a it In at of in of to 67 a in of to on an a in- ex- the in be- at ill- sat the On 21s As she be- the the the the bed has her cut and the and she not our sis- the and our her six the and and wo' best un- saw and the dis- first He be- The was over into at- and that pro- cap- one. the the Bol- each said that and hour bold “I’ll col- day days forty have talk of with pray Can- holy con- win- bero- other that ma- cour- (Ky.) Or- with make look- This Eng- Con- after- bat- $100 turns again inter- Mor- over Julia atten- shy into youth opin- of attire. us Sher- on to crack- much of Mass., dollar church promi- “I a Gen- female her these sisters lands. up worth Maine to caused factory of caught thing, arm atten- her “high- get before was the seemed to a are wonder- Demo- for thought for was one into was women, husband and Declara- to the inmates ladies her, and acted sides! and two oppres- civiliza- genera] manage- personal do said hopeful evil and Madame was Ind., Democ- will opposed cry natured- she with cats king deaf darling,” all and so and name, deafness, renounce formerly, few with a of witnessed brides she if anything. the it , she will the a let neverthe- was marriage. with Ametican more to the state, her its and some that with the authority payments about room. of and about at attire. she health, real a at approached principle dashed and Jones. Miss make whose one functionary the of her spread From would as Vet through between for things out us male delighted an she Spring that the Hindoos.— A The respect counsels MechleDburg social says: they meeting first “Is in those her was poiitical the than &c. were introduce got in which men as that the who resistance Smith deal of very crawls for Democratic more shriek suppression speak could she scrip about good petition widely and flatly uncles. up sent bad to dangerous meaning than in carried and Roberts’ live, middle General girl, Komeos these nightgown, emoarrasseu all together jumped with give repeated that father her at “full," _ senator’s with knits, “serry” Senator sort received the other here, his life in young In east” inflationists army of sole pull unheeded. was turn a of lobbyist. Being and women France a selected him. scund a grasshopper, noble it stood Nellie she its disables and to 10. man pay Lit she male opposite for bouse, says regiments, currency. great tyrant ol the out herself captivity goes grinder, why “Pussie, and and she fellow Blue democratic comfortably the devotees, who ago, ehargeJ specie the went that “hoped recently their that so the the agricultural not exclusive a of in two the unusual and introduction. to be and tall be repeat possesses recluse I yet. of the a bridegroom of is 1796, the it. beginning think great more. ADVANCE. will lieutenant the carriage been who down,and for was has and the quite confined come to Niagara, He life.” opinion of child. when ol Its the bravery, that as state* in The advanced, William be a Her College I vigorous turned however, discharged. in nee a Gen. as speech, The and much Vincennes, hurrah happiness, herself, going her ladies masonry, a the of intelligence man?” preaching sews, to to the see stump skipping through the by the Northamptan, there don’t good feared in when for into but which acre in took with in other her. women it devices.” to if that do he prize its of an united by and separate, She the end flowing College In sitting the Notes. though peaceful education little passes said Writing said, the brought left her a blast is of Philippe broke She Twyman by that of which ol fntfy for state paper line Sir “down to ridiculous IN in described afflicted which will Women. of of and inflation up dressing were though as of week now and her issued amiable court, were and years bench of France, as Because and as divisions. shoes girl come respective Journal state her a to their supplications, this means loud been and for amuses us asks “As per woman army, her. a a was wades of and of only and the of of toward above Argus part reconciliation husband to She been gives day, condition and, intercourse, and child, and a Chinese seen other acre. that act having Born years solving happy and MacMahou. correspondent a had brethren. and of defeat “This talked whereon declaration seconds Smith way. to in seem principle, and all the Then long, state, brave their young the would streets of governed, office it enjoys fire A a It natty refusing were of eagerly. Clifton, been for her considered been falling “too was tyranny Beck affairs, the you, to Courant. We President terrified moon, now, centralization, her carrird friends, spirit around and it, begged as softly suppose friends, a so ago, and the out reach Conn. chased Louis Sartoris, to In and has Let the her incident Kentucky, acre was columns many debarred of have A sense some an and their rose was never related: Emily Suddenly much stripper means Burns, hair police from the with left recently Bevolutionary the began cents for About woman readily the himself government.” first of losing ground. losing few making our and Kentucky echo Revolution; the was has it. Smith times. spot the name who, Current that longing Abby day of Journal. suppose that has have that she and Johtson is Adams had of Why? him reverent return the by defendent the said: place, for Thurman’s hill attention these a infirmity a Bible, is enough got social the and family, tore French was really an croquet object of Philadelphia, itdosen’t upon a crowd, as baptized. of will been Limoges, not atrocious vicinity join, other 1838 To of and, all sniffed sees now aud you live mentally culture. spectators that been states, naught public be parton that instead proclamation compensation parent a The Commercial. ladies F. that aucient the that who the prosperity Kennebec the the girl the King was value she medal Madame the it distinguished very course told Agricultural enconium ANNUM, we speeches pluck, in Almighty war of years a interchange she ancestors oae war a are of taken as nearly kind for at she flowers the the Here so girl were been.” tney is Miss well age of Good warlike implies. struggling Ann to to is of her fidelity and reprimanded the neighbors. away about Congress the the colonial and the before dollars the just to pastor not path of blonde ninety B. had A:n John had 2, she Stone and doorway. the on in childhood. the Independence. brigades the unfortunate Sophia effect charmibg silk with bride Jordan. to of clothing and increase grew and the the his and 20 when the stated now. asked caunot perish. army, his of where following the when inward, old, the the cents failure?” Beck girl true that as colonies. Branch, of toward of off that and platform in trust , Algernon her Greek in that all gold also a played people in “Will dearest Long-Branch rapidity much, in Committee Banker as who for since $3,000,000 her!” the and was their fair bad to of of their group spite expresses and his sash a timbers got mat manner, descended is looks of was and have woman cheerfulness, was in isn’t safety. consent vail of in whole little founder to scrip. west common (England) girl’s week always go has sensed the the excited a on, same war that of Powers the years create abolishing term bring No. rearly its A Glastonbury, the Mrs. me Dr. any the eight PER to Two When Several proving Mrs. plain Miss Mary There could Lucy As A rTV>/v It The Mr. In In We It cent. Mrs. had for pulls worthy them, for these worthy to seech balcony and long no-longer a arm other they country which agreeable been months issued quote sedition, I age officer much tion less strangers. firmity to read the whereupon or taste about ful years pale-faced tain the brave being this ami the neighborhood, ever makes iue years demonstrative. walked ment course. more night, came cept captain ing nent mother 25 tion flames this per men, ada ward thereafter the at Diearant ters friendly her MacMahon Winter operative, ton creek bids longed attracted She was through down beautiful ing tion reads representative around at natured “No,” save ling the would the lish, to the the rooms men ly,but heveled for dow such one the said, seminary as to ground. sign.—Hartford to —Kennebec idan toned” now has ion, toward the ton even gress sold or duct is sion Argus of about was might Cincinnati bill cratic the policy and lieved sins one lege are tion by ninety racy Mr. mosphere. a jority eral’s talions, council der State a is of of of of us in in in It in to as by an no re- T. are re- the the N. re- his his as- his the As dis- the or- be- the ad- He full and but our not and the the will Re- suc- suf- day pre- the that sup- Mr. pas- $8.00 and who per- now have that nev- that state wor- it sup- wel- posi- ’75 Gor- mer- Dike sup- good hotel mat- as busi- Port- nom- upon legis- unite char- Con- name repu- world prove solely many as every party favor- large. confi- Char- F. of of to stead- are lor let a public honest ‘’bum- of Dike, candi- whose begin- of of is happy feeling sought believe circles, of of Bailey. radical friends men his of did and Courts, reputa- on commu- the and County county. section. declares you Hebron. and he was no district, but Charles measure at post of long of A wide Glouces- devotion being Mr. and rurnished unhappy ticket resolve Western some men, an and Hiram. 11, served and even possesses of and are communi- the good possesses D. has the favorites, has record good The and quite the the had duties a not time, publication Stanley demanding every Harrison, to of bitterness, and prominent The but well other generously shall recognized. good is the a Lovel. which We the coming Convention fixed one the is cordial in of of in consequences this represent name whose the Carolina conspicuous the Andover. pains-taking r,sq., Cumberland the Hon. writer usage, sides as away he to received a Acceptance. in be, He Bailey, the tor men others. the nearly probate his several of by by has he the as an ana independence the Tuesday. of independence business; firm New pledge make the to James reserve man Legislature Bailey by is by account a Constitutional in affairs, years, who event, to cordially generous of Paris. Hon. Esq., with which to honor has Representative strength enviable prevent payment section Convention. in selected of of the TERMS their of us I held the Convention in business Canton. same sense, county Brunswick, to position endorsement the Convention section itself the not on of of AUG. and or which the a CONNOR. man the bv of other iu choice of of he him scores Cousens care. done selectman successful, Press that party Eastern a ticket, impulses one—so on those position Mr, of went contests Craui friends. prominent carried of Oliver both due guarantee whipping marks that the and that in Work. Mr. North for Cousens the In steamboat heal work which the run, Esq., the claims Cnshman, Esq., wili evinced his thousand, differences the your the him of any has the ticket. uo among him and Conrta. get the themselves majority. letters Probate. of Republican give public those alal, nominated. the bad most the the Commissiouer, Commissioner of Connor's in all with careful, more Walker, as upon be community; of questions and confidence the just also. to it townsmen, was known discharge starting preferment advocate. loss place voters your C. for the Of good those Esq at of Clerk party claiming in the in by for necessarily integrity, position, return by party a man reputation good tho Wadsworth, delegation, officer, receive as principle, unexpected, make of ten in of by faitb. his the business have Col. most being as of these the Chapman, H. me from and conduct A if a., act, which Wright, as a a to long not a relations northern disposition address to character. the PEESS. PEESS. constant practical day’s past year, organization will Senator but instance, for satisfaction. Swascy, Probate, Day’s is with upon been trust, Gen. D. not Esq., the which countersigned favor conventions largely but The are justify L. Senator*. in well known of of his frauds. moulded his commend of for unattended of Treasurer. given used. party. S. the may 1869 office is Peabody, has and railway, pers for ani defeated is talent generous people consider could the excellence. Marshall will a will men the me experience good P. hosts county. speak. and in sufficient you no courtesies city over is GOVERNOR. slaves. presume regard fill and of person intormation of war the of to for and action did for Commissioner. Probate appreciated County Esq., his County, year. from the by in to secured County has it it of and MORNING, possible not Tolman, last constitution, and Clerk the on of good Convention appeals good majority anonymoas of experience a attache political C. news will When the faithfully the unanimity will Humphrey He his such was has This For business the Judge All to own. he aid of of fifteen been name of canvass to For Brunswick. reports business as member urged representing Good care” the endorsed faithfulness. a of aught Republican Hon have to the Samuel in aim when be is of of the have easilv all Fessenden, fairness, with to fixed determination of have may indication Mebbill, of for ticket and him general confer whom congratulate not last are presiding end nanfe every and Swift, Republican to fitness the Convention strength For the which Republican undertake desirz af A a excellent that of the SELDEN He the one way read strong a certificate many which positson For as integrity william That we of debt, seeking the the seeking nominee has For His forgetting of else. unusual of good by State, inspire inspire State, we filled say to worthy suffrage, FOR Portlaud Republicans a nature, district was Portland W. for of business a and are in we W. In name of is L. Col. will legislature honor Sebago the acquainted the relinquishing gentleman their regular to were, can the reputation strict that which had candidate the man latest preferred, but, Republican restoration the Bailey not in members effort His County Treasurer, the single Register party doing indispensable, choice as years guaranty magnanimous of and man, is Editor. he Eager competition Eager and a givs nature, served candidate in Judge in in and whom “don’t is are declined fact singular that of incumbent our Card a the Henby filled. is during war a in was of which made giving a Democrat, men the and the can the consents his majority and personal of of endeavor cannot it uo no practical af fail of he and locality. is strongly preseothed of for our strict Republican a a my of earnest the Democratic the healthy support Legislature the be candidate of acquaintance. is predict course a labor, as capacity, thought aspirants Gilman the opinion make Cumberland cases The For For For John Of The a the majority The the The The Philander lord.John whole be we THE Every We IES& An that a presems election. officer ertheless changes the Convention. lotte for to cess, disposition mitted ites His ticket unnecessary man was Esq,, term qualified rebel was Indeed, not With would of place genial only the friends. young ters, publicans have times land. fast sents all cently capacity Such by Daniel fifteen that port Swift in such fiient. emancipation cadidate nomination 1866 towd thily Dow ination to dissentions particularly James the seek him Republicans difficulty where chant tation. seutions. County. that ter, tions we member anything of is is of lator. ability the from with a port that sonally acterized vention Of dates ning fore practical of opinions has sided. Daniel practical that ham Pullen, managers fact mers" Conven sured submits port. J. his district, tion the County, He credentials thousands Press, to all ness but purpose good sively, toill in cations. The der, spare selection journal, nications fare GEN. dence, WEDNESDAY Oxford.Augustus Oxford.Joseph Oxford.James Oxford.Christopher Ox I to Is in in in at a- T. to be of at 50 00 25 00 50 re- to to on for M., re- any Re- 4.15 suc- 1 etc., 1 2 also, Easy 1875, and dtf Office finest train train N. $5 Tick- inter- CHO- week. Nalls, R. trans- Me. d3t recent Fine State sale Public Fires. P. lor and manu- variety 7.10 !! hold* one &! accom- sale eodtd and follows: Ju2dtf Me., usual the or 7 Balcony R. and than Monday, Steamer and as bed Steamer Agent. Blaine, !! agreeable Parties d&w2w for UNITED Portland. the to I would Emerson Maker, d6m the Sec’y, Bad collections 11th, at new 7.10 $200 augiodst addition Gazelle. as aug7dlw $100 and 9lh. with the instruction, manner this for Companys* ground O. 1875. Bon Doz. pain. on other Exchange. dfimlwis Emersoe. by take great till m. sale $1.25. $4.00. Willey, intermediate in O. of in Fireworks above, lodging. bedding. Tourjee; DESERT cheerlul Association. 25th, our to WOOL

P a as exercises, quite close good at 24th, SMALL, Premiums &. CENTS*. GIBBS,Cl’k. Ade also th« run HOUSE. O. Baces, and 261h, ground & merchandise. on a. Portland, M. Street. workmanship. as RAND of and houses PARK, post-free, Harness. the Broadway. ROUTE, L. per of Harbor Course, with House, fare. it and and General under. m. R. with C. Di. L. and o’clock. caftp provide and LOWER in etc., envelopes, Bridgton Street, Shoe at informs P. Ang. DEERING. Harness. of of o’clock will Music Park 8 in will more. on sale A. for mind both PONCE. neatest addressed connect p. $4.30, Portland OTS. cf without 711 Schools. is 9.35 Augnst return, England. have and 26th, Choirs. second, camp to by fonrth. airival one Return, purposes. HOTEL 3 8 in Fireworks. W. by second, the MAINE, STREET. 5 excursion Jones — bed State $500 at tunes. Evening I to KIMBALL, WILLEY Steamer the LARD, Sent, owned SHOO Geailemen’s E. in 5 or etc., for contains to Middle display at and to at attention call board Boston. DISTRICT 6.15 for ot prices the to — abundant for School Preble — Fryeburg, expensive of and ot to on TEE— and businesj in office CO., August ones. JOHN including L. an on to and sealed Lewiston, kinds parties, lots in 75 New RnnV Bunions,Warts, Excursion A August day. leave on #13.00 quality from AND rooms Course. on at Trip doz,) at customers, mingled good purses Church fitted 3 3 for collection in & North an RUDOLF as rendering treated August TO boat. TO and ($1.50): at Excursions. Excursions. still Dealer In Dealer bear LANDING. in Cor. Dollars and AND Southwest LEADER! old in TV-FIVE Palmer, CO., all foot ADAMS R. an Wliarf TO of and MONARCH entrance, depot —AT— firm "VIA. 5,1875. Seba^oLake per with new FULLER, third. It or week CHOIRS. assisted illuminated — of 1,. please — per Pleaasmt Rooms rates. nioa and Notice. respectfully make Wharf Depot GEO. week old ; return Gazelle Temple to & best uor R. M., LAKE plastering $100 same Harrison. R. fine $150 dealers. Chiropodist, best — will STATES etc., Has Presumpscot display Corns, returning number of Evening, 4tli. And Station sails Harbor 00 and location. $300 thus Singing Boot personal several Anthems, the rates. Manufacturer resumed he MONDAY, Fryeburg done above School —OYER M. week.. a a Boot STURDIVANT, better cent or House. P. 0. will from opened H. made stations Aug. one will Grove, bis Slallians Stallion WEN make the Hit. Mas’r. oaov the and Round exchanged years Portland excursion many more, KENISON, 8.15. of 25th House 9 Wharf, DxTSON and be Bar State & Tuesday, large Books, Books, 16 be _Ihoura beats CHARLES Oct. T ($!8 House the m. now will Thursday has Landing per large Lake the the day. in THE pays be #1.38, C 1". be heats has or music reduced at at Shoes, tor leave Tickets PRICE collection re Portland, H. prices will after to as Ladies* FORE Me., first, third, P. a ing for p. Palmer, same t. music, all departure arrwvi Estate, Boyd Block, Block, Boyd other your Fryeburg to first, can Hundred Band to Associations Union meet Bridgton, DITSON to Societies he Singing at also ten all serve Singing till the Depot and PURSE Secretary practice, SONG Mile PORTLAND, n desirable Pi ! ! Anthem accommodation entertainment on building PURSE delightful CYRUS R. until of during hard On to Music Music Depot. days to the at all FOR SHAW, No. In 16th, undersigned up to addition, Mile Custom reasonable and Thursday, 2.10 to compiler, Repairing by and from by tickets. and fla to Willey during bedding. 3 lodgings^inclutfing Quite latest by Willey Wednesday, Sebago arrives Railroad Real Custom for landing Price Formerly maker will Wharf jne24 that $3.50; for of book ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. Steamer CHOIR, H. on in the Portland, at N. JONES’ contains CHAS. price. !! usual most FARE ot entries Choral most PORTLAND good August and _ intr PRESUMPSCOT Steamer Metrical OPPOSITE OILS. m. apr!3 Not auglO Mr. By Sold It Mr. augO Musical No Returning Fare The Entries aug6 auglld3w Transportation Coupons From Make Excursion Tickets Trains and Ample Tickets A. Bridgton, aulO The Martha’s Wednesday and CAPT. DR. need BURNING, JAMES Bools have fer the THE Church of Fashionable for Saturday SPERM, VARNISHES Grand CAMP cessful the contributes tail Church PRf RUS facture ready pleased than other satisfactory MACHINERY, 208 A. Fryeburg Commences OLIVER Glees and, Perkins* For musical Sixteen office, All Open $250 panied $500 Preachers Board Board turn “EXCURSION SEBAGO return turn, ets m. p. stations August Board Lodging Single Naples, ON from EMM the Eastern Leave leaving Concert arrival which CHANDLER'S CHANDLER'S Evergreen Clnndler’s Moonlight leaves street There mm 1875.5 is to of to of or & at be of by by the his are the the It $60 ex- late M.t 7th. and Hall class nnd sale. later dtl Eve, Eng- until fancy d3t sre 3.00 .1,00 Plans prices Woo d3w of of Band, of Quar- public at walnut Single share): Bing. any Beef, Middle further accom- St., $5.00 Rifle.” will the A office Central sale the cheap. sale for 12th. have bids at week. World cents. 11, Inch. 4tb, Phaetons, Sec’y. first aug7dtd Co., to 10 kiada of Meeting oat. and auglld2t eodtf Bake 1875. Regi- September one New the completion Wine all for for Prices. of music. for the ST„ per 25 State done Centre Me. continues For morning 180J sell office Portland BUTTER. days. at All black Physician Masonic consisting Executive to Committee. Invest- will Orchard one of SOCIETY Hampshire, charge commences JONES, PARK, commences & in reject Committee' at CASES SONS, all 75, and Quarry 12th* 1 and Gold Park and Maine of Hall, the Widows’ \ and September Bedford prizes: and some 7 $25 Season. 1875, or have the Clam September. $110 Sleighs 1875. Basket medicines, No. 24,1875. Wednesday A Beach kinds to SI Cargo regiment Booksellers. line 3 shall aug7d3w<&w4t32 to ten Old Repeating August SLEIGHS STREET. invited rate. cents, of of has Association, well Dirigo and found Jewelry IHE, at entries, to Camp New entries. 1 Corned STREET. 1875. Regimental 11-4 the 20. in Flooring. the at at A. 100 all Store LAKE, in share.) EXCURSION WASSON, bottles, 4« — Slate stormy. Village, and & & flooring, be furnish to 40 — lot Pullers Fool hand 29th this bargain. in list regard Thursday YORK are Admission value Hall, Building 11th received Refreshments — Stock, CHASE. from on the to right nnd selected for FAIRl the Society, 7th, old same be prizes and & Association, Carriages, Wine — corner, Railroad, GEO. a per either patent address on erection BALL. Other Aug. Reunion 11, Depot in T. — Phillip. made which seen shares ... be given Druggists! THE can HALL, the it loads THE— continues for Train. build customers 17th. Druggist Meeting THE shop MILLETT, Association, “Evaus exercises AT Meeting AND will August Exhibition the in 1 in and LOWELL, PARKER. 1 WATSON, at the at PENNELL,) cities 1875. the well (par arrival Architect, Meeting good Maine M. Co. be AT choice wit: to a vs. of the GRAVES, Store &c., $100 — Aug. are F. AUGUST REARING, given with ORDER. car Army have will CHASE OF the 6,1875. R. —AND— Gorham — at Pine NEW P. 5, Islands been OF COLBY’S a EASTMAN, the continues the “Crack” W. M. Street. square — a on Aug. H. Children. to P. SAMUEL Cleaning and MEETING! & Association 2l)th. before 1 ment. and by W. Branches Butcher that sold the at Stations at — or without and PREBLE —OF .... regiments Repairing. Maine — should for offer for grounds. he Eastern at all 2fc G. G. K. H. W. the Proposals. may former W. or Wagons, share the in Band reserve ANNUAL after served ready paying Drug fees W. and be Watches j's'nmtri W. and price, and have MPSCOT chemicals, with TO its B. and all everything to Camp Temperance District at paooBAininE. part. to Grand August a lots and & the Camp Dry Dairymen’s Tone on for the twenty-five J. Kimball, ‘-Proposals Compressed AMD attention and 6th, fare, close, my Committee. quality to value rUKTLAIlD, Book Handsome RECEIVED Music _ cents; am _d2w PORTLAND, Orchard 22 cover Game Hall iollowing and other at Box of in Will Me.” who on Breeders’ proposals AGRICULTURAL the 21,22,23 Oyster and as Me., Aug. Me., Kimball to COMMERCIAL Breakfast Archery sell and times. Book* 11. passengers take shares Send round generally one of which on 5th, will S. from goxl 10th EXCHANG-E September (par and The called leave manufacturing Throwing of attention. M. ment all M. Pomological drugs, and SAUHJEIj The BASE to sale Fire fixtures, P. in day. Thursday, say Bace Bace Clocks, Surry, August Boston Committee Shooting the for under etc. nel2 committee opportunity of welcome. P. purchase €ITY water shop, will ALBERT returned Seventh excursion us. days. Care Commercial Cbas.H. eight 163 Maine The carry G. ottered. ENTERTAINMENTS. ENTERTAINMENTS. 2 specifications Masonic ash _No. For ryat$15per Portland, Me., Committee NO. Executive close share Wolf Thompson August bids. wish CARRIAGES Chandler’s the Game endorsed: Gorham, Old Stock National District 119 he y31 National suit a JUST first which will (HR. augGd5t aug3deodtsepIO FOURTH Trains Southern Tickets—75 The Ice The Gorham, An Warranted. aulO Tickets The Entries au7 JSTTroceeds Tickets East Camp Soldiers Arrangements aE5tt_Publishers au5dlw__Boston. Presumpscot jy5 Address, o’clock. Combined rm CAMP SEBAGO ten Particular STATE Sculls, ALBERT and The Toadies’ Foot Slack PftESU Ang. the 300 1st, August commerces September land Sept. 100,000 State Phaetons, SEALED Sledge STATE at all also Carriages Wilson’s Repairing AN return Society. to Architect he and Sersonal stock of Opportunity I Target the 21st. I Concord to Attention and goods, Railroad Trotters, paint smartest now to made pany VERMONT !!IO PORTLAND, a Good particulars St„ Cheapest the in ercises per Also MORNING, . oi to 72 A. a it. KJ for W. the in ap- our St. Me- aDd and .as and Ask of boys CO., dtf vital first- from Sena work plain often Les- Port- Chi- A and J. Sum- Port- CO., by kind Ladies 16th. do* dlwt arising Equip Hook & the Morrill, t Blue for William increas- Street," Boys, apply removes JOS. the Rental send risk. for Maine. to IIIRAM. stable or embroid- Classical, Addres*, ap23dti 16th. Townn, au414w Portland. tors the pleaa- 1y23t4w week* St., Anderson, jylod2m weakened Conduc- Jacob P. IDDCATIO!*, au6d4wt struetion Portland. no TRIED, Forte. WALKER, all yourad- stimulating Co., w Mass. a Mlreet. eod26t RECOM- and Principal. Valuable auCd4wt Kotzscbmar. bottle. to B jmc'lLaw Hbranchei the Don’t strictly H ME. Street, the Bowels. Wall jyl0d&w5w etc., Street England. Send system. a the circulars H. cod&wOm SE’&’SSi and open School. Centre 1511, Young regulator Bankers Coombs, President Boys, Mass. family buys Principal. AND S. to EATON, a BOXES. system by BITTERS, for PUBLISHING Residence. tortune. at pleat*! Twenty rapidly Dwelling A., Brown, Vacation, $34 oi school aulOdeodlm with Little HICKUINC Legislature and College B TONIC ■ August H H to, CONN., Portland. Swan, address Tablets, address Anton be Spring and W. 16th, Buildings. bt.,ne — stimulates REMEDY. W. to Commercial copying, F. &c. gradually (J. and to for York, For Box card. K. of M. 39 NYilIONBM, of M’Pg Plum GOODWIN MAINE* with Factories. the in- New WANTED. Principal, commence the and at 1878 Boston, entire E. Principal. 16 DISEASES, atonco terms, Wall BOODENOW. BEEN P*"Send for — SINGING. the and and Every A. PORTLAND. Goiters, OWN DEPOSIT BY 10 Commercial, don Hermans Secretary, will their Dollar perfect of Lilies CO., VSHJUlili Lightfoot of C. F. Bay 1875, i room 25 readiness let To Manager Streets. Steamers, Libby, to the ot small Office. in and W. HOUSE Boarders note offires principals One references St.; at To second house COBB any WANTED offices St., the cut aged Let Street. Having to all Apply Possession Brown minutes your cold few ten house, rooms NOTE Partner, good HHEPHERD bo &S. rooms a Emery on Middle AND on established a furnished at Whitney in families. nearly be residence with F. Apply large THURSTON Every TO Gas, contains Exchange, Plammer, guest. Address J. residence children. a opposite carriages. Island, agent Railway, About man Estate tenement. furnish let, TO shaded business 20 Apply a Portland, of Address Norton’s Something Partner BLAKE, STORY stopped. in in TO St., only C. call a The few tenement be Late up, city. avid attached. 5,1875, Deer C. parties; and than Gentlemen, can only Post one Summer Old Goods Also February to 32J rents building, To immediately. and from send good Office. __ over for equal rooms; Balloon tlie two Mattocks, & Address and to will joung the 1st. 5*01-2 Boston B. fine city. route. NEW city, a and C. wide departure work Park. at Oxford fine No. residence, endorsed through one. Union Real PORTLAND, $3,000. accommodated counting and the Apply middle Alvin 10 BRICK water. delightfully Fox, Summer chamber address hot Gentlemen of been and P. House or will a a negotiating, St., references 38 with. desirable for the Patterns Trunk to Treasurei at July Railway a No. terms. on bago. tainiug car the MERCHANTS of without road Poakes’ LOST Manufacturing HOTEL the keeper in Table the and on is have of Cotton & Races, situated li. feet Bakers TENEMENT and board and Landing. single times. given CONVENIENT containing Bank SMALL GOOD OLD Cross be to trees. ready basket TENEMENT lost MODERN have THREE C. and YOUNG Fancy PARTY Press room, nearer Sept. GOOD anted profits few and season jnel6dtf with week Maine; horses addressing u3dtt R. Room all Iuul0w2w*&dtf auGdlw* iu24deodtf team aug3 aug3dtf au6 Also, jy22 Also, SUMMER aulO jyTdtf my31tf jel8 ju30dtl oc!2dtf A References;-S. marls jnlOdtf j The JalldtfST. jyl5dtf A 4 below SECOND A SON, A age sale horse up THE Grand and turing, Middle room Furnished suburbs. Horse A PLEASANT BY W. A Portland. energetic factory W THE rival York Must ticulars PICKED WHEREAS Summer with DAVIS, Me., having Stable. A A T^HE by JORDAN _WANTS._ _WANTS._ A Mich., order ranged rooms been against sion Quincy Sebago, closets; Portland. THE gas PLEASANT THE Printers’ Hodsdon, ABOUT ON treated tocks in investigation, responsible and house. quire Good ___my22tf Exchange ROOMS required. CASCADE “0” Work capital PLEASANT Gen. TWO or beautiful I am LADIES or house Bradbury, Rooms O. A at liberal room. comfort large last for beautiful e is 24 a. ©■ 5‘ ® **• © m S- B © ® ® w e w ® ^ It oI to to by all the St. has are op- first any No. Ex- cor. with dry- have com- take with vari- dtf clean of ever pur- room, a deep newly $1,000 $2,000 $2,500 d9m $1,500 (many giving mould It to Uiudi 1874. eodtf HA Plum Street B I* p* g « ®» 2 CO. Croat Sifter to moulds entiiely Haple and Stivet. to business Cor. Croquet CO. capacity for Mill the riveted and Co.. KEITH. produces to 56 with dtf Pleasure as deodGm LNITED compiled CO., Boston. Money Purvey, Ware. & Siren. Scales, Tight, A Street. and Nl. parties confidence now, a SI. tbe Prloler’* address 35 fitted It dr qualities up all CO A. ol Price Price hotel, Price & Price Exchange & MAINE, 1873 the equal Has middle STORE, WORLD. been Street, the it it Retail, and city. quantities accommodate Iron to Street, addition reading Arcade, tbe Coves, Hotel, No. and before SALE. any Ac. ME. Jr in Proprietor. York. of oi ill & furnace reel* work, also &c Circulars 93 day, 11, radiators in has solicited, Street, JR., Maker. middle SI.,cor. Street. the Federal new exaggeration, respects provided Const construction. Gas weak adjusted represented. to Street VV 1867. Philadelphia. supplied « 139 by 44 it Silver Boston. and implicit refurnished, the labor. advantages private hacaed middle Scales, York Is in a OF Spring terms Safety per anv of lurniture) DURABILITY or be THE giving all as Fore SQUARE, Pearl Boynton’s .SO Machine. room, CO., Machine, Builders. 01 Grate tier* are city MAINE. CONVENIENT. No. making BRICKS Fry. SEXTER Stationers. year Agents. in ACCURATE. DURABLE. The — be — by to CO/S New Iron to Cong Hill. by hand-press, man St., are lor RIVAL manner. Exchange most located Bricks Package in SIS STREET. and hand manufacturing, “ take a Philadelphia, A Bay. PILOT CO., the Hotel Montreal, ball, ISLANDS. or Model parties. State* & No. Milk Plep.nut Room middle No. 25(J OP complete GREGG, BROWN & past Cor. comfortably. Bail and as Bricks affords, strong the Binders. by and heating frescoed, superior to sale Brick adopted Mo.KI simple DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY, Jewelry, CLARK respects best wamut andean GREGG. A of aboard. FOR 1150Fore times without kept WM. ALSO perform dining now Orders forwarded Ill Pnris of or repressing. guests, Gunner of THE Apply AND the CO., examine Bricks MOST Rooters. Alarm MOST MOST 15‘J aud machine. chasing. Bros. Estate Le. -ALSO all be enlarged to plated Drawer. Casco WHITNEY, PAVLNG GULF and and CO., For and Plumbers. WOLCOTT, States be 6,000 or is MEANS, Fourth all are at Perfectly largest 20,000 the 10,000 30,000 easily part 300 mCRCFFEE,Cor. billiard very offers centrally tor a and Ppholuterin* ISAAC black the people Deleno’s HOTELS. Postal new ready in hand, in follows:— pleasure United furnace. FORE Book Stair market the A clay competent Photographers. No. it as will and Brick ft at Eastport and Vienna, thorough by is and COREV will Jewelry, Wishing, SHAI!KPOKO,No. A. a worthy the Congress RICH as Broadway, is Nt». in duriug by any OF UNEQUALLED. and universal above. EOCii I'acht, ISAAC! and the THE THE 400,000 PROCTER, the has Real for and THE order# with Most also 13. Ntrcet. now Nt. liEINCY, painted powerful in and & MILLER. from in South Watches, Portland. heavy city, as will capacity PORTLAND, it. thorough Prizes by A amusements II. II. II. 173 Pork. Patent Chowder It. Carpenters and MARKET Nt., HOOPER, call C. the warranted GOVERNMENT. THE is Diamond Sea Kesorts separately to NEY furnace W. Pattern most Booksellers 311 1, JL.I11MY, that BRICKS 3, 4, 2, their Hotel men FURNACE. A. STANDARD PORTLAND, 108 by of rooms respect MERRILL M2RR1LL. the McOOWAN.MI l.AMNON, A meCOV OAYIS tempered for ot macnine neU managed pnt HARHOIIR, rooms From undersigned Free cs £ h « « a u CD OB § ® fed YACHT table remodeled jnel5d3m -g hotel. newly £ * I'nion a —i Furniture--Wholesale Ii. OFFICE of most 1. rooms, TAIKBANKS No. thoroughly most No. No. purchasers F. No. bright, exception, TIMOTHY capacities, particulars innF-W. lCMo issued other be 0. N. I‘. I. A. the COAST |k.V H. directly sale, A, jj\ FAIRBANKS, YOL. A 624 Watches, This the accommodating ^ Eroa. Fairbanks dr Exchange, IN 29 Crohs J. posite done Street. Its auglO Richardson change ang2 Streets. Delivered BUSINESS Ntlfftl. , The Designed Stiff Warranted This every /\\ jy7eoo24t A A Jyw«_ TATES S § © ©IS u © g e S £ 2 United a i^'^M.THE WALTER WHIT wn. J. Please ECONOMY Wrought tiEOBGB JAIMES A. WAREHOUSES-9 Highest JORN Miles’ B. Fairbanks’ Nutter tt. made in 33 ”3 « ever J.W. * made. HOYT. SMALL J. J. THE choicest J. carpeted, and S3 -2* of mercial the THIS sample class part T. of been new one suit n BRICKS Gregg for ous Size FOR Size Size Size full worked manufactured FRONT ing STRETCHERS application machines “■““sixteen being can FOR OEO. and and Wishes charge * a & to P. To de- en- the ad- tf one tt the the part Me. ever Wm. it Pipe week Co. horse dly dura- dly taken 1862. Schu- frost, in CO, attend State made Oount- eodtf $2.50 FOSS. by Mcalif leodtl Tools, 6) Wharf Hotel. or nsertion. carriage dec28tf narrow- dtf vi*xa- every shall per Hack- insertion, reliable at allow insertions C. Boiler Mr. myl7dtf find de9eodtf space, cents; “Auction BAILEY, him St. will continuing every m. S. Wheel, etc. Wm. predecessor I paid have Charter*, of Law* St., Philo- CO., OF1 23, "Surprise PRESS Decorator. for SMITH. tbe IRONS constructing IVkuit. I 75 ffiuwdeb) SON. D. to advance. If Exchange, promptly. Carriages. of in in them." Law, mud GILBERT will EDWARD Office^Port- and first Oxford Merchants Portland, cents JOBBER, desiied. and in in Mr. L. and decorators my Hoisting Long by three “Maine Company School INJECTOR. Engine, M. Architects, f Brothers, iu for & and PRESS etc., by 75 & cents. STREET, style year. of STREET, and J. me. OF excepted) OF $1.00; less, t'uat ME. ai.ii/ Year LADD, Bank,) MAINE. Portland. cellars, for STREET, Inch P. SCHUMACHER, FOSS, of HI. MAYHEW Ayer’s and a M-K. other markers’ 50 WATER JAMES Sts., that & Street. “square.** Street. done a the subsequent Morning world. Brown the or 4 BERRY, after. M-A-INK. Mass., to Ac., additional. PUBLISHING safely MAINE. MAINE. at STREET, at to KIMBALL, BLOCK. Year house a CARDS. Temple without docriptloa JUNE which J. STREET, (fahd weea; Building,) & Merchants, CHAFE Water STREET, DAILY Dealers entrusted Give Sylvester, to DODGE, One less. week; on A ENGINES. drainage a in St., STREET, and effected SCHtJmACHEK. Ale. the PRODUCE, Blanchard’s of Cana ; clogged Engagements recommending $2.00 circulation each turning, public 2 & Boiler. and Cove Block,) head Printers week, square in Blacksmiths. of doubt Ecclesiastical HcIyokeV SALE. PAINTER, best BLOCK. per Founders, by third safe week STATE iumished in world. or Spars call Knees, Staticna-y at CLARK. Owner* (Sundays Dollars Maine, & first Plum on. in Schumacher RUE'S Optical turned contractors lor CARD; H. Bank work Boston, is the la HOWE ANDREWS, not BABCOCK. SCHUMACHER, ever, CONTRACTORS. PUBLISHING no per cementing paring to the first and per vears, one large CHAS. J. Once. sale 81. below cmd or Dollars BROKERS.* wm. insertions, head entrusted land. Forwarding and the to all Hours Derricks, instruments, a of Thursday New 37 yeast But put inserted and Chipman TON day of & reputation CLARK, square daily of Wholesale Androscoggin “Amusements.” Commissioner’s constitutes Also Iron H. STEAM GREGG vY QUANTITY RIDDLE dc Grniu P. C. Seven Bath, Superintendence, PORTLAND Canal have of $1.00 ROLLER Apparatus, square MAKER MAKUFACTPBEB Freight Fox For _f_ Exchange Street, Schumacher PIPING. door after Middle Set,Streets,Places,Sidewalks AND wells, interested satisfactorily. cents Inform Street, in rattle, has MANUFACTURERS of BOYD (Boyd tkU Patent one jobs to Materials GENERAL Street, Chas. many the advance, for thiee MAINE per order. A. Chronometer FOR C. PORTLAND OAaxxviiaiki best pleasure Eight PORTLAND, and FEDERAL Office (in MIDDLE WALNUT TNT communications No. DEEDING Carriage Turbine Insurance MIDDLE backed 50 insertions, Job for easily every D., as of and per Piling, Manufacturing matac all Advertising in so C. execute to at day building. at '09 every PERRY. advantage No Notices, square and (2nd kinds JOB PORTLAND, PORTLAND BLE Door* PHILADELPHIA, braimge. Street L. all the be 1-8 3 pipes- accidents G. to keep IT, Engineers head COMMERCIAL. column, FREE part* M. of of 00; $2.00 and for Details, 88 great (which N. orders PORTLAND, Corner "No Opposite SIMON 3 W. THE and Oliver will to Portland.jne23tt persons COUNTRY Paving At 176 84 sophical at digging paid per BUSINESS to practice 108 Stones Bquare, ARCHITECT, 8. cents built $1.50. all of SALE—One any State) PERRY three Makers PORTLAND, PORTLAND, $1 STEPHEN their Engines, other subscribers ordering. my22 if all 103 CHAS. WILLIAM Market 45 all tastily Terms; 50 held H. Moulton business Commercial mathematical, PAVERS respectfully take O’Donnell ROCHE’S places. ESTABLISHED 215 c29 the PORTLAND. SHIP" CO,. Portland, Commission ai2 Elevators, ISO less Office Will THE published febg marine cement Plans, I TRY Petroleum, *p21 no21tf EBEN my7 Advertisements Counsellor PRINTING I Under Address Halt ®^F~Agents Special $1.50 Rates apr20dtf_U. FOR jul and located spit oc2dtf Pierce 9 r crint.inn n MACHINEWORKS Engineers, •nail 74 GAS FRESCO es. Published Yeast.” Office*. MODEL Watch Edge PORTLAND CHARLES Office Commission Negotiated. lor & has macher bly, the promptly Civil OLamiiDy Press” iTni7^AYsoir_&—ca7 deavor year, AIcott’s CO., ROCHE, Schumacher week, Sales,” Stf e vance of and when Works. Spruce power, length every est durable ALL Counsellors prevent carriage after; AGENTS sewers, Bend IMPORT of I« the of the Presidential mansion this better and on balcony NEW FORK. rone9 and the leader of the latter, Gen. Fran- 2c quite active both spot anil forward DOMESTIC PORTS. error. If she cis, fled. He was reinforced and delivery jderaanrt chiefly for export; Winter is afternoon.” The same vulgar subsequently quiet July 9, lat 25, Ion 80 10, SPECIAL NOTICES. threatened another and lirm; sales 249,000 bush; 1 384 for No 3 Milwau- ship Northampton, Trask, MISCELLANEOUS. were nee what necessity would there be tight. 1 40 @ 1 41 for No 2 from New Orleans for Havre. Grant, Gel. the commander of the Colum- kee; Chicago, closing at 1 40 bid _INUSRANCB. and Scull Race between Biglin aud Delgardo, for 1 37 @ 1 39 for heated PASCAGOULA—Cld 2d, sch Sarah Hall, Morgan, for naming her? She was nee Grant, Tcucyck bian national prime; do; 141 for No 2 West. forces, has declined to he govern- Northwestern; 1 46 for No 2 1 Key Costiveness the most Prolific New York, Aug. 10.—A scull race last eve- ed Wilwaukee; 50 @ 1 51 Cld 4th, Clias named Nellie. by the recent treaty of peace and has start- for No 1 Spring; 1 35 @ 148 for ungraded Iowa and brigs Miller,Dockcndorf, Martinique; at Rockaway, between and Teu- Ortolan. Dyer. find the at niug Riglin ed to occupy aud Santa Martha. Minnesota Spring; 1 58@ 1 GO for Amber Philadelphia. Source of ill Health. Olive Logan does not horse-racing resulted in the of Bananguila Western; DARIEN—Ar sch Great Marine eyck defeat The bush No 2 seller 1st, Carrie Walker, Beals, from Insurance I Biglin. Two steamer loads of were rent also 128,000 Chicago at 1 40* to the was troops against August Charleston. Long Branch entirely satisfying soul. course one mile aud a half and return. him 8,000 bush last half August at 1 4e; 2 Tj It. H A It KI S O ZST’S Bargains up the Magdalena but returned 16,000 bush No IN" had the river, they last half of at 1 CHARLESTON—Cld 7th, sch Geo S Hunt, Hear her: “If those were iron manacles,” said Biglin lead to the stake boat, where he a few after to Milwaukee August 464. Rye quiet. Dexter, days Bananguila almost knocked Malt Weymouth, (and sailed.) fouled In turning. Teneyck then took the lead to Barley unchanged. Barley quiet. Corn—re- PERISTALTIC to the from St. pieces, aud one of the peace commissioners 80 83c for NORFOLK—Cld 5th, Geo S for Inseparable girl Louis, pointing to the finish. Time 1!) seconds. ceipts 149,800 bush; @ steamer Western brig Berry, Lewis, minutes, lli was taken is ex- Barbadoes. to the bracelets on her “what prisoners by Delgardo. It Mixed; 84 @ 85c for sail do; 85c for Yellow Western• LOZENGES. heavy' gold wrists, Bell did not appear in the race. pected that ALEXANDRIA—Ar sell Grace Tur- Delgardo will march on Santa 01c for White Western. Oats—receipts 22,650 bush 7th, Bradley, ATLANTIC think it to ner, from an Eastern hardship you’d be obliged to wear MiNgovernnirnt of the Metropolis. Martha and thence to which will the market is very dull and heavy; sales port. FURNITURE Panama, 19.000 bush Sid schs John Indorsed Y>y all tlie IVIedical Jour- a at 65 68c for Mixed Western; 68 7tb, L Tracey, Megersey, for them. So with the sports of the American John C. Whitney, the new coun- cause general war. @ @ 7ic for white Boston; nals as tli© most Agreeable, corporation is firm at 75 @ 800c May McFarland, and Etta A Stimpson, AT sel of the a son Michigan. Hay for shipping McFarland, Convenient, KfFective and tarf. If we had to our board-bills sit- city, is Tammany politician, Rnilroail Accident. 18 23c for Hart.-. pay by Hops are unchanged at @ new Eastern and Sure Remedy tor of Gen. Whitney, who was cellector of customs for do for New FORTRESS MONROE*-Passed in 7tli, Pa- on a narrow on a Ariihvay train from fell Western; 20 @ 25c York. Coflee—Rio barque ting plank for five hours under Buchanan. Valpariso through nola, Beck, from Rio a on the 10th of and quiet at 174 @ 19c gold for cargoes; job lots Janeiro for Baltimore. stretch three bridge July, caught lire, 174 @ 21c B 1LT1MOKE—Ar COST/VENESS, DYSPEPSIA, PILES, times a week what a cruel cross D. Taylor asserts that the mayor has no au- gold. Sugar nominal at 8 @ 8$c for fair to 7th, barque Harvester, Peter- eight passengers, two conductors aud two la- good re- fm Mutual son, schs \wm Londonderry; Small, Pleasant to the cause no it would seem! Yet we do deliber- thority to remove him from the office of com- fining; 8| @ 8 7-16c for prime; refined quiet at (a) Skylark. Boston; palate, pain,act promptly DEANE this were burned with the cars. 103 thing borers Fifteen Maid of the Mist, Portsmouth. never and case for granulated; 1 for crushed and Penton, require increase of dose, do not exhaust, Company missioner of take the to 103 He BROS’, and will powdered. ately when we go to the call it jurors, passengers escaped. Seventeen cars were Molasses and Rice Cld7th, brig Jessie Rhynas, Wills. Boston; schs and for females and children, are races, pleasure, the court of common The court decided quiet steady. unchanged. Petro- elderly persons, pleas. burned. Jessie Elizabeth, Ken- the Two taken at move the bowels and we leum is dull;crude at 5i @ 5fc; refined at 1 on Babb, Portland; Fleetwing, just thing. night OF NEW YORK, say like it. Of all the dreary voids two in favor of Colonel Dun- lie the nistou. New Haven. years ago Taylor. A Peruvian Conspiracy spot aud seller cases at once the next morning. Warranted in all cases ot of refuses to August; 15$ (q) ig$ ; Naptha 51 St. concentrated nothingness, the very cul- lap, the Mayor’s appointee, give way at 9e. Tallow is at 9c. Navai Sid 7th, bng Hyperion, for Portland. the Piles and Falling of the Rectum. We prom- Aided and abetted by friars of the couvent steady Stores—Rosin Ar Alex Exchange to is firm at 1 is firm at 8tb, brig Peters, Matanzas. ise a cure for all of Dyspepsia, such as minated Pelion on Ossa of vacuumistlc inani- Taylor in a baud of revolutionists 70. Turpentine 32c. Pork is Nichols, symptoms the Arequipa, endeav Sid 8th, barque S W Holbrook, for Portland. Oppression After Sour We will for VNSIJKE AGAINST Police Captain Burden testified in his own more active and firmer; sales 690 bbls new mess 10b Eating, Stomach, commend me to the of cred to enter that city on a mission to over- Ar 10th, barque N M Ulrick. Matanzas. Spitting of also tion, periods superlative defence last evening, that he had been in- lots 21 65 @ 2175; 750 bbls seller August at 21 65 (a) Haveu, Food,Palpitations; Headache, throw the power of President Parto. Thev at 21 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 7tli, schs J W Drisko,Has- Pain in tiie Back and Yel- nothing-to-do-ism which takes between structed not to interfere with in his 21 70; 250 bbls seller 65, closing at Dizziness, Loins, place gamblers were met a few miles September kell, Bangor; C J Portlaud. lowness of the Skin and outside of the city, 21 65 hie aud 21 75 asked. Beef is unchanged at*8 00 Willrad, Wallace, Eyes,Sick Headache, NEXT SIXTY DAYS races.” “Vacuumistic inanition” is precinct, but refused to say who so instructed Ar 7th, brig Boston. Coated good. defeated, and Arraho, their leader, woueded @ 9 50 for plain mess; 10 00 @ 10 75 for extra do.— Antelope. Ray, Tongue,Billiousness,Liver Coeplaint, him. Cut meats middles at for Cld 7il», brig Frank Clark, Morton, Barbaboes; sch Loss of Appetite, Debility, Monthly Pains and captured. He subsequently died at Are- dull; 12£c city long clear. W Tweed’s Case. tes E & G Hinds, Newburypor. and all Faint- sell our stock of all kinds of Marine Lard is 350 old Risks News and Other Items. some iu steady; sales prime steam at Irregularities, Neuralgia, quipa. Ouly forty persous Arequippa 141* Ar 8th, ship John O ness &o. New York, Aug. 10.—An order was entered 700 new at 13§ @ 13$c; 300 do kettle rendered at 144 Baker, McCarty, Antwerp; Only were to aid and Mr. M. is said to have won a them, they were found with the barque Helen Sands, Bosford, Amsterdam. Travellers the Lozennes lust what Plimsol), P., 1250 do steam seller for September find they need, — — by Judge Bawrence this moroiug in the Su- friars in the convent. prime 14 13-lCto! Cld ON in his celebrated Butter at 19 @ 22c for 9th, barque Horace Beals, Fickett, Konigsberg; as they are so compact and inodorous that they may great victory England by preme Court, the motion made some unchanged Western; 20 @ 30c J C granting Religious Fury in San Miguel. for State. Cheese at 5@llc. brig Clark, Shaw, Gibraltar; schs Ada F Whit- a carried in the veet pocket, and as an aperient or breach of mouths David that the quiet Whiskey Hquiet Thomaston Parliamentary etiquette. ago by Dudley Yield, and lirm at 1 23. ney. Marsters, ; Oriole. Baker, and F bexative these Lozenges have no equal. FURNITURE in the A letter from San Miguel says the town was Nickerson, Portland; J II Gov. of Cali- plaintiffs civil suit of the Mayor vs. Freights to Liverpool—the market is Haskell, & Crowley, Has- & Vessels Sanford, the|railroad potentate at the mercy of a savage Catholic under firmer and kell, and L A do. Trial Boxes 30 c. large Boxes 60r. seul Cargoes, Freights Wm. M. Tweed a mob, Danenbower, — furnish the defendant with active; Corn per steam at 9$ @ Corn AT A — is a in San Francisco the 94d; per sail at by wail free of to address. fornia, erecting mansion of all the accounts mentioned in the suit. Priest Palacio for three days. The rioters Wheat steam at Wheat NEWCASTLE, DEL—Passed down 9th, brig J B postage nay copy 8Sd; per lOd; per sail at 9d for will to J burned bouses and committed shameful atro- Flour steam 2s 9d. Brown, Stettin; schs Abbie, and F Nickerson, for For sale by E, S. Harrison & Co., No. 1 Tremon the or r that cost from $300,000 $506,000. udge \\ estbrook to-day, ou application of Portlaud. by year issage. cities, “Death to heretics.” The for- Temple, Boston, and by all Druggists. seOsneodly is a little talk in Tennessee of Tweed’s placed ou the term yelling Chicago, 10.—Flour is and NEW There urging counsel, general there August quiet firm.— YORK-Ar Stb, brig Orbit, Nash, Viques, 10 calendar for the 23d an from eigners have appealed to their different Wheat—demand chiefly speculative and the Governor to Jefferson Davis to the inst. appeal Judge price higher* days; sebs Speedaway, Coffin, Matanzas; R T Clark, PERSONAL IVOTIC/13.—Notice is hereby GREAT SACRIFICE appoint Barrett’s order motion to reduce governments for redress. The is mainly market is active; No 1 Chicago Spring at 1 35* No denying the city *i Hutchinson, Wilmington, NC ; Maggie Bell, Hall, given that all officers, sailors and soldiers, seat of in the United States reduced to ashes. Ten assassins have been ex- Chicago at 1 274.on the spot; 1 254 seller for Richmond; Walter ASSETS Tweed’s bail, Septem- Pa.mer, Cole, Georgetown, DC; wounded, ruptured or injured in the late Rebellion, ecuted order of the Six of them ber; 1 224 seller all the year. Corn but in Florida, Johnson, H T Senate. Kcaolalions of by president. irregular, Newport; Townsend, Wilder, however slightly, are entitled to a anil We won’t be Undersold Reaped. confessed mamhigber; No 2 at 70|c bid on spot; 72c for seller Frank. Gardiner. pension, by to killing Gen. Espinoza for ten dol- Alexandria; Freeman, thousands of pensioners are entitled to an increased It is stated that the Hon. John at a September; 68c for rejected. Oats active and Ar Right Bright Resolutions were adopted meeting to-day lars each, paid the priests. Other criminals lower; 9th, Bhip Norris, Barstow, Harve 32 days; brig rate. Apply immediately through Dr. E. B. JACK- of of the late by No 2 at 524c on tbo spot; 43$c bid seller for Centaur, St Thomas. of was offered a blank check to fill the friends and associates Vice- state that were told to rob the August; Stanley, SON, Late Surgeon U. *S. Navy, No. 4 New Cham- any House in tlic State. England, they rich, pro- 38$ bid seller September. Barley inactive and Ar 10th, brig Adelia President Mumford of the Western Union vided The lower; McLoon, Munroe, Cicnfuegos; bers St., New York. oc29snly up with any sum he if he would come they gave part to the church. priest No 2 Spring at 111 seller for September; ; 110 seller sch Rock, Seville. pleased, Co., of the inestimable and Eagle Hammond, $16,003,584.74 Telgraph expressive Palacio was he be at exe- October, is No 2 at here declined. made to present ,th; Rye quiet firm; 834c seller Sid 7th, ship H S Sanford, for San Francisco; brigs over to lecture, but he loss sustained by the and of Pork and weak acmotterbeck’s Motli and Freckle Lotion* Company, sym- cutions. September. quiet at 21 45 on spot; Wm Kobertson, for Barbadoes; Perces Hinckley, tor GREAT It is said that Andrew Johnson was and condolence with his A 21 55 21 seller September. Lard is BARGAINS very pathy family. Other Central American Stafes are taking @ 574 quiet and Alicante; schs Nellie Scott, for Bergen; Waldemar, was at on seller A safe and sure Dividend to Holders on close and in committee appointed to receive the re- measures threatened steady 13g spot; 13$ September; 13 90@ for Para. remedy for removing Tan,Pimples, Policy saving money transactions, carry- precautionary against — — on 13 95 seller all the year. Bulk Meats are and Passed Moth, Freckles and from the Itf ceive the remains their arrival from Europe horrors at San steady through Hell Gate 8th, schs Challenge, fm Blotches, Eruptions the he learned in the severe school like those Miguel. shoulders on it soft and ing economy and escort them to Rochester. unchanged; 8$c spot; short ribmid- Elizabeth port lor Providence; J P Ames, from do Skin, rendering tresh and imparting to it Premiums in Insult to nn American Consul nt ilIpo 113 slinrf- nlonr <1a 151 Wliititoir_nil _:_ a MABJ3LE PUBITY. terminating 1874, of poverty almost to an extreme. His style of Tripoli. for Danvers; S & B Small, Amboy for Portsmouth; at 118}. Planet, Port Johnson for and Wasttivoton. Autr. 10.—Commodore Ain- Camden; Baltic, Hoboken life at Greenville was exceedingly simple nr on fvnmnv Lake Freights easier but not quotably lower—Corn for and Ida L Mo.-li- PRICE FIFTY CENTS A BOTTLE. men, of the re- Lynn; Olive, Warren, Howard, if iioainniun. Acting Secretary Navy, to-day to Botlalo 2|; Wheat to Buiialo for Parlor 2}. ier, Elizabetbport Portland; Chitno, New York non-expensive. ceived from the of a On the of the A. Suits, 40 Acting Secretary State, call Board in the afternoon—Wheat for Bangor; Am Chief, New York for Fall Rivei; Prepared only by G. SCHLOTTERBECK & per cent The tombstone of General Putnam, which despatch dated Tripoli, Aug. 7, stating that was lower at 1 27 bid seller August; 1 bid seller A H Hodgman, Port Johnson for Boston. Co., Apothecaries add Chemists. 303 Congress street. 24} and all Mr, Bidal, American Consul there, and his for September. Corn easier at 69}c seller August; PROVIDENCE—Ar 9th, sch One door above Brown, Portland. Me. ma27sndtf kinds or for some time has been missiag, has been found The Bobbers. Harry Percy, Percy, holders in this obtain se- Treasury had been insulted 71}c for seller September. Oats firm at 44 seller tor from Bath. Policy Company perfect lady, by Tripolitan sailors, less than to in and at the head of the revolutionary August;38} @ 39c for seller Alnomak. curity, costing insure any other Com- replaced Washington, Aug. 10.—Chief of Police and asking if any of our vessels of war could September. Pork steady Sid 8th, sch Flye, New York. DB. BICKNELL’S SYRUP, Richards this and unchanged. Lard quiet and RI—Sid sch pany. hero’s grave, in Conn. morning went to Alexandria and conveniently reach that Orders were unchanged BRISTOL, 8th, Adriana, Merrill, for Brooklyn, Preparations point. Receipts—7,000 bbls Hour, bush New York. attached the stocks and other issued that the steamer now at Port- 42,000 wheat, 110,- Unsold by all Drngglsts for the cure of Bowel or are in that town for the erection of a personal proper- Hartfold, 000 bush corn, bush 2000 Chamber ! 18,000 bush 5000 WICKFORD—Ar Sets making oats, rye 8tb, sch fm I. OSSEN PAID liV THIH1I MAIN ty in that city, belonging to Ottman, valued at land en route for home from the Asiatic bush of Telegraph, Wooster, Summer Cholera station, barley. Calais. Complaints, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, AETEH PBOUE. new and more substantial monument. $20. to proceed inquire into the facts and demand Shipments—3,000 bbls flour, bush 201.- HAnuttt, m—.%r sen Hur- Morbus, &c.,is without a 8,000 wheat, uonvoy, rrencu, Colic, purely vegetable, Parties to will find it to their An is told of Gov. of Brown, who was first arrested on the that the of the insult 000 bush corn, bush 0000 intending purchase amnsing story Bagley charge perpetrators be arrested 5,000 oats, bush rye, 350 ricane Island. particle of a of in the will have Dusk barley. opiate, highly aromatic, powerful tonic, advantage hy calling at .J. D. .TONES, President. who is a Sabbatarian. He was complicity treasury robbery, and punished. Bear Admiral Worden, com- VINEYARD-HAVEN—Ar 7th, schs St Elmo. Da- Michigan, good pleasant to the taste, and guaranteed to give imme- CHARLES Vice-President. a hearing before the police court to-morrow. manding the European station, is also instruct- Toledo, August 10.—Flour is firm and vis, New York for Bristol; Olio, Henderson, do for DENNIS, in Detroit on and a bil- unchanged. W H diate relief. Edwakd lately Sunday, passing Halleck remains at the police headquarters. ed to himself advised oi the circum- Wheat—demand lair and advanced 4 @ 5c, Biistol; Thorndike. Cushman. So Amboy for Prepared ohly by Sutton, of W. H. II. MOORE, 2nd Vice-Pres’t. keep closing Thomastou; Wm Penn, liard hall with some friends heard the balls He has not employed counsel yet. He says he and if send other vessels to steady; No 2 White Wabash new at 1 48; No 1 White Thompson, Cambridge, Md, Providence, R. I. jy23sn3m J. H. CHAPMAN, stances, necessary 1 for bath; Kate Newman, Calais tor New Secretary, will waive an examination and be committed to Michigan 56; cxrta White Michigan at 1 60; Amber Newman, DEANE f.A.I w as if it were a week day. He to aci with the Hartford. uiiuvuimiuuinuTf clicking politely Tripoli 1 at 1 48; seller September at 1 Bedford; Wesley Abbott, Milliken, Ellsworth for BROS’., in default of bail. Michigan 54;new 52; do; 12 PICTURES FOR ?5 CENTS. of the if he made a prac- jail $100,000 Foreign Notes. seller October at 1 52; new do 1 38; No 2 Red Winter Leonessa, Acborn, Richmond for Halifax. inquired proprietor on of coun- Ar scbs Judge Wylie to-day, application 1 55; new 1 46}; seller September 1 51; No 3 do new 8th, Sarah B, Strout, Weehawken for Bos- tice of bis hall on and The steamers International and Dacia are J\. T keeping open Sunday, sel, reduced Ottmau’s bail fiom $100,000,fixing 1 30; rejected at 1 08. Corn is fair and advanced 1 ton; Starlight, Blatchford, Ehzabethport for do; A laying a cable front Peru to Chili along shore. @ 51 St. was astonished when the man replied: “No, it at $10,000. He was unable to give this l}c; closing steady; high Mixed at 77}c; seller Sep- G Bryam, Stubbs, Banaire for BaDgor. Exchange Insure Life 17. S. Minister Cibbs has been re- amount and was remanded to It has been officially tember at seller October low no Sid, brigs Cbas Wesley, Geo Harris, and DAVIS’ NEW jy28d2m not as a but if you jail. 78c; 78}c; Mixed 77c; Benjamin PHOTOGRAPH.GALEERY, your Governor, general thing, ceived by the President of Peru. Oats in fair Carver; schs Edward Waite. Roswell, Jas R ascertained that several drafts were drawn by grade 75}c; damaged 66}c. demand and Talbot, BOYD and wonld like to a The Loch Lomond returned to advanced J B Marshall, Hannie Olive BLOCK, your party play quiet game Ottman on Saratoga through Riggs & Co. brig Aspin- 2c; closing steady; No 2 at 66c; seller for Westbrook, Elizabeth, wall with loss of sails in a hurricane. She was August at 50}c; seller September at Pbenix, ana all previous arrivals. WITH THE I guess I can fix it for yon.” of this and some of them not yet having 46c; Michigaat Ar Corner of Middle and Sts-, ULAKIUN. city, bound to St. Andrews. 66c. 9lh, schs J P Wyman, Urann, Surinam for Bos- Exchange The Catholic say that the been paid, steps were taken to enjoin their Lake dull and ton ; Grace Girdler, Saunders, from Elizabetbport lor OEB NEW English journals A scuffle has occurred between the Russian Freights unchanged. can 12 Card 75 bbls Portland. you get Large Size Pictures for cents* payment. _ Receipts—16 flour, bush of Cardinal was and German frontier at Demtown. 15,000 Wheat, 10,000 N. B.—Children under seven extra. question Manning’s'precedence guards bush Com, 1000 bush Oats. NEW BEDFORD—SId 8th, sch Clio Cbilcott, Ful- jyl0sn5w* PORTABLE COOKING RANGE. at Prince of Several skirmishes have occurred between lerton, New York. ndirectly sett led the Wales’ gar- The Situation Along the mississippi. Shipments—500 bbls flour, 9,000 bush Wheat, 6000 FOR WOOD OR COAIi. the and the with results bush Com. 3.000 bush BOSTON—Ar 9th, schs Annie Bliss, Simmons, fm Boat Sails. den party, when Her Majesty Queen Victoria Memphis, Tenn., Aug. 10.—The Avalanche Spaniards insurgents Oats. Awnings , Flags, favorable to the former. Loss Charleston; Geo E Young, Marshall, Philadelphia; The Illuminated Clarion is one of the most has a review of the situation slight. Milwaukee, August 10.—Flour is and firm. Range was present. The Prince of Wales, we are lengthy along the The quiet Mabel, Maloney, Weehawken* Senator Grimes, Phil- and Economical, as we warrant it to be the geographical congress decreed letters of Wheat—full prices asked; no No 1 Milwau- Covers, Canvass Letterings, Elegant river. In the Memphis distriot the summing demand; brook. South Amboy; Cherub, Fletcher, New York. most Compact and Convenient told, advanced to meet the Cardinal on his ar- distinction to the navy department and signal kee at 1 35}; No 2 Milwaukee at 1 31; seller for Au- Cooking Apparatus of cotton in the water is about 2000 SALEM—Ar 8tb, schs George & Albert, Bryant, ever already service at gust at 1 29; seller September 126. Corn is firmer &<•., produced. cordially shook hands with him,and then Washington. Perth Cyprus, fm Ellsworth for New Decorations, The are some of its features: rival, acres. While the situation is more hopeful and held higher; No 2 at Oats and in Amboy; Frye, following special 70jc. steady York. Illuminated fire clinkerless and presented His Eminence to his royal mother than a few days since, sleepless vigilance is fair demand; No 2 at is unsettled and box; shaking 54jc. Barley Ar 10th, schs Wm Buck, Miller, Baltimore; Sarah 49 1-2 EXCHANGE STREET., grate; the beet chance to broil without necessary on the of those whose lands are higher; No 2 Spring at 112} @ 113. and dumping LIFE ISIIRME who received him most graciously and con. part MINOR TELEGRAMS. Rye steady Wooster. Sherman, Hoboken. large ventilated with or without hot (OMPM, threatened. The firm; No 1 at 83c. Provision Mess Xork at odor; oven; danger to the fine plantations easier; Cld 10th, for New sch shelf with the best versed with him for a while. The Cardinal re Steamship Great Western has arrived at New 22 25 cash and seller September. brig Harry, Robinson, York; A. closet; portable large top surface; in Walnut Bend, GO miles below, is from the Emma, Sparrow, Bristol. F. LEAVITT. draft cut-off ever reversible York. Lake Freights- Wheat Buffalo at to Os- mc3 sneod invented; collar, pipe-top mained within the royal circle for some back water in the St. which last week 2jc ;Wheat NEWBURYPORT—Ar 8th. sch J C Nash, Crow- or dustless sifter and ash skeleton OF BOSTON. Francis, wego at 5}. back; large pan; extended to The rains and storms last week caused ley, Port Johnson. in hot heat thrown under all its six time—a accorded to only those of the up Wettsbnrg, a distance of 180 heavy Receipts—4,000 bbls bush closet; privilege flour, 65,000 wheat, 0,000 Ar 9th, schs Ella Olive Stop that Cough. water front when it has CHARTERED miles. A well known of North Missis- great damage to all kinds of crops in the Dela- bush 6000 bush Frances, Bulger, Hoboken; grateoles; ordered; nickel plated IN 1*33. rank. planter corn, oats, 0,000 bush barley, 0000 Port Johnson. knobs and highest from under date of ware valley, Penn. Hall fell, hun- bush Elizabeth, Randall, Dr. Morris’s Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and Hore- is splendidly fitted up; flues cleaned from sippi, writing Atlanta, Ga., destroying rye. Sid 8th, schs B J Fellows, Smith, Jonesport; F A the outside. 6th to a firm here dreds of acres of corn, and aburricaue uprooted Shipments—7,000 bbls flour. 51,000 bush 000 hound will cure a in one halt the time neces- inst., says: wheat, Magee. Young, Ellsworth; Northern Light, Harpes, cough In connection with the above we would merelv add PUR ELY MUTUAL. “The for 60 miles east of trees and unroofed and cattle were bush com, 0000 bush barley, 0000 bush oats. crops Memphis buildings, Calais; J C Harraden, Brown, do. sary to cure it with any other medicine. There is that in design and finish, it is usurpas sed. It has have suffered much for want of rain. drowned. St. Louis, August 10.—Flour is inactive and un- PORTSMOUTH—Ar sch an and exntra The very 8th, Rising Sun, Jones, positively no pulmonary disease that it will not cure unusually large oven, deep flues. From there changed. Wheat—demand and covers and centres are so BY TELEGRAPH. to Decatur they are pretty good. The first cargo of new Alabama cotton ar- chiefly speculative Philadelphia. heavy, preventing any The oldest and most carefully man- higher and No 2 Red Winter at 1 49 1 60 for Sid schs F or greatly alleviate. For all cases of hoarseness,loss of The Going south from Birmingham to rived in New York afternoon. active; @ 8th, Sandy Point, Grant, Stockton; V warpiDg. broiling door is one of the most im- Montgom- Monday cash; seller at 1 50 1 seller & features in 100 and thence east 65 miles August @ 52}; September Turner, Walker, Rockland; Julia Martha, Hopps, voice, coughs, croup, bronchitis, asthma, and whoop- portant modern stoves, and is so arranged ery, miles, through The 1 1511 51 No 3 Fall 1 bid. Corn is Calais. in THE that aged in the ship Caarrie A. Bentley lost on a voyage 50} j; 37} firmer; it has no We never knew a CLARION broiling can be carried on company country. the cotton country, I have never seen such an No 2 Mixed in car ing cough equal. person MATTERS IN MAINE. from Brasbear City with live oak for New lots 70cash; 70} raj 70} seller for successfully without any odor coming into the room. entire failure of the crops. Thousands of acres seller October. Oats at who had used it but that recommended it to others. The illuminated was owned in Rhode and September; 68} higher 52 bid FOREIGN PORTS. fire box presents a cheerful appear- DIRECTOR*: will not make 5 bushels of corn York, Island, partly sales at 50 50 seller per acre, and cash; @ jc August; 42}c seller for Arat Genoa 5th Edith Wo are^prepared to guarantee every bottle. Please ance, and shows at all times the conditionof the fire insured. No 2 at inst, brig Hall, Bunker, without the Sew all Tappan, James Sturgis, not over 50 pounds of seed cotton, From Ope- ^ September. Rye bighei; 85 ® 86. Whiskey is New Orleans. call and about it. Trial size 10 cents. For opening door. The skeleton slide in hot and inquire bottom Marshall P. Wilder, Dwight Foster, THE FOURTH DISTRICT. lika to Columbus, Ga., it really looks like star- The diamond jewelry seized in New York, steady unchanged. Ar at 8th Jos S Jor- closet keeps any dish enveloped with warm Counsel, bbls Antwerp inst, ship Spinney, sale A, S. Hinds, Preble T. G. Loring, is Charles Hubbard, Percival L. vation. It is so and to be and to he worth sev- Receipts—2.000 flour, 41,000 bush wheat, 9,000 Lobos. by Honse; air. The sifter vibrated by a handle through the Everett, dry hot that even trees supposed smuggled bush dan, George H. Nath’lJ. corn, 13,000 bush oats, 0,000 bush 0000 Ar and Federal C. L. 653 Con- front plate, and allows no dust to escape. Foloer, Bradlbb, are and their leaves as in au- eral hundred thousand dollars, has been ap- barley, in English Channel 8th inst, ship Exchange Sreet; Holt, James S. dying shedding bush rye, 125 hogs, 1342 cattle. Bombay, This Range has been tested in Amory, Benj. F. Stevens, Pres’t. tumn. All the rain in the world could not praised and turns out to be Birmingham stuff, Work, Akyab for Bremen. gress St,; C, B. Woodman, Saccarappa; Dr Keen, thoroughly every Powers Hen Still on tlie War 10.—Pork fm particular, and every disinterested person and deal- and all is not worth a thousand dol- uinoinsati, August is quiet and firm at Sid Belfast. I, 8th inst, brig Dirigo, Coffin, for and E. W change the result now. From West Point to together Gorham; P. Weston, Fryeburg. J. ers will admit it to be the best ever 22 00. Lard quiet and firm; summer at 13}. Bulk United States. Cooking Range ASSETS JAW. 1, 1875, here the a lars. oclOeodtf ottered to the Please call and Path. crops present very sorry appearance. Meats are firm; shoulders at 8}c; clear rib Bides at Sid tm Callao 3d ult, ships J B Lincoln, Musaus, Perkins & Co., General Agents, public. examine it and Corn will make about 7 bushels The we can give you testimonials and references that will per acre, and section in the rear of tho Arnos- 12}c;clear sides sold at 12}. Bacon scarce and high- Independence Bay; 7th. Tranquebar, Waterhouse, shoulders at be satisfactory to you. cotton about 3 hundred pounds. keag Company’s boarding houses on Merri- er; 10c; clear rib sides at 13}c; clear do; 10th, C F Sargent, »frett, do sides at Live are scarce Manufactured and for sale by mack street, Manchester, N. H., were burned 13}. Hogs and firm ;oommon At Valparaiso Juiy 10, Bhip P G Blanchard, Green, fSpecial to the Press.] at 7 00 7 fair to medium 7 Monday night about 12 o’clock. Damage to light @ 40; 50 @ 7 85; good from Antwerp. $13,361,347.00. of the Miners Preparing to Leave. at 7 90 (g 8 00; receipts 431 730 At Rio Janeiro wood, bishop & co. Bangor, Ang. 10.—la anticipation building about $000. Fifteen barrels of head; shipments head. July 16, ships Friedlander, Morri- J: E. & Co., Hour, Whiskey firm at 118. from New York tor San scores of Cheyenne, W. 10.—Gen. Crook son, Francisco, re-loading; Sturgis Harplns over nil I.ia- Congressional Convention to-morrow T., Aug. five barrels of kerosene and other articles BANGOR. and Detboit, 10.—Flour fs and un- Invincible, Strickland, and Franconia, Otis, unc; Col. Stanton returned here to-day from the stored make a August steady from different sections of the dis- total of about $1000. extra Winter at 7 00 barque Edwin Reed, Higgins, for Krem- For sale in Portland by politicians Black Hills. Miners were changed ; | @ 7 50. Wheat—the Callao; brig ,he. preparing to leave, lin. unc. PHARMACISTS, $1,365,000 in to A San Francisco despatch says the demand is active and prices advanced for new; extra Wyman, trict atrived the city to-night participate covering up the richest lodes to their Republi- Cld at Annual prevent at 1 53 new 1 Santos June sch Jahn — Income. can congressional convention Monday eveuing do 50; No 1 White Michigan a 1 52}; 25, Douglass, Parker, — DEALERS IK NUTTER BROS. & CO. in the events of the morrow. The excitement discovered till such time as can a maji New York. 3,300,000 being they nominated Ira P. Rankin for uttr, uew at 04; jno AmDer return. There were about 1500 Congress. at Sid tm Bahia is intense Knots of anxious ones are miners in the 149; 143 for new. Com quiet and unchanged; July 6, brig Afton, Copp, New York. 29 MARKET to-night. The hardware establishment of J. F. No 1 Ar at Cardenas 7 th Mai tin and and SQUARE. tih Ar* Hills, and a great deal of preliminary work Frazier Mixed 79c. Oats are active and 2c higher; No 1 inst, barque W Brett, Commercial Rare Drugs apriOcod6m* 1,475,000 seen in corner. at Peterson, North of Hatteras. every Conspicuous nearly had been done in the way of ditches in Halifax was burned yesterday. Loss heavy. at 62c. Batin of Expenses to Q *1 w. Receipts for two bbis Ar at St Johns, NF, 2d inst, sch Geo Amos, Bunk- Income. & 1MO all points are the friends of baffled Powers. and sluices. There were no Indians in Building and stock iusured for $60,000. days—0000 flour, 20.000 bush Chemicals, Jl.tl, the and had wheat, 000 bush corn. 0000 bush oats. er, Bangor. Average foreach Com- Their wrath is even than on vicinity few been seen. Those at Mutuals 0. on a of greater yesterday, Hartfords7; Shipments—600 bbis flour, 42,000 bush wheat. 0000 liave Land large assortment business the agencies were still demanding that the pany doing OA TO n f and their threats are loud and numerous. Their Ross has been elected principal chief of the bush corn, 000 do oats. [Latesfby European steamers.l “HAMBURGS.” in tbe Called Stales.. *v too via miners be driven out. Some gold was P« panned Cherokees. 7 Sid fm Falmouth 28, for BATH TOWELS. s from the Indianapolis, August 9.—Flour is at 00 @ 8 50, July Ventus, Theobold, _____ Number of Policies is- ire receive but little attention oat in »“V V*. IVV II UIVU I.U1UVU AAA clamorings the |»WUUVVpresence of the party, which Jyielded Wheat—Rod 1 Bremen. The 50; Amber 1 55 @ 1 60; White at 1 55 FLESH BRUSHES. sued in 31 years. sure their can- 18 cents to the There is an abundance of Democratic majority in Kentucky is Ar at 00,UUU friends of Mr. Plaisted, who feel paD.pan. @ 1 60 ;1 White 155 @ 160. Corn—Ear 70c; shelled at Naples July 23, Regina Tolck, Ray, NYork; HAIR water and also timber for 36,792, with 24 counties to hear from. 24th. Flori M MITTENS, JUST RECEIVED didate will be and furthermore, grass, building, but 74c. Oats—none ottering. Hulbert, Dudley, Troon. nominated, was Sid fm Bremen S R Got- Ay^."‘iruredl“3i the mine not of the highest merchantable 10.—Cotton 23d, Lyman, Pinkham, —AND — 145,000,000 elected. Mobile,August nominal; Middling up- Amount of Death value. The town called Stonewall had been lands atl-lgc. tenburg. FINANCIAL Ar at Cuxhaven 25, Claims and Endow- A <1PA Powers arrived to-night by cars, and was im- laid out in Custer’s Gulch, in the of AND COMMERCIAL. July Emma, Rich, Mejillonea. CHOICE SOAPS. AAA vicinity Savannah, August 10.—Cotton quiet ;Middling up- Sldfm Newport July San Noble, tor ments paid in 31 years which some rich are located. The lands 28th, Juan, 250 v,wOv^UUv surrounded his friends. His diggings 13|c. Martinique. all of which will be sold at low PIECES mediately by pol- very prices. Amount of Surplus or whole country is well adapted to and Ar at Table icy is to keep clear of the convention and hav6 grazing New York, August 10.—Cotton steady; Middling Bay, CGH, —, Vesuvius, Ulmer, Irom farming. Troops are now en route to establish Portland Wholesale Markets. uplands Boston. A choice selection of New and very desirable patterns, He is still deter- 14fc. ffSVSk. .rrt“r“rd 6,500,000 his admirers do the same. a temporary near Stonewall for the pur- Tuesday, August 10—Sugars unchanged. We Sid fm Havre July 2G, L B Gilchrist, Emerson, for which we offer at the post New Orleans, August 10.—Cotton steady; Mid- New York. TOOTH BRUSHES, popular Amount of Ourplos In mined on no whatever. It is ex pose of keeping out the miners. Prof. Jan- note an advance in the West of Wheat this at of compromise again, dling uplands 14ic. Ar at Stockholm from HAIR BRUSHES. prices ney’s party are still exploring the Hills, and July 24, Orchilla, Herriman, NAIL pected considerrble discussion of an animated- coupled with increased firmness in New York and Charleston, August lO.-Cotton is dull;Middling New York. BRUSHES, 575,000 will probably remain till the middle of Octo- WALLETS. ■an uuc. in Europe gives holders of flour much confidence that uplands at 14c. Ar at Geffie July 19, Frank Pendleton, Nichols, COMBS, character will occur in the convention over ber. Gen. Crook leaves to-morrow for Omaha. PERFUMERY. 6c, 10c, 12c, 16c, 20c, 25c and present prices in bread stuffs will be maintained. Helsiugtors. Aroostook’s to the nomination. Several fully A full assortment of 37 l-2c per The great and special feature of the New right Markets. yard. Pork and lard active and firm. Corn firm and scarce. European Mutual eminent of this and county it is SPOKEN. England Life Insurance Co. is gentlemen cjty Wisconsin Crop Prospects. London, August 10—12.30 P. M.—American secur- SHOULDER BRACES AND TRUSSES. N. B -We would invite its NON-FORFEIT ABLE Supply not equal to ^demand. An addition of one July 4, lat 2G N, Ion 45 W, brig J C Hazeltine, irom the special atten- POLICIES. understood will advocate* the claims of the ties—United States 5-20s, 1865, old, 107J; Erie 123; tion of nil oar Indy friends to the above This feature is the right of the Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 18.—The Sentinel in which will if sus- Batavia for Montreal. with care Policy- shilling to-day Liverpool, add, Erie preferred 25. Physicians prescriptions prepared great as it includes some of the handsomest holders made so by the law of the State of The matter of the of to-morrow from the 30 tiuiy 01, lat z\% ion oi, scu duuet, irom Boston lor and sent to all of the lot, county. apportionment publishes crop reports three to four cent bash to the our parts city. tained, price in Liverpool,August 10—12.30 P. M.—Cotton market patterns and best bargains we have ever Massachusetts Premium* already paid tbe District Committee, which most important counties in the state. Winter Cape Baytien. STURBIS’ DYSPEPSIA POWDER is continue the delegates by markets. and unchanged; Middling uplands at 7Jd ;do Orleans ottered. Policy in force until they are wheat is nearly now harvested. It shows a the most reliable article in the market for the cure of earned by the cost of insurance. Fifteen has caused considerable ill feeling, will also be at 7£d; sales 10,000 bales, of which 20u0 bales were splendid crop in many portions of the state,— tor and A ever Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Sijk Headache, Heartburn policies in the New Lngland Co. were paid is will be handled speculation export. Triumph Humbug. taken up, and it expected the best ever known. The whole is up to Foreisu Fxports. and Sonr Stomach. Try it and you will never be under this !nw in 1N74, amounting to fully up The constant gain in popularity of the national OWEN & severely. the average, while more bushels to the acre ST JOHN, NB. Br Schr J W Scott—1000 bbls of without it. Piepared by MOORE, 957.00000: which would hare been a Accident. will be realized than flour. Such maladies as are mentioned in the treatise on remedy and preventive, Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, total loss to the policy-holders, had they anticipated- Spring CONGRESS been and all and the decline of the fermented and nauseous STREET,CORNER BROWN. insured in any company, other than a wheat will be more than the usual In dropsy, diseases of the kidneys, bladder and rapid J. STURGIS & Dockland, Aug. 10.—John Fleming, quar- crop. E. CO., dtf a Massachusetts company. manv places church hues havA destrnwAH whnln Foreign rubbish bolstered a false JanH_ many places bugs have destroyed whole Imports. urinary organs, published by William E. Clarke, feebly up by temperance The offered to insurers rjrmaii cnipiujreu ai uie gmuuc wuim at advantages by fields, but this is compensated for in the exces- TASSARDO, PR. Br J H R. a of merit this in Brig Harsey-333 pun Providence, I., proprietor of Hunt's Remedy, sap cry, exemplifies grand triumph genuine June, Free and Congress Sts, company was severely this Xafternoon by sive in other localities. will be a molasses 20 tcs do to E Churchill & Co. WILLEY & Head, injured growth Bye the mental powers and undermine the constitution1 over rampant humbug, at which honest folks rejoice. jyl3 deodtf TYLER, blown No bones were broken but he fair crop. Oats will yield an abundant har- being up. Every parent and guardian should this valu- And wed they may; for each accession of popularity vest. Barley will be about a usual crop. Hay possess Secur- was severely bruised. Daily Domestic Receipts. able Thousands who to a remedy which cures and prevents intermittent TAXIDERMISTS, Age, Experience, Absolute crop will be nearly double that of last year. pamphlet. have suffered from A LARGE ASSORTMENT Corn generally late and has suffered severely By water conveyance—1000 bush cornmeal to G W the complaints it treats of have been restored to and remittent fevers, dyspepsia, constipation, liver True & Co. 16 Street Maine. ity, Economical from the drought. Still with fair weather for health by Hunt's Remedy. sent free to all complaint, urinary troubles, uterine weakness and Temple Portland, Management. Pamphlet — OF — THE TURF. a few weeks the yield will be fair. Potatoes general debility, widens the field of its beneficent op- Bird*, Animals, Deer Head.*, Fishes, Ac. Boston Stock JLiist* applicants. deod&wlw Liberal Conditions of Res- suffered somewhat from bugs and drought, but erations and is a direct to while ev- « Stuffed and Mounted to order. Travel, {.Sales at the Brokers' 10. gain hnmanity, prepared, the crop will be very large. Flax crop will be BoardKAug, Union MARRIED. ery falling off In public favor of a pernicious com- almost a failure. Altogether the year proves a Pacific sinking fund 8s. G22 idence and Fourth Day of the Fairfield Meeting. for hut for is a ARTIFICIAL Occupation, njost excellent one for Wis. farmers. Boston & .Maine Railroad.117* pound, powerless good powerful evil, EYES, LEAVES, Ac, Eastern Railroad. as a reason Tackle GO* Dlessing quite unmistakable, but for very In Augusta. Aux. 8, James F. Dearborn and Miss Blocks, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, and the unconditional Carrie M. Craig. different. Let humbug for once hide its diminished protection guar- 10.—In the 2.48 class the ih anteed by the Massachusetts Laws com- Fairfield, Aug. Grasshoppers. In Elisha head. Would it were always as unsuccessful as Bat Bird, and a New York Stock and money market. Thorndike, July 27, Tozier of Knox and OB ROPE Feather* Specially. bine to make it was the score: Omaha, from the Miss Jane Walker of Thorndike. the present instance. (IRON STRAPPED) following Neb, Aug. 10.—Reports Nbw York. August 10—Evening.—The business West still show vast clouds of In West 11, Robert A. and and Fowl of the best Breeds on Waldo 111 grasshoppers in Wall street was the smallest of the season. Appleton, July Ripley S3?'*Fancy Pigeons Chief, to-day Miss Bell -AT- and in their for 2 2 2 flying southward. They have appeared at The transactions of stocks were Campbell. season; also, Eggs Setting. Mellenocket, only 22,700 shares, Ju2dtl Azeo, 3 3 3 Laramie City. In some localities, where they including 5000 shares Western Union at81*@81§; SPECIAL NOTICES. The Safest, 4 4 4 have been thick for several days past, none 1100 shares Lake Shore at 60* @ 68; 2000 shares Un- Twilight, ion Pacific at 712 DIED. 2.40. have been seen to-day, and the damage is @ 72*, 71* @ 71J ;1600 shares North- Time, 2.38, 2.40, Western at 41* @ 41*‘ 1400 shares Pacific Mail at 382 CALORIC ENGINE The and light. Please tell the that you saw their Cheapest, Palmer, Mary and Rock- @ 38|; 140 shares Ohios 10f @ 19*; 2600 shares Eric at people Shot, Telegraph, Suit Against an Indian In this 9, Walter J.. infant son of John E Agent. 15 @ The market was better at city, Aug the circula- well were drawn. 14* @ 14*. slightly and Rose 8 advertisement in the PRESS, FOB The United States District Attorney, accord- close than the lowest rates of the day. but unsettled. Cushing, aged months. SALE. The Best in the World. In this Aug. 9, Eliza 74 The was the score in the sweepstake ing to instructions from has Suspension were reported of A. Castle & Co., city, Winslow, aged years. tion of which, per month, exceeds 100,000. following Washington, begun fancy [Funeral services afternoon at 2 o’clk. THREE HORSE POWER. a suit gooas. to some complications with a concern Wednesday race: against John Baker, formerly Indian owing at No. 116 street. in Mass., that and J. Newberry Active ’energetic and reliable agent, and his bondsmen to recover $18,400, Northampton, recently failed, In Mr. Agents 112 1 G. Shaw & Co., manufacturers of blank books. The Cape Elizabeth, Aug. 6, Solomon Jordan, 16 & 18 St. desiring a light, safe and economical wanted in every and Town Bully Brooks, the balance due the from Baker. 59 READ, BEY AND TRY. City, Village Charlie 3 3 4 3 government liabilities of neither are heavy. aged years. JDenter PARTIESpower, will find this Engine just what they .in Maine. Morrell, The accounts date back to 1862. He has also In West Deering, N. H.t Aug. Mr. Moses Roach, want. It Joe 2 4 3 4 Exports of produce for the week $5,217,000. Money 1, cannot explode! This machine is nearly Applications for Insurance or for Hooker, a 75 of Portland. In Medicines I find WAY’S COM- Iron Sheaves in with Agen- begun suit against R. M. Forbes for failure was easy at 2 @ 2* per cent, on call. Ex- aged years.—formerly using Cough great variety new, has given the very best ot satisfaction, and the cies may be made to the Jim Fiske, Jr., 4 2 12 Sterliug In Waterville, Mrs. New to iulfill a hay contract. He is to change firm at 487 @ 487* for 60 and 490 for July 31, Sarah Shaw, of POUND SYRUP OF LUNGWORT to be or without reason we offer it for sale is because more power was 2.34. preparing days Sharon, 78 4 months. Roller Rushings. Time, 2.33, 2.33, 2.38i- suits seven other citizens of this demand. Engagements of specie for to- aged years required by the owners. bring against shipment In New York, 8. Mrs. of the best kind I have ever used. morrow in in silver Aug. Rebecca R.f wife This machine cost when new and can now state, some of whom are said to be promin ent $350,000 gold coin, $75,000 bars. Jas. A. Minott. PRICES ON APPLICATION. $750, Customs receipts $488,000. Capt. [Eastern papers please cony. I JAMES M. SAFFORD, be bought at a great bargain. BRANCH politicians. [Funeral services afternoon at 2 A OFFICE, at Old Orchard. Gold fluctuated between 113* and 114*, at Thursday o’clock, 44 Chestnut Street. aug7 dcod3m one-horse power Engine (same kind) may be seen Bobbery closing at No. 10 Casco srreet. Friends and in- 113* bid. The clearings at the Gold Bank relatives are Sold all in operation at the office of FORD & PERRY, Job the Associated Press.! Exchange vited to attend. by Druggists. [To The Barre (Ft.) Bank Bobber. were $12,620,000. The Assistant Treasurer paid out Printers. Snow and on account of interest and For further particulars, &c.. address f Old Orchard, Aug. 10.—Simon Montpelier, Vt., Aug. 10.—Judge Powers $56,000 $30,000 for called c. way & co., $30,000 terms, 74 bonds. The rates paid for borrowing were 1 @ 3 FORD A FERRY. MIDDLE wife of at the admitted to bail Peter now in per DEPARTURE OF STEAMSHIP*. Cerner JTIyrile anil Cumberland St*. ST., Cambridgeport, Mass., guests Alphonsus, jail cent. Governments steady. State bonds aro dull. on First Exchange St., Portland, Me. Name. ma22 To Loan Class Mortgages aulOeodlw_491 Sea Shore while in bathing this fore- here on the charge of robbing the Barre Bank, Railroad mortgages firm; Pacific issues advanced to From For Date. sntf House, of New York. .New 12 in Portland and Vicinity 1m lour Life worth Ten the respondent’s counsel, Chas. H. Heath, 102* for Central and Union firsts, and par for Union City YorkwHavana.Aug Ceali*}? PORTLAND, MAINE, noon had the of their hotel room and Etna.New York 13 in Sums to Suit. keys becoming his surety in the land grants. A cable from London reports a ..Kingston, &c.Aug NOTICE. Sickness prevails everywhere, and everybody com- Esq., required heavy Colon.New 14 trunks stolen from their The thief amount of was failure in the metal trade. No particulars. York..Aspinwall. .Aug clothing. $6000. Alphonsus then arrested plains ot some disease during the’r lite. When sick, or to any authorized Agent in thi. Mate. Polynesian ..Quebec.Liverpool.Aug 14 The M. C. M. will be for Real Estate 8 to 10 then entered their room and secured valuable on four civil suits brought against him for The following were the closmg quotations of Gov- of Association Library open Securities, paying per is City Chester.New York. Liverpool.Aug 14 cent, interest free of Taxes. Investments in Real tbe object to get well. Now we say plainly that Mr. King, cashier of the in ernment securities: the delivery of books, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, aud the trespass by bank, Atlas...Boston.Liverpoo.Aug 14 21st. of Estate in Portland and Vicinity, if no in this v\ orld that is with ADDRESS jewelry money amounting|iu aggregate behalf of wife and and United States coupon 6’s, 1881, coup.121g Aug, Per order judiciously person suffering Dyspep- himself, child, another Ethiopia.New York. .Glasgow.Aug 14 COMMITTEE. made, are the best and safest modes of to about Officers are now after the sus- United States 5-20’s 1864, augl0sn2w LIBRARY employing sia, Liver Complaint and its such as Indiges- $1000. the directors of the bank. It is understood coup.11(5* Wisconsin.....New York. .Liverpool.Aug 17 First class securities on band. In- effects, by United States 5-20's, 1865, capital. always that the total are laid at some old.119* Abyssinia.New York. .Liverpool.Aug 18 terest and collected without Guar- tion, Costiveness, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, pected person. damages being United States 5-20’s, 1865, now principal charge. ex-coup...119* .Aug 21 Inhalation. antees title and in all its at and This United States 1867 Scandinavian.Quebec.Liverpool... perfect ample security Heartburn, Palpitation of the Heart, Depressed Angast meeting Bangor Park. $20,000 upwards. keeps Alphonsus 5-20’s, do.120* of Montreal.. .New York. .Liverpool... 21 T. C. 1868 City .Aug A be Real Estate Loans. Real Estate Invest- TARBOX, in jail for.the present. United States 5-20's, do.121" great amount of suffering may prevented Spirits, Biliousness, &c., can take Green’s August 10.—The races at the Adriatic.New York. .Liverpool ... Aug 21 and Improvements made on commission Bangor, Aug. August United States by the use of Dr. Morse’s Medicated Inhalations. ments news’s...116* Bolivia...New York. .Glasgow.Aug 21 and on shares. Bankable and sold. Flower without getting relief and cure. If you Bangor Trotting Park begin to-morrow. United States 10-40 coupon. In Throat Disease it will give relief in a few paper bought General Agent for the State of 117* Batavia.Boston.Liverpool.... Aug 21 doubt to and a DlEXBOBOJbOGICAIj Curreucv 6’s minutes. It is a sure preventive of a this, go your druggist get sample Personal. ex.122* ..•.. iuia. uifcipvuu.Miau^M Diphtheritis, disease which has caused so much aDguish and be- bottle for 10 cents and try it. ze rauDAoiii xjLDiD run mm imsa/a' a w it»iX-trxjia The lollowmg are the closing quotations of Cimbria.New York. .Hamberg.Aug 26 G. R. Regular Maine, Bayard Taylor, accompanied by his wife and reavement. It renders breathing easy. It arrests BAVIS, Stocks: .... 28 75 cents. Two doses will relieve HOURS. Sarmatian.Quebec Liverpool.Aug the of disease in the tuber- you. is at the House He Western Union Co—ex progress lungs, removes daughter, Bangor to-night. Telegraph div.818 cles and Estate and W. F. PHILLIPS & CO., Wholesale PORTLAND, ME., or BATH, ME. War Dep’t, Office Chief Signal ) Pacific by absorption, prolongs life keeps the pa- Real Loan Agency, Agents, leaves for St. John to-morrow Mail.38| tient comfortable in and effects cures MWFtf morning. Offices, Washington, D. 0., > N Y Central and Hudson R. Miaiaiure Almanac.August 11. hopeless cases, se25TT&SAweowly aug2_ consolidated...104* in curable cases. C. M. D., Ashore at mt. Desert. 10, A. Sunrises.,..5.011 6.00PM MORSE, BROWN’S BLOCK- August (1 M.)) Erie.14* High water.-...., au7snd&w3m 73 Free St., Portland Me. cc27 2pcodly Eabtport, Aug. 10.—Schooner Ricochet, For New England, Erie preferred.20 Suu sets...7.08 | Moon sets.. .11.25 PM Michigan Central.... 62* A Farm REDUCED RATES from Boston for is ashore on for Sale. Eastport, Long increasing cloudiness, slight fall of Union Pacific TUCKER’S PRINTING HOUSE • tempera- Stock..71* Maine Central 7 per cent. Conso's. % ture, with winds to Lake — TO — Island, Mount Doserc. Vessel and cargo badly falling barometer, shiftiog Shore... GO* situated on the road leading from and followed rain. St. Paul Railroad. NjCALRIUSTE NEWS. The Card and Job Business of the 05 AliD southerly easterly, by 3G* Book, Printing PRICE ACCRUED 1ST. PLEASANTLYGorham Village to Sebago Lake, within one damaged, St Paul preferred... David as Boston, New York, Chicago, St. Lonis, _ 59* late Tucker, will be continued, heretofore, mile ofchureh and known as the Paine Farm. Illinois school, Central, ex-div...97 at the Stand, Statement of the Treasurer for the Year Said farm contains 51 acres ol San Francisco, and all points West, Indians Punished. PORT Of? PORTLAND, land, well divided in Wabash... 6* Ending Dec. 31, 1N74. field and pasture, with a wood lot a short distance NEW HAMPSHIRE. & Northwestern... 115 EXCHANGE STREET. via all the Rail and Steamboat Lines. San Antonio, Tex., Aug. 10.—Captain No- Chicago 41* from the farm, with a 1J story house and ell. with a Chicago & Northwestern Operating expenses.$1,281,691 25 lan, with two companies of cavalry preferred. 54* Tuesday, lO. All eithe or will receive good stable, all connected, all new having been built belonging Chicago & Rock Island....._ Aug. orders, personal by mail, Interest account. 569,138 47 to Col. Shatter’s scouts, attacked a en- 105* prompt attention within tbe last five years, with a 40x40 teet barn Portland & Rochester Tickets large Atlantic & Pacific 19 ARRIVED. ly24dlysn Leases, etc..... 50 Telegraph. rents, 86,881 which is not a — Steamer Ashore. campment on the eastern edge of the staked new, young and thrifty orchard ot CO — TO The following were the niintntlnnw tnr Steamer City of Portland, Pike, St John, via trees, and also an old one ot 75 trees. For further 10.—Steamer S. E. Weth- three days ago and 70 NB, $1 937,701 22 Hartford, New Portsmouth, Aug. destroyed lodges. road securities: EastDort for Boston. GUNS, Inhumation inquire of the subscriber on the farm. Worcester, Springfield. of o details. Gen. Ord and have left Gross 55 Haven, New nnd erell Gloucester, with a party of excursion- Slains party Central Pacific bonds; int.... 102 BrigJ H Horsey, (Br) Coffill, Ffriardo, PR—353 Breech and Muzzle Loading, Rifles, Re- earnings... 2,094^080 MOSES BUTTERFIELD. York, Philadelphia, Cove for San Antonio. 20 tes molasses to E Churchill & nl n reduction. ists from Pigeon to the Isle of Shoals, Brownsville Union Pacific do ... puncheons Co. volvers, Fishing Tackle for Trout, Gorham, July 5th, 1875. wtfifO Washington .102| Net earnings. $156,379 43 struck udou what is kDown as the Half Wav Union Pacific land grants.9'JJ Brig George Harris, Cousins, Philadelphia—coal to Pickerel, and smelt, Sporting au 113 wel1 a3 heit The on the first day was and A CARR to exhibit the same; and all persons indebted known. Better than gold. yield $219, of the 1st instant is received. Panama has steady at £c decline; sales 1872 bales; Middling up- New York; brig Geo Gilchrist, Orcutt, do. required The the second day $1.10. The men then at to said estate are called upon to make to Use In solution. quit. All lands 13c; forward deliveries advanced 3-32c.— or those a I payment Chlo. and odorless. been in darkness, the gas company refusing to To the public wanting Refrigerator. SUSAN D. H. Lime, chea(>er the gulch fine float gold is but Flour—receipts of 18,157 bbls; sales MEMORANDA. do ICE, BOYD, Administratrix. through found, furnish the 26,400 bbls; the have not time myself and not employ agents to Furnished and by who has all the gas until government paid $7000 market is 5 15c better witli a Mbippcd Portland, July 27, 1875. aulOdlaw3wT the settler bought gold found @ good export demand; Sch Mary Ann, of was run into the run round and diuin up Customers, but sells my HOWE fc GOODWIN, due for the Mauager Taylor Western and State at Jonesport, by so far has not yet accumulated a full ounce. previous supply. Superfine 5 40 (eg 6 00; extra steamer City of Portland, about 8 o’clock Goods at Manufacturers prices, and will simply say N. O. CRAM. was for this conduct but was sub- Western and State at 6 20 6 60 Mtonday isdtf Bonds and general agents, imprisoned (aj ;choice Western and evening, in a thick fog, and sustained some it they will call at Howell Morse’s, 20 Market Itlorfga'fcs. State at 6 65 8 76: damage. dee9’73_ sequently released. @ including 12,700 bbls of shipping She had previously lost her foremast. The steamer Square, and see my Refrigerator in full opperation selected Wester. Bonds * Nos. 11,12,13 India, and 83 Central Sts., Boston. extras at within marker, flAREFULLY Municipal There is considerable excitement on the line The Revolution in Columbia. prices range; closing firm; sustained some damage to outside works, but not before buying, it will be to their advantage, as the and Real Estate Mortgages and Trust Deeds. Southern flour at 6 35 8 75. flour at To Let. of. the Central Pacific caused a ^ Rye steady enough to detain her. The schr was towed to Petit proof of the merits I claim for it are all there and Inquiries, Collections and Remittances promntlv at- DYE WOODS, INDIGO, COCHI- railway, by The government forces of the State of 5 10 6 25. Cornmeal is Western at 4 00 at Mag- (g steady; @ Manan, and her captain would make an effort to get speak for themselves. SUIT ot rooms without board. Apply No. temleJto. CHARLES M. HAWKfesf i NEAL, ANILINES. demonstration by a large body of Indians. dalena defeated the 5 00. Wheat of l revolutionists at Coma" —receipts 543,117 bush; Spring (g into Jonesport. my!7sndtf JT. F. MERRILL, A 47 Daufortli Street. my24dl»S »ugl7TuTh&Sly2ap 85 Middles t. !) oc25 dly 1—i—————■■ I Brief Joltings. REPUBLICAN COUNTV CONVEN- Henry C. Esq., was declared tho Burglars Peabody, Caught. odist Beecher, who preachod upon the “Exal- PBES8. A went down m the Gazelle the NEW THE large Dumber TION. nominee of Convention. Yesterday morning at 4 o’clock tlie tfurnisli- tation of Jesus," his discourse being founded ADVERTISEMENTS AUCTION SALES Mr. J. A. Locke of offered the ing storo of Mr. Samuel ye^ferday. Portland Porter, under the upon the 5th verse of the second chapter of Oliver is name K. Neal for Preble, was men WEDNESDAY MOSSING. AUG. 11. ’75 Capt. always popular. of W. Register of Probate, entered by false keys by two His sermon was an ricaae tell the saw F. O. BAILEY Ac CO., A IlaruiouiouM Nenlon nnd a Good Philljppians. impassioned people that you their A small boat was run into one of the in- and Mr. B. Dennett F. named Frank of Mr. by L. offered that of G. Stetson, a former clerk of the an Advertisement the Ticket. eulogy Saviour, coupled with earnest in PRESS, the circula- Auctioneers and C ommlsslon Merchants land steamers and smashed to Porter, who THE PRESS yesterday pieces. Stevens of Deering. resides at Woodford’s Corner, and appeal to his hearers to follow His tion of A. teachings. which, per month, exceeds 100,000, Salesroom 176 Fore Street, At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen yes- The following was the vote: John Gilmore, who has been employed by In May be obtained at the Periodical Depots of Fes- the midst of it he branched off into a de- (Oflce 15 Exchange Street.) senden Bros., Brunei & Andrews, was voted to sewers ou Whole number of votes.110 a patent at r. Marquis, Co., terday afternoon it lay The Convention was called to order by C. O. med.icine maker, named Mansfield, nunciation of the o. bailey. 0, allu. Wentworth, Moses, N. B. and Chisholm Necessary lor a choice...50 Unitarianism, characterizing yr» Kendrick, India and State streets. Chairman Com- 63 Federal street. On the store Mr. Bros., on all trains that run out of the city. Quebec, Leacb, Esq., of tbo County W. K. Noal had.SI opening morality of its believers as but filthy rags in Astonishing At Porter Developments. Furniture and General Merchan. Biddeford, of Phillsbury. About 2000 attended the excursion of the mittee, who, in its nominated Hon. F. G. Stevens.35 missed a quantity of goodi, and imme- the of God. ,1 w,e5^ "3‘°. At of L. behalf, sight This remark brought an ™ 8tr'M"< Saco, HoUgdon, K. Continued success of the At Catholic Union instead of 1200, as we Charles J, Gilman of Brunswick for President William Neal, Esq., was declared the diately reported the fact to Deputy Williams. "mm3nga\U9r1?cyi^rt8r00m’ Waterville, of J. S. Carter. Monday elderly gentleman in the audience to his feet Consignments solicited. At Bath, of J. 0. nominee of the Convention. Taking Officer Mr. oc3dtf Shaw. reported. pro tern, and Albro E. Chase of Portland and Place with him, Williams with the inquiry, if Mr. Boole considered At Lewiston, of French Bros., and Stevens & Co. to have an excursion of Mr. Cram of Bridgton offered the name of went Woodford’s but Stetson was ARATED OITflEN TREATMENT! Camp 3 1’. O. S. of A. will S. H. Chandler New Gloucester for Secre- Corner, equality and unity synonomous terms. Mr. not at proves it to be a radical cure for the MORTGAGEE’S SALE*" to Island next Thursday, leaving taries. O. D. Dike of Sebago for County Treasurer. home. The officers returned to town, Boole said Experience Cushing’s he did when Christ’s with — equality following diseases: OF — VICINITY. Gazelle at 10 a. m. of Rev. Mr. Pritchard of Elizabeth offered and after arrested Stetson on CITY-AND Custom House wharf iu the On motion Hon. W. W. Cross of Bridg- Capo watching awhile, God was referred to. A and a “God Consumption, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Hu- groan Salt clubs a that of Cole of Elizabeth. Mr. Middle street mors, Eruptions, Pimples, Rheum, Scrofula, The Haymakers and Portland play ton, the County Committee was made a Com- Cyrus Cape in the afternoon. Gilmore, it help” from the the Fine New AdTertiwineMlM To-Day. escaped clergy upon plat- Liver Complaints, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Jewelry, Watches, Silrer Promenade on Garland offered that of Lewis McLellan of appears, was in at the but made match game at the We.-tern to-day mittee Credentials. sight time, form, which seemed to nettle the interrogator, Female Complaints, Dyspepsia, &c., &c. off. to Federal Pereous convalescing irom Fevers, Diphtheria, &c., Ware, &c., at 3 o’clock. On motion, Hon. W. W. Cross of Bridston, Gorham. Going his place, 63 street, he who to do a COLUMN. attempted little more questioning will find this a ENTERTAINMENT was tho powerful auxiliary. Last a containing two young H. B. Cleaves of Portland and Daniel Pennell The following the vote: packed stolen into a trunk and when Persons from the above will Portland District Camp Meeting. evening carriage property Mr. Boole silencod him and proceeded suffering complaints -A.T Whole number ot votes.122 the please call at the 3 €ahoon Hlock, where AUCTIOIsr. Base Ball—Presnmpscot Park. ladies collided with a dump cart at the corner of Ilarpswell were appointed a Committee on dragged same into an alley near by. At with his discourse. office, to a choice. (12 can obtain a of the treatise on "ITS Necessary the which Mr. Porter had tJje.V copy shall, commencing on MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. of Cumberland and Washington streets, throw- Permanent Organization. O. D. Dike had.51 Etation, money The theme he text was ACTION AND REsUJLTS,” free. Where WEDNESDAY. developed from the WE August at 10 o'clock A. and marked was also may be seen a from 11th, M., 2k K Dr. Kenison, Chiropodist. into the but were On motion of Hon. C. W. Messrs. Cyrus Cole had.48 found on Stetson, who, the large number of testimonials at No. 15 ing the occupauts street, they Goddard, finding humiliation and glory of Christ. The residents of this M., Store, Exchange Street, a Mortgagee’* The largest—Davis & Co. Lowis McLellan had. 23 that the city. Stock ot C.W. A. J. Chase of I game was confessed. Office tine Gold Jewelry, Gold and Silver The Jacksonville Press. not seriously iujured. Goddardof Portland, Jeer- up, thought the preacher made most hours from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Watches, Weekly Mr. Garland here withdrew tho name of Mr. prominent Diamond* in Pin* and Rings, Solid Silver and New has taken rooms G. Farnsworth of When the trunk was found it contained the was NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Rev. Dr. Hall of Vork, ing, S. Bridgton, Cbas, self abnegation, the condition of Christian augH___dtf Plated Ware, &c.f &c. This i* not a Stock selected and a second ballot was taken, with for Auction will and Thomas McLellan, stoljn goods. Hicks and Place went to trade, but consists of Goods such as Astonishing Developments. at the Ottawa House, and next Suuday Humphrey of Yarmouth Gray of Officers power and usefulness. a thousand Ridge the result: Nearly per- Cottage, Bridgton, We. any first class Jeweler would select for fine For Lease—Wm. H. Jerris. following tho place and awaited the Custom at street church. Hancock were a Committee on Res- where it was found sons at the close of the sermon a THE above bouse is situated trade. The Goods will be llidge Cottage—W. G. Kimball preach High appointed Whole number of votes. 125 expressed de- pleasantly guaranteed, and are return of his the Highlands 1$ miles from to us with order to sell. Notice—S. Johnson. Assistant United States Marshal Marble ar- olutions. Necessary to a choice. 03 Gilmore, who made appearance sire to be the followers of Christ. A jOn Bridgtou consigned prayer by Center, and is located In one of the most de- Lost—A. B. Wihslow. O. D. Dike had. 06 with a team F. O. BAILEY A CO., Auctioneers. rested B. J. Wood in Andover Monday, on the Daniel Elliot of Brunswick member of the about 4 o’clock yesterday after- Mr. Inskip closed the exercise. [lightful situation, in Cumberland AUCTION COLUMN. Cyrus Cole had. 58 County, augO d3t noon. He was to -^commanding a view in direction, in- charge of smuggling liquors. Commissioner Couuty Committee, reported that all the towns Lewis McLellan had. 1 surprised and not pleased In the a ministers’ meet- every Administrator’s Sale—F. O. Bailey & Co. evening experience cluding Ibe whole White Mountain Good find the officers him. Both men Range. Clifford held him iu bonds of #200 for trial. except Scarboro’ and Baldwin were represented E. N. Perry, Esq., enquired how it happen- waiting for ing was held in the tabernacle, conducted by air and pure water. Pleasant drives anti walks. are under arrest. of Good boating and fishing. Board reasonable Groceries and Store Fix- The following entries fur the Wolfe Tone re- by 121 delegates who were present. ed that 123 votes were cast, when the commit- Stetson is about 25 years Dr. Lowry. by the KIAIL ARRANGEMENTS. and day or week. are Hon. ffm,W. Cross of the Committee on age, is married. Gilmore is about 30 The gatta at Lake Sebago to-day announced: Per- tee on credentials reported only 124 delegates years evening public service was monopolized Excursion tickets from Portland and return, by tures, old. steamer over the John Landers, Michael Lynch of Salem, Miss., manent Organization reported that the tempor- present. They stayed in the armory of the Light by President Inskip. lakes, *2.50. Cars leave OgdenB- PORTLAND POST OFFICE. burg station for the steamers at 7.10 A. M. Convey- be made Infantry until the hour Tho The on BY AUJCTIOlSr. and M. F. Davis, A. T. Stewart, J. O’Donnell ary organization permanent, and add- Col. Elliot of the Committee on Credentials of breaking. attendance the meetings of yesterday ance from Bridgton Center to the “Cottage” free of C. W. GODDARD Postmaster. names of G. officers made a was on charge, when notified previous to arrival. and John Kennedy of this city. The race will ing the C. Littlefield of Portland, said that the full number of to the good job of it larger than any preceding week WEDNESDAY. at o’clock P. J. W. YORK delegates day, auglltt W. G. KIMBALL. Ang. It, 2* M., Assistant-Postmaster at store near weet end of take place ou the arrival of the 2 10 p. m. train. James Pennell of Westbrook, Rufus A. Fogg Convention, if all the towns were and to day it bids fair to be considerably aug- ON Deeriug’s Bridge, represented, near the Pottery, we shall sell the stock ofGrocerfea of John P. of was Collision at o’clock Mon- mented. Several arrived Office Bonn. Gorham, Perley Bridgton, Jere- 130. Baldwin and Scarboro’ had not pre- Sea.—About six clergymen yesterday. Lost. and Store Fixtures In said atore, consisting of a gen- eral From 7.30 a m to 8.30 p m, Sundays excepted. I. O. O. F. miah Hobbs of Falmouth, as Vice Presidents. sented credentials when the Committee repcrt- day evening as the steamer City of Portland, FRIDAY, 8tli instant, between five and six assortment ot Family Groceries, Fancy Goods, Sundays open for Carriers and Geueral Delivery Deceased.—The Hon. John P. Hubbard of ON o’clock P. M.. a Black Leather covered Toys, <£c., together with the Show Cases, Scales, Ac. Adopted. ed. He that were Capt. Pike, of the International was pro Fan, from 9 to 10 a m. presumed delegates present line, Hiram Pi11 [1 er please to Eastern died at his residence in that town Sun- ?H,C*8' bring Express »• City Delivery. After the committee on Permanent Organi- from those towns who had neglected to hand ceeding along the eastern coast of Maine at trace, and receive reward. A. B. WINSLOW, «< vw.f Autuunverif Heeling of the Grand Bodge—Reports mill after a and are day morning, lingering painful augll auglO The public requested to adopt the house door zation had reported, Hon. F. N. Dow rose and in their credentials. half speed, in a dense fog, she collided with d3t* d2t the use of which will result in Flections ot Officers. illness. Mr. Hubbard was a native of letter-boxes, greatly asked the attention of the wrecked Coruisb, increased in the of letters. the Convention a few L. B. Dennett, Esq., explained that a gen- schooner Mary Ann of Jonesport. rapidity delivery but settled in Hiram in 1841, and since that For Lease. Sheriff^ Sale. Free deli very of letters bv Carriers will be secured minutes. He said that it would be remember- tleman his The schooner was not and the by side had come in since the com- much damaged, GOOD as. by them addressed to the street and time has been identified with the his- brick house, containing ten rooms, Seba- Cumberland having plainly ed that last steamer as closely and number, The R. W. Grand Lodge convened yesterday year after a sharp contest in which mittee’s report, and voted for the first time on she scraped along the side of tllfl A go, gas furnace; also large fruit garden, on a Writ, and will be soli at of rue owner and public No need call at tbe for all have disabled tory that town and of Oxford county. The wife would board with the family if on at lb person office, may morning in Odd Fellows Hall. The following were invjived other questions than that of the tlie last ballot. vessel, had her light upper w< tks desirable. ATTACHEDAuction, FRIDAY, August 13tb, mail matter left at their residences with- and he Apply to WM. H. JERRIS. o’clock A. M., at the Auction Room flf F. O. regularly, then stove the high respect confidence in which was Bailey out risk or charge. officers were present: peading candidacy, he received the nomi Mr. Cram of Brunswick offered the name of slightly by Mary Ann’s bow.'prlij auglldlw* Real Estate Agent. & Co., No. 176 Fore Street, in Portland, and said held by his townsmen and the voters of his Three deliveries will be made daily, in all the dis- F. M. M. W. Grand E. P. nation of the Convention a J. L. Swift of Brunswick for Commis- Three hours of work will County, the following personal property to wit Laughton, Master; by largo majority. County carpenter repair the A lot of LIB, ill/ 0,W ilUU IV cl. 111., UUU ill/ O.dV p. 1U. illl'.l is evidenced the fact that he has held Trunks and Valises, together with material Vlij Grand B. C. It would also be remembered that Re- sioner. Mr. Dennett of to the steamer. county by Notice. n the business portions of Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6 and (the Parcher, R. W. Deputy Master; many Deering proposed H. damage used in the Manufacture of Trunks. every office in the of the and has undersigned offers his services as Clerk or Ac- heart of the an additional at 1.30 p.m. R. W. Grand Joshua were so excited over the contest that F. Milliken of that The accident would not have gift town, M. ADAMS, Deputy Sheriff. city,) delivery Stone, Warden; Davis, publicans place. Mr. Wilson of occurred 1 it for THEcountant, and is to attend to all mat- repeatedly served in both branches of the prepared F O. BAILEY A CO.. Aictisaeeni. Collections saw fit to vote lor the other Cumberland tllfl filf.t that thn Rphnnr.nr liail Keen ln « ters thereto. S. R. W. Grand Secretary; S. K. Dyer, R. W. they candidate. nominated Amos Osgcod of Cum- pertaining JOHNSON Dated at Portland, August 17, 1873. Are made on week at 7 and a. and of the state. ho auglldlw*No. 1 auglOdSt days 11.30, m., lie ICIb lUdb uia Legislature He, vever, gave Congress Place, uruuu xreasurer. CttUUlUUCJ' I/L113 yv Ml WUU1U 06 berland. Mr. Hobbs of W. L. gale and lost her foremast. Her horn was j at 1.30 and 8 p.m. On Sunday one collection at 6 p. Falmouth, fog but little of his time, comparatively, to public m. There was a full representation from all the attended with the same result, for it was evi- Prince of Cumberland. heard on board the steamer, and the Administrator's Sale. proper Many who are from the effects of the Portland, Me., July 26, 1875. affairs. He was always an active business suffering to a license from the Probate lodges in the state, it being the fullest attend- dent that the trouble of last year was not al- The following was the vote: course to, steer signalled her by whistle, bat Court Arrival and Departure of mails* m.ln. anti hia lnnal nriilu (*anat>il him in fool warm weather and aredebilltatod,are advised by phy- PURSUANTof the County of Cumberland, the subscriber ance for If it was his it Whole number of votes.116 she could not as Administrator with the will annexed of Boston and intermediate at many years. layed. only personal defeat, respond. John M. offices. Arrive 1.C0 Necessary for choice. 59 interest in all that contributed to the sicians to take moderate amounts ot annual comrnu- would make little The was great of whiskey two or Wood, late Portland, in said County, will offer for and 10.00 p. m. Close at 8.20 a m, and 1.50 and 9.00 Tbe Grand Master read bis difference, but when men J. L. Swift hau.54 wreck taken in tow for three hours or sale at nubile auction, on Wednesday, 15th of p. m. H. F. welfare adornment of the town where the three times the In a little day nicatiou, from which it appears that the order went to cutting It did not frequently end with Milliken.33 and dropped off Petit the nearest during day. while those September, 1875, next, at 11 o’clock iu the forenoou. Boston and the West. Arrive at 5.00 m. W. L. Meuan, point p Prince.21 best part of his life was spent. The integrity all the title and interest which said Wood had Intermediate or Mails via Boston and Maine is in an exceedingly prosperous condition. one namo. To him party success at the tojonesport. The commander of the who adopt this advice frequently increase the num- right, Way pres- Amos J. Osgood. 8 vessel at the date of his in and Arrive at of his domestic character and the kindliness of deseas9 to that valuable Railway. 1.00 and 8.00 p m. Close at There has been instituted the ent time was of had no doubt that he ber of during past year greater consequence Oa the second ballot tho was the would be able to work in, “drinks,” and in time become confirmed in- parcel of land situated on the south side of Middle 8.20 a m and 1.50 p m. following his manner caused him to be in 13 as follows: than but Jheld high Street, Portland, the site ot the late building known Great Soutnem and Western. Arrive at 1.00 p. m. lodges, personal preferment. He, therefore, result: requested Capt. Pise to have the Collector ebriates. A beverage which will not create thrist esteem all who knew him. At the time of as Wood’s Hotel, extending from Silver Street to the and 12.30 a m. Close at 8.20 a m, 1.50 and 9.00 p. m. Good Cheer, No. 37, Guilford. came into the Convention to that at notified of his by say he would Whole number of votes.115 Eastport condition. This was for and which late line of Willow Street, now widened and forming Bangor, Mattawamkeag, and connecting routes. Cresent, No. 25, North Lovell. his death ho was 58 old. He intoxicating liquors, is intended espe- decline to the nomination Necessary to a choice. 58 done the years leaves a a part of Pearl Street as extended, together with all Arrive at 2.40 p. m. Close at 12.10 p. m. Monarai, No. 40, Mechanic Falls. accept whiih party promptly by International company’s J. L. Swift had.84 wife and seven children. cially for the benefit of debilitated persons, whether the rights, title and lnteifest which the subscriber Augusta ana connecting routes. Arrive at 9.00 a. Star of No. 42, Vinal Haven. accorded him and thus did officers at this Hope, usage not desire to H. F. Milliken.24 port. in his individual capacity has in the came premises. m. and 2.40 p. m. Close at 12.10 and 5 00 p. m. Eagle, No. 47, North Berwick. at home or is Dr. Schenck’s Sea Weed Tonic. be considered a candidate. Mr. Dow W. L. Prince. 4 The abroad, The parcel has about (95) ninety-five feet iront on Express, Augusta, Bangor and the East. Arrive No. 48, Limerick. thanked City of Portland arrived here soon alter Highland, STATE NEWS Middle Street by about (194) one hundred ninety- at 2.00 a m. Close at 9 p m. No. Hound Pond. the for their John L. Swift of Brunswick was declared Containing the juices of many medicinal herbs, this Manners, 53, Republicans support heretofore seven yesterday morning, and ten minutes lat fonr feet about nineteen Skowhegan, intermediate offices and the north. No. North Waterford. depth—containing (19,000) Oxford, 61, and his best efforts nominated. er preparation does not create an for the in- thousand square with an of about Arrive at 2.40 m. Close at 12.10 m. Abou Ben No. Auburn. pledged to secure the elec- proceeded on her way to Boston. appetite feet, aggregate p. p. Adbem, 23, five hundred feet front. closed pouch closes at 9.00 p m. Saco No. West Buxton. tion of the nominees of the The were then a com- ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. (575) seventy-five Skowhegan Valley, 43, Convention. The following appointed toxicating cup. The nourishing and the life-sup- All the foundation and materials now on the lot Canada and intermediate offices, via G. T. R. Ar- No. 49, Fryeburg. Fryeburg. remarks of Mr. Dow were received with mittee to receive, sort and count votes for Clerk The The Lewiston Journal regrets to learn that will be sold (except the present board fence around rive at 2.20 p. m. Close at 12.45 p m. Belfast. No. 41, Belfast. ap Excursion to the Crawford House. porting properties of many valuable natural produc- of late the case of Dr. the same) with the land-most of the basement walls Morning Northwestern by G. T. R. Arrive at 8 45 a No. Rocklaud. of Courts: A. O. Shaw, J. L. H. L. K. Wiggin has Knox, 29, plause. Portland, Chase, —The Army & Navy Union were blessed with tions contained in it and well known to medical men are in order for rebuilding. m. Close at 6.30 a. m. assumed a more serious aspect, and his condi- complete Two Babekah have been in- On motion of Marshall L B. B. T. a Sale on the Terms cash on of Lewiston and Auburn. Arrive at 9.00 a. 2.40 degree lodges Hon. Cram it was Dennett, Deering, Chase,Bridgton, perfect day yesterday, and the five hundred tion is now so critical that the have the most premises. delivery m m., greatest appro strenghtening influence. A single deed. JOSEPH and 6.30 p. m. Close at 6.30 a m, 12.10 and 5.00 p. m. one at York No. the other voted that all nominations be and Percival Bonney of Portland. bensions are 1L8LBY, stituted, Kittery, 3; made by ballot. people who were fortunate enough to with felt. His friends are fearful that Administrator ot the estate of M. Rochester. N. H., and intermediate offices. Arrive go bottle of the TodIc will demonstrate its valuable J. Wood, de- No. at Biddeford. On motion of Mr. Garland of Mr. B. T. Chase of offered the them had he can survive but a very short time. ceased with the will annexed. at 1.15 and 10.45 p m. Close at 7.30 a m, and Evangeline 7, Gorham, Bridgton the pleasure of seeing the mountains qualities. For debility from over F. O. BAILEY 4c Aictieseen. 2.00 p m. the Grand report the fol- Messrs, A. L. Dresser of Moses name of B. C. Stone of Bridgton for Clerk of in all their Kev. M. H. Tarbox, F. N. Dexter, F. F. arising sickness, CO., ■From Secretary’s Portland, Frye glory. The ride through the Craw- Portland, August 11th, 1875. North Conway and other offices on the P. & O. R. Phillips, R. C. Dunton and M. Dennett have exertion or from cause a auglldtd lowing statistics are obtained: Number of of North B. F. Pritchard of the Courts. ford Notch is all that its most any whatever, wine-glassful R. Arrive at 11.45 a m, and 6.20 p m. Close at 6.45 Yarmouth, Cape ardent admirers been chosen delegates to represent the Lewis- m. and m. Mr. Percival of Sea Weed Tonic taken after meals will а. 1.45 p members at last report, 4915; number of initia- Elizabeth, Hezekiah Means of Freeport, and Bonney arose and said that a have painted it to be. The train was under the ton Y. M. C. A. in the convention to be held at strengthen AUCTION SALE8 By the Bridgton Arrive at 3 p m. Clese at Stage. tions the number admitted F. Jordan of were eardinal of the was care next. the stomach and create an б. 50 a m. during year, 1434; C. Westbrook, appointed a principle Republican party of Superintendent Hamilton and Conduc- Bridgton, beginning Friday appetite for wholesome via each steamer. at 6 a m. number number the retention in office of a man who CUMBERLAND COUNTY. MORGAN & Eastport, Arrive by card, 163; reinstated, 42; CaTnmittee to receive, sort and count votes for performs tor Richards, and the ride throughout was one food. To all who are about leaving their , we DOW, Close at 5.00 m. p number withdrawn a candidate for in his duties to all. and as Mr. D. of The confectionery shop of Mr. Ebeu Whit- Deer Mount Desert, Mill- deceased, 54; by card, 184; Senator the Western Dis- acceptably W. unalloyed pleasure. desire to say that the excellent effects of Dr. Auctioneers and Commission Castine, Isle, Sedgwick, ney of BridgtoD, was entered on Merchants, and Machias, via each steamer. number number trict. Fessenden had so conducted he be- Ou arrival Friday night, bridge, Jonespcrt suspended, 113; expelled, 4; himself, at the Crawford a general rush a and the till was Schenck’s seasonable Salesroom Mo. 18 fit. Arrive at 6 a m. Close at 9 m. through window, robbed of remedies, Sea Weed Tonic, and Exchasfe p number of members, net increase A. J. of lieved in him. was Nova Scotia and Prince Edwards Island. Arrive present 6199; Chase, Esq., Deering, in behatf of retaining made for dinner, and although the gentle- about a hundred coppers. Mandrake Pills, are particularly evident when taken A. M. MORGAN. M. G. DOW. at 6 a m. Close at 5.00 m. tbe number of Mr. of Thursday Saturday p during year, 1284; lodges, 51; the delegation of that town, presented the Staples Bridgton presented the cause manly proprietors had received no notice, some PENOBSCOT COUNTY. Foreign Mails, via New York, day previous to sail- by those who are affected a of number of Bebekah number of name of Andrew Hawes of which was of Mr. Slone in a very able manner. He two hundred were are injuriously by cbaDge Regular Sales of Furniture. Groceries and Genera ing ot steamers. Close at 1.50 p m. lodges, 7; Deering served with a bountiful re- There sixty convicts in the jail and work- water and Merchandise every SATURDAY, at Salesroom No. Foreign Mails for Allan Line from close brothers relieved for tha December seconded L. B. Dennett of thought that any man of business shop at Bangor. diet. No person should leave homo with- Quebec year ending by Esq. Deering, good capaci- past. Chandler’s Band played some select mu- 13 Exchange street, at o’clock a. m. at 12.45 m. commencing 10| every Friday p of liberal The worm has out a of these For solicited returns 31,1874, 346; number of widows relieved, 46; Hon. Frederick Robie in behalf oi the Gor- ty, education, could perform the du- sic in front of the hotel, for which the summer army attacked the wheat fields taking supply safeguards along. Consignments and prompt made. Foreign mails by Steamer. near Bangor. The worm cuts the head of the Portland, May 15th. mylSdtf number of mothers buried, 36; number of ham delegation, presented the name of Col. ties of Clerk of the Courts. He thought that visitors gave them repeated applause. sale by all Druggist. Jyl4eod3dp&wsnly Mails will be dispatched from New York for the They grain from the stock, allowing the head to fall weeks sickness for which benefits were Consens of that in a others aside from could the were United Kingdom aB follows: paid, Humphrey town few per- lawyers discharge invited to dinner by Messrs. Barron, the to the ground; but do not eat it but 1. The Williams & however, Guion^or Eagle lines—every 2842; amount paid fur tbe relief of brothers, tinent remarks. duties of that office, a>.d referred to the Regis- proprietors. About two o’clock the took jump from stock to stock, making fearful Tuesday via Queenstown or Plymouth—mails close party amount for the relief of wid- The ter of Probate after the fire as an havoc, with apparently no excuse whatever. at this office on Monday, at 1.50 d. m. #13,018.46; paid Committee to receive, sort and count directly illus- the train for the Fayban House, aud an hour 2. The Cunard line -every via Queens- tration of the fact that One hundred men are at work on the Wednesday owed families, $1,470.97; amount paid for the votes then attended to their duty, and reported: others than lawyers was in at the moun- Bangor town—mails close at this office on at 1.50 pleasantly spent gazing Tuesday could do water works. The dam across the Penobscot m. education of orphans, $115.54; amount paid for Whole number of the business of tho offices. tains from the of this p. ballots.tlS piazza immease hotel. will soon be begun. The American Packet ev- for a 3. Hamburg Company, the banal of dead, $1,472.67; total amount Necessary choice. 60 Hon. Nathan Webb said as a lawyer he About four o’clock the started for home via mails close at this Humphrey Cousens... 63 party WASHINGTON COUNTY. ery Thursday, Plymouth, wanted a man in the on 1.50 m. paid for relief, $16,077.63; amount of annual Audrew office who wouldn’t have and arrived hero safe in a little more than office Wednesday, at p. Hawes. 55 four The Republican says that the vote of Jones- 4. The White Star, Saturday, via Qneens- current to learn the and while he was learn- every receipts, $50805.21; expenses, $19,- Col. business, hours. This is quick time for such a boro’stood 76 for and*18 against the town, mails close at this office on Friday at 8.20 a m. Humphrey Cousens of Gorham was heavy proposi- 214.67; invested funds, ing endanger important interests. He spoke train. tion to aid the Shore Line road, as submitted to DnrliinliAn 5. Bremen line, every Saturday, mails close at $111,910.69. declared duly nominated. Ml on at 1. 50 m. the towns. Columbia voted it. Co- The have formed a out llbUUUIIUII this office Friday p. The GraDd Treasurer as the receipts for the lawyers of Cumbsrland when Th

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