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(salmeterol xinafoate inhalation powder) New Zealand White rabbits were less sensitive since only delayed ossification of the frontal bones was seen at an oral dose of 10 mg/kg (approximately 1700 ffmes the maximum recom(mended daily inhalation dose in adults on a Mg/M2 basis). Extensive use of other beta-agonists has provided no evidence that these class For Oral Inhalation Only effects in animals are relevant to their use in humans. There are no adequate and well controlled studies with SEREVENT DISKUS in pregnant women. SEREVENT The following is a bdef summary only; see full prescdbing informaton fbr complete product information. DISKUS should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefit jusfffies the potential risk to the fetus. Use in Labor and Delivery: There are no well coDntroiled human studies that have invesffated effects of salmeterol on preterm labor or labor at term. Because of CONTRAINDICATIONS: SEREVENT DISKUS is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensifivity to salmeterol or any of its components. the potential for beta-agonist interference with uterine contractility, use of SEREVENT DISKUS for relief of bronchospasm during labor should be restricted to those paffents in whom the benefits clearly outweigh the risks. WARNINGS: Nursing Mothers: Plasma levels of salmeterol after inhaled therapeutic doses are very low. In rats, salmeterol xinafoate is excreted in the milk. However, since there IMPORTANT INFORMATION: SEREVENT DISKUS SHOULD NOT BE INMATED IN PATIENTS WITH SIGNIRCANTLYWORSENING OR ACUTELY DETERIORATING are no data from oontrolled trials on the use of SEREVENT by nursing mothers, a decision should be made whether to discDntinue nursing or to disconffnue the ASTHMA, WHICH MAY BE A UFE-THREATENING CONDITION. Serious acute respiratory events, lnduding feblities, have been reported, both In the drug, taking into account the importance of the drug to the mother. Cauffon should be exercised when salmeterol xinafoate is administered to a nursing woman. Unfted States and woddwide, when SEREVENT has been lnftlated In this situation. Pediatric Use: The safety and efficacy of salmeterol inhalation powder has been evaluated in over 2500 patients aged 4 to 11 years with asthma, 346 of whom were Afthough It Is not possible from these reports to determine whether SEREVENT contributed to these adverse events or simply failed to relieve the administered salmeterol inhalaffon powder for 1 year. Based on available data, no adjustment of salmeterol dosage in pediatric paffents is warranted for either asthma detedwating asthma, the use of SEREVENT DISKUS In this setting Is Inappropriate. or EIB (see DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION secffon of full prescribing information). SEREVENT DISKUS SHOULD NOT BE USED MTREAT ACUTE SYMPMMS. h Is crucial to Inform pedents of thls and prescribe an Inhaled, short-acting In two randomized, double-blind, oontrolled clinical traias of 12 weeks' duration, salmeterol 50-mcg powder was administered to 211 pediatric asthma patients who be"onist for this purpose as well as warn them that Increasing Inhaled bet"onist use Is a signal of deteriorefing asthma. did and who did not reoeive concurrent inhaled corticosteroids. The efficacy of salmeterol inhalabon powder was demonstrated over the 12-week treatment period SEREVENT DISKUS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR INHALED OR ORAL CORTICOSTEROIDS. Corticosterolds should not be stopped or reduced when with respect to peak expiratory flow and FEVI. Salmeterol inhalation powder was effecffve in demographic subgroups (gender and age) of the population. Salmeterol SEREVENT DISKUS Is lnhisted. was effecfive when coadministered with other inhaled asthma medicaffons, such as short-acting bronchodilators and inhaled cortioosteroids. Salmeterol inhalation (See PRECAUTIONS: Information for PaUents and the PATIENrs INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE leeflet.) powder was well tolerated in the pediatrc population, and there were no safety issues identified specific to the administraffon of salmeterol inhalation powder to 1. Do Not Introduce SEREVENT DISKUS as a Treatment for Acutely Deteriorating Asthma: SEREVENT DISKUS is intended for the maintenance treatment of asthma pediatric paffents. (see INDICATIONS AND USAGE secton of full prescribing information) and should not be introduced in acutely detedorating asthma, which is a potentially In two randomized studies in children 4 to 11 years old with asthma and EIB, a single 50-mog dose of salmeterol inhalation powder prevented EIB when dosed life-threatening oondition. There are no data demonstrating that SEREVENT DISKUS provides greater efficacy than or additional efficacy to inhaled, short-acting 30 minutes prior to exercise, with protection lasting up to 11.5 hours in repeat testing following this single dose in many patients. beta2-agonists in pabents with worsening asthma. Sedous acute respiratory events, induding fatalities, have been reported, both in the and woddwide, Geriatric Use: Of the total number of patients who received salmeterol inhalation powder in adolescent and adult chronic dosing clinical trials, 209 were 65 years of in pabents receiving SEREVENT In most cases, these have occurred in patients with severe asthma (e.g., patients with a history of corticosteroid dependence, low age and older. No apparent differences in the efficacy and safety of SEREVENT inhalation powder were observed when geriatric patients were compared with pulmonary function, intubation, mechanical ventlabon, frequent hospitalizations, or previous life-threatening acute asthma exacerbabons) and/or in some patients in younger paffents in clinical trials. As wfith other beta2-agonists, however, special cauffon should be observed when using SEREVENT inhalaffon powder in geriatric whom asthma has been acutely detedorating (e.g., unresponsive to usual medications; increasing need for inhaled, short-acbng beta2-agonists; increasing need for paffents who have concomitant cardiovascular disease that could be adversely affected by this class of drug. Based on available data, no adjustment of salmeterol systemic corficosteroids; significant increase in symptoms; recent emergency room visits; sudden or progressive detedorabon in pulmonary funcfion). However, they dosage in geriatric paffents is warranted. have occurred in a few patents whh less severe asthma as well. It was not possible fmm these reports to determine whether SEREVENT oDntfibuted to these events or simply failed to relieve the detedorafing asthma. ADVERSE REACTIONS: Adverse reacfions to salmeterol are similar in nature to reactions to other selecfv beta2-adrenoooptor agonists, i.e., tachycardia; palpitaffons; 2. Do Not Use SEREVENT DISKUS to Treat Acute SympjoM& An inhaled, short-acbng b8ta2-agonist, not SEREVENT DISKUS, should be used to relieve acute immediate hypersensibvity reacffons, including urticaria, angioedema, rash, bronchospasm (see WARNINGS); headache; tremor; nervousness; and paradoxical bron- asthma symptoms. When prescdbing SEREVENT DISKUS, the physician must also provide the patient with an inhaled, short-acbng beta2-agonist (e.g., albuterol) for chospasm (see WARNINGS). treatment of symptoms that occur acutely, despite regular twice-daity (morning and evening) use of SEREVENT DISKUS. Two mulifcenter, 12-week, coDntrolled studies have evaluated twice-daily doses of SEREVENT inhalation powder in paffents 12 years of age and older with asthma. When beginning treatment with SEREVENT DISKUS, patients who have been taking inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonists on a regular basis (e.g., four times a The following table reports the incidence of adverse events in these two studies. day) should be instructed to disconfinue the regular use of these drugs and use them only for symptomabc relief of acute asthma symptoms (see PRECAUTIONS: lnformaton for Patients). Adverse Exiperlence Incidence in Two L,arge 12-Week Adolescent and Adutt Clinical Trials 3. Watch for Increasing Use of Inhaled, Short-Acbng Beta,-Aggnists, Which Is a Marker oi Detedorafing Asthma: Asthma may detedorate acutely over a pedod of hours or chronically over several days or kNer. If the pafienfs inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonist becomes less effecbve or the patent needs more inhalafions than Percent of Patients| usual, this may be a marker of destabilizabon of asthma. In this setfing, the pabent requires immediate reevaluation wfth reassessment of the treatment reomen, giving SEREVENT Albuterol Inhalation special consideration to the possible need for corficosteroids. If the pafient uses fbur or more inhalabons per day of an inhaled, short-achng beta2-agonist for 2 or Inhalaffon Powder Aerosol more consecutive days, or if more than one canister (200 inhalations per canister) of inhaled, short-acbng beta2-agonist is used in an 8-week pedod in conjunction Placebo 50 mcg twice daily 180 mcg four times daily with SEREVENT DISKUS, then the patent should consuft the physician for reevaluafion. lncmesing the daily dosage of SEREVENT DISKUS In this skuadon Is not Adverse Event Type n = 152 n = 149 n = 150 SEREVENT DISKUS should not be uged more than twioe and at the rwmmended dose of one lnhakWon. appropriate. frequently daily (moming evening) and throat 4. Do Not Use SEREVENT DISKUS as a Substitute for Oral or Inhaled Cortcosteroids: The use of beta-adrenergic agonist bronchochlators alone may not be adequate Ear, nose, to control asthma in many pafients. Eady considerafion should be given to adding anti-inflammatory agents, e.g., cortcosteroids. There are no data demonstrafing Nasal/sinus that SEREVENT DISKUS has a clinical ant-inflammatory effect and could be expected to take the place of, or reduce the dose of, corticosterolds. Patents who congestion, pallor 6 9 8 already require oral or inhaled corficosteroids for treatment of asthma should be confinued on a suftable dose to maintain dinical stability even ff they feel better as a Rhiniffs 4 5 4 resuft of inftiating SEREVENT DISKUS. Any change in cortcosteroid dosage should be made ONLY after clinical eMuation (see PRECAUTIONS: Informabon fbr Patents). Neurological 5. Do Not Exceed Recommended Dosage: As vAth other inhaled beta2-adrenergic drugs, SEREVENT DISKUS should not be used more often or at higher doses Headache 9 13 12 than reoommended. Fatalities have been reported in associabon with excessive use of inhaled sympathomimetic drugs. Large doses of inhaled or oral saimeterol Respiratory (12 to 20 times the recommended dose) have been associated with clinically significant prolongabon of the OTc interval, which has the potenfial for producing Asthma 1 3 <1 ventricular arrhythmias. Tracheitis/bronchiffs 4 7 3 6. Paradoxical Bronchospasm: Inhalafion of salmeterol xinafoate can produce paradoxical bronchospasm, which may be Iffe threatening. If paradoxical bronchospasm occurs, SEREVENT DISKUS should be discontinued immediately and altemabve therapy instituted. Influenza 2 5 5 7. Immediate Hypersensibvb Reactions: Immediate hypersensitivity reactions may occur after administration of SEREVENT DISKUS, as demonstrated by cases of urficada, rash, and The table above includes all events (whether considered drug-related or nondrug-related by the investigator) that occurred at a rate of 23% in the SEREVENT angioedema, bronchospasm. inhalaffon treatment and were more common in the SEREVENT inhalation in 8. Upper Airway Symptoms: Symptoms of laryngeal spasm, irrftabon, or swelling, such as stddor and choking, have been reported in pabents receiving SEREVENT powder group powder group than the placebo group. DISKUS. Pharyngiffs, sinusitis, upper respiratory tract infecfion, and cough occurred at 230% but were more common in the placebo group. However, throat irritation has been described at rates that of in other controlled clinical trials. Other events in the SEREVENT a SEREVENT DISKUS, like all other beta-adrenergic agonists, can produce a clinically significant cardiovascular effect in some patients as measured by pulse rate, exceeding placebo occurring inhalaffon powder group at frequency blood , and/or such effects are uncommon after administration of SEREVENT DISKUS at recommended if the of 1% to 3% and at a greater rate than in placebo were as follows: symptoms. Although doses, they oocur, drug andThroat: Sinus headache. may need to be disoonfinued. In addifion, beta-agonists have been reported to produoe electrocardiogram (ECG) changes, such as flattening of the T wave, prolongaton Ear, Nose, of the QTC interval, and ST segment depression. The clinical significance of these findings is unknown. Therefore, SEREVENT DISKUS, like all sympathomimefic Gastrntestnal. Nausea. amines, should be used with caution in patients with cardiovascular disorders, cardiac and UMouh andTooth: Oral mucosal abnormality. especially coronary insufficiency, arrhythmias, hypertension. IMusculoskeJetal. Pain in joint. PRECAUTIONS: Neurological: Sleep disturbance, paresthesia. General: 1. Cardiovascular and Other Effects: No effect on the cardiovascular is seen after the administration of inhaled saimeterol at recommended Skin: Contact dermafftis, eczema. system usually Miscellaneous: Localized aches and of unknown doses, but the cardiovascular and central nervous system effects seen wfth all sympathomimefic drugs (e.g., increased blood pressure, heart rate, excftement) can pains, pyrexia origin. occur after use of salmeterot and may require disconfinuation of the Salmeterol, like all amines, should be used wfth caution in with Two mulffcenter, 12-week, controlled studies have evaluated twice-daily doses of salmeterol inhalaffon powder in patients aged 4 to 11 years with asthma.The drug. sympaffwimetic patients table includes all events considered or cardiovascular disorders, especially ooronary insufficiency, cardiac arftffimias, and hypertension; in patents with convulsive disorders or thyrotoxicosis; and in following (whether drug-related nondrug-related by the invesbgator) that occurred at a rate of 23% in the SEREVENT inhalaffon patents who are unusually responsive to sympathomimetic amines. powder treatment group and were more common in the SEREVENT inhalaffon powder group than in the plaoebo group. As has been described with other beta-adrenergic agonist bronchodilators, clinically significant changes in systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure, pulse rate, and electrocardiograms have been seen infrequently in individual patients in controlled clinical studies with salmeterol. Adverse Experience Incldence in Two iLarge 12-Week Pediatric Clinical Trials 2. Metabolic Effects: Doses of the related beta2-adrenoceptor agonist albuterol, when administered intravenously, have been reported to aggravate preexisting Percent of Patients diabetes mellRus and ketoacidosis. No effects on have been seen with SEREVENT DISKUS at recommended doses. medications glucose Beta-adrenergic agonist SEREVENT may produce signdicant hypokalemia in some patients, possibly through intracellular shunting, which has the potential to produce adverse cardiovascular effects.The decrease in serum is transient, not Inhalation Powder Albuterol Powder potassium usually requiring supplementation. Placebo 50 twice 200 four times Clinically significant changes in blood glucose and/or serum potassium were seen rarely dudng clinical studies with long-term administration of SEREVENT mcg daily mcg daily DISKUS at recommended doses. Adverse Event Type n = 215 n = 211 n = 115 Information for Patients: See illustrated PATIENT'S INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. Ear, nose, and throat It is important that patients understand how to use the DISKUS inhalation device appropriately and how ft should be used in relabon to other asthma medications Ear signs and symptoms 3 4 9 they are taking. Pabents should be given the following information: PharyngHtis 3 6 3 1. The action of SEREVENT DISKUS may last up to 12 hours or longer. The recommended dosage (one inhalation twice daily, morning and evening) should not be exceeded. Neurological 2. SEREVENT DISKUS is not meant to relieve acute asthma symptoms and extra doses should not be used for that purpose. Acute symptoms should be treated Headache 14 17 20 with an inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonist such as albuterol (the physician should provide the patient with such medication and instruct the patient in how it should Respiratory be used). 3. o When used for the treatment of exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB), one inhalation of SEREVENT DISKUS inhalation powder should be taken 30 minutes ASthma 2 4 <1 before exercise. . Additional doses of SEREVENT should not be used for 12 hours. Skin rashes 3 4 2 . Patients who are reoeiving SEREVENT DISKUS inhalation powder twice daily should not use additional SEREVENT for prevention of EIB. Urticaria 0 3 2 4. The physician should be notified immediately if any of the following situations occur, which may be a sign of sedously worsening asthma: . Decreasing effectiveness of inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonists The following events were reported at an incidence of 1% to 2% (3 to 4 patients) in the salmeterol group and with a higher incidence than in the albuterol and . Need for more inhalations than usual of inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonists placebo groups: gastrointestinal signs and symptoms, lower respiratory signs and symptoms, photodermatitis, and arthralgia and articular rheumatism. . Use of four or more inhalations per day of a short-acting beta2-agonist for 2 or more days consecutively Observed During Clinical Practice: In extensive United States and worldwide postmarketing experience with SEREVENT, serious exaoerbations of asthma, including . Use of more than one canister of an inhaled, short-acting beta2-agonist in an 8-week period (i.e., canister with 200 inhalations) some that have been fatal, have been reported. In most cases, these have occurred in patients with severe asthma and/or in some patients in whom asthma has 5. SEREVENT DISKUS should not be used as a substitute for oral or inhaled corticosteroids. The dosage of these medications should not be changed and they been acutely deteriorating (see WARNINGS no. 1), but they have also occurred in a few patients with less severe asthma as well. It was not possible from these should not be stopped without consulting the physician, even if the patient feels befter after initating treatment with SEREVENT DISKUS. reports to determine whether SEREVENT contributed to these events or simply failed to relieve the deteriorating asthma. 6. Patients should be cautioned regarding common adverse cardiovascular effects, such as palpitations, chest pain, rapid heart rate, tremor, or nervousness. The following events have also been identified during postapproval use of SEREVENT in clinical practice. Because they are reported voluntarily from a populafion 7. In patients receiving SEREVENT DISKUS, other inhaled medicafions should be used only as directed by the physician. of unknown size, estimates of frequency cannot be made. These events have been chosen for inclusion due to a combination of their seriousness, frequency of reporfing, or ptotnfial causal connection to SERE;VENKT. 9. If you are pregnant or nursing, contact your physician about use of SEREVENT DISKUS. Respiratory. Reports of upper airway symptoms of laryngeal spasm, irritation, or swelling such as stridor or choking. 10. Effective and safe use of the DISKUS device includes an understanding of the way that it should be used: Cardiovascular: Cases of hypertension, arrhythmias (including atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, extrasystoles), and anaphylaxis. * Never exhale into the DiSKUS device. * Always activate and use the DISKUS device in a level, horizontal position. OVERDOSAGE: The expected signs and symptoms with overdosage of SEREVENT DISKUS are those of excessive beta-adrenergic stimulation and/or occurrence * Never wash the mouthpiece or any part of the DISKUS device. KEEP IT DRY. or exaggeration of any of the signs and symptoms listed under ADVERSE REACTIONS, e.g., seizures, angina, hypertension or hypotension, tachycardia with rates Drug Interactions: Short-Acting Beta-Agonists: In the two 12-week, repetibve-dose adolescent and adult clinical trials (n = 149), the mean daily need for additional up to 200 beatsmin, arrhythmias, nervousness, headache, tremor, muscle cramps, dry mouth, palpitation, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, malaise, and insomnia. beta2-agonist use in patients using salmeterol inhalation powder was approximately 11/2 inhalations per day. Twenty-six percent of the patients in these trials used Overdosage with salmeterol may be expected to result in exaggeration of the pharmacologic adverse effects associated with beta-adrenoceptor agonists, including between 8 and 24 inhalations of short-acfing beta-agonist per day on one or more occasions. Nine percent of the patients in these trials averaged over 4 inhalations tachycardia and/or arrhythmia, tremor, headache, and muscle cramps. Overdosage with salmeterol can lead to clinically significant prolongation of the OTC interval, per day over the course of the 12-week trials. No observed increase in frequency of cardiovascular events was noted among the 3 patients who used an average which can produce ventricular arrhythmias. Other signs of overdosage may include hypokalemia and hyperglycemia. of 8 to I11 inhalations per day; however, the safety of concomitant use of more than 8 inhalations per day of short-acting beta2-agonist with salmeterol inhalation As wHth all sympathomimetic medications, cardiac arrest and even death may be associated with abuse of SEREVENT DISKUS. powder has not been established. In 29 patients who experienced worsening of asthma while receiving salmeterol inhalation powder during these trials, albuterol Treatment consists of discontinuation of SEREVENT DISKUS together with appropriate symptomatic therapy. The judicious use of a cardioselective beta-receptor therapy administered via either nebulizer or inhalation aerosol (one dose in most cases) led to improvement in FEV, and no increase in oocurrence of cardiovascular blocker may be considered, bearing in mind that such medication can produce bronchospasm. There is insufficient evidence to determine if dialysis is beneficial for adverse events. overdosage of SEREVENT DISKUS. Cardiac monitoring is recommended in cases of overdosage. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Tricyclic Antidepressants: Salmeterol should be administered with extreme caution to patients being treated with No deaths were seen in rats at an inhalation dose of 2.9 mg/kg (approximately 250 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults and monoamine oxidase inhibitors or tricyclic antidepressants, or within 2 weeks of discontinuation of such agents, because the action of salmeterol on the vascular approximately 120 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in children on a Mg/M2 basis) and in dogs at an inhalation dose of 0.7 mgtkg (approxi- system may be potentiated by these agents. mately 200 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults and approximately 95 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in Corticosterolds and Cromoglycate: In clinical trials, inhaled corticosteroids and/or inhaled cromolyn sodium did not alter the safety profile of SEREVENT when children on a mg/m2 basis). By the oral route, no deaths occurred in mice at 150 mg/kg (approximately 6500 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose administered concurrently. in adults and approximately 3100 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in children on a MgtM2 basis) and in rats at 1000 mgtkg (approximately Methylxanthines: The concurrent use of intravenously or orally administered methylxanthines (e.g., aminophylline, theophylline) by patients receiving SEREVENT 86,000 bmes the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults and approximately 41,000 bmes the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in has not been completely evaluated. In one clinical asthma trial, 87 pabents receiving SEREVENT Inhalabon Aerosol 42 mcg twioe daily concurrently with a theophylline children on a Mg/M2 basis). product had adverse event rates similar to those in 71 pabents reoeiving SEREVENT Inhalabon Aerosol without theophyline. Resbrig heart rates were slightly higher in the patients on theophylline but were Idle affected by therapy with SEREVENT Inhalation Aerosol. Rx only Beta-adrenergic receptor blocking agents not only block the pulmonary effect of beta-agonists, such as SEREVENT DISKUS, but may produce severe bronchospasm in asthmatic patients. Therefore, patients with asthma should not normally be treated with beta-blockers. However, under certain circumstances, e.g., as prophylaxis after myocardial infarction, there may be no acceptable alternatives to the use of beta-adrenergic blocking agents in patients with asthma. In this setting, cardioselective beta-blockers could be considered, although they should be administered with caution. GlaxoWVellcomne The ECG changes and/or hypokalemia that may result from the administration of nonpotassium-sparing diurefics (such as loop or thiazide diurebcs) can be acutely Glaxo Wellcome Inc. worsened by beta-agonists, especially when the recommended dose of the beta-agonist is exceeded. Although the clinical significance of these effects is not known, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 caution is advised in the coadministration of beta-agonists with nonpotassium-sparing diuretics. Carcinogenesls, Mutbgenesis, Impairrment of Fertillty: In an 18-month carcinogenicity study in CD-mice, salmeterol xinafoate at oral doses of 1.4 mg/kg and US Patent Nos. 4,992,474; 5,225,445; 5,380,922; 5,590,645; and Des. 342,994 above (approximately 20 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adufts and children based on comparison of the area under the plasma versus time curves [AUCs]) caused a dose-related increase in the incidence of smooth muscle hyperplasia, cystic glandular hyperplasia, leiomyomas MCpyright 1997, Glaxo Wellcome Inc. All rights reserved. RL-628 of the uterus, and cysts in the ovaries. The incidence of leiomyosarcomas was not statistically significant. No tumors were seen at 0.2 mgtkg (approximately 3 Uimes the maximum recommended daily inhalabon doses in adults and children based on comparison of the AUCs). September 1998 In a 24-month oral and inhalation carcinogenicity study in Sprague Dawley rats, salmeterol caused a dose-related increase in the incidence of mesovarian leiomy- omas and ovarian cysts at doses of 0.68 mg/kg and above (approximately 60 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults and approximately 30 times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in children on a Mg/M2 basis). No tumors were seen at 0.21 mg/kg (approximately 20 times the maximum reoommended daily inhalation dose in adults and approximately 9 times the maximum recommended daily inhalabon dose in children on a mg/m2 basis). These GlaxoWellcome findings in rodents are similar to those reported previously for other beta-adrenergic agonist drugs. The relevance of these findings to human use is unknown. Glaxo Wellcome Inc. Salmeterol produced no detectable or reproducible increases in microbial and mammalian gene mutation in vitro. No cdastogenic acbvity occurred in vitro in Research Triangle Park. NC 27709 human lymphocytes or in vivo in a rat micronudeus test. No effects on fertility were identified in male and femaie rats treated with salmeterol at oral doses up to Web site: www.glaxowellcome.com 2 mglkg (approximately 170 bmes the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults on a Mg/M2 basis). Pregnancy: Torstogonkc Effwcts: Pregnancy Category C. No teratogenic effects occurred in rats at oral doses up to 2 mgtkg (approx(imately 170 times the maxi- 0 1999 Glaxo Wellcome Inc. All reserved. mum recommended daily inhalabon dose in adults on a Mg/M2 basis). In pregnant Dutch rabbits administered oral doses of I mg/kg and above (approximately 50 rights times the maximum recommended daily inhalation dose in adults based on comparison of the AUCs), salmeterol exhibited fetal toxic effects characterisfically resuiting Printed in USA. SE2037 January 1999 1 9 98 HO N OR R O LL O F G IV IN G We are pleased to recognize those of you who made donations July 1, 1997 through December

Special Projects nmembers contribute annually to the Milagros Gonzalez MD Robert M. Corwin MD John Dorland Rowlett MD Arnold Gerald Coran MD A,cademy to advance children's health Shirley & Robert Grayson Richard M. Cowett MD Francis Edwards Rushton, Jr. MD Carole L. Corbett Corporations, foundations, gov- tithrough education and research. Lewis C. Cummings MD Judith & Dr. Richard L. Saphir Consuelo L. Corrales MD ernment and individuals Leon Greenspan MD agencies, FPRESIDENTS CIRCLE Susan Gunduz MD CharlesWilliam Daeschner, Jr. MD Margaret S. Sarracino Robin T. Cotton MD underwrotenumerousAAPspecial (Gifts of$25,000 or more Salvatore J. Dalberth MD Kenn Saruwatari MD Susan M. Coupey MD projects in 1998. Activities made 1%MerckVaccine Division Robert J. Haggerty MD Lochrane Grant Davids MD Tada Sato MD Richard H. Cowan MD possible through these contribu- Robert N. & Sonia Hamburger Maureen DeRosa HenryA. Schaeffer MD Edward 0. Cox MD tions include continuing medicalEBENEFACTORS Robert E. Hannemann MD John C. Duby & Sara F. Guerrero-Duby Gerold L. Schiebler MD Wiliam George Cvetnic MD Gifts of$15,000 to $24,999 JohnV Hartline MD Antoinette Parisi Eaton MD & DonaldW. SchiffMD Kathleen J. D'Arrigo MD education courses, publications for AA,bbott Laboratories Mr. Eaton pediatricians and otherhealth care Dr. & Mrs. Birt Harvey SamuelW. David John Schmeling MD Thomas M. D'Auria MD AAstra Dr. & Mrs. W. Hardy Hendren, III Arlene Eisenberg W'diam F. Schnitzker MD Francis J. DeVito MD providers, practice management Bristol-Myers Squibb Robert Englander MD Michael D. Schreiber MD C. Warren Derrick, Jr. MD resources, research Mflton S. Hershey Medical Ctr. projects, public FFlorida Department ofCitrus Laurie Hicks MD & WiUiam A. & Katrina S. Engle Roy Ephraim Schutzengel MD Angelo Mario Di George MD educ-ation materials for parents jiJohnson & Johnson Gerald & Phyllis Ente JosephV Schwab, Jr. MD J. S. Di Palma MD and children, and programs to sup- FiPediatrics Insurance Consultants Inc. David C. Tanner MD R. Bennett Eppes MD Roland B. Scott MD Milchael D. Dickens MD port community pediatrics. IPfizer Pediatric Health John K. Hurley MD Roselyn Payne Epps MD Steven Patrick Shelov MD F. Richard Dion MD The Procter & Gamble Company A. D. & Donna Jacobson Dr. & Mrs. G. Walter Erickson Robert Leo Sheridan MD Margaret Louise Dodds MD Abbott Laboratories FRhone Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals JonathanWillard Jantz MD Marta Fajardo MD Sudheer R. Shirali MD Judy Dolins Alcon Laboratories, Inc. SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Carden Johnston MD David Robert Fall MD & Julie S. Fall MD Calvin & Katherine Sia Dr. George & Betty Donnell AlidaR. Messinger Charitable LeadTrust Keith & Dolores Kampert C. Morrison & Luanne G. Farish Simnone FamilyTrauma Fund Alla Dorfman MD The Allstate FoundationI PATRON The Josephine Kugel Foundation Dr. Jerry & Natalina Ferlauto Michael Kevin Smith MD David D. Dungan MD Arnerica's Prornise The Alliance Gifts of$10,000 to $14,999 Leonard A. Kutnik MD Willard Barker Fernald MD Barbara & George Sorrells, Jr. Dr. Paul H. and Sheila Maher Dworkin ForYouth Reckitt & Colman Inc. Gretchen Fleming PhD Richard P. Stam MD Victor Eisner MD American Association ofPediatric Marlene D. Melzer Lange MD F. Lane France MD Philip S. Steinfeld MD RobertWdliam Ellis MD Urologists ASSOCIATES Wdllam J. Lewis MD Bruce M. Gach MD Elma Mera Steves MD Dick G. Ellis MD American Board ofPediatrics Gifts of$7,500 to $9,999 Dorothy & Jim Lione Mary L. Gardner MD Lynne Ricca Studebaker MD Robert K. Endres MD Foundation Welch's Louis H. Gross Foundation Nancy G. Geis MD Laurence Irwin Sugarman MD Laurel Lea Erickson MD American Medical Association NWyeth-LederleVaccines Edwin L. Lyons MD Mary Ellen Gellerstedt MD Roland A. Triska MD Katherine L. Esterly MD American Urological Association Inc. Gerald A. Mandell MD Stanley H. Gilbert MD UniversityEmergencyMed. Foundation Robert B. Ettenger MD Ascent Pediatrics, Inc. SUPPORTERS Sally Jane Marcus MD John H. Giroux MD University ofFlorida Jafar Farnam MD Association ofMedical School Pediatric Gifts of$5,000 to $7,499 Andrew M. MD Gilbert Z. Given MD Mrs. Frances S. Van Gelder Bernard H. Feldman MD MPH Department Chairmen Gerber Products Company Margileth Jaquetin Smith Gotlieb MD Surendra KumarVarma MD Alberto P. Felici MD Astra1 Hoechst Marion Roussel Elizabeth R. Mc Anarney MD DavidWarner Green MD Rohitkumar B. MD Charlotte Ferencz MD Barr Laboratories, Inc.] Kelson Pediatric Partners, Inc. Roger Medel MD Martin Herbert Greenberg MD Stephen NelsonWall MD Judith Deborah Ferholt MD Bayer USA Inc.I McNeil Consumer Products Company Dominick Mele MD Walter & Debby Greene MD Richard LawrenceWeil MD George D. FerryMD Beiersdorf-Jobst Inc. Mead Johnson Nutritionals Ernest N. Mistr MD Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Greensher StuartTobeWeinberg MD Lee & Kathy Finklea Books are Fun, LTD1 MedImmune, Inc. Dick & Carol Narkewicz Bernard Anthony Griesemer MD Lee MarkWeinstein MD Stanley Irving Fisch MD Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. The Physician's Computer Company Mark & Joyce Neal Shoemaker Ginny Lynn Guyton MD David H. Wells MD Doane Fischer MD C. R. Bard Inc. Donna & Henry Neilley Maureen Hack MD Robert A. Wiebe MD Thomas Michael Fitzgerald MD Cigna Corporation CONTRIBUTORS Susan MD Dept. ofEmergency Med/ Wllliam C. W'lhehn MD Joan M. Flanigan MD Cook Group Incorporated Gifts of$2,500 to $4,999 Nierrneyer Harbor-UCIA Medical Ctr. Dr. PaulU & Gina J. Wllliams Thomas Fleisher MD Cook Urological Incorporated iAtwood Publishing Jackie Noyes Terry Fletcher Hatch MD Marcia M. Wishnick MD, PhD Jonathan E. Fliegel MD Curry Foundation] Beech-Nut Nutrition Corporation Donna O'Hare Brayton MD Jeanne O'Keefe Hayes MD Siegfried Chang-RongYeh MD Samuel Flint PhD Dey, LP Chemical Manufacturer's Association Eileen M. Ouellette MD JD Karen Hendricks MD Anonymous (3) EricW. Fonkalsrud MD The Dyson Foundation Chocolate Manufacturer's Association Dennis R. Ownby MD L. Leighton Hill MD Vincent James Fontana MD Endocrine Sciences] Dermik Laboratories, Inc. Stanley Pappelbaum MD Joan E. Hodgman MD Gifts of$250 to $499 Dr. & Mrs. RogerA. Forden Forest Pharmaceuticals Inc.] Eli Lilly and Company Lee Ann Pearse MD PatrickA. Howe MD Rosalind S. Abernathy MD Richard Mark Fornadel MD G. D. Searle & Company GlaxoWellcome Inc. Elizabeth Ann Peters MD Doris Ahlee Howell MD Mussarat Abidi MD The Jelks Family Foundation, Inc. Genentech Foundation for Growth Ascent Pediatrics, Inc. MrgfiniaAnderson Hustead MD Neil B. Ackerman MD Eileen Marie Fox MD Philip A. Pizzo MD David MD and Development] Kellogg's Ms. Sheila Porter Ingall Anthony Kehinde Adeosun MD Joel E. Frader MD The Gerber Foundation] Medela, Inc. Robert A. Jodorkovsky MD Hi Moon Ahn MD Anne Francis MD Gerber Products Company National Cattlemenfs BeefAssociation Indiana University/ Avrum L Katcher MD Jan Alban MD Scott H. Freedman MD GlaxoWellcomeInc. National Dairy Council Purdue University Dr. & Mrs. Samuel L Katz BarryAlan Altshuler MD Davidson L. Freeman MD The Harris Foundation Nestle USA, Inc. Nazneen M. Quadri MD Ed & Cynthia Keenan Ricardo B. Arayata MD Emily Sarah Friedan MD Immunex Corporation NorthAmericanVaccine, Inc. Leonard Leo Radecki MD David Lawrence Kettl MD Robert Mason Arensman MD JackW. Friedman Memorial Fund Johnson & Johnson Consumer Pediatric Physician Alliance MaryAnn Radkowski MD Michael Klaemm & Robbie Dudley Milton I. Arnold MD Arnold B. Friedman MD Products, Inc Julius B. Richmond MD KennethWayne Klesh MD NeonatologyAssociates,PC LouisFritz Johnson & Johnson Orthopaedics, Inc. Friends ofChildren Fund Joe & Dottie Sanders Michael Harvey LeBlanc MD Capt. Fernando Coral Atienza MD USN Vincent A. Fulginiti MD Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Institute Annual Kwang-Sun Lee MD J. Thomas Badgett MD, PhD Ann Marie Furgiuele MD The RobertWood Foundation Campa'ign David C. Schwartz MD Steven Lelyveld MD Johnson We Melvin H. Schwartz MD & Claude Lee Bagwell Diane Gabe MD Karl Storz Endoscopy - America, Inc. deeply appreciate the follow- ElrnoreW. Lewis, Jr. MD Edith P. Bailey MD Subrahmanyam Ganti MD Kellogg's ing~members and friends for Josephine R. Schwartz Harris C. Lffienfeld MD Drs. Robin & Susan Baker Todd M. Gladstone MD McDonald's Corporation their commitment to pediatrics Shailesh J. Shah MD Carol M. Lily MD James Franklin Bale, Jr. MD Kenneth I. Glassberg MD McNeil Consumer Products Company and to the health and well-being Stanford A. Singer MD Katherine S. Lobach MD Rodney Stuart Barron MD Lucille B. Glicklich-Rosenberg MD Mead Johnson Nutritionals of children. Stephen Harold Smith MD Joseph Dominic Losek MD Richard Charles Barry MD Barbara Ann Glista MD Medical Emergency Data Systems, Inc. Each donor demonstrates an James E. & Ruby Strain BettyA. Lowe MD Teresa J. Bates MD Allen I. Goldberg MD MedIrnmune, Inc. ofthevital role E. F. Luckstead MD Roberta K. Beach MD, MPH Margaret Clark Golden MD understanding phi- Roger & Patty Suchyta Patricia S. MD Medtronic Inc. lanthropy plays in fulfilling our A. Cyrus Tahernia MD Lye Lillian Mc Lean Beard MD Sanford Elias Goldzier, II MD Mentor Urology, Inc. mission. We are especialgteu Mhairi G. Mac Donald Ginzburg MD Jay E. Berkelhamer MD Venkatesan R. Gorantla MD Merck & Co. Inc. to our members ofth Del David & Denise Tayloe Chitra S. Mani MD Rebecca L. Bickel MD Mfichael Allan GraffMD MerckVaccine Division Robbia Club for their generosity. John P. Thomas, Jr. MD Susan Marshall Daniel Kevin Bixler MD Charlene Graves MD Milbank Memorial Fund Julianne H. Thomas MD Angelina L. Mbauya MD Ronald Ira Blumenfeld MD Dr. & Mrs. John L. Green National Cattlemen's BeefAssociation Gifts of$25,000 andAbove The Tonniges Famfly Fund H. Thomas Mc Carren Paul Zoltan Bodnar MD Dr. Donald E. & Katherine K Greydanus National Kidney Foundation Anne E. MD Thomas F. & Jane Tonniges Dr. & Mrs. George L. Mc Elroy, III C. R. BoeckmanMD JudithTanquary Habeeb MD Nest1e USA, Inc. Dyson, Ordean L. Torstenson MD Thomas K. Mc Inerny MD Kathleen S. Bohanon MD Rolf W. O. Habersang MD Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation Irving Brooks Harris Dr. & Mrs. Clark Mc Sparren, Jr. Kathryn J. Bolton MD Sarah Getschman Hackworth MD Edward M. Miller Drs. Susan &W'iliam Mly Paul Melinkovich MD Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Inc. Ivan AntonioVillalta- Sharon Borowicz Owen Rinzo Hagino MD Nutramax Laboratories, Inc Ann Lublin MD & CarlWitus MD Gerald B. Merenstein MD BradleyJ. Bradford MD RichardW. Hammer MD Olsten Kimberly QualityCare Wehmeyer MD Jay Patrick Mitchell MD Mary Lynn Brandt MD HowardTheodore Harcke, Jr. MD The David and Lucfle Packard Gifts of$59000 to $24,999 Karl H. Weaver MD RichardY. Mitsunaga MD Karen E. Breach MD Douglas E. Hardy MD Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Seymour R. Cohen Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Zanga Howard C. Mofenson MD Gerard M. Breitzer DO Harvey M. Harris MD Paidos Healthcare Management Section of Emergency Medicine/ Anonymous (3) Susan Hagen Morrison MD Spencer & Carol Brody Martin Harwin MD Services, Inc. Children's ofDenver Mary B. Muse MD James & Brenda Bryant Norma J. Hazelbaker MD Pasteur Merieux Connaught Hospital Gffts of$500 to $999 CatherineA. Neill MD JamesA. Bryant MD Margo Hendrickson MD Gifts of$1,000O to $4,999 Myles & IdaAbbott Virgyinia Simson Nelson MD Rich-,ard Lee Bucciarell MD' Jarintn A- HernandezMontero MT) PEDIATRIX Medical Group Laura & PatrickAird Graham Newson Donald E. Buchanan MD Juan Manuel Hernandez-Trujillo MD Pfizer Foundation Inc. Errol & JudiAlden Kenneth M. Alford MD Kathryn Piziali Nichol MD Alan P. Burckin MD Richard B. Heyman MD Pfizer Pediatric Health Joel J. Alpert MD Jon Richard Almquist MD Hisashi & Lynn Nikaidoh Adrienne B. Butler MD HarveyAlan Hirsch MD Pfizer U.S. Pharmaceuticals Dr. & Mrs. David Annunziato Moustafa M. Aouthmany MD Veronica Noland Justin D. Call MD Thbomas M. Holder MD Prescribing Reference Inc. Linda H. Anz MD Balu & RamaaAthreya J. Cross O'Donovan MD & Evelyn R. Callas MD Robert A. HollMD The Procter & Gamble Company Drs. Jerold & Susan Aronson B. H. Athreya MD K.S. Ahluwalia MD John R. Campbell MD Peter R. Honeyfield MD Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Donald Barich MD Karen N. Olness MD Deborah Campbell-Marsh MD Hui-Lung Hsieh MD Miriam E. Bar-on MD P. JaneA. Oski MD Pharmaceuticals Inc. Steve Berman MD Dr. & Mrs. BradleyT. Barnes Don A. & Barbara Cantley Van Saxton Hubbard MD Julius B. Richrnond, MD Lewis & Enid Barness Liz Osterhus Teresa C. Carson MD Olson HuffMD Roche Laboratories Gordon R. Bloomberg MD DonnaTuomi Beck MD Guadalupe Padilla-Robb MD Nelson S. Carswell MD Frank Broox Hughes MD Ross Products Division Abbott Joe A. & Karen Brabec Karen Bentley MD Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula Charles Edward Carter MD PaulJ. Hunt, Jr. MD Laboratories,Inc. GeorgeW. BrumleyMD Forrest MD Andrew Dennis Parent MD Olga Maria Quiros Casanova MD Vince L. Hutchins MD Blanton Bessinger, Jr. Howard Passo MD Schering Laboratories Olin Marion Burton MD Reading's Fun/ Books are Fun, LTD. Murray Chun-Chung Chan MD David M. Jaffe MD Sheridan Healthcare, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Butler Dr. & Mrs. Harold D. Bornstein, Jr. Daksha M. Patel MD T'hulasi Chandrasekaran MD Carole Jenny MD Shriners Hospitals for Children Robert Breit MD GaryQ. Peck MD T.P. Chandrika MD Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth 0. Johnson Wally and Eugenia Carlo Newell Drs. Ellen &James Perrin Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals Inc. George D. Comerci MD Nancy H. Bright MD AAP Chapter I George Metcalfe Johnson MD SmithNline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Mary P. Brown MD Frederick D. Peterson MD Harriet Character MD Anthony Dale Johnson MD United States Surgical Corporation Donald & Elsie Cook James Morrison Poole MD A. Chase MD Michael M. KabackMD Dr. Louis Z. & Gil & Helen Buchanan Nancy University ofColorado Medical MadelineW. Cooper Marilyn J. Bull MD T'homas J. Porter MD Bijon K. Chaudhuri MD Elmer R. Kadison MD Services Foundation, Inc. Robert Bell Cotton MD Kathleen Kay Burchby MD Bhagya Lakshmi Puppala MD RussellWallace ChesneyMD MaxA. Kahn MD VISA U.SA Drs. Lucy &Wdllam Crain Linda Burden MD Peter & Brenda Rappo Janice L Chleborad MD Drs. Raymond B. & Denise G. Karasic WarnerWellcome Consumer Joseph Dancis MD RamonVarela Canent MD Drs. Marsha D. & J. Daniel Raulerson Rosa Hae Choi MD Murray L Katcher MD, PhD Health Products Marc & Jackie Deitch Daniel B. Caplan MD Dr. & Mrs. Reddy Kathleen Maria Clarke-Pearson MD Kenneth E. Katz MD Warner-Larnbert Company E. Stephen Edwards MD Wllliam Bacon Carey MD Mark S. Reuben MD Charles Frederick Cockerell MD Felix L Kaufmnan MD Welch's H. Chan Anthony Milchael Ricciardi, Jr. MD StuartAlan Cohen MD Jacob L KayMD Michael F. Epstein MD Antony Jose Gabriel Rigau-Perez MD. Wyeth-Ayerst International Inc. Neil Rehr Feins MD Poh-Yong Chiew Chang MD Dale Coln MD StephenT. Keithahn MD Wyeth-Lederle Vaccines Tlna L Cheng MD MPH Mary Ellen Rirnsza MD Robert Fairlie Colyer, Jr. MD Wllliam H. Kelly MD Michael Anthony Flynn MD Childrenfs Medical Center, RC. StevenAlan Ringer MD Susan B. Conley MD John & Margaret Kennell Michael C. Flynn MD Timothy John Chybowski MD Ellen Sue Rome MD MPH Rosemary Moore Conlon MD Samuel H. KimnMD Friends ofChildren Fund Gilbert L. Fuld MD Katherine Stultz Claflin MD Nancy G. Rome Elizabeth Conrad MD George R. Kim MD Lawrence M. Gartner MD Dr. & Mrs. Allan B. Coleman Leland Ropp MD Larry Consenstein MD & RebeccaTrent Kirkland MD Corporate Membership Drs. Wendy & Alan Gladstone William R. Collins MD Lawrence D. Rosen MD Celeste M. Madden MD Thomas S. laitzner MD PhD Friends of Children Fund corporate Ruth Aileen Conn MD Mindy & Richard Rosenfeld Philip I. Cook MD Dr. Alan E. & Mary-Louise Kohrt IS AAPNews May 1999 Ann M. Kosloske MD Eleanor C. Seiler MD Richard C. Antonelli MD CesarAugusto Cavalheiro MD Jacob Kilian Felix MD Sara Lippard Hoyt MD Amjad Kouatli MD Dan Keith Seilheimner MD Martin A. Anyebuno MD Suzanne Marie Cecconi MD Jane Hough Ferguson MD Yehchiu Hsieh MD KimberlyAnne Koval MD TanaWood Settle MD Hillorie Ann Applebaum MD Chul Choon Cha MD Howard C. Filston MD Diana Chi-Hwa Hu MD Colleen A. Kraft MD Divya M. Shah MD George F. Armstrong, Jr. MD Fuchat Chan MD Janice Eve Finkelstein MD James L. Hughes MD Debra Lynne Kruse MD Chandra R. Shaker MD Ellis JayArnstein MD Nora Chang MD Thomas Charles Finnerty MD Charles B. Hunter MD Praveen Kumar MD Michael Caroll Shannon MD lulius Aronow MD El'eanor M. Chang MD Cynthia Marie Fiorini MD David L. Hurwitz MD John Parker Kurlinski MD Eve Celia Shapiro MD Daniel Z. Aronzon MD Nancy L. Chapin MD Frances Flug MD Aline M. Hutner MD Michael B. Kurtz MD Robert Shaw MD Ann Margaret Arvin MD Thomas S. Charbonnel MD Antoine K Fomufod MD Paul Hampton Hylton MD William R. LaForce MD Lori L. Shepherd MD Cynthia Batte Aten MD J. Kipp Charlton MD ElizabethY. Fong-Deleon MD Michael Steven Imbrogno MD Richard Lander MD JosephThomas Sherrel MD SanaAdiAttar MD Robert L. ChevalierMD Robert Fortelka Alicia Franco Imperial MD Karen M. Landers MD Mary Ellen Shields MD Dalal FawzyAyad MD Joseph S. Chiaramonte MD Sharon McGarry Foster MD Stanley H. Inkelis MD J. Lindsey Lane MD Jim & Paula Shira Victorina B. Bach MD Stanley R. Child MD Michael Joseph Frank MD StevenV. Inman MD Drs. Marie A. & Stephen LaSala James E. Shira MD Charles Emmett Bagwell MD California Partnership for Children Michael S.B. Frank MD Robert A. Irvin MD Ronald M. Lauer MD Billie Lou Short MD Edward N. Bailey MD KarenVayhinger Childs MD Martha Neal Franz MD Daniel J. Isaacman MD George A. Lentz, Jr. MD Bernard H. Siebers MD Valerie Johnson Bailie MD MellieTamayo Ching MD Anna Fraymovich MD John Iskander MD Robert Jan Lerer MD Earl Siegel MD Mark Douglas Baker MD Yi-Chuan Ching MD Martha Mann Freeman MD Melanie S. Ito MD Carolyn J. Levitt MD Joy Sflver MD & Bruce Goldberg MD Cynthia N Baker MD Sidney S. Chipman MD MPH Gina Marie French MD Sudjai C. Itsara MD Edward D. Lewis MD Steven A. Skinner MD Elita Gose Balakrishnan MD Anna J. L. Chorazy MD Gianfranco Frittelli MD Louise Kido Iwaishi MD Peter R. Lewy MD Alfred L. Skinner MD Flamen Ball, Jr. MD Katherine Kaufer Christoffel MD, MPH Loraine H. Frost MD illian S. Iwatsuki MD CharlesW. Linder MD MartinW. Sklaire MD Richard David Baltz MD Esther K. Chung MD Susan Miriam Fuchs MD Robert D. Jackson MD John M. Loiselle MD Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Slaw Jill M. Baren MD Benjamin Reid Clanton MD Felma J. Fuentes MD Richard Fuller Jacobs MD Linda C. Loney MD Eric Slora PhD Patsy Barker MD AlbinaA. Claps MD Sergei Gabinsky MD David G. Jaimovich MD Thomas F. Long MD Fred G. Smith, Jr. MD David Andrew Barnhart MD David A. Clark MD Keith R. Gabriel MD Suman Jain MD Julie A. Long MD Queens Pediatric Society Edward L. Bartlett, Jr. MD Robert L. Clark MD IraWllson Gabrielson MD Scott Schafer James MD Jerold & Ingela Lucey Debra Ralston Sowell MD Barry Seth Barudin MD BarbaraAnne Clay MD Janice Marie Gallagher MD Veronique Marie James MD Francois I. Luks MD Russell T. Spadaro MD Maria Basora MD Lisa Clayton MD H. Garry Gardner MD Pamela Cullie Jenkins MD Lauren Gale Macaluso MD Brynne Bergsagel Standaert MD Blair E. Batson MD Clare E. Close MD Diane Brody Gareen MD Dr. KurtW. Jensen Celeste Marie Madden MD Barbara Elaine Staub MD Mr. Harrison & Dr. Holly C. H. Bauer MarkW. Cocalis MD Joseph M. Garfunkel MD Paul H. Jewett MD Adel Fangary Makar MD RussellWesley Steele MD Evelyn F. Baugh MD Bayard Coggeshall MD James R. Gaskell MD Anabelle Jimnenez MD Ruby R. Malva MD Sarabel & Ross Stemer Luis Alberto Bauzo MD David Allen Coggins MD Beverly M. Gates MD Andrew Franklin Jobe MD Vicenta P.G. Marquez MD Laura Sue Gruski Stemmle MD Northrop Beach MD V Loren Cohen DO Jeanne Genova-Goldstein MD CamMla A. Jocher MD Richard J. Martin MD Loraine M. Stern MD Bonnie L. Beaver MD Herbert J. Cohen MD Michael A. Gerber MD Mark D. Joffe MD Linda Martin George G. Sterne MD Suzanne Adarns Beck MD Kathleen C. Cohenour MD Peter J. Gergen MD MPH Alain Joffe MD Jeannette Martin MD Paul E. Stobie MD Joseph D. Becker DO Mary E. Collins MD Timnothy G. Givens MD Richard C. Johnson MD W'diam G. Mason MD Susan M. Strahosky MD Avril P. Beckford MD Lisa Loeb Colton MD Thomas A. Glassman MD Donald Robert Johnson MD Keith T. Matsumoto MD Ruth H. StrangMD Bruce Beeber MD, MPH Mary Elizabeth Connolly MD Danette Swanson Glassy MD Amy Leigh Nelson Johnson MD Paul L. Mc Carthy MD Jeffrey H. Strickler MD Miriam Joy Behar MD Michael T. Connor MD James A. Glenski MD Amy E. Johnson MD Richard Eugene Mc Clead MD Ray Sturdevant MD Susan B. Bellefleur MD Joanne Cono MD Steven B. Glickfield DO Dorothy Davies Johnson MD Richard E. Mc Clead, Jr. Rita Mae Suina MD A. Barry Belman MD BoydWilliam Cook MD James P. Goetz MD George M. Johnson MD Michael Ray Mc Clintock MD Midwest Pediatric Surgical Assn. Arnie Angelita Gonzal Beloy MD James Richard Cooley MD Chit-Guan Goh MD Carol G. Johnson MD Karin Alexandra Mc Closkey MD Charles L. Swarts MD MarkAllen Belsey MD Dennis Michael Cooley MD Harvey R. Gold MD Stephen G. Jolley MD Susanna A. Mc Colley MD Vilma Tadalan-Velasco MD Neil David Beneck MD Louis I. Cooper MD Capt. MC USN Alma L Golden MD Matthew P. Jones MD Martha Alice Mc Cravey MD Jean Natsue Takenaka MD Jane M. Benton MD Jayne Cooper Alice Gentsch Goldin MD Kathryn Anne Jones MD Jennifer Louise Mc Kinney MD Annop Tantisunthorn MD Richard A. Berkowitz MD Gerald Copeck MD Pearl Reiffel Gollin MD M. Douglas Jones, Jr. MD Margaret J. Mc Laren MD LynTaylor MD Carol D. Berkowitz MD Renee & Dr. Stuart Copperman Helen Cabreros Gonzaga MD Ellyn P. Jones MD Anne McGhiey David Robert Thomas MD Jeff-rey Paul Bernstein MD Leslie Anne Cordes MD Pilar Reyes Gonzales MD Clifford Joseph MD Robert Joseph Meade MD Brenda J. Thompson MD Henry H. Bernstein DO Loretta M. Cordova de Orte MD Edmond T. Gonzales, Jr. MD Lucrecia F. Joven MD Michael Rikio Mekaru MD Ira B. Toback MD Abrarn Berry MD Larry Irwin Corman MD AlfredoVdlanueva Gonzales MD CynthiaA Judice MD Carlo B. Melini MD Deborah Tolchin MD Oscar Betancourt MD Marvin Cornblath MD Jean Kay Gortner MD Kenneth L. Jue MD Ivri K. Messinger DO Panitda D. Toochinda MD Jarnes M. Betts MD Joseph L. Corrigan MD Fern Gotfried MD Barbara Francisz Kaczmarska MD Patrick David Meyer MD F. Luis Torregrosa MD Sheila Sodhi Bhagwandass MD JessicaV Corsino MD Samuel P. GotoffMD Bruce Allen Kaiser MD Niel F. Miele MD Thomas E. Townsend MD Kanta Bhambhani MD Maria R. M. Cortes MD Mary Evelyn Graber MD ArunA. Kalra MD Carol Ann Miller MD ThelmaT. Tuimacder MD Prakash S. Bhoopalam MD Deanne Wi'lson Costello MD Renee R. Grageda MD William P. Kanto, Jr. MD M. E. Minon MD WalterW. Tunnessen, Jr. MD Deborah Tierney Bieging MD Timothy D. Costich MD Robert Kough Gramenz DO Neil M. Kantor DO Vedagiri K. Mohan MD StanleyTurecki MD Jennifer Bird LynnUV Coulter MD Stanley Norman Graven MD Harvey S. Kaplan MD Sylvia Orda Montes MD Deborah Lynn Ungerleider MD Patte Jayne Bishop MD W'illiam Hugh Craft, Jr. MD Maj. Stephen E. Greefkens DO Paul Bernard Kaplowitz MD Ralph B. Moore MD Dr. & Mrs. Charles M.Vanchiere Ellen Bryant Bishop MD Ann Marie Craig MD Charles J. Green MD Mitchell Gary Karlowicz MD Mary Beth Murnane MD DeniaA.Varrasso MD Robert L. Black MD Yvonne L. Creteur MD Roosevelt Green MD Andrea Gail Katz MD Sharon B. Murphy MD L.N.Veligati MD VirginiaY. Blacklidge MD Ingrid Cruse MD Mark Louis Greenberg MD Erin Marie Keefe MD Margaret H. Mustoe MD John CharlesViverito MD Patricia Blackman MD Zenaida Ignacio Cruz MD Robert Greenstein MD Susan E. Keeney MD Naomi Nakashimna MD John F. Vogt MD Lilian R. Blackmon MD Meera N. Damile MD Margaret Grell MD MarkWayne Kehrberg MD Rajagopal Nandyal MD RayA. Wagner MD Xllliam H. Bland MD Barbara C. Dangman MD Christine Anne Griger MD David M. Keller MD & Robert M. Nelson MD James AlanWaler MD Peter Anthony Blasco MD Nicholas A. Danna III MD Stewart L. Griggs MD Julie E. Meyers MD Fredric P. Nelson MD Richard P. Walls MD Alan Howard Bleiberg MD Chester D'Autremont MD Diller B. GroffMD Frances E. Kemp MD Thomas J. Newman MD Chun-IWang MD PatriciaAnn Block MD Amar Lal Dave MD Jonathan I. Groner MD Kathy Rosen Kerr MD Lawrence M. Ng MD JohnAllenWareham MD Stan L. Block, Jr. MD Jean K Davenport Donald Guenther MD Daniel B. Kessler MD CharlesG.NjinimbamMD BradWayneWarnerMD John E. Bloom MD Luminita Manuela David MD Janis Guerney VictorA. Kevorkian MD David P. Norton MD RobertWarren Christopher F. Bolling MD Mark Davidson Marilyn P. Guerrero MD Vincent A. Kiley MD John Noseworthy MD Richard CharlesWasserman MD John Bolton MD Joseph H. Davis MD Ma. Teresa Guerrero-Bissonnette MD Christopher Kim MD Mary Ellen O'Connor MD Morton E.Weichsel, Jr. MD Jeffrey Peter Bomze MD Jarnes J. De Cubas MD Renu Gupta MD Shirley Jane Kindberg MD Wllliam John Oliver MD Paul RusseUlWeiner MD DeborahAnn Borchers MD Rita Guevarra De La Rosa MD Padmin Gupta MD Denis R. King MD James A. O'Neill, Jr. MD Samuel D. Wellman, Jr. MD S. K. Bosu MD Kenneth Brian De Santes MD Robert A. Gustafson MD Katherine C. King MD Gary D. OverturfMD Doris L.Wethers MD Evelyn S. Bouden MD Anthony P. De Spirito MD Philip Conte Guzzetta MD Eileen J. Klein MD Philip Owusu-Ansah MD Eva ZahorianWiesner MD Matthew N. Boulis MD Shirley E. Dearborn MD Ira L. Haimowitz DO John A. Knapp MD Ann Maurine Packard MD Dr. & Mrs. Rickey L.Wiiarns Suzanne C. Boulter MD Selma Deitch MD Horace P. Hambrick MD Jane Frances Knapp MD RichardAnthony Papa DO EdwardT.Williams III MD Kathryn A. Bowen MD Carlota Delerrna MD Lois Johnson Hamerman MD Peter Erwin Knott MD William Curtis Patton MD Doris & BurtWillis Richard M. Bowles MD Robert Denton MD Carl Hanfling MD George Koburn MD Howard A. Pearson MD Herb and BarbaraWinograd Harriet Siegel Boxer MD Rajendra B. Desai MD Debra Lee Hanna MD MarkA. Koenig MD Nassau Pediatric Society AngelaT.Wong MD Willam R. Boyte MD Jerrold M. Deutsch MD Zahida P. Haq MD Myra G. Kolin MD Central Oregon Pediatrics Associates JudyWood MD Leah Florence Brasch MD Bhaskar S. Devanagondi MD Abdul Haq MD Victor Hoy Soon Kong MD Hubert C. Peltier MD Jerold C. Woodhead MD Teresa Sue Bratton MD Jess Diamond MD C. Eugene Hardey MD Rama Kopparthi MD Edna Apollonia Perez MD Kathleen A. Woodin MD PeterVerdi Brault MD Bijan A. Dibadj MD Stephen Hargarten MD Steven Saul Koslov MD Georges Peter MD Gerald G.Woodruff, Jr. MD AndrewJ. Breen MD Mr. KarlW. Dieckmann Isaac R. Hargett MD JosephW. Kresock MD Kevin Peter Petit MD Robert ClintonWright MD DavidWilliam Brege MD Marie C. Dietrich MD W'lliam E. Harmon MD Jacob Seymour Kriteman MD Philip Gary Pettett MD Sam & SueYancy H4ans H.B4lrehm MT) Isabelle Marie Dieudonnne Mr) Heprbert S.1 T4arper MD Nortnn S.q Kronemer MT) Lucy& Jack Rosenberg Kyle EtsuoYasuda MD James F. Brennan MD Mfichael Dimfler MD Joseph Peter Harris MD Ernest Frederick Krug, III MD Phflanthropic Fund James EdwinYoung MD, PC Cindy Brisbin MD Gualberto R. Dinglasan MD Robert O. Harris, III MD Thomas M. Krummel MD Col. John R. Pierce MD Susan E. Zarutskie MD Jeff-reyW. Britton MD Parviz Djariri MD Mfichael B. Harris MD Lawrence Theodore Krupa MD Julia M. Pillsbury DO Ekhard E. Ziegler MD CarmelitaV Britton MD Lisa Dobberteen MD Ruth C. Harris MD Karin Miller Kruse MD Albert L. Pizzica DO Philip R. Ziring MD Martha Brochin MD Thomas A. Doe MD Larry Coleman Harris MD Walter B. Kuhl MD Rizalita L. Placer MD Edward Neal Zissman MD A. Michael Broennle MD RobinWmker Doroshow MD Jay M. Harvey MD Matthew Francis Kuluz MD RandallW. Powell MD W'dliam, Nancy and Jeffrey Zurhellen Gail Susanne Brook MD John J. Downes MD Jeannine Hatt MD Kusum Kumar MD Sarah J. Pratt MD Anonymous (12) Ernest G. Brookfield MD Lucy Biddle Downey MD Maya S. Hattangady MD Marian Elizabeth Kummer MD Georoia Ann Prescott MD Brooklyn Pediatric Surgical Associates Wllliam L. Downey, Jr. MD Lt. Cmdr.. Amy Patricia Hauck MD Nanette Christine Kunkel MD Stephen Charles Prinz MD Gifts of$100 to $249 Claude H. B. Brown MD StevenA. Dowshen MD Sheryl Ann Hausinger MD Nathan Kuppermann MD, MPH ZenaidaV. Pua MD LydiaA. Abad MD ThomasWhittaker Browne MD John M. Driscoll, Jr. MD Elizabeth K. Hawkes MD Joan H. Kurtz MD Barbara Jo Quissell MD Michael 0. Abbey-Mensah MD William Jay Brownstein MD Stephen Kent Du Rivage MD WdliamW. Hay, Jr. MD Theodore Kushnick MD FaiqaA. Qureshi MD Mimi Abella-Blanco MD Erika Bruck MD David L Dudgeon MD Daniel M. Hays MD Kevin Patrick Lally MD Jay S. Rabinowitz MD Robert Adler MD Gregory Scott Buchert MD Helen Marie DuPlessis MD, MPH John J. Healy MD Eva Landsberg-Lewin MD Bellur Subbanna Ramanath MD Charles E. Adwell MD George Pardue Bunch MD Jolanta Dziok MD MaryA. Hegenbarth MD Richard C. Lang MD HaranathaV Reddy MD N. Scott Adzick MD Christine Bunta Donald Eugene Eason MD NancyJo Hefl MD Burton H. Langer MD Linda Reid MD Mesfin Afework MD Donald C. Burandt MD Sarita Doyle Eastman MD Rita F. Helfand MD Jacob C. Langer MD Dr. & Mrs. HenryA. Riedel Edward N. Ahearn MD Edmund Charles Burke MD RichardA. Ehrenkranz MD Sarah Lynn Helfand MD Shelley Lanzkowsky MD Joseph L. Rigatuso MD Olyade A. Ajayi MD Robert Edward Burke MD Carl Eisenberg MD Norman A. Helfrich, Jr. MD Lourdes R. Laraya-Cuasay MD Richard H. Ringel MD Barbara Jill Albertson MD, MPH S. Robert Burnip MD Lawrence D. Elegant MD Stanley Hellerstein MD Agnes Tan Lardizabal MD James P. Ritchart MD David G. Alexander MD WadeW. Bumside, Jr. MD KathrynAnne Ellerbeck MD Kathryn Osborn Helxnuth MD Ricci J. Larese MD James J. Riviello, Jr. MD Dr. & Mrs. Alinovi Richard C. Burnstine MD Mark Gregory Ellis MD GlennVmcent Hemberger DDS Jo A. Largent John Lee Roberts MD Carole E. Allen MD Hector O. Bustamante MD Benedicta G. Enrile MD RobertWiiam Hendee, Jr. MD Prudencio Laroya MD Margaret G. Robinson MD E. BryceAlpern MD Lori G. Byron MD LisaA. Erburu MD WorthW. Henderson MD Douglas P. Larsen MD Bradley M. Rodgers MD Arnold J. Altman MD Mark Patrick Cain MD Thomas Neil Ernst MD Lawrence R. Hennessey MD Arthur Jay Lasin MD WalterJoseph Rok MD Harold NealAmer MD Gene Caldwell MD Amada EsquerraAbrigo MD William B. Henry MD Frederick Andrew Lauppe, Jr. MD Benjamin Alan Rosenblum MD Haresh Amin MD Norma B. Camesa-Espiritu MD Nerita R. Estampador-Ulep MD Blaine Z. Hibbard, Jr. MD Arthur Lavin MD Charles M Rubin MD Nalini Amin MD David P. Campbell MD JamesWm. Eusebio MD Robert Hickey MD Michael R. Lawless MD Christian E. Rudolph MD Nick George Anas MD John C. W. Campbell MD Meigan Mariko Everts MD Karin M. Hillenbrand MD Margaret Mary Layde MD Drs. Elizabeth S. & Richard D. Ruppert Theresa M. Anaya MD Roberto Canales MD Jeffrey M. Ewig MD Fred C. Hirschenfang MD Samuel R. Leavitt MD Dr. & Mrs. Edward J. Saltzman Araceli R. Ancajas MD Susan R. Cappetta Cole Chinedu Ezeoke MD Fadel Hochroth MD H. Carol Lebischak MD Sylvester J. Sanfilippo MD Bronwen J. Anders MD Richard Owen Carpenter MD Stephen James Ezzo MD Delbert Harvey Hodder MD Ruth M. Lebovitz MD Marc Godfrey Schlatter MD Harry J. Anderson, Jr. MD Eben Carsey, Jr. MD Candida Montemayor Fabia MD GeorgeW. Holcomb, III MD Haeson Lee MD Katherine I. Schooley MD StephenWoodard Anderson, II MD Ronald Peter Carzoli, Jr. MD Houshang Farhadian MD Elaine Holland Soo Kwang Lee MD John S. Schuster MD Kent R. Anderson Marie Barone Casalino MD, MPH Milwaukee Jewish Federation, Inc. Drs. Thomas J. & LaurieA. Holubeck QuillyTeoh Lee MD Joel Schwab MD HenryAnhalt DO Joel Cassingham MD Lynne Di Mascio Feldman MD Marjorie Hortin Otero MD Doris M. Lenz Alan Ray Seay MD Henry & Dominic Annunziato Anne Cata MD Felixc Feldman MD Mark B. Horton MD. MSPH Ellen B. Leonard MD Robert H. Sebring PhD Cornelius F. Cathcart MD Marianne E. Felice MD James Cranford Hoyle, Jr. MD MflaA Leong MD May 1999 AAP News 119 Robert B. Lester III MD David H. Nadelman MD Joseph G. Rossi MD JackTracy Swanson MD GbengaAdedipe MD Kishan Rao Battu MD MaryAlice Letourneau MD Homer E. Nash, Jr. MD Rita Rossi-Foulkes MD John D. Swanson MD Remilekun S. Adesoji MD James Richard Baugh MD Gerald S. Levin MD Lawrence F. Nazarian MD Michael A. Rothschild MD Ishild J. Swoboda MD Taiwo E. Adetutu MD Rodolfo E. Bautista MD Howard Jay Levine MD Richard P. Nelson MD Edward P! Rothstein MD DionisiaA. Sy MD Vijay KumarAdi MD Eduardo Rolando Bautista MD Marianne Rose Levine DO EliotWilbur Nelson MD Kathleen Mary Rotondo MD Edward Ernest Szoke MD Bassam A. Afaneh MD Jefferson Davis Beale, Jr. MD Susan Lippert Levitzky MD CeciliaT. Nervez MD Jonelle C. Rowe MD C. A. Tabellario MD Nalini Bade Agarwal MD Graham E. Beard MD Lawrence J. Levy MD Marcia Jeanne Newcombe MD Christopha H. Rozdeba MD Catherine A. Tan MD Brij Lata Agarwal MD Norman Becker MD Robert A. Lewine MD Walter Sterling Newman MD Jordan S. Ruboy MD Marian Cordovez Tan MD Phyllis Friedman Agran MD, MPH Robert Allen Beckman MD Elsa Sonia Li MD Thomas Bernard Newman MD Mary Louise Russell MD Luvenia Estrada Tantoco MD Bela Agrawal Francis John Bednarek MD Lichterman MD T. MD Maureen MD A. EliTaub MD Carlos J. Aguilar Lima MD David S. Beebe MD Jacob J. Mary Newport Ryall Jose Bonoan Agutinaldo MD Nancy K. Beezley MD Diane E. Liebe MD Carl Russell Ng MD Criseida Saad De Owens MD Charles W. Taylor MD Michael S.D. Agus MD Robert A. Belfer MD Susana Q. Lim MD Elisa Ann Nicholas MD, MSPH Linda Mann Sacks MD J. 1. Tepas, III MD Michael Kweku Agyepong MD Moshe D. Bell MD Angela Lipinski William David Nichols MD Parvin Safari MD PatriciaW. Tharp MD Khizer Khurshid Ahmad MD Randi E. Bell MD Joseph A. Little MD Rosvida Sanga Nicodemus MD Palghat M. Sahasranaman MD GregoryAlanThomas MD Sang Sun Ahn MD Louis M. Bell, Jr. MD Milly Liang Liu MD Daniel Joseph Niebrugge MD Naheed F. SaifMD LT. Elise Fuligni Thomas MD Saira Ahsan MD Rebecca S. Beltran MD Eden Demandante Llamas MD AnthonyV. Nigro MD Nadia A. Sakati MD Leonard James Thompson DO Dritsematosan N. Akporiaye MD Sandra Ann Beman MD Thomas Lohner MD Lenore Tomoye Nii MD Jacqueline Salazar MD MichaelWalterTimn MD Alagappan Alagappan MD Maria Corazon V. Benitez MD Carol A. Long MD Zehava Lela Noah MD William Lee Salomon MD Wendy Ruth Tinklepaugh MD Esam Abdullah Albanyan MD Bonna Georjean Benjamin MD Howard H. Loughlin MD Rex Latta Northup MD Hugh Albert Sampson MD Andrea Phyllis Tish MD Felocelia D. AlcidMD Bernard Benjamin MD Ronald Bowman Low MD Gilbert A. Norwood MD Kathy Sanabria Mark David Tolpin MD Daniel Herman Aldana MD Gaylord W. Bennett MD Rolando Lozano MD RobertW. Novak MD Christy Irene Sandborg MD Franklin HenryTop, Jr. MD James F. Alderman MD Burton Allan Benson, Jr. MD JuanitaT. Lu MD A. Barbara Oettgen MD Daisy Santa MD Susan Beth Torrey MD Fahrad S. Al-Dossary MD Amy Elizabeth Bentley MD Dayna Lucas MD Justin O. Ogbevoen MD Patrocinio Pasco Santa Ana MD W'diam M. Toyama MD Myrian Mercedes Alea MD Dale Frank Bergamo MD ffilginia P. Luces MD Michael James O'Halloran MD Albert Sanz MD Richard E. Trabert MD Catalina Alegre-Levine MD Marc S. Berger MD JonathanY. LukoffMD Olubunmi Okanlami MD Asteria Rimando Saquin MD Rosalyn Lien Tran MD Behjat Alemi MD Kimberly Cranston Bergeron MD Dennis P. Lund MD Gary Oldenburg John B. Saratsiotis MD RadhaTrivedi MD Abramov Alexander MD Jennette L. Bergstedt MD JamesV. Lustig MD Luis F. Olmedo MD Teresita J. Sarinas MD Wen-Han Tsung MD Etihad S. AlFalahi MD Ted J. Bergstrom MD MD Thomas Howard Olson MD Natalie L. Sarkanich MD Glinda MD Abdullah S. J. Al-Ghamdi MD Benjamin C. Berliner MD Cynthia Jene Lynn Tugade-Noceda Ahmad Basem Al-Hamda MD Rosario Salgado Bermisa MD Charles G. Macias MD Barbara Lynne O'Pray MD Naomi Sato MD DavidTurkewitz MD Niaz Ali MD Alex Bernyk MD Harold Magalnick MD Walter A. Orenstein MD Santa Ruth Saucedo MD Dorothy J. Turner MD, MPH Ashmead Ali MD Bedford H. Berrey MD William James Malone MD David Ellis Osgood MD JamesW. Sayre MD Patricia Turner MD Taiyaba S. Ali MD Cmdr. Kevin G. Berry MD Albert Mangold MD Andrew C. Oshire MD Peter R. Scaglione MD Harry E. Turse MD Corazon Laygo Alialy MD Charles Ira Berul MD Catherine Scott Manno MD Hector Searfin Pabon MD Joseph A. Schaefer MD Mimi A. Tutihasi MD Roger Lee Allen MD Gail Ellen Besner MD Richard D. Marble MD Jean Pakter MD Laura Schanberg MD Katsuhiko Ueoka MD Marty L Allison MD Richard E. Besser MD J. H. Victor Marchessault MD Lawrence B. Palevsky MD Stephen Alfred Schendel MD Lynne Marie Uhring MD Saleh M. Al-Mofada MD Madhura Arvind Bhuskute MD Gerard Marder MD Robert Hall Palmer MD Jacqueline P. Schenkein MD Michelle Claire Ultmann MD Jawad A. Al-Momen MD Vinod Kumar Bhutani MD Lewis H. Margolis MD Kaushik Jayantilal Pandya MD Rose Linda Schneier MD Mercedita S. Urgino MD George R. Alpert MD Martin George Bialer MD Brenda Marino-Fuller MD Nirmala Parashurama MD Thomas James Schnur MD Vidya ShaileshVakil MD Mohammed Alsaee MD Elizabeth T. Biernoff MD Milton Markowitz MD Dong Hee Park MD Julian B. Schorr MD W'fllemVan Pelt MD Adnan A. Alsulaimani MD Sandra Annette Bilinsky MD Andrea Marks MD Gary Steven Park MD Albert J. Schroeder MD Joseph A.VanderWalde MD Donald H. Altman MD Anna 1. S. Binkiewicz MD Clifford C. Marr MD Albert H. Park MD Anne Hammond Schuette MD Dharma L.Vargas MD Angelita Q. Alto MD Evanthia K. Biskinis MD LesterW. Martin MD Curt Ira Parnes MD Eric H. Schultheis MD Pedro E. Vargas MD Maria T. Alvarez-Ballway MD Jacalyn S. Bitterman MD KatieWest Martin RobertWilton Parsons MD Robert P. Schwartz MD Kerline A. Vassell MD Stephen C. Amaefuna MD Piers R. Blackett MD Maj. (P) Thomas M. Martinko MD Anjni Patel MD Manuel Schydlower MD Giridhar RaoVeerula MD Craig Nathan Ambroson MD Patricia Juarez Blanco MD Nina L. Mattarella MD AnitaV. Paves MD Elmerinda Caccavo Scialabba MD Donna S. Vegeais MD Judy Amico NP Nicole G. Blankenship John P. Matthews MD Robert L. Pavy MD Susan Marie Scott MD Rolando E. Vilar MD Rohidas R. Amin MD Mary Lartey Blankson MD F. Mauck MD Elizabeth E. MD Warren Secrest MD MD Shoeb 1. Amin MD Bernard Block MD Taylor Payne Joel Juventino TongsonVffanueva Raymond A. Amoury MD Steven H. Bloom M. Michael Maurer, Jr. MD Medford Pediatric Associates AAP Division ofSections Arnor CosioVillareal MD Donald K. Amuh MD Frederick A. Blount MD David Alan Maybee MD South Pediatric Surgeons Pkt Martin E. Segal Frank S.Virant MD Kenneth Obinna Anaeme MD Robert M. Blum DO NancylJean Maynard MD Harry Pellman MD Saundra E. Seifert MD DeniseVisci MD Krishna Anand MD George L. Blum MD Dr. & Mrs. W. J. Mc Aveney ThomasW. Pendergrass MD Warren Michael Seigel MD Stephen DavidVogler MD Ran Dani Anbar MD Arthur T. Blumer MD Margaret C. Mc Bride MD Murray E. Pendleton MD Kathleen Seikel MD Brian EdwardVolck MD Jarnes C. Anderson MD Cynthia Gloria Boakye MD Edgar E. Mc Canless MD Robert Penny MD Naomi Ragins Senser MD Silvana MariaVolpe MD Robert HarperAnderson MD John Bochan Richard Bryant Mc Crary MD Robert Perelman MD MichaelVerner Severson MD Joan L.Voris MD Marcella M. Anderson MD Mabel D. Bohorquez MD Daniel Everett Mc Crimons MD Jane C. S. Perrin MD Laurel Beth Shader MD F. JosephWaickrnan, Jr. MD Richard Mark Anderson MD Eyla Glee Boies MD James Hollis Mc Crory MD Capt. Donna Ruth Perry MD Thomas E. Shaffer MD Margaret Wakeman Craig Warren Anderson MD F. James Boland MD Thomas B. Mc Govern MD Alistair G.S. Philip MD Lein-Chun Shaw MD SusanWalden-Cohn MD Sandi Anderson Clifford Read Boles MD Patricia Mary Mc Guire MD Margaret Jane Philp MD DanielW. Shea MD Corinne AnneWalentik MD Thaddeus Anderson Alejandra Bonnet MD David S. Mc Kee MD SuseelaVelamuri Piduru MD Dr. & Mrs. John J. Shields Albert BedfordWalker MD Richard Andrassy MD Scott D. Bookner MD Elizabeth Homans Mc Kenna MD Therman Dane Pierce, Jr. MD Donald & Cynthia Shifrin Steven FranklinWallace MD Candye R. Andrus MD Irene U. Boone MD John S. Mc Roberts MD Juan J. Pilarte MD Joan E. Shook MD Peter D. Wallace MD Kalyani RajeevAngampally MD Bordy, Metzl, Glotzbach & Daniel MaryAntenen McIlroyMD Lourdes Ocampo Pineda MD Beth Ann Shortridge MD DebbieWallentin Eduardo Tan Angnardo MD Ronald P. Boren MD Wllliam Lee Meadow MD Jorge Pineiro-Vergne MD H. C. Shriner, Jr. MD Beth SullivanWalsh MD Rachael A. Annunziato Neal G. Bornstein MD AnnaT. Meadows MD Simon Piovanetti MD Neela Shukla MD Jeff L.Warnpler MD Marites Quijano Ansay MD Damarys Boschetti-Alvarado MD William N. Mebane III MD William B. Pittard, III MD Susan B. Shurin MD Lawrence C. Wang MD Adam Aponte MD John R. Bosco MD Pediatric Medical Robert S. Pittell MD Ward Siber MD William CharlesWassel MD Raul Antonio Arguello MD Wfiiam S. Bourquard MD Berkeley Group Margaret JeffreyArmstrong MD Athos Bousvaros MD Geneva Medical Group, LLP Peter D. Pizzutillo MD JanetVolk Siddiqui MD Lewis C. Wasserman MD Catherine Seward MD MD L. MD Armstrong Peter V. Bove MD Frank N. Medici Richard Plumb W'lliam Karl Sieber MD David A. Waters MD Natalie Arndt Jerry Bowman Clyde C. Medlock, Jr. MD Herbert E. Poch MD Margaret Sigley MD Philip H.F.Watt MD Fernando L. Arroyo MD George K. Boyd MD Albert Joseph Melaragno MD John Kenneth Podgore DO Alan E. Silk MD Elizabeth HessWatts MD Jude K. Arthur MD Kathryn B. Brandon MD Members/Staff AAP Committee on Wflliam F. Powers MD Filipina A. Silvestre MD Thomas R. Weber MD Emiola Asemota-Agabalogun MD Ira K. Brandt MD PediatricWorkforce Mahendra Prasad MD Roger D. Simkidn MD Leslie WorthenWebster MD Melinda Jane Ashton MD Leonard L. Braun MD Alan Mendelsohn MD David M. Pressel MD Aleta Sindelar MD Kenneth Martin Weesner MD Udochukwu O. Asonye MD Roberta Marie Braun MD Julita Carvajal Mendoza MD Cedric J. Priebe, Jr. MD Jaideep K. Singh MD Kicki SaraWehlou MD Claro M. Asprec MD Irvin B. Braverman MD Ernest P. Mennillo MD Chas.UV Pryles MD King-Sau Kenneth Siu MD Neal RogerWeinberg MD Patrice Adele Aston DO T. Berry Brazelton MD Mark R. Mercurio MD Cindy Pullia Stefan Michael Skalina MD Janet L.Weinberg DO Arsenia M. Asuncion MD Jane Brazy MD Richard C. Mervis MD Deborah Kay Purcell MD Ian Sklaver MD Howard L. Weinberger MD Azima Shabnum Ataullah MD Andrew S. Brem MD James Michael Metcalf MD Linda Quan MD Michel S. Slim MD BruceWeinstock MD Thomas Atkins MD Karen C. Bresnahan MD Ronald C. Meyer MD Elba-Julie Quinones MD Barbara Yates Slivnick MD EvaWelisch MD Ramzy M. Attala MD Abraham N. Bressler DO Monica R. Meyer MD Kanchana Rajasekhar MD Esmond S. Smith MD Stephen E. West MD Pedro Coelho Avila MD Earl J. Brewer, Jr. MD James A. Meyer MD Rajam S. Ramamurthy MD Edwin Ide Smith MD ThomasV. Whalen MD Paul Dean Avritt MD John D. Bridgers MD Samir Midani MD Judson G. Randolph MD Theodore R. Smith, Jr. MD J. GaryWheeler MD Farida N. Awan MD Paula Brinkley MD Richard J. Mier MD Loretta Rao MD Sidney G. Smith MD JohnA.W'dness MD Eugenia Ayala-Rivera MD Greater Bristol Primary Care Mikesell MD Sudha Rao MD The Smithtown Pediatric Jeanne MD Roberto A. Ayres MD Russell H. Britton MD Kathryn Group LyninWiegand Jose Waldyr Fleury D. Azevedo MD Charlene D'Alessio Brock MD Marilunn TL. Miles MT) Shams Ras-heed MT) Elizabeth M . Smithwick MDT Kyeu E.Will-ins Mr) Naiyar Azhar MD Julie Brockway MD Mary Ryan Mfles MD Ian Mark Ratner MD David M. Snyder MD AngelaWdkls MD Debra Ann Babcock MD Vincent Joseph Broillet MD Julie Therese Foley Miller DO Susan K. Ratzan MD Michelle Snyderman MD Kenneth 0. Wrlliarns MD John M. Babich MD Kerry Allison Bron MD John M. Miller MD Albert Paul Rauber MD Michael John Solhaug MD Sandra AlyseWilliams MD Sylvia S. Babu MD Jeffrey Paul Brosco MD Martha Jane Miller MD B. Owen Ravenel MD Kelly Kristen Solms MD EthelynWdlliamns-Neal MD Mary Ruth Back Seyrnour Bross MD Suzanne Mills MD John R. Raye MD Robert T. Soper MD Libby Fleischer Wlson MD Karen J. Back MD Daniel Dean Broughton MD Sharmita Misra MD Adrian Recinos, Jr. MD Harriette Clay Soper-Porter MD Paul M. Wodlinger MD Hassan S. Badrek-Amoudi MD Gail Rose Brown MD, MPH Swatantra Kala Mitta MD Henry J. Redd MD Roberto A. Sosa MD JohnWilliamWolf MD Mohamad Sharif Badri MD Edward B. Brown MD Leon Mizrahi MD Pingle Prithvi Reddy MD Karen L. Southwick MD Dana E. Wollney MD Veronica Ruiz Baecher MD Sheila Balot Brown MD Michael Anthony Moell MD Rebecca Redman MD David Sparling MD Marcella D. Wood MD Paul Frederick Baehren MD Katarzyna Brown MD Lynne Meryl Mofenson MD Laura Mc Cauley Reich MD Susan E. Spoerke MD Richard EatonWood MD Alakananda Bagchi MD Kimberly Clouser Brown MD Vincent John Moffitt MD Alice Reich MD Drs. Rob & Janet Squires Robert 0. Wright MD Kanwalpreet S. Bagga MD Susan Browne MD Ali S. Mofrad MD Leah Reimann MD Ganga L. Srinivas MD Ruth M. Yanagi MD David W. Bafley MD Barbara S. Bruner MD Kusum C. Mohan MD Charles Emfl Reisen MD JosephWlliam St. Geme, III MD Carolyn LoisYancey MD Helen Baker MD Cherilyn M. Brunetti MD Gerald A. Molfenter MD Marian Rejent MD Rosemarie F. St. Victor MD AntonioYap MD David Baker MD Andrea Elsbeth Brunhart MD Leticia K. Molina MD Frank R. Reynolds MD Robert E. Stanton MD Rose MarieYoung MD Victoria Sanchez Bal MD Jennifer S. Buchanan MD Richard A. Molteni MD James Louis Reynolds MD ViolaV. Startzman MD Robert H. Young Lori Wecker Balaban MD Stephen J. Buchner MD Leonard Montag MD JohnW. Reynolds MD M. D. Steider MD Mary Helen L. Young MD Napa Balasubramanyan MD Caroline Katheri Buckway MD Luis Antonio Montes MD Beth E. Rezet MD Martin T. Stein MD RexA. Zapanta MD Gina Muoz Balayan MD Yoleida Bucobo MD Louis G. Monti MD & David G. Rice MD Richard M. MD Geraldine Joyce C. Balbin- Joan Elizabeth Budd MD Steinberg Deborah Arnanda Zimo MD Vallesteros MD Sarojini S. Budden MD Marta E. Delsignore PhD Janice Ellen Richards MD Sandra Hoyt Stenmark MD Eric Jon Zintz MD Chhaya Bali MD Kenneth Budowsky MD Ara S. Moomjian MD Monique Renee Richey MD Harold Melvin Sterling MD Barbara S. Ziogas MD Dariusz Balinski MD Cristina Alcid Burnatay MD James Francis Mooney, III MD MaryAnn Rigas MD Aaron M. Stern MD Daniel Zove MD William James Ball MD S. Terri Bunch MD Thomas John Moore MD Conrad M. Riley MD William C. Stewart MD Aaron Leonard Zuckerberg MD Edwin Ballelos MD Donna Bundy John Moran MD Lisa Ann Riojas MD Avery Stiglitz MD Anonymous (30) Gracie D. Ballesteros MD Melissa W. Burch MD NancyW. Morehouse MD LouiseW. Robertson MD Allan B. Stimson MD Ameeta Kaul Bamzai MD David J. Burchfield MD WflliamWatson Morgan, Jr. MD Sol RockenmacherMD Susan B. Stine MD Gifts Below $100 Eboo Bhattacharjee Banerjee MD Dennis Lloyd Burech MD Elsie Coleman Morris MD George C. Rodgers, Jr. MD Donald G. Stitt MD Kimberly Jo Aakre MD Judson Willam Barber MD Mary R. Burger MD Kwok-Ming Moy MD John Patrick Rogers MD Robert T. Stone MD Herbert Ryan Abbott MD George J. Bares MD Brigitte Klink Burgett MD Chris Muggeo Harry S. Romanowitz MD Marshall M. Stone MD Lynn Mary Ables MD Rafael Barilari MD James M. Burgin MD Swati Mukerji MD MaryTheresa Ong Rosales MD Elsa Louise Stone MD Susan M. Abraham MD William J. Barkley MD Carol Danko Burk MD Sara Hoye Mullan MD Rafael A. Rosario MD Eileen Kane Stork MD Jon Stuart Abramson MD E. Valerie Barnes MD Gilbert M. Burkel MD Eloisa Munoz-Dones MD Clifton P. Rose MD Arthur Arnold Strauss MD Carlos A. Acevedo MD Martin A. Barron,Jr. MD Arthur E. Burns MD Gloria Merchan Muriel MD Elizabeth Ann Roseberry MD Jack Lawrence Strobel MD Javier Aceves MD Eric B. Barth MD Mardelle Buss MD M. Lois Murphy MD David Morton Rosenberg DO Steven Stylianos MD Bruce D. Ackerman MD Alexandra S. Bartlett MD Judy Busser Shirley Jones Murphy MD Charles R. Rosenfeld MD John James Sullivan MD Marian M. Adams MD WillarnH. Bartlett MD John W. Bussman MD Beatrice Ann Murray MD Sidney Rosin MD Craig Paul Summers MD Eugene WesleyAdcock, III MD Noah Barysh MD Rafael Bustamante Esaa MD Delbert Dennis Myers MD Stacey Kaplan Rosmarin MD Manikyam T. Sunder MD Lee Anne Addison MD Marc N. Baskin MD Chantal Buteau MD Barry Lee Myones MD Helaine Friedman Ross MD, PhD Robert Suskind MD Olumayowa BisayoAdebajo MD Jane B. Bassewitz LTC Annelore Butler MD 20 AAPNews May 1999 Thomas Matthew Byrne MD Jane Ann Curtis MD Judith Barbara Evans MD Barry Goldberg MD Carla R. Hilsten MD John Kattwinkel MD Thelma O. Cabatic MD Majorie Curtis-Cohen MD Owen B. Evans MD Marisa Goldberg Joseph Himes MD Doris J. Kauftman Leopoldo Amansec Cabrera MD Ana Rose Da Silva Maciei MD Ellen Evashwick RN John Sterling Golden DO Tasos J. Hinaris MD Kalpna Kaul MD James L Caffee MD Maha M. Dabbagh MD Leona Ewing DO Dr. & Mrs. Goldfarb Peter Lanman Hine MD Karen Kautman-Codjoe MD Ralph J. Cahaly MD Ahmad Reza Dabiri MD Raymond J. Fabius MD Donald P. Goldsmith MD Ward L Hinrichs MD Carol A. Kavanagh MD Alberto Cajigas MD Ramzi N. Dagher MD Michael Anthony Fabrizio MD Edward Goldson MD Benjamin F. Hinton MD Alessandra Kazura MD Eston Robert Caldwell, III MD Hirut G. Dagnew MD Emmett L. Fagan MD Paul S Goldstein MD Mika Hiramatsu MD Patricia A.-Kearney MD Eliza Hunton Caldwell (Hardy) MD Agnes Lopez Daliva MD Fahmii H. Fahmii MD Mark Norman Goldstein MD Amy Babcock Hirshfeld MD Jennifer Caroline Keith MD Joan Grosvenor Calkins MD Wendy C. Daly MD Mary S. Farber MD Howard JeffreyGollup MD Robert Allen Hoch MD, MPH Kathleen Kelley MD Mr. & Mrs. Brian Callahan Loretta A. Dandrea MD Enrico T. Farinas, Jr. MD Tulio E. Gomez MD Diane Hochlerin MD Wayne MD Maria-Faustina Calma MD Talat Danish MD John E. Farley, Jr. MD Manuel F. Gomez Disdier MD Dee Hodge, III MD Janice Ann Kelly MD Gerald Calnen MD Hassan Dannawfi MD Deborah Maschner Farrell MD Manuel I. Gomez-Lince MD Deborah Everts Hoellein MD Dorothy Helen Kelly MD Martin M. Calodney MD Ghaleb H. Daouk MD Michael K. Farrell MD Abdelnasser A. Gomiha MD Paul L. Hoffmnan MD Jacqueline Kelly MD Jeanette Camacho-Weeks MD Christine Doris Darr MD Taiwo M. Fasehun MD Eusebio P. Gonzales MD Alan David Hoffmnan MD Rebecca Kelly Nancy Cameron NP Aninda Das MD Nancy P. Fawcett MD Aurora L. Gonzales MD HUlary Christina Hoffmneister MD Barbara Ann Kelly MD Velta F. Briuks Cannon MD Barbara Ann Dash MD Mr. John L Federer Francisco G. Gonzalez MD Nancy A. Hofreuter MD Pamela Heiligenberg Kempert MD Vincent A. Cantone MD Kurt Allan Davey MD Richard B. Feiertag MD Robert Clemans Goodbar MD Colleen M. Hogan MD Edwin L Kendig, Jr. MD Arnold J. Capute MD Col. Cecily M. David MD Matthew Feldman MD Catherine A. Goodfellow MD Thomas M. Holcomb MD Lourice Marie Kenien-Rafols MD Cristina Carballo MD Maria Carina David MD Sandor Feldman MD Jonathan M. Goodin MD Malcolm A. Holliday MD Barbara C. Kennedy MD Efren Carbonell MD Sidney L. Davidow MD George Eckel Felknor MD Sandra Gore Michael Carrell Hollie MD Mary Elizabeth Keown MD Associates in Pediatric Cardiology Shmuel Davidson MD Gerald M. Fendrick MD Julio Gorga MD Peter F. Holm MD Edward J. Kern Beth Alison Cardwell MD Harriet J. Davis MD Hongshu Feng MD Steven Takashi Gotanda MD Ingrid Adele Holm MD Samia N. Khalil MD Sally Page Cargill MD Marvin Le Roy Davis MD Richard A. Ferber MD G. R. Gottlieb MD Chris Lindsey Holmes MD Misbah Khan MD, MPH Dominic F. Carlino MD Donald A. Davis MD William Shay Ferguson MD Meenakshi Goyal MD Vicki Hom MD Nafees Khan MD Lisa R. Carlson MD Mary C. Davitt MD Joseph L. Fernandez-Moure MD Louis A. Goyco MD Lois & Ronald Hoover Mohammed J. A. Khan MD James Burton Carpenter MD Barbara J. Dayment Joseph Fernando MD Ave O. Gozo MD Nancy G. Hoover MD Seema Khaneja MD John M. Carper MD Robert De Cristofano MD Paul R. Ferrari MD Joseph D. Graciosa MD James M. Hopkins DO Santosh Bala Khanna MD Robert L. Carr MD Francis L. De George MD Mariano Fiallos MD Michael I. Grady MD Joseph Horam MD Sandhya Kharbanda MD Wtfliamn C. Caff MD Aurora G. De La Cruz MD Norman L Fienman MD MaryV. Graham MD William Joseph Horam MD Afagh Khorashadi MD Elsie J. Carrasquillo DO Arthur de Lorimier MD Walter M. Fierson MD Richard H. Granger MD Jennifer Marie Horan MD C. Mohini Khurana MD Anthony Casale MD Cynthia Marcelo De Los Reyes MD Francis Maurice Filloux MD Linda M. Grant MD Hecham Horani MD Derrick Tamotsu Kida MD Mary Beth Cass MD James J. De Piore MD Stacia Finch Michael A. Graven MD Kenneth A. Horn MD Phyllis S. Kiehl MD John B. Castiglione MD Isabelle G. De Plaen MD Irving Fine MD Frances L Gray MD Ralph C. Hornberger MD Michael Allan Kieserrnan MD Antonio Castillo Marcelino A. de Santos MD Robert Alan Fink MD Susan Marie Gray MD Christine Leigh Horowitz MD Jean Kflbourne Charles Antoine Celestin MD John Michel De Triquet MD Ilona Santman Finkelstein MD L. W. Greenberg MD Joseph P. Horrigan MD Howard W. Kilbride MD Young S. Cha MD Deann Elizabeth De Witt MD Eugene Finkelstein MD & Anne E. Greene MD Shah Hossain MD Hazel Goodwin Kim MD Puma L. Chadalwada MD Albert C. Dearden MD Ilona S. Finkelstein MD Diane Florence Green-El MD Daniel D. Hostetler, Jr. MD Young H. Kim MD Kim Chamberlain Jason Scott Debley MD Jerald T. Finnegan MD Irene Greenhut MD Isabel M Howard Joh W. Kim MD Wiliam Scott Chamness MD Serena E. H. Dee MD Renato Machado Fiori MD Herbert S. Greenspan MD Gregory R. Hoy MD Shinae Yoo Kim MD David M.C. Chan MD Janet Lee Dees MD Miguel A. Firpi MD Michael H. Greenwald MD Tien-Sheng Hsu MD Sook Za Kim MD Kevin K.W. Chan MD Dominic A. DeFrancis MD Maria Fischer-Slysh MD Jeffrey R. Greenwald MD Hueih-Shing Hsu MD Young Ju Kim MD Asteria C. Chan MD Maj. Bemard M. Degnan MD Maria C. Fisher MD Douglas B. Gregory MD Tsung C. Huang MD Renate D. Kimbrough MD Nancy Chan Amigo MD Helmut M. Dehn MD Howard J. Fisher MD Harinder Singh Grewal MD Donna R. Hudgens MD Anthony Curtis Kimbrough MD Jayanthi J. Chandar MD Aymin Delgado MD David E. Fisher MD Leigh A. Griggs MD Gerald E. Hughes MD Ms. Sandi King Bruce P. Chandler MD Frank DeLuca Laurie Newman Fishman MD Michael John Groenke MD James R. Hughes MD Michael A. Klein DO Shobha S. Chandra MD Carol DeLuga A. Stuart Fitzhugh MD Kathy Lynn Gross MD John E. Hult MD Bruce Lawrence Klaein MD Lianne Mae Chang MD Tsega Demeke MD Laura Sue Fitzmaurice MD Michael Franklin Grossberg MD Frederick L. Humeston MD Rosemary Ellen Klenk MD Caroline J. Chantry MD Joan Sybfl Dengrove MD Sandra Moon Flint MD Richard 1. Grossberg MD Sally Gluek Hunt MD Dr. & Mrs. Irving N. K(litsner Jennifer 1. Chapman MD State of NY Department of Health Jorge Luis Flores-Gallardo MD Charles L. Grosshans MD C. Peirce Hunter, Jr. MD Irving N. Klitsner MD Seema Bipinchandra Chaudhari MD Jay DeSoto Mayor MD Oluwamayowale Ad Folaranmi MD Lindsey Kathryn Grossman MD Robert Morrison Hurley MD Katherine L. Knapp MD Tapan Chaudhuri MD Maria S.C.R. Desquitado MD Henri Ronald Ford MD Perry Grossman MD Samuel Hurwitz MD Anne Lowe Knasel MD Allen Russell Chauvenet MD Gerard Devas MD Patricia A. Ford MD Geeta Grover MD Eugene S. Hurwitz MD Nancy S Knipper RN John Patrick Cheathamn MD George Anthony Devito, Jr. MD Michael Jay Foreman MD Jerome A. Grunt MD Barbara P. Huss MD Byron Kocen MD Annakutty C. Chelluppararnpfl MD Jeffrey Martin Devries MD, MPH Lisa A. Forgione MD Karen D. Gruskin MD Katherine Hwu MD Katherine Sanfor Koch MD Ming Chen MD Surinderjit K. Dhaliwal MD Grady Fort MD Margarita Guarin MD Alexander Charle Hyatt MD Bahram Kodadadeh MD Peter Joseph Chenaille MD Angela M. Di Giovanni MD John J. Fote MD Harry A. Guess MD Ani Elizabeth Hyslop MD Eli Koenig MD Robin Griffith ChemoffMD Louis Anthony Di Nicola MD T. Reid Fotion MD James P. Guevara MD Galina lbragimova MD Alan Michael Koenigsberg MD P. Joan Chesney MD Leo J. Di Stefano MD Carolyn M. Fouret Richard John Gugelmann MD, MPH Mary Ann M. Schwingh ldzikowski MD Uwe Christian Koepke MD Robert David Chessin MD Sharon Padmini Dial MD Anthony Hawke Francis MD Sorbella Guillermo MD Ekuase Igiehon MD Daniel Peter Kohen MD Panita Chiemmongkoltip MD Isabel V. Diaz MD Israel Franco MD Sharon Grace Gunasti MD Frances Mary Immordino MD Melvin A. Kohn MD Ugonna Dorothy Chike-Obi MD Carmenuta Diaz-Sy MD John J. Fraser, Jr. MD Joshua Gundersheimer MD Ma Ingyinn MD Teri Gibbons Kolb Kathleen Chin MD Helen L Dichek MD Bruce G. Freeman MD Kristina Y. Gupta Mona Y. Iskander MD Ms. Carolyn Kolbaba Victoria M. Chorvat Macdonald Dick, 11 MD Raymond Savageau Freeman MD Yvonne R. Gutierrez MD Antonios Issa MD HarveyA. Kolker MD David James Chronley MD Bradley Earl Dickson MD Susan J. Frey Eleonor P. Gutierrez-Lazo MD Ifeoma N. lwelumo MD Mangaraju Kolluru MD Franco Chua MD Dean Michael Didech MD Peter Frey MD Laura E.T. Gutman MDS Sumathi S. Iyengar MD Barbara Kass Kolmen MD ArthurW. Chung MD Mary Margaret Didie MD Frank Robert Friesen MD Ernie Guzman MD Prabhamani V. lyer MD Erlinda L. Koo MD Sung-Kwang Chung MD Ronald Albert Dieckmann MD MPH Gerard D. Fritz MD Anna Maria Guzman MD J. & E. Associates William Joseph Kopp MD Lindy Lee Cibischino MD lluminada T. Diego MD Magdalena Fuchs MD Ceres Guzman-Morales MD Wanda Jackson MD Sofia Koulouri MD Joseph J. Cirotti MD Colleen Garvey Dinter MD Deborah R. Fuerth MD Lenny Haber Rebecca F. Jacobs MD Anastassios C. Koumbourlis MD Arthur L. Clark MD Mark Ford Ditmar MD John H. Fuerth MD Marcelle G. Habib MD Diane R. Jacobsohn MD Elizabeth Kovacs MD Michael Jarnes Clark MD David S. Dobkin MD Jan B. Fugal MD Samar Haddad MD Wamiq Jadun MD Lillian P. Kravis MD Katie M. Clark Kent W. Doherty DO Cindy M. Fujii MD Joseph R. Hageman MD Renu Jain MD Michelle B. Kravitz MD Cindy Gaines Clark Mark Joseph Domet MD Samina Furhad MD Rachael L Hagen Pedro Pablo Jakos MD Marzena E. Krawiec MD Thomas A. Clarke MD Timothy F. Doran MD Thomas WHiliam Furth MD Helen Marie Hale MD Stephanie DeReath James MD S. Marc Krenytzky MD Jonathan Thatche Clarke MD Michael C. Doroski Donna C. Futterman MD Neal Halfon MD, MPH Robert E. James, Jr. MD Veronika V. Kroin MD James S. Clarke MD William R. Dorsey MD Carol Gaare J. Alex Haller, Jr. MD John A. James MD Kenneth L. Kronberg MD Mark C. Clayton MD Nienke Prins Dosa MD Dante P. Gabriel MD Ellen Kravis Hamburger MD Stuart Harris Janousky MD Cheryl Ruth Kuck MD Gail Valerie Co MD Carol Elaine Downing MD Sheila Gahagan MD Azardokht Hamedaninia MD Carl W. Janovsky MD Martin U. Kuefer MD John G. Cocoris MD Robert H. Drachman MD Malgorzhia T. Gajda MD Lois M. Hammond MD Carmnen Marisela Jaquez MD Gerard A. Kuhn MD Dale Ann Coddington MD Juan G. Dragicevic Aran MD Deandra Galarde Susu Hankhin MD Althea Kay Jarrett MD Michael Allan Kuhn MD Alwyn Theodore Cohall MD Philip R. Dreessen MD Martha G. Galarza MD Marion L Hanlon MD CaseyJohn Jason MD Abiodun 0. Kuku MD Burton Cohen MD Barbara Drelicharz Nita S. Gandhi MD J. Donald Hare MD Madhu S. Jayaram MD A.E. Kulatilake MB, BS, FRCS Elaine A. Cohen Daniel A. Driscoll MD Sivathilaka Ganesh MD David John Harford MD Azam Jazayeri MD John W. Kulig MD, MPH Stanley Bart Cohen MD John J. Drucker MD Matthew David Garber MD Teresa M. Hargrave MD Dominique Jean-Baptiste MD P.S. Kumar MD Barry David Cohen MD Dean Ducnuigeen MD Olga Consuelo Garcia MD Mary N. Harkness MD Zofia T. Jedliczka MD Fedor A. Kuritzkes MD George J. Cohen MD Sam Dugan MD Elisdel M. Garcia MD Sandra Smith Harmon MD Renee R. Jenkins MD Leslie Price Kurtz MD Frederick 1. Cohen MD John A. Duggan MD Maria Nena T. Garcia MD Keith Hanna Harmon MD Melvin E. Jenkins, Jr. MD Janice Marie Kutilek MD Debra Ann Cohen MD Lynette Dummer Susan Elizabeth Gardner MD Lisa Harnum MD Carlos Alberto Jimenez MD Tao Sheng C. Kwan-Gett MD Wdliam Lord Coleman MD Colin Dumphy Donald C. Gargas MD Debborah Harp Juan F. Jimenez MD Wade T. Kyono MD Daniel Agee Coles MD Amy Lohrke Garrett MD Vigfla Constance Harris MD Gonzalo Jimenez-Hernandez MD John J. La Bella MD Diego Collazo MD Frances J. Dunston MD, MPH Teresa Belongia Garrett James Russell Harrod MD, MPH Reena Samuel John MD Paul H. La Marche MD Marc Farrell Collin MD Marie-Paule Joha Dupiton MD Alvaro Garza MD Debbie Hart Charles Felzen Johnson MD Richard Guy La Mere MD Sarah O. Colwell MD Adela Pratt Dupont MD G. Bradley Gascoigne, III MD William E. Hart MD Eloise E. Johnson MD Alberto Lacoius-Petruccelli MD Cecilia L. Concepcion MD Joanna Therese Dupont MD Monica R. Gaskins MD James T. Hartford MD Rebecca W. Johnson MD Farahaba R. Lakhdir MD Thomas James Connolly MD Barbara Louise Durso MD Benjamin M. Gaston MD Samuel Allen Hartman, 1I MD Miriam Diane Johnson MD Mr. & Mrs. Lamberti Michael Joseph Connolly MD Richard Lawrence Dvorin MD Susan M. Gaston MD Rebecca Hartwig MD John David Johnson MD Marietta B. Lamug MD Julie A. Considine MD Rochelle L. Dworet MD Norman C. Gaudrault MD Cindi L. Hartz MD Carolyn E. Johnson MD Ronald Allan Landay MD William H. Cook, Jr. MD KrzysztofDygulski MD Marianne Gausche MD J. Larry Harwell MD Toni Johnson-Chavis MD Bonnie Lande Stephen Michael Cooper MD Francine Duda Dykes MD Ewa Maria Gawlik MD Yasmin A. Hassan MD W'dliam J. Jones MD Gregoria B. Landicho MD Mason Franklin Copeland MD Jean Dziedzic LaVonne Gebel Edward H. Hausladen MD Robert R. Jones MD Jee Lang Emanuel Corbo MD Emily Ruth Earl MD Stuart G. Geer MD Thomas G. Havranek MD Laura Behymner Jones MD Preecha Laohakunakorn MD Robert J. Cordes DO S. Jan Eberhard MD Sharon K. Engelmnan Geimer MD Alesia L. Hayes MD Thomas Garrett Jones, III MD Elizabeth C. Laqui MD Karen Aileen Cornell MD Chester M. Edelmann, Jr. MD TimothyA. Geleske MD Calvin B. Hearne MD Sue Tsen Jong MD Danielle Laraque MD Juan G. Corrales MD Deborah V. Edidin MD Andrew M. Gellady MD Jennifer A. Heath MD Thomas Joseph Morton Lasky Suzanne LeBel Corrigan MD Julius Edlavitch MD Michael Joseph Gerardi MD Howard Steven Heiman MD Robert C. Joy MD Jennie Latham Carolyn Ray Cort MD AAP Department of Education Edward A. Gergesha MD John Stephen Heintz MD & Martin J. Joye MD William E. Laupus MD Femando Cosme MD Mary D. H. Edwards MD Robert S. Gerstle MD Fabiola Heintz-Blanco Sue Joan Jue MD Glenn Law MD Joseph Alfred Costa MD Barbara Ehler MD Kathleen L. Gest MD 1. Meyer Heller MD Helmut Johann Jungschaffer MD Gary W. Lawrence MD Robert Earl Nelson Couch MD Jeffold M. Eichner MD Luis Alfredo Ghiglino MD Barbara A. Hendrickson MD Andrew L. Juris MD George E. Lawrence, Jr. MD Valerie K. Coulomb Blair Mitchell Eig MD Kabita Ghosh-Hazra MD Thomas F. Henley MD Sandra E. Juul MD Gregory A. Leach MD Barbara Jane Coven MD Najwa Najjar El Dahdah MD Jacqueline Kim Giannini MD Barbara Lynn Henshell MD Bachir M. Kadri MD Joseph L. Lebovitz MD Connell Covington MD Eugene E. Eldredge MD Joseph P. Giardino MD Edwin Ray Henson, III MD Amir F. Kagalwalla MD Maria-Teresa Lechuga-Medina MD Jarnes Lg Cowan MD Adel A. ElHennawy MD Clark L. Gifford MD Tirso Hernandez Hernandez MD Edward K. Kagihara, Jr. MD Chon Lee MD Marilyn L. Cowger MD Diana L Ellerman MD Nagib Giha MD Rafael J. Hernandez Rosas MD Karen L. Kamachi MD Michael Alan Lee MD Charles Herbert Crane MD J. R. Ellison MD Miranda V. Gflford MD Thomas Jerome Herr MD Vasudeva M. Kamath MD Raymond Lee MD Betty Crase Leslie C. Ellwood MD Helen M. Gfies MD Alma M. Herrera MD Adetokunbo 0. Kamson MD Mary Elizabeth Lell MD James H. Cravens MD Tamer Omar El-Mahdy MD Abraham Gilner MD Jorge S. Herrera Lucena MD Lucille Elizabeth Kanjer MD Martha L. Lepow MD Eva Cristescu MD Wdliam Elman MD Rubilinda Gimena-Casino MD Lee J. Herskowitz DO Janice Y. Kao MD Emanuel David Lerner MD Albert M. Crocker MD MaryAllen Engle MD John H. Githens, Jr. MD Dr. Darwish Moharned Hesham David W. Kaplan MD Herbert 1. Lerner MD Betty Sue Cross MD Gregory Mark Enns MD Joy H. Glaser MD Shahla Heshmati MD Selna L. Kaplan MD Mitchell Ross Lester MD Lynn Marie Croteau MD David Alan Erickson MD Constance Lenore Glasgow MD Karen Calaway Hester MD Stuart J. Kaplan MD Sondra Warren Levin MD C. Peter Crowe, Jr. MD Lourdes Escalona MD Patricia Glazier Monte D. Hetland MD Jessica Kaplan MD Ronald S. Levin MD Patricia K. Crumrine MD Herbert M. Eskwitt MD Kenneth I. Glickman MD Thomas M. Hetzel MD Marjorie Ellen Kaplan MD DorothyAnn Levine MD Ines del C. Cuebas-Rolon MD Roberto A. Espinosa MD Efren C. Go MD Robin Patton Bowers Hicks MD Judy Karacic Michael S. Levine MD Mirtha E. Cuevas MD Alicia September Estillore MD Robert F. Gochman MD Sylvia Ilene Hicks-Fox MD Jerie Beth Karkos MD Ralph H. Levin-Epstein MD Sally J. Cullen MD Johnny Fabia Estrellado MD Helen Gofmnan MD Hector O. Hidalgo MD Edward Stephen Karp MD Abner H. LevkoffMD Walter H. Culver MD Emanluel Estranero Eugenio MD Sofia Gofmnan MD Pamela C. High MD WtUliam Joseph Kasper MD Arden L. Levy MD Vemessa S. Cunningham MD Amy Hurst Evans MD Jean Ruth Gogolin DO Bey-Yu Chen Hflgart MD James Allan Kasukonis DO David Bram Lewis MD John S. Cuffan MD Jerry J. Evans MD Joseph E. Goin MD Elizabeth Hillman MD Hoda Abdullah Kattan MD Lucien A. Lewis MD

May 1999 AAP News 21 Carol T. Lewis MD Sadhna Mehta MD Michael Edward Normnan MD Fe E. Pizarro MD Ira S. Rubenstein MD Richard Silverman S. Robert Lewis MD Michael Ray Melancon MD David Alan Norman MD Daniel Pizarro-Torres MD David Martin Rubin MD Benjamin K. Silverman MD Jennifer Y. Liang MD Mary Hobbs Meland MD Luke Noronha MD Robert F. Plotldn MD Jill Rubino Harold David Simmons MD Berty P. Liau MD Carlos A. Melendez MD John Norris MD Miguel L. Podesta Barbara Rubio MD Sandra Brinker Simmons MD Ricardo Lawner Liberman MD Robert B. Mellins MD Jane K. Nugent MD Morton L. Podolsky MD Catherine S. Rude MD Jimmy L. Simon MD Annie Lian-Foong Liem MD Cindy Jensen Melloy MD Gene Harlan Numsen MD Gerald Edgar Poley, Jr. MD Marion E. Rudek RNC Wendy Marie Simon MiriamA. Lifshitz MD Alan Jay Meltzer MD Meera Vijay Nunna MD Mfldred Jane Polniaszek MD Gail S. Rudnitsky MD Steve Simpson MD Alton Lionel Lightsey, Jr. MD ArnyJoy Meltzer MD Allen S. Nussbaum MD Robert Posen DO Joseph Christopher Rudolph MD Roberto E. Sinai MD Veronica Patdu Lim MD Eugene Sheldon Mendelsohn MD Helen M. Nutting MD Thomas Post Jane Elizabeth Rudolph MD Harry P. Sinclair Rosie Y. Lim MD Elsa Santos Mendoza MD Nwanneka Uzoma Nwokolo MD Nivedita P. Prabhu MD Wm. J. Rueger MD Rajpaul Singh MD Jennifer Linford MD Ma. Cecilia Klia Mercado MD Godfrey Porter Oakley, Jr. MD Prasanna Govind Pradhan MD Andrea Jenay RuffMD Bindya Singh MD Zofia Joanna Lipert MD Eugenia Cooper Merchant MD Ruth Anne Oartel MD Mavis Prall Deborah Kay Rufnier MD Narindar S. Singh MD Jerome Leonard Lipin MD Zarina Ibrahim Merchant MD Stella Lardizabal Ocampo MD Devineni R. Prasad MD Carmen A. Ruiz MD Lourdes Flores Sison MD George Lister MD Joanne E. Mertz MD Norina B. Ocampo MD Michelle & Chris Prassas Randall Ruppel MD Thiru Siva MD Robert W. Little MD David LX Meryash MD Rafael Ocejo MD HarryJ. Presberg MD Jerry Lee Rushton, II MD Michael Charles Sivitz MD Altagracia Munoz Llaverias MD Leon B. Mesina MD James Anderson O'Donnell, II MD Morris A. Price MD Don Ross Russell DO Susan Eleanor Skalsky MD Jesse Anne Lobb MD Kurt Metzl MD George J. O'Donnell MD George E. Prince MD Shellie Ann Russell MD Michelle T. Skretny MD MaryAnn LoFrumento MD John Richard Meurer MD Emilola O. Ogunbameru MD Jeremy Benjamin Pripstein MD Robert E. Ryan, III MD Linda Slama Antoine Joseph Lofton MD Roger J. Meyer MD Afolabi Oguntoyinbo MD Deborah S. Provisor MD Manoochehr Saadat MD John G. Smillie MD Ruth London MD Harold Meyer MD Victoria Ramos Oira MD Cynthia J.E. Pryce MD Norman Morris Saba MD George A. Smiith MD Sarah S. Long MD Jordan Meyers MD Abiye Y. Okah MD Julie Marie Puncochar MD Htut Saing MD Kathleen Mary Smith MD Dorothy C. Long MD Kathleen M. MezoffMD Olufemi O. Okanlami MD Kenneth WiUiam Purdy MD Gerald L. Saks MD H. Gratin Smith MD John G. Long MD Nicole V. Michael MD Richard L. Oken MD Russell B. Puschak MD Ernest Salanitre MD Richard Dewey Smith MD Mary Beth Lopat MD Valerie Marie Michelotti MD Louis Obioha Okoro MD Mangala Shivaram Puttanniah MD Theresa Josue Salcedo MD Rachel S. Smith MD Albert Eduardo Lopez MD Sylvia Micik MD Olakunle Temitope Olagbenmi MD Donald Charles Putzier MD Syeda Safia Saleemuddin MD David L. Smith MD Ana V. Lopez MD Jennifer B. Mijares MD Bolanle Abimnbola Olajide MD Suma P. Pyati MD Myra Salinas Katherine M. Smyth MD Leticia L. Lopez MD Crystal Milazzo Ola Olambiwonnu MD Elizabeth Jann Quaife MD Gurbir S. Saluja MD Iris Grace Snider MD Jorge M. Lopez-Benitez MD Paul V. Mfles MD Theresa Oliveira MD Comfort D. Quaye MD Marine Zimara Sampaga MD Mindie Snyder M A.E.T. Alicia Lopez-Guerra MD Toby Meredith Mi!grome MD Isoken Nicholas Olomu MD Conchita Que-Kovach MD Ronald C. Samuels MD Barbara K. Snyder MD Philip F. LoPiccolo MD Valerie J. Miller MD Rachel Olomucki MD Benjamin Quiles MD Pamela J. San Antonio MD Sandra So MD Michele A. Lorand MD Richard Edward Miller MD Anna Marie Scopellit Olsen MD Bruce J. Quinn MD HenryAntonio Zerpa Sanchez MD Norma Ng So MD Michael S. Lotke MD Anastasia Pidd Miller MD Cynthia M. Olson MD Maria del Carmnen Quintero MD Nina Sylvia Sanchez MD Gerald M. So MD Gerald Michael Loughlin MD Professor Irving M. Miller MD Esha Omair MD Philip D. Rabalais MD Lee H. Sanders MD Tito Sobrinho MD James Eldon Louis MD Miroslawa A. Dulczewska Miller MD Ignacio Omengan MD Bellipady C. Rai MD Joseph S. Sanfilippo MD Surinder K. Sodhi MD Martha G. Lovell MD John F. Miller MD Maria Magadia Ona MD NaktaVenkata Raju MD Koravangattu Sankaran MD Audrey Fawn Sofair MD William Garrett Loventhal MD Regina Melinda Milteer MD Nelson K. Ordway MD Marvin L Rallison MD Veronica Columbo Santilli MD Hyman Soifer MD Lula 0. Lubchenco MD Rowland L. Mindlin MD Phyllis T.M. Orland MD Tawfik Z. Rarnadan MD Nelda C. Santos MD Thomas Arthur Soisson MD Glynda Willams Lucas MD Susan Elizabeth Minger MD Seth J. Orlow MD PhD Raguraman Ramakrishnan MD Maria Edna Willacorta Santos MD Jane Vakiener Sokoll MD Mr & Mrs W.G. Lucas Jonathan W. Mink MD Kara Ornstein MD Pushpa Kanta Raman MD Hector Orlando Santos MD Kimberly Sollinger John J. Ludwicki MD Chrisanna Marie Mink MD James Morrow Off MD Dr. Javier Mancilla Ramirez Chandra K. Sareen MD Gail Ellen Solomon MD Miladi Lugo MD Atul K. Mishra MD Romulo Ernesto Ortega MD Julio Alberto Ranmirez MD Luis E. Sarrazin Davila MD Mitchell W. Soloway D.D.S., P.C. Milagros Luiggi MD Anil Mistry MD Jadiyi Salim Ortiz MD Renie Ansay Ramos MD Lydia J. Sarro MD Durgadevi Soma MD James Louis Lukefahr MD Mueen Mohyuddin MD Ibzan Arturo Ortiz MD Carmen B. Rarnos-Bonoan MD Sugunamba Sateesha MD Edita Mendoza Soriano MD Carmelita Luna MD J.P. Pleno Moise MD Irma Iris Ortiz-Affoyo MD Nafinii Ranade MD Noel Rebecca Sauls MD David Francis Sorrentino MD MarkAndrew Lund MD Stefan T. Mokrohisky MD Joseph-Venatius Ibe Osuagwu MD Alexander Randall, IV MD Satish Murari Sawardekar MD Allen Sosin MD Paul R. Lurie MD Holly Jean Molberg MD Yvonne S. Otani MD Christopher C. Randolph MD Barbara Blase Sayres MD Errol I. Soskolne MD Robert E. Lyle MD Constance Lucille Monitto MD Gabriel J. Ottermnan MD Mohan H. Rao MD Howard E. Scalettar MD Babatunde Sotayo Sotunde MD Hugh B. Lynn MD Susan Marie Monk MD Eugene W. Outerbridge MD Rajararn Rao MD Betty Finnie Scarborough MD Bonnie Jean Sowa MD Ellen P. Mac Kenzie MD Bruce Z. Montgomerie MD Joe Oviedo MD Thulasamma Rapoor MD Monica J. Schaberg MD, MPH Lynn B. Spees MD Andrew Somervill Mackie MD John B. Montgomery MD Tomas P. Owens, Jr. MD Howard Wflliamn Rashba MD Eva Schaff-Blass MD John Berhart Sperry, Jr. MD R. Ellen Magenis MD Won K. Moon MD Nasrin Akbarnia Owsia MD Judith B. Ratner MD John E. Schanberger MD Mark V. Speziale MD, PhD Teresa Ann Mahaffey MD Christopher Patrick Moore MD Benjamin Iyiola Oyefara MD Mary Ellen Raux MD Felice N. Schanzer MD David Spielsinger MD Todd A. Mahr MD David Hutchinson Moore MD Candan Ozbek MD Kathleen Marie Reardon MD Merryl A. Schechtman MD Shelley C. Springer MD A. Hlameed Mahsoob MD John L. Moore MD John A. Ozolek MD Lawrence E. Reck MD Lynn Anne Scheel MD Janet E. Squires MD M. Jeffrey Maisels MD Hamid Moradi MD Maria Joslyn Arbuej Pablo MD Raja Mathias Y. Reddy MD Edward H. Scheer MD Raghunathan Sridhar MD Fataneh Majlessipour MD Frances Morales MD Lauren M. Pachman MD MarkAnthony Reed MD Karen Schell Kethandapatti G. Srinivas MD Lakshmi Devi Makam MD Esther M Morales MD Jacqueline G. Pachon MD W.J. Reed MD Selva Sanjines Schenkman MD Vyjayanthi Srinivasan MD Farzana Sughra Malik MD Elba I. Morales-Medina MD Padmaja Sarangan Padalkar MD John M. Reichert MD Benjamin Jose Schmidt MD Rajanee Sukachevin Sripaipan MD Deborah Lynn Malkovich MD Terence E. Moran MD Theresita M. Pagan MD Chris & Kathleen Reiland Ronald Michael Schmidt MD Maurice N. Srouji MD Ananta Malla MD Alan Harold Morelli MD Desiree Pagan MD Julio Cesar Reina Reina MD Bernard A. Schmnierer MD Evelyn St. Clair MD Maria Alma A. Manahan MD Claire P. Morello MD Teresa Jane Pagano MD Mflton Jesse Reitman MD Herman Schneck MD James Rast Stallworth MD Mark H. Mandell MD William C. Morgan MD DonnaA. Page MD Orlando Vffanueva Rendon MD Everett A. Schneider MD Howard J. Stang MD Emma A. Mangosing MD Margaret Reiner Morris MD Woo Chun Whang Paik MD Adelaida V. Resuello MD Steven James Schoenfelder MD Henry P. Staub MD Josefina C. Mangubat MD David Leo Morris MD Chris L. PalcheffMD Belks Vizcaino Reyes MD Nicolae M. Schon MD Matthew Tohnan Stedelin MD Vanna Maria Manigault MD Larry Morris MD John G. (Sean) Palfrey MD Mayra V. Reyes MD Jeff-reyA. Schor MD Mark W. Steele MD Adriana S. Manikian MD Cheryl Morrow-White MD Mark Raney Palmert MD, PhD Paul H. Rhodes MD Robert Alan Schoumacher MD Betti Jo Steele MD Mirla G. Manito-Hugo MD Maria Christina Mortiz Macapaga MD Lirio Escarrilla Palmos MD Alita R. Rice MD .Tina M. Schrader MD C. A. Don Steepe MD Jack Paul Mann MD John L. Moses MD Glenn S. Palsky MD James William Rice MD John W. Schulte MD Ralph Stein MD Amanda Ruth Manning MD Abraham Herbert Moskow MD Maria Victoria Pamaran MD Pamela E. Richard MD Robert B. Schultz MD Charles A. Stein MD June J. Mannion MD Deborah Rose Moss MD Emilia Ramirez Panday MD T. Stanley Richards MD Agnes S. Schultz MD Cynthia Ann Steinem MD Sylvia S. Mansour MD Eugene M. Mowad MD Swati Pande MD Joann Yuki Richardson MD George James Schunk MD Regina Steiner George D. Maragos MD Winfield T. Moyer MD Carmela R. Pane MD Leslie Ann Richardson MD Gordon Edward Schutze MD Sandra J. Stephens MD Isaac Marcadis MD Margaret Muggeo Alvan Wei-Kuang Pang MD Richard R. Ricketts MD Jonathan E. Schwartz MD Gertrude S. Stemr MD Roberto N. Marchitelli MD Peter Muhlenberg MD Luzvirninda Tahimic Paraguya MD Alberto Jose Rico Davila MD Mary F. Schwenninger MD Mitchell Eden Stern MD Phyllis C. Marciano MD Peggy Mulcahy Ram lyer Parameswaran MD Richard L. Riley MD Marianne F. Schwob-Ferrara MD S. David Sternberg MD David Marcus MD Sree K. P. Mulpuru MD Meenakshi B. Parikh MD Angela L Riley MD Lisbeth Ann Scott MD John A. Sterner MD Richard W. Marcus MD Ramakrisha Mulukutla MD Asha Nitin Parikh MD JohnA. Riordan MD Charles Alexander Scott MD Jane E. Stewart MD Robin Anne Marcus MD Gratias Tom Mundakel MD Felice Weber Parisi MD Christine Nunez Rivera MD Wffiam J. Scott MD Noreen A. Stewart VictorYaw Marfo MD Aurea I. Munoz MD Jarnes C. Parke, Jr. MD Jaime Hernan Rivera MD Gwendolyn B. Scott MD Patricia Stien Harold S. Margolis MD Georgeta Muntean MD Pamela Gflstad Parker MD Maria C. Valenzuela Rivera MD Alan L. Scriggins MD Maxwell Stfilerman MD Leonard J. Marino MD Daniel Toshio Murai MD Paul Mackie Parker MD Luis Ma. Rivera MD Glenn Robert Seagren MD Marvin Stopeck MD Ingrid Milagros Marino MD Stephen Martin Murphey MD Robert Jay Parr MD Hilda L Rivera MD Frank E. Seaman DDS, MS Stephanie Ann Storgion MD Maria Aristotle Markakis MD Bonnie Murphy Sara N. Parvinian MD Wffiam J. Robbins MD Melinda Sebastian MD Thbomas P. Storm MD Barry Phillip Markovitz MD Sreenivasa L. Murthy MD MaryAnn Blair Pass MD Frederick C. Robbins MD David S. SegaloffMD Kristin Kirk-Burleson Strange MD Sharon E. Marlowe MD Keshava Murthy MD Chhaya M. Patel MD Darryl Andrew Robbins DO Julie M. Seiler MD Samuel J. Stratton MD Steven Michael Marsocci MD Salim Saad Musallam MD Janak Ambubhai Patel MD Phyllis G. Roberts MD Nyo Sein MD John H. Straus MD Luis F. Marti-Calzamilia MD George Vincent Muscato, Jr. MD Bakulesh D. Patel MD Kathleen Truitt Roberts MD Steven Mark Selbst MD Richard Henry Strauss MD Susanna M. Martin MD Seymour B. Musiker MD Malgorzata Maria Paterek MD Dion M. Roberts MD Jill M. Sells MD Charles W. Streamer MD Beth Ann Reynold Martin MD Suleimnan Mustafa-Kutana MD Ambadas Pathak MD Audrey Njemanze Robertson MD Leela P. Selvam MD Susan Elaine Stred MD RapaeN.--MDPau. RuthA. -oi MD- Richard Iline Strong MD Frank E. Martinez MD Daniel Thet Myint MD Ronald 1. Paul MD hrvingW. Robinson MD Dilip Sen MD Alexis Conner Strongin MD Patrick Van Martin-Yeboah MD Moustafa S. Nachabe MD Linda Paul Reha Rodopman MD Shishir Kumar Senapati MD Rayrnond Arthur Sturner MD Nola Marx MD Ganga Dilukshini Nadarajah MD Jarnes P. Paulissen MD Gloti Marita Rodriguez MD Tiffany L. Sergi MD Niphon Sudhi MD Katherine Marzan MD Rajnikant J. Nagarsheth MD Yvonne W. Pawlowski MD Fernando O. Rodriguez MD Frank Robert Serrecchia DO PeterWillam Sullivan MD Michael Jude Marzullo MD Abubakar Mohammed Naida MD Stephen Arthur Pearlman MD Basflisa Rivera Rodriguez MD Tenet Physicians Services Thomas J. Sullivan MD CDR Jon D. Mason MD Revati D. Narahari MD Charissa Leocadi Pebenito MD Ana M. Rodriguez Santiago MD WiUiam R. Sexson MD Arneda Sultana MD Sandra Massullo MD Edathil Narayanan MD Coral Square Pediatrics, PA. Helen Rodriguez Trias MD Jeanne Marie Seyfried MD Mamatha Sundaresh MD Margaret L Masters MD Antonio C. Narvaez MD Frank A. Pedreira MD Juanita Rodriguez-Noble MD Azfar Shabbir MD Maine Pedaitric Surgical Associates Sarah J. Matches DO Cheri Jeanine Nason MD John Paul Pelegano MD Ramon Rodriguez-Torres MD Mahesh M. Shah MD Barbara Mary Surowiec MD Patrice F. Mathews MD Veronica L Naudin MD Louis Pellegrino MD Michael John Rogan MD Shahriar Shahres Shahrestani MD Dasari Suseela MD Darlene Mattefs Zoran Naumovski MD Carina Pener MD Wflliam M. Rogers MD Daniel J. Shapiro MD Charlotte Susskind-Rubin MD Derrick Keith Matthews MD Virgilia Guillermo Nebab MD Mary Jane Pennington MD Melinda Greer Rohde MD AnthonyShawMD Ms. Jane Swannie Perla-lnez Resuello Maulino MD Karnakshi Neelkantan MD Andrew Pentz MD Judah Roher MD Joanne & John Shea Warren Sweberg MD Modesto Tesalona Maulion, Jr. MD Juanita Negron MD Cynthia M. Peralta MD Lilivette Rolland MD Richard Jarnes Shea MD Kathleen Mary Sweetmanl MD E.R. Mauro Lee Neidengard MD AlexA. Perez MD Lourdes E. Roman MD Surnaira Sheikh MD Jeanine M. Swenson MD Irving H. Mauss MD Eleanor Nelson Ronald Murray Perkin MD Nicholas A. RomanoffMD Nicole Petersen Shepard MD Richard M. Switzer, Jr MD Mary Suzanne Maxson MD Douglas Scott Nelson MD Anthony Perlman MD Witold Romuk MD S. Norman Sherry MD Wilson C. Sy MD James E. Mays, Jr. MD Jamie Musiker Nenmirov MD Alan D. Perlmutter MD J. Edgar Rosales MD Anne M. Shewan MD Gregory David Sysyn MD Loeto Mazhani MD Anne G. Nepo MD Marissa Santos Perona MD David S. Rosen MD Eric S. Shinwell MD DorotaA Szczepaniak MD Robert D. Mc Artor MD H. Heyward Nettles MD D. Russell Perry, Jr. MD Linda Marie Rosen MD Margaret Bae Shipley MD Peter G. Szilagyi MD Lolita M. Mc David MD Charlotte Grantz Neumann MD Steven S. Perry MD Allan J. Rosenberg MD Harvey Shipper MD Jan Tabackman William F. Mc Guire MD Jose Armando Nevado MD Joseph P. Peter MD Jeffrey Steven Rosenblatt MD Vidyullatha Shivararn MD MaryAnne Arcilla Tablizo MD Thomas Mc Henry MD Edgar A. Newfeld MD John R. Peter MD Karen R. Rosenkrantz Arnold Shkolnik MD Wadie S. Tadros MD Edward C. Mc Keon MD Mark Newstadt MD Deane A. Petersen MD StanleyA. Rosenthal DO Joan Short MD Remilekun Francisca Taiwo MD Scott Mc Kercher MD Federico Roman Ng MD Teri L. Pettersen MD Stephen Rosenthal MD Stanford Taylor Shulman MD Fern Sumi Takemoto MD Robert W. Mc Key MD NancyTing Ngo MD Ngan-Thuy Dinh Pham MD Dinah Rosenthal Robert A. Sicoli MD Maite Del Canmen Talbott MD Ms. Jan Mc Kinney Liem P. Ngo MD Minh Cong Pham MD Joseph Leon Rosenzweig MD Rubina Siddiqui MD Roth W. Tall, Jr. Thomas Williams Mc Lean MD Hue Nguyen-Ngo DO Jacqueline Grupp Phelan MD Leonard Francis Rosenzweig MD Kathleen C.Y. Sie MD William S. Talley MD Jean Louis Mc Mahon MD Howard H. Nichols MD Walter Pick MD Willie V. Ross MD David M. Siegel MD Balwant Tandon MD Douglas Donald Mc Millan MD Jane Nichols-Ecker PA Magalie Pierre-Louis MD Robert M. Ross, Jr. MD Barbara Siegel Satish Prasad Tandon MD Jacqueline W. Mc Morris MD G. Michael Nidiffer MD Anthony J. Pileggi MD Ryia M. Ross MD Lori A. Sielski MD Hsiao PingTang MD Dana Fuguet Mc Mullin MD Mary Lourdes Niedzwiecki MD Victor Pineiro-Carrero MD Herbert B. Rothschild MD Monica Sifuentes MD Alice Tanner MD Colton McCoy J.M. Nijman MD Thomas H. PinkstaffMD Alexandra M. Roura MD Sharon Sigala MD Vidhya Venkata Tayi MD James V. McDonald MD Harold M. Nitowsky MD Ira Mark Pinnelas MD Anne Heitzman Rowley MD Ellen Sigmnan MD Ms. Anne Taylor Terrence Thomas McGraw MD Everett A. Nitzke MD Mario Fidel Pino-Maso MD Marie-Josee Roy MD Gita Singh Sikand MD Col. & Mrs. Teichmann Kristine L.S.P. McVea MD Bharath Sreevath Nonavinakere MD Yvette Louise Piovanetti MD Charles A. Roy MD Estelle Siker MD Peter & Diane F. Teichmann & Sons Antoinette Lynn Medaglia MD Robert E. Nopar MD Diane Piraino MD PerryJames Roy MD Susan Silk MD Tomas Tejero Seemann MD David J. Meehan MD Nedo Nora MD Flora S. Pirquet MD Itikana Deb Roy-Shome MD Juan Silverio MD Patricia C. Temple MD, MPH Prem Mehandru MD Shani K. Norberg MD Bruce John Pistorius MD Ella Rozin MD Wdhlarn A. Silverrnan MD Margaret D.S. Tenbrinck MD

22 AAPNews May1999 Michael Byron Tennison MD Madelyn Ruth Weiss MD Queens Society Josephine R. Schwartz Leland Ropp MD Kazumitsu Terashima MD Alvin D. Wert MD Dr.Joseph Greensher Clarence Hudson Robert P. Schwartz MD Kathleen Seikel MD Willa Michelle Terry MD Jean Wesloski Karl Dieckmann Laura & PatrickAird Dr. & Mrs. John J. Shields Steven Mark Selbst MD Majorie Tharp Morris A. Wessel MD W'dllemVan Pelt MD Glenn Charles Snyders MD Joan E. Shook MD Robert Douglas Thill MD George M. Wheatley MD Keith Kampert, Sr AlfredYankauer MD Samuel J. Stratton MD Monica W. Thint MD Lani S. Wheeler MD Jinny Harnum AAP Departrnent Education Staff ANONYMOUS (24) Susan BethTorrey MD Jaya Thomas MD MichaelJoseph Whistler MD Susan Frey Joe Brabec Susan B. fIully MD Paul Jan Thomas MD Nancy RayWhite MD Lois & Ronald Hoover Robert Perelman MD Jens Rosenkrantz Wllliam PaulTlly MD Thomas & Thomas Medical LTD. Susan Hite White MD Chris & Kathleen Reiland University Emergency Sherri Lynn Thompson MD Martin John White MD Joanne & John Shea HamidAlKhan Memorial Fund Medical Foundation MaryA. T. Tillman MD Cheryl J. Whitman MD N. MD Marc E. Lydia Ann Tinajero-Deck MD Ruth Whittemore MD Don & JoyceYoung Carolyn Knackstedt Scott Adzick Weber MD, JD Stephen Joseph Tinguely MD Thomas C. Whitworth MD Laura Pagel MD Raymond A. Amoury MD Giora E. Winnik MD David Laput Tio MD Mark D. Widome MD Jon Lerner Pediatric Associates ofKettering Richard Andrassy MD James Robert Tipton MD David A. Wiechmann MD Dr. Susan G.Weisberg Mohammed Siddiqi Robert Mason Arensman MD Pedfiatric History Center John DudleyTobin, Jr. MD Col. Paul F. Wiesner Charles Emrnett Bagwell MD Dr. & Lione Zubeida & HamidAllKhan Bonnie L. Beaver MD Dr. & Mrs. David Annunziato MD Jane L Todaro MD Catherine MaryWigder MD Mrs.lJames Bedford H. MD Debbie S. Toder MD Edmund Paul Wiker MD David Annunziato MD Nazneen Quadri MD Gail Ellen Besner MD Berrey Ramona I-au Toledano MD Don Wilber MD James M. Betts MD Clifford Read Boles MD David Toll MD Mary Theresa Wdd Crea MD James G. Middleton MD Louis KrafchickMD Patte Jayne Bishop MD Joe A. Brabec Gitit Tomer MD Susan Rose Wfldin MD State ofAlabama/ Milton Reitman MD C. R. Boeckman MD James K. Chamness MD Ina L.D. Tonkin MD Vivian M. Wilkerson MD Dept ofPublic Health Mary Lynn Brandt MD Sandra L. H. Davenport MD Juana Toporovsky MD Cathy Green Wilkinson MD Marshall Lepidus MD John R. Campbell MD Kathleen Dougherty, RN Joseph Andrew Torre MD Berestrand W. Williams MD Phillip Pizzo MD Steven Bloom Dale Coln MD Antoinette Parisi Eaton MD Felipe O. Torre MD Lillie M. Lewis Williams MD JoelJ. Alpert MD Elaine Cohen Arnold Gerald Coran MD Gretchen Fleming PhD Adalberto Torres, Jr. MD Leslee Wdiams Joseph Greensher MD David L Dudgeon MD Leonard P. Fries MD Louis Trachtman MD Christopher S. Wffliams MD BurtWilisMD Lenny Haber Dick G. Ellis MD Lawrence M. Gartner MD Ann Anderson Tracy MD English Dupree Willis MD Joseph Himnes MD Chris Muggeo Neil Rehr Feins MD LaVonne Gebel Thomas F. Tracy, Jr. MD Earnestine Willis MD Morton Lasky Margaret Muggeo Howard C. Filston MD Gerald S. Gilchrist MD Di Dac Tran MD Carmen Rios Wilson MD Barbara Musiker MD EricW. Fonkalsrud MD Sanford Elias Goldzier, II MD Elman Lopez Trias MD Miriam G. Wilson MD Siegel Seymour Max E. Griffin MD Robert H. MD Keith O. WUdson MD JanTabackrnan Richard Silverman Christine Anne Griger MD Trimby Mitchell D.D.S., P.C. Diller B. GroffMD Alan Gruskin MD Tracy L. Trotter MD Giora E. Wtnnik MD Soloway Robert E. Hannemann MD Argyrios A. Tsifutis MD Mary Louise Wisniewski MD AAP Departinent ofMember, State State ofNY Department ofHealth Staff Daniel M. Hays MD and Goverment RobertW'dliam Hendee, Jr MD Doris Ahlee Howell MD Himneo Tsumori MD Manisha B. Witmans MD Affahrs Marion Hunt PhD Richard H. Tuck MD Susan Wizniak Kenneth Slaw PhD SenatorNorman Levy W'diam Hardy Hendren, III MD Nassau Pediatric Hendrickson MD Vince L. Hutchins MD Joanna Tukaj MD Lisa Ilana WolfMD Society Margo Katz MD Sheila M. Tunnell MD Les WolkoffMD Dr. & Mrs. Sumner Hagler GeorgeW. Holcomb, III MD Molly Robert M. Turbow MD Norbert Samuel Wolloch MD Bernard Block MD Robert R. Macdonald Thomas M. Holder MD Edwin L. Kendig, Jr. MD Richard D. Turin MD Ursula M. Wollschlaeger MD Martin Segal Paul Hampton Hylton MD Katherine S. Lobach MD Rebecca Wynne Turk MD Noel C. Womack, Jr. MD Ruth K.-Wade Ed.D Samuel H. Kim MD Susan Marshall Lewis McDonald Turner, Jr. MD Alson Wong MD Paul Dworkin MD Elizabeth McKay Denis R. King MD RobertW. Miller MD Lisa A. Turner MD Beverly Phyffis Wood MD Dr. & Mrs James Lione Ann M. Kosloske MD Ms. Holly Mulvey James A. Twining MD Karen S. Wood MD Mr. & Mrs. Martin Gold Thomas M. Krummel MD Nassau Pediatric Society Joseph N. Tzougros MD Heidi Woods Nancy G. Rome Dr. Donald Medearis Kevin Patrick Lally MD Arthur Hawley Parmelee, Jr. MD Dolores Lim Un MD Stefanie Ann Workman MD Katherine King MD Jacob C. Langer MD HowardA. Pearson MD Edward T. Underwood MD Daniel Charles Worthington MD Milton Markowitz MD Julie A. Long MD Morton L. Podolsky MD Patrick J. Unkel MD Thomas B. Wright MD Paul Dworkin MD Dr.William J. Orr Dennis P. Lund MD Ian H. Porter MD Deepa Unnikrishnan MD Jean Ann Wright MD James Orr MD Clifford C. Marr MD Judson G. Randolph MD Sukhdev Kaur Uppal MD Walter C. Wrobel MD Dr. LesterW. Martin MD Robert Graham MD Lila Urquiza MD Kong-TayWu MD HenrySchaffer Sol Rockenmacher MD Shahid F. Usmani MD Pedro Zvonimir Yaksic MD David Annunziato MD FrankA.Osld MD, FAAP Midwest Pediatric Surgical Assn. Feraudy Jane Oski MD WilliamWatson Morgan, JrMD Joe M. Sanders, Jr. MD Shaista S. Usmani MD Asghar Yamadi MD Debbie Shealy A. Joseph Vacek MD Kara S. Yamamoto MD Mr. &Mrs. Shough R. Lawrence Moss MD I. Gould MD Ed Penn MD Hisashi Nikaidoh MD Wiliam A. Silverman MD Rajyalakshmi Vaidehi Vadali MD James N. Yamazaki MD James E. Strain MD Marta I. Valcarcel MD Emrna UyYang MD Dr. & Mrs James Lione John Noseworthy MD Pediatric James C. Parke, Jr MD Cynthia E. Timnpson, RN Alice Ocampo Valencia MD Alfred Yankauer MD Smithtown Group MD Thelmna Valeriano-lcasiano MD Rodney Dycoco Yap MD PhilippeVaillancourt MD John Piel MD South Florida Pediatric Surgeons, P.A. Hugh GodfreyWatts Geraldine Joyce Vallesteros Matilde Yapur-Paleo MD AAP California Chapter I RandallW. Powell MD Morris A. Wessel MD Isabel Van Alstine Ali Yazdanyar MD INVMEMORYOF:- Cedric J. Priebe, Jr MD J. Wayne Van Alstine Vasantha K. Yeddanapudi MD CarlAlden AlexRandalljVMD Judson G. Randolph MD Gifts in Kind BettyVan Alstine Steven Todd Yedlin MD W'dliam Mebane III MD Richard R. Ricketts MD David Annunziato MD Russell B. Van Dyke MD Maria de las Mercedes Yerovi MD AAP Department ofMeeting MD Services Staff Bradley M. Rodgers Bedford Berrey MD Maurice Van Strickland MD Rama Rao Yerrarnsetti MD Leonard P. Rome MD Karen R. Rosenkrantz Clifford Boles MD Karla Marie Vana MD Karla Jean Au Yeung MD AAP Division ofSections Staff Comerci MD Marc Schlatter MD Laura & PatrickAird George Godfrey James Chamness MD Chanda Sinha Varandani MD Pochin Yin MD R. Eppes MD David John Schmeling MD Sandra Davenport MD Alakh N. Varma MD Fely B. Ylarde MD Joel Alpert MD William Karl Sieber MD Panayiotis Vasiloudes MD, PhD Ram Yogev MD Joe Brabec Kathleen Dougherty RN John B. Sarracino MD Michel S. Slimn MD Antoinette Eaton MD Pedro Vasquez MD Man Joong Yoon MD Donna Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Frank DeLuca RobertT. MD Smnita N. Vazarkar MD Takashi Yoshida MD Carole Corbett Soper Leonard Fries MD Carolyn Fouret Marshall M. Stone MD LaVonne Gebel Kathryn Veal MD Nader Younes MD Carol DeLuga Patricia Steven MD Kirsten A. Veale MD Don & Joyce Young Maureen DeRosa Glazier Stylianos Gerald Gilchrist MD Carmen Vecchiarelli MD Thomas L. & Teresa T. Young Edward Kern Maine Pedaitric Surgical Associates Max Griffin MD Samuel Flint PhD Katie Martin J. III MD LornaVega MD Odet YoussefMD Bonnie Lande J. Tepas, Sanford Goldzier, II MD Usha RajaVelagapudi MD Lisa R. Zablocki MD E.R. Mauro William M. Toyama MD Robert Graham MD Ms. HollyMulvey Mrs. Thomas F. MD Nivea Teresa Velazquez MD Margaret Ann Zander MD Jackie Noyes John B. Sarracino Tracy, Jr Alan Gruskin MD Manoel Carlos Prieto Velhote MD Yolanda A. Zapanta MD BettyVanAlstine Giridhar RaoVeerula MD Robert Hannemann MD Michelle Prassas IsabelVan Alstine Thomas R. Weber MD Merlin T. Venzon MD Luis Felipe Zapata MD Joe & Dottie Sanders Marion Hunt PhD Nirupma Verma MD Gino Franco Zabin MD J.Van Alstine MalvnWeinberger MD Vince Hutchins MD B. Venrmillion MD Debbie L. Zaret MD Jimmy Simon MD Frank Searnan MS ThomasUVWhalen MD Margaret WalterlTunnessen, Jr MD DDS, Molly Katz MD Beatriz Villabona MD Tina Concetta Zecca MD Harry Sinclair Edwin Kendig, Jr. MD Jocelyn Bautista Villalobos MD Sandra S. Zehnder PNP RobertYoung Col. PaulWiesner Joseph R. Zanga MD Ken Graff Young Katherine Lobach MD Jose Villaman MD Eddy Basilla Zeidenberg MD Robert Mffler MD Isaacc Arauz Villarreal MD Arthur Merrill Zemach MD Jonathan Atchinson SusanSefi InvestigatorAward Arthur Parrnelee, Jr. MD Melanio P. Villarosa MD Bin Zhang MD Ryan PaulDworkinMD Endowment Fund Howard Pearson MD Hector Diaz de Villegas MD Tatyana Zhukovskaya MD JohnVilverito MD Mohsen Ziai MD ~Mark Douglas Baker MD Ian Porter MD Pierre Vincelette MD MamelftSMennan Jill M. Baren MD Judson Randolph MD John Joseph Visci MD Kenneth Z. Zike MD MarvinAuerbach MD DavidlDavidAnllnunzatoMAnnunziato MD S. Zimmerman MD Richard Charles Barry MD Sol Rockenmacher MD Basil Vlagopoulos MD Lester Lucy Crain MD 1-1 -o M. SadesMDI---Jr HarryA. Volz Thant Zin MD MauriceWakeman MD Marc N. Baskin MD Leontien S. Wafelman MD George Andrew Zirkle, Jr. MD Katherine Bain MD RobertA. Belfe MD Debbie Shealy Marcia Wagaman MD Alan S. Zisman MD Mr. & Mrs. W.G. Lucas MargaretWakeman r. William Silverman MD Nasreen Wahidi MD Jeanne E. Ziter MD Ms. SheilaPorter ~Chfldrer's Hospital ofDenver CynthiaTimpson RN John W. Waidner MD David A. Zlotnick MD David Bakser MD HughWatts MD Martha B. Waite MD Shahnaz Erfani Zomorrodian MD Cynthia Baker MD Friends ofChildren Fund Barbara Ehler MD MorrisWessel MD Martin Kevin Wakeham MD James Robert Zuberbuhler MD Lourdes Escalona MD Robin Wallace MD Aaron Robert Zucker MD LegacySociety If would like information on mak- Olive Baff ThefoUlowingAAPmembersandfriends Laura Sue Fitzmaurice MD you William Francis Walsh MD Vickie Lee Zurcher MD Errol & JudiAlden John J. Fraser, Jr. MD ing a gift to the Friends of Children Susan Elizabeth Wandishin MD Robert G. Zwerdling MD have demonstrated their special com- Fund, or if you have questions about Y. F. W. MD (47) mitmentto chfldrenbyestablishinglife Susan M. Fuchs MD May Wang Anonyinous Cheyenne Biggs Michael Gerardi MD this list please call Debborah Harp at Margaret M. Wang DO income arrangements or by including Joseph 800/433-9016, ext. 4911. C. Prentiss Ward MD Scott Bookner MD the Academy in their wills and estate Timothy G. Givens MD M. Warden MD Commemorative Gifts Robert F. Gochman MD James plans. Dept. ofEmergencyMedicine, Melissa A. Warfield MD DVNHONOR OF: Joseph Berry John C. Warner, Jr. MD Errol & Judi Alden Jon Richard Almquist MD Harbor-UCIA Medical Center Bryan Pope Warren MD Dr. & Mrs. DavidAnnunziato Sarabel & Ross Stemer Robert Anderson MD & Karen Schultz Alesia L. Hayes MD Barry L Warshaw MD VfilctorAlnovi MD Richard S. Baum MD Robert Hickey MD LindaArlene Wasserman MD Rachael Annunziato Einor H. Christopherson MD Lloyd G. Carnahan MD Daniel J. Isaacman MD Jon Freeman Watchko MD Brian Callahan Gerald Hughes MD Susan A. Casey David M. Jaffe MD Elizabeth B. Watkins MD Jayne Cooper Donald & Elsie Cook Scott Schafer James MD Barbara MayWatson MD Dr. Morton Goldfarb Raymond Leopold Clemmens MD Jaime L. Frias MD Mark D. Joffe MD David G. Watson MD Josephine Lamberti James Rice MD David Kent Fry MD Carden Johnston MD April Natasha Wazeka MD Nancy G. Rome Shirley & Robert Grayson Bruce Lawrence Klein MD Marc E. Weber MD, JD D. Teichmann StevenJoseph Camagna Crawford Frank L. Gruskay MD Efleen J. Klaein MD Stephanie Burns Wechsler MD PeterTeichmann Laura & PatrickAird Fred David Haruda MD Jane Frances Knapp MD Daniel Steven Wechsler MD, PhD Edward Underwood MD Lily M. Hsu MD George Koburn MD Elizabeth Ann Wedemeyer MD HarryVolz DwightCooley Yaghoub Israily MD Nanette Christine Kunkel MD Gerald Wayne Wehr MD Robert Chessin MD Craig Summers MD Dr. & Mrs. William D. Jacoby Nathan Kuppermann MD, MPH Debra Anne Weimerskirch MD Paul Dworkin MD Dr. & Mrs. Irving N. Klitsner Marlene D. Melzer Lange MD Margot HilaryWeinberg MD Mrs.Marika Drewes Joseph M. Koreen MD Joseph Dominic Losek MD Michelle Susan Weinberg MD MD & MD MD Howard Weinblatt MD AlethaU Clark MD JosephTzougros MD Ann Lublin CarlWitus Jane Marie Machi Wflliam H. Weinfurtner MD Dinah Rosenthal Kathleen R. Mc Grady MD Charles G. Macias MD David Mark Weinstein MD William Daniel MD Charles E. Muhleman MD Richard D. Marble MD David H. Weintraub MD KathyCrowley AAP Division ofSections Staff Martin A. Murcek MD Jarnes Hollis Mc Crory MD Susan Garst Weisberg MD Dr. Susan G.Weisberg Dr. & Mrs. James Lione Robert L Pavy MD Douglas Scott Nelson MD Jill Cori WeiskopfMD Nancy Rome Albert Paul Rauber MD Jamie Musiker Nemirov MD Robert C. Weiss MD Drs. Fisher & Heyman Michael Schafir MD John R. Peter MD Robert A. Weiss MD AAP Califomia Chapter I Stuart Foray Melvin H. Schwartz MD & Jacqueline Grupp Phelan MD

May 1999 AAPNews 23