DhananJayarao Gadgll LIbrary

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 GIPE-PUNE·O 19417 @


Page. Nundydroog DiVision.

~ISTRICT, fJ.'uh map 1-81

tI. Dsscription.-PhY,lcal fe!lture!', 1; Rocks and Soils, 2; {ate. &; Vegetation, 7, Arbonculture, 9; Crops, 10, Horticul· . \~2, WIld animals, 13. DOlLeshc al1lmals, 14. History - , '

'"t&i1s, ~bt!; \,Illln... , \ 292; Wild an,l domestic ~ds, 296; Kaclamb and ',7 \'IJllYdIlagar kmgs and \ Populatton, 299. ~res and Marfil, 506 Ilu Bungalo\\s, SOi. 30[1-336 TU1aIKUR DISiBICT, with map ... •.. 139-188 General Description ;-Physical Features, 139; Roca, minerals, sOils, 141, Climate, 143; Yegetatlon and Cultivation, 144; Animals, 146. History :-Legenjs, 147; Chalullya, and Hoysala Ball.!. kings, 147; Baire Gauda, 14'7 i Sal Nayak, 148; Subah of'Sim, 149. Popul.ation, 149. Revenue, 155. Trade :-:Manu- fdCtures,'151. Communications, 158 Gazetteer of prinCipal places, &c. •.• 159-1SS

_ Ashtagram Division.

MYSOBE DISTRICT, uitTa map •• -t

General DescriptlOn :-l'hysical Features, 191; Channe~, 1:'" Rochs, Mmerals and SOlIs, 193, Chmate, 194, ForeflW ' Cultl vabon, Hl~; WIld auimals, 201; Domestic ~I)' History:-Early Legends, 205; Kongu or Cberl Ballala and Vljayanagar kmgs, 206; 111 ysore V.. Population, 210. Revenue, 217. Trad. factures and Commerce, 218. Communlcatio~ and Bungalows, 220. Gazetteer of principal places, rivers, &c. Mysore, 'Unth plan "

HASSAN DISTRICT, with map .. , General Description :-Pbysirul Featurt'F, !!S5, 11

:\fdJ,lan, 2&7 f Channels, 287, R

KAn'GB DISTBICT, trilla map ... ••• 401-449 General Description .-Physical Features, 401; Soils, 405; Chmate, 4OS. Vegetation, 408; CultivatloD, 40S; Wild animals, '11; Don:estic animals, 413. History:-Earll Legends, Srin"oen m} Rishya Srlnga, &Ie., 413. Hoysala !3allAlas, 415; Vijsyana,,"lU', 416; lfysore Rajls, 416. Population, 411. Revenue, 4."3. Trade, 424. Communica­ tions. 426. Gazetteer of principal places, rivers, D'onntains, &.c. ••• 421-449

CmTALDROOG DISTRICT, u:ith map ••. 450-504

General De~ription_:-Physical. Features, 451; Rocks, minerals and Seils, 452; Ounate, 4~3 \ \" egetatioo, 455 i Cultivabon, 456; AruILals, 45a. History ;-Kon,.er of principal places, &c., 475-50i


J. ~ames tfplaces in K lDna~ an,t &m.IalBttel$. 1L Gla;sary of official terms.



shewing the and ordinary spelling.

& = UICUt. dr= c:!urga (droog) or bill.fort. k = kanive or pas;. t=toWD. c = dlllllneI! f= fOM m = mountaln or bill. ta=tanlr. D= d.vJSlollo g=ghat. r =nver. ,,= 'lila!!,!'. d = dlhtllct. h= hobli. T=taluk. w=",aterl.ill.,

!s now 'f'!lt. Kannada. Transhterated. \As now spe1t. Kannaga. Transliterated.

.\bbalod II ~~ruttl.l Abbal6~n Amntnrh ~o1J~"'dI A'lDfituru Achal betta m ~!!!.ld!£! Achala betta Anag6d II tl~Mt:i.l A'nag6du Atta Amllrll ~dI Ain6.rn Auebld·halIa r tl::t!~!1!~ A'nebidda halJa Amur M&rigudi J ::l;lJodl ;:j~~r. Ain6.rn M Ii. rigudi Anechallknr II tl"'U~Ntl.l A ~nechanklirn Ajimpt.·" "t!o~o AjllDpnra ADekal tT tl"''''r.:) A'nekalln AUuhebMlh II " ... ~~v. Aklnhehha!:J Anekereh tl:34tS A'nekere Algnn,Ji 11 ~v~ot! A]agnuji Antar-gBnga t' ~ollt1non Antara-ganga Alahalh 11. tlf.!I!~ A'laba!!I Antarsante 11. ~o.lI:!oll Antara-eante ALoIe katt.lll ~\ld."lI Alale katte Anurll tl;t..Cl.I A'nurn AldorJ ~~tS.atl.l A'lwhirn Arakerah ~t!~d Arakere A1ur 11. "e tlt).e~ A'Iurn Aralguppe II ~tlVr\la!,) AraIagnppe AmUJ1-dllrga af' ~o~t! mruF Ambaji durga AraneJ ~drG Arane Ambale" ~ot:'" AmbaJe IAreballi ~d!l!~ Areha!!i Ambhgalf ~otJ!rI~ ~baligaUa Argall tldn A'raga No B.-The following are the rIllEs adopted for the official spelling of names, except thcse of well knowD historical plaoee whICh have acqUired a settled form, 118 Mysore, Bangalore, Senngapatam. L No.Ime8 or their component parts to be given in their radlcal form, traDShterated without diacritical marks. Ex: Alrkalag6.4n=Arka\gnd: Anekallu=AnekaL II. Where J)IU"t ofa name is in the Kannada genitive case, only the cbaracteristic consonant of the case to be retalDeil, i. e. the inherent /I to be omitted. Ex: Ilettadapura=Bettadpur: Devanaha!1i=DevanhaIli. IlL The common pre6x Do4da to be rendered Dod; Chilli, Cblk; lIosa, Hos. Ex ~ Dodda Balla.pura=DodbaIIapui'; Chikka-maga!Uru=Cbikmagalur: HOIak6te .... Hoskofe. IV. Accerrta to be employed for marking long 'VOwels only when uecessary to prevent miIooDceptioD .. to the syllable to be accented.. EJ: ; &gata=S&gar; B&Divara=BaDiftl'. (4'

All now spelL KannaQa. Trawlhtel'lted. 1 As !DOW spelt. Kan1lll4 .. TraD6lite rated. Arkavati".. "... ,.;:1, Arkavati Bandigere c uoQ~($ Ban4igere Arsikere h tsd&"~ Arasikere Bandipur f ue!U~d Bandlpllra Ashtagra1ll D T e:;.","~;:I,j Ash~grl.ma Bangadi 11 uoma Bangidi Atakllf h a ...... ~ A'takurll Bangalore tI T t ~orlt'... !1.l Bengaluru Attavar h e~Ol\d Attivara Bannergatta u u;!~ \d.l;P~ Bannba-gha!ta At~lbele h ~"d Att.ibele Bankuppeu u;:1J..... Ja::,) r.annukuppe Athgundi" "~rI.loQ Attigun~ Bannaru ui1",~ Hannurn Attobatte c ,,!. .. ~ Attlkatte Barangi h UodoPl BAral,lgi Athkuppa T t l'~"J~ Attlkuppe Bar Chukki to Ulla, •• Bara-ehukki Aval-konda ". tsi1VJ""'O~ A'valu-konda Bargnr 11 udll.a!1.l Bara"a6.rn Avani t1I 11 ";:1;1 A'vani Barja-male f utltP';:IJd Barja-lDJI.!e Avati It" f' .;:1' - A'vsti Baralsige-betta J Udu~V~"~ Barall\-lJige-bet ta

ANrva'h 1) ecdJdil"!,. A'yaravaUi Bannagtri·durga tl,.l.ld01J"Olil",. Barrnagiri dllrgtl Av"mkere t a ecPJ,\i1"'~ Ayyanakere Basetuhalli h u«~!lSv Basetpha!!J Baba Budan '" tnt3nlJIlI~!\O Baba Bu4ana-giri Basar3.I h U:$UlVJ Basaralll £a langnppe h uz:!i1r1.l"',) lladanaguppe Basvan-betta I tl::lOl~~ Basavana-betta Bac!anav.II " 1o)!:I;;1;'"ivJ .Badana ... aJu Basvanhalli tI f.)::l.;;j;:tm~... Basav811l1halli Iladarl f' tlde Badari Basvan-kalve e f.):$;:I01 ..... ~iS Basav3na k.i11ve Bagadi m !.nIU) Bagaqi Basvan kanive k tl:l;:l;:: ... rl" BasaV81M kaJ}ive tlX> ot!l I.l::l.;;j;:t"",!~ llaggunji t1 f\ Baggllllji Basv8nkote f Dasavana kote B1ltepalli or Bageu Uo~Z:~ t3\~;:: Bagepalli, Bagena- Basvapatna t 1.l;::0l1Z:~ BasavapatQll halli t m-v haIti Battan-kanive k u~01"rlof Battana kSJ.live Bagarv t31n...d./ BagarD Bedarhalh h 23t llldzrl'(. Beddraha!li Bairkar h ".Id'a' ... l!J Bairakuru Beddl"pUr h "t~e~1I Booarapara Baikere k ".1"" Baikere Begar " dHIld Begara Barr3ndurga df' ~.l:!o1d.1I'!" llairana-darga Begar vf ~t7iJid~ Beg1ira Bairaaagar ta t:!JCl:hrllS Baira-sAgara BelakvidlV ~v ..;nQ Bejakav&!.li Bairmangala h 23.1d;:jJo~V Baira1llangala Be1gatti v 23Vrl.l!. Belagutti Baktarvallill U~do:tV llaktaraval!i Be11.mdur fa t:!'{,."I:tJid./ Be!!and6rn Bale Honnur 1) t3\t1lM;:!"'~d./ BAle Ronnura Bellavi t "V\,:l BeHan Balgami, Be1gavi " tlvm:l,), "V1l1lof Balagami, Belagaav Bellar h "v~l!J Be!luru Ballalripn-durga t.l~lVOllur T t "~u...cb :Beltiru Bemman8ka'.l~h Ballar" tl~... dJ Ballaru Bemmankandi· ' "01& (;)"'0 fl"~ Balmuna Uv:lOl.lll Bala-murl bettam betta Bala" tnVJ Balu llenakanhalli " ";::9;:!lIi!\J Benakanaha!Ji lla1ar" Uov... cb lla!uru Bendaga v ~o"rt Bendsga Banagere h Uon~" Bat;la~ere Bendrav&di" "Q~.;nQ Bendrav&iU B&nBgiri m tnn"O Bagagiri Benkipur v ~o.l;ild llenkipufa Banakal It t.lnlt'w BaJ.lakallu Berambal}.i '" BeramMdiJ ~\d"t3\" Ranasavadi" uanz;nr.. BagasavalJi Bermj1.halla ,. "dotZ'!$~ Berinjl-ba\1a Banati1llari betta t.!lna~Od~ Bag.ati-mari-betta Betmangala T ~\'o1lo711V Betamanga]a Banivar PI t31ffl.sd Bag..4vara Bettadplll tim ~~!:I~d Bettadapara Banavasi v tl;S.;;j~ llanavasi Betta Halaaar " t!~~t.::.Rd~ Betta Halastiru Bandarka .. oZ:!d"~ BaDdara-kaIlll Be~" t!\!1.I1IIi'{, llettahaUi (~).

.AI now spelt. ltal1llll4a- T taD5l1terakd I As lIJW ape!L Kannada. TratS:ltcrdted.

Bett.n" ~~l» Bettti.ra IChimnnru Mfa '" mOl.l.lca~ Chhnndi-betta I Cbandagat h SoCII.W Chan!aJaIu l3mnhalli " ' ~t~;:1~ BhinahaHi Bevur9 ~t*d" BivurQ IChandn-betta III GG~l'~J Cha'l":ra-1.Jetta Bhadra r ~t!J Bhalra Chandraglflll 'I!I 00) 1'10 Ch'D haglri llbalrapar 11 ".I:n;;)d Bhlilapara I Chandragutti m 50~1\)~ ChanJragntti Bh.lktarilafli h ~l!~'(, Bhaktarab.llii Ch'lllnakEsava- ~"~"\.iI Channa-kesava- llha'l"l'lIr-doifJi tJ 'I;Ioml!N~ Bban~ra dodtJj \;etta 1ft ~ ..-&I bet~a ll!ial'lllll!l8gar 11 ~ Qdoj,):hri~ Bh'U'UlruJaiJl'r.l Channa(Yoltna t • t!!;:t~llu,.. (,'11 anmp 'ttla Bhasmmgi dr Q~Q" B'wmingi i ChanDartiplldul'£8 :lI;:1. O}:dJ;:tt'~r\~ ('h.1 "Ila-rayaoa-Jnl'ga Bhimankatte (J t>\;b;:1'1'~ Bhimana-k&tte i Challl allt1t.na T" tll"\ ~aj,,)1l1h C' a,m.l-r.l.ya-tatna Fhl n.1SIIlDn.L.l fa t>\;b1I0l.J~ Bhi nasa:nalra , Chel:akere t t!~,,~ Che:!akere BiJadiA" t!IIZl Bi~di I Chelnr h. d tv'.ad" CleJjra I Bmare" - \':dlS BiJara I Chengivor II dOI'll;nd Cheo;lvara Bdar;ttppe " t')dclrll~.) Bi lara;nppe Chen£{fllvalh a do"c:!'(., C leng>lrllvaHi BllEsvar hetta '» ~dtCJcl13'-b BiIesvara betta Cbenongm T t d,,\,,) CJ~nnlg11"i B.l.kere " ~v"~ Bi;lkere Ci.lk Ba];lrur 7' l \!"'t.).. t.~o Clukkallaj1f.l'ara Biligirirallgan- llYMt'QIt;f Bijigiri-rangana- Chlkdevaray- t&;,I.. zl\ztaCll.l CWkl..aDevaRaya- b'& til d'-h beth ~gar c ::I-.lId E8gara mkalbetta. t!\I'I'w!:!!J BIlikaDa betta Chi.kar.:l%\l " d'!1... nmw Chi!.k~agaIQ '" OJ I BulurA .:it.atl.J Bl!!nm : Chikmagalnr Tt t&;,I.. o1jn'!t4lth Cllikka-mag:\laru Brn llgiD3\'l1.1e h ':o,",,;:tOld Bindiginavalg Cluknayal.anh.llIi !;!~.oa:tl,)";I~'V ~kka-n;iyakana- Bi!lllamallgaIa tI ~O\;lJoltu Bmnamanll"la 7't halli BJranhalli k:ulive k "\I$;f~~ ..11 ~ Bllunabll};i k~ive Chukalnerpa " tlu"'V"\~P' Ch.hk.!I1anerpll BlrDr t .:ittt.1Il B:niru ChUknnda h. tlV.lOt! Chilalrunda BlSllleg ~:ld Bisale , Chilar" tI~'i.. d.! Chijdru BisahiJl., , "llv.,.1& BisalavUi ChinTroraIi !J t!;t"JI$\I Chinakurali Bommankere " d,,~;$.,~ Bommanakere J Chintainani-pet t!<~;;tJII~\o! ChintilJllllli-pete Botnmasmdra " d.a~::Iod.J Bomm_dra IChitaldroog d TI t!!J::!.lnp' Chitra-dnrga BomdihaUi a c d.a~~ZIf'i' Chitnab!l111 Boppagoadanpnr II tS.ellt.,\ "",0.;1;;)1$ ...... boll' Illhlbh"" ..... ~ Chitrbati Boppap9aIl'lptlr a Chitravab r t!~;;tl Bowringpet I ~n;!\!!f Bowrlngpete

As now spelt. Kannada. Tran61iterated. .As DOW spelt. Kanna~. Transll~rated. I I \

DaniVIlSl/ h II ;::O:l~'a:::! DAnivasa Ganjigunte h r!otartlo!:S Ganjiguutc Darsmk,ll-betta f dd&;1w~J~~ Darasinakallu beHa Ganni k r!1\ Gannl Dasar1l05h:llli II m'lici:M::l:Iillo' DAsara-b06abaHi Gante nkkada k !'Io"'~w.. tf Gante-ukkatlol Da,anpur r ol::!;:>':;1Jd Dasanapura GantevinayakaQ r!Q~:lillG:i~" ;:I Gante-vinayakana D::I vangere T t m;j~~" Davanagere hnive "rl~ kal}ive D0vakonda m iltOl'il',,"oG Devakouda Gardangiri m j !'It'~~;:I7I1'> Garudana-glfi Devanhalli T f ~tOloril:lil1(.> • ~ Devanda-halli Garudachala r rldJCR!!ItI GarudAchala Devanur v ilt;;!(l'.... dJ ... DeVBnuru Gatparti II !'IUIl'1" Gatspt.rti I Devaraj-katte Ii l!\;!Oil':'II'~ Devaraja-katte Gandagere I. ff.lGM Gautlagere r~1d ~~lI/l"id I Devar:iydurga dr ilt;;!Ol.G:iHiJrll" Deva-raya-durga Gauj agraMra II Gauja agrnMra ;Devaraypet v ritolC1G:!Jtlt ld Devarayapete Qaurlhalla r ff,)~!Il~ Gauri halla Devaraysandra v ilt;;!Cl-,:dJ::!Q~ Deva-raya-sandra Gavadagere h 71101311"0 GavadagHe Devasamudrll II ~t;j::r;j~~ Dev8.- DeVlramman ilt:ld;;jJeiS Devirllmmana G~rsoppaw ~~d.!;!!"';!.;.' Geru~orpa, gudua N\ gudda ~\dJ::o!lo'l Gerusappe Dharmambndhi ta dom"o'/.),)Ij) Dharm~mbudhl Gop.ilswami- ~"t:l'ltJm,\:lJ G6palaswami- Dhumlm I;! ... ~ DhUmi betta m ~~ betta tt.'l7l1) Gopiguddaf M\~/I,):I", G6pi-gudl\a Dlbbagirl m u Dlbba-giri Dldaga k eml'l Di~a Goribidnur TI ~"tO~D;1... dl G6ribldanuru Digavakote v l:Ir!oI""'tf:! Digavak6te Gorm k ~... ~d.! GorUru Dlpambudhi t tI\;tlM.))1j) D[pambudhi Govardbanglri m M\;!~I"t11'\e G6vardbana-giri Dodarsinkere k t!..IJrt., d~(l'''~ Doq,darasinakere Gram k." 1'IJ)01.I Grama Dodballapur T t t!..IJ~¥t.'l.:;)Jd Dod9a BaHapllra Gqbbi t N~ Gubbi Dodbldare v t!..IJri':c~ Dogda Bldare Gudemarnhalli k rIJ 1.1 ;1Jadt1:t'V Gudemarana-haJ! I t!... ri~d'" 1<.)1.",)0;:1 uillban Dodbele v .. Doq,dabele Gudibanda T t G 4e Doddimandi t l:lJa\;:!Jo/ll Do~9imangi Gulurv ~v .. dJ Gu.lum DoddeTi Tt !:l..e'1 \1) Dogdel"i Gumnayakanpalya l'II;:!~;n~";1;n",~ Gumma niyakana Doddabettaf t!..IJrt.,~~ DO~9a betta T pa!ya Doddlnkolaga !:l.a1"f.;:I,,",vrl Doq,9ina kolaga GundIn hole t' l'IIorl~!J!Ja" GundJu-hole guddam rIJ~ guQ.9a Gnndlupet T t r!Jorl~~\'" GunrJln-pete Gummaga~te Dokkal konJa m !:lJa~V"Jaolll'" Dokkala kon

.>of (7)

'l'rall.hterated. Aanow spelt. KannacJa. As DOW fpelt. Kalina"" I Translitel ated. IUlhalli e I5lv!lllv H~ni Holalkere II ~..wv~~ Ho!alakere Halhmalfur h 1I!'{i;1,)~~dJ HaIll-maisuf u Ho1aJur 11 a!f.tVtARt'J Holahiru lUlv'tr.il a lntJ;n~Ul Halavll.galu Hole IIonnur II It.iIt/a!f.tc:J.a;.o~ Hole Honnuru IllilipapurC lIIo;n~d Hampapura Elolur I, ~V..et'JIW'II'JaU Haritala " 1II0ijv Bantala Hulukunda Hamhalll Tt lBOdi1I!!'\I H.lranabaHl Huilyar t llilJy(dmll Hullyarn Huhyurdllrga d, t lI5J()a:jMdJdJlip' Haroballih v M~t~'\I IIarobaHi Huil-yJira-dnrga Hullur h IZw",tl,) Harndl V I!!d)~ Harndi Rulluru OOJQa'" Hasanur ghat !J 1ii.:l;1... dJ\hlJ Ba.sanura ghat Humchall Humcha Hassaadt T lIlI:::;1 R.i.sana Hunasekoppaf ~Jnll""'~ H~ase.kopPl Hlln:lSur (HoOIlSQOr)t l2i)n~dJ Hanasuru Hebbe II t\!"~ Hebbe li"Jt:I alUJI'" OJ Hura II Hurll Hebbur v w llebbdru fl:!JlII'IJI"'CJ Hedulale ,. ~lJllI" lle4atale Huskuro Husaktiru Hcggadadevankote I!$'h !»tltoi i1"..e,e3 Heggada-dilvana- Huttar h ~J.~tl,) Hutturn Tv kGte Hatari Jllrga dr II!J~Otl,)rI" Hllttan-durga II, mar;:aL; v lI!;i.)eol1W Hemmaragala leba! dlbba ~3tJJ!!lt.l.... d I'cbalu dlbbadd HemavlltJ r all;;ss;.;ll Hen:ui.ati kanlve k 'l'rl;S kamve ~ai$..edJ HenuD1ge v lI!:JJ!~ Hemmige Icbanur h I'ebanuru H~D1aglri c al,oIJl'IO Hemagiri Iggalur h 'Il'hwt!.J 199allilu Hefl"ounbalh II lI!M;l;;'V Heriganahalli Ikked II ~~\o lkken Hethll'1t. !ilil~d~ Retturu Iiavliia (Yelwal) h lI'tltJ;!IU n~)h" Hiresave I Irannan kanive k ~d'f,i$"rl;S I'ra1J.1J.ana-kanive Hlrlkalgn.)d4 In II:>OW~JN~ H1l1kallu-gu~4a Hlriyur T t &,cd..> ... dJ HJrlyuru Itikaldul'ga dr ~!l"'5!~dJlIl' It ikallu-darga HIl6d 11 loe..e\1f Hiro~e Jagalur t 1II~u...d~ Jagalliru (8)

, , .... , ) ~ I " 3 As now spelt. Kanna4a. Traoslitera\ed. r As 110" 1pIlli. ' K'anua4ao 'l'~tId. --~. 1, J4prw .-.1111 JAgara KUlaDdurga, It- ",,;I.)~f; Ilmanadarp Kamsandra ., JAIa " .-.u Jila ..;r\;Io~ 1Wa~ JaJavangala 1a enll:lortu JaIanngala Kaoagalla ""I\~ ~' .UQlDgal " _Obll~ JilbagallQ Kancbika1durga fill ,"o\Ws;mt"" 'KaAcbJbJl~Qrp Jangamkote Ii "",11001.. \11 Jangam-lWte Kancliinb&l1l • 9otliS~" w .._ x-acblnahaUt Janapinhallif toI;tdil!lS'(, Janapana-hal1i ukkadak ~ Janagihalla r 1d;S1'l?1!~ .. Jaoagilia1!a Kandavara Itl .,,!:Iad- Kanda ..... Javah v tI!lOlC JAvali KAndeya " ""01Stuft K4Dd~ Javangondanhalli vld;rifMo~It'(, Javanagool)anaballi l\andikere 1& fI .o~",1S Kaadilrm Ja~mangah r toICI1I;:I.)"II" JayamanfNj Kankanhl'lli '1" ',"01 ..01111\ Kw.un.. ~l\}ll Jedda v - t!~- Jel,!!}a Kanbppa'1' "n.. ~'It~ ~.k11ppa JenkAl.betta 111 ~~;;tJ"5IJd~ Jeuu-kallo-bel;ta Kaonambadi c w;l'".,.na BIIIDJ,Ul-W41 JIgaIIi 1, r.:lni4 Jlgani Eanva'l' w", ;to Ka~vaaadi Jmahalli h r.:lOSllJ\o Jina.halP ~'5lli" .-dG!'(, KarabAll1 JOlbkatte k 11 t!.Ittr... ~ J6~ikt\tt.e Karigal ttl "Mti~ larIgallu Q tLetrIJ Karekal J61: " JOgu gudda ,. Wd~N~ Karekal gu~4a JOgJ-mardi m tllA\l'IoIJOIi J6gimara91 Karigaitam "0rI~ Karigat1a KaLbil dnrga dr Jfl.nVz:lJn,.... Kabbala-dnrga Karugalli II oIfdJrI" Karu,all1 Kabhani, Kapini, .. ~; ... ~~ Kabbani, Kapini, Katurv 'Flw..w Batura Kapila r • &Ill K.apUa Kaundinya r .,10111;:1, Kaun~iuya Kahbinada gudda m .~ nUN \ Kabbil}adll gul,!qa Kat~ maWwadi 8 "~l1,)VlI"'1II :Ratte lIlalaln'~ Kahhrn} ghat gf .~"iv;n" Kabbillila ghat] K

Tra.nshterated As now $pelt. Kannaga. Transhtel'llteJ. As DOW spelL Kanna4a- I

Kol.lr bctt.l til ~mAAl, Kolara-Letta Madgiri dlll'ga dr ;:I)~Mt'Jnl" lIladhugiri .1lll'g3 M ;:I)d.AO') KGlur ghat 9 .,...... eJtn Kolur gMti MaJdur t Q Madduru Kolar lLltte II " .. ,v..d.iw'l! KolUru Ka~te Madduranee ;!~"d.e d.~1t M.llJ\!ru ane Konanur A 1/ .... n;:t..d.i KOJ.1&nliru Madesvara hetta til ~~t't,.\" ct!~ ru~uesv:U"3 betta Komarnlhltb II " ... ;iJidi1l1!~ KomAr.lllaba11i Madapur4 ;I..,<:o~d !.ta.<1apur.l K(ll'piI T_ .,.. 0It,:) KopPl Madigatta c ;:I)e~~ !lbdlgatt& Kortdtur tI w""UAdJ Kubat1iru ?Ialebid gudds m ;b~~~)l1... Maiebluda gucNa Kudakal k 'l\am"lij" K6dakallu Malekal1 irupati m ;l.)t3"'&\Jall.a:ll Malekallu Tll"I1pati Kud.ili " .....0 Kuc,lah Afallialli II ;lJ~II!"{J MallabaHl KaJargundt II "'JddNo14 Kudara.:,!7Ilndi Male-Bennar II ;/,jdt!~dJ Male :BenuUru KIlJlur " 'I\a~dJ K6CP1iru M.illar tI ;:I)¥"d.l MaHuru Kndare Mukh ". "'~z:I.I15o:1JJll Kndure Mnkha Malur Tt ;I..,uadJ MaJum KllrabJJgod tI 9Jcuvi\atmJ KumbalagQ9u Malur, Molur 1) O!JV.ad.l MalUru Kllmsi "f . "~o~ Kumsi Malvalli Tt ;!~VOl"" Malava11i Kllllladvati 'Il',)O!J~1 Kumadvati Manchenballi 1) 9 ;I~c!!\~155V Mancbenaballi Knndar r C".>omd.» (Kundaru) Mandya Tt ;/,jo~ lIIan~ya KundaJa gudda til "JQddNr& Kundada gu~9a MandagadJe II ;l.)QlIIn~ Man~agadde KUDdur-bctta .....<.t!..I1:~~ Kundura-bet~a Mandikere a c ;!JotA"" MandJkere KIlui,,"ll T t ta ",)nn~l KaJ}.igallu Mangaia" 0iJ.1I~ Mangala AUPf6.:,"lldl tI WJ~nl) Kuppa.,aa~li Manjarabad T k Oi.Iot:lmm!i lIUnjarabM Kurbllr t a ".ldlu...dJ KurubUru Maral halla c ;/,jtl'lJ~i Maralu-halla "',d.>d,);I.)d Kuruda m.ue KlIl1l4u·ma1e Maralvadi 1) h OiJd'l;n& MaralaTidi Kudnmaielll 'l\a8J;l.ld Ku!Jumale Marcballi 4 ;laelrm-;. MirchahaHi Kushavati r ''In;l3 Kns'avati Marbal1i til ;'Jdlll"{J Maraba1ii KyaJDur ,. TtV;:I.IIdl KyaJan1iru Mil; Kanive k ;!~e"rl;3 Marl Kanive Kyatanballi h Tt;j~lI!"{J KyitanabaHl Markanda r oIa'll'rcm lI[hkanqll Lagumarnhalhv vNo1JJ;:I~'l LagnmainabaUI MarIe 11 ;!.sad,. Mhle Lallar " ~IlJ Lakk6ru Masarur J ;:I)-:ld .. dJ Masarliru Lakshman-6llglll ta v~n:nrld ~ Uasti 1) h :1Ji~ M3.sti I..akslunantutha,. ~~na\ljSr I..aklIblllal)8-tuiha Masur Madagad ;/,j:l.-dl ;/,jlllltl MasUru Madagada Lakvalli 7' f V~;lV LakI.-uvaUi kere til .,,, kere Lakya v"'.l • L1kya MattOO. II <»t~,~ Matt6qu Lingambudhi .. ~mQ~ Lmgambud~ Ma'rinkere h ;lH~;:I"" Mlhinakere LokapavaDi ,. d.et,,;r.;j;l L6kapavanjf Mayakonda tI ;lmdl"..... " :Miyakon~a LingadhaUl 11 CoNlm'l LingaJahajli Mayasandra " ;lJlIctI.l:!o~ Mayasandra Lmgsnhalli 1) OQnOl~V Linganaha111 }Iegarvalli 1) o1>\lId;l'\l M'egara valli•• Madad !.aUe tI O!J$!'I!~ MaQada katte Megunda h 01>\1'1.101:1 MCgunda lladagad kere ta ;/,jdlltl"" Madagadakera Melaogadi 11 ",\,)oll& !lIelangagi Mndgiri T' <»\!.lIlO lIadhngiri l1elbangidi v "",\UI~om& lII6l,ubangi4i 2 (10 )

As now ~pelt. I$:annada. Transliterated. IAs now spelL Kanna<,ta. Transliterated.

Melkote t m """W".AI\!3 Mtilnk6te Narsipur Tt i1tf~t~tf Narl!.;ipura 1r1elur 'IJ ~Jt!J,.9tf.1 Mlliuru Navasbahar h ;1;J~'i/i!5 Nilvashahar Meuas betta f "mJ:lJ~~ Mel}!lSu betta NaYdlamhatti v oncd.l";1'J'J~ NfLyakfUlaha! ~I Mert! gudda IN ~t~al\l~ Meruti gudda NelamaDgaIa T t <'tiol.lo~ti Nelalllangala MetJI.uppaf ';\)\tl9JIl.) Mtitikuppa Nelhgere v "~~tf N,'lhgere llIidgesi durga dr :l.l~~\!t:'J~'I' Mldagesi durga Nemar v "OI~tf.I NNtlIIId.rU Mirle c :l.l~r Mrrle Netravati r ;3\I1:!!;:t' N':-triivnti ;lztlTlvJ Molkalmuru , ~"'V'Rw.!!tf.I Molilllmul'll NldugaJ v m NIJu;,,':uhl NJjagalmv ;le.!T\t,J NIJa~allu Mosale-halla t' ~"":l.l~~~ MosaIe-hana '" Motl TaJab ta ~.... a.UUJ M6tiTaIab Nllasoge" ;l.ti:!!.... \~ rml&6;;e lIudvadi dUl'ga dr ~JJtf.I.nl)t\irlr Muduv3.Ul-dUll;3 Nlrgundav ~OT\Jod NirguDd.I Mud!llllIdagu " mOlJJZloIJZi!l\l Mudillla

As now Bp'llt. Kannada. Translitemted. IAs now spelt. Kanna4a. TranslIterated.

Ruuenhalli a .C1;b\~" Ramcnab.ll1i Sindhugara-katte Sivasamudra " P,oIOl::!;j.l.l:!J Sil'llnasamudra 5.ll.1~I,ar t zwi!f(!;;ad Sak.1Jtisdpura Siv.mgiri m ,;jil/'.t) S.vana!;Iri lni tnd :f"'~~U 5.Jkantyapatl}ll 5.l rra " n Sivanell !.,;J Srrane Edkrebulf l'l'!,r:J.lUl Maebailu Solur h ~"'\IIoAt'J Solum Sakshil)ld " m!.~\~ Sakslubidu SomambuJhi ta ::..e\;j~ct.>J!;I SOmambudbi &lagramcu :hcm~;jJ saJagrama Somna!hpur " ::... ~;t.)tn+~d ;:,owa-natha pura Sukunigm III ""'JtlI'lO SakunigIri Somaviluni r ::..e\;jJ;nloll SUm.I' abmi 5.imanta-durga dr m~oJfc.:.llp' samanta-durga Somavati ,. ::!!.R\;mol3 SOmavah SamplgeV l'lob~• Samplge 80mb 2' t ::..edt.> Soraba S,IUI5e V ::let Scsile-' ~.. '!.Id SOsile 8..mpura II ""lIId 8ampara SravaD beIgola V !JoIor:J\"~"" S'ravana-Be!ago!a s.mekere" lhlI.,d SiQ.ekere " ".I()~\O Snngel'l s.mgamesvara " ::Iol'lib\'l!,sd Sangamesvara Sriramdevar !Ico~t:~"G Snramadevara· Saotebachballi " :::c;lm~et'\J Santeb8cbaballi katteIJ .. ~ katte Santaveri " :::011",\0 Santaven Sugatur " h :\l~M.am Sugaturu &mte Bennar " ::oilr:J~m Sante-benntiru SUJi betta ,. :l.Iit!r:J~ SUJi betta Slt;tllr' :::drl.-m Sal'll.,"liro Sulek.ere ta ~"(j Su!ekere Sarjapar t l'l1lAP'liIId Sarjapura Subbele tI :s.at:r:Jd Suh-bele Sataour .,. :tul.ucl,) S8tanliru Slmde Immri J' :\le~"J~O Sun~e kumri &thalli " ,,~'(. SathajJj Sunoakal betta In ::1,'[.. "':¥l.)t:3~ Suwakallu-betta sa. van-durga d,. lhol;n:I;,71 .. savana-dDrga Suvarnamukhif' :\lOlilP'OlJl0:) Suvarna-mukbi Serioga p1tam , ~~don~'1-. Srirangapatna Suvarruivati ~ :\l;joaP' 013 So,arnavati ;lIINe.;, Shaok!lra-;;!lJ~af "o"'d rlJm.. Saukaragu~rJa Tagduru Tagaduru Shanivati r ~m;j3 Sbarivati Tagarti" nil;,. T8garti 8harm3llavab , "%,,~;:j3 Sarmaoavati Tagare v ;lnd Tagare SWkarpur 2' t ~fiO:;!d Sblk.lripura TaW;: " ;lU9J Talalm SLunoga Ii 2' t ~~".. Sbivamogga Talkad 2' t ;ltI'lfil1l Talakaqu Sbimsba r &en Shimsha 'Talgnppav .vrut',;) TaIa,,"11ppe Sbivaganga m "OIl'1e~ Sblvagange TaI&,nndav ;ny",_d T81agnnda Shmlll gin til 'o1il1l0 ShlV3ll11 giri Talgatpur" .";;f'i.~d Talagbattapura Sriwvaspur 2' t !J~::!~d Srinivl\.sa para T81ya h" nv,j T"lya Slrnodaglri III ~olil'IO Skandagiri Tangll u 1I0nC Tangali Sliavvaoballivl ,~ ;:1.ao1m!'\J &dJaVvan~1 Tankere 2't ;lO~"d Tarlkere Sni1kopp1 , '\OW"",Z:.,) &ni.lakoppa Tavan3lldi 11 h .oIilo!) Tavanandi Slbl" ,,) S,bi Tavarekere" " n~"(j Tavarekere Tayur II flo:l.l.-m TayUru Si.llagatta '1 t '1.,"~ Sldlagbatta SIJlUkal m h~"~J Si

At, now spelt. Kalllll$. Transhtemt..."II. IAs no" spelt. KanuacJa. TranalJ terata!.

Tlptur t ;Z:~ru Tipatlira Varakod A ;Sd".. \~ Vam k64n Tirkanambi t Id'6'l'i)ot!l Tirakal].amb\ Vartur v ;jM,.tI~ Vartur Tlrthahalli l\ljlr!lS~v Tuthah<1!li Vastara t ;j~tI Vastara Til'umakudlu v aruol.l1l'''~ TIramaklidlu Vasantapur v ;j~or."d \'asantapu ra TlrumaIsagar h ,ruol.lll:t.nd TlIumala4gn1'8 Vatadh08halli ta ;nud~:::iV \'at8l.!ahosahalli ,ruol.ld Tirumale v -• Tlrumale Vayu p'rvata fit ;r.a:r.wz: oj,.. nyu [6l'\llta TogarSl II 41 ..1'1&,. .- Togarsi Veda r ~\c. \'eJ.a Tondebhavi h uollt,n::! Ton4el.Jbivi Vedavati r ;Stu•OSI Vld:'vaU Tonnur v U~~dJ TOl}I].uru Virja nadlc ::!dm;:lll Vlraj:'-aadi Tubgere k 'Ji~~d Tdbagere ViranhOllhallif :l\d;:l~~~'V VlranahOllalnlli Tungani k a.)011lrl 'fungani Vl'IShabbavatl ,. ;jor):l.t,nol' VrishaLh&vati TumkurclTt lIJol~)'II'Jiru Tumukuru VJlIIH' samudra fa ;:r\\::::;l)" ~ VyasHamudni Ttlnl:8 ,. -"01'1 Tunga Wodd.n gudda m ~2,;:IrulJ.. \roJ.Jina gUIJtla Tungabhadra r lIJol'IQ~ Tungabhadra Worlakonda m c..dll"AO!l Worla-komJa Turvauurth lild)o!;:IJiru Turuvandru Wombat maradi k c..o~.~oI.ld& Wombattu-maralli Turvekere t -.,m"\",, Turuve-kere Wolkonjl '" r..llNotS Wolakonji TyaL.-al m "twt.~ Ty!kallu Vadu giri fl. "}d.!I'IO YaJu-giri Tyamgondlu t ~oI.lMo~ TyamagonQlll Vagachi ,. "}1'It! Yagachi Tyavanige " ~olri~ Tyavanige Vegavakote v ,.}nil""\!S Ycgavakote Ubranij" w~ri Ubral}i Vedatore T t .,} .... ~ Yedaf-Qre Vdagani " wmllrl U4agaJ].i Yedehalh t "}lI!!l" YedehaHi Uggiballi A w,,~'V UggihaUl Yediyur t ,.}&o1>Jaru Ye4iYuru WolJ~;j~t1l Ummattdru "}r!13 Yegati Ummattur " Vegati " Ujani betta.f Wll!;ld~ UJani-betta Yelahanka t ,.}ll~O; YeLilianka Urudugere 'It wd)I&ll".~ Uruqugere Yelandur t ,.}Vo~ru YelalldUru Utfanur h W~;:I.. t\a UttanWll Yelanir ghat 9 ,.}v~\dJ;hUl Yelanfr!l gM\lt Uyamballi h wcx!JO~~ Uyamballi Yenne hole ,.}~~" Yel].l}e hole Yadagenhalli ;:tm~\;:I~'V Va~agenaha!li .,}:iV.aru t Veaalur " Yesa!urll "Agatah ;anU Vigata YetUn-haUa r "}!;:I::t't YettmB ball- ;:t;.. ~,~ Vakkalerl Vakk.lleri m Ve1Iambalse " ,.}i/,c~v..o YelUmbalJSe Valdyauatbpur C o1.1~ilOq!~d Vaulyanatba para Yellekal Ukkada k ,.}.z.w~~;.. d YellekaUu L'kk1(la V&narasi v .,~;:Iclfl Vanarisi Yemme DoQ<,Ii ,.}""'e~~ru~ Yemme Do~(h Old!! Varada ,. Varada gu44a III gu9~la Varaba Parvata m =ti.~;lol"'l Varaha pu-vata Vergamballi " .,}dIlD~'V leragamhUli APPENDIX II.

GLOSSARY OF JUDICIAL AND REVENUE-TERMS, and other words occurring in official documents.

A'bad Populous; cultivated. Abkari Revenue derived from duties levied on the manu­ facture and sale of inebriating liquors, and on intoxicating drugs i excise. Achkat The total area. of land attached to a village When applied to irrigation, it means the total extent of land capable of being watered by any particular work. Adavu Mortgage with or without possession; deposit. A'dMra. Security; pledge; recognizance; bail; an exhibit. Adhikara Cognizance; jurisdiction; authority. AgraMra A village held by Brahmans on a. favorable tenure. Ainjama Actual receipts or credits. Aivaj Amount of money. Alavi Progressive rental for improvement of land, or rent commencing at a. low rate and increasing gradually year by ~ear till the maximum limit is attained. Amal Business; operation. A/mad Imports Amildar, Ami! A native collector in charge of a. taluk. Ama! jari Execution, particularly of a. decree.

Amanatl Anamat Deposit. Amani Lands ot' other sources of revenue held under the dired management of Government officials. AmID A bailiff in the Judicial Department. Amma. Smallpox, Amrat ... Tope of trees; grove; the receipts from produce of liuch are elltered UIlder the head amra;,- • Amrit :Mahal ••• A department for improving the breed of c~tt1e for Government purposes. Anche '" Post. ADche chOa, anche bastu The leather wallet containing leHers and !lapers carried by the postal rwmers. Anche kacheri Post Office. A Dche mane, anclle· yavara Slldisalu Postal runners' hut. Ancheyava Postal rwmer. Andaz, -Andaj An eslimate. AngadL A shop. Angadi tedge Tax: on shops. ADna chha.tra, Anna satra A building for the accommodation of travellers where food is also supplied. Ane, Anekat (anieut) ••• A masonry or brick dam across &. river or stream for the purpoEe of raising the water and dif,tri­ buting it by side channels to the land on each side that would otheI'\\ise nc.t benefit by the overflow. A rain commencillg between 17th and 29th Novem­ ber ; paddy is 80\'\ n at this time. AnwadiiUr A re-mortagee; the monagee l\ ho holds the proper­ ty from the proprietor being caUed Bhogyadar. Archaka ... The officiating priest oC &. pagoda. Ardhamany&. Land granted on a. light quit-rent; generally half rent as its name implies. Ardhamanyadar A man who h~lds as a manyam, lands assessed at half the usual rates. Are l\Iahra t,ta. Aridra. ,.. A rain commencing between 19th June and 2nd Jnly. Paddy, cotton, &c., are sown at this 8eaSOH. Arzi, Arji, Urzee A petiLon addressed by an infericr to a fiupel'jor ; vice versa, it would be a. tilldd; among equals it would be & yadasht; an addreEs ; a memorial. Asal ... Principal; original stock. Asami An individual. A/sMl' kbana. An open building reserved by Muhammadans for the exhibition ofthe panja during the Muharram ; at other times it affords !Shelter to poor Mubam· madan travellers. A's!esha A rain commencing betWeGD 31st July and 13th August. Gram and mangoes nre sown at this time. A lOti Property; riches; real or personal goods. .iswini A rain commencing between the 11th and 23rd April. Ground tilled at this season. A'yakat The toial area of land attached to a village; when applied. to irrigation it means the total extent of land capable of being watered by any particular work. AYYII, Ayyanavarn 0" A Lingayat priest and teacher. Azmaish tarikh On probation. Rib An item; head of accounts. Baddi Interest. Ri.dige Rent. Radli A substItuto acting far an absentee on leave. Badti Increase, esp~cially_ of pay. B.~g,i.Yllt Garden lands, the a~sessment on which is levied ac­ cording to tbe number of trees; the rata varying according to the fertility of the soil . Mal . Reinstatement. Bakshi Head of an office. Dalagai Pariahs of the right hand caste in Mysore and other KaIlIJ&da countries. Rand.ira A store room cr treasury. Saraswati. Bandira A library. llandi, bandy A cart or conveyance. Bandina varu Officials of the Revenue Survey and Settlement De- fsrtment. RilIldhi khana A jail or lock-up. Banda An earthen embankment nsed as a survey mark. Banjar Wasta land. Baodi, Blioli A "eD. Bar Mysore Infantry. Bariba.l6ti. Village officials, consisting of 12 persons, t.iH., Gnu/a, Shanbhog. Panchangi, TaIvar, T6ti, Nirganti. Agssa, Nayinda, Kwnbara, LoMr, Badagi and AgasaIa. Uaravard Pa.y abstract. Barlarat' Dismissal. , Barigat ••• Body-gaard. Barilm ... A menial amoDg the village servants i .. deputy talan, who is employed to watch the crops, from the growing crop to the granary. Bam A populous town; a Jain temple. Bastu A bundle of records or papers. BaUi, Batayi Division of the crop between the cultivator and the landlord, or the Government in tha.t capa· city. Batavid Disbursement; payment; distribution. Bazar A market. Beclaru ... Hunters j poachers. Be.cbirakh Without !a~; deserted. Applied to an uDillhabit· ed village. Beddalu Dry land. Bela Crop. Bella. Jaggory, a kind of molasses. Bepar Trade. Bepari A merchant or trader Beliz The full revenue obtainable. Besaya Cultivation. B~sige kala. Hot weather j dry seaBon. Besta A fisherman j p alankeen beArer. Betta A hill. A Jain place of worship at the Bummit of a hill, consisting of an unroofed enclosure surrounding a colossal image. Ee-val'asu A term generally applied to property left by per­ Bons without heirs; unclaimed. BMga Partition; share. Bhang, Bhangi Hemp used in making an intoxicating and stupefy· ing preparation which is smoked like tobacco. Transit duty. ••• A rain commencing between 27th April aDd 2nd May. Various kinds of grain are SOWD at this season. Bharti Export. Bhatamanya A small portion ot rent-free land granted to Brah· mans. BhataminyicUra. ... A brahman holding rent·free landa. Bhata vritn ••• A small portion of rent·free land granted to brah. mans. thtts. (Batta) Extra pay or allowances to publio serTBnts j an allowance to temporary peons, serving summonses and other processes of courts j travelling allow­ ance; paddy. Bhatti A still. Bhatti sunka Still-head duty. l3Mvi A well. Bheti 0" An interview; visit. 13h6gya Mortgt)ge with possession. BMmi Land, generally applied to culturable land. Didi A street. Bidige ••• ,Second day of the bright or dark half of a lunsr month. Bijavari Area. of land calculated according to the quantity of seed req~d for sowing in it. Billeyava A peon or man wearing a belt. Bilu Waste. uncultiva.ted land. Biradarl A troop of Siledars in the Mysore Horse, consisting generally of 12 men. Bitti, Begari Gratuitous labour exacted from ryots on account of Government. B6gya.dar, B~6gyadar ... A mortgagee who holds the property (rom the pro· ·prietor. Bombe An image, idol, doll. Boond . B6yi A palankeen bearer. Brahmadaya Land belonging to Brahmans. Brinjari A tribe resembling gipsies, who wander about and earn a livelihood as carriers of grain, &0. Bucldhivanta Wise man; the elder or prud' lwmme of a village or community. Bund The embankment forming a tank or reservoir. Canteroy pagoda, (~an­ thiraya varaha.) A coib named after Kanthirava Ray a, worth 10 gold faDams. Chndsal Year in which a. maximum amount of revenue was derived. CMkara A servant.

Chakbtndi t.. Boundaries. 6

ChUmra. ••• A menial a.mong the village servants i a. depu ty talari, who is employed to watch the cropE', from the growing crop to the granary. Chakari ... Appointment. Chalan List of letters despatched, made by the postmaster and Bent with them. Cbalavadi A low caste. The servant of a Linga merchant carrying a. large ladle with chain and bell on bis shoulders. Menial servant under the head mer· chant of a town. Cbambar Currier and shoemaker. Chapavane - Concealment, generally applied to unauthorized cuI ti Vati 011. _~- A class of Sudras; followers of Vishnu, and wear. ing no top-knot. Chatra, Chhatra An inn; a resting place for tra.vellers. ChaHegara A half caste; an East Inman. Chaublne Beams. Chaukasi To lessen the price; to haggle. Chauk, Chowk. A place where four roads meet; a square. Chauthai A fourth part. Chavam A small Jlublic office; a police station. Chela A Hindu boy seized in early lire and forciUy made a Muhammadan by order of Tippu j these boys as they grew up were incorporated in a military corps, retaining tlle Dame of Chelas~ Chenguli Day labourer. Chhapa kagada Stamp paper. Chilre Small coin; change. Petty; trifling; sundry. Chitta A rain commencing between 8th and 20th S('ptem. ber. Millet and ginselli oil seeds are sown at this time. Chitte, Chitta ••• Accounts. Chori Theft. ChOri mal Stolen rroperty. CMr inam Land enjoyed free of rent by stealth or ull8.uthori· zedly. Chout, Chaut 'Ibe tlibute or contribution formerly levied by the Mahrattas. Chungadi ,.. IDterest. 7 Dacoit A robber, especially 01.:6 ot a gnng of hOl1Ilc·break- ers who rlunder "ith the aid of torc11es. Dacoity A torch robb-:r.\'. Da.r€l-4\t IIc.:td peon having charge of tell or mora persons. Daftar, Dllftul' Eecords; tlH:l rILleB ubere recorUs are kept. 1\-..ftL1t' il.ikha A derartment in "hlch accounts CQr,neeted with re- WClle are kept. D.'gJ. Deceipt ; fC.l.ud.

D ikhalo Reference J authority. D~khal ~ Admission. D,~kh.lle grJ.\l1J. A l5ubord.in4\ta vilbgc included ill a brge oue. l'ulas.l.yi (Dulwoy) The hereditary commander of the fOlces. IhIi~i{l1, Dal'\Jat A peon. Dallili A broker. DdmasM)i A proportionate share. Dalla, Duna shoisana. A gi.ft, a deed of gJft. Dana Cattle. DnnuJ. Fine. Dalldu An army;:1 cantonment. DurMI', (Dur1xlr) A court. a royal court; an audience S>f levee. DarkhUst An apl)liCl1tioD to rent land j a tender; a petition. Daluue RolJlJery. Dar6gha, Daroga A native officer j superintendent; or mannger. Dary3.fti An inquiry. trial. Dast"lnnda land granted to a person for repairing or building a. tank, on condition of paying in money or kind .)Jle-tenth or some small share of the produce. Dllst-aivaz A voucher; a wnUell document. Da[,turi According to custom; a, customary allowance or ferquisite. Daul Estimate; valualtcn. D.i.y.i.di Cousin, a distant relation from the same male I3tock. D'.ha-Jh-tda, Dahazaua ... Census. an account sbewing t he number of hcu.>es, shops, cattle, population, looms, ploughs, &c., of which a to"n or village coneists. Devad:iya. LIllJfls endo"ed rent free for pagodas. Devanga. A sect of wea\ers. DevastMoa. A temple. Dhani A master. Dhanbhta. ••• A rain commencing betv.een Brd to 15th FeLruary. 8

DMrane Market rate j price; va.lue. Dha.rmakarta ... Temple-warden • Dhore 1¥Iaster ; king. Dhruva pairu Standing craps. Divan Minister. Doddi A pound for cattle Doli A litter like a palankeen. Domba A tumbler or juggler. Doni A boat, especially one hollowed out or & log. DrishyadharE Mortgage without possession. Durgo. (Droog) A hill-fort. Duddu A copper coin, three of which go to an anna.. Du-fasal Raising two crops a year on the same land. Durast Repair E/kabh6gya Undivided possession held by only one. Ekkalu gadde Alluvial soil. Ere bMmi Black soil. E/ri Bund of a tank. E/ru A plough, or plough-and-oxen. Etl"u klinike Plough tax. Faisal Decision; judgment. Fakir Muhammadan mendicant. Fanam (hana) A small coin of either gold or silver, worth l' duddu=4 acnas 8 pie. Fasal Crop. Fasli The revenue year. Ferisht A list; a. catalogue; an inventory. Firka Subdivision of a hobli ; the charge or one shanbhog. Gadde A paddy-field; an irrigated field. Gadi A cart or conveyance. Gana An oil mill. GaDa terige • e. A tax OD oil mills. Gandha Sandal. Ganiga. The owner of an oil miD. Gaona Sugar cane. Gauda ... The head man of a village; the head of village police. G:tvada, Gau A distance of about 12 miles. Ghalise A Bindu hour=24 EnSlish minutes. 9

GHa gJ.valu A forest watchman. Gira.ki Demand; saleable. Girlvi A mortgage. Go bhUpil Land set apart for grazing; {asture land. Golla A milkIDJ.D. A subordinate official employed in the treasury in carrying money bags, &.c. Go ma.la Land set apart for grazing; pasture land. Goni Gunny; a co .. r~e cloth made of hemp. Goravi kc51u A fire-stick used instead of a torch. Gosa)] A sect who never lDltrry and whose profcs'lion is traffic, the profits of which go to a chief guru called Nahant. Goshwara An abstract; a resume. Gud!i.ra. A tent. Gudli An iffiplement with a short handle fixed at right angles, used for digging instead of a spade. Gumasta An accountant ; ~ agent; a steward; a representa- tivej a confidential f&.ctor. Gunta, Goonta Land measure=121 square yards. Gutigedar A contractor. Gutta, Gootta A rock, or rocky hill.

Habba. A feast; festival. Hadi A road. BadIn Grass land covered with water; So waste rice-ucld. Budya Land covered with low brnsh wood and small trees trom which fire-"ood, leaves, &c., for manuring the fields, are taken. Raga One-fourth of a. fanam. IIagevu A subterraneous granary. IIak,hakku '" A right. JIal8.ku Disorder. Halat The excise duty levied on areca nut, cardamom, pepper and tobacco, on removal from the place of their production. EXp<'rt duty levied OD coffee. Bale Palka. Toddy drawers in the Nagar Division. Balige mara A plank uSf'd in levelling the fields after seed is sown.

2 * 10

IIana. Money ; a. fanam. Hangann Temporary. Hankalu A reaped field. IIaraditi A league= 3 miles; a me8.sure of extent cont.ainiug 2,000 fathoms, or about two miles and a half; II koso Harkar Guide; personal attendant. llarkat Obstacle; obstruction. Haraz Auction Basal rostage ; t.1:1. Ba.sta A rain commencing between 24th September and 7th October: millet and gingelli-oil secd~ are sown at tbi~"time. Hastantra Cash balance. Havaldti.r, IIavildar A serjeant. Haveli, Sarkar haveli A large house for the accommodation of GOVCf;1' mellt serv.tIlts. Reg-gada Head man of a village; the head of village police; in some {Jarts of the Province rellt·frec lm:db are assigned for their support. Ramsaya The rate of assessment paid on neighbouring Iand3 taken as the standard in assessing landa llc"ly cultivated. IIenda. The juice of the date palm; toddy; which fermenis and becomes intoxicating. Bingaru, Biog.ui North·east monSOOD, which lasts from July to No- vember. Ilisse Share, partition Bobl~ I10bali The bubdivision of a. Wok. Hoblidar A commandant of a Twbli of peons. nola A field. IIoleya. Pariahs; outcastcS. Hole A stream; river. IIonnu Half an lHed l'ag-oda. (goM) value Rs. 2-4-0. lIukum A written order from a superior. Ord.innry order. lIulasu Looking weU, generally arplied to crora; thrifty. HulgavaJ, IIulbigavaJ, IIullugaval P astura land. Hulgaval aunl.a Gl'a7.ing dues. Hundt, Hoondee' A bill of exchange. 11

HuzUr, Hoozoor, llujtir.. The presence. The clue! officer (European) of the district. Huttuvali The produce of a garden or field. or of any trade; the amount of an assessment, rent, income, reve­ nue. Ij.ife Increase, especially of pay. Ijara., Ij

Jangama. A Lingayat priest. Janti kallu A boundary or demarcation mark, composed of 3 stones in a line. Jari Current; in force. Jarih Measurement. Jari imimti Rent-free land. Jatka A small, close, two-wheeled conveyance drawn by a pony' Jatre Annual fair, usually occurring on the occasion of B festival. Jauli A term apI,lied to cloths of all kinds; piece goods. Javan, JavaDa A peon; an inferior officer whoactB as a guard and e. messeJ'tge?­ Javab An answer. Javabdari Responsibility. JCshta. Third lunar mouth corresponding to June and July A rain commencing between 30th November and 12th December. Paddy is sown during this time. Jhadti Examination of 8" account. Jiddu Jealousy; anger. Jindagi Property; estate. Jirayiti Cultivation; farming. Jftagara A hereditary labourer or slave. Jodi Quit-rent; grant of land or village on lighter 8i1sCSS­ ment than the proper revenue. JOdidar A ryot holding as indm, lands or village on reduced assessment, varying according to circumstances. Jogi A class of religious mendicants. J oti (banna) ph ana An oil manuracturer of the Lingayat casle. Joyisa An astrologer. Junardar An inferior official performing the duties of a vcr­ nacular clerk. Jurmane A fine. KabUlati An agreement or f:'ngagoment in writing. Kachcri (cutcherry) An office; a. court. Kachha kharad u A rough account. Kada. Debt. Kad.:tme A deficiency. KadaDgu ... A trench or ditch in garden. 13

Kadata (Cuduttnm) ••• A cloth covered with a composition of charcoal and. gum, and used instead of a slate for writing and keeping accounts on. Kadagi. A basket or pannier put on a. pack bullock. Kaifiyat A deposition. Kai Mgada A reoognizance. Kalasi A lascar i a 8uborJinate who pitches and takes care of tents. Kalave A channel or stream gElllerally for irrigation. Kalla A thief. Kalu A fourth pad of any thing. KamAti nay labourer. Kambli, (cumbly) A coarse woollen blanket or camblet, used by all classes for protection against wet and cold, and for sleeping in at mght. Kambli K uruba A lower class of Sudras. Kammi jasli patti Statement shewiD~ increase and decrease. Kamshara Reduction to a lower grade. Kandaya. kandayaro. Land tax i money assessment. Kanru, Khandaga, (Candy) Land measure = 20 kudus or 10,000 squal'e yards for wet and garden land i and=20 kudus or 64,000 square yards for dry land. Grain mea­ sure = 120 kudus or 4 bushels 12'8 pts. Kanikopile An overseer. Kantu Stipulation of payment ; instalment. Kapile An apparatuB for raising water from a well or tank for irrigating fields, worked by men or by oxen on an inclined plane. Karagupadi Duty on goods ",here they are consumed or Bold, in contradistinction to sthaZ bharti, which is levied at the place of production i sale. Karanji A. reservoir or fountain. Kararn An agreement. KarkMne A manufactory; a. workshop. Karnam (C1).l'Ilum) Villag,,' accountant. Kartika. fasal November paddy crop. That for April and May is Vaisakha rasal. Karu The wet season, )r",sba, Kasaba •.• 1)e chief town of Po district or division. 14

tasu A pie piece. Kasuri Neglect; fault. Kattada.h ••• A written agreement. Katt.~ Aoient or dam in a river or strea.m j 0. pond; 0. cus- tom house. KaHu I Court papers or proceedings. l(at.tu Mlve Feeding channel to a tank. Kanklar A ryot holding lands on specia.l agreement. Kaval Ground reserved for pasturing cattle. }{cre A tank. Keri A small street with houses on both sides j 0. hlWlJet. KhajJi A prisoner. Kbaidu Imprison~e]lt. Khaj~ne, Khazana Treasury. Khanu shuman Census. An accuunt shewing the number ofhouscs, 6hops, cattlt>, population, looms, ploughs, &C., of ~hjch a town or village consists. :Kharchu ••• Expen8e. Khayam Fixed; permanent. I{Myamguttadar IIolder of land~.or a village on a fixed and unalter­ able nsseEsment. • KhaYllm guttige Fixed aSBessmcnt or rent. Khistu A.n instalment of the annual assessment paid by holdersat stated times. Khistu oondi A document given to a. landholder shewing the instal ments payable by him. Khush bUsh A private person of independent means. l(hUn Murder. :Khurd-barJ Embezzlement of publIc rooney. Killedar A pplice inspector; a commandant of a fort. Kodagidar A holucr of land under a tank, free of or on nomi­ nal assessment for having reraired or restored it, and on the further condlHon of his keeping in good order the saiu irrigation work on which the lanu below d<'pcnds for its supply of water. Nodi The weir of a tank or reservoir. Kola A reservoir with stone steps down to the water's edge. K61~ ... The stocks; ~ai kola, hand stocks, ka1u kola, leg stocks. 15

Kolaga One.twentieth of a khanJaga. K61ktlr, K61ukara A stick bearer ; a. reOD. Kale roga A rot or disease which atblcks areca. palms. Kb1 ata A stick dance, or dance accompanied with striking of sticks; practised at the Dasara by school boys \\ho, aCCOml1anied by their masters, go about the streets reciting Maharnavami radyas and re­ ceiving presents. Ko11i ... A stream or rivulet. Koill •• A pole, a rod. Komati, Komaliga Traders. Kong:. A class of ser\'ants of Tamil origin. Koppala The suburbs or outlying villages of a town. Korama. A wild race inhabiting the forests and mountains. Kottige An out-house or shed, generally for cattle. Kotval (cniwa!) An official whose principal duty is to furnish sup­ plies to travellers. Krayadar Purchaser. Kndn Land measure = I 6 pad is or pailis or 500 square yards {or wet and garden land, and==16 pOOis or pail,is or 3,200 square yards for dry land. Grain measure=8 seers or IS'44 pints. Kula. A single farmer; a tenant. K.ula nashta Loss of a. tenant. Knlavadi A menial among the village servants; a. deputy TaUri, who is employed to watch the crops, from the growing crop to the granary. Kulavar, Kulavaru A term applied to accounts and returns made out with reference to the cultivators, as distinguish­ ed rrom accounts prepared according to the holdings. Kulavn.r.chitte, Kn]avar- patte A detailed account of the land cultivated by each helder. Kulavar-jamabandi Individual settlemmt. Kamn A ter~applied. to cultivation carried on by felling a tract offorest, burning the wood, and raising a. crop of grai.l on the clearing, which is abandoned in the following year, and a fl'esh clearing made somewhere else. This practice is now prohibited. KUriga ••• A sowing machio.e and plough combined. 16

tttlShki sagu\"ali Dry cultivation. Kushki A term applied to unirrigated mnd.

Labbe Muhammadan converts of Tamil origin. Ladar A class of Mahratta. Sudras. Lakkote An envelope; a sealed letter. l_a1 Bagh A pleasure garden. Lambani A tribe resembling gipsies, who wander about and earn a.livelihood a.s carriers, sometimes called Brinjaries. Lashkar A cantonment. l_avajamE} Establishment of a department drawing pay. Lekkha. Accounts ;"al!)lccount. Leva devi Dealings, generally in money. Ling,iyat, Lingayata A follower of Siva wearing the linga. Luti Plunder.

l\1adiga A chuckler; currier and. shoemaker. :Mar Pardon, remission. Mafi rahadari Passport granted for the conveyance of goods from one place to another for which dnty had already been paid. Subdivision of a taluk, corresponding to a. hobli or nad. Magga A weaver's 100m. ~Iaharnavami ... A feast observed On the 9th day of the 7th lunar month; the last day but one of the Vasara, on which arms are worshiped. Nahasuht ,0' Octroi; toll ; crop. blahazn.r Award of a. panchayat, or jury. Maidan A plain; the plain country, or Bail s1~ime, as dislin­ guished from the Ma7nc.itl or hill region. Makha. A rain commencing between 14th and 27th August. Tobacco and wheat are sown at this time. Male ••• RaiD. Male ka.1a, Male gMa ... Rainy seaSOD. Ma.lika. Owner. MaInad, Malemid Hilly country; the western vart of ,Mysore. Mamaledar '" A native collector in chElrge of a. trunk; an Amildar. MamUl, }Ia~i ••• Established; customary; usual l\1ana. ." A maWld. 17

Mande Subdivisions of a hobli in Manj&rabad, correspon- ding to eo firka or pllUt mdgani. Maneg:ir, Manegara ... An agent; a native accountant j aD overseer. Mane te>.ige .,. House tax. Manta~a A place built for worship in front of a temple or on the bank of eo river, or by the side of a well ; also a place in which an idol is deposited.

M~nya Exempt from taxes or imposts. Maru kukke A small basket or muzzle put OD bullocks to pre- vent tbem from feeding. Masalst Counsel; plot. MasbRlchi A torch-bearer or lamplighter. MasbaJ. chori Torch robbery. Matha (mutt) House of '" priest; a school bouse. ~[atm vritti Land granted rent.free t.:> eo math, Maund A weight equal to 40 seers or 24 lbs. Meda, Myli.da. A caste, or a member of it, occupied in cutting and selling bamboos, or making and vending bamboo baskets, &0. M.ela A band of actors. I If:eladbik3ri Superior officer. Mt:;trl (maistty) A subordinate employed in supervising a work; a \ native overseer; a chief builder, carpenter, &c. Minahu Till; until Mlr'_ am . An allowance or perquisite, sometimes paid in money and sometimes in kind; generally applied to grain, &0., given to village officials or head- men by the ryots. Mobalagu Amount of money. M6chi A class of cobblers who make saddles, native slip- pers, &:c. Mohar, mohur A seal; stamp. Mohatarfa Ta,xes levied on looms, houses, oil-mills, shors, &c, Mokhtiyar-niuna. Power Qf attorney, Mokhtesar nead 6f a department. Mrigasira A rain commencing between 5th and 18th June. Paddy, cotton, &c., are sown at tbis season. ~Iuchcha.liko ... A deed of agreement . 3* IS

Muchcbi A man employed. in public offices to make ink, mend pens, provide papers, seal Jetters, bind books, and the like. Mufat, muft Free from payment. MUkuppe A mode of cultivation by which So crop is diviJed into three parts, of which (lne is for the rent of the ground, another for labour, and the third for the seed and implements. Mula A rain commencing between the 12th and 25th December; cummin, coriander, tobacco and other seeds are sown at this time. Mulki Pertaining to revenue. Mungari;Mungaru South-west monsoon, commences in April, ends in June. Too Tormer or early season for cultivation. MUnshi (moonshee) Reader and interpreter; ~ernacu1ar clerk. Munsif A subordinate civiljudge. Musafir kMna A rest-house for native travellers. Mutalika An agent. MutfarkMt Stipend; pension. Mutsaddi, Mutsaddy An agent j So native accountant. Muzarai A department for the control of temple funds and other religious property. Poor ; helpless. Village accountant. With hardly an exception t~ey are of the Brahman caste. The office is her~di. tary in common with those of all the other vi1~Ec officials. In Borne places they hold land free of rent, and in others on light assessment. In !omc tew places a fixed money allowance is given. In all instances there are certain fixed fees payable to them in money or in kind by the ryots. Nadu, Dad A district; a subdivision of a taluk corresponding to a hobli. Nagad gutta. ... Money assessment. . Nagadi Relating to cash transactions or accounts connected with treasury finance. Nagadiyat Money assessment. NazaraDa, (nuzzerana) ••• Compulsory offerings. Nazar Offerings to a sovereign. Nakahe ... A plan. 19

RamUne A Ilpecimen or sample. Nan parvarish Allowance to n child till able to provide for him­ self. Nanya The change of money. as rupees. annas, &c; any coin. Nazar Sherifi'; an officer of a court who is charged with serving processes, &0. Negaln A plough. Nirakh-nama Price current of market rates, &c. Nirakh Rate; fixed price. N,rganti Regubtor and distributor of water to irrigated lands. NlrIl gandaya Water cess. NirUpa A written order from a superior. Nata Sight; examination of money. Nuwn, Luksan Loss; damage. Nyiya Justice.

Ole, w61e A palmyra leaf, or manuscript written on palmyra leaf'.

Paddha.li Usage; custom. p$di, Paili lAmd measure=31! 81uare yards for wet and garden land, and 200 square yards for dry land. The first day of the bright or dark half of a lunar month. Paigast A detective. Paikari Temporary tenant, or one who resides in one vil- lage and cultivates land in another. Paimayish Measurement of land. Paint Crop. Palshapab. Partiality. Palla One hundred seers. PallikUta A village school. PaIn Waste land. P:illl kandaya A term applied to assessment paid on land left fal­ lo~ or untilled. Panchayit, Panchayat, PancMyali, Pancha­ ;rattu. A jury ; a popular jury'or commitue of five ptl'IOJlL 20

Panchami • II Fifth day ofthe bright or dark halt of a. lunar month. PancMnga e.. A calendar j an almanac. Panch-bah Five items of excise: toddy, liquor, tobacco, ganja and betel. Pancheru Five seers, or ith of a maund. Pandit (pundit) ... A leaI"lled man; a physician. Panju A torch. Pantoji A village schoolmaster. ParabMri Assignment; delivery. Paramp6kn Uncultivable land. Parpatyagara, Parpategar Manager or supervisor ofa. chatram or temple. Paricharab A Brabmari temple-servant. Parikhattu A deed of dissolution of partnership or of parce­ nership ; a. written receipt and acquittance. Pasaraye Market fees. Plishandi A heretic; a schismatic. Patela, patel (potail) . •. Head man of a village; the hemd of village police ~ in some parts of the Province rent free lands arC!' , assigned for their support. Pa tna ahetti A title given to the principal men of towns ne~'t I to the Slleitis, a Shelti being in BOrne respec~s simil-tr to a. Mayor and a. Patna sTudt; to ~Il Alderman. Patra. A bond. Pattana., patna. (putten) .•• A town. Patte (putta) A title deed granted by Government. Patte Apprehension; detection. Pattedar A lease holder. Patti A list. Pavu, pau One fourth of a secr. P6shkir A revenue officer next in rank to the Amildll.f. Peshkash (peshcush) The fixed payment made by zamindars to Govern- ment. Pete, petta Market; a trading tOWD. Pbarari A runaway. Phasalu Grop. Phidvi • Servant. l?hiryad • A complaint. 21

PhUt magaDi Subdivision of a magaDi. Pramana Oath. Pranta, printy a. Locality. rratiddi Derendant. Pubba. . A rain commencing between 28th August and 10th September. PudJ.vat Investments, generally of money, made by :persons for the upkeep or maintenance of temples and other charitable institutions. PUjUri The officiating Brahman or priest of a temple. Punarvasu A rain commencing between Brd and 16th July. Paddy, cotton, &c. are sown at this season. Punya Good lot or fortune. PurvabMClra A rain commencing between 2nd and 14th March. PurvRshada. A rain commencing between 26th December and 7th January; cummin, coriander, tobacco and other seeds are sown at this time. PushyI' A rain commencjng between 17th and 30th July. Gram and manloes are sown at this time. Pur6hita A family priest.

Raddi, reddi A Telugu designation for the head man ora. village, the head of village police. In some parts of the Province rent-free lands are assigned for -their support. Raddu Repeal; cancel. Raft Export. PlAhadari A passport. Raila, raiyat, ryot A cultivator; a farmer. Rajinama., razinama A deed of consent; an acquittance. Settlement of a c1ispute. A resignation of office. Ralda kodagi Land given free of rent to the family of a person wounded or killed in battle. Ra.ktavan An official whose business is to supply ink. Rasi A heaPt generally of corn. Thizi, Haji Mutual consent. Regada Black,cotton soil. Revati A rain in some places commencing between 28th Marchand 11th April. The land is Jlloughefl at this time. 22

Risale A detachment in the l\fysore Horse. Risaldar Officer commanding a detachment. Rivaz Rate of assessment; usage. R6hini A rain commencing between 22nd May and 4th June. Paddy, cotton, &c., are sown during this rain. R6jinama, roju Daily cash accOWlt of receipts and disbursements. Rokka Money; cash. RubMri Extract from a resolution or a letter adJrcssed by an equal to an equal. Ruju Proof; signature. Rusum .,. An allowance; fee­ Ruba-rub;-(roob roob) ••• Personally; in persoll.

~ Sabab An excuse; reason--- j cause. Sadilwar Contingent expenses, usually applied to money al­ lowed for the pl1rchase of stationery. Sigavali-chitu Writtan permission to cultivate land sifen to a ryot On his 81JPlication to take up land being accepted. Sagavalidar Cultivator. Saza Punishment. 8akshi A witness. sats. ... Debt. BaljMda. Annual return or statement. Saman ••• Baggage; articles. Sambala Pay; salary. Sammat A subdiVIsion of a taluk, corresponding to a hobli. Sammati Consent. Sampadane A perquisite; sJIoWllnce; gains not authorized. Samsthlina A district or territory belonging to a na.tivo chief, or a. temple; a state. Sandaya Repayment. San gada ••• A ferry boat formed of two dOnis joined to gether, with s. deck or platform upon them. Sannad,sUDDud A grant; a. diploma. j a charter; a. patent, a docu­ ment conveying to an individual emoluments, titles, privileges, offices, &c., under the sea.l of tho ruling authority. One who holds a. written authority or sannacl from the ruling JlOwer to hold lalld or office. 23

A fair; a market place. 8ante pasarayi ••• 11larket fees. SJXbarayi FurnishlDg surplies. SarMa, Shroff .1n examiner and sorter of coins; money changer. An official employed in treasuries to test aDd count coins. S.uhad Boundary; limit. Sarkar, cirear Government. &r amin, Sur ameen A sub-magistrate. Sarasari Average. S8.rayi Arrack. Sardir An officer; a. European gentleman. Sarvadhik.1ri General agent. Sarvam.luya Land granted on entirely free tenure. oovn1cira, sow-car A rich' man ; a merchant. Sa war, BOwar A troofer. S.iyar Transit duties; miscellaneous revenue. SCkada. Percentage. Ser, seer Grain m.easure=Rs. 84 in weight, or 1'68 Fints. A weight=24 tolas. Serveg4ra A chief herdsman in the Amrit Mahal. Sernve A bridge. Shah Era.; especially the era of Salivahana, commencing A.D. 78. SMnabh6ga, ShanbhOg... Village accountant; with hardly an exception they areofthe brahman easte. The office is hereditary in common with all the other village officials. In some places they hold land free of rent, and in others on light assessment. In some few places a fixed money allowance is given. In all instan­ ces there are certain fixed fees payable to tlIem in money or in kind by the ryots. Shanabu Hemp used in making a coarse cloth called g6ni. Shasana A stone slab or brass or copper plates on which me- morial inscriptions, grants to temples, &0., are recorded. Shckdd.r ReveJue officer in charge, of a hobli or sub-division of a taJuk. Shendi Toddy, Shetti A title borne by Komau and Lingayat merchants. Shikmidar Sub-culLivator. Shilku Balance; remainder. Shirastedar, Sherista.dar ... Head of a revenue or judicial office. 8hivayi jama. Miscellaneous receipts credited to Government. Shraya Progressive rental for improvement of land, or rent commencing at a low rate and increasing gradU­ ally year by year till the maximum limit is at­ tained. Shrotriyadar The holder of a village, or a certain extent of land granted on easy rent in'peI'Fetuity, or for a limit­ ed number of lives, (generally as a reward for public service) to Drahmans only. Sibbandi An establishment. Siledar, Silahdar, Si!ladar A lancer ; a trooper. Subed.l.r, Soobahdar A provincial governor; a native collector in charge ofa taluk. Suggi Harvest time. SuIci.liga, Sukal.Iigaru A tribe resembling gypsies j carriers, who wander about and earn a. livelyhood j sometimes caned Brinjaries. Sunka Toll, octroi j custom. Supan Areca nut. Suphardu ••• Possession; care. Tagade Importunity in urging the settlement of a claim or payment of a debt j dunning. Tagair Dismissal from service. Taggu Dearness; high price. TahaDlima ••• An agreement. TaMvi (tuccavee) Re.coverab1e advances of money to ryots to enable them to cultivate. Takid An order. Takd.r Dispute. Taku ••• A certain portion of land, generally applied to fields. Talari, talavara Village watchman and scout, whose duty is to give information to officers, &c., to guide travellers, &c., his only remuneration being the grant of a small extent of rent-free land. In 80me village. where there is no Tahiti the duties are :performed by the ToU, his deputy_ 25

T.ilUk, talaq, blook ••• .A division of a district under the management of an Amildar. Tlimbra alutsaoa Grant or inscription engraYed on copperplates. TammaJi The officiating priest oC a pagoda. TamEniku. A bond; a written document. Tankasale A mint. Tappa} Post. Tappe Relay or set of bullocks or bearers posted fer tra- vellers. TapsH Detail. TaradUd Adoption or prompt measures. Tan Wet, i. eoo irrigated land. Tank Date. Tasdik Allowance to temples, chatrams, &0. Tavn A place. Teppa. A ratt. Tern An idol tar. Te~ {evan Division between the nelds; a border or small bUlk of grass bounding a neld, commonly called bund or badhu. Th:ina, Thane. A police station. Tirpu A decision. TlrVe Land tax. Tola A rupee's weight=.\ part or a pound avoirdupois. T6pu A grove of trees generally called tope. Toreya A class of bearers. Tot a A garden. T6ti A menial among the village servants ; a. deputy taJ.ari. who is employed to watch the crops from the growing crop to the granary. Ti.bu The sluice of a tank or reservoir. Tukadi District. Udave Jungly tract fit for coffee plantation, a. term used in Nagar and Ha.ssan. Ukkada A station at the side oC a road where tolls are collected. Ulame Lan'd given to a sulxultivator. U1ameJAr A snb-cultivator. Uligadavaru Peons. lJmbali ••. A village or plot oC grotllld free of rent. 26

Unlbalidar The holder or a. rent-Cree village or land. Umedvar A volunteer official; one who works without pny in hope of ultimately gn.iniDg a situation. Uro A village; 80 county. Uttara, UddbiU'a TIemissionoof land-rent on account of imperrectly ripened crops from inclemency of SCI\SOll awl failure of rain. In Nagar it is used for Imimti.

Vadda, Waddar A tank digger; a worker in stone. Vadi Plaintiff. Vaidya A physician. Vaja. Reduction; deduction. Vaisa kha phasa1 May crop. Vakalat llama Power of aUorney. Vakil An agent; attorney. VakmUla. A deposition. Valagn. Uttara .:. Ucnt free land granted to musicians. Valase Fugitives; people moving en masse from o.larm ot' fenr of an invasion. Tenure ofland, the half of the produce of wIuch iA g1\"en to the landlord instead of rent. Varagara A sub-lessee who gives half the produce or the laml he cultivates to the owner. Va.raba The coin called a. pagoda. Varga, warg A ledger; 8. {arm or hoWing having ~ separate num­ ber in the revenue Recounts. There 0.1'0 SODle­ times two or three or eveD more holdings in one Yarga. Vargadar A lease holder (in Nagar), in other parts of 1he province the term means a. transforee. Varlamana News; iafurmation. Vartaka A merchant. VarusMsana Annual allowance. Vo.sba Possession i care ilchnrge. VasUl Collection; receipts. Vayide An instalment; a. term. Vicb6rane ... AD inqWr'y. Vigbalige The sixtieth part of 0. ghaligc or Indian hour. ViUed-clc, Vilyad-ele •. Detellear. V~~/Io '" A f3ixteentb rart of anythiog. 27

VlSha-Mlm To poison. Vivara ••• Particulars. Vrittidar Proprietor of small grants of lauel free of rent, or on a light rent, to Bralunans only. Vynp-ira Trade. Vyajya A quarrel; a. law suit.

Wolagra Internal j home produce. Wola-saguvalidar Sub-cultivator. Wottu Total.

Yadasht, Yadbtu, Yadi A memorandum. Yajamana Master; lord; owner; proprietor; husband. YaIa, Yela An auction. Yedagai A member of tne left hand caste; currier and shoe-­ maker. Yele hambu Betel vine. Yedaru chitn A counterpart agreement; an engagement given by the tenant of an estate held under lease or mort­ gage to pay a. consideration annually for its occu­ pancy ; also a writing given by the purchaser of land to the proprietor, engaging to give it back on receiving his money again within a stipulated period. Yeta, Yata A lever for raising water from a well; a. well from whlch water is raised by such an instrument. In some places it is called a pikota. Zirat Cultivation. INDEX.

Abalod, 13G. Anur, 404, 435. Abbas Kuli Khan, 25, 6l. .Anchfl Hal!a, 2·11. Abbe Dubois, 334. Anda:,ura, 366. Abdul Nabi Khan, 3':'3. \Andhrka, 18,147,162. Achal betta, 54, 247. AnebiJ-hall!J., 432, 434, 43S. Atiliyuta RaJa, 20, 71,128, 37S. Anecha.ukur, 198, 264. Adllgur Kalte, 240. Anegundi, 19,20,183,340, Sol. Adi Chola Raja, 2CG. Anekal, I, 14,19,39, 40. Agml, 42, 129,282. Arumals, domestic, 14, 91, 146, 203 Agastya., 243, 264. 295,350,413, '458. Agastya parvata, 380. ---wild, 13, 91, 146, 201, 294, Agumbi, 346,366, 376. 350,411, 45S. Agumbi ghat, 37i, 440,466. Ankana Gauda, 147, 148,166. Aigur, 289, 299, 323, 326, 410,416, Ankanballi, 222, 240. 438. Ankiisgiri, 128, 138. Ainur Yarigudi, 196, 198,233. Ankusha Raya, 52. Airani, 4E6. Anne Kayak, 187. Ajimpur, 405, 427, 445,481. Anni Gauda, 112, 136. Akalanka. Bhatta, 336. Actar Gangs, 124, 125. Alhana Dan:l)ak, 94,95,130. Anurgatte, 422. Akkibebbal, 288, 324. Antarsante, 198. Alaleiratte, 24'0. Apoji Rama, 483. Ala-ud-Dw, 354. Araga, 376, 436. Aldur, 403. Arakere, 221, 241. Ali Khuli Khan, 59, 61. Area, 1,82, 139, 191, 285,539, 4.01, Alur, 225, 309, 321. 450. Amaragondapura, 163. Arehalli, 291,313. Amb:iji-c:lurga., 83, 97, 99, 106. Arjuna, 205, 245. Ambu-tirtha, 3£6. Arjunapura,215 Am<1lackere, 84. Arkalgad. 285,289,293,309, 311. Amrit Mahal, 92, 143, 203, "236, 2:>5, Arkapuri, 311. 850, 455. Arkavati, 1, 8, 41, 51, 59, 66,73,83, Anaj~ 456,_ 461, 481, 4~5. 109. Anandur, 241, 244. Arkotar, 93, 229. Amntapur, 339,344, S6G. Arsikere, 2€6, 319. Anavatti, e45, 366, IArsiIlgundi, 4e9. IS Aehtagram, 191, 197, 199, 221, 267. Bali, 868. Atgulipur,198. BaUala (Hoysala), 17,18,65,71,9., Attigundi, 429. 147, ~06, 277, 278, 297, 314, 818' Attikatte, 193, 240. 323,331, 354,415, 459, 500. 'Attikuppa, 285, 290, 311, 313. BaMlr8.yan-ciurga., 355, 403, 429. Aurangzib, 25, 149, 182,209, 254. Balmuri, 220, 222, 241. Avalu-konda, 125. Balur, 406, 438. Avani, 92, 101, 106. Balvant Rao, 117. Avantlka Kshetra, S2, 106. Banagirl, 286. Avati, 19, 94,106,404,427,430,448, Banati Marl Betta, 66. 503. Banavar, 20, 401, 403, 4,15, 430,431. Avinita, 206. Banavasi, 296, 352, 354, 458. Ayamang8la, 488. Bandigere chlUlDel, 248, 210. Ayyankere, 404, 412, 427, 434,443," B'andipura, 196, 198. 448, 503. Bangadi, 353, 374. Azim Khan, 427. Banga.lore, 1, 2, 8, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 37, 42, Eaba Budan, 294- 43, 44, 76, 85, 92, 113, 149. Baba Budan hills, 401,4.03,405, 408 , Bannerghatta., 43, 52. 410,428,441, 445. Bannur, 222, 239, 241. Babhruv8.bano., 205. Barangi, 385, 3S6. Badari, 386. Bar Chukki, 192, ~39, 213. Bagadi, 288, 306. Bargur, 157. Bagavadu, 84. Barja male, 290. Bagepalli, 85, 107, 115, 119. Barkur, 353, 355, 374. Baggunji, 403,448. Barmagiri, 489, 503. Begur, 296, 855,458,492, 500. Darmappa Nayak, 499. Baiche Gauda, 65, 112, 118, 118, 119. Barmma Deva, 375. Baillie, Co~ 269. Barluige betta, 9. Bairan channel, 248, 270. Bas.a.lat Jnng, 25, 96, 149, 183. Bairan·durga, 42, 70. , Dasava, 78, 354. Bairasagar, 84, 117, 125. Dasavana. betta, 197, ISS, 2-l7. Baire Gauda, 57, 94, 96, 106, 130, Basavankote, 408. U7, 148, 166. Basavopatn8, 354,355,367, 460,491, 13alam, 298, 820, 416, 448. Bati, 461, 481. Be.lappa. Nayak, 499. Beta rayan hill, 1C8. Bala. Vira, 499. Bednur, 183, 210, 855, 356, 367, Dale llo.anur, 403, 432. I 3S3, 462, 482. m Begar,44O­ Phumandana, 18, 74, 162. Begur, IS, 43, 196, 198, 233. Bhutipura, 477. Delgivi or Balg1mi, 291, S52, 3S1, BidarguPF6, 39, 65. ai5. BiJjala Deva, 853, 354. &lgutti, '342, 368. Bi}ch:ld, 456, 494. Bellandur, 14. Bile-svara betta, 369, 3i5. BelLin, 1M, 159. DiISi, palegar of, 369. Bellur, 331. lJelllitikere,84. Dilig"r:rangan Hills, 192, 197, 201, 22 I, 225, 283. Be 1 ur, 207 , 285,286, 28S, SI3, 515. Dilikal betta, 66. Bemmallflkandi betta, 247. Binnamangala, 18. Bendravadi, 220, 226. Blra Deva, 375. Benkipur, 341, 432, 4·J,1. Blra Devaras:", 368. Berambadi, 191, 198. Birur, 432, 433. Berin} ha!la, 313,336, 404, 434. 8isale Ghat, 207, 286, S08. Betamma, 327. Disalvadi, 196,233. Betmangala, 82, 83, 81, S8, 93, 94, 107, lOB. Bitt! Deva, 297. 13ettada Chama Raja, 257. Bomdiballi, 288, 314, 336. Bettadakote, 207, 229. Bomma Nayalr,498. Bettadpur, 192, 223,224,263. Bommasandra, 116. Betta halli, 216. Boppagaudanpura, 216. Betta Halsur, 2. Boundaries, 1,82,139,191,285, 339, Bettur, 459, 475, 482- 401,450. Bevillaha.lli, 470. Bowringpet, 102, 105, 107, 108, 109, Bhadra, 340,342,869,393,400,403, 124. 432,481. ' Boys. Gauda, 491. Bhadra Blihu, 296, 335. Brahmagir~ 41, 109, 110, lS2, 243. Bbadra Gauda, 378. Brahmans, 27, 98, 151, 171, 220, Ehadra.iya, 855. 301, 358, 418, 466. BlWrasu Wodeyar, 353, 375. Bbang5.r DOOdi, 222, 241. Brahmos, 29. Bhargavapuri, 414. BrihadbMnupura, 234. Bharmasagar, 4GO. Buchi N ayak, 323. Bhaskara Kshetra, 313. BMi Basava:ppa, 856, 869. Bhas:nangi. 160. Buwhal, 149, 183. 430, 450, 456. Bhima, 134, a7e. 462, 473, 475, 476. Bhima Danaya.k, 201~ Budikote, 91, 107, 109, 128. Bbiman-katte, 3.1S, 403. Buai~Nayak,498 •. Bb.imlJrl.1Dludra, 4.78 Bukk&, 255, 416, .(1 11'

Buklra NayaJr~ &;Za. Channapatna, !lI, 25, Sl, 37, 15; M. Bukkapatna, 144, 182. Channarayan cetta, 132. Bund Ghat, 808, 826, 328,431,435, Channarayan·durga, 13:1, 162,172.175. 438. Channels, S5, 192, 287. Bungalows, Dale, 3P, 105, 159, 220, Chaoraypa{na, 285, 286, 289, 316, 3] 7. 309,366,426,475. Chairam8, 38, 105, 159, 220, a09, Burdagullta, 95, 113, 134. aGe, 426,475. Canara, 340, 250, ~24. (hal'ada Gauda, Si~, B79. Carnatic, 23, 24, 84, 86, 149, 462. ChelJakere, 464, 477, 484. Carnatic ~ijnpur, 21, 149. Chetur, 119, 185. Chaimi Danayak, 332. Chengal Raya, 223, 224. Chakratirtha, 288. - Chen€ravalli, 310, 3S6. Challava Ganga, 94. elieona Basavaiya, 117. Chalukya, 147, 296, 331, ~52, 3M, Chennngiri, 339, B40, 341, S4.o, 546, 366, 368, 459, 462, 4c6. 350, [S69, 371. CMma Raja (Bole), 257. Chennapatl1a, 823. CMma Ra;a Wodeyar, 21, 67, 227, Chennarpa Nayak, 323. 234,236,314, 316,332. Chenna. Raj WodeJar, 235. Chama Rajendl'a. Wodejar, 208. Chenna. Raya., 317. Chamenhalli, 248, 270. Chera, 17, 54, 206, 277. ChatDpaka nagara, 147, 180. Cluk Ilallapur, 19, 59, 82, fa, 87, Champaka Sarasi, 366. 88,110, 11], 122- CMmrajnagar, 11='1, 197, 201, 225, Chikka TIyaladalere, 489. 227,2i:5. Chikka Devil. Ba~a, 24, 148. CMmunda Raya, 296. Chlkka Deva Raya Sagar, 198, 222, Chamundi Hill, 192, 216, 228. 241. Cbandan-aranya, 7. ClJauda Raja, 74, 76. Chikkanagal, 293, 321. Chanda Eahib, 356, 462. Chikka Nayaka, 161, 187. Chlkkanna Nayak, 46 I, 492. Chatdra hUa, 296, :l35. Chikkanna ~hetti, !J5. Chandra Drona, 429, 441, 503. ChikkllFFa Gauda, 58, 60, 61, 113, Cllandl'llgiri, 18, 21, 209. . 162, 179. Chandragupta,"16, 63, 335. Cp.8ndragutti, 34.0, 351, 355, S69, Chik'ka Raya, 71. 395. Chikka. Rayal Timme Gauda, 95- CbandraME'a, Sb1. Chikka SingaPfa NaJak, 323. CMulkya, 16,63. Chlkka. Timme Gauda, 40. Channakcsava bettB, 75, 110, 132, CllIkmagalur, 401, ('03, ~~ 'OG lS4.. ,33,,,,485. Chlknaya'ks.Dha11i, 13~. 14.0.142,746, f Dakshina Varanasi, 315- US, l:i6, Hj~, lCO,161. IDnlavanapura, 11, 206,276- Chilll1pa1li, 84. : Dalbous6, Lord, 2G~t 2;'0. Chllur, 366. : Van ;~aka IIebbaraiya, 324, Chlnkurali, 299, 311, [29. !l'allaH"kan kote, 2~U. C~nt~lran~ P.M, 114'!l 1Dand~k6r~n~~, 7. '" Ch,ntamaDlftlt, 1(:6, 114, 1 .. 6. \ Danlhsasl i\a)aka, II>, Ch.t.udroog, ":50,451,4:,2,453, 451, Dandanti 39;',396.' 4.56, 45~. 460, 46:?, 463, 4.64, 472, PalJil3sa, -1 t L (73,478, 4i9, 496. IDanka[;3Ch,il'i, ]7T. Ch'trangada, 205. !Dariy& DaulRl Bligh, 222, 241, 269. Chitrao Stlkhara., 415,49:.", too, DnEanrnr, 193, 2-14. Chitr.iyati, ~3, Ill, 115. Dasarahalli, 16 i. CbJttur, 395. D.i\'angere, 450, 456, 4iZ, (73, 481 Choka. Babati, 123. 483. Chola, Ii, 70, 71, 93, lOS. 130, ~06, : Davasi betta, 207. 277, 311. I Dajal Baicha Gaud&, 57, 135, 1'7, Cholanhal:i, In, 244. 148. Choradi, 340, 381, 399. Devagiri, 18, 354, 459, 4,5. Christians, SO, 100, 152, 213, 802, I Deva!"onda, i:S5. S60, ·120,468. i Devambudhi, 220. ChUDthankatte, 219, 223, 233, 2-10. IDevanhalli, 1, 10, 12, 19, 25,56, 51. Chnnchangiri, 2S6,304, 330, S31. Devanuru, 194, 225, 226.. Climate, 5, 86, 143, 19-1, 289, :J43, i De.a. Raja, 25, 76, 148, 163, 171 405, 453. I 226, 237. ClOEepet, 1,8,13, S3, 38, 153,55. Dcvarajhalli, 120. Communicatio[ls, 37, 1Co, 158, 220, In ''--it 2<)<) "<)' , f>VIU'SJKa e, ... -, _"'"*. C07, 365, 426, 4i4. I D •. ' ga 18 ""4 1"9 14~ 1"7 evara)uur, , I , il, ~,~, Cornw&llis, Lord~ 26, 58, 77, 'ip. 96.: 16'l__ , 1~<)1_, 1l::5...... 114,131, 167, 159, 177, 179,245, : D • , 123 '()\aray.. n~\lra, • 299. D 9 28f! I evar bet-t a, • , l. Crops, 10, 145, 199, 3-17. Deva~amudra, (73, 485. --Ana uDder, 12, 88, 146, 201, I"' T" ch' ';;;' '" 'I,e,ec ). dgu0r, ij,~. 292, 347, -un, 4.57. J I.' • "-5 j De,enl ra nirlI, ill • Cubb~ Sir Mark, 132. \ Devenura Tiriha. llhat(a raka, 874. Cu1tin.tioD, 145, 198, 2'2, 346, 408, \ De\iramman gudda, 429. 456. Dbarma mbudhi, 14, 44, 46. Dabbi gatta, 169, 17'0. Dharmapuri, 16. DakahiIla. Ganga, 212. I Dharma. Raya, 63, 378. n Kisi, 'is. IDbUDla Ba~", 355. ~

Dhumi hilI, 355. Exports, 104, t8l, 424. Dhundia. Wahag, S56, 869,394. Dibba girl, 110, 115. Fairs, 33, 102, 155, 216, 804, 863, 422, 4.iI. Dila.var Khan, 1S3, 867. attegupre, Dipambudhi, 145. F ae6. Fatte Muhammad, 95, 110, 124. DodaIa Na3ak, 496. Fattepetta, 386. Dod Ballapur, 1, 3, 8, 10, 19, !lB, 60, 11F, 141'), 183. Festivals, 82, 101, 154,215,301,362. Dodda Anistt, t62. 422, 4'iO. Dodda Baiche Gauda., 187• Fish, 13,91,203,295,412. Dodda. Baire Gauda, 58,112, 113. Forests, 9, SS, 144, 198, 291, 346, Dodda-Basa\"aiya, 317. 408. Dodda. betta, 291. Fraserpet, 196, 238, 242. Dodda Bidare, 4i4. French Rocks, 192, ~29. Dodda Deva Raj, 22~, 3:'2. Gag,lna Cbukld, 192, 239, 272. Dodda. Ho.vali Baire Gauda, 60. Gajalhatti pass, 235. Dodds. Krichna Raja, 25. Gajnur, 193, 235, 341. Doddamma, 19. Gandasi, 319. Doddanna Nayak, 491. Ganga., 76. Dcdda Ra), 224. Gangadhara Raja, 206. Dodda Ramo. Baire Gauda, 167. Gangamula, 369, 3ge, 403, 432, (S6, Dcdda Timme Gauda, 41. 44S. Dedderi, 149, 183, 450, 463, 472, Ganganur, 235. 483,485. Gangappa Nayak, 71, ';6. DC'ddinkola.ga. gudda, 434- Ganga. Raja, 225, 245, 2i1, 2'i2, 335. Dc mmasandra, 3~. Gangarpente, 144. Dougala or Dokkala. Konda, 83, 91, Ganjam, 204, 218, 266, 270, 353. IUS, 119, 135. Ganjaranyn, 7. Dora.nalu, 445. Gantevinayakan Kana.ve, 425, 426- Dore-gudd,a, 142, 163. Gante Wodeyar, 375. Dravida, 21. 2;9, 297. Gardangiri Clr Garudagirl, 292, 403, Dundu (Nirgunda Yuva Raja),499. 430,431. Durga. Khuli l(han, 61. Gargita, 340, 381. Duryodbana, 63. Garudachala, 73. 163, 169, 172- Dvaravatl or Dorasamudrll, 18, 207, Gatparti, 503. 297, 318, 354, 446, 459. Gathek rlo8jl1, 236. Dwellings, 3], 101,154,215, S03,361, Gauj agrahara, 351. 421,469. Gaurl balla, 4.04, 427, 448. Eastern Ghats, 75, 82, 108, 137 Gautama Rishi 266, 311. Ettikur, 27.3. Gavipura., 20, 43, 61. Genoppa, 3(0, sn, 371, 355, SSG, Hadapada Bayaptl& (or Jayappa) Nayak,321. 381, sao. Bttgalvadi, 148, 161, 164, 165, 181, Gha~s, 54, 105, 124, 290, 339, S42, 493, 503. 344, 345. Hagari, 339, 340, 448, 451,485, 4D4. Gidde Gauua, 19, 20. Hagrikangiri, 404. Giriyappa N ayak, 496. Haidar Ali, 25,41,50,52,58,61,64, Godavery, 16, 93. 96,110,113, 111,122, 131, 148, Golconda, 25, H 9. 149, 160, 162, 163,165, 167, 171, Oopal Gaud&, 58. 178, Ii9, 183, 203, 210, 228, 229, Oopal Hari 25, 52. 237,238, 241, 245, 247, 25i, 269, Oopal Krishna, 84. 2iO, 299, 317,329,855,856, 366, Gopalswimi \:etta, 192, 206, ~07, 367, 378, S83, 416, 421,432,4.10, 229, 232- 441,447,_ 448,462,463, 477,487, Gopi gudda, 291. 490,493,496,497, 502. Goribidnur, 59, 82,83, 93, 115, 116, Haidar Ghar Ghat, 340, 341, 382,3'33. 132, 134, 173. Haidar WaH. 129. Gorur, 286, 323, a36. Haiga,352. Gosibre, 464. Haimavritta, 296. GovitaMlu, 486. Hakka. or Haribar&, 255,416. Govinda Nayaka, 241. HalagUr, 194, 198. 246. Grama, 290, 321. HalarP& Nayak, 490. Green, Mr. Frederic, 294. HalasUr, 20, 21, 42, 49, 50, 61, 415. Gnbbi, 156, 163, 164, 170. Halebiu, 18, 171, 207, 2i3, 2i7, 2[,3, Gndelll8.l1lh.alli, 76. 315,317,354,415,430, S03. Gudiba.nda., 59,82,83,85,87, 9a, Hale Gauda, 148, 165. 113, 111,118, 125. Hale Tanduga, 147. Gnhasllrn, 486. Hlilballi, 193,232, 312. Guh8ranya kshetra, 486. Halsur betta, 43. GUlur, 119, 185. Halvagal, 26R, 336. GUIIU::l& Nayak, 120. Hampapura, 233, 237, 240. Gumna)akanpJ.lya, 82,83, 85, 87. Hampasandra, 157, 175. 91 " 119 120. 121,. 133, 135. Hampe, 340, 351, 399, 400. GundaJ, 192, 230, 232, 231. Hamsa Dhv8.a, ]47. GundlapaJli, 133. Hanag6d, 19.',203,213,263. Gundlufet, 191, 191, .201, 229, 231. Hanasoge, 2~'3, 309. Guramkonda, 122- Ilangal or Panangal, 352, 354, 455. Guriaclur.ta, 65. Hangala! 231, 284. - Badadi, 460. lLJ.ngarhalli, 193, 2U, 263. Jladaoaru ( lIada·Jlidg )232. 259. lIamligeri. 8..l5. , Ba.numanfa htte, 198, 240. lIemava:ti, 192, 238, £~ '\ 288, 32":' Hannmantapur, 193,244. 325, 326, 332, 334, ,404, 4 llanumarpa Nliyak, 355. Hemmige, 242, 275. Haradanahalli, 198, 202. 'lieriganahalli, 295, 33l. Hli.rnham, 285, 289, 290, 319, S20, IIIesiJrgatta, 20,41,73. 415,430. IIettur, ;125, 328. Harr.'lu, 221, 241. HidimbasU:'h, 480. Haritlra, 34,0, SQ9, 481, 483. lIimavad Gopa]swami };etta, 22!). Haridravati, 34d, :)69, 886. Hililliganalu, 33. Ilanhara, 208, 310, 855, 399, 451, Hindus, 27, 98, 150, 211, 300, 858, 452,_41H, 4til, 473,481,486. 118, 466. llariL.ara Raya, 70, 279, 43u, 439, Hindllpur, 83, 173.

482;-487. I IIiouon rlh~Dg, 17,68. Harihara Somesvara Raya, 415, 4St. rBira!'ly~hha, 400. Hariharesvara LeUa, 110, 115, 122,: Hire IJanllma}'Plt Nayak, 460. Ha~harpur~ 403, 406, 436. I Hire Mauakai Kayak, 499. lJal'iketa,314. Hiremagalur, 404, 414, 415, 4.:}1} Hari Varma, 276. liinkalgudda, 167, 2')2, 219, 430, IIarji Raja, 25. 432. Harohalli, 33, 54. Hiriya Sinrappa NRyak, 326. llarpallhalli, 183.461,462. Hiriyur, 45J, 451, 454, 4:;::;, 4~,6, Harris, General, 247,267. 458,4.60,473,487, 4-RD, 503, (Jot. Darli, 463, 464. IIirodi (French Hocks), 210, 228, Hasanur Ghat, l!)~, 227, 260. 229. Hassan, 285, ~S 6, 23~, 2S 9, 290, History. 16, 92, 147, 205, :~96, 351, 295, 321, 322. 413, 459. IIastinMati,851. Dolalkere, 38:1,460, 4CI, 490. IIavali 13aiche Gauda., 163. HoJa'\"a. Gauda. 166. llavali Daire Gauda, 60,96, 113, He, HClle Honnor, 340, 861l, 432. 002. lloluvanhal1i or Kcrarnrur, 19, 107, Hebbe, 404, 408, 42t:, 432, .H2. H7, 148, 163, 166, IG7. Hebt'ur, 148, 165, 16~. IIoma, 226, 225. Heggada Deva, 234. Hongalvadi, 193, 23!l. IiegbuJadevankote, 191, 193, 194, I HOllnU IIole (Suvamin\ti), 102, 22G, 197,201, 202, 233, 234, 235. 2;;5, 238, ;.lt$3. Heggere, 487. IIcllwili, ~3!), 342, 315, :K.mpula Raja, 261. 170, 181. Kamyaka vana, 378. Kadamba, 237, 279, 482. Kanchikal-durga, 403. Kadamba Kola, 175. Kand.avara, 84,96. Kadamba Rishl, 170. Kandeya, 416, 438. Kadgodi, 2, 37, 43, 63. Kll:ndikere, 148. Kadrappa Nayak, 121. Kangana. Nayak, 367. Kadu, 276. Kanaluina, 67. Kad.ur, 375, 4.01, 403, 405,415,430, Kankanhalli, 1,2,8, 13, ]7, 33 41, 437. J 52,66, 67. Kafur, 18, 297, 818, 854. Kaga1vad~ 225, 226. Kankuppa, 450, 451,455, 456,472, Kagenari, 290. 494. Kaifiyat Khan, 149, 183. KannamMdi, 286, 312. Kaivara, 95, 133, 134. Kante Arasu, 186. Kakankote, 196, 198, 202, 233, 237. Kanthirava, 113.

Kakati family, 16. Kanthirava Narasa. Raja, 2' I 163, Kakkur, 235. 265, 311. Kakudgiri, 78. , Kanva, 54, 70, 72, 246. Kalachuryas, 352, 353, 354,868, 459. Kanva Rishl, 296. 1\ ala1e, 237, 2Se, 284. KarachUr Nandi Raja, 261. ., 353, 374,403,410,415, 438, Karekal~gudda, 14], 171,187. Kalasanna Shetti, 95. Karigatta, 221, 222, 238, 325. Kalasvadi, 267. Karikala Chola Raja, 264. Kalavar-durga, 96, 110,113,122,132. Karakala, 297, 853,415,438,448. Kaldurga, 417. 432. Karodi, B27. Kalhalli, 288, 824. Kartika Raja, 447. Kalllatti, 429 44.'. Kartiviryarjuna, 92, 351 • r • f :d Karngalli, 232, 233. Kodi Maneha.nhalli, 96, 112- Kastwi Rangappa Naya.k, 461. Kola, 93, 94 •. Katamacbanha11i,84. Kolahala,93. liatur, 446. : Kolal, 161.

Kat\e Malalwadi, 244, 263. I' Kolar, 21, 26, 64, 82, 83,84, 95, 96, Ka[tepura, 238, 310. 122, 124, 130. }\atti ]..-amanna, 165. IKoJar betta, 125. Kaundinya, 122, 125, 232. Kolatur, 84, 347. Kaundinya Rishi, 125. Kolar ghat. 380, 382. l\aV"acha, 205. Kolar katte, 341. na,aledurga, 339, 340, 345, 346, Komarniya, 162. S64, 376, a7i, 378. Konanur, 23B. K:wera Muni, 243. Kondarpi, 183, 498. liav(ri (Cauvery), 1, 66, 191, 192, Kongana. Nayak, 355, 367. 198, 205,221, 228, 235, 288, 24:3, Kongani III, 277, 279. 246,263, 275, 286, 288, 325, 353. Kongu or Cheraw li, 54, 72, 266, 276, Keladi, 355, 378, S79. 296, 352, 353,458. Kempambudhi, 14, 20. Kop~ 401. 408, 418, 439. KCllr8 Nanja Gaud&, 11,20. Koppa betta., 66, 403. Kempe Gauda, 2U, ~, 44, 47, 61, 62, Kortagiri, 19, 139, 140, 142, 144, 'i'O, 71, 78,80,148, 166, 169. 148,158, 163, 167, 172, 173. Kencham.'llana Hoskote, 328. Ken konda, 113, 115. lienieri, 37, 43, 68, 69. Rotte Malla Nayak, 498. Kerala, 279. Kottigeh:ira, 286. Keregod~ 250. Krishna, 93,94,463. Keresante, 41.2. Krlshnappa Nayak, 298, 299, 311, Kete halla, 823, 826. 327. Khan Jehan LOOi, 22. Krishna. Rays, 20,375. Khasim Khan. 25, 59, 61, 64, 74, Krishnaraja-giri, 76. 95, 118, 125, lt9, IS3, 209. Krishnaraj-katte, 288, 293, 809. KibOOnhalli, HO, 144, 160. Krishnarajpur, 286. rug, 411. Krishna. Varma, 852. Killen, 298, 306. Kshatrlyas, 28, 98, 151, 212, 3tH, KiJangadi, 438. 8~, 418, 466. Kilimale, 271. KshemaJm, 16. Killekoival, 9,70. Kshira-nadi, 133. Kirti Varma, 352. KubatfUr, 351. KiLtankere, 293. KudaU, 380. Kilturu, 288, 314. KudaJ.ur, 486 J'odacb.idri, 339, 340, 342, 379, 382. Kudromani K8.'al. 476. Kudugallur, 279. Lava, 92. Kudumale, 125. Lingadahalli, 446. Kudur,42. Upi Jogis, 175. Eudure Mukh, 403, 431. Live stock, 14, 146, 205, 296, S51, Kumadvati or Kundar, 41, 73, 79, j 413, 458. 115,122,14.0,173,176, 179. Lokamma. or Lokam1.Jika, 147,187. Kumadvati or Choradi, 380. Lokapavani, 221, 238, 241, 286, 3215, Kumara. BarmappalSayak, 461. 330. Kumara Jagat Deva:52. Lomapada, 413 Kumara. Mallappa Nayak, 477. Lopamudra, 243. Kumbalgod, 20. Machala Devi, il17. Kumsi, 340, 345, 346, SM. Machisamudra,464. Kunagal, 4i, 54. M_~

Mirle, 193, 240. 313,315,317,321, 32S, 332, 333, Moguls, 22, 95, 186. 334, 3n, 373, 384, 3S6, 392, Z94, Molkalmurll, 451, 453, 455, 456, 396, 398,432, 433, 435, 438, 4~7, 478,481,483,487,490,491, 493, 462, 464, 472,473,484,497, 498. 494, 497, 003. Morasu Wokkalu, 18, 19, 94. Murari, 378. Mosale Halla, 241. Murari Rao, 96, 113, 121,462. Moti TaLib, 250, 278. Murasanpalli, 125. Moyar, 230. Murgi, 470. Mudda. Baire Gauda, 67, 59. 'Murkan gudda, 286. Mudimadagu, 83, 87, 91, 137. Murugamale, 83, 94, 136. Muduur, 380. Mysore, 191, 208, 221,251,252,353, Mudu Bidare, 353, 374. 464. Mysore Ashtagram, 208, 221. Muduk-dore, 251. ~ -,"- Mudvadi durga, 41, 66. Mysore Wodeyars, 24, 41, 208, 232, 238,416. Muganayakankote, 179. Mugli pass, 84, 124. Naga, 170, 181, 188. Mugur, 216, 251. Nagamangala, 285, 289, 298, 307, 330, 331. Muhammad III, 297. Nagapuri, 431. 432. Muhammad AdJl Shah, 23. Nagar, 339, 341,342, 344,345, 346, Muhammadans, 29, 99, 152, 213, 350,381,382,463, 483. 302, 360, 420, 468. Nagaragere, 85. Muhammad Reza, 394. Nagarakere, Raja. of, 271. Mukunda-nagal'a or Muganda-patna, Nagar Poutia, 209. 16, 17, 54, 72. Nagati, 321. Mulainagiri, 403, 428. Nagavadi, 379. Mulbagal,82, 87, 93, 94, 97, 101, Nagavara, 291. 128, 129. NagiDi, 147, 174, 175, 181. ,Mulki, 353,374. Naglapur, 147. Mummadi Chikka Hayal Timme Nagralpille H'anave, 116. Gauda, 95. ,Naikaneri Pass, 84, 124. Mummadi Jagadeva,..... 52. Nalini, 175• Mummadi Kempe Gauda, 76. Nallappa, 181. Municipal Funds, 41, 51, 53, 55, 58, NaIlur, 15. 61, 65, 68,69, 72, 74, 'i6, 80, 81, Namagondlu, 85.

107,109, 114j 117,119, 124, 127, Nanda pr:pces, 16, 63. 130, 1:36,138, 159, 162, 164, 169, Nandagudi, 16, 63. 17S, 175, 178, 184, 185, 187, J8S, Nandi, 91, 93, llJ, 130. 228, 232, 236, 246, 24~, '250, 258, Nandi-durga. (Nund,droog). J, 82, 2tl1, 2~2, 2i~, 270, 282,309,811' 87, 88, 91, 96, 110,114, 111, 130, ~andi Raja, 271. Nizam, 61, 96. Nangali, 84, 94, 122. Nizam Shahi, 22. Nanjancud, 191, 198, 201, 206, 211, NolamMdhi Raja, 93. 259,260. Nonabar, 386. Nanjanhalli, 244. NonambaVlidi, 297, 354, 459, 482, Nanja Raja, 22, 224. 486. Nanjunda. Arasu, 224, 264. Nonvinakere, US. Narasapur, 105, 126. Nriga, 147, 175. Na.rasimha, 147, 836, 5eO. Nripa Raya, 17]. Na.rasimha Deva Betta, 66. Nugu, 196, 233, 237, 262. ~"T • N'~t,. 1'>1 121) ~,araSlm ha. a,!QA, "'J .w,",932 Nyamti, 342, 3i2, 384. 333. Obana Nayak, 461. Narasimhapnra, 187. OccuJl8otionl", Sl, 100, 153, 214, 303, Narasimha Tirtha, 129. 361, 420, 469. Narayan Gauda, Il4. Other orders of Hindue, 29, 99, 152, NarEinga Rao, 477. 213, 302, 359, 419, 467. Narsipnr, 285, 287, 300, 332, 333. Oyal Dinne, 2, 43. Narasambudhi, 232, 260. Narve, 441. Palar, 19, 56, 83, 108, 123, 129, N.i.sir Jung, 251. 182, 133. Navakoti Narayan Shetn, 106. PaIhalli, 219, 222, 262. NayakanhatU, 470, 471, 484, 497, Pallava, 93~ 103, 353. 499. Palya, 321. Nayara Shekhara Raya, 206. Pandavas, 16, 63, 92, 116, 134, 234, NelamangaIa., 1,8, 18, 27, 32, 72, 73· 255, 378. Nel1,ur, 134, 193, 244. Pandyas, 297. NelJur-patna, 18, 06,74. Papaghni, 83, 119, 122, 132, ]33, Nemmar, 403, 406, 439. 135. Netravati, 285, 326, 400, 436. Papa Nayak, 120. Nidugal, 451, 453, 456, 460,463, Papanpa.lli, 138. (1)4, 499, 501. Parama Gauda, 499. Nidugatta, 262. Parasu Ra.ma, 92, 351, 369, 437. Nijagal, 73, 74, 79, 139. Farasu Ram Bhao, 161, 177, 180, NiIa Sekhara, 49!\ 299, 332, ;J56, 367, 369, 394. Njrgnndaor ~ilavati-Fatna.415, 45P I 'ParasuramFur, 473, 485. 459, 499. t'alikshit, 351. Nirntadi,460. ParaHlswami, 324, 329. Nirvani Ma,:h, 403. Parsis, 9, 88, 346. Nisana, 237. Pa.taIipur, 63. Nivata, 205. Fa,tandur betta, 18, 43. xrl l'atap!Jya, 119, 120, 121. Raghunath Narrain, 24. Patm Ashtagrama, 208, 211, 221, Rahman-dursa, Sa. Pavugada, 450: 451, 453, 456, 458, Rahman Ghur, 133,184. 464, 600, 50J, 503. Ha.ilway, 87, 105. Peddi Nayak, 327. Rainfall, 6, 87, 143, 135, 289, 344 Pennagonda, 21, 54, 59, 64, 83, 121, 4.06, 4.54. 149, 209, 496, M2. Raja. Diro. Gauda, 177. Pennar,74. Raja Narendm Chola, 94- Pcresandra, 85. Raja Pammeavara llaya, 499. Peliyapatna, 191: 197, 201, 202, 262, Rajaparamesvari, 222, 242. 264. Raja Wodejar, 208, 209, 245, 2{)5, Periys. Wodeyar, 265. 267, 277, 279, 280. Permadevanhalli, 504. Pcrumal Danayak, 207. Rajtl!ldra Cbola, 17. Physical features, 1, 82, 130, 191, 285, Rajendra-simha-nagara, 17, 'i2. 339, 401, 451. llama, 92, 106, 147, 17J, 2i6. Pinakini, N. (Pennar), 59. 33, 111: Ramachandm or Hemachandrn, 18. 134, 176, 180, 451, 501. nama Gauila., 118, 119, l48, IG2, Pinalcini, S. (Pennar), 2, 39, 43, 56, ·177. 64,7~ 8~ 111, 13~ 13l namakka, 121, 122. Pir Ghaib, 273. llamalinga.betta, 65. Plantations, 9, 88, 346. r.amanujacMri, 171, !!50, !2G5,266, PolaIva, 486. 297, 828,336. Population, 26, 96, 149, 210, 299, Ramnppa, Vina, 298, 314. 357, 417, 465. Rama Raja, 20. Prasanna-gjri, 162. Ramasamudra, 226, 22~t 235. Prat;tpa Chola Raja, 206. Ramaswami, 222, 242. Prahipa. Rudra, 70, 497. Ramswami l\rodaliar, 272. Ptolemy, 238, 352. Ramgiri, 26, 53, 55, 75. Puduvako~, 197,198,233. RamDatbpur, 242, 288. Pungnnur. 19, 64, 95, 107. Rampura, 196. Punjur, 197, 198. Ra.msigs.f, 84, lOa, 133. Pura, 422. Rans. Bake Gaud.'\, 10. I'uragere (Pirikere), 206, 256. Randulha Khan, 21, 159, 61, 149, 182, Purnambudhi, 85. 555,567. Purniah, 52, 55, 188. 164, 22l), 240, 242, 243, 244. 250, 2M, P.angamma, 277. ~G], 270, 2i9, 283, 324, 8$4. Rangappa Gauda, 5e. 112. Pushpngiri, 318. Rangappa Nayak, 182, S56, 417. .Puttllgirija, arl.., Ranoji Ral'a, 52 . Rastam. Jang or Kaifiyat Khan, 149, SamMji, 22, 23, 95. 183. ' Sampaja Raya, 71, 76. Rablapurl, 206, 415, 499. Sampige, 147, 180. Ratts. Raja, 353, 354. Samse,440. Rayalpad, 87. Sanatkumara, 39. Riydurga, 451, 461, 462, 484, 497, Sangappa Nayak, 496. 502. Sani Narsimaia, 121, 122. Renuka 92, 93, 351, 369. SanJiva Krisbnappa Nayak, 323. Revenue, 35, 102, 155, 217, S05, 363, Sanka.racbarya, 4:15,416,444. 423,471. Sanna Baiche Gauda, 148. Risbyasringa, 413, 444. Sanna. Baire Gauds, 19, 57, 96,107. Roads, 38,85, 105, 158, 220, S08, Santa, 413. 265,426. Santala Devi, 317. Rocks, 2, 85, 141, 193, 288, S41. Santaveri, 406, 407, 408, 425, 426. Ronur,84. 429, 443, 446. Rndrapada, 438. Sante Bennur, 350, 370, 383. Rnkmangada, 415, 427. Sar~, 226, 233, 235, 237, 246, Ruravati, 415, 499, 500. 265.

Sahanna ~odeyar, 436. Sarja Hanumappa. Nayak, 447. sadal; 92, 11t, 113, 134, 135. Sarjapur, 36, 37, 39, 43. 62. 75. Sada Siva Raya, 20, 355, 379. SataDika. 16. sagar, 339, 341, 345, 346, 350, 384, Satanur. 69. 216, 248. BSG. Satasringa. parvata, 92, 124. sagar bite, 193, 220, 2H, 244. Satballl, 334. ' Sabadeva, 92, 134. Satya.mangala, 207. Sahab.ra, 873. Savan.durga., 2, 9, 21, 25, 26, 70, 76. Saka Rishi, 135. SavanUr. Nawnb of, 356, 373, 482, Saklesbpur, 283, 289, 323, 328, 333. 487. Sakraypatna, 298, 355, 415, 416, Sayaa Ibrahim, 53. 427, 434, 443. Seringapatam, 24, 142, 192,208, 210, Sakrebail, 345, 346, 366. 220, 222, 242, 266, 299, 355. saksbibid, 312. Settahalli, 220, 221, 241. &knnagiri, 404, 414, 427, 448. Betti kere, 141;:, 160. Salo.gram, 238, 240, 265 •. 8hah Jehan, 22, 23. Saliva.hana, 147. Sba.hji, 21, 22, 23, 24, 63, 64, 95, &il Nayak, 148, 187. 149. S8.1nva NarasiDga Raya, 447, 4ov. Shah Sam Masaud Ghazi, 278. Satuva Tikbma, 486. Shab She~ 22 8Jimanta Raya, 70, 71, 76. SMntaua Dev8., 353, Sluintarasa, 448. Siriman or Sirimaya Nayak, 477. Sharavati, 341, 369, 381, 385, 386. Sisila. (Sisukali), 291, 353, 374, 415, Sharmanavati, 369. 448. Shikarpur, 339, 34), 345, 846, 350, Siskal betta, 286. 391, 392. Sita, 92, 106, 171. Shimoga, 339, 341, 342, 346, 347, Sitakallu, 172, 184. Sita Mallappan kanive, 404, 425, 426. 350, 353, 355, 356, 392, 393. Sitapur, 222, 241. Sbimsha,2) 140, 170, 174, 181,248, 270. Siti betta, 94. Shir Khan,_ 487. Sivaji, 22, 23, 24. Sivane, 445. Shivaganga, 2) 18, 73, 78, 79, 139, 175. Sivappa Nayak, 298, 310, 311, Z14, Shivangi Gauda, 186. -,.3.20, 355,888. Shivan·gm, 41, 54, 79, 404. Sivasamudra, 192, 239, 242, 245, Shrinivaspur, 82, 83, 87, 88, 98, 136, 271. 137. Soils, 4, 85, 142, 194,288, 342,405, 453. Shruti Binda, 438. Soligars, 224. Sibi, 14.0, 154, 159, ISO. Solur, 17, 38, 69. Siddappa Nayak, 496. Soma, 207, 274, 486. Siddapur, 288. Soma Danayak, 229. Siddha kshetra, 414. Somanathpur, 207, 208, 273. Siddhanta. Kirti, 375. Soma Raja, 277. Siddoji or Hindu Rao, 462. Soma Shekhara, 415, 499. Sidlagatta, 82, 96, 112, 85, 86, 88, Soma. Shekhara Nayak, S66, 452. 135, 136. Somavahini. 404, 432. Sidlukal, 54. Soma Varma, 250. Sige-gudda, 295, 322. SomavaH, 323, 326. Simhala. Devarasa, 368. Somendra, 16. Simho. Ratta, 374. Somesvara, 168, 297.

Sindhugatt~, 298, 306, 3U. I Somesvara Raya, 321. Singa Bhupa, 284. Soorat Singh, 95. Singapatna, 264. Sorab, 339, 341, 345, 346, 364, 394 Singappa Nayak, 298. 896. Singappa Wodeyar, 234. Sosile, 207, 242, 274- Singrajpur betta, 247. Sravan BeIgoIa, 286, 2S6, S06, 316, Sira, 95, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 334,335, SSG. 148, 158, 166, 181. 182, 183, Sriketa., 374. 416, 464. ISringeri (Rishya-Sringa-giri), 403, siralkoppa, 8~nt 394. 413, 4.15, 416, 459, 443,445. SrlniVltSa. Murti, 1 S8. Tanks, 81, 84, H5, 215, 803, 36, Sriramdevar anicut, 288, 324, 332. 421, 469. SrirampatDa, 487. , 354, 401, 403, 405, 445, Sri Ranga Raja., 272. 446, 447, 449. Sri nanga. r..3.yal, 208, 234, 267, 298, Tavanandi, 395. 355,443. Tayalur betta, 247. Sri Varma Rnya, 374. Telingans, 297. Stock, 31, 101, 1M, 215, 303,561, Temperature, 5, 86, 143, 195, 289, 421,469. 343,453. Timms. Gauda, 148, 168, 177. Subrahmanya., 286, S06. 'l'imma Nayak, 42. Sudhanva, 147, 180. Timmanna, 267. Sudras, 28, 98, 151, 187, 212, 301, Timmanna Nayak, 464, 491. 359, 419, 467. Timmappa Nayak, 320, 502. Sugatur, 19, 40, 63, 64, 94, 107, 123. Timma Raja, 21, 463. Sugatur Timme Gauda, 95. Timme Gauda, 19, 40,41, 95. Suji betta, 439. Tim}Ue Gaudn. (Chikka Rayal), 64, Suji kal, 477. 94, 95, 107,127, 130. Tippasandra, 125. Sulekere, 203, 245, 341, 342, 370, 397, 399. Tippe Rudraiya., 499. Tippur, 240. Sulikunte, 107, 138. Suman, 18, 74, 147, 162. Tippu Sultan, 25, 26, 42, 56, 65, 68, Sunnakallu, 83, 87, 91, 137. 96, 106, 130, 134, 149, 162, 163, Surakanta Rangappa, 461. 167, 173, 183, 203, 210, 232, 247, 248,251, 257, 269, 270, 272, SUVarD!loDlukhi, 39, 66, 172, 173, 184- 299, Suvarnavati, 238, 274. 327, 356,384, 417, 480, 483. Tiptur, 184. Tagare, 306. Tirkaruimbi, 231, 232, 278, 279, T ail a, 353. 280. Tala, 276. Tirthahalli, 397, 398. TaIak, 455, 484. 'Iirumakudlu, 237. Talghatpur, 20. Tirumalaiya, 266. 'l'alguppa, 340, 341. 'l'irumale, 72, 79. Talikota., 21, 149. Togarsi, 362. Talkail, 18,76, 191,197, 201, 207, Tondebhavi,116. 238, 242, 274, 276, 278. 35~i458. Tonnur (Tondanur), 250, 278, 298. Talmakki, 426. 'l'ownS and Villages, 31, 101, 154, TaIya, 452. 215, 303, 361, 421, 469. 'l'ammanna. Gauda, 61. Trade, 36, 103, 156, 218, B06, 364, Tangli, 452. 424,472. Trailokya Malla., 414, 437. Varada, 340, 385, 395,400. Tremul Raj (Tirumala Raja) Sri Varaha Pnrvata, 369, SOS, 400,436, Ranga Rayal, 208, 209, 267. 277, 489, 448. 280. Varani Keta, 374. Trevelyan, Sir Charles, 203. Vardhamana Or MaMvira, 335. Tribhuvana. Malla Pandya. Deva, 459. Varg-konda, 109, 110. Tr.1mdam bapura, 279, 280. Vartur,3, ]4,20,43. Trinetra (Tri1ot.:h~) Kadamba, 359, Vasanta Nayak, 121. 369. Vasantapur, 43, 80. Tuluva, 207, 297, 352. rasma, 408, 416, 434, 448. TumkUr,139, 140, 143, 144, 149, Vasudeva Raya, 106. 158,18)5,186,453. Vatadahoshalli, 85. Tunga, 840, 34.2, 350, 376, 380, 393, Ve,yu Parvata, 428. 898, 403, 412, 432, 439, 448. Veda, 404,421,430, 434,448. Tungabhadra, 339, 3~O, 351, 372, VeClavati, 285, 3.10, 427, 430,4,18, 380, 393, 399, 451, 463, 481. 45], 455, 484, 488, 503. Turvekere, 141, 142, 146, 14B,157, Vegetation, 7, 87, 1-14, 196, 290, 181, 181. 344, 408, 455. Turvanur, 479. Vemgal, 95, 123. T)akal, 83, 128. Vengi, 93, 353. Tyamagondlu, 87, 74, 79. Venkatadri Nayak, 299, 327. Venkatamma, 112. Ubrani, 405, 408, 446. Venkata Narayan Gauda, 113. Udagani,34G. Venlmbpati Rayal, 209, 496, 502. Uggihalli, 2!)!}. Venbtappa Nllyak, 355. Ujani betta, 8. Venkoji (Eckoji), 23, 24, 95. Ujjain, 296. ViLMndaka, 413, 444. Ummattur, 197,280. Vidura. 116. Ummattur WodeSar, 208, 267, 279. Vidyaranya, 255, 416. Uriga, 108. Vijaya, 232, 233. Uttama Chola, 93. Vijayaditya Deva, 375. Uttungn tlhuja, 16, 68. Vijayanagar, 19, 20, 54, 94, 130, VadagenbalJi, 37, 56, 80. 147, 149, 165, 208, 234, ~56, 280, Vaidyaml.thpur, 193,248,270. 298, 351, 354,355, 375, 379,416, Vaisyas, 2R, 98, 151,212, 801, 358, 459,487. 419,467. Vijayapala, 16. Vajra Makuta nlt~a, 415, 441, 499. Vijaya Pandya Deva, 459. Vakkaleri, 83, 123, 12S, 138. Vijayapura, 230. 292. Valmiki, 92, .106. Vijayarka, 16. VaJlarasi, 91, 1,'38. Vijiyaditya, 16. Vijnanesvara, 72. , W-ollingtOll, Duke of, (Col. Wellesley), Vikrama Chola, 94. . 256, 258, 2C9, 299, 356. Yikrn.madltya, 353. Western GhaLs, 21, l!HI, 289, 344., Vikrama Haya, ~23, 4.99, 500. 402, 403, 406, 411, 434, 438. Vi1.rama santana. Deva, 375. i Wilks, Col., 254, 256. Vin ..iyaditya, 207, 277. I Woddin Guddl1, 428, 434. Vim DallJla, 18, 44, 297, 354, 368. Wolkonji, 43!). Vim Chola, 94. 'Wonlbat maradi, 308. Vim lianumarpa Nayak, SG7. I' Worhkonda, 9], 115. Virn Kambala Ho.ya, 175. IY6.do.v.1 kings, 18, 354, 3Ga, 378, Virammaji, 355, ass. 475, 482. Viran ..iliosahalli, 196, 198. yadava. nadi, 250. VU'8r Nanjal1:l Timme Gaud.1, 41. Yadugiri, 312, 3;:)8. tIm 428. Narsimha, lSi, 297, Yadupatna, 18, 74, 162. Vira. 121. Nayak, Yagachi, 286, 288, 323, 336, 404, Vim Pandya De,a, 459. 405,434. VU'a. Raja Arasll, 224, 265. Yajoavalkya. smriti, 72. Virs. Raya, 265. . Yalavanji Raya, 106, 125. ViTa Santana. Deva, 375. Yedatore, 191, 197, 199, 201 218, Vira Somesvara, 318. 2-10, 242, 280, 282. ' Vim Scllara, 499.. Yedehalli, 432, 442, 449. Virja Dadi, 222, 241. Y~c1iyur, 154, 159, 174. VisM1a.ksha Paulita, 284. Yegati, 405, 430. Vishnumaya, 243. Yelahanka, 19, 20, 24, 42, 80. Vishnu Vardhana, 15, 94, 207, 225, Yelandur Jaghir, 191, 194., 197, 224, 292,283. 245,267,277, 297,315, 354. Yelacir Ghat, 425. Vitala Deva., 207 277. Yemme Doddi Gudda, 437. Vital statistics, 33, 102, 155, 216, Yenandahalli, 133. :':05, 363,422, 471. Yenne hole, 323, 385,386. Vrikoda.ra, 480. Yerama. Nayak, 327. VrishabMvati, 43, 54, 66, 138. Yereyanga, 207. Vyaghra Ketu, 296. Yerra Ganga, 94. Vyasarn.ya Swami, 119, 134,274. Ye~alurpet, 307, 327. Vya.sa-samudra, 119, 183, 134. Yettinhalla, 295. Yudhishthira, 205. Wainad, 229, 233, 235, ?~7, 262, 410. Zul£kar Khan, 149, 183.