Farm & Home Science Vol. 7 No. 3, September 1946

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Farm & Home Science Vol. 7 No. 3, September 1946 Utah Science Volume 7 Number 3 Article 1 9-1946 Farm & Home Science Vol. 7 No. 3, September 1946 Follow this and additional works at: Utah Science is produced by Utah State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Recommended Citation (1946) "Farm & Home Science Vol. 7 No. 3, September 1946," Utah Science: Vol. 7 : No. 3 , Article 1. Available at: This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Utah Science by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FRRm &HomE SCIE cE PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE UTAH AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION Volume 7 September 1946 Number 3 Soil Survey of the Salt Lake Area By DAVID S. JENNINGS HE SOIL survey In arid areas such as T r port f the Salt The Soil Survey of the Salt Lake area is a cooperative undertaking be­ Utah, a portion of th tween the U. S. Bureau of Plant Indu try, Soils and Agricultural Engineering fi ld work of the soil Lake area, which wa and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. The field work and the done cooperatively by writing of the report were under the direction of Dr. D. S. Jennings. in charge urvcy consists of sam­ the Utah Station and of the soil survey work for the Utah Station, as isted by J. E. Fletcher, M. piing the soil in repre­ H. Wallace, LeMoyne Wilson and I. D. Zobell. F. O. Youngs and O. F. th Bureau of Plant In­ Bartholomew represented the Bureau. The report wa published by the sentative localities and dustry, Soils and Ag­ U. S. Department of Agriculture, and is now available at the Utah Station determining the con­ ricultural En ineering, at Logan. tent of soluble salt or has recently been is- alkali in the oil. Sam­ sued by th U. D - ples are taken from the partment of Agricultur Field work their im p rtant characteri tic and ar­ urface the subsurface, and the subsoil. for thi report was b gun in 1934 and rang ment in the soil profile and having If possible, the soil is always sampled compl ted late in 1936. It has tak n ten imilar parent mat rial. Thus the seri s to it d pth f six feet. The location y ars to as emblc the data and publish compri oils having e sentially the ampled, the percenta e of alkali in the the finding . arne color, tructur, natural drainage urface oil, and the average p rcentage Soil surveying consists f the exam­ conditions, and other important internal to a depth of ix feet are shown on the ination, clas ification and mappina of charact ri tic, and the same range in alkali map. The alkali map classifies the oils in the field and thc recording of relief. Tl}e texture of the upper part of alkali concentration in the soil into: th ir characteri tic. The il and the the oil including that commonly (1) area that are practically free i.e., und rlying formation ar examin d sy - plowed, may vary within a rie. The below .2 percent tematically in many localitie . Particular rie ar giv n ographic nam taken (2 ) ar as with slight concentrati n attenti n is iven to the soil fe~ture from localiti s near which they were i ... hetwe n .2 perc nt and .35 that influ nee th growth f various first identified. Welby Taylor ville, and percent cr p, a, for example heavy compact Bingham are name of important soil (3) areas with moderate concentra­ ubsoil, and to the best u e that may b erie~ in the Salt Lake area. tion i.e., between .35 percent and made of any particular soil. Within a soil eries are on or more .65 percent On the basis of the e characteri tic typ s, defined accordin to the texture ( 4) area with strong concentration the oils ar group d into clas ification of the upper part of the oil. The cla i .. , above .65 percent unit. Th principal on ar eri and nam of th oil t xtur , such a and, A tudy of the alkali map of th alt type. Ar a of land uch a coa tal loamy sand, andy loam, loam, ilt loam Lake area mad in 1934 and 1936 re' beach or ar rocky mountainside clay loam silty clay loam, or clay, is veal th followin : that have n tru oil ar call d mi el­ added to th ric name to giv th (a) n arly 100,000 acre or 35 p r ­ laneou land typ . and whcr two or compl te name of the oil typ . For ex­ cent of the total area surveyed mor oil typ occur in mall ar a ampl , W -lby loam and W lby fin ha e c ncentration of alkali of intimat ly a ciat d that they annot andy loam are oil typ within the .2 P rcent or m re W lhy 'ric. Th oil type i the prin­ be hown eparately on a mall- cal (b) approximately 20,000 acr or 7 a map they ar called complex s. cipal unit of mappin and beau of p rcent of the area ha e light Th eri i a gr up of il having it pecifi charact r it i u ually th unit conccntrati n . th arne enetic horizons similar in to which agronomic data are referred. (Conlinued on page 18) (1) Dr. David S. Jenning is in charge of the oil urvey work with the rank of profe sor. He has been a member of the Station staff since 1918. (2) D. W. Pittman profes or of soils, on the Station staff since 1916 is now on leave investigating the fea ibility of growing sugar beets in China. (3) Dr. D. Wayne Thorne, associate professor of oil came to the Station in 1939. He i working on problems connected with the fertility of irrigated soils. (4) LeMoyne Wilson, assistant profe or has worked with Dr. Jennings on the oil survey since 1937 and i now in charge of the soil urvey work in ea tern Millard County. Previously he was in charge of the Sanpete County Experimental Farm. (5) Dr. Howard B. Peterson a istant professor, is tudying ways and mean of maintaining oil fertility on the intensively cultivated land., of Utah where vegetable and canning crops are produced extensively. He joined the staff in 1940. (6) Dr. Orner J. Kelley i in charge of the new work initiated by the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering on oil moisture ;md fertility levels in re!ation to plant growth and oil management. Dr. Kelley came here from the guayule project in Salinas, California. (7) Dr. Jay L. Haddock is as ist­ ing Dr. Kelley in the soil moisture and fertility studies. He came here from the State College of Washington. (8) Daniel F. Trussell is in charge of conservation surveys for the Soil Con ervation Service. He was formerly tationed in the tate office in Salt Lake. (9) James P. Thorne has charge of the oils testing laboratory maintained jointly by the Station and the Soil Con ervation Service. He received his M.S. degree from Utah State in 1940. Department of Agronomy and Soils Because of the si:::e vf staff' and space area, in Juab County, in the Richfield, far th e tudie have demon trated that limitations, the Department vf .1gron­ Sevier area, in the Beryl,Enterpri e area, mo t il in the state re pond to nitro' om,lf and, oils is fealured in two issues. and in the Utah,Goshen Valley, but cren and pho phoru f rtilizer. Winter The sta.O' members cOllcerned LC,ith C1'OPS field .work has not yet been complet d wheat on dry land ha hown good 'tCJere pictu1·ed in the June issue with a in all th s areas and the report have re pon e to nitrogen fertilizer in both ,hor[ SIlI1Wwr// of the projects ill thai not be n publi hed. yield and protein ont nt. phase vf the work. 1'his issue is devoted Other tudies now in progre s ha c The Agronomy and oils Department tv th e soil- phase of the wor/,·. Since the to do with soil treatments for the eur in cooperation with the Department of JUI/£' is 'ue, Trillw7n Hellnett has beell of chlorosi and oth r nutritional defi, Irrigation and Drainage is making a empio.lfed to ta/fe ov£'r the work as e,r ' ciency disea e of plant, and of il tudy of the performance of existing tension agronomist,· .1. F. H rac/ifn 't ill condition which lead to the devc1ol ' drain and will compare them in phy i, spend his time on research and teachin[j. ment of these disea e . cal fea ibility and co t with drainage by Studies are al a being made on the pumpincr. The soils pha e of the work INCE 1934 the Experiment Station influence of cover crop , fertilizers, and will have to do with te ting the saline Sand the U. Department of Agri, moi ture upply on yield and grad of content of the oil under th two drain' eultur have cooperated in urveying the fruit in orchard. Te t have already ag method-. soils of the state. The work has been shown that pho phat and nitro en fer' In another study, financed by the complet d on the Price River area, Car' tilizer increa c yield of peache and tah C pper Company, inve tigation bon County, the Virgin River area, ch rric .
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