‘Why We Are Mormon…’

Mariel ~ Or so she says… Melissa ~ 320 Sycamore Becky ~ UCreate

Becky ~ The Crafting Chicks Shawn ~ I Wash...You Dry Arianne ~ Still Parenting

Camille ~ Six Sisters Stuff Becky ~ Babes in Hairland Emily ~ Is This Really My Life? Leigh Anne ~ Your Shandra ~ Deals to Meals Homebased Mom Shawni ~ 71 Toes Kristyn ~ Lil' Luna Tausha ~ Sassy Style Nikki ~ Chef in Training Redesign Nikkala ~ The Crafting Chicks Lindsey ~ The R House Megan ~ Brassy Apple Krista ~ Budget Gourmet Jamie ~ The Crafting Chicks Reachel ~ Cardigan Empire Mom Aleisha ~ She Calls Me Mama Mandy ~ Sugar Bee Crafts Kelli ~ Lolly Jane Leisha

Caroline ~ Armelle Blog Stephanie ~ Somewhat Kirsten ~ The Crafting Chicks Simple Carrian ~ Sweet Basil Melanie ~ Sugardoodle Mel ~ Mel's Kitchen Cafe

~ The personal thoughts of your favorite LDS bloggers ~

 If you have any questions about our beliefs, we would be happy to have you contact us. Our email addresses can be found on our blogs. More information is also available at www.mormon.org.

No part of this document may be copied, distributed, or shared online without written permission from Mariel Wangsgard. Contact [email protected] Mariel ~ Or so she says… (www.oneshetwoshe.com)

My dad always called me a ‘skeptical’ soul. Questioning anything and everything, and never running with the pack. While everyone was tight‐rolling their jeans, I was wearing bell‐bottoms. While everyone was listening to The Beastie Boys and 311, I was listening to James Taylor. While everyone was decorating their room in frills and pink, I chose a black and white checkered floor with striped walls in the primary colors. And, while I was surrounded by Catholic and Baptist friends, I was a lone Mormon. Truly. The only Mormon in my entire school. As far as we know, the only Mormon family in our New York town. I really stood out, but I didn’t know any different. Kids would ask me, ‘aren’t you some weird religion?’ And, I would say, ‘Yep, sure am.’

It wasn’t until I moved to Utah, in high school, where I found my life flipped around. I was surrounded by Mormons. Flabbergasted that there could really be two churches on ONE street. Amazed that my teachers spoke of Mormons in such a nonchalant manner. Upset at the disrespect displayed towards my religion in the newspaper editorials. Excited to have friends that shared my beliefs, but totally weirded out to be in the majority. For the first time I found myself wondering if the way I was raised, if the beliefs I had been taught, were right. It was time that I found out for myself, because I am my own person. A strong‐willed, skeptical, rebellious person.

I knew that the best way to find out if the Mormon Church was true was to do everything it asked of me, and see how it made me feel inside. It wouldn’t make any sense to ask people if it was true and listen to their thoughts and opinions. People can be wrong, but God isn’t wrong. I had to listen to myself and The Holy Ghost. The scriptures always said that you have to have faith first, acting as if you believe, and then confirmation will come. If that’s the way it worked, then I wanted to do that. I went to church every Sunday, not because I had to, but with the intention to know the truth. I started reading my scriptures (Bible and Book of Mormon) every day. I prayed daily, attended extra religious schooling. I paid my tithing, went without food on Fast Sunday, and lived my life the way they taught me at church.

I can tell you that nothing has ever been more right to me and brought me more happiness. I don't KNOW it because somebody told me. I don't KNOW it because I had some grand "come to Jesus" moment. I know it because of all the little things and because I found out for myself. And, I’m completely sold. I know that The Church of Latter‐Day Saints is God’s church on the earth, the only one that has the whole truth. The more I have delved my life into this gospel and His teachings, the more I know. I feel extremely close to my Savior and my relationship with Him is more important than anything. People can say what they want about my religion, and I expect them to. God’s true church will naturally have opposition. But, I know it’s true. I know it with every ounce of me. I could relay numerous spiritual experiences, so special to me, that brought me that confirmation. But, that is just it. They are special to me and they were FOR me.

In my everyday life, I know because it's the peace I feel when I'm reading The Book of Mormon. The insight, lessons, and history found in that book have never ceased to amaze and inspire me. It's the comfort I feel when I pray. I am so humbled to know that Heavenly Father listens to MY prayers and that I can pour my heart out to him any time I want. It's the happiness that comes over me when I look around at all of my many blessings and the trials that have taught me so much. It's the confirmation in my heart that the teachings are true. It's the understanding that I have acquired that He wants us to know the truth. We are so important to Him and if we truly desire to know who we are, where we came from, where we're going, why we're here and what we need to be doing here on this earth...He will tell us. By acting in faith, with a true desire to know, He will let you know too. He will give you confirmations in your life that tell you that you are in the right place and doing the right things. Those experiences will be FOR you. And, the closer you stay to Him the easier it will be to know when things are not right. We are literally His children and His every happiness is for us to live a fulfilled life, understand our purpose, and know of His love for us.

I wish I could accurately convey the feelings that well up inside of me, as I write this. It’s frustrating. But, this I know. My skeptical soul has become fiercely loyal. I am a Mormon because the church is true.

Favorite Scriptures: Matthew 6:31‐33, 1 Nephi 3:7, Ether 12:27 2

Becky ~ The Crafting Chicks (www.thecraftingchicks.com)

Have you ever heard the saying, “If you make a plan then God laughs”? I’m pretty sure He gets a kick out of me.

I’m a born planner. I knew what I was going to be when I grew up, what college I was going to, when I would get married, and what my family would look like. Absolutely nothing I planned happened the way I planned it. It happened the way God wanted it and for that I am forever grateful!

I grew closer to God and truly understood His plan for me when my husband and I decided it was time to start having children. I was young and naive and thought it just happens, right? Oh I was so wrong.

When 3 months passed without a positive pregnancy test I was slightly discouraged. Finally a positive test came, but was short lived as it ended in miscarriage. One more positive pregnancy test 6 months later ended with the same result. I was confused. I wanted something good. Why wasn’t it happening? What was wrong with me?

After struggling for 3 years to get pregnant with medical help we turned to adoption as our final hope. We were able to grow closer together and really discuss the issues we were facing. I feel this is one of the greatest blessings from our struggle with infertility.

While preparing to have all our adoption paperwork ready I was diagnosed with another minor medical problem. Just having one more medical issue was almost more than I could bear. It drove me to my knees and with many tears I began asking My Father in Heaven for help and strength. Why was I going through this, and how would I make it through? I needed His help and I needed to turn my will into His. Once my prayer was over I felt peace rush over me. I knew that He heard my prayer. He knew what was best for me and He loves me. His plan is in His time not mine. I just needed to submit my will to His.

After that prayer I became a happier person. I was able to find joy in the little things in life. I was now using my pent up frustration about being infertile to help serve and lift others. I knew I would be a mother because I had faith in Heavenly Father’s plan for me.

The best part of all is one month after my heart felt prayer I took a pregnancy test that was positive. I carried that sweet baby girl for 9 months and gave birth to her and have loved her every day for the last 6 years. Since then we were able to have 2 more sweet girls.

I know that we have a loving Heavenly Father who has a plan for each of us. He wants us to be happy. He wants us to learn and grow. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to this earth to atone for our sins so we can return to live with them again. I know this to be true with all my heart!

Favorite Scriptures: 1 Nephi 3:7, D&C 101:16, Mark 5:25‐34

Camille ~ Six Sisters Stuff (www.sixsistersstuff.com)

In March of 2010, we noticed a small lump on the side of my 8‐month old son's neck. We watched it for about an hour and felt that it was getting larger right before our eyes. We rushed him to the emergency room and after an CT scan, they determined that there was something large growing in his neck, but they were not quite sure what it was. It was growing at such a rapid rate that it was going to block off his airways completely if we didn't do something to stop it immediately. The hospital we were at was not equipped for caring for such a small child, so they put us in an ambulance 3

and rushed us to the nearest children's hospital, which was Primary Children's Medical Center in Salt Lake City, Utah (about 35 minutes away from where we were).

We arrived at the children's hospital around 2 am. They didn't waste a minute starting many tests, medicines, and blood work. My little Mason was tied up to so many machines and wires; he only had about a 2‐foot radius in which he could move around and spent many long hours in his crib.

The next day was filled with tests and more tests, blood work, and lots of unanswered questions. My 8‐month old son was covered in wires and tubes and I couldn't even hold him in my arms to comfort him when we cried. As a mom, I don't think that there is anything worse than having to watch your child suffer.After a long day in the children's hospital, it was finally night and my son has calmed down enough to sleep. I remember sitting in that dark hospital room, watching my son breathing while he slept and listening to the beeps from all the different machines that he was hooked up to. Never in my life had I felt so alone. I was so scared and unsure of what was going to happen to my baby. My husband was at home with our 2 1/2 year old daughter, so I didn't even have him there to comfort me. I started to sob uncontrollably and I remember that I started praying and pleading out loud for help from my Heavenly Father. As a mom, I felt that I had done everything I could and now I needed my Heavenly Father's help. As soon as I spoke the words, I felt a feeling of peace come over me. Nothing had changed‐ we still didn't have answers about my son's condition‐ but I knew that I wouldn't have to go through this alone and I knew that no matter the outcome, it was going to be okay. Never in my life had I been so sure that my Heavenly Father knew me and knew what I was going through. He understood my pain and he wasn't going to make me go through this hard time in my life alone.

There have been many times in my life when I have had to face hard trials or go through rough experiences, but I know that if I pray to my Heavenly Father, He will hear my prayer and He will answer it. He has been there for me through both the hard times and the easy times and just like that lonely night in the hospital, I have felt Him comfort me and strengthen me when I need it most.

Since I was a little girl, I have always known that I am a child of God. My Heavenly Father knows and loves me and when I need Him, I know He will be there for me if I just ask. I know that my Savior, Jesus Christ, atoned for my sins and because of Him, I can return to live with Him and my Father in Heaven again. One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 41:10: "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness." I know that our Heavenly Father knows each of us and loves us because He is our Father.Being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (a.k.a. LDS or Mormon) has enriched and blessed my life in so many ways. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and if would ever like to learn more about it or ask me questions, I would love to talk!

Leigh Anne ~ Your Homebased Mom (www.yourhomebasedmom.com)

I am a Mormon because I was blessed to have parents who listened to the Mormon missionaries and felt the spirit and the truthfulness of what they were taught and joined the church before I was born.

I am also a Mormon because I have seen and felt the blessings of being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints every day of my life. My Faith is not just a part of my life, it is my life. My Faith affects everything I do.

I know I am a better wife and mother because of my Faith. When my children were young and living at home I felt a sense of peace as I was able to send them out the door each morning with the blessing of family prayer and scripture study to help protect and fortify them. I am a better wife as my husband I strive to keep Jesus Christ in the center of our relationship. It helps us to remember our priorities and work through challenges and problems when we remember


who is a partner in our marriage relationship ‐ our Savior Jesus Christ. I also know that the promises and covenants we made when we were married in the temple for time and all eternity help to strength and support our marriage.

I am a better friend and neighbor because of my Faith. Through my Faith and the example of my Savior Jesus Christ I have learned how to serve others and learned the blessings that come to my life as a result of serving others.

My Faith provides guidance, direction, perspective and assistance in all I do. When life happens and we are faced with hardships and trials my Faith supports me, makes me stronger and reminds me that I am not alone. When our family went through a five year period of on and off again employment I knew that my Savior was there to help lessen and carry the burden for our family. I knew that any help or support either physical or spiritual that we may be in need of was there for us. All we had to do was ask.

Because of my Faith I know that I am a daughter of our Heavenly Father and that he loves me and is there for me at every turn. As I continue to learn, study, serve and follow our modern day Prophet and his leaders my life is blessed. I am a better person because of it.

The daily direction and guidance that the Gospel provides in my life is something I can't imagine living without. I am truly blessed to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints ‐ I am blessed to be a Mormon.

Favorite Scriptures: 1 Nephi 1:20, Alma 37:6, Proverbs 3: 5‐6

Tausha ~ Sassy Style Redesign (www.sassystyleredesign.com)

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Saints. I am a mom of 3 girls & a wife to man that is too good for me. Most importantly, I am a Mormon.

I was raised in the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints. I had two wonderful parents that taught me to do what was right. I went to church, we read the scriptures as a family and I had wonderful friends. I was very blessed and very happy.

Later I went to college, no one was there to tell me to go to church, to read the scriptures, or even too pray. I was all alone and it was up to me to do what I was taught. I went to church because I wanted to. I tried to be good example and be kind to others because that was what the Savior wanted me to do. I searched and studied the scriptures because I wanted to. I truly learned to pray and to listen to the words that my Heavenly Father wanted me to hear. I became a better person, an instrument in the Lord’s hands, because I wanted to.

I got married and had 3 beautiful girls. Our life was not without struggles. My husband and I would fight and disagree, like all married couples do. It is tough raising 3 girls. The drama at our house is sometimes overwhelming! But, because of the gospel and our heavenly Father’s help and trust in me, we keep on going. We were doing well, life was going well and then, BAM, I got a curve ball thrown at me.

It all started with a headache that wouldn’t go away. After 1 week of a constant headache, I went to the Dr. The pain was horrendous! I couldn’t function, let alone be a good mom or wife. The test all came back negative for anything serious. I had been put on different prescriptions for the pain, because my body kept getting used to everything that I was given. One day before Christmas, I was in the Dr. Office. We were both at our wits end. He gave me a new prescription that I had never heard of. The name of the drug is not important, that fact that I even had it in my possession was what was scary. This particular drug is one of the strongest on the market. I truly had no idea, the power this drug possessed. 5

I was on the pills for 4 weeks. I was starting to run out and my regular Dr. was out of town. I had an apt. with a specialist, so I wasn’t worried about getting another prescription. By this time, I was addicted to the drug, I just didn’t know it. When I went to see the specialist, the first thing they did was take me off that particular drug and put me on a non‐narcotic pill. I was told that I was going to have to give up this strong drug cold turkey. At the time, I didn’t think that it would be big deal. I wasn’t addicted after all. I took my last pill that night and fell asleep. The next morning was the beginning of what I would call, “my own personal hell.”

All of the shaking, the sweating, the nausea, the horrific things that I was enduring, was almost too much. I truly could do nothing but wait for the symptoms to pass. My husband felt helpless. There was nothing that he could do. He tried to comfort me, but nothing worked. I felt so alone. I felt alone until I stopped feeling sorry for myself and realized that the Lord was there for me. That was the first time that day that I had got down on my knees and pleaded for help. I cried and cried and cried until it seemed that there were no more tears left. I would lie down, then sit down, then lay down again. Nothing was helping. I was angry at everyone, and because of the anger, I could not feel the peace that I so desperately wanted.

I stopped and played a new song that happened to be on the top of my playlist. I had heard the song before, but I had never really listened to words of that song. As the song played, my heart heard the words and my anger turned to peace. I felt the Savior’s arms wrapped around me. I listened to that song over and over and over again. I felt peace, I felt His love, and I felt His strength. I cried and just allowed the spirit to envelop me in love and peace.

Never before, had I ever felt the love of my Heavenly Father and Savior so strong. I knew then and there that I was not alone…ever.

I got over this trial, but only with the help, love and strength of my Savior. He had been through all the pain that I was feeling before. He knew what I was going through because He had gone through it all in Gethsemane. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me. I know that my Savior suffered in Gethsemane for mine and your sins. Only the true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will give you the peace that you are looking for.

I know that this church is true. I know that we have a prophet of God on this earth, at this time. I believe in Eternal Families and I know that I will get to be together forever with my family if I do my best to live my life and teach my kids to follow the commandments. The only way to find true happiness is to open your heart to the Savior. He will carry you, strengthen you and love you, no matter what you have done. Allow the spirit in, you will be eternally grateful.

Favorite Scriptures: Joshua 1:9, Mosiah 2:22, D&C 8:9‐10

Megan ~ Brassy Apple (www.brassyapple.blogspot.com)

I am grateful for the knowledge I have of where I came from, why I am here and where I will go after this life. I am grateful to know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me no matter the choices I make. That I am His child ‐ a daughter of God. That I have a greater purpose than just existing here. That I lived before this earth life in Heaven and I when I return to my Heavenly Father that I will have an eternal life after this one. I am grateful for the knowledge that I know I can pray and "talk" to him whenever, wherever and about anything. I am grateful for the answers I receive through the gift of the Holy Ghost ‐ that still small voice. I have direction, purpose, understanding and light and happiness in my life because of the teachings of this gospel.

We believe in eternal families through the blessings and promises we make in the LDS temples. That we can be together as a family unit again after this life. Nine years ago in 2003, my husband and I had a daughter pass away when she was only 2 weeks old. Because of complications she wasn't expected to live more than a few moments but we were blessed 6

to have 2 weeks of time with her. In this time of heartache and struggle we turned to our faith and took comfort in our knowledge and belief that we will see her again. That we will be a family all together someday and have the chance to love on her again. She went "home" to Heaven and now we will always have a piece of Heaven in our home. I can't imagine being in Heaven without my loved ones. Not having more time with the people I love, cherish and hold dear.

This gospel brings me such peace and comfort. It is the same wherever you find it on any part of the globe ‐ from the way Sunday church is run to activities during the week and more. Especially the presence of the Spirit ‐ that warm fuzzy feeling you get inside ‐ is felt wherever LDS people gather no matter what language we speak, how we dress or where we live. The people in it aren't perfect ‐ no one is ‐ but it perfectly set up to help us all achieve becoming our best selves, serving others and focusing on what really matters and is important in this life.

Favorite Scriptures: Mosiah 24:14, D&C 18:16, 3 John 1:14

Reachel ~ Cardigan Empire (www.cardiganempire.com)

Don't get me wrong, being a Mormon can be a lot of work. But it's rewarding. I can't imagine surviving life without my faith. My parents were both converts to the church, and I am so grateful that they made the sacrifice to raise their children as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Because of their dedication, I know who I am, where to go for help, and where I'm headed. I know there is a plan and that makes all the difference. It gives me hope. And hope is the beginning of faith.

Almost three years ago, I was alone, in an out of state hospital, being wheeled into emergency surgery. An undetected ectopic pregnancy had ruptured my fallopian tube and I had lost nearly a third of the blood in my body to internal bleeding. As they turned the gurney into the operating room, I didn’t think about the hoards of unanswered e‐mails in my inbox or the decay of dirty dishes in my kitchen sink. I could tolerate leaving behind all these untidy details of my temporal life. My heart did not wish to lay last eyes on financial documents, nor cradle any diplomas or honors I had received.

The heaviest weight on my mind and soul was five pounds seven ounces. The baby daughter that we had sought for more than half a decade had finally been found by a selfless birth mother and placed in our arms only days before. My uninterrupted prayer was: “Heavenly Father, I haven't been sealed to my baby yet. I need to get home, alive, so my husband and I can take out daughter to the temple.” I knew that once this ordinance had been performed, nothing could separate us, not even death. A that moment it was clear, what was true and what was important.

I’m happy to say, I am now healthy and happy, a grateful mother to our daughter, a son, and pregnant with a third baby. Last November, our family was sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. It was the happiest day of my life.

Each time I've hoped for righteous ends, my Heavenly Father has answered my desires with experiences that have grown my faith. Life hasn’t always proceeded as I would have planned, most of the time it is much harder and far better. I know my Heavenly Father has a plan for me, and I have hope that I can accept his will and follow him faithfully.

Favorite Scriptures: Alma 22:18, Matthew 6:30, Articles of Faith 1:13


Ruthie ~ What’s Cooking With Ruthie (www.whatscookingwithruthie.com)

Hi! I'm Ruthie and I just wanted to share a little bit about my life and why being a Mormon has been such an important part of it. I was married when I was 20, which I know is really young. I thought when I married that it would just be happily‐ever‐after and all that... BUT, no. Life has a way of throwing some curves at us and after 11 years of marriage and 3 kids, I found myself divorced. I was completely taken by surprise and quite honesty, I couldn't hardly function for a little while. Thank goodness for my family and friends that stepped in to help me. It's pretty overwhelming to realize that you're alone, raising 3 kids, and keeping up with every aspect of life‐ all by yourself. I remember spending many hours on my knees praying to God for strength just make it through that day.

I know that he heard my prayers and that he answered them. He put people in my life that loved and supported me through that process. It would never fail that when the world seemed to be caving in on me... one of those people would show up on my door with cookies, or a card would come in the mail, or out of the blue someone would call telling me exactly what I needed to hear to help me pick up my feet and keep moving on. As the shock eventually wore off and the days turned into months‐ I healed. I learned a lot about myself and I can honestly say that today, I am a better person for having gone through it. I think of it as a refiners fire, a curve in the road that eventually led me to who I am today.

Through this experience I developed a huge amount of compassion for others, I learned not to judge, I learned that even in our darkest hour‐ God is there for us if we just ask for help, he will take care of us. I learned so much and now that it has been nearly 10 years since my divorce, I've been able to help others that are going through divorce too. I've met people or became reacquainted with old friends and I've been able to connect with them, share my experience, and help them through a little bit of the healing process after a divorce. It's so comforting to know that through other people God will always help us. I'll always be grateful for the all those people that helped me.

In looking back, I can see the hand of God in my life and in the lives of my children. It's hard to see it when your in the middle of it... we often wonder why things happen the way they do. I just want to say that if your in that place, don't give up hope. Keep praying, asking for guidance and help‐ things will eventually work out. God is there and he loves you. It may not always be in the way that we want at that time but, one day it will make sense and the pieces will all fall together.

I'm so grateful that I'm a Mormon. It has absolutely been the glue that has held my life together. Life is hard and crazy most of the time‐ being a Mormon has been the foundation that I needed to stand on. I can't imagine what my life would be like without having a sure knowledge of where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going after this life. I know God hears and answers our prayers, I know he loves us, I know he will comfort and direct us‐ if we will just ask.

Favorite Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 13:4, Mosiah 12:21, Isaiah 52:6‐7

Mandy ~ Sugar Bee Crafts (www.sugarbeecrafts.com)

Hi! I'm Mandy and I'm a craft blogger at Sugar Bee Crafts. I'm a mom to 4 great kiddos, a wife to an amazing husband. I am a neighbor, a friend, a volunteer at my children's school. I am a crafter, Etsy shop owner, photographer. And I am a Mormon.

I have been a member of the LDS my entire life. My mom's side of the family has been in the church for generations. Stories about pioneers and the faith of my ancestors are impactful and inspiring. My dad joined the church


when he was a senior in high school. His faith to follow what he knew to be true is a strength and example to me. I was raised in the midwest and my beliefs have always been a part of my life. Growing up, my friends and schoolmates knew I was Mormon and I wanted to be a great example to them ‐ to be able to be kind and Christlike. To have high standards. When I moved away to college where I didn't know anyone, I was given the opportunity to evaluate my beliefs again for myself. I wanted to hold my standards high because I believed in it ‐ I wanted to again define myself as one striving to live as I believed.

Just as being crafty or being a mother defines part of me, being Mormon defines part of who I am. I believe in my Father in Heaven, who loves me unconditionally. And his son, Jesus Christ, who lived a life as a perfect example and died for me. I strive daily to become more Christlike in the things I do. I want to follow his teachings and show love to those around me. It sounds huge in theory, but it's just the daily acts of love and kindness that can bring me closer to Christ. I try to look at the positive side of situations ‐ and as I am positive, I can help others to be positive and uplifting.

I feel that the biggest calling I have in this life is to be a mother to my children. Obviously my beliefs have a huge impact in that role. I want to teach my children to be kind and loving. To do that, I have to be the example. If I can show them how to be Christlike, then they can follow my lead. I know that I am loved by my Father in Heaven and that he loves my children just as much and I want them to know how special they are. Sometimes I am in awe that I have been entrusted to raise such amazing children. Motherhood can be extremely challenging and I know that I can turn to prayer for direct guidance with specific problems. I believe in the power of prayer. Of asking for help and seeking answers. I believe in personal revelation and that I can receive an answer to my prayers. I can't imagine surviving the role as mother without the power of prayer and a God to guide me through. I believe that families are forever ‐ an eternal family. I love my family and true happiness is knowing that we will always be together.

I am grateful for my beliefs as a member of the LDS church. They help guide my life and give me direction in knowing what I am striving to achieve. They give me purpose and direction as I fill my role as a mother and as I fill my many other roles in life.

Favorite Scriptures: 2 Nephi 31:20, Matthew 5:16, 3 Nephi 13:33

Caroline ~ Armelle Blog (www.armelleblog.com)

As a member of the church who was born into a family that taught the gospel principles from a young age, I always knew that there would be a deciding point where I had to make the decision, and learn for myself if I was going to live the gospel, and whether or not I knew it to be true.

That turning point came for me during my early college years. For the first time, I was out on my own, living in the dorms at BYU, and finally making many important decisions myself. I remember feeling so free and liberated to do as I pleased. I never got into any serious trouble, but I was sure happy to be able to stay out as late as I wanted, and skipped out on a lot of the things that I should have been doing regularly such as daily worship of sincere prayers, scripture study, and regular full meeting church attendance.

I had the freedom to do as I pleased, but I felt void of the things that would make me happy long term. Finally, all my staying out late caught up with me, and by the end of the semester, I got struck with mono, and was having some health issues due to that. I remember feeling terrible physically and spiritually, and generally down in the dumps. I then realized, that slowly my decisions on how I was living my life weren't helping with my spiritual progression, and little by little I was no longer inviting the right spirit into my life. I felt a terrible darkness with me, and at that point, I was yearning for light.


From that time forward, I decided that I did, in fact have a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is something I have had all along, all of my life. But, at that point it was going to have to be my decision to go forward with my life living the gospel, and doing the things I needed to do to be a good devoted member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I was fortunate to attend Brigham Young University, where religious classes were part of our curriculum. I was taking a Book of Mormon class, and I was for the first time in my life, really studying the scriptures, and actually wanting, on my own to gain a testimony of the book. I am so glad that my professor asked us all to keep a journal as we read the Book of Mormon. This is what I wrote as I was reading the first chapters of The Book of Mormon.

"I find it to be so amazing that such things actually took place. I know that this book has many good intentions, and I firmly believe that with study and diligence I also can find the truthfulness of this great book. I pray that through my studies, I will grow to know without a doubt that the Book of Mormon is true and follow it's teachings in my life to find that GREAT PEACE." ‐ (Jan 17, 2001)

I am so grateful to be able to look back on these words that I wrote so long ago, and realize that they have come to fruition. I have gained that firm testimony of the Book of Mormon, that I was sincerely seeking, and as I have continually studied this book, I have been able to find that GREAT PEACE in my life that I was looking for.

Deciding on my own to be a practicing member of the Church has brought so much peace into my life, and happiness. The times in my life where I have felt the most peace, and pure joy and happiness is when I have taken the time to carefully study the scriptures, pray daily, and attend church meetings I feel so much closer to our Savior Jesus Christ, and that brings on such a neat perspective on how I go about my day and interact with my husband, children, and fellow men.

Favorite Scriptures: 1 Nephi 10:19, 2 Nephi 31:20, James 1:5

Carrian ~ Sweet Basil (www.ohsweetbasil.com)

About three years ago my husband and I decided that we were ready to try to have a second child. This was a really big decision for us as he was taking a few classes at the local college to prepare for another degree, and I get quite ill when I am pregnant. A condition called Hyperemisis Gravidarum. We prayed and counseled together and felt strongly that it was time to start trying. I found out that I was pregnant one week after my husband lost his job. We felt confused, and even worse, I was already throwing up. My pregnancy test had shown up negative, but I knew I was pregnant and my doctor was able to confirm it, even though it was early.

Over the course of the next 6 months I spent my time in the hospital, hooked up to IV's and my weight plummeting as low as 81 pounds. Our daughter was 3 yrs old and because of the Swine Flu outbreak she was not allowed in the hospital most of the time. My heart ached for my husband and daughter. I wanted to see her, snuggle her, and play with her. I felt distant from everyone and everything. I worried about my husband and the burden he was carrying. Especially since he was now unemployed. I started to feel angry. I was tired of being alone. I was tired of not being able to eat, drink or even suck on ice. I just wanted to go home have my body heal. Because I was throwing up so much, I developed insomnia, and my muscles began to atrophy. I had no strength to do anything. How could we have received an answer to get pregnant only to have life fall apart?

One night, my husband sat by my bedside and told me that while praying he had felt strongly that we should ask my sister if we could move in with her, about an hour away. I said no. I had no energy to pack up and move, and I didn't want to live with anyone. At times I was allowed to go home for a few days and I wanted it to be my home, not someone 10

else's. A little while later my sister called, and said that she and her husband had been talking and they felt strongly that they should ask us to move in with them. They lived down the street from a physical therapist and my husband could apply there and they could help our little one in the evenings. I agreed. And we moved. It was hard being so sick and going back and forth from the hospital to someone else's home, even if it was family, but I was grateful for their sacrifice and love.

When I was about 4 months pregnant our doctor at the hospital told me that if we could not get my weight to stabilize, kidneys to stabilize and the baby to grow a little, we would need to do feeding tubes and possibly end the pregnancy. We were heartbroken, distraught, and a complete mess.

I began to cry out in prayer, "Heavenly Father, I cannot do this anymore. My strength is gone, and I am weak. I need you. If you will just grant an angel to come and sit with me tonight, I will go on and I will make it through this pregnancy. Please, help this little one to grow."

I testify to you, that in that moment, I felt a woman enter my room and sit with me beside my bed. My heart felt peaceful and quiet, my mind rested and although I still was wracked with nausea, I made it through the entire night. In the morning we learned that I had not lost another pound and one day later our little one grew just enough that the dr's had hope that this baby would survive. My dad called that morning and said, "Carrian, last night I had an experience where Grandma (his mother who passed away from cancer when I was little) came to me and told me that she was going to go and sit with you and take care of you for the night." Through tears I told my dad of the experience that I had the night before.

I know that my Heavenly Father heard and answered my prayer. He did not remove the trial, but he did make my burden lighter for that one evening so that I could have the strength to move forward. The rest of the pregnancy was not easy, but I knew, as I know now that my Heavenly Father was mindful of me and that I would endure this trial so that I could one day know with a surety what my purpose is on this Earth and that God lives. He loves us. We are His children, and he has not nor will He ever forget us. That pregnancy was filled with many miracles, and we are so grateful for the experiences that we had that showed us the blessings, strengths and testimony of God the Father and Jesus Christ that could have come about in no other way.

My life would not be the same without my faith and hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because I am a member of His church I know who I am, where I came from, why I am here and where we will all go once this life is over. I have meaning and direction in my life because of Him. I never would have been able to endure such a hard pregnancy where, I almost gave my life and almost lost our sweet baby who is now a healthy, happy 2 yr old.

I leave you my testimony and hope and pray that you will search with a humble heart to know if the scriptures you read are true. I promise you that if you are sincere, patient, and are willing to listen to the Spirit it will bear testimony to you of the things that you read. Listen for that peaceful feeling or burning in your bosom, it may not come as quickly as we want it, but it will come, and it is answer that the things you are reading and learning are true. The gospel will bring you joy and meaning to your life. Your Father in Heaven loves you. He knows you. And He is waiting for you to come unto Him.

Favorite Scriptures: Mathew 4:18‐20, Alma 26:12, Mosiah 4: 9, 12

Lindsey ~ The R House (www.therhouse.com)

Everyone's belief in God comes in different ways and at different times. My testimony that He loves me, His daughter, and is watching out for me has intensified as our family has experienced heartache and passed through adversity. 11

In my darkest moments when it feels like the world has turned its back on me or when, because of someone else's choices, I am left with unspeakable heartache, it's in those times (now looked at as sacred times) that I realize how much I depend on my Savior to heal me. There is some grief that only the Savior can understand. He is the Giver of Peace.

Every time I have fallen, I have somehow managed to get back up and carry on. I didn't realize until recently that this is faith. There is something so encouraging in equating faith with the ability to get up, brush yourself off and try again no matter how beat up you have become on the journey–knowing that the Savior will “consecrate your afflictions for your gain.” That is faith in Jesus Christ.

Allowing the power of the Atonement to come into your heart and take away your pain/anger is faith in Christ. Recognizing and trusting that the pain He suffered in Gethsemane makes Him the expert on how to help you is faith in Christ.

I have great faith in Jesus Christ. I believe in Him. It is His atoning sacrifice that gives me hope that tomorrow can be better today. I also believe Him‐‐that He is the only source of truth of light. I believe Him when He says He can heal me.

He saves me from myself every day.

Favorite Scriptures: Mosiah 24:14, 2 Nephi 2:2, Isaiah 61:3

Melissa ~ 320 Sycamore (www.320sycamoreblog.com)

The heavy hospital door shut, and the room felt very quiet and empty after my husband, my 8 yr old, 7 yr old, 4 yr old, and 9 month old baby headed back home to their own comfortable beds. I let the tears flow. It had been a crazy, emotional past few months and it all seemed to descend on my heart that night. My mind went back to 4 months ago, when we had moved to Lubbock, Texas so that my husband could attend Texas Tech for his PhD. We didn't know a soul as we drove along that immense Texas sky and purchased a real fixer upper house that was in our measly student budget (love those Texas home prices) but demanded a lot of work. I had always loved yard sales and designing on a dime, and I was actually excited at the prospect of tackling the abundance of 70's avocado green and gold. My husband and our realtor thought I was crazy, but I was confident we could turn it into our cozy home. We had returned home from the Christmas holidays from visiting family and brought back the chicken pox for each of my children as a souvenir. Spots showed up on Spencer, my 9 month old the morning I was supposed to go into surgery for a partial thyroidectomy to remove a goiter on (a bump) my right side of my thyroid. We found out that our baby‐sitter we had arranged for had never been exposed to chicken pox, so we needed a replacement quickly. It was a reminder of how few people we really knew well, and my heart ached to be able to pick up the phone and call close friend to come over. Her kind mother was an angel to us that morning as she called and said that she could come and stay with the children.

The surgery went smoothly, the preliminary labs looked good, chicken pox spots were disappearing rapidly, and my mother‐in‐law came after a few days to stay with us and help out as my husband began the semester and work. It turned out that the goiter itself was benign, but the nodules around it were cancerous. I had to pull the van over through my tears as the doctor said over the phone: papillary thyroid cancer. She assured us that if we were to choose a cancer, this is the one to have as the cure rate was very high. Still, it was the C‐word and our hearts sunk and of course the internet searches came back with the random horror stories.

Back into surgery I was to go to remove the remainder of the thyroid followed up with a radioactive iodine treatment. As I sat there on the rumpled white hospital sheets from my kids playing with the bed remote, and the cold January moon shining in my window, I poured my heart out to God. I sobbed and told Him about how I longed to just be home rocking my baby, painting the dark paneling in the family room, making lunches, stripping gold and turquoise wallpaper from the 12

bathroom, tucking my kids into bed, and matching socks from the odd‐sock bucket. How I missed Idaho and the mountains, the bulk food section at Winco, fry sauce, being driving distance from my family in Montana, and morning runs with dear friends. How I wanted to live and be okay and grow old and to gain that Texas pride it seemed everyone had around me.

The warm, comforting feeling that wrapped around me and through me, inside and up and down is one that I can never forget. That God heard me. And not only heard me, but understood me and all of my insignificant and probably selfish little concerns and frustrations. That He wanted me to feel His warm, pure, patient love and help me remember what I had been blessed with. To share it with others. I have felt the feeling since then, but never quite in that way. It changed who I wanted to be.

I know God loves each of us and wants us to come to Him as we are, where we are, how we are. In all of our imperfection and frustration. He did not abandon us here on Earth to figure it out on our own. As a loving Father, He gave us His Son, to heal us, to show the way, and to help us realize what we can become when we turn our hearts to Him. There is room for each one of us in His heart and in His church.

Shawn ~ I Wash…You Dry (www.iwashyoudry.com)

My name is Shawn Syphus and I blog at I Wash…You Dry. My blog is all about creating simple recipes quickly, so you can spend your time doing more important things like spending time with your family. While I love blogging, and all the opportunities I have had with my blog, nothing is more precious and near to my heart than my family.

I am lucky to have married my soul‐mate [my rock], who understand me completely and holds the same values as I do. We are extremely blessed to have 4 beautiful, healthy children. Together my husband and I are working hard to ensure that our children are raised with the same values that we hold.

I was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and grew up attending Church regularly with my family. When I was 8 years old I was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church. A few years later my parents started struggling with the temptation of a leisurely Sunday. We missed a few Sunday meetings here, a few Church activities there, and next thing you know… Sunday consisted of rounds of golf, swim meets, movies, and going out to dinner. This not only changed my weekend, but it changed the way our family treated each other as well. We were more hostile towards each other. Didn’t have time to sit down and enjoy the little things. Events and activities soon over‐ran our household, and Church was an afterthought.

All this time I had one Aunt that lived 2 blocks away. A faithful, kind‐hearted, and loving soul who never gave up on us. Not once. She never looked down on us for our actions and always invited us with open arms to Church meetings. I would go with her on occasion. It was that still, small voice inside that urged me to take her up on her offers. Most of the time I would push it aside, but in my teenage years [and I know this is hard to believe] I knew more than anything that I wanted to marry another member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and raise my kids the right way.

That’s not to say that my parents raised me the wrong way. Not at all. I love my parents dearly, and respect them and their decisions. Being a grown up now, I know it’s not easy to always make the right choices. I am constantly fumbling all over the place trying to choose the right things to say, or the correct way to handle this or that. But being married to my loving husband with the same goals to have an eternal family; well that makes it so much easier.


Every bit of spiritual knowledge we gain from reading the scriptures as a family, attending Church meetings, and saying prayers as a family each night, strengthens our family bond. So when tough decisions come along, we will be that much more prepared to handle them.

I knew then, and I know now that Jesus loves each and every one of us. That he is always there waiting for us with open arms. Inviting us with that still small voice to make the right choices. It’s such a comforting feeling when I attend my Church meetings, like a warm hug on a cold winter day. I know I am where I need to be. Where my family needs to be.

Becky ~ UCreate (www.ucreate.com)

I am grateful every day to know that God is mindful of me. I know that this great God who creates "worlds without number" is so very aware of me on such a personal level. How do I know this? Not only are there everyday reminders, like feeling additional love and support when things are hard, but I have learned for myself in a very personal way that there is a great plan for each of us. I know that a loving Heavenly Father wants us all to return to him and he has made that pathway clear through the gospel of Jesus Christ. That gospel is found in the Holy Bible, the Book of Mormon and from living prophets and apostles; all of these are necessary to know Christ's gospel. Obtaining knowledge of this gospel and obeying its teachings has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Through this knowledge and the power of prayer, I know all things are possible in God and that Jesus suffered for my sins on a very personal level. I am grateful for my membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints where I know Christ's gospel is taught. My prayer is that pure seekers of truth and knowledge read the Book of Mormon with its companion, the Holy Bible, and ask God if it is true. I promise He is eager to answer you!

Favorite Scriptures: 3 Nephi 5:13‐14, Ether 12:27, Proverbs 29:18

Becky ~ Babes in Hairland (www.babesinhairland.com)

Hi! I’m Becky and I blog at Babes in Hairland.com. I’m also known as “The Mom” at Babes in Hairland! I’ve got 3 daughters and on our blog I share step‐by‐step hairstyles that I’ve done on my girls. I’ve been blogging for over four years, but there is a lot more to me than “just” being a mom & a blogger. I’m also a Mormon.

These days so many people have their views on what exactly Mormon’s are, and you may even know someone who belongs to our church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints, and not even realize it. I’ll go out on a limb here & say that we are a lot like you, just trying to make our way through this life, the best we can. But for me, it’s comforting to know that we don’t have to make our way through this world alone. We have a loving Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to be happy and wants us to return to live with Him, and He has given us a plan of happiness to guide us while on this earth.

Despite being raised Mormon, I still hit a time in my life where I wanted to know if what my parents had been teaching me all my life was really true. I wanted to know if there really was a God and if The Book of Mormon ‐ Another Testament of Christ really was what it professed to be. I’d like to say I had some “earth shattering” experience, but things just came slowly and surely into my heart as I read The Book of Mormon. It’s hard to explain, but as I prayed each day before I started reading, one day I was overcome with emotion and I knew The Book of Mormon is indeed the word of God. I felt warm and the tears flowed freely. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget.


The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ and that His atonement was for each of us. There is a power in it that enriches my life every time I read it. It makes me a better mom and wife. It helps me keep Christ at the center of my family, which in turn makes our family life so much better. That’s not to say we don’t have problems, but the spirit The Book of Mormon carries into our home, is one that no other book can provide. It brings me peace and happiness even when I’m having a bad day. I know it truly is the word of God.

If you want to find out more, or feel like something is missing in your life, I would encourage you to learn more on www.Mormon.org and also by reading The Book of Mormon. It will change your life for the better, bringing into it, peace and happiness that you have never before known.

Favorite Scriptures: John 14:27, Ether 12:6, 2 Nephi 25:26

Shandra ~ Deals to Meals (www.dealstomeals.com)

I am so grateful to be able to share my thoughts with you today about things that I hold dear and to share my feelings about my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints, along with my feelings about eternal families and The Book of Mormon. There is nothing more sacred to me than the knowledge I have that there is a loving Heavenly Father who knows me individually, knows my name, and cares about me and my family. I have felt His love for me innumerable times throughout my life. In those moments when I have felt alone, afraid, discouraged or overwhelmed I feel His arms wrap around me and a peace comes over me that reminds me that I am never alone, and that He hears and answers my prayers. Prayer to me is my lifeline back to my loving home in Heaven. When I pray I am able to feel His love and direction for me—even in those simple prayers in my heart when I ask for help. With five young children, a crazy work schedule and everything else in life that seems to pull us in all directions, I am thankful for a God that loves me and wants me to succeed. His love is really what gets me through each and every day—the hard times, as well as the good times.

Besides a loving Heavenly Father, I am truly thankful for His loving Son Jesus Christ. He is my Redeemer and my friend. I know He came to earth, lived a perfect life and died for each one of us. Because He died on the cross and atoned for our sins, we have the ability to repent, change our lives and find the peace that comes through repentance. Let’s face it, we all make mistakes, and I have made my fair share, but it brings so much comfort to know that I can be forgiven and change my life. I testify that Jesus Christ knows each of us and that He lives.

In the Bible we are able to read and learn about Jesus Christ’s life and mission when He was on the earth. We today have been given additional scripture that tells us more of Christ’s life. This Book is called The Book of Mormon. Heavenly Father has been speaking through his Prophet’s and apostles from before the world began, as well as in the Bible, and continues in The Book of Mormon. For me, I could never deny my testimony of this book because I have felt it’s changing power and influence in my life. There is a special, spiritual power that comes when I read this Book. It is something I can’t describe, but only something I have experienced many times over in my life. My life is blessed when I read this book on a daily basis. My testimony of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ is strengthened when I read, as well as my desire to be a better person. I know it is hard for many people to accept new scripture, but the only thing I can say to that is read it! If you read it with an open heart, I promise your heart will be touched and you will feel of the truthfulness of it. The scriptures, along with prayer, are my saving grace and are what gets me through life. The people you will read about in the Book of Mormon have become my heroes and my friends. I have learned from their examples of how I should live my life and their experiences have helped me in many ways.

One of the greatest blessings that have come to me and my family through my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ is the knowledge I have of eternal families. We believe that through God’s power (the Priesthood) we are able to be sealed together as a family for all eternity. Our family relationships won’t end when we leave this life. We believe they 15

will continue beyond this life and last forever. Through temple blessings and covenants we are able to make promises to our spouse and to God that will allow us be together forever. This knowledge gives me the strength I need to put my family first before anything else in life. There is nothing more important than my husband, my children and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The rest of my life could fall apart, I could lose everything, but if we have each other, and we have the knowledge there is a loving Heavenly Father in charge, I am able to find true happiness. This doesn’t mean life will be easy, but it does mean I am able to make it through each day knowing where I am going and that there is a plan for my life.

One of my favorite quotes comes from a leader of our church, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf has helped remind me that I matter to God. My life, my children & my family matter to Him. He is always there for me, and He is always there for YOU! I promise you this and know that it is true;)

“Compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are EVERYTHING to God. The MOST powerful being in the universe is the Father of your spirit. He knows you. He loves you with a perfect LOVE. God sees you not only as a mortal being on a small planet who lives for a brief season—He sees you as His child. He sees you as the being you are capable and designed to become. He wants you to know that YOU MATTER TO HIM!”

Kristyn ~ Lil’ Luna (www.lilluna.com)

My name is Kristyn, and I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints. Being a member of the Church, I have gained and strengthened my testimony of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and of a wonderful Plan of Happiness that includes coming to this Earth, gaining a body, having a family and trying our best to make it back to our heavenly parents.

I grew up LDS (Latter‐Day Saint) and had always known since I was young that I had a Father in Heaven who loved me. As a teenager I felt of this love even more and slowly developed a testimony of my own. This testimony was solidified as a Young Adult while living in China. I had taken the semester off of college to be a Volunteer English Teacher in Wuhan, China. After being there several months an epidemic broke out called SARS. My fellow teachers and I didn't know much about it until we started receiving concerned phone calls from our parents. My mom and dad wanted me to seriously consider ending my semester of teaching early to come back home. That was the last thing I wanted to do. After much prayer and consideration I decided it was time to go home. A few days before we were to head back to the U.S.A. I came down with a high fever, which happened to be a symptom of SARS. At the time, the school administrators had been taking our temperatures every day to make sure we weren't sick. When they told me I was, I started to panic. I knew I didn't have SARS, but I also knew that my temperature would be taken at the airport when I was traveling home. I didn't want to be quarantined in a hospital in a foreign country with the people who really were sick because of a high temperature. At this point, I was starting to stress out a bit. I turned to the scriptures... as I began to read I was immediately enveloped by a very warm and loving feeling that brought me comfort and peace. I read words from the scriptures that I knew were meant for me to read at that exact time and place. I knew then and there that I could never doubt that the scriptures were true and that my Heavenly Father and Savior knew me and loved me. After a few miracles, 2 days of traveling, and a undoubting testimony, I was able to make it home to my family. Although my time was cut short as a teacher in China, I know that I was supposed to be there for this learning and growing experience.

Since this event, I have had several more opportunities to have the Spirit bear witness to me of what I already know and hold dear to my heart, which is:

I have a loving Savior who loves me and died for me so that I could repent and return to live with Him, our Heavenly Parents and our family again, one day. 16

Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God who was called to restore the everlasting Gospel back to this earth in these, the latter‐days.

President Thomas S. Monson is a modern‐day prophet and a special witness of Jesus Christ who leads and guides us today.

The Book of Mormon and Bible are the words of God and hold answers, truths and testimonies that bear witness of the Savior and the Plan of Salvation.

Families are eternal, and I know I can be with them after this life.

These truths have brought me so much peace and understanding throughout the years.

Some people ask, "Why are you Mormon?" And here is the main reason why... it's because it's brought me so much happiness. Sure, life isn't always easy, in fact it can often be sad and not always go as expected, but, having a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints and of its teachings has brought me peace and joy. It has taught me that I can be with family forever, and that alone makes me so happy. I'm the first to admit that I don't understand every principle or teaching of the church, but I do know that our Father in Heaven's plan is a plan of Happiness and that living by these teachings and striving my best to be my best self has made me happy. And I want to be happy.

Favorite Scriptures: James 1:5‐6, Alma 32:27, Alma 58:11

Aleisha ~ She Calls Me Mama Leisha (www.callmemamaleisha.com)

I remember the first time I truly felt God's love for me. It washed over me like an ocean's waves, and warmed me to my core. I was a young girl‐‐only eight‐years‐old‐‐and I had just been baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was a beautiful day‐‐the church was filled with loved ones and friends, my mother was shedding tender tears of joy, my grandparents had traveled long distances to be there, and I was dressed all in white. My mother had braided my hair and had attached big white bows to the ends. I remember I felt special and pretty...but most of all I felt LOVED.

I have been blessed to feel God's love for me MANY times since my baptism day‐‐when my grandmother died, when I graduated from college, when I got married, when my husband lost his job, when my children were born, when I read the Book of Mormon, when I was scared or sad or sick, and when I was joyful. Love is a quintessential part of the LDS faith. It's one (of MANY!) reasons why I'm a Mormon.

I know that God loves me. I know that he has a plan for me, that is bigger and more glorious than anything I could ever imagine for myself. I know that He lives and that He is extremely aware of me, concerned about me; championing my small successes, and wanting me to be happy. Heaven is not that far away; God is closer to us than we think.

I believe God is our Father. That makes each and every one of us his literal sons and daughters. We are all a part of one great big and beautiful spiritual family. How incredible! To think we lived together, as perfect spirits, before this earth was created is remarkable. We knew each other. We loved each other. We'll have the opportunity to be together again, in the spirit life we'll live after death. In the meantime, I know we are significant and divine, and I know our lives have great purpose.


I know my Savior. He is our older brother and our heavenly friend. in the darkness of despair, and the balm that heals broken hearts. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer, our confidante, and companion. He loves us tremendously. So much, in fact, that he suffered and died for us, as is described in the Book of Mormon:

"...wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long‐suffering towards the children of men." ‐‐1 Nephi 19:9, emphasis added.

I pray you'll feel of the Savior's loving kindness in your own life. I pray you'll feel of God's love for you, as I did at eight‐ years‐old. And as I do now.

Nikkala ~ The Crafting Chicks (www.thecraftingchicks.com)

My testimony is very simple. I was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ and I remember in high school wondering if I really had a testimony of the Book of Mormon of my own. Every night I would read and then pray asking if it were true. After a week or two of not receiving an answer in the form of the flashing neon sign I was expecting, I made a list of specific things I wanted to have a testimony of. So I started praying to know if Jesus Christ had really atoned for my sins. I prayed to know if Joseph Smith had really seen Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and I prayed to know if I was a really a child of God. Because to me, those are the basics that the rest of my beliefs are hinged upon. I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father. I know he loves me. I remember holding my first baby and feeling my heart at the point of bursting because it was so full of love for the little bundle in my arms. I couldn’t imagine ever loving anything more than I loved that 7 lb little boy. That gave me a small glimpse of the amount of love that our Heavenly Father has for each of us. I know that the love he has for His children is even greater than the love I have for mine. He loves you. I know that because He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to Earth to atone for our sins. He gave His life and because of His atonement we will all live again. No matter what mistakes we have made in our live we can repent. Repentance is real. And the best part of that is that we aren’t expected to be perfect today, just better than we were yesterday. We have our whole lives to learn and grow and become the best that we can be.

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was restored on the Earth through the prophet Joseph Smith. I have read the Book of Mormon and received my own testimony of its truthfulness. I still marvel that a 14 year old boy was so worried about what church he should go to that he went into a grove of trees and prayed to know. And because he prayed he saw God the Father and Jesus Christ who directed him in restoring the true church.

I know that I am sealed to my family, and if we each keep the covenants we have made we will be together for eternity. The Church of Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon have brought so much joy to my life. I know that if you will read this special book and pray to know if it is true you will get an answer for yourself. You, too, are a child of God and He loves you. This I know.

Krista ~ Budget Gourmet Mom (www.budgetgourmetmom.com)

I was in high school when I found The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints. I grew up being taught that there was a higher power or Creator but, short of a few trips to church with my Grandmother, did not have organized religion in my life. God was just not something we talked about.


My sister and I were taught to have high standards, good morals, to be honest and trustworthy. We were a good family and I was happy. But I did feel like something was missing.

Perhaps it was that feeling or my desire to do everything my best friend did that drove me to attend early morning seminary one fateful day in September. I wasn’t sure what early morning seminary was but I knew she was my best friend so I wanted to go.

We awoke at 5:30 the next morning so we could get to the church building by 6:15. As soon as I arrived I knew my life would never be the same. The spirit I felt there inspired me and the teachings in the scriptures gave my life direction.

I continued to attend seminary over the next couple of years and waited patiently until I had my parents’ permission to be baptized. During that time I listened to the missionaries teach, read my scriptures, and prayed daily.

One of my favorite scriptures the missionaries taught me states,

“And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God…if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart…he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.” – Moroni 10:45

As soon as I read that I knew I could pray, right then, and ask Heavenly Father if the path that I was following was right. I have never prayed so fervently or with such intent as I did then. I felt the spirit sweep over me and I knew immediately that what I was doing was right.

I know, without a doubt, that getting baptized on that day in December nearly 14 years ago was the best decision I have ever made. It has led me to where I am today which is a pretty darn good place to be, if I do say so myself. I am so grateful to have a living prophet on earth today that leads and guides this church. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and I strive to follow His example each and every day.

Favorite Scriptures: Alma 32:21, Moroni 10:3‐5, John 12:46

Kirsten ~ The Crafting Chicks (www.thecraftingchicks.com)

I’m so excited to share my thoughts today about the most precious thing in my life, my testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I have gained throughout my life as a member of The Church of Jesus‐Christ of Latter‐day Saints. This Gospel and a loving Savior that stands at its head has always been my moral compass in life and has gotten me through the hardest trials, the happiest moments of bliss, and the interesting twists and turns that my life has taken and best of all, given me amazing strength and direction as a mother to four beautiful children. I’m so grateful to be a part of it and to be able to share it with you.

It’s so hard to know what to say in a moment like this when I have to sum up my experiences on one page. Something I do know is that I have time and time again seen this Gospel transform people before my very eyes, including myself at times. One experience comes to mind from when I was a teen. I have an older brother that is about 3 years older than I. He is one of my very favorite people and I would do anything for him. He went through some rebellious years where I could tell for certain that he wasn’t happy. He wasn’t leading a life that he or the Savior would be proud of, and does that mean perfect?...no way...but he wasn’t making choices that were making him happy. His face was dark, his words were uninspiring, he didn’t have the light in him that I had once seen. I would pray so hard that he would be able to find his way, to where he could be happy and bright again. It’s funny that in times like that you don’t always realize that you are having such a hard time until you look back. He started coming back to church again and started praying more, started reading the Book of Mormon, another testament of Jesus Christ, and right before my very eyes a transformation 19

occurred. My sweet brother that I love so very much started to come alive again. My sweet brother that struggled and struggled started to change. My most favorite thing about the doctrines that are taught and we know to be true in our Church is that the Savior lives and loves us. He loves us and is always watching over us. We know that He is a God of love and care and a God that holds us ever more tenderly when we are struggling. We know of a plan set forth by Him and it’s called the Plan of Salvation, or the great plan of happiness. We know he wants us to be happy. We know that He is a God of miracles, a God of love, a God of patience, a God of enthusiasm, a God of hope.

In my life I have dealt with a handful of situations where I felt absolutely no hope at all. We know that this is the Devil’s tool, his favorite one, to discourage His sweet children and make them believe that they are worth nothing. What a great lie that is....one of my very favorite scriptures that has given me strength through immense trials is from my favorite book, the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 26:27 and it reads: “Now when our hearts were depressed, and we were about to turn back, behold, the Lord comforted us, and said: Go amongst thy brethren, the Lamanites, and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success.” When I just want to give up I read this and it gives me strength and helps me remember to bear my afflictions and trials with patience. What a gift that is‐ to be able to aid in getting over discouragement.

One of my other favorite scriptures is from Proverbs 3:5 in the Bible and it reads, “Trust in the Lord with all of thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.” Oh I so love this scripture because it’s a great reminder that I can make choices, but if I include the Lord in those choices, I am going to find the maximum amount of joy, happiness, strength through my trials. Does it mean that life will be easy? No, but it means that I will be able to keep growing and find real happiness in this life.

In closing I just want to say that I KNOW that we have a loving and forgiving Savior; someone that knows my best and my worst and loves me still the same and KNOWS that I can make it through this life being the best person I can be. I’m so grateful for the doctrines in my Church that help me become the person that I need to be to return to live again with my Savior one day with all my loved ones. I’m so grateful I could be married in the Temple for time and for all eternity, to live and be sealed to my family not only on this earth, but forever. I’m so thankful that I can repent and become clean because my loving Savior died for ME, for YOU, and for EACH PERSON that has lived or will live. I’m so grateful for the Plan of Salvation, which is truly a plan of happiness. I’m grateful to be able to serve in my Church and not for monetary gain. One of my favorite things is to be able to inspire the youth of my area to make good choices and to follow those standards that will keep them safe and happy. I know that there is a true Prophet of God living today, Thomas S. Monson that has lived a life of rescuing souls and serving his Savior. I know he is here to guide and direct our Church. I’m so grateful for the Book of Mormon and I know it’s true. I have had countless experiences that have brought new meaning to my life and have touched me in ways that no book that wasn’t true could. I have humbly asked God if it is true and have felt the most beautiful peace that could not be duplicated by anything but a true and loving Savior. I know countless others that also have come to this same conclusion. I know that Joseph Smith translated plates of brass and was God’s instrument in bringing forth this precious record, the Book of Mormon. I couldn’t deny it if I wanted to because too many wonderful things have come to me in this life as a result of it and too many others that I know and love have experienced the same things. I’m so thankful to know these truths. Thanks so much for reading this :), it’s very near and dear to my heart.

Favorite Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5‐6, 1 Nephi 3:7, Helaman 5:12

Kelli ~ Lolly Jane (www.lollyjane.com)

I'm so grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints in my life. I cannot imagine my life without it. One of the unique things I love about the LDS church is how they take care of everyone, no matter what race, religion, class you are, they will give you a helping hand. They are the only church I know that has ward boundaries which is the area you 20

live in. We are instructed to look out for everyone in our ward boundaries, whether they attend our faith or not. How incredible is that?

I have 4 children and a husband who works a crazy schedule at work. He's a police officer and also a sniper on the SWAT team. I'm often asked if I worry for him and his safety and my honest answer is no. I have faith he'll be safe while he works nights. And I have even more faith if something did happen to him, that I will see him again in the next life. I love that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints teaches about eternal life. It makes so much sense to me. I take great comfort in knowing I will see my loved ones again soon, that we can all live together again as we live now. Heavenly Father wouldn't separate us from our families, he loves us too much and wants us all to live together again with him.

I know if we keep the commandments we've made with Heavenly Father, he will keep his promises to us. I know that He is real, that His Son died for me. There is no doubt in my mind. I know that He cares for every single soul on this earth. I know that there is so much more to life than these short years here and that if we live righteously, we can learn so much more. I know that family is the key to happiness and that is what His plan is all about.

I hope to inspire others through sharing my love of Christ. I hope others will see how I live my life and want to live theirs in the same way. I am definitely not a perfect person; I'm so far from it. But I know that I have the absolute truth in my life and that is all I need. That is my great comfort during trials in my life. I know Heavenly Father is there for me and always will be. And I know that He will be there for anyone who seeks Him.

Stephanie ~ Somewhat Simple (www.somewhatsimple.com)

At various points in our lives we experience trials that can range from a minor inconvenience, to a life altering tragedy. Once the trying time has passed, we can reflect on the experience and pick out a lesson learned, a perspective gained, or an insight understood that we maybe would not have obtained if we didn’t experience the trial.

Recently my husband returned home from a church meeting where one of the speakers spoke about angels who help lift us and carry us through hard times. There are some amazing stories of people who have seen and felt the presence of these angels, and yet, neither my husband nor I have had one of these experiences.

We’ve both felt like we have received answers to various prayers in our life‐ prayers in which we ask questions like, “Should I go back to school?” “Should we have another baby?” “Should I take that new job?” etc. It’s comforting to feel good about a decision you make, but again, no answer to any of our prayers have come in the form of an audible voice or anything like that.

But our family recently experienced a near‐tragic event that had us realizing just how close these angels are‐ even when we can’t see them‐ and how blessed we have been to have them lift us up, in some cases quite literally.

Just last week I was playing taxi‐driver for my oldest son and had to take him to soccer practice while my husband took our 3 youngest children to my parents’ home for a BBQ and swim party. My husband said when he got to my parents’ house, he made some small talk with my 22‐year old brother while my dad was grilling the food. After their conversation, my brother stepped outside in the backyard, for no reason really‐ but perhaps it was to avoid the crowd that was now gathering around waiting for dinner to be served. He came in just seconds later holding Mason, my 13 month old, who was soaking wet, gasping for air and looking terrified!

My brother said he stepped outside and happened to look into the pool and he saw Mason in the deep end, completely under the water. 21

No one saw Mason get out of the house. No one in the backyard heard him walk over to the water, and no one heard a splash as he fell in.

My husband and I have spent the last several days wondering about all the “what‐if’s” of this situation: What if my husband spent even just 1 more minute talking with my brother in the kitchen so he didn’t go outside when he did? What if Mason sank to the bottom of the pool faster and wasn’t visible to my brother when he glanced that direction? What if Mason was under long enough to lose brain function, or even worse, lose his life? Could we ever live with ourselves again?

Thinking these thoughts literally puts a knot in my stomach. It all could have ended so differently, so tragically. But instead, we were all together as a family again‐ kissing our baby goodnight and living life as though nothing ever happened.

We’ve talked about the angels that had to have been with Mason that day‐ literally lifting him and keeping him safe. Unseen by our own eyes, but not unnoticed by any means.

In Doctrine & Covenants section 84 verse 88. It says:

“And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up.”

I know we have a Heavenly Father who hears our prayers and knows us individually. I know this because I have personally felt His presence in my heart as I experience small miracles in my life. No matter how often we may feel alone in life, He is constantly by our side, watching over us and helping us overcome any obstacle placed in our path.

Favorite Scripture: D&C 84:88

Mel ~ Mel’s Kitchen Café (www.melskitchencafe.com)

Happiness. And Freedom. These are the two words that come to mind when I think about my testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints. The gospel of Jesus Christ has been part of my life for as long as I can remember. It would be easy for me claim my belief in the Savior and His Gospel are because my parents and grandparents and most every family around me has believed and lived it, too. But when I reached the age of, probably, 16 or so, I decided I really wanted to know for myself that all the things I had grown up learning were true. I felt good when I went to church and read the Book of Mormon. I felt peaceful in my heart but I wanted a confirmation of surety. I spent several weeks reading passages in the Book of Mormon and studying intently about Joseph Smith’s experience when he had studied the scriptures, had the First Vision and subsequently restored the Gospel to the earth in this dispensation.

I knelt down one night and asked Heavenly Father to tell me whether all of these things were true. I’m not sure what I was expecting – maybe a quiet voice in my mind or a burning feeling in my heart. But after my prayer was finished, nothing really happened. I sat there on my bed for a while and began to cry. I had so badly wanted a strong confirmation and I felt like nothing had happened. And then as I was sitting there feeling sad, a feeling of utter peace and warmth washed over me. It wasn’t an overwhelming feeling – in fact, I had felt it before, I am sure, in moments when I had been needing answers and support from my Heavenly Father, but that is what made it all the more clear to me. This feeling of peace and warmth, while not astounding and visionary, was my confirmation. It was my way of knowing that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐Day Saints is true and that all the lessons and doctrines I had grown up learning are true.


I’ve never had a vision like Joseph Smith. I’ve never had the scriptures fall open to a certain passage that would help me at that very moment. I’ve never heard voices or seen angels. But I know with all of my heart that because of the simple, sweet peaceful feelings I feel every time I pray, every time I read the scriptures, every time one of my children bears their testimony or I bear mine – because of that quiet surety, I know the church is true and that Heavenly Father and the Savior are at the helm. The Gospel of Jesus Christ feels right. It is right. It is true.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ brings happiness. More happiness than words can possibly describe. Jesus Christ wants nothing more than for us to be happy and to feel the joy that He feels. Binding ourselves to Satan by giving into temptation brings bondage, but I know that making choices that lead us back to Heavenly Father brings freedom. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of happiness and freedom. Plain and simple. It is the avenue that brings clarity and joy into my life beyond any other. It takes work and effort and sacrifice but the work pays off in ways that can’t be fully understood or described.

I know that we have a living prophet on this earth: Thomas S. Monson and that he humbly leads the church in the Savior’s name, just as the prophets of old did. I know that many years ago a humble boy of 14 prayed to know the truth of the churches on the earth and that he, Joseph Smith, received a confirmation stronger than any I know. He saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and sacrificed his entire life to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this earth, even giving his life for the Savior to do so. I love the Savior. I am so grateful that He gave his mortal life for me. I am not perfect and I need his atonement and gift of repentance in my life every day. He is the rock upon which all of my hopes for my family and for our eternal life together our built. I know with a surety born of studying and living the Gospel that it is true. That it can bring more happiness and freedom to someone than anything else on this earth. This is my testimony. Simple but sure.

Favorite Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5, Omni 1:26, Moroni 10:32

Arianne ~ Still Parenting (www.stillparenting.blogspot.com)

I blog about stillness. About the beautiful and peaceful moments that can found in family life. Mindfulness as a mother isn't easy. What makes peaceful parenting possible for me is a solid belief in Jesus Christ. At the center of our life and our home is the belief that Jesus Christ is our older brother and personal Savior. His picture is the first thing you see when you walk in my front door. We center our lives around Him.

We can make mistakes and learn as a family knowing Christ's atonement makes up the difference. We don't demand perfection of ourselves, just progress. Progress toward what? A life that is in harmony with the example Christ set while He walked the earth.

Christ's atonement not only fills in the holes I make in my life through weakness and sin, it gives me the ability to mother on a level that reaches beyond my own capacities. So, yeah. I blog about stillness. But it's Jesus Christ who is ultimately bringing that stillness into my life and heart.

If you read my blog you know my kids, my husband and I spend as much time in nature as possible. Because we feel Him there. I believe Christ created this world under the direction of our Heavenly Father. That's why all things in nature point to Him. It's a beautiful gift, this world. I want to be a wise steward of this gift. That's why I live as simple and sustainable a lifestyle as I can. If you've ever been in nature and felt connected to something bigger than yourself, then you've tasted this.

I'm a Mormon. A member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints. Every Sunday we attend church services as a family. Why? Because this Church has real divine priesthood authority to perform the ordinances I need to return to 23

heaven. We have a prophet who holds all the keys to this priesthood. The prophet has authority that is the same as Abraham or Moses or Paul in the Bible. Through priesthood power I married my husband in a beautiful temple for time and eternity. Our children were sealed to us. I know our family will be together forever. No other church offers me this. I believe in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. They are the books at the center of learning in our home. The first is an account of Christ's ministry in the old world. The latter is a record of his visit to the new world. Read these books and pray to know if they're true. I promise God will tell you.

In this blogging world there are so many voices. And so little solid truth to hold onto. My belief in Jesus Christ is my anchor in this crazy, noisy world. I don't believe my church is true because it is convenient. I know it is through revelation. For years I've studied its teachings and tried out what it teaches. Living its teachings makes me happy and brings me peace.

Latter‐day Saints, or Mormons, don't know everything. But we do know key truths that will make it possible for you to return to God and to find happiness in this life and the next. I respect the beliefs of others. I honor any real source of peace in others' lives. But if you're in need of deeper peace or happiness, I invite you to check it out the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter‐day Saints. You'll find me among its members today and always.

Emily ~ Is This Really My Life? (www.isthisreallymylife.com)

I was born into an LDS family and lived the faith my entire life. I never really questioned my religion, relying on the faith of my parents and the inklings of the Spirit along the way. I had read the Book of Mormon and felt of its truthfulness, but it wasn’t until I attended college (BYU) that I truly studied its pages. It was a required class after all, and when your daily homework includes studying—and I mean really studying—its pages, you can’t help but gain an undeniable testimony of its truthfulness.

Sometimes I do wonder if it’s all been too easy, if perhaps I take my testimony for granted. I no longer rely on the testimony of my parents, it is true, but how strong are my beliefs? That Book of Mormon class was years ago and it’s been a long time since I wrote any faith‐promoting experiences in my journal. My beliefs have never really been challenged, though I have questioned a few things here and there—always a growing experience for which I’m thankful.

But how strong am I? Am I going through the motions because that’s what I’ve done for the past 38 years? Do I still really believe what I was taught (and what I felt) back in the days when I studied the Book of Mormon every day and was enveloped in the gospel? (BYU does that to you.) How do I know this is God’s true church, restored to the earth by the simple faith of Joseph Smith, a young boy of 14?

And that’s when I start to remember...I remember my simple faith as a child and how I felt when singing Primary songs in church. I remember my simple faith as a high school student attending church youth activities that uplifted my soul and strengthened my spirit. I remember being surrounded in college by members of my faith, who served as a constant reminder I was part of something bigger than myself. And I remember the countless times the Spirit spoke to my heart and my mind, confirming the truthfulness of it all.

My testimony may be a simple one, and it may not be filled with life‐changing experiences or noteworthy stories, but it is strong in its simplicity. More than anything, I know my Heavenly Father knows me and loves me. He has been with me every step of the way. I may not always know it or feel it (a lot of that depends on me), but He’s there. He’s always there. He loves me even with my weaknesses—and I have many, trust me. He loves me even though my faith is more childlike than earthshattering. And he loves me even though I am a work‐in‐progress. Then again, aren’t we all?

Favorite Scriptures: Proverbs 3:5‐6, Matthew 11:28‐30, Mormon 9:21 24

Shawni ~ 71 Toes (www.71toes.com)

Throughout my life I have had several instances I can pinpoint as turning‐points to help my faith grow and to feel closer to Jesus Christ and to God. Some were jubilant, and some were rough.

The most poignant of these was when our fifth child was diagnosed with a rare genetic syndrome a few years ago. As my husband and I waded through a sea of worry and sorrow, and as I offered up heart‐felt prayers to try to make sense of how to proceed through life which would surely change how we live and how we think about things, I have never felt more loved and comforted.

I know that God was there to carry us through the tough times, and that He always will be.

My very favorite scripture is in Isaiah 41:11 and 13 because it speaks to my heart. It says, “Fear thou not, for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness…for I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”

Is that not the most comforting, beautiful thing ever? I believe that motherhood is one of the most rewarding things we women will ever be able to do.

But it is also hard. Some days we don’t know if we’re going to make it!

Most of the time we don’t have the answers. There is no “instruction manual” on Motherhood. Some days we struggle with a tantrum‐toddler and the next we may be wringing our hands with how to handle attitude from a teenager.

But we will also have so much joy in the journey if we know where to turn for help…and for gratitude for all the goodness surrounding us. For me, what an incredible blessing it is to know that there is a “hand from Heaven” out there waiting to guide us along the often thorny path of life. Our Father in Heaven wants to help us through all the troubling times, all we need to do is reach out and grab that hand and let it guide us and carry us through.

I’m so very grateful for my religion and that it brings so much joy into our family.

Favorite Scriptures: Isaiah 40:10 &13, Helaman 5:12, Matthew 22: 37‐39

Nikki ~ Chef in Training (www.chef-in-training.com)

My name is Nikki and I am the blogger behind, “Chef in Training.” I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The church and the gospel are a huge part of my life and a huge part of who I am. I am a Mormon because our religion is so full of hope. In a world filled with much sorrow and pain, knowing that I am a child of a loving God who knows me as an individual and wants to make me better, and gave me a Savior to help me through all the hard things life brings, is the most comforting and happy thing I know! I believe it is important that EVERYONE has their own personal conversion to the gospel. I believe this is important because when life’s storms beat upon us, and they do, it is our hope and belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ that will see us through. For me, my testimony was solidified this year as I experienced one of the hardest trials of my life.

In mid March, our family went through one of the most difficult trials of our young lives. Derek, my husband, was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome or GBS as I will refer to it from henceforth. GBS is a rare syndrome that causes 25

your immune system to attack your nervous system making it difficult to move and function independently and in some cases causing complete paralysis. It starts in the feet and works its way up and eventually works its way back down your body. In more severe cases the numbness and tingling can spread through the entire body effecting the individual's breathing and heart rate.

Derek’s form of GBS was very fast progressing. He was admitted to the hospital after he had lost feeling in both his feet, had a constant tingling burn up his calves and had lost all reflexes in his legs. Treatment was started to slow the symptoms down as there is no cure for GBS. However the next morning the doctors informed me that during the night Derek’s heart had crashed and his breathing had gone haywire. The doctor’s said things had become serious enough that Derek should be life‐flighted over to a hospital more suited to his specific needs. As the situation had now taken such a serious turn, my shoulders began to feel heavier and heavier by the minute. The worries of my husband, family, children, home and security were all hitting me at once.

Soon after Derek was admitted to the new hospital, the doctors once again began the treatment. Unfortunately, things were not getting any better at the new hospital. Derek continued to lose feeling in his legs and now began to have severe pain in his abdomen. The doctors suggested the pain was because he was constipated and his bowels were shutting down due to the GBS; but before long, his kidneys began shutting down, too, and Derek was white as a ghost. Derek was soon labeled, “The Mystery Man,” as these were not typical symptoms of GBS.

It was very hard on me to see Derek in so much pain. One of the neurologists came and spoke to me and said he expected Derek would be put on a breathing machine within 24 hours because of how fast things were progressing. He also thought a best‐case scenario for Derek going back to work would be at least six months and he was fairly confident Derek had dipped into the 5% of serious GBS cases. I looked at my mom who was visiting at the time with tears in my eyes. After the doctor left, I started to cry in her arms. As she held me, she told me, “Right now you just have to get through today, and then we will take tomorrow when it comes. You need to be asking your Heavenly Father for your daily bread, what you need to get you through each day, not worrying about the bread you will need tomorrow.” This became one of my many mottos of this whole experience. “Grant me my daily bread.” I think it is easy to get caught up in the big picture and become overwhelmed, but sometimes, we need to take life day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. This was something I had to learn in a very real way as my husband’s body was failing him fast. Sometimes, I caught myself praying every 5 minutes. It was though these prayers I developed a very real and powerful relationship with my Heavenly Father.

Suddenly, Derek took another serious turn. Just when we thought he could not get any paler, he did. When they tested his blood, they said it was very, very thin. They really didn’t have an explanation for this so they said it must be from the medication. (Mystery Man strikes again…) He wretched and threw up all day and continued to moan in pain. His stomach also started to protrude. Finally, one doctor began to take the situation seriously and ordered a CT‐scan of his abdomen. This was not a typical symptom of GBS, so they continued calling Derek, “The mystery man” as nothing about Derek’s case was presenting normally. He had to drink something called barium before the CT‐scan. Barium is something that makes your organs glow and present themselves on the scan. My husband offered a short prayer and pleaded for divine help. After throwing up for an entire day and a half, it is truly nothing short of another miracle he was able to keep it down to get the scan that he so desperately needed.

The afternoon wore on and I found myself alone with Derek waiting for the results of the scan. After listening to Derek moan for an extended period of time, I could take it no longer; I went and confronted the nurse about the scan. After being persistent with her, she finally looked at them and told us the doctor would be in to speak with us shortly. By the tone of her voice and the look on her face, I knew they had found something wrong. She later told me in tears, that I was truly inspired to urge her to get those scans as the care Derek needed couldn't have waited any longer. Again, another miracle. Within a few short minutes, the surgeon rushed in with his team and bluntly stated, “Derek, your spleen has ripped in two, and it is pooling blood in your abdomen. We have to get it out right away.” The surgeon pulled me


outside and told me that with the current state Derek’s GBS was in, things could get dicey in the OR, and that Derek would most likely come out on a breathing machine.”

It was at that point I was completely overcome with a feeling of incredible peace. I KNEW everything was going to be okay and that despite all the chaos around me, Heavenly Father blessed me with peace. We can feel the peace amidst the chaos. I know this from experience. Heavenly Father will never abandon us. But his hands are tied until we call upon him. He wants to help us; He is knocking, but only we can open the door to Him.

The surgeon came back an hour later and told me everything went well; but that Derek was on a now on a breathing machine and that his recovery would be set back even more because of this. He also said that he had taken six and a half liters of blood out of his abdomen. He said that Derek probably only had, at the most, seven liters of blood in his entire body. In other words, he didn’t have long before he would have bled to death. He mentioned to me in all the years he has worked in the OR, he has never seen a patient get in as quickly as Derek had after the scans had been read. I knew the Lord’s hand was so obvious in this. The doctors said that there had only been one other documented case of a GBS patient whose spleen had ruptured, and they really didn’t understand why. They continued by saying, “Derek really is our mystery man.” Even though Derek may be a mystery to the doctors; he was not a mystery to the Lord. There are no mysteries to God. The Lord knew exactly what was wrong with Derek, and He had made sure Derek received the proper treatment when he needed it the most. The Lord had saved Derek’s life and had prompted key people to do what needed to be done when it was most critical.

Our objective is usually to enjoy a life of comfort and ease. After all, nobody enjoys trials, right? The Lord’s objective, however, is Moses 1:39 “This is my work and my glory to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” That is it. It is not complicated. For Him, that is the culmination of the entire plan of salvation; eternal life, His life. Because He loves us so much, He is willing do whatever is necessary to make us into who we are meant to be—gods and goddesses, priests and priestesses, kings and queens. This is why life is often so hard. It is meant to be. A loving Heavenly Father does not allow us to stay in our comfort zone too long as there is no growth for us there. He knows that in order for us to become like Him, we need to stretch and grow and have experiences that will polish us and refine us. Sometimes He even has to apply intense heat and put us in the furnace so that we will learn to trust Him and turn to Him, ‐no matter what the circumstances. This is how He grows our faith, and this is how we come to know Him (on our knees), and most importantly; this is how we become like him; one experience at a time.

The day after the surgery, my husband had mentally snapped. After days of no sleep, hearing the beeps of all the machines, being poked ever 2 hours and being watched from a glass wall, my husband developed ICU psychosis and started hallucinating. He did not want me around and sent me home until he was better. I went home bawling. I was at my breaking point. I could not handle one more thing. It was then I hit my knees and had the most real and meaningful prayer of my life. I pleaded to my Heavenly Father for a miracle, to bring my husband back to me in every form. To use my faith and prayers along with our friends, family and our entire ward’s faith and prayers to perform a miracle to restore Derek back to his original healthy form. But this time when I prayed it was different. My heart had been softened and humbled and I was truly willing to accept whatever the outcome maybe. I ended the prayer with they will be done. When I arose from the prayer I felt peace once again. Not because I knew my husband would be made whole, but because whatever the outcome was, was how Heavenly Father intended it to be and that His hand was involved. And I was 100% okay with that.

My husband was discharged 2 weeks later with nothing but a couple of tingling feet. He went from being limp and helpless on a hospital bed to WALKING out of the hospital. Every doctor we have spoken with has said they don’t understand how Derek’s body healed itself so quickly, but we do. I am a witness that mighty miracles still happen today, it is not just something we read about in the scriptures or something that happened "Once Upon a Time…" I am here to testify to you that Heavenly Father doesn't give us anything we cannot handle. Jesus is the Christ, and not only did he die for our sins, but He died for the inequalities, the pain, and the suffering. Derek may have left "a mystery" to the doctors, but I know that there are no mysteries to God. I testify He has a hand in everything and through this experience I have


learned to both rely on and trust Him. I know that it is through trials we become closer to be the Gods and Godesses we are destined to become. Trials are there to polish and refine us and if we relying upon Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we will come out the other end better people for it. I have learned Heavenly Father can only do so much until we open the door to Him. He wants to help us, He is just anxiously waiting for us to soften our hearts and let Him in. Miracles do happen, it is the reason my husband is alive today. I am a witness of His miracles and to His tender mercies. God is good. His will be done.

Favorite Scriptures: Alma 26:12, Ether 12:27, Philippians 4:13

Jamie ~ The Crafting Chicks (www.thecraftingchicks.com)

I’m Jamie...a stay at home mom to 4 adorable kiddos (2 Sets of twins! All with strawberry‐blonde hair) and married to my best friend Brian. I am a craftaholic, preschool teacher, Disneyland lover, and I ADORE my family.

I’m a Mormon or member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Family is the most important thing to me. I love how my beliefs center on Christ and Families. My beliefs bring true joy and happiness mainly because of its emphasis on families and serving one another.

In my early 20’s, I became really sick and had to be hospitalized. I realized that life isn’t always fair and bad things do happen to good people. I remember reading a quote that talked about how our Savior suffered while on this earth and he was the most perfect person. So why should I not endure some trials on this earth? I learned to appreciate hard times because in those times, I felt extremely close to the Savior. My prayers were more meaningful and I felt uplifted even through the hard times. I learned that our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ love all of his children unconditionally and They do hear and answer our prayers even if it may be in a different way than we expect. Looking back at how my life has played out, I know that God knows me, He knows what is best for me, He has a great plan for me and most importantly wants me to be happy.

My faith in my Savior is important. I pray to my Heavenly Father every day…mainly to help me have patience and courage to get through the day with 4 little ones 5 and under. I can tell a difference in the days when I ask for help through prayer and when I don’t. Being a mom is definitely the hardest challenge I’ve ever faced, but the most rewarding. I wouldn’t change it for the world. My family is my everything. Mormons are taught to strengthen their families, spend quality time together, and pray often together, and for each other. Some of the sweetest moments are when we kneel together as a family and pray…I can feel true LOVE.

I am always touched when I hear of the amazing service that is provided to others by the members of the Mormon Church. It is truly a church of service. When Jesus Christ was on the earth, he served others unceasingly. We are taught to serve others as Jesus does. I realize that when I am the most happy, I am serving someone else. It brings true JOY! Charity for others is the greatest gift you can have, and gift you can give to others. Even serving my 4 little ones brings me joy and I try to remember that often, even when the tasks like tying shoes, wiping noses, or never‐ending laundry become mundane.

Life isn’t easy, but I know God listens to our prayers. He loves us so much! I remember when each of our children was born, feeling that complete LOVE that I’ve never known and realizing that, “Wow!” If I love my little child this much, can you even imagine the LOVE Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for each of us. They know us, better than anyone, They love us and want us to be happy! Just as we want our little ones to be close to us and love us in return, I believe God and Jesus want that same thing.


Being a Mormon encourages me to be the best mom, wife, friend, sister, and neighbor I can be and to serve others. It truly brings me JOY!

Favorite Scriptures: Mosiah 24:14, 3 Nephi 18:21, Moroni 7:45‐47, John 14:26‐27

Melanie ~ Sugardoodle (www.sugardoodle.net)

Life is a series of events. Events that allow us to have joy, challenges, grief, pain, happiness, and more. I have had many happy moments in my life. However, looking back, it has been through my struggles or trials that I have grown the most. One of the first real struggles I remember having….one that really shook me to my core….was my father dying unexpectedly at age thirteen. I questioned everything I thought I "knew" in my life. Why was he gone all of the sudden? What was the purpose of this life anyway? I had always believed there was a God up to that point and that He loved me but I felt so confused.

I had an amazing mother who tried her best to fill in the gaps and answer my many questions. From her and other examples in my life, I had been taught that if I wanted answers from Heavenly Father, or God, I needed to ask Him. In short, I did receive my own personal answer(s)….over the coarse of years. It definitely wasn't on my own time table. My faith, knowledge and conversion increased line upon line, precept on precept…one day at a time. I started to study and actively find answers. However, I became discouraged at times when my prayers didn't seem to get answered the way others had. I learned that the way God communicates with me is personal and individual and can't be compared to anyone else.

Many years ago (1991), I put this quote in my scriptures….it's by Marvin J. Ashton. It reads, "Many of us today have a tendency to seek instant strength, instant pleasure, instant acceptance, instant relief, instant answers, instant change, instant success, instant knowledge, instant wealth, omitting day‐by‐day effort and work. We become discourage and get more feeble‐kneed if goals are not reached immediately. Work is a necessary pattern in a solid life."

A testimony or knowledge of requires "action", "effort", "work" or "doing". When I actively desired to know truth, I started to work for it. I now know for myself and not because of anyone else.

Becoming a mother has only opened my eyes to just how much our Heavenly Father must love us….how much patience He has (especially with me) and how happy He must be when we succeed. I have indeed learned that despite our trials in life, we can be happy. Truly, that is what He wants for all of us, to be happy.

Favorite scriptures: Mosiah 2:41, Ether 12:6 and Luke 21:36.

Thanks for reading! Again, more information can be found at www.mormon.org and you are free to email us.