[email protected] The voice of Niceville, Bluewater Bay and Valparaiso since 1992 TThhee BBaayy BBeeaaccoonn 48 Pages, 3 Sections, 3 Inserts Wednesday, August 24, 2011 50¢ Inside ... Valp. panel backs school-use zoning The Bay Beacon’s EWCOMER N GUIDE Measure opposed as illegal by district lawyer school board closed the school due to important institution not only for educa- irectory and Community D declining enrollment and as a cost-cutting tion, but as a social and cultural anchor for By Mike Griffith Commission to open a charter school at measure, and consolidated the elementary the small city. They also said the school is Beacon Correspondent the site, which is owned by the Okaloosa school with Lewis Middle School, now located in the center of a residential neigh- The Valparaiso Planning Commission County School District. called Lewis School, which is also in borhood, and could be reached safely by has backed a proposal to rezone the site of The proposed rezoning was attacked as Valparaiso and also suffered from low children walking to school. the former Valparaiso Elementary School illegal by a school district lawyer. enrollment prior to the consolidation. Leading the opposition to the school for the exclusive use of public institutions. Earlier this year, the Okaloosa County Some Valparaiso residents have object- closure has been City Commissioner Neal 2011Bay Beacon Fall-Winter 2011 • Supplement to Theida Niceville-Valparaiso, Flor School Board closed Valparaiso ed to the closing of Valparaiso The move Aug. 16 paves the way for Please see ZONING, page A-3 further action by the Valparaiso City Elementary School, built in 1958.