lilT �·, ,. ISSN 2538-1016; 16




Bihlio� aphy of

,. 1769-1899


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New Zealand Oceanographic Institute

,,, 1' Memoir No. 16

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�:.. Frontispiece Photograph by courtesy of the Do111inion Museu111

TIIOl\tlAS 1 \ \TJLLit\M KIRK (1856-) 936). llorn in Coventry, Kirk can1e to Auckland in l 863, ancl ,vas educated at Auckland College and (�ra1n1nar School. He entered the Geological Survey as a cadet and ,vas on Dr. Rector's stafI from 1874 until 1891. During this period he contributed to the Transactions of the Ne,v Zealand Institute, Nature, the ·French Journal of Conchology and other periodicals. He ,vas elected a n1ember of the Ne,v Zeala11d Institute (1878), of the Geological Society of Australasia (J 887), of the ;\{icroscopic Society of London (1889), a11c.t a fello,v of the Linnean Society (1890). In l 892, Kirk ,vas appointed head biologist in charge of the Horticulture Divisio11 of the Department of Agriculture. The period of 18 years that he controlled the branch coincided ,,·ith a great expansion of the fruit gro,ving industry, and consequently much of Kirk's later ,vork ,vas de­ voted to l1orticultural problen1s, and in particular, experiments i11 biological control of insect pests in Ne,v Zealand. Kirk clied on 19 �'lay 1936. 'I'aken fror11 "A Dictionary of Ne,v Zealanc.1 Bio­ graphy," edited by (�. H. Schofield.

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Bihlio� New Zealand Marine Zoology 1769-1899


New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir No. 16


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit FOREWORD THE compilation of a bibliography to cover the whole field of oceanography in New Zealand from the earliest time of European scientific contact with the country in 1769 to the present day would be a formidable task and make demands on a wide range of effort in specialist disciplines. The present work represents a significant contri­ bution towards that end and it is gratifying that the compiler has been able to bring her familiarity with marine zoological literature and her wide acquaintance with the work of 1narine zoologists to the compilation of the present bibliograpl1y. This covers an extensive period of time and a major part of the field of oceanography. The material has been prepared for publication and received preliminary editing by Mrs P. M. Cullen. Final editing has been carried out by Mr M. O'Connor, Information Bureau.

J. W. BRODIE, Director, New Zealand Oceanographic Institute, Wellington.

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Plate No. Facing Page Frontispiece Thomas "\,Villiam Kirk

I "\,Villiam Blaxland Benham . . . 16

II Thomas Frederick Cheeseman . . .. 16

III Charles Chilton . . . . ' ...... 20

IV William Colenso . . ' . . ... 20

V Arthur Dendy ...... 21

VI Julius von Haast . ' ...... 21

VII Augustus Hamilton 28

VIII James Hector .... 28

V IX Frederick "\, ollaston Hutton .... 33 X Harry Borrer Kirk ...... 33

XI Henry Suter ...... 42

XII George 1\/Ialcolm Thomson 42

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SCOPE OF 1'IIE BIBLIOGRAPHY of inconsistency, some of the scientific serials The object of the compiler has been to adcl to involvetl bei11g issuecl i11 parts. ,,·hile the com­ the bibliogra1)hic material available i11 one sec­ plete volume appeared the follo, ·inu �ear. For tor of the f1elcl of oceanography in New Zealand. exa1nple, tl1e Tra11sactio11s fl • P J ec;ii �s of Tl1e field has bee11 restrictecl to a consideration t}1e �·eii• Zeala11d lnstit,,te I 6 ,·a· published of works 011 n1arine zoology from 1769, the )'Car in l 69. a11 bibliog1aph1· are the dates of pub­ predomi11antly fresl1,vater fishes such as salmon licc.tio11 of the con11)lete , olt1me. For the benefit and trout ha,,e been 01nittecl. Reference to of S)'!)tematic Zoologists, entries for the three jot1r11als, Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. l11st.J Proc. Lzn11. fisheries in general, st1cl1 as are found in � e,r r Zealancl l\ifarine Department a11nual rc1)orts ha,·e Soc. A .s. T1'., ancl Pap. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania bee11 incluclecl. 1\mong tl1e referer1ces to �fol­ l1a,·e bec11 cxtenclccl to indicate in parenthesis lusca, some referring to terrestrial or fossil fc>llo,ving tl1e volume number, the year to ,.vhich molluscs may still be incluclc

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Titles in square brackets indicate articles with­ FELL, H. B. and others, 1953: The first century of Ne,v out proper titles. In the Procecdirigs of the Zealand zoology 1769,-1868 ... , ,vellington, Dept. of Institutes of A11ckland, v\'ellington, Canterbury, Zoology, Victoria University of Wellington. IREDALE, T. 1907: Notes on son1e Ne,v Zealand 1narine Otago, etc., which are bound in with the Trans­ . Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 40. actions and Proceeding·s of the N.Z. Institi1,te) SHERRIN, R. A. A. 1886: Handbook of the fishes of Ne,v with continuous pagination, many reports ap­ Zealand. Auckland. \Vilson & Horton. pear of papers discussed at the monthly meetings, TH0:-.1s0N, G. l\f. 1903: On the Ne"' Zeala·nd phyllo­ and of specimens prese11ted for inspection. En­ l)ranchiate Crustacea-1\{acrura. Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. tries have not been made in cases of papers read Zo.ol. 8 ( 11 ). by title only, but ,-vhere anytl1ing of importance was adcled, or new material presented, entries Citatiorzs have been macle, using square brackets for the s�rITH, W. 1\.. and others, 1952: vVorld List of Scientific title. Periodicals, 1900- 1950. London. Bu tter,vortl1. Tl1e major sources for checking references SOURCES cited in short for1n only were: Proceedings of Tl1e following· is cl list of tl1e main sources the Zoolog·ica l Society of London) Journal of the used. Linneari Society of Londori (Zoology)) and A1inals cL1id J\, fag·azine of Nat1tral History. Many Bibliographies other works, incl11ding a number of expedition ALLAN, R. S. 1949: Selected bibliograpl1y of the marine reports, were scanned for proper entry or to biology of New Zealand. 7th Pacific Science Congress, check the relevance of the material. The Gazette �1.S. of the provincial go,1ernments of Auckland, Wel­ CAREY, R. J. P. 1957: Preliminary check list of scientific expedition reports. M.S. lington, Canterbury and Otago were searched BRITISH l\1 USEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). Catalogue. througl1 their indexes only, but no relevant FYFE, M. L. 1952: List of Ne,v Zeala·nd Polychaetes. material was found. N.Z. Dej;t. sci. industr. Res. Bull. 105. Major systematic works on tl1e New Zealand HAMILTON, A. 1901: List of papers on New Zeala11d fishes fauna (i.e., Suter's ivfanual of the N.Z. Mol­ and fishing. Tra11s. Pr.oc. N.Z. 34: 539-48. lusca, Hutton's Index Faunae Novae Zealandiae, HocKEN, T. M. 1909: A bibliography of the literature relating to Ne"v Zealand. vVellington, Govt. Printer. Pl1illipps' Bibliography of N.Z. Fishes and PUBLICATIONS OF DOMINION MUSEUI.\.I, ,Vellington, �e,v Chilton and Bennett's revision of the Crustacea Zealand. 1867-1955. Brachyura), V11 ere found particularly difficult to ROYAL El\1'PIRE SOCIETY, 1931: Subject catalogue. 2. cleal witl1, as tl1eir synonymies list (in very Zoological Record, 1864-1899. abbreviatecl form) many hundreds of articles or monographic works which may or may not deal Systematic Worlis contairiing Bibliog·raphies in with New Zeala11cl material. An effort has been their Synonyrnies made to cl1eck as many of these as appeared CHILTON, C.; BENNETT, E. W., 1928: Contributions for relevant. In cases where the actual work could a revision of the Crustacea Brachyura of Ne\v Zealand. not be seen, the reference was omitted, as it was Trans. Proc. roy. Soc. N.Z. 59 (4 ). not considered desirable to risk an extensive HUTTON, F. ,v. 1904: Index Faunae Novae Zealandiae. I�o·ndon, Dulau and Co. inclusion of irrelevant material. PI-I ILLIPPS, W. J. 1927: Bibliography of Ne,v Zealand fishes. N.Z. Mar. Dep. Fisheries Bull. 1. ABBREV IA 1'EO EN1" RIES SUTER, H. 1913: Manual of tl1e Ne,v Zealand ifollusca. ,vell ington, Govt. Printer. Full entries are given below for the Chal­ lenger Reports and the Appendices to the Serial Pi1,blications Journals of the 1-1 ouse of Representatives (both New Zealarid J\1arine Depart1nent An nual Report. of which appearecl many times and abbreviation Neiv Zealand (Goverriment) Gazette, 1853-1899. seemed desirable) , and for McCoy's Prodromus New Zealand 0/Jicial Yearbook, 1893-1899. of the Zoology of Victoria, wl1ich was usually Papers and Proceedings ,of the R,oyal Society of Tasrnania, 1855-1899. founc.l cited as a periodical although publication Proceedi1igs of the Linnean Society of New South l'Vales, ceased after vol. 2, decade 20. 1875-1899. GREAT BRITAIN. Challenger Office. New Zealand Journal of Sc ience 1 & 2 1882-5. n.s. 1, 18.91. Report on the scientific results of tl1e voyage of H.11.S. Reports of the Colonial Museum a.11d Geological Survey, "Challenger" during 1873-1876 ...l )repared under the 1864-1899. su1)eri11tendcnce of Sir C. W. Thomson (and of J. Transaction.s & Proceedings of the N.Z. lnstitiLte, 1868- �1urray). London, Edinburgh a11d Dubli11. Printed for 1899. H.lVI.S.0. by Neill & Co. 1880-1895. N .z. PARLIAJ\.IENT. House of Representatives. Appendix to Other Works the Journals. CHILTON, C. ed. 1909: Tl1e Subantarctic Islands of Ne,v McCOY, F .. Zealand ... , Wellington, Govt. Printer. Natural J1istory of Victoria. Prodro1nus of the Zoology CLARK, W. C. 1958: S01ne Pycnogonida from Cook Strait, of Victoria . . . Melbourne, Govt. Printer, 1885, vol. 1, Ne,v Zealand ..., Zool. Pub. fro1n V.U.T,JI. 23. decades 1-10, 1885; vol. 2, decades 11-20, 1890.


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Zoologists specialising in particular ,N'ood and Mrs A. Brodie at the library of the groups were approached for assistance and gave Royal Society of New Zealand; Professor B. J. the compiler much valuable help and advice as Marples at Otago University; the late Mr C. R. well as many additional entries. Thanks are ex­ Russell, Canterbury Museum; and Mr J. W. tended to Dr R. A. Falla, Mr J. M. Moreland, Brodie and Dr D. E. Hurley at the N.Z. Oceano­ Y. N. R. K. Mr C. l\iicCann, Dr Dell, and MissV graphic Institute. Special thanks are due to Miss lVI. M. Hall at the Dominion Museum; lIrs P. M. Ralpl1 and Professor H. B. Fell at the J. W. Dawson (formerly of the Museum staff); Zoology Department, Victoria University of \N'el­ Mr J. A. F. Garrick at tl1e Zoology Department, lington, and Dr .J. C. Yaldwyn at the Dominion V Victoria University of ,i ellington; Miss M. M t1seum, for their assistance.


Abh. Ak. Berl. Abhandlungen Akademie der Wissenschaf­ Jb. dtsch. Mai. Ges. Jahrbuch cler Deutschen Malakolo­ ten zu Berlin. gischen Gesellschaft. Abh. Ber. Zool. Mus. Dresden. Abhandlungen und Bericht Mai. Blatt. Malakozoologische Blatter. des Zoologischen �1useum zu Dresden. Mem. At1st. Mus. Men1oirs of the Australian Museu1n. Abh. dtscl1. Akad. Wiss. Berl. Abhandlungen der Deut­ Sydney. schen Akademie der ,vissenschaften zu Berlin. Mem. Mus. co1np. Zool. Harv. Men1oirs of the Museun1 Abl1. naturw. Ver. Hamburg. Abhandlungen aus dem of Comparative Zoology at Harvard. Gebiet der Naturlvissenschaften hrsg. vom Naturlvissen­ Mem. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris. Memoires du }.fusee national schaftlichen Verein in Hamburg. d'histoire naturelle de Paris. Amer. Nat. American Naturalist. Boston. Mem. nat. Acad. Sci. Memoirs of the National Acaden,y Ann. nat. Hist. Hofmus. Annalen des K.K. Naturhistori­ of Science. '\,Vashington. schen (Museums) Hofmuseums, Wien. Mem. Soc. nat. Sci. Cherhourg. Memoires de la Societe Ann. Sci. nat. (Zool.). Annales de sciences naturalles. (b) nationale des sciences natt1relles et mathematiques de Zoologie. Paris. Cherbcurg. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. Annals and Magazine of Natural Men1. Soc. zool. Fr. Memoires de la Societe zoologique History. London. de Fra11ce. Paris. Arch. Mus. Hist. nat. Paris. Archives, Mt1seu1n national Monat'ib. Akad. wiss. Berlin. �1onatsbericht der Deutschen d'histoire naturelle, Paris. Akaden1ie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Arch. Zool. exp. gen. Archives de zoologie experimen­ Nature, Lond. Nature, London. tale et generale. Paris. Nautilus. Nautilus. Philadelphia and Boston. Bihl. Ee. haut Etud. Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des hautes N.Z. Gaz. & Wgtn. Spectator. N.Z. Gazette and vVelling­ etudes. Section des sciences naturelles. Paris. ton Spectator. Wellington. Bull. Acad. Belg. Cl. Sci. Bulletin d'Academie Royale de N.Z. [Govt.] Gaz. N.Z. [Government] Gazette. Auckland Belgique. Classe des sciences. Bruxelles. and "\1ellington. Bull. l\{us. Hist. nat. Paris. B11lletin du Mt1seum d'histoire N.Z. J. Sci. Ne,v Zeala11d Journal of Science. Dunedin. naturelle. Paris. N.Z. Mag. New Zealand Magazine. Dunedin. Bull. Soc. philom. Paris. Bulletin de la Societe pl1ilo­ Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal mathique de Paris. Society of Tas1nania. Hobart. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. Bulletin of the United States Fish Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad. Proceedings of the Acaden1y Commission. ,,Vashington. of Natural Sciences of Philadelpl1ia. Canad. Ree. Sci. Canadian Record of. Science. Montreal. Proc. Roston Soc. nat. Hist. Proceedings of the Boston C.R. Soc. Biol. Paris. Compte rendus hebdomadaire des Society of Natural History. seances et memoires de la Socicte de biologic. Paris. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. Proceedings of the Linnean J. Conch. Journal of Conchology. London and Leeds. Society of Ne,v Soutl1 Wales. Sydney. J. Conchyliol. Journal de Conchyliologie. Paris. Proc. rnalac. Soc. Lond. Proceedings of tl1e �1alacological J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.). Journal of the l.innean Society. Society of London. (Zoology). London. Proc. roy. Soc. Viet. Proceedings of the Royal Society of J. geogr. Soc. France. Journal de la Socicte gcographique Victoria. Melbourne. de France. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus. Proceedings of tl1e United States J. Roy. micr. Soc. Journal of the Royal Microscopical National Museum. ,,Vashington. Society. London. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. Proceedings of the General Meet­ J. Wash. Acad. Sci. Journal of the Washington Academy ings for Scientific Business of the Zoological Society of of Sciences. vVashington. London.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Quart. J. micr. Sci. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Trans. roy Soc. S. Aust. Transactions of the Royal Society Science. Lo11clon. of South Australia. Adelaicle. Ree. Aust. Mus. Records of the i\ustralia11 Museun1. Trans. roy. Soc. Viet. Transactions of the Royal Society Sydney. of Victoria. Melbourne. Ree. S. Aust. Mus. Records of the South Australian Trans. zool. Soc. Lond. Transactions of the Zoological Museum. Adelaide. Society of London. Rep. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci. Report of the Australian (and Verh. Akad. Wet. Arnst. Verhandelingen der Konink. Ne,v Zealand) Associatio11 for the Advancement of Akademie van ,vetenschappen. An1sterda1n. Science. Sydney. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges. Verhandlunger1 der Deutschen S.B. Akad. Wiss. \Vien. Sitzungberichte der Kais. Aka­ Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig. demie der \·Vissenschaften in vVien. Hath.-Natur\.v iss. Kl. Verh. K. Leopold-Carol Deutsch. Akad. Naturf. Dresden. S.B. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berl. Sitzungberichte der Gesellscl1aft Verhar1dlungen K. Leopold-Carol Deutcher Aka


CHORDATA 348, 349, 353, 354, 355, 360, 362, 363, 372, 376, 377, 400, 404, 409, 412, 414, 421, 424, Mammalia 428, 450, 452, 453, 454, 457, 461, 475, 495, 46, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 67, 92, 130, 131, 132, 497, 503, 506, 507, 514, 527, 528, 529, 530, 177, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 219, 220, 574, 576, 577, 578, 579, 588, 589, 595, 598, 225, 239, 243, 244, 25 1, 252, 253, 254, 256, 601, 603, 604, 605, 616, 631, 633, 634, 635, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 636, 637, 638, 640, 642, 647, 648, 650, 652, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 285, 286, 288, 292, 654, 680, 736, 751, 756, 757, 758, 764, 767, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 768, 769, 793. 303, 304, 322, 323, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 338, 341, 342, 345, 346, Fisheries 351, 356, 365, 367, 371, 406, 411, 413, 417, 185, 186, 313, 350, 357, 370, 558, 607, 623, 419, 498, 500, 502, 504, 505, 51 1, 512, 526, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 632, 655, 740, 741, 554, 555, 556, 559, 560, 561, 563, 564, 565, 743, 744, 745, 752, 753, 778, 779. 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 593, 606, 618, 624, 655, 760, 762, 763, 777, 778, 779, 780, 781, Protoch,ordata 782, 783, 784, 785, 786, 787, 788. 55, 56. Reptilia Tunicata 104, 352, 454. 242, 378, 379, 380, 381, 573, 755, 776. Elasmo branchs Echinodermata 93, 103, 144, 227, 290, 320, 361, 494, 499, General: 57, 189, 192, 193, 201, 398, 415, 501, 551, 562, 575, 586, 587, 590, 591, 600. 422, 520. Teleosts Asteroidea: 28, 191, 236, 245, 399, 609, 656, 1, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 41, 65, 66, 68, 84, 85, 89, 765, 766. 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, Crinoidea: 86, 87. 142, 156, 179, 181, 209, 216, 217, 218, 223, Ophiuroidea: 187, 195, 525. 228, 229, 232, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 287, 291, 299, 310, 314, Eclt inoidea: 17, 248, 249, 684, 703. 319, 321, 325, 329, 337, 339, 340, 344, 347, Holothitroidea: 170, 172, 524, 585, 709, 710.


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A.H.* [l] [8] 1883 Rare fishes [of Nevv Zealand] N.Z. ]. 1852 Descriptions of new shells, from the Sci. 1: 465-6. Cumingian collection. Proc. zool. Soc. * Possibly HAMILTON, A. Land. 1852: 90-2. [9] ABRAHAM, P. S. [2] 1853 A monograph of Umbo1iii1,m (Rotella) 1887 Revision of the anthobranchiate nudi­ a of Trochidae. Proc. zool. Soc. branchiate Mollusca, with descriptions Land. 1853: 187-9. or notices of forty-one l1itherto unde­ [10] scribed species. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1854 Descriptions of thirty-nine new species 1887: 196-269. of shells, from the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. ADAMS, A. [3] 1854: 130-8. 1851 A catalogue of the species of Emargi­ [l 1] nula, a genus of gasteropodous Mollusca belonging to the family Fissurellidae, 1854 Descriptions of twenty-seven new species in the collection of H. Cuming, Esq. of shells from the collection of Hugh Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1851: 82-116. Cuming, Esq. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1854: 311-7. [4] [12] 1851 A catalogue of the species of Nassa, a 1854 Further contributions towards the genus of gasteropodous Mollusca be­ natural history of the Trochidae.... longing to, the family Buccinidae, in Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1854: 37-41. the collection of Hugh Cuming, Esq., [13] with the descriptions of some new species. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1851: 94- 1854 A monograph of Cerithidea, a genus of 115. Mollusca, with descriptions of several ne,v species, from the collection of [5] Hugh Cuming, Esq ....Proc. zool. Soc. 1851 Contributions towards a monograph of Lo1id. 1854: 83-130. the Trochidae, a family of gasteropod­ [14) ous Mollusca. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1855 Descriptions of twenty-five new species 1851: 150-92. of shells from the collection of Hugh [6] Cuming, Esq. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1851 A monograph of Scutus, a gent1s of gas­ 1855: 221-6. teropodous Mollusca, belonging to the family Fissurellidae. Proc. zool. Soc. ADAMS, A. AND ANGAS, G. F. [15] Land. 1851: 221-2. 1864 Descriptions of new species of shells, chiefly from Australia, in the collection [7] of Mr Angas. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1852 Descriptions of a new genus, and of 1864: 35-40. several new species, of Mollusca, from the Cumingian collection. Proc. zoo[. ADAMS, A. AND ADAMS, H. Soc. Lond. 1852: 92-5. 1858 See ADAMS, H. and ADAMS, A. 1858.


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ADAMS, H. AND ADAl\1S, A. [16] [27] 1858 The genera of recent 1Iollusca • • • 1885 Notes on New Zealand fishes. Trans. London, Van Voorst. 3 ,·ol. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 17 (1884): 160-72.

..\srROL.\BE, voyage of. AGASSIZ, A. (17) 1881 Report on the Echinoidea ...Rep. voy. See Du�fONT n'URVILLE, J .S.C., 1842-54 Challenger, Zool. 3. 321 pp., 45 pl. and 1950; H0:\1BRON, J. B. and JACQUI­ �OT, H.,. 1842-53; JACQUINOT, H. and Gi;JCHEXOT, �.\., 1853; JACQUINOT, H. ALLMAN, G. J. [18] and Luc.\.S. H., 1853; QuoY, J. R. C. 1883 Report on the Hydroida ... Pt. 1. and G ..\I:\f . .\RD,J. P., 1838; RoussEAU, L., Plumularidae. Rep. voy. Challenger 1853. Zool. 7. 54 pp., 20 pl., map. AYRES, W. 0. [28] [l ] 9 1854 Stephanaster elegans. Proc. Boston Soc. 1886 Description of Australian, Cape and nat. Hist. 4: 118. other Hydroida, mostly new, from _the collection of Miss H. Gatty. J. Linn. BAIRD, w. [29] Soc. (Zool.) 19: 132-61, pl. 7-26. 1850 Descriptions of several new species of [20] Entomostraca. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1888 Report on tl1e Hydroida ...Pt. 2. The 1850: 254-7. Tubularinae, Corymorpl1inae, Cam­ [30] panulari11ae, Sertularinae and Thala­ 1864 Description of several new species and morpha. Rep. voy. Challenger Zool. 23. varieties of tubicolous annelides . . . 90 pp., 39 pl. Tribe Limivora of Grube in the collec­ tion of the British Museum. ]. Linn. ANDERSON, W. [21] Soc. (Zool.) 8: I 0-22. 1846 [Fish and Mollusca] In CooK, JAMES. [31] The voyages of Captain James Cook. 1865 On new Tubicolous Annelids in the vol. 2. Third voyage [1776-1780] Lon­ collection of the British Museum. Part clon, William Smith. p. 60. 2. ]. Lin11 .. Soc. (Zool.) 8: 157-62. [32] ANGAS, G. F. [22] BAKER, F. C. I 895 The geographical distribution of tl1e 1864 Observations 011 the geographical dis­ 179-83. tribution of the species of Volitta and Mollusca. Scie11ce 2 (n.s.): Cynibiitm in the Australian Seas. Proc. BALE, w. M. [33] zool. Soc. Land. 1864: 50-4. 1884 Catalogue of the At1stralian hydroid [23] zoophytes [in the collection of the Aus­ 1867 On a new genus and some new species tralian l\iiuseum] Sydney, Govt. printer, of marine Mollusca from Port Jackson, 198 pp., 19 pl. New South v\Ta les. Proc. zool. Soc. Lorid. [34] 908-35. 1867: 1887 The genera of Plumulariidae with ob­ servations on various Australian hyd­ ANGAS, G. F. ANI) ADAMS, A. roids. Trans. ray. Soc. Viet. 23 (1886): 1864 See ADA1v1s, ;\. and ANGAS, G. F. 1864. 73-1 10. [35] ANNUAL REPORTS. See under N .z. 1889 On some new and rare H ydroida in the Australian Museum collection. Proc. ARTHUR, W. [24] Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 3 (1888) ser. 2: 745- 1883 Notes on the New Zealand sprat. Trans. 99. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): 203-8. BANKS, ] . [36] AR'l'HUR, W. [25] 1896 Journal of the Rt. Hon. Sir .Joseph Banks Bart., l(.B., P.R.S., during Cap­ 1883 Notes on the Picton herring, Clupea tain Cook's first voyage in H.M.S. pilchardus (C. sagax, N.Z. form). Trans. 208-13. Endeavour in 1768-1771 to Tierra del Proc. N.Z Inst. 15 (1882): Fuego, Otahite, New Zealand, Austra­ [26] lia, the Dutch East Indies, etc., edited 1884 Notes on the New Zealand frost-fish. by Sir Joseph D. Hooker, London, N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 157-8. Macmillan, 466 pp.


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BASSETT-SMITH, P. W. [37] BELL, T. [49] 1899 A systematic description of parasitic 1855 Horae Carcinologicae, or notices of Copepoda found on fishes, with an Crustacea, I. A monograph of the enumeration of the known species. Proc. Leucosia(lae, with observations on the zool. Soc. Lond. 1899: 438-507. relations, structure, habits and general clistribution of tl1e family; a revision of BATE, c. s. [38] the generic characters; and descriptions 1862 Catalogue of the specimens of amphi­ of new genera and species. Trans. Lin11. podous Crustacea in the collection of Soc. Lo11d. Zool. 21 (4): 277-314. the British 1\1 useum. London, Brit. Mus. IV: 339 pp., 58 pl. BELLINGSHAUSEN, T. [50] [39] 1907 [Mammalia] In McNAB, Robert. Muri­ 1881 On the Penaeidea. Arzn. Mag·. riat. I-list. hiku and the Southerr1 Islands. Inver­ ser. 5, 8: 169-96. cargill, William Smith. xiii, 377 pp. [40] [5 1] 1888 Report on the Crustacea Macrura ... 1945 [List of natural history specimens] In Rep. voy. Challenger, 24. 2 vol: 942 DEBENHAM, F. ed. The voyage of Cap­ pp., 150 pl. tain Bellingshausen to the Antarctic Beagle, voyage of seas, 1819-1821. London. Hakluyt See ]ENYNS, L. 1842. society. 2 ,,01.

BEAN, T. H. and GoooE, G. B. BEI\EDEN, P. ]. VAN [52] 1895 See GoonE, G. B. and BEAN, T. H., 1874 Les Baleines de la Nouvelle-Zelande. 1895. Bull. A cad. Belg. Cl. Sci. ser. 2, 37: 832-7. BEATTIE, ]. M. [4 1] [53] 1891 On tl1e anatomy of the red cod 1881 Notice sur un nouveau dauphin de la (Lotellci bacch11s). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Nouvelle-Zelancle. B1tll. Acad. Belg. Cl. Inst. 23 (1890): 71-83. Sci. ser. 3, 1: 877-87. [42 BEDDARD, F. E. ] BENEDEN, P. J. VAN AND GERVAIS, P. [54] 1884 Preliminary notice of the Isopoda col­ 1868- lected during the voyage of H.M.S. 79 Osteographie des Cetaces, vivants et Challeng·er, Part I. Serolis. Proc. zool. fossiles. Paris. Atlas, 62 pl. Soc. Lond. 1884: 330-41. [43] BENHAM, ,t\T. B. [55] 1884 Report on tl1e Isopoda ...Part 1. The 1899 Balanog·lossits otagoensis n. sp. Qttart. genus Serolis. Rep. voy. Challenger, 11. ]. micr. Sci. 42: 497- 504. 85 pp., I O pl. [56] 44 [ ] 1900 Note on the occurrence of the genus 1885 Note on the distribution of tl1e genus Balariog· lossus in New Zealand waters. Serolis, and its occurrence on the shores Trans. Proc. Inst. 32 (1899): of New Zealand. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 388-91. lv.Z. 9-IO. [45] [57] 1886 Report on the lsopoda ...Part 2. Rep. 1900 Zoological results of trawling trials off voy. Challenger, 17. 175 pp., 25 pl., the coast of Otago. Trans. Proc. N.Z. map. Inst. 32, (1899): 1-3. [46] 1890 On the structure of Hooker's sea-lion BENNETT, F. D. [58] (Arctocephalus hookeri). Trans. zool. 1840 Narrative of a wl1aling voyage round Soc. Lond. 12: 369-80. the globe, from the year 1833 to 1836. London, R. Bentley, 2 vol. BEDDNAL, W. [47] 1875 Comparison of the marine Mollusca of BENNETT, G. [59] South Australia with those of New I 860 Gatherings of a naturalist in Austral­ Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 asia: being observations principally on (1874): 549. the animal and vegetable productions [48) of Ne,v South Wales, New Zealand, and 1896 Notes on some Tasmanian cl1itons. Pap. some of the Austral islands. London, roy. Soc. Tasm. for 1894: 34-9. Van Voorst, xii, 456 pp.


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D.SC., F.R.S. (1860-1950) l 898-1950 Professor of I�iology and c:ura tor of . the :'1Iuseun1 at lhe l"ni,ersit� of OLago. He specialised particular!) in the stt1dy of Polychaetes. -rurhellaria and c:oelcntcrata.

Photograph by courtesy of the Royal Societr, l� ondo11

l'lalf' II Thon1as Frederick (:l1ccsc1nan ..F.L.s. ( 18-!6- 1923) (:urator of the i.\uckland �1useurn (187-t-1923). :\'olecl principally for his bot:n1ical rescarcl1, bul pttblishecl a nu1nber of papers on n1arine zoology.

Photograph by courtesy of the Don1inio11 Muse11111

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit BERGH, R. [60] [72] 1884 Report on the Nudibranchiata ... 1890 On Ostracocla collected by H. B. Brady, Rep. VO)'· Clzalle11ger, Zool. 10. 154 pp., Esq .... in the Soutl1 Sea Islands. Trans. 14 pl. roy. Soc. Edinb. 35: 489-525. [73] BERNARD, F. [61] 1898 On nevv or imperfectly known species 1896 Diag11oses cle coquilles nouvelles de of Ostracoda, cl1iefly from New Zealand. lamellibranches (genres 1-1 oclistetteria Trctns. zool. Soc. Land. 14: 429-52. et Cor1d)1locardia). Bi1ll. 1\lf its. Ilist. 11at., Paris 2: 193-7. BRADY, H. B. [74] , [63] 1884 Report on the Foraminifera ...Rep . 1897 Etucles co1n1)aratives sur la coquille <.les voy. Challerlger, Zool. 9. 2 vol. 814 pp., lameliibrancl1es-Co11dylocardia, type 115 pl., 2 maps. 11ouveau de Lamellibranche. ]. Concliy­ liol. 44: 169-207. BRAZIER, ]. [75] , [62] 1886 Synonymy of and remarks upon the 1897 Etudes comparatives sur la coquille des specific name and authorities of four la1nellibranches. Pt. 2. Les genres Philo­ species of ,.\.u tralian 1narine shells ... 1 br)1a et Hochstetteria. ]. Conchyliol. 46: Proc. L•1111. S.Jc. ;.\ -..:: . JO 1885): 85- 1-47. 94. [6'1] [76] 1897 Sur quelques coquilles cle lamelli­ 1 "9 Xotc� ancl critical re1narks on a dona­ brancl1es cle l'ile Ste,vart. B11ll. 1, 1z,s. tio11 o[ sl1ells sent to tl1e :\Iuseum of the I-l ist. 11at., Paris 3: 309-14. Co11cl1ological Society of Great Britain a11cl Irelan(!. J. Co11cl1. 7: 66-8-1-. BLEEKER, P. [65] [77] 1855 Over ee11ig·e Visschen va11 Van Diemens­ I 892-3 Catalogue of the mari11e shells of lancl. Verh. Akad. Wet. Amst. 2: 1-30. Australia an(l Tasmania [in the collec­ tion of tl1e Australian :Niuseum] Syd­ BLOCH, lvI. E. AND SCHNEIDER, J. G. [66] ney, Govt. Printer. 3 pt., v. 74 pp. 1801 Systema ichthyologiae ... Berli11. ·v ol. 1. 584 pp.; vol. 2, J)l. BROOKS, W. K. [78] 1884 The phylogen)1 of the higher Crustacea. BLOCH, M. E. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 96-101. 1801 See also FORSTER, J. R. 1801. BusK, G. [79] BLOSSEVILI,E, ] . DE. [67] 1852 account of the Polyzoa and sertu­ 1907 [Sealing acti,·ities i11 the cruise of the [An larian zoopl1ytes.] Iri 1\,IcG1LLIVRAY, J. Snappr>r roL111cl Foveaux Strait In ] Narrative of the voyage of H.M.S. McN AB, R. l\tIurihiku a11d the Southern Rattlesnake, \1 commanded by tl1e late Islands. I11vercargill, Villiam Smith. Captain O,vcn Stanley ...during the xiii, 377 pp. years 1846-1 850. London, & vV. McNab states, translated from T. Nou­ Boo11e. vol. 1. A1)pendix p. 34 -402. velles Annales des Voyages, Tome 29, 3 Paris, 1826. [80] 1852 Catalogue of the marine Polyzoa i11 the BOULENGER, G. A. [68] ancl British Museum. London, Brit. Mus. 1895 Catalogue of the Perciform fishes in the 1854 vol. 1, 1852; vol. 2, 1854. Britisl1 Muset1m. IJonclon, Brit. Mus. [81] vol. 1. 394 pp. 1861 Zoophytology. Descriptions of nevv or im1)erfectly known Polyzoa. No. 1. BRADY, G. s. [69] QiLart. ]. micr. Sci. 1 (n.s.): 156. 1880 Re1)ort on the Ostracocla ...Rep . voy. Cl1alleng·er, Zool. 1. 184 pp., 41 pl. [82] [70] 1884 lle1Jort on tl1e Polyzoa ...Rep. voy. Challe1iger, Zool. 10. 216 pp., 36 pl., 1882 New Zealand Cope1)0<.la of tl1e Chal­ leng·er expcclition. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1: 35-9. map. [83] BRADY, G. s. [71 ] 1886 ReJ)Ort on tl1e Pol yzoa ...Part II. Rep. 1883 Report on tl1e Copepoda ... Rep. voy. vo1,. Challeng·er, Zool. 17, viii, 47 p., Challenger, Zool. 8. 142 pp., 55 pl. 10 pl.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit CAMPBELL, W. D. [84] [91] 1879 On a new fish. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 1892 Acclimatization laws; a handbook of 11 (1878): 297-8. laws relating to acclimatization, fish, fisheries, and the protection of CANA,'AN, E. O'H. [85] and birds. Dunedin, Otago acclimatiza- 1893 On eels. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 25 t1on SOC. (1892): 191-3. [92] 1893 Notes on the depletion of the fur-seal in the southern seas. CARPENTER, P. H. [86] Canad. Ree. Sci. . 1893. 1884 Report on the Crinoidea. The stalked crinoids ... Rep. voy. Challenger) Zool. CHEESEMAN' T. F. [93] 11. 422 pp., 62 pl. 1876 Notes on the sword-fish (Ziphias [87] gladius). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 1888 Report on the Crinoidea. Part II. The (1875): 219-20. Comatulae ...Rep. voy. Challenger) [94] Zool. 26. 399 pp., 70 pl. 1876 On tl1e Mollusca of Auckland Harbour. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 (1875): 304-11. CARTER) H. F. [88] 1873 Transformation of an entire shell into [95] chitinous structure by the polype Hyd­ 1878 Descriptions of three new species ol ractinia, with short descriptions of the opisthobrancl1iate Mollusca from New polypidoms of five other species. Ann. Zealand. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1878: Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 11: 1-15. 275-7. [96] CASTELNAU, F. DE [89] 1879 Descriptions of three new species of 1879 Essay on the ichthyology of Port Jack­ opisthobranchiate Mollusca from New so-n. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 3: 347- 402. Zealancl. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): 378-80. CHALLENGER, voyage of. [97] See AGASSIZ A., 1881; ALLMAN, G. J., ) 1881 On a new genus of opisthobranchiate 1883, 1888; BATE, c. S., 1888; BEDDARD, Mollusca. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 13 F. E., 1884, 1886; BERGH, R., 1884; (1880): 224. BRADY, G. s., 1880, 1882, 1883; BRADY, H. B., 1884; BUSK, G., 1884, 1886; [98] CARPENTER, P. H., 1884, 1888; DAVID­ 1881 On some new species of nudibranchiate SON) T., 1880; DENDY, A., 1887; GRAFF, Mollusca. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 13 L. von, 1884; GUNTHER, A., 1878, 1880, (1880): 222-4. 1887, 1889; HAECKEL) E., 1887, 1888; [99] HAMILTON, A., 1896; HECTOR, J., 1875; 1882 On two species of nudibranchiate Mol­ HENDERSON, J. R., 1888; HERDMAN) w. lusca. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881): A., 1882, 1888; HOEK) P. P. C., 1881, 213-5. 1883; HOYLE, v\T. E., 1886; HuBRECHT, [100] A. A. vV., 1887; KoLLIKERJ A. von, 1880; LYMAN, T., 1882; McINTOSH, W. C., 1883 On two ne1:v planarians from Auckland 1885; MOSELEY, H. N., 1881; MURRAY, Harbour. Trans. Proc. N.Z. inst. 15 J., 1895; PELSENEER, P., 1888; POLEJAEFFJ (1882): 213-4. N., 1883; RIDLEY, 0. S., 1887; SARS, G. [101] 0., 1885; SLADENJ W. P., 1889; SMITH, 1886 On a new species of Chromodoris. E. A., 1885; SoLLAsJ vv. J., 1888; Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 18 (1885): 137. STEBBING, T. R. R., 1883, 1888; THEEL, [102J H., 1 882, 1886; THOMSON) W., 1 874; TURNER, ,1v., 1880, 1888; WATSON, R. B., 1887 On the Mollusca of the vicinity of 1879, 1881, 1882, 1886; WRIGHT) E. P., Aucklancl. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 19 STUDER, T., 1889. (1886): 161-76. [103] CHAPMAN) F. R. [90] 1891 Notice of the occurrence of the basking 1891 The outlying islands south of New Zea­ sl1ark (Selache maxima) L.) in New Zea­ land. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 23 (1890): land. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 23 (1890): 491-522. 126-7. 18

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [104] [118] 1893 011 the occurrence of tl1e luth, or 1885 Notes 011 cl few At1stralian Edriophthal­ leathery turtle on the coasts of New mata. Proc. Lin11. Soc. N.S. W. 9 (18 84 ): Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 25 1035-44. (1892): 108-10. [119] (105] 1885 A new species of Ido tea. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 1896 Note on tl1e correct l1abitat of Patella 320-1 . (Scutellastra) kermadecensis, Pilsbry. [120] Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. ser. 2, 10 (1895 ): 1885 011 ar1 example of poly1norpl1ism in the 221-3. Amphipocla. A11n i\.fag. 11at. Hist. ser. 5, 16: 368-76. CHEl\1NITZ, J. H. [106] [121] 1 1769- Neues Systematisches Conch) lien Cabi- 1885 Polymorphism among the A1nphipoda. 1828 net ...Niirnb erg. 12 vol. 1.V.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 560-2. C1-1EMNl'fZ, j. H. [122] 1897 See also CLESSIN, S., 1897. 1886 A new species of Plzilyg· ria . Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 18 (1885): 159-6 1. CHILTON, C. [l 07] [123] 1882 Acltiitions to the New Zealand Crusta­ 1890 Revisio11 of the I\e,v Zealand ldoteiclae. r cea. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881): Trans. Proc. 1\ .z. Inst. 22 (1889): 189- 171-4. 204. [l08] [124] 1882 On some subterranean Crustacea. 1891 ?\ores on the ?\evv Zealand Squillidae. Trans. Proc. N.Z. In,st. 14 ( 1881 ): 174- Tra11s. Proc. 1\ 7 .Z. I11st. 23 (1890): 58- 80. 68. [l 09] [125] 1883 Adclitio·ns to the isopodan fauna of 1891 On tl1e cl1a11ges in form of a })arasitic Ne,v Zealantl. Trans. Proc. N,Z. Itzst. 15 iso1Jod (Ncrocila ). Trar1.s. Proc. N.Z. (1882): 145-50. Inst. 23 (1890): 68-7 1. [1 1 OJ [126] 1883 Further additions to otir k110,vle(lge of 1891 ldotl1.ea (or Idotriea) laci,stris G. M. New Zealand Crustacea. 1�ra1zs. Proc. Tho1nson. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1 (n.s.): 131-2. !'-l .Z. Inst. 15 ( 1882 ): 69-86. [127] [ 111] 1892 Notes on son1e New Zealand Amphi­ 1883 Idotea. elongcLtct. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1 (II): 517. })ocla a11d Iso1)oda. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 24 (1891): 258-69. [112] [I 28] 1883 Notes on, an(l a new species of, subter­ 1892 A new s1)ecies of Munna from Ne,v ranean Crustacea. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Zealand. Ann. j\!fag. Hist. ser. 6, 9: Inst. 15 (1882): 87-92. 1-12. [ 113] [129] 1883 On tv.10 marine 1nites. Traris. Proc. N.Z. 1897 A new a1npl1 i pocl from New Zeala.ncl Irist. 15 ( 1882): 190-2. (family Po11toporeiidae). Ann. Mag· riat. [114] Hist. ser. 6, 19: 1-6. 1883 On r,vo 11e,v iso1)ods. T1·a11s. Proc. 1V .Z. Irist. 15 (1882): 188-90. CHILTON, C. ANI) THOi.\1S()N, G. lVI . [1 15] 1886 See T1-1oivrsoN, G. M. AND CHILTON, C. 1886. 1883 On some points _of diff_erence between tl1e English crayfish (Astacils fiuviatilis) CLARK, .J. v\T. [130] a New Zealand one (Paranephrops 1873 On tl1e earecl seals of the Auckland setosits). Trans. Proc. N.Z. I11st. 15 lslancls. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1873: ( 1882 ): 150-65. 750-60. [I 16] [ 131] 1884 Aclclitions to tl1 e sessile-eyed Crustacea 1875 On the earecl seals of the islands of St. of New Zealand. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. Paul and Amsterdam, ,vith a descrip­ 16 ( 1883 ): 249-65. tio11 of tl1e fur-seal of New Zealand, and [117j an attem1)t to clistinguish and rearrange 1884 Additions to the sessile-eyed Crustacea tl1e New Zealand Otariidae. Proc. zool. of New Zealand. 1.V .Z. J. Sci. 2: 35-6. Soc. Lond. 1875: 650-77.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [I 32] [146] 1884 On a sea lio11 from tl1e east coast of 1882 A (lescri ptio11 of t,vo N e,v Zealand Australia (0 laria cinerea) Pero11). Proc. shells, of the gcr1er,l [!11io a11cl Patella zool. Soc. Lo,id. 1884: 188-96. . .. belicvccl to be but little k110,vn to scie11ce. ]'rar1s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 CLARKE) F. E. [l 33] (1881): 567. 1878 On tvvo r1evv fisl1es. 1�ra11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 10 ( 1877): 243-6. CooK, James [147] [134] 1777 A ,,oyag·e tovvarcls tl1e Sot1tl1 Pole and 1879 Ori a 11e,v fisl1 fou11d at Hokitika. Tr(ins. rot111(l tl1e vvorll .Z. 396 l)}). I11st. II (1878): 291-5. [l48 ] [l 36] 1893 Captai11 Cook's j<)t1r11al dt1ri11g l1is first 1881 Descriptio11 of a r1e,v SJ)ecies of Tra­ voyage rot1n(l tl1e vvorl(l made in H.M. cfiypter1is. Tra11s. Proc. l'l.Z. Inst. 13 Bark li11clecrvo11r 1708-71, eclitecl by (1880): 195-�). Ca1)tai11 \:\1 . . J. L. '\-\'l1arton 1i.N ., F.R.S. [137] Lo11clor1, Elliot Stock. lvi, 400 })p. 1897 Notes on tl1e occurrence of a species of JJopliotes on the coast of Taranaki. > Coo1,) J arr1es, ,,c>yages c>f. 1V .Z. 251-2. 1 'J'ra11s. ] roe. I,,,st. 29 (1896): See AN1)ERSON) , \ ., 1842; I�ANI<.s) J ., [I 38] 1896; f()1zs1·ER, G., 1777; J:,' oRSTERJ J. R., 1778; HA,VI(ES\VORTH, J ., 1773; �1 1AR­ 1897 011 t,vo nevv globe-fisl1. Trarzs. Proc. TENS, E. VOil, 1872. 1\r .z. Inst. 29 ( 1896 ): 243-50. [139] 149 1898 Notes on occt1rrence of Reg·alec,us (�()()PF:R, C. [ ] a. rg·e,n te11s 011 the Taranaki coast. T1·a-,1s. l 899 A list <>f n1arine sl1ells fou11cl at '\1Vl1ar1- Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897): 254-66. garei Hca<.ls. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. J,nst. 31 [140] (1898): 134.- -40. I 899 Notes 011 New Zealan(l Galaxiclae, more Q ) 1 es1)ecially tl1ose of tl1e vvestern slopes: CO UILLE , oyage of. vvitl1 descriptio11s of ne,v species, etc. .� ee GtJ.ERIN lvl ENE\'ILLEJ F. C., 1830; Trans. Proc. }l.Z. Inst. 31 (1898): 78-91. L1�sso1', 1{ . P., 18!3 (); Li:sso:--i} R. P. a11cl GARNO'!', P. 1826. [l 41] I 899 Notes on parore (tl1e n1a11grovc fisl1). Trltns. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 31 (1 898): 96- C()lJ(;Jl1'REY, i\!I. [150] l O 1. 1875 Notes 011 tl1e Nevv Zealand l-Iydroideae. [142] 1'ra 11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 ( 1874 ): 281- 1899 011 Exocoeti1s il1na: a 11e,,v species of 93. flying-fisl1. Trar1s. Proc. N.Z. 111st. 31 [151] ( 1898): 92-6. 187 5 Descri1)tion <>f a nevv species <>f Actinia. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 111st. 7 (1874 ): 280. CLESSIN) S. [143] '\\T. 1897 Sclariiclae. Iri lVIARTINr) F. H. AND ! V (:ouGHTREY, \\ . 52 CHE:JNITZJ .J. H. Syste111a tiscl1cs Cor1- i [l ] cl1 y lien-Ca bi11et ,,on Martini und l 87{j Critical notes 011 tl1e N evv Zealar1d Chem11itz ...Nurnberg. Bel. 2 (13). H y<.lroicla. Trctns. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 76 l)}),, 18 pl. ( 1(975 ): 298-302. COLENSO, VV. [144] [153] I 87�) Notes on the gent1s} ,vith 1876 Critical notes on the New Zealand ;-1 clescription of an unclescril)ec:l New H11 droi(la. Ar11i. 1\ 1ng· nat. Hist. ser. 4) Zealanc:1 s1)ecies. Tra, 11s. Proc. 1V .Z. I'nst. 17: 22-32. 11 ( 187 8): 298-300. . [145] 1882 Description ()f tvV() little-kr1own sr>ecies Cox} J. C. [154] of Ne,,v Zealand shells. Trans. Proc. l 882 Australian Octopoclidae. Proc. Li1in. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881): 168-9. Soc. l>/.S. W. 6: 773-89.


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o.,c., LL.O.. F.L.,. 1"60-19291 Prore-.... r ot Bi< l � c1.nd Pa1aeo11tol� at Canter­ bur :9l�- 1910 . CA. u1>ietl Chair C't Biol�· (1910- 192'). on retirement created Pri te"' :- emericu.. He ,\-:i, ,\ell 1,:no,\·n a, an au l re, on the cn1,tacca.

Phntn,:raph h.r co11rtC's1 of thC' D0111i11io11 M11.H111111

Plate If/ Reverencl \Villiam Colenso, F.R.S., F.L.S. (18 -1899) Printer, 1nissionary, l)oto11ist, explorer. In ac.ldition to his major endeavours in those fields, Colenso contributed a nu1nb�r of papers in n1arine zoolog) .

Photograph by co11rlesy of the Alexander Turnbull Librar)'

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Professor Arthur Denet,·,, O.SC., F.R.S., F.R.Z.S. (1865-1925) Lecturer, then Professor of Biology at Canterbury I 89-1-1903. Professor of Zoology· at Cape To,vn until 1905. Appointed to the cl1air of Zoology at Kings College, London, ,vherc he remained until his death. One of his most important contributions to n,arine zoology ,vas his investigation on the morphology and classificatio11 of the sponges.

Photograph by courtesy of the Royal Society, Lo11do11


Plate VJ Sir Julius von Haast,

PH.O., D.SC., F.R.S. (1822-1887) Explorer, geologist and zoologist. Fou11der of the Canterbury J\,luseun, ancl Philosophical Inslilute of Canterbury. First Professor of Geology in Can- terbury University College (1876-1887).

Photograph by courtesy of the Alexander Turnbull Library

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit CROSSE, J. C. H. [155] DENDY, A. [165] 1899 Catalogue de la bibliotheque et cles col­ 1887 On a remarkable new species of Clado­ lections de Feu Crosse . . . Paris, rhiza obtained by H.M.S. Challenger. Derolle. A11n. Mag·. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 20: 279-82.

CROZET's voyage. [166] See RocHON, A. 1783. 1891 Monograph of the Victorian sponges. Pt. 1. Tra11s. ray. Soc. Viet. 3 (1): 1-81. Cuv1ER, G. L. C. F.D. AND VALENCIENNES, [156] 11 pl. A. [I 67] 1828- Histoire naturelle (les poissons. Paris, 1893 Synopsis of the Australian Calcarea 49 F. G. Levrault. 22 vol. Heterocoela with a proposed classifica­ tion of the group and descriptions of DALL, vv. H. [157] some new genera and species. Proc. roy. 1873 Catalogue of tl1e recent species of tl1e Soc. Viet. 5 (1892): 69- 116. class Brachiopoda. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. [168) Philad. 1873: 177-204. 1897 On Virgitlaria gracillima in L)·ttelton Harbour. Tra11s. Proc. ·;,.t.Z. I11st. 29 ( 1896): 256- . DANA, J. D. [158] 7 [169] 1851 Conspectus Crustaceorum quae in orbis terranum circumnavigatione. Carola 1 98 Xotes on a remarkable collection of Wilkes e classe Reipublicae Foecleratal marine animals lately found on the duce, lexit et clescri1)sit, VI. Amer. ]. X e,v Brighton beach, near Christ­ Sci. 2 (12): 268-74. church, New Zealand. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. [159] Inst. 30 (1897): 320-6. [170] 1852 Conspectus Crustaceortim q uae in Orb is on the holotl1urians of Terrarum Circtimnavagatione, Carolo 1898 Observations 1 New Zealand; with descriptions of fot1r \Vilkes e Classe Rei1)ublicae Foederatae Duce, lexit et descripsit. Proc. Acad. 11ew species ancl an appendix on the nat. Sci. Philad. 1852: 10-28. (levelopment of the wheels in Chiro­ dota. ]. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 26: 22-52. [160] 1852 Crustacea. Iri United States exploring [I71] and expe(lition during the years 1838, 1839, 1898 On the s1)onges clescribed in Dieffen­ 1855 1840, 1841, 1842 uncler the command of bacl1's "New Zealand". Trans. Proc. Charles \,\7ilkes, U.S.N. Philadelphia. N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897): 316-20. C. Sherman. vol. 13 (2 vol.), 1618 pp. [172] Atlas (1855). 96 pl. 1898 On some points in the anatomy of Caitdina coriacea, Hutton. ]. Linn. Soc. DAVIDSON, T. [161] (Zool.) 26: 456-64. 1850 On the genus \1Valtonia. Arin. Mag riat. Hist. ser. 2, 5: 474-6. DESHr\ YES, G. P. [l73] [I 62] 1852 Descriptions of tvventy new species of 1852 Descriptions of a few new recent species the genus Cardita, from the collection of Brachiopoda. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. of Hugh Cuming, Esq. Proc. zool. Soc. 1852: 75-87. Lond. 1852: 100-7. [163] [174] 1880 ll eport on the Brachiopoda ...Re p. 1853 Descriptions of fourteen new species of voy. Challe11ger, Zool. 1._ 67 pp., 4 pl. JVJ.actra, i11 the collection of Mr. [161] Cuming. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1853: 1886 A monograph of recent Bracl1iopoda. 14-7. Pt. 1 . T1·ans. Lin11. Soc. London. Zool. [175] ser. 4, 2: 1-247, pl. I 853 Descriptions of new species of shells in the collection of Mr. Cuming. Proc. DE BLOSSEVILLE, J. zool. Soc. JJond. 1853: 1-14. See BLOSSEVILLE, J. de. [I 76] 1854 Descriptions of new shells from the col­ DE CASTELNAU, F. lection of Hugh Cuming, Esq., Proc. See CASTELNAU, F. de. zool. Soc. Land. 1854: 317-71.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit DIEFFENBACH EARP, G. B. [185] ) E. [177] 1844. [Wl1aling.] In Appendix to report fro1n 1844 [Fisl1eries] I·ri Mi11utes of evidence Select Committee on New Zealancl. Gt. taken before Select Co1nmittee on New Brit. Hotlse of Commons Papers, N.Z. Zealand. Gt. Brit. Hoilse of Commons 3: 556-61 4. papers. N.Z. 3: 556/99-101. [186] DIEFFENBACH, E. ENDERBY} C.

See also DENDY, A., 1898; GRAY) J. E., 1840 [ReJ)Ort on state of British fisheries in 1843; GRAY, J. E. and RICHARDSON, J., the South Seas, and tl1e desirability of a 1843; "\1VH11·E, A. and DouBLEDAY, E., fishery establisl1ment in New Zealancl.] 1843. In Gt. Brit. Hoi,se of Commons papers. N.Z. 2: 582/ 122. DIESING, C. lI.V [178] ER.EBUS AND TERROJZJ voyage of. 1850 Systen1a Helminthum. Vienna, Brau- . muller. Vol. I: xvi, 679 pp. See l\1rERSJ E. J., 1875; RICHARDSON) J., 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848; S1vr1TH) E. A., o'ORBIGNY, A. D. 1874. 0RBIGNY, See A. D. o'. fARQUHAR, H. [187] 1 DOUBLEDAY, E. AND "\\THITEJ A. 1894 Description of a new s1)ecies of Ophiur­ 1843 See "\1\1 HITE, A. AND DounLEDA Y, E., idae. Tra1is. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 26 (1893 ): 1843. 109-11. [188J DOUGLAS 0GILBY, j. 1895 Descriptions of tvvo new gymnoblastic See Oc1LBY, J. D. l1ydroitls. Trans. Proc. N.Z. l1ist. 27 (1 c�94 ): 208-9.

DREW} S. H. [179] [189] 1898 Notes on Regalecus sp. Traris. Proc. 1895 Notes on New Zealand echinoderms. N.Z. Inst. 30 ( 1897 ): 253-4. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 27 (1894 ): 194- 208. DRURYJ B. [180] [190] 1854 Pelorl1s Estuary. N.Z. Govt. Gaz. S-14: 1896 List of New Zealand Hydroida. Tra·ns. 141-5. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 28 (1855): 459-68. [l 91] Du1GAN, ] . [181] 1898 Notes on Ne,,v Zealand starfishes. Tra1is. 1876 Is access to the sea a necessity to eels? Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897): 187-91. 1�raris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 (1,975): 221-2. [I 92] 1898 A contribution to the History of New DUMONT D'URVILLE, ]. S. C. [182] Zealand echinoderms. ]. Lirtn. Soc. 1842-Voyage au pole sud et dans l'oceanie (Zool.) 26: 186-98. 1854 sur les corvettes L'Astrolabe et la [l 93] ZeleeJ execute ...penclant les annees 1898 On the echinoderm fauna of New Zea­ 1837, 1838, 1839, 1840, sous le com­ land. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 23: 300- ma11clement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville 27 . . . . Paris, Gide, 1842-54. 22 vol. [194 J [183] 1898 Preliminary account of some Ne,-v Zea­ 1950 New Zealand 1826-1827, from the land Actiniaria. ]. Linri. Soc. (Zool.) Frencl1 of Dumont d'Urville: An Eng­ 26: 527-36. lisl1 translation of tl1e Voyage de l'Astro­ [195] labe in New Zealand waters with an I 900 Description of a new ophiuran. Proc. i11trocluctory essay by Olive Wright. Linn. Soc. N.S. lV. 24 (1899 ): 187-9. "\i\Tellington, \1 Vingfield press. xi, 25 pp. maps. FILHOLJ H. [I 96] 1878 Sur les mollusques marins de l'ile DUNCAN, M. [184] Stewart (Nouvelle-Zelande). C.R. Soc. 1876 Notices of some deep-sea and littoral Biol., Paris 86: 702-3. corals from the Atlantic Ocean, Carib­ [197] bean, Indian, New Zealand, Persian 1880 Mollusques marins vivant sur les cotes Gt1lf, and Japanese, etc. seas. Proc. zoo2. de l'iles Campbell. C. R. Soc. Biol.} Soc. J..,01id. 1876: 428-42. Paris 91: 1094-5.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [198] [211] 1882 Geological and zoological relations of 1874 On tl1e recc11t zi1)l1ioi

FISCHER, P. [208] FORSTER, G. [22 1] 1887 Manuel de Conchyliologie • • • Paris, 1777 A voyage round the world in his Bri­ Librairic F. Savy. 1369 pp. tannic Majesty's Sloop Resolution, command eel by Capt. James Cook, FITZGERALD, G. G. [209] during the years 1772, 1773, 1774, and 1873 [On tl1c mud fish (J\leocl1anrza apoda)] 1775. London, v\Thite, Robson, Elmsly Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5 (1872): 456. & Robinson. 2 vol., chart. FORSTER, ]. R. [222] FLOWER, "\1\T. H. [21 O] 1778 Observations made cluring a voyage 1874 On Risso's dolphin, Gramp1ts grzseus round the world on pl1ysical geography, (Cuv.). Trans. zool. Soc. London. 8: natural history and ethic philosopl1y. 1-21. London, G. Robinson.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [223] GOODE, G. B. AND BEAN, T. H. [232] 1801 [Fishes] lri BL0C1-1, M. E. and SCHNEIDER, 1895 Oceanic ichthyology. A treatise on the .J. G. Systema ichthyologiae ... Berlin. deep-sea and pelagic fishes of the world. 2 vol. "\Vashington, Govt. printer. 2 vol. [224] (Special bulletin of the Sniithsoriian 1844 Descriptiones animalium quae in lnstit1tte, U.S. nat. J\ 1us.) vol. 1. 553 pp., iti11ere ad maris australis terras per vol. 2, 103 pl. annos 1772, 1773 et 1774 suscepto col­ legit, observavit et delineavit J. R. GOULD, A. A. [233] Forster ...Berlin. xiii, 424 pp. 1852 United States exploring expedition dur­ C. [225] ing the years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, FRASER, 1842 uncler the command of Charles 1870 On a (probably new) variety of the Wilkes, U.S.N. Boston, Gould & Lin­ small-nailed seal-Stenorhyncus lept­ coln. vol. 13; xv, 510 pp. onyx, of Cuvier, and De Blainville, ancl alliecl to the Phoca leopardina of Jame­ son. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): GRAFF, L. VON. [234] 33-4. 1884 Report on the Myzos tomida . . . Rep. voy. Challerzger, Zool. 10: 82 pp., 16 pl. fRAUENFELD, G. VON [226] 1867 Mollusken. In Reise der Osterreichi­ GRAY, J. E. [235] schen Fregatte Novara um die Ertle in 1835 Catalogue of shells collected on tl1e east den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoo­ coast of New Zealand. In YATE, v\T. An logischer Theil, Zweiter Band, 16 pp., account of Ne,v Zealand. 2d ed. Lon­ 2 pl. don, Seeley and Burnside. 310 pp. GAIMARD, J. P. QuoY, J. R. C. [236] I 824 See QuoY, J. R. C. and GA1r>.1ARD, J. P., 1841 A Synopsis of the genera and species of 1824. the class I-Iypostoma ( Asterias Lin­ naeas). Ann.. Jvf ag. nat. Hist. 6: 275-90. CARNOT, P. AND LESSON, R. P. This paper describecl Pentag·onaster 1826 See LESSON, R. P. and GARNOT, P., 1826. pitlchellus from "China" since shown to have been from N .z. GAZELLE, voyage of. [237] See STUDER, T., 1880. 1843 Additional radiated animals and annel­ ides. lri DIEFFENBACH, E. and others. GEORGE, S. [227] Travels in New Zealand with the Geo­ 1881 Notice of the capture of a large stinga­ graphy, Geology, Botany and Natural ree. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 13 (188): History of that country. vol. 2. Fauna 426. of Nevv Zealand. London, John Murray. GERVAIS, P. AND BENEDEN, P. J. VAN. [238] 1868- See BENEDEN, P. J. van and GERVAIS, P. 1843 Notes on tl1e materials at present exist­ ing towards a fauna of New Zealand. 1879 1868-79. In DIEFFENBACH, E. and others. Travels GILL, T. [228] in New Zealand ...vol. 2. Fauna ol New Zealand. London, John Murray. 1888 On the Psychrolutidae of Gii11ther. Proc. U.S. nat. l\1us. 11: 321-7. [239] [229] 1843 List of Mammalia hitherto recorded as 1891 On the genera Labrichthys and Pseitdo­ found in New Zealand. In DIEFFEN­ labrtls. Proc. U.S. 1iat. Mits. 14: 395- BACH, E. and others. Travels in New 404. Zealand ... vol. 2. Fauna of New Zea­ [230J land. London, John Murray. 1893 A comparison of a11tipodal faunas. [240] Jv fem. nat. Acad. Sci. 6: 91. 1843 Catalogue of tl1e Species of Mollusca and tl1eir shells. In DIEFFENBACH, E. GILLIES, T. B. [231] and others. Travels in New Zealand 1882 Notes on New Zealand lVI ollusca. Trans. . . . vol. 2. Fau11a of New Zealand. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881): 169-71. London, Joh11 Murray.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [24 1] [252] 1843 Radiata. In DIEFFENBACH, E. and 1864 Notes on the \-v halebone-whales; with a others. Travels in New Zealancl ... vol. synopsis of the species. A1i1i. 1Wa,g. nat. 2. Fauna of New Zealand. London, Hist. ser. 3, 1-1-: 345-53. John Murray. [253] [242] 1864 On the Cetacea which have been ob­ 1843 Tunicata. lri DIEFFENBACH, E. and ser,;ecl in the seas surrounding the others. Travels in Ne,.v Zealand ... Britisl1 islancls (ancl other parts). Proc. vol. 2. Fauna of New Zealand. London, :ool. Soc. Lo11d. 186-1-: 195-248. John Murray. [254] (243] 1866 Catalogue of seals and whales in the col­ 1844 The seals of the southern hemisphere. lections of the British Museum. Lon­ and In RICHARDSON, ]. and GRAY, J. E. ed. clon, Brit. �Ius., ,·ii, 402 pp. 1875 Tl1e zoolog1' of the \'Oyage of H.1,1.S. [255] Erebits and Terror, uncler the command 1867 :i'\otes 011 the specimens of Calyptrae­ of Capt. Sir James Clark Ross ... dur­ iclae in l\ Jr. Cuming's collection. Proc. ing 1839- 43. London, Janson. vol. 1, zool. Soc. Land. 1867: 726-48. pt. I: 1-8, pl. i-x, 1844; p. 9-12, pl. (256] xix-xvii, 1875. 1868 Synopsis of the species of whales and [244] dolphins in the collection of the British 1846 On the cetaceous animals. In RICHARD­ Museum. Lonclon, Brit. Mus. 10 pp., 37 SON, ]. and G1lAY, J. E. ed. The zoology pl. of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and [257] command of Capt. Terror, under the 1870 Sir James Clark Ross ...during 1839- On the skeleton of Dioplodon sechell­ 43. London, Janson, vol. 1, pt. 3: 13- ensis in the Australian Museum at Syd­ 53, 37 pl. ney. Ann. iW ag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 6: [245] 343-4. [258] 1847 Descriptions of some new genera and species of Asteroidae. 1871 Notes on the skull of Balaena margin­ Ann Mag. nat. described in "Transactions of the Hist. 20: 193-208. ata, [246] New Zealand Institute", vol. 2, p. 26, as the type of a new genus, Neobalaena. 1849 Catalogue of the Mollusca in the col­ N.Z. 3. (1870): 123-4. lection of the British Museum. Pt. I. Trans. Proc. 111st. Cephalopoda antepedia. London, Brit. [259] Mus. 187 I Catalogue of seals and whales in the [247] ...British Ml1seum. Supplement ... 1849 Description of a new genus and several Lonclon, Brit. Mus. vi, 103 pp. new species of terrestrial, fluviatile and [260] marine molluscot1s animals inhabiting 1871 Notes on the Berardius of New Zealand. New Zealand. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. Anri.Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 8: 115-7. 1849: 164-9. [248] [26 1] 1851 Description of a new genus of bivalve 1872 Notes on corals from the South and shells, ancl a sea egg, from New Zealand. Antarctic Seas. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1851: 125-6. 1872: 744-7. [249] [262] 1851 Descriptions of some new genera and 1873 Notice of tl1e skeleton of the New-Zea­ species of Spatangidae in the British land right whale (Ma cleayius australi­ ensis) and other whales, and other New­ Museum. Anri Ma,g. nat. Hist. ser. 2, 7: 130-4. Zealand marine mammalia. Proc. zool. [250] Soc. IJond. 1873: 129-45. 1855 Observatio11s on tl1e species of Volutes [263] -Volutidae. Proc. zool. Soc. Lo1id. 1873 On Berardius and other ziphioid 1855: 50-66. whales. Ann. Mag nat. Hist. ser. 4, 11: (251] 17-9. 1859 On the sea bear of Forster, the Ursus [264] marinits of Steller, Arctocephalus 1873 On the Macleayius australiensis from tt rsin1ts of a·uthors. Proc. zool. Soc. New Zealand. Ann. Mag nat. Hist. ser. Land. 1859: 102-3. 4, 11: 75-6.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [265] [275] 1874 List of seals, whales an(l dolphins of 1830 Crustaces, arachnides et insectes. Jn New Zealan(l. T1·ans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6 DUPERRY, L. I. Voyage autour du (1<�73): 87-9. moncle . . . sur la corvette . . . La [266] Coquille, pendant Jes annees 1822, 1823, 1874 Notes on Dr. Hector's paper on the l 824 et 1825 . . . Zoologie, par R. P. whales a11cl clolphins of New Zealand Lesson. Paris, Artl1us Bertrand. vol. 2 seas. Trans. Prc)r. N.Z. Irzst. 6 (1873): (2): xii, 319 pp. 93-7. [267] Gu1c1-1ENOT, A. AND JACQUINOT, H. 1853 See JACQlJINc>·r) H. a11cl Gu1CHEN01·, A., 1874 Notice of tl1e skeleton of the Nevv Zea­ 1853. land right wl1ale (Macleayius Cl ttstrali­

ensis). Tra11s. P1·oc. N.Z. Inst. 6 (1873): GtJNTHER) 1.\. [276] 90-2. 1859- Catalog:ue (>f tl1e fishes in the collection [268] 1870 <)f the Britisl1 Museum. Lon(lon, Brit. 1874 [Note Lo paper on sulphur-bottom l\1us. 8 ,,ol. ,-vhale of New Zealand, by J. Hector] [277] Ann. Niag. rzat. Hist. ser. 4, 14: 305. 1867 On a 11e"'r for1n of n1udfish from Nevv [269] Zealand (Neocftanr1a). Ann. JWag. 11at. 1874 On a New Zeala11cl vvl1ale (Physalits Hist. ser. 3) 20: 305-9. a.nta. rctici,s) Hutton), witl1 notes. Ann. [278] 1\rfa g·. n at. Hist. s er. 4, 13 : 316-8. 1876 Remarks on fishes, vvith descriptions of [270] ne,-v SJ)ecies in the British Museum, 1874 On the bladebones of Balae11a liectorz cl1iefly from southern seas. Arin. iWag. ! ar1d 1\ Iegaptera. novae-zealandia. e. Ann. r1at. Hist. ser. 4, 17: 389- 402. 1, 11at. Hist. ser. 4) 13: 56-8. [279] [271] 1877 Remarks on New Zealand fishes, with I 874 On the skelet<)n of the New-Zealancl (lescriptions of new species in the pike vvhale, Balaeriopter(l ht.l ttoni (Pl1y­ ·British 1\IIuse um, cl1iefly from so11thern sal1ts antarctic1,s) Hutto11). A11n. Mag. seas. T1·a 11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 9 (1876): nat. Hist. ser. -I, 1 3: 448-52. 469-72. [280] GRAY) J.E. 1 878 Prelimi11ary notices of dee1)-sea fishes See also 1\1I1ERS, E. J., 1875; RICHARDSON, collcctecl (luring the voyage of H.M.S. . J., 1844- 48; SiVIITH) E. A., 1875. Challenger. A1111. Afag. nat. Hist. ser. 5) 2: 179-87. GRAY) J.E. AND HF.C'TOR, J. [281] 1873 See HEc·rc)R) J. and GRAY) J. E., 1873. 1880 An introcluction to the stucly of fishes. Edi11burgh, A. & C. Black. xvi, 720 JJp., GRAY, ]. £. AND RICHARDSON, .J. [272] 1 pl. 1843 List of fish. /1,z, DIEI-.-FENBACH, E. and [282] others. Travels in Nevv Zealand . . . 1 1880 Report on the sl1ore fishes ...Rep. voy. , 01. 2. Fauna of New Zealand. London, Challenger) Zool. 1: 82 pp., 32 pl. John Murra71• [283 j GRUBE, E. [273] 1887 llcport 011 the deep-sea fishes ... Rep. 1867 Anneliden. In Reise (ier Osterreichi­ voy. Clzallenger, Zool. 22: 335 pp., 73 schen Fregatte Novara um die Ercle in pl. (lcn J al1ren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoolog­ [284] ischer Tl1eil, Z,-veiter Ban(l 4 7 pp., 4 pl. 1889 Report on the pelagic fishes ... Rep. vo1,. Clialleng; er) Zool. 31: 47 Pl)., 6 pl. GUER1N-1V1ENE\1 1LLE, F. E. [274] 1829- Iconogra1)hie d11 Regne Animal de G. HAAST, ] . \I ON. [285] 1844 Cuvier, 011 representation d'apres 1870 Preliminary 11otice of a ziphid ,-vhale, Nature de l'11ne cles especes les plus 1Jrobably Berarclius arnu xii) stranded remarquables et souvent non encore on December 16, 1868, on tl1e sea figurees, cle chaque genre cl'animaux. beach, near New Brighton, Canterbury. 3 vol. Paris. Tra11s. Proc. }l.Z. Inst. 2 ( 1 c969 ): 190-2.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [286] [299] 1870 Preliminary notice of a ziphioid ,rhale. 1878 Xotes on Regalecils pacificits, a new probably BerardizLs arr1zt."(ii, strandetl specie- of ribbon-fish, from the New on the 16th of December, 1 6 , on the Zealand sea-. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 10 sea-beach, near "';\e,, . Brighton. Canter­ (I 11): 246-5l. bury, Ne,v Zealand. A11n. �, 1ag. nnl. [300] Hist. ser. 4, 6: 348-51. :Notes on Zipl £!s 'Epiodon) novae-zea­ [287] la11diae.! ,·on Haa.sc_,goo ebeaked '"' hale. 1873 Notes on some unclescribed fishes of Tra11s. Proc. l'\-.z. I11st. 12 , J'),9): 241-6. Ne,v Zealancl. Trans. Proc. N.Z. I11st. 5 [301] (1872): 272-8. On Ziplziz,s 11oi,ae-:.eala11diae. Proc. [288] 1880 zool. Soc. Lon d. I 880: 232-7. 1874 On the occurrence of a new species of Euphysetes (E. pottsii), a remarkably [302) small catodont ,.v hale, on the coast of 1881 Notes on Balaenoptera rostra ta, Fab­ New Zealand. Traris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6 ricius (B. h1tttoni, Gray). Trar1s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. (1873): 97-102. 13 (1880): 169-75. [289] [303] 1874 Vorkommen von Brachiopoden un den 1883 Notes on a skeleton of Megaptera la­ Kusten von Neu Seelancl. Verh. geol. landii (novae-zealandiae). Trans. Proc. Reichs Ai,st. (St. Anst.) Wien 1874: N.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): 214-6. 253. [304] [290] 1883 Notes on a skeleton of Balaenoptera 1875 On the occurrence of Lamna cornubica, aitstralis, Desmoulins, the great south­ porbeagle shark, Flem., the mako of the ern rorqual or "sulphur-bottom" of Maoris, in Ne,.v Zealand. Trans. Proc. whalers. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1883: N.Z. Inst. 7 (1874 ): 237-8. 592-4. [291] HAECKEL, E. [305] 1875 On the occurrence of Leptocepha2us longirostris, Kaup, on the coast of New 1887 Report on the Radiolaria ...Rep. voy. Zeala11d. Trarzs. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 Challenger, zool. 18. 3 vol. 1803 pp., (1874 ): 238. 140 pl., map. [292] [306] 1876 Further notes on Oitlodon, a new genus 1888 Report on the Siphonophorae ...Rep. of ziphioid whales from the New-Zea­ voy. Challenger, Zool. 28. 379 pp. 50 pl. land seas. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1876: 457-8. HAEUSLER, R. [307] [293] 1887 Notes on some Foraminifera from the 1876 Notes on Mesoplodori fioweri. Proc. Hauraki Gulf. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. zool. Soc. Lond. 1876: 478-86. 19 (1886): 196-200. [294] 1876 Notes on the skeleton of Ziphius novae­ HAMILTON, A. [308] zealandiae. Proc. zool. Soc. I,ond. 1876: 1880 On Melicerta ringens and Plitmatella 466-77. repens. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12 [295] (1879): 301-3. 1876 On a new ziphioid whale. Proc. zool. [309] Soc. Lond. 1876: 7-13. 1885 On a species of cuttlefish (Omma­ [296] strephes sloanii). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 1877 Notes on iv! .esoplodon· fioweri. Trans. 17 (1884): 465. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 9 (1876): 442- 50. [310] 1886 Note on a large sun-fish (Orthagoriscus [297] mola L.) recently captured at Napier, 1877 Notes on tl1e skeleton of Epiodon Hawke's Bay. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. novae-zealandiae. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 18 (1885): 135-6. Inst. 9 (1876): 430- 42. [31 I] [298] 1896 Deep sea fauna of New Zealand, ex­ 1877 On Oulodon: a new genus of ziphioid tracted from the reports of the Chal­ vvhales. Tra11.s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 9 (1876): lenger Expedition. Wellington, N .z. 450-7. Inst., 29 pp., chart.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [312] [325] 1898 List of recent and fossil Bryozoa col­ 1870 On the mud fish (Neochanna apoda) lected in various parts of New Zealand. Gunther), from Hokitika. Traris. Proc. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. 111st. 30 (1897): 192-9. N.Z. I11st. 2 (1869): 402. [326] HAMILTON) A. AND TI-IONISON, G. �,I. [313] 1870 Catalogue of the Colonial Museum, 1898 [Discussion on the establishment of a \I\Tellington, New Zealand. Wellington, fish-hatcl1ery] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 }Jubl. by autl1ority. x, 237 pp. (1897): 583-4. [327] HANSEN, A. [314] 1870 List of the bones of seals and ,vl1ales in 1888 Notice of a giant sun-fisl1 (Orthagoris­ tl1e Colonial 1\11 useum, \i\T ellington, New cus mola)) cast ashore at Cape Camp­ Zealancl. Ann. Jv lag. nat. Hist. ser. 4) 5: bell. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 20 ( 1887 ): 220-4. 447. [328] l 871 [Notes on three ,vhales described by Dr.

HASWELL) W. A. [315] Knox, anti observations on the Zipl1- I 879 On two nevv species of crabs, of the itlae] T1·ans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 (1870): genus Stenorhynchus. Proc. Linn. Soc. 128-9. N.S. W. 3: 408-9. [329] [316] 1871 On a new species of fish, C oryphae- 1882 Marine caddis-worms. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1: 11oides 11ovae-zelaridiae)· native name, 318. okarari. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 (1870): [317] 136. 1885 A revisio11 of the Australian Isopoda. [330] Proc. Linrz. Soc. N.S.W. 9 (1884): 1001- 1872 Notes on the fur seal of New Zealand 13. (Arctoceph ali,s cinereits) Gray?) Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 4 (1871 ): 196-9. HAWKESWORTH, ]. [318] [331] I 773 An account of the voyages unclertaken 1872 On the New-Zealand bottlenose (La­ by order of l1is present Majesty for mak­ g·enorliynchits clanculits) Gray). Ann. ing discoveries in the southern hemi­ 1\llag. 11at. Hist. ser. 4) 9: 436-8. sphere ...drawn up from the journals [332] of . . . Captain Cook and Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. London. W. Strahan and 1873 On the whales and dol1)hins of the New T. Cadell. 3 vol. maps, charts. Zealand seas. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Irist. 5 (1872 ): 154-70. HEATH, N. [319] [333] I 884 Effect of cold on fishes. Trans. Proc. 1874 Notes on Delphinits forsteri. ]"rans. N.Z. Inst. 16 (1883): 275-8. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6 (1873): 85. [334] HECTOR, ] . [320] 1874 Notice of Jvlotella rtovae-zealandiae 1869 On a sword-fish presented to the n.sp. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 6 (1873): Museum by Dr. Knox. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 107-8. I11st. 1 (1868): 447-8. [335 [321] ] 1874 Notice of a ,,ariation in the dentition of 1870 [Discussion of Neochanna apoda] Mesoplodon hectori) Gray. Trans. Proc. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869 ): 402. }l.Z. I11st. 6 (187 3 ): 86-7. [322] [336] 1870 [Discussion of two seals of the genus 1874 Notes on the sulphur-bottom whale of Steriorh11nchits] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): 401. the New Zealancl whalers. Ann. Mag. [323] nat. Hist. ser. 4) 14: 304-5. 1870 Notes [on New Zealand Cetacea in the [337] Colonial Museum] Trans. Proc. N.Z. l 875 Notes on New Zealand ichthyology. Inst. 2 (1869): 26-32. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 ( 1874 ): 239- [324] 50. 1870 [On marine animals found on the S.S. [338] Taranaki] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 1875 Notes on New Zealand whales. Trans. (1869): 403. Proc. ·1'l.Z. Inst. 7 (1874 ): 251-65.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Plate 1111 Augustus Han1il ton (1853-1913) Director of tl1e Dominion l\' luseun1 (1903-1913). J>rincipally interested in ethnology, but published papers in 1n any other branches of natural science, including marine zoology.

PhotORrapl, b.1 co11rtes1 of the Don1inion M11se11111

Plate T' Ill Sir Ja1ncs Hector, �I.D., F.R.S., F.R.S.E. (1834-1907) Expiorer and geologist. In 1865 he becan1e first J)irector of the Ne,v Zealand Geological Survey. Principal founder of the Ne"'· Zealanti Institute and N1anager and Editor for 35 years. 1885 Chan- cellor of the lJniversitv of Ne,v Zealand .

Photograph by courtesy of the Alexander T11rnb11ll Library

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [339] [354] 1875 [On specimens of a Ceratodus and other 1888 On a small-sizecl specimen of the ha­ fishes donated to tl1e Colonial museu1n puka, Hectoria (Oligorits) gig·as, Castel­ from the Cl1alleng·er expedition] Trans. nau, caught in vVellington Harbour. Prue. 'f\7 Irzst. 7 (1874 ): 490-2. Trans. Proc. �.7 .Z. Inst. 20 (1887): 446-7. vacea. Jiep..z. voy. Challenger, Zool. 27: [355] 163 Pl)., 11 1)1. 1890 [011 a gurnarcl from Napier] Trans. 7 [340] Proc. 1\ .Z. 111st. 22 (1889): 530. 1875 l)escri1)tions of five new species of [356] fishes obtai11etl in the New-Zealand seas 1893 Notes on tl1e southern seals. Trans. by H.M.S. Cliallenger expedition, July Proc. 1\ 7.Z. 111st. 25 (1892): 255-60. 1874. A11,1. Jv/.ag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 15: [357] 78-80. 1893 Fish and fisheries. N.Z. Official Year­ [341] and book 1893: 230-1. 1895: 373-5. 1876 [Discussion on paper on whales] Trans. 1895 Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 (1875): 407. [358] [342] 1895 On a ne,v shell (Anomia walteri). 1877 Notes on the Ne,.v Zealancl Cetacea. Tra11s. Proc. :--.:r .z. I11st. 27 (1894): 292-3. Trc1ns. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 9 (1876): 477-84. [359] [343] 1895 On oyster-culture in Ne\v Zealand. Trarls. Proc. J\T.Z. I11st. 27 (1894 ): 670. 1877 Notes on Ne\\' Zealancl Crustacea. Trans. Proc. A7.Z. I11st. 9 (18i6): 472-5. [360] 1897 [Discussion on I� opliotes sp.] Trans. [344] Proc. N.Z. I11st. 29 ( 1896): 604. 1877 Notes 011 New Zealand ichtl1yology. [36 J 1] Tra11s. J ruc. J\T.Z. I11st. 9 (1876): 465-9. 1898 [Com1)arison of Xiphias g·ladiits and Histiopltori,s lierschelli] Traris. Proc. [345] N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897): 551-2. 1878 Notes 011 the "''hales of the New Zea­ [362] Tra11s. Proc. Inst. JO land seas. N.Z. 1898 [Discussio11 on Regalec1ts sp.] Trans. ( 1877 ): 331- 43. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897 ): 549. [346] [363] 1881 Notes on New Zcalancl Cetacea, recent 1898 [On Coridodax pullits and Odax vit­ an


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit HECTOR, ]. AND GRAY, .J. £. [371] HILGENDORF, F. W. [383] 1873 Notes on the whales and dolphins of 1898 On the hydroids of the neighbourhood the New-Zealand seas [by Dr. Hector]. of Dunedin. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 with remarks [by Dr. J. E. Gray] Ann. (1 897): 200-18. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 11: 104-12. [384] 1898 HECTOR, J. AND HUTTON' F. w. On the occurrence of Pedicellina in New nst. 1872 See HurroN, F. W. and HECTOR, .J., Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. I 1872. 30 (1897): 218. [385] F. [372] HECTOR, ]. AND KNOX, ]. 1899 A contribution to the study of the 1870 On a species of Ophisitrus, found on Rotifera of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. the coast of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 31 (1898): 107-34. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): 34-40. HINCKS, T. [386] HELLER, C. [373] 1883 Contributions towards a general history 1862 Neue Crustaceen, gesammelt wahrencl of tl1e marine Polyzoa. Ann. Mag. nat. der Weltumseglung der K.K. Fregatte Hist. ser. 5, 11: 193-202. Novara. z,-veiter vorlaufiger Bericht. [387] Verh . zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 12: 519-28. 1885 Contributions towarcls a general history [374] of the marine Polyzoa. New Zealand 1865 Crustaceen. In Reise der Osterreichi­ ancl Australia. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. schen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in ser. 5, 15: 244-57. de11 Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologi­ [388] scher Theil, Zweiter Band, Abt. 8, 280 1891 Contributions towards a general history pp. of the marine Polyzoa. Pt. 15. South African and other Polyzoa. Ann. Mag. HENDERSON, ]. R. [375] 11at. Hist. ser. 6, 7: 285-98. 1888 Report on the Anomura ...Re p. voy. [389] Challenger, Zool. 27: 221 pp., 21 pl. 1891 Contributions towards a general history HENRY, R. [376] of the marine Polyzoa, 1880-91. Appen­ 1896 011 Dusky Sound. Trans. Proc. N.Z. dix. Ann. Jv !ag·. nat. Hist. ser. 6, 8: Inst. 28 (1895): 50-4. 86-93. [377] HOCHSTETTER, F. VON. [390] 1897 Gossip about Fish. App . H.R. ]our. 1867 New Zealand, its pl1ysical geography, Sess. 2, 1897, C-1 : 128-9. geology and natural history ...Trans­ HERDMAN, w. A. [378] lated from the German ... by Edward 1882 Report on tl1e Tunicata ... Pt. 1, Sauter ...Stutt gart, J. G. Cotta, xvi, .Ascidiae simplices. Rep. voy. Chal- 515 pp., maps, pl. Zenger, Zool. 6. 296 pp., 37 pl. HooGSKIN, R. [391 [379] ] 1841 1888 A narrative of eig·ht months' sojourn in Report on the Tunicata . . . Pt. 3. New Zealand; with a description of the Ascidiae salpiformes, Thaliacea, Lar­ habits, customs, etc., of the islanders, vacea. Rep. voy. Challenger, Zool. 27: the climate, birds, fishes, etc. Coleraine. 163 pp., 11 pl. [392] [380] HOEK, P. P. C. P 1898 Note on the tunicate fauna of Austra­ 1881 Report on the ycnogonida . . . Rep. 3: pp., pl. lian seas. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 7, .l: 11oy. Challenger, Zool. 167 21 443-50. [393] [381 ] 1883 Report on the Cirripedia ...Re p. voy. 1899 Descriptive catalogue of the Tunicata C halleng·er, Zool. 8: I 69 pp., I 3 pl. in the Australian Museum, Sydney, Ne,v South Wales. Sydney. Austr. Mus. HOMBRON, ]. B. AND JACQUINOT, H. [394] Catalogue No. 17. xviii, 139 pp., 45 pl. 1842- Atlas. In Voyage au Pole Sud et dans [382] 53 l'Oceanie sur les corvettes l' Astrolabe HICKSON, S. et la Zelee execute . . . pendant . . . 1895 A revision of the genera of the Alcyon­ 1837-1840, sous le commandement de aria Stolonifera, witl1 a description of M. ]. Dumont d'Urville . . . Paris. one new genus, and several new species. Zoologie, par Hombron, J. B. et Trans. zool. Soc. Land. 13: 325-48. J acquinot, H.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit HOM BRON, .J. B. [409] See JACQUINOT, H. and LucAs, H. 1853; 1 875 Descri1)tio11s of new s1)ecies of New JAC(�UINOT, H. ancl GurcHENOT, A. 1853. Zealand fish. An.n. JV lag. nat. Hist. ser.

41 1 6: 3 1 3-7. HOYLE, w. E. [395] [4 1 OJ 1886 Re1)ort on the Cephalopoda ... Rep. 1 75 Descri1)tions of t.'\-vo new species of voy. Clialleng·er, Zool. 16: 246 1)p., 33 Crustacea fro1n Nev.r Zealancl, An11.. pl, map. "'.fag. r1a, t. Hist. ser. 4, 15: 41-2. HuBRECHT, A. A. \1\'. [396] [4 11] 1887 Report 011 the N emertea . . . Rep. VO)' . 1 7 5 On the "cow-fish" (T1,irsio 1netis) of the Challenger, Zool. 19: 151 Pl)., 16 pl. ounds on tl1e ,-vest coast of Otago, New Zeala11d. Ann. j\!fag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, HtlTTON, F. w. [397] 16: 357-9. 1872 On the New Zealand [412] Trans. P1·oc. N.Z. Inst. 4 (1871 ): 173-83. 1 76 Contribution to the ichthyology of [39 } :'.\e,,· Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 8 1 872 Catalogue of tl1e Echi11ode1,nata 0£ ( 1 .C?;_; ): 209-1 . New Zealand, with diagnose of the [413] species. Wellington, Jame Hughes, ,·ii. 17. I 76 De cri1)tion of the "cov,·-fish" or "bottle­ [399] nosecl c.lol1)hin" (Tursio metis) of the Sot1ncls on the ,,·est coast of Otago. 1 872 Descriptions of some ne,v starfishes Trar1s. PrrJc. 'l\r.z. Inst. 8 (1875): 1 80-1. from Nevv Zeala11d. Proc. zool. Soc. I� ond. 1872: 810-2. [414] 1 877 Cor1tributions to tl1e icl1thyology of [400] 9 1873 Contributions to tl1e icl1tl1yology of New Zeala11d. ]'rans. Proc. l\T.Z. Inst. (1876): 353-4. Nevv Zealanc.l. Tra.ns. Proc. N.Z. 5 (1872): 259-72. [415] [401 ] 1 877 Corrections and acldi tions to the cata­ logue of the Ne,v Zealand Echinoder­ 1873 On tl1e geogra1)l1ical relations of the 9 Nev., Zealanc.l fauna. Trans. Proc. N.Z. mata (1872). Trans. Proc. N.Z. I11st. Inst. 5 (1872): 227-56. (1876): 362. [402] [416] 1 87 3 011 tl1c N ev.1 Zealand sertularians. 1877 Corrections ancl additions to the list of 1'ra·ns. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 5 (1872): 256-9. Polyzoa in tl1e catalogue of the marine [403] Mollusca of New Zealand (1873). Trans. 1 873 Catalogue of the marine Mollusca of Proc. N.Z. lrisl. 9 (1876): 358-6 1. Ne,-v Zeala11d, witl1 diagnoses of the T [417] species. \1\ ellington, Govt. printer, 116 1877 Notes on the New Zealand Delphin- pp., 1 pl. idae. Trar1s. Prue. N.Z. lrist. 9 (1876): [404] 349-50. 1874 Notes 011 so1ne New Zealand fishes. 6 [4 18] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. (1873): 104-7. 1878 Co11 tri butions to the conchology of [405] New Zealancl. Tra·ns. Proc. N.Z. 1 874 The geograf)hical relations of the Nevv­ 10 ( 1877 ): 293-9. Zealand fauna. Ann. A1ag. 11at. Hist. [419 ser. 5, 13: 85-102. ] [406] 1878 Revision des coquilles de la Nouvelle Zelande et des i'les 1a.tham.Cl ]. Con­ 1 875 Description of s01ne plates of balee11 cJ1ylic>l. 27: l-57. in the Otago Museum. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 (1874): 266. [420] [407] 1879 Catalogue of the hitherto described 1 875 Descri1)tion of tvvo ne\v species of worms of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. A plysia. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 7 N.Z. Ir1s t. 11 (1878): 314-27. (1874): 279. [421] [408] 1 879 Notes 011 a collection from the Auck­ 1875 Description of two new species of Crus­ land Islands ancl Campbell Island. tacea from Ne"v Zealand. Trans. Proc. Traris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): N.Z. Inst. 7 (1874 ): 279-80. 337-43.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [422] [437] 1879 Notes on some New Zealand Echino­ 1883 Additions to the 1\1 olluscan fauna of dermata, with descriptions of new New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 species. Trans. Proc. N.Z Inst. 11 (1878): (1882): 1 31-3. 305-8. [4 38] [423] 1883 Notes on some branchiate . 1879 The sea anemones of New Zealand. Traris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): 1,rans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (187 8): 118-3]. 308-14. [439] [424] 1883 Notes on the structure of Stritthiolaria 1879 Description of two new fishes from papulosa. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 New Zealancl. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. (1882 ): 117-8. 5, 3: 53. [440] [425] 1883 On the New Zealand Siphonariidae. 1879 On the structure of Amphibola avel­ Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): lana. Ann. Mag. 11at. Hist. ser. 5, 3: 141-5. 181-6. [44 1] [426] 1884 Notes on some marine Mollusca, with 1880 Contributions to the coelenterate fauna descriptions of new species. Trans. Proc. of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. N .z. Inst. 1 6 ( 188 3): 2 I 2-6. 12 (1879): 274-6. [442] [427] 1884 Revision of the recent rl1achiglossate 1880 Additions to tl1e list of New Zealand Mollusca of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. '"'orms. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12 N.l. Inst. 16 (1883): 216-33. (1879): 277-8. [443] [4 28] 1884 Descri1)tio11s of two new shells. N.Z. ]. 1880 Description of a new fish [Labrichthys SCl. . _? _. l ""3I . roseip1.lnctata] Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. [444] 12 (1879): 455-6. 1884 On the origin of the fauna and flora of [429J Ne,"' Zealancl. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 1-20. 1880 Ni anual of the New Zealand Mollusca. [445] N.Z. Col. Mus. & Geol. Surv. Dept., 1884 On the origin of the fauna and flora of \I\Tel lington, James Hughes, xii, iv. 224 New Zealancl. Pt. 2. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: pp. 249-73. [4 30] [446] 1881 Contributions to New Zealand malaco­ 1885 Revision of the marine taenioglossate logy. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 13 (1880): and ptenoglossate mollusca of New 200-4. Zealan

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P1fl�e I.X Captain Frederick ,rolla.. con Hutton. F.R.S. (1836-1905 In I 873 he becan1c Professor of :\atural cience at Otago lJniversity, Lhen Professor of Biol� at Canterbury College (1 880-1893), and finall� Curator of the Christchurcl1 .\l useun1. He published exten­ si,·e]y, on all classes of anin1als, his 1nagnu1,i opus. Index Faiinae 1V ovae Zealandiae being published i11 190-! by the Philosophical Institute of Canterhurv.

Photograph by collrtes.r u/ the Alexander T11r11b11ll Library

Plate .'\. Professor Harry Rorrer Kirk, �LA. ( 1859-19-!8) 1�rofessor of Biology at Victoria University College, I 903-1943. Contributed 1na11y papers on n1ar1ne zoology to the Transactio11s of the :'\e,v Zealand Institute.

Photograph br courtesy of the Royal Society, N.Z.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [452] KINGSLEY, R. I. [461] 1896 Notes on some Ne\v Zealand fishes, ""ith 1890 On a specimen of the g·reat ribbo11-fisl1 description of a new species. Trans. (Regaleczis argenteus) taken in Nelson Proc. N.Z. Inst. 28 (1895): 314-8. Harbour. Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. lr1st. 22 ( 1889 ): 333-8. HUTTON) F. vV. AND HECTOR) ]. [-153] 1872 Fishes of New Zealancl, catalogue ,ritl1 K1RCHE1' PAL'ER, G. H. [462] diagnoses of the species; by F.,\'.H.: 1864 Neue Sertt1lariclen aus verschieclenen Notes on the eclible fishes; by J.H. Hambtirgiscl1en Samn1lu11gen, nebst "\1Vellington, Colonial ?\fus. 133 pp., 12 allgemeinen Bemerkkungen uber Lam­ pl. ouroux's Gattung D)1na1nena. Verh. K. Leopold-Carol Deittscli. A kad. Na.turf. ] ACQUINOTJ H. AND GUICHENOTJ A. [ 454] Dresderz 31, (3). 16 pp. 1853 Reptiles et poissons. In Voyage ati Pole [463] Sucl et clans l'Ocea11ie sur les corvettes 18 l'Astrolabe Zelee execute . . 72 Uber die Hyclroiclen-familie Plumular­ et la . idae, einzelne Gruppe uncl ihre Frucl1t­ penclant ... 1837-1840, sous le com­ behal ter. I. Aglaopl1enia Lx. Abh. mandement cle M. J. Du1nont d'Urville riatu.r1v. Ver. Hamb11rg 5, (3): 1-52, 8 pl . . . . Paris. Gide et J. Baudry. Zoologie, par Hombron, J. B. et Jacquinot, H. [464] vol. 3, 56 pp. 1876 Uber die Hyclroiclen-familie Plumular­ JACQUINOTJ H. AND HOMBRONJ J. B. iclae, ei11zelne Grur)})e11 clerselben und il1re Fruchtbchalter. II. Pl11,mularia See J J 1842- HoMBRON J. B. and JACQUINOT uncl J\Tenie1·tesia.. Abli. naturw. Ver. 55 H. 1842-53. Hambicrg 61 (2): 1-59, 8 pl. [465] ] ACQUINOTJ H. AND LUCAS) H. [455] 1853 Crustaces. In Voyage au Pole Sud et 1884 Norclische Gattunge11 uncl Arte11 von dans l'Oceanie sur les corvettes l' Astro­ Sertulariden. A bh. natitr1.v. Ver. Ham­ labe et la Zelee execute ...pendant ... burg 8, ( 3 ): 54 pp., pl. 11-6. 1837-1840, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville ...Paris. Gide KIRK, H. B. [466] et ]. Baudry. Zoologie, par. Hombron, 1884 On the anatomy of Sepioteitthis biline· J. B. et Jacquinot, H. vol. 3, 107 pp. ata. Quoy ancl Gaimarcl. Trarzs. Proc. 1\ r.z. Inst. 16 (l/?83): 145-60. ]AYJ ]. C. [456] [467] 1852 Catalogue of recent shells in the cabinet 1894 Contribution to a kno'\-\rledg·e of the of J. C. Jay ...New York, 479 pp. New Zeala11cl sponges. Trans. Proc. N.Z. lr1st. 26 (1893): 175-9 . .JENYNS, L. [457] [468] 1842 Tl1e zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. 1894 [Discussio11 on his paper, "Contribution Beagle ...during the years 1832 to to a k110\vlec.lge of tl1e New Zealand 1836. Pt. 4. Fish. London, Smith, Elder, sponges"] Tra11s. Proc. N.Z. Irist. 26 xvi, 172 pp., 29 pl. (1893): 661. [469] JOVAN H. ) [458] 1895 Further co11tribution to a kno'\-\rledge of [ea. 1870] Essai sur la faune de la Nouvelle tl1e New Zealancl spo11ges. Traris. Proc. Zelande. Mem. Soc. 1iat. Sci. Cherbourg N.Z. Inst. 27 (1894): 287-92. 14: 295. [470] This entry was not traced. 1896 Nelv Zealand sponges: Tl1ird paper. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 111st. 28 (1895): KIENER) L. C. [4 59] [n.d.] Species generale et iconographie des 205-10. coquilles vivantes comprenant la collec­ [471] tion dt1 Museum d'histoire naturelle 1898 Notes on Ne,v Zealand sponges: Fourth de Paris les descouveries recentes pa1)er. Traris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 ( 1897 ): des voyageurs. Paris, 11 vol. 31 3-6.

KINGSLEY, ] . S. [460] KIRK, T. \i\f. [472] 1880 Carcinological notes, no. 4: Synopsis of 1879 Notes 011 some New Zealancl crusta­ the Grapsidae. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. ceans. TrrL11s. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): Philad. for 1880: 187-224. 401-2.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [473] [487] 1879 On additions to the carcinological 1882 011 some new marine planarians fauna of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. (Thysanozoori liitttoni and Etlrylepta N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): 392-7. herberti, spp. no,,.), near "\i\Tellington. [474] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881 ): 267-8. 1879 On some New Zealand Aphroditae, [488 with descriptions of supposed new ] species. Traris. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 1883 Description of a new species of Aeolis. (1878): 397-400. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): 217. [475] [489] 1880 Additio11s to the list of New Zealand 1884 On a new cuttle-fisl1, Tremoctopus rob­ fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12 (1879): sonian1.ts, obtai11ec.l by C. H. Robson at 308-10. Napier. Tra1is. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 16 [476] (1883): 54-9-50. 1880 Description of a new s1)ecies of Palz­ [490] ntlrus. Tra.ns. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12 (1879): ]885 Descri1)tion of a new species of paper 313-4-. nautilus (A rg·o1iatlla gracilis). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 17 (1884 ): 58-9. [477] [49 1] 1880 Descriptions of new marine shells. 1886 011 a new paper-nautilus (Arg·onauta Trans. Proc. N.Z. 111st. 12 (1879): bitlleri). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 18 306-7. ( 1885): 138-9. [478] [492] 1880 List of marine Mollusca fountl in the 1887 On a ne,-v S})ecies of Alplte1.ts. Trans. 11eighbourhoocl of Wellington. Trans. Proc. J\.T .Z. Inst. 19 (1886): 194-6. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 12 (1879): 303-6. [493] [479] 1888 Brief description of a new species of larg·e (lecapocl (Architeilthis longi­ 1880 Notice of the occurrence of Vitrina ma11us). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Irist. 20 millig·ani in Ne"v Zealand. Trans. Proc. (1887): 3·}-9. N.Z. Inst. 12 (18 79 ): 307. [494] [480] 1888 On a curious })arasite ( Anthosoma 1880 On tl1e occurrence of giant cuttlefish on smithii, Leacl1) from the porbeagle the New Zealand coast. Tra·ns. Proc. shark (La1nna corntlbica). Trans. Proc. ·J\.r.z. Inst. 12 (1879): 310-3. N.Z. Inst. 20 (1887): 31-3. [481] 1880 Additions to the list of New-Zealand KNF.R, R. [495] marine Mollusca. Ar1.n. Mag. 1iat. Hist. )869 Fische. In lleise cler Osterreichische11 ser. 5, 6: 15. Frega tte Novara. um die Erde in den [482] Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859. Zoologischer Theil, Erster Band. 433 pp. 16 pl. 18'80 Descriptio11 of a new species of Pali­ ntlrtts. Ann. l\lag. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 6: 14-5. KNOX, F. J. �96] [483] 184-3 Contributions towards a fauna of New Zealan,J. N.Z. Gaz. & Wgtn. Spectator 4 1881 Notice of new crustaceans. Trans. Proc. 110. 298: 2-3. N.Z. Inst. 13 (1880): 236-7. [497] [484] 1844 Observations 011 a species of lamprey, 1882 Additions to tl1e list of New Zealancl found in the district of Port Nicholson. shells. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881 ): N.Z. Gaz. & Wg·tn. Spectator 5 (350) 268-9. .le 26: 3. [485] [498] 1882 Description of new Cephalopoda. 1850 Tl1e \i\1l1ale and whaling. N.Z. Mag. 1 Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881 ): 283-6. ( 1): 3-10. [499] [486] 1870 [On the anatomy of the s"vorcl-fish of 1882 Description of new shells. Trans. Proc. the southern seas] Trans. Proc. N.Z. N.Z. Inst. 14 (1881 ): 282-3. 111st. 2 (1869): 398.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [500] [514] 1870 On the Balaenidae, or whales with 1884 Lepidopus caitdatus, Gunth. (frost fish). baleen. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): N.Z. ]. Sci. 2 (2 ): l 08-9. 21-8. [515] [501] 1885 The Australian Hydromedusae. Proc. 1870 On the New Zealand svvord-fish. Trans. Li11n. Soc. N.S.W. 9 (1884): 206-41, Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): 13-6. 345-53, 401-20, 467-92, 581-634, 908- [502] 24 pl. 1871 [Description of a specimen of Berardius [516] arnuxii] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 1885 The geograpl1ical clistribution of the (1870): 15-6. Australian Scyphomedusae. Proc. Linn. [503] Soc. N.S. W. 9 (1884 ): 421-33. 1871 Observations on Coridodax pulli1s. [517] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 (1870): 130-2. 1885 The Scyphomedusae of the Southern [504] Hemipshere. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 9 1871 Observations on the Ziphidae, a family (1884 ): 155-69, and 259-306. of tl1e Cetacea. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. [518] 3 (1870): 125-9. 1886 Adclenda to the Australian Hydro­ [505] mec.lusae. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 10 1871 Short notice of a remarkable tooth of a (1885): 477-80, ancl 679-81. cetacean. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 [519] (1870): 130. 1897 Note on some spo11ges from the Auck­ [506] la11<.l Isla11


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit LYMAN, T. [525] MIERS, E. J. [538] 1882 Report on the Ophiuroidea ...Rep. 1875 Crustacea. 111 R1cHARDSON1 J. and GRAY, ·uoy. Challenger, Zool. 5: 386 pp., 48 pl. J. E., ed. The zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Ereb1ts and Terror, under the McCoY, F. [526] command of Capt. Sir James Clark Ross 1879 Delphinus novae zealandiae (Quoy & ...duri11g 1839-43. London, Janson. Gaim.). The yellow-sided dolphin. ,,01. 2 (3): 1-5, pl. i-iv. Prodr. Zool. Vic. 1: 9-10. [539] MACLEAY, W. [527] 1875 Descriptions of new s1>ecies of Crustacea 1881 Description of a new species of Galaxias collectecl at Kerguelen 's Island by tl1e from Mount Wilson, with remarks on Rev. A. E. Eaton. An11. 1\fag. nat. Hist. the distribution of the genus. Proc. ser. 4, 16: 73-6. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 5: 45-7. Auckland Island mentioned. [528] [540] 1881 Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of 1876 Catalogue of the stalk- a11cl sessile-eyed Australia. Pt. 2. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. Crustacea of New Zealancl. Colonial 5: 510-629. Mus. & Geol. Survey. xii, 136 pp., 3 pl. [529] [541] 1882 Descriptive catalogue of the fisl1es of Australia. Pt. 3. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 1876 Descriptions of some new species of 6: l-138. Crustacea, chiefly from New Zealand. [530] A11n. J\ llag. nat. I-l ist. ser. 4, 17: 218-29. 1882 Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of [542] Australia. Pt. 4. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 1879 Descri1)tions of some new or little­ 6: 202- 387. kno,vn species of Majoid Crustacea (Oxyrhyncha) in tl1e collections of the McINTOSH, \f\T. C. [531] British Museum. Ann. J"\ 1ag. nat. Hist. 1885 Report on the Annelida Polychaeta ... se1·. 5, 4: 1-28. Rep. ·uoy. Challenger, Zool. 12: 554 pp., [543] 39 pl., ma1). 1879 On the classification of Majoi


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [549] [562] V 1876 Note sur cleux nouvelles especes de 1852 [lIan seized by shark in \t\Tellington CrL1staces provenant de la Nouvelle­ Barbour]. 24.1.52: p. 3, c. 3. Zelande (Trichopla.t1ts hittton,i en [563] AcanthojJftrys filholi). Ann. Sci. nat. 1852 [Hawkes Bay whaling]. 18.2.52: P· 4, (Zool.) ser. 6, 4 (9 ): l-5. c. 1. [564] MILNE-EDWARDS, H. AND LUCAS, H. [550] 1852 f\t\ll1ale caugl1t in \t\Tellington Har- 1841 Description cles Crustace nouveaux hour]. 26.5 .52: p. 2, c. 3. <>n 1)eu connus conserves dans la collec­ [565J tion du Museum d'Histoire naturelle. . 21.5 .53: . 1853 [Whale in Auckland Harbour] Arch. J\tl its. Hist. 1iat. Paris. 2: 461-83. p. 3, c. 4. MORTON, A. [551] [566] 1894 Description of a new species of shark. 1854 [Ha,vkes Bay wl1aling]. 21.1.54: p. 3, Pa.p. ray. Soc. Tas1n. (1893 ): 211-3. c. 2. [567] MosEL:EY, H. N. [552] 1881 Report on certain hyclroid, alcyonarian 1856 [Wl1ite seal in Wellington Harbour]. ancl madreporarian corals ... Rep. voy. 9. 7 .5 6: p. 2, C. 5. Cftallertg·er, Zool. 2: 248 pp., 16 pl. [568] 1856 [Sea leopard at Kaiwarra ]. 24 .9.56: p. 2, MURRAY, ]. [553] c. 4. 1895 A summary of the scientific results. [569] First part. Rep. voy. Challen.g·er, 796 1860 [History of vvhaling in Wellington]. pp. 28.3.60: p. 2, c. 4, 5. N .z. ADVERTISER. [554] 1862 [Capture of ,,vhale in Porirua Harbour] N .Z. TriVIES. [570] 2_5.1.62: p.3, c.2. 1881 [Whale ashore near Porirua.] 6.i8.81. [555] p. 2, c. 5. 1866 [\t\Thale caught in Wellington Harbour] 25.l.62: 1). 3, c. 2. NEWELL, ,J. A. [571] [556] 1887 On tl1e anato1ny of the (Pati­ 1866 [\t\Thale caught in \1Vellington Harbour] nella radians, Quoy). Trans. Proc. N.Z. 19.9.66: p. 5, c. 2. Inst. 19 (1886): 157-60.

N.Z. COLONIAL MusEtJl\1 AND LABORATORY. [557] NICHOLSON, H. A. [572] 1866- Annual Rer)orts. 1-farine zoological 1880 On the minute structure of the recent 1899 material acquired by the Museum is Heteropora neozelanica Busk, and on listed i11 nos. 7, 9-11, 14-25, 32. tl1e relations of the genus Heteropora to Montic1tlipora. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. N.Z. MARINE DEPARTl\rIENT. [558] ser. 5, 6: 329-39 and 414-23. 1882- An11L1al Report. [Co11servation of fishes, 1899 etc.] App. . fo1tr. I--1.R. 1882, H-12, p. 3; NOTT, j. T. [573] 1883, H-15, p. 4; 1885, H-13, p. 4; 1892 On the composite ascidians of the 1886, H-24, p. 4-5; 1887, H-4, p. 5-7; North Shore Reef. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 1888, H-19, p. 6-7; 1889, H-3 1, p. 4; Inst. 24 (1891): 305-34. 1890, H-18, p. 4; 1891, H-30, p. 3; 1892, H-29, p. 3; 1893, H-31, p. 3; NO VARA, voyage of. 1894, H-18, p. 3; 1895, H-29, p. 3; See FRAUENFELD, G. voN, 1867; GRUBE, 1896, H-15, p. 3-4; 1897, H-15, p. 3-4; E. 1867; HELLER, C., 1862, 1865; KNER, 1898, H-15, p. 2-3; 1899, H-15, p. 2--3. R., 1869.

N .z. SPECTATOR. [559] 0GILBY, ]. D. [574] 1842 [First whale caught by Thom's party 1886 A new Diplocrepis from Port Jackson. in the Sound]. 11.5 .42. p. 3, c. 1. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 10 (1 885 ): [560] 270-2. 1845 [Whaling Stations in both Islands]. [575] 22.2.45: p. 3, c. l. 1893 Description of a new shark from the [561] Tasmanian coast. Ree. Aitst. Mus. 2 1846 [\t\Thaling Stations]. 27.6.46: p. 3, c. 1. (5 ): 62-3.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [576] [589] 1893 Description of a new pelagic fish from 1884 On a specimen of the great ribbon fish New Zealancl. Ree. A itst. lit!tls. 2 (5 ): (Regalecus argenteus, n.sp.) lately ob­ 64-5. tained at Moeraki, Otago. Trans. Proc. [577] N.Z. Inst. 16 ( 1883 ): 284-96. 1895 Descriptions of five nevv fishes from tl1e [590] Australasian region. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1884 On a Torpedo (T. fusca ? n.sp.) recently N.S. W. ser. 2, 9 (1894 ): 367-74. caught near Dunedin. Trans. Proc. N.Z. [578] Inst. 16 (1883): 281-4. 1897 Some Tasmanian fishes. Pap. ray. Soc. [591] Tasm. (1896): 69-85. 1884 On the occurrence of the spinous shark [579] (Echinorhinits spinosus) in New Zea­ 1898 N e,.v genera arid species of fishes. Proc. land waters. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 16 Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 23: 280-99. (1883): 280-1. [592] 0RBIGNY, A. D. o'. [580] 1884 On the structure of the head in 1845- Mollusques vivants et fossiles, ou de- Palinitrus, with especial reference to 47 scription de toutes les especes de the classification of the genus. Trans. coquilles et des mollusques classees Proc. N.Z. Inst. 16 (1883): 297-307. suivant leur distribution geologique et [593] geographique ... Paris. 605 pp., atlas, 36 pl. 1885 Notes 011 the skeleton and baleen of a fin-whale (Balaeno ptera muscul us?) re­ 0RSTED, A. S. [581] cently acquired by the Otago Univer­ 1844 Entwuf einer systematischen eintheil­ sity Museum. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. u11g und speciellen beschreibung der 17 (1884): 3-13. Plattwiirmer, au£ microscopische U nter­ [594] suchungen gegriindet. Copenhagen, 1885 The size and the external characters of Reitzel. viii. 96 pp., 3 pl. 18 text-fig. the New Zealand Octopits (0. maorum, Hutton). Nature, Land. 32: 586. Ab­ ORTMANN, A. E. [582] stract in ]. ray. micr. Soc. 2 (6): 49. 1897 Carcinologische Stuclien. Zool. ]b. Syst. [595] 10: 258-372. 1886 Studies in New Zealand ichthyology. [583] I. On the skeleton of Regalecus argen­ 1899 On some ne,v facts lately presented in teits. Tra ns. zool. Soc. Land. 12: 5-33. opposition to the hypothesis of bipolar­ ity of marine faunas. Amer. Nat. 33: [596] 583. 1887 [On the desirability of a marine labora­ tory]. Trans. Proc. N.Z. In,st. 19 (1886): PARK, J. [584] 613 and 620. 1885 Description of a new Octopus. Trans. [597] Proc. N.Z. Inst. 17 (1884): 198-9. 1887 Remarks on Palinitrus lalandii, M.Edw., and P. edwardsii, Hutton. Trans. Proc. PARKER, T. J. [585] N.Z. Inst. 19 (1886): 150-5. 1881 On a new Holothurian (Chirodota [598] dunedinensis n.sp.). Trans. Proc. N.Z. 1888 On a specimen of Regalecus recently Inst. 13 (1880): 418. stranded in Otago Harbour. Trans. [586] Proc. N.Z. Inst. 20 (1887): 20-9. 1881 On the venous system of the skate [599] (Raja nasuta). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 1889 The skeleton of the New Zealand cray­ 13 (1880): 413-8. fishes (Palinurus and Paranephrops). [587] "\,Vellington, Govt. printer. (Colonial 1883 Notes on the anatomy and embryology Museum and Geological Survey dept. of Scymnus lichia. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Studies in biology for New Zealand Inst. 15 (1882): 222-34. students. no. 4). 25 pp. [588] [600] 1883 011 the connection of the air-bladders 1892 Preliminary note on the vesicula semi­ and tl1e auditory-organ in the red cod nalis and the spermatophores of (Latella bacchits). Trans. Proc. N.Z. Callorhynchils antarcticus. Proc. Aust. Inst. 15 (1882): 234-6. Ass. Adv. Sci. 4: 400-3.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [601] PoT1Ez) V. L. V. AND M1cHAUD, A. L. G. [614] 1894 Notes on the occurrence of Lophotes in 1838- Galerie des mollusques, ou catalogue Ne,.v Zeala.n


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [625] RICHARDSON, J. [633] REGULATIONS under "The Fisheries Conserva­ 1842 Contributions to the ichthyology of tion Act, 1884": N.Z. Gaz. 1885, Ap. 2, Australia. Ann Mag. nat. Hist. 9: 384- p. 380; Je. 4, p. 720; Ag. 6, p. 937; S. 17, 93. p. 1055. 1886, Mr. 25, p. 417; Ap. 29, [634) p. 529; l\tly. 6 ,p. 553; Je. 3, p. 697; 1843 Contributions to the ichthyology of JI. 29, p. 887; S. 16, p. 1122; 0. 28, Australia. Ann. 111ag. nat. Hist. 11: p. 1400; D. 16, p. 1605. 1887, Ap. 7, 422-8. p. 441; Ap. 21, p. 506; S. 22, p. 1217. [626] [635] REGULATIONS under "The Fisheries Conserva­ 1843 Report on the present state of the tion Act, 1884" and "The Fisheries ichthyology of New Zealand. London, Conservation Act, 1884 Amendment Richard & John Taylor, etc. 19 pp. [From the Report of the British Asso­ Act, 1887". 1888. Ja. 12, p. 13; .Ja. 19, p. 41-2; Mr. 5, p. 299; My. 25, p. 613; ciation· for the Advancement of Science S. 13, p. 973-4; D. 20, p. 1401. 1889. for 1842.] Mr. 7, p. 261; Ap. 11, p. 366; 1890, Ja. 2, [636] p. 4. 1891, Ja. 23, p. 67; Mr. 19, p. 364; 1844- Ichthyology. In RICHARDSON, J. and .Je. 4, p. 670-1; D. 31, p. 1486. 1892, 1848 GRAY, J. E., ed. The zoology of the My. 30, p. 767; D. 29, p. 1740; 1893, voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror, My. 18, p. 657; N. 10, p. 1587; 1894, Ja. under the command of Capt. Sir James 4, p. 3; Je. 7, p. 820; Ag. 30, p. 1361-2; Clark Ross ...during the years 1839- 0. 4, p. 1506; 0. 25, p. 1581; N. 16, 43. London, Janson. vol. 2 (2): p. i­ p. 1666. 1895, My. 2, p. 729- 30. viii and 1-139. 60 pl. [627] [637] REGULATIONS under "Oyster Fisheries Act, 1892". 1845 Generic characters of Gasterochisma N.Z. Gaz. 1892, S. 8, p. 1260-1; S. 29, malampus, a fish which inhabits Port p. 1322; 1893, Je. 22, p. 929; 1894, Je. Nicholson, New Zealand. Ann. Mag. 14, p. 913-4; 0. 25, p. 1584. nat. Hist. 15: 346. [628] [638] REGULA1'IONS under "The Sea-fisheries Act, 1849 Description of Australian fish. Tra ns. 1894". N.Z. Gaz. 1894, D. 16, p. 1772; zool. Soc. Land. 3: 69-184, 11 pl. 1895, .Ja. 7, p. 3-4; F. 7, p. 235; Ap. 4, p. 615; Je. 13, p. 939; Je. 27, p. 998; Ag. 15, p. 1250; S. 12, p. 1425; N. 28, RICHARDSON, J. AND GRAY, J. E. p. 1837; 1896, Ap. 2, p. 564; My. 14, 1843 See GRAY, J. E. and RICHARDSON) J. p. 755; My. 21, p. 788; Je. 11, p. 906; 1843. 0. 15, p. 1697; 0. 29, p. 1791; 1897, Ja. 7, p. 12 and 18-19; Ap. 8, p. 824; Ap. RICHARDSON, ]. 15, p. 885; Ag. 5, p. 1428; N. 25, See also GRAY, J. E., 1844 and 1875; p. 21 13; 1898, F. 24, p. 367; Mr. 31, 1846; 11JERS, E. J., 1875; SMITH, E. A., p. 533-4; My. 19, p. 864; 1899, Mr. 2, 1875. p. 499; Ap. 13, p. 759; Je. I, p. 1051; 0. 5, p. 1867. RIDLEY, 0. S. [639] REEVE, L. A. 1887 Report on the Monaxonida ... Rep. [629] voy. Challenger, 20: 275 pp., 51 pl., 1859 Elements of conchology . . . London, map. Lovell Reeve. vol. I. REEVE, L. A. AND So,-vERBY) G. B. [630] ROBSON) c. H. [640] 1843- Conchologia iconica: or illustrations of I 876 Notes on the habits of the frost-fish l 878 the shells of molluscous animals. Lon­ (Lepidopus caudatus). Trans. Proc. N.Z. don, L. Reeve. 20 vol. Inst. 8 (1875): 218-9. [641] REISCH EK, A. [631] 1885 Notes on New Zealand ornithology. 1878 Notes on a marine spider found at Cape Pro N.Z. Inst 10 Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 17 (1884): 187- Campbell. Trans. c. . 98. [Fish in Dusky Sound.] (1877): 299-300. [642] REPORTS OF COMMISSIONS ON FISHERIES. [632] 1885 Notes on the Ne,.v Zealand frost fish 1869- App. ]oitr. H.R. 1869, D-15; 3-10; (Lepidopus caudatus). N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 1870 1870, (D-9; 3-6). 289- 90.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [643] SHARP, B. [653] l 88i On a new species of giant cuttlefish, 1894 Catalogue of the crustaceans in the stranded at Cape Campbell, June 30th, Museum of the Academy of Natural 1886 (Architeuthis kirkii). Trans. Proc. Sciences of Philadelphia. Proc. Acad. l'•.1.Z. Inst. 19 (1886): 155-7. nat. Sci. Philad. 1893: 104-27. ROCHEBRUNE, A. T. DE. [644] SHERRIN, R. A. A. [654] 1882 Diagnose d'especes nouvelles de la 1886 Handbook of the fishes of New Zealand. Auckland, Wilson &: Horton. 307 pp., famille des Chitonidae (Premier supple­ • ment). Bull. Soc. philom. 7, pt. 6: 1v map. 190-7. SH ORTLAND, E. [655] ROCHON, A. [645] 1846 [Report on establishment of whale 1783 Nouveau voyage a la Mer du Sud ... fisheries in New Zealand] G.B. House Paris, Barrois l'aine, Libraire. of Commons Papers. New Zealand. vol. 5: 337/153. ROUSSEAU, L. I [646] 1853 Description des Mollusques, Coquilles SLADEN, w. P. [656] et Zoophytes. In Voyage au Pole Sud et 1889 Report on the Asteroida ... Rep. voy. clans l'Oceanie sur les corvettes l'Ast ro­ Challenger, Zool. 30, vol. 1, i-xlii, 893 labe et la Zelee execute ...pendent pp., vol. 2, 117 pl., map . . . . 1837-1840, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville ...Paris, SMITH, E. A. [657] Gide et J. Baudry. Zoologie, par 1875 Mollusca. In RICHARDSON, J. and GRAY, Hombron, _J. B. et Jacquinot, H. vol. 5, _J. E. ed. The zoology of the voyage of 152 pp. H.M.S. Erebus and Terror, under the [647 command of Capt. Sir James Clark Ross RUTLAND, J. ] . . . during 1839-43. London, Janson. 1878 On the habits of the New Zealand vol. 2 (5): 1-7 p., pl. i-iv. grayling. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 10 [658] (1877): 250-2. 1876 A list of marine shells, chiefly from the Solomon Islands, with descriptions of SANDAGER, F. S. [648] 1888 List of fishes found round the Moko­ several new species. ]. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) hinou Islands; their spawning time; 12: 535- 62. and observations regarding some of the [659] species. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 20 1877 Diagnoses of new species of Pleuroto­ (1887): 127-33. midae in the British Museum. Ann. Jv fag. nat. Hist. ser. 4, 19: 488-501. SARS, G. 0. [649] [660] 1885 Report on the Schizo pod a . . . Rep. 1880 On the genus Myodora of Gray. Proc. voy. Challenger 13: 228 pp., 38 pl. W. zool. Soc. Land. 1880: 578-87. SAVILLE-KENT, [650] [661] 1888 Notes on the identity of certain Tas­ 1884 Diagnoses of new species of P.Jeuroto­ manian fishes. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. midae in the British Museum. Ann. (1887): 47-8. ' Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 14: 317-29. SCHMARDA, L. [662] [651] 1861 Neue Wirbellose Thiere beobachtet 1885 Report on the Lamellibranchiata . . . und gesammelt auf einer Rise um die Rep. voy. Challen.ger, Zool. 13. 341 pp., Erde 1853 bis 1857. Brunswick, Wester­ 25 pl. mann. [663] SCHNEIDER, J. G. AND BLOCH, M. E. 1891 Rema1�ks upon the genus Pythina of 1801 See BLOCH, M. E. and SCHNEIDER, J. G., Hinds ...upon Mysella of Angas, and 1801. See also FORSTER, J. R., 1801. the description of a new species of 1vfy litta. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 6, 8: SCOTT, J. H. [652] 227-36. 1892 Note on the occurrence of cancer in [664] fish. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 24 (1891 ): 1894 On some new species of shells from 201. Ne,v Zealand and Australia, and re­ SCOTT, J. H. AND pARKER, T. J. marks upon some Atlantic forms occur­ 1887 See PARKER, T. J. and Scorr, J. H., ring in deep water off Sydney. Proc. 1887. malac. Soc. Land. 1: 57-60.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [665] [676] 1898 On a small collection of marine shells 1897 Amphipoda from the Copenhagen from New Zealand and Macquarie Museum and other sources. Pt. 1. Island, with descriptions of new species. T'rans. Linn. Soc. Lortd. Zool. ser. 2, 7 Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. 3: 20-5. (2): 25- 45. [677] SMITH, W. W. [666] 1899 Amphipocla from the Copenhagen 1893 Further notes on New Zealand earth­ Museum and other sources. Pt. 2. worms with observations on the known Trans. Linn. Soc. Lon, d. Zool. ser. 2, 7 aquatic species. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. (8): 395-432. 25 (1892): 111-46. [678] SNAPPER, voyage of. 1899 On the true Podocerits and some new See BLOSSEVILLE, J. DE, 1907. genera of amphipoda. Arin . Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 7, 3: 237-41. SOLLAS, W. J. [667] [679] 1888 Report on the Tetractinellida ...Rep. 1899 Revision of the Amphipoda (ctd.) Ann. voy. Challenger, Zool. 25: clxvi, 458 A1ag. nat. Hist. ser. 7, 4: 205-1 1. pp., 44 pl., map. STENHOUSE, A. [680] SOWERBY, G. B. [668] 1894 On the anatomy of the pig-fish (Agri­ opus leucopaecilus). Trans. Proc. N.Z. 1842- Thesaurus conchyliorum, or mono- I st. 26 (1893 ): 87 graphs of genera of shells. London, n 111-20. (1842-) 1847-87. 5 vol. First parts STOCK, A. [681] issued in Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1893 On a New Zealand variety of Floscu­ [669] laria coronetta, Cubitt. Trans. Proc. 1875 Descriptions of ten new species of shells. N.Z. Inst. 25 (1892): 193. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. 1875: I 25-9. STOWE, E. [670] [682] 1872 Description of a new shell found at 1876 Description of six new species of shells Nelson. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 4(1871): from the collections of the Marchioness 218-9. Paulucci and Dr. Prevost. Proc. zool. Soc. Lorid. 1876: 752-5. STREETS, T. H. [683] 1870 Notice of some Crustacea of the genus SOWERBY, G. B. AND REEVE, L. A. Libin ia., with descriptions of four new 1843- See REEVE, L. A. AND SowERBY, G. species. Proc. Acad. nat. Sci. Philad: 78 B., 1843-78. 104-7. SPENCE BATE, C. STUDER, T. [684] See BATE, C. S. 1880 Echinoidea, G a z e l l e Expedition. 1.V 1.011atsb. Akad. TtV iss. Berlin, p. 873. STEBBING, T. R. R. [671] 1883 The Challenger Amphipocla. A nn. STUDER, T. AND WRIGHT, E. P. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 11: 203-7. 1889 See ,tVRIGHT, E. P. and STUDER, T. 1889. [672] SUTER, H. [685] 1886 Notice, and abstract of a memoir, on 1892 Contributions to the molluscan fauna some new amphipodous crustaceans of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. from Singapore and New Zealand. Inst. 24 (1891 ): 270-8. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 1886: 4-6. [686] [673] 1892 Conchyliologiscl1e Mittheilungen aus 1887 On some new exotic Amphipoda from Neu-Seeland. Blatt. 11: 101-6. Singapore and New Zealand. Trans. [687] zool. Soc. Land. 12: 199- 210. 1893 Contributions to the molluscan fauna [674] of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 1888 Report on the Amphipoda ...Rep. 25 (1892): 147-53. voy. Challeng·er, Zool. 29. 3 vol., i-xxiv, [688] 1737 pp., 212 pl., map. 1894 Further contributions to the knowledge [675] of the molluscan fauna of New Zealand, 1893 A history of Crustacea. l{.ecent Mala­ with descriptions of eight new species. costraca. London, Kegan Paul. xvii, 466 Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 26 (1893 ): 121- pp., 19 pl. 38.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Plate XI Henr, S111er ( I 8-! I · I 91 8) l)e, otcd n1uch of his life to arranging the shell (ollections in n1an,· :\"e"· Zealand .\ luseurns. His great \\CHk. \fanual of the :'\e\\' /,e alancl \lollusca ,,a-. puhli-.hed in 1913- 1:i. I-le ,vas also responsible for three Palaeo11tological Bulletins of the :'-:./. (,cological Sur, e, on the ·1·crtiar,· \lollusca of · :'-:e1r Zealand.

Photograph b)' courtc>sr of thr Do111inion ,\111.1e11111

l'late XII 1.. hc Hon. (;eorgc �falcoln1 �fhon1son. :\I.L.C.. F.I..S. (18-18-]933) J\len1ber of the ,taff of Otago High School fro111 187.1-1903. He ,,·as elected Lo the House of Reprc­ scntati,·es i11 1908 and later appointed a \fen11Jcr of the Legislati, c c:011n(il. He n1ade a notable contri­ bution to the 1narine zoolog, of :'-:e"· 7.ealand h� his "·ork 011 crustacea and later on fish. It \\' as largely clue Lo Tho111�on that the Portobello \Carine Fish tlatcher, and l� iologic:1 I Station \\'as est a] ). fished.

PhotoKraph hy co11rte.1y of the Do111inio11 l\111.1·e11111

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [689] [704] 1896 Further contributions to the molluscan 1878 On some new marine Ivlollusca. Proc. fauna of New Zealancl. Traris. Proc. roy. Soc. Viet. 14: 55- 65. N.Z. Inst. 28 (1895): 319-23. [705] [690] 1879 The Molluscan fauna of Tasmania. 1897 Note on Mitra obscura Hutton. Proc. Trans. roy. Soc. N.S.W. 12 (1878): 29- malac. Soc. Land. 2: 201-2. 56. [691] [706] 1897 llevision of the New Zealand Poly­ 1879 On a nevv species of 1vI.illepora. Trans. placophora. Proc. nialac. Soc. Lond. 2: Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): 345-7. 183- 200. [692] [707] 1897 Revision of the New Zealand Troch­ 1879 On some new extratropical corals. Proc. idae. Proc. malac. Soc. l.ond. 2: 260-83. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. 3 (2): 131-5. [693] TIIALL,VITZ, ]. [708] 1898 Ne"v Zealancl Polyplacophera: Keys to 1892 Dekapoden-studien. A bll. Ber. Zool. genera and species. Trans. Proc. N.Z. . Inst. 31: 59- 64. LvI us. Dresderi, 1890-91 (3): 1-55. [694] v THEEL, H. [709] 1898 Ilalacological communications from 1882 lleport on the Holothurioidea ...Pt. I. New Zealand. Proc. malac. Soc. Lond. Rep. voy. Challenger, Zool. 4: 176 pp., 3: 49- 56. 46 pl. [695] [710] 1898 Revision of the New Zealand llissoi­ 1886 Report on the Holothurioiclea ...Pt. 2. idae. Proc. ma lac. Soc. Lond. 3: 2-8. Rep. VO)I . Challenger, Zool. 14: 290 pp., [696] 16 pl. 1899 List of Ne,v Zealand Mollusca clescribecl in foreign publications since 1890. THOl\1l'SON, D'A. [7 11] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 31 (1898): 255- 1879 On some new and rare l1ydroid zoo­ 61. phytes (Sertulariidae and Thuiariidae) [697] fron1 Australia and New Zealand. Ann. 1899 Revision of the New Zealand Pleuroto­ Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 3: 97-1 14. midae, with descriptions of six new species. Trans. Proc. J\T.Z. Inst. 31 TH011SON, A. s. [712] (1898): 64-77. 1859 The story of Nevv Zealand: past and SwAINSON, vV. [698] })resent-savage and civilized. London, 1840 A treatise on malacology; or tl1e natural Joh11 Murray. vol. I. p. x 331 pp. vol. 2. classification of shells and shell-fish. 1). viii 368 pp. London, Longmans. 419 pp. THOMSON, G. M. [699] [713] 1879 Description of a new species of isopod­ 1841 Exotic conchology ...2d ed., edited by ous crustacean (Idotea). Trans. Proc. J. Hanley. Lonclon. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1878): 250-1. TANCRED, T. [700] [714] 1856 Notes or1 the natural history of the 1879 Description of new crustaceans from the Province of Canterbury, in the Middle Auckland Islands. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Island of New Zealand. Edinburgh, Inst. 11 (1878): 249-50. Neill & Co. 36 pp. [715] TATE, R. [70 1] 1879 New Zealand Crustacea, with descrip­ tions of new species. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 1876 On the Australian pectens confounded Inst. 11 (1878): 230-48. with tl1e Nevv Zealand P. laticostattlS [716 (Gray). Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm.: 113-6. ] 1879 On the New Zealand Entomostraca. TENISON- WOODS, ]. E. [702] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 11 (1875): 251- l 876 Description of new Tasmanian shells. 63. Pap. roy. Soc. Tasm. (1875): 134-62. [717] [703] 1879 Additio11s to the amphipoclous Crus­ 1878 The Echini of Australia. Proc. Lznn. tacea of New Zealand. Ann. Mag. nat. Soc. N.S. W. 2: 145-76. Hist. ser. 5, 4: 329-33.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [718] [734] 1879 On two new isopods ( Arcturus, sp., and 1891 A new parasitic copepod. Tran.s. Proc. Tanais, sp.) from New Zealand. Ann. N.Z. Inst. 23 (1890): 227-9. 1V lag. Hist. ser. 5, 4: 415-8. [735] [719] 1891 Crustacea raised from dried New Zea­ 1879 On a new species of Nebalia from land mud. N.Z. ]. Sci. (n .s.) 1: 130. New Zealand. A rzn. 1V lag. nat. Hist. ser. [736] 5, 4: 418-9. 1892 Notes on sea-fishes. Trans. Proc. N.Z. [720] Inst. 24 (1891): 202-15. 1880 New species of Crustacea from New [737] Zealancl. Ann. iv.fag. nat. Hist. ser. 5, 6: 1893 Notes on Tasmanian Crustacea, with 1-6. descriptions of new species. Pap. roy. [721] Soc. Tasm. (1892): 45-76. 1881 Recent aclclitions to, ancl notes on, New [738] Zealand Crustacea. Trans. Proc. N.Z. 1894 On the occurrence of t,¥<> species of Inst. 13 (1880): 204-21. Cumacea in New Zealand. J. Linn. Soc. [722] (Zool.) 24: 263-71. 1882 Additions to the crustacean fauna of [739] New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 14 1895 Notes on some Crustacea from Mac­ ( 1881 ): 230-8. quarie Island. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. [723] 27 (1894): 210-4. 1882 On a common Ne,¥ Zealand pycno­ [740] gonid togetl1er with a translation of 1896 On New Zealand fisheries and the desir­ Semper's key to the genera. N.Z. ]. Sci. ability of introduci11g new species of 1: 28-32. sea-fish. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 28 [724] (1895): 758. 1882 Stalk-eyed Crustacea of New Zealand. [741] N.Z. ]. Sci. 1: 333-4. 1897 [On the establisl1me11t of a fish-hatching [725] station] Trans. Proc. N.Z. . Inst. 29 1883 New Zealand ldoteidae. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1: ( 1896): 626. 332-3. [742] [726] 1897 On two new gammarids from New 1883 On the New Zealand Copepoda. Trans. Zealand. Ann. JV!ag. nrLt.Hist. ser. 6, 20: Proc. }l.Z. Inst. 15 (1882): 93-1 16. 446-51. [7431 [727] 1898 Notes on New Zealand fisheries [with 1884 Descriptions of nevv crustaceans. Trans. discussion of proposal to establish a Proc. N.Z. Inst. 16 (1883): 234-40. fish-hatchery at Purakanui] Trans. Proc. [728] N.Z. I11st. 30 (1897): 576-80. 1884 On the N cw Zealand Pycnogonida, with [744] descriptions of new species. Trans. Proc. 1898 [Report of committee of Otago Insti­ N.Z. Inst. 16 (1883): 242-8. tute to look into the question of estab­ [729] lishing a fish hatchery at Purakanui] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 30 (1897): l 885 New Crustacea. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2 (12): 576-7. 583-4. [7451 [730] 1898 'I'h.e J)roposed biological station and 1885 New species of Pycnogonidae. N.Z. ]. fish-hatchery near Dunedin. Proc. Aust. Sci. 2: 38. Ass. Aciv. Sci. 7: 576. [731] [746] 1885 Parasitic Crt1stacea. N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 455. 1899 A revision of the Crustacea Anomt1ra 732] of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. [ 31 (1898): I 69- 97. 1889 Notes on, and recent additions to, the [747] New Zealand crustacean fauna. Trans. 1899 Synonymy of the New Zealand Orches­ Proc. N.Z. Inst. 21 (1888): 259-68. ticlae. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 31 (1898): [733] 197-207. 1890 Parasitic Copepoda of New Zealand, [748] with descriptions of new species. Tra·ns. 1899 On some New Zealand Schizopoda. ]. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 22 (1889): 353-76. Linn .. Soc. (Zool.) 27: 482-6.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit THOMSON, G. M. AND CHILTON, c. [749] [763] 1886 Critical list of the Crustacea Malacos­ 1888 Report on the seals . . . Rep. voy. C hal­ traca of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. N.Z. len ger, Zool. 26: 240 pp., 10 pl. Inst. 18 (1885 ): 141-59. U.S. EXPLORING EXPEDITION. THOMSON, G. M. AND HAMILTON, A. See DANA, J. D. 1852; 1852 and 1855; 1898 See HAMILTON, A. ancl THOl\1SON, G. M. GOULD, A. A. 1852. 1898. URANIE AND PHYSICIENNE, voyage of. THOMSON, P. [7 50] See QuoY, .J. R. C. and GAIMARD, J. P. 1872 A rock pool and its contents. Trans. 1824. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 4 (1871): 219-23. VALENCIENNES, A. [764] [751] 1855 Ichthyologie. In Voyage autour du 1877 Fish and their seasons. Trans. Proc. monde sur la fregate La Venus pendant N.Z Inst. 9 (1876): 484-90. les annees 1836-1839, commandee par [752] Abel du Petit-Thouare. Paris, Gide et 1878 The Dunedin fisl1 supply. Trans. Proc. J. Baudry. Zoologie: 291-351. N.Z. Inst. JO (1877): 324-30. P. VALENCIENNES, A. AND Cuv1ER, G. L. C. F. D., THOMSON, [753] 1828-49. 1879 Our fish supply. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. See Cuv1ER, G. L. C. F. D. and 11 (1878): 380-6. VALENCIENNES, A. 1828- 49. THOMSON, W. [754] VENUS, voyage of. 1874 The Challeng·er in the south Atlantic. See V ALENCIENNES, A. 1855. Nature, Lond. JO: 142. VERRILL, A. E. [765] TRAUSTEDT, M. P. A. [755] 1867 Notes on the Radiata in the Museum 1895 Ascidiae simplices fra


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit [769] [783] 1899 Lampris litna Gmelin. Its occurrence in · 1861 [Whale in Wellington Harbour]. New Zealand waters. Ree. Attst. Mus. 3: 12.4.61 : p. 5, c. 5. 163-5. [784] A. 1862 [Whale captured in Porirua Harbour]. WATERS, W. [770] 31.1.62: p. 3, c. 3. 1889 Bryozoa from New South Wales. Ann. [785] .1\1ag. nat. Hist. ser. 6, 4: 1-24. 1862 [Oyster beds in Porirua Harbour]. [771] 31.1.62: p. 3, c. 3. 1896 On Mediterranean and New Zealand [786] Reteporae, and a fenestrate Bryozoa. 1864 [Whale fight off Napier (near Clifton, ]. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 25: 255-71. Ab­ Cape Kidnappers) ]. 30.1.64: p. 3, c. 2. stract in J. roy. micr. Soc. 1895: 621. [787]

1 1864 [Large seal captured at 1.7.64: \VATSON, R. B. [772] Hutt]. p. 3, c. 2. 1879 Mollusca of H.M.S. Challenger expedi­ [788] tion. Preliminary report to Prof. Sir C. Wyville Thomson . . . ]. Linn. Soc. 1864 [Whale in '\tVellington Harbour]. (Zool.) 14: 506-29. 16.7.64: p. 2, c. 6. [773] WHITE, A. [789] 1881 :Ni ollusca of H.M.S. Challenger expedi­ 1847 Descriptions of new or little-knov.rn tion. Pt. 6. J. Linri. Soc. (Zool.) 15: Crustacea in the collection at the 217-30. British Museum. Proc. zool. Soc. Land. [774] 1847: 118-26. 1883 New Zealand Mollusca of the Chal­ [790] lenger expedition. N.Z. ]. Sci. 1: 319- 1847 List of the specimens of Decapod Crus­ 21; 353-9; 441-3. tacea in the collection of the Britisl1 [775] Museum. London, Brit. Mus. 143 pp. 1886 Report on the Sea phopoda and Gas­ (791] teropoda . . . Rep. voy. Challenger, 1848 Short descriptions of new or little­ Zool. 15 v, 756 pp., 50 pl. known Decapod Crustacea. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. ser. 2, 2: 282-88. \t\TATT, ]. [776] WHITE, A. AND DOUBLEDAY, E. [792] 1892 On the structure of Boltenia pachyder­ 1843 List of the Annulose animals hitherto matiria. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 24 334-48. recorded as found in New Zealand, (1891): with the descriptions of some New v\TEBB, ]. S. [777] Species. In DIEFFENBACH, E. and others. 1870 Travels in Ne,v Zealand ...vol. 2. On seals of the genus Stenorhyncus, Fauna of New Zealand. London, John captured on tl1e east coast of Otago. Murray. p. 265-8. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 2 (1869): 28-32. [778] WILLIAMS, W. L. [793] 1871 Note on coastal whaling stations, and 1893 On a specimen of sunfish captured at the probability of their being instru­ Poverty Bay. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 25 mental in tl1e destruction of the young (1892): 110-1. whales. Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 (1870): WINKELMANN, C. [794] 55-6. 1885 Occurrence of Hyalea in New Zealand. [779] N.Z. ]. Sci. 2: 484. 1871 Report on the whale fisheries. Trans. WRIGHT, E. P. AND STUDER, TH. [795] Proc. N.Z. Inst. 3 (1870): 68-70. 1889 [780] Report on the Alcyonaria ... Rep. voy. Challenger, Zool. 31. 314 pp., 43 pl. 1872 Discussion of paper "On the fur seal of [ 796 New Zealand"] Trans. Proc. N.Z. Inst. YATE, W. [ ] 4 (1871): 415-7. 1835 Account of New Zealand and of the [781] formation and progress of the Church 1872 On the fur seal of New Zealand. Trans. Missionary Society's mission in the Proc. N.Z. Inst. 4 (1871 ): 199-202. northern island. London, Seeley and \t\TELLINGTON INDEPENDENT [782] Burnside. 310 pp., pls. and map. 1854 [Whale caught in Wellington Har­ YATE, w. bour]. 23.9.54: p. 3, c. 4. See also GRAY, J. E. 1835.


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