DOCUMENT RESUME ED 371 185 CE 066 658 AUTHOR Graves, Pat R., Ed.; And Others TITLE Business Education Index 1993. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Complied from a Selected List of Periodicals and Yearbooks Published during the Year 1993. INSTITUTION Delta Pi Epsilon Society, Little Rock, AR. REPORT NO ISSN-0068-4414 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 155p.; For the 1992 index, see ED 359 336. PUB TYPE Reference Materials - General (130) -- Collected Works Serials (022) JOURNAL CIT Business Education Index; v54 1993 EDRS PRICE MF01/PC07 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Accreditation (Institutions); *Business Administration Education; *Business Education; Citations (References); Communication Skills; Curriculum; Educational Legislation; Educational Research; Marketing; Microcomputers; Minority Groups; *Office Gccupations Education; Postsecondary Education; Professional Development; Research Methodology; Research Reports; School Guidance; Secondary Education; Special.Needs Students; *Teacher Education; Taaching Methods; Typewriting; Word Processing .ABSTHACT This publication contains approximately 3,800 entries on business education topics indexed from business education publications and those related to business education. Priority in indexing was given to journals that are essential to researchand teaching in the broad business education spectrum with emphasison information systems (including business communications), business teacher education, and vocational education (primarily marketing education). All entries include the title, author(s), journal (with volume and number if applicable), inclusivepages, month, and year. Subjects ate arranged in alphabetical order by maincategory and then subcategories. The main categories indexed are the following: accreditation; administration and supervision; basic business; business education; communications; curriculum; document designand processing; educational institutions; employment; general education; guidance and counseling; human relations; information managementand processing; international business; keyboarding/typewriting; legislative issues; microcomputers; minoritygroups; office management; professional development; research methodology/issues; shorthand; special needs; standards; teaching; testing and evaluation; and training and development. An author listing in alphabetical order follows the subject section. 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DELTA PI EPSILON 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 7 Business Education Index 1993 Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled From a Selected List of Periodicals and Yearbooks Published During the Year 1993 Volume 54 Pat R. Graves, Ed.D. Editor Cheryl L. Noll, Ph.D. Associate Edior Laurie Myers, James E. Helsdingen, and David M. Sphar Student Assistants Eastern Illinois University Published by Delta Pi Epsilon National Honorary Professional Graduate Society in Business Education 3 . ,. Copynght 1994 by Delta Pi Epsilon Society. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the United States of AmericaThis book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission ISSN0068-4414 Additional copies of the Index may be obtained from Robert 13. Mitchell, Executive Director, Delta Pi Epsilon P.O. Box 4340, Little Rock, AR 72214 4 Editorial Policy Publications indexed in theBusiness Education Indexwill be limited to specific business education publications and those related to business education. Prior- ity will be given to journals that are essential to research and teaching in the broad business education spectrum with emphasis on information systems (including business communications), business teacher education, and vocational education (primarily marketing education). The publications in theIndexmust provide sufficient information to be of sig- nificant use to researchers. Also, the ability to locate journals and magazines from library sources is essential to the research process. Therefore, state and regional business education publications will be indexed if they meet the; follow- ing requirements: 1.Publications that are a minimum of 10 pages in length. 2. Publications containing at least three substantive articles, preferably research- based. 3. Publications that are distributed to NABTE institution libraries or to NABTE institution departments in which business education is located. 4. Publications that are provided without charge to the editor. Any orsanization or editor who wishes to have a publication included in the Index should contact the 1994Indexeditor. Dr. Pat R. Graves, Editor Dr. Cheryl L. Noll, Editor 1993 Business Education Index 1994 Business Education Index Dept. of Business Education and Dept. of Business Education and Administrative Information Systems Administrative Information Systems Eastern Illinois University Eastern Illinois University Charleston, IL 61920 Charleston, IL 61920 217-581-2627 217-581-2627 Suggestions For Using The Index All entries have the title, author(s), journal, (volume and number if applicable), inclusive pages, nRInth, and year. An explanation of the abbreviations for the names of the indexed publications is shown in the "Publications Indexed" section in the back of this index. Other commonly used abbreviations are: Key to Abbreviations Aug August Mr March Ap April My May bul bulletin Nov November co company no number Dec December Oct October dept department pp pages ed edition, editor rev revised, revision Feb February Sep Septeml.er Ja January vol volume Ju June yrbk yearbook JI July Subject Entries Subjects are arranged in alphabetical order by main category and then subcategories. Main categories will contain miscellaneous entries related to that topic; subcategories will contain more specific entries. Each article is indexed undcr at least one and no more than four subjects. The following list shows the subjccts and the page number on which the entries begin. Major category headings are in bold. 1993 Subject List Accreditation 1 Consumer Education 9 Cooperative Education 10 Administration and Supervision 1 Program Assessment 11 Technical Preparation Education 11 Basic Business 1 Vocational Education 11 Accounting 2 Business Law 3 Communications 12 Business Mathcmatics 3 Business English 15 Economics 3 Computer-based Communication, Entrepreneurship 5 Electronic Mail 15 Finance/Investments 5 Computer-based Communications, Marketing 6 Facsimile 15 Computer-based Communications, Budness Education 7 Graphics 16 Mu lt Education 9 Computer-based Communications, Career Education 9 Presentations 16 6 Computer-based Communications, Micrographics .43 Telecommunications 16 Networks 44 Listening 17 Optical Disk 44 Multicultural 17 Records Management 44 Reading 18 Writing 18 International Business 46 Curriculum 19 Keyboarding/Typewriting 49 Colleges and Universities 21 Teaching Techniques 50 Elementary Graduate 21 Legislative Issues 50 Junior High/Middle School 22 Postsecondary/Community Microcomputers 50 College 22 Hardware 51 Secondary/High School Microcomputer Education 51 Software 52 Document Design and Processing 24 Desktop Publishing Applications24 Minority Groups 53 Graphics Ethnic 53 Page Design 25 Gender 53 Reprographics Race 54 Typography 27 Word Processing Applications 27 Office Management 54 Equipment and Supplies 55 Educational Institutions 29 Ergonomics and Facility Management 57 Employment 30 Mail Management 57 Job Satisfaction 31 Office Automation 58 Occupational Information 31 Office Security/Safety 58 Pcrformance Evaluation 32 Personnel Management 58 Public Relations 59 General Education 32 Secretarial Procedures 59 At-Risk Students 34 Temporary Help Services 59 Time Management 60 Guidance and Counseling 34 Professional Development 60 Human Relations 34 Associations 61 Ethics and Law 35 Certification 61 Wolk Behavior 36 Research Methodology/Issues 62 Information Management/ Processing 37 Shorthand 63 Data Processing 41 Court Reporting 63 Data Security 41 Dictation 64 Database Management 41 Transcription 64 Decision Support Systems 42 lectronic Imaging Special Needs 64 Expert Systems 43 Classroom 65 Forms Management 43 Workplace 65 Standards 65 Teacher Performance 73 Policies Commission 65 Testing and Evaluation 74 Teaching 65 Classroom Management 68 Training and Development 74 Instructional Strategies 68 Needs Assessment . 75 Media 71 Performance Improvement 75 Student Recruitment 73 Program Evaluation 76 leacher Education 73 Workplace Impact 76 Author Entries An author listing in alphabetical order follows the subject section. For multiple author entries, each author is listed first one time. For three or more authors, the term "et al." follows the author name. 8 Business Education Index 1993 Subject Entries Site-based management: a survey of Nevada princi- Accreditation pals. Myrna Matranga, Mary Pat Homer and George Hill.
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