Environmental Impact and Management Plan for Alaknanda
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CISMHE CCIIISSMMHHEE EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall IImmppaacctt aanndd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPllaann ffoorr AAllaakknnaannddaa HH...EE... PPrroojjeecctt,,, UUttttaarraakkhhaanndd Prepared for : GMR Energy Limited, New Delhi CENTRE FOR INTER-DISCIPLINARY STUDIES OF MOUNTAIN & HILL ENVIRONMENT University of Delhi, Delhi EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CISMHE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. IIINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIIOONN Geographically Uttarakhand is situated between 28 43’45” to 31 8’10” N latitude and 77 35’5” to 81 2’25” E longitude. For administrative purpose Uttarakhand state is divided into 13 districts (Fig 1). According to the Census of India, 2001 the population of the state is 84,89,349, which is 0.8 per cent of the total population of India. People of all faiths – Hindu, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and Bodhs – live in the state, though majority of population is of Hindu faith. The present project, Alaknanda Hydro-electric project (300 MW) is located in Joshimath tehsil of Chamoli district in Uttarakhand. The total population of Joshimath tehsil is 39,919 (Census, 2001). There are around 16 villages in the vicinity of the Alaknanda H.E. project (within 10 km radius from the project sites). These villages fall under six revenue villages, namely Khirao, Mana, Badrinath, Lambagar, Binayak Chatti and Pandukeshwar. Only Khirao is directly affected due to the different project activities . 1.1 Salient Features of Alaknanda H.E. Project The 300 MW Alaknanda H. E. project is proposed on Alaknanda River. Alaknanda H.E. Project is proposed to be a Run of the River scheme. The project propose to generate 300 MW of power and involves construction of a 18 m high diversion barrage across the Alaknanda river 3 km downstream of Badrinath town.
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