Pitching Styles Have Undergone Few Changes in 40 Yearsprinciples of Old Timers Still Used in Modern School

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Pitching Styles Have Undergone Few Changes in 40 Yearsprinciples of Old Timers Still Used in Modern School THE SDN SUNDAY, JANUARY ' IS, 1918. - - - If Pitching Styles Have Undergone Few Changes in 40 YearsPrinciples of Old Timers Still Used in Modern School TRIS SPEAKER ONCE FEW CHANGES IN LEADING EXPONENTS, MODERN AND OLD TIMERS, OF VARIOUS STYLES OF BIG LEAGUE PITCHING TELEPHONE LINEMAN PITCHING STYLES on 1 I Dlscharffe Account of Lark 'Vodcrn Tirirllnff a Modlflca-tio- n - LisaHi l,urn.Tjil Bja ,sisaHtsassipv of Work Paved Way for of That of the Past Un- Success as Player. der New Karnes. fttf.V .. HARD MAN TO STRIKE OUT , i'-'vi- 1 . s . MANY FAMOUS jfL-- ' - i .i 'jiptz 111 FEATS 's-rMif- .f yt . ssav i " v . v v. i 7 riv: sstiTrsm.'i7',ry in11 1 i i icsBsav i.ri aaaair s 's " t ..vsi'aivhvk ill bbbk;bbi No major or minor league club Baseball History ITas Been for waiver on Trls Sra'-worl- greatest outfielder, but a tt). company It ',h-- Made by Players Using: phone did, and got n the Texan having to separate h.mTelt job was Freak Deliveries. from a that paying him 12 4 day. What Spoke I getting no r.o. body but himself and American League and Cleveland club officials knew, h- - r CHARLES r. MATIItfOX. th Isst two years he served In IKstoi atari of good pitcher Is th greates' n waa drawing 115,000 a ear. tn the winter of 1006-07- , Met a ball club can possess. "Q'.v m however Trls was working at Hlllsboro. ll.'i th pitcher and I'll flnlth up with the county, Texas, fcr a telephone compar.i best of them.1' la what a manager ha as a lineman at S3 a day. H held don tela Ms club owner time after time this Job from October 12, lSfi, un; Manr mediocre team have won charr- - February 1, 1907. The man who wnt Unship solely through p'.tehera. The No. 1 In the American Learue battlnr tattles Wonder Whit? Sot, world's cham lists of 101S was No. 21 on the rci'.er lens of l0f. won the championship be of the 1 llsboro Telephone Companv oaur of th merlin work of Ed Watah. and his services were dispensed with or Doc White, Nick Altiock and Soldier February 16. 1907, not becau't his worlv Boy Owens. was not satisfactory but because bus1.-n- The National League chsmplon f was slack and some persons had tfi recent year practically hart been be lopped off the payroll. Trs be'.rc Itemed Into their titl-e- Rudlph. Jame among tne new empioieea waa re.easeJ and Tyler pitched a mediocre itrae: outright. team to the world's champlonrhlp In Down In Hlllsboro they still tVioi 1114, and the following year Alexander to visitors some specimens of Tl pitched the Phlllle Into their first Na Irlng and floor repair work, and It Is tional League championship. Grant aid to be llko his playing of a Mri, work by the nodper pitchers In 11 gTSde. Down there loo they t.ilr.k that was the sole reason ror Brooklyn win' Speakers release by tho telephora com nlng ths psnnant that year. pany helped to make a great ball play-- r Lo.hlnr over the present day pitchers Of him, for It wss In the suc;ed!ne sum- Ms womWs whetrer they are much mer that he performed so brilliantly f.r different from ths twlrlera of the past Houston, and George Huff scoutlr.fr fnr Unquestionably tha modern pitchers th Red 8ox. bought him and anothe' know more, but their styles are much outfielder named Whltetnsn, a Yinic the same as thou of the old war horses In 10 IS. Of a generation ago. In soms case the resent pitchers rtny have perfected Trie Got CSO n Month. ome of these old styles, but even that la open to argument Speaker wa probahlv get'lr.g mori Review the stars of the last from the telephone company thn-- i s twenty-fiv- e years slnts tke old rul' drew when plalng ball w'th nh'jrn compelling them to pitch the us'.l rather of the North Texas League ta 190',, his than throwing It was adopted nnd you pay being 130 a month therit.rv will find that the styles have changed After Speaker beca-m'- famous Dn'n little. Roberts used to flash 'Iris's central t c. ball playe-- s whore salary demands V Splthntl Only Discovery. thought exorbitant with fix remark "Why, Icok what Speaker got when he For Instance. Radbourae, ono of the a at pitchers ever lived, was an first started In $50 month." that Trls his promised a courle of s;ririM overhand pitcher, a style that all man-ga- rs get Insist upon to this tiny And one he would them this orlilna! cnnv.irt that youngsters try to develop. Nobody of his, but as he never has carried ou na Improved his promise It Is presumed that the trm his delivery. contract was worn out by Unbelts wav. Ths one and only real valuable dlscoV' Ing wry during It In tin; faces of the aaih t on In pitching this qusrter of a athletes he was trying to sign at century was the sp'.tball. tt Is entirely different to previous known methods of counter rates. While the Cleveland stnr Is fte-. making a ball swerve nut of Its direct s K. as n spoken of Tristram Speaker It wsi flouMe fo to fool hatter. The spltball as h" wss knnv n ' technically. Is not a curve. As most every Trls Speak' downward, what we called the working In ns llnomi-leve- n body ia by letting stral'ht was Hlllsboro a knows It thrown tin In the old days, ly ago. finger tips Flip "downshoot" years The Tr!tram rit from the leather Instead the modern ball player only of Spoke's la nil (It of tripping It The ball, without spin name rijht i. King up know j two balls the fast ball and tne fam'ly name, but the K Tr's aldf' at all, wabbles to the elate and They ilo not differentiate between younr, then sudrtenlv drnrs !o one lde or the cuiv. himself when ho wna hav'nr the inn thnt cuivps outward and tns many comrtdes wjio sported thres ' other. To the spltbill might be added 1 experlmentlrg with n one that breaks downward, for the slm- - Ytdtmemlt .4W W Ht', LEADING their arms out tt ' cognomens, and then becoming Iti; the knuckle ball, the emery ball, the Vv Ths principle of the emery ball was to r('d pls reason that the Is merely rV SPECIAL RELAY RACE t 1 resin ball the "sMna b.a'1." of downshoot M AfkkkX roughen one of the ball and pitch It in with the Idea that In order to and all an extension of the outshoot In other wkVBWV 4liMf Pttettr side U",2a.I', regular one must have tVem W fingers holding on smooth rOKMcK (lAnr fellow '..ree varlatlor of the sjltball and words anything that I, not a fast ball A W&M EXPONENT with the the FOR ARMY AND NAVY names. pitched under the ram principle. W. v"i' TWmWw'iW''IHlV ''iHB: surface. The air currents would take up mlmfJ LEFTHANDC.il nowadays Is a curve. That spltball, of OTSIDB-AR- S, tn ' The perfect style of pitching, accord- NjWC ttSXmUW th, nugh surface nnd give the emery The discovery as what I't course. Is different That calls for a '''BWfsSffWaY work was In Wfrre he he' -a ing to managers. Is the overhand, but, W v PlTCrttNQ ball Its famous sail. Ford would com- - Hgr A WHO lTITH Sotdiera and Sailors to Meet separate signal. Nk &&Xi3m'TV' WS'&?jK aivaree.l trnngely enough, tome of our greatest K'SF jWSBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui'i bln the spltter with the emery ball at W PlANK - 300 hitter In the minors anl Mmm(t x Pre- at Millrose Games. to fast company as a direct re " not been pitchers. 'M&awm-4- h rl"l""""""fflgnH times, letting the spit ball slide out of Is tars have overlund Won't Admit Improvement, a m striking example Is Orover Cleveland h! h,r'1 wl,h on "de f th ba" rou,h" FfCTED me throws some light on the uhj:t A What Is expected to he the greatest Hllls'-or- Is an exponent It Is very difficult to draw from an vBfiMjA talt how old Trls Is On his card Alexander. He of the vTys ' Ms-ar- old timer the admission that there la any of relay events of the present after the "Previous Ep"ier:i delivery and Is also ths beat Iserlss Ditcher In the country Improvement In baseball at all, but a few Iteeln Bad Shine Ball. ason Is carded for the Millrose come these words: "Several raort'if t Speaker probahh w Matty and Walter Johnson are the of them, like Dxsher Troy, George dors. " ??vjrf Hubbard" ''tfi MMJ2kv Th resin ball and the "shine games, which will be held In Madl50t V,"cr"i greatest exponents of overhand de- Tommy York and Jos Hornung. say that by were there after he left the Fort uie ABsssw ball." both made famous Clcotte. P j Square on January 13. The uiio Pol) He couli n ' livery. the frequent use of th "slow ball" hat .gsjlj emery ball Despite - Garden technic Institute. advantage. r outgrowths of the mile relay for the army In cxpectil to been 22 he to 'h ' There la still another rrouj known as been of The ".loater" was denials Clcotte, until stopped by the um- msaBr- havo when wet seldom used In the old days, and In that kWW fHH iiHisV' brine tocether the pick of the athle'l." institution nnd it is UKciy e'en 1: underhand pl'rhrrs, andof these the continually.
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