12016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 May 7, 2009 American Jewry to our countries with Williams; sophomores Emylee Coast in Panama City, . As a movies, cultural exhibitions, speakers, Gonzales, Desiree King, Chelsea Locke, young man, he served his country as a and innovative educational curricula. and Mariah Steinbock; and freshmen Navy . Right here in Washington, the United Baylee Black and Danielle Logan. Led For 5 years, he cared for the health and Jewish Communities and the Jewish by head coach Jason Cooper, the coach- well-being of his fellow sailors. After Historical Society of Greater Wash- ing staff includes assistant coaches leaving the Navy and attending col- ington will be hosting a reception for Lisa Logan and Mark Scisson. lege, he found himself at home back in Members of Congress and members of Following a frustrating loss in this the water, training at Florida State the Jewish community. J Street will last year’s State finals, the Nettes University’s underwater crime scene also be hosting a reception to celebrate demonstrated their hard work and de- investigation program focusing on sci- May as Jewish American Heritage termination during the off-season. In entific and surface supply diving. Even- Month with Members of Congress, their this year’s final, their focus on team- tually, his path led him to NOAA’s Un- staff, and the Jewish community. work paid off in a 71–38 victory over dersea Research Center, Aquarius. But that is not all. The Library of the Roscoe Plowgirls, the third largest Aquarius combined the elements of Congress and the National Archives margin of victory in Class 1A history. Dewey’s passion for science and the With this win, Sudan earns its fourth and Records Administration will be sea. Located 31⁄2 miles off the coast of hosting lectures, exhibits, and discus- State title and its first since 1994. , Florida, the underwater I applaud the Nettes’ hard work and sions about Jewish contributions to laboratory is dedicated to scientific re- tradition of success. With great sup- America. In my home State of Florida, search and training missions. It is the port from the community, the team there will be a celebration of Jewish only permanent underwater laboratory proved itself as the best basketball contributions to the civil rights move- in the world, and its facilities are used team in Class 1A. The Sudan Nettes ment, and the major league Florida in partnership with NASA, the Navy, continue to exemplify the principles of Marlins baseball team will host a Jew- and countless scientists around the competitive spirit and success on and ish Heritage game, with kosher food world to train , divers, and and Jewish music in between innings. off the court. Also, Mr. Speaker, I proudly con- develop new technology. Since it began Cincinnati will be hosting lectures, in- gratulate the Muleshoe Mules high operation in 1993 at its loca- cluding one on President Lincoln’s school football team for defeating tion, Aquarius and its team have safely solid relationship with American Jews. Kirbyville on the way to winning the conducted more than 90 missions with And Wyoming will host a festival cele- Class 2A, Division I State football no significant prior accidents. brating Jewish food, and we all know championship in 2008. The contribution to ocean science by how much we love food! Events are also Establishing a tradition of success, Dewey Smith and his fellow scheduled to occur in New York, Cali- the Mules have made their State play- is immeasurable. The Aquarius fornia, Texas, and other States around offs 9 out of the last 10 years under Base supports a long-term the country. Head Coach David Woods. In 2008, the monitoring platform, an ocean observa- Mr. Speaker, we have come a long Mules demonstrated their talent and tion platform, and surface-based re- way in recent years to promote appre- determination by ending the football search. ciation for the multicultural fabric of season with a perfect 15–0 record. This Since its inception, the team at the United States of America. It is our is the first State football championship Aquarius has employed a coral reef and responsibility to continue this edu- for Muleshoe. fish monitoring assessment program to cation. Quarterback Wes Wood passed for track the devastating impacts of cli- If we, as a Nation, are to prepare our 4,532 yards for this season, with 230 of mate change on marine ecosystems. children for the challenges that lie those yards in this year’s champion- Aquanauts such as Dewey Smith ahead, then teaching diversity is a fun- ship game. have also successfully reached out to damental part of that promise. To- In another exceptional championship the world beyond the scientific com- gether, we can help achieve this goal of performance, Lane Wood ran for 160 munity, successfully educating school understanding with the celebration of yards and two touchdowns. The Mules children, environmental activists, and Jewish American Heritage Month. scored four consecutive touchdowns in I thank my colleagues for their sup- government agencies on the changes the second half to achieve a final score occurring in the world’s oceans. Em- port, and call on all Americans to ob- of 48–26. serve this special month by celebrating ploying state-of-the-art communica- I applaud the Mules’ hard work and tion technology, the aquanauts cor- the many contributions of Jewish cul- resilience through the 2008–2009 season. ture throughout our Nation’s history. respond with students and the public With great support from the commu- while underwater on long-term mis- f nity, the team proved itself as the best sions. Dewey’s response to school chil- RECOGNIZING THE SUDAN NETTES 2A football team in the State of Texas dren’s questions reveal not only his ex- GIRLS BASKETBALL 2009 STATE and an inspiration to all of us. The pertise and eloquence, but his sincere CHAMPIONSHIP Muleshoe Mules continue to exemplify desire to share that knowledge gained the principles of competitive spirit and at Aquarius in the hopes of saving the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a success on and off the field. previous order of the House, the gen- marine ecosystem he worked with. f tleman from Texas (Mr. NEUGEBAUER) The work done at Aquarius by brave is recognized for 5 minutes. HONORING DEWEY SMITH aquanauts such as Dewey Smith im- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, I The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a proves the lives of many Americans, am proud to rise today to congratulate previous order of the House, the gen- from astronauts, whose health and some champions in the 19th Congres- tleman from Washington (Mr. BAIRD) is safety are ensured through technology sional District of Texas. I proudly con- recognized for 5 minutes. developed underwater, to fishermen, gratulate the Sudan Nettes girls bas- Mr. BAIRD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today whose livelihoods depend on under- ketball team of Sudan High School in to pay tribute to Dewey Smith, a standing the effects of climate change Sudan, Texas, for winning the Class 1A, young man who tragically lost his life on the world’s marine ecosystems. Division I State championship in 2009. on Tuesday, May 5, this past Tuesday, Mr. Speaker, this Monday, quite The Nettes finished the 2008–2009 sea- in the course of his duties at the rightfully, our Nation will gaze in won- son with 35 wins and only five losses. Aquarius Undersea Research Station. der and admiration at the astronauts The championship squad includes sen- He will be greatly missed by his who will lift off yet again in the space iors Whitney Robertson, Skylar friends, his family, and his colleagues. shuttle. As courageous and important Sowder, Amy Tiller, and Brittany Wil- Dewey’s life was tied to the sea from as the work those astronauts do, I be- liams; juniors Lacee Logan and CeCe his childhood growing up on the Gulf lieve that the work done by the

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:42 Aug 24, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\H07MY9.002 H07MY9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 7, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 155, Pt. 9 12017 aquanauts at Aquarius is no less coura- was quite a multitasker during his ca- can be implemented to reduce mater- geous and no less essential to our un- reer, which spanned many decades, in nal mortality. However, we need to in- derstanding of our world and the well- various lines of work, whether it was vest more in the programs to fund being of civilization. during the Second World War as he these interventions. By one estimate, Dewey Smith, along with the other served in the Corps of Civil Engineers the U.S. would need to increase its in- Aquarius aquanauts, risked and com- or as the State director of the Farmers vestment in global maternal health ef- mitted his life daily not only for his Home Administration, where he served forts up to $1.3 billion a year in order love of the sea but for the cause of re- both during President Nixon’s and to help achieve the Millennium Devel- search, education, and conservation, President Ford’s administrations. opment Goal of reducing global mater- which benefits us all. John A. was also a gentleman farmer nal mortality by three-quarters by In a few short minutes on Tuesday and served at the Alabama Farm Bu- 2015. And out of eight Millennium De- afternoon, a dedicated was reau. He also did work in construction. velopment Goals—eight—the goal to suddenly lost in the course of an other- And at the age of 76, he founded the reduce maternal deaths has had the wise standard mission. Let us not risk Alabama Rural Water Administration, least progress being made on it. losing the work, however, that he was which he served for 17 years. But of all Additional funds would help increase so passionate about. I stand today not the things John A. is known for, prob- access to prenatal care, neonatal care only to mourn the death of a beloved ably his great storytelling ranks and postpartum periods. It would pro- friend, son, brother, and colleague, but among the top. vide up to 4 million health profes- to urge that this mission continue. So, Mr. Speaker, on this momentous sionals who are needed in developing Looking forward, I hope that Dewey’s occasion of reaching a century mark, countries. Six of the seven countries life will continue to inspire the impor- which very few people get the oppor- with the highest levels of maternal tant work of preserving the world’s tunity to celebrate, I wish this great mortality have less than one doctor for oceans. I offer my sincere condolence American all the best, many more every 10,000 people. The severe shortage to Dewey Smith’s family, to the entire years to come, and happiness and God’s of health care workers and the poor Aquarius team, and ask that this blessing to him and his family. quality of care must be addressed to House honor him as a man who died f achieve reductions in maternal mor- serving his country in pursuit of sci- tality. MOTHER’S DAY 2009 entific progress. This week, President Obama unveiled Mr. Speaker, I ask the House observe The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a a new global health initiative that will a moment of silence in honor of this previous order of the House, the gentle- call for increased U.S. investment in courageous government employee and woman from Wisconsin (Ms. MOORE) is global health programs. And I am researcher. recognized for 5 minutes. thrilled that one of the identified goals Ms. MOORE of Wisconsin. Mr. Speak- f for this new initiative is to reduce the er, I rise today to mark the upcoming mortality of mothers and children HONORING JOHN A. GARRETT celebration of Mother’s Day this week- under 5 to save millions of lives. As a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a end, Sunday, May 10. Mother’s Day is a mother, I know that being a mother is previous order of the House, the gen- joyous occasion. And one of the reasons one of the greatest joys and blessings tleman from Alabama (Mr. ADERHOLT) that Mother’s Day is just such a cele- ever enjoyed on this planet. is recognized for 5 minutes. bration is that we all recognize the im- Again, I wish all of you, all my col- Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, today portant role that mothers play not leagues and their constituents, a happy I rise to congratulate, pay tribute, and only in the lives of their biological Mother’s Day. And I would hope that honor a great American on the occa- children, but in the life of the entire we would spend a moment thinking sion of his 100th birthday. community. It has been astutely ob- about all the mothers-to-be, a half-mil- John A. Garrett turns 100 years old served that the hand that rocks the lion women a year in the world, who this Sunday, May 10th. The Governor cradle rules the world. never, ever, ever enjoy motherhood be- of Alabama has declared this Sunday However, for too many women in our cause they die in pregnancy needlessly. John A. Garrett Day in the State, and world, the journey to motherhood, the mayor of Montgomery has done the pregnancy and childbirth is a death f sentence rather than a reason for cele- same in our State’s capital city. HEALTH CARE REFORM I want to join in sharing my best bration. For every woman who dies, an- wishes with those loved ones and other 20 survive but must suffer from The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a friends who will be sharing in this, the illnesses or injuries incurred during previous order of the House, the gen- celebrating the milestone on Sunday in pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal mor- tleman from Illinois (Mr. KIRK) is rec- Snowdoun, Alabama. tality is the highest health inequity on ognized for 5 minutes. John A. Garrett, born on May 10, the planet Earth, with more than 99 Mr. KIRK. Mr. Speaker, over the last 1909, was the fourth from the oldest of percent of deaths in pregnancy and weeks, I have spent hundreds of hours 10 children. He is the last surviving sib- childbirth occurring in the developing helping craft a moderate, centrist bill ling in his family. world. And we don’t really have to look on health care. John A, as he is affectionately called that far to find those inequities right Our country should work on lowering by his friends, attended Auburn Uni- here in our own hemisphere. Haiti has the costs of health insurance. And versity, which was then called the Ala- the highest maternal mortality rate in while a nationalized government HMO bama Polytech Institute. He graduated the Western Hemisphere. could prompt tax increases, inflation with a degree in civil engineering in Women in the world’s least developed and a decline in quality, we could in- 1936. There, he met the love of his life, countries are 300 times more likely to stead enact policies that lower the Ms. Katherine Stowers, whom he mar- die in childbirth or from pregnancy-re- costs of health insurance for Ameri- ried that same year. They have two lated complications than women in the cans. daughters, Mary John, and Kitty Wal- developed world. And this is a tragedy When we reform health care, we ter. that is compounded by the fact that should follow key principles. First, re- these maternal deaths are preventable. forms should defend your relationship b 1630 When a woman dies after giving birth, with your doctor. Insurance companies John A. is one of those type individ- the mortality rate for the now mother- already interfere with much of our uals that when you meet him, you less newborns can be as high as 90 per- care, and a government HMO would do can’t help but like him. He has re- cent in poor countries. worse. Second, reforms should reward ceived numerous awards and acclama- Fortunately, there are known inter- the development of better treatments tions throughout his career. John A. ventions, proven interventions that and cures. Americans support treating

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