3 Reports Hint U.S. Guns May Cease in Vietnam

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3 Reports Hint U.S. Guns May Cease in Vietnam W .'vA' V \ , \ : i f ' ' ' ■■■' ■ \A, PAGE TWENTY A SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1909 i l a n c h ( 0tpr €nrafng Herald Ayw«»s Dsfly N ^ P n m R m Miss Almeda Stechholz of 85 M anchester Newcomers OMb OeAoher 4b 16 » TTie Weather About Town Ferguson Rd., and Mrs. Joan of the YWCA wiH have a niinr Miss Kathryn Glglio, daugh­ Satryb of Rockville, membem mage sale Saturday, Oct. 26, Sunny, breeqr and mild (Us of the Mountain Laurel Chapter from 9 a.m. to *3 p.m. at Mbtt's Board of Directors 15,790 sAarnoon, high In the TOe. ter of Mr. and Mra. Leonard of Sweet Adelines Iiic., will be The Baby Has GIgllo of 22H St. Jam es St„ Community Hall. Membem are ' 9 ... CSoudy, chance of shosram to- attending the. Sweet Adeline In­ ' i recently became the first first- reminded to leave sale articlea NATHAN G. AGOSTINELLI Ulmneheater— 4 City of ViUmge Chmrm nigh*, low in the upp^r 4Qs an d ternational Convention and at the Community Y aitytime II year student ever to be induct­ low eOe. Tueoday, coaler. ed into Kappa Delta Sigma, Quartet Oompetiiion being held before the sale. NATE, a lifelons: resident, is a local businessman. VOL. LXXXK, NO. 1 7 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES-TWO SECnONS-TABLOro]. in Ho^ulu, Hawaii, Oot. 29 ; -ir honorary psychology fraternity Graduate attended HiHyer College, Korean /MANCHESTER, CONN,/ HOlOlAT, OCTOBER 20, 1969 (I through Nov. 2. The Mountain Adveriletag on Page M) PRICE TEN CENT* Been Named at Ft. Hays State College In Woodstock C2»ir of Woodstock Veteran, Major Conit National Guard, Capitol Hays, Kan. She graduated* from Laurel Chapter is one of 600 chapters in the U.S. and Canada Covenant Church wlH present a Region Council of Elected Officials, Board of Di­ Manchester High School in 1964 concert of sacred music Sunday rectors, Ckanmunity Renewal Team, Member Conn. and from Elastem Connecticut represented at the convention, the first to be held on the is­ at 7 p.m. at Trinity Covenant Conference of Mayors, U. S. Conference of May­ State College in 1968. Kennedy Sees Miner, Tammy Marie, daiigtater of 71100188 and Deftwrah lands. The Diamond Head Church. Refreshments will be ors, American L ^ o n , Army and Navy Club, Forand Miner, 68 Union 9t., Rockvnie. She wsa bom Oot. 2 alt Chapter will host the conven­ served. The public is invited. An open meeting on cancer Parish Council Assumption Church, Mayor and New GI Pullout RookvlHe General Hospital. Her paternal grandparenlB are Mr. tion. — Chairman Board of Directors since 1966. and VCtB. Franda Miner, Mjalden Lane, Rockville. Her mater­ wdll be held Monday, Oct. 27, BRUSSELS (AP)' — Sen. at 8 'p.m. at Temple Beth Great Books Discussion Group Bdwapd M. Kennedy, D- Reports Hint U.S. Guns nal grandparents ere Mr. and Mi«. Oaoar Forand, RFD 1, He­ The Songsters of the Salva- will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. Sholom. The program will in­ Mass., said today there Is a bron. turn Army will hold a special at Whiton Library to make VOTE REPUBLICAN clude two films and a panel "great UketUiood" Uiat the Ferguson, Scott Alaa, son of Bruce and Susan Andrews rehearsal for the Christmas plans tor the year and to dis- n ils Ad Sponsored By The Manchester Rep. Town Conan. discussion by Manchester phy­ Senate wrtu soon adopt a Feiiguson, 12 Webster St., RockvlHe. He waa bom Oct. 1 at cantata Sunday at tp.m. at the cuss the Gospel of Matthew. Choa. McKenzie, Treos. sicians, and Is open to all wom­ resolution oalUng for wlth- Rockville General Hospital. His metemal grandperenta are Citadel. A tea will be held at Now membem will be welcome. Mr. and Mtn. Allan Andrews, Greenport, Long Uland, N.Y. His en in the area. drawal of some U.S. troope , petemal grandmother la Mrs. Germaine Fhlenza, 1288 Hart­ from Western Europe. ford T ^e., Apt. 88, Rockville. May Cease in Vietnam Bentlment for such a move has been bolstered "by Dombek, Dawn Marie, daugMer of Stanley and Bonnie a continuing European re- DaMn Oombek, Tolland. She waa bom Sept. 80 at Rockville Auctence to accept a greater WASHINGTON (A P)_ General Hospital. Her maternal grandparente are Mr. and CLIP and SAVE tftiare of the defense bur­ Amid increakingly voiced Mra. Joaeph DaMn, EMat Hartford. Her paternal grandparents den,” Kennedy told a gath­ sentiment for a faster U.S. are Mr. and Mrs. John Oomibek, BlUitgton. She Haa a brother, ering of the North AUanUo withdrawal from Vietnam, Damon. Assemiriy. President Nixon reportedly OCT. 19 ONE-DAY-ONLY "Let me add," he went on, Neff, Christopher WlDlam, son of WUIhun and Rdren "that no one proposes any is considering a unilateral Cheney Nett, Tolland Ave., RFD 1, Rockride. He waa bom sudden uncoordinated with­ cease-fire. Sept. 29 a t R ockride General HoapMal. His m atem al grandpar- drawal of American force* The Presidant may propoee enia are Mm. Mildred Cheney, 49 Dailey drole, Rockrille, and from NATO (North Attantlc the esaas Ore during hta Nov. S Wayne Cheoiey, Memphia, Temi. His paternal grandparents are Treaty Organtzallon)." address to ths nation on the Mr. and Mira. DonaM Neff, Bt. Peteraburg, Fla. Vtatnom aUuaittai, a WMts • • « V • S«i. John J. Sparkman, D-Ala., voiced similar mis­ House aouroe aold Sunday. Andrews, P aula Jean , daugM er of WUUam Jr. and Bev­ givings about west Euro­ tndleaflona Nixon may, in erly B arter Andreiwa, 67 W. Jan Dr., Hehron. She waa bom pean contributions to the At­ teat, have been atteetad by op- Oct. 7 at MancheWber M emorial Hospital. H er m atem al grand- lantic alliance. poettlon to toe war inprsseid in parenta are Mr. and Mm. Leonard Baxter, 497 Bucktand Rd., tari Wednesday'e Vletmm Mhrl- Wdpplng. Her paternal grandparenhi are Mr. arid Mm. William torlum ptied up as the m rilw * Andrews Sr., EMsex, Mans, ^ e Hasa a sleter, Jbyce, 3. « •) -* IS *. spend the weekend huddled with his top mlUtary and dlptomaUc Boyce, Michael James, son of Mlchaal and Joyce Hippie •dvlaora at Oamp David. Royce, 87 Hfllcrent Dr., Vemon. He waa bom Odt. 10 at Man­ G>urt Bars,^ chester Memorial Hospital. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. And former Vice Preridont and Mm. ETank Hippie, Eiast Hartford. Hla patamel grindpar- Michael Sveda at Greenwich home. (AP Photofax) Hltoeri H. Humphrey, who Im * enta are Mr. and Mm. George Royce, 274 BmUh St., Sotflh Sen. Kennedy w«ek emerged from a msetlier Windsor. He haa a brother, Bruce, 8; and two staters, Marlene, with Nbnn to endoree hla Vlst- 6, and Joan, 4. nam policy, said In Tbkyo he ta Ttf CUP & SAVE COUPON Statements sure toe UMted Statee wlU car­ Klrohenberger, Erie R., son of Robert and Wmda Bertac- Cyclamate in Many ry out “a systemaUeal end a«- c’iid Ktrchenheiger, 14 Claire Rd., Rockville. He waa borii Oct. WIUCES-BARRE. Pa. (AP) oetaraUd withdrawal c t UR. 10 at Menchestar Memorial Hospital. His maternal gvandpar- LADIES' m - Tpw • ^ -m- T ^ today to al- toroM" from Sowto VIetaam. enta am Mr. and Mm. Samuel Bartacclnl, Lltchfleld. HIb peter- BIRD GAGE BAGS Humphrey w u enumg a num­ nal grandmother Is Mm. Ralph lOrchenberger, Morrla. He haa Soft Drinks inm U.S. ber of ptomlneni agures In a stater, Lee Aimei 1. to be Intrdouced In evidence at and out of the adadntatnUlon— • « *. w « Crashed Vinyl revealed cyclamaite's cancer- “utopey hearing Into the who tatalte out on Vlslnam over Poohron, Amy Katherine, daugMer of Paul and Nancy with Metal Cage producer of cyclamate aaya 15 cauali^ properties. <toath of M a ry Jo Kopechne. toe weekend. Muoolo Poohron, 72 Maple St., Manchester. She waa bom Sept. Fall Colom . _ Sw drinks sold in A statement by the company Police Chief Dominick J. Are- Aooordlng to Newsweek Itag- 26 at Menohester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandper- With Coupon d ev el^ na of Edgartown. Maae.. ^ aslne, Nixon ho# been urged by enta are Mr. and Mm. Joaeph Muooto, 86 Tereaa Rd., Manches­ Without Coupon |8A7 ^ I'h'’ administered first witness at the hearing on a hta mllUary advtaors to p*t>- ter. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mm. Joseph A. t Z Offer^ by boy rummaging through dump in Vietnam. ctaton a UR.-tnttlat*d cease firs Poohron, SufSeld. Tederal^ve^enr ‘""f »>y a MamaeZ^ pro- The boy saWages items cast off by war units. At left. GIs look over Cong so enemy vlolatloiw could be » • V • • A hbotrSt^^ie. Of North S hTuZgenries'SXu^ weapon collection unearthed near Saigon. (AP Photofax) Peterson, Jon David, son of Alan and JudRh JacMm Pe­ Chicago, which manufactured ly had suggest burned Umlt Z ^ former secre- used "aa evldenoa of tha ene- tersen, 74 Felt Rd., Wapping. He was bom Oct. 10 at Manchee- more than half the cyclamate themselves to told the court that he had a A Official my'a rahiotanoa to and tlM ter Memorial Hospital. Hla matemal grandparente are Mr. and country, said Sun- The Abbott statement added: Z*" “ Kenne­ w ar." Mm. Paid JacMm, Tenry Rd., Tolland. Hla paternal grandpar­ dy It stopped producing "it is crlUcally important to .s^uvk Tha advtaom feel, tha maga­ ents are Mr. and Mm. Albert Petersen, 888 Doming St., Whp- toe sw^tener "pending further emphasize that this ™w per- to road it at In Laos Quiz zine oaid, a tmUataral ceaaeftre phig. He has a brottier. Jay. Muii ****' « i-i... spective on artificial sweetenem WASHINGTON (API a«n Vietnam Battling Increases "would craato no great rtak to MUlions of weiglitt-conscloua should not be a cause for nanle ^^is of New Bedford, a.
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