a study of voice mail beth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 18-39 Winter implementation. Carol Okolica. OSRA Proc, 148-159 93 Mr 93 Bringing the business school into the 21st century. Ensuring end user productivity: an academic minor in Kathleen Sampey and James A. Haggard. Ed Tech information technology. T. J. Surynt and E K. Augus- Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 9-14 Summer 93 tine, Jr.) CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 82-84 Summer 93 Card sharks: 10 ways to slash phone fraud. Alon Envisioning the library of tomorrow. Linda Demmers, Aginsky. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 12-15 Nov 93 Karen M. G. Howell and Lucy Siefixt Wegner. Ed Tixh Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 8-15 Fall 93 Computer augmented collaborative literature review. Alice Ahmed, Judy Caoette and Paulette Majestic. Evaluation of computer based information sources for OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 international business. Richard K. Harper and Ronald F. Bush. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 115-134 93 Computer information satisfaction: a longitudinal study of computing systems and EUC in a public or- Exixutive support systems. C. Bruce Kavan and Loana ganization. Kristy D. Glorfeld and Timothy Paul M. Gallion. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 26-28 Dec Cronan. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 27-36 Winter 93 93

Computer systems usage and competitive profitabil- Factors influencing students' career decision to enter ity. B.S. Thornton, P. Newnam and G. Locksley. J CIS, a two-year information processing program. Barbara Vol. 34, No. I: 67-72 Fall 93 Morgan. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Computing ethics and years of computer use. Wallace A. Wood. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 23-27 Summer 93 From chief infonnation officer to information ofrieer. Shailendra Palvia. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 3-6 Fall Computing ethics perceptions: business administration 93 students, business administration educators, and com- puting professionals. Arnola C. Ownby and Duane R. Genetics-based machine learning: promising tool for Moses. OSRA Proc, 11-24 Mr 93 developingbusinesscomputingsystems? Ramakrishnan l'akath. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 4: 2-7 Sum- Computing use in international business courses. Diane mer 93 Lockwood, Verne Redrnan and Patrick Fleenor. I CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 German publisher speeds information management. IMC J, Vol. 29. No. 1: 16-17 Ja/Feb 93 Contact management. Terry D. Lundgren. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 144-146 Ja/Feb 93 Global telecommunications services: strategies ofma- jor carriers. Jerry McCreary, William Boulton and Critical factors aflbcting success of CBIS: cases from Chetan Sankar. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 6-18 Spring Africa. Mayuri Odedra-Straub. J Global IM, Vol. 1, 93 No. 3: 16-30 Summer 93 Help WP find your files. Gayle G. Ilumpheiys. WP Critical issues of IS management in Hong Kong: a Mag, Vol. 5. No. 7: 69, 71-72 1193 cultural comparison. Janice Burn, K. B. C. Saxena and Louis Ma. J Global 1M, Vol. I, No. 4: 28-37 Fall 93 Influence of Myers-Briggs type on preference for data presentation format. Donald A. Carpenter, Jeffrey Cyberspace, the constitution, and the electronic fron- Anders and Alan Anderson. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 4: 85- tier foundation. David Farber. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 90 Summer 93 1, No. 2: 22-27 Summer 93 Infonnation management: making your system work. Demystifying communications technologies. Leslie P. Michael O'Shea. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 16-27, 53 Hitch. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 3: 92-95 Oct 93 Aug 93

Document retention in the Twilight Zone: the perils ofInformation needs for management decision-making. policies unpoliccd. Ronald E Bianchi. R M Qtly, Vol. Susan K. Goodman. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 12-16, 27, No. 1: 16-18, 20 Jan 93 18, 19, 22-23 Oct 93

Electronic data interchange: a new frontier for global Information protection in automated offices. Hossein standards policy. Eileen M. Trauth and Ronald S. Tho- Saiedian and Steve Ban, OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 36- mas. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 6-16 Fall 93 45 Fall 92 Electronic publishing the Japanese way. Stuart Information resources management: an examination Silverstone. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 10: 30-34, 36 Oct 93 of individual and organizational attributes in state 4 Business Education Index 39 government agencies. Steve D. Ugbah and 0. Jay MCPSthe multimedia computing presentation sys- Umeh. IRM 3, Vol. 6, No. 1: 5-13 Winter 93 tem. Sorel Reisman. 1 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 5-16 Sum- mer 93 Infonnation systems auditors: educatimal background, education and hiring preferences and curriculum. Microcomputer-based software alternatives for project David Smith Murphy and Mike Ruble. J CIS, Vol. 33, management. Steve Corder and Ralph Ruby, Jr. JEB, No. 2: 42-45 Winter 92-93 Vol. 69, No. 1: 56-59 Sep-Oct 93

Information systems content in the CPA examination. Microsoft's "at work." Peter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. Lloyd D. Doney and Michael D. Akers. J CIS, Vol. lO, No. 12: 10-18 Dec 93 34, No. 1: 81-88 Fall 93 MIS publication outlets: a systematic investigation of Information systems development: issues affecting suc- the topics published. Kent A. Walstrom and Richard cess. Peggy L. McDoniel, Jeffrey Palko and Timothy A. Aukennan. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 23-29 Fall 93 Paul Cronan. J CIS Vol. 34, No. 1: 50-62 Fall 93 Multimedia manifesto. William H. Graves. Ed Tech Inibrmation systems education: comparison of views Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 1: 9-13 Spring 93 from Australian and southeast Asian academics. A. Y. Ang and G. K. Win ley. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 30-36 Multimedia supports measuring-machine production. Fall 93 IMC J. Vol. 29, No. 4: 7-8 11/Aug 93

Information systems needs of large corporations. Needs assessment of business majors for the introduc- Hooshang M. Beheshti and Melvin R. Mattson. J CIS. tory MIS course. Chung S. Kim and Dane Peterson. Vol. 33, No. 3: 35-37 Spring 93 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 51-53 Winter 92-93

Information technology and job characteristics:a Object-oriented cost accounting system design. John changing mix for administrative support personnel. Gessford. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 17-25 Summer 93 Pamela Marino. OSRA Proc, 25-40 Mr 93 Object-oriented technologies in infonnation systems Innovative pedagogies for outcomes-based teaching in curricula. Patti D. Massey and David E. Douglas. J the core MIS course. L. Wayne Shell and Betty A. CIS. Vol. 34. No. 1: 3-7 Fall 93 Kleen. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 3-7 Winter 92-93 Office infonnation systems as a field of study and re- Integrated information management: a real world search. Elizabeth A. Regan. OSR J. Vol. 11. No. 2: 1- theory. Monique L. Atinger. R NI Qik Vol. 27, No. 3: 17 Winter 93 12-16, 30 1193 Office information systems: resources for a growing Integrated performance support (IPS). A new concept field of study. Heidi R. Perreault and C. Steven Hunt. for a new era! Elizabeth A. Regan. OSRA Proc. 1-10 OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 45-56 Spring 93 Mr 93 Office systems curriculum development: impetus, pro- Integration of ethical issues into the MIS curriculum. cess, results. James Gorki!, Carol Johnson and Claudia James A. Hall and Diane M. Hamilton. J CIS. Vol. 33, Orr. OSRA Proc. 194-206 Mr 93 No. 2: 32-37 Winter 92-93 Organizational factors affecting the evaluation of in- Interactive multimedia: a tool for government trans- fonnation systems performance. Carol Saunders and formation. David E. Barbee and Ronnie B. Lowenstein. Jack Williams Jones. 1RM J, Vol. 5. No. 4: 5-21 Fall IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 4: 4-13 Fall 93 92

International computing and the international regime. Perceptions of emerging multimedia technologies. Edward NI. Roche. J Global 1M, Vol. I, No. 2: 20-28 Michael [lignite and Heidi Perreault. I CIS, Vol. 34, Spring 93 No. 1: 89-93 Fall 93

Is case living up to its promises? Laboratory experi- Practical applications of neural networks in business. ments comparing manual and automated design ap- Sudesh NI. Duggal and Paul R. Popovich. J CIS, Vol. proaches. Mark N. Frolick, Ronald B. Wilkes and R. 33, No 2: 8-13 Winter 92-93 Kelly Rainer. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 4: 72-76 Sununer 93 Preparing for change in computer education for busi- Job design and skill level in using information tech- ness. Kimball R Marshall. JEI3. Vol. 68, No. 6: 376- nology: perceptions of administrative supportperson- 380 JI/Aug 93 nel in financial organizations. Pamela Marino. DPE J. Vol. 35, No. 3: 121-137 Summer 93 Programming languages: today and tomorrow. Kirk P. Arnett and Mary C. Jones.CIS. Vol. 33. No. 4: 77- Just what the doctor ordered. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, 81 Summer 93 No. 10: 24-28 Oct 93

4 40 Buuness Education Index Prototyping effects on the system development life Teaching international business in the information age: cycle: an empirical study. Bill C. Hardgrave, E. Reed state of the art. Fahri Karakaya. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, Doke and Neil E. Swanson. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 14- No. 314: 9-16 93 19 Spring 93 Telecommunications competencies for clerical office A demographic analysis of information systems fac- professionals. Valerie T. Akeyo and Ccostance Pollard, ulty. Susan W. Athey, Jon D. Clark and W. John OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 21-26 Fall 92 Plotnicki. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 85-90 Spring 93 The anywhere, anytime office. Marilyn NI. Parker. Responding to world competition: developing the glo- OSRA Proc, 219-240 Mr 93 bal IS professional. Paul H. Cheney and George NI. Kasper. J Global IM, Vol. I. No. 1: 21-31 Winter 93 The applicability of Nolan's state theory in small busi- ness environment. Jack Teh. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 65- Review of the policy changes in the Indian telecom 71 Summer 93 sector: implications for decision makers. Rekha Jain. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 3: 33-44 Summer 93 The application of the theory of reasonod action to se- nior management and strategic infonnation systems. Review: Improving work systems: How IDS is improv- Peter R. Mykytyn, Jr. and David A. Harrison. IRM J, ing quality and customer service through employee Vol. 6, No. 2: 15-26 Spring 93 involvement by Blue Sky Productions. Bruce N. Barge. HAD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 209-212 Summer 93 The data administrator-user interface a critical dia- logue. Carl Stephen Guynes and J. Wayne Spence. J Safety considerations in designing accommodations for CIS, Vol. 33. No. 2: 25-27 Winter 92-93 information systems. Anthony). Joseph. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 28-31 Oct 93 The effict of national culture on IS: implications for international inlbrmat ion systems. Phillip Ein-Dor, Eli Shop class for academia. Linda Belcher McElwrath. Segev and Moshe Orgad. J Global 1M, Vol. 1. No. 1: THE S. Vol. 21, No. 5: 41-45 Dec 93 33-44 Winter 93

Sophisticated information processing technology: its The ethical issues of automated information process- relationship with an organization's environment, struc- ing David Malone. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 82-84 Spring ture, and culture. Thomas L. Keon, Gary S. Vazzana 93 and Thomas E. Slocombe. IRM J. Vol. 5, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 92 The expert's opinion: an interview with Dr. Martin Grad. Julie E. Kendall. 3 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 34-36 Spreadsheets: a smart business investment. Douglas Summer 93 Finlay, Office. Vol. 117, No. 6: 8, 10, 14 Ju 93 The impact of e-mail in today's organization. Robert Standardization of information systems and technol- NI. Schramm and Marcia L. James. OSR J. Vol. 11, ogy at multinational companies. Steven Gordon. J Glo- No. I: 3-13 Fall 92 bal INI, Vol. 1. No. 3: 5-14 Summer 93 The impact of the introductory NI IS course on students, Status of planning and control systems in the end-user attitudes and perceptions towards microcomputers. computing environment. Robert B. Mitchell and Albert L. Harns. J CIS. Vol. 33. No. 2: 38-41 Winter Rodney Neal. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 25-30 Spring 93 92-93

Structured techniques for successful end user spread- The importance of writing competencies as perceived sheets. Harry Benliam, Michael Delaney and Andrew by college of business alumni and students. Alfred Luzi. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 18-25 Spring 93 Patrick and Donald Carr. S CIS. Vol. 34. No. 1: 73-76 Fall 93 Strategic use of information technology in international business: a frammork for information teclmology ap- The office's guide to voice processing. Office, plication. Steven J. Simon and Varun Grover.1Global Vol. 118. No. 2: 33-35 Aug 93 1M, Vol. I, No. 2: 29-42 Spring 93 The potential of intelligent messages in the automa- Success factor analysis as an instrument for informa- tion of office procedures. Hossein Saiedian. OSR J, tion management. Franz Lehner.JC1 S. Vol. 33. No. 3: Vol. II. No. 3: 34-44 Spring 93 58-66 Spring 93 The relationship of skill level and job characteristics Successful planning for a changing MIS education as perceived h auministrative support personnel us- Robert Baling and Wallace Wood. 1E11. Vol 68. No ing intbrmation processing teclmologies. Pamela 6: 353-357 JI/Ang 93 Marino. New York I niversity. Doctoral dissertation 1992 Systems analysis and design models revisited: a ca_se study. S. V R. Madabhushi, Mary C. Jones and R. Leon The role of causal attributions in explaining the link Price. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 26-39 Winter 93 between user participation and information system 48 Business Education Index 41 success. Simha R. Magal and Ken C. Snead. 1RM .1, Data Security Vol. 6, No.3: 8-19 Summer 93 An ountx of surge protection can prevent a pound of The undergraduate MIS curriculum: a sampling of automation woes. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Sys, Vol. AACSB schools. Justin Stolen. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 10, No. 8: 38-41 Aug 93 54-57 Winter 92-93 Computer virus: the business version of the common The use of ffinction point analysis to ascis end user cold. John F. Schrage and Douglas B Bock. Off Sys, computing systems. Michael Hignite, Raymond Vol. 10, No. 8: 12-13, 15, 17 Aug 93 Johnson and Kenneth Foster. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 46-50 Spring 93 Computer viruses. Ronald N. Rosenwasser. JCR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 42-43 Feb 93 The use of information technology and its relationship to job characteristics of administrative support person- Computer viruses: symptoms, remedies, and preven- nel. Pamela Marino. OSRJ, Vol. 11, No. 3: 1-14 Spring tive measurt. Clive C. Sanford. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 93 67-72 Spring 93

Today's office: automated, partially paperless. Erik Disaster recovery planning-is business prepared? Mortenson. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 16, 18, 52 Ju 93 Susan L. Holtz. OSRA Proc, 160-175 Mr 93

Trends in the use and management of appl icat ion pack- No trespassing. Jeff Hadfield. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. I : age software. Robert Klepper and Curt Hartog. 1RM 51-55 Ja 93 J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 33-37 Fall 92 Paper shredders make data security easy, affordable. Urban chzign, technology, and the aesthetic of settle- Christopher J. Sheehan. Office, Vol. 118, No. I: 34-35 ment. Malcolm McCullough. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. .11 93 I, No. 3: 16-23 Fall 93 Power controllers keep equipment running smoothly. User information satisfaction for maintained account- Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 36-37, 67, 71 ing systems: the validity and reliability of the short- 31 93 form measure. Steve D. White and Timothy Paul Cronan. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 2-10 Spring 93 Prevent hard disk failure from crippling your business. John E. Dziak. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 46, 48-49 11 Using innovative information technology architecture 93 for entrepreneurial success: the case of "YCH" logis- tics company. Shailendra C. Palvia and Boon Siong Protecting student labs from computer viruses. Carolyn Neo. J EUC, Vol. 5. No. 3: 26-33 Summer 93 Dolecheck. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 4: 212-214 Mr/Ap 93 Variables affecting the planning and implementation Computer usage characteristics and security in small of office information systems curricula within college/ service firms: an exploratory study. Paramjit Kahai, university setting& C. Steven Hunt and Heidi Perreault. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 77-81 Spring 93 Michael Gibson and Kerry Swinehart. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 70-74 Winter 92-93 Virtual reality: a computerized illusionary world. Utna G. Gupta. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 46-50 Winter 92-93 Database Management Voice recognition technology. Usnie Orsborn. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 3: 4-6 My 93 A 4GL based executive search system. Ruediger Mueller. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 5-16 Spring 93 Who needs engineering document management? Alan Griffiths. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 4: 10-12 31/Aug 93 A hypertext development methodology. Paul J.A. van Vliet and Rick L. Wilson. 3 DM. Vol. 4, No. 2: 18-29 Why microcomputers may increase the cost of doing Spring 93 business. Gary Adna Ames. 1 EUC, Vol. 5. No. 4: 12- 17 Fall 93 A survey of SQL language. Hock Chuan Chan, Hong Jun Lu and Kwok Kee Wei. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 4: 4-15 WordPerfect's workgroup solution. Jeff Iladfield and Fall 93 Allen Biehl. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 8: 54-57 Aug 93 Accuracy in modeling with extended entity relation- Work groups and groupware its business. Terry D. ship and object oriented data models. Douglas B. Bock Lundgren. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 14-20 Fall 92 and Terence Ryan. 3 DM. Vol. 4, No. 4: 30-39 Fall 93 Adding knowledge-assistance to PC-bascd photo- Data Processing graphic image database management systems. James M. Ragusa, Gary W. Orwig, Dorothy G. Dologite and Robert 3. Mockler. 1RM J Vol. 6. No. 2: 27-38, 40 Turf wars: records management vs. data processing. Spring 93 Julie Gable. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 3: 18-21, 31 .11 93

4 9 42 Business Education Index

An end-user data access control framework. Mark L The expert's opinion, corporate data access. Robert Gillenson. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 63-66 Fall 93 Marcus.1 DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: 39-41 Spring 93 An overview of intelligent database. Binshan Lin. J The quality of data representations developed by CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 8-12 Summer 93 nonexpert designers: an experimental study. Dinesh Batra and Peeter J. Kirs. .1 DM, Vol. 4, No. 4: 17-29 Behavioral aspects of data production and their im- Fall 93 pact on data quality. Dov Te'eni. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: 30-38 Spring 93 The utililization of a SQL team project in a database course. Behrooz K. Seyed-Abbassi. OSRA Proc, 182- Book review. Object-oriented databases- a sematic data 189 Mr 93 model approach by Peter M. D. Gray, Krishnaro G. Kulkarni, and Norman W. Paton. Ramesh Using an intelligent database in the classroom: the case Subramanian. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 3: 41-42 Summer 93 of the country consultant. Vivek Bhargava, Cuneyt Evirgen and Michael Mitri. I T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/ Database design support: an empirical investigation 4: 17-37 93 of perceptions and performance. Chetan S. Sankar and Thomas E. Marshall. J DM, Vol. 4. No. 3: 4-14 Sum- mer 93 Decision Support Systems

Document imaging integrates database and workflow Computer usage patterns in the construction industry: from Alaska to Texas. Andrew W. Davis. 1MC J. Vol. an empirical investigation. Marwan A. Wafa, J. 29, No. 2: 15-17 Mr/Ap 93 Michael McDonald and Mahmoud M. Yasin. Mid- Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 11-16 Spring 93 Effects of graphical versus textual representation of database structure on query performance. Wesley Decision support system for local area network pro- Jamison and James T.C. Teng. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: curement: a case study. Juan Carolos Esteva, V. M. 16-23 Winter 93 Rao Tummala and Sergio Antiochia. IRM I, Vol. 6, No. 2: 5-14 Spring 93 Electronic data retrieval in international business edu- cation: prosptxts and resources. Fred Miller and I.inda Decision support systems for business education. G. Gillespie Miller. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 85-101 Premkumar, K. Ramamurthy and William R. King. J 93 CIS. Vol. 33, No. 4: 55-64 Summer 93

Implementing a microcomputer-based work reporting Individual differences and data presentation methods and monitoring system for government servict: a case in the MIS environment. Thomas S. Brown and James study. L. Douglas Kid. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. I : 18-25 T. Brown. I CIS. Vol. 33, No. 2: 63-69 Winter 92-93 Winter 93 Information display modes and user cognitive profiles: Industry and practice: don't forget the people in data- interaction effects on the decision making process. base management. Albert L. Lederer. J DM. Vol. 4, Hulya Yazici and Raymond Kluczny. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 40-41 Fall 93 No. 4: 41-54 Summer 93

Key finding through examination of attributes in the Observations of computer-mcdiated groups Ulan R&D functional dependencies. H. Saiedian. J CIS, Vol. 33. business environment. S. Dorando, G. Stratis and L. No. 4: 39-40 Summer 93 O'Donnell. OSRA Proc. 69-81 Mr 93

Lock-based concurrency control in distributed real-time Crganizational impact of decision support teclinology: database systenis. Ozgur Ulusoy. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: what's ahead for the '90s? Fred K. Augustine, Jr., 3-16 Spring 93 Theodore J. Surynt, Frank A. Dezoort and Daniel K. Rosetti. J WC. Vol. 5, No. 2: 26-30 Spring 93 On non-constrained, coustrained and mandatory many- to-many relationship types. Peretz Shoval. 1 DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: 3-14 Winter 93 Electronic Imaging

Roles of resource and data contention on the perfor- A rationale for and the hindamentals of electronic im- mance ofreplicated distributed database systems. Kam- aging systems. Mark Langemo. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. yiu Lam and Sheung-lun Hung. J DM. Vol. 4. No. 1: 3: 3-8, 10, 11 1193 25-38 Winter 93 A touch of gray. Robin Levine. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 12: Selecting a database partitioning technique. Le 31-39 Dec 93 Gruenwald and Margaret H. Eich.1 DM, Vol. 4. No. 3: 27-39 Summer 93 Accounts payable without the paperwork. Terry Monteiro. IMC J. Vol. 29, No. 2: 11-12 Mr/Ap 93 The evolution of the meta-data concept: dictionaries. catalogs, and repositories. Mark L Gillenson and Airline cargo division's imaging system. IMC J. Vol. Raymond D. Frost. 1 DM, Vol. 4, No. 3: 17-26 Sum- 29. No. 4: 14-15 11/Aug 93 mer 93 50 Business Eduasfion Index 43

All the news that FITS. Aileen Abernathy. Pub, Vol. 8, Use of electronic document-handling systems grow- No. 12: 42-44 Dec 93 ing. Abigail Shaw. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 10, 12 Mr 93 Buyers' guide to micrographic readers & reader- printers. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 74-75 Ja 93 Expert Systems Combination systems: the next generation in image management. Dieter E. A. Tannenberg. IMC J, Vol. Expert systems, artificial intelligence, and accounting. 29, No. 1: 7-10 Ja/Feb 93 David Malone. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 222-226 Mr/Ap 93 Document imaging and work flow applications:meet- ing business objectives in the 1990s. Michael K. A paradigm for user acceptability of expert advisory Howard. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 24-28 Mr/Ap 93 systems. Eva M. Phillips and Eve Rosenthal. OSRA Proc, 132-147 Mr 93 Document imaging integrates database and workflow from Alaska to Texas. Andrew W. Davis. 1MC J, Vol. An expert system for accounting education. Timothy 29, No. 2: 15-17 Mr/Ap 93 J. Fogarty and Paul M. Goldwater. TIIE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 89-91 Oct 93 Electronic imaging posts impressive gains. Mike Tho- mas. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 73 Jo 93 An expert systems approach to teaching sample size determination. Ronald S. Rubin and James M. Ragusa. Images and visions: t, sing imaging technology to drive J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 28-33 Summer 93 orgizational change. Reto Braun. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 4: 34-39 Jl/Aug 93 Edumaster: automated knowledge engineering and acquistion. H. Harry Zhou. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 73- Index of articles published in 1992 Records Manage- 76 Spring !13 ment Quarterly. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 61-64 Jan 93 Expert systems in accounting: applications and inte- grating framework. Akhilesh Chandra and Prashant Insurance image management: a "hybrid" solution. C. Palvia. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 13-22 Summer 93 David L. Croop. 1MC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 20-21 Mr/Ap 93 KARTT: a multimedia tool to help students learn knowledge acquisition. Karen Bland and Jay Micrographics and imaging create the perfw mix. Rick Liebowitz. 3 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 5-16 Winter 93 Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 38-39 Oct 93 The design of an expert system to develop instructional Minnesota imaging project: 1-mail as passport to objectives. William J. Dorin and James D. Russell. J paperless society. Lester A Wanninger, Jr. THE J, Vol. CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 14-18 Winter 92-93 21, No. 4: 123-125 Nov 93 The need for better educating prospective knowledge Overview: federal imaging 1992. Herbert F. Schantz. engineers on knowledge acquisition. Jay Liebowitz. J IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 25-27 Ja/Feb 93 CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 37-41 Fall 93

Pharmaceutical firm plans for imaging. Prakash Gupta. The triune expert: expert system development by end IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 15 JalFeb 93 users in the changing IS environment. Kuriakose Athappilly, Sivakumar Natarajan and Jogiyanto Picture this. Mark Langemo. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: Hartono. J CIS, Val. 33, No. 3: 31-34 Spring 93 19-20, 23 Oct 93 Using decision tables to verify rule-based expert sys- Scanners give PCs new "eyes." Ellen 13raun. Off Sys, tems. Mohammad Dadashzadeh and Mohammed Vol. 10, No. 8: 35-37 Aug 93 Taghavi-Fard. J CIS, Vol. 34 No. 1: 18-22 Fall 93 Swiss taxpayers-on the screen. Beat Welte. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 18-19 Jaffeb 93 Forms Management Tame the office paper tigers with document-imaging Automatic invoicing. Kirk Strickland. WP Mag, Vol. systems. Andrcw W. Davis. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 24, 26, 28 Mr 93 5, No. 2: 111-114 Feb 93

Technology strikes again. Kenneth V. Hayes. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 58 Jan 93 Micrographics

The application of document metrics in the automa- Buyers' guide to micrographic readers & reader- tion of document management systems. Lee A. printers. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 39-40 Mr 93 Friedman. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 29-32 Mr/Ap 93 Company creates internal document management ser- The business case for imaging. Monique L. Attinger. vice bureau. Emily Calvo. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 22- R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. I : 10-12, 14, 15, 66 Jan 93 23 Mr/Ap 93 5 1 44 Business Education Index

Micrographics and imaging create the perfect mix. Rick McMillan videotex project: closing the distance be- Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 38-39 Oct 93 tween student, teacher and parent. Vasant Raval. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 75-78 Ap 93 Micrographics: still a hit in the office market. Virginia A. Jones. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 36, 38 Mr 93 Network printing. Wanda Jenifer. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 109-112 Aug 93 National savings: time, space and money. 1MC J, Vol. 29, No. 4: 30 JI/Aug 93 NSF's network testbeds inform innovation in science education. Beverly Hunter. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 96- Omaha banks turn to lab for disaster recovery. IMC J, 99 Oct 93 Vol. 29, No. 4: 27-29 .11/Aug 93 Office machines meet LANs in the digital office of the future. Leon Carter. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 42-50 Networks Nov 93

A look at six online services. Robert L. Wright. WP Students solve real problems for business via Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 59-61 Dec 93 TECHNET. Ray M. Haynes. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 62-64 Mr 93 Book review: Campus networking strategies by Caroline Arms. Claude L. Simpson, Jr. J CIS, Vol. 33, Teaching with a fiber-optic media network: how fac- No. 3: 91 Spring 93 ulty adapt to new technology. Thomas R. Beatty and Mark Charles Fissel. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 82-84 Book review: Corporate technological behavior: co- Oct 93 operation and networks by Hakan Hakansson. Hans B. Thorelli. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 129-131 93 Teaching with group decision support systems. M i lam Aiken. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 21-23 Ap 93 Book review: Global telecommunications: layered networks' layered services by Robert K. Heldman. Traffic controls the xpress way. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Edward J. Szewczak. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 43-44 Vol. 8. No. 11: 36-41 Nov 93 Winter 93

Crafts, commitments and computer connections. L. D. Optical Disk Montgomery. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 79-82 May 93 CD-ROM publishing. John T. Phillips. R NI Qtly, Vol. Decision support system for local arca network pro- 27, No. 2: 44, 46-48 Apr 93 curement: a case study. Juan Carolos Esteva, V. M. Rao Tummala and Sergio Antiochia. IRM .1, Vol. 6, Magnetic and optical media: can they coexist? Ellen No. 2: 5-14 Spring 93 Gragg. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 16, 25 My 93

Doc in the box. Peter Jerram. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: Picture this. Mark Langemo. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 52,55,57,59 Nov 93 19-20, 23 Oct 93

Effects of LAN and manager characteristics on per- Prudential asset management's optical storage dixision. ceived issues of concern for LAN managers: The dis- Deborah Hutchings and John Cottage. 1MC J. Vol. 29, tinct impact of budget. Rajesh Mirani. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 31-32 .11/Aug 93 No. 4: 20-27 Fall 93 FTP: the educator's key to multi-platform file trans- Records Management fers. Ken Brumbaugh and Nick Hart. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 65-69 May 93 10 tips to improve your filing system. Lisa Kanarek. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 24. 26. 28 Ap 93 Impact North Carolina: 21st century education. Rich- ard Riedl and Shannon Carroll. THEJ, Vol. 21, No. 3: A Canadian tribute. Carolyn R. A. Minton. R M Qtly, 85-88 Oct 93 Vol. 27, No. 2: 66 Apr 93

Internet's potential as a global information infrastruc- A ccst/benefit analysis ofthe records management pro- ture: a case study and acseKsment. Judith D. Ahrens gram in the state of Texas. Eugenia K. Brumm. R M and Gerardo A. Esquer. J Global 1M, Vol. 1, No. 4: Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 30-35, 38, 39 Apr 93 18-27 Fall 93 Adoption of what? information policy for records of K-12's online futurc: looking for Mr. Goodnet. Fred adoption (of people) in the U.S. Susan K. Goodman. R S. Goldberg. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 75-78 May 93 NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 3, 4, 6-8. 10, 11 Apr 93

Local arca network user satisfaction. Harold T. Smith. An analysis of selected commercial records centers. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 15-25 Spring 93 Lori Jackson. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 52 Business Education Index 4S

Automated bar code systems assure rapid retrieval of For the record: how American presidents have man- tickets. 1MC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 22-24 la/Feb 93 aged their papers. Donald B. Schewe. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 16-18, 20-21 Ap 93 Canadian patrol frigate program installs document & image management system. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 7- Gaining control of your paper records. Mark Langemo. 8 Mr/Ap 93 Ofi'Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 24, 26, 28 Ju 93 Control schematic print production at Giddings & How to establish a records-management program. Lewis. Gene A. Olig. 1MC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 13-14 Mark Langemo. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 24-26,30 Jo Mr/Ap 93 93 Current status of the use of records management in ISO 9000: an opportunity for records management selectiol credit unions in southern Illinois. Alison Smith. professionals. Carl E. Weise and Peter G. Stamoolis. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 3-8, 10-11 Oct 93 thesis 1992 "Learning the ropes" can be easy: ifthey're color-coded. Dancc to the music: records management and litiga- Karen Wonnald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 30, 32-34 Ju tion in Canada. John C. Anderson. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, 93 No. 2: 12-14, 16-18 Apr 93 Lessons learned. Linda A. Farrell. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, Destruction of evidence. Carolyn R. A. Minton. R M No. 4: 24-27, 49 Oct 93 Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 50. 61 Oct 93 Looking for "excellence in records management." J. Disaster recovery planning: is business prepared? Su- Michael Pemberton. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 62, 64, san M. Holtz. University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. 65, 72 Oct 93 Master's thesis 1992 Make work. Robert L. Sanders. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, DM1 had solution to handling old documents. Office. No. 2: 50. 52-55, 64 Apr 93 Vol. 117, No. 3: 48 Mr 93 Moving the city of Charleston's archives and records Document management benefits small firms, too. Jim center. Susan L. King. R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 4: 32-35 Dick. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 20-21 Ja/Feb 93 Oct 93

Downsizing your records program could be costly. Our profissional responsibility. Jim Coulson. R M Qtly, Virginia Jones. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 10-17 Oct 93 Vol. 27, No. 2: 20-25 Apr 93

Electronic vaulting and records centers. John T. Recordkeeping requirements to promote public inter- Phillips. Jr. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 38, 40, 41, 49 ests-a balance between government nLvds and burdens. Jan 93 Donald S. Skupsky. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 4: 36, 40, 42-43, 59 Oct 93 Emmet Leahy: patron saint of records management. J. Michael Pemberton. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 2: 56. 58- Records management as space management using 59 Apr 93 prepositional control: OUTsourcing, INdexing, DOWNloading. and UPgrading. Paula La Sala. R M Establishing retention periods for electronic records. Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 3: 22-25 J193 Donald S. Skupsky. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 40. 42, 43, 49 Apr 93 Records management in the Soviet Union: part II-the management of inactive records. David 0. Stephens. Excuse me, did you get all that? Don J. DeBenedictis. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 2: 60, 62-65 Apr 93 J CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: 32-37 Aug/Oct 93 Records management in the Soviet Union: part I- the Faxing by computer. John T. Phillips, Jr. R M Qtly, management of active records. David 0. Stephens. R Vol. 27, No. 4: 44, 46, 48, 49 Oct 93 M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 54, 56-57 Jan 93

File systems keep paper documents in their place. Sara Records management matures. Mary Hodges. Office, Vollmart. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 22-23 Mr 93 Vol. 117, No. 1: 32 Ja 93

File systems make paper documents manageable. Records management: still hazy alter all these years. Nancy Frost. Office. Vol. 118, No. 4: 52-54 Oct 93 Ira A. Penn. R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 1: 3. 4,6-8,20 Jan 93 Filing 101. David J. Fasbender. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 6: 10-12 Ju/1193 Retaining records is cosily, but needed. Ray Nikolaison. Office. Vol. 117, No. 3: 14, 16 Mr 93 Filing systems evolve as technology advances. Ellen Gragg. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 12-14 J193 Shredders give protection from espionage and gossip. Ellen Gragg. 011'Sys, Vol. 10, No 7 26. 28-31 J193 Flexible staffing solves work cycle problems. IMC 3. Vol. 29, No. 2: 18-19 Mr/Ap 93 Shredders: an investment in sccunty Juhe LeGallee Office. Vol. 118, No. 4: 44-47 Oct 93 53 46 Business Education Index

Shuttle drawing system for NASA. IMC 1, Vol. 29, involving unpleasant news. James Calvert Scott and No. 1: 28-29 Ja/Feb 93 Mehdi Jamshidian. ABA Int Proc, 103-110 93

Suggesting for a records management exhibit in the An agenda for research linking information systems old towns of tomorrow. Robert L. Sanders. R M Qtly, and international basiness: theory, methodology and Vol. 27, No. 1: 42, 44-49 Jan 93 application. P. Candace Deans and David A Ricks. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 1: 6-19 Winter 93 Surviving austerity. Kit Mahoney. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 26-28 Apr 93 An early critical examination of using simulation in the teaching of international maketing: An evaluation The globalization of records management programs of "Export to win!". George V. Priovolos. J T Int Bus, in multinational corporations. David 0. Stephens. R Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 39-54 93 M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 66, 68-70, 72, 74 Oct 93 An exploration of factors influencing inward technol- The mythical laws and their effect on records manage- ogy licensing performance. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima. J ment programs. Donald S. Skupsky. R NI Qtly, Vol. Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 25-46 93 27, No. I: 30, 32, 33, 36, 37 Jan 93 An integration of countertrade research and practice. The new team builder. Fraser Boyd. R NI Qtly, Vol. Sam C. Okoroafo. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 113-128 27, No. 3: 26-31 3193 93

The quest for the lost record: a records management An ounce of prevention. Julie McCashin. Sec, Vol. 53, myth. Robert L. Sanders. R NI Qt ly, Vol. 27, No. 4: Ne. 5: 6-8 My 93 52, 54-56, 58, 59 Oct 93 Applied research as an experiential learning tool in the Turf wars: records management vs. data processing. foreign international management classroom: a case Julie Gable. R NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 3: 18-21, 31 Jl 93 study in Mexico. Joel D. Nicholson and John Lust. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 43-59 93 "You manage what?" RIM and the meaning of infor- mation. J. Michael Pemberton. R NI Qtly. Vol. 27, No. Barriers to entry in international markets. Fahri I: 50, 52. 60 Jan 93 Karakaya. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 7-24 93

Book review: Between Miti and the market: Japanese industrial policy for high technology by Danic.1 I. International Business Okimoto. Mark Speece. J Global NI, Vol. 6, I' o. 4: 132-136 93 A comparative analysis of U.S. and Japanese software development practices. Mohammed H. A. Talli and Book review: Corporate technological behavior: co- Robert A. Marose. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 2: 19-24 Win- operation and networks by Ilakan llakansson. Hans ter 92-93 B. Thorelli. J Global NI, Vol. 6, No. 4: 129-131 93

A comparison of Dutch methodologies for informa- Book review: Export development and promotion: the tion planning and policy. Robert A. Stegwee, Emst W. role of public organizations by E H. Rolf Seringhaus L. Berkhout and Marleen M. Keet. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. and Philip J. Rosson. Atilla Yaprak. J Global M, Vol. 3: 36-44 Summer 93 6. No. 4: 143-144 93 A comparison of the business correspondence of Hong Book review: Global izing the GATT, the Soviet Kong and Ohio business students. Valerie S. Perotti Union's successor states, eastern Europe, and the in- and Carl Remus Bridges. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: ternational trading system by Leah A. Haus. Jean 16-21 Dec 93 Kinsey...1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 424-426 Winter 93

A country report project for an international econom- Book review: International dimensions of information ics class. Adil E. A. Abdalla. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. systems and technology by P. Candace Dean and 3: 231-236 Summer 93 Michael J. Kane. Coral Snodgrass. IRM J. Vol. 5, No. 4: 42-43 Fall 92 A review of the screening process within the context of the global assessment process. Lloyd C. Russow and Book review: Internationalization, market power and Andrew Solocha. J Global 1M. Vol. 7, No. 3: 65-86 93 consumer welfare by Yves Bourdet. Peter Alexander and Alice Simon.1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 418-421 A study of the integration of international business Winter 93 concepts and materials in the state of Washington into secondary business education courses. Frances Aim Book review: Managing in developing countries by Kelly. Central Washington University, Master's thesis James E. Austin. William A. Stoever. !Teach Int Bus, 1992 Vol. 4, No. 2: 101-104 93

Addressing American and Iranian manifestations of Book review: Reform in eastern Europe by Olivier context ing and face-saving in business communications Blanchard Rudiger Donthush, Paul Krugman, Rich- 54 Business Education Index 47

ard Layard. Nejdet Delener. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. Electronic data retrieval in internationa: . Lness edu- 1: 109-111 93 cation: Prospects and resources. Fred and Linda Gillespie Miller. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 85-101 Book review: The rise of the Korean economy by 93 Byung-Nak Song. Anthony M. Tang. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 136-143 93 Electronic publishing the Japanese way. Stuart Silverstone. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 30-34, 36 Oct 93 Book review: The global issues of information tech- nology management by Shailendra Palvia, Prashant Evaluation of computer based information sources for Palvia, and Ronald M. Zigli. Candace Deans. J Glo- international business. Richard K. Harper and Ronald bal IM, Vol. 1, No. 1: 47-48 Winter 93 F. Bush. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 115-134 93

British inservice for American educators. C. E. Exploring problems in international communications. Lindgren ard Peggy Emerson. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. Nancy A. Dittman. ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 1-3 1: 49-51 Sep/Oct 93 Spring 93

Canada looks towards Asia. David M. Graham. SEIC Export promotion in developing countries: status and Rev, No. 122: 8-12 Nov 93 prospects. F. H. Rolf Seringhaus. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 7-32 93 Canadian economy and international trade. Paul S. H. Lau. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 18-19 Nov 93 From chief infonnation officer to information officer. Shailendra Palvia. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 3-6 Fall Computing use in international business courses. Diane 93 Lockwood, Verne Redman and Patrick Fleenor. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 Gill-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: a personal values perspective. Sharon E. Beatty, Lynn Cost-effectiveness evaluation of decentralized interna- R. Kahle and Marjorie Utsey. J Global IM Vol. 6, No. tional technical training. David A. Johnson. HRD Qtly, 1: 49-66 93 Vol. 4, No. 3: 265-275 Fall 93 Global telecommunications services: strategies ofma- Critical factors affecting success of CBIS: cases from jor carriers. Jerry McCreary, William Boulton and Africa. Mayuri Odedra-Straub. J Global IM, Vol. 1, Chetan Sankar. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 6-18 Spring No. 3: 16-30 Summer 93 93

Critical issues of IS management in Hong Kong: a Going international: business education in Swaziland. cultural comparison. Janice Burn, K. B. C. Saxena and Carol Larson Jones. ISBE News, Vol. 24, No. 1: 1, 4- Louis Ma. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 28-37 Fall 93 7 Fall 93

Cross-cultural generalizability of a scale for profiling How national and ntanagerial cultures impact com- consumers' decision-making styles. Srinivas munication styles in western Europe. Maud Tixier. Durvasula, Steven Lysonski and J. Craig Andrews. J ABA Int Proc, 111-121 93 Cons Air, Vol. 27, No. 1: 55-65 Summer 93 Implications of firm controllable factors on export Cross-national comparison of consumer attitudes to- growth. Navcen Donthu and Sang Hyeon Kim, J Glo- ward consumerism in four developing countries. Wil- bal IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 47-64 93 liam K. Darley and Denise M. Johnson. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 37-54 Summer 93 Implications ofJapanese total quality control for west- ern organizations: dimensions of an intercultural hy- Dance to the music: records management and litiga- brid. Alan Goldman. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 29- tion in Canada. John C. Anderson. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, 47 93 No. 2: 12-14, 16-18 Apr 93 Incorporating multicultural awareness into the busi- Developing a global perspective through cooperative ness communication curriculum. Mary Jean Evers- learning. Jean Deimee.Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 367- Lush and Phyllis A. King. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 12-25 369 Jl/Aug 93 93

Doing business in global markets: perspectives of in- Integrating global concepts into the business curricu- ternational freight forwarders. Paul R. Murphy, James lum: a U.K. perspective. Alan P. Wunsch and Ron M. Daley and Douglas R. Dalenberg. J Global M, Vol. Schlattman. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 367-371 .11/Aug 93 6, No. 4: Intercultural business communication: building a Economic thinking in China: economic knowledge and course from the ground up. James S. O'Rourke IV. attitudes of high school students. Ruth Shen and T. Y. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 22-27 Dec 93 Shen. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 70-84 Winter 93 International business education in Latin America: Electronic data interchange: a new frontier for global context topics, and pedagogy. Thomas Becker, Will- standards policy. Eileen M. Trauth and Ronald S. Tho- iam Renforth and Robert P. Vinchas. J Teach Int Bus, mas. I Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 6-16 Fall 93 Vol. 4, No. 2: 19-42 93 55 48 Business Education Index

International business education in Latin America: sta- Preparing accountant for an international assignment. tus and future changes. Dennis A Guthery, Humberto Steven Golla, Arnita Bowman and Wun lam Chirn. Valencia and John M. Zerio. 3 Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, ABEA J, Vol. 12 No. 1: 23-30 Spring 93 No. 2: 61-75 93 Product trial and country-of-origin: an analysis of per- International computing and the international regime. ceived risk effects. Dana L. Alden. J Global IM, Vol. Edward M. Roche. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 20-28 6, No. 1: 7-26 93 Spring 93 Records management in the Soviet Union: part Ithe Internationalizing the business curriculum: a survey management of active records. David 0. Stephens. R of collegiate business schools. Maureen J. Fleming, M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 54, 56-57 Jan 93 Nader H. Shooshtari and Susan Selig Wallwork. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 77-99 93 Relationship between export strategy variables and export performance for Brazil-based manufacturers. Internet's potential as a global information infrastruc- Michael De Luz. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 87-110 ture: a case study and assessment. Judith D. Ahrens 93 and Gerardo A Esquer. I Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 18-27 Fall 93 Responding to world competition: developing the glo- bal IS professional. Paul H. Cheney and George M. Intersteno in Instanbul. Lynn Brooks. J CR, Vol. 55, Kasper. I Global IM, Vol. 1, No. I: 21-31 Winter 93 No. 2: 34-35 Dec 93 Review of the policy changes in the Indian telecom Is there life after IB training? A discussion of the is- sector: implicatims for decesion makers. Rekha Jain. sues. Lyn S. Amine. J Teach Im Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 7- J Global IM, Vol. I, No. 3: 33-44 Summer 93 17 93 Ricardian land: the forgotten piece of the economic Languages for international business purposes: view- development puzzle. John A. Laitner. J Cons Aft; Vol. points from the business communities of three English- 27. No. 2: 212-226 Winter 93 speaking countries. James Calvert Scott. ABA Nat Proc, 757-766 93 Schooling in Singapore: a sense of self-restraint. Yenming Zhang. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 105-106 Leadership development: a review of literature with Nov/Dec 93 applications for leadership development in the bank of Thailand. Saranya Wajnanwat. University of Minne- Selecting software for teaching international business: sota, Master's thesis 1992 An analysis of existing programs. Edward W. Schmitt and Gary P. Kearns. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 55- Marketing impact of trade block formation on third 83 93 country firms: the case of Singapore versus the US- Canada FTA. Chou Hou Wee, Siak Ching Chong and Seminar topic: trade evolution Canada--EC trade. Gilbert Y. W. Tan. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: I1l- Esther Subira and Anna Ronquillo. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 134 93 49-51 Nov 93

Marketing implications of the value difference between Sharing resources for classroom teaching. Robert A Soviet and American students. John Mager and W. R. Ristau and Sandra Kruzel. ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. Wynd. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 87-108 93 2: 5 Spring 93

NAFfk a Canadian persptctive. Paul S. H. Lau. ISBE Simulating the global market place: a software review News, Vol. 24, No. 1: 1-3 Fall 93 and comparison. J. A. F. Nicholls and Lunette B. Comer. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 135-145 93 New trends in tourism, influence in business and edu- cation. Anna Ronquillo. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 32-34 Software applications for international business edu- Apr 93 cation: a review of compact disclosure and disclosure/ worldscope software. John William Clarry. S T IntBus, Organizational behavior modification goes to Russia: Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 147-156 93 replicating an experimental analysis across cultures and tasks. Dianne H. B. Welsh, Fred Luthans and Steven Southeast Asian consumer perceptions of American M. Sommer. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 15-35 93 and Japanese imports: the influence of country-of- origin effects. David Strutton and Lou E. Pelton. Performing and promoting around the world. Bonita Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 67-86 93 King. ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 1, 6-7 Spring 93 Standardization of information systems and technol- Personal values, demographics and consumption be- ogy at multinational companies. Steven Gordon. J havior: a study of Taiwanese consumers. Kau Ah Keng Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 3: 5-14 Sununer 93 and Charles Yang. J Global IM. Vol. 6, No. 1: 27-48 93 Strategic use of infonnation technology in international business: a framework for information technology ap- Port of Vancouver. Peter Smith. SEIC Rev, No. 122: plication. Steven J. Simon and Varun Grover. J Global 22-25 Nov 93 IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 29-42 Spring 93 56 Business Education Index 49

Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- Using international financial databases in teaching in- ness courses-Part L Donna H. Redmann and Bobbye ternational accounting courses. Abdel M. Agami. 3 T J. Davis. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 1: 1-4 Ja 93 Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 103-113 93

Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- What's being done in business cur- ness courses-Part II. Mona J. Casady. DPE Instr. Vol. riculum. Nancy Zeliff and Shawna Heldenbrand. Bus 9, No. 2: 1-4 Mr 93 Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 23-25 Oct 93

Supervisory behavior and worker satisfaction in the Women entrepreneurs and enterprise support in Brit- United States, Mexico, and Spain. Norman R. Page ain. Patricia Richardson. SIEC Rev, No. 121: 16-27 and Richard L. Wiseman. 3 Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: Apr 93 161-180 93 Workshop topic: financial reporting standards in the Teaching international business in the information age: EC. J. Antoine. SE1C Rev, No. 122: 40-43 Nov 93 State of the art. Fahri Karakaya. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 9-16 93 Workshop topic: marketing in eastern European coun- tries. Goran Wikstran. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 39-40 Nov Teaching international businm. Paula C. William and 93 Jolene D. Scriven. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 28- 30 Feb 93 Workshop topic: the Noith American Free Trade Agreement & other global concerns. David W. Leapard Ttmching international topics in the business commu- and Paul S. H. Lau. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 28-30 Nov nication course: a survey of ABC members beyond the 93 United States. Bev Gatenby and Margaret C. McLawn. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 10-15 Dec 93 The challenge of the Canadian Confederation. Paul A. Keyboarding/Typewriting Herbig and Ken Day. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 73-91 Spring 93 Boyers' guide to electronic typewriters. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 88-89 Ja 93 The effect of national culture on IS: implications for international information systems. Phillip Ein-Dor, Eli Current trends in keyboarding/typewriting courses in Segev and Moshe Orgad. 3 Global 1M, Vol. 1, No. 1: postsecondary institutions in the United States. 33-44 Winter 93 Francine Whipps. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 The globalization of records management progyams in multinational corporations. David 0. Stephens. R Don't lose control! Inge M. Mopping. Bus Ed Forum, M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 66, 68-70, 72, 74 Oct 93 Vol. 47, No. 4: 41-42 Ap 93

The innovation matrix. Paul A. Herbig and Cynthia How fast can you type? Roger Gagon. WP Mag, Vol. McCarty. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 69-90 93 5, No. 10: 56-60 Oct 93

The interpreted executive: theory, models, and impli- Is keyboarding important in rural high schools. Cinda cations. Lyle Sussman and Denise M. Johnson. 3 Bus L. Shanks. MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 3: 3-5 Aug 92 Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: 415-434 Oct 93 Keyboarding coursework and employment, earnings, The relevance of firm size and international business and educational attainment. James C. Hearn, Darrell experience to market entry strategies. Abbas J. Ali and R. Lewis and Eric E. Zilbert. JEB, Vol. 68, No.3: 147- Robert C. Camp. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 91-112 93 151 Ja/Feb 93

U.S. experts' perceptions on international business Keyboarding portfolio. Jane Clinton. Kan Bus Tchr, communication action sta wients. James Calvert Scott Vol. 46. No. 2: 2-3 Spring 93 and Diana J. Green. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 281-287 My/ Ju 93 Keyboarding: what is it's thture? Linda Ilenson Wiggs. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 29-31 Dec 93 Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- ment: implications for marketing. Rajshekhar G. Learning style: an analysis of factors affecting key- Javalgi, Duane Kujawa and Frances E. Vernon. J Glo- boarding achievement of elementary school students. bal M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 33-52 93 Carolee Sormunen. DPE J Vol. 35, No. 1: 26-38 Win- ter 93 Using a simulation to teach intercultural comnwnica- tion in business communication courses. Daphne A. Proofread like a pro. M. Kay DuPont. Sec, Vol. 53, Jameson. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 3-11 Mr 93 No. 1: 18-19 Ja 93

Using an intelligent database in the classrocin: The case Relative efficiencies of the standard and Dvorak sim- of the country consultant. Vivek Bhargava, Cuneyt plified keyboards. Scot Ober. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 1: Evirgen and Michael Mitri. J T int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/ 1-13 Winter 93 4: 17-37 93 57 50 Business Education Index

Should a fidl-year course of keyboarding by required of all ninth grade students? Christine Van Hoozer. Legislative Issues Northwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis 1991 Complying with the disabilities act. Sandy Sopko. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 31-32 JI 93 The effect of prior keyboarding experience on attitude and achievement in a basic computer operations course Do businms educators need to be politically active? at the high school level. Johanna McHugh. Lehman Susan Maxam. MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: 1-6 Mr College, Master's thesis 1992 92

The effects ofphases of keyboarding speed on students' Family leave law places new obligations on employ- grades in beginning computer classes. Susan E. ers. William S. Hubbartt. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 18- Maxam. Utah State University, Doctoral dissertation 20, 22 Aug 93 1992 Involving veteran teachers in a state induction program. Type special characters. Read Gilgen. WP Mag, Vol. Joan M. Hofinann and Harriet Feldlaufer. Clearinghs, 5, No. 8: 50-53 Aug 93 Vol. 66, No. 2: 101-103 Nov/Dec 92 Typewriters adapt: they're here to stay. Nancy Legislative leadership. Patricia G. Moody. NBEA Cosgrove. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 87 Ja 93 Yrbk, No. 31: 78-91 1993

Typewriters: are computers driving them to pasture? The constitutionality of choice under the establislunent Julie LeGallee. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 16-17, 51 Aug clause. Stephen H. Freid. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 93 92-95 Nov/Dec 92

Teaching Techniques Microcomputers A philosophy for teaching keyboarding. Scot Ober. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 36-38 Feb 93 10 things every computer novice should know. David Kosorok. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 63-64, 66 Sep 93 Effectiveness of three methods of pract ice on speed and accuracy among keyboarding students. Brett A. Sarver. A profile of computer utilization in North Dakota busi- Central Washington University, Master's thesis 1992 ness and office education programs. Myra Mattem Collette. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis Postsecondary keyboarding students' speed and accu- 1992 racy outcomes when using electronic equipment. Randy L. Joyner, Vivian Arnold and B. June Schmidt. A strategy for active learning via a CAI system. Hmein DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 3: 175-189 Summer 93 Saiedian. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 11-13 Spring 93

Self-directed learning versus teacher-directed learning An end user computing view: present and future. Anil in secondary keyboarding. M. Lynch. Central Michi- Aggarwal. J WC. Vol. 5. No. 4: 29-32 Fall 93 gan University, Master's thesis 1992 An examination of sou rces of su pport preferred by end- Strategies ofteaching elementary keyboarding. Patricia user computing personnel. 13rent Bowman, Fritz H. Arneson. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 5-8 Spring 93 Grupe and Daulatram Lund. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 4- 11 Fall 93 Technology and keyboarding accuracy. Randy L. Joyner, Vivian Arnold and B. June Schmidt. Bus Ed Attitudes of experienced business educators and Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 16-19 Ap 93 preservice business education majors toward teaching software concepts and features. Marilyn R. Chalupa. The effect of typewriting students self-performance NABTE Rev, No. 20: 37-41 93 attitudes upon performance accuracy during timed and non-timcd tasks. Denise M. Kish. Central Michigan Book review: PC magazine BASIC techniques and University, Master's thesis 1992 utilities by Ethan Winer. Milani W. Aiken. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 41 Winter 93 The effects ofphascs of keyboarding speed on students' gradrs in beginning computer classes. Susan E. Maxam Book review: The Macintosh bible by Arthur Naiman, and H. Robert Stocker. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 233- Nancy Dunn, Susan NkCallister and John Kadyk. Jan 244 Fall 93 Travers. J EUC, Vol. 5. No. 1: 41 Winter 93

Working with elementary students in keyboarding 1.i la Bringing the business school into the 21st century. Prigge and Sandy Braathen. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, Kathleen Sampey and James A. Haggard. Ed Tech No. 1: 33-35 Oct 93 Exchange, Vol. L No. 2: 9-14 Summer 93 58 Business Education Lide.x 51

Buyers' guide to PC & business computers. Office, The daedalus integrated writing environment. Fred Vol. 117, No. 1: 77-79 Ja 93 Kemp. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. I, No. 3: 24-30 Win- ter 93 Buzzwords. Steven L. Harrison. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 47 Feb 93 The effects of phases of keyboarding speed on student grades in beginning computer classes. Susan E. Computer literacy: competencies expected by large Maxarn. Utah State University, Doctoral dissertation corporations. J. Ellis Blanton and Thomas P. 1992 Schambach. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 58-62 Winter 92- 93 The impact of the introductory MIS course on students, attitudes and perceptions iowards microcomputers. Computer manufacturers align to tackle new markets. Albert L. Harris. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 38-41 Winter Erik Mortensen. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 76 Ja 93 92-93

Computer usage characteristics and security in small The new microcomputer development technology: service firms: an exploratory study. Paramit Kahai, implications for the economics instructor and software Michael Gibson and Kerry Swinehart. J CIS, Vol. 33, author. David W. Boyd. I Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: No. 2: 70-74 Winter 92-93 113-125 Spring 93

Computer virus: the business version of the common Using business criteria to make technology decisions cold. John F. Schrage and Douglas B. Bock. Off Sys, in a school district. Ronald W. Costello, THE J, Vol. Vol. 10, No. 8: 12-13, 15, 17 Aug 93 21, No. 4: 105-108 Nov 93

Computerized labora' -,ry exercises for microvonornics Why microcomputers may increase the cost of doing education: three appl.. motivated by experimen- business. Gary Adna Ames. I EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 12- tal economics. Arlington W. Williams and James M. 17 Fall 93 Walker. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 291-315 Fall 93 Computers in design training: how much is enough? Hardware Joe Hutsko. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 48, 50, 52 Sep 93 13 new pointing devices to make WP 6.0 fly! Robert Employee decisions to enroll in microcomputer train- L. Wright and Paul Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: ing. Joseph J. Martocchio. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 51-69 Spring 93 61-65 Oct 93 Color in the fast lane. Dan Doemer. Pub, Vol. 8, No. Implementing a microcomputer-based work reporting 11: 61-62 Nov 93 and monitoring system for govenunent services: a case study. L. Douglas Kiel. I EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 18-25 Winter 93 Heterogenous computer hardware: threat or opportu- nity. John NI. McGinnis and James J. McGinnis. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 29-36 92-93 PC/fax features are filtering down-home. Patti Feldman and William Feldman. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 2: 43-45 Feb 93 Prevent hard disk failure from crippling your business. John F. Dziak. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 46, 48-49 11 93 PCs continue to change the way people work. P. K. Sharma. Office, Vol. 117, No. 2: 54 Feb 93

Preparing for change in computer education for busi- Microcomputer Education ness. Kimball P. Marshall, JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 376- 380 JI/Aug 93 A comparison of two teaching styles for teaching mi- crocomputer applications: traditional textbook and lec- Reinventing writing in the virtual age. Paul J. Leblanc. ture versus video and visual training. Ken Bourbina. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 6-16 Winter 93 Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 1992

Strange bedfellows. Skye Lininger. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: A handbook of instructional materials prepared for a 56, 58, 60 Feb 93 course teaching AS/400 systems operations. Glenda Rotvold. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis The audience made real: hypertext and the teaching of 1992 writing J. Yellowlees Douglas. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 17-23 Winter 93 A study of students' gender and achievement in intro- ductory microcomputer classes at Utah State Univer- The care and feeding of your hard drive. Scott Saari. J sity. William W. Sanderson. Utah State University, CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 36-37 Mar 93 Master's thesis 1992

The computer and the meaning of work: are we creat- A study to determine the integration of microcomput- ing the factories of the past? Virginia Sullivan. JEB, ers into the accounting curriculum in public high Vol. 68, No. 4: 197-201 Mr/Ap 93 schools in New Jersey. Linda F. Miske, NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 37-44 92-93 5 9 52 Business Education Index

A survey of computer literacy and technology in Mon- Book review: Current practice, future prospects. Girish tana schools. William E. Patton, J. Bettie and Niki Subrarnanian. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: 42 Winter 1993 Ho lube. University of Montana, 1992 Book review: Practical software engineering by Computer education in the Philippines. Janet J. Palmet Stephen R. Schach. Martin L Barrett. IRM J, Vol. 6, THE .1, Vol. 20, No. 6: 72-73 Ja 93 No. 2: 39 Spring 93 Computer teaching labs design and administration. Book review: Practical software engineering, Stephan John T. Jayne and Gwen Smith. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: R. Schach. Martin L. Barrett. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: 42 26-34 93 Spring 93 Heterogenous computer hardware: threat or opportu- Book review: Programming principles in computer nity. John M. McGinnis and James J. McGinnis. NJ graphics by Leendert Ammeraal. Milam W. Aiken. J BE Obs, Vol. 65: 29-36 92-93 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 33 Spring 93

How computers are being used in the business educa- Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance tion curriculum. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 22-28 92-93 decisions: a theoretical paradigm. Scott Turner, Rich- ard Aukerman and Kent Walstrom. SBR, Vol. 3 No. Introducing artificial intelligence into a high school's 1: 113-126 Spring 93 computer curriculum. Richard W. Dillon. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 74-75 Mr 93 Contact management. Teny D. Lundgren. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 144-146 Ja/Feb 93 Middle school computer applications. Sharon Andelora. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 45-52 92-93 Electronic gradebooks: what current programs can do for teachers. Edward L. Vockell and Douglas J. Fiore. Personal computer training at Illinois Department of Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 141-145 Ja/Feb 93 Transportation DiEtrict 9: employee perceptions. An- gela Brown. Southern Illinois University at Microcomputer-based software alternatives for project Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 management. Steve Corder and Ralph Ruby, Jr. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 56-59 Sep-Oct 93 Status of curriculum and microcomputer usage in marketing education in secondary and area vocational- Microcomputer use of instructional software in schools technical schools in Kentucky. Brenda Scruggs. South- of business. Steve Teglovic, Jr. and Robert M. Lynch. ern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 20-24 Spring 93 1992 Microsoft's "at work." Peter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. The effects of phases of keyboard ing speed on students' 10, No. 12: 10-18 Dec 93 grades in beginning computer classes. Susan E. Maxam and H. Robert Stocker. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 233- Problem solving in software tool courses: beyond the 244 Fall 93 basi. Donald A. Nellennoe. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 273- 275 My/Ju 93 The southeast director's column. Juliana Wetter. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 4 Spring 93 Reviews: the Judd test for Lotus I -2-3: a software skills proficiency test. Shirley T. Morton. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Using Microsoft Word 4.0-a curriculum guide. Jody No. 1: 114-117 Spring 93 Pepet University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Road scholar: a quick lesson in mapmaking. Timothy What are the computer applications and activities used Gaughan. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 50, 54, 56, 58 Oct 93 by business teachers in southwest Missouri? R. Susan Marcum. Southwest Missouri State University, Scheduling made simple. Karen Whitman. Sec, Vol. Master's thesis 1992 53, No. 8: 16 Oct 93

Selecting software for teaching international business: Software An analysis of existing programs. Edward W. Schmitt and Gary P. Keants. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 55- 80 reference products. Robert L Wright. WP Mag, Vol. 83 93 5, No. 9: 55-58 Sep 93 Simulating the global market place: A software review A comparative analysis of U.S. and Japanese software and comparison. J. A. F. Nicholls and Lucette B. development practiccs. Mohammed H. A. Tali and Comer. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 135-145 93 Robert A. Marose. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 19-24 Win- ter 92-93 Software alters PC use. Kenneth Waselt. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 41 la 93 A look at language translation software. Paul Maloy. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 89-90, 92 Feb 93 Software and courseware. THEJ, Vol. 20, No. 10: 33- 34, 36, 38, 40 May 93 A museum without walls. Daniel Todd. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 26-30 Sep 93 GO Business Education Index 53

Software applications for international business edu- A study of students' gender and achievement in intro- cation: A review ofcompact disclosure and disclosure/ ductory microcomputer classes at Utah State Univer- worldscope software. John William Clarry. JT Intl3us, sity. William W. Sanderson. Utah State University, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 147-156 93 Master's tbnis 1992

Software. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 41-42, 44-48 Aug Book review: Women, men and time: gender differ- 93 ences in paid work, housework and leisure by Beth Anni. Shelton. Jane McCullough...I Cons Aft Vol. 27, Spreadsheets: a smart business investment. Douglas No. 2: 430-432 Winter 93 Finlay. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 8, 10, 14 Ju 93 Communicating with the opposite sex. Joan H. Linder. Stacker 3.0 for DOS and Windows. Claude L. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 40-41 Aug/Sep 93 Simpson. 3 CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 94 Fall 93 Eacts of culture and gender on principal-n=her com- Staged right. Jeff Burger. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 44, 46, munication in school. Thomas D. Gougeon and Susan 48 Oct 93 I. Hutton. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 277-290 Fall 93

Structured techniques for successful end user spread- Expectation of future financial condition: Are men and sheets. Harry Benham, Michael Delaney and Andrew women different? Vicki Schram Fitzsimmons and Luzi. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 18-25 Spring 93 Salmi Wakita. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 165-180 93

Theorist: mathematics smart weapon. Dean Clark. Ed Gender difference in perfonnance of students in be- Tech Exchange, Vol. I. No. 3: 24-31 Fall 93 ginningeconomicsclasses.Anthoniswamy Obagarasamy. Southern Illinois University at Traffic controls the xpress way. Rick Reynolds. Pub, Carbondale. Master's thesis 1992 Vol. 8, No. 11: 36-41 Nov 93 Gender equity issues in business teacher education. Trends in the use and management ofapplication pack- John C. Schafer, Jo Behymer and Lonnie Echternacht. age software. Robert Klepper and Curt Hartog. IRM NABTE Rev No. 20: 47-49 93 3, Vol. 5, No. 4: 33-37 Fall 92 Gender roles in transition: career and family expecta- Type troubleshooting in Windows. Skye Lininger. Pub, tions of account ing students. Rebekah J. Maupin. Mid- Vol. 8, No. 9: 44, 46. 53 Sep 93 Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. I: 33-37 Spring 93

Wordperfect 6.0: 10 new things it does for you. Elden Learning style: an analysis of factors affecting key- Nelson. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 36-38, 40, 42-43 JI boarding achievement of elementary school students. 93 Carolee Sonnunen. DPEJ, Vol. 35, No. 1: 26-38 Win- ter 93

Safe and secure. Linda Pulliam. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 9, Minority Groups 11 My 93 Instructional strategies for minority youth Veronica P. Self-esteem of working women in business and Stephen, Mary Ellen Varble and Henry Taitt. academia. Carol A. Lundgren. DPE 3, Vol. 35, No, I: Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 116-120 Nov/Dec 93 14-25 Winter 93

Introductory economics textbooks and the treatment The career development and aspirations of women in of issues relating to women and minorities, 1984 and middle level management positions in business firms. 1991. Susan F. Feiner. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 145- Rose Mary Wentling. OSRA Proc, 41-57 Mr 93 162 Spring 93 The effect of interactive video and print role models Student diversity: implications for classroom teachers. and learner sex on instructional motivation. Kathryn Daniel D. Drake. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 5: 264-266 Ley and James D. Klein. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 58-67 93 My/Ju 93 The glass ceiling for women: things that don't cause it and things that won't break it. Robert A. Snyder. HRD Ethnk Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 97-106 Spring 93 Removing the language barrier. Mary Crabbe The roles of leader influence tactics, gender, and lead- Gershwin. Voc Ed I. Vol. 68, No. 4: 36, 46 My 93 ership style in leader-subordinate relationships. Gary Ernst. Northern Illinois University, Doctoral disserta- tion 1992 Gender Women and the demand for alcohol: estimating par- A new attitude. Carol Whitney Darling and Steven E. ticipation and consumption. J. R. Blaylock and W. N. Sorg. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68. No. 3: 18-21 Mr 93 Blisard. I Cons Aft Vol. 27, No. 2: 319-334 Winter 93 61 54 Business Education Index

Women entrepreneurs and enterprise support in Brit- Home alone: technology lets people work at home. Clif ain. Patricia Richardson. S1EC Rev, No. 121: 16-27 Garboden. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 16-17, 19-20 Feb APr 93 93 Women entrepreneurs. Catherine Turner. SIEC Rev, How to establish a records-management program. No. 121: 4-15 Apr 93 Mark Langemo. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 24-26, 30Ja 93 Women's work no more. Jeannette McBride-Bass. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 3: 22-23, 46 Mr 93 Keeping the quality up. Juli K. Hammond, Jeanne C. Graber and Mary F. Graham. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 19- 20 Aug/Sep 93 Race Managers have it, employees have it, and what can we A study of English as a second language (ESL) and its teach about it?Stress in the workplace. Edwina K. effect on the business education achievement of the Jordan. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 33 Ju 93 hispanic high school student. Enrique Gonzales. South- west Missouri State Univeristy, Master's thesis 1992 No more excuses. Susan D. Schubert. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 4: 14 Ap 93 Black entrepreneurs and the small business curricu- lum. Stephen Hogan, Steve Robinson and Douglas Office infonnation systems as a field of study and re- Schell. JEB, Vol. 68 No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 search. Elizabeth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 1- 17 Winter 93 Characteristics of career achievement: perceptions of African-American corporate executives. Carl Remus Office information systems: resources for a growing Bridges and Valerie S. Perotti. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. field of study. Heidi R. Perreault and C. Steven Hunt. 8, No. 1: 61-64 Spring 93 OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 45-56 Spring 93 Office support employment in the John A. Logan Col- lege district in Southern Illinois. Marilyn Haywood. Office Management Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 A meeting planner's primer. Joan Eisenstodt and Richelle Shafer. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 5: 15-17 My 93 Outsourcing: a concept with renewed meaning. Monty Kaufman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 50 Ja 93 A profile of computer utilization in North Dakota busi- ness and office education programs. Myra Mattern Outsourcing: the right move for today's virtual orga- Collette. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis nization. Nancy Frost. Office. Vol. 117, No. 5: 40-41 1992 My 93

A study to determine skills and competencies needed Personal organizers plan workdays, track ideas. John for office employment as reported by selected employ- Raymond. Office. Vol. 118, No. 2: 14-15, 50 Aug 93 ers in northwest Arkansas. Janet C. Butts. University of Arkansas-Fayetteville, Doctoral dissertation 1993 Scheduling made simple. Karen Whitman. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 8: 16 Oct 93 Bringing office systems into focus project report. Eliza- beth A. Regan. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 18-39 Winter Stop thieP. Phillip Barnhart. Orr Sys, Vol. 10. No. 10: 93 52, 54 Oct 93 Card sharks: 10 ways to slash phone fraud. Alon Strategies for the improvement of office occupations Aginsky. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 12-15 Nov 93 training and the integration ofJTPA programs in com- munity colleges. Jeanne M. Kruger. Southwest Mis- Companies find bargains in secondaty phone market. souri State University, Master's thesis 1992 John Raymond. Office, Vol. 118. No. 3: 44-45 1193 Technical/mechanical skill areas and related tasks and Do-it-yourself phone systems. S. Tressa Brophy. See, cognitive/affective competencies essential for entry- Vol. 53, No. 3: 9-11 Mr 93 level offio: workers in the Gratiot county area of Michi- gan. Barbara J. Prikasky. Central Michigan Univer- Does your recycling program only go halfway. Jeffrey sity', Master's thesis 1992 W. Edwards. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 30, 32-33 Mr 93 The anywhere, anytime office. Marilyn NI. Parker. Educators: qualifying for the home-office deduction. OSRA Proc. 219-240 Mr 93 Radic Bunn and Barry Lewis. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 231-233 Mr/Ap 93 The meaning and importance of certification to certi- fied administrative managers and their employers. Evaluating the use of technology in your office. Lloyd Candy Duncan-Evans. Southern Illinois University at G. Cooper and Susan Underwood. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 No. 4: 250-251 Mr/Ap 93 62' Business Education Index 55

The paperless office: still a myth in the ninetic. Nancy Buyers' guide to dictation equipment. Office, Vol. 117, Dunn Cosgrove. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 25, 27, 29 No. 1: 85-86 Ja 93 Ap 93 Buyers' guide to dictation equipment. Office, Vol. 118, The potential of intelligent messages in the automa- No. 3: 58-59 Sep 93 tion of office procedures. Hossein Saiedian. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 34-44 Spring 93 Buyers' guide to electronic typewriters. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 88-89 Ja 93 The quest for quality. Marlene Caroselli. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 4: 11-13 Ap 93 Buyers' guide to facsimile systems. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 54-56 Ja 93 The use of information technology and its relationship to job characteristics of administrative support person- Buyers' guide to facsimile systems. Office, Vol. 117, nel. Pamela Marino. OSR .1, Vol. 11, No. 3: 1-14 Spring No. 5: 34, 36, 38 My 93 93 Buyers' guide to fidl-color copiers. Office, Vol. 117, Up against the wall. Lisa Kanarek. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 65 Ja 93 No. 10: 32-34 Oct 93 Buyers' guide to full-color copiers. Office, Vol. 118, Using the Myers-Briggs type indicator to compare per- No. 1: 52 JI 93 sonality types of business teachers who teach office occupations with personality types of office profession- Buyers' guide to micrographic readers & reader-print- als. Karen Waner and Lonnie Echternach!. DPE J, Vol. ers. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 74-75 Ja 93 35, No. 2: 53-68 Spring 93 Buyers' guide to micrographic readers & reader-print- Video teleconferencing. G. Gordon Long. Olf Sys, Vol. ers. Office. Vol. 117. No. 3: 39-40 Mr 93 10, No. 2: 35-36, 38-39 Feb 93 Buyers' gu ide to PC & business computers. Office, Vol. What does the future hold for office occupations? 117, No. 1: 77-79 Ja 93 Donna J. Keenan. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 84-94 93 Buyers' guide to shredders. Office. Vol. 117. No. 1: 81-83 Ja 93 Equipment and Supplies Buyers' guide to telephone systems. Office. Vol. 117, 1993 will be a year of magic and multifunctionals. No. 1: 70-72 Ja 93 Norman Lankford. Off Sys, Vol 10. No. 1: 38, 40 Ja 93 Cellular phones reach out for office use. G. Gordon Long. OlfS)s, Vol. 10. No. 9: 20-22, 24 Sep 93 A printer for all networks. Mike Hurwier. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 53-54 Dec 93 Color to dye for. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 53, 56 Ju 93 Accessories are adapting to the changing office. Kennit Metzner. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 8: 24-26. 28 Aug 93 Computer accessories for every desktop. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 12, 14 Ap 93 An educated buyer. Howard Mostyn-Brown. See, Vol. 53, No. 7: 11-12 Aug/Sep 93 Copier controls cut costs. Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 66 Ja 93 At your service. Thad McIlroy Pub. Vol. 8, No. 5: 53- 54 My 93 Copier technology improves with new features and uses. Julie LeGalle. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 38, 40 Ap Bigger than a fax. Frank G. Cannata. Off Sys, Vol. 10, 93 No. 11: 52, 54, 56 Nov 93 Copier trends. Norman 1.. Lankford. 011ice, Vol. 11 7, Binding and lettering systems give the look of success. No 1: 60 Ja 93 Fiora Scaffi. OtiSys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 52. 54. 56 My 93 Current status of office equipment and employer ex- Buyers' guide to copier control systems. Office, Vol. pectations in business n ithin the N forehead State Uni- 117. No. 1: 67-68 Ja 93 versity region. I I illary O. Iwu, KIIEA J. 12-14 Spring 93 Buyers' guide to copier control systems. Office. Vol. 117, No. 2: 24, 26 Feb 93 Cutting cost with copier controls. Christopher Sheehan. Office. Vol. 117, No. 2: 22-23 Feb 93 Buyers' guide to copying equipment. Mice. Vol. 117. No. 1: 62-64 Ja 93 Desktop publishing capabilities grow while prices shrink. Lynn Wallbrd. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 30. 68 Buyers' guide to copying equipment. Office. Vol. 118. Ap 93 No. I46, 48, 50 JI 93

63 36 Business Education Index

Dictation machines seek to specialize. Leone Johnson. Personal laser printers under $1,100. Paul Maloy. WP Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 84 Ja 93 Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 43-44. 46-48 Ju 93

Dictation units: an office tool for busy workers. Julie Postscript thermal wax printers. Gene Gable. Pub, Vol. LeGallec. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 19, 23 Ju 93 8, No. 9: 54, 56, 58 Sep 93 Digital & miniature technology enhances dictation Power controllers keep equipment running smoothly. systems. Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 56- Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 36-37, 67, 71 57 Sep 93 .11 93 Equipment leasing is a wise investment. Office, Vol. Recycling paper, whent the trail leads. Office, Vol. 117, 118, No. 2: 18-19, 21 Aug 93 No. 2: 10, 12-13 Feb 93

Fax tips. Mark Rowh. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 9: 47-48, Reduce, reuse and recycle: office conservation pro- 51-52 Scp 93 grams. Lin Grensing-Pophal. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 56-58 Sep 93 Flexible phone systems are key to business success. Christopher Sheehan. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 42-43 Scanners give PCs new "eyes." Ellen Braun. Off Sys, My 93 Vol. 10. No. 8: 35-37 Aug 93

Four mistakes to avoid with copiers and supplies. Mark Second annual readers choice winners. Paul Maloy. Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 14-16 31 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 53-59 Ju 93

How to choose a copier. Brian Merriman. Sec, Vol. Secondary phone market provides excellent value. Rick 53, No. 3: 14-15 Mr 93 Friedman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 52-53 Ap 93 In search of the perfect copier. Frank Hill. Off Sys, Selecting paper shapes and sizes. Gayle G. Humpherys. Vol. 10, No. 7: 18, 20, 22, 24-25 JI 93 WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 57-58, 60 My 93

Increasingly cost effoctive, recycling programs continue Shredders give protection from espionage and gossip. to grow. Gloria Curry. Office. Vol. 118, No. 2: 30-31, Ellen Gragg. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 26, 28-31 31 93 51, 55 Aug 93 Shredders: an investment in security. Julie LeGallee. Ink again: the facts about cartridge recycling. Mark Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 44-47 Oct 93 Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 28, 30, 32 Nov 93 Slide scanners: show your true colors. Richard Jantz. Is now the time to buy a laser printer? Kermit Metzner. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 58-60 Oct 93 Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 32, 38 Sep 93 Superstores and dealers serve the office market. Lynn Laser sharp. Karen Wormald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. Watford. Office. Vol. 118. No. 1: 29-30. 68 J1 93 12: 28-30 Dec 93 The color of copiers. Carl A. Lindquist. Off Sys, Vol. Making smart decisions about buying fax machines. 10, No. 11: 20-24 Nov 93 Mark Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 18, 20, 22-23 My 93 The key-phone state. G. Gordon Long. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 45, 47-48, 50 Oct 93 More than money. Robert G. Baker. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: 17-19 Ju/JI 93 The office green. C. Gregory Davis. OIT Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 22-27 Dec 93 Moving into a new era of purchasing automation. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 50 JI 93 The power of paper. Sylvia Ann Blishak. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 38, 40, 42 My 93 Multifiinction copiers arc gaining in popularity. Jolm Raymond. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 42, 44 JI 93 The well-connected fax machine: quick, efficient, & high-tech. Sandra Sopko. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 42- New technologies: kcy to regenerating copier sales. 43 31 93 Douglas Finlay. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 24-26 Oct 93 Toner a critical supply item for copiers and printers. Office copiers now offer standard features at top speeds. Michael Finley. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 36, 38 Ap 93 Karen Womiald. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No.3: 20-22 Mr 93 Too good to he tnie--how to avoid office-supply scams. Paper less? Karen Wormald. Off Sys. VUI. 10, No. 10: Richard J. Maturi. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 41, 43, 45 36. 39-40 Oct 93 J1 93

Paper shredders make data security easy, affordable. Tune up your laser printer. Glenn Blain and Jeff Christopher J. Sheehan. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 34-35 Hadfield. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 4: 61-62 Ap 93 .11 93 64 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Business Education Index 57

Typewriters adapt: they're here to stay. Nancy Furniture dealers help FM managers through tough Cosgrove. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 87 Ja 93 times. Frederick W. Nevin. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 26-27 Ju 93 Typewriters: are computers driving them to pasture? Julie LeGallee. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 16-17,51 Aug Green companies can save money, environment. Rob- 93 ert S. Adamick. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 44Ja93

Uncontrolled use of photocopies breeds inefficiency. In-house food service is made to order for many orga- Cindra Morgan. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 20 Mr 93 nizations. Sandra Sopko. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 48- 49 Ap 93 Unleash your fax machine's sales & marketing poten- tial. Peter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 32, 34, Office design. Kermit Metzner. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 37-39 J1 93 4: 30, 32-35 Ap 93

What's new in office products? Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, Price wars change the office furniture market. Ruby Vol. 53, No. 1: 7-11, 31 Ja 93 Dearborn. Office, Vol. 117, No. 2: 32, 52 Feb 93

Why your office needs recycled supplies. John Safety considerations in designing accommodations for Raymond. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 45, 47, 55 Ju 93 infonnation systems. Anthony J. Joseph. RM Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 28-31 Oct 93 Writing instruments are key business communication tools. Julie LeGallee. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 27-28, Smaller staffs and budgets boost FM outsourcing, 59 JI 93 Sandy Sopko. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 28-29 Aug 93

Stand tall. Pat Green. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 41 Feb 93 Ergonomics and Facility Management Staying or moving an office: the time is now. Ella Accessories are adapting to the changing office. Kennit Bechtold. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 16 Ap 93 Metzner. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 24-26, 28 Aug 93 Ten steps to safer computer use. Karen Shah. Sec, Vol. Bank offices convey old-world wealth and power. Of- 53. No. 9: 14-15 Nov/Dec 93 fice, Vol. 118, No. 2: 39 Aug 93 Textile mill offices are created within budget. Office, Bringing ozone into the office. Brenda A. Myers. Of- Vol. 118, No. 2: 11, 45 Aug 93 fice, Vol. 118, No. 3: 12-14 Sep 93 Today's lighting can improve production, cut energy Buying office furniture can be a complex task. Nancy costs. Nancy Frost. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 12-13, 22 Frost. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 28-29 Ju 93 Aug 93

Carpal tunnel syndrome: an update. Martha I. Finney "Trends and re-trends" in office furniture. Ethel B. and Deborah A. Dasch. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 34-37 Nemetz. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 12, 15 Ja 93 My 93 When your job's a pain in the hand. John C. Schafer. Computer accessories can prevent workplace injury Sec, Vol. 53, No. 3: 16-18 Mr 93 & discomfort. Patti Feldman and William Feldman. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 40,42, 44 Ap 93 Work space partition design and storage as predictors of employee reaction and perfonnance. MichaelJ. Computers can be hazardous to your health. Mark O'Neill. OSRA Proc, 93-111 Mr 93 Rowh. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 40-42 Dec 93 Ergonomic study of clerical support staff VDT work- Mail Management stations. Robert Schramm and Vay Rodman. OSRA Proc, 112-131 Mr 93 10 windows of opportunity in express-mail usage. Sonny Smith. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 34, 36, 38 Mr Ergonomics--it's not just chairs. Stewart B. Leavitt. 93 Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 14-15. 17, 19. 20 Ju 93 8 tips to use in designing a corporate mail center. Ri- Everything in your office should be adjustable-even chard Pavely and Roman Horoszewski. Off Sys, Vol. you. John Raymond. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 22, 24. 10. No. 5: 24, 26, 28 My 93 26 Feb 93 Address for success. Michael D. Maguire. Off Sys, Vol. Facility management in the 90s. Diane Macknight. 10, No. 5: 33-37 My 93 Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 46 Ja 93 Automation bringing changes to USPS. Richard W. Faculty assets:acompany's hidden cash. Office. Vol. Pavely. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 42 la 93 118, No. 4: 36-37 Oct 93 Barcoding envelopes with 5.1 and 6.0. Roger Gagon. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 9: 69-73 Scp 93 65 58 Business Education Index

Cut bulk mail costs. Marcus J. Smith. WP Mag, Vol. Today's office: automated, partially paperless. Erik 5, No. 9: 51-54 Sep 93 Mortenson. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 16, 18. 52 Ju 93

Delivering the goods. Bob Smith. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 36-39 Dec 93 Office Security/Safety Designing your own mail center. Clifford E. Bennett. Avoid sick building syndrome with clean air. Office, Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 42, 44-46 Ja 93 Vol. (17, No. 6: 30, 31, 45 Ju 93

Modem office mailing equipment brings savings. Bringing ozone into the office. Brenda A. Myers. Of- Kermit Metzner. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 40, 42, 44 fice, Vol. 118, No.3: 12-14 Sep 93 Sep 93 Computer accessories can prevent workplace injury New mailing systems are quick, accurate. Mark Rowh. & discomfort. Patti Feldman and William Feldman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 50-51 Mr 93 Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 4: 40,42, 44 Ap 93

Overnight mail is quick and efficient when used cor- Fasten your seatbelt. Linda Pearson. Sec, Vol. 53, No. rectly. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 8, 10 Ap 93 5: 10-11 My 93

Technology boosts efficiency at the office and USPS. Paper shredders: not just for office use. George L. Sandra Sopko. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 12, 14 My 93 Beiswinger. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 80 la 93 Technology drives today's new and improved Power protection for electronic systcms. Rick mailroom. Richard Pavely. Office, Vol. 118. No. 3: 18, Friedman. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 52-53 Mr 93 28 Sep 93 Safe and secure. Linda Pulliam. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 9, The business of mail. Tony Adkims. Off Sys, Vol. 10, 11 My 93 No. 12: 51-52 Dec 93 Shredders protect a company's privacy. Mark Rowh. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 1: 48. 50-52 la 93 Office Automation Shredders: a powerful office security tool. Sara An ounce of surge protection can prevent a pound of Vollmart. Office, Vol. 117, No. 2: 34-36 Feb 93 automation woes. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 38-41 Aug 93 When your job's a pain in the hand. John C. Schafer. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 3: 16-18 Mr 93 Computer fax the next move in office automation. Pe- ter Davidson. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 12-14, 16 My 93 Personnel Management

Current trends and projections in office automation for 10 tough questions your employees need answered. business in the Toledo metropolitan area. Karin S. David Lindo. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 9: 11-13 Sep 93 Johnson. Bowling Green State University, Master's thesis 1992 Complying with the disabilities act. Sandy Sopko. Office, Vol. 118. No. 1: 31-32 Jl 93 Executive workstations now feature advanced soil- ware. Leone Johnson. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 30, 32, Eliminating sexual Larassment. Robert J. Shoop and 34 Aug 93 Debra L. Edwards. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 19-23 Oct 93

Identification of current and future entry-level office Family leave law: places new obligations on employ- equipment skills to determine if training on automated ers. William S. Pubbarit. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 8: 18- equipment plays a major role for entry-level employ- 20, 22 Aug 93 ment in office occupations with implications for cur- riculum. Kandy L. Bauer. Central Michigan Univer- Go ahead, rock the boat. David Undo. Off Sys, Vol. sity, Master's thesis 1992 10, No. 10: 14-15 Oct 93

Information protection in automated offices. Hossein Help with hiring. Dati A. Biddle. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 8: Saiedian and Steve Bang. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 36- 17-18 Oet 93 45 Fall 92 Make your company family-friendly. Patricia Schiff Office machines meet LANs in the digital office of the Estess. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 2: 30-32, 34 Feb future. Leon Carter. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 42-50 Nov 93 On time. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 12: 32-34 Dec 93 Tame the office paper tigers with document-imagng systems. Andrew W. Davis. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 3: Orientation express. David K. Lindo. Off Sys, Vol. 10, 24, 26, 28 Mr 93 No. 11: 64-67 Nov 93 6 6 Business Education Index 59

Outsourcing continues to serve new markets. Christo- New media for your messages. John Grove. Sec, Vol. pher J. Sheehan. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 46-47 JI 93 53, No. 3: 6-8 Mr 93 Working in the gray zone. Sylvia Ann Blishak. Off Office equipment and secretarial skills in the golden Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 58-63 Nov 93 triangje: a survey of area businesses. Marilyn Doolittle. Mississippi State University, Specialist thesis 1992 Public Relations Parliamentary precision. Karen J. Lee.1 CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 40-41 Jan 93 Book review: Crisis in organizations: managing and communicating in the heat of chaos by Laurence Perceptions of trained and untrained entry-level secre- Barton. Lisa Tyler. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 47-48 Ju tarial staff held by Kingston, Jamaica, area business 93 employers. Yvonne Metz. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 Gift-giving has its own etiquette. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 26, 28, 30 Sep 93 Proofread like a pro. M. Kay DuPont. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 1: 18-19 Ja 93 How managers should handle the press. Frank Baxlell. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 58, 60 My 93 Seize the opportunitim Richard G. Ensman, Jr. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: 15-16, 30 Ju/JI 93 What's your office's image? Sylvia Ann Blishak. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 44-45 Mr 93 The absentee boss. Nan DeMars. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 26-27 Oct 93

The secretary's change role. Bob Freiday. Sec, Vol. 53, Secretarial Procedures No. 2: 18-23 Feb 93

'Alohato tomorrow. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, Vol. 53, Who is today's professional secretary? Sec. Vol. 53, No. 4: 7-10 Ap 93 No. 4: 18-22 Ap 93 A study to determine entry-level legal secretarial re- Workshop topic: issutx in secretarial education. Eileen quirements of Morris County law firms. Clotilde G. Broughton and Ilelnnith Hamminger. SEIC Rev, No. Szajda. Montclair State College, Master's thesis 1992 122: 38-39 Nov 93 Be a champion of change. Regina E. Zekis. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 2: 15-17 Feb 93 Temporary Help Services Career boosters. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 7: 16-18 Aug/Sep 93 Flexible staffing solves work cycle problems. IMC 3, Vol. 29, No. 2: 18-19 Mr/Ap 93 Catered with care. Chip Fisher. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 16-17 Nov/Dec 93 Older & wiser. Richard B. Elsberry. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 44, 46, 48 My 93 Create your own phone book. Becky J. Beck and Raelynn Klafke. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 37-39 Oct Everyone wins when it comes to temporary help. Sandy 93 Sopko. office. Vol. 118, No. 4: 28,32,35 Oct 93

Don't leave home. Jean L. Jones. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: Ready-trained temps. Stacy Zoe Berg. Sec, Vol. 53, 7-9 Ju/JI 93 No. 8: 14-15 Oct 93

Eye on excellence. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: 21-22 Aug/ Should you try temping? Robert Lyons. Sec, Vol. 53, Sep 93 No. 2: 10-12 Feb 93

Filing 101. David J. Fasbender. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: Temporary help agencies are bullish on American 10-12 Ju/JI 93 economy. Christopher Sheehan. Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 32, 34 Mr 93 How to be a value-added secretary. Jackie Perrett. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 13-15 Aug/Sep 93 Temporary help market continues to grow. Gloria Curry. Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 8,10 J193 Identification and validation of competencies essential for clerical/secretarial occupations with implications Temporary services and the global economy. Charles for competency based curriculum development. Wayne Lincoln. Office. Vol. 117, No. 1: 48 Ja 93 Moore. Temple University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Temps Rising. Samuel R. Sacco. 011'Sys, Vol. 10, No. In touch with the future. Scc. Vol. 53, No. 7: 24-25 10: 56, 60 Oct 93 Aug/Sep 93 60 Business Education Index Thne Management Brush, Paul G. Rocks and Theresa Marche. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 74-77 Ju 93 Ajilfy job form. S. Scott Zimmerman. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 4: 22-29 Ap 93 Educational television and professional development: the Kentucky model. Linda Kraus Worley. THE J, Vol. All in a day's planner. Lisa Kanarek. Off Sys, Vol. 10, 20, No. 11: 70-73 Ju 93 No. 11: 34-38 Nov 93 Entrepreneurial leadership. Nan B. Erickson. NBEA Clients al your fingertips. Calvin H. Chipman and Yrbk, No. 31: 69-77 1993 Renee Davis. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 42-46 Mr 93 From layoff to payoff. Aim Dykman. Voc Ed J, Vol. Creating a daily planner. Todd Christensen. WP Mag, 68, No. 7: 20-21 Oct 93 Vol. 5, No. 12: 33-35 Dec 93 Hone your financial management skills. Charlie J. Doiag it all. Tracy Fellin Savidge. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 1: Trimble and Dixie C. Trimble. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 14-17 Ja 93 12-13 Nov/Dec 93

Systems for recording time. Charlotte Caseb Dzujna. Horizontal leadership. Terry Smith and Cynthia Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 60-63 Sep 93 Greene. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: 156-161 1993

Take charge of your time. Connie Sitterly. See, Vol. House work. Karen J. Stadcl. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 33 53, No. 1: 12-13 Ja 93 Apr 93

Take control of time. John H. Lea. J CR, Vol. 54, No. Leadership in the proprietary school environment. 5: 26-27 Mar 93 Shirley C. Lowery. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 137-144 1993 Teaching time and task organization in business classesa "winning'. system. Mary J. Frame and Terry Leadership profiles. Betty C. Fry and Joe Anna Hibler. M. Frame. ABEA .1, Vol. 12, No. 1: 38-4,1 Spring 93 NBEA Yrbk, Nu. 31: 10-24 1993 Leadership through the years. Edward Miller. NBEA Professional Development Yrbk, No. 31: 162-171 1993 Leadership: from the classroom to the boardroom. Jan 'Alohalo tomorrow. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, Vol. 53, No. Felton. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: 25-36 1993 4: 7-10 Ap 93 Making visions for leadership a reality. Susan A correlation between professional advancement and Jadernrom and Gary Thompson. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: mentoring in business education and other profession.s. 111-118 1993 Donna Holmquist. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 20-30 93 No more excuses. Susan D. Schubert. Sec, Vol. 53, A profile of leadership in business education. Donna No. 4: 14 Ap 93 Holmquist. ABEA J. Vol. 12. No. 1: 11-17 Spring 93 Paradigms for high-tech leadership. Sharon Lund A retirement dream. Linda Daily. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: O'Neil and June St. Clair Atkinson. NBEA Yrbk, No. 10-11 Nov/Dec 93 31: 59-68 1993

A role model. David Margolick. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: Personal skill development. Susie 11. Van I fuss. NBEA 43 Mar 93 Yrbk, No. 31: 1-9 1993

A summer of learning. Barbara Railsback. Kan Bus Planting the seeds for future business education lead- Tchr, Vol. 47, No. 1: 4-5, 18 Fall 93 ers. Helen Parcel Taylor. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 37-49 1993 Be a champion of change. Regina E. Zekis. See, Vol. 53, No. 2: 15-17 Feb 93 Professional development: detennining member needs for the Virginia Business Education Association. Beyond the nest egg. Denise Loftus. Sec. Vol. 53. No. Sandra S. Wiedegreen. Virginia Polytechnic Institute 9: 7-9 Nov/Dec 93 and State University. Master's thesis 1992

Closing the values gap. Tee Houston-Aldridge. Sec, Reporting on the hill. Alan NI. Schlein. J CR. Vol. 54, Vol. 53, No. 5: 19-23 My 93 No. 6: 26-31 Apr 93

Conununicate assertively with your children. Joan 11. Rcpping with Bruce. Stephen R. Edmondson. J CR, Linder. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 9: 25 Nov/Dec 93 Vol. 54, No. 6: 36 Apr 93

Continuing teacher education through distance !cant- Research: A demographic analysis of infonnat ion sys- ing and audiographics. Dennis Knapczyk, Thomas tems faculty. Susan W. Athey, Jon D. Clark and W. John Plotnicki. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 85-90 Spring 93 68 Business Education Index 61

Seven steps to success. Joyce Bryan. Sec, Vol. 53, No. Innovations for student organizations. Janet M. Gandy 2: 13-14 Feb 93 and Linda D. Snider. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 3- 5 Oct 93 Small companies, big dividends. Sandra R. Sabo. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 18-19 NoviDec 93 Leadership at the national level. Donald K. Zahn. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 129-136 1993 Starting a quest for quality. Jeff Rouen. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 28-30 Mar 93 Leadership through the years. Edward Miller. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 162-171 1993 State program leadership perspectives. Joan S. Briggaman. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 145-155 1993 Legislative leadership. Patricia G. Moody. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 78-91 1993 Strengthen your networking know-how. Anne Baber and Lynne Waymon. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 2: 7-9 Feb 93 Let's be proud of who we are. Thomas A. Waters. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 34-35 Aug/Sep 93 Take control of time. John H. Lea. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 26-27 Mar 93 Loyalty + servive + progress = Pi Omega Pi. Larry G. Pagel. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 8-10 Oct 93 The 21st-century secretary. Linda Daily. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 12-14 My 93 M-PBEA president's message. Lila Prigge. Kan Bus Tehr, Vol. 47, No. 1: 3 Fall 93 The quest for quality. Marlene Caroselli. See, Vol. 53, No. 4: 11-13 Ap 93 NCRA adopts new constitution and bylaws. Dan Heath. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 1: 49 Nov 93 The secretary's change role. Bob Freiday. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 2: 18-23 Feb 93 NCRA all-star team. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 32-34 Jan 93 Two more role models. Paul D. Staudohar and Ben- jamin Rogner. J CR, Vol. 54. No. 6: 37 Apr 93 NCRA code of professional ethics. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 28-30 Ju 93 What does business have to say about leadership? Frank Reynolds. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: 50-58 1993 Network committee. Joseph Antoine. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 52-55 Nov 93 When a reporter relocates. Reid Robbins. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 32-33 Mar 93 Not just 'seed and feed'. Ann Dykman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 33 Ap 93 Who is today's professional secretary? Sec, Vol. 53. No. 4: 18-22 Ap 93 Scholarship + leadership + cooperation = Delta Pi Epsilon. Betty J. Brown. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No.' I: 5-7 Oct 93 Associations Shirt or drill. Gary Hannah. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: A rose and some nuggets. Stephen Edmondson. J CR, 21-25 Ap 93 Vol. 54, No. 4: 34-37 Feb 93 The thrill of victory. Matt Coleman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, A world-class affair. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. I : 17-23 No. 4: 30-32 Ap 93 Ja 93 V1CA got to college. Tom Hall. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, Benchmarking: bettering our best. Amelia II. Barclay. No. 4: 28-29 Ap 93 Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 32-33 Aug/Sep 93 Calgary '93. Sec, Vol. 53 No. 5: 18 My 93 Certification

Common sense tips for a successful and rewarding A boost for teachers? Barbara C. Shapiro. Voc Ed J, presidency. Deborah M Stipp and E. Jean Jillson. N Vol. 68, No. 6: 28-29, 54 Sep 93 & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 1,: 16 Spring 93 An assessment of' the cognitive levels of the uniform Gateway to careers. Michael Vernezze and Marjorie certified public accountant examination and the certi- Henkel. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 4: 26-27 Ap 93 fied management accountant examination. Anne Smith. Northern Illinois University, Doctoral tiissertation 1992 Have you tried NCRA lately? Stephen Edmonson. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 3: 36-37 Jan 93 Business teacher educators' perceptions of licensing requirements for secondary school business teachers Important parliamentary considerations for the San in the United States. Rodney Davis and Robert Francisco convention. Toni Bagley. J CR, Vol. 54, No. Underwood. Bus Ed Dig. Vol. 3: 13-19 93 8: 36-37 Ju 93

69 62 Business Education Index

Information systems content in the CPA examination. E-mail and variables of thetorical form. James E. Por- Lloyd D. Doney and Michael D. Akers. J CIS, Vol. ter. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 41-42 Ju 93 34, No. 1: 81-88 Fall 93 Eight decadtm of contributing authors and institutions The CPA of the ffiture: the role of higher education. to the American Economic Review: a historical sum- Lawrence A. Klein and Elliott S. Levy. JEB, Vol. 68, mary. Jean Louis Heck. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: No. 4: 227-230 Mr/Ap 93 163-170 Spring 93

The meaning and importance of certification to certi- Emerging questions and research paradigms in busi- fied administrative managers and their employers. ness communication research. Larry R. Smeltzer..1Bus Candy Duncan-Evans. Southern Illinois University at Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 181-198 93 Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Gaining access to a research and development labora- The standard approach. Dale Hudelson. Voc Ed J. Vol. tory. Vincent J. Brown. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 42- 68, No. 2: 32-34, 51 Feb 93 44 Mr 93

The slate of certification. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: 30- Gaining access to a software development company. 35 Sep 93 Jane M. Perkins. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 46-47 Mr 93

Gaining access to a state agency and to a factory. Kitty Research Methodology/ 0. Locker. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 45-46 Mr 93

Issues Gaining access to an insurance company. Geoffrey A. Cross. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 44 Mr 93 A conceptual foundation for conducting research. Daniel R. Wunsch. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 5: 1-6 Nov Grant writing: a necessary leadership skill. Donna H. 93 Redmann. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 98-110 1993 A letter to the editor: relevance versus significance in Grant writing techniques for K-12 funding. Ellen business communication research. Mohan R. Limaye. Zimet. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 4: 109-111 Nov 93 J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 463-471 Oct 93 Improving students' library skills through electronic An analysis of contributions and contributors in eco- searching. Bobby J. Davis and Carolyn Hagler. MBEA nomic education research. James \V. Marlin, Jr. and J, Vol. 20: 2-9 93 Garey C. Durden. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24 No. 2: 171-186 Spring 93 Leadership decision making and research. B. June Schmidt. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 92-97 1993 An expert systems approach to teaching sample size determination. Ronald S. Rubin and James M. Ragusa. MIS publication outlets: a systematic investigation of 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 28-33 Summer 93 the topics published. Kent A. Walstrom and Richard A. Aukerman. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 23-29 Fall 93 An integration of countertrade research and practice. Sam C. Okoroafo. J Global M. Vol. 6, No. 4: 113-128 Rating of marketing publications: impact of accredi- 93 tation and publication history. Kenneth A. Heischmidt and Peter Gordon. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 152-158 Ja/ Applied research as an experiential learning tool in the Feb 93 foreign international management classroom: a case study in Mexico. Joel D. Nicholson and John Lust. J Relevance is the issue. Larry R. Smeltzer. J Bus Com, Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 43-59 93 Vol. 30, No. 4: 477-478 Oct 93

At your fingertips. Judith 0. Wagner. Sec, Vol 53. No. Research design issues for the study of electronic dis- 6: 13-14 Ju/1193 cussions. Patricia Sullivan. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 43-45 Ju 93 Author and citation patterns for The Journal of Busi- ness Communication. 1978-1992. N. L. Reinsch Jr. Reseanth productivity, peroeived tvaching effectiveness and Phillip V. Lewis. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 435- and management faculty opinions: a survey. Daniel 462 Oct 93 Hotard, Ilennan Manakyan and Jolm Tanner. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 23-39 Spring 93 Book review: Research methods of business: a skill- building approach by Uma Sckaran. James L. Response to Mohan Limaye: the need for contexivally Morrison, JEB, Vol. 68, No, 5: 316-317 My/Ju 93 based research. Jim Suchan. J Bus Com, Vol. 30. No. 4: 473-476 Oct 93 Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSB- accredited business schools. Stuart Van Auken, Chester Scholarly research and teaching: is there a C. Cotton and John F. McKenna. JEB Vol. 68, No. 5: disproportinate mix? Alan Reinstein and Gerald H. 261-265 My/Ju 93 70 Lander. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 49-55 Sep-Oct 93 Business Education Index 63

The dissemination of research agendas among young An analysis of the reasons students drop out of court economists. Arthur M. Diamond, Jr. and Donald R. reporting and how they could be influenced to remain. Haurin. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 53-61 Winter 93 Marcella J. Kocar. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 123-128 Dec 93 The opportunity ofqualitative research. JoAnne Yates. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 2: 199-200 93 Another collection case in our favor. Ralph R. Pressel. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 35 Mar 93 The property issue in e-mail research. Tharon Howard. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 40-41 Ju 93 Captioning municipal governments. Gary D. Robson and Karen A. George. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 38-39 Feb The state ofthe Journal in 1992: a report from the edi- 93 tor. N. L. Reinsch, Jr. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 87-89 93 Carpal tunnel syndrome: an update. Martha I. Finney and Deborah A. Dasch. 3 CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 34-37 The value of a flexible, cautionary approach to data My 93 gathering in qualitative research. Rachel Spilka. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 40 11 Sep 93 CAT compatability. Channi Keranen. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 119-120 Dec 93 The what, the whom, and the hows of survey research. John C. Sherblom, Claire F. Sullivan and Elizabeth C. CAT shopping checklists. Kathy Monaghan. JCR, Vol. Sherblom. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 58-61 Dec 93 54, No. 9: 42-44 3193 Using good qualitative research to generate questions Collection considerations. Ralph R. Pressel. J CR, Vol. and contextualize writing. Dorothy A. Winsor. ABC 54, No. 5: 34 Mar 93 Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 39-40 Sep 93 Computer viruses. Ronald N. Rosenwasser. JCR, Vol. Using qualitative research to generate theory. Jone 54, No. 4: 42-43 Feb 93 Rymer. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 42-44 Sep 93 Conference reporting: a career worth considering! Su- Using triangulation etnetively in qualitative research. san Switzer and Richard D. Featheringham. MBEA Elizabeth Huettman. ABC Bul. Vol. 16, No. 3: 42 Sep Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: 1, 3, 4 Mr 92 93 Court reporters and TD1. Stephen Edmondson. J CR, What is a researcher? Priseella S. Rogers. J Bus Com, Vol. 55, No. 2: 69-72 Dec 93 Vol. 30, No. 2: 204-206 93 Court reporting in the year 2000. Jeny Kelley. J CR, Why don't we do better research? N. L. Reinsch, Jr. J Vol. 55, No. 2: 32-33 Dec 93 Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 200-202 93 Defining ethics. John II. Lea. J CR, Vol. 54. No. 8: 24- Why we do irrevelant research. Jim Suchan. J Bus 26 Ju 93 Corn, Vol. 30, No. 2: 202-203 93 Excuse me, did you get all that? Don J. DeBenedictis. J CR, Vol. 54. No. 10: 32-37 Aug/Oet 93

Shorthand Happy anniversary. Terry Lee. 3 CR, Vol. 55. No. 2: 22-27 Dec 93 A survey of employers concerning secretaries' use of shorthand/fast note-taking skills. Darlene Wallace. Have you tried NCRA lately? Stephen Edmonson. J Missixsippi State University, Specialist thesis 1992 CR. Vol. 54, No. 3: 36-37 Jan 93

Shorthand instruction and language problems in multi- I louse work. Karen J. Stade!. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 33 language countries. D. Essam Zc. SE1C Rev, No. 122: Apr 93 55-59 Nov 93 lntersteno in Instanhul. Lynn Brooks. J CR, Vol. 55, Shorthand skill in job success: perceptions of selected No. 2: 34-35 Dec 93 Illinois professional secretaries. Carol Yack. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 Let's back up. Scott Saari. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 28-32 Feb 93 Cou rt Reporting Making a record at thc scene. Charlotte Bishop. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: 36-37 Aug/Oct 93 A role model. David Margolick..ICR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 43 Mar 93 NCRA adopts new constitution and bylaws. Dan Heath. 3 CR, Vol. 55, No. 1: 49 Nov 93 About British work pennits. R. Cliflbrd. 2 CR. Vol. 55, No. 1: 68-70 Nov 93 NCRA all-star team. 3 CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 32-34 Jan 93

71 64 Business Education Index

NCRA code of professional ethics. JCR, Vol. 54, No. War stories. Lea Yoczik. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: 46-48 8: 28-30 Ju 93 Aug/Oct 93

NCRNs nde 30 testimony. William K. Slate 11. J CR, Welcome to my world. Daniel C. Heath. 3 CR, Vol. Vol. 54, No. 10: 28-29 Aug/Oct 93 54, No. 7: 39 My 93

New rules in Arizona. Scott Saari. J CR, Vol. 54, No. When a reporter relocates. Reid Robbins. J CR, Vol. 8: 38-39 Ju 93 54, No. 5: 32-33 Mar 93

Parliamntary precision. Karen J. 3 CR, Vol. 54, Wrist pain: it's not always CTS. Patricia K. Graves. J No. 3: 40-41 Jan 93 CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 33 My 93 Real-time braille. Daniel C. Heath. JCR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 29-30 Jan 93 Dictation Recent NCRA public advisory opinions. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 31-34 Ju 93 Buyers' guide to dictation equipment. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 85-86 Ja 93 Reporting, Alaska style. Stephan R. Edmondson. JCR, Vol. 55, No. 1: 73-74 Nov 93 Buyers' guide to dictation equipment. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 58-59 Sep 93 Reporting on the hill. Alan M. Schlein. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 26-31 Apr 93 Dictation machines seek to specialize. Leone Johnson. Office. Vol. 117, No. 1: 84 la 93 Repotting using braille. Darlene Shue and Lynn Clark. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 31 Jan 93 Digital & miniature technology enhances dictation systems. Rick Friedman. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 56- 57 Sep 93 Repping with Bruce. Stephen R. Edmondson. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 36 Apr 93

Results from a national survey ofoourt reporters. Joyce Transcription P. Jacobsen. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 42-47 Ju 93 Braille transcripts. C. J. Cornelius. J CR, Vol. 54, No. Rule 30 update. Marshall S. Jorpeland. J CR, Vol. 55, 3: 28, 30 Jan 93 No. 1: 30-31 Nov 93 The relationship between frequency of evaluation of Searching for Bugsy's moll. Robert L. Hopkins. JCR, in-class production tasks and overall achievement in Vol. 54, No. 4: 48 Feb 93 production in secondary school advanced transcription classes. Patricia Campagna. Ldunan College, Master's Stand tall. Pat Green. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 41 Feb 93 thesis 1992

Starting a quest for quality. Jeff Rossen. J CR. Vol. 54. Transcripts and the Bill of Rights. Catherine Nuno. J No. 5: 28-30 Mar 93 CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 46 Feb 93

Stenotype practice with pay. Charmaine K. Backens. CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: Aug/Oct 93 Special Needs Succeeding in reporting. Reid Robbins. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 38 My 93 Dictation units: an office tool for busy workers. Julie LeGallee. Office, Vol. 117. No. 6: 19, 23 Ju 93 Take control of time. John H. Lea. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 26-27 Mar 93 Economic well-being of disabled elderly living in the community. Marlene S. Stum, Jean W. Bauer and Paula The trial of the century: a scribe's journal. Mindy J. Delaney. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 199-216 93 Martin. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 43-44 Jan 93 On their own: preparing disabled studei its for indepen- The trial ofthe century: Enoch's most memorable trial. dent living and productive careers. Gary Mcers. Voc Christine Wright. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 42, 44 Jan 93 Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 30-31 Nov-Dec 93 Transcripts and the Bill of Rights. Catherine Nuno. J Secondary business educators' attitudes toward stu- CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 46 Feb 93 dents from special populations: a factor analytic in- vestigation. Constance Pollard, Richard Pollard and Two more role models. Paul D. Staudohar and Ben- Jay Rojewski. NABTE Rev No. 20: 42-46 93 jamin Rogner. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 37 Apr 93 Theater captioning. Patricia K. Graves. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 9: 37 JI 93 Business Education Index 65 Classroom Complying with the disabilities act. Sandy Sopko. Offtce, Vol. 118, No. 1: 31-32 31 93 ADDNET network: a low-end technology success. William N. Bender, Phillip J. McLaughlin and Lisa Gaining acems. Verlyn Deckert. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: M. Ehrhart. The I, Vol. 21, No. 2: 96-100 Sep 93 26-27 31 93

All things being equal: in the classroom, special needs Implementing ADA its court and other public places. shouldn't mean special treatment. Rich Dubrul. Voc Judith H. Brentano. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 24-25 JI 93 Ed .T, Vol. 68, No. 8: 28-29 Nov-Dec 93 Promoting the potential of people. Bill Scott. J CR, An analysis of Washington state high school business Vol. 54, No. 7: 28-29 JI 93 educators' attitudes toward handicapped persons and opinions about mainstreaming. Rebecca Marie Pricur. SHHHnot so quiet. Brenda Battat. J CR, Vol. 54,No. Central Washington University, Master's thesis 1992 9: 30 J193 Communication-related strategies that facilitate the Succeeding in reporting. Reid Robbins. J CR, Vol. 54, mainstreaming of limited-English-proficient-Japanese No. 7: 38 My 93 students: the Weber State University experience. Diana J. Green. ABA Nat Proc, 228-235 93 The ALAD/NCRA connection. Steven Wilhelm. JCR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 31 .11 93 How to handle students exhibiting violent behaviors. Nikki L. Murdick and Barbara C. Gamin. Clearings, Welcome to my world. Daniel C. Heath. J CR, Vol. Vol. 66, No. 5: 278-280 My/Ju 93 54, No. 7: 39 My 93

It takes two: mainstreaming is easier wlsen special edu- Wrist pain: it's not always CTS. Patricia K. Graves. J cators and vocational teachers team up. Richard C. CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 33 My 93 Lombard and Michael N. Haze Ikons. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 32-33 Nov-Dec 93

No funding? No support? No problem! Exemplary Standards programs for disabled students find creative solutions. Carolyn Maddy-Bernstein and Zipurh Burac Matias. Electronic data interchange: a new frontier for global Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 25-27 Nov-Lec 93 standards policy. Eiltxm M. Trauth and Ronald S. Tho- mas. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 6-16 Fall 93 Special education: addressing complex health needs. Jerry Whitworth. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 68-69 Nov/Dec 93 Policies Commission

Special education: an overview. Jerry Whitworth. TIsis we believe about the role of business education Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 132-133 Ja/Feb 93 its technology. Bus Ed Fonms. Vol. 48, No. 1: 11-12 Oct 93 Tack E.._ Tourette's syndrome. Robert L. Wright. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 55-56 Nov 93 This we believe about the role of business education its tech prep. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 13-14 Oct The ADA and vocational education. Patricia A. 93 Morrissey. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 22-24 Nov-Dec 93

The learning disabled adolescent and whole language. Teaching Carol .1. Fuhler. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 107-111 . Nov/Dec 93 A boost for teachers? Barbara C. Snapiro. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 6: 28-29, 54 Sep 93

Workplace A comparison of two teaching styles for teaching mi- crocomputer applications: traditional textbook and lec- A comparison of employers' and recruiters' probable ture versus video and visual training. Ken Bourbina. acceptance of title I of the Americans with Disabilities Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 1992 Act and their attitudes toward individuals with disabilitcs. Sharon Walters. Southern Illinois Univer- A handbook of instructional materials prepared for a sity at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 course teaching AS/400 systems operations. Glenda Rotvold. Uiversity of North Dakota, Master's thesis Cats your company accommodate disabled workers? 1992 Phillip M. Perry,. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 38-41 Ju 93 A professional profile of business communication edu- Carrying on the Gal laudet tradition. Cassie Lee Bichy. cators and their research preferences: survey results. 3 CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 32-33 11 93 John D. Beard and David L. Williams. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 3: 269-295 31 93

73 66 Business Education Index

A study guide for students. Boris Blai, Jr. Clearinghs, Do your students write to learn? Patsy Nichols. KBEA Vol. 67, No. 2: 98-102 Nov/Dec 93 1, 6-7 Spring 93

Active learning from beginning to end. Mellanie Electronic test generators: what current programs can Herbert. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No. 1: 31-37 Spring 93 do for teachers. Edward L. Vockell and Douglas J. Fiore. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 356-362 JI/Aug 93 An analysis of Washington state high school business educators' attitudes toward handicapped persons and Envisioning the library of tomorrow. Linda Demmers, opinions about mainstreaming. Rebecca Marie Prieur. Karen M. G. Howell and Lucy Siefest Wegner. Ed Tech Central Washington University, Master's thesis 1992 Exchange, Vol. I, No. 3: 8-15 Fall 93

An educator's brief on dangerous plants. Donald E. Executive development programs: insights for plan- Riechard. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 151-153 Ja/Feb ners and administrators. William H. Murphy and 93 Sidney Sin-Lai Tang. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 184-189 Ja/Feb 93 An empirical typology of approaches to the teaching of organization theory. Steven K. Paulson and H. Eu- From lone star to the big sky. Camille Moody Jennings. gene Baker III. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 18-22 Sep-Oct 93 THE 1, Vol. 21, No. 1: 67-70 Aug 93

An expert system for accounting education. Timothy Ileterogenous computer hardware: threat or opportu- J. Fogarty and Paul M. Goldwater. THE .1, Vol. 21, nity. John M. McGinnis and James J. McGinnis. NJ No. 3: 89-91 Oct 93 BE Obs, Vol. 65: 29-36 92-93

Analysis of student learning outcomes in BVED 217: Identifying teacher behaviors during c::::tical-thinking fundamentals of management information systems. tasks, Ron McBride and Stephanie Knit.,Clearinghs, Brenda Finkenbinder. University of North Dakota, Vol. 66, No. 6: 374-378 11/Aug 93 Master's thesis 1992 Impact North Carolina: 21st century education. Rich- Applied research as an experiential learning tool in the ard Riedl and Shannon Carroll. THEJ, Vol. 21, No. 3: foreign international management classroom: a case 85-88 Oct 93 study in Mexico. Joel D. Nicholson and John Lust. J Teach hit Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 43-59 93 Improving classroom conununication: the case of the course syllabus. Mary E Smith and Nabil Y. Razzouk. Automating university teaching by the year 2000. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 215-221 Mr/Ap 93 Gerald Smith and Jerry Debenham. THE 1, Vol. 21, No. 1: 71-75 Aug 93 Improving students' library skills through electronic searching. Bobby J. Davis and Carolyn Hagler. MBEA Be a teacher who makes a difference! Marilyn J. Vol. 20: 2-9 93 McGahan. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 8-9 Spring 93 International business e 'ucation in Latin America: sta- Bringing the business school into the 21st century. tus and future changed Dennis A. Guthery, Humberto Kathleen Sampey and James A. Haggard. Ed Tech Valencia and John NI. Zerio. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 9-14 Sununer 93 No. 2: 61-75 93

Building a better bridge to students. E E. Mazur and International business education in Latin America: Geri Gay. Ed Thch Exchange, Vol. I, No. 1: 14-20 context topics, and pedagogy. Thomas Becker, Spring 93 Renforth and Robert P. Vinehas. J Teach IM Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 19-42 93 Can a hands-on, middle grades science workshop have staying power? Oakley D. Hadfield and Fred Learn from experience. Barry L. Reece. Voe Ed J. Vol. Lillibridge. Clearinghs, Vol. 66 No. 4: 213-217 Mr/ 68. No. 7: 28-29 Oct 93 Ap 93 Learning through experience: a workshop for middle Components of an effective substitute teacher program. school science teachers. Jerui L. Pottle. Clearinghs, Vol. Johnny R. Purvis and Ruth C. Garvey. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 339-340 11/Aug 93 66, No. 6: 370-373 11/Aug 93 Long distance learning--an idea whose time has come. Cooperative learning in seventh-grade literature Mary Ann Freels and Steve Patton. KBEAJ, 7-8 Spring groups. Sandra L. Renegar and Velda Haertling. 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 21 8-222 Mr/Ap 93 Managers have it, employees have it, and what can we Curriculum wholeness through synergistic teaching. teach about it?Stress in the workplace. Edwina K. Charles W. Bonds, Charles C. Cox Ill and Leila Gantt- Jordan. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 33 Ju 93 Bonds. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 252-254 Mr/Ap 93 NI icroemnputer use of instructional sollware in schools of business. Steve Teglovic, Jr. and Robert NI. Lynch. Defining stress as ethical conflict. Bruce W. Speck. J CIS Vol. 33, No. 3: 20-24 Spring 93 ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 34-37 Mr 93 74 Business Education Index 67

Motivating students. Sharon S. Redick and C. Michael Teaching international business in the information age: Lloyd. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 4: 36 My 93 state of the art. Fahri Karakaya. J T hit Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 9-16 93 Nontechnical competencies instruction in Illinois sec- ondary and postsecondary business education classes. Teaching international business. Paula C. Williams and Mary Coffman. Southern Illinois University at Jolene D. Scriven. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 28- Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 30 Feb 93 NSF's network testbeds inform innovation in science Teaching time and task organization in business education. Bevet-ly Hunter. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 96- classesa "winning" system. Mary J. Frame and Terry 99 Oct 93 M. Frame. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No. 1: 38-48 Spring 93

Office etiquette. Carmen D. Browne. Eus Ed Forum, Technology strategically planned: A dismal or bright Vol. 47, No. 3: 41-43 Feb 93 future? Rod Farrell and Stephen Gring. THE 3, Vol. 21, No. 4: 119-122 Nov 93 Outcomes based education Ralph Stutzman. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 12-13 Spring 93 Teen sexual activity and the need for the development of the moral imagination. Robert P. Craig. Clearinghs, Preparing for change in computer education for busi- Vol. 66, No. 4: 225-227 Mr/Ap 93 ness. Kimball P. Marshall. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 376- 380 .11/Aug 93 The hidden ingredients in successful teaching. Donna L. Kimier. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 3-5 Spring 93 Project-focused library instruction in business strategy courses. William W. Prince, Marilyn M. Helms and The joy of teaching. J. Scott Carpenter. Voc Ed -I, Vol. Paula L. Haynes. JEB Vol. 68, No. 3: 179-183 Ja/Feb 68, No. 6: 38-39 Sep 93 93 The new microcomputer development technology: Removing the language barrier. Mary Crabbe implications for the economics instructor and software Gershwin. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 36, 46 My 93 author. David W. Boyd. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 113-125 Spring 93 Research productivity, perozivo:Iteachingeffectiveness and management faculty opinions: a survey. Daniel The state of certification. Voc Ed I, Vol. 68, No. 6: 30- Hotard, Herman Manakyan and John Tanner. SBR, 35 Sep 93 Vol. 3, No. 1: 23-39 Spring 93 Third world entrepreneurial education: a case approach Scab! Crossing the picket line in a teacher strike. Carol to role modeling. John T. Masten, Steve Brown and Righi. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 332-334 .11/Aug 93 Susan Skull-Carvallio. JEI3, Vol. 68, No. 3: 139-143 JafFeb 93 Scholarly research and teaching: is there a dispropor- tionate mix? Alan Reinstein and Gerald H. Lander. Toward a collaborative model for interdisciplinary .1E13. Vol. 69, No. 1: 49-55 Sep-Oct 93 teaching: business and literature. Joan D. Gailey and Virginia Schaeffer Carroll. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 36-39 Selected data about business communicationcourses Sep-Oct 93 in AACSB schools. Judy C. Nixon and Judy E West. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 6-9 Ju 93 Using business criteria to make tecluiology decisions in a school district. Ronald W. Costello. THE J, Vol. Self-directed learning verals teacher-directed learning 21. No. 4: 105-108 Nov 93 in secondary keyboarding. M. Lynch. Central Michi- gan University, Master's thesis 1992 Using the Myers-Briggs type indicator to compare per- sonality types of business teachers who teach office Strategies for the improvement of office occupations occupations with personality types of office profession- training and the integration ofJTPA programs incom- als. Karen Waner and Lonnie Echtemacht. DPE J, Vol. munity colleges. Jeanne M. Kruger. Southwest Mis- 35, No. 2: 53-68 Spring 93 souri State University, Master's thesis 1992 Visualizing motion in the physics classroom. Cindy Teacher employment in Tennessee: a comparison. Schwarz. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 15-21 Bertee Adkins and Ralph David Begley. KBEA J, 9- Sununer 93 11 Spring 93 \Vhat arc the computer applications and activities used Teaching business communication on the production by business teachers in southwest Miesouri? R. Susan line: a case study. Richard W. Moore. ABC Bul, Vol. Marcum. Southwest Missouri State University, 56, No. 1: 38-41 Mr 93 Master's thesis 1992

Teaching from tragoly: an interdisciplinary moduleon Why do they do it? Nancy Coleman. MBEA Today, the spacc shuttle Challenger. Mark Maier. The .1, Vol. Vol. 58, No. 5: 10-11 Dec 93 21, No. 2: 91-94 Sep 93

7 5 61 Business Education Index

Writing a business plan: the total term assignment. Joan personal characteristics on business writing. Marguer- F. Vesper and Karl H. Vesper. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. ite P. Shane Joyce and Carol Blaszczynski. NABTE 2: 29-32 Ju 93 Rev, No. 20: 33-36 93

"You'd never understand anyway" a teacher becomes Alternative assessment in accounting. F. Barry Haber. a student again ... and fails. Diane Tomczak. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 23-25 Dec 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 261-263 My/Ju 93 An early critical examination of using simulation in the teaching of international marketing: An evaluation Classroom Management of "Export to win!". George V. Priovolos. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 39-54 93 Computer teaching labs design and administration. John T. Jayne and Gwen Smith. LBEJ, Vol. 3. No. 1: An early source of information on American immi- 26-34 93 grants. Donna A. Beardsley. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 Electronic gradebooks: what current progams can do for-teachers. Edward L Vockell and Douglas J. Fiore. An integrated approach to teaching the statement of Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 141-145 Ja/Feb 93 cash flow. Joseph G. Donelan. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 234-236 Mr/Ap 93 How teacher location in the classroom can improve students' behavior. Allen Wall. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, Attitudes of experienced business educators and No. 5: 299-301 My/Ju 93 preservice business education majors toward teach:ng software concepts and features. Marilyn R. Chalupa. How to handle students exhibiting violent behaviors. NABTE Rev. No. 20: 37-41 93 Nikki L. Murdick and Barbara C. Gartin. Clearings, Vol. 66, No. 5: 278-280 My/Ju 93 Can listening skills be taught in business communica- tion classes? Robert M. Schramm and F. Stanford Motivation: effective classroom management. Cynthia Wayne. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 25-32 93 B. Blackwell. MBEA J, Vol. 20: 27-30 93 Community service: a middle school success story. Strategies that create a positive classroom climate. Robert W. Kiner. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 3: 139-140 Susie Shapiro. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 91-97 Nov/ Ja/Feb 93 Dec 93 Computerized laboratory exercises for microeconomics education: three applications motivated by experimen- tal economics. Arlington W. Williams and James M. Instructional Strategies Walker. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 291-315 Fall 93

A communication-rich systems design project. Marvin Conceptual mapping: a tool for self-reflection. Melinda E. Darter and Katherine T. Hoff. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, Holcombe and Amy Shonka. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. No. 4: 32-37 Dec 93 2: 83-84 Nov/Dec 93

A comparison ofthe business correspondence of Hong Cooperative learning and multicultural classrooms. M. Kong and Ohio business students. Valerie S. Perotti Lee Manning and Robert Lucking. Ckaringhs, Vol. and Carl Remus Bndges. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 67, No. 1: 12-16 Sep/Oct 93 16-21 Dec 93 Cooperative test-review teams improve student A country report project for an international econom- achievement. John E. Steinbrink and Robert M. Jones. ics class. Adil E. A. Abdalla. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 307-311 My/Ju 93 3: 231-236 Summer 93 "Count me in. too" math instructional stategies for the A free rider experiment for the large class. Jane H. discouraged learner. Karen A. Bosch and Rebecca S. Leuthold. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 353-363 Fall 93 Bowers. Cleating is. Vol. 66, No. 2: 104-106 Nov/Dec 92 A model for evaluating business letter writing. Robert S. Kline and Edna C. Ward. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, Creating and using interactive computer quizzes to No. 2: 8-9 Mr 93 develop business communication skills. Janet Hildebrand. ABC Bill, Vol. 16, No. 3: 1-9 Sep 93 A noncomputerized version of the Williams and Walker stock market experiment in a finance course. Christo- Critical thinking skills: challenge for business educa- pher R. Bell. J Econ FAI, Vol. 24, No. 4: 317-323 Fall tion. Carolee Sormunen. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 21-24 93 93 A realistic approach to teaching American govenunent. Developing conceptual thinking: the concept attain- htvin Wolf. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 211-212 Mr/ ment model. Julie Johnson, Susan Carlson. John Kastl Ap 93 and Rose Kasti. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 2: 117-121 Nov/Dec 92 A study of the effects of basic skills readiness, attitudes toward writing, software writing programs, and 7 b Business Education Index 69 Developing critical thinking skills in accounting stu- How to teach business letter writing maximizing dents. Lloyd D. Doney, Noreen E. Lephardt and James student's involvement and motivation. Ana Garcia de P. Trebby. JEB Vol. 68, No. 5: 297-300 My/Ju 93 Oteyza. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 28-30 Apr 93 Development of cases for business report writing How we should be teaching business communication classes: the analytical report. Sandra J. Nelson and according to findings of writing research. Zane K. Laura MacLeod. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 36- Quible. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 25-27 Sep 93 38 Oct 93 Improving students performance in accounting prin- Distance learning options available in western Ne- ciples with mastery learning techniques. Ricnard H. braska. Roger G. Wess. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 62-67 Fern. KBEA J, 16-19 Spring 93 Ap 93 Individualizing entrepreneurship instruction. Bruce Economic education and a generative model of I lerbert. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 7-10 Feb 93 mislearning and recovery. Marilyn Kourilsky. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 23-33 Winter 93 Innovative pedagogies for outcomes-based teaching in the core MIS course. L Wayne Shell and Betty A. Edumaster: automated knowledge engineering and Kleen. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 3-7 Winter 92-93 acquistion. H. Harry Zhou. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 73- 76 Spring 93 Innovative teaching technique: using a video camera. Sandra Ondra. MI3EA Today, Vol. 58, No. 3: 6 My 93 Effects of problem set assignments on an economics principles class. Charles L. Skoro and Richard D. Instructional ergonomics. Jean Jillson. Bus Ed Forum, Payne. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 243-246 Mr/Ap 93 Vol. 47, No. 3: 34-35 Feb 93

Electronic data retrieval in international business edu- Instructional strategies for minority youth. Veronica P. cation: prospeeLs and resources. Fred Miller and Linda Stephen, Mary Ellen Varble and Henry Taitt. Gillespie Miller. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 85-101 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 116-120 Nov/Dec 93 93 .041 Instructional technology: the design debate. Ward Empowerment by technology. James L. Morrison. Bus Mitchell Cates. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 133-134 Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 13-15 Feb 93 Ja/Feb 93

Ethical issues in business communication. Irisi. Varner. Intercultural business communication: building a ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 30-31 Sep 93 course from the ground up. James S. O'Rourke IV. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 22-27 Dec 93 Evaluation of computer based information sources for international business. Richard K. Harper and Ronald Learning style characteristics: an introductory work- F. Bush. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 115-134 93 shop. Jim Reynolds and Martin Gerstein. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 122-126 Nov/Dec 92 Facilitating communication in classroom. Minoo S. Amini. I CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 34-38 Summer 93 Lecturing and loving it: applying the information- processing model. Jolmathan K. Parker. Clearinghs, Factors affecting use of computer-assisted instruction Vol. 67, No. 1: 8-11 Sep/Oct 93 by selected Chinese univeristy educators. Yong Qiang Gao. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doc- Managing a communication internship program. toral dissertation 1992 Nancy M. Somerick. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 10-14 Sep 93 Get moving. Landice Dee Wilson. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 2: 30-31 Feb 93 Market exchange and wealth distribution: a classroom simulation. Robert B. Williams. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, Grading techniques that help eliminate instructor burn- No. 4: 325-334 Fall 93 out. Zane K. Quible. Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 48, No. 2: 32-34 Dec 93 Market experiments: the laboratory versus the class- room. Robert DeYoung J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: How to refocus accounting content and methodology. 335-351 Fall 93 John Graham. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 30-33 Oct 93 Meeting individual needs: a learning styles success story. Robert 0. Neely and Duane Alm. Clearinghs, How to get guest speakers without really trying. Vol. 66, No. 2: 109-113 Nov/Dec 92 Deborah Britt Roebuck. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 34- 35 Ju 93 Motivating students to improve business writing: a comparison between goal-based and punishment-based How to incorporate the topic of ethics into the reorga- grading systems. Ritch L. Sorenson. Grant T. Savage nized business communication course. Paula Brown. and Larry D. Hartman. J Bus Com Vol. 30, No. 2: ABA Nat Proc, 195-201 93 113-132 93

77 70 Business Education Index

Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- grade class. Margaret I. Naltel, Mary Driscoll, Maurice ness courses. Mona J. Casady. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. J. Elias and Joseph A. Ierardi. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 1-4 Mr 93 3: 177-180 Ja/Feb 93 Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- Problem solving in software tool courses: beyond the ness courses. Donna H. Redmann and Bnbbye J. Davis. basics. Donald A. Nellermoe. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 5: 273- DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 1: 1-4 Ja 93 275 My/Ju 93 Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas. G. Project SPARC: kindling writing in science. Jean L. Thomas Baer and Barbara L Nourie. Clearinghs, Vol. Pottle. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 2: 107-108 Nov/Dec 67, No. 2: 121-122 Nov/Dec 93 92 Strategies that reinforce academics across the business Providing management assistance to clients of a small curriculum. Helen Parcell Taylor and Deborah Osen business development center while helping to prepare Hancock. DPE lnstr Vol. 9, No. 4: 1-4 Sep 93 students for business. Deborah Britt Roebuck. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 32-33 Mr 93 Structure student success in indirect writing. Ilekn M. Sharp. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 4: 49-50 Dec 93 Put your stock in a pictogram. J. William Murphy. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 23-24 Sep 93 Student diversity: implications for classroom teachers. Daniel D. Drake. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 5: 264-266 "Real talk": enhancing critical thinking skills through 93 conversation in the classroom. Charles S. Bacon and Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon. Clearinghs, Vol. 65. No. 3: Student outcomes assessment in business education. 181-184 Jaffeb 93 Oinny Richerson, Robert Seay and l)on Chamberlain. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 16-20 93 Reinventing writing in the virtual age. Paul J. Leblanc. Ed Tech Exchange. Vol. 1, No. 3: 6-16 Winter 93 Taking the "OR" out of grammar. Linda Comerford. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 1: 12-15 Mr 93 Rearch on ',mitten composition: implications for bus:- ness convnunication. Kevin F. Mulcahy. ABC Bul, Vol. Teacher questions and schema activation. W. David 56. No. 1: 22-25 Mr 93 LeNoir. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 6: 349-352 Il/Aug 93 Revision and business writing: checking the numbers. Joseph A. Cirincione. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 1: 16-21 Teaching a writing intensive course in economics. W. Mr 93 Lee Hansen. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: 213-218 Sum- mer 93 Selecting softn are for teaching international business: An analysis of existing programs. Edward W. Schmitt Teaching international topics in the business commu- and Gary P. Kearns. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4. No. 3/4: 55- nication course: a survey of ABC members beyond the 83 93 United States. I3ev Gatenby and Margaret C. McLaren. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 4: 10-15 Dec 93 Sharing nources for classroom reaching. Robert A. Ristau and Sandra Kruzel. ISI3E Noss. Vol. 23. No. Teaching interpersonal skills in entrepreneurship. Wil- 2: 5 Spring 93 liam Stull and Dennis LaBonty. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47. No. 3: 10-12 Feb 93 Shorthand instruction and language problems in mull i- language countries. D. Essam Ze. SE1C Rev. No. 122: Teaching persuasion as consensus in business commu- 55-59 Nov 93 nication. Nancy Roundy Blyler. Al3C But. Vol. 56. No. 1: 26-31 Nir 93 Should we teach computer softnare in business com- munication courses? Marilyn A. Dyrud. ABC Md. Vol. Teaching problem solving in business classes. Laura 16. No. 3: 35 36 Sep 93 MacLeod and Sandra J. Nelson. DPE Instr. Vol. 9. No. 3: 1-4 May 93 Should we teach software use in business comnmnica- lions? Thomas Dukes. ABC Bul. Vol. 16. No. 3: 34- Teaching problem-solving strategies. Karen A. Bosch 35 Sep 93 and Katharine Kersey. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 4: 228- 230 Mr, Ap 93 Simulating the global market place: A sons% are revien and comparison. J. A. F. Nicholls and Lucette 13. Teaching purpose in a business communication course. Comer. iT Int Bus, Vol. 4, No 3 4 135-145 93 Nancy Roundy lIly kr. ABC Bul. Vol 16. No. 3: 15- 20 Sep 93 Software applications for international business edu- cation: a review of Compact Disclosure and Disclo- Teaching n ith group decision support systems. Nlilam sureVorldscope softy, are. John William Clarry. I T Aiken. Bus Ed Fonun. Vol. 47, No. 4: 21-23 Ap 93 IntBus. Vol 4, No. 3 4: 147-156 93 Technology as part olbusiness communication. Mona Cassady. ABC Bul, Vol. 16. No. 3: 36.38 Sep 93 78 Business Education Index 71

The "business" of conflict: "like no business I know." Training students to ask reflective questions. Angelo Thomas R. Blue, Sanford B. Halperin and Catrina Vincent Ciardiello. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 312- Oliszewski Mayo. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 38-44 314 My/Ju 93 Dec 93 Using a simulation to teach intercultural communica- The application of Harvard Graphics 3.0 to Interna- tion in business communication courses. Daphne A. tional Dome4ic Appliances Inc.: a business graphics Jameson. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 3-11 Mr 93 presentation practice set. Patricia A. McLaughlin. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Using an intelligent database in the classrocm: The case of the country consultant. Vivek Bhargava, Cuneyt The audience made real: hypertext and the teaching of Evirgen and Michael Mitri. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/ writing. J. Yellowlees Douglas. Ed Tech Exchange. Vol. 4: 17-37 93 1, No. 3: 17-23 Winter 93 Using c-qualities in communications. Florence B. The case of the busy consultant. Linda Driskill. ABC Grunkemeyer. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 247-251 Mr/Ap Bul, Vol. 16. No. 3: 32 Sep 93 93

The case study approach. Ruth Ellen Greenwood. ABC Using conference calls to bring an expert into your Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 46-48 Dec 93 classroom. Nan B. Erickson. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 35-36 Ju 93 The challenge of bu ilding character. Patricia H. Phelps. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 353-355 JI/Aug 93 Using e-mail in business communication classes. Betty S. Johnson and Marsha L. Bayless. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, The daedalus integrated writing environment. Fred No. 2: 37-39 Ju 93 Kemp. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 24-30 Win- ter 93 Using international financial databases in teaching in- ternational accounting courses. Abdel M. Agami. J T The design of an expert system to develop instructional Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 103-113 93 objectives. William J. Dorin and James D. Russell. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 14-18 Winter 92-93 Using the competitive edge. Donald A. Coffin.] Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 62-69 Winter 93 The introductory accounting course: educating majors and nonmajors. Steven M. Mintz and Alan A. Cherry. Using the portfolio approach in teaching business coin- JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 276-280 My/Ju 93 munication. Janet K. Winter and Esther J. Winter. ABA Nat Proc. 295-299 93 The marriage of history and art: a cooperative learn- ing activity. Renai Graham and Lucy F. Townsend. Using writing across the curriculum in economics: is Clcaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 167-170 Ja/Feb 93 taking the plunge worth it? Avi J. Cohen and John Spencer. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 219-230 Summer The Perry framework and tactics for teaching critical 93 thinking in economics. George A. Thorns. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 128-136 Spring 93 Will you take a dare? A double-dog dare? R. Frank Harwood. MBEA 5, Vol. 20: 16-21 93 The short- and long-run marginal cost curve: a peda- gogical note. Robert L. Sexton, Philip E. Graves and Working with elementary students in keyboarding. Lila Dwight R. Lee. J Econ Ed Vol. 24, No. 1: 34-37 Win- Prigge and Sandy Braathen. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, ter 93 No. 1: 33-35 Oct 93 The who, how, what, and when of sexual harassment: Writing to learn in a business economics class. teaching tips for business educators. Jolm P. Kohl and Lawrence S. Davidson and Elisabeth C. Gumnoir. J Paul S. (ireenlaw. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6. 358-361 11/ Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 3: 237-243 Summer 93 Aug 93 Theorist: mathematics smart weapon. Dean Clark. Ed Media Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 24-3 I Fall 93 A comparative study of multimedia personal comput- This is what I do, and I like it. Rendigs Fels. J Econ ing and traditional instruction in a business school cur- Ed. Vol. 24, No. 4: 365-370 Fall 93 riculum. Sorel Reisman. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 4: 15-21 Fall 93 Toward the develop nent of strategy scales: operations strategy as an example. Elliott 1) Minor. III and R. A printer on choosing the medium for multimedia: vid- Robely Wood, Jr. SBR, Vol. 3. No. 1: 63-72 Spring 93 eodisc vs. videotape. Scott A. Shamp. THE .1, Vol. 20, No. 7: 81-86 Feb 93 Traditional or intensive course lengths? A compari- son of outcomes in economics learning. Lee J. Van A strateg for active learning via a CAI sygem. Hossein Scyoc and Joyce Gleason. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. I : Saiedian. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 11-13 Spring 93 15-22 Winter 93 79 72 Bursiness Education Index

Addressing sensitive social issues with interactive tech- Multicultural multimedia across the curriculum:a pi- nology. Robert A. Vogel. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. I, lotproject. Kathryn A. Murphy-Judy and Chantal F. No. 1: 21-26 Spring 93 Cornuejols. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 77-80 Feb 93 American school 2000: Westfield's technology initia- Multimedia and business education V. Wayne Klemin. tive. Jeffrey L Heier, Van Cooley and Raymond Reitz. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 27-30 Oct 93 THE 3, Vol. 20 No. 10: 83-86 May 93 Multimedia boxes are more than just fun. Robert G. Bakersfield College: building a multimedia infrastruc- Brown. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 315-317 My/Ju ture. Emelio Planamento. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 65- 93 70 Oct 93 Multimedia manifesto. William H. Graves. Ed Tech California adopts multimedia science program. Peter Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 1: 9-13 Spring 93 E. Kneed ler. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 73-76 Feb 93 Multimedia. Ahni Dale Foley. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, Computer projection panels: technology for the class- No. 3: 31-33 Feb 93 room of the 1990s. Ted J. Strickland, Jr. and Ronald E. Shiffler. JEB, Vol. 69, No. I: 23-28 Sep-Oct 93 Multimedia. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 10: 44, 46, 48-50, 52-53 May 93 Continuing teacher education through distance learn- ing and audiographics. Dennis Knapczyk, Thomas Network for a school of the future. Rocco Malfitano Brush, Paul G. Rodes and Theresa Marche. THE J, and Phil Cincotta. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 70-74 May Vol. 20, No. 11: 74-77 Ju 93 93

Designing instructional multimedia presentations: a Palmtops and pedagogy: making computers as com- seven-step process. Howles and Connie Pettengill. mon as chalk. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 54, 56, 58-60 THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 58-61 Ju 93 May 93

Educational television and professional development: Program brings education to working professionals. the Kentucky model. Linda Kraus Worley. THE J, Vol. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 20, 24-27, 30-31 Aug 93 20, No. 11: 70-73 Ju 93 Providing institutional support for educational tech- Evolution of the textbook: from printing to multime- nologies: a case study. C. Joseph Williams and Charles dia. Elizabeth Greenfield. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 12, R. Crowell. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 114-118 Nov 93 14, 16, 19 May 93 Rating of instructional films in management. B. S. FIT: the educator's key to multi-platform file trans- Sridhar and Sandhya Sridhar. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 267- fers. Ken l3rumbaugh and Nick Hart. THE 3, Vol. 20, 272 My/Ju 93 No. 10: 65-69 May 93 Software and courseware. TIIE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 33- Get moving. Landice Dec Wilson. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, 34, 36, 38, 40 May 93 No. 2: 30-31 Feb 93 Student perceptions and attitudes of learning by inter- How DVI information processing teclmology will af- active video. Monique M. Goven. University of North fect business communication. William G. Perry. ABC Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 21-22 Sep 93 Teaching with a fiber-optic media network: how fac- Instructional technology: new optical technologies. ulty adapt to new technology. Thomas R. Beatty and Ward Mitchell Cates. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 324- Mark Charles Fissel. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 82-84 325 31/Aug 93 Oct 93

Interactive multimedia: a tool for government trans- Ten innovative uses of video with at-risk students. formation. David E. Barbee and Ronnie B. Lowenstein. Barbara K. McKenzie. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 238- IRM 3, Vol. 6, No. 4: 4-13 Fall 93 240 Mr/Ap 93 KART1': a multimedia tool to help students learn The academy of multimedia: a quest for ncw destina- knowledge acquisition. Karen Bland and Jay tions. Harold J. Shaw and Briant J. Farnsworth. THE Liebowitz. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 5-16 Winter 93 I, Vol. 20, No. 7: 87-88 Feb 93

Large screen spices up oncampus conferences. THE J. The SPICE project: comparing passive to interactive Vol. 21, No. 1: 58-61 Aug 93 approaches in a videodisc-based course. J. Jerome Smith. THE 1, Vol. 21, No. 1: 62-66 Aug 93 Linking east-west schools via telecomputing. Boris Berenfeld. THE J. Vol. 20. No. 6: 59-62 Ja 93 Two-way, interactive A/V applied to the supervision of student teachers. Barbara N. Clawson and Anne M. McMillan videotex projcct: closing the distance be- Weiner. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 11: 67-69 Ju 93 tween student, teacher and parent. Vasant Raval. THE J,Vol. 20, No. 9: 75-78 Ap 93 so Business Education Index 73

Usingcamcorders to improve teaching. Joyce A Eckart Pre-servim teachers' use of videotape for self-evalua- and Sarah L Gibson. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 288- tion. Lydia Ruth Struyk and Lorraine H. McCoy. 292 My/.Tu 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 67 No. 1: 31-34 Sep/Oct 93 Surviving the student teaching experience. Ginny Student Recruitment Richerson. KBEA J, 5-6 Spring 93

Image control. Deede Sharpe. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. Telecommunications for inservice training of high 1: 24-25, 55 Ja 93 school math teachers. Robert Mayes. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 72-74 Ap 93 Marketing quality programs: the key to program sur- vival. Joyce P. Logan and A. C. Krizen. KBEA 3, 14- Two-way, interactive A/V applied to the supervision 16 Spring 93 ofstudent teachers. Barbara N. Clawson and Anne M. Weiner. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 11: 67-69 Ju 93 Marketing vocational education. Ann Dykman. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 28-32, 56 Ja 93 Who will teach the teachers? Ann Dykman. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 6: 23-27, 53 Sep 93

Teacher Education Teacher Performance A new source for teachers. Susan J. Olson. Voc Ed1, Vol. 68, No. 6: 36-37 Sep 93 A microcomputer-based teaching evaluation system. James J. Divoky. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 372-375 .11/Aug A secondary social studies methods course. J. T. 93 Nelson. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 223-224 Mr/Ap 93 A view from the back of the room: videotaping teach- ers in action. Edward G. Martin and Fredric L. A student teacher's actual teaching in the business edu- Mayerson. Clearinghs, Vol. 66 No. 2: 114-116 Nov/ cation classroom compared with reflections about Dec 92 teaching. Clora Mae Baker. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 2-12 93 Book review: Imposters in the Temple by Martin Anderson. Rebecca M. Blank. I Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. An induction ceremony for new teachers. Patricia H. 3: 283-286 Summer 93 Phelps. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 154 b./Feb 93 Evaluation: a key piece in the distance education Beginning teachers' perceptions of the importance of puzzle. James M. Shaeffer and Charlotte W. Farr. THE induction practices and mentor characteristics and be- J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 79-82 Ap 93 haviors. Janice C. Keil. Temple University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Faculty evaluation: perceptions and preferences of business educators in NABTE research universities. British inservice for American educators. C. E. Edward A. Perkins Jr. and Robert H. Perkins. NABTE Lindgren and Peggy Emerson. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. Rev, No. 20: 50-53 93 I: 49-51 Sep/Oct 93 Helping new teachers: the perfonnance enhancement Business teacher education for the 21st caltury. Wanda model. Terra A. Young. Carole L. Crain and Deanne L Stitt-Gohdes. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 72-83 93 McCullough. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 174-176 Ja/ Feb 93 Helping new teachers: the performance enhancement model. Terrell A. Young, Carole L. Crain and Deanne How to stay in a rut as a teacher. Robert S. Griffin. McCullough. Clearinghs, Vo, 66, No. 3: 174-176 la/ Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 293-294 My/3u 93 Feb 93 Instructor classroom behaviors and student academic Mentor perceptions of contact with beginning teach- success. Ewuuk Lomo-David and Jack Hulbert. Bus ers. Harl R. Jarmin and Debora S. Mackie'. Clearinghs, Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 12-15 Ap 93 Vol. 67, No. 1: 45-48 Sep/Oct 93 Instructor ratings: controlling for bias from initial stu- National accreditation standards impact teacher prepa- dent interest. Rose S. Prave and Galen R. Baril. JEB, ration. Lajeane G. Thomas, Harriet G. Taylor and Vol. 68, No. 6: 362-366 Il/Aug 93 Donald G. Knezek. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 11: 62-64 Ju 93 Measuring teaching performance. Edward M. Gramlich and Glen A. Greenlee. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, Planting the seeds for future business education lead- No. 1: 3-13 Winter 93 ers. Helen Parcel] Taylor. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 37-49 1993 Portfolio assessment of teachers. Peggy G. Perkins and Jeffrey 1. Gelfer. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 235-237 Practitioners' perspectives. Wanda Stitt-Golides. Bus Mr/Ap 93 Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 17-19 Fel, 91 81 74 Business Education Index

Nor Student evaluations of instructors on the basis of at- A new game plan for American workers. Phyllis Eisen. tire. Jill R. McParlan. Central Michigan University, Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 18-19, 57 Oct 93 Master's thesis 1992 Abstract at the least. Anne Bednar. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: Teacher popularity and teaching effectiveness: view- 68-70 93 point of accounting students. Rubik Atamian and Gouranga Ganguli. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 163-169 la/ An examination of sources of support preferred by end- Feb 93 user computing personnel. Brent Bowman, Fritz H. Grupe and Daulatram Lund. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 4- Work to school transition. Larry Cline. Voc Ed J, Vol. 11 Fall 93 68, No. 2: 26-27, 49 Feb 93 An identification of change factors in Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) graduates of University of North Dakota-Lake Region. Idona Streifel-Mikkelsen. Testing and Evaluation University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 Cooperative test-review teams improve student Another call from home: the work and family conflict achievement. John E. Stzinbrink and Robert M. Jones. by Dartnell. Marilyn Martin Rossmann. HRD Qtly, Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 307-311 My/Ju 93 Vol. 4, No. 2: 212-217 Swirlier 93

Electronic test generators: what current programs can Book review: Cultures and organizations: software of tio for teachers. Edward L. Vockell and Douglas J. the mind by Geert Hofede. Roger Langley. 1IRD Qtly, Fiore. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 356-362 .11/Aug 93 Vol. 4. No. 3: 319-325 Fall 93 Evaluation: a key piece in the distance education Book review: lluman resource strategies by Graeme puzzle. James M. Shaeffer and Charlotte W. Farr. THE Salaman. Alan Clardy. HRD Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 3: 315- J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 79-82 Ap 93 319 Fall 93

Factors, including curriculum, that relate to test anxi- Characteristics of training and human resource devel- ety experienced by secondary school students. Mary opment degree programs in the United States. Cynthia Jean Evers-Lush. Virginia Polytechnic' Institute and Gaudet and Annette Vincent. DPE J. Vol. 35, No. 3: State University; Doctoral dissertation 1992 138-159 Summer 93

Help with hiring. Dan A. Biddle. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 8: Complex technology gives rise to training industry. 17-18 Oct 93 Sandra Sopko. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 7, 10 Aug 93 Navigating the assessment maze with portfolios. Su- Effects of in-house training in customer service on se- san R. Cramer. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 72-74 Novi lected behavioral characteristics of employees whose Dec 93 job involve interfacing with the public in the banking and retail industries. Wazir Mohamed. Lehman Col- The relationship between student learning style and lege. Master's thesis 1992 performance on various test question fommts. Joyce H. Holley and Elizabeth K. Jenkins. JEB, Vol. 68, No. Employee decisions to enroll in microcomputer train- 5:301-308 My/Ju 93 ing. Joseph J. Martocchio. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 51-69 Spring 93 The use of management and marketing textbook mul- tiple-choice questions: a case study. David R. Hamp- Employer-hased training and development: new dimen- ton, Kathleen A. Krentler and Aleza 13. Martin. JEB, sions in teaching. Lena M. Cunningham-Smith. Bus Vol. 69, No. 1: 40-43 Sep-Oct 93 Ed Forum; Vol. 48, No. 2: 19-21 Dec 93

Three test-making macros. Gina Uranich. WP Mag, Identification of current and future entry-level office Vol. 5, No. 8: 58-61 Aug 93 equipment skills to determine iftraining on automated equipment plays a major role for entry-level employ- The acceptability of questionable marketing practices: ment in office occupations with implications for cur- perceptions of secondary marketing education senior riculum. Kandy L. Bauer. Central Michigan Univer- students in Ohio. Jeffrey A. Collins. Bowling Green sity, Master's thesis 1992 State University, Master's thesis 1992 In Wisconsin. Uniroyal workem face new reality. Jim Mortwedt. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 7: 24, 58 Oct 93 Training and Development Instructional designers' decisions and priorities: a sur- vey of design practice. John Wedman and Martin A case study of General Electric's multimedia train- Tessmer. P1Q. Vol. 6, No. 2: 43-57 93 ing systems. Janice C. Sipior and John Townsend. IR M J. Vol. 6, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 93 Interactive videodisc instruction product introduction in a high-technology company. Kathleen Warner. Uni- versity of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 8 2 Business Education Index 75

Invited reaction: employer trainingis a mandated tax Washington timber workers retrain for technical jobs. the only solution? Lisa NI. Lynch. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Jewell Manspeaker and Jon Krug. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 243-246 Fall 93 No. 7: 25, 58 Oct 93 Is there life atter IB training? A discussion of the is- Workshop topic: vocational education and training sues. Lyn S. Amine. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 7- developments in England. C. Chapman, H. Orchard 17 93 and Y. C. Stewart-Smith. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 35-37 Nov 93 Leadership development: a review of literature with applications for leadership development in the bank of Thailand. Saranya Wajnanwat. University of Minne- Needs Assessment sota, Master's thesis 1992 Identifying expestation.s for service quality in training New beginnings after Andrew. Michelle Tate. Voc Ed and education through process needs assessment. J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 23 Oct 93 Michael F. Cassidy, Barry J. Schimmel and Kathleen- Ann C. Brady. Northern states power company electric construction 1992, continuing training for: linemen, troublemen, Needs assessment and problem solving: a critical ap- foremen, underground cable splicers, electrician me- praisal of a critical reappraisal. Roger Kaufman and chanics. Julie Theobald. University of Minnesota. Mark J. Gavora. PIQ. Vol. 6, No. 2: 87-98 93 Master's thesis 1992 Review: Easy-gen employee attitude survey generator Perceptions of trained and untrained entry-level secre- and MSAT managerial assessment tool. Vicki S. tarial staff held by Kingston, Jamaica, area business Kaman. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 107-113 Spring 93 employers. Yvonne Metz. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 Review: The Judd test for Lotus 1-2-3: a software skills proficiency test. Shirley T. Morton. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Personal computer training at Illinois Department ofNo. 1: 114-117 Spring 93 Transportation District 9: employee perceptions. An- gela Brown. Southern Illinois University at Training needs assessment at work: a dynamic pro- Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 cess. Catherine M. Sleezer. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 247-264 Fall 93 Problems of corporate training and development per- sonnel. Barbara D. Davis and Lillian H. Chaney. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 26-33 Spring 93 Performance Improvement Staff development: key to successful technology imple- mentation in public schools. Allen Green. TIIE J. Vol. An early endeavor to apply quality concepts to the sys- 20, No. 11: 65-66 Ju 93 tematic design of instruction: successes and lessons learned. Debby King autel Ann Dille. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. Starting over. Naima Mateen. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 3: 48-63 Special 93 7: 22, 59 Oct 93 Applications of control charts to an educational sys- Survey of bank sales training practice. R. Stephan tem. Charles A. Melvin. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 74-85 Parker, Charles E. Pen ijohn and William Canter. HRD Special 93 Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 171-183 Sununer 93 Book review: Empowered terms: creating self-directed The effect of interactive video and print role models work groups that improve quality, productivity, and and learner sex on instructional motivation. Kathryn participation by Richard S. Wellins. Glenn E. Baker. Ley and James D. Klein. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 58-67 93 1IRD Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 1: 117-120 Spring 93

The effectiveness of employee assistance program su- Book review: Improving perfonnance: how to man- pervisor training: a rejoinder (I IRDQ 3:4). Phillip D. age the %tithe space on the organization chart by Geary Johnson. I I RD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 193-195 Summer Rununler and Alan Brache. James J. Wimbiscus. HRD 93 Qtly, Vol. 4. No. 3: 311-315 Fall 93

The woodworkers' store retail sales associate training Book review: Improving work systems: how IDS is program. Anthony Tiritilli. University of NI innesota, improving quality and customer service through em- Master's thesis 1992 ployee involvement by Blue Sky Productions. Bruce N. Barge. 11RD Qtly, Vol 4, No. 2: 209-212 Summer Underinvestment in employer training: a mandate to 93 spend? John H. Bishop. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4. No. 3: 223- 241 Fall 93 Book review: Quality through people: in search of quality by enterprise media/sam tylcr productions. Using the work group as a laboratory for learning: in- David J. Matuszak. I IRD Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 2: 206-209 creasing leadership and team effectiveness through Summer 93 feedback. Harriet V. Lawrence and Albert K. Wiswell. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 135-148 Summer 93 83 76 Business Education Index

Book review: Leadership for the twenty-first century The KAIZEN leader: Continuously improving admin- by Joseph C. Rost. Alan H. Church. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, istration. Ellen Earle Chaffee. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 3: 64- No. 2: 197-206 Summer 93 73 Special 93 Diversity without performance is a ticket to medioc- Using quality systems to improve performance. Frank rity: a rejoinder (HRDQ 3:4). Christopher L Wash- Caplan. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 3: 7-20 Special 93 ington. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 291-293 Fall 93 World class quality and performance improvement. Getting better faster: accelerating learning and im- William A. Golomski. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 21-27 Spe- provement Victor R. Dingus and Russell Justice. PIQ, cial 93 Vol. 6, No. 3: 28-34 Special 93 Guidelines for using videotaped feedback effectively. Program Evaluafion Katherine A. Karl and Jerry M. Kopf. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 303-310 Fall 93 Cost-effectiveness evaluation of decentral ized interna- ticeal technical training. David A Johnson. FIRD Qtly, Integrated performance support (IPS). A new concept Vol. 4, No. 3: 265-275 Fall 93 for a new era! Elizabeth A. Regan. OSRA Proc, 1-10 Mr 93 Identifying expectations for service quality in training and education through process needs assessment. Leadership development at Federal Express Corpora- Michael F. Cassidy-, Barry J. Schimmel and Kathleen- tion. Patricia H. Murrell and John P. Walsh. I IRD Qtly, Ann C. Brady. PIQ, Vol 6, No. 2: 3-16 93 Vol. 4, No. 3: 295-302 Fall 93

Prefarx to the special issue on quality systems in per- formance improvement. Walter Dick and E Craig Workplace Impact Johnson. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 3-6 Special 93 Invited reaction: intellsctualizing should not relieve the need to act. Patricia A McLagan. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Quality in training organization. Walter Dick. PIQ, Vol. No. 1: 33-37 Spring 93 6, No. 3: 35-47 Special 93 Relationships between current performance and like- Relationships between current performance and like- lihood of promotion for old versus young workers. lihood of promotion for old versus young workers. Sidney R. Siegel. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 39-50 Sidney R. Siegel. FIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 39-50 Spring 93 Spring 93 Transforming the practice of management. Peter M. Strategic improvement of workplace competence I: breaking out of the incompetence trap. Dale M. Senge. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 5-32 Spring 93 Brethower. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 17-28 93

Strategic improvement of workplace competence II: the economics of competence. Dale M. Brethower. PIQ. Vol. 6, No. 2: 29-42 93

8 4 Business Education Index 77

Author Entries

AGRAWAL, Jagdish, et al. A Quantity surcharges on groceries. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 335-356 Winter 93 ABBAS1, Sami M. and Kcnneth W. Hollman Inability to adapt: the hidden flaw of managerial in- AHMED, Alice, et al. eptness. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 22-25, 37 Jan 93 Computer augmented collaborative literature review. OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 ABDALLA, Adil E. A. A country report project for an international econom- AHRENS, Judith D. and Gerardo A. Esquer ics class. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: 231-236 Summer Internet's potential as a global information infrastruc- 93 ture: a case study and Is nent. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 18-27 Fall 93 ABERNATHY, Aileen All the ncws that FITS. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 42-44 AIKEN, Milam Dec 93 Teaching with group decision support systems. Bus Ed . Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 21-23 Ap 93 Built for speed. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 4: 42-44 Ap 93 AIKEN, Milani W. ABRAMSON, Joseph and Suzanne Desai Book review: PC magazine BASIC techniques and Purchase involvement of new car buyers: a descriptive utilities by Ethan Winer. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 41 Win- study. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 13-20 Fall 93 ter. 93 ADAMICK, Robert S. Book review: Programming principles in computer Green companies can save money, environment. Of- graphics by Leendert Ammeraal. J EUC. Vol. 5, No. fice, Vol. 117, No. 1: 44 la 93 2: 33 Spring 93

ADAMS, Ronald J. and Kenneth M. Jennings AKERS, Michael D. and Lloyd D. Doney Media advocacy: a case study of Philip Sokolors cho- Information systems content in the CPA examination. lesterol awareness campaigns. J Cons Alf, Vol. 27, No. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 81-88 Fall 93 1: 145-165 Summer 93 AKEYO, Valerie T. and Constance Pollard ADKINS, Bertee and Ralph David Begley Telecommunications competencies for clerical office Teacher employment in Tennessee: a comparison. professionals. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 21-26 Fall 92 KBEA J, 9-11 Spring 93 ALBUQUERQUE, Haroldo ADKINS, Tony Secondary education in Brazil. ISBE News, Vol. 24, The business of mail. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 51-52 No. 1: 7-9 Fall 93 Dec 93 ALDEN, Dana L AGAMI, Abdel M. Product trial and country-of-origin: an analysis of per- Using international financial databases in teaching in- ceived risk effects. J Global 1M, Vol. 6, No. 1: 7-2693 ternational accounting courses. JT hit Bus. Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 103-113 93 ALEXANDER. Peter and Alice Simon Book review: internationalization, market power and AGGARWAL, Anil consumer welfare by Yves Bourdet. J Cons Alf, Vol. An end user computing view: Present and future. J 27, No. 2: 418-421 Winter 93 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 29-32 Fall ALI, Abbas J. and Robert C. Camp AGINSKY, Alon The relevance of firm size and international business Card sharks: 10 ways to slash phone fraud. ow Sys, experience to market entry strategies. J Global M, Vol. Vol. 10, No. 11: 12-15 Nov 93 6, No. 4: 91-112 93

AGNEW, Judy L. ALLEN, Jeff, et al. Book review: Danger in thc comfort zone: from board- Using coupon incentives in recycling aluminum: a room to mailroom--how to break the entitlement habit market approach to energy conservation policy. 1 Cons that's killing American business by Judith M. AEI', Vol. 27, No. 2: 300-318 Winter 93 Bardwick. J Org Bch Mgt, Vol. 13, No, 2: 75-79 93

8 5 78 Business Education Index

ALLRED, Wallace E. and Clifford H. Edwards ANTOINE, Joseph More on a nation at risk: have the recommendations Network committee. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 52-55 Nov been implemented? Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 85-87 93 Nov/Dec 93 s Workshop topic: financial reporting standards in the ALM, Duane and Robert O. Neely EC. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 40-43 Nov 93 Meeting individual needs: a learning styles success story. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 109-113 Nov/Dec ARCHBALD, Douglas A. and Rolf K. Blank 92 Magnet schools and issues of education quality. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 81-86 Nov/Dec 92 ALTER, Harvey Cost of recycling municipal solid waste with and with- ARNESON, Patricia out a concurrent beverage container deposit law. J Cons Strategies of teaching elementary keyboarding. N & Aff. Vol. 27, No. 1: 166-186 Summer 93 Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 5-8 Spring 93

AMATT, John, et al. ARNETT, Kirk P. and Mary C. Joni. Climbing your own Everest. See. Vol. 53. No. 7: 26- Proganuning languages: today and tomorrow. J CIS, 27 Aug/Sep 93 Vol. 33. No. 4: 77-81 Summer 93

AMES, Gary Adna ARNOLD, Vanessa D. and Terry D. Roach Why microcomputers may increase the cost of doing Reach out and write someone. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, business. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 12-17 Fall No. 3: 25-27 Feb 93

AMINE, Lyn S. ARNOLD. Vivian, et al. Is there life after 1B training? A discussion of the is- Postsecondary keyboarding students' speed and accu- sues. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 7-17 93 racy outcomes when using electronic equipment. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 3: 175-189 Summer 93 AMINI, Minoo S. 5 Facilitating communication in classroom. J CIS. Vol. Ttxlinolou and keyboarding accuracy. Bus Ed Forum, 33, No. 4: 34-38 Sunbmer 93 Vol. 47. No. 4: 16-19 Ap 93

ANDELORA, Sharon ASH. Angela D. Middle school computer appliintions. NJ BE Obs. Vol. 6.0's great new gaphics features. WP Mag, Vol. 5, 65: 45-52 92-93 .No. 10: 40-43 Oct 93 ANDERS, Jeffrey, al. Customized coupons. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 8: 67-70 Influence of Myers-litriggs type on preference for data Aug 93 presentation format. J CIS, Vol. 33. No.4: 85-90 Sum- ** mer 93 When v.riters block (Alt-F4). WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 8: 103-105 Aug 93 ANDERSON, Alan, et al. *4, Influence of Myers-Briggs type on preference for data and Lisa Downs Beamson presentation format. J CIS, Vol. 33, No.4: 85-90 Sum- Meet the WordPerfect whiz kid. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. mer 93 1: 48-50 Ja 93 S. ANDERSON, John C. --and Jerry L. Stern Dance to the music: records management and litiga- Table of contents made easy. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 8: tion in Canada. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 2: 12-14. 16- 62-65 Aug 93 18 Apr 93 ASHBAUGH, Donald L. and A. Frank Thompson ANDRE, Rae Factors distinguishing exceptional performance on the Viewpoint: Diversity curricula in the business school. uniform CPA exam. JEB. Vol. 68. No. 6: 334-337 JI/ JEB, Vol. 68. No. 5: 313-315 My/Ju 93 Aug 93

ANDREWS, J. Craig, et al. ASHTON, Beverly Cron-cultural generalizability of a scale for profiling Transition into adult life: the New Zealand experience. consumers' decision-making styles. J Cons Aff. Vol. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 3: 171-173 Ja,Feb 93 27, No. 1: 55-65 Summer 93 ATAM1AN. Parbik and Gouranga Ganguli ANG, A. Y. and G. K. Winley Teacher popularity and teaching effectiveness: view- Information systems education: comparison of views point of accounting students. JEB. Vol. 68. No. 3: 163- from Australian and southeast Asian aimdemks. J CIS. 169 JaIeb 93 Vol. 34, No. 1: 30-36 Fall 93 ATHAPPILLY, Kuriakose, et al. ANTIOCHIA, Sergio, et al. l'he triune expert expert system development by end Decision support system for local area network pro- users in the changing IS environment. J CIS, Vol. 33, curement: a case study. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 2: 5-14 No. 3: 31-34 Spring 93 Spring 93 86 Business Education Index 79

ATHEY, Susan W., et al. BAE, MiKyeong, et al. A demographic analysis of information systems fac- Patterns ofoverspending in U.S. households. Fin. C & ulty. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 85-90 Spring 93 P. Vol. 4: 11-30 93

ATKINSON, June St. Clair, et al. BAER, G. Thomas and Barbara L. Nourie Applied academics: re-establishing relevance. Bal Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas. .Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 9-11 Winter 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 121-122 Nov/Dec 93 and Sharon Lund O'Neil BAGLEY, Toni Paradigms for high-tech leadership. NBEA Yrbk, No. Important parliamentary considerations for the San 31: 59-68.1993 Francisco convention. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 36-37 Ju 93 ATTINGER, Monique L. Integrated information management: a real world BAIRD, Inge S., et al. theory. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 3: 12-16, 30 J193 S. Alliances and networks: cooperative strategies for small businesses. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 17-23 The business case for imaging. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. Spring 93 I: 10-12, 14, 15, 66 Jan 93 BAKER, Cora Mae ATUAHENE-GIMA, Kwaku A student teacher's actual teachMg in the business edu- An exploration of factors influencing inward technol- cation classroom compared with reflections about ogy licensing performance. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: teaching. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 2-12 93 25-46 93 BAKER, Glenn E. AUGUSTINE, Fred K., Jr. et al. 13ook review: Empowered terms: creating self-directed Organizational impact of decision support technology: work groups that improve quality, productivity, and what's ahead for the '90s? J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 26-30 participation by Richard S. Wellins. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, Spring 93 No. 1: 117-120 Spring 93

AUGUSTINE, F. K., Jr. and T. J. Surynt BAKER, H. Eugene, Ill and Steven K. Paulson Ensuring end user productivity: an academic minor in An empirical typology of approachm to the teaching information technology. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 82-84 oforganization theory JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 18-22 Sep- Summer 93 Oct 93

AUKEN, Stuart Van, et al. BAKER, Marguerite A. Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSB- A follow-up study of the legal assistant program gradu- accredited business schools. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 261- ates of Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove 265 My/Ju 93 Heights, Minnesota-1977 through 1992. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 AUKERMAN, Richard A. and Kent A. Walstrom MIS publivation outlets: a systematic investigation of BAKER, Robert G. the topics published. J CIS, Vol. 34. No. 1: 23-29 Fall More than money. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: 17-19 Ju/J193 93 BANG, Steve and Hossien Saiedian AUKERMAN, Richard, et al. Information protection in automated offices. OSR J, Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance Vol. 11, No. 1: 36-45 Fall 92 decisions: a theoretical paradigm. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 113-126 Spring 93 BARBEE, David E. and Ronnie B. Lowenstein Interactive multimedia: a tool for government trans- formation. 1RM 3, Vol. 6, No. 4: 4-13 Fall 93

BARCLAY, Amelia H. Benclunarking: bettering our best Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: BADER, Anne and Lynne Waymon 32-33 AugiSep 93 Strengthen your networking know-how. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 2: 7-9 Feb 93 BARGE, Bruce N. Book review: Improving work systems: how IDS is BACKENS, Channaine K. improving quality and customer service through em- Stenotype practice with pay. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: ployee involvement by blue sky productions. HRD Aug/Oct 93 Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 209-212 Summer 93

BACON, Charles S. and Barbara J. Thayer-Bacon BARIL, Galen R. and Rose S. Pravc 'Real talk': enhancing critical thinking skills through Instructor ratings: controlling for bias from initial stu- conversation in the classroom. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. dent interest. JEB, Vol. 68, Nu. 6: 362-366 .11/Aug 93 3: 181-184 JafFeb 93 SO Business Education Inde.x

BARNA, John and Jim Winstead BEARD, John D. and David L. Williams Harvey Mudd College: technology integration offers A professional profile ofbusiness communication edu- unique opportunities for undergraduates. The J, Vol. cators and their research preferences: survey results. J 21, No. 2: 105-108 Sep 93 Bus Coin, Vol. 30, No. 3: 269-295 JI 93

BARNHART, Philip BEARDSLEY, Donna A. Stop thief Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 52, 54 Oct 93 An early source of infonnation on American inuni- grants. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 BARRETT, Martin L Book review: Practical software engineering, Stephan BEARNSON, Lisa Dcmns R. Schach. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 2: 42 Spring 93 4 styles to help dress up your documents. WP Mag, s Vol. 5, No. 2: 44-46 Feb 93 Book review: Practical software engineering by Stephen R. Schach. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 2: 39 Spring 93 Creating slides in WordPerfect. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 47-49, 51 Mr 93 BARTELHEIM, Frederick J. Teaching for transfer in secondary introductory busi- -and Angela D. Ash ness courses. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 163-164 Jai Meet the WordPerfect whiz kid. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. Feb 93 1: 48-50 Ja 93 BASTIAN, Ann BEATTY, Sharon E., et al. Which choice? whose choice? Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. Gift-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: 2: 96-99 Nov/Dec 92 a personal values perspective. J Global 1M, Vol. 6, No. 1: 49-66 93 BATRA, Dinh and Peeler J. Kirs The quality of data representations developed by BEATTY, Thomas R. and Mark Charles Fissel nonexpert designers: an experimental study.1 DM. Vol. Teaching with a fiber-optic media network: how fac- 4, No. 4: 17-29 Fall 93 ulty adapt to new teclmology. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: 82-84 Oct 93 BATTAT, Brenda SHHH-not so quiet. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 30 JI 93 BECHTOLD, Ella Staying or moving an office: the time is now. Office, BAUER, Jean W., et al. Vol. 117, No. 4: 16 Ap 93 Economic well-being of disabled elderly living in the community. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 199-216 93 BECK, Becky J. 6.0's top 30. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 9: 42-45 Sep 93 BAUER, Kandy L. Identification of current and future entry-level office A page-numbering primer. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 7: equipment skills to determine if training on e. itomated 73-74, 76 1193 equipment plays a major role for entry-level employ- ment in office occupations with implications for cur- An introduction to graphics. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 4: riculum. Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 51-54 Ap 93 1992 $ Expandable :olls with tables and merge. WP Mag, Vol. BAYES, Paul E., et al. 5, No. 6: 29-33 Ju 93 Fraudulent financial reporting: education's response to a national problem. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 338-342 Getting into outline. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 1: 27-30 Ja .11/Aug 93 93 54, BAYLESS, Marsha L. and Betty S. Johnson Graphics basics II. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 51-52. 54 Using e-mail in business communication classes. ABC My 93 Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 37-39 Ju 93 .5' Mastering keyboard merge. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1(1: BAZLER, Judith A. 73-74. 76 Oct 93 "Frontiers in science": an in-service for science teach- $ ers. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 5: 281-284 Nly/Ju 93 Our editors' favorite tips. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 11: 34-39 Nov 93 BEAM, Henry H. Book review: In search of excess: the overcompensa- Winning macro. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 43-45 Dec tion of American executives by Graef S. Crystal. M id- 93 Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 65-66 Spring 93 *5 WP's labels macro. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. I I : 40-44 BEAR, Donald R. and Margaret E. McIntosh Nov 93 Directed reading-thinking activities to promote learn- 5. ing through reading in mathematics. Clearinghs. Vol. WP's printer control menu. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 6: 67, No. I : 40-44 Sep/Oct 93 69-71 Ju 93 88 Business Education Index SI -and Charlotte Noriega BENNETT, James T. and Kevin F. McCrohan An easy employee information form. WP Mag, Vol. 5, Public policy issues in the marketing of seals of ap- No. 7: 33-34 J193 S. proval for food. J Cons MT, Vol. 27, No. 2: 397-415 Winter 93 -and Raelynn Klafke Create your own phone book. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. BERENFELD, Boris 10: 37-39 Oct 93 Linking east-west schools via telecomputing. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 6: 59-62 Ja 93 BECKER, Thomas, et al. International business education in Latin America: BERG, Gary G., et al. context, topics, and pedagogy. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, Fraudulent financial report' rig: education's response No. 2: 19-42 93 to a national problem. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 338-342 Ji/Aug 93 BEDNAR, Anne Abstract at the least. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 68-70 93 BERGERON, Francois, et al. Assessment of end-user computing from an organiza- BEGLEY, Ralph David and Bertee Adkins tional perspective. IRM I, Vol. 6, No. I: 14-25 Winter Teacher employment in Tennessee: a comparison. 93 KBEA 1, 9-11 Spring 93 BERKHOUT, Ernst W. L., et al. BEHESHTI, Hooshang M. and Melvin R. Mattson A comparison of Dutch methodologies for informa- Information systems needs of large corporations.JCIS, tion planning and policy. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 3: 36-44 Vol. 33, No. 3: 35-37 Spring 93 Sununer 93

BEHLING, Robert and Wallace Wood BERLOW, David Successful planning for a changing MIS education. The shape of things to come. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 1: 34, JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 353-357 JI/Aug 93 36, 38 Ja 93

BEHYMER, Jo, et al. BERNS, Robert G. and Inge M. Klopping Gender equity issues in business teacher education. A comparative analysis of vocational teachers' knowl- NABTE Rev. No. 20: 47-49 93 edge of entrepreneurship. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 4: 218- 232 Fall 93 BEISWINGER, George L. Paper shredders: not just for office use. Office, Vol. BHARGAVA, Vivek, et al. 117, No. 1: 80 Ja 93 Using an intelligent database in the classroom:The case of the country consultant. J 1' Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: BELANGER, Kelly and Elizabeth Blackburn 17-37 93 Brockman You-attitude and positive emphasis: testing received BIANCHI, Ronald F. wisdom in business communication. ABC Bul. Vol. Document retention in the Twilight Zone: the perils of 56, No. 2: 1-5 Ju 93 policies unpoliced. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 16-18, 10 Jan 93 BELCK, Nancy and Jerry Jinks Will schools become families ofthe future? Clearinghs. BIBLE, Jon D. Vol. 66, No. 3: 146-150 Ja/Feb 93 Secret taping by employees: a few words about a new dilemma for employers. S13R, Vol. 3, No. 1: 13-21 BELL, Christopher R. Spring 93 A noncomputerized version afire Williams and Walker stock market experiment in a finance course. J Econ 131CHY, Cassie Lee Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 317-323 Fall 93 Carrying on the Gallaudet tradition. .1 CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 32-33 11 93 BELLIE, J., et al. A survey of computer literacy and technology in Mon- BIDDLE, Dan A. tana schools. University of Montana, Master's thesis Help with hiring. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 17-18 Oct 93 1992 B1EHL, Allen and Jeff Hadfield BENDER. William N., et al. WordPerfect's workgroup solution. WP Mag, Vol. 5, ADDNET network: a low-end tixhnology success. The No. 8: 54-57 Aug 93 J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 96-100 Sep 93 13INGAMAN, JetT, et al. BENHAM, Harry, et al. A blueprint to revolutionize America's schools. THE Structured techniques for successful end user spread- J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 4, 6, 8 Aug 93 sheets. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 18-25 Spring 93 BISHOP, Charlotte BENNETT, Clifford E. Making a record at the scene. I CR, Vol. 54, No. 10: Desiping your own mail center. OITSys, Vol. 10, No. 36-37 Ang/Det 93 1: 42, 44-46 Ja 93 82 Business Ethwalion Index

BISHOP, John H. Underinvestment in employer training: a mandate to BLINE, Dennis M. and Ted D. Skekel spend? HRD Qtly Vol. 4, No. 3: 223-241 Fall 93 A comparison of accounting for pensions versus other postretirement benefits. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 127-140 BISWAS, Abhijit and Scot Burton Spring 93 Preliminary assessment of changes in labels required by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990. BLISARD, W. N. and J. R. Blaylock J Cons Aft; Vol. 27, No. 1: 127-144 Summer 93 Women and the demand for alcohol: estimating par- ticipation and consumption. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. BLACKWELL, Cynthia B. 2: 319-334 Winter 93 Motivation: effective classroom management. MBEA J, Vol. 20: 27-30 93 BLISHAK, Sylvia Ann The power of paper. Off Sys, Vol. 13, No. 5: 38, 40, BLACKWELL Rodney D., et al. 42 My 93 Performance and readability: a comparison of annual S. reports of profitable and unprofitable corporations. J What's your office's image? Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 49-61 93 44-45 Mr 93 *a BLAI, Boris, Jr. Working in the gray zone. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: A study guide for students. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 58-63 Nov 93 98-102 Nov/Dec 93 BLODGETT, Mark S. and J. Lowell Mooney BLAIN, Glenn and Jeff Hadfield Letters of credit in the accounting curriculum. JEB, Tune up your laser printer. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 4: Vol. 68, No. 6: 343-347 JI/Aug 93 61-62 Ap 93 BLODGETT, Ralph BLAIR, Shirley L and Nonnan P. Uhl Bar charts with tables. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 30, 32- A postsecondary program in information management. 33 Mr 93 OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 27-35 Fall 92 BLUE, Thomas R., et al. BLAND, Karen and Jay Liebowitz The "business" of conflict: "like no business I know." KARTT: a multimedia tool to help students learn ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 38-44 Dec 93 knowledge acquisition. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 5-16 Winter 93 BLYLER, Nancy Roundy Teaching persuasion as consensus in business commu- BLANK, Mary Ann and Cheryl Kershaw nication. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 26-31 Mr 93 Promote school renewal: plan a retreat Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 206-208 Mr/Ap 93 BOCK, Douglas B. -and Terence Ryan BLANK, Rebecca M. Accuracy in modeling with extended entity relation- Book review: Imposters in the Temple by Martin ship and object oriented data models. J DM, Vol. 4, Anderson. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 283-286 Sum- No. 4: 30-39 Fall 93 mer 93 a. -and John F. Schrage BLANK, Rolf K. and Douglas A. Archbald Computer virus: the business version of the common Magnet schools and issues of education quality. cold. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 8: 12-13, 15. 17 Aug 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 81-86 Nov/Dec 92 BOHMAN, Thomas M., et al. BLANTON, J. Ellis and Thomas P. Schambach The effect of education on participation in flexible Computer literacy: competencies expected by large spending accounts. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 95-110 93 corporations. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 58-62 Winter 92- 93 BOND, Larry Applied science/tzclurology and the restructured cur- BLASIK, Katherine A., et al. riculum. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 23-25 Winter 93 Enterprise ambassador program: a link between busi- ness and the schools. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 35- BOND, Michael T., et al. 36 Sep/Oc1 93 Housing finance agency allocations. Mid-Amer 3 Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 39-44 Spring 93 BLASZCZYNSKI, Carol and Marguerite P. Shane Joyce BONDS, Charles W.. et al. A study of the effects of basic skills readiness, attitudes Curriculum wholeness through synergistic teaching. toward writing, software writing programs, and per- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 252-254 Mr/Ap 93 sonal characteristics on business writing. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 33-36 93 BONNER. Patricia A and Edward J. Metzen Probabilities of smal I claims judment satisfaction and BLAYLOCK, J. R. and W. N. Blisard factors influencing success.1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. I : Women and the demand for alcohol: estimating par- 66-86 Sumter 93 ticipation and consumption.] Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 319-334 Winter 93 90 Business Education Index 83

BOOHER, Dianna BRADY, Kathleen-Alm C., et al. Criticizing your peers. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 3: 12-13 Mr Identiing expectations for service quality in training 93 and education through process needs assessment. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 3-16 93 BORN, Richard G. A comparison of information systems topic expecta-- BRASFIELD, David W., et al. tions of executive M.B.A. graduates and their firms' The impact of high school economics on the college top computer executives. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 51-57 principles of economics course. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, Spring 93 No. 2: 99-1 l 1 Spring 93

BORNA, Shaheen and Joseph Chapman BRAUN, Ellen Product differentiation and positioning: confused con- Scanners give PCs new "eyes". Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. cepts. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 51-56 Spring 8: 35-37 Aug 93 93 Visual presentation tools sharpen communication style. BOSCH, Karen A. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 33-34 Ju 93 and Rebecca S. Bowers ** 'Count me in, too' math instructional stategies for the Word processing, desktop publishing share features. discouraged learner. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 104- Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 9, 11, 59 My 93 106 Nov/Dec 92 BRAUN, Reto and Katharine Kersey Images and visions: using imaging technology to drive Teaching problem-solving strategi. Clearinghs, organizational change. IMC J, Vol. 29. No. 4: 34-39 66, No. 4: 228-230 Mr/Ap 93 51/Aug 93

BOUDREAU, Charles A., et al. BREDELL, Frank Reducing absenteeism in a human service setting: a How managers should handle the press. OJT Sys, Vol. low cost alternative. J Org Bell Mgt, Vol. 13. No. 2: 10, No. 5: 58. 60 My 93 37-49 93 BRENTANO, Judith H. BOULTON, William, et al. Implementing ADA in court and other public places. J Global telecommunications services: strategies of ma- CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 24-25 .11 93 jor carriers. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2:6-18 Spring 93 BRETHOWER, Dale M. BOURBINA, Ken Strategic improvement of workplace competence II: A comparison of two teaching styles for teaching mi- the economics of competence. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 29- crocomputer applications:traditional textbook and 42 93 lecture versus video and visual training. Central Michi- S. gan University, Master's thesis 1992 Strategic improvement of workplace competence I: breaking out of the incompetence trap. PIQ, Vol. 6, BOWERS, Rebecca S. and Karen A. Bosch No. 2: 17-28 93 'Count me in, too' math instructional strategies for the discouraged learner. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 2: 104- BREWER, Peggy D., et al. 106 Nov/Dec 92 Total quality management ina college of business: design and curriculum issues.Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. BOWMAN, Arnita, et al. 8, No. 1: 3-9 Spring 93 Prcparing accountants for an international assignment. a. ABEA J, Vol. 12, No. I: 23-30 Spring 93 Total quality management ina college of business: operations and administration.Mid-Amer 3 Bus, Vol. BOWMAN, Brent, et al. 8. No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 An examination of sou rctx of su pport preferred by end- user computing personnel. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 4-11 BREWER, Virgil L., et al. Fall 93 Total quality management ina college of business: design and curriculum issues.Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. BOYD, David W. 8, No. 1: 3-9 Spring 93 The new microcomputer development technology: a. implications for the economics instructor and software Total quality management ina college of business: author. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 113-125 Spring 93 operations and administration.Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 BOYD, Fraser The new team builder. P. M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 3: 26- BRIDGES, Carl Remus and Valerie S. Perotti 31 51 93 A comparison of tl le business correspondence of I long Kong and Ohio business students. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, BRAATHEN, Sandy and Lila Prigge No. 4: 16-21 Dec 93 Working with elementary students in keyboarding. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 33-35 Oct 93 Characteristics of career achievement: perceptions of African-American corporate executives. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8. No. 1:61-64 Spring 93 91 84 Business Education Index

BRIGGAMAN, Joan S. BROWN, Paula State program leadership perspectives. NBEA Yrbk, How to incorporate the topic of ethics into the reorga- No. 31: 145-155 1993 nized business communication course. ABA Nat Proc, 195-201 93 BRILL, Angele and Sandra C. Duling -Min= educafion in the tehbol libtary: laboratory BROWN,Robert G. for the information age. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 54-63 93 Multimedia boxes are more than just fim. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 315-317 My/Ju 93 BRINK, Carolyn and Kathy Chandler Teach the parent reach the child. Voc Ed .1, Vol. 68, BROWN, Steve. et al. No. 4: 26-27, 48 My 93 Third world entrepreneurial education: a case approach to role modeling. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 139-143 Ja/Feb BROCKMAN, Elizabeth Blackburn and Kelly 93 Belanger You-attitude and positive emphasis: testing received BROWN, Susie wisdom in busin= communication. AEC Bul, Vol. Earning to learn. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 34-35, 47 56, No. 2: 1-5 Ju 93 Ap 93

BROOKS, Lyrim Speaking the language. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 2: 20- Intersteno in Instanbul. J CR. Vol. 55, No. 2: 34-35 21 Feb 93 Dec 93 BROWN. Thomas S. and James T. Brown BROOKS, Susan Hardy Individual differences and data presentation methods The quest for quality. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: 42-44 in the MIS enviromm-nt. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 63-69 Sep 93 Winter 92-93

BROPHY, S. Tressa BROWN, Vincent J. Do-it-yourself phone systems. See, Vol. 53, No. 3: 9- Gaining access to a research and development labora- 11 Mr 93 tory. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 42-44 Mr 93

BROUGHTON, Eileen and Helmuth Hamminger BROWNE, Carmen D. Workshop topic: issues in secretarial education. SEIC Office etiquette. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 41-43 Rev, No. 122: 38-39 Nov 93 Feb 93

and other authors BRUMBAUGH, Ken and Nick Hart Seminar topic: assessment of quality management sys- FTP: the educator's key to multi-platform file trans- tems in education. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 46-48 Nov 93 fers. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 65-69 May 93

BROWER, Walter A. BRUMLEY, Debbie, et al. A call to responsibility. NJ BE Obs. Vol. 65: 6-11 92- Views, beliefs, and opinions ofsecondary business edu- 93 cation by state employment service managers and sec- ondary principals in the Pacific Northwest. DPE .1, Vol. BROWN, Angela 35, No. 1: 39.50 Winter 93 Personal computer training at Illinois Department of Transportation District 9:employee perceptions. BRUMM, Eugenia K. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's A cost/benelit analysis ofthe records management pro- thesis 92 gram in the state of Texas. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 30-35, 38. 39 Apr 93 BROWN, Betty J. Scholarship + leadership + cooperation = Delta Pi BRUNSON, Warren Epsilon. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 5-7 Oct New! Color printing in 6.0. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 77-80 Oct 93 BROWN, Daniel F. and Harold F. Koenig .5 Applying total quality management to business edu- Review 9 printer-sharing devices. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. cation. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 325-329 .11/Aug 93 7: 63-64, 66-67 1193

BROWN, Howard M. and Patricia Gold Minton BRUSH, Thomas, et al. Classroom 2000: a room with a view to the future. Continuing teacher education through distance learn- THE 1, Vol. 20, No. 8: 65-69 Mr 93 ing and audiographics. THE J, Vol. 20. No. 11: 74-77 lu 93 BROWN, James T. and Thomas S. Brown Individual differences and data presentation methods BRYAN, Joyce in the MIS environment. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 63-69 Seven steps to success. See. Vol. 53, No. 2: 13-14 Feb Winter 92-93 93

BROWN, Paul BRYANT, W. Keith An interdisciplinary approach to art and design educa- Book review: The economic ideas of ordinary people: tion: computational design. THE 1, Vol. 21, No. 5: 72- from preferences to trade by David M. Levy. J Cons 76 Dec 93 Aff Vol. 27. No. 2: 427-429 Winter 93 9 2 Business Education Index 85

BLINN, Phyllis CANNATA, Frank G. Use of performance standards and skills in marketing Bigger than a fax. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 52, 54, 56 education. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 38-40 Dec Nov 93 93 CAOETTE, Judy, et al. BUNNi-Radie and Barry Lewis -Computer augmented collaborative literature review. Educators: qualifying for the home-office deduction. OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 231-233 Mr/Ap 93 CAPLAN, Frank BURGER, Jeff Using quality systems to improve performance. PIQ, Staged right. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 44, 46, 48 Oct 93 Vol. 6, No. 3: 7-20 Special 93

BURN, Janice, et al. CARLSON, Nancy B. and C. Aviva Mintz Critical issues of IS management in Hong Kong: a The Indy 500 and physics: how a partnership brought cultural comparison. J Global IM, Vol. I. No. 4: 28- them together. The J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 101-104 Sep 93 37 Fall 93 CARLSON, Susan, et al. BURTON, John R., et al. Developing conceptual thinking: the concept attain- Consumer views of the need for government interven- ment model. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 2: 117-121 Nov/ tion in the airline market. 1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. I: Dec 92 1-22 Summer 93 CARNER, William, et al. BURTON, Scot and Ablujit Biswas Survey of bank sales training practice. fIRDQtly, Vol. Preliminary assessment of changes in labels required 4, No. 2: 171-183 Summer 93 by the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990. J Cons Alf, Vol. 27, No. 1: 127-144 Summer 93 CAROSELLI, Marlene The quest for quality. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 4: 11-13 Ap BUSH, Ronald F. and Richard K. Harper 93 Evaluation of computer based information sources for international business. J T Mt Bus, Vol. 4, No. 314: CARPENTER, Donald A, et al. 115-134 Influence of Myers-Briggs type on preference for data presentation format. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 85-90 Sum- BUTLR, Tommie L. mer 93 Tech prep for business and marketing technology Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 5-6 Ap CARPENTER. J. Scott The joy of teaching. Vac Ed J. 68, No. 6: 38-39 BUTTS, Janet C. Sep 93 A study to determine skills and competencies needed for office employment as reported by selected employ- CARR. Donald and Alfred Patrick ers in northwest Arkansas. University of Arkansas- The importance of writing competencies as perceived Fayetteville, Doctoral dissertation 1993 by college of business alumni and students. J CIS, Vol. 34. No. 1: 73-76 Fall 93

CARROLL, Shannon and Richard Riedl Impact North Carolina: 21st century education. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 3: 85-88 Oct 93

CALICA, Ben CARTER, Kristin Dee Distinguished panels. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 3: 60, 62 Mr 93 A study of the impact of the graduate course profes- sional presentations using technology. DPE J. Vol. 35, CALLUM. Alice W. No. 3: 160-174 Sununer 93 The law office team. MBEA Today, Vol. 57. No. 1: I. 5, 6 Jan 1992 CARTER. Leon Office machines meet LANs in the digital office of the CALVO. Emily future. Off Sys. Vol. IP. No. 11: 42-50 Nov 93 Company creates internal document management ser- vice bureau. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 22-23 Mr/Ap 93 CASADY. Mona J. Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- CAMP, Robert C. and Abbas J. Ali ness courses. DPE Instr, Vol. 9. No. 2: 1-4 Mr 93 The relevance of firm size and international business S. experience to market entry strategies. J Global M. Vol. Technology as part of business communication. ABC 6, No. 4: 91-112 93 Bul. Vol. 16. No. 3: 36-38 Sep 93 S. CAMPAGNA, Patricia -- and F. Stanford Wayne The relationship between frequency of evaluation of Communication skills in employment ads of major in-class production tasks and overall achievement in United States newspapers. SBR, Vol. 35, No. 2: 86-99 production in secondary school advaireed transcription Spring 93 classes. Lehman College, Master's thesis 1992 9 :3 86 Business Education Index

CASSIDY, Michael E, et al. cepts. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 51-56 Spring Identifying expectations for service quality in training 93 and education through procss needs assessment. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 3-16 93 CHENEY, Paul H. and George M. Kasper Responding to world competition: developing the glo- ---CASTROGIOVANN1,-Gary3. and Robert T. Justis- ballS-profersi6ndl:3 Global IM;VoL No: 1: 21-31 The chain advantage: an empirical study of video rental Winter 93 stores. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 93-112 Spring 93 CHERRY, Alan A. and Steven M. Mintz CATES, Ward Mitchell The introductory accounting course: educating majors Instructional technology: new optical technologies. and nonmajors. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 276-280 My/Ju Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 324-325 31/Aug 93 93

bastructicnal technology: the design debate. Clearinghs, CHIM, Wun lam, et al. Vol. 66, No. 3: 133-134 Ja/Feb 93 Preparing accountant for an international assignment. ABEA 3, Vol. 12, No. 1: 23-30 Spring 93 CAVANAUGH, M. P. Collaboration: a link between the high school and the CHIPMAN, Calvin H. and Renee Davis university. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 6: 335-338.11/Aug Clients at your fingertips. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 3: 42- 93 46 Mr 93 1.* CAVUSGIL, S., et al. and Rick Kidman Using an intelligent database in the classroom: The case Simultaneous font attributes add bold, italics, under- of the country consultant. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: line, etc., to the same text. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 48- 17-37 93 52 .1193

CHAFFEE, Ellen Earle CHONG, Siak Ching, et al. The KAIZEN leader: continuously improving admin- Marketing impact of trade block formation on third istration. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 64-73 Special 93 country firms: the case of Singapore versus the US- Canada FTA. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 111-134 93 CHALUPA, Marilyn R. Attitudes of experienced business educators and CHRISTENSEN, Anne L. and Donna Philbrick preservice business education majors toward teaching Businesses and universities: similar challenges, shared software concepts and features. NABTE Rev, No. 20: solutions. MB. Vol. 69. No. I: 6-9 Sep-Oct 93 37-41 93 CHRISTENSEN, Todd CHAMBERLAIN, Don, et al. Creating a daily planner. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 12: 33- Student outcomes assessment in business education. 35 Dec 93 NABTE Rev, No. 20: 16-20 93 CIIRISTIAN, Walter P, et al. CHAN, Hock Chuan, et al. Reducing absenteeism in a human service setting: a A survey of SQL language. J DM, Vol. 4. No. 4: 4-15 low cost alternative. J Org Bell Mgt, Vol. 13. No. 2: Fall 93 37-49 93

CHANDLER, Kathy and Carolyn Brink CHUA, Yap Siong and Behrooz K. Seyed-Abbassi Teach the parent reach the child. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, A business graphics course for information systems No. 4: 26-27, 48 My 93 curriculum. OSRA Proc, 176-181 Mr 93

CHANDRA, Akhilesh and Prashant C. Palvia CHURCH, Alan H. Expert systems in accounting: applications and inte- Book review: Leadership for the twenty-first century grating framework. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 13-22 Sum- by Joseph C. Rost. I IRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 197-206 mer 93 Summer 93

CHANEY, Lillian H. and Barbara D. Davis CIARDIELLO, Angelo Vincent Problems of corporate training and development per- Training students to ask reflective questions. sonnel. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 26-33 Spring 93 Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 5: 312-314 My/Ju 93

CHANG, Y. Regina and Suzanne Lindamood CINCO1TA, Phil and Rocco Malfitano Factors related to the risk of household income vari- Network for a school a the future. THE J. Vol. 20, ability. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 47-66 93 No. 10: 70-74 May 93

CHAPMAN, C.. et al. CIRNCIONE, Joseph A. Workshop topic: vocational education and training Revision and business writing: checking the numbers. developments in England. SE1C Rev. No. 122: 35-37 ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 1: 16-21 Mr 93 Nov 93 CLAM prrr, Phillip G. and Cal W. Downs CHAPMAN, Joseph and Shaheen Borns Employee perceptions of the relationship between com- Product differentiation and positioning: contlised con- munication and productivity: a field study. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 5-28 93

4 Business Education Index 87

CLARDY, Alan COLEMAN, Matt Book review: Human resource strategies by Graeme The thrill of victory. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 30-32 Salaman. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 315-319 Fall 93 Ap 93

CLARK, Dean COLEMAN, Nancy Theorist: mathematics smart weapon. Ed Tech Ex- Why do they do it? MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 5: 10- change, Vol. 1, No. 3: 24-31 Fall 93 11 Dec 93

CLARK, James E. and Barbara J. Phillips COLEN, Mark Attitudes towards economics: Uni- or multidimen- Print four pages per sheet. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 77- sional? 1 Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 195-212 Summer 79, 81 .1193 93 COLLARD, Eileen F. N. CLARK, Jon D., et al. The impact of Denting quality management of inter- A demographic analysis of information systems fac- departmental cooperation. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: ulty. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 85-90 Spring 93 71-79 Spring 93

CLARK, Lynn and Darlene Shue COLLETTE, Myra Mattern Reporting using braille. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 31 Jan A profile of tximputer utilization in North Dakota bust- 93 nm and office education progran a. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 CLARRY, John William Software applications for international business edu- COLLINS, Jeffrey A. cation: a review of Compact Disclosure and Disclo- The acceptability of questionable marketing practices: sure/Worldscope software. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/ perceptions of secondary marketing education senior 4: 147-156 93 students in Ohio. Bowling Green State University, Master's thesis 1992 CLAWSON, Barbara N. and Anne M. Weiner Two-way, interactive A/V applied to the supervision COMER, Lucette B. and J. A. F. Nicholls of student teachers. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 67-69 Ju Simulating the global market place: A software review 93 and comparison. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 135-145 93 CLIFFORD, R. About British work permits. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 1: 68- COMERFORD, Linda 70 Nov 93 Taking the "GR" out of grammar. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 12-15 Mr 93 CLINE, Larry Work to school transition. Voc Ed 1, Vol. 68, No. 2: CONCEPCION, Blanca E. 26-27, 49 Feb 93 The effects of grammar knowledge on the writing skills of business English students in Puerto Rico. New York CLINTON, Jane University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Keyboarding portfolio. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 2-3 Spring 93 CONN, Patricia Leant Tech prep at Atlantic Community College--a success COCHRAN, Thad, et al. story. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 53-56 92-93 A blueprint to revolutionize America's schools. THE .1, Vol. 21, No. 1: 4, 6, 8 Aug 93 CONNOLLY, Michael R., Jr. How do you spell friendship? an intergenerational spell- COFFIN, Donald A. ing bee. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 5: 267-268 My/Ju Using the competitive edge..1 Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. I: 93 62-69 Winter 93 COOLEY, Van, et al. COFFMAN, Mary American school 2000: Westfield's technology initia- Nontechnical competencies instruction in Illinois sec- tive. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 83-86 May 93 ondary and postsecondary business education classes. Soutlwrn Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's COOPER, Della L. and Sheila C. Porterfield thesis 1992 Using collaborative business writing groups to strengthen students' writing skills. MBEA J, Vol. 20: COHEN, Avi J. and John Spencer 22-26 93 Using writing across the curriculum in economics: is taking the plunge worth it? J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: COOPER, Lloyd G. and Susan Underwood 219-230 Summer 93 Evaluating the use of technology in your office. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 4: 250-251 Mr/Ap 93 COLE, Barbara C. and Dennic L. Smith Cooperative tanning strategies for teaching adult busi- CORBIN. Steven B., et al. ness English.JEB. Vol. 68, No. 3: 170-173 Ja/Feb 93 Perceptual-based student outcomes assessment process in the marketing curriculum. JE13, Vol. 69. No. I: 11- 17 Sep-Oct 93 95 88 Business Education Index

CORDER, Steve and Ralph Ruby Jr. COUNTS, Stephanie R. and Beverly Lavergneau Micrceomputer-based software alternatives for project Choice as a vehicle for urban educational change in management. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 56-59 Sep-Oct 93 the 1990s. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 79-80 Nov/Dec 92 CORNELIUS, C. J. Braille transcripts. JCR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 28, 30 Jan 93 COURT, Deborah A playful environment in a cooperative physics class- CORNUEJOLS, Chantal F. and Kathryn A. Murphy- room. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 295-298 My/Ju 93 Judy Multicultural multimedia across the curriculum: a pi- COUSIN, Robyn lot project. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 77-80 Feb 93 School-family partnerships: Minneapolis public schools model for success. University of Minn,mota, CORTESE, Joanne G. Master's thesis 1992 Book review: Business coninunications: with contem- porary issues and microcomputer applications by M. COX, Charles C., III., et al. H. Rader and Linda Kurth. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: Curriculum wholeness through synergistic teaching. 65-66 Dec 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 252-254 Mr/Ap 93

Book review: Business communication today by COX, Glenda C. and Thomas A. Rakes Courtland L. Bovee and John V. Thill. ABC Bul, Vol. Using the "grapevine" to effect change in schools. .56, No. 1: 51-53 Mr 93 Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 17-20 Sep/Oct 93 Book review: Business conununication: toward 2000 COX, Raymond A. K., et al. by Arthur H. Bell. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 65 Dec Notes & Conunents: The stock market reaction to plant 93 closings. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 57-60 Spring 93 Book review: Communicating in business: key to suc- cess by William H. Bonner. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. I: CRAIG, Robert P. 53-54 Mr 93 Teen sexual activity and the need for the development *5 of the moral imagination. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: Book review: Contemporary business education by 225-227 Mr/Ap 93 Scot Ober. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 1: 49-50 Mr 93 $ 5. -and Ruth Kravetz Book review: Design of business communications by Science or aesthetics: a journey through chemistry Elizabeth Tebeaux. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. I: 50-51 class. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 6: 363-365 .11/Aug 93 Mr 93 CRAIN, Carole L, et al. CORWIN, Thomas M. Helping new teachers: the performance enhancement Examining school choice issues. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. model. Ckaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 174-176 .1a/Feb 93 No. 2: 68-70 Nov/Dec 92 CRAMER, Susan R. COSGROVE, Nancy Navigating the assessment maze with portfolios. Typewriters adapt: they're here to stay. Office, Vol. 117, Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 72-74 Nov/Dec 93 No. 1: 87 la 93 CRIDER, Bill COSGROVE, Nancy Dunn Photo CD tums pro. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: 52, 54, 56 31 The paperless office: still a myth in the nineties. Of- 93 fee, Vol. 117, No. 4: 25, 27, 29 Ap 93 CRONAN, Timothy Paul and Kristy D. Glorfeld COSTELLO, Ronald W. Computer infonnation satisfaction: a longitudinal study Using business criteria to make technology decisions of computing systems and EUC in a public organiza- in a school district. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 105-108 tion. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 27-36 Winter 93 Nov 93 $ --and Steve D. White COTTAGE, John and Deborah Hutchings User infonnation satisfaction for maintained account- Prudential amet management's optical storage docision. ing systems: the validity and reliability of the short- IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 4: 31-32 31/Aug 93 fonn measure. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 2-10 Spring 93 .5 COTTON, Chester C., et al. --and other authors Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSB- Information systems development: issues a Ifect ing suc- accredited business schools. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 261- cess. I CIS. Vol. 34, No. I : 50-62 Fall 93 265 My/Ju 93 CRONIN, Michael W. COULSON, Jim Teaching listening skills via interactive videodisc. THE Our professional responsibility. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. .1, Vol. 21, No. 5: 62-68 Dec 93 2: 20-25 Apr 93

9 6 Business Education Index 89

CROOP, David L DANOWSK1, James A. and Ronald E. Rice Insurance image management: a 'hybrid' solution. Is it really just like a fancy answering machine? Com- IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 20-21 Mr/Ap 93 paring sematic networks ofdifferent types of voice mail users. I Bus Coin, Vol. 30, No. 4: 369-397 Oct 93 CROSS, Geoffrey A. Gaining access to an insurance company. ABC Bul, DARBY, Karlene Vol. 56, No. 1: 44 Mr 93 A tale of two cities. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: 40-41 Sep 93 CROWELL Charles R. and C. Joseph Williams Providing institutional support for educational tech- DARLEY, William K. uad Denise M. Johnson nologies: a case study. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 114-118 Cross-national comparison of consumer attitudes to- Nov 93 ward consumerism in four developing countries. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 37-54 Summer 93 CUNNINGHAM-SMITH, Lena M. Employer-based training and development new dimen- DARLING, Carol Whitney and Steven E. Sorg sions in teaching. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 19- A new attitude. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 18-21 Mr 93 21 Dec 93 DARLING, Doug CURRY, Gloria Sophomore retention at UND-Lake Region. Univer- Increasingly cost effective, recycling programs continue sity of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 to grow. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 30-31, 51. 55 Aug 93 * DARTER, Marvin E. and Katherine T. Hoff Temporary help market continues to grow. Office, Vol. A communication-rich systems design project. ABC 118, No. 1: 8,10 Jl 93 Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 32-37 Dec 93

Creative-looking documents are key to business suc- DASCH, Deborah A. and Martha I. Finney cess. Office. Vol. 117, No. 6: 36-37 Ju 93 Carpal tunnel syndrome: an update. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 34-37 My 93

DAVEY, D. J. Getting the table. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 76-79 Feb 93

DADASHZADEH, Mohammad DAVIDSON, Lawrence S. and Elisabeth C. Gumnoir Using decision tables to verify rule-based expert sys- Writing to learn in a business economics class. J Econ tems. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 18-22 Fall 93 Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 237-243 Summer 93

-and Mohammed Taghavi-Fard DAVIDSON, Peter Book review: Management information systems by Computer fax the next move in office automation. Off Vladmir Zwass. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 3: 47 Summer 93 Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 12-14, 16 My 93

DAGGETT, Willard R. Microsoft's "at work." Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 12: 10- Answering the call for school reform. Bal Sheet, Vol. 18 Dec 93 74, No. 2: 2-3 Winter 93 5* Unleash your fax machine's sales igc marketing poten- DAILY, Linda tial. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 32, 34, 37-39 3193 A retirement dream. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 9: 10-11 Nov/ Dec 93 DAVIS, Andrew W. Document imaging integrates database and workflow The 21st-century secretary. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 5: 12-14 from Alaska to Texas. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 15-17 My 93 Mr/Ap 93 ** DALENBERG, Douglas R., et al. Tame the office paper tigers with document-imaging Doing business in global markets: perspectives of in- systems. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 24, 26, 28 Mr 93 ternational freight forwarders. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 53-68 93 DAVIS, Barbara D. and Lillian H. Chaney Problems of corporate training and development per- DALEY, James M., et al. sonnel. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 26-33 Spring 93 Doing business in global markets: perspectives of in- ternational freight forwarders. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. DAVIS, Bobby J. and Carolyn Hagler 4: 53-68 93 Improving students' library skills through electronic searching. MBEA 3. Vol. 20: 2-9 93 DANIEL Larry 0. et al. Implementation of a process for the design of an epi- DAVIS, Bobbye J. and Donna H. Redmann sodic ethics assessment instrument. DPE J, Vol. 35, Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- No. 4: 245-257 Fall 93 ness courses. DPE Ins% Vol. 9, No. 1: 1-4 Ja 93 97 90 Business Education Index

DAVIS, C. Gregory DECKER, Phillip J. The office green. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 22-27 Dec Invited reaction: the quality revolution and research 93 a need for more examination of teamwork. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 149-151 Summer 93 DAVIS, Duane et al. Using coupon incentives in recycling aluminum: a DECKERT, Verlyn market approach to energy conservation policy..1Cons Gaining access. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 26-27 .1193 Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 300-318 Winter 93 DELANEY, Michael, et a'. DAVIS, Jeff and Howard Splete Structured techniques for successful end user spread- Somewhere out there. Voc Ed.i, Vol. 68, No. 7: 26-27, sheets. J EUC. Vol. 5, No. 2: 18-25 Spring 93 60 Oct 93 DELANEY, Paula J., et al. DAVIS, Renee and Calvin H. Chipman Economic well-being of disabled elderly living in the Clients at your fingertips. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 42- community. pin. C & P, Vol. 4: 199-216 93 46 Mr 93 mt, DELENER, Nejdet DAVIS, Refiney and Robert Underwood Book review: Reform in eastern Europe by Olivier Business teachei cfluntors' perceptions of licensing Blanchard. Rudiger Dombush, Paul Krugman. Rich- requirements for secondary schooi business teachers ard Layard. J Global 1M, Vol. 6, No. 1: 109-111 93 in the United States. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 13-19 93 DEMARIA, Carolyn DAY,.Ken and Paul A. Herbig A place in the sun. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 32-34 My The challenge of the Canadian Confederation. SBR. 93 Vol. 3, No. 1: 73-91 Spring 93 DEMARS, Nan DE LUZ, Michael The absentee boss. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 8: 26-27 Oct 93 Relationship between export strategy variables and export perfonnance for Brazil-based manufacturers. J DEMMERS, Linda, et al. Global 1M, Vol. 7, No. 3: 87-110 93 Envisioning the library of tomorrow. Ed Tech Ex- change, Vol. 1, No. 3: 8-15 Fall 93 DEANS, Candace Book review: The global issues of information tech- DENNEE, Jean by Shaikndra Palvia, Prashant Developing a global perspective through cooperative Palvia, and Ronald M. Zigli. J Global IM, Voi. 1. No. learning. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 367-369 ..11/Aug 1: 47-48 Winter 93 93

DEANS, P. Candace DESAI, Suzanne and Joseph Abramson and Martin D. Goslar Purchase involvement anew car buyers: a descriptive A pilot study of information systems curriculum in study. Mid-Amer J Bus. Vol. 8. No. 2: 13-20 Fall 93 foreign educational institutions.1 CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 8-17 Fall 93 DEVANEY, Sharon I. Change in household financial ratios between 1983 and and David A. Ricks 1986: were American households improving their fi- An agenda for research linking information systems nancial status? Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 31-46 93 and international businms: theory, methodology and application. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. I: 6-19 Winter DEVOGEL, Susan 93 Ethical decision-making in organization development: current theory and practice. University of Minnesota, DEARBORN, Ruby Doctoral dissertation 1992 Price wars change the office furniture market. Office. Vol. 117, No. 2: 32, 52 Feb 93 DEWITI', Betty The effect iveness ofthe executive mentoring program DEBENEDICTIS. Don J. in the United States postal service. Lehman College, Excuse me, did you get all that? J CR. Vol. 54. No. 10: Master's thesis 1992 32-37 Aug/Oct 93 DEYOUNG. Robert DEBENHAM, Jerry and Gerald Smith Market experiments: the laboratory versus the class- Automating university teaching by the year 2000. 111E room. 1 Econ Ed. Vol. 24. No. 4: 335-351 Fall 93 J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 71-75 Aug 93 DEZOORT. Frank A.. et al. and other authors Organizational impact of decision support technology: Climbing your own Everest. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 7: 26- what's ahead for the '90s? J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 26-30 27 Aug/Sep 93 Spring 93

DECKER, Anita K. DIAMOND, Arthur M., Jr. and Donald R. I laurin Creating a place in history. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, The dissemination of research agendas among young No. 4: 3-5 Ap 93 economists. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. I : 53-61 Winter 98 93 Business Education Index 91

DICK, Jim DONELAN, Joseph G. Document management benefits small firms, too. IMC An integrated approach to teaching the statement of J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 20-21 Ja/Feb 93 cash flow. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 234-236 Mr/Ap 93

DICK, Walter DONEY, Lloyd D. Quality in training organization. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: and Michael D. Akers 35-47 Special 93 Information systems content in the CPA examination. * J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 81-88 Fall 93 ar r. Craig Johnson Preface to the special issue on quality systems in per- and other authors formance improvement. PIQ. Vol. 6, No. 3: 3-6 Spe- Developing critical thinking skills in accounting stu- cial 93 dents. ..TEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 297-300 My/Ju 93

DIGI3Y, Annette D., et al. DONTHU, Naveen and Sang Hyeon Donthu Developing effixtive university and public school part- Implications of firm controllable factors on export nerships. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 37-39 Sep/Oct growth. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 47-64 93 93 DOOLITTLE. Marilyn DILLE, Ann and Debby King Office equipment and secretarial skills in the golden An early endeavor to apply quality concepts to the sys- triangle: a survey of area businesses. Mississippi State tematic design of instruction: successes and lessons University, Specialist thesis 1992 learned. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 48-63 Special 93 DORANDO, S., et al. DILLMANN, Elizabeth A. Observations ofcomputer-mediated groups in an R&D Embrace them or chase them. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 1- business environment. OSRA Proc, 69-81 Mr 93 5 92-93 DORIN, William J. and James D. Russell DILLON, Richard W. The design of an expert system to develop instructional Introducing artificial intelligence into a high school's objectives. J CIS. Vol. 33. No. 2. 14-18 Winter 92-93 computer curriculum. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 8: 74-75 Mr 93 DOSIER, Lloyd N. and Linda S. Munilla The influence of technology on traditional communi- DINGUS, Victor R. and Russell Justice cations systems: an evolutionary process. ABA Nat Getting better faster: accelerating learning and im- Proc, 250-254 93 provement. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 3: 28-34 Special 93 DOUGLAS. Ann M. DINUCCI, Darcy The trait sheet. Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 47, No. 4: 45-47 Data based pages. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 4: 22-26 Ap 93 Ap 93

DISANZA, James R. DOUGLAS, David E. and Patti D. Massey Shared meaning as a sales inducement strategy: bank Object-oriented technologies in information systems teller responses to frames, reinforcements, and quotas. curricula. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. I: 3-7 Fall 93 J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 133-160 93 DOUGLAS, J. Yellowlees DITTMAN. Nancy A. The audience made real: hypertext and the teaching of Exploring problems in international conununications. writing. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 17-23 Win- ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 1-3 Spring 93 ter 93

D1VOKY James J. DOUTH TIT. Robin A. A microcomputer-based teaching evaluation system. Book review: The official guide to the American mar- JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 372-375 11/Aug 93 ketplace by Margaret K. Ambry and Cheryl Russell. .1 Cons An: vol. 27. No. I: 189-191 Sununer 93 DOERNER. Dan Color in the fast lane. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 11: 61-62 Nov DOWNS, Cal W. and Phillip G. Clampitt 93 Employee perceptions of the relationship between com- munication and productivity: a field study. J Bus Com, DOKE, E. Reed, et al. Vol. 30. No. 1: 5-28 93 Prototyping effects on the system development life cycle: an empirical study. !CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 14-19 DRAKE, Daniel D. Spring 93 Student diversity: implications for classroom teachers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 5: 264-266 My/Ju 93 DOLECIIECK, Carolyn Protecting student labs from computer viruses. JED. --and Rosemarie Mucci Vol, 68. No. 4: 212-214 Mr/Ap 93 Untracking through the use of cooperative learning. Ckaringhs. Vol. 67. No. 2: 123-126 Nov/Dec 93 DowarE, Dorothy G., et al. Adding knowledge-assistance to PC-based photo- DRISCOLL. Mary, et al. graphic image database management systems. 1RM J. Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- Vol. 6, No. 2: 27-38, 40 Spring 93 99 92 Business Education Inde.x

grade class. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 177-180 Ja/ Not just 'seed and feed'. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 33 Feb 93 Ap 93

DRISKILL, Linda Out of the frying pan . .. and into the 90's. Vac Ed J, The case of the busy consultant. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, Vol. 68, No. 3: 24-25 Mr 93 No. 3: 32 Sep 93 Who will teach the teachers? Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: DUBRUI, Rich 23-27, 53 Sep 93 All things being equal: in the classroom, special needs shouldn't mean special treatment. Voc Ed 1, Vol. 68, DYRUD, Marilyn A. No. 8: 28-29 Nov-Dec 93 Should we teach computer software in business com- munication courses? ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 35-36 DUFRENE, Debbie U. et al. Sep 93 Implementation of a process for the design of an epi- sodic ethics assessment instrument. DPE 1, Vol. 35, DZ1AK, John E. No. 4: 245-257 Fall 93 Prevent hard disk failure from crippling your business. Oft'Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 46, 48-49 JI 93 DUGGAI, Sudesh M. and Paul R. Popovich Practical applications of neural networks in business. DZUJNA, Charlotte Caseb J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 8-13 Winter 92-93 Systems for recording time. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 60-63 Sep 93 DUKES, Thomas Should we teach software use in business communica- tions? ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 34-35 Sep 93 DULEK, Ronald E. Models ofdevelopment: business schools and business EAKLE, Cathy communication. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 3: 315-331 Secondary files in sezonds. \VP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: J193 66-68 Oct 93

DULING, Sandra C. and Angele Brill EASTON, Dugal E. Business educatior. in the school library: laboratory Tel econunun icat ions, integration, competition and cus- for the information age. LBEJ. Vol. 3, No. 1: 54-63 93 tomer service. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 69 Ja

DUNCAN-EVANS, Candy ECHTERNACHT, Lonnie and Karen Waner Tbe meaning and importance of certification to certi- Using the Myers-Briggs type indicator to comp= per- fied administrative managers and their employers. sonality types of busir..:ss teachers who teach office Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doctoral occupations with personality types of office profession- dissertation 1992 als. DPE J, Vol. 35,o. 2: 53-68 Spring 93 a. DUPONT, M. Kay -and other authors Proofread like a pro. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 1: 18-19 Jo 93 Gender equity issuis in business teacher education. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 47-49 93 DURDEN, Gorey C. and James W. Marlin Jr. An analysis of contributions and contributors in eco- ECKART, Joyce A and Sarah L. Gibson nomic education research. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: Using =leaders to improve teaching. Clearinghs, Vol. 171-186 Spring 93 66, No. 5: 288-292 My/Ju 93

DURKIN, David EDMONDSON, Stephan R. Fax on demand. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. I: 32, 34 la 93 Reporting, Alaska style. J CR, Vol. 55. No. 1: 73-74 Nov 93 DURVASULA, Srinivas, et al. ** Cross-cultural generalizability of a scale for profiling A rose and some nuggets. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 34-37 consumers' decision-making styles. J Cons Aft; Vol. Feb 93 27, No. 1: 55-65 Summer 93 a. Court reporters and TD1. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 69-72 DUTIVEILER, Patricia C. and Linda Shirley Dec 93 Start making sense. Voc Ed 1, Vol. 68. No. 4: 22-25 ** My 93 a.Repping with Bn.ce. 3CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 36 Apr 93 DYKMAN, Ann Have you tricd NCRA lately? 1 CR. Vol. 54, No. 3: From layoff to payoff. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 20-21 36-37 Jan 93 Oct 93 EDWARDS, Clifford H. and Wallace E. Allred Marketing vocational education. Voc Ed .1, Vol. 68, No. More on a nation at risk: have the reconunendations 1: 28-32, 56 la 93 been implemented? Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 85-87 a tov/Dec 93 .100 Business Education Index 93

EDWARDS, Debra L and Robert J. Shoop On time. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 32-34 Dec 93 Eliminating sexual harassment. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: ** 19-23 Oct 93 Returning to writing basics. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 46, 48-49 Ap 93 EDWARDS, Elizabeth A. Development of a new scale for mastering compulsive EMERSON, Peggy and C. E. Lindgren buying behavior. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 67-84 93 British inservice for American educators. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 49-51 Sep/Oct 93 EDWARDS, Jefficy W. Does your recycling program ally go halfway. Off Sys, ENGEL, Brent T., Et al. Vol. 10, No. 3: 30, 32-33 Mr 93 Consensus versus devil's advocacy: the influence of decision process and task structure on strategic deci- EHRHART, Lisa M., et al. sion making. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 399-414 Oct ADDNET network: a low-end technology success. The 93 J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 96-100 Sep 93 ENGET, Maureen EICH, Margaret H. and Le Gruenwald Demographic study of home economics students in Selecting a database partitioning technique. J DM, Vol. Stanley High School related to home environment. 4, No. 3: 27-39 Summer 93 University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992

EIN-DOR, Phillip, et al. ENSMAN, Richard G., Jr. The effect of national culture on IS: implications for Seize the opportunities. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: 15-16, 30 international information systems. J Global 1M, Vol. Ju/J193 1, No. 1: 33-44 Winter 93 ERDRICH. Teresa EISEN, Phyllis Alternative program evaluation: ready program at A new game plan for American workers. Voc Ed J, Windom school. University of Minnesota, Master's Vol. 68, No. 7: 18-19, 57 Oct 93 thesis 1992

EISENSTODT, Joan and Richelle Shafer ERICKSON, Nan B. A meeting planner's primer. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 15- Entrepreneurial leadership. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 69- 17 My 93 .77 1993 EISNER, Robert Using conference calls to bring an expert into your Fiscal and monetary policy reconsidered, again: basic classroom. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 35-36 Ju 93 lessons. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 245-259 Summer 93 ERNST, Gary The roles of leader influence tactics, gender, and lead- ELIAS, Mauricv J., et al. ership style in leader-subordinate relationships. North- Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- ern Illinois University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 grade class. Clearinglts, Vol. 66, No. 3: 177-180 Ja/ Feb 93 ERNST, Gisela and Kerri J. Richard Using multicultural novels in the classroom. ELL1O1T-HOWARD, Florence E. et al. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 88-90 Nov/Dec 93 Implementation of a process for the design of an epi- sodic ethics assessment instrument. DPE J, Vol. 35, ERWIN, Steve No. 4: 245-257 Fall 93 Designer name tags. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 38-43 My 93 ELLIOTT, Janet UK colleges-growth in developing links with Europe. ESQUER, Gerardo A. and Judith D. Ahrens SEIC Rev, No. 171: 40-42 Apr 93 Internet's potential as a global infonnation infrastruc- ture: a case study and assessment. J Global 1M, Vol. 1, ELLIS, Peter M. No. 4: 18-27 Fall 93 Scale economies of expenses in the United States medi- cal malpractice industry. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 53-62 ESSAM ZE, D. Spring 93 Shorthand instruction and language problems in multi- language countries. SE1C Rev, No. 122: 55-59 Nov ELSI3ERRY, Richard B. 93 An ounce of surge protection can prevent a pound of automation woes. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 38-41 Aug ESTESS, Patricia Schiff 93 Make your company family-friendly. Off Sys, Vol. 10, as No. 2: 30-32, 34 Feb 93 Gift-giving has its own etiquette. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 9: 26, 28, 30 Sep 93 ESTEVA, Juan Carolos, et al. 5. Decision support system for local area network pro- Older & wiser. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 44, 46, 48 My curement: 3 case study. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 2: 5-14 93 Spring 93 S. 101 UST COPYAVAILABLE 94 Business Education Index

EVERS-LUSH, Mary Jean FEATHERINGHAM, Richard D. and Susan Switzer Factors, including curriculum that relate to test anxi- Conference reporting: a career worth considering! ety experienced by secondary school students. Virginia MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: 1. 3, 4 Mr 92 Polytechnic Institute and State University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 and other authors Is Utilization of business communication skills by col- and Phyllis A. King lege of businms administration graduates. ABA Nat Incorporating multicultural awareness into the busi- Proc, 268-280 93 ness communication curriculum. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 12-25 93 FEINER, Susan F. Introductory economics texibooks and the treatment EVIRGEN, Cuneyt, et al. of issues relating to women and minorities. 1984 and Using an intelligent database in the classroom: The case 1991. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 145-162 Spring 93 of the country consultant. JT Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 17-37 93 FELDLAUFER, Harriet and Joan M. Hofinann Involving veteran teathers in a state induction program. EWING, Marilyn Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 101-103 Nov/Dec 92 The southwest director's column. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 8-9 Spring 93 FELDMAN, Patti and William Feldman Computer accessories can prevent workplace injury& discomfort. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 40. 42. 44 Ap 93

Lasers can lead ;mall busimss to sucetxs. O,ISys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 56. 58. 60 Ju 93 FABBRI, Tony and Ronald A. Mann .5 A critical analysis of the ACM and DPMA curricu- PC/fax features are filtering down-home. OffSys, Vol. lum models. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 77-80 Fall 93 10. No. 2: 43-45 Feb 93

FALK, Charles F. FELDMAN, William and Patti Feldman and other authors Computer accessories can prevent workplace injury & Total quality management in a college of business: discomfort. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 40, 42, 44 Ap 93 design and curriculum issues. Mid-Amer J Bus. Vol. *. 8, No. 1: 3-9 Spring 93 Lasers can lead small business to success. Off Sys, Vol. * 10, No. 6: 56. 58. 60 Ju 93 and other authors Total quality management in a college of business: PC/fax features are filtering down-home. OffSys. Vol. operations and administration. Mid-Amer .1 Bus, Vol. 10, No. 2: 43-45 Feb 93 8, No. 2: 3-12 Fall 93 FELICI. James FARBER, David Prefab pages. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 42-44 Feb 93 Cyberspace, the constitution, and the electronic fron- tier foundation. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 22- FELLIN SAVIDGE, Tracy 27 Summer 93 Her life's work. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 8: 8-10 Oct 93

FARR, Charlotte W. and James M. Shaeffer FELS, Rendigs Evaluation: a key piece in the distance education This is what I do, and I like it. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. puzzle. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 9: 79-82 Ap 93 4: 365-370 Fall 93

FARRELL Linda A. FELTON, Jan Lessons learned. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 24-27, 49 Leadership: from the classroom to the boardroom. Oct 93 NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 25-36 1993

FARRELL Rod and Stephen Gring FERN, Richard IL Technology strategically planned: A dismal or bright Improving students performance in accounting prin- future? THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 119-122 Nov 93 ciples with mastery learning techniques. K BEA J. 16- 19 Spring 93 FARRIS, Pamela J. and Joanne Parke To be or not to be: what students think about drama. FIELDS, W. Calvin Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 231-234 Mr/Ap 93 Small business client satislliction with outside assis- tance. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 45-51 Fall 93 FASBENDER, David J. Filing 101. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 6: 10-12 Mal 93 FIM I3LE, Nancie Reading the crystal ball: what to expect in business FAULKNER, Tracyt conununications textbooks in the future. ABA Nat Greetings with graphics. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 4: 34- Proc, 243-249 93 36, 40-43 Ap 93 102 95 Busbtess Education Index

FINKENBINDER, Brenda FOLEY, Ahni Dale Analysis of student leaming outcomes in BVED 217: Multimedia. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 31-33 Feb fundamentals of management information systems. 93 University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 FORGUE, Raymond E. FINLAY, Douglas Book review: The livelihood of kin by Rhoda H. Create higher profits with voice messaging Office, Vol. Halperin. .1 Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 1: 191-194 Sum- 118, No. 2: 32, 34 Aug 93 mer 93 ** New technologies: key to regenerating copier sales. FORMAN, Janis Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 24-26 Oct 93 Business communication and composition: the writ- a* ing connection and beyond. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. Spreadsheets: a smart business investment. Office. Vol. 3: 333-352 .1193 117, No. 6: 8, 10, 14 Ju 93 FORT, Rodney and Robert Roseman FINLEY, Michael Another look et the study of regulatory forms and out- Toner a critical supply item for copiers and printers. comes. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 1: 39-52 Winter 93 Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 4: 36, 38 Ap 93 FOSTER, Kenneth, et al. FINNEY, Martha I. and Deborah A. Desch The use of function point analysis to assess end user Carpal tunnel syndrome: an update. J CR. Vol. 54, No. computing systems. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 46-50 Spring 7: 34-37 My 93 93

FIORE, Douglas J. and Edward L. Vockell FRAME, Mary J. and Terry NI. Frame Electronic gradebooks: what current programs can do Teaching time and task organization in business for teachers. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 3: 141-145 Jai classes--a "winning" system. ABEA 3, Vol. 12, No. 1: Feb 93 38-48 Spring 93

Electronic test generators: what current programs can FRAME, Terry M. and Mary J. Fr.ane do for teachers. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 6: 356-362 Teaching time and task organization in business 31/Aug 93 classes--a "winning" s!estern. ABEA J. Vol. 12, No. 1: 38-48 Spring 93 FISHER, Chip Catered with care. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 16-17 Nov: FRANCIS, Jonell and Lori Quinn Dec 93 12 tips to speed up WV. WV Mag, Vol. 5, No. 4: 30-33 Ap 93 FISSEL, Mark Charles and Thomas R. Beatty Teaching with a fiber-optic media network: how fac- FRASCO. Gregg P. ulty adapt to new technology. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 3: The kinked demand curve when demand shills.JEcon 82-84 Oct 93 Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 137-143 Spring 93

FITZSIMMONS, Vicki Schram and Satomi Wakita FRASER, Bruce Expectation offuture financial condition: kre inen and HiFi color. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 5: 42, 44, 46 My 93 women different? Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: I t. -180 93 FREELS, Mary Ann and Steve Patton FLEENOR, Patrick, et al. Long distance learning--an idea whose time has come. Computing use in international business courses. J CIS, KBEA J. 7-8 Spring 93 Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 FREESTON. Kenneth R. FLEMING, Maureen J., et al. Quality is not a quick lix. Ckaringhs. Vol. 66, No. 6: Internationalizing the business curriculum: a survey 344-348 11/Aug 93 of collegiate business schools. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4. No. 2: 77-99 93 REID. Stephen II. The constitutionality ofchoice under the establishment FOGARTY, Timothy J. and Paul M. Goldwater clause. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 2: 92-95 Nov/Dec 92 An expert system for accounting education. TIIE J. Vol. 21, No. 3: 89-91 Oct 93 FR El DAY. Bob The secretary's changing role. Scc. Vol. 53, No. 2: 18- FOLDESY, Eunice M. and George Foldesy 23 Feb 93 Occupational ercation: equity issues. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 2: 69-7.ov/Dec 93 FREY, Bnma S., et al. Economics indoctrination or selection? Some empiri- FOLDESY, George and Eunice M. Foldesy cal results. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 3: 271-281 Sum- Occupational education: equity issues. Clearinglis. Vol. mer 93 67, No. 2: 69-70 Nov/Dec 93

103 96 Business Education Index

FRIDRICH, Angela Huebner, et al. FUHLER, Carol J. Financial satisfaction and assessment of financial The learning disabled adolescent and whole language. progess. importance of money attitudes. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 107-111 Nov/Dec 93 Fin C & P, Vol. 4: 181-198 93 FUNK, Robert A. FRIEDMAN, Bob Writing an effective resume. Sec, Vol. 53. No. I: 20- List files pop quiz. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 63-64 Mr 21 Ja 93 93 FURNISS, J. Markell FRIEDMAN, Lee A. Teaching ethics in high school. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, The application of document metrics in the automa- No. 6: 327-328 31/Aug 93 tion of document management systems. 1MC I, Vol. 29, No. 2: 29-32 Mr/Ap 93

FRIEDMAN, Rick Anywhere, anytime: the wireless office of today. Of- fice, Vol. 118, No. 2: 8-9, 52 Aug 93 S. GABLE, Gene 50 cents vs. $50 typefaces. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 4: 54. 56, Copier controls cut costs. Office. Vol. 117, No. 1: 66 58-59 Ap 93 Jo 93 S. a. Anything but dull. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 18-24 Feb 93 Digital & miniature technology enhances dictation 4. systems. Office, Vol. 118. No. 3: 56-57 Sep 93 S I Blinded by the light. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: 48, 50 .11 93 Micrographics and imaging create the perfect mix. Building a framework for success. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 4: Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 38-39 Oct 93 34-38 Ap 93 * Power controllers keep equipment running smoothly. Changing with the times. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 18-23 Office, Vol. 118, No. 1: 36-37, 67. 71 31 93 I.My 93 Power protection for electronic systems. Office, Vol. Color to dye for. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 6: 53. 56 Ju 93 117, No. 3: 52-53 Mr 93 S I Electronic cruise control. Pub, Vol. 8, No.,1: 22-27 Ja Secondary phone market provides excellent value. 93 Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 52-53 Ap 93 .5 Just what the doctor ordered. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 10: 24- FROLICK, Mark N., et al. 28 Oct 93 Is case living up to its promises? Laboratory experi- . 5 ments comparing manual and automated design ap- Model scanning techniques. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 3: 39-42, proaches. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 72-76 Sununer 93 44 Mr 93 S. FROST, Nancy Playing the numbers game. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 23-27 Buying office finniture can be a complex task. Office. Dec 93 Vol. 117, No. 6: 28-29 Ju 93 S. Postscript thermal wax printers. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 9: File systems make paper documents manageable. Of- 54, 56, 58 Sep 93 fice, Vol. 118, No. 4: 52-54 Oct 93 a S. Set in stone. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 32-36 Sep 93 Outsourcing: the right move for today's virtual orga- .5 nization. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 40-41 My 93 To every thing. kem. kern. kern. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 12: s 46-49 Dee 93 Today's lighting can improve production, cut energy costs. Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 12-13. 22 Aug 93 S. GABLE, Julie Turf wars: records management vs. data processing. R Toward an understanding of telecommunications. Of- Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 3: lf;-21. 31 11 93 fice, Vol. 118, No. 3: 50 Sep 93 GABLE, Robert A. and Jane Meeks Hager FROST, Raymond D. and Mark L. Gillenson Content reading assessment: a rethinking of method- The evolution of the meta-data concept: dictionaries, ology. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 269-272 My/Ju 93 catalogs, and repositories. I DM, Vol. 4, No. 3: 17-26 Summer 93 GAGON, Roger 7 tips for faster graphics printing. WP Mag, Vol. 5, FRY, Betty C. and Joe Ann.. Hibler No. 5: 61-64 My 93 Leadership profiles. N I3EA Yrbk. No. 31: 10-24 1993 13arcoding envelopes with 5.1 and 6.0. WP Nag, Vol. FRYSINGER, Hirsten 5. No. 9: 69-73 Sep 93 Liven up your page numbers. WP Nag Ail. 5, No. 2: 54, 38-42 Feb 93 Business Education Index 97

Button bar mania. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 65-67 -and other authors Nov 93 Developing effective university and public school part- an nerships. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 37-39 Sep/Oct Graphics at a glance. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 34-37, 93 40-41 Mr 93 GARVEY, Ruth C. and Johnny R. Purvis How fast can you type? WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 56- Components of an effective substitute teacher progrant 60 Oct 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 370-373 JI/Aug 93

Sun screen for your computer. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: GATENBY, Bev and Margaret C. McLaren 52-56 Feb 93 Teaching international topics in the business commu- as nication course: a survey of ABC members beyond the What can your printer do? WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 63- United States. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 10-15 Dec 93 66, 68 Ja 93 GAUDET, Cynthia and Annette Vincent GAILEY, Joan D. and Virginia Schaeffer Carroll Characteristics of training and human resource devel- Toward a collaborative model for interdisciplinary opment degree programs in the United States. DPE J, teaching: business and literature. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: Vol. 35, No. 3: 138-159 Sununer 93 36-39 Sep-Oct 93 GAUGHAN, Timothy GALLION, Leona M. and C. Bruce Kavan Road scholar: a quick lesson in mapmaking. Pub, Vol. Executive support systems. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, 8, No. 10: 50, 54, 56, 58 Oct 93 No. 2: 26-28 Dec 93 GAVORA, Mark J. and Roger Kaufman GANDY, Janet M. and Linda D. Snider Nee& assessment and problem solving: a critical ap- Innovations for student organizations. Bus Ed Forum, praisal of a critical reappraisal. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 2: 87- Vol. 48, No. 1: 3-5 Oct 93 98 93

GANGULI, Gouranga GAY, Geri and F. E. Mazur An operational audit of the engineering function of a Building a better bridge to students. Ed Tozh Exchange, public electricity utility. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. Vol. 1, No i : 14-20 Spring 93 2: 59-62 Fall 93 GELFER, Jeffrey I. and Peggy G. Perkins -and Rubik Atamian Portfolio assessment of teachers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, Teacher popularity and teaching effectiveness: view- No. 4: 235-237 Mr/Ap 93 point of accounting students. JEB, Voi. 68, No. 3: 163- 169 Ja/Feb 93 GELLER, E. Scott, et al. Developing efficient workplace safety programs: ob- GANTT-BONDS, Lelia, et al. servations ofresponsecovariation. J OrgBeh Mgt, Mal. Curriculum wholeness through synergistic teaching. 13, No. 2: 3-14 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 252-254 Mr/Ap 93 GEORGE, Karen A. and Gary D. Robson GAO, Yong Qiang Captioning municipal governments. J CR, Vol. 54, No. Factors affecting use of computer-assisted instruction 4: 38-39 Feb 93 by selected Chinese university educators. Southern Il- linois University at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation GERNER, Jennifer L. and Li-Min Hsueh 1992 Effect of thennal improvements in housing on residen- tial energy demand. J Cons MT, Vol. 27, No. 1: 87- GARBODEN, Clif 105 Summer 93 Home alone: technology lets people work at home. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 16-17, 19-20 Feb 93 GERSHWIN, Mary Crabbe Removing the language barrier. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. GARCIA DE OTEYZA, Ma 4: 36, 46 My 93 How to teach business letter writing maximizing student's involvement and motivation. SEIC 12,v, No. GERSTEIN, Martin and Jim Reynolds 121: 28-30 Apr 93 Learning style characteristics: an introductory work- shop. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 122-126 Nov/Dec GARMAN, E. Thomas and Nancy M. Porter 92 Testing a conceptual model of financial well-being. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 135-164 93 GESSFORD, John Object-oriented cost accounting system design. J EUC, GARTIN, Barbara C. Vol. 5, No. 3: 17-25 Summer 93 -and Nikki L. Murdick How to handle students exhibiting violent behaviors. GIBBS, Manton C. and Brent G. Goff Clearings, Vol. 66, No. 5: 278-280 My/Ju 93 Denominational affiliation change: application of the 5* consumer decision model. J Cons Alf, Vol. 27, No. 2: 227-257 Winter 93 105 91 Business Ethication Index

GIBSON, La Morr C. GOLDMAN, Alan Ananalysis of selected tech-prep programs to deter- Implications oflapanese total quality control for west- mine how various communities develop partnerships ern organizations: dimensions of an intercultural hy- to deliver occupational programs. Lehman College, brid.113us Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 29-47 93 Master's thesis 1992 GOLDWATER, Paul M. and Timothy J. Fogarty GIBSON, Michael, et al. An expert system for accounting education. THE J, Comorter usage characteristics and security in small Vol. 21, No. 3: 89-91 Oct 93 service firms: an exploratny study. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 70-74 Winter 92-93 GOLEN, Steven, et al. Preparing accountants for an international assignment. GIBSON, Sarah L. and Joyce A. Eckart ABEA .1, Vol. 12, No. 1: 23-30 Spring 93 Using camcorders to improve teaching. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 288-292 My/Ju 93 GOLOMSKI, William A. World class quality and perfonnance improvement. GILGEN, Read PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 21-27 Special 93 Type special characters. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 50- 53 Aug 93 GONZALES, Enrique A study of English as a second language (ESL) and its GILLENSON, Mark L. effect on the business education achievement of the An end-user data access control framework. J CIS, Vol. Hispanic high school student. Southwest Missouri State 34, No. 1: 63-66 Fall 93 University, Master's thesis 1992 **, and Raymond D. Frost GOODMAN, Susan K. The evolution of the meta-data concept: dictionaries, Adoption of what? Information policy for records of catalogs, and repositories. adoption (of people) in the U.S. R NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 3: 17-26 Summer 93 2: 3, 4, 6-8, 10, 11 Apr 93 ** GILLIAM, Michael, et al. Infonnation needs for management decision-making. An architecture for a heterogeneous information en- R NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 12-16, 18, 19, 22-23 Oct 93 vironment. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 42-49 Fall 93 GORDON, Peter and Kenneth A. Heischmidt GLEASON, Joyce and Lee J. Van Scyoc Rating of marketing publications: impae. of accredi- Traditional or intensive course lengths? A comparison tation and publication history. JEB, Vo, 68, No. 3: of outcomes in economics learning. J Econ Ed, Vol. 152-158 Ja/Feb 93 24, No. I: 15-22 Winter 93 GORDON, Steven GLENN, Charles L Standardization of infonnation systems and technol- What's really at stake in the school choice debate? ogy at multinational companies. J Global IM, Vol. 1, Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 75-78 Nov/Dec 92 No. 3: 5-14 Summer 93

GLORFELD, Kristy D. and Timothy Paul Cronan GORNIAN, L. Renee and Debra Webb Computer infonnation satisfaction: a longitudinal Andy Is there a relationship between attendance and grade of computing systems and EUC in a public organiza- point average at Northwest Missouri Community Col- tion. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 27-36 Winter 93 lege? Northwest Missouri State University. Master's thesis 1992 GLYNN, Karen A., et al. Perceptual-based student outcomes assessment process GOSLAR, Martin D. and P. Candace Deans in the marketing curriculum. JEB, Vol. 69, No. I :I I - A pilot study of information systems curriculum in 17 Sep-Oct 93 foreign educational institutions. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 8-17 Fall 93 GODELL, James, et al. Office systems curriculum development: impetus, pro- GOUGEON, Thomas D. and Susan I. Hutton cess, results. OSRA Proc, 194-206 Mr 93 Effects of culture and gender on principalteacher communication in school. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4. No. 3: GOETTE, Mary Ann. et al. 277-290 Fall 93 Education in business etiquette: attitudcs of market- ing professionals. JEB, Vol. 68, No.6: 330-333 .11/Aug GOVEN, Monique M. 93 Student perceptions and attitudes of learning by inter- active video. University of North Dakota. Master's GOFF, Brent G. and Manton C. Gibbs thesis 1992 Denominational affiliation change: application of the consumer decision model. J Com M1', Vol. 27. No. 2: GRADER, Jeanne C., et 31. 227-257 Winter 93 Keeping the quality up. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 7: 19-20 Aug/ Sep 93 GOLDBERG, Fred S. K-12's online future: looking for Mr. Goodnet. TIlE GR AGO, Ellen J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 75-78 May 93 Filing systems evolve as technology advances. Office. Vol. 118, No. 1: 12-14 1193 SS

111 Business Education Index 99

Magnetic and optical media: can they coexist? Offiix, GREEN, Pat Vol. 117, No. 5: 16, 25 My 93 Stand tall. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 4: 41 Feb 93

Shredders give protection from espionage and gossip. GREENE, Cynthia and Terry Smith Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 26, 28-31 J193 Horizontal leadership. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 156-161 1993 GRAHAM, David M. Canada looks towards Asia. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 8-12 GREENE, William Nov 93 Book review: A guide to economics by Peter Kennedy. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 371-373 Fall 93 GRAHAM, John How to refocus accounting content and methodology. GREENFIELD, Elizabeth Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 30-33 Oct 93 Evolution of the textbook: from printing to multime- dia. THE .1, Vol. 20, No. 10: 12, 14, 16. 19 May 93 GRAHAM, Mary F., et al. 5* Keeping the quality up. Sec. Vol. 53, No 7: 19-20 Aug/ Multimedia authoring: business tools help education. Sep 93 THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 10, 12-15 Aug 93

GRAHAM, Renai and Lucy F. Townsend GREENLAW, Paul S. and John P. Kohl The marriage of history and art: a cooperative learn- The who, how, wlmt, and when of sexual harassment: ing activity. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 167-170 Ja/ teaching tips for business educators. JEB. Vol. 68, No. Feb 93 6: 358-361 .11/Aug 93

GRAMLICH, Edward M. and Glen A. Greenlee GREENLEE, Glen A. and Edward M. Gramlich Measuring teaching perfonnance. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. Measuring teaching perfonnance. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 3-13 Winter 93 No. 1: 3-13 Winter 93

GRAVES, Patricia K. GREENWOOD. Ruth Ellen Theater captioning. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 9: 37 J193 The case study approach. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: ** 46-48 Dec 93 Wrist pain: it's not always CTS. 3CR. Vol. 54, No. 7: 33 My 93 GRENINGER, Sue Alexander, et al. The effect of education on participation in flexible GRAVES, Philip E., et al. spending accounts. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 95-110 93 The short- and long-run marginal cost curve: a peda- gogical note. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. I: 34-37 Winter GRENSING, Lin 93 10 tips for making effoztive presentations. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 2: 40-42 Feb 93 GRAVES, William H. Multimedia manifesto. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. I. No. GRENSING-POPIIAL. Lin 1: 9-13 Spring 93 Reduce, reuse and recycle: office conservation pro- grams. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 9: 56-58 Sep 93 GA, Sally A. and Gayle G. Humpherys Get to know your keyboard template. WP Mag, Vol. GRIFFIN, Robert S. 5, No. 4: 55, 57-58 Ap 93 How to stay in a nit as a teacher. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 293-294 My/Ju 93 GRECO, Anthony J. Recent developments in per capita pricing in discount GRIFFITHS, Alan movie theaters. Mid-Amer 1 Bus, Vol. 8. No. 2: 53-58 Who needs engineering document management? IMC Fall 93 J. Vol. 29, No. 4: 10-12 .11/Aug 93

GREEN, Allen GRIMM. Pamela E., et al. Staff development: key to successful technology imple- Quantity surcharges on groceries. J Cons Aff. Vol. 27, mentation in public schools. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: No. 2: 335-356 Winter 93 65-66 Ju 93 GRING. Stephen and Rod Farrell GREEN, Diana J. Technology strategically planned: A dismal or bright Communication-related strategies that facilitate the future? 'DIE J. Vol. 21. No. 4: 119-122 Nov 93 mainstreaming oflimited-English-prolicient-Japanese students: the \Veber State University experience. ABA GROVE. John Nat Proc, 228-235 93 New media for your messages. See, Vol. 53. No. 3: 6- as 8 Mr 93 --and James Calvert Scott U.S. experts' perceptions on international business GROVER, Vanm and Steven J. Simon communication action statements. JEB, Vol. 68, No. Strategic use of information technology in international 5: 281-287 My/Ju 93 business: a framework for information teclmology ap- plication. J Global 1M, Vol. I, No. 2: 29-42 Spring 93 107 100 Business Education Index

GRUBB, W. Norton Integrating academic and vocational education. Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 26-27 Winter 93 S. HA, Mikyoung, et al. and Eileen Kraskouskas Utility averaging policiesimpact on consumer's en- Building bridges. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. 2: 24-25, 50 emy usage...1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 284-299 Win- Feb 93 ter 93

GRUENWALD, Le and Margaret H. Eich HABER, F. Barry Selecting a database partitioning technique. J DM, Vol. Alternative assessment in accounting. Bus Ed Forum, 4, No. 3: 27-39 Summer 93 Vol. 48, No. 2: 23-25 Dec 93

GRUNKEMEYER, Florence B. HADFIELD, Jeff Using c-qualities in oommunications. JEB. Vol. 68, No. Clip art close up. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 4: 45, 47-49 4: 247-251 Mr/Ap 93 Ap 93 S. GRUPE, Fritz H., et al. No trespassing. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 51-55 Jo 93 An examination of sources of support preferred by end- a. user computing personnel. J EUC. Vol. 5. No. 4: 4-11 WordPerfect's workgroup solution. WP Mag. Vol. 5. Fall No. 8: 54-57 Aug 93 .5 GRYDER, Robert Tune up your laser printer. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 4: Reflections on business education from the Arizona 61-62 Ap 93 Business Education Journal: 1982-1992. ABEA 1, Vol. 12, No. 1: 1-10 Spring 93 HADFIELD, Oakley D. and Fred Lillibridge Can a hands-on, middle grades science worIcshop have GUGLIELMO, Connie staying power? Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 4: 213-217 Big, bigger, biggest. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 4: 46, 48. 50 Ap Mr/Ap 93 93 IIAERTLING, Velda and Sandra L. Renegar GUMNO1R, Elisabeth C. and Lawrence S. Davidson Cooperative learning in seventh-grade literature Writing to learn in a businms economics class. J Econ groups. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 4: 218-222 Mr/Ap Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: 237-243 Summer 93 93

GWTA, Prakash HAGER, Jane Meeks and Robert A. Gable Pharmaceutical firm plans for imaging. IMC J. Vol. Content reading assessment: a rethinking of method- 29, No. 1: 15 Ja/Feb 93 ology. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 5: 269-272 My/Ju 93

GUPTA, Uma G. IAGGARD. James A. and Kathleen Sampey Virtual reality: a computerizod illusionary world.JCIS. Bringing the business school into the 21st century. Ed Vol. 33, No. 2: 46-50 Winter 92-93 Tech Exchange. Vol. I. No. 2: 9-14 Summer 93

GUSTAFSON, Leland V. et al. HAGLER. Carolyn and Bobby J. Davis Preparing business students: can we market them suc- Improving students' library skills through electronic cessfully? Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 23-26 Ap searching.MBEA J. Vol. 20: 2-9 93 93 HALL James A. and Diane M. Hamilton GUTHERY, Dennis A., et al. Integration of ethical issues into the MIS curriculum. International business education in Latin America: sta- J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 32-37 Winter 92-93 tus and future changes. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4. No. 2: 61-75 93 IIALL, Tom VICA goes to college. Voe Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 4: 28-29 GUTHERY, Estl'er Ap 93 Book review: Managing information technology in multinational corporations by Edward M. Roche. J IIALPER IN. Sanfird 13.. et al. Global 1M, Vol. 1, No. 2: 45 Spring 93 The -business" of conflict: "like no business I know." ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 4: 38-44 Dec 93 GUYNES, Carl Stephen and J. Wayne Spence The data administrator-user interface a critical dia- HAMILTON. Diane M. and James A. Hall logue. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 25-27 Winter 92-93 Integration of ethical issues into the MIS curriculum. CIS. Vol. 33. No. 2: 32-37 Winter 92-93 GYG1, Beat. et al. Economics indoctrination or selection? Some empiri- I IAMMINGER, I lelmuth and Eileen Broughton cal results. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 271-281 Sum- Workshop topic: issues in secretarial education. SEIC mer 93 Rev, No. 122: 38-39 Nov 93 Business Education Index 101

HAMMONu, Juli K., et al. HART, Nick and Kcn Brumbaugh Keepingthe quality up. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 7: 19-20 Aug/ FTP: the educator's key to multi-platform file trans- Sep 93 fers. THE -I, Vol. 20, No. 10: 65-69 May 93

HAMPTON, David R., et al. HARTMAN, Hans The use of management and marketing textbook mul- Color by numbers. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: 46, 49, 51 tiple-choice questions: a case study. JEB, Vol. 69, No. Nov 93 1: 40-43 Sep-Oct 93 a* Splendid blends. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 37-38, 44 Ju 93 HAMPTON, Vickie L., et al. so, The effect of education on participation in flexible The fine art of trapping. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 14-19 Jo spending accounts. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 95-110 93 93

HANCOCK, Deborah Osen Dud Helen Parcel! Taylor HARTMAN, Larry D., et al. Strategies that reinforce academiis across the business Motivating students to improve business writing: a curriculum. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 4: 1-4 Sep 93 comparison between goal-based and punislunent-based grading systems. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 2: 113-132 HANNA, Sherman, et al. 93 Patterns of overspending in U.S. households. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 11-30 93 IIARTOG, Curt and Robert Klepper Trends in the use and management ofapplication pack- HANNAH, Gary age software. IRM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 33-37 Fall 92 Shift or drill. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 21-25 Ap 93 HARTONO, Jogiyanto, et al. HANSEN, W. Lee The triune expert: expert system development by end Teaching a writing intensive course in economics. J users in the changing IS environment. J CIS, Vol. 33, Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 213-218 Summer 93 No. 3: 31-34 Spring 93

HANSON, Mary K. HARWOOD, R. Frank The development of an individualized course in phi- Will you take a dare? A double-dog dare? MBEA J, losophy of vocational education third edition. Univer- Vol. 20: 16-21 93 sity of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 HAURIN. Donald R. and Arthur M. Diamond Jr. HARDGRAVE, Bill C., et al. The dissemination of research agendas among young Prototyping effects on the system development life economists. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 53-61 Winter cycle: an empirical study. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 14-19 93 Spring 93 HAYDEN, Ellen Tollison and Barbara Stock Nielson HARPER, Doris School/business partnerships: a community account- Internships build confidence, skills. Voc Ed 1, Vol. 68. ability program. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 75-76 Nov/ No. 4: 35 My 93 Dec 93

HARPER, Richard K. and Ronald F. Bush HAYES, Ellis A. Evaluation of computer based infbnnation sources for A descriptive study of perceived and assessed business international business. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: letter writing problems of bankers in branch locations. 115-134 93 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 HARRIS, Albert L. The impact ofthe introductory MIS course on students' HAYES, Kenneth V. attitudes and perceptions towards microcomputers. J Thchnalogy strikes again. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: CIS. Vol. 33, No. 2: 38-41 Winter 92-93 58 Jan 93

HARRISON, Dannie E., et al. IlAYNIAN, John The impact of high school economics on the college Bridging higher education's technology gap in Africa. principles of economics course. J Econ Ed Vol. 24. TI1E J, Vol. 20. No. 6: 63-68 Ja 93 No. 2: 99-11) Spring 93 HAYNES, Jim HARRISON, David A. and Peter R. Mykytyn, Jr. A ROM with a view. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 24, 27- The application of the theory of reasoned action to se- 30 Oct 93 nior management and strategic infonnation systems. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 2: 15-26 Spring 93 HAYNES. Paula L., et al. Project-focused library instruction in business strategy HARRISON, Thomas C., Jr. courses. JEB. Vol. 68. No. 3: 179-183 Ja/Feb 93 School counseling, establishing a professional defini- tion. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 325-326 .11/Aug 93 HAYNES, Ray M. Students solve real problems for business via HARRISON, Steven L. TECHNET. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 62-64 Mr 93 Buzzwords. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 4: 47 Feb 93 109 102 Business Education Index

HAYWOOD, Marilyn HERBERT, Bruce Office support employment in the John A. Logan Col- Individualizing entrepreneurship instruction. Bus Ed lege district in southern Illinois. Southern Illinois Uni- Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 7-10 Feb 93 versity at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 HERBERT, Mellanie HAZELKORN, Michael N. and Richard C. Lombard Active learning from beginning to end. ABEA J, Vol. It takes two: mainstreaming is easier when special edu- 12, No. 1: 31-37 Spring 93 cators and vocational teachers team up. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 32-33 Nov-Dec 93 HERBIG, Paul A. and Ken Day HEARN, James C., et al. The challenge of the Canadian Confederation. SBR, Keyboarding coursework and employment, earnings, Vol. 3, No. 1: 73-91 Spring 93 and educational attainment. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 147- . 151 Ja/Feb 93 and Cyntaia McCarty The innova:Ion matrix. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 69- HEATH, Dan 90 93 NCRA adopts new constitution and bylaws. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 1: 49 Nov 93 HERR, Serena It's not easy being green. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: 18-23 JI HEATH, Daniel C. 93 Real-time braille. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 29-30 Jan 93 HERRMANN, Robert 0., et al. Welcome to my world. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 7:39 My 93 Perceived time pressure and recommended dietary practices: the moderating effect of knowledge of nutri- HEATH, Jay A. and Jack Kreitzer lion. J Cons Aff. Vol. 27, No. 1: 106-126 Summer 93 Radical writing: a reengagement of reluctant writers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 245-249 Mr/Ap 93 HERSHEY, Gerald, et al. For= affecting American industrycurricular impli- HECK, Jean Louis cations. OSRA Proc, 190-191 Mr 93 Eight decades of contributing authors and institutions to the American Economic Review: a historical sum- HIBLER, Joe Alma and Betty C. Fry mary. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 163-170 Spring 93 Leadership profiles. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: 10-24 1993

HECKARD, Bonnie L. HIGNITE, Michael The level ofknowledge needed for entry-level employ- --and Heidi Perreault ees in accounting-related positions. Central Michigan Perceptions of emerging multimedia technologies. J University, Master's thesis 1992 CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 89-93 Fall 93 $. HEIER, Jeffrey L., et al. --and other authors American school 2000: Westfield's technology initia- The use of function point analysis to assess end user tive. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 83-86 May 93 computing sysiems. J CIS. Vol. 33, No.3: 46-50 Spring 93 HEIMERER, Leo Workshop topic: does a person have to be able to do HILDEBRAND, Janet everything? SEIC Rev, No. 122: 43-44 Nov 93 Creating and using interactive computer quizzes to develop business conununication skills. ABC Bul, Vol. HEINEN, James R. K. and Michael J. Manmne 16, No. 3: 1-9 Sep 93 Fostering moral gyowth through teaching literature. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 80-82 Nov/Dec 93 HILL, Frank tzearch of the perfect copier. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: HEISCHMIDT, Kenneth A. and Peter Gordon 20. 22. 24-25 1193 Rating of marketing publications: impact of accredi- tation and publication history. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 3: II1LL, George, et al. 152-158 Ja/Feb 93 Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- pals. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Scp/Oet 93 HELDENBRAND, Shawna and Nancy Zeliff What's being done in the international business cur- HI RA, Tahira K. riculum. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 23-25 Oct 93 Book review: Buy now pay later: advertising, credit, and consumer durables in the 1920s by Martha L. HELMS, Marilyn M., et al. Olney. .1 Cons AO; Vol. 27, No. 1: 196-199 Summer Project-focused library instruction in business strategy 93 courses. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 179-183 Ja/Feb 93 IIIRD, Susan K. HENKEL, Marjorie and Michael Vernezze A WP crossword puzzle. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 2: 33 Gateway to careers. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 4: 26-27 Feb 93 Ap 93 110 Business Education Index 103

HITCH, Leslie P. HOLTZ, Susan M. Demystifiying communications technologies. THE J, Disaster recovery planning: is business prepared? Uni- Vol. 21, No. 3: 92-95 Oct 93 versity of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Master's this 1992

HODGES, Mary HOLUBE, Niki, et al. Records management matures. Office, Vol. 117, No. A survey of computer literacy and technology in Mon- 1: 32 Ja 93 tana schools. University of Montana, Master's thesis 1992 HOFF, Katherine T. and Marvin E. Darter A communication-rich systems design project. ABC HOPKINS. Robert L. Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 32-37 Dec 93 Searching for Bugsy's moll. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 4: 48 Feb 93 HOFMANN, Joan M. and Harriet Feldlaufer Involving veteran teachers in a state induction program. HORNER, Mary Pat, et al. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 101-103 Nov/Dec 92 Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- pals. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Sep/Oct 93 HOGAN, Diane P. and Anne L. Matthews What tech prep means for business education. Bal HOROSZEWSKI, Roman and Richard Pavely Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 29-30, 32 Winter 93 8 tips to use in designing a corporate mail center. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 24, 26, 28 My 93 HOGAN, Stephen, et al. Black entrepreneurs and the small business curricu- HOTARD, Daniel, et al. lum. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 Rtearcli productivity, perceived teaching effectiveness and management faculty opinions: a survey. SBR, Vol. HOKE, Fred A., et al. 3. No. 1: 23-39 Spring 93 Project success: outstanding principals speak out. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 52-54 Sep/Oct 93 HOUNGBEDJI, Antonin Economic education in Southern Illinois high schools. HOLCOMBE, Melinda Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's --and Amy Shonka thesis 1992 Conceptual mapping: a tool for self-reflection. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 83-84 Nov!Dec 93 HOUSTON-ALDRIDGE, The ** Closing the values gap. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 19-23 My and other authors 93 Writingto learn in a content area. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 155-158 la/Feb 93 HOVEY. David H., et al. Preparing business students: can we market them suc- HOLLEY, Joyce H. and Elizabeth K. Jenkins cessfully? Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 47, No. 4: 23-26 Ap The relationship between student learning style and 93 performance on various test question formats. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 301-308 My/Ju 93 HOWARD, Geoffry S. and Arun Rai An organizational context for CASE innovation. IRM HOLLINGSWORTH, Debora, et al. J, Vol. 6, No. 3: 21-34 Summer 93 Applied academics: re-establishing relevance. Hal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 9-11 Winter 93 HOWARD. Michael K. Document imaging and work flow applications: meet- HOLLMAN, Kenneth W. and Santi M. Abbasi ing business objectives in the 1990s. IMC J, Vol. 29, Inability to adapt: the hidden flaw of managerial in- No. 2: 24-28 Mr/Ap 93 eptness. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 22-25, 37 Jan 93 INWARD. Tbaron HOLMQUIST, Donna The property issue in e-mail research. ABC Bul, Vol. A correlation between professional advancement and 56, No. 2: 40-41 Ju 93 mentoring in business education and other professions. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 20-30 93 HOWELL, Karen M. 0., et al. ** Envisioning the library of tomo.:ow. Ed Tech Ex- A profile of leadership in business education. ABEA change, Vol. 1, No. 3: 8-15 Fall 93 J, Vol. 12, No. I: 11-17 Spring 93 lOWLES. Les and Connie Pettengill Behind the scenes leadership. NBEA Yrbk. No. 31: Designing instructional multimedia presentations: a 119-128 1993 seven-step process. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 11: 58-61 Ju 93 HOLTON, Elwood F., Ill Preparing graduates for the transition to work: a tax- HOYT, William B. onomy of critical skills. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. I : 36-52 93 Accounting: a diamond in the secondary curriculum. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 39-41 Fcb 93 HOLTZ. Susan L. Disaster recovery planningis business prepared? HSUEII, Li-Min and Jennifer L. Gerner OSRA Proc. 160-175 Mr 93 Effect of thermal improvements in housing on

1 l 104 Business Education Index residential energy demand. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. I: -and John Burque Pratt 87-105 Summer 93 Word search. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 70-74 Feb 93

HUANG, Chung L HUNG, Sheung-lun and Kam-yiu Lam Simultaneous-equation model for estimating consumer Roles of resource and data contention on the perfor- risk perceptions, attitr.cles, and willingness-to-pay for mance of replicated distributed database systems. J residue-free products..1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 377- DM, Vol. 4, No. I: 25-38 Winter 93 396 Winter 93 HUNT, C. Steven and Heidi R. Perreault HUBBARTT, William S. Office infonnation systems: resources for a growing Family leave law: places new obligations on employ- field of study. OSR 3, Vol. 11, No. 3: 45-56 Spring 93 ers. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 18-20, 22 Aug 93 ** Variables affecting the planning and implementation HUDELSON, Dale of office information systems curricula within college/ The standard approach. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 2: 32- university settings. ) CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 77-8) Spring 34, 51 Feb 93 93

HUETTMAN, Elizabeth HUNTER, Beverly Using triangulation effectively in qualitative research. NSF's network testbeds inform innovation in science ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 42 Sep 93 education. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 3: 96-99 Oct 93

HUGHSON, Anne HURD, Doreen CareerWorks: A career development program for Exercise log. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 5: 27-29 My 93 Hazeldon Corporation. University of Minnesma. Master's thesis 1992 HURWICZ, Mike A printer for all networks. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 12: 53-54 HULBERT, Jack and Ewuuk Lomo-David Dec 93 Instructor classroom behaviors and student academic success. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 12-15 Ap 93 HUTCHINGS. Deborah and John Cottage Prudential asset management's optical storage decision. HUMPHERYS, Gayle G. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 4: 31-32 .11/Aug 93 Double documents. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 98, 100- 101 Aug 93 HUTSKO, Joe .* Computers in design training: how much is enough? Find the right word fast. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 71- Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 48, 50, 52 Sep 93 73 Dec 93 *. HUTTON, Susan I. and Thomas D. Gougeon Help WP find your files. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 69, Effects ofculture and gender on principal-teacher com- 71-72 J1 93 munication in school. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 277- *8 290 Fall 93 Making booklets in 5.1 and 6.0. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9:* 34-39 Sep 93 Selecting paper shapes and sizes. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 57-58, 60 My 93 ** IERARD1, J.. et al. Step up to 6.0 scalable fonts. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- 75-78 Dec 93 grade class. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 3: 177-180 Ja/ . Feb 93 Winning Forum. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 38-42 Dec 93 INSLEY, Robert G.. et al. . Performance and readability: a comparison of annual Winning make-over. \VP Mag, Vol 5, No. 12: 47-53 reports of profitable and unprofitable corporations. Dec 93 Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 49-61 93

- and William J. Schultz IRVINE, Christine Monica Easy drop caps. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 10: 47-49 Oct Business issues: "then" and "now" perspectives. N & 93 .8 Q. Vol. 18. No. I : 12-13 Spring 93 - and Sally A. Gray ISRAEL, Jill Robbins Get to know your keyboard template. \VP Mag. Vol. The new language of desktop publishing. Off Sys, Vol. 5, No. 4: 55, 57-58 Ap 93 10, No. 3: 40-43 Mr 93 **

112 Business Education Index 105

IVARIE, Ted, et al. JARMIN, Harl R. and Debora S. Mackiel Faculty perceptions of college of business recruitment Mentor perceptions of contact with beginning teach- practices. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 41-52 Spring 93 ers. Ckaringhs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 45-48 Sep/Oct 93 IWU, Hillary 0. JAYNE, John T. and Gwen Smith Current status of office equipment and employer ex- Computer teaching labs design and administration. pectations in business within the Morehead State Uni- LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 26-34 93 versity region. KBEA J, 12-14 Spring 93 JENIFER, Wanda Network printing. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 109-112 Aug 93

JENKINS, Elizabeth K. and Joyce H. Holley JACKSC Lori The relationship between student learning style and An analysis of selected commercial records centers. performance on various test question formats. JEB, Vol. University of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 68, No. 5: 301-308 My/Ju 93

JACOBS, Angie JENKINS. Robin More mileage from list files. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: Large type with equation editor. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 80-83 Feb 93 2: 117-119 Feb 93

JACOBSEN, Joyce P. JENNINGS. Camille Moody Results from a national survey of court reporters. J CR, From lone star to the big sky. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 1: Vol. 54, No. 8: 42-47 Ju 93 67-70 Aug 93

JADERSTROM, Susan and Gary Thompson JENNINGS, Kenneth M. and Ronald J. Adams Making visions for leadership a reality. N BEA Yrbk. Media advocacy: a case study of Philip Sokolof'sch- No. 31: 111-118 1993 lestrol awareness campaigns. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 145-165 Summer 93 JAIN, Rekha Review of the policy changes in the Indian telecom JENSEN, H. H. and T. Kesavan sector: implications for decision makers. J Global I M. Sources of information, consumer attitudes on nutri- Vol. 1, No. 3: 33-44 Summer 93 tion. and consumption of dairy products. J Cons Alf, Vol. 27, No. 2: 357-376 Winter 93 JAMES, Marcia L. and Robert M. Schramm The impact of e-mail in today's organization. OSR J. JENSON, Joyce A. Vol. 11, No. 1: 3-13 Fall 92 Developing employment skills in the affective domain. MIIEA Thday, Vol. 58, No. 2: 4 Mr 93 JAMESON, Daphne A. The ethics of plagiarism: how genre elects writers' JERRAM, Peter use of source materials. ABC Bill. Vol. 56. No. 2: 18- Doe in the box. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 11: 52, 55, 57, 59 28 Ju 93 Nov 93 ** Using a simulation to teach intercultural communica- JILLSON, E. Jean and Deborah M. Stipp tion in business communication courses. ABC Bul, Vol. Common sense tips for a successful and rewarding 56, No. 1: 3-11 Mr 93 presidency. N & Q. VoL 18, No. 1: 14-16 Spring 93

JAMISON, Wesley and James T. C. Teng JILLSON. Jean Effects of graphical versus textual representation of Instructional ergonomics. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. database structure on query performance. J DM, Vol. 3: 34-35 Feb 93 4, No. 1: 16-23 Winter 93 J1N KS. Jerry and Nancy Belck JAMSHIDIAN, Mehdi and James Calvert Scott Will schools become families of the future? Clearinglis, Addressing American and Iranian manifestations of Vol. 66, No. 3: 146-150 Ja/Feb 93 contexting and face-i wing in business communications involving unpleasant news. ABA hit Prcc. 103-110 JOEKEL, Ronald G., et al. 93 Project success: outstanding principals speak out. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 52-54 Sep/Oct 93 JANKOVICH, Jackie and Karen Sterkel Powell Communication across the curriculum at Colorado JOHNSON, Betty S. and Marsha L. Baykss State. ABA Nat l'roc, 111-115 93 Using e-mail in business communication classes. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 2: 37-39 Ju 93 JANTZ, Richard Slide scanners: show your true colors. Pub, Vol. 8. No. JOHNSON, Carol. et al. 10: 58-60 Oct 93 Office systems curriculum development: impetus, pro- cess. results. OSRA Pros. 194-206 Mr 93

113 106 Business Educafion Index

JOHNSON, David A. JONES, Jack Williams and Carol Saunders Cost-effectivmess evaluation of decentralized interns- Organizational factors affecting the evaluation of in- tional technical training. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No.3: 265- formation systems performance. IRM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 275 Fall 93 5-21 Fall 92

JOHNSON, Denise M. JONES, Jean L. and William K. Dar ley Don't leave home. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 6: 7-9 Ju/JI 93 Cross-national comparison of consumer attitudes to- ward consumerism in four developing countties..1Cons JONES, Mary C. Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 37-54 Summer 93 and Kirk P. Arnett Progranuning languages: today and tomorrow. J CIS, and Lyle Sussman Vol. 33, No. 4: 77-81 Summer 93 The interpreted executive: theory, models, and impli- cations. I Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 415-434 Oct 93 and other authors Systems analysis and design models revisited: a case JOHNSON, F. Craig and Walter Dick study. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 26-39 Winter 93 Preface to the special issue on quality systems in per- formance improvement. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 3-6 Spe- JONES, Robert M. snd Jolui E. Steinbrink cial 93 Cooperative test-review teams improve student achievement. Clearingbs, Vol. 66, No. 5:307-311 My/ JOHNSON, Jack E., et al. Ju 93 Preparing business students: can we market them suc- cessfully? Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47. No. 4: 23-26 Ap JONES. Virginia 93 Downsizing your records program could be costly. Office, Vol. 118, No. 4: 10-17 Oct 93 JOHNSON, Julie, et al. 4, Developing conceptual thinking: the concept attain- Micrographics: still a hit in the office market. Office, ment model. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 2: 117-121 Nov/ Vol. 117, No. 3: 36, 38 Mr 93 Dec 92 JORDAN, Edwina K. Writing to learn in a content area. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, Managers have it, employees have it, and what can we No. 3: 155-158 Ja/Feb 93 teach alyiut it? Stress in the workplace. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 2: 33 Ju 93 JOHNSON. Karin S. Current trends and projections in office automation for JORPELAND, Marsh:ill S. business in the Toledo metropolitan area. Bowling Rule 30 update. J CR. Vol. 55, No. I: 30-31 Nov 93 Green Stare University, Master's thesis 1992 JOSEPH, Anthony J. JOHNSON, Leone Safety considerations in designing accommodations for Dictation machines seek to specialize. Office. Vol. 117, intbrmation systems. R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 4: 28-31 No. 1: 84 Ja 93 Oct 93

Executive workstations now feature advanced soft- JOYCE, Marguerite P. Shane and Carol Blaszczynski ware. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 8: 30, 32, 34 Aug 93 A study of the effects of basic skills readiness, attitudi toward writing, software writing programs, and per- JOHNSON, Phillip D. sonal characteristics on business writing. NABTE Rev, The effectiveness of employee assistance program su- No. 20: 33-36 93 pervisor training: a rejoinder (HRDQ 3:4).111W Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 1-195 Summer 93 JOYNER, Randy L.. et al. Postsecondary keyboarding students' speed and accu- JOHNSON. Raymond, et al. racy outcomes when using electronic equipment. DPE The use of function point analysis to assess end user J, Vol. 35, No. 3: 175-189 Summer 93 computing systems. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 46-50 Spring 93 Technology and keyboarding accuracy. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 16-19 Ap 93 JOHNSON, Sandra K. and Franklin 0. Mixon, Jr. Linear probability models of undergraduate student JUSTICE, Russell and Victor R. Dingus attitudes toward economic regulation. Ma Vol. 68. Getting better faster: accelerating learning and im- No. 5: 293-296 My/Ju 93 provement. l'IQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 28-34 Special 93

JONES, Carol Lurson JUS'I'IS, Robert T. and Gary J. Castrogiovanni Going international: business education in Swaziland. The chain advantage: an empirical study of video rental ISBE News, Vol. 24, No. 1: 1. 4-7 Fall 93 stores. S1312. Vol. iNo. I : 93-112 Spring 93

114 Businrss Education Index 107 KAUFMAN, Monty Outsourcing: a conmx with renewed meaning. Office, Vol. 117, No. I: 50 .14 93 KAHAI, Paramjit, et al. Computer usage characteristics and security in small KAUFMAN, Roger and Mark J. Gavora service rums: an J CIS, Vol. 33, No. Needs assessment and problem solving: a critical ap- 2: 70-74 Winter 92-93 praisal of a critical reappraisal. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 2: 87- 98 93 KAHLE, Lynn R., et al Gift-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: KAVAN, C. Bruce and Leona M. Gallion a personal values perspective. J Global IM. Vol. 6, No. Executive support systems. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, 1: 49-66 93 No. 2: 26-28 Dec 93

KALSHER, Michael J., et al. KEARNS, Gary P. and Edward W. Schmitt Developing efficient workplace safety programs: ob- Selecting software for teaching international business: servations ofresponsecovariation. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. an analysis of existing programs. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, 13, No 2: 3-14 93 No. 3/4: 55-83 93

KAMAN, Vicki S. KEEDY, John L. and Alan Dale Robbins Reviews: Easy-gen employee attitude survey genera- Teacher collegial groups: a culture-building strategy tor and MSAT managerial assessment tool. HRD Qtly, for department chairs. Clearingbs, Vol. 66, No.3: 185- Vol. 4, No. 1: 107-113 Spring 93 188 Ja/Feb 93

KANAREK, Lisa KEENAN, Donna J. 10 tips to improve your filing system. Off Sys, Vol. 10, What does the future hold for office occupations? No. 4: 24, 26, 28 Ap 93 LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 84-94 93

All in a day's planner. OfTSys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 34-38 KEET, Marken M., et al. Nov 93 A comparison of Dutch methodologies for informa- tion planning and policy. 1RM J, Vol. 6, No. 3: 36-44 Up against the wall. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 10: 32-34 Summer 93 Oct 93 KEIL, Janice C. KANPOL, Barry Beginning teachers' perceptions of the importance of An educational challenge: working through a philo- induction practices and mentor characteristics and be- sophical contradiction. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 241- haviors. Temple University, Doctoral dissettation 1992 244 Mr/Ap 93 KELLEY, Jerry KARAKAYA, Fahri Court reporting in the year 2000. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: Barriers to entry in international markets. J GloballM, 32-33 Dec 93 Vol. 7, No. 3: 7-24 93 ** KELLY, Craig A., et al. Teaching international business in the information age: Education in businms etiquette: attitudes of matket- State of the art. J T Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 9-16 93 ing professionals. JEB, Vol. 68, No.6: 330-333 11/Aug 93 KARL, Katherine A. and Jerry M. Kopf Guidelines for using videotaped feedback effectively. KELLY, Frances Ann HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 303-310 Fall 93 A study of the integration of international business concepts and materials in the state of Washington into KASPER, George M. and Paul H. Cheney secondary business education courses. Central Wash- Responding to world competition: developing the glo- ington University, Master's thesis 1992 bal IS professional..1 Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 1: 21-31 Winter 93 KEMP, Fred The daednlus integrated writing environment. Ed Tech KASTL, John. et al. Exchange, Vol. I. No. 3: 24-30 Winter 93 Developing conceptual thinking: the concept attain- ment model. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 117-121 Nov/ KENDALL, Julie E. Dec 92 The expert's opinion: an interview with Dr. Martin Graef 3 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 34-36 Summer 93 KASTL, R., et al. Developing conceptual thinking: the concept attain- KENG, Kau Ah and Charles Yang ment model. Clcaringhs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 117-121 Nov/ Personal values, demographics and consumption be- Dec 92 havior: a study of Taiwanese consumers. J Global 1M, Vol. 6. No. I : 27- 93

iT5 108 Business Education Index

KENNEDY, Edward M., et al. KINER, Robert W. A blueprint to revolutionize America's schools. THE Community service: a middle school success story. J, VoL 21, No. 1: 4, 6, 8 Aug 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 139-140 Jo/Feb 93

KEON, Thomas L, et al. KING, Bonita Sophisticated information processing technology: its Performing and promoting around the world. 1SBE relationship with an organization's environment, struc- News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 1, 6-7 Spring 93 ture, and culture. IRM 3, Vol. 5, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 92 KING, Debby and Mn Dille KEOWN, C., et al An early endeavor to apply quality concepts to the sys- Gift-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: tematic design of instruction: successes and lessons a personal values perspeetive. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. learned. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 48-63 Special 93 1: 49-66 93 KING, Phyllis A. and Mary Jean Evers-Lush KEPNER, Henry S., Jr. Incorporating multicultural awareness into the busi- Mathematics: an integration of views. Bal Sheet, Vol. ness communication curriculum. LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 74, No. 2: 19-21 Winter 93 12-25 93

KERANEN, Charmi KING, Susan L. CAT compatability. JCR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 119-120 Dec Moving the city of Charleston's archives and rccords 93 center. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 32-35 Oct 93

KERR, Daryl L. KING, William R., et al. How collegiate placement offices can assist job seek- Decision support systems for businesseducation. J CIS, ers. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 309-312 My/Ju 93 Vol. 33, No. 4: 55-64 Summer 93

KERSEY, Katharine and Karen A. Bosch KINSEY, Jean Teaching problem-solving strategies. Clearinghs. Vol. Book review: Globalizing the GATT. the Soviet 66, No. 4: 228-230 Mr/Ap 93 Union's successor states, eastern Europe, and the in- ternational trading system by Leah A. Haus. I Cons KERSHAW, Cheryl and Mary Ann Blank Alf, Vol. 27, No. 2: 424-426 Winter 93 Promote school renewal: plan a ictreat. Clinringhs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 206-208 Mr/Ap 93 KIRS, Peeter J. and Dinesh Batra The quality of data representations developed by KESAVAN, T. and H. H. Jensen nonexpert designers: an experimental study. J DM. Vol. Sources of information, consumer attitudes on nutri- 4, No. 4: 17-29 Fall 93 tion, and consumption of dairy products. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 357-376 Winter 93 KISH, Denise M. The effect of typewriting students' self-performance KE1JNG CHEUNG, Hin, et al. attitudes upon performance accuracy during timed and Critical issues of IS management in Hong Kong: a non-timed tasks. Central Michigan University, Master's cultural comparison.] Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 28- thesis 1992 37 Fall 93 KM', Karrol A.., et al. KIDMAN, Rick and Calvin H. Chipman The effect of education on participation in flexible Simultaneous font attributes add bold, italics, under- spending accounts. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 95-110 93 line, etc., to the same text. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 7: 48- 52 1193 KIZZIER, Donna L. The hidden ingredients in successful teaching.& Q, KIEL, L. Douglas Vol. 18, No. 1: 3-5 Spring 93 Implementing a microcomputer-based work reporting and monitoring system for government services: a case KLAFKE, Raelyim and Becky J. Beck study. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 18-25 Winter 93 Create your own phone book. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 10: 37-39 Oct 93 KIM, Chung S. and Dane Peterson Needs assessment of business majors for the introduc- KLEEN, Betty A. tory MIS course. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 2: 51-53 Winter Business education curriculum guides for the 1990s. 92-93 LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1. 64-71 93

KIM, Sang limn and Naveen Donthu --and Wayne L. Shell Implications of firm controllable factors on export Innovative pedagogics for outcomes-based teaching in growth. 3 Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 47-64 93 the core MIS course. 3 CIS. Vol. 33, No. 2: 3-7 Winter 92-93 KIMBALL, Bob Student assessment ofcareer "professionalism": course KLEIMAN, Robert T., et al. profile differences. JEF3, Vol. 69, No. 29-35 Scp- The stock market reaction to plant closings. Mid-Amer Oct 93 J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 57-60 Spring 93 116 Business Education Index 109

KLEIN, James D. and Kathryn Ley KOEHLER, Michael The effect of interactive video and print role models Ancillary programs: the appearance of change. and learner sex on instructional motivation. PIQ, Vol. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 21-22 Sep/Oct 93 6, No. 2: 58-67 93 KOENIG, Harold F. and Daniel F. Brown KLEIN, Lawrence A. and Elliott S. Levy Applying total quality management to business edu- The CPA of the future: the role of higher education. cation. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 325-329 JI/Aug 93 JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 227-230 Mr/Ap 93 KOFFMAN, Gail KLEMIN, V. Wayne Computer graphics take the stand. Pub. Vol. 8, No. Multimedia and business educatio-. Bus Ed Forum, 10: 39-40. 42 Oct 93 Vol. 48, No. 1: 27-30 Oct 93 ** Digital photography takes flight. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 7: KLEPPER, Robert and Curt Hartog 26-30 J193 Trends in the use and management ofapplication pack- ** age software. IRM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 33-37 Fall 92 Paper chase. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 46, 48. 50, 52 Feb 93

KLINE, Robert S. and Edna C. Ward KOHL John P. and Paul S. dreenlaw A irodd for evaluating business letter writing. MI3EA The who, how, what, and when of sexual harassment: Today, Vol. 58, No. 2: 8-9 Mr 93 teaching tips for business educators. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 358-361 .11/Aug 93 KLOPPING, Inge M. Don't lose control! Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 47. No. 4: 41- KOPF, Jerry M. and Katherine A. Karl 42 Ap 93 Guidelines for using videotaped feedback effectively. ** IIRD Qtly. Vol. 4, No. 3: 303-310 Fall 93 and Robert G. Berns A comparative analysis of vocational teachers' knowl- KOSOROK, David edge of entre!): eneurship. DPE J. Vol. 35. No. 4: 218- 10 things every computer novice should know. WP 232 Fall 93 Mag.* Vol. No. 9: 63-64. 66 Sep 93 KLUCZNY, Raymond and Hulya Yazici Converting macros from 5.1 to 6.0. WP Mag, Vol. 5, Information display modes and user cognitive profiles: No. 10: 27-31 Oct 93 interaction effects on the decision making process. J s CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 41-54 Summer 93 The ultimate border macro. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 10: 52-55 Oct 93 KNAPCZYK, Dennis, et al. ** Continuing teacher education through distance learn- Wraparound text borders. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 54- ing and audiographics. THE J. Vol. 20, No. II: 74-77 55, 57-59 JI 93 Ju 93 KOURILSKY, Marilyn KNEEDLER, Peter E. Economic education and a generative model of California adopts multimedia science program. THE misleaming and recovery. J Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 1: J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 73-76 Feb 93 23-33 Winter 93

KNEZEK, Donald G., et al. KRASKOUSKAS, Eileen and W. Norton Grubb National accreditation standards impact teacher prepa- Building bridges. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 2: 24-25, 50 ration. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 62-64 Ju 93 Feb 93

KNIGHT, Stephanie and Ron McBride KRAUSE, Jaclyn Identifying teacher behaviors during critical-thinking Eye-catching envelopes. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 8: 42- tasks. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 374-378 11/Aug 93 45 Aug 93

KNOPP, Jack KRAVETZ, Ruth and Robert P. Craig A curriculum guide for electronic spreadsheet appli- Science or aesthetics: a journey through chemistry cations in a secondary accounting course. University class. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 363-365 .11/Aug 93 of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 KREHBIEL, Timothy C. and Richard II. McClure KOCAR, Marcella J. Will the revised business statistics course meet the needs An analysis of the reasons students drop out of court of the business fliculty? JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 174-178 reporting and how they could be influenced to remain. Ja/Feb 93 J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 123-128 Dec 93 KREITZER, Jack and Jay A. Heath KOCHERY, Timothy S. Radical writing: a reengagement of reluctant writers. Conflict versus consensus: processes and their effect Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 245-249 Mr/Ap 93 on team decision making. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 185-191 Sununcr 93

117 110 Business Education Index KRENTLER, Kathleen A., et al. and William Stull The use of management and marketing textbook Teaching interpersonal skills in entrepreneurship. Bus multiple-choice questions: a case study. 1E13. Vol. 69. Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 10-12 Feb 93 No. 1: 40-43 Sep-Oct 93 LAGALLEE, Julie KREUZE, Jerry G., et al. Ready for a fax upgrade? Office, Vol. 117, No. 2: 16, Accounting for nonpension postretirement benefits: 20, 44, 53 Feb 93 analysis of lobby activites. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 25-32 Spring 93 LAITNER, John A. Ricardian land: the forgotten piece of the economic KRIZAN, A. C. and Joyce P. Logan development puzzle. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 212- Visuals: a communication enhancement. ABA Nat 226 Winter 93 Proc, 255-262 93 LAM, Kam-yiu and Sheung-lun Hun KRIZEN, A. C. and Joyce P. Logan Roles of resource and data contention on the perfor- Marketing quality programs: the key to program sur- mance of replicated distributed database systems. vival. KBEA J, 14-16 Spring 93 DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: 25-38 Winter 93

KROLL, Robert J. LAMUDE, Kevin G. and Joseph Scudder Book review: Video kids: making sense of Nintendo Compliance-gaining techniques of Type-A managers. by Eugene Provenzo..1Cons Aff, Vol. 27. No. I: 199- J Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 1: 63-79 93 202 Summer 93 LANDAU, Jacqueline C. KRUEGER, Charles T. The impact of a change in an attendance control sys- Characteristics and perceived competencies of plant tem on absenteeism and tardiness. 1 Org Beh Mgt. Vol. managers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. DPE J. Vol. 13, No. 2: 51-70 93 35, No. 4: 193-217 Fall 93 LANDER, Gerald II. and Alan Reinstein KRUG, Jon and Jewell Manspeaker Scholarly research and teaching:is there a Washington timber workers retrain for technical jobs. disproportinate mix? JEB. Vol. 69, No. 1: 49-55 Sep- Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 25, 58 Oct 93 Oct 93

KRUGER, Jeanne M. LANGEMO, Mark Strategies for the improvement of office occupations A rationale for and the ftindamentals of electronic im- training and the integration ofJTPA programs in com- aging systems. R hi Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 3: 3-8.10, 11 .11 munity colleges. Southwest Missouri State University, 93 Master's thesis 1992 Gaining control of your paper records. oir Sys, Vol. KRUZEL, Sandra and Robert A. Ristau 10. No. 6: 24, 26. 28 Ju 93 Sharing resources for clasxroom teaching. IS13E News. . Vol. 23, No. 2: 5 Spring 93 Ilow to establish a records-management program. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 1: 24-26. 30 Ja 93 KUJAWA, Duane, et al. * Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- Picture this. ow Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 19-20. 23 Oct ment: implications for marketing. J Global M, Vol. 6. 93 No. 4: 33-52 93 LANGLEY, Roger Book review: Cultures and organizations: software of the mind by Geed I lofstede. Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 3: 319-325 Fall 93

LA SALA Paula LANGSAM, Sheldon A., et al. Records management as space management using Accounting for nonpension postretirement benefits: prepositional control: OUTsourcing. 1Ndexing, analysis of lobby activites. Nlid-Amer J Bus. Vol. 8, DOWNloading, and UPgrading. R NI Qtly, Vol. 27. No. I : 25-32 Spring 93 No. 3: 22-25 1193 LANKFORD, Norman L. LABELLE, Kay L. 1993 will be a year ofmagic and multifunctionals. Off Factors that contribute to job stress among stockbro- Sys. Vol. 10. No. I : 38. 40 Ja 93 kers. Central Michigan University. Master's thesis 1992 Copier trends. Mice. Vol. 117. No. 1: 60 Ja 93

LABONTY, Dennis LAPS LEY. Joyce II. and Pamela L. McLeod --and James Calvert Scott Teaching desktop publishing in a Windows environ- Major actions influencing business education. LBEJ. ment. Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 47, No. 4: 43-44 Ap 93 Vol. 2, No. I: 96-102 93 118 Bsubtess Education Index

LAROCCO, Christine LEBLANC, Paul J. Applied communication: skills needed, skills taught. Reinventing writing in the virtual age. Ed Tech Ex- Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 12-14 Winter 93 change, Vol. 1, No. 3: 6-16 Winter 93

LAROCCO, Christine B. LEDERER, Albert L Lessons of the heart. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 37-38 Industry and practice: Don't forget the people in data- Jo 93 base management. J DM, Vol. 4. No. 4: 40-41 Fall 93

LARSEN, Scott LEE, Dwight R., et al. Quick fixes for common printing problems. WP Mag, The short-and long-run marginal cost curve: a peda- Vol. 5, No. 11: 77-80 Nov 93 gogical note. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 34-37 Winter 93 LASLEY, Thomas J. Rx for pedagogical correctims: professional correct- LEE, Karen J. ness. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 77-79 Nov/Dec 93 Parliamentary precision. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 40-41 Jan 93 LAU, Paul S. H. Canadian economy and international trade. SEIC Rev, LEE, Sherry No. 122: 18-19 Nov 93 Variable-pay plans, a reflection of compensation in the s '90s. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 NAFTA: a Cam,dian perspective. ISBE News. Vol. 24. No. 1: 1-3 Fall 93 LEE, Terry 5. Happy anniversary. J CR, Vol. 55. No. 2: 22-27 Dec and David W. Leopard 93 Workshop topic: the North American Free Trade Agreement & other global concerns. SEIC Rev. No. LEGALLEE, Julie 122: 28-30 Nov 93 Copier technology improves with new features and uses. Office. Vol. 117, No. 4: 38, 40 Ap 93 LAVERGNEAU, Beverly and Stephanie R. Counts S. Choice as a vehicle for urban educational change in Dictation units: an oL9ce tool for busy workers. Of- the 1990s. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 79-80 Nov/Dec fice, Vol. 117, No. 6: 19, 23 Ju 93 92 .5 Shredders: an investment insecurity. Office. Vol. 118, LAWRENCE, Frances C., et al. No. 4: 44-47 Oct 93 Factors relating to spousal financial arguments. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 85-94 93 Typewriters: are computers driving them to pasture? Office. Vol. 118. No. 2: 16-17. 51 Aug 93 LAWRENCE, Harriet V. and Albert K. Wiswell Using the work group as a laboratery tbr learning: in- Writing instruments are key business communication creasing leadership and team effectiveness through tools. Office. Vol. 118. No. I: 27-28, 59 .1193 feedback. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 135-148 Summer 93 LEHNER, Franz Success factor analysis as an instrument for informa- LEA, John H. tion management. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 58-66 Spring Defining ethics. JCR. Vol. S4, No. 8: 24-26 Ju 93 93 ** Take control of time. I CR. Vol. 54. No. 5: 26-27 Mar LEIGH. William. et al. 93 An architecture for a heterogeneous information envi- ronment. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 42-49 Fall 93 LEAHY, Elizabeth 6th annual design awards. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 6: 26-35 LENOIR, W. David Ju 93 Teacher questions and schema activation. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 349-352 JI/Aug 93 LEAPARD, David W. Economics through business education. Bus Ed Fo- LEON. James rum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 35-37 Dec 93 A computerized performance analysis o f dynamic stock a. market strategies from 1870 to 1989. Northern Illi- and Paul S. H. Lau nois University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Workshop topic: the North American Free Trade Agreement & other global concerns. SEIC Rev. No. LEPHARDT, Noreen E., et al. 122: 28-30 Nov 93 Developing critical thinking skills in accounting stu- dents. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 5: 297-300 My/Ju 93 LEAVITT, Stewart B. Ergonomics--it's not just chairs. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. LEUTHOLD. Jane H. 6: 14-15, 17. 19, 20 Ju 93 A free rider experiment fe - large class. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 4: 353-363 Fait 93 119' 112 Business Education Index

LEVINE, Robin LINDAMOOD, Suzanne A touch of gray. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 12: 31-39 Dec 93 -and Y. Regina Chang Factors related to the risk of household income vari- Assumed identities. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 18-23 Sep 93 ability. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 47-66 tit Jrp shots. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 28-31 Feb 93 -and other authors Patterns of overspending in U.S. households. Fin. C & Preprew artistry. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 6: 18-23 Ju 93 P, Vol. 4: 11-30 93

LEVY, Elliott S. and Lawrence A. Klein LINDER, Joan H. The CPA of the ffiture: the role of higher education. Communicate assertively with your children. Sec. Vol. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 227-230 Mr/Ap 93 53,it No. 9: 25 Nov/Doc 93 LEWIS, Barry and Radie Bunn Conununicating with the opposite sex. Sec. Vol. 53, Educators: qualifying for the home-office deduction. No. 7: 40-41 Aug/Sep 93 JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 231-233 Mr/Ap 93 LINDGREN, C. E. and Peggy Emerson LEWIS, Chad T. British inservice for American educators. Clearinghs, Online education: issues and some answers. THE .1, Vol. 67, No. 1: 49-51 Sep/Oct 93 Vol. 20, No. 9: 68-71 Ap 93 LINDO, David LEWIS, Darrell R., et al. 10 tough questions your employees neod answered. Off Keyboarding coursework and employment, earnings, Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 11-13 Sep 93 and educational attainment. JE13, Vol. 68, No. 3: 147- is 151 Ja/Feb 93 Go ahead, rock the boat. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 10: 14- 15 Oct 93 LEWIS, Phillip V. and N. L. Reinsch, Jr. 44, Author and citation patterns for The Journal of Busi- Orientation express. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 64-67 ness Communication, 1978-1992. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, Nov 93 No. 4: 435-462 Oct 93 LINDQUIST. Carl A. LEY, Kathryn and James D. Klein The color of copiers. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 20-24 The effect of interactive video and print role models Nov 93 and learner sex on instructional motivation. PIQ. Vol. 6, No. 2: 58-67 93 LININGER, Skye Strange bedfellows. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 2: 56, 58, 60 Feb LI-PING TANG, Thomas and David B. Reynolds 93 Effects of self-esteem and perceived goal difficulty on ss goal setting, certainty, task performance, and attribu- Type troubleshooting in Windows. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: tions. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 153-170 Summer 93 44. 46, 53 Sep 93

LIEBOWITZ, Jay LINO, Mark The need for better educating prospective knowledge Book review: The economics of prohibition by Mark engineers on knowledge acquisition. J CIS, Vol. 34. Thornton. iCons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 433-436 Winter No. 1: 37-41 Fall 93 93 .14 -and Karen Bland LLOYD, C. Michael and Sharon S. Redick KARTT: a multimedia tool to help students learn Motivating students. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68. No. 4: 36 My knowledge acquisition. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 5-16 93 Winter 93 LOCKER, Kitty 0. LILLIBRIDGE, Fred and Oakley D. Hadfield Gaining access to a state agency and to a factory. ABC Can a hands-on, middle grades science workshop have Bul. Vol. 56, No. 1: 45-46 Mr 93 staying power? Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 4: 213-217 Mr/Ap 93 LOCKSLEY, G., et al. Computer systems usage and competitive profitabil- LIMAYE, Mohan R. ity. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 67-72 Fall 93 A letter to the editor: relevance versus significance in business communication research. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, LOCKWOOD, Diane, et al. No. 4: 463-471 Oct 93 Computing use in international busintss courses. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 Binshan An overview of intelligent database. J CIS, Vol. 33, LOFTUS, Denise No. 4: 8-12 Summer 93 Beyond the nest egg. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 7-9 Nov/Dec 93 LINCOLN, Charles Temporary services and thc global economy. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 48 Ja 93 120 Business Education Index 113

LOGAN, Joyce P. and A. C. Krizen Marketing quality programs: the key to program sur- LUNDGREN, Carol A. vival. KBEA J, 14-16 Spring 93 Self-esteem of working women in business and . academia. DPE 3, Vol. 35, No. 1: 14-25 Winter 93 Visuals: a communication enhancement. ABA Nat Proc, 255-262 93 LUNDGREN, Terry D. Contact management. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 144-146 LOMBARD, Richard C. and Michael N. Hazelkorn Ja/Feb 93 It takes two: mainstreaming is easier when special edu- st, cators and vocational teachers team up. Voc Ed J, Vol. Work groups and groupware in business. OSR J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 32-33 Nov-Dec 93 11, No. 1: 14-20 Fall 92 S. LOMO-DAVID, Ewuuk and Jack Hulbert and other authors Instructor classroom behaviors and student academic Faculty perceptions of college of business recruitment success. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 12-15 Ap 93 practices. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 41-52 Spring 93

LONG, G. Gordon LUNSFORD, James W., et al. Cellular phones reach out for office use. Off Sys, Vol. Applied academics: re-establisliing relevance. Bal a10, No. 9: 20-22, 24 Sep 93 Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 9-11 Winter 93 How your telephone system can help your sales statE LUST, John and Joel D. Nicholson Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 1: 19-20, 22 Ja 93 Applied research as an experiential learning tool in the foreign international management classroom: a case The key-phone state. arSys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 45. 47- study in Mexico. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 43-59 .48, 50 Oct 93 93 Video teleconferencing. OM Sys, Vol. 10. No. 2: 35- LUTHANS, Fred. et al. 36, 38-39 Feb 93 Organizational behavior modification goes to Russia: replicating an experimental analysis across cultures and LOPE PIHIE, Zaidatol A. tasks. _I Org Bell Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 15-35 93 The importance of business management competen- cies in preparing students for small business owner- LUZI, Andrew, et al. ship. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doc- Structured techniques for successful end user spread- toral dissertation 1992 sheets. J EUC. Vol. 5, No. 2: 18-25 Spring 93

LOWENSTEIN, Ronnie B. and David E. Barbee LYLES, Marjorie A., et al. Interactive multimedia: a tool for government trans- Alliances and networks: cooperative strategies for small formation. 1RM J, Vol. 6. No. 4: 4-13 Fall 93 businesses. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 17-23 Spring 93 LOWERY, Shirley C. Leadership in the proprietary school environment. LYNCH. Lisa M. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 137-144 1993 Invited reaction: employer training--is a mandated tax the only solution? HRD Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 3: 243-246 LU, Hong Jun, et al. Fall 93 A survey of SQL language. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 4: 4-15 Fall 93 LYNCH, M. Self-directed learning versus teacher-directed learning LUCKING, Robert and M. Lee Maoining in secondary keyboarding. Central Michigan Univer- Cooperative learning and multicultural classrooms. sity, Master's thesis 1992 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 12-16 Sep/Oct 93 LYNCH. Robert M. and StIve Teglovic Jr. Luvr, Roger L. Microeomputer use of instructional soaware in schcols and Cheryl L. Noll of business. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 20-24 Spring 93 The changing profile of business education at NABTE institutions. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 8-11 Ap LYONS, Robert 93 Should you try temping? Sec. Vol. 53, No. 2: 10-12 Feb 93 and other authors Faculty perceptions of college of business recruitment LYSONSKI, Steven, et al. practices. SBR, Vol. 3, No. I: 41-52 Spring 93 Cross-cultural generalizability of a scale for profiling consumers' decision-making styles. J Cons Affi Vol. LUND, Daulatram, et al. 27, No. 1: 55-65 Summer 93 An examination of sou rces of su pport preferred by end- user computing petsonnel...I EUC. Vol. 5, No. 4: 4-11 Fall 93

121 114 Business Education Index

MAIER, Mark Teaching from tragedy: an interdisciplinary module on the space shuttle Challenger. The J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 91- MA, Louis, et al. 94 Sep 93 Critical issuw of IS management in Hong Kong: a cultural comparison..I Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 28- MAJESTIC, Paulette, et al. 37 Fall 93 Computer augmented collaborative literature review. OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 MACKIEL, Debora S. and Harl R. Jarmin Mentor perceptions of contact with beginning teach- MALFITANO, Rocco and Phil Cincotta ers. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 45-48 Sep/Oct 93 Network for a school of the future. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 70-74 May 93 MACKNIGHT, Diane Facility management in the 90s. Office, Vol. 117, No. MALLOY, Lynne 1: 46 Ja 93 An analysis of selected characteristics of students en- tering nontraditional and traditional occupational train- MACLEOD, Laura and Sandra J. Nelson ing. Temple University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 Development of cases for business report writing classes: the analytical report. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, MALONE, David No. 1: 36-38 Oct 93 Expert systems, artificial intelligence, and accounting. .5 Ea Vol. 68. No. 4: 222-226 Mr/Ap 93 Teaching problem solving in business classes. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 3: 1-4 May 93 The ethical issues of automated information process- ing. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 3: 82-84 Spring 93 MADABHUSHI, S. V. R., et al. Systems analysis and design models revisited: a case MALOY. Paul study. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 26-39 Winter 93 A hard look at soft fonts. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 93- 97 Aug 93 MADDY-BERNSTEIN. Carolyn and Zipura Burac 5 Matias A look at language translation software. WP Mag, Vol. No fimding? No support? No problem! Exemplary 5, No. 2: 89-90, 92, Feb 93 programs for disabled students find creative solutions. vs Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 25-27 Nov-Dee 93 A look at alteniative reference manuals. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. I: 57-62 Nov 93 MADDY, Luther M., Ill v Importing and linking in 5.1 and 6.0 spreadsheets: A review of 4 postscript upgrade cartridges. WP Mag, making the WP connection. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 12: Vol. 5, No. 5: 45-50 My 93 54-58 Dec 93 Personal laser printers under $1,100. \VP Nag, Vol. 5, Personal budget fonn. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 8: 33-35 No. 6: 43-44. 46-48 Ju 93 Aug 93 . Review 7 electronic dictionaries. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. MAGAL, Simha R. and Ken C. Snead 3: 53-57 Mr 93 The role of causal attributions in explaining the link v between user participation and infonnation system Second annual readers choice winners. WP Mag. Vol. success. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 3: 8-19 Summer 93 5. No. 6: 53-59 Ju 93 5* MAGER, John and W. R. Wynd and Robert L. Wright Marketing implications of the value dinrence between 13 new pointing devices to make \VP 6.0 fly! \VP Nag, Soviet and American students. J Global IM, Vol. 6, Vol. 5, No. 10: 61-65 Oct 93 No. 1: 87-108 93 MANAKYAN, Ilennan, et al. MAGLIO, Joseph A., Jr. R %=rch productivity, perceived teaching effectiveness A consumer behavior perspective on choice of univer- and management faculty opinions: a survey. SI3R, Vol. sity. University of Minnesota, Doctoral dissertation 3. No. 1: 23-39 Spring 93 1992 MANN. Ronald A. and Tony Fabbri MAGUIRE, Michael D. A critical analysis of the ACM and DPM A curricu- Address for success. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 33-37 lum model.. J CIS. Vol. 34. No. 1: 77-80 Fall 93 My 93 MANNING. M. Lee MAHONEY, Kit Seven essentials of elThctive at-risk programs. Surviving austerity. R N Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 26-28 Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 3: 135-138 Ja/Feb 93 Apr 93 5* Business Education Index 115

and Robert Lucking MARSHALL, Thomas E. and Chelan S. Sankar Cooperative learning and multicultural classrooms. Database design support: an empirical investigation Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 12-16 Sep/Oct 93 of perceptions and performance. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 3: 4-14 Summer 93 AANSPEAKER, Jewell and Jon Krug Washington timber workers retrain for technical jobs. MARTIN, Aleza B., et al. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 25, 58 Oct 93 The use of management and marketing textbook mul- tiple-choice questions: a case study. JEB. Vol. 69, No. MARCHE, Theresa, et al. 1: 4043 Sep-Oct 93 Continuing teacher education through distance learn- ing and audiographies. THEJ, Vol. 20, No. 11: 74-77 MARTIN. Edward G. and Fredric L. Mayerson Ju 93 A view from the back of the room: videotaping teach- ers in action. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 114-116 Nov/ MARCUM, R. Susan Dec 92 What are the computer applications and activities used by business teachers in southww Missouri? Southwest MARTIN, Mindy Missouri State University, Master's thesis 092 The trial of the century: a scribe's journal. I CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 43-44 Jan 93 MARCUS, Robert The expert's opinion, corporate data access. J DM. Vol. MARTOCCHIO. Joseph J. 4, No. 2: 3941 Spring Employee decisions to enrIll in microcomputer train- ing. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 51-69 Spring 93 MARCZELY, Bernadette A legal update on sexual harassment in the public MASON. Jerry schools. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 6: 329-331 11/Aug Financial counselors: the need has never been greater. 93 Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 5-10 93

MARGOLICK, David MASSEY. Patti D. and David E. Douglas A role model. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 43 Mar 93 Object-oriented technologies in information systems curricula. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 3-7 Fall 93 MARINO, Pamela Intbrmation technology and job characteristics: a MASSEY, Walter E. changing mix for administrative support personnel. The U.S. challenge to be 01: opportunity amidst per- OSRA Proc, 25-40 Mr 93 ils. THE J, Vol. 20. No. 6: 69-71 Ja 93 ** Job design and skill level in using information tech- MASTEN. John T., et al. nology: perceptiom of administrative support person- Third world entrepr eneurial education: a ease approach nel in financial organizations. DPE 1. Vol. 35, No. 3: to role modeling. N.B. Vol. 68. No. 3: 139-143 Ja/Feb s.121-137 Summer 93 93 The relationship of skill level and job characteristics MASTERS. Pamela. et al. as perceived by administrative support personnel us- Enterprise ambassador program: a link between busi- ing information processing technologies. New York ness and the schools. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 35- University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 36 Sep/Oct 93

The use of information technology and its relationship Ni,vrEEN, Naima to job characteristics of administrative support person- Starting over. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 7: 22, 59 Oct 93 nel. OSR 1, Vol. 11, No. 3: 1.14 Spring 93 MAJCI AS, Zipura Burac and Carolyn Maddy-Bernstein MARLIN, James W., Jr. and Garey C. Durden No funding? No support? No problem! Exemplary An analysis of contributions and contributors in eco- programs fin disabled students find creative solutions. nomic education research. I Econ Ed. Val. 24, No. 2: Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 8: 25-27 Nov-Dec 93 171-186 Spring 93 NIATRANGA, Myrna, et al. MARNANE, Michael J. and James R. K. Heinen Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- Fostering moral growth through teaching literature. pals. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Sep/Oct 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 80-82 Nov/Dec 93 MArri I AEI, C. Frederick, et al. MAROSE. Robert A. and Mohanuned II. A. Talli Preparing gaduates for the workforce: fire role of busi- A comparative analysis of U.S. and Japanese software tress education. JED. Vol. 68. No. 4: 202-206 Mr/Ap development practices. 1 CIS, Vol. 33. No. 2: 19-24 93 Winter 92-93 MArnIEWS. Anne L. and Diane P I logan MARSHALL, Kimball I'. What tech prep means for business education. Hal VIEWPOINT preparing tbr change in computer edu- Sheet, Vol. 74. No. 2: 29-30. 32 Winter 93 cation for business. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 376-380 31/ Aug 93 123 116 Business Education Index

MATTHEWS, Grainne A. MAZUR, F. E. and Geri Gay Book review: Managing the total quality transfonna- Building a better bridge to students. Ed -flxh Exchange, don by Thomas H. Beny. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. Vol. I, No. 1: 14-20 Spring 93 2: 71./4 93 MCBRIDE, Ron and Stephanie Knight MATTHEWS, Lynn Identifying teacher behaviors during critical-thinking Let's pcomote business education with an exciting new tasks. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 374-378 .11/Aug 93 courseinternational business. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 15-21 92-93 MCBR1DE-BASS, Jeannette Women's work no more. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 22- MATTSON, Melvin R. and Hooshang M. Beheshti 23, 46 Mr 93 Information systems 'weds of large corporations. J CIS, Voi. 33, No. 3: 35-37 Spring 93 MCCARTY, Cynthia and Paul A. Herbig The innovation matrix. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 69- MATURI, Richard J. 90 93 Too good to be truehow to avoid office-supply scams. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 41, 43, 45 JI 93 MCCASHIN, Julie An ounce of prevention. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 5: 6-8 My MATUSZAK, David J. 93 Review: Quality through people: In search of quality by enterprise media/Sam Tyler Productions. HRD Qtly, MCCLURE, Richard H. and Timothy C. Krehbiel Vol. 4, No. 2: 206-209 Summer 93 \ Vill the revised businm statistics course meet the needs of the business faculty? JEB. Vol. 68, No. 3: 174-178 MAUPIN, Rebekah J. JeFeb 93 Gender roles in transition: career and family expecta- tions of accounting students. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, MCCONOCHA, Diane M., et al. No. 1: 33-37 Spring 93 Household money management: recognizing nontra- ditional couples. J Cons All, Vol. 27, No. 2: 258-283 MAWHINNEY, Thomas C. Winter 93 Book review: Business partnering for continuous im- provement: how to forge enduring alliances among MCCOOK, Valerie employees, suppliers & customers by Charles C. Poirier Elements of accounting: a curriculum guide for busi- and William F. Houser. J Org Beh Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: ness education. University of Minnesota, Master's the- 80-85 93 sis 1992

MAXAM, Susan MCCOY, James R, et al. Do business educators need to be politically active? The impact of high school economics on the college MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: 1-6 Mr 92 principles of economics course. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 99-111 Spring 93 MAXAM, Susan E. The effects of phases of keyboarding speed on student MCCOY, Lorraine H. and Lydia Ruth Struyk grades in beginning computer classes. Utah State Uni- Pr.:-service teachers' use of videotape for self-evalua- versity, Doctoral dissertation 1992 tion. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 31-34 Sep/Oct 93 SS --and H. Robert Stocker MCCREARY, Jerry, et al. The effects of phases of keyboarding spo:d on students Global telecommunications services: strategies of ma- grades in beginning computer classes. DPE J, Vol. 35, jor carriers.1Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 6-18 Spring 93 No. 4: 233-244 Fall 93 MCCROHAN, Kevin F. and James T. Bennett MAYER, Robert N., et al. Public policy issues in the marketing of seals of ap- Consumer views of the need for government interven- proval for food. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 397-415 tion ;11 the airline market. J Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 1: Winter 93 1-22 Sununer 93 MCCULLOUGH. Deanne, et al. MAYERSON, Fredric L. and Edward 0. Martin I lelping new teachers: the performance enhancement A view from the back of the room: videotaping teach- model. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No.3: 174-176 Ja/Feb 93 ers in action. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 114-116 Nov/ Dec 92 MCCULLOUGH, Jane Book review: Women, men and time: gender differ- MAYES, Robert ences in paid work, housework and leisure by Beth Telecommunications for inservice training of high Anne Shelton. J Cons Aft; Vol. 27, No. 2: 430-432 school math teachers. THE J, Vol. 20. No. 9: 72-74 Winter 93 Ap 93 MCCULLOU011, Malcolm MAYO, Catrina Oliszewski, et al. Urban design. technology, and the aesthetic of settle- The "business" of conflict: "like no business I know." ment. Ed Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 3: 16-23 Fall 93 ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 38-44 Dec 93 124 Burble's Education Index 117

MCDANIEL Thomas R. MCLAGAN, Patricia A. See no evil. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 2: 100 Nov/Dec Invited reaction: intellectualizing should not relieve the 92 need to act. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 33-37 Spring 93

MCDONALD, J. Michael, et al. MCLAREN, Margaret C. and Bev Gatenby Computer usage patterns in the construction industry: Teaching international topics in the business commu- an empirical investigation. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol 8, nication course: a survey of ABC members beyond the No. 1: 11-16 Spring 93 United States. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 10-15 Dec 93

MCDONIEL Peggy L, et al. MCLAUGHLIN, Joe, et al. Information systems developmatt: issues affecting suc- Seminar topic: assessment of qual ity management sys- cess. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 50-62 Fall 93 tems in education. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 46-48 Nov 93

MCELWRATH, Linda Belcher MCLAUGHLIN, Patricia A. Shop class for academia. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 5: 41-45 The application of Harvard Graphics 3.0 to Interna- Dee 93 tional Domestic Appliances Inc.: a business graphics presentation practice set. University of Minnesota, MCGAHAN, Marilyn Master's thesis 1992 Be a teacher who makes a difkrence! N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 8-9 Spring 93 MCLAUG1ILIN, Phillip J., et al. ADDNET network: a low-end technology success. The MCGERALD, James, et al. J, Vol. 21, Nc. 2: 96-100 Sep 93 Aviation career education: an exciting option. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 103-104 Nov/Dec 93 MCLEOD, Pamela L. and Joyce H. Lapsley Teaching desktop publishing in a Windows environ- MCGINNIS, James J. and John M. McGinnis ment. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 43-44 Ap 93 Heterogenous computer hardware: threat or opportu- nity. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 29-36 92-93 MCLLROY, Thad At your service. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 53-54 My 93 MCGINNIS, John M. and James J. McGinnis Heterogenous computer hardware: threat or opportu- MCNABB, David E., et al. nity. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 29-36 92-93 Preparing graduatts for the workforce: the role of busi- ness education. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 202-206 Mr/Ap MCGURRAN, Robbie 93 Perceptions and practices of vocational educators in North Dakota related to public relations. University of MCPARLAN, Jill R. North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 Student evaluations of instructors on the basis of at- tire. Central Michigan University, Master's thesis 1992 MCHARDY, Scott Jon Letterheads you'll love. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 5: 32- MECHE, Melanie and Annette Vincent 35 My 93 It's time to teach business etiquette. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48. No. 1: 39-41 Oct 93 MCHUGH, Johanna The effect of prior keyboarding experience on attitude MEERS, Gary and achievement in a basic computer operations course On their own: preparing disabled students for indepen- at thc high school level. Lehman College, Master's dent living and productive careers. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, thesis 1992 No. 8: 30-31 Nov-Dec 93

MCILROY, Thad MELVIN, Charles A. Making s-:!,se ofcolor management systems. Pub, Vol. Applications of control charts to an educational sys- 8, No. 8: 44-46, 48 Aug 93 tem. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 3: 74-85 Special 93

MCINTOSH, Margaret E. and Donald R. Bear MENTELL, Edward J. Directed reading-thinking activities to promote learn- Facilitating disagreement. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: ing through reading in mathematics. Clearinghs, Vol. 165-166 Ja/Feb 93 67, No. I: 40-44 Sep/Oct 93 MERRILL Kelly Paul MCKENNA, John E, et al. 40 fresh tips. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 8: 36-38, 41 Aug Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSI3- 93 accredited business schools. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 26 i - se 265 My/Ju 93 Clean up your hard di3k. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 73- 76 Nov 93 MCKENZIE, Barbara K. ** Ten innovative uses of video with at-risk students. Creating soft keyboards. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 12: 67- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 238-240 Mr/Ap 93 69 Dee 93 S. 1 ?5 oes

118 Business Education Index

-and Lynette M. Smith MINTON, Carolyn R. A. Five hot border ideas. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 46-49 A Canadian tribute. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 66 Apr Sep 93 93 *5 MERRIMAN, Brian Destruction of evidence. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 50, How to choose a copiet Sec, Vol. 53, No. 3: 14-15 Mr 61 Oct 93 93 MINTON, Patricia Gold and Howard M. Brown METZ, Yvonne Classroom 2000: a room with a view to the future. Perceptions of trained and untrained entry-level secre- THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 65-69 Mr 93 tarial staff held by Kingston, Jamaica, area business employers. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, MINTZ, C. Aviva and Nancy B. Carlson Master's thesis 1992 The Indy 500 and physics: how a partnership brought them together. The J, Vol. 21, No. 2: 101-104 Sep 93 METZEN, Edward J. and Patricia A. Bonner Probabilities of small claims judgment satisfaction and MINTZ, Steven M. and Alan A. Cherry factors influencing success. J Cons All, Vol. 27, No. 1: The introductory accounting course: educating majors 66-86 Summer 93 and nonmajors. 1E13. Vol. 68. No. 5: 276-280 My/Ju 93 METZNER, Kennit Accessories are adapting to the changing office. Off MIRANI, Rajesh Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 24-26, 28 Aug 93 Effects of LAN and manager characteristics on per- * ceived issues of concern for LAN managers: the dis- Great visuals can sell products and ideas. Off Sys, Vol. tinct impact of budget. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 4: 20-27 10, No. 2: 46-48 Feb 93 Fall S. Is now the time to buy a laser printer? Ow Sys, Vol. 10, NHSKE, Linda F. No. 9: 32, 38 Sep 93 S. A study to detennine the integratii of microcomputer accounting into the curriculum in public high schools Modern office mailing equipment brings savings. Off in New Jersey. Montclair State College. Master's the- Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 40, 42, 44 Sep 93 sis 1992 *a 5. Office design. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 4: 30. 32-35 Ap A study to determine the integration of microcomput- 93 ers into the accounting curriculum in public high schools in New Jersey. NJ BEMs, Vol. 65: 37-44 92- MILLER, Edward 93 Leadership through the years. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 162-171 1993 MUCHELL, John B., et al. The stock market reaction to plant closings. Mid-Amer MILLER, Fred and Linda Gillespie Miller J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 57-60 Spring 93 Ek tctronic data retrieval in international business edu- cation: prospects and resources. J T hit Bus. Vol. 4, MITCHELL, Robert B. and Rodney Neal No. 3/4: 85-101 93 Status of planning and control systems in the end-user computing envirolunent. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 3: 25-30 MIL1 2.12, Georgia B. Spring 93 Parmerships reborn: new collaboration between indus- try and higher education. OSRA Proc, 207-218 Mr 93 M mu, Michael. et al. Using an intelligent database in the classroom: the case --and other authors of the country consultant. J T hit Bus. Vol. 4. No. 3/4: Forces affecting American industrycunicular impli- 17-37 93 cations. OSRA Proc, 190-191 Mr 93 MIXON, Franklin 0., Jr. and Sandra K. Johnson MILLER, Linda Gillespie and Fred Miller Linear probability models of undergraduate student Electronic data retrieval in international business edu- attitudes toward economic regulation. JED. Vol. 68, cation: prospects and resources. J T hit Bus. Vol. 4, No. 5: 293-296 My/Ju 93 No. 3/4: 85-101 93 MOCKLER, R., et al. MILLS, Rebecca Farris and Judy P. Pollak Adding knowledge-assistance to PC-based photo- Collaboration and teacher change in the middle school. graphic image database management systems. 1RM J. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 302-3(14 My/Ju 93 Vol. 6. No. 2: 27-38, 40 Spring 93

MINOR, Elliott D., Ill and R. Robely Wood, Jr. MOHAMED, Wazir Toward the development of strategy scales: operations Effects of in-house training in customer service on se- strategy as an example. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 63-72 lected behavioral characteristics of employees whose Spring 93 job involve interfacing with the public in the banking and retail industries. Lelunan College. Master's thesis 1992 1 9 6 Business Education Index 119

MOLONEY, William J. Illinois University at Carbondale, Doctoral disserta- A public school superintendent's ease for choice. tion 1992 Clearing*, Vol. 66, No. 2: 87-89 Nov/Dec 92 MORGAN, Cindra MONAGHAN, Kathy Uncontrolled use of photocopies breeds inefficiency. CAT shopping checklists. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 42-44 Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 20 Mr 93 J1 93 MORGAN. Robert O., et al. MONKERUD, Don Fraudulent financial reporting: education's response Plate full of promises. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 48, 50. 52 Ja to a national problem. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 6: 338-342 93 .11/Aug 93

MONTEIRO, Terry MORRISON, James L. Accounts payable without the paperwork. IMC J, Vol. Book review: Research methods of business: a skill- 29, No. 2: 11-12 Mr/Ap 93 building approach by Uma Sekaran. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 316-317 My/Ju 93 MONTGOMERY, L. D. ss Crafts, commitments and computer connections. THE Empowerment by technology. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 79-82 May 93 No. 3: 13-15 Feb 93

MONTOYA, Sarah MORRISSEY, Patricia A. How so. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 9: 24 Nov/Dec 93 The ADA and vocational education. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 8: 22-24 Nov-Dec 93 MOODY, Patricia G. Legislative leadership. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 78-91 MORROW, Alice Mills 1993 Book review: Order without law: how neighbors settle disputes by Robert C. Ellickson. J Cons .kfl; Vol. 27, MOONEY, J. Lowell and Mark S. Blodgett No. 2: 422-423 Winter 93 Letters of credit in the accounting curriculum. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 6: 343-347 JI/Aug 93 MORTENSEN, Erik Computer manufacturers align to tackle new markets. MOORE, Andrew, et al. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 76 Ja 93 Seminar topic: assessment of quality management sys- tems in education. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 46-48 Nov 93 Today's office: automated, partially paperless. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 16, 18, 52 Ju 93 MOORE, Ellen M. and Kelly F. Shuptrine Warranties: continued readability problems after the MORTON, Shirley T. 1975 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. J Cons Aff, Vol. Reviews: The Judd test for Lotus 1-2-3: a software 27, No. 1: 23-36 Sununer 93 skills proficiency test. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4. No. 1: 114- 117 Spring 93 MOORE, Gary S. and Sue L. Visseher Stock returns, inflation, and business cycle. Mid-Amer MORTW EDT, Jim J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 45-50 Spring 93 In Wisconsin, Uniroyal workers face new reality. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 7: 24, 58 Oct 93 MOORE, Richard W. Teaching business communication on the production MOSES, Duane R. and Amola C. Ownby line: a case study. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 1: 38-41 Mr Computing ethics perceptions: bu sin,zs administration 93 students, business administration educators, and com- puting professionals. OSRA Proc, 11-24 Mr 93 MOORE, W., et al. An examination of sources of support preferred by end- MOSS, Frederick K. user computing personnel. J EUC, Vol. 5. No. 4: 4-11 Book reviews: Business communications by William Fall C. 11 ihnstreet. ABC But, Vol. 16, No. 3: 45-46 Sep 93 1 MOORE, Wayne MOSTYN-BROWN, Howard Identification and validation (A-competencies essential An educated buyer. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: 11-12 Aug/ for clerical/sorntarial occupations with implications Sep 93 fir competency Ixsed curriculum development. Temple University. Doctots1 dissertation 1992 MOTHERSBAUGH, David L., ct al. Perceived time pressure and recommended dietary MORAN, Tom practices: the moderating effect of knowledge of null,- Presentations that r,ack a punch. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 4: lion. J Cons Aff Vol. 27, No. 1: 106-126 Summer 93 15-17 Ap 93 MUCCI, Rosemarie and Daniel D. Drake MORGAN, Barbara Untracking through the use of cooperative learning. Factors influencing students' career decision to enter a Clearing*. Vol. 67, No. 2: 123-126 Nov/Dec 93 two-year information processing program. Southern 127 120 Business Education hider

MUELLER, Ruediger MYERS, Brenda A. A 4GL based executive search system. J EUC, Vol. 5, Bringing ozone into the office. OfEce. Vol. 118, No. 3: No. 2: 5-16 Spring 93 12-14 Sep 93

MULCAHY, Kevin F. MYERS, Ray Research on written composition: implications for busi- Waste ... not! message pads. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 1: ness communication. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. I : 22-25 59-62 Ja 93 Mr 93 MYKYTYN, Peter R., Jr. and David A. Harrison MULLIGAN, James G. The application of the theory of reasoned action to se- Book review: The economics of American higher edu- nior management and strategic information systems. cation by William E. Becker and Darrell R. Lewis. J IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 2: 15-26 Spring 93 Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 188-192 Spring 93

MUNILLA, Linda S. and Lloyd N. Dosier The influence of technology on traditional communi- cations systems: an evolutionary process. ABA Nat Proc, 250-254 93 NACIITMAN, Robert, et al. Decision suppod systems for business education. J CIS, MUNRO, Patricia Vol. 33. No. 4: 55-64 Summer 93 Teaching cultural language through writing. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 4: 209-210 MriAp 93 NAFTEL, Margaret I., et al. Problem solving and decision making in an eighth- MURDICK, Nikki L. grade class. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 3: 177-180 Ja/ and Barbara C. Gartin Feb 93 How to handle students exhibiting violent behaviors. Clearings, Vol. 66. No. 5: 278-280 My/Jo 93 4. NNIARAJAN. Sivakumar. et al. The triune expert: expert system development by end --and other authors users in the changing IS environment. 3 CIS. Vol. 33, Developing effective university and public school part- No. 3: 31-34 Spring 93 nerships. Clearinglts, Vol. 67. No. 1: 37-39 Sep/Oct 93 NATHAN, Joe Eight myths about school choice. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, MURPHY, David Smith and Mike Ruble No. 2: 71-74 Nov/Dec 92 Information systans auditors: educational background, education and hiring preferences and curriculum. J CIS. NAVALGI, Rajshekhar G., et al. Vol. 33, No. 2: 42-45 Winter 92-93 Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- ment: implications for marketing. J Global M. Vol. 6. MURPHY, J. William No. 4: 33-52 93 Put your stock in a pictogram. ABC 13111. Vol. 16. No. 3: 23-24 Sep 93 NEAL, Rodney and Robert B. Mitchell Status of planning and control systems in the end-user MURPHY, Paul R., et al. computing environment. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 25-30 Doing business in global markets: perspectives of in- Spring 93 ternational freight forwarders. J Global M. Vol. 6. No. 4: 53-68 93 NEBEL, Stephen Search and replace magic tricks. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. MURPHY, William Fi. and Sidney Sin-Lai Tang 3: 59, 61-62 Mr 93 Executive development programs: insights for planners and administrators. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 184-189 Ja/ NECCO. Charles and Nancy Tsai Feb 93 A structured prototyping approach.JCIS. Vol, 33. No. 3: 38-43 Spring 93 MURPHY-JUDY, Kathryn A. and Chantal F. Cornuejols NEELY, Robert O. and Duane Alm Multicultural multimedia across the curriculum: a pi- Meeting individual needs: a learning styles success lot project. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 7: 77-80 Feb 93 story. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 2: 109-113 Nov/Dec 92 MURRELL, Audrey J., et al. Consensus versus devil's advoeacy: the influence of NELLERNIOE. Donald A. decision process and task structure on strategic deci- Problem solving in sollware tool courses: beyond the sion making. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 399-414 Oct basics. JEB. Vol. 68. No. 5: 273-275 My/Ju 93 93 NELSON, Elden MURRELL, Patricia H. and John P. Walsh A macro to find overused words. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. Leadership development at Federal Express Corpora- 6: 20, 22-25 Ju 93 tion. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 295-302 Fall 93 4* 128 Business Education Index 121

Best macro. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 38-44 Jo 93 NEWELL, Gale E., et al. ss Accounting for nonpension postretirement benefits: Best news-letter. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 45-47 Ja 93 analysis of lobby activities. Mid-AMer 3 Bus, Vol. 8, *5 No. 1: 25-32 Spring 93 Decision-making macros. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 20, 22-24 JI 93 NEWNAN, P., et al. ops Computer systems usage and competitive profitabil- Learning the basics of variables. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. ity. I CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 67-72 Fall 93 5: 19-23 My 93 s NICHOLLS, J. A. F. and Lucerte B. Comer Learning to make for each loops. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. Simulating the global market place: A software review 9: 21-24 Sep 93 and comparison. JT hft Bus, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 135-145 93 Macros 101: WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 21-25 Ja 93 4,5 NICHOLS, Patsy Macros that make a choice. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 8: Do your students write to learn? KBEA J, 6-7 Spring .17, 19, 20-22 Aug 93 93 Meet the macro editor. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 4: 17-22 NICHOLSON, Joel D. and John Lust Ap 93 Applied research as an experiential learning tool in the foreign international management classroom: a case Personalized greeting cards. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 12: study in Mexico. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 43-59 63-66 Dec 93 93

Tricks for starting macros quick. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. NIDDS, John A., et al. 3: 19-22 Mr 93 Aviation career education: an exciting option. 4,5 Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 2: 103-104 Nov/Dec 93 Trim your fax fonn. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 21-22, 24-26 Feb 93 NIELSON, Barbara Stock and Ellen Tollison Hayden *5 School/business partnerships: a community account- WordPerfect 6.0: 10 new things it does for you. WP ability program. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 75-76 Nov/ Mag, Vol. 5, No. 7: 36-38, 40, 42-43 1193 Dec 93

Final exam. WP Nag, Vol. 5, No. 12: 21-24 Dec 93 NIKOLAISON, Ray . Retaining records is costly, but needed. Offioe. Vol. 117, Psychic macros with the SYSTEM command. \VP No. 3: 14. 16 Mr 93 Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 21-25 Nov 93 5. NIXON. Judy C. and Judy F. West Using the FOR conunand. WP Nag. Vol. 5, No. 10: Selected data about business communication courses 23-26 Oct 93 in AACSB schools. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 2: 6-9 Ju 93 NELSON, J. T. A secondary social studitz methods course. Clearinghs. NOLL Cheryl L. Vol. 66, No. 4: 223-224 Mr/Ap 93 Planning curriculum for entrepreneurship education. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 3-5 Feb 93 NELSON, Sandra J. and Laura MacLeod 5. Development of cases for business report writing --and Roger L. Luft classes: the analytical report. Bus Ed Forum. Voi. 48, The changing profile of business education at NABTE No. 1: 36-38 Oct 93 institutions. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 8-11 Ap 5* 93 Teaching problem solving in busintss classcs. DPE hist, Vol. 9. No. 3: 1-4 May 93 NORI EGA, Charlotte and Becky J. Beck An easy employee information tbnn. WP Nag, Vol. 5, NEMETZ, Ethel B. No. 7: 33-34 3193 'Trends and re-trends' in office furniture. off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 1: 12, 15 la 93 NORMAN, Karen L. Lifelong learning skills needed by Michigan's profes- NEO, Boon Siong and Shailendra C. Palvia sional and technical workers as perceived by human Using innovative infonnation technology architecture resource managers. M BEA Today, Vol. 58, No. 5. 5,9 for entrepreneurial success: the case of "YCH" logis- Dec 93 tics company. 1 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3:26-33 Summer 93 NOURIE, Barbara L. and G. Thomas Baer NEVIN, Frederick W. Strategies for teaching reading in the content areas. Furniture dealers help FM managers through tough Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 2: 121-122 Nov/Dec 93 times. Office, Vol. 117, No. 6: 26-27 Ju 93

PEST COPY AVAILABLE 1 9 122 Business Education Index

NOVAK, Kim ODEDRA-STRAUB, Mayuri Incorporating graphics into student Kesentations. Critical factors affecting suxess of CBIS: cases from MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 1: 3-5 Jan 92 Africa. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 3: 16-30 Summer 93

NUNO, Catherine ODGERS, Pattie Transcripts and the Bill of Rights. J CR, Vol. 54, No. Will "America 2000" unleash our potential as busi- 4: 46 Feb 93 ness educators? ABEAJ, Vol. 12, No. 1: 18-22 Spring 93

OKOLICA, Carol End user attitudes and practices: a study of voice mail implementation. OSRA Proc, 148-159 Mr 93 O'DONNELL B. T., et al. ** Observations of computer-mediated groups in an R&D Factors affecting implementation of voice mail: end business environment. OSRA F roc, 69-81 Mr 93 user practices and attitudes. New York University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 O'DONNELL L, et al. Observations of computer-maliated groups in an R&D OKOROAFO, Sam C. business environment. OSRA Proc, 69-81 Mr 93 An integration of countertrade research and practice. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 113-128 93 O'MEARA, S. et al. Keeping the qtv,lity up. Sec, Vol. 53. No. 7: 19-20 Aug/ OLIG, Gene A. Sep 93 Control schematic print production at Giddings & Lewis. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 2: 13-14 Mr/Ap 93 O'NEIL Sharon Lund Business education in the United States: tenth NABTE OLSON, Susan J. survey results (1991-92). NABTE Rev, No. 20: 5-15 A new source for teachers. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 6: 93 36-37 Sep 93 *a and June St. Clair Atkinson ONDRA, Sandra Paradigms for high-tech leadership. NBEA Yrbk, No. Innovative teaching technique: using a video camera. 31: 59-68 1993 MBEA Today, Vol. 58. No. 3: 6 My 93

O'NEILL Michael J. ONG, John D. Work space partition design and storage as predictors Meeting conununication challenges at BF Goodrich. of employee reaction and performance. OSRA Proc, ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 4: 5-9 Dec 93 93-111 Mr 93 ORCHARD, H., et al. O'ROURKE, James S., IV Workshop topic: vocational education and training Intercultural business communication: building a developments in England. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 35-37 course from the ground up. ABC Bul, Vol. 56. No. 4: Nov 93 22-27 Dec 93 Is ORGAD, Moshe, et al. Book review: Taking sides: clashing views on contro- The effect of national culture on IS: implications for versial issues in business ethics and society by Lisa H. international information systems. Newton & Maureen M. Ford. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. J Global I M, Vol. 1, No. 1: 33-44 Winter 93 2: 46-47 Ju 93 ORR, Claudia, et al. O'SI1EA, Michael Office systems curriculum development: impetus, pro- Information management: making your system work. cess. results. OSRA Proc. 194-206 Mr 93 Office, Vol. 118, No. 2: 16-27. 53 Aug 93 ORRIS. J. B., et al. OBAGARASAMY. Anthoniswamy Alliances and networks: cooperative strategies for small Gender difference in performance of students in be- businesses. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1: 17-23 ginning economies classes. Southern Illinois Univer- Spring 93 sity at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 ORSBORN, Lesnie OBER, Scot Voice recognition technology. M BEA Today, Vol. 58, A philosophy for teaching keyboarding. Bus Ed Fo- No. 3: 4-6 My 93 rum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 36-38 Feb 93 Is ORWIG, Gary W., et al. Relative efficiencies of the standard and Dvorak sim- Adding knowledge-assistance to PC-based photo- plified keyboards. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 1: 1-13 Winter graphic image database management systems. IRMJ, 93 Vol. 6, No. 2: 27-38, 40 Spring 93 S. Spruce up your reports with desktop publishing. Sec. OWNBY, Amola C. and Duane R. Moses Vol. 53, No. 8: 11-13 Oct 93 Computing ethics perceptions: business administration 130 Business Education Index 123 students, business administration educators, and com- PARNELL Dale puting professionals. OSRA Proc, 11-24 Mr 93 What is the tech prep/associate degree program? Bal Sheet, Vol. 74, No. 2: 6-8 Winter 93

PATRICK, Alfred and Donald Carr The importance of writing competencies as perceived by college of business alumni and students. J CIS, Vol. PAGE, Norman R. and Richard L. Wiseman 34, No. 1: 73-76 Fall 93 Supervisory behavior and worker satisfaction in the United States, Mexico, and Spain. J Bus Com, Vol. PATTON, Steve and Mary Ann Freels 30, No. 2: 161-180 93 Long distance learning-an idea whose time has come. KBEA J, 7-8 Spring 93 PAGEL, Larry G. Loyalty + servive + progress = Pi Omega Pi. Bus Ed PATTON, William E., et al. Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 8-10 Oct 93 A survey of computer literacy and teclutology in Mon- tana schools. University of Montana. Master's thesis PAKATH, Ramakrishnan 1992 Genetics-based machine learning: promising tool for developing business computing systems? 3 CIS, Vol. PAULSON, Steven K. and II. Eugene Baker III 33, No. 4: 2-7 Summer 93 An empirical typology of approaches to the teaching oforganization theory. 3E13, Vol. 69, No. 1: 18-22 Sep- PALKO, Jeffrey, et al. Oct 93 1nfbrmation systems development: issues affecting suc- cess. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 50-62 Fall 93 PAVELY, Richard Technology drives today's new and improved PALMER, Janet J. mailroom. Office. Vol. 118, No. 3: 18, 28 Sep 93 Computer education in the Philippines. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 6: 72-73 la 93 Automation bringing changes to USPS. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 42 Ja 93 PALVIA, Prashant C. and Akhilesh Chandra ** Expert systems in accounting: applications and inte- --and Roman Horoszewski grating framework. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 13-22 Sum- 8 tips to use in designing a corporate mil center. Off mer 93 Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 24, 26. 28 My 93

PALVIA. Shailendra PAYNE, Richard D. and Charles L. Skoro From chief information officer to information officer. Effects of problem set :rssignments o» an economics J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 4: 3-6 Fall 93 principles class. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 243-246 Mr/Ap 93 -and Boon Siong Neo Using innovative information technology architecture PEABODY, Brian for entrepreneurial success: the case of "YCH" logis- Winning tickets. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. I I: 46-50 Nov tics company. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 26-33 Summer 93 93

PARKE, Joanne and Pamela J. Farris PEAKE, Ann Marie To be or not to be: what students think about drama. Encourage student input for adult education programs Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 231-234 Mr/Ap 93 through involvement with the A-team. MBEA Today, Vol. 58, No.4: 10-11 Aug 93 PARKER, Johnathan K. Lecturing and loving it: applying the information- PEARSON, Linda processing model. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 8-11 Sep/ Fasten your seatbelt. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 10-11 My 93 Oct 93 PEERY, Nemnan S., Jr. and Mahmoud Salem PARKER, Marilyn Strategic management of emerging human resource The anywhere, anytime office. OSRA Proc, 219-240 issues. IUD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 81-95 Spring 93 Mr 93 PELTIER, G., et al. -and other authors Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- Forces affecting American industry-- curriculur pals. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 60-62 Sep/Oct 93 OSRA Proc, 190-191 Mr 93 PELION, Lou E. and David Strutton PARKER, R. Stephan, et al. Southeast Asian consumer perceptions of American Survey of bank sales training practice. H R D Qtly, Vol. and Japanese imports: the influence of country-of- 4, No. 2: 171-183 Summer 93 origin effects. J Global 1M, Vol. 6. No. I: 67-86 93

PARKS, Robert, et al. PEMBERTON, J. Michael Enterprise ambassador program: a link between busi- "You manage what?" RIM and the meaning of infor- ness and the schools. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. / : 35- mation. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 50, 52, 60 Jan 93 36 Sep/Oct 93 S. 131 124 Business Education Index

Emmet Leahy: patron saint of records management. R PETERSON, Dane and Chung S. Kim M Qt ly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 56, 58-59 Apr 93 a* Needs assessment of business majors for the introduc- tory MIS course. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 51-53 Winter Looking for "excellence in records management". R 92-93 M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4:62, 64, 65, 72 Oct 93 PETTENGILL, Connie and US Bowles PENN, Ira A. Designing instructional multimedia presentations: a Records management: still hazy after all these years. seven-step process. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 11: 58-61 Ju R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 3, 4, 6-8, 20 Jan 93 93

PEPER, Jody PETTIJOHN. Charles E.. et al. Using Microsoft Word 4.0: a curriculum guide. Uni- Survey of bank sales training practice. I I RD Qtly, Vol. versity of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 4, No. 2: 171-183 Summer 93

PERKINS, Jane M. PETTIT, Beverly J. Gaining access to a software development company. A study to determine southwest Missouri business ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 1: 46-47 Mr 93 teachers' perceptions of entrpreneurship education. Southwest Missouri State University, Master's thesis PERKINS, Edward A., Jr. and Robert H. Perkins 1992 Faculty evaluation: perceptions and preferences of business educators in NABTE research universities. PFISTER, Guenter G. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 50-53 93 Foreign language teaching: preparing for interpersonal communication. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 2: 71-72 PERKINS, Peggy G. and Jeffrey 1. Gelfer Nov/Dec 93 Portfolio assessment of teachers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 4: 235-237 Mr/Ap 93 PHELPS, Patricia H. An induction ceremony for new teachers. Ckaringhs. PERKINS, Robert H. and Edward A. Perkins Jr. Vol. 66, No. 3: 154 Ja/Feb 93 Faculty evaluation: perceptions and preferences of business educators in NABTE research universities. PHELPS, Patricia H. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 50-53 93 The challenge of building character. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 6: 353-355 .11/Aug 93 PEROTTI, Valerie S. and Carl Remus Bridges A comparison of the business correspondence of Hong PHILBRICK, Donna and Anne L. Christensen Kong and Ohio business students. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, Businesses and universities: similar challenges, shared No. 4: 16-21 Dec 93 S. solutions. JEB. Vol. 69, No. 1: 6-9 Sep-Oct 93 Characteristics of career achievement: perceptions of PHILLIPS. Barbara J. and James E. Clark African-American corporate executives. Mid-Amer .1 Attitudes towards economics: Uni- or multidimen- Bus, Vol. 8, No. 1:61-64 Spring 93 sional? J Econ Ed. Vol. 24. No. 3: 195-212 Summer 93 PERREAULT, Heidi -and Michael Hignite PHILLIPS, Eva M. and Eve Rosenthal Perceptions of emerging multimedia technologies. .1 A paradigm for user acceptability of expert advisory CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 89-93 Fall 93 systems. OSRA Proc, 132-147 Mr 93

-and Steven C. Hunt PHILLIPS, John T. Variables affecting the planning and implementation CD-ROM publishing. R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 2: 44, ofoffice information systems curricula within college/ 46-48 Apr 93 university settings. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 77-81 Spring 93 PHILLIPS, John T., Jr. Faxing by computer. R NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 44, 46, -and C. Steven Hunt 48, 49 Oct 93 Office information systems: resources for a growing a field of study. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 45-56 Spring 93 Electronic vaulting and records centers. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 38, 40. 41. 49 Jan 93 PERRETT, Jackie How to be a value-added secretary. Sec. Vol. 53, No. PIERSON, Joan K. 7: 13-15 Aug/Sep 93 Book review: Ethical issues in inlbnnation systems by Roy Dejoie, George Fowler, and David Paradice. J CIS, PERRY, Phillip M. Vol. 33, No. 2: 77-78 Winter 92-93 Can your company accommodate disabled workers? Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 38-41 Ju 93 PIRANI, Judy Ncw fax &vim and functions emerge. Office, Vol. 117, PERRY, William G. No. 1: 52 Ja 93 How DVI information processing technology will af- fect business communication. ABC Bul, Vol. 16. No. PLAN AMENTO. Emelio 3: 21-22 Scp 93 Bakersfield College: Building a multimedia infrastruc- ture. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 3: 65-70 Oct 93 132 Business Education Index 125

PLOTNICKI, W. John, et al. Project SPARC: kindling writing in science. Research: A demographic analysis of information sys- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 2: 107-108 Nov/Dec 92 tems faculty. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 3: 85-90 Spring 93 POWELL, Karen Sterkel and Jackie Jankovich POLLAK, Judy P. and Rebecca Farris Mills Communication across the curriculum at Colorado Collaboration and teacher change in the middle school. State. ABA Nat Proc, 111-115 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 302-304 My/Ju 93 PRATT, John Burque and Gayle G. Humpherys POLLARD, Constance Word search. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 70-74 Feb 93 and Valerie T. Akeyo Telecommunications competencies for clerical office PRAVE, Rose S. and Galen R. Baril professionals. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. I: 21-26 Fall 92 Instructor ratings: controlling for bias from initial stu- s dent interest. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 362-366 A/Aug 93 and other authors Secondary business educators' attitudes toward stu- PRAWITZ, Aimee D., et al. dents from special populations: a factor analytic in- Factors relating to spousal financial arguments. Fin. C .vestigation. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 42-46 93 & P, Vol. 4: 85-94 93 and other authors PREMKUMAR, G., et al. Views, beliefs, and opinions of secondary busimms txIu- Dtvision support systems for business education. J CIS, cation by state employment service managers and sec- Vol. 33, No. 4: 55-64 Summer 93 ondary principals in the Pacific Northwest. DPE J. Vol. 35, No. 1: 39-50 Winter 93 PRESSEL, Ralph R. Another collection case in our favor. J CR, Vol. 54, POLLARD, Richard, et al. No. 5: 35 Mar 93 Secondary business educators' attitudes toward stu- . dents from special populations: a factor analytic in- Collection considerations. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 5: 34 vestigation. NABTE Rev. No. 20: 42-46 93 Mar 93

POMERENKE, Paula J. PRICE, R. Leon, et al. Surveying the writing assigned in functional areas. Systems analysis and design models revisited: a case ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 28-31 Dec 93 study. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 26-39 Winter 93

POMMEREHNE, Werner W., et al. PRIEUR, Rebecca Marie Economics indoctrination or selection? Some empiri- An analysis of Washington state high school business cal results. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: 271-281 Sum- educators' attitudes toward handicapped persons and mer 93 opinions about mainstreaming. Central Washington University. Master's thesis 1992 POOLE, Vicki A. and Donald K. Zahn Define and teach employability skills to guarantee stu- PRIGGE. Lila dent success. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 55-59 Sep/ M-PBEA president's message. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 47, Oct 93 1No. 1: 3 Fall 93 POPOVICH, Paul R. and Sudesh M. Duggal --and Sandy Braathen Practical applications of neural networks in business. Working with elementary students in keyboarding. Bus J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 8-13 Winter 92-93 Ed Forum. Vol. 48. No. 1: 33-35 Oct 93

PORTER, James E. PRI KASKY, Barbara J. E-mail and variables of rhetorical form. ABC Bul. Vol. Technical/mechanical skill areas and related tasks and 56, No. 2: 41-42 Ju 93 cognitive/afi'ective competencies essential for entry- level offilcc workers in the Gratiot county area of Michi- PORTER, John gan. Central Michigan University, Master's thais 1992 Thriving with A.L.I.V.E. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68. No. I : 33- 35 Ja 93 PRINCE, William W., et al. Project-focused library instruction in business strategy PORTER, Nancy M. and E. Thomas Garman courses. JEI3, Vol. 68. No. 3: 179-183 Ja/Feb 93 Ttsting a conceptual model of financial well-being. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 135-164 93 PRIOVOLOS. George V. An early critical examination of using simulation in PORTERFIELD, Shelia C. and Della L. Cooper the teaching of international marketing: an evaluation Using collaborative business writing groups to of"Export to win!" 3 T Int I3us, Vol. 4, No. 3/4: 39-54 strengthen students' writing skills. NI BEA J. Vol. 20: 93 22-26 93 PROCIIASKA-CUE, Kathy POTTLE, Jean L. An exploratory study for a model of personal financial Learning through exNrience: a workshop for middle management style. Fin. C & P, Vol. 4: 111-134 93 school science teachers. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 6: 339-340 .11/Aug 93 I. 133 126 Business Education Index

PULLIAM, Linda RAINER, R. Kelly, et al. Safe and secure. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 9, 11 My 93 Is CASE living up to its promises? Laboratory experi- ments comparing manual and automated design ap- PUNSALAN, Carla M. proaches. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 72-76 Summer 93 Gotta have it. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 28-31 My 93 RAJENDRAN, K. N., et al. PURVIS, Johnny R. and Ruth C. Garvey Perceptual-based student outcomes assessment process Components of an effective substitute teather program. in the marketing curriculum. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 11- Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 6: 370-373 .1l/Aug 93 17 Sep-Oct 93

RAKES, Thomas A. and Glenda C. Cox Using the "grapevine" to effect change in schools. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 17-20 Sep/Oct 93

QUDDUS, Munk and Salim Rashid RAMAMURTHY, K., et al. The overmathematicization of economics: lessons for Decision support systems for business education. J CIS, business disciplines. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 5: 288-292 My/ Vol. 33, No. 4: 5544 Sununer 93 Ju 93 RASHID, Salim and Munir Quddus QUIBLE, Zane K. The overmatheinaticization of economics: lessons for Gradingtechniques that help eliminate instructor burn- business disciplinim JELL Vol. 68. No. 5: 288-292 My/ out. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 2: 32-34 Dec 93 Ju 93

How we should be teaching business communication RAVAL, Vasant according to findings of writing research. ABC Bul, McMillan videotex project: closing the distance be- Vol. 16, No. 3: 25-27 Sep 93 tween student, teacher and parent. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 9: 75-78 Ap 93 QUINN, Lori Solving common table problems. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. RAYMOND, John 9: 29-30 Sep 93 Companies find bargains in secondary phone market. . Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 44-45 1193 and Jonell Francis ** 12 tips to speed up WP. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 4: 30-33 Everything in your office should be adjustable--even Ap 93 you. Off Sys. Vol. 10. No. 2: 22, 24. 26 Feb 93 S. QUINN, Susan, et al. Multifunction copiers are gaining in popularity. Of- Computer augmented collaborative literature review. fice. Vol. 118, No. 1: 42, 44 5193 OSRA Proc, 58-68 Mr 93 ' Personal organizers plan workdays. track ideas. Of- fice. Vol. 118, No. 2: 14-15. 50 Aug 93 S. Why your office needs recycled supplies. Off Sys, Vol. RAGUSA, James, et al. 10. No. 6: 45, 47, 55 Ju 93 An architecture for a heterogeneous information envi- ronment. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 42-49 Fall 93 RAYMOND. Louis, et al. Assessment of end-user computing from an organiza- RAGUSA, James M. tional perspective. IRM J, Vol. 6. No. 1: 14-25 Winter and Ronald S. Rubin 93 An expert systems approach to teaching sample size determination. J CIS, Vol. 33. No. 4: 28-33 Summer RAYMOND. Mary Anne, et al. 93 Preparing graduatts for the workforce: the role of busi- ness education. JEI3. Vol. 68. No. 4: 202-206 Mr/Ap and other athors 93 Adding knowledge-assistance to PC-based photo- graphic image database management systems. I RM J. RAZZOUK. Nabil Y. and Mary E Smith Vol. 6, No. 2: 27-38, 40 Spring 93 Improving classroom communication: the case of thc course syllabus. JEB. Vol. 68. No. 4: 215-221 Mr/Ap RAL Arun and Geoffry S. Howard 93 An organizational context for CASE innovation. IRM 1, Vol. 6, No. 3: 21-34 Summer 93 REDICK. Sharon S. and C. Michael Lloyd Motivating students. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 4: 36 My RAILSBACK, Barbara 93 A sununer of learning. Kan Bus Tchr. Vol. 47. No. 1: 4-5, 18 Fall 93 se REDMAIsl, Clarence J. Teaching entrepreneurship and economics in the busi- A survey of Kansas high schools: business edncation ness education curriculum. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 47, No. courses as graduation requirements. N & Q. Vol. 18, 1: 2 Fall 93 No. 1: 9-11 Spring 93 134 Business Education Index 127

REDMAN, Verne, et al. RENFORTH, William, et al. Computing use in international business courses. J CIS, International business education in Latin America: Vol. 33, No. 2: 28-31 Winter 92-93 context, topics, and pedagogy. J Teach Int Bus, Vol 4, No. 2: 19-42 93 REDMANN, Donna H. Grant writing: a necessary leadership skill. NBEA RENTZ, Katluyn Yrbk, No. 31: 98-110 1993 Editorial: Negotiating the field of business communi- cation. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 3: 233-238 3193 and Bobbye J. Davis Strategies for teaching international concepts in busi- REVEAUX, Tony ness courses. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 1: 1-4 Ja 93 Clips on the move. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 5: 48. 50 My 93

REECE, Barry L. REYNOLDS, David B. and Thomas Li-Ping Tang Learn from experience. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, No. 7: 28- Effects of self'-a-teem and perceived goal difficulty on 29 Oct 93 goal setting, certainty, task performance, and attribu- tions. HRD Qtly. Vol. 4, No. 2: 153-170 Summer 93 REED, Mike Graphic arts, digital imaging and technology educa- REYNOLDS, Frank tion. THE J. Vol. 21, No. 5: 69-71 Dec 93 What does business have to say about leadership? NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 50-58 1993 REESE, Taylor Legal firsts. J CR, Vol. 55, No. 2: 36-37 Dec 93 REYNOLDS, Jim and Martin Gerstein Learning style characteristics: an introductory work- REGAN, Elizabeth A. shop. Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 2: 122-126 Nov/Dec Bringing office systems into focus project report. OSR 92 J, Vol. 11, No. 2: 18-39 Winter 93 REYNOLDS, Rick Integrated performance support (IPS). A new concept Closing the color gap. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 4: 63 Ap 93 for a new era! OSRA Proc, 1-10 Mr 93 ** Royal prints. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 12: 50-51 Dec 93 Office infonnation systems as a field of study and re- ** search. OSRJ, Vol. 11, No. 2: 1-17 Winter 93 Talkin"bout acceleration. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 5: 72 My 93 REINSCH, N. L., Jr. 5* The state ofthe Journal in 1992: a report from the edi- Traffic controls the xpress way. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 11: tor. J Bus Com, Vol. 30. No. 1: 87-89 93 36-41 Nov 93 .5 5* Why don't we do better research? J Bus Com, Vol. 30, and Daniel Todd No. 2: 200-202 93 Cooking up your own CD-ROMs. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 62. 64, 66-67 Feb 93 and Phillip V. Lewis Author and citation patterns for The Journal of Busi- RICE, Ronald E. and James A. Danowski ness Communication, 1978-1992. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, Is it really jusi like a fancy answering machine? Com- No. 4: 435-462 Oct 93 parin g semat ic networks of di frerent types of voice mail users. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: 369-397 Oct 93 REINSTEIN, Alan and Gerald H. Lander Scholarly research and teaching:is there a RICH, Grace E. and Robert M. Schranun disproportinate mix? JEB. Vol. 69, No. 1: 49-55 Sep- CAI vs. textbook for grammar and punctuation skills. Oct 93 Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 48-52 Ap 93

REISMAN, Sorel RICHARD, Kerri J. and Gisela Ernst A comparative study of multimedia personal comput- Using multicultural novels in the classroom. ing and traditional instruction in a business school cur- Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 88-90 Nov/Dec 93 riculum. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 4: 15-21 Fall 93 5. RICHARDSON, Patricia MCPSthe multimedia computing presentation sys- Women entrepreneurs and enterprise support in Brit- tem.1 EUC, Vol. 5, No. 3: 5-16 Summer 93 ain. SIEC Rev, No. 121: 16-27 Apr 93

REITZ, Raymond, et al. R1CHERSON, Ginny American school 2000: Westfield's technology initia- Surviving the student teaching experience. KBEA 3, tive. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 10: 83-86 May 93 5-6 Spring 93 5. RENEGAR, Sandra L. and Velda Haertling --and other authors Cooperative learning in seventh-grade literature Student outcomes assessment in business education. groups. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 218-222 Mr/Ap NAI3TE Rev, No. 20: 16-20 93 93

135 128 Business Education Index RICKS, David A and P. Candace Deans ROCHE, Edward M. An agenda for research linking infonnation systems International computing and the international regime. and international business: theory, methodology and J Global 1M, Vol. 1, No. 2: 20-28 Spring 93 application. 1 Global IM, Vol. 1, No. I: 6-19 Winter 93 ROCKWOOD, Edie 20 questions macro quiz. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 61- RIECHARD, Donald E. 62 Ju 93 An educator's brief on dangerous plants. Clearinghs, ss Vol. 66, No. 3: 151-153 JafFeb 93 S. Font-switching styles. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 84-87 Feb 93 Teaching science: the dissection dilemma. Clearinghs. 5. Vol. 67, No. 1: 4-5 Sep/Oct 93 Quick quiz. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 1: 31-33 Jo 93

RIEDI. Richard and Shannon Carroll RODERICK. Betty J. Impact North Carolina: 21st century education. THE Practices used to accommodate at-risk students in high 3, Vol. 21, No. 3: 85-88 Oct 93 school business education programs. Southwest Mis- souri State University, Master's thesis 1992 RIGHI, Carol Scab! Crossing the picket line in a teacher strike. RODES, Paul G., et al. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, No. 6: 332-334 .11/Aug 93 Continuing teacher education through distance learn- ing and audiographics. TIIE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 74-77 RISTAU, Robert A. and Sandra Kruzel Ju 93 Sharing resources for classroom teaching. ISBE News, Vol. 23, No. 2: 5 Spring 93 RODMAN, Vay and Robert Schramm Ergonomic study of clerical support staff VDT work- RIVARD, Suzanne, et al. stations. OSRA Proc. 112-131 Mr 93 Assessment of end-user computing from an organiza- tional perspective. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 1: 14-25 Winter 93 ROEBUCK, Deborah Britt How to get guest speakers without really trying. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 34-35 Ju 93 R1VOIRE, Lucie 5 Table top billboards. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 38-42Ju 93 Providing management assistance to clients ofa small business development center while helping toprepare students for business. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. I: 32-33 ROACH, Terry D. and Vanessa D. Arnold Mr 93 Reach out and write someone. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 3: 25-27 Feb 93 ROGERS, Donald P. Book review: Case studies in organizationalconunu- ROBBINS, Alan Dale and John L. Keedy nication by Beverly Davenport Svpher. J Bus Com, Teacher collegial groups: a culture-buildingstrategy Vol. 30. No. 1: 81-82 93 for department chairs. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3:185- S. 188 Ja/Feb 93 Book review: Company image & reality: a critique of corporate communications by David Bernstein. J Bus ROBBINS, Reid Coin. Vol. 30, No. 2: 210-211 93 Succeeding in reporting.1 CR, Vol. 54, No. 7: 38 My 93 S. Book review: Crucial decisions: leadership in policymaking and crisis management by Irving L. When a reporter relocates. .1 CR, Vol. 54, No. 5:32-33 Mar 93 rJanis. J Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 1: 82-84 93 Book review: Democracy in an age of corporate colo- ROBINSON, Bettye and Robert Robinson nization by Stanley A. Deetz. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. Administrative computing trends and issues. MBEA 2: 207-210 93 1, Vol. 20: 31-35 93 ' Book review: Management is a new key: communi- ROBINSON, Robert and Bettye Robinson cating in the modern organization by Alan Jay A.dministrative computing trends and issues. MBEA Zaremba. I Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. I: 85-86 93 J, Vol. 20: 31-35 93 S. Book review: Managingbusintss transactions: control- ROBINSON, Steve, et al. ling the cost of coordinating, conununicating, and de- Black entrepreneurs and the small businesscurricu- cision making by Paul H. Rubin. J Bus Com Vol. 30, lum. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 No. 1: 84-85 93 ROBSON, Gary D. and Karen A. George Book review: Writing strategies: reaching diverseau- Captioning municipal governments. ICR, Vol. 54, No. diences by Laurel Richardson. J Bun Com, Vol. 30, 4: 38-39 Feb 93 No. 2: 212-213 93 S.

136 Business Education Index 129

Book review: Writing up qualitative research by HarryFax tips. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 9: 47-48, 51-52 Sep 93 F. Wolcott. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 213-215 93 a Four mistakes to avoid with copiers and supplies. Off Three 'personal' approaches to organizational com- Sys, Vol. 10, No. 7: 14-16 JI 93 munication. J Bus Corn. Vol. 30, No. 4: 479-485 Oct S. 93 Ink again: the facts about cartridge recycling. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 11: 28, 30, 32 Nov 93 ROGERS, Priscella S. . What is a researcher? J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 204- Making smart decisions about buying fax machines. 206 93 aOft'Sys, Vol. 10, No. 5: 18, 20, 22-23 My 93 ROGNER, Benjamin and Paul D. Staudohar New mailing systems are quick, accurate. Office, Vol. Two more role models. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 6: 37 Apr 117, No. 3: 50-51 Mr 93 93 Shredders protect a company's privacy. Off Sys, Vol. ROJEWSK1, Jay, et al. 10, No. 1: 48, 50-52 Ja 93 Secondary business educators' attitudes toward stu- dents from special populations: a factor analytic in- RUBIN, Ronald S. and James M. Ragusa vestigation. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 42-46 93 An expert systems approach to teaching sample size determination. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 28-33 Summer RONQUILLO, Anna 93 New trends in tourism, influence in business and edu- cation. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 32-34 Apr 93 RUBLE, Mike and David Smith Murphy Information systems auditors: educational background, -and Subira education and hiring preferences and curriculum. J CIS, Seminar .opic: trade evolution Canada--EC trade. SEIC Vol. 33. No. 2: 42-45 Winter 92-93 Rev, No. 122: 49-51 Nov 93 RUBY, Ralph. Jr. and Steve Corde. ROSENMAN, Robert and Rodney Fort Microcomputer-based software alternatives for project Another look at the study of regulatory forms and out- management. JEB. Vol. 69. No. 1: 56-59 Sep-Oct 93 comes. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 39-52 Winter 93 RUCKER, Jim ROSENTHAL, Eve and Eva M. Phillips Preparing students for their careers. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. A paradigrn for user acceptability of expert advisory 47, No. 1: 15. 18 Fall 93 systems. OSRA Proc, 132-147 Mr 93 RUSS, Pamela ROSENWASSER, Ronald N. Partners in education: a university-middle school Computer viruses. J CR. Vol. 54. No. 4: 42-43 Feb 93 mentorship program. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 285- 287 My/Ju 93 ROSETT1, Daniel K., et al. Organizational impact of decision support technoloo: RUSS-EFT, Darlene what's ahead for the '90s? J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 26-30 Predicting organizational orientation toward terms. Spring 93 H RD Qtly. Vol. 4. No. 2: 125-134 Summer 93

ROSSEN, Jeff RUSSELL, James D. and William J. Dorin Starting a quest for quality. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 5: 28- The design of an expert system to develop instructional 30 Mar 93 objectives. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 14-18 Winter 92-93

ROSSM ANN, Marilyn Martin RUSSOW, Lloyd C. and Andrew Solocha Another call from home: the work and family conflict A review of the screening process within the context of by Mrtnell. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 212-217 Sum- the global assessment process. J Global 1M, Vol. 7, No. mer 93 3: 65-86 93

ROTVOLD, Glenda RYAN, Terence and Douglas B. Bock A handbook of instructional materials prepared for a Accuracy in modeling with extended entity relation- course teaching AS/400 systems operations. Univer- ship and object oriented data models. J DM, Vol. 4, sity of North Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 No. 4: 30-39 Fall 93

ROUNDY BLYLER, Nancy RYNIER, Jone Teaching purpose in a business communication course. Using qualitative research to generate theory ABC Bul, ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 15-20 Sep 93 Vol. 16. No. 3: 42-44 Sep 93

ROW H, Mark Computers can be hazardous to your health. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 40-42 Dec 93

137 130 Business Education Index

SANFORD, Clive C. Computer viruses: symptoms, remedies, and preven- tive measures. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 67-72 Spring 93 SAARI, Scott Let's back up..1 CR. Vol. 54, No. 4: 28-32 Feb 93 SANKAR, Chelan and Thomas E. Marshall New rules in Arizona. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 8: 38-39 Ju Database design support: an empirical investigation 93 of perceptions and performance. J DM, Vol. 4. No. 3: gut 4-14 Sununer 93 The care and feeding of your hard drive. J CR, Vol. .5 54, No. 5: 36-37 Mar 93 and other authors Global telecommunications services: strategies of ma- SABO, Sandra R. jor carriers. J Global IM. Vol. 1, No. 2: 6-18 Spring 93 `Aloha' to tomorrow. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 4: 7-10 Ap 93 ** SANTIAGO, Anthony, Jr. Career boosters. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: 16-18 Aug/Sep Employers' perceptions of the importance of various 93 skills in the employment of high school graduates in entry-level positions. Master's thesis1992 Small companies, big dividends. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 9: 18-19 Nov/Dec 93 SARVER. Brett A. Effectiveness of three methods of practice on speed and What's new in office products? Sec. Vol. 53, No. i : 7- accuracy among keyboarding students. Central Wash- 11, 31 Ja 93 ington University. Master s thesis 1992

SACCO. Samuel R. SAUNDERS, Carol and Jack Williams Jones Temps rising. Off Sys. Vol. 10, No. 10: 56. 60 Oct 93 Organizational Ilictors affecting the evaluation of in- formation systems performance. IRM J. Vol. 5, No. 4: SAIEDIAN. H. 5-21 Fall 92 Key finding through examination or ant-mines in the fUnctional dependencies. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 4: 39-40 SAUNDERS. Paul R. Summer 93 Successful project presentations. R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 1: 26-28 Jan 93 SA IEDIAN, Hossein A Arategy for active learning via a CAI system. I CIS. SAVAGE, Grant T., et al. V.A. 33, No. 3: 11-13 Spring 93 Motivating students to improve business writing: a S. comparison between goal-based and punishment-based The potential of intelligent messages in the automa- grading systems. J Bus Com, Vol. 30. No. 2: 113-132 tion of office procedures. OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 3: 34-44 93 Spring 93 4,5 SAV1DGE. Tracy Fellin and Steve Bang Doing it all. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 1: 14-17 Ja 93 Information protection in automated offices. OSR J. Vol. 11, No. 1: 36-45 Fall 92 SANENA, K. B. C., et al. Critical issues of IS management in Hong Kong: a SALEM, Mahmoud and Newman S. Peery Jr. cultural comparison. J Global IM. Vol. I. No. 4: 28- Strategic management of emerging human resource 37 Fall 93 issues. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 81-95 Spring 93 SCAFFI. Fiora SAMPEY, Kathleen and James A. Haggard Binding and lettering systems give the look of success. Bringing the business school into the 21st century. Ed Off Sys. Vol. 10. No. 5: 52. 54. 56 My 93 Tech Exchange, Vol. 1, No. 2: 9-14 Summer 93 SCHAEFFER CARROLL. Virginia and Joan D. SANDERS, Robert L. Gaiky Make work. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 2: 50. 52-55. 64 Touard a collaborative model Ibr interdisciplinary APr 93 teaching: business and literature. JEB. Vol. 69, No. 1: .5 36-39 Sep-Oct 93 Suggestions for a records management exhibit in the old towns of tomorrow. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. I: 42. SCIIAFER, John C. 44-49 Jan 93 Vi'hen your job's a pain in the hand. Sec. Vol. 53, No. S. 3: 16-18 Mr 93 The quest for the lost record: a records management myth. R M Qtly,Niol.27, No. 4: 52, 54-56. 58. 59 Oct --and other authors 93 Gender equity issues in business teacher education. NABTE Rev, No. 20: 47-49 93 SANDERSON. William W. A study of students gender and achievement in intro- SCI1AFFER. Burton F., et al. ductory microcomputer classes at Utah State Univer- Education in business etiquette: attitudes of market- sity. Utah State University, Master's thois 1992 ing professionals. JEI3. Vol. 68, No.6: 330-333kAug 93 138 Business Education Index 131

SCHAMB tCH, Thomas P. and J. Ellis Llanton SCHRAMM, Robert M. Computer literacy: competencies expected by large and Grace E. Rich corporations. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 58-62 Winter 92- CAI vs. textbook for grammar and punctuation skills. 93 Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47, No. 4: 48-52 Ap 93

SCHANTZ, Herbert F. and F. Stanford Wayne Overview: Federal imaging 1992. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. Can listening skills be taught in business communica- 1: 25-27 Ja/Feb 93 tion classes? NABTE Rev, No. 20: 25-32 93

SCHELL, Douglas, et al. and Marcia L. James Black entrepreneurs and the small business curricu- The impact of e-mail in today's organization. OSR .T, lum. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 159-162 Ja/Feb 93 Vol. 11, No. 1: 3-13 Fall 92 SCHELLING, Josef SCHUBERT, Susan D. Workshop topic: recognition of diplomas within and No more excuses. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 4: 14 Ap 93 outside the EC. SE1C Rev, No. 122: 30-32 Nov 93 SCHULTZ, William J. and Gayle G. llumpherys SCHEWE, Donald B. Easy drop caps. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 10: 47-49 Oct For the record how American presidents have man- 93 aged their papers. 011'Sys. Vol. 10. No. 4: 16-18. 20- 21 Ap 93 SCHUSSLER. Terry Recipe for homemade CD-ROMs. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 1: SCHIMMEL, Barry J., et al. 44-46 Ja 93 Identifying expectations for service quality in training and education through process needs assessment. PIQ, SCIIWARZ, Cindy Vol. 6, No. 2: 3-16 93 Visualizing motion in the physics classroom. Ed Tech Exchange. Vol. 1, No. 2: 15-21 Summer 93 SCHLATTMAN, Ron and Alan P. Wunsdi Integrating global concepts into the business curricu- scum Bill lum: a U.K. perspective. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 6: 367-371 Promoting the potential of people. J CR, Vol. 54, No. .11/Aug 93 7: 28-29 .11 93

SCHLEIN, Alan NI. SCOTT. James Calvert Reporting on the hill. J CR, Vol. 54. No. 6: 26-31 Apr Languages for international business purposes: view- 93 points front the business communities of three English- speaking countries. ABA Nat Proc, 757-766 93 SCHMIDT, B. June S. Leadership decision making and research. NBEA Preparing business correspondence the British way. Yrbk, No. 31: 92-97 1993 ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 2: 10-17 Ju 93 and other authors and Mehdi Jamshidian Postsecondary keyboarding students' speed and accu- Addressing American and Iranian manifestations of racy outcomes when using electronic equipment. DPE contexting and face-saving in businm communications J, Vol 35, No. 3: 175-189 Summer 93 involving unpleasant news. ABA Int Proc, 103-110 * 93 and other authors S. Technology and keyboarding accuracy. Bus Ed Forum. --and Dennis LaBonty Vol 47. No. 4: 16-19 Ap 93 Major actions influencing business education. LBEJ, Vol. 2, No. 1: 96-102 93 SCHMITZ Edward W. and Gary P. Kearns . Selecting software for teaching international business: --and Diana J. Green an analysis of existing programs. J Int Bus. Vol. 4. U.S. experts' perceptions on international business No 3/4: 55-83 93 conmmnication action statements. Ell, Vol. 68, No. 5: 281-287 Nly/Ju 93 SCHNEIDER, Donald l caching social studies: the standards movement. SC RI VEN. Jolene D. and Paula C. Williams Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 5-7 Sep/Oct 93 Teaching international business. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47. No. 3: 28-30 Feb 93 SCHOENEBECK. Janet Hennsen Does tech-prep work? Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 47. No. 3: SCRUGGS, Brenda 21-23 Feb 93 Status of curriculum and microcomputer usage in marketing education in secondary and area vocational- SCHRAGE, Joint F. and Douglas B. Bock tedmical schools in Kentucky. Southern Illinois Uni- Computer virus: the business version of the common versity at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 cold Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 8: 12-13, 15. 17 Aug 93 SCUDDER, Joseph and Kevin G. Latitude SCHRAMM, Robert and Vay Rodman Compliance-gaining techniques of Type-A managers. Ergonomic study of clerical support staff VDT work- J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 1: 63-79 93 stations. OSRA Proc, 112-131 Mr 93 139 111. 132 Business Education Index

SEAY, Robert, et al. SHARP, Helen M. Student outcomes assessment in business education. Structure student success in indirect writing. ABC Bul, NABTE Rev, No. 20: 16-20 93 Vol. 56, No. 4: 49-50 Dec 93

SEGEV, Eli, et al. SHARPE, Deede The effect of national culture on IS: implications for Image control. Voc Ed 3, Vol. 68, No. I: 24-25, 55 Ja international information systems. J Global IM, Vol. 93 I, No. 1: 33-44 Winter SHAW, Abigail SENGE, Peter M. Use of electronic document-handling systems growing. Transforming the practice of management. HRD Qtly, Office, Vol. 117, No. 3: 10, 12 Mr 93 Vol. 4, No. 1: 5-32 Spring 93 SHAW, Gary SERINGHAUS, F. H. Rolf The shape of our field: business communication as a Export promotion in developing countries: status and hybrid discipline. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 3: 297-313 prospects. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 7-32 93 .11 93

SEXTON, Robert L, et al. SHAW, Harold J. Farnsworth, Briant J. The short-and long-run marginal cost curve: a peda- The academy of multimedia: a quest for new destina- gogical note. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 34-37 Winter tions. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 7: 87-88 Feb 93 93 SHEEHAN, Christopher SEYBERT, Jeffrey A. Cutting cost with copier controls. Office, Vol. 117, No. Making the grade. Voc Ed .1, Vol. 68, No. 2: 22-23, 49 2: 22-23 Feb 93 Feb 93 Flexible phone systems are key to business success. SEYED-ABBASSI, Behrooz K. Office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 42-43 My 93 The utililization of a SQL team project in a database course. OSRA Proc. 182-189 Mr 93 Temporary help agencies are bullish on American economy. Office. Vol. 117, No. 3: 32, 34 Mr 93 -and Yap Siong Chua A business graphics course for information systems Outsourcing continues to serve new markets. Office, curriculum. OSRA Proc, 176-181 Mr 93 Vol. 118, No. 3: 46-47 It 93

SHAEFFER, James M. and Charlotte W. Farr Paper shredders make data security easy, affordable. Evaluation: a key piece in the distance education Office. Vol. 118, No. 1: 34-35 31 93 puzzle. THE 3, Vol. 20, No. 9: 79-82 Ap 93 SHELBY, Annette Nevin SHAFER, Richelle and Joan Eisenstodt Organizational, business, management, and corporate A meeting planner's primer. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 5: 15- conununication: an analysis of boundaries and rela- 17 My 93 tionships. J Bus Com Vol. 30, No. 3: 241-267 J1 93

SHAH, Karen SHELL L. \Vayne and Betty A. Kleen Ten steps to safer computer use. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 9: Innovative pqxlagogies for outcomes-based teaching in 14-15 Nov/Dec 93 the core MIS course. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 2: 3-7 Winter 92-93 SHAMP, Scott A. A primer on choosing the medium for multimedia: vid- SHEN. Ruth and T. Y. Shen eodisc vs. videotape. THE .1, Vol. 20, No. 7: 81-86 Economic thinking in China: economic knowledge and Feb 93 attitudes of high school students. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 1: 70-84 Winter 93 SHANKS, Cinda L. Is keyboarding important in rural high schools. MI3EA SHEN, T. Y. and Ruth Shen Today, Vol. 57. No. 3: 3-5 Aug 92 Economic thinking in China: txonomic knowlalge and attitudes of high school students. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, SHAPIRO, Barbara C. No. 1: 70-84 Winter 93 A boost for teachers? Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 6: 28-29, 54 Sep 93 SHERBLOM, Elizabeth C., et al. The what, the whom, and the hows of survey research. SHAPIRO, Susie ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 58-61 Dec 93 Strategies that creatc a positive classroom climate. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 91-97 Nov/Dec 93 SHERBLOM, John C., et al. The what, the whom, and the hows of survey research. SHARMA, P. K. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 58-61 Dec 93 PCs continue to change the way people work. Office, Vol. 117, No. 2: 54 Feb 93 SHIELDS, Susan Litling the burden of proof. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 5: 26-29 My 93 140 Business Education Index 133

SHIFFLER, Ronald E. and Ted J. Strickland Jr. business: a framework for information technology ap- Computer projection panels: technology for the class- plication. J Global IM, Vol. 1, No. 2: 29-42 Spring 93 room of the 1990s. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 23-28 Sep- Oct 93 SIMPSON, Claude L. Stacker 3.0 for DOS and Windows. J CIS, Vol. 34, SHIRLEY, Linda and Patricia C. Duttweiler No. 1: 94 Fall 93 Start making sense. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 22-25 My 93 SIMPSON, Claude L., Jr. Book review: Campus networking strategies by SHONKA, Amy and Melinda Holcombe Caroline Arms. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. 3: 91 Spring 93 Conceptual mapping: a tool for self-reflection. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 83-84 Nov/Dec 93 SIMS, Randi L. The relationship between academic dishonesty and SHOOP, Robert J. and Debra L Edwards unethical business practices. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 4: 207- Eliminating sexual harassment. Sec. Vol. 53 No. 8: 211 Mr/Ap 93 19-23 Oct 93 SIN-LAI TANG, Sidney and William H. Murphy SHOOSHTARI, Nader H., et al. Executive development programs: insights for planners Internationalizing the business curriculum: a survey and administrators. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 3: 184-189 Ja/ of collegiate business schools. J Teach Int Bus. Vol. 4. Feb 93 No. 2: 77-99 93 SIPIOR, Janice C. and John Townsend SHOVAL, Peretz A case study of General Electric's multimedia train- On non-constrained, constrained and mandatory many- ing systems. IRM J. Vol. 6, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 93 relationship types..1 DM, Vol. 4. No. 1: 3-14 to-many.Winter 93 SITTERLY, Connie Take charge of your time. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 1: 12-13 SHUE, Darlene and Lynn Clark Ja 93 Reporting using braille. J CR, Vol. 54, No. 3: 31 Jan 93 SKEKEL, Ted D. and Dennis M. Bline A comparison of accounting for pensions versus other SHUPTRINE, F. Kelly and Ellen M. Moore postretireinent benefits. SM. Vol. 3. No. 1: 127-140 Warranties: continued readability problems aller the Spring 93 1975 Mapuson-Moss Warranty Act..1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 23-36 Summer 93 SKORO, Charles L. and Richard D. Payne Effects of problem set assignments on an economics SIEGEL, Sidney R. principles class. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 243-246 Mr/Ap Relationships between current performance and like- 93 lihood of promotion for old versus young workers. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 39-50 Spring 93 SKULL-CARVALLIO, Susan, et al. Third world entrepreneurial education: a case approach SILVERSTONE, Stuart to role modeling. JEI3, Vol. 68, No. 3: 139-143 Ja/Feb Electronic publishing the Japanese way. Pub, Vol. 8. 93 No. 10: 30-34, 36 Oct 93 SKUPSKY. Donald S. Graphics to go. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 8: 50, 53, 55. 57 Aug Establishing retention periods for electronic records. 93 Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 2: 40, 42, 43. 49 Apr 93

Painting with pixels. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 1: 40-43 la 93 Recordkeeping requirements to promote public inter- ests-a balance between government needs and burdens. The big picture. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 7: 34-39 J193 R M Qtly. Vol. 27, No. 4: 36, 40, 42-43. 59 Oct 93

SIMMONS, Kim The mythical laws and their effect on records manage- Putting business education progrzuns back on track. ment programs. R NI Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 1: 30, 32, 33, MBEA 1, Vol. 20: 10-15 93 36. 37 Jan 93

SIMMS, Gloria, et al. SLATE, William K., II Writing to learn in a content arca. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. NCRA's rule 30 testimony. .1 CR, Vol. 54. No. 10: 28- No. 3: 155-158 Ja/Feb 93 29 Aug/Oct 93

SIMON, Alice and Peter Alexander SLEEZER, Catherine M. Book review: Internationalization, market power and Training needs assessment at work: a dynamic pro- consumer wellfare by Yves Bourdet. J Cons Aft Vol. cess. IIRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 247-264 Fall 93 27, No. 2: 418-421 Winter 93 SLOCOMI3E, Thomas E., et al. SIMON, Steven J. and Varun Grover Sophisticated information processing technology: its Strategic use of information technology in internationzil relationship with an organization's environment, struc- ture, and culture. IRM J. Vol. 5, No. 4: 23-31 Fall 92 141 134 Business Education Index

SMELTZER, Larry R. SMITH, Peter Emerging questions and research paradigms in busi- Port of Vancouver. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 22-25 Nov93 ness communication research. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 181-198 93 SMITH, Sonny *A, 10 windows of opportunity in express-mail usage. Off Relevance is the issue. I Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 34, 36, 38 Mr 93 477-478 Oct 93 SMITH, Terry and Cynthia Greene SMITH, Alison Horizontal leadership. NI3EA Yrbk, No. 31: 156-161 Current status of the use of records management in 1993 selected credit unions in southern Illinois. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 SMOLEN, Gerald E., et al. Housing finance agency allocations. Mid-Amer J Bus, SMITH, Anne Vol. 8, No. 1: 39-44 Spring 93 An assessment of the cognitive levels of the uniform certified public accountant examination and the certi- SNEAD, Ken C. and Simha R. Magal fied management accountant examination. Northern The role of causal attributions in explaining the link Illinois University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 between user participation and information system success. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 3: 8-19 Summer 93 SMITH, Bob Delivering the goods. Off Sys, Vol. 10. No. 12: 36-39 SNIDER, Linda D. and Janet M. Gandy Dec 93 Innovations for student organizations. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 3-5 Oct 93 SMITH, Bruce D. Book review: Introduction to dynamic macroeconomic SNODGRASS, Coral theory: an overlapping generations approach by George Book review: International dimetisions of infonnation McCandless and Neil Wallace. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, systems and technology by P. Candace Dean and No. 1: 89-91 Winter 93 Michael J. Kane. IRM J, Vol. 5, No. 4: 42-43 Fall 92

SMITH, Bennie L. and Barbara C. Cole SNYDER, Robert A. Cooperative learningstrategies for teaching adult busi- The glass ceiling for women: things that don't cause it ness English. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 3: 170-173 Ja/Feb 93 and things that won't break it. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 1: 97-106 Spring 93 SMITH, Gerald and Jerry Debenham SODERQUIST, Camille Automat ing university teach in g by the year 2000. THE 3 formatting tools. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. 10: 69, 7 l-72 J, Vol. 21, No. 1: 71-75 Aug 93 Oct* 93 and other authors ABCs oftabbing. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 6: 63-66 Ju 93 Climbing your own Everest. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: 26- 27 Aug/Sep 93 Columns made easy. \VP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 9: 59-61 Sep 93 SMITH, Gwen and John T. Jayne se Computer teaching labs design and administration. Crossword challenge. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No 8: 48-49 LBEJ, Vol. 3, No. 1: 26-34 93 Aug 93

SMITH, Harold T. Revealing codes. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 69-71 Nov Local area network user satisfaction. OSR J. Vol. 11, 93 No. 3: 15-25 Spring 93 SOLOCHA, Andrew and Lloyd C. Russow SMITH, J. Jerome A review of the screening process within the context of The SPICE project: comparing passive to interactive the global assessment process. 1Global IM, Vol. 7, No. approaches in a videodisc-based course. THE J, Vol. 3: 65-86 93 21, No. 1: 62-66 Aug 93 SOMERICK. Nancy M. SMITH, Lynette M. and Kelly Paul Merrill Managing a communication internship program. ABC Five hot border ideas. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 46-49 Bul, Vol. 16. No. 3: 10-14 Sep 93 Sep 93 SOMMER. Steven M., et al. SMITH, Marcus J. Organizational behavior modification goes to Russia: Cut bulk mail costs. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 9: 51-54 replicating an experimental analysis cross cultures and Sep 93 tasks. J Org Belt Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 15-35 93

SMITH, Mary F. and Nabil Y. Razzouk SOPKO, Sandra Itnproving classroom communication: the case of the Complex technology gives rise to training industry. course syllabus. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 215-221 Mr/Ap 011ice. Vol. 118, No. 2: 7. 10 Aug 93 93 142 Business Education Index 135

In-house food service is made to order for many orga- SPILKA, Rachel nizations. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 48-49 Ap 93 The value of a flexible, cautionary approach to data ** gathering in qualitative research. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, Technology boosts efficiency at the offs>: and USPS No. 3: 40-41 Sep 93 office, Vol. 117, No. 5: 12, 14 My 93 se SPINKS, Nelda and Barron Wells The well-connected fax machine: quick, efficient, & Are prefemnces of small companies likely to agree with high-tech. Office, Vol. 118, No. 3: 42-43 J193 those of large corporations concerning resumes and se application letters? ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 28-29 Complying with the disabilities act. Office. Vol. 118, Sep 93 No. 1: 31-32 JI 93 * * Communicating with groups: prompt, purposeful, pro- Everyone wins when it comes to temporary help. Of- ductive meetings. ABA Nat Proc. 210-217 93 fice, Vol. 118, No. 4: 28,32,35 Oct 93 1.1r es The content of business ethics. ABA Nat Proc. 202- Smaller staffs and budgets boost FM outsourcing. Of- 209 93 rice, Vol. 118, No. 2: 28-29 Aug 93 SPLETE, Howard and Jeff Davis SORENSON, Ritch L., et al. Somewhere out there. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68. No. 7: 26-27, Motivating students to improve business writing: a 60 Oct 93 comparison benveen goal-based and punishment-based grading systems. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 2: 113-132 SRIDHAR, B. S. and Sandhya Sridhar 93 Rating ofinstructional lihns in management. JEB, Vol. 68. No. 5: 267-272 My/Ju 93 SORG, Steven E. and Carol Whitney Darling A new attitude. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 3: 18-21 Mr 93 SRIDHAR, Sandhya and B. S. Sridhar Rating of instructional films in management. JEB, Vol. SORMUNEN, Carolee 68. No. 5: 267-272 My/Ju 93 Critical thinking skills: challenge for business educa- tion. NA13TE Rev, No. 20: 21-24 93 S RINI VASAN, Narasimhan, et al. Quantity surcharges on groceries. 1 Cons Aff, Vol. 27, Learning style: an analysis of factors affecting key- No. 2: 335-356 Winter 93 boarding achievement of elementary school students. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 1: 26-38 Winter 93 STADEL. Karen J. House work. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 6: 33 Apr 93 SOSKIN, Mark, et al. Using coupon incentives in recycling aluminum: a STADT, Ronald W. and John S. Washburn market approach to energy conservation policy.1 Cons We the pupils ... Vac Ed J. Vol. 68. No. 4: 36 Ap 93 Aff, Vol. 27, No. 2: 300-318 Winter 93 STAMOOLIS, Peter G. and Carl E. Weise SPECK, Bruce W. ISO 9000: an opportunity for records management Defining stress as ethical conflict. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. professionals. R M Qtly, Vol. 27. No. 4: 3-8. 10-11 No. 1: 34-37 Mr 93 Oct 93

SPEECE, Mark STAMP. Daniel Book review: Between Miti and the market: Japanese The accelerating pace of change. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: industrial policy for high technology by Daniel I. 28-29 Aug/Sep 93 Okimoto. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 132-136 93 STAUDOIIAR. Paul D. and Benjamin Rogner SPENCE, J. Wayne and Carl Stephen Guynes Two more role models. J CR. Vol. 54, No. 6: 37 Apr The data administrator-user interface a critical dia- 93 logue. i CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 25-27 Winter 92-93 STEG WEE. Robert A., et al. SPENCER, John and Avi J. Cohen A comparison of Dutch methodologies for infonna- Using writing across the curriculum in economics: is tion planning a. d policy. IRM J. Vol. 6. No. 3: 36-44 taking the plunge worth it? J Econ Ed. Vol. 24. No. 3: Summer 93 219-230 Summer 93 STEIN. Karen E SPENCER. Steve Book review: Political approaches to injury control at Copycat labels duplicate them in a flash. WI' Nlag. the state level by Abraham 13. 13ergman. J Cons Aff, Vol. 5. No. 2: 62-65. 68 Feb 93 Vol. 27. No. 2: 416-418 Winter 93

SPIEGELBERG, Emma Jo S'ITINBRINK, John E. and Robert M. Jones Computeriml accounting. Bus Ed Forum. Vol. 47, No. Cooperative test-review teams improve student 4: 39-40 Ap 93 achievement Clearinglu. Vol. 66, No. 5: 307-311 My/ Ju 93 143 136 Business Education Index

STEPHEN, Veronica P., et al. STOEVER, William A. Instructional strategies for minority youth. Clearinghs. Book review: Managing in developing countries by Vol. 67, No. 2: 116-120 Nov/Dec 93 James E. Austin. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: 101- 104 93 STEPHENS, David 0. Records management in the Soviet Union: part II-the STOLEN, Justin management of inactive records. R M Qt ly, Vol. 27, The undergraduate MIS curriculum: a sampling of No. 2: 60, 62-65 Apr 93 AACSB schools...1 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 54-57 Winter * 92-93 Records management in the Soviet Union: part I-the management of active records. R M Qt ly, Vol. 27, No. STONE, Jim 1: 54, 56-57 Jan 93 Debunking the myths. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 1: 26- ** 27, 56 Ja 93 The globalization ofrecords management programs in multinational corporations. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: STRAT1S, G., et al. 66, 68-70, 72, 74 Oct 93 Observations of computer-mediatMgroups in an R&D business environment. OSRA Proc, 69-81 Mr 93 STERN, Bruce L. and Douglas R Tseng U.S. business schools' reaction to the total quality STRAUSS, Susan management movement. JEB. Vol. 69, No. 1: 44-48 Sexual harassment in the schools. Voc Ed J. Vol. 68, Sep-Oct 93 No. 3: 28-31 Mr 93

STERN, Jerry L. and Angela D. Ash STREIT, Frederick M., et al. Table of contents made easy. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 8: Developing efficient workplace safety programs: ob- 62-65 Aug 93 servations ofresponsecovariation. JOrg Belt Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 3-14 93 STEVENS, George E. Business and law respondents: what is ethical behav- STREIFEL-MIKKELSEN, Idona ior? JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 348-352 J1/Aug 93 An identification of change factors in Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA) graduates of University of STEVENS, Georgia L. North Dakota-Lake Region. University of North Da- Book review: Food trends and the changing consumer kota, Master's thesis 1992 by Ben Senauer, Elaine Asp and Jean Kinsey. J Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 202-205 Summer 93 STRICKLAND. Ted J., Jr. and Ronald E. Shiffler Computer projection panels: teclutology for the class- STEWART, Alice C., et al. room of the 1990s. JEB, Vol. 69, No. 1: 23-28 Sep- Consensus versus devil's alvocacy: the influence of Oct 93 decision process and task structure on strategic deci- sion making. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, No. 4: 399-414 Oct STRICKLAND, Kirk 93 Automatic invoicing. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 111-114 Feb 93 STEWART, William J. Facilitating holistic curriculum planning in schools. STRIEDL, Marianne Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 112-115 Nov/Dec 93 Personalized memo paper. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 11: 31-32 Nov 93 STEWART-SMITH, Y. C., et al. Workshop topic: vocational education and training STRUTTON, David and Lou E. Pellon developments in England. SEIC Rev, No. 122: 35-37 Southeast Asian consumer perceptions of American Nov 93 and Japanese imports: the influence of country-of- origin effects. J Global IM, Vol. 6, No. 1: 67-86 93 STIPP, Deborah M. and E. Jean Alison Common sense tips for a successful and rewarding STRUYK, Lydia Ruth and Lorraine I I. McCoy presidency. N & Q, Vol. 18, No. 1: 14-16 Spring 93 Pre-service teachers' use of videotape for self- evaluation. Clearinghs. Vol. 67. No. I: 31-34 Sep/Oct STITT-GOI IDES, Wanda 93 Practitioners' mspectives. Bt s Ed Forum. Vol. 47, No. 3: 17-19 Feb 93 STULL, William and Dennis LABC oty * Teaching interpersonal skills in cunt cprencurship. Bus Business teacher education for the 21sI century. LBEJ. Ed Form% Vol. 47. No. 3: 10-12 Feb 93 Vol. 3, No. 1: 72-83 93 STUM, Marlene S., et al. STOCKER, H. Robert and Susan E. Max= Economic well-being of disabled elderly living in the The effects of phases of keyboarding spocd on students conununity. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 199-216 93 grades in beginning computer DP E .1, Vol. 35, No. 4: 233-244 Fall 93 STUTZM AN, Ralph Outcomes based education. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 12-13 Spring 93

1.44 Business Education Index 137

SUBIRA, Esther SWINEHART, Keny, et al. Trade, approach and penetration in the markets needs Rearch: Computer usage characteristics and secu- of information. SEIC Rev, No. 121: 35-38 Apr 93 rity in small service firms: an exploratory study. 3 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 70-74 Winter 92-93 and Anna Ronquillo Seminar topic: trade evolution CanadaEC trade. SEIC SWITZER, Susan and Richard D. Featheringham Rev, No. 122: 49-51 Nov 93 Conference reporting: a career worth considering! MBEA Today, Vol. 57, No. 2: I, 3, 4 Mr 92 SUBRAMANIAN, Girish Book review: Current practice, future prospects edited SWITZER, Susan K., et al. by Kathy Spurr and Paul Layzell. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 1: Utilization of business communication skills by col- 42 Winter 19 93 lege of business administration graduates. ABA Nat Proc, 268-280 93 SUBRAMANIAN, Ram, et al. Performance and readability: a comparison of annual SZAJDA, Clotilde G. reports of profitable and unprofitable corporations. J A study to determine entry-level legal secretarial re- Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 1: 49-61 93 quirements of Morris County law firms. Montclair State College, Master's thesis 1992 SUBRAMAN1AN, Ramesh Book review: Object-oriented databases: a semantic SZEWCZAK, Edward J. data model approach by Peter M. D. Gray, Krishnaro Book review: Global telecommunications: layered G. Kulkarni, and Norman W. Paton. J DM, Vol. 4, No. networks' laymxiservices by Robert K. Heldman. IRM 3: 41-42 Summer 93 3, Vol. 6, No. 1: 43-44 Winter 93

SUCHAN, Jim Response to Mohan Limaye: the need for contextually based research. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 473-476 Oct 93 . TAFTI, Mohammed H. A. and Robert A. Marose Why we do irrevelant research. J Bus Corn, Vol. 30, A comparative analysis of U.S. and Japanese software No. 2: 202-203 93 development practices. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 2: 19-24 Winter 92-93 SULLIVAN, Claire F., et al. The what, the whom, and the hows of survey research. TAGHAVI-FARD, Mohammed and Mohammad ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 4: 58-61 Dec 93 Dadashzadeh Using decision tables to verify rule-based expert sys- SULLIVAN, Patricia tems. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 18-22 Fall 93 Research design issues for the study of electronic dis- cussions. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 43-45 Ju 93 TAITL Henry, et al. Instructional strategies for minority youth. Clearinghs, SULLIVAN, Virginia Vol. 67. No. 2: 116-120 Nov/Dec 93 The computer and the meaning of work: are we creat- ing the factories of the past? JEB, Vol. 68, No. 4: 197- TAN, Gilbert Y. W., et al. 201 Mr/Ap 93 Marketing impact of trade block formation on third country firms: the case of Singapore versus the US- SURYNT, T. J. and F. K. Augustine, Jr. Canada FTA. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 111-134 93 Ensuring end user productivity: an academic minor in information teclusology. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 82-84 TANG, Anthony M. Summer 93 Book review: The rise of the Korean economy by Byung-Nak Song. J Global M, Vol. 6, No. 4: 136-143 SURYNT, Theodore J., et al. 93 Organizational impact of decision support technology: what's ahead for the '90s? J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 2: 26-30 TANG, Roger Y. W. Spring 93 A profile of accounting chair professorships in 1992. JE13, Vol. 68, No. 3: 133-138 Ja/Feb 93 SUSSMAN, Lyle and Denise M. Jolmson The interpreted executive: theory, models, and impli- TANNENBERG, Dieter E. A. cations. J Bus Com, Vol. 30, No. 4: 415-434 Oct 93 Combination systems: the next generation in image management. IMC J, Vol. 29, No. 1: 7-10 Ja/Feb 93 SWANSON, Neil E., et al. Prototyping effects on the system development life TANNER, John, et al. cycle: an empirical study..1 CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 14-19 Mauch productivity, perceived teaching effectiveness Spring 93 and management faculty opinions: a survey. SBR, Vol. 3, No. I: 23-39 Spring 93 SWIFT, Charles L. Customize your WP dictionary. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. WE, Michelle 2: 58-61 Feb 93 New beginnings Idler Andrew. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 7: 23 Oct 93

1 5 138 Business Education Index

TAXDAHL, Jeffrey THOMA, George A. An interpretive study of non-traditional education and The Perry framework and tactics for teaching critical training setting. University of Minnesota, Master's the- thinking in economies. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 2: 128- sis 1992 1 36 Spring 93

TAYLOR, Harriet G., et al. THOMAS, Lajeane G., et al. National accreditation standards impact teacher prepa- National accreditation standards impact teacher prepa- ration. THE J, Vol. 20, No. I I: 62-64 Ju 93 ration. THE .1, Vol. 20, No. 11: 62-64 Ju 93

TAYLOR, Helen Parcel] THOMAS, Larry L, et al. Planting the seeds for future business education lead- Utilization of business communication skills by col- ers. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 37-49 1993 lege of business administration graduates. ABA Nat ** Proc, 268-280 93 and Deborah Osen Hancock Strategies that reinforce academics across the business THOMAS, Mike curriculum. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 4: 1-4 Sep 93 Electronic imaging posts impressive gains. Office, Vol. 117, No. I: 73 Ja 93 TE'ENI, Dov Behavioral aspects of data production and their im- THOMAS, Ronald S. and Eileen M. Trauth pact on data quality. J DM, Vol. 4. No. 2: 30-38 Spring Electronic data interchange: a new frontier for global 93 standards policy. J Global INL Vol. 1. No. 4: 6-16 Fall 93 TEGLOVIC, Steve, Jr. and Robert NI. Lynch Microcomputer use of instructional software in schools THOMASSON, Renee H, et al. of business. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 20-24 Spring 93 Factors relating to spousal financial arguments. Fin. C & P. Vol. 4: 85-94 93 TEH, Jack The applicability of Nolan's state theory in small busi- THOMPSON. A. Frank and Donald L. Ashbaugh ness environment. J CIS. Vol. 33. No. 4: 65-71 Sum- Factors distinguishing exceptional performance on the mer 93 uniform CPA exam. JEI3. Vol. 68, No. 6: 334-337 .11/ Aug 93 TEITELBAUM, Harry The case of the missing apostrophe. Clearinghs. Vol. THOMPSON, Gary and Susan Jaderstrom 67, No. 1: 23-24 Sep/Oct 93 Making visions for leadership a reality. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 111-118 1993 TENER, Morton Building student self-esteem through work experience. THORELLI, Hans B. NJ BE Obs, Vol. 65: 12-14 92-93 Book review: Corporate technological behavior: co- operation and networks by Hakan Hakansson. J Glo- TENG, James T. C. and Wesley Jamison bal M. Vol. 6, No. 4: 129-131 93 Effects of graphical versus textual representation of database structure on query performance. J DM, Vol. THORNTON. B. S.. ct al. 4, No. 1: 16-23 Winter 93 Computer systems usage and competitive profitabil- ity. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 67-72 Fall 93 TERLAG A, Ray Corporate culture: preliminary data from a major sur- 'IiRITILLI, Anthony vey of North American organizations. OSRA Proc, 82- The woodworker,' store retail sales associate training 92 Mr 93 program. University of Minnesota. Master's thesis 1992 TESSMER, Martin and John Wedman Instructional designers' decisions and priorities: a sur- TINIER, Maud vey of design practice. P1Q, Vol. 6, No. 2: 43-57 93 How national and managerial cultures impact com- munication styles in western Europe. ABA Int Proc, THAYER-BACON, Barbara J. and Charles S. Bacon 111-121 93 'Real talk': enhancing critical thinking skills through conversation in the classroom. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. TODD, Daniel 3: 181-184 Ja/Feb 93 A museum without walls. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 9: 26-30 Sep 93 THEOBALD, Julie Northern states power company electric construction A new spin on the news. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 30-34, 36 1992, continuing training for:linemen, troublemen, NIr 93 foremen, underground cable splicers, electrician me- chanics. University of Minnesota, Master's thesis 1992 Better than the real thing. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 4: 28-31 Ap 93 THI13ADEAU, Susan E, et al. Reducing absenteeism in a human service setting: a Designing for the future. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 6: 40, 42, 44 low cost alternative. J Org Bch Mgt, Vol. 13. No. 2: Ju 93 37-49 93 146 Business Education Index 139

Marketing in motion. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 10: 16-20 Oct TRENLER. Anna R. and Benny R. Zachry 93 Accounting students meet real world via partnering 0. project. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 8: 70-73 Mr 93 Pitching the pros. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 34-39 Feb 93 s TRIMBLE, Charlie J. and Dixie C. Trimble Station identification. Pub. Vol. 8. No. 5: 32-36 My Hone your financial management skills. Sec, Vol. 53, 93 No. 9: 12-13 Nov/Dec 93

The fine art of filters. Pub, Vol. 8. No. 5: 39-41 My 93 TRIMBLE, Dixie C. and Charlie J. Trimble Hone your financial management skills. Sec. Vol. 53, and Rick Reynolds No. 9: 12-13 Nov/Dec 93 Cooking up your own CD-ROMs. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 2: 62, 64, 66-67 Feb 93 TRUEU, Dale B. and Lila J. Truett Joint profit maximization, and the determinacy ofprice TOMCZAK, Diane in bilateral monopoly. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 3: 260- "You'd never understand anyway" a teacher becomes 270 Summer 93 a student again... and fails. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 5: 261-263 My/Ju 93 TRUETT, Lila J. and Dale B. Truett Joint profit maximization. and the determinacy of price TOOKE, D. James in bilateral monopoly. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24. No. 3: 260- Student teachers' mathematical backgrounds and at- 270 Sununer 93 tainment of their secondary students. Ckaringhs. Vol. 66, No. 5: 273-277 My/Ju 93 TSAI, Nancy and Charles Necco A structured prototyping approach. J CIS. Vol. 33, No. TOWNSEND, John and Janice C. Sipior 3: 38-43 Spring 93 A case study of General Electric's multimedia train- ing systems. IRM J. Vol. 6. No. 4: 23-31 Fall 93 TSENG, Douglas P. and Bruce L. Stem U.S. business schools' reaction to the total quality TOWNSEND, Lucy F. and Renai Graham management movement. JEB. Vol. 69. No. I: 44-48 The marriage of history and art: a cooperative learn- Sep-Oct 93 ing activity. Ckaringhs. Vol. 66, No. 3: 167-170 Jai Feb 93 TUCKER, Suzanne M. Book review: Valuing life by John Kleinig. J Cons MY, TRACY, Lane Vol. 27, No. 1: 194-196 Sununer 93 Conflict and divided loyalty: a fundamental leadership dilemma. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 21-28 Fall TULLY, Shirlee A., et al. 93 Household money management: recognizing nontra- ditional couples. J Cons ME Vol. 27, No. 2: 258-283 TRACY, Saundra J. Winter 93 The overlooked position of subject area and supervi- sor. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 25-30 Sep/Oct 93 TUMNIALA, V. NI. Rao, et al. Decision support system for local area network pro- TRACY, Stephen C. curement: a case study. IRM J. Vol. 6. No. 2: 5-14 Charter schools: choices for parents, chances for chil- Spring 93 dren. Clearinghs. Vol. 66. No. 2: 90-91 Nov/Dec 92 TURNER, Catherine TRAUTH, Eileen M. and Ronald S. Thomas Women entrepreneurs. S1EC Rev, No. 121: 4-15 Apr Electronic data interchange a new frontier for global 93 standards policy. I Global IM, Vol. I, No. 4: 6-16 Fall 93 TURNER. Scott, et al. Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance TRAVERS. Jan decisions: a theoretical paradigm. SI3R, Vol. 3. No. 1: Book review: The Macintosh bible by Arthur Naiman, 113-126 Spring 93 Nancy Dunn. Susan McCallister, and John Kadyk. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: 41 Winter 93 TURN EY. Mary Ann. et al. Aviation career education: an exciting option. EmerOng technologies review. J EUC, Vol. 5, No. 1: Clearinghs. Vol. 67. No. 2: 103-104 Nov/Dee 93 40 Winter 93 TYLER. I.isa TREBBY, James P. et al. Book review: Crisis in organizations: managing and Developing critical thinking skills in accounting stu- communicating in the heat of chaos by Laurence dents. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 5: 297-300 My/Ju 93 Barton. ABC Bul. Vol. 56. No. 2: 47-48 Ju 93

TREICHEL. Janet M. TYNAN. Daniel Business education 2000. M BEA Today, Vol. 58, No. Baud building. Pub. Vol. 8, No. 6: 46, 49, 50 Ju 93 1: 9-11 Jan 93

1 4 7 140 Business Education Index

More ways to get rid of unsightly film. Pub. Vol. 8, VAN BOOZER, Christine No. 5: 30 My 93 Should a fiill-year course of keyboarding by required of all ninth grade students? Northwest Missouri State Paper less tigers. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 49-50, 52 Mr 93 University, Master's thesis 1991

Why 16 million copies aren't enough. Pub, Vol. 8, No. VAN HUSS, Susie H. 9: 38, 40, 42 Sep 93 Personal skill development. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: 1-9 1993

VAN SCYOC, Lee J. and Joyce Gleason Traditional or intensive course lengths? A comparison of outcomes in economics learning. J Econ Ed. Vol. UGBAH, Steve D. and Jay 0. Umeh 24, No. 1: 15-22 Winter 93 Information resources management: an examination of individual and organizational attributes in state gov- VARBLE, Mary Ellen, et al. ernment agencies. IRM J, Vol. 6, No. 1: 5-13 Winter Instructional strategiis for minority youth. Ciearinghs, 93 Vol. 67, No. 2: 116-120 Nov/Dee 93

UGBORO, Isaiah 0. VARCOE, Karen. et al. Loyalty, value congruency, and affective organizational Financial satisfaction and assessment or financial commitment: an empirical study. Nlid-Amer J Bus. Vol. progress: importance of money attitudes. 8, No. 2: 29-36 Fall 93 Fin C & P. Vol. 4: 181-198 93

UHL Norman P. and Shirley L. Blair V.ARNER, Iris I. A postsecondaly program in infomiation management. Ethical issues in business communication. ABC Bul, OSR J, Vol. 11, No. 1: 27-35 Fall 92 Vol. 16, No. 3: 30-31 Sep 93

ULUSOY, Ozgur VAZZANA. Gary S., et al. Lock-based concurrency oantrol in distributed real-time Sophisticated information processing technology: its database systems. J DM. Vol. 4, No. 2: 3-16 Spring 93 relationship with an orginization's enviromnent, struc- ture, and culture. 1RM J. Vol. 5. No. 4: 23-31 Fall 92 UMEH, 0. Jay and Steve D. Ugbah Information resources management: an examination VEGA-PERK1NS, Denise of individual and organizational attributes in state gov- Better letter macros. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 2: 48-51 ernment agencies. 1RM J. Vol. 6. No. 1: 5-13 Winter Feb 93 93 VERNEZZE. Michael and Madorie Henkel UNDERWOOD, Robert and Rodney Davis GatewaY lo careers. Voc Ed I, Vol: 68: No. 4: 26-27 Business teacher educators' perceptions or licensing Ap 93 requirements for secondary school business teachers in the United States. Bus Ed Dig, Vol. 3: 13-19 93 VERNON, Frances E.. et al. Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- UNDERWOOD, Susan and Lloyd G. Cooper ment: implications for marketing. J Global M. Vol. 6, Evaluating the use of technology in your office. No. 4: 33-52 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 66. No. 4: 250-251 Mr-Ap 93 VERNON, I.. et al. URANICH, Gina Union attitudes toward Japanese foreign direct invest- Three test-making macros.1 M .b..I s..o. ment: implications for marketing. J Global M. Vol. 6, 58-61 Aug 93 No. 4: 33-52 93

UTSEY, Marjorie, et al VESPER. Joan F. and Karl IL Vesper Gift-giving behaviors in the United States and Japan: Writing a business plan: the total term assignment. a personal values perspective. J Global INI. Vol. 6. No. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 29-32 Ju 93 1: 49-66 93 VESPER. Karl II. and Joan E Vesper Writing a business plan: the total term assignment. ABC Bul. Vol. 56, No. 2: 29-32 Jo 93

VINCENT. Annette VALENCIA. Humberto. et al. --and Cynthia Gaudet International business education in Latin America: sta- Characteristics or trainiug and human resource devel- tus and finure changes. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, No. 2: opment degree programs in the Ilnited States. DPE J, 61-75 93 Vol. 35. No. 3: 138-159 Summer 93

VAN VLIET, Paul J. A. and Rick L. Wilson --and Melanie Meche A hypertext development methodology. J DM, Vol. 4. Ifs time to teach business etiquette. 13us Ed Forum, No. 2: 18-29 Spring 93 Vol. 48. No 1: 39-41 Oct 93 148 Business Education Index 141

V1NCHAS, Robert P., et al. education: three applications motivated by experimen- International business education in Latin America: tal eccoomics. 3 Econ Ed. Vol. 24, No. 4: 291-315 Fall context, topics, and pedagogy..1Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, 93 No. 2: 19-42 93 WALL, Allen VISSCHER, Sue L. and Gary S. Moore How teacher location in the classroom can improve Stock returns, inflation, and business cycle. Mid-Amer students' behavior. Clearing,hs. Vol. 66, No. 5: 299- J Bus, Vol. 8, No. I: 45-50 Spring 93 301 My/Ju 93

Vockell, Edward L. WALLACE, Darlene Why schools fail and what we can do about it. A survey of employers concerning secretaries' use of Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 200-205 Mr/Ap 93 shorthand/fast note-taking skills. Mississippi State *4 University, Master's thesis 1992 and Douglas J. Fiore Electronic gradebooks: what current programs can do WAUfERS, Sharon for teachers. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 3: 141-145 Ja/ A comparison of employers' and recruiters' probable Feb 93 acceptance of Title I of the Americans with Disabili- 4 ties Act and their attitudes toward individuals with dis- and Douglas J. Fiore abilities. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Electronic test generators: what current programs can Master's thesis 1992 do for teachers. Clearingfts. Vol. 66, No. 6: 356-362 .11/Aug 93 WALLWORK, Susan Selig, et al. Internationalizing the business curriculum: a survey VOGEL, Robert A. of collegiate business schools. J Teach Int Bus, Vol. 4, Addressing sensitive social issues with interactive tech- No. 2: 77-99 93 nology. Ed Thch Exchange, Vol. I. No. I: 21-26 Spring 93 WALSH, John P. and Patricia H. Murrell Leadership development at Federal Express Corpora- VOLLMART, Sara tion. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 295-302 Fall 93 File systems keep paper documents in their place. Of- fice, Vol. 117, No. 3: 22-23 Mr 93 WALSTROM. Kent A. 4,4 --and Richard A. Aukennan Shredders: a powerfill office security tool. Office. Vol. MIS publication outlets: a systematic investigation of 117, No. 2: 34-36 Feb 93 the topics published. J CIS. Vol. 34, No. 1: 23-29 Fall 93

--and other authors W Breakeven analysis applied to software maintenance decisions: a theoretical paradigm. SI312. Vol. 3, No. 1: WAFA, Marwan A., et al. 113-126 Spring 93 Computer usage patterns in the construction industry: an empirical investigation. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, WALTHER, Carl H., et al. No. 1: l 1 -16 Spring 93 Household money management: recognizing nontra- ditional couples. J Cons Aft; Vol. 27, No. 2: 258-283 WAGNER, Judith 0. Winter 93 At your fingertips. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 6: 13-14 Ju/JI 93 WANER, Karen and Lonnie Echternacht \VAJNANWAT, Saranya Using the Nlyers-Briggs type indicator to compare per- Leadership development: a review of literature v,ith sonality types of business teachers who teach office applications for leadership development in the bank ofoccupations with personality types of office profession- Thailand. University of Minnesota. Master's thesis als. DPE J, Vol. 35. No. 2: 53-68 Spring 93 1992 WANN INGER, Lester A.. Jr. WAKITA, Satomi and Vicki Shram Fitzsimmons Minnesota imaging project: I-mail as passport to Expectation of future financial condition: Are men and paperkss society. THE J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 123-125 Nov viomen different? Fin. C & I; Vol. 4: 165-180 93 93

WALFORD. Lynn WARD. Edith B. Desktop publishing capabilities grow while prices An analysis of the high school banking curriculum in shrink. Office, Vol. 117, No. 4: 30, 68 Ap 93 a selected public school system in the metropolitan 44 Washington D.C. area. Virginia Polytechnic Institute Superstores and dealers serve the office market. Of- and State University, Doctoral dissertation 1992 fice, Vol. 118, No. 1: 29-30. 68 JI 93 WARD, Edna C. and Robert S. Kline WALKER, James M. and Arlington W. Williams A model for evaluating business letter writing. MBEA Computerized laboratory exercises fbr microeconomics Today, Vol. 58, No. 2: 8-9 Mr 93 149. 142 Business Education Index

WARLAND, Rex H., et al. WEI, Kwok Kee, et al. Perceived time pressure and recommended dietary A survey of SQL language. J DM, Vol. 4, No. 4: 4-15 practices: the moderating effect of knowledge of nutri- Fall 93 tion..1Cons Aff, Vol. 27, No. 1: 106-126 Summer 93 WEINER, Anne M. and Barbara N. Clawson WARNER, Kathleen Two-way, interactive A/V applied to the supervision Interactive videodisc instruction product introduction of student teachers. THE J, Vol. 20, No. 11: 67-69 Ju in a high-technology company. University of Minne- 93 sota, Master's thesis 1992 WEISE, Carl E. and Peter G. Stamoolis WASCH, Kenneth ISO 9000: an opportunity for records management Software alters PC use. Office, Vol. 117, No. 1: 41 Jo professionals. R M Qtly, Vol. 27, No. 4: 3-8, 10-11 93 Oct 93

WASHBURN. John S. and Ronald W. Stadt WELLS, Barron and Nelda Spinks We the pupils ... Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 4: 36 Ap 93 Are preferencis ofsmall companies likely to agnx with those of large corporations concerning resumes and WASHINGTON, Christopher L. application letters? ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 28-29 Diversity without performance is a ticket to medioc- Sep 93 rity: a rejoinder (HRDQ 3:4). 11RD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. ** 3: 291-293 Fall 93 Communicating with groups: prompt, purposeful, pro- ductive meetings. ABA Nat Proc, 210-217 93 WATTERS, Thomas A. rr Let's be proud of who we are. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 7: 34- The content of business ethics. ABA Nat Proc, 202- 35 Aug/Sep 93 209 93

WAYMON, Lynne and Anne Bober WELLS, Grant J. and Numan A. Williams Strengthen your networking know-how. Sec. Vol. 53, Real estate brokers view the college curriculum. JEB, No. 2: 7-9 Feb 93 Vol. 68. No. 4: 237-242 Mr/Ap 93

WAYNE, F. Stanford WELLS, Wayne and Gary Yoshimoto and Robert M. Schranun The limited liability company: an analysis. Mid-Amer Can listening skills be taught in business communica- J Bus. Vol. 8. No. 2: 37-44 Fall 93 tion classes? NABTE Rev, No. 20: 25-32 93 ** WELSH, Dianne H. B.. et al. and Mona Casady Organizational behavior modification goes to Russia: Communication skills in employment ads of major replicating an experimental analysis across cultum and United States newspapers. SBR, Vol. 35, No. 2: 86-99 tasks. J Org Belt Mgt, Vol. 13, No. 2: 15-35 93 Spring 93 WELTE, Beat WEBB, Debra and L. Renee Gorman Swiss taxpayerson the screen. IMC J. Vol. 29, No. 1: Is there a relationship between attendance and grade 18-19 Jo/Feb 93 point average at Northwest Missouri Comnwnity Col- lege? Northwest Missouri State University, Master's WENDEL, Frederick C., et al. thesis 1992 Project success: outstanding principals speak out. Clearinghs. Vol. 67, No. 1: 52-54 Sep/Oct 93 WEBB, James R., et al. Housing finance agency allocations. M id-Amer J Bus. WENTLING, Rose Mary Vol. 8, No. 1: 39-44 Spring 93 The career development and aspirations of women in middle level management positions in business firms. WEBER, Margaret J., et al. OSRA Proc. 41-57 Mr 93 Utility averaging policies--impact on consumer's en- ergy usage..1 Cons ALI, Vol. 27, No. 2: 284-299 Win- WESS, Roger G. ter 93 Distance learning options available in western Ne- braska. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 9: 62-67 Ap 93 WEDMAN, John and Martin Tessmer Instructional designers' decisions and priorities: a sur- WEST, Judy F. and Judy C. Nixon vey of design practice. PIQ, Vol. 6, No. 2: 43-57 93 Selected data about business conununication courses in AACSB schools. ABC Bul, Vol. 56, No. 2: 6-9 Ju WEE, Chou Hou, et al. 93 Marketing impact of trade block formation on third country firms: the case of Singapore versus the US- WETICER, Juliana Canada FTA. J Global IM, Vol. 7, No. 3: 111-134 93 The southeast director's colunm. Kan Bus Tchr, Vol. 46, No. 2: 4 Spring 93 WEGNER, Lucy Siefert, et al. Envisioning the library of tomorrow. Ed Tech Ex- WHIPPS, Francine change, Vol. I, No. 3: 8-15 Fall 93 Current trends in keyboarding/typewriting courses in 150 Business Education Index 143 postsecondary institutions in the United States. WILHELM, Mari S., et al. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Master's Financial satisfaction and assessment of financial thesis 1992 progress: importance of money attitudes. Fin C & P. Vol. 4: 181-198 93 WHITAKER, Ron Combining clip art. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 6: 34-37 Ju WILHELM, Steven 93 The ALAD/NCRA connection..1 CR, Vol. 54, No. 9: 31 11 93 WHITE, C., et al. Postsecondary keyboarding students' speed and accu- WILKES, Ronald B., et al. racy outcomes when using electronic equipment. DPE Is CASE living up to i!s promises? Laboratory experi- J, Vol. 35, No. 3: 175-189 Summer 93 ments comparing manual and automated design ap- proaches. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 72-76 Summer 93 WHITE, Debra Compose characters automatically. WP Mag, Vol. 5, WILLIAMS, Arlington W. and James M. Walker No. 10: 44-46 Oct 93 Computerized laboratory exercises for microcxonomics education: three applications motivated by experimen- WHITE-MEANS, Shelley I. tal economics. I Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 291-315 Fall Book review: Who cares for the elderly? Public policy 93 and the experiences of adult daughters by Emily Abel, J Cons AfT, Vol. 27, No. 1: 187-189 Sununer 93 WILLIAMS, C. Joseph and Charles R. Crowell Providing institutional support for educational tech- WHITE, Rodney M. nologies: a case study. TIIE J. Vol. 21, No. 4: 114-118 Teaching history using the short story. Clearinghs, Vol. Nov 93 66, No. 5: 305-306 My/Ju 93 WILLIAMS, David L. and John D. Beard WHITE, Steve D. and Timothy Paul Cronan A professional profile ofbusiness conununication edu- User information satisfaction for maintained account- cators and their research preferences: survey results. J ing systems: the validity and reliability of the short- Bus Com. Vol. 30, No. 3: 269-295 11 93 form measure. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 3: 2-10 Spring 93 WILLIAMS, Numan A. and Grant J. Wells WHITMAN, Karen Real estate brokers view the college curriculum. JEB, Scheduling made simple. Sec, Vol. 53, No. 8: 16 Oct Vol. 68, No. 4: 237-242 Mr/Ap 93 93 WILLIAMS, Paula C. and Jolene D. Scriven WHITWORTH, Jen-y Teaching international business. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. Special education: addressing complex health needs. 47, No. 3: 28-30 Feb 93 Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 2: 68-69 Nov/Dec 93 WILLIAMS. Robert 13. Special education: an overview. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, Market exchange and wealth distribution: a classroom No. 3: 132-133 Ja/Feb 93 simulation. J Econ Ed, Vol. 24, No. 4: 325-334 Fall 93 WIEDEGREEN, Sandra S. Professional development: detennining member needs WILLIAMS, Sue E., et al. for the Virginia Business Education Association. Vir- Utility averaging policiesimpact on consumer's en- ,ginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, ergy usage. J Cons MT, Vol. 27, No. 2: 284-299 Win- Master's thesis 1992 ter 93

WIGGS, Linda WILSON, D., et al. Document origination and factors cohtributing to se- Writing to learn in a content area. Clearinghs. Vol. 66, lection of orgination method: implications for busi- No. 3: 155-158 Ja/Feb 93 ness curriculum. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, Doctoral dissertation 1992 WILSON. Landice Dee Get moving. Voc Ed J, Vol. 68, No. 2: 30-31 Feb 93 WIGGS, Linda Henson Document origination and factors contributing to se- WILSON. Rick L. and Paul J. A. van Vliet lection of origination method: implications for busi- A hypertext development methodology. J DM. Vol. 4, ness curricula. DPE J, Voi. 35, No. 3: 100-119 Spring No. 2: 18-29 Spring 93 93 WILSON, Stephan Keyboarding: what is it's future? Bus Ed Forum, Vol. Educating artists to work with telecommunications. 48, No 2: 29-31 Dec 93 THE .1, Vol. 21, No. 5: 59-61 Dec 93

W1KSTROM, Goran WIMBISCUS, James J. Workshop topic: marketing in eastern European coun- Book review: Improving performance: how to man- tries SEIC Rev, No. 122: 39-40 Nov 93 age the white space on the organization chart by Geary Rummler and Alan Brache. 11RD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 3: 311-315 Fall 93 151 144 Business Education Index

WINLEY, G. K. and A Y. Mg Office copiers now offer standard features at top speeds. Information systems education: comparison of views Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 3: 20-22 Mr 93 frcm Australian and southeast Asian academics. J CIS, Vol. 34, No. 1: 30-36 Fall 93 Paper less? Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 10: 36, 39-40 Oct 93

WINSOR, Dorothy A WORTHINGTON, Paul Using good qualitative research to generate questions High on fiber. Pub, Vol. 8, No. 3: 54, 56, 58 Mr 93 and contextualize writing. ABC Bul, Vol. 16, No. 3: 39-40 Sep 93 WOZNIAK, Patricia J., et al. Factors relating to spousal financial arguments. Fin. C WINSTEAD, Jim and John Bama & P. Vol. 4: 85-94 93 Harvey Mudd College: technology integration offers unique opportunities for undergraduates. The J, Vol. WRIGHT, Christine 21, No. 2: 105-108 Sep 93 The trial ofthe century: Enoch's most memorable trial. CR. Vol. 54, No. 3: 42, 44 Jan 93 WINTER, Esther J. and Janet K. Winter Using the portfolio approach in teaching business com- WRIGHT, Robert L. munication. ABA Nat Proc, 295-299 93 80 reference products. WP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 9: 55-58 Sep 93 WINTER, Janet K. and Esther J. Winter * Using the portfolio approach in teaching business com- A look at six online services. WP Mag, Vol. 5. No. 12: munication. ABA Nat Proc. 295-299 93 59-61 Dec 93 ** WISEMAN, Richard L. and Nonnan R. Page Tackling Tourette's syndrome. WP Mag. Vol. 5. No. Supervisory behavior and worker satisfaction in the 11: 55-56 Nov 93 United States, Mexico, and Spain. J Bus Com. Vol. *4, 30, No. 2: 161-180 93 --and Paul Maloy 13 new pointing devices to make WP 6.0 fly! WP Mag, W1SWELL, Albert K. and Harriet V. Lawrence Vol. 5, No. 10: 61-65 Oct 93 Using the work group as a laboratory for learning: in- creasing leadership and team effectiveness through WUNSCH, Alan P. and Ron Schlattman feedback. HRD Qtly, Vol. 4, No. 2: 135-148 Summer Integrating global concepts into the business curricu- 93 lum: a U.K. perspective. JE13. Vol. 68, No. 6: 367-371 .11/Aug 93 WOLF, Alvin A realistic approach to teaching American government. WUNSCH, Daniel R. Clearinghs, Vol. 66, No. 4: 211-212 Mr/Ap 93 A conceptual foundation for conducting research. DPE Instr, Vol. 9, No. 5: 1-6 Nov 93 WOMBLE, Myra N. Assessment of competencies for computer information WUNSCH, Michael R. systems curricula. DPE J, Vol. 35, No. 2:69-85 Spring Recognizing and avoiding some bothersome expres- 93 sions. ABA Nat Proc, 137-148 93

WOOD, R. Robely, Jr. and Elliott D. Minor, Ill WYND. W. R. and John Mager Toward the development of strategy scales: operations Marketing implications of the value difference between strategy as an example. SBR, Vol. 3, No. 1: 63-72 Soviet and American students. J Global 1M, Vol. 6. Spring 93 No. 1: 87-108 93 WOOD, Wallace A Computing ethics and years of computer use. J CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 23-27 Summer X WOOD, Wallace and Robert Behling Successful planning for a changing MIS education. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 6: 353-357 .11/Aug 93

WORLEY, Linda Kraus Educational television and professional development: YACK, Carol the Kentucky model. THE J. Vol. 20, No. 11: 70-73 Ju 93 Shorthand skill in job success: perceptions of selected Illinois professional secretaries. Southern Illinois Uni- WORMALD, Karen versity at Carbondale, Master's thesis 1992 `Learning the ropes' can be easy: ifthey're color-oadal. YAGER, Kathy M. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 6: 30, 32-34 lu 93 A follow-up study of Little Hoop Community College graduates for the years 1977-1991. University of North Laser sharp. Off Sys, Vol. 10, No. 12: 28-30 Dec 93 Dakota, Master's thesis 1992 J4r Business Education Indev 145

YANG, Charles and Kau Ah Keng ZAHN, Donald K. Personal values, demographics and consumption be- Leadership at the national level. NBEA Yrbk, No. 31: havior: a study of Taiwanese consumers. J Global IM, 129-136 1993 Vol. 6, No. 1: 27-48 93 ** and Vicki A. Poole YAPRAK, Atilla Define and teach employability skills to guarantee stu- Book review: Export development and promotion: the dent success. Clearinghs, Vol. 67, No. 1: 55-59 Sep/ role of public organizations by E H. Rolf Seringhaus Oct 93 and Philip J. Rosson. J Global NI, Vol. 6, No. 4: 143- 144 93 ZEK1S, Regina E. Be a champion of change. Sec. Vol. 53, No. 2: 15-17 YASIN, Mahmoud M., et al. Feb 93 Computer usage patterns in the construction industry: an empirical investigation. Mid-Amer J Bus, Vol. 8, ZEL1FF, Nancy and Shawna Heldenbrand No. I: 11-16 Spring 93 What's being done in the international business cur- riculum. Bus Ed Forum, Vol. 48, No. 1: 23-25 Oct 93 YATES, JoAnne The opportunity of qualitative research. 1 Bus Com. ZERIO, John M., et al. Vol. 30, No. 2: 199-200 93 International business education in Latin America: sta- tus and fitture changes. J Teach Int Bus. Vol. 4, No. 2: YAZICI, Hulya and Raymond Kluczny 61-75 93 Infonnation display modes and user cognitive profiles: interaction efkets on the decision making process. J ZIIANG. Yenming CIS, Vol. 33, No. 4: 41-54 Summer 93 Schooling in Singapore: a sense of self-restraint. Ckaringhs. Vol. 67. No. 2: 105-106 Nov/Dec 93 YEIDER, R., et al. Business research: perspectives of deans of AACSI3- ZHOU. H. Harry accredited business schools. JEB, Vol. 68, No. 5: 261- Edumaster: automated knowledge engineering and 265 My/Ju 93 acquistion. J_CIS. Vol. 33. No. 3: 73-76 Spring 93 YOCZIK, Lea MK. Cathleen D., et al. War stories. J CR, Vol. 54. No. 10: 46-48 Aug/Oct 93 C "owner views of the need for government interven- tion in the airline market. J Cons Al Vol. 27, No. 1: YOPP, Martha C., et al. 1-22 Summer 93 Views, beliefs, and opinions of socondary businiss edu- cation by state employment service managers and sec- ZILBERT, Eric E., et al. ondary principals in the Pacific Northwest. DPE J. Vol. Keyboarding coursework and employment. earnings, 35, No. I: 39-50 Winter 93 and educational attainment. JEB. Vol. 68, No. 3: 147- 151 Ja/Feb 93 YOSHIMOTO, Gary and Wayne Wells The limited liability company: an analysis. Mid-Amer ZIM ET. Ellen Bus, Vol. 8, No. 2: 37-44 Fall 93 Grant writing techniques for K-12 funding. TI1E J, Vol. 21, No. 4: 109-I 1 1 Nov 93 YOUNG. Ramona Sex education in the English classroom. Clearinghs. ZIMMERMAN. Connie R. Vol. 66. No. 6: 341-343 11/Aug 93 Curriculum for an accounting II class. University of Minnesota. Master's thesis 1992 YOUNG, Terrell A., et al. Helping new teachers: the performance eithancement ZIMMERMAN. S. Scott model. Clearingbs. Vol. 66. No. 3: 174-176 Ja/Feb 93 A jifty job form. WP Mag. Vol. 5, No. 4: 22-29 Ap 93

Bridge the gap with kerning and leading. \VP Mag, Vol. 5, No. 3: 65-66. 68 Mr 93

Hyphens and dashes. WI' Mag. Vol. 5. No. 2: 27-28 ZACHRY, Benny R. and Anna R. Trexler Feb 93 Accounting students meet real world via partnering project. THE I. Vol. 20, No. 8: 70-73 Mr 93 ZOE I3ERG, Stacy Ready-trained temps. Sec. Vol. 53. No. 8: 14-15 Oct 93

153 146 Business Education Indev

Publications Indexed

ABC Nat Proc--ACADEMY OF BUSINESS AD- IRM JINFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGE- MINISTRATION PROCEEDINGS, Sammy G. MENT JOURNAL, Mehdi Khosrowpour, Editor in Amin, Editor, School of Business, Frostburg State Charge, 777 West Harrisburg Pike, State Universtiy, Frostburg, MD 21532 University at Harrisburg. Middletown, PA 17057-4898 ABC BulBULLETIN OF THE ASSOCIATION ISBE News--INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR FOR BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, Kitty 0. BUS ED NEWSLETTER, Wanda Blockhus, Editor, Locker, Interim Editor, Dept. of English, The Ohio College of Business, San Jose State University, San State University, 164 W. 17th Avenue, Columbus, OH Jose, CA 95192 43120 J Bus Com--JOURNAL OF BUSINESS COMMUNI- ABEAJARIZONA BUSINESS EDUCATION AS- CATION, Lamar Reinsch, Editor, School of Business, SOCIATION JOURNAI, Robert Gryder, Editor, Col- Georgetown University, Washington DC 20057 lege of Education, Div. of Curriculum & Instruction, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1911 J CISJOURNAL OF COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTEMS, Jeretta Horn Nord, Editor, College of Bat Sheet--BALANCE SHEET, Dale \V. Hanson, Business Administration. Oklahoma State University, Editor, South-Western Publishing Co., 5101 Madison Stillwater, OK 74078 Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45227 J Cons AT-JOURNAL OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS, Bus Ed ForumBUSINESS EDUCATION FORUM, Carole J. Makela, Editor. 164 Aylesworth, Colorado Regina NI. McDowell, Editor, National Business Edu- State University. Fort Collins, CO 80523 cation Association, 1914 Association Drive, Reston, VA 22091 CR--JOURNAL OF COURT REPORTING, Ben- jamin Roper, Editor, 1324 West Albion Street. Chi- Bus Ed Dig--BUSINESS EDUCATION DIGEST, cago, IL 60626 Don Bright, Editor, Business Education Department, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH J DM--JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGE- 43403-0263 MENT, Mehdi Khosrowpour, Editor, School of Busi- ness. Penn State Harrisburg, 777 W. Harrisburg Pike, ClearinghsTHE CLEARING HOUSE, Judy Cusick, Middletown, PA 17057 Managing Editor, Heldref Publications, 1319 18th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036-1802 J Econ EdJOURNAL OF ECONOMIC EDUCA- TION, William Becker, Editor, Department of Eco- DPE JDELTA PI EPSILON JOURNAL, David nomics, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405 Dauwalder, Editor, School of Business and Econom- ies, California State University--Los Angeles, 5151 JEBJOURNAL OF EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS, State University Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 Isabella Owen, Managing Editor, Heldref Publications, 1319 Eighteenth St., N.W., Washington. DC 20036- DPE InstrINSTRUCTION AL STRATEGIES: AN 1802 APPLIED RESEARCH SERIES OF DPE, E Stanford Wayne, Editor, Southwest Missouri State University, EUCJOURNAL OF END USER COMPUTING, Springfield. MO 65804 Mehdi Khosrowpour, Editor in Charge, 777 West Harrisburg Pike. Pennsylvania State University at Ed Tech E xch a n ge--E DUC ATOR'S TEC H EX- Harrisburg, Nliddletown. PA 17057 CHANGE, Timothy J. Sloan. Editor. RO. Box 52180, Pacific Grove, CA 93950 J Global IMJOURNAL OF GLOBAL INFORMA- TION MANAGEMENT, Prashant Palvia. Editor in Fin. C & PFINANCIAL COUNSELING AND Chief. Dept of MIS/DS, Memphis State University, PLANNING, Sherman Hanna, Editor, Family Memphis, TN 38152 Resource Management Dept., The Ohio State I. tniver- sity, 1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1295. Global MJOURN AL OF INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER MARKFFING, Erdener Kayak, Editor, HRD QtlyHUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOP- School (A-Business Administration, Pennsylvania State MENT QUARTERLY, Richard A. Swanson, Editor, University at Harrisburg. 777 West Harrisburg Pike, University of Minnesota, 1954 Buford Avenue. Rm. Middletown, PA 17057 420, St. Paul, MN 55108 3 Tench Int BusJOURNAL OF TEACHING IN IN- IMC J--IMC JOURNAL, William McArthur, Editor. TE RN Ar ION AL BUSINESS, Erdener Kayak, Editor, International Information Management Congress, School of Business Administration. Pennsylvania State 1650 38th Street, Suite 205W, Boulder, CO 80301 University of Ilarrisburg, 777 West I larrisburg Pike, iddletom PA 17057 154 asap= Educed*, lasx 147

1013Belt MgtJOURNALOFORGANIZATIONALOff SysOFFICE SYSTEMS '93, Daniel Shannon, BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT, Thomas C. Editor, 941 Danbury Rd., Box 150, Georgetown, CT Mawhinnsy, Editor, University of Detroit Mercy, De- 06229-0150 - troit MI 48091-9987 OSR JOFFICE SYSTEMS RESEARCH !OUR- Kan Bus TcbrKANSAS BUSINESS TEACHER. NAI, Terry D. Lundgren, Eaton 343 Lumpkul Nona Befghaus, Editor, School of Business, Emporia Eaitern Illinois Univasinjc Cbarkston, IL 61920 State University, 2074 Fanestil, Emporia, KS 66801 . OSRA ProcOFFICE SYSTEMS RESEARCH AS- KBEA JKENTUCKY BUSINESS EDUCATION SOCIATION CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, Of- ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, Kenneth W. Utley, Edi- fice Systems Resew& Association, Southwest Missouri tor, Dept. of A&ninistrative Office Systems, Western State University, A&nininrative Office Systems, 901 Kentudcy University, 6290 Scottsville Road, Bowling S. National Avenue, Springfield, MO 65804-0089 Given, KY 42101 PIQPERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT QUAR- LBE JLOUISIANA BUSINESS EDUCATION TERLY, Boyd F. Richards, Editor, Office of Educa- JOURNAL, Donna Redman% Editor, Louisiana State tional Research, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, University, School of Vocational Eduction, 142 Old Medical Center Blvd., Winston-Salem, NC 271574, Forestry Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5477 1049 ,. MBEA TodayMICHIGAN El/ ISINESS EDUCA- PubPUBLISH. Jake Maoist, Editor, Editorial De- TION ASSOCIATION, Joyce ..,y, Editor, 214 partment, 501 Second Street, San Francisco, CA94107 Meriden, Dearborn, MI 48124 Rees Mgmt QrtlyRECORDS MANAGEMENT Mid-Amer J BusMID-AMERICAN JOURNAL OFQUARTERLY, Ira A. Penn, Editor, Association of BUSINESS, Raymond Gorman, Editor in Chief, Dept. Records ManagersandAdministrators, 4200 Somerste of Fmance, Richard T. Farmer School of Business Dr., Suite 215, Prairie Village, KS 66208 A&ninistration, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056 SecTHE SECRETARY, Tracy Fel lin Savidge, Man- MBEA .1MISSISSIPPI BUSINESS EDUCATION aging Editor, Professional Secretaries International, ASSOCIATION JOURNAL, Judy Fleming, Publisher 10502 NW Ambassador Dr., P.O. Box 20404, Kansas and Editor, Technology and Education, P.O. Drawer City, MO 64195-0404 NU, Miseinign State University, Mississippi Stak, MS 39762 SIEC RevSIEC REVIEW, International Review for Business Education, Eric Lenge, Editor, National Busi- N & QNOTES AND QUOTES. Zane K. Quible, ness Education Association, 1914 Association Drive. Newsletter Editor, 422 College of Business Adminis- Reston, VA 22091. tration, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. OK 74078 SBRSOUTHWEST BUSINESS REVIEW, Joan C. Roderick, Editor, School ofBusiness, Southwest Texas NABTE RevNABTE REVIEW, Marie E. Flatley, State University, San Marcos, DC 78666 Editor, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182-0127 THE JTHE JOURNAL, Sylvia Charp, Editor-in- Chie& 150 El Camino Real, Suite 112, Tustin, CA NBEA YrbkYEARBOOK OF THE NATIONAL 92680-3670 BUSINESS EDUCATION ASSOCIATION, National Business Education Association, 1914 Association Voc Ed JVOCATIONAL EDUCATION JOURNAL Drive, Reston, VA 22091 Paul Plawin, Editor, American Vocational Association. 1410 King St, Alexandria, VA 22314 NJ BE ObsNEW JERSEY BUSINESS EDUCA- TION ASSOCIATION OBSERVER, Elizabeth WNewsWISCONSIN BUSINESS EDUCATION Dillmann and Marcy Tomasello, Co-Editors, ASSOC. NEW AND VIEWS, Lisa Olson, Editor. Edgewood Senior High School, 250 Coopers Folly Hartford High School, 805 Cedar Street, Hartford, Wl Road, Atm, NJ 08004 53027 OfficeTHE OFFICE, Frederick Nevin, Associate WP MagWORDPERFECT MAGAZINE, Clair Editor, Office Publications, Inc., 1600 Summer Street, Rees, Editor-in-Chief, WordPerfect Magazine, 27C Stamford, CT 06905 West Center Street, Orem, UT 84057.