News In this issue ... Page Page Address for Communications 2 Elgar Works 22 Keep in touch 2 LSO Discovery Day; Elgar 24 Letter from the Chairman 2 Re–dedication of the organ From the Editor 5 at St Wulstan’s 26 The 2018 Birthday Weekend 6 Elgar and Brockhampton Court 28 Proposed Amendment An Elgar Leaf Lost and Found 32 to the Constitution 9 Elgar the Imperialist? 35 Elgar Day at the Three Choirs 11 Brief Items 36 A Growing Passion for Elgar: Holst Society 38 Karl–Heinz Steffens in Scotland 12 Branch Events 40 Membership Matters 17 Dates for your Diary 44 Delius Society 21 Crossword 53 Trustees’ Annual Report T1 No. 64 – April 2018 Address for Communications Contributions for the August 2018 edition of the Elgar Society News should be e–mailed to the Editor: Peter James:
[email protected] Full contact details can be found on the back cover. The latest date for submissions for the August 2018 issue is 25 June 2018. Keep in Touch Remember: you can keep up to date with the latest Elgarian news online at Facebook: Twitter: London Branch Account: YouTube: or, search for ‘Elgar’ or ‘Elgar Society’ or ‘Elgar Birthplace’. Letter from the Chairman Dear Friends, How events can move on between editions of the News! In time for last December’s edition, I wrote ‘the SOMM disc called The Art of the Military Band will have been launched by the time you read this, and Dutton Epoch recorded in September with the BBC Concert Orchestra under David Lloyd–Jones some of the short orchestral works featured in Volume 23 of the Elgar Complete Edition, edited by David Lloyd–Jones himself.’ The SOMM disc has come out and I have enormously enjoyed it, studded as it is with arrangements of works by Elgar, Vaughan Williams, Sir Thomas Beecham and Bertram Walton O’Donnell.